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45 Sentences With "palpating"

How to use palpating in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "palpating" and check conjugation/comparative form for "palpating". Mastering all the usages of "palpating" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Learn to trust your fingertips by palpating skin with your eyes closed.
From the next cubicle, Gwen saw her palpating them and shot her a panicked look.
Their canvases have notched corners and edges, which exert a geometric pressure on the palpating color and variable tonalities.
You know, I like to think that really beholding the internet, sitting with the internet, feeling and palpating the internet, is a natural high.
The "massage" is actually a palpating rolling technique that treats your skin like raw pizza dough, and it forces you to breathe faster than a brand-new member of Bhagwan.
They could easily wrap around your fingers, and can conform to the shape of doctors' hands, and measure pressure of 144 locations at once, helping docs determine if what they're palpating is a tumor.
To evaluate the effects of high testosterone, the international athletic association's protocol involves measuring and palpating the clitoris, vagina and labia, as well as evaluating breast size and pubic hair scored on an illustrated five-grade scale.
The arm lump, he said, upon palpating it in his Long Island office, was worth removing but as the two much smaller lumps in my abdomen were imperceivable and not painful, he suggested that we leave them be.
A young couple was browsing at Judy Maxwell Home, a gift shop on Chicago's North Side, when they noticed a middle-aged, red-haired woman perched on a stool, palpating the sternum of a life-size red Power Ranger.
The MTEs go through a nine-month training program at an independent vocational training center where they learn basic science about the biology of cancer, how to interact with patients, how to conduct examinations, and their abilities to "touch" are investigated through various tests, like sorting different sized balls and palpating silicone breasts.
Hydatid fremitus is a vibratory sensation felt on palpating a hydatid cyst.
In some cases, the internal bumper may be felt by palpating the abdomen. Inspection of the tube typically reveals an inability to easily rotate the tube.
Palpating the biceps tendon as it passes through the bicipital groove to identify any lesions, abnormal bumps, or abnormal movement (i.e. biceps tendon) in the involved area.
The purpose of the abdominal exam is to get more information that could indicate what is causing the patient's symptoms. The physician gains information by inspecting, auscultating, palpating, and percussing the abdomen.
Computed tomography scans of the suspected areas with intravenous contrast can assist in diagnosis.. Doctors are also able to identify whether it is a suspected hernia by palpating the affected area. Ultrasonography is also used for diagnostic purposes.
Detection of spondylolisthesis by palpation is most often done by palpating for the spinous process. Each level of the lumbar spine should be palpated. Spinous process palpation by itself is not a definitive method for the detection of spondylolisthesis.
The joint is palpable deep within the natal cleft, and can be felt as a horizontal groove. With the palpating finger on the dorsal surface of the coccyx, a degree of rotation can be produced with an applied forward pressure.
According to HayashiHayashi in his Reader, 3rd ed., pg. 35ff, 2009 with this technique an exercise is presented with which all basic treatments are started practically. Palpating the popliteal fossa one can feal hardenings of the local tendons by moving one's fingers.
The anterior fontanelle is useful clinically. Examination of an infant includes palpating the anterior fontanelle. A sunken fontanelle indicates dehydration whereas a very tense or bulging anterior fontanelle indicates raised intracranial pressure. However, this is not a certain indicator for raised pressure as prolonged crying by the baby may produce the same effect .
In the congenital disorder cleidocranial dysostosis, the anterior fontanelle never closes to form the bregma. The bregma is often used as a reference point for stereotactic surgery of the brain. Also, examination of an infant includes palpating the anterior fontanelle. A sunken fontanelle indicates dehydration, whereas a very tense or bulging anterior fontanelle indicates raised intracranial pressure.
Usually this behavior results in the ant palpating the beetle's abdomen and stopping the attack.Holldobler, B.; Moglich, M.; Maschwitz, U. (1981). "Myrmecophilic Relationship Of Pella (coleoptera: Staphylinidae) To Lasius fuliginosus (hymenoptera: Formicidae)". Psyche(Cairo: Hindawi Pub Co.) 88: 347–374 At least two members of Pella, P. funestus and P. humeralis, produce several of their host ant's alarm pheromones to avoid aggression.
This camera is attached to a fiberoptic light source and shows the image of the inside of the joint. Probes are used for examination of internal structures by palpating, pulling of moving tissue. They are essential for diagnostic investigation of the joint. All probes bear markings at 5 mm intervals to indicate the scale, since the cameras used in arthroscopy have different magnifications.
Diagnosis in a live specimen is possible in the field by palpating the abdomen. As with birds, prominence of the keel could be a determinant in diagnosis, but natural history of the species needs to be understood to avoid potential misdiagnoses. The best form of diagnosis, though is as necropsy. During the necropsy, the best diagnosis can be determined by scanning the adult nematodes with electron microscopy.
A "big lick" Tennessee Walker wearing legal action devices in 2013. This horse passed strict USDA inspection to be allowed to compete. Soring can be detected by observing the horse for lameness, assessing its stance and palpating the lower legs. Some trainers trick inspectors by training horses not to react to the pain that palpation may cause, often by severely punishing the horse for flinching when the sored area is touched.
Biceps tendinitis or subluxation of the biceps tendon can normally be addressed by palpating the long head of the biceps tendon in the bicipital groove. The patient will exhibit a pain response, snapping or both in the bicipital groove. Pain with no associated popping might indicate bicipital tendinopathy. A snapping indicates a tear or laxity of the transverse humeral ligament, which would prevent the ligament from securing the tendon in the groove.
The abdominal masses can grow to enormous size before being noticed by the patient. The tumors can be felt as hard, round masses by palpating the abdomen. First symptoms of the disease often include abdominal distention, abdominal mass, abdominal or back pain, gastrointestinal obstruction, lack of appetite, ascites, anemia, and cachexia. Other reported symptoms include unknown lumps, thyroid conditions, hormonal conditions, blood clotting, kidney and urological problems, testicle, breast, uterine, vaginal, and ovarian masses.
A positive psoas contracture test and pain with palpation reported by the patient indicate clinical significance. Care should be taken around the abdominal organs, especially the colon when palpating deeply. The appearance of a protruding belly can visually indicate a hypertonic psoas, which pulls the spine forward while pushing the abdominal contents outward. The psoas lies postero-lateral to the lumbar sympathetic ganglia, and the needle tip will often pass through the psoas major during a lumbar sympathetic block.
The female lays several dozen eggs in a breeding chamber and defends her burrow fiercely against the intrusion of males. She tends the eggs by palpating them and turning them over, and gathers and deposits bits of vegetation on which the newly-hatched nymphs feed. She also lays trophic (unfertilised) eggs for their nourishment. The nymphs keep together in a compact group, often on the roof of the chamber, and follow the female about when she is nearby.
The site for optimally palpating the femoral pulse is in the inner thigh, at the mid-inguinal point, halfway between the pubic symphysis and anterior superior iliac spine. Presence of a femoral pulse has been estimated to indicate a systolic blood pressure of more than 50 mmHg, as given by the 50% percentile. The femoral artery can be used to draw arterial blood when the blood pressure is so low that the radial or brachial arteries cannot be located.
A doctor may begin the diagnosis by asking the patient to stand on one leg and then the other, while observing the effect on the position of the hips. Palpating the hip and leg may reveal the location of the pain, and range-of-motion tests can help to identify its source. X-rays, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging may reveal tears or swelling. But often these imaging tests do not reveal any obvious abnormality in patients with documented GTPS.
Soring can be also detected by observing the horse for lameness, assessing its stance and palpating the lower legs. Some trainers evaded detection from inspectors by training horses not to react to the pain that palpation may cause, often by severely punishing the horse for flinching after the sored area is touched. The practice is called "stewarding", in reference to the horse show steward. Others use topical anesthetics, such as lidocaine and benzocaine, which are timed to wear off before the horse goes into the show ring.
Patients with symptoms of CAP require evaluation. Diagnosis of pneumonia is made clinically, rather than on the basis of a particular test. Evaluation begins with a physical examination by a health provider, which may reveal fever, an increased respiratory rate (tachypnea), low blood pressure (hypotension), a fast heart rate (tachycardia) and changes in the amount of oxygen in the blood. Palpating the chest as it expands and tapping the chest wall to identify dull, non-resonant areas can identify stiffness and fluid, signs of CAP.
Soring has been prohibited at sales and shows for decades, but is still practiced. It can be detected by observing the horse for lameness, assessing its stance, and palpating the lower legs. Some trainers can bypass inspectors by training horses not to react to the pain that palpation may cause, often by severely punishing the horse for flinching after the sored area is palpated. The practice is sometimes called "stewarding" in reference to the horse show steward, who is often the first line of rule enforcement at any horse show.
Ultrasonound guidance may be used during the injections, which may be more effective than the surgeon simply palpating (feeling) where to inject. A Cochrane systematic review of the efficacy of this type of treatment for FI reported that PTQ implants were the most widely used material, but that there was currently insufficient evidence to be considered to assess the effectiveness of injectable bulking agents. A randomized trial by Dehli et al. compared perianal injectable bulking agents to sphincter training and biofeedback, and found the former to be superior.
The radial artery is also used to evaluate the collateral circulation of blood through the hands; applying pressure through palpating the palmar arches results in paleness over the area being compressed; adequate collateral circulation can be ascertained by how quickly normal colour returns after the pressure is removed. The radial artery is a common site for the insertion of an arterial line, such as for blood pressure monitoring in an intensive care unit. It is selected because it is accessible, and because of the low incidence of complications such as thrombosis.
When people made internally paced sequences of movements, more blood flow was measured in the supplementary motor area. When people made simple movements that required little planning, such as palpating an object with the hand, the blood flow was more limited to the primary motor cortex. By implication, the primary motor cortex was more involved in execution of simple movement, the premotor cortex was more involved in sensory guided movement, and the supplementary motor area was more involved in internally generated movements. Wise and his colleagues studied the dorsal premotor cortex of monkeys.
X. annandalei sucks sap from the roots of the host trees. It is attended and cared for by the ant, Acropyga acutiventris, which lives in colonies underground and has a mutualistic association with the mealybugs which live inside its nest. The excess sugar in the sap is excreted as honeydew which is removed by the ants which may stimulate its production by palpating the mealybug's abdomen. When the young ant queens leave the nest on their nuptial flight, they carry female mealybugs in their jaws ready for the foundation of new colonies.
He then pursues her, pushes her, tries to climb on her back and raises his wings. She may run away or she may allow herself to be pushed and starts palpating the male's abdomen with her palps, climbs on the male and allows him to grasp her genitalia, dismounts sideways and turns through 180° so that the pair are linked at the tip of the abdomen. Copulation usually lasts for about an hour. Not every courtship resulted in a mating, the female often turns away half way through, or may climb on the back of the male without proceeding to copulation.
A veterinarian may also determine if the mare is ready to be bred, by ultrasound or palpating daily to determine if ovulation has occurred. Live cover can also be done in liberty on a paddock or on pasture, although due to safety and efficacy concerns, it is not common at professional breeding farms. When it has been determined that the mare is ready, both the mare and intended stud will be cleaned. The mare will then be presented to the stallion, usually with one handler controlling the mare and one or more handlers in charge of the stallion.
However where a cat's urination pattern can not be observed accurately (for example he voids outside or uses non-clumping litter), the position will not be clear. A vet will therefore distinguish between obstructive and non-obstructive cases by checking first if the bladder is distended (ie full of urine) and then palpating it to see if it empties without difficulty. If the bladder cannot be manually expressed (ie emptied) easily to produce a free-flowing, continuous stream of urine, a potential obstruction will be suspected and further diagnostics (urinalysis, ultrasound and x-rays) will usually be undertaken as part of the clinical investigation.
Palpation is the process of using one's hands to check the body, especially while perceiving/diagnosing a disease or illness. Usually performed by a health care practitioner, it is the process of feeling an object in or on the body to determine its size, shape, firmness, or location (for example, a veterinarian can feel the stomach of a pregnant animal to ensure good health and successful delivery). Palpation is an important part of the physical examination; the sense of touch is just as important in this examination as the sense of sight is. Physicians develop great skill in palpating problems below the surface of the body, becoming able to detect things that untrained persons would not.
A minimum systolic value can be roughly estimated by palpation, most often used in emergency situations, but should be used with caution. It has been estimated that, using 50% percentiles, carotid, femoral and radial pulses are present in patients with a systolic blood pressure > 70 mmHg, carotid and femoral pulses alone in patients with systolic blood pressure of > 50 mmHg, and only a carotid pulse in patients with a systolic blood pressure of > 40 mmHg. A more accurate value of systolic blood pressure can be obtained with a sphygmomanometer and palpating the radial pulse.Interpretation – Blood Pressure – Vitals , University of Florida, accessed 2008-03-18 Methods using constitutive models have been proposed to measure blood pressure from radial artery pulse.
Whether it be the physical thoughtlessness of a half-dozen students palpating a painful tumor mass, or loudly taking (or presenting) a patient's history in a crowded room, one of the first things that is unlearnt by a medical professional is to treat the patient as they themselves would like to be treated. #Bad Manners: Often overlooked, rudeness or poor taste in humour is condoned within the hospital setting. At the end of the day, many physicians and students are simply rude to patients that do not suit them. Whether it is a snapping at an uncooperative patient or making a cruel joke about them after leaving the room, the impact of these "coping mechanisms" (as they are considered to be by many) must be taken into account.
Mauriceau–Smellie–Veit maneuver or Mauriceau maneuver (named after François Mauriceau, William Smellie and Gustav Veit) is an obstetric or emergent medical maneuver utilized in cases of breech delivery. This procedure entails suprapubic pressure by one obstetrician on the mother/uterus, while another obstetrician inserts left hand in vagina, palpating the fetal maxilla using the index and middle finger and gently pressing on the maxilla, bringing the neck to a moderate flexion. The left hand's palm should rest against the fetus' chest, while the right hand can grab either shoulder of the fetus and pull in the direction of the fetus' pelvis. The combined neck flexion, traction on the fetus toward the hip/pelvis, and the suprapubic pressure on the mother/uterus allows for delivery of the head of a breech infant, granted prior breech delivery steps are followed and the infant's occipitus is rotated/facing anteriorly relative to the mother.
The level of vaginal penetration when using a G-spot vibrator depends on the woman, because women's physiology is not always the same. The effects of G-spot stimulation when using the penis or a G-spot vibrator may be enhanced by additionally stimulating other erogenous zones on a woman's body, such as the clitoris or vulva as a whole. When using a G-spot vibrator, this may be done by manually stimulating the clitoris, including by using the vibrator as a clitoral vibrator, or, if the vibrator is designed for it, by applying it so that it stimulates the head of the clitoris, the rest of the vulva and the vagina simultaneously. A 1981 case study reported that stimulation of the anterior vaginal wall made the area grow by fifty percent and that self-reported levels of arousal/orgasm were deeper when the G-spot was stimulated. Another study, in 1983, examined eleven women by palpating the entire vagina in a clockwise fashion, and reported a specific response to stimulation of the anterior vaginal wall in four of the women, concluding that the area is the G-spot.

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