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"ineluctably" Definitions
  1. in a way that cannot be avoided

58 Sentences With "ineluctably"

How to use ineluctably in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "ineluctably" and check conjugation/comparative form for "ineluctably". Mastering all the usages of "ineluctably" from sentence examples published by news publications.

What do you do when democracy leads ineluctably to chaos?
According to this notion, technological progress would ineluctably benefit humanity.
That my accent is an ineluctably Southern one, however it sounds.
As a person ages, those variables don't have to ineluctably get worse.
Others desaturate and fade ineluctably to white, or regenerate as bright pastels.
Wealth may ineluctably concentrate itself over time; the ability to destroy does not.
Instead, these liberals - fixated ineluctably on anti-Trump fervor, and little else - uncritically cheer these developments.
Ineluctably, Eurasia is cohering, but that does not have to be under the stifling "togetherness" of tianxia.
And yet, as Campanis revealed when he appeared on "Nightline" this week in 1987, he was also inescapably, ineluctably racist.
No, my friends: the dream of complete self-sufficiency is within our grasp, and it begins, ineluctably, at our anuses.
The chances of a deal seem to be ebbing, even as the number of Japanese born on the islands ineluctably shrinks.
The effect of these lines, which also evoke measurements of longitude and latitude, is mesmerizing, especially as each pendant ineluctably expands.
That is a powerful basis for shared concern about the new technologies that will ineluctably figure in peace and in war.
At school, she was ineluctably drawn to courses that dealt with philanthropy, human rights and the role of international nongovernmental organizations.
Gražinytė-Tyla's podium style—elastic, buoyant, and articulate—is ineluctably an expression of her gender but is not defined by it.
Even if Mr Trump remains in favour, America's focus is shifting ineluctably to its rivalry with China in Asia and beyond.
" Ravel is "a musical organism which had lost its power of self-renewal and was ineluctably headed for its own destruction.
How many John the Baptist tributes set up a tribute to how ineluctably God's rejects maintain their faith despite it all?
The events of the day took us on a tour of this struggle — and showed why it must draw us, ineluctably, together.
In an interconnected and ineluctably integrated 21st century, it is that, far more than the Eurosceptics' purity games, that is real sovereignty.
In fact, the president is not just looking on as events ineluctably unfold; rather, he is causing the very failures he decries.
Our bones start weakening in our 30s; Alzheimer's often starts in your 60s; natural cell division leads ineluctably to mutations and disease. . . .
Every objection to communism is tainted by its ineluctably compromised source, Marx suggests: a mind that was reared on a steady diet of capitalism.
" One reviewer, writing about a program of Marian liturgical music, likened the ensemble's sound to the Virgin herself: "serenely pure, sweetly distant and ineluctably graceful.
Our particular form of democracy was founded on the premise that people ineluctably pursue selfish goals, and that those in power will want more power.
But it will not take a worst-case warming to deliver ravages dramatic enough to shake the casual sense that as time marches forward, life improves ineluctably.
It is neither a story about people who think technology will solve all our problems nor one about people who think technology is ineluctably bound to create apocalyptic new ones.
A strong appeal of Simpson's work is that she has always embraced the inherent complexity of blackness, her own blackness as well as the blackness that runs ineluctably through American history.
In this endeavour — as in others that remind us that on a very basic level we are all ineluctably bound together on this rock spinning through space — the Force is with you.  
While color and pattern are part of what makes a room seem ineluctably English, it might actually be the juxtaposition of furnishings that makes these rising designers seem so of the moment.
The coinage had nothing to do with scripts but instead expressed the ineluctably Vardian aspect of her cinema, one that is fundamentally handmade rather than industrial and fully alive to the world.
A sidebar space is devoted to 20153 photographs of New York City street scenes from 1971-81 by the great Helen Levitt (1913-230), whose gritty poetry hovers ineluctably between color and black and white.
The second covers how another character, who once lived a life of privilege as heiress to a corporate empire, gradually but ineluctably reproduces Earth's systemic inequalities and oppressions on the path to becoming a racist demagogue.
That outlook held that American interests were ineluctably intertwined with American values, and that when possible, each should reinforce the other, as when the promotion of liberty and human rights helped to weaken the Soviet Union.
This logic leads ineluctably to a third policy conclusion: The only way to decarbonize many of the most energy intensive goods and services fast enough is for wealthy people to change their behavior and consume less of them.
It will ineluctably accelerate the pace at which various artificially imposed obstacles and protectionist barriers are broken through, and will spur the formation of a new system for the international division of labor and a new global economic landscape.
Talk of an absence of assurance leads us ineluctably to the doorstep of Dolan, the owner of the fabled New York Knicks, another heir who spends copious sums of money on a team that more or less never wins.
The leveling of the world economy will lead ineluctably to a global race-to-the-bottom, he said, as workers in developed countries are forced to compete with foreign workers who can produce the same goods at a fraction of the price.
Without better funded and better crafted organization and advocacy on behalf of the poor, the propaganda and accusations now emanating from the right will ineluctably reshape the law of the land — and once institutionalized, such "remedies" could prove staggeringly difficult to reverse.
If he ran and won, that would ineluctably lead to a no-deal "hard Brexit" with Britain crashing out of the EU in 2019 — an economic disaster so great that the government is planning to stockpile food and medical supplies just in case it happens.
Mr. Trump's mannerisms and patois are ineluctably those of New York, something he plays up at times, but he came of age on the mean streets of Jamaica Estates, a wealthy, exclusive, lily-white enclave in Queens, and seems to most enjoy the ambience of his Florida retreat, Mar-a-Lago.
I'll remember the big, dumb epiphany I had around age thirty, as someone who had always defined himself against Southern stereotypes: That whatever I am was shaped, even in opposition, by the landscape and culture of North Carolina, and that I was ineluctably a North Carolinian, with both the criminal burden and progressive mandate that entails.
"Rather than suggesting coherent policies, Moore and [Art] Laffer seem to hope that a much more rapidly growing economy will provide the resources to address all these problems, and they seem to believe that this growth will follow ineluctably from the lower taxes and deregulation that lie at the heart of Trump's agenda," Mankiw wrote in his review of their book earlier this year.
We are compelled ineluctably down pre-ordained paths. Free will is an illusion. Raziel: I have been to the Tomb of Sarafan, Kain. Your dirty secret is exposed.
Through a variety of socials, dinners, banquets, retreats, inter-fraternity and sorority activities, and participation with the university community, all brothers of Beta Delta Alpha ineluctably engage with diverse people. This aims to satisfy a component of Beta Delta Alpha's mission statement (promote the moral and social culture of its members).
Journalist William Pfaff wrote: "It might be argued that socialism ineluctably breeds state bureaucracy, which then imposes its own kinds of restrictions upon individual liberties. This is what the Scandinavians complain about. But Italy's champion bureaucracy owes nothing to socialism. American bureaucracy grows as luxuriantly and behaves as officiously as any other".
Thermodynamic equilibrium is a primitive notion of the theory of thermodynamics. According to P.M. Morse: "It should be emphasized that the fact that there are thermodynamic states, ..., and the fact that there are thermodynamic variables which are uniquely specified by the equilibrium state ... are not conclusions deduced logically from some philosophical first principles. They are conclusions ineluctably drawn from more than two centuries of experiments."Morse, P.M. (1969), p. 7.
2015 saw the publication of his net Graphic Novel, The Pillbox. Neil Mukherjee wrote in The New Statesman, Hughes has captured something ineluctably English in the combination of seediness, violence, sensationlism and humour; the book's biggest effect, however is the resonance of the present-day story, which will leave at least one haunting question ringing in your head. Hughes Was commissioned by The Folio Society(2015) to illustrate Ken Kesey's novel One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
The rollicking first subject is derived from the twenty third sonata in Domenico Scarlatti's Essercizi Gravicembalo of 1738. The subsequent repeated semiquaver passage-work over a walking bass recalls the style of Georg Philipp Telemann. Handel, however, treats the material in a wholly original way: the virtuoso movement is full of purpose with an unmistakable sense of direction, as the discords between the upper parts ineluctably resolve themselves. The final menuet, marked un poco larghetto, is a more direct reworking of the minuet in the overture to the Ode.
Market-based, legislation- mediated campaigns like Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and the Precautionary Principle are among numerous campaigns that have a Zero Waste slogan hung on them by means of claims they all ineluctably lead to policies of Zero Waste. At the moment, there is no evidence that EPR will increase reuse, rather than merely moving discard and disposal into private-sector dumping contracts. The Precautionary Principle is put forward to shift liability for proving new chemicals are safe from the public (acting as guinea pig) to the company introducing them. As such, its relation to Zero Waste is dubious.
The reaction of the business community, in contrast, was to some degree intricate. Amongst positive reactions to the Overseas Trade Development Association Foundation of Japan's revision, there was a growing fear that the unbridled assistance to Southeast Asian industrialization may ineluctably drive Japanese manufacturers out of the ASEAN market. Regardless, those supporting of the doctrine argued against such thought by interpreting industrialization as the increase in standard of living which could subsequently engender higher income and more demand for Japanese products. Opposition parties, on the other hand, found themselves with no saying in the materialization of the doctrine.
In March 1971, IBT hired Paul L. Wright, one of Monsanto's toxicologists, to oversee its PCB testing. Donovan E. Gordon joined IBT as a pathologist in August 1971, and IBT finalized its safety analysis of PCBs in November 1971. Irregularities in IBT's data were discovered in April 1976 by Adrian Gross, an investigator at the Food and Drug Administration, whose aide retrieved one of the laboratory's naproxen studies that had been conducted for Syntex, a pharmaceutical company recently outed by a whistleblower.Laboratory Accused of Fudging NY Times Gross nonetheless continued to read IBT's study, which would ineluctably strike him as being unrealistic and pique his interest.
20th century man tended to find spirituality in modern psychology rather than in traditional religion. Finally, in postmodern thought, meaning is seen as projected onto or constructed in an empty, meaningless world. > Thus the modern condition begins as a Promethean movement toward human > freedom, toward autonomy from the encompassing matrix of nature, toward > individuation from the collective, yet gradually and ineluctably the > Cartesian-Kantian condition evolves into a Kafka-Beckett-like state of > existential isolation and absurdity--an intolerable double bind leading to a > kind of deconstructive frenzy.Richard Tarnas, "Epilogue", The Passion of the > Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that Have Shaped Our World > Viewgaiamind.
A young man walks a scorching Cairo street. At the entrance to the city’s pivotal main square, he notices a succulent girl. Ineluctably drawn into her magnetic field, and the swirling, palpitating square ahead, he starts to fantasize about how he would talk to her, seduce her, rape her, love her, abandon her, cherish her were he, for example, a Brazen Rake, a Brutal Bohemian, a Sensitive Painter, or a Bald Mechanic, jumping from persona to persona as his imaginings become more and more feverish, while in his mind the girl goes through a similar series of transformations. These characters—a circus parade of Egypt’s contemporary human menagerie—are not, however, mere dress-up costumes to be donned and discarded at their author’s whim.
The concept of the form of value shows how, with the development of commodity trade, anything with a utility for people can be transformed into an abstract value, objectively expressible as a sum of money; but, also, how this transformation changes the organization of labour to maximize its value-creating capacity, how it changes social interactions and the very way people are aware of their interactions. However, the quantification of objects and the manipulation of quantities ineluctably leads to distortions (reifications) of their qualitative properties. For the sake of obtaining a measure of magnitude, it is frequently assumed that objects are quantifiable, but in the process of quantification, various qualitative aspects are conveniently ignored or abstracted away from.Viktor Mayer- Schönberger and Thomas Ramge, Reinventing capitalism in the age of big data.
Punit Boolchand is a materials scientist, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computing Systems (EECS) in the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) at the University of Cincinnati (UC), where he is director of the Solid State Physics and Electronic Materials LaboratoryUniversity of Cincinnati He discovered the Intermediate Phase: an elastically percolative network glass distinguished from traditional (clustered) liquid–gas spinodals by strong non-local long-range interactions. The IP characterizes space-filling, nearly stress-free and non-aging, critically self-organized non-equilibrium glassy networks (such as window glass, ineluctably complex high-temperature superconductors, microelectronic Si/SiO2 high-k dielectric interfaces, and protein folding). His experimental data over a 25-year period (1982–2007) formed the basis for the theory of network glasses developed by James Charles Phillips and Michael Thorpe. The theory was adopted by Corning Inc.
His novel Abu Nuwas fi Amrika (Abu Nuwas in America), written during Khulusi's sojourn in Chicago, has been called an "hilarious satire" recounting the extraordinary adventures that befall the Abbasid poet Abu Nuwas, wine- and boy-lover, when he is miraculously transported into America, from his presence on a stamp brought into that country. Part parody of Arabic works on the bewildering experience of life in the West, part picaresque novel, it has the hero tour the louche subcultures, gay and heterosexual, of America from Queens through Las Vegas to Los Angeles, while rising ineluctably to become an authority in the United States on the Arab world. Notwithstanding the high satiric energy of the novel, Khulusi's intention was to introduce American culture to an Arab readership. He compares Iraqi and American nationalism and the practice of religion in his adopted culture with the Muslim faith.
In his 1983 book Beyond Objectivism and Relativism: Science, Hermeneutics, and Praxis, Bernstein diagnosed a serious issue that affects much of modern philosophy as it oscillates unendingly between two untenable positions; on the one hand, the dogmatic search for absolute truths, and on the other, the conviction that “anything goes” when it comes to the justification of our most cherished beliefs and ideas. According to Bernstein, what underlies this predicament is a deep longing for certainty, the urge “to find some fixed point, some stable rock upon which we can secure our lives against the vicissitudes that constantly threaten us.” This is what he calls the Cartesian anxiety, a mostly unacknowledged existential fear that seems to lead us ineluctably to a grand Either/Or: “Either there is some support for our being, a fixed foundation for our knowledge, or we cannot escape the forces of darkness that envelop us with madness, with intellectual and moral chaos”. Although in philosophy this Cartesian anxiety mostly shows up in the discussion of epistemological issues, Bernstein is pointing to something much deeper and universal with this notion, something that permeates almost every aspect of life and has serious ethical and political consequences.

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