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"metaphysics" Definitions
  1. the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence, truth and knowledge

155 Sentences With "metaphysics"

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Her way with metaphor implies a metaphysics, in her case a metaphysics informed by her Calvinism: History is a fabric.
" "To say something is 'pure evil' is bad metaphysics.
He plays on current events, romantic German metaphysics and sarcasm.
If she has a metaphysics, it's a very bleak one.
He assesses the gains and the costs of poetry's metaphysics and
The mixtape is littered with references to metaphysics from the outset.
That same technology has nudged receipts into the realm of metaphysics.
But playing with metaphysics of the Great Beyond is a bad idea.
Leading evangelicals are not just sparring over metaphysics, they are also trading insults.
Its world is a bizarre amalgamation of hi-tech society, magic, and metaphysics.
We still use words describing virtue and vice, but without any overall metaphysics.
I'll read a book, usually on metaphysics, just to get into that headspace.
At 18, she headed to New York City to study metaphysics at Fordham University.
He applied Asian metaphysics to the dialects of European minimalist and Art Povera practices.
To persuade also includes an understanding of logic and metaphysics, of mind and being.
"I used to get a lot of teasing about the metaphysics," Ms. MacLaine acknowledged.
In clear, elegant prose it makes large claims in metaphysics, morals and, by implication, politics.
The scope of his work involves words and movement and certainly a kind of metaphysics.
The LP, according to a press release, was inspired by spatial-temporal phenomena and metaphysics.
Their metaphysics, their epistemological and ontological approaches, inform every aspect of their governance and society.
However, April is and she's talking about metaphysics over dinner and not understanding Lorelai's Annie Hall jokes.
And fairly easy to understand, so long as you don't dig into the metaphysics of it all.
Hegel's metaphysics and his insistence that the state has its own spirit are dismissed as "mystifying cant".
I turned to astrology, tarot, metaphysics, read everything I could on color therapy, and I cured myself.
The visual artist has long focused on translating ideas of metaphysics and feminist values into her art.
What you're on to is physicalism, which (leaving the metaphysics aside) is simply a method of redescription.
Plus, there is actual science to back this up, so it isn't merely an exercise in metaphysics.
Metaphysics was far from the safe activity it is today, and was often condemned as blasphemy or heresy.
His work forms the basis of modern logic, and his metaphysics became an integral part of Christian theology.
When really, it's not at all — metaphysics are an essential part of our birthright, and our life journey.
It was held true, however, by its fierce metaphysics and by the wonderfully contradictory figure of the monster.
Evola, who died in 1974, wrote on everything from Eastern religions to the metaphysics of sex to alchemy.
The metaphysics here get confusing, especially as Alan and Nadia's timelines intersect, but I'll try to dissect it all.
Their history is peppered with open splits, not only over metaphysics but over earthly issues that had big consequences.
He wrote of the body and his cancer with a scope and metaphysics beyond any simple narrative about illness.
By Lowery's loopy metaphysics, this sends the ghost back to the time of European settlement of the American frontier.
In 1989 he bought the San Francisco new wave and alternative-rock label 415 Records, renaming it Popular Metaphysics.
In about an hour and a half, it somehow encompasses neuroscience, metaphysics, econometrics, philosophy of mind, social-exchange theory.
Anyhow, the Milanos had a sturdy dignity, as if I might wear them to debate metaphysics while chopping wood.
Let's just hope he finishes "Rusty Brown," with all its pictographic poetry and transdimensional metaphysics, before 2037 rolls around.
Although these movements were very different from each other, they rejected anything that smacked of metaphysics, mysticism, and otherworldliness.
One does not need to believe in any particular metaphysics of sin to believe in the depravity of mankind.
People of that stripe have little obvious interest in talking metaphysics with Catholics, and their theology is often pretty sectarian.
To ban carefully restricted experiments in the name of mere hidebound metaphysics, as many of her critics tried, was outrageous.
The implication here, that reverberates throughout the exhibition, is that flesh cannot be extricated from the metaphysics of abstract machinery.
He later became a professor of general metaphysics and dean of the philosophy faculty there before he was appointed archbishop.
His theory is that art gets the metaphysics of space in a way that many who've been there cannot express.
Judicial adventures in metaphysics were anathema to the man who spent three decades in the seat to which Mr Gorsuch aspires.
We can divide it into rival traditions (empiricism versus rationalism, analytic versus Continental), or into various core areas (metaphysics, epistemology, ethics).
For a series that ostensibly began as games for children and nostalgic Disney fans, Kingdom Hearts has a surprisingly complicated metaphysics.
A new play at CalArts sets Witkacy's The Metaphysics of a Two-Headed Calf in the unending landscape of Death Valley.
More often drawn to moral questions than metaphysics, Buttigieg has a restless curiosity, friends say, that extends to his spiritual life.
To refer to "color" or "niceness" as our sole criterion of worth almost always indicates a failure in logic and metaphysics.
"There's a whole stereotype of the jazz musician that's into poetry and reading and metaphysics and all that stuff," he added.
Its structure enabled Meltzer to bring together all his interests: sound, metaphysics, Jewish mysticism, nature, humor, music, and much, much more.
Avoiding over-determination, these sketches by Michelangelo encourage deferral and an associational gazing that connected me to the metaphorical metaphysics of finesse.
Hägglund doesn't discard the religious impulse so much as try to separate the desire for meaning and community from doctrine and metaphysics.
Their efforts supported an increased interest in traditional questions, particularly in metaphysics and ethics, and a turn to pragmatic positions in epistemology.
In the speaker's mind, national and religious characteristics may be interchangeable, and not really have much to do with God, metaphysics or morals.
As Bishop-Stall tests remedies that include intravenous drips and voodoo, his practical quest leads to a kind of metaphysics of the hangover.
After all, if we can never confirm the existence of parallel universes, then isn't it just metaphysics, however aesthetically pleasing it might be?
Uncomfortable as he was about discussing matters of metaphysics, Mr Bush often referred to two times in his life when faith came into play.
And while the underworld is a physical place in the Odyssey, The OA's metaphysics rely heavily on the existence of worlds beyond our own.
This combination of metaphysics and machinery has helped make "Ghost" one of the most popular and critically acclaimed anime features to emerge from Japan.
" While Everything is indeed rooted in metaphysics, O'Reilly continues,"The game isn't something exclusively for professors to play or for people to write theses about.
Maybe I'm just projecting some teenage metaphysics onto a lively and dynamic system, but I can't fully back away from that sense of monolithic loneliness.
His work included logic, ethics, metaphysics, political thought, mathematics, and the philosophy of science, of mind, of economics, of literature, of language and of religion.
"We are at the base of all metaphysics when it comes to hot and tasty food that is easy and fun to enjoy," Richardson says.
Central to Taino metaphysics was "zemi," a spiritual power that circulated from gods and ancestors into the natural environment: the sea, the forest, the stones.
It was an abstraction of an abstraction, a blueprint of the blueprint, a diagram of the diagram — and a diagram of a diagram is metaphysics.
If the only goal is to have the experience of interacting with a person who is now deceased, then the metaphysics of personal identity is irrelevant.
In this case, it is a twisted theology of action and reaction, metaphysics, the spiritual made manifest in the physical world and on our TV screens.
As a result, he has not been able to share his insights — about logic, language, metaphysics, theology, psychoanalysis, aesthetics and literature — with the wider academic world.
In Godfrey's work, yearning and heartbreak are never far, as if he's channeling both the 17th-century metaphysics of Robert Herrick and the Romanticism of John Keats.
Dune is a dry novel (sorry, not sorry), and it's a tough book to adapt, since it covers everything from interstellar politics to ecological activism to metaphysics.
Nietzsche's 1878 book, " Human, All Too Human ," his inaugural assault on Wagner and Romantic metaphysics, hammers away at the word Mitleid , considering it an instrument of weakness.
The more I read, the more convinced I became that Foos's stilted metaphysics were his way of attempting to elevate his disturbing pastime into something of value.
Friedman's approach was descriptive, but he kept slipping into ethics and metaphysics: the new world he described turned out to be both inevitable and for the best.
It covers everything from the story behind the modular robots on the spaceship in Interstellar to the metaphysics of wormholes to an oral history of The Right Stuff.
It covers everything from the story behind the modular robots on the spaceship in Interstellar to the metaphysics of wormholes to an oral history of The Right Stuff.
By that time, our band of four has embraced the higher rules of physics and metaphysics and come to understand notions of catharsis, thermodynamics and even karmic bliss.
The consumer is left stranded in a sea of meaninglessness, paralyzed by the arcane metaphysics of the branding, and wishing for a simpler time when words meant something.
It isn't hard to draw commonalities between the two: Both are Massachusetts natives who were raised in bookish families, and both draw heavily from metaphysics in their work.
Yet he also acknowledges there is no going back to a premodern metaphysics or economy, when ambition has come to seem everyone's birthright, first in Europe, later everywhere.
Atmospheric and gripping, the book offers a boldly original take on the Grim Reaper concept, but never sacrifices entertainment for metaphysics (even while raising some thought-provoking questions).
By the close of this short lyric, disconnected deep thoughts are symptoms, not expressions, of his late-on-the-rent metaphysics: What do you grow in that vase?
Lost had none of Game of Thrones' mass appeal, nor its knack of pandering to audiences with dragons and twists based in character, not in metaphysics and smoke monsters.
Conversation with her generally moves between excitable anecdotes and slow, thoughtful—and notably, very heady—exegesis on metaphysics, which is how results in disorienting moments the one that follows.
It was designed to illustrate tricky questions about the metaphysics of identity, but it also provides a nice way of thinking about Trump's degradation of the American political system.
"Fashion is not clothes," Mr. Saillaird said flatly, after the opening of "the Ephemeral Museum of Fashion," a show focusing on what might be called the metaphysics of fashion.
Had Allis started his experiments in the nineteen-eighties trying to pin down words like "identity" and "memory," he might have found himself lost in a maze of metaphysics.
A theological scholar with training in metaphysics, then-Father Connell was a surprise choice when Pope John Paul II appointed him to lead the archdiocese of Dublin in 1988.
Andy Clark is a professor of logic and metaphysics at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and the former director of the Cognitive Science Program at Indiana University, Bloomington.
That's probably obvious to anyone who's seen the master of meditative minimalism's work, which easily encompasses the metaphysics of everyone from Socrates to Plato, Buddha to Confucius, Descartes to Hegel.
But there is a further leap beyond technical accomplishment — into meaning, history, metaphysics or the wilder zones of the imagination — that the film is too careful, too earthbound, to attempt.
We wrote on subjects as far afield as metaphysics, the essence of soup, literary revenge, meditation, the Amtrak quiet car, childhood battle chants and our mutual love of Mel Brooks.
Though only 166 pages, it strives to do a lot in a short space, aiming to overthrow views about logic and metaphysics that have prevailed in philosophy for a century.
The essays orbit around three chief concerns: How do we conceive of the world (metaphysics), how do we know what we know (epistemology) and how do we conduct ourselves (ethics).
Most of the entries border on what might be called musical metaphysics: articulation, chance, composition, continuity, deduction, duration, form, idea, language, material, notation, perception, rhythm, structure, succession, theme, timbre, tradition, variation.
The school, founded by artist Eliza Swann and now operated with the help of like-minded collaborators, explores the relation between art, ecology, and metaphysics, and celebrates non-hierarchical ways of living.
In an email, Boghossian told me this was because the two of them have "congruent beliefs about metaphysics" — not believing in God or the supernatural, specifically — and that they disagreed on politics.
Nietzsche warned at the end of the 19th century that the collapse of metaphysics would lead to a crisis of authority; that our highest values would be exposed as relative and contingent.
For Sony's update of the little played Gravity Rush, a four-year-old PlayStation Vita adventure in metaphysics coming to PlayStation 4, the company has pinned Remastered to the title's tail end.
Its glossy surface expresses the formalist concerns of the Finish Fetish movement, but, as I soon realized, these new works by Fishman are more than formal objects: they are metaphysics made physical.
And this is not the whole conclusion that the best of this book has led us to; "Flash Count Diary" spends most of its pages documenting the kinship of bodies and metaphysics.
The Times offers a useful gloss for those of us who haven't heard of Evola: Evola, who died in 1974, wrote on everything from Eastern religions to the metaphysics of sex to alchemy.
" Reviewing "Liquidation" in The New York Times Book Review in 2004, the critic Ruth Franklin wrote, "Not since Kafka and Beckett … has a writer packed so much metaphysics into so tight a space.
His 1921 play, The Metaphysics of a Two-Headed Calf (1921), was inspired by his own travels through Papua New Guinea and Australia, which he had undertaken after the suicide of his fiancée.
But L'Engle's book is suffused with head-spinning metaphysics, abstract sci-fi, and surrealistic religious symbolism — there's a reason there hasn't been another major theatrical movie version of the book for over 50 years.
This general idea of making up on the outside what is missing on the inside makes sense to Andy Clark, a cognitive scientist and professor of logic and metaphysics at the University of Edinburgh.
Other recent books on contemporary Buddhism share Wright's object of reconciling the old metaphysics with contemporary cognitive science but have a less doctrinaire view of the mind that lies outside the illusions of self.
Runes also issued two volumes by Sartre's contemporary Martin Heidegger: "Essays in Metaphysics" comprised two late lectures; "German Existentialism" collected statements with which Heidegger irrefutably indicted himself as a willing supporter of National Socialism.
Hilary Putnam, a Harvard philosopher whose influence ranged widely across many fields of thought, including mathematical logic, philosophy of mind and language, epistemology and metaphysics, died on March 13 at his home in Arlington, Mass.
In the mid-1980s, a few years after Iran became the world's first modern revolutionary theocracy, two charismatic intellectuals and their followers conducted a long-running feud over metaphysics in the country's newspapers and lecture halls.
It was overstuffed with metaphysics, fan service, and sudden random polar bears, and the show struggled most when it tried to answer the big questions of existence with truisms about good and evil, love and hate.
In a section of "The Book of Disquiet" titled "How to Dream Metaphysics," he prescribes a method for dissolving consciousness, which in its rigor resembles a manual on self-hypnosis, or a set of religious exercises.
Beam up to the University of Toronto on October 2.03 for BSAM Toronto 22.0, a convention dedicated to the Black Speculative Arts Movement (BSAM) that covers African metaphysics, astro-blackness, and the next wave of Afrofuturism.
The cast — which also includes Nina Grollman, Tara Summers and Katie Beth Hall (as a little girl who looks a lot like Hilary) — exudes an easygoing smoothness even when plowing through the stoniest fields of metaphysics.
"Ipsa Dixit" includes two other movements based on Aristotle—"Rhetoric" and "Metaphysics"—as well as settings of Plato, Sophocles, Guido d'Arezzo, Pietro Bembo, Freud, Wittgenstein, Robert Duncan, Lydia Davis, Michael Drayton, Jenny Holzer, and Sarah Teasdale.
Priestley and the production are working too hard; he would be more successful integrating plot and metaphysics in his other so-called Time Plays, especially "An Inspector Calls," revived on Broadway to great acclaim in 1994.
Today, art has become almost indistinguishable from popular cultural commodities, but Kupka stands out as a reasonable alternative: a comparatively unpopular and ignored painter who values transcendental metaphysics and clandestine mystical technologies over accessible human-centric assumptions.
But because beliefs about U.F.O.s and aliens do not explicitly invoke the supernatural and are couched in scientific and technological jargon, they may be more palatable to those who reject the metaphysics of more traditional religious systems.
People who say they don't care about metaphysics really mean that their received ideas on such matters are so fixed that they have disappeared from consciousness, in the same way that you don't usually notice your heartbeat.
" The artists introduce the installation with a quotation from Emanuele Coccia's Life of Plants: A Metaphysics of Mixture: "We call 'atmosphere' this radical mixture that makes everything coexist in a single place without sacrificing either forms or substances.
Robert M. Pirsig, who wrote Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, an investigation into the metaphysics of modern rationality, notes that the litmus test for a functioning machine is the satisfaction and tranquility it provides the user.
In Western countries, Christian prelates certainly do enter public debates, but whether from the right or the left, their contribution is often self-consciously secular; it focuses on matters of law and economics rather than morals or metaphysics.
I asked him about the spiritual question that reverberates through "Black Leopard," whose world is thickly enchanted but whose characters don't really believe in anything; this is one of the challenges the book poses to its genre's metaphysics.
For Martin Heidegger, the will to power was the last gasp of metaphysics—an attempt to capture the "basic character of all beings," which Heidegger wishes to supplant with his post-metaphysical idea of being-in-the-world.
The Theologia, dating from the time when Wycliffe was active, is an early example of a German-language metaphysics written to be accessible to those who were not educated to read Latin, the language of the church and the universities.
No: The moment in 1933 when Sartre and de Beauvoir come across Heidegger's lecture "What Is Metaphysics?" can be seen as the moment existentialism was born, but it figures differently in the book's different narratives and must be cited multiple times.
Especially here, where the unassuming sculpture of Arte Povera dominates our view of Italian art of the 1960s, this second show of Gnoli's at Luxembourg & Dayan offers a gift of painting whose everyday details take on the weight of metaphysics.
But at the Met Breuer she emerges as the liveliest artist in a movement that was often marred by intellectual and poetic pretensions, and whose abstracted themes of nature and metaphysics rarely appealed to American sensibilities, and still don't very much.
It's the disconnect between The Good Place's serious approach to ethics and lighthearted approach to metaphysics that makes the show such a powerful and affecting watch in an era in which one in three millennials no longer affiliate with an organized religion.
The name of this extravagantly inventive new cocktail bar may call to mind medical insurance or metaphysics, but here it refers to architectural constraints created by former tenants—including the particularly ill-christened Affair on Eighth, whose name remains scrawled behind the bar.
Pennywise), and without going too far into the metaphysics of the thing (or into spoiler territory), I can tell you that it requires each Loser to go off alone to delve into his or her own private guilt, shame, fear and desire.
Along the way the poem offers a compendium of Hindu metaphysics of the era — the obligation to one's duty (dharma), the imperative to work without care for reward — and the thicket of elliptical, contradictory remarks on violence that have found it such unlikely devotees.
"I do wonder whether or not it's mission-critical for an educational institution to have a fully articulated metaphysics and ethics and politics that underpin it — or to what extent that is inhibitive to the broader project of liberal education," Ms. Marcus told me.
Its evocations of an altered state of consciousness are lovely, especially in their visual detail, but on reflection perhaps a tad too lovely: You come away with the feeling that the experience conformed to expectation, and served to illustrate a metaphysics already in place.
For such shoppers, the striking overlap between U.F.O.s and fairy stories might eventually become an advertisement for an updated spiritualist cosmology, not a strike against it — especially if woven together with multiverse and universe-as-simulation hypotheses that imply a kind of metaphysics of caprice.
From myths to metaphysics When Trump described the Las Vegas massacre as "pure evil," he seemed to be saying that it came out of nowhere and was beyond anything we could comprehend, said Mark Larrimore, an associate professor of religion at the New School in New York.
No one wanted to see it in theaters in the US, in part because it was released right after the 9/11 attacks, and the last thing anyone wanted to do was sit in the dark to watch a weird reverie on plane crashes and metaphysics.
" And then, having reached this point, he steps back once again and writes: "In metaphysics and philosophy of language there's a view that holds/that if you want to know what something is, ignore what people say about it–/Look instead at where it came from.
One could charitably describe it as a disagreement over whether you should characterize the "cause" of an important event in terms of the deepest or most superficial causal elements — in which case, I would recommend Laurie Paul's Causation: A User's Guide as essential reading on the metaphysics of causation.
To play it is to be thrown into a colorful metaphysics lesson: you play as any number of animals or objects, and run/float/fly around the world, interacting with other animals and objects, all of which will offer you insights into their state of mind and general worldview.
The Christianity that Erasmus advocated — eschewing the finer points of metaphysics in favor of the humility, simplicity and charity he saw in Jesus of Nazareth — was overpowered by Luther's conviction that the Word of God, revealed in Scripture, speaks unambiguously on all doctrinal matters, no matter how abstruse.
The first act (which ran from April 26 to June 17), written by the Russian group Theatre of Mutual Operations, was based on fragments from Chekhov's play The Seagull, while the second (June 21 to July 22), by Armen Avanessian, called Metaphysics from the Future, took a philosophical stance.
But they are a made-up religion whose acolytes at some level know it — and the thinness of their metaphysics, their weak claim on human loyalties, makes them mostly just a pleasing cloak over the dark power that's actually stabilized the modern world, the terrifying threat of nuclear war.
When the need to cut out yet more metaphysics and epistemology grew unappealing, Ms Hobbs found refuge in researching hairstyles, armour and saddles, and whether purple and scarlet existed in the 5th century BC. "We think of these books as a curiosity gateway drug," says Ariel Pakier, the series' editor.
In 250, mystic, lecturer, and occult book-collector Manly P. Hall published The Secret Teachings of All Ages, a dazzling encyclopedic compendium of ancient texts, esoteric traditions, and musings on metaphysics that became an instant bestseller, in part because of the incredibly detailed and visually striking illustrations by J. Augustus Knapp.
That turns Moore into a fairly minor case policing precedents about the inapplicability of capital punishment to intellectually disabled inmates rather than a potentially fascinating foray into the ethics and metaphysics of delivering the ultimate punishment to a man nearing the end of his sixth decade who commmitted a murder when he was 20.
Both in his elaborate show notes and backstage before a beautiful final stand-alone show of men's wear for Gucci on Monday, the label's creative director Alessandro Michele alluded to the metaphysics of journey: real travel, time travel, armchair travel, metaphoric and philosophical voyages, everything but budget trips to Las Vegas on a Greyhound bus.
If you are so inclined, you can also read a Very Short Introduction to, among a great many other things, Rivers, Mountains, Metaphysics, the Mongols, Chaos, Cryptography, Forensic Psychology, Hinduism, Autism, Puritanism, Fascism, Free Will, Drugs, Nutrition, Crime Fiction, Madness, Malthus, Medical Ethics, Hieroglyphics, the Russian Revolution, the Reagan Revolution, Dinosaurs, Druids, Plague, Populism, and the Devil.
But Wittgenstein's work has long been divided into the early and the later parts of his career: his work up to and including the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, on logic and language and metaphysics, and the period that culminated in his Philosophical Investigations, which took aim at all philosophy that had gone before it, including Wittgenstein's own book.
The metaphysics of when a Q&A session with reporters crosses the line to become a press conference is a fascinating subject (I was a philosophy major, so I have some odd fascinations), but on a non-semantic level it's clear enough that the NABJ/NAHJ event was not the thing that press conference complainers want Clinton to do.
The reason that it's possible to define ambient music as a sort of branch of psychoanalysis of contemporary genres—particularly electronic and new wave music—is because ambient music is firmly aware of its desire to not be designated as an intrinsic participant in its own art, but instead as a thing that corresponds to its own metaphysics.

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