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272 Sentences With "missionaries"

How to use missionaries in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "missionaries" and check conjugation/comparative form for "missionaries". Mastering all the usages of "missionaries" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Maybe negotiate for the release of some missionaries from North Korea — missionaries are always being held hostage in North Korea. 3.
Agenzia Fides, an information service for Catholic missionaries, reported the missionaries -- who belonged to the group founded by Mother Teresa -- were nuns.
That's what missionaries did at that time, and I see a correlation between being the missionaries asserting a right and wrong onto a group of people.
Born the child of Baptist missionaries, Brinton grew up all over the world, and would come back to the U.S. to live in a commune with other missionaries.
Altogether about 30 Williams alumni in the 19th century either went to Hawaii as missionaries, or were the children of missionaries who came to Williams and then went back.
The Mormon church has had missionaries in Nicaragua since 1953.
Celia Paul was one of five daughters of Christian missionaries.
US officials told tourists and missionaries to shelter in place.
By 1911, Roman Catholic missionaries had arrived, and they stayed.
He was soon followed by missionaries and sugar cane growers.
Female missionaries have to follow strict dress and grooming codes.
Christian missionaries introduced the game in the late 19th century.
To speed things up, two missionaries take patients' vital signs.
The missionaries were undermined by indigenous people, then by Spain itself.
Nuns of Missionaries of Charity, the order founded by Mother Teresa.
Christian missionaries are often regarded with suspicion in Muslim-majority Turkey.
Missionaries and businessmen poured the other way across the Pacific Ocean.
"Missionaries build better products and services — they always win," said Bezos.
Donations: $285 (to charity and supporting missionaries) Day One 5 a.m.
He says Bezoz describes two types of companies: missionaries and mercenaries.
Evangelicals care viscerally about the rights of missionaries and congregations overseas.
American missionaries to the empire first tried to win Christian converts.
At Antioch she met Matt Miles, whose parents were also missionaries.
Take the case of the American missionaries held in the Philippines.
Three Mormon missionaries from Utah were also reported among the injured.
The case exposed how the church handles sexual abuse allegations, and was followed by news that a church member supervising missionaries in Puerto Rico was kicked out in 2014, after female missionaries reported "immoral and sinful" behavior.
Addressing missionaries, not migrants, he called on the audience to welcome migrants.
I thought of the Apostles as missionaries, on fire for the faith.
Another 158 missionaries will stay in Nicaragua but move to safer areas.
The Mormon church also said three missionaries were injured at the airport.
Christian missionaries have always travelled to remote spots to spread the word.
On his way, he was helped and baptized by South Korean missionaries.
Then the city changed hands, and the missionaries found their way back.
The World Cup turns people into missionaries for their own 23andMe results.
His mother, Barbara, grew up mostly in Ethiopia, the daughter of missionaries.
Their parents were serving as missionaries in London, according to the church.
Many of the hospitals helped in Africa were founded by Christian missionaries.
One problem—Philip's missionaries had already converted every city in my civilization.
In fact, that desire was the entire point of Sabrina's "The Missionaries" resurrection.
Maybe it came from the Christian missionaries who arrived in the 19th century.
" "When Yasuke got to Kyoto (with Jesuit missionaries), there was a massive riot.
Imtiaz Mohammed of the Islamic Missionaries Guild denounces the proposed law as "draconian".
Many missionaries do fine charitable work, but thinking about them isn't exactly titillating.
Academic researchers have found themselves branded Christian missionaries, "sickularists" or even Chinese agents.
But it quietly liaises with both Hong Kong and mainland clergy and missionaries.
"The people I saw up on stage tonight are all missionaries," he said.
Ogawa, 22020, is the latest in a long line of Japanese baseball missionaries.
Some of the vines had been planted centuries earlier, by conquistadores and missionaries.
Planes are filled with Western missionaries, aid workers and officials with international organizations.
Initial reports said they were teachers; Pakistan said this week they were missionaries.
The first Mexicans came to Kenya as Catholic missionaries in the late 1940s.
His parents, James Payne Alter and the former Barbara Beach, were also missionaries.
If the person lives in the missionaries' district, they get to reach out.
Women served as prophets, benefactors and as missionaries in the early Christian movement.
Both candidates also have simple, repeatable policies that easily turn fans into missionaries.
"We're like cutthroat missionaries," Green told CNN Business in an interview last year.
Traditionally, the Irish go to church in the morning and pray for missionaries.
The missionaries had left the encampment years ago, and she died without treatment.
The first Mexicans came to Kenya in the late 40s, as Catholic missionaries.
Since the end of last year, the Mormon Church has made a number of other changes to missionary life, including allowing women missionaries to wear slacks and all missionaries to call their families once a week, instead of twice a year.
Missionaries imposed their own beliefs, and efforts at forced assimilation took a national toll.
I've had missionaries on both sides of my family, and they are amazing entrepreneurs.
Harbour Church was planted by 15 missionaries from St Peter's in Brighton in 2016.
I start off with The Missionary, the namesake of Salt Lake City's Mormon missionaries.
They were devout Christians who planned to dedicate their lives as missionaries in Japan.
Covert missionaries say one thing to one group and something entirely different to another.
Here's a look at five things Christian missionaries are really doing in Haiti: 1.
And now, a home for the elderly run by Catholic missionaries is among them.
Missionaries of Charity spokeswoman Sunita Kumar could not provide an immediate comment to Reuters.
That's when the communists took power in China and subsequently expelled foreign Christian missionaries.
Counting missionaries is an imperfect science, says Todd Johnson, who helps run the database.
But the number of American missionaries is falling, as is the number of Europeans.
The countries which received the most missionaries were the United States, Brazil and Russia.
He says that more African missionaries are joining him in evangelising their own continent.
Yet even as the West seems increasingly unwelcoming, the new missionaries will keep coming.
Missionaries of Charity spokeswoman Sunita Kumar said the incident was "unbelievable and ... completely shocking".
Missionaries were expelled and Christians forced to choose between martyrdom and hiding their beliefs.
While many missionaries run orphanages (and the Aspegrens once did), Casa Viva is different.
Retired missionaries with past service in Africa and several nuns live in the home.
Sunita Kumar, a spokeswoman for the Missionaries of Charity, expressed doubt about the accusations.
Youth groups and missionaries from various states in the US expressed concern over their safety.
Voodoo traditions endure despite efforts by Christian missionaries to stamp them out in centuries past.
Ahmed said the missionaries were carrying cooking oil with them that further fueled the fire.
American traders set off by sea, accompanied by missionaries, guano miners, planters and expeditionary forces.
Yanna Awtrey, 21, grew up in the Free Will Baptist Church, the son of missionaries.
Most would never dare to advance their worldview using the techniques common among Western missionaries.
The number of Korean missionaries working in China might top 1,000, South Korean media say.
Old Las Vegas Mormon FortOh, you didn't know Las Vegas was settled by Mormon missionaries?
The main freeway was once El Camino Real, the royal road that Catholic missionaries walked.
The Dillard family has spent the last 10 months serving as missionaries in Central America.
Churches across the land send missionaries to help the desperate refugees of the Middle East.
By contrast, many of today's missionaries will serve for no more than a few years.
Often, it is tricky for missionaries from poor countries to get visas to the West.
And South Korea sends more missionaries abroad than any other country, except the United States.
They see their jobs as being missionaries for Christianity, and film is their missionary tool.
Last year, more than 53,000 missionaries from South Korea went on missions to 171 countries.
They were detained by the Japanese authorities, but missionaries from the school negotiated their release.
The mild-mannered daughter of missionaries, Rea had devoted herself to her bright, inquisitive son.
The Sami were colonized by Christian missionaries, forced to abandon their shamanistic ways and assimilate.
Since his death, many people, including fellow missionaries, have called him naïve, delusional and reckless.
She was captivated by the missionaries' warmth after meeting one of them on a bus.
Mormon missionaries are assigned to companions they have to stay with all day, every day.
American merchants and missionaries saw China as a vast market for stuff and for souls.
It has been played in Japan since before World War II, brought by Christian missionaries.
She also was, briefly, a practicing Catholic after becoming friends with a group of missionaries.
It seemed your character was deeply interested in why the missionaries were doing this work.
"Taking cognizance of the recent cases of illegal adoptions carried out by Missionaries of Charity in Jharkhand, Maneka Gandhi has instructed the states to get childcare homes run by Missionaries of Charity all over the country inspected immediately," the ministry said in the statement.
The paradox is that for half a century before the Communist revolution in 1949, Western missionaries traveled around China, operated schools and orphanages and had negligible impact on the country — yet these days missionaries are banned, ministers are persecuted and Christianity has grown prodigiously.
Once again, the Missionaries of Jesus declared their loyalty to him by praying for his release.
Our graduates have an opportunity to be influencers, leaders and missionaries on campuses and in cities.
I was a physics major and was studying Chinese because my grandparents had been missionaries there.
"Last year alone, 14 tons of corn was dropped into Hazda camps by missionaries," she said.
I'm calling each one of you to be missionaries for love in the face of contempt.
Mr Kaine countered that he had worked with Jesuit missionaries in Honduras as a young man.
It has its roots in the Church of England, whose missionaries planted churches around the world.
That's why I took a year off law school to volunteer with Jesuit missionaries in Honduras.
In the pics, the couple works with fellow missionaries on projects, including building a basketball court.
Take "The Book of Mormon", a comedy about missionaries, written by the makers of "South Park".
Vo went back again and again, to learn more about the missionaries and about Vietnamese history.
The former missionaries were convinced that this "investigation" would amount to nothing more than a whitewash.
Investigators identified at least 23 missionaries who had been molested or raped, 18 of them children.
On the weekend upon which Schumpeter arrived, the dumped bodies of two American missionaries were discovered.
Three Mormon missionaries and a U.S. Air Force member and his family were among those hurt.
"Keep them out of here," he tweeted about American missionaries who fell ill in West Africa.
He had friends like him: sons of former missionaries who now taught at the Christian college.
Before Spanish missionaries arrived in the 18th century, there were an estimated 300,000 people in California.
But missionaries brought his Guinean parents into the church, and he grew up among non-Christians.
The score is a legacy of Jesuit missionaries who left a musical time capsule in Bolivia.
Russian-Orthodox missionaries fanned out into the wilderness in an effort to convert the native population.
Steamships were the engines of European civilization, bearing merchants, missionaries and militias into Africa's uncolonized interior.
Many mainstream churches post signs warning undercover Shincheonji missionaries not to try to infiltrate their congregations.
American missionaries were forced to flee their outposts and seek shelter at a United Nations compound.
For Ms. Alicea, as with many of the missionaries, the languages were a bridge to Christianity.
She was born Anne Wardrope Nott in 1869 to a family of American missionaries in Hawaii.
His middle name Elliot honors of late missionaries Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, who worked in South America.
It is also home to South Korean and western Christian missionaries trying to operate in North Korea.
Covert missionaries create the appearance of risk while trying to mitigate actual risk by concealing their identity.
She talks about the APY lands being a place of mercenaries, misfits and missionaries, a wild frontier.
While staying true to their cause, the Missionaries of Charity say they have responded to their detractors.
Fearing them as a powerful and visible part of the Sámi religion, Christian missionaries destroyed many drums.
By contrast, the number of missionaries from Asia, Latin America and other poorer continents is steadily increasing.
A short walk away, the hamlet of San Miguelito was founded in the 1600s by Jesuit missionaries.
Reports also emerged of three Mormon missionaries from Utah who had survived the attacks with significant injuries.
The most common script among Hmong speakers today was invented in the nineteen-fifties, by Christian missionaries.
He was unlike anyone I had dated before — those guys were typically youth pastors or fellow missionaries.
"So we're missionaries with Campus Crusade for Christ, a Christian organization from the United States," I started.
Mr. Kaine learned Spanish during a year he spent in Honduras in 1980 working with Jesuit missionaries.
That's why I took a year off of law school to volunteer with Jesuit missionaries in Honduras.
Conquistadors, missionaries, prospectors, traders and others traversed it, beginning in 1540, usually heading to or from California.
Mr. Gabbott, who is gregarious and quick to laugh, grew up in Sydney, the son of missionaries.
The missionaries are now under a 14-day self-quarantine, but so far, none has been tested.
But some evangelical missionaries have long been eager to seek converts among Indigenous peoples in the Amazon.
"I understand there is a lot of apprehension regarding what the work of missionaries entails," he said.
The writing systems, invented by Christian missionaries starting in the 18th century, are bigger barriers to comprehension.
The teachers, many of whom are Korean-American missionaries, are allowed to practice their faith among themselves.
Their military might, diplomacy, and vast, intricate trading networks commanded deference from European traders, officials, and missionaries.
He indicted the mundane; he dismantled houses; he eviscerated imperialism; he pitied the whale; he hunted missionaries.
He has reinforced the stereotype of all missionaries as brash young colonizers trying to tame "primitive" tribes.
Such debates echo only faintly in the Amazon basin, where the concerns of most missionaries are largely practical.
Protestant churches, in particular the historic denominations established by missionaries, were instrumental in apartheid's downfall in South Africa.
In order to get inside these "closed" countries, some missionaries pose as aid workers, teachers and business owners.
To many of my Muslim friends, this CIA spycraft is no different from what covert Christian missionaries do.
Christian missionaries and communists were using it to stoke caste hatred and so to recruit followers, they claimed.
He grew up in South Africa, a descendant of German missionaries; his second language, he says, was Zulu.
Kaine took a year off from law school and spent it in Honduras to work with Jesuit missionaries.
The first Protestant missionaries left Boston in 22019 with the goal of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine.
Faced with Western irreligiosity, some missionaries have tried to soften their notions of what makes a good Christian.
He explained that country music was popular throughout the Caribbean thanks to Christian missionaries from the American South.
Did the missionaries have a long-term plan to train and recruit qualified teachers to staff the school?
What led this great American artist to make a story of missionaries in Japan his ultimate passion project?
Name Withheld Missionaries will consider almost everyone in Nepal "unreached," even though most Nepalis have a mobile phone.
He was educated by Catholic missionaries and later attended the same university in South Africa as Nelson Mandela.
We're told several of the missionaries' family members did follow guidelines, but clearly ... way too many did not.
Women have been serving as missionaries since 603, though a smaller proportion of them choose to do so.
So too do they struggle to retain their culture and language, which Christian missionaries once tried to squash.
Catholic institutions and missionaries played a significant role in helping Spain create Latin America in its own image.
He believed that the Chinese must become stronger if they were to throw out the imperialists and missionaries.
Tebow was born in the Philippines in 1987 when his parents were serving as missionaries in the country.
Converting to Christianity, welcoming missionaries, and relinquishing more than forty male concubines for monogamy emerge as expedient moves.
In Wenzhou, a small Christian community started by 19th century missionaries has bloomed to over one million Christians.
TEXAS BLOODSeven Generations Among the Outlaws, Ranchers, Indians, Missionaries, Soldiers, and Smugglers of the BorderlandsBy Roger D. HodgeIllustrated.
He was very focused on destroying Native culture — as were all the missionaries — but he was particularly focused.
Trump rails against illegal immigration, while many Mormons empathize with immigrants because of their own experiences serving as missionaries.
At least nine Americans were injured, including three Mormon missionaries and a U.S. Air Force officer and his family.
They are believed to have been 12 or 13 when they were beaten to death for helping Dominican missionaries.
Basketball's bloodline runs deep through China and is believed to have been introduced by Christian missionaries in the 1890s.
Richard Norby (25), Joseph Empey (26) and Mason Wells (222) are the #LDS missionaries injured in #Brussels attack pic.twitter.
My mother was, and still is, part of a group called the Co-Workers of the Missionaries of Charity.
This writing system is in use in the far north of Canada and was originally invented by Christian missionaries.
"The first missionaries came here in the 1600s and brought the faith to our island," Father Gofigan told CNN.
Your path to victory is through the use of holy sites and religious agents like apostles, missionaries, and inquisitors.
As the piety gap grows, missionaries from the global south feel called to save the rich world from perdition.
Mother House, the headquarters of the Missionaries of Charity, erupted in cheers when Pope Francis declared her a saint.
His fluency in Spanish — he worked with Jesuit missionaries in Honduras — should also help him reach out to Latinos.
Mormon missionaries spend two years away from home, and are allowed only two annual phone calls to their families.
"As missionaries, they were sent to live with the people and empathize with their daily struggles," Bishop Francisco said.
As the police investigation unfolds, The Times would like to better understand the views and efforts of missionaries today.
American football, which American missionaries brought to Japan in the 1930s, is barely a blip on the sports radar.
There he earned a bachelor's degree in journalism at St. John's University, an Anglican school founded by American missionaries.
He took a year off from Harvard to help Jesuit missionaries run a one-room technical school in Honduras.
Mesmerized by tales of 19th-century missionaries like David Livingstone, Mr. Bonnke studied at The Bible College of Wales.
Her mother, the former Sarah Noel-Buxton, was descended from a prominent family that included missionaries, abolitionists, and Quakers.
He chased poachers and smugglers, rescued shipwrecked sailors, delivered mail and medicine, and transported missionaries, criminals, scientists and VIPs.
Catholicism first arrived in Siam, the old name for Thailand, in the mid 1500s with Portuguese missionaries and traders.
Settled by Methodist missionaries, the island had been a refuge for escaped slaves and for Muslims fleeing religious oppression .
Still, Amadeo held onto the project that had anchored most of his adult life, documenting Taushiro with the missionaries.
In the 1830s, Catholic missionaries began paving the way for the French takeover of Indochina in the late 1850s.
NORAH O&aposDONNELL, CBS NEWS: A health care pioneer is being compared to missionaries like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
They were visiting Melissa's parents, who are missionaries with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in London.
TRUMP'S UK TRIP INCLUDES PALACE POMP, AIMS TO AVOID PROTESTS Spokeswoman Sunita Kumar said the Missionaries of Charity was investigating.
They included two Portuguese missionaries and 28 followers killed by Dutch colonial soldiers during a period of persecution of Catholics.
Notably, she founded the Missionaries of Charity, a global congregation that provides aid to the the poor, infirm and homeless.
The United States has been opposed to the tactic since 2001, when Peru mistakenly downed a plane carrying American missionaries.
So why would anyone want to kill the two American missionaries on the island where they had lived for years?
The work of Swedish missionaries in Africa in the 20th century brought some Africans to Sweden, particularly adoptees and students.
The first Christian missionaries to set foot in what is now known as Nigeria were the Portuguese in the 1400s.
It's hard to fully grasp how successful American missionaries have been in homogenizing wide swaths of Protestantism around the world.
He received a scholarship to Wheaton College near Chicago, where he met Ruth Bell, whose parents were missionaries in China.
American Navy ships went up and down the Yangtze river in China watching out for American citizens, missionaries and businesspeople.
With foreign missionaries and diplomats, Mr. Taylor later traveled south of Seoul and reported that Japanese soldiers were massacring villagers.
One of these, Ekal Vidyalaya, has grown by targeting remote regions where Christian missionaries have made inroads (see chart 443).
That ignores the many Christians (mostly American) who travel overseas for as little as ten days as "short-term missionaries".
Yet even with these patchy data it is clear that the growth in missionaries is coming from non-Western countries.
Mr Johnson estimates that there could be 40,000 so-called independent missionaries, all of whom are uncounted in his research.
Brian Kolodiejchuk, a Canadian priest and member of the Missionaries of Charity Fathers, a religious order founded by Mother Teresa.
Missionaries came next, providing medical care and establishing a mission school, where Pukatire had learned Portuguese and a little English.
The Qing emperor banned Christianity for about a century before Western powers forced the dynasty to let missionaries in again.
Thirty years later, these findings were supported by a small study of missionaries returning to the United States from overseas.
Buyers in Canton generated fortunes for the Astor and the Delano families; Christian missionaries built China's first universities and hospitals.
Though it's rare, there have been instances of missionaries serving in the U.S. killed in traffic accidents and a shooting.
Both Mr. Scully and Mr. Sand saw themselves as missionaries of a type, spreading transcendence one hit at a time.
The missionaries' music filled the island's churches, whose number grew to six, and converts picked up the strange new melodies.
While missionaries failed to achieve mass conversions, they were largely tolerated by the Buddhist majority and particularly the royal court.
Kennan's campaign coincided with a rising perception of Russia as a land of opportunity for Protestant missionaries and American manufacturers.
Other Romanization systems had been tried before, beginning with one developed in the late 1500s by Jesuit missionaries from Europe.
The death of an American missionary this month has led to an internal reckoning among many of his fellow missionaries.
We heard from more than 22005 missionaries, primarily from the United States and Canada, who have worked around the globe.
Ms. Alicea and the missionaries with her stripped down to their underwear and jumped into the river, laughing and splashing.
TEXAS BLOOD: Seven Generations Among the Outlaws, Ranchers, Indians, Missionaries, Soldiers, and Smugglers of the Borderlands, by Roger D. Hodge.
He did not actually visit China, but remained in Paris, putting together the book from written reports of Jesuit missionaries.
ZMapp first got notice in 2014 when it was used during the lifesaving treatment of two American missionaries in Liberia.
"I had a very good image of Missionaries of Charity, but this case came to us with hard evidence," Verma said.
However, one senior AKP lawmaker equated the teachers with "missionaries" and said Germany was attempting to subject Turkish children to propaganda.
They both wear print dresses based on those of the colonial German missionaries who occupied the area in the 19th century.
The villa was built in 1938 by a German architect who used it as a chapel and retreat for foreign missionaries.
The case has dominated headlines in Kenya, with local television station NTV airing a documentary titled "Preying Missionaries" about the allegations.
As teachers, missionaries and founders of religious orders, the six all helped make francophone North America into a very devout place.
His demise came after a British force stormed his mountaintop fortress to free European diplomats, missionaries and adventurers he had jailed.
At the turn of the 20th century, missionaries and reformers shamed Britain out of its role as history's worst drug dealer.
The largest single exporter of soul-savers is still the United States (with 220,218 missionaries, around half of whom are Mormons).
Many of the people he works with are descendants of those who were converted by Jesuit missionaries in the 17th century.
Her Missionaries of Charity religious congregation has continued to grow, serving the poor around the world, including just outside the Vatican.
China said it would investigate whether the couple had been working as missionaries in a country which is 98 percent Muslim.
In this finely crafted memoir, Irving recalls growing up in Haiti during the nineteen-eighties as the daughter of Baptist missionaries.
In this new play, for LCT3, a group of missionaries about to leave for the Middle East find their enterprise complicated.
And I worked with Jesuit missionaries in Honduras, now nearly 35 years ago, and they were the heroes of my life.
Pastor Lade Ajumobi of Church of New Destiny in Welwyn, an independent multicultural church, refers to the idea of reverse missionaries.
Others pieces relate the frequent fate of non-Western countries: the debilitating progression of missionaries, colonization, military occupation and economic exploitation.
My parents were Southern Baptist missionaries who believed that the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy could "cure" my sexuality.
Matthew FosterMerrick, N.Y.The writer is the son of American missionaries to Japan, and a professor of religious studies at Molloy College.
According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, there were an estimated 440,000 Christian missionaries working abroad in 2018.
Hasegawa specialized in books in European languages, often for Japan's tourist trade and resident foreign community, which included many English missionaries.
"They are the diplomats and missionaries for opera," said Peter Gelb, the opera's general manager, who himself ushered during high school.
The Times would like to better understand how missionaries are reacting to the death of an American missionary, John Allen Chau.
Missionaries prefer to meet with people in a "spiritual venue," such as a nearby Mormon church or a church member's home.
That was where Mr. Fowle was born, in Istanbul, to Helen Curtis Fowle and Luther R. Fowle, who were also missionaries.
Harriet Cornelia Mills was born in Tokyo on April 2, 1920, to Presbyterian missionaries, Wilson Mills and the former Cornelia Seyle.
Y.M.C.A. missionaries introduced the game in Tianjin in 1895 and, using a Chinese translation of Naismith's rule book, spread it widely.
The pendulum swung back in the 1920s, when the Bolsheviks opened their doors to American famine relief workers and Protestant missionaries.
Because when the Spanish armies and Catholic missionaries came to take the West, they imposed their religion upon an indigenous people.
Amadeo and Ms. Alicea continued their work recording the Taushiro language, fighting pressure from the missionaries to move onto other groups.
Born in Veracruz, Mexico, Edgar Manuel Vargas Gallegos, 28, had always idolized the Mexicans who had worked in Kenya as missionaries.

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