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195 Sentences With "leashed"

How to use leashed in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "leashed" and check conjugation/comparative form for "leashed". Mastering all the usages of "leashed" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But RoboBee was leashed to its power supply and controller.
Humans, Roberts explains, are the ones who are really leashed.
It's best to keep your dog leashed near icy ponds.
And his temperament — though perhaps slightly more leashed — has not changed.
OLD WESTBURY Spring Dog Festival, leashed dogs allowed in designated areas.
Leashed dogs will be allowed on designated areas of the grounds.
Not being leashed to their mobile devices is the least of it.
Connected, we had to stay close, effectively leashed together by the ears.
Still, many were troubled by the image of a leashed, kneeling black student.
When she spoke, when your mother spoke, even the leashed greyhound stood transfixed.
When we pulled up, a leashed eagle was perched on a tripod out front.
JNU is "being driven into the ground", "muzzled and leashed" and "under systematic assault".
Stephi Lyneice slithers onto the scene with two man-dogs leashed to her wrist.
But a newly analyzed set of panels depicts scenes of leashed dogs hunting alongside humans.
They are now leashed to a man whom they recently described as untrustworthy and unfit.
The children there can react badly, sometimes violently, even to leashed dogs, Ms. Rosenberg said.
But rather than feeling free, I felt more tightly leashed, worried about missing phantom emergencies.
Try alternating between a leashed walk and the yard every time you take your puppy out.
All dog diners must be leashed or in a pet crate to dine at The Wilson.
She has successfully walked, leashed, with another, low-key, male dog who had an indifferent demeanor.
OLD WESTBURY Spring Dog Festival, leashed dogs will be allowed in designated areas of the grounds.
Dogs must have tick protection and be leashed, since there are free-ranging animals on site.
In April, only nine socialized strays were available for daily leashed walks to nearby Cruz Bay.
That could including training dogs not to lunge when leashed and suggesting smaller breeds of dogs.
In the meantime, check this space for more highlights from the stream, Un-leashed by T-Mobile.
Bill the Goat, Navy's mascot, was safely leashed and secured against a possible abduction attempt by cadets.
Unfortunately, walking a leashed dog can increase the risk of fractures in older adults, new research finds.
This goes double, they said, for people walking pets — which, it should go without saying, should be leashed.
"Get back," the officer shouted at the approaching dog, a 40-pound Labrador mix that was not leashed.
"Get back," the officer shouted at the approaching dog, a 40-pound Labrador mix that was not leashed.
We always double-check our instructions with them, always leashed and keep a close eye on the adventurous one.
As a result, the husky was ordered to be confined to her home, unless she was leashed and muzzled.
When a leashed dog wandered out of a hotel elevator with its owner still inside it, disaster seemed imminent.
A standard ticket, about $17, entitles a visitor to walk a leashed tiger and pose with a chained tiger.
Helping to defeat him is its own reward, when the alternative is being leashed to his candidacy for life. 2.
We're told CBS eventually caved, telling Mark the dog would have to stay in his trailer unless it was leashed.
A leashed white dog — with a charming spot covering one eye and a panting smile — joins in during the horn section.
Mr Xi may continue to keep his troops leashed, but he will find other ways of tightening control in the territory.
This leashed robot, named Ludobi, made it through the slaloms without hitting any obstacles, but had its human creators trotting after it.
Almost like clockwork, 30 minutes before closing time, McMurtry would enter with leashed dogs and purchase dozens of used and rare books.
With this, an operator can simply take over the camera function while the drone is still virtually leashed to whatever it is tracking.
Toward the end of the evening, Brecht returns: not his lecture, but an actor playing the playwright, naked and leashed to a dominatrix.
The young lab-mix, with a puppy's zeal for life, who loved to chew on the shelter volunteers' hands as we leashed him.
His identity is not leashed to his politics in the manner of, say, Barack Obama, whose victory hinted at deliverance from America's deepest trauma.
Owners are being warned by industry groups and veterinarians not to leave their dogs leashed outside of shops and to walk them in groups.
To keep the home you have, you may need to limit your pet's outdoor time to hours when it can be leashed and supervised.
People reports that pet guests are required to be leashed or crated during their meal, regardless of how that might look on their Instagram stories.
The Metal Barbarian isn't leashed by any dogma or belief other than the thrill of adventure and the greasy first bite of a mutton leg.
It's a place of neat gardens, shuttered residences, where even the dogs look manicured and trimmed, trotting out on their daily leashed and respectable walks.
With Driver, there's always a sense of something leashed, and his characters can seem to be operating on a plane above and beyond everyone else.
The proposals would also require passengers to check in early, and have their animal be leashed, well behaved and fit in the owner's foot space.
"For older adults -- especially those living alone and with decreased bone mineral density -- the risks associated with walking leashed dogs merit consideration," the authors wrote.
No one's job is in danger of being replaced by security AI; if anything, a larger staff is required to ensure security AI stays firmly leashed.
Long story short, Bannon is expected to Make Trump Great Again by once again unleashing the candidate's meannness and populism—as if they were ever leashed.
"Dogs that are allowed to stay in guest rooms will be expected to be well-behaved, leashed in public resort areas, and properly vaccinated," notes Disney Parks.
As the researchers explain, leashed dogs might have served to protect not only their human companion but also valuable dogs trained to track the scent of prey.
"We decided to take a chance and call Petco's bluff on the 'ALL LEASHED PETS ARE WELCOME' policy," the steer's co-owner, Vincent Browning, wrote on Facebook.
And yeah, you could always design your own wrestlers (real or from your head), but all of it was leashed to what the WWE games would allow.
In feature films, she tends to play people whose inner wildness is either triumphantly unleashed ("Spy," say) or was never leashed to begin with (see "The Heat").
From 2004 to 2017, researchers estimated that there were more than 32,000 emergency room cases of fractures associated with walking leashed dogs among people 65 and older.
That was when her owner leashed her to a metal chair outside Henry's Local, a coffee shop on Henry Street, and went in for an iced latte.
When confronted with a domestic dog, however, prairie dogs stood upright wherever they were, squeaking and watching, presumably because tame, leashed dogs were generally, though not always, harmless.
Southwest Airlines next month will restrict emotional support animals to dogs and cats and require them to travel in a carrier or be leashed, the company announced Tuesday.
Evaluators may observe the dog react to a large doll (a toddler surrogate); a hooded human, shaking a cane; an unfamiliar leashed dog or a plush toy dog.
From the front porch of the saloon, the New York gallery Queer Thoughts is offering bronze farm animals leashed to key chains from the Chicago sculptor Mindy Rose Schwartz.
Under Libre's Law, a dog cannot be left leashed and alone outside for longer than 30 minutes in temperatures that exceed 90 degrees or drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
Our narrative engines may not be up to the task of making sense of our yearnings, and we may find ourselves unyoked from them, and leashed to someone else's.
This allows the RoboBee to flit about freely, whereas previous iterations of the robot could only take off, land, or perch mid-flight while leashed to a power supply.
More than 285,000 posts on Instagram carry the #adventurecat tag — another sign that many felines, accustomed to prowling indoors, are being led on leashed walks outside by their owners.
There is still independent media in Russia, albeit operating under intense pressure from the state, and even state-run outlets are less tightly leashed than they are in China.
Outside the abandoned town hall of Talisay, numerous dogs — from mongrels to a Siberian husky — are leashed to fences and kept in cages before being transported to safer spots.
We know that the qualities that distinguish her poetry — the radiant contempt and nightmare imagery — stay leashed in her short fiction, a province of thudding symbolism and stagy morality.
The footage shows local cops in a mad dash to save animal lives—dogs were quickly leashed and led to cop cars, while kittens were being crated by the handful.
Trump and Pence's unwillingness to cede an inch to Clinton leashed them to the filth of the nation, which in turn revealed the truth of her critique in skin-crawling fashion.
Plugging in a device to charge makes one feel like a leashed kid at the mall: You'd have the whole world at your fingertips if it weren't for that pesky cord.
At the end of it all, your vagina — that place made for good times — turns itself inside out to release a greasy, squalling creature somehow leashed to your insides with a fleshy rope.
As much as the festival itself had a peaceful hippie vibe where families and leashed dogs are welcome, the inner thoughts of many of the 5,000 attendees were plastered all over their outfits.
The operators of any vehicle have the responsibility of keeping their passengers safe and the rules are that every dog should be muzzled and leashed if they are not a trained service animal.
Puppychino is the brainchild of sisters Naini and Mallika Tandon, who wanted to open a restaurant where dogs could play and get a free run, instead of being leashed or simply not allowed.
Leashed service and emotional support animals are allowed to ride with their owners with no other restrictions, but all other pet dogs wanting to ride the rails need to be brought on in a carrier.
Meanwhile, on the Apple Watch side of things, the company is rumored to be releasing an Apple Watch with LTE, allowing the smartwatch to fully break the tether that's held it leashed to the iPhone platform.
"It's a poker game with this kid," Lambeau warns him, but their inaugural session is more like a street corner encounter between two barely-leashed dogs: sniffing and circling each other, until Will growls, and Sean bites.
There's no neckband behind my head or cables snaking over my ears or tiny shark fins poking my ear cartilage; and there's no dangling wire tickling the side of my face and keeping me leashed to my smartphone.
The owners were told that the program was designed to improve their dogs' behavior while leashed, but the surreptitious goal was to see if the classes could also increase the owners' dog walking and physical activity after the instruction had ended.
Her double-backtrack dance in pursuit of a "pay-for" for Medicare for All, her blundering attempts to clarify her claims of Native American ancestry—these are the sorts of things that politicians leashed to stolid, tired, Beltway political consultants do.
The complaint goes on to say Griffin had a "conscious and reckless disregard" to the possibility that his pet might cause severe harm, especially since the dog was not "restrained" or "leashed" in a fashion that could keep it from attacking anyone else.
To avoid a run-in with a skunk, make sure your dog is leashed when on walks, especially those during dawn or dusk — when skunks are more active — and don't let them near trash cans or places where an animal could easily hide.
Guests are an eclectic cross-section of New Yorkers, from those who remember when trash-can fires still burned in the neighborhood to students of architecture, and including a tall woman in military boots who was accompanied by a large leashed dog.
I really loved interrogating sweetness too, and how the things we consider now, the dishes we consider so sweet and so comforting, are oftentimes leashed to these strange, sad stories that we have to manipulate and girdle and thicken in order to make palatable.
"Cats are more capable than you think," added Laura Moss, who wrote "Adventure Cats: Living Nine Lives to the Fullest," a guide to training felines for adventure that some owners of leashed cats say inspired them to bring their pets into the great outdoors.
But the Brooklyn facility Cee-Cee and her family currently call home is one of precious few in New York City and just a few dozen nationwide that shelter humans and their furry family members together, despite the fact that pets often keep women leashed to their abusers.
At the end, each model stood haloed in a square of neon light, and to Baha Men's "Who Let the Dogs Out," four men in (yes) dog masks, gray flannel suits and high heels appeared, leashed together and led by a figure in a long, gray rose-covered robe.
The Secret Service claimed in a statement that the animal was "an unrestrained and aggressive canine," but a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation told the Times the dog was leashed but that the owner was not holding the leash at the time the agent shot the dog.
Macaws that roller skate and shoot baskets; dogs that play treibball, a soccerlike canine sport; cats that dive through hoops and tunnels — you can see all kinds of trained behavior at this annual extravaganza for pet lovers, who are invited to take along their own (friendly and leashed) furry companions.
Watching him, it seems that he's too flexible, unable, in the face of the all-consuming maw of WWE's commitment to an in-house style which is leashed to Vince McMahon's increasingly manic whims, to insist that pulling too many blows or stalling out in too many rest holds makes him less Nakamura.
As for which types of pets are eligible to cuddle up with the Easter Bunny, according to PetSmart's store policy, domestic dogs and cats, as well as birds, rabbits, ferrets, pot-bellied pigs, and numerous small animals and reptiles, are permitted in PetSmart stores, so long as they're properly vaccinated and leashed or safely contained.
We ask that your animals remain leashed or in pet carriers, and that birds be confined to cages and do not precede you onto the plane, which is currently being serviced by End of Days personnel, whose safety and security is of paramount concern—paramount means "more important than anything else"—to Flood Airlines.
Dogs shows have been cancelled in Norway and dog owners in the country are being told to keep their canine leashed and away from other dogs due to a mysterious illness that has claimed the lives of an estimated 25 Norwegian dogs, according to Norwegian national broadcaster NRK,  and continues to sicken more, with ten dogs falling ill over the weekend, reports The Guardian.
Pets are allowed, but must be leashed at all times. Intoxicants are prohibited.
There are multiple different kinds of dogs, with various hierarchical systems. Leashed Dogs are pets, Lone Dogs are stray but live without dependence on other dogs, and Pack Dogs are stray and live dependent on their leader and packmates. After the Big Growl, most of the Leashed Dogs have lost their owners. The main characters are part of the "Leashed Pack", a group of dogs that are all dependent on one another but without a complex social structure; it can be construed that Lucky is their leader (alpha).
Dogs on the inside of RRRA must be leashed. There is no charge for guide/service dogs. Owners are charged $2.00 for all other dogs.
In other situations, the submissive may also enjoy being collared and leashed, and in some aspects being treated like an animal. Leashes can also be attached to piercings.
A scenic campground is nestled under live oaks and Spanish moss, and some RV sites have sewer hookups. Leashed pets are allowed. Groups can enjoy privacy in their own pioneer campgrounds.
Bicycles are permitted on the Red and Blue Trails. Leashed dogs are permitted on all the trails. Restrooms are available at the summit and the visitors center near the 60th and Salmon entrance.
However, on one occasion Kickstart, while leashed to Ogri's bike, scented a lady dog in heat several streets away, and proved strong enough to drag the machine behind him while in pursuit of romantic excitement.
One might expect the next sentence to be The little girl needs to see a doctor, rather than The dog needs to be leashed. This type of dislocation is a feature of topic- prominent languages.
Azure, a horse- shoe argent with a cross formed of the same charged on the edge of its arch. Helmet with mantling azure, lined argent. Crowned. Crest: a demi greyhound rampant, collared and leashed, all proper.
Jamesville Beach Park offers a wide range of facilities including athletic fields, disc golf, playgrounds, swimming, trails, and volleyball. Dogs are allowed to be off-leash in designated areas, however must be leashed on the hiking trails.
Dogs are allowed in Millcreek canyon every day. They may be off leash on hiking trails on odd numbered days (1st of the month, 3rd of the month, etc.), but must still be leashed in all developed areas, including the road, trail heads, and picnic areas. On even numbered days dogs must always be leashed in all areas, including all hiking trails. When the ski trail along the road in the upper canyon is groomed it is regulated as a trail and dogs may be off leash there on odd-numbered days.
Mountain lion hunting with dogs is also allowed in the preserve, but unless the dogs have spotted the lion and are pursuing it, they are required to be leashed."Hunting 2014 - FAQs" ( National Park Service. Retrieved October 5, 2017.
The townspeople thought this might stop the trades day. It didn't. An individual bought of land and began to have the dog trade there on his property. The city did require that they all be vaccinated and kept leashed or penned.
All roads and beaches can be hiked on Little St. George Island. Motorized vehicles are not allowed. Pets are welcome but must be leashed at all times due to the Island's beach and dune areas being critical shorebird and sea turtle nesting habitat.
The park is free with a nature center and nature trails for hiking, leashed pet walking and horseback riding. The nature center is open Tuesday through Saturday. The park's ponds and springs are a sanctuary to waterfowl, wildlife and birds, like red-winged blackbirds.
Visitors can carry small pets on the cave tour, and leashed pets are permitted on the grounds outside the cave. The caverns now offer a step free access. While this extended pathway will allow for wheelchair access, the caverns aren't advertised as handicap accessible.
Archery-only deer hunting is offered from mid-September through December. Pets are permitted but must be leashed. The park also offers interesting geology. The pegmatite in the northern part of the Park was mined for mica and feldspar, and contains minerals like Tourmaline.
Over the course of several years, Willard's Woods have had issues with controlling of pet dogs. On June 8, 2010, residents of Lexington met to discuss the possibility of restricting the access of dogs to the park: requiring all dogs to be leashed, prohibiting dogs in certain parts of the park, or a hybrid combination of the two. However, some residents continued to speak out against the possibility of new restrictions. In November 2011, dogs were required to be leashed on the weekends and could be unleashed on weekdays, but only if the owner could see the dog and quickly have the dog return with the owner.
Leashes are optional for dogs throughout the park but dogs must be leashed in the parking lots Dog walkers are limited to three dogs each (although EBRPD issues permits for individuals and professionals to walk up to six dogs apiece). Visitors with dogs must carry a leash for each dog; must clean up their pets' waste; must prevent their dogs from digging; and must immediately fill any holes dug by their pets. Dogs who become aggressive must be leashed immediately. Dogs are allowed to swim in the Bay, in Hoffman Channel at high tide, and in Hoffman Bay (the northern edge of North Point Isabel) at high tide.
The beach features free entrance, free parking, wheelchair-accessible public restrooms, showers, and picnic tables. Dogs are allowed, but must be leashed or voice- In November 2007, oil from the wreck of the Cosco Busan washed up on Rodeo Beach, prompting its closure for several weeks.
The trail is open year-round, though it is not cleared of snow in winter. Walking and bicycling is permitted the entire length. Horseback riding is permitted from CTH-M to CTH-CB on the western leg and the entire eastern leg. Leashed dogs are also permitted.
A water fountain for both dogs and humans is provided. Membership fees and any donations go toward maintenance. The park hosts benefits and events related to dogs to raise money as well. Leashed dogs are permitted in most areas of the park, but not in Millennium Park.
There are also multiple charcoal grills located near the picnic tables. Bikes are not allowed in the park the trails are for hiking only. Pets are welcome but must be leashed at all times. There is a playground located within the park near the parking lot and the restrooms.
There are free parking and restrooms located at the Conestoga Road entry point. There is also parking along Brookside Road and Gallagher Avenue. Dog-walking is permitted on the trail as long as they are leashed. There are dog waste bins throughout the trail where owners can dispose of garbage.
In addition, there are four types of dogs: a Pack Dog, who is part of a pack; a Leashed Dog, who belongs to a human; a Lone Dog, who is a stray dog living on their own; and a Fierce Dog, which is a dog bred to fight or defend.
Big Basin Redwoods State Park has many options for camping, including cabins, developed campsites, and trail camps. Within the park, there are 146 individual campsites, 36 cabins, and five trail camps. Campers are allowed to bring dogs to their campsites, provided the dogs are leashed. Dogs are not allowed in trail camps.
A alt=A hieroglyph depicting two leashed cheetahs The cheetah shows little aggression toward humans, and can be tamed easily, as it has been since antiquity. The earliest known depictions of the cheetah are from the Chauvet Cave in France, dating back to 32,000–26,000 BC. According to historians such as Heinz Friederichs and Burchard Brentjes, the cheetah was first tamed in Sumer and this gradually spread out to central and northern Africa, from where it reached India. The evidence for this is mainly pictorial; for instance, a Sumerian seal dating back to , featuring a long-legged leashed animal has fuelled speculation that the cheetah might have been first tamed in Sumer. However, Thomas Allsen argues that the depicted animal might be a large dog.
Camping, campfires and use of gas stoves are limited to campgrounds. According to data from the Boggs Mountain State Demonstration Forest brochure, the timber growth rate of the forest is 300 board feet per acre per year. Hunting is permitted under applicable State game laws. Pets are welcome but must be leashed and controlled.
He instructs Jérôme to visit Warehouse that Friday; Jérôme visits in leather garments, where he witnesses Paul collared and leashed to his new lover at the center of an orgy. Jérôme and Paul make extended eye contact, and the film abruptly cuts to Jérôme and Paul departing New York together as Paul's lover looks on.
Pets must be leashed and are permitted in picnic and RV areas, and most trails.Official Site There are entry fees collected at all times. There are strictly enforced rules prohibiting the picking of vegetation or damaging of trees. All facilities are not handicapped accessible, although there is an all-access trail emanating from the visitor center.
Service animals are allowed in all facilities and on most trails, with the exceptions of stock trails and areas closed by the superintendent to protect park resources. Service animals must always be leashed. Service animals in training and pets are subject to other park regulations. When traveling with an animal, carry water, and allow for stops.
Entrance to Thornhill Broome Campground Opportunities for camping, hiking, swimming, mountain biking, picnicking, wildlife viewing, and horseback riding exist within the park. Horseback riding is available from the National Park Service entrance. Like all California State Parks, dogs are permitted when leashed in campsite areas. No dogs are allowed whether on or off-leash on the backcountry trails, i.e.
The park's recreational opportunities include fishing and hiking - but swimming and climbing near the falls is prohibited. However, swimming is permitted in the rock pools and streams that the falls drain into. Leashed dogs are allowed on the trail and at the falls. The falls can be reached via a moderately strenuous, half-mile, downhill trail.
However, when the trail is not being groomed/maintained (e.g. before it has snowed) it is considered a service road, even though it is closed to vehicles, and dogs must be leashed. Dog owners are required to pick up after their dogs. There are receptacles for dog waste in several places in the canyon, including both upper and lower Big Water trailheads.
When Power Man was apparently beaten and defeated by five corrupt police officers, Cottonmouth prepared to bite off a part of Power Man's face only to be leashed by Nightshade. At first, Cottonmouth was surprised when Nightshade offered Power Man to become her enforcer. Cottonmouth then became pleased when Nightshade had set up Power Man to fight Iron Fist.Shadowland: Power Man #3.
The state has imposed various restrictions on visitors: park use is limited to pedestrian traffic year round; motorized vehicles are not allowed; hunting is prohibited; potable water is not available on the trails; camping is not permitted; ropes may not be used for climbing; hikers are required to stay on paths or in creeks. Dogs must be leashed at all times.
Pennsylvania legislation states that dogs must be confined or firmly secured or reasonably controlled by a person, within the property of the owner. Tennessee law prohibits dogs to run at large except in cases in which dogs are engaged in legal hunting or herding. West Virginia and Wisconsin are states that do not have a law that requires dogs to be leashed.
Still, they do have laws that hold dog owners and keepers liable for all damages caused by dogs that are permitted to run at large. Different law applies to dangerous dogs and female dogs as in different states they are prohibited to run at large at all times. Also, in states such as Connecticut and Louisiana, guide dogs must also be leashed.
Please stay on walking paths and have dogs leashed. Smuggler Cove is an all-weather anchorage with three large anchoring basins for cruising boats. The best entry to the park by boat is through Welcome Passage at low tide when reef and rock projections are visible. The local area has provided many eye bolts located along the shoreline to accommodate stern pins.
In Luna's painting, the leashed pet dogs were acting as companions of women. Doves, on the other hand, were animals that connote eroticism. In relation to one of the women, there was a suggestion that the woman on the right with dark hair could be Maria de la Paz Pardo de Tavera. The notion was discarded because Luna was unmarried when he painted Las Damas Romanas.
Open fires are not allowed. Dogs are allowed if they are leashed. This section of the beach is often a party like environment on warm and sunny days,Bot generated title --> leading to an alcohol ban in effect from May 1 to September 30 that began in 2018. Beach parking requires a Sauvie Island Wildlife Area parking permit available at stores on the island.
Poplar Beach is a beach located in and operated by the city of Half Moon Bay, California. It lies at the end of Poplar Street west of State Route 1. Located roughly a half mile south of Half Moon Bay State Beach, Poplar Beach allows horses and leashed dogs. It is close to a residential area, and there are no fireworks or beach fires allowed.
The summit ledges of Little Monadnock Mountain are accessible via the Metacomet- Monadnock Trail or by the shorter route from the Rhododendron State Park headquarters/trailhead in Fitzwilliam (1.2 mi/1.9 km to the summit). A loop (4.1 mi/6.5 km) via both trails is possible. The mountain is open to hiking, picnicking, and snowshoeing in the winter. Leashed pets are allowed in Rhododendron State Park.
Dogs must be leashed in Elk Meadow Park proper, as in all other Open Space Parks. An off- leash opportunity lies just across Stagecoach Boulevard at the Elk Meadow Park Dog Off-Leash Area. On April 4, 2017, Jefferson County Open Space closed the entire 107-acre dog park within Elk Meadow Park indefinitely. This was in contrast to a previous plan intended to keep portions of the dog park open.
Due to their strong hunting instincts, it is recommended that these dogs stay fenced, leashed, and away from cats and small dogs. This is why it is crucial that they are socialized early and consistently to act appropriately with strangers. At first, chow-chows are very hesitant in interacting with strangers. However, this problem can be avoided if the owners train the chow-chow at a young age.
The event also features a multi-heat goat race competition in the adjacent parking lot. Owners run with the leashed animals but may not lead or pull them toward the finish line. The victorious goat earns the reward of having the brewery's annual Maibock named in its honor. The 2005 event was greeted by sunshine, clear skies and spring temperatures, after a number of weeks where the area saw inclement weather.
John P. Hunter wrote an excellent book on the topic, Link to the Past, Bridge to the Future: Colonial Williamsburg's Animals, which explains the importance of, as well as details how interpreters are a part, of this program. Colonial Williamsburg is a pet-friendly destination. Leashed pets are permitted in specific outdoor areas and may be taken on shuttle buses, but are not permitted in buildings except the visitor center.
Secrets of the Slavers Stockade was published by TSR in 1981 as a thirty-two page booklet with an outer folder, and was written by Harold Johnson and Tom Moldvay. The cover artwork by Jim Roslof features a drawing of two hobgoblins, one of which is a sergeant with a leashed boggle, and a party of adventurers. The interior art was done by Roslof, Dee, Willingham, and Erol Otus.Johnson, Harold, and Tom Moldvay.
Formal models are generally modeler independent. Although great skill is involved in constructing a specific model, once it is constructed, anybody with the appropriate knowledge can run it or solve it, and the model produces the same predictions regardless of who is running or solving the model. Predictions are no longer leashed to the biases or sole intuition of a single expert but, rather, to a specification that can be made public.
Specific times for the activities are available from rangers at the monument. For students and teachers, the Park Service offers programs at the monument as well as fossil kits and other materials for classroom use. Pets are allowed in developed areas and along hiking trails but must be leashed or otherwise restrained. Horses are not allowed on hiking trails, in picnic areas, or on bare rock exposures in undeveloped areas of the monument.
Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park is a state park in the U.S. state of Oregon, administered by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. This park is in Lane County near Florence and Yachats. Very Scenic wide beach, great for dogs, kids, kites. Some areas nearby are SNOWY PLOVER protected breeding areas, where dogs are banned, so be careful to keep dogs leashed if uncertain, and always in the State Park itself.
After shooting it with a musket when it tried to climb aboard the ship, the seamen decided to capture it with the hope of bringing it back to Holland. Once leashed and brought aboard the ship however, the bear rampaged and had to be killed. This occurred in Bear Creek, Williams Island. Upon discovering the Orange Islands, the crew came across a herd of approximately 200 walruses and tried to kill them with hatchets and pikes.
The film opens with a shot of an abandoned dog tied to a piece of broken furniture in a large open field. The dog is barked at and circled by another unleashed dog. The dogs continue to bark at each other while the unleashed dog runs in and out of frame while repeatedly approaching the leashed dog. The film transitions to still images and begins the narrative that is told entirely through the voice of a narrator (Robert Darmel).
Jock Gray (Donald Crisp) raises his collie Lassie to be an extraordinary sheep dog and companion. When he is beaten to death by robbers after he retires, Lassie keeps vigil over his grave and refuses to let anyone else take ownership of her. However, the law requires that all dogs be leashed and licensed by a legal owner. With no owner to pay her license and her only "home" being the church graveyard, Lassie faces an uncertain future.
Oshawa This Week, 7 October 2009. Over time, the zoo aspect of the business became more prominent, and the cabins were turned into animal shelters and storage buildings. Michael Hackenberger was the final owner of the Bowmanville Zoo. In April 2016, Hackenberger was charged with 5 counts of animal abuse by the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) due to a video obtained by PETA of Hackenberger whipping a young leashed tiger profusely while swearing at it.
Mostly this type of hunting is called "caza a traílla", where the dog leads the hunters on a leash. This type of hunting is very old and traditional, whose origin is lost in ancient times. This kind of hunting consists of looking for the wallowing location of the wild boar during the daylight with the help of a leashed scenthound. The hunter (called "montero") and the scenthound will track the boar until they know the resting location of the wild boar.
Since many leashed dogs naturally tend to pull a skier with no training, the sport cannot claim a single country of origin. As a competitive sport, however, it is believed that the first races were held in Scandinavia as an offshoot of the older sport of Pulka. Competitive racing has been taken up in North America while its older cousin Pulka racing has not yet become popular. Skijor races are held in many countries where there is snow in winter.
These stretches are favored by cyclists and kite surfers, and leashed dogs are permitted. While within Sandy Hook some laws and regulations are different. Day-trippers need be aware of the jurisdictional differences; Sandy Hook falls under 36 CFR (code of federal regulations) , United States Code, as well as New Jersey State Code in instances where federal laws do not pertain. In Sandy Hook a misdemeanor could be a federal crime while outside the park it was a minor infraction.
The most significant metaphor that is carried throughout this film is the leashed and caged barking dogs, ifromn which the film gets its title. The shots of dogs barking in various locations serve different effects and meanings in the film. Not only does it provide a break from the swift moving and ridiculous narrative, giving spectators a moment of sanity, but it also serves as a commentary on the absurd lives of the characters. The barking dogs can symbolize animals recounting the stories of their masters.
Shortly afterward, days later, she discovers the scent of those other said Fierce Dogs whilst following the trail of a western red-backed vole and tracks it down, leading her to two fully- grown Fierce Dogs from Blade's old Pack, Dagger and a grown female named Pistol, who confront her and attack her together, still believing in Blade's false prophecy, though she manages to escape. She does learn that the whole Pack of vile Fierce Dogs has been scattered since the Storm of Dogs. She flees the territory and heads farther inland, eastward, quite away from the Endless Lake, and eventually finds a longpaw log cabin at the edge of a meadow during a rainy hour. There, while attempting to raid food from the cabin's spoil-box, she runs into two young gray-and-white mongrel Leashed Dogs who are a male named Rex and a female named Coco, who are here on a vacation with their golfer longpaw owners named Tom and Danny, who are housemates; they are accompanied by none other than Whine, who has been taken in by these longpaws and Leashed Dogs and renamed Buddy by Tom and Danny.
As Loki struggles in his bonds, his wife Sigyn holds a bowl over his head to catch the venom that drips continuously from a snake. At Ragnarök he will break free and fight against the gods, battling Heimdall in a mutually fatal duel. Fenrir, whose role in the final days was revealed through prophecy, was leashed by the gods with a magical fetter created by the dwarfs. He refused to let himself be bound until one of the gods agreed to place a hand in his mouth as a pledge of release.
The earliest books in the English language to mention numbers of dog types are from the "Cynegetica" (hunting literature), namely The Art of Venery 1327 by Twiti (Twici), a treatise which describes hunting with the limer (a leashed bloodhound type), the pack of running hounds (scent hounds) greyhounds, and alaunts. More significantly in recording the use and description of various dog types, The Master of Game circa 1406 by Edward of York The Master of Game, by Edward, second Duke of York: ed. Baillie-Grohman, William.1st Ed. London: 1904 Ballantine, Hanson & Co Folio, 302pp.
" Entertainment Weekly also commented it "mixes performance footage with shots of a leashed panther." Jackson's wardrobe and suggestive choreography drew media controversy; also considered to start fashion trends. Lisa Jones of The Village Voice observed Jackson's ensemble to cause a "butt revolution" and increase the fetish for a woman's posterior among the general public, questioning "Once you've seen Janet Jackson gyrate in 'Black Cat,' can you really go back to Twiggy?" In Dear Teen Me: Authors Write Letters to Their Teen Selves, author Jo Whittemore recalled, "You think you're sexy.
The Tompkins County Dog Owners Group (TCDOG) advocates and supports the park on behalf of dog owners. The City of Ithaca and the New York State Parks Commission, along with the Town of Ithaca, and Tompkins County Board, and park user groups are in the process of planning a fenced-in, off-leash area for a dog park at the marina. As of February 2008, there is a temporary fenced-in area where Ithacans and others can come and bring their dogs to exercise. Dogs outside the fenced area are required to be leashed.
They will usually stay near camp and follow their human masters on the trail, much as dogs will, without having to be leashed or tethered. They are generally used in wilderness camping settings. A healthy and fit pack goat can carry up to 25 percent of its weight and walk up to about 12 miles per day depending on its load weight, the terrain, and the animal's conditioning. They are generally less expensive to own and operate than other pack animals since they are natural browsing animals and can feed themselves along the way.
Sections of the trail, where it passes over a fen and other wet ground are constructed as an elevated wooden boardwalk. The trail is accessible to power wheelchairs and children in strollers and wide enough for two to walk abreast. Pets are permitted on the trail but must be leashed and managed by their owners. There are a number of small side paths branching off along this part of the trail, such as the one that gives access to the top of Lighthouse Cliff for an expansive view.
During the middle of the video, the girls are seen walking with leashed dogs in their hands and Lil Wayne appears rapping his part afterwards. The camera focuses on each member during their solo part in the song as they perform a dance choreography and lip-sync the lyrics. During the end of the video, as the group sings the lines "known to carry big things", they rub the belly of Solange Knowles who was pregnant at the time of shooting. The clip ends with the girls holding the previously seen dogs in their hands.
Lucky is unsure about entering the place at first, so he refuses to follow any further. Lucky soon finds that the others have been captured in the facility (termed the Dog-Garden) by a violent yet unintelligent Pack of 16 Fierce Dogs (Doberman Pinschers) already living there, angry that the Leashed Dogs are eating their leftover kibble. Lucky uses trickery to help the hostages escape and leads them to safety. He makes them bury any trace of their owners, but Mickey holds tight to his owners' son's baseball glove.
The pathways and avenues of the cemetery and mansion make up the Woodlands Heritage National Recreation Trail, part of the National Recreation Trail program. The cemetery includes a looped road system emanating from a central paved circle see map with infrequent motor vehicle traffic, making the grounds a safe and quiet place for biking, running and walking. There is also an unpaved path that encircles the perimeter of the grounds that is a popular circuit for University City dog-walkers and runners. Leashed dogs are permitted on the grounds, which are free and open to the public from dawn to dusk.
This information includes, but is not limited to, rules to keep dogs safe, tips for introducing dogs to the beach for the first time, warnings about the danger of dogs drinking ocean water, and information about nearby RV parking and dog-friendly hotels. Prospective visitors should be aware of the policy regarding leashes: "Under existing city ordinance, dogs must remain leashed. However, for the past several years only unleashed, potentially dangerous dogs have been cited or removed." One important exception is that leashes are always required when entering and exiting the park to ensure safety near PCH.
The of trails offer the full spectrum of landscapes from the Douglas fir forests on the Inverness Ridge to the sandy beaches, rocky headlands and salt marshes near the ocean and estuaries. Cross-country travel is allowed but caution is advised as there are poison oak, stinging nettles, unstable cliffs and fragile meadows. Several miles of trail are open to bicycles and horseback riders, and at least one trail allows leashed pets. The legislation that created the wilderness contains special provisions, one of which allows mechanized vehicles on four trails or closed roads within the wilderness boundaries.
During one scene, a frustrated Tom Cruise angrily jumps up and down on a couch while Oprah Winfrey sits next to him. This is a reference to an incident on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2005, in which Cruise repeatedly jumped on the couch next to Oprah, fell to one knee and loudly professed his love for actress Katie Holmes. Cruise has been repeatedly mocked for his behavior. In another scene, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are shown to have actor Harrison Ford leashed, chained and ball-gagged, as the actor wears the fedora he wore in the Indiana Jones films.
City plan XVII View of the Old Town "Pearl of the Renaissance", "Padua of the North", "City of arcades"– these were the expressions used to describe Zamość not only because of the single Renaissance architecture monuments, but also because of its original, urban space layout. In Europe there are only two cities, built accordingly with the premises of the so-called "ideal city", one of them is Zamość. The concept of the "ideal city" was not made by the Italian architects of the Renaissance era. The "ideal city" was supposed to be geometric, straight and congruous with its form, which leashed it.
Angela remarks that Teddy is not ready to join them yet, but perhaps in the next life, and stabs and kills him in the present. After being knocked out by Angela, the Man in Black wakes up the next morning to find a noose around his neck, leashed to the saddle of his horse. He grabs the knife with which Angela stabbed Teddy and frees himself just as the horse gallops away. He encounters Charlotte, who, while trying to gain his vote to remove Ford, reveals him to be a long-time member of the board of directors.
The White Hart at Ringwood in the New Forest is said to have been the first pub so named, after King Henry VII caught such a beast nearby, had it leashed and led it back to the town in triumph, a legend with the flavour of political allegory.The dynastic Wars of the Roses between supporters of the rival houses of Lancaster and York, for the throne of England were begun when the legitimate king, Richard II, was deposed by the Lancastrian Henry of Bolingbroke, and ended in the victory of Henry VII, the Lancastrian claimant, who married the Yorkist heiress. These events were not obscure, as they may seen today.
Whine encourages her to stay the night after Tom shows Storm kindness by giving her affectionate scratches and dog food, something she is not used to experiencing from a longpaw. After spending the night in a cage, she wakes up and talks to Whine, forming an escape plan after hearing that the longpaws plan to take her to the vet just like they did with Whine. When Rex and Coco come back from their leashed walk, Whine has them open her cage and help her escape through the window. She then realizes that she misses being part of a Wild Pack and goes off to find Bella and Arrow.
Mulch is, at the same time, demoted to a patrol dog, resenting Lucky even more. Weeks later, the small, black-colored male pug mix Omega named Whine, who sees Lucky secretly meeting Bella's Pack later that night, blackmails/bribes him and makes him frame Mulch for eating pieces off a freshly-caught mule deer doe before the actual feast. Mulch is then physically harmed by Alpha (and partly by Sweet, who secretly does not like doing it) and is demoted to Omega, while Whine is promoted to a patrol dog. Bella and the rest of the Leashed Pack (without warning Lucky) soon attack the Wild Pack with red foxes.
Since 2001, Gypsy had attended science fiction and fantasy conventions, sometimes in costume, since she could blend in, even in her wheelchair. At an event in 2011, she made what may have been another escape attempt that ended when her mother found her in a hotel room with a man she had met online. Again Dee Dee produced the paperwork giving Gypsy's false, younger birth date and threatened to inform the police. Gypsy recalls that afterwards, Dee Dee smashed her computer with a hammer and threatened to do the same to her fingers if she ever tried to escape again; she also kept Gypsy leashed and handcuffed to her bed for two weeks.
Because the Maroon Bells area receives such high levels of visitor use, the USFS has established a long-term plan to protect and preserve the scenic area and larger wilderness areas. Solutions include the required use of bear canisters for backcountry campers, management of day and overnight use, leashed dog education and ticketing, reduction of heavy horse use in high use areas, and prohibiting overnight camping and excessive day use at particular sites. Recently, the US Forest Service (USFS) has come up with a paid permit plan to aid preservation efforts. The permit system was created to allow visitors to stay overnight while mitigating environmental damage and preserving the highly visited area.
Ismaïl has spared Turnavitu a life of near constant rotation, remunerating his services: the seed-bed interviews, the ritualized apologizes to the leashed badgers, the praise of Ismaïl's fashion sense, and the swabbing of canola over Ismaïl's gowns. Their relationship breaks down as Turnavitu, returning from the Balearic Islands in the form of a jerrycan, passes the common cold to Ismaïl's badgers. Sacked from his job, he contemplates suicide ("not before seeing to the extraction of four canines in his mouth"), and hurls himself into a pyre made up of Ismaïl's dresses; the patron falls into depression and "decrepitude", retreating to his seed-bed for the rest of his own life.Deligiorgis edition, p.23–29.
He recounts some of his life to Bella, where he was once owned by an abusive longpaw man that he escaped from. It is eventually decided that the Leashed Dogs cannot continue to wait for their lost longpaw owners to return, so they join Lucky as they move off into the nearby wilderness, beyond the city. After Martha saves Bruno from drowning in a river because she has webbed paws as a water- dog, Lucky teaches the Pack how to divide work based on their abilities. When Alfie finds a place (an abandoned dog-training facility) where there is food and other dogs just a little farther off, Bella, Daisy and Lucky follow him.
After finding temporary shelter beneath an overhanging rocky outcrop near a small lake, Twitch decides to leave the Pack after breaking one of his forelegs during the retreat and Mickey later leaves thinking the longpaws who used to own him and the other Leashed Dogs of the Pack are back, taking the strange cloud as a sign for this. Alpha banishes Lucky, thinking he angered the Sky-Dogs. After escaping some volcanic ash, Lucky eventually finds Mickey defending his longpaws' abandoned home against other longpaws (ragged-looking, ill ones) but his house collapses. Immediately afterward, Lucky convinces Mickey that his longpaws are never coming back, much to Mickey's sorrowful disappointment, who leaves the baseball glove on the doorstep.
Beginning in July 2013 a trial period began where pets were permitted on the trails throughout Greenlink Rotary Park Trail System but had to be leashed and managed by their owners. At this same time the Rotary Park Off Leash Park was designated adjacent to the trails, encompassing over of the greater park area. In July 2014 this became a permanent feature of the park, dogs are now permitted off leash provided the dog is under the control of the owner. The dog park area is unfenced but preserves a buffer from the Greenlink Trails, Rotary Drive, and the abutting residential properties with signage indicating where the off leash area begins and ends.
Andy is also renowned for his "free solo" exploits, having walked more than 100 different highlines without a safety leash. Andy's record for longest free solo highline held up until August 2015, with a 55m crossing at 60m high up— no leash. His leashed crossing in 2018, was nearly 3000’ long, walking 888m onsight (first try.) Andy was included in Peter Mortimer's Reel Rock 2011 film, featured on MTV, and on other international TV networks. He is credited with taking slacklining from an obscure hobby of a small portion of rock-climbers to the world media forefront on Sunday, February 5, 2012, when he performed on a trickline while Madonna sang behind him during the halftime show of the NFL Super Bowl.
The Ramble in Central Park The Central Park birdwatching incident was a confrontation on May 25, 2020, between Amy Cooper, a white woman walking her dog, and Christian Cooper (no relation), a black birdwatcher, in a section of New York City's Central Park known as the Ramble. Amy Cooper's dog was unleashed in the Ramble, an area where leashing is required; she allegedly refused Christian Cooper's request that her dog be leashed. When Christian beckoned the dog toward him with a dog treat, Amy yelled "Don't you touch my dog!" Christian started recording Amy who was not gentle with her own dog as it hung by its collar in a choking manner and ultimately placed a call to 9-1-1 by the time New York City Police Department officers responded, both parties had left.
Evans is an established UK comedian with his own BBC Radio 4 series Simon Evans Goes to Market, and with numerous TV appearances to his name. He was on Live at the Apollo (January 2013) and was a weekly regular on Stand Up for the Week (Autumn 2013, Channel 4). TV appearances have also included Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow in Sunderland (BBC One, 2010) and Edinburgh Comedy Fest Live (BBC Three, 2010). A look at the economics behind everything from sugar, alcohol, coffee, land, gold, social media and even birth, marriage and death, Simon Evans Goes to Market returned for a fifth series to BBC Radio 4 in 2019. A prolific live act, Simon toured his show Fringe Magnet in 2010–11, Friendly Fire 2011–2012, then Leashed which debuted at the Edinburgh Fringe in August 2013.
Also they were very often used to track wounded game by hunters called Ballesteros (because they used crossbows). Of course these hounds have been used since very ancient times in "caza a traílla" (leashed hound-hunting) to know previously of the hunt the resting location of bears, boars and wolves. When firearms were becoming common in northern Spain and big game populations decreased, hunters diversified their quarry and began directing their hounds to hunt rabbits, called "caza de la liebre a la vuelta", although the hunting of wild boar and roe deer continued in other areas. Today big game populations in northern Spain have increased substantially and use of the Spanish scenthound has been revived, with a fixed standard since 1982, mainly in wild boar hunting, in the traditional type of boar hunting called "caza a traílla".
Darkness Falls is the third book in the series and was released on 3 September 2013. It begins with a flashback to Lucky's pup days, where his mother is fearing that someone may have angered the Sky-Dogs due to a very intense storm. Back in the present, Alpha allows Lucky and the Leashed Dogs to stay and merge the two Packs into one Pack of 18 but Lucky is demoted to Omega and about to be scarred as punishment, but Alpha is suddenly frightened after the appearance of a loud sound and black cloud in the distance (volcanic activity) that seems too unusual to be a storm - it even briefly takes the shape of a dog. Lucky temporarily takes charge, Alpha looking incompetent on what exactly to do, and helps the Pack as they evacuate the camp for higher ground.
Lastly, commands and manners could be "leashed" to other party members or the player character; for example, "support the entire party aggressively," or "support another companion passively." Depending on the playable character's personality, and the orders companions were given, their level of co-operation would vary. Companions would have followed commands to the best of their ability, but in accordance with their personality; for example, a berserker-type companion told to attack aggressively would charge into melee combat, while an assassin-type companion would attempt to hide, and then creep about knocking foes unconscious or backstabbing. In contrast, a priestess-type companion might support the player character by casting beneficial spells, while a paladin-type would give support by attacking the player character's target, and then healing the protagonist after the battle or if he or she came close to dying.
The authors knew ahead of time that spirituality was going to be a large part of the lives of the dogs, and that domestication and wildness would affect their dependence on it, and the characters' varying degrees of belief and dependence on religion would vary throughout the course of the series. The Leashed Dogs do not really believe in the pantheon the same way Lone and Pack Dogs like Lucky do, but as they become more wild they become more spiritual, shown when they bury their owners items as an offering to Earth Dog. The dogs have a pantheon of gods for different natural elements, like forests and earth. The series begins with Lucky as a pup being told the story of the "Storm of Dogs", when this pantheon would fight and trap living dogs in the middle; this becomes the "Big Growl" which the story is centered on.
A Hidden Enemy is the second book in the series and was released on 7 May 2013. It begins in a flashback, with young Lucky's mother telling him and his siblings that wild gray wolves are not to be trusted, especially since regarding the tale of a scheming wolf named Greatfang, who tried to kill the curious granddaughter of Lightning named Nuzzle (but she survived and grew up to be a fierce warrior-dog called Wildfire), and with that Yap went to sleep, believing he'd be smarter than Nuzzle. In the present day, Lucky hears sounds of fighting and rushes to help the Leashed Pack from an attack by some members of another another dog Pack, a Wild Pack of 13, and realizes that their Alpha is a male wolfdog, who kills Alfie. An aftershock of the Big Growl occurs, causing the Packs to scatter.
Fully accurate or not, it suggests changes between the Bloodhound of then and today. The collar and long coiled rope reflect the Bloodhound's typical functions as a limer or leashed man-trailer in that period. The earliest known report of a trial of the Bloodhound's trailing abilities comes from the scientist Robert Boyle, who described how a Bloodhound tracked a man seven miles along a route frequented by people, and found him in an upstairs room of a house. With the rise of fox-hunting, the decline of deer-hunting, and the extinction of the wild boar in Great Britain, as well as a more settled state of society, the use of the Bloodhound diminished. It was kept by the aristocratic owners of a few deer parks and by a few enthusiasts, with some variation in type, until its popularity began to increase again with the rise of dog shows in the 19th century.
The limer and its handler would then set about the task of harbouring the quarry again, perhaps by following its blood-trail, and either the injured animal would be dispatched, or the hunt would resume as before. A picture of a Dutch hunting party showing a rough-haired limer The limer was a specialist tracker, probably outnumbered by raches in a lord's pack, in about the proportions 20:1, and it was highly valued. It is possible that on occasions it might be released to pursue the quarry with the pack, but normally it did not take part in the kill. The limer which had harboured the particular quarry should, according to the manuals, be the first to be rewarded with its special part of the carcass during the process of butchering it, apparent in this link, where the leashed hound is favoured with the head of the stag, while the raches wait impatiently for their share.
Lucky and his friend Sweet, a female swift-dog (greyhound), escape from a Trap House (dog pound). The two go their separate ways - Sweet wants to be part of a Pack while Lucky wishes to be a Lone Dog. When Lucky is trapped by red foxes, he is saved by his long-lost sister Squeak, now called Bella, who leads a group of six other former Leashed Dogs (dogs kept as pets by longpaws) who are sure that their owners will come back for them – these include Bruno the big, sturdy, thick-furred brown male German shepherd-chow chow mix Fight Dog, Martha the massive black water-dog (Newfoundland dog), Alfie the bulldog, Sunshine the Maltese dog, Daisy the wiry, white-and-tan, short-legged female West Highland white terrier-Jack Russell terrier mix and Mickey the Farm Dog (border collie). Lucky decides to join them temporarily and show them how to survive in this new world before going back to being a loner.
Lucky rescues the Wild Pack's female Beta swift- dog, revealed to be Sweet, who was falling into the opening chasm. Lucky hides that he is affiliated with The Leashed Pack. Sweet invites Lucky to her Pack, but he declines the offer. Bella sends Lucky as a spy to the Wild Pack, where he is temporarily made a patrol dog in the Wild Pack, briefly working with Twitch the tan male spaniel-beagle mix chase-dog and Dart the skinny, slender, brown-and-white female whippet mix - during patrol duty, you are not allowed to eat and can only have a minimum amount of water to drink because their Alpha considers it distracting from a patrol dogs duty, and it is mentioned that a now-exiled male member of this Pack broke that rule by eating a mountain cottontail corpse he found while patrolling (not only is this nameless dog banished, but the rest of the Pack do mention his name anymore).
Lucky, Snap and most of the former Leashed Dogs (except for Bruno) go on a brief mission to warn the unaggressive construction worker longpaws in the nearby abandoned coastal town about the new Growl. Although the longpaws don't understand what the dogs are telling them, they eventually see the Endless Lake moving in with a tsunami and make a run for it. Lucky leads the other dogs back up the cliff to where the rest of the Pack is after they quickly rescue a trapped longpaw man from a ground crevasse. After the Wild Pack settles down and the second Big Growl ends, Lucky tells everyone about the dreams he has seen about the Storm of Dogs and how Blade has had similar dreams, yet points out that she believes that any Fierce Dog pup that was born after the first Big Growl must die in order to please the Earth-Dog.
Also, Lucky shows signs that he has completely changed since the Storm of Dogs and since becoming a father, where he demands proper etiquette (even from his closest peers) and even forgets his own theory about how Fierce Dogs are only fierce depending on how they are raised, acting as though he never thought of it at all, making Storm wonder if Lucky has completely lost his common sense and sanity. It is later also discovered that coyotes are in the vicinity. One evening, Storm asks Moon if she saw anything on the evening of Whisper's murder while on High Watch, and Moon tells her that she did see the silhouetted shapes of two dogs wandering into the shadows of the trees before Whisper was killed (whom were obviously Whisper and the unknown criminal). Soon, longpaws are sighted not too far away, but Moon wants nothing to do with them since their kind was involved with Fiery's death, despite the former Leashed Dogs telling her that not all longpaws are bad; Thorn and Beetle insist to bring the fight to the longpaws, but Moon forbids it.

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