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"half asleep" Definitions
  1. not completely awake : very tired

120 Sentences With "half asleep"

How to use half asleep in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "half asleep" and check conjugation/comparative form for "half asleep". Mastering all the usages of "half asleep" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Every gym session adds up — even if you're half asleep.
"I was half asleep but I was screaming," she said.
M. looks half asleep tucked under our covers in bed.
I was annoyed because I was half asleep, but I listened.
"There were people sitting in their chairs, half-asleep," Rudy said.
Initially, I found myself sedated, plastered to the couch, half asleep.
I seriously never get coffee this often, but I'm half asleep today.
I was half asleep and overheard people talking without lifting my head.
After all, you just can't tell a good story when half asleep.
It's crowded, everyone is still half asleep, and it almost always smells weird.
My half-asleep brain couldn't let go fo the feeling of being followed.
When half-asleep, she would often make funny statements in her altered state.
"I was half asleep but saw they all contained the same number," he says.
I called my mother, who on receiving the news, still half-asleep, went blank.
Perfect for when you need to do "business" while half asleep, don't you think?
He was still half asleep, a bad feeling only beginning to make itself known.
Half asleep and realized you forgot to turn off a light in the living room?
Even this morning I was half asleep and went straight for Instagram on my phone.
Kind of like when you're daydreaming —it's like entering a half-awake, half-asleep state.
""This half-asleep, half-awake state may work as a way to monitor unfamiliar surroundings.
However, there were plenty of nights when I'd be half-asleep in bed before remembering.
So she would roll out of bed half-asleep, trying to catch her 8 a.m.
I was lying on the sand half asleep when I heard Cyril calling to me.
Can you really trust yourself to safely use a hot stove while you're still half asleep?
Still half asleep, but feeling a duty to contribute to the discourse, I made a tweet.
But I'm half asleep, so I decide to turn it off and just go to bed.
She looks half asleep in one image and is playing "sniff my fingers" in the other.
We watch an old episode of Rick and Morty but are so tired we're basically half asleep.
I say goodbye half-asleep and get back into bed and set an alarm for 11 a.m.
He was like, 'We gotta go,' and I'm just like half asleep, like, 'What do you mean?
I like to start writing when I'm still half-asleep, in a state between dreaming and waking.
I decide that I won't wash my hair today and, still half asleep, crawl back into bed.
The patient reclines half asleep until someone accidentally knocks the bag over, jolting the needle in his arm.
The man's half-asleep dishes are better than what most of us can whip up at our best.
Still half asleep, she looked over and quickly realized there was a large, dying spider in her hand.
But I also sneaked another look at the daughter: half asleep, clearly hung over and quite possibly high.
Sometimes, when she's half asleep, she remembers Luke saying, "You're pretty," how serious and sincere his voice was.
I call my BF to catch up on our days, but he's half asleep and the conversation is lagging.
She would usually welcome my clumsy seduction, most of the time half asleep herself, and we'd go with it.
Half-asleep, I tried to add water to the tank, to make the flashing stop, but it didn't work.
You've reached the perfect half-asleep state where House of Cards really makes sense on, like, an elemental level.
The night out was a little much for North, who was half asleep as she left on Corey's shoulders.
So I think we see in these reflections from the past our half-asleep march to death in the now.
"I thought I was never going to come back here," said Emma after hugging her half-asleep son-in-law.
Especially on red-eyes, when we are half asleep, stuffed animals, iPads, and favorite sweatshirts have all been left behind.
I intend to shower, but I'm still half asleep and don't feel like standing so I get into a bath.
I was experiencing some sort of half-asleep hallucination, something that's been plaguing me since I was 12 years old.
I open the door for him, still half asleep, and let him do his thing as I prepare my usual breakfast.
The girl, Emily, looked half asleep, resentful, so it surprised Bev when she agreed to work without the hungover defensive lineman.
I like to take my time eating and waking up so that I'm not half asleep when I get to work.
It's not a particularly challenging request, but it's also not something you're going to be able to do while half asleep.
I hit a certain point where there's so much muscle memory, it becomes instinctive—you do it almost reflexively, half-asleep.
"There was a moment, which happened twice, where he was half asleep and not realizing what he was doing," Bella said.
With their parents gone, half-asleep in their bed in the tilt, they rock against each other for comfort and gratification.
Half-asleep, he mumbled something, but I could see that he wasn't fully awake, so I decided not to ask him again.
"This half-asleep, half-awake state may work as a way to monitor unfamiliar surroundings," study co-author Masako Tamaki told Gizmodo.
"Half Asleep" has vocalist Chris Keating singing in an affected, lilting cadence that brings to mind a court jester with a harp.
When Ethan* met Jenna* on January 1, 2018, she seemed to be half-asleep — who isn't the day after New Years Eve?
Half-asleep, I could feel a slow vibration, which was the sexual-pleasure equivalent of someone gently tapping me on the shoulder.
They woke up hours later, half asleep, and their hands went searching for their phone, which was in the bed beside them.
"I sketch in the middle of the night when I'm half-asleep and my brain goes to an image-heavy place," she says.
A half-asleep partner isn't always interested, but if they're awake and into it, you can indeed have hot sex on Ambien. Why?
I head into the kitchen still half asleep and discover that my husband actually bought four cookies yesterday at the bakery, not two.
It's deliriously unnerving to hear his half-asleep fantasies about adventures in Las Vegas and Croatia, music-industry riches, plots against rival rappers.
Katy Perry just left for Manchester ahead of her performance alongside Ariana Grande -- but she looks half asleep ... with a full bedtime getup.
I'm excited for him (as excited as I can be while half asleep), and even more excited to go to the Ducks game tonight!
She escaped in the back of a truck, and Joe Bradley found her half-asleep on a low wall in front of the arch.
The robot is a bit too hard and heavy: it weighs 4.2 pounds, which is difficult to move around the bed when you're half asleep.
"He fell into such a half-asleep, half-unconscious state that he stopped responding to me and didn't even recognize me anymore," she told Meduza.
"Lovesick in a Hotel Wildfire," the album's second single following "Half Asleep," is an ode to just that sentiment, all wily Springsteen adrenaline and wry triumph.
You roll out of bed in the morning, stretch your legs, and shuffle to the kitchen to pour yourself some breakfast cereal while you're still half asleep.
While I'm half asleep, I hear him let all three dogs out and feed them all in separate areas (since one of his dogs is food-aggressive).
There were a few nights in the beginning of my experiment when I'd be tucked into bed, half-asleep, before realizing I hadn't hit my daily minimum.
But if you have to make that first cup of joe on your own, it's not going to look pretty if you're groggy and half-asleep yourself.
In my half-asleep drunken state, it started to really annoy me, so I kept hammering the button, desperately trying to work out where the soap was.
Without thinking much about the notification, he clicked on the "change password" button and half asleep, as best he can remember, he typed in a new password.
"Still half-asleep, I grabbed the duffel bag with my food supplies and ripped it open, then grabbed chunks of Colin Bars and stuffed them into my mouth." 
There was no countdown for this celebration, and the room was filled with half-asleep people, but the cheers and applause overwhelmed the commotion from the night before.
For the qualifying rounds, the day before, Zach had arrived half asleep after travelling all night from Orange County, where he had been best man in a wedding.
A Good Appetite Crunchy, spicy and quick to make, BLT tacos are a simple after-work dinner, or a brunch you can make while you're still half-asleep.
Jesse told cops he woke up when Bridget stabbed him in the right calf, but he didn't really know what was happening because he was still half asleep.
And it was quite chilly, so although they were put in wetsuits, their metabolism was so low that they were half-asleep, half-unconscious when they were brought out.
She lost her virginity at 17 – during nonconsensual sex Schumer says she lost her virginity to a boyfriend who took advantage of her one night while she was half asleep.
The jurors' box, which should have been enclosed by a little railing, was a regular table, and instead of a jury there were three half-asleep retirees playing lay judges.
As we reported ... Jesse told cops he woke up when Bridget stabbed him in the right calf, but he didn't really know what was happening because he was half asleep.
There, following a typically energetic minute from Lil Uzi Vert, the 23-year-old's laid-back style made him seem half-asleep, accentuating his laconic style in all the wrong ways.
The United States, half-asleep at the wheel, and given to little or no oversight of our data economy, now finds itself in the standard operating position of just reacting to events.
Luckily, I had draped part of my comforter over the side of the bed where my boyfriend was, and I pretended to be half-asleep as my mom came into the room.
What I mean by basic sleep paralysis is: You're half awake and you're half asleep—either going into sleep, or maybe coming out of it—and you get a period of temporary paralysis.
That is, until one morning, half-asleep, I mistook my cheap-o drugstore eye cream for daily moisturizer, applying a heaping finger-full to my entire face before I did my usual thing.
A few months afterwards, I found myself half-asleep in an east London queer club, hanging with my best mate who had also recently come to the end of things with an ex.
My conclusion from that was either we were flying was too low to the ground because of air traffic, or I suddenly reminded a half-asleep pilot that we were flying to low.
Paul McCartney gave O'Brien a ride home after a party, and came in long enough to sing "Those Were the Days," the Mary Hopkin hit, for Carlo and Sasha, half asleep in bed.
The first couple of times this happened I checked the apartment for fires, but it's been for over three months now, and half-asleep me knows that it's just the smoke from the bushfires.
A swipe of contrasting shadow can turn your hazel eyes bright green; a well-executed coat of mascara (and a shot of espresso) can take you from half-asleep to bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
Because yeah, you could just hope the pizza delivery guy isn't up to no good and yeah, you could just keep getting up to turn off your lights when you're already half asleep in bed.
There's one other button that I like a lot: there's a big long "zzz" strip in front of everything else, which snoozes the alarm and looks like it'll be really easy to hit while half asleep.
Enter IllumiBowl 2.0, a genius night light that clips onto the rim of your toilet and glows in glorious multi-colored brilliance, allowing you to find steady footing and perfect aim, even when you're half asleep.
In the adjacent bathroom, Jack, the appealing, youthful baritone Matthew Worth, is soaking his chronically sore back in the tub, half asleep, calling out to Jackie for relief, which she administers with an injection of morphine.
I was half-asleep in my Brooklyn apartment and almost didn't pick up the phone, assuming it was a friend at a bar or a party wanting to meet, when I was in for the night.
Half-asleep and in search of the kind of comfort only weak instant coffee brewed in catering-friendly sized batches can offer, I make my way through the opulent rabbit hutch that is Las Vegas' SLS hotel.
I'm still half asleep, so instead of responding to the emails that have been sitting in my inbox like I should, I turn on Netflix and watch a show about restaurant start-ups trying to get funding.
YAWN. You know the feeling: you're half asleep at your desk, peeking out through bleary eyes at your crowded inbox and wondering just how many minutes you have to survive through before you can get some more sleep.
" In the soothing voice of a man who sounds half-asleep, Carson explained the path forward: "What we have to do now is just sort of calm down and use the amazing intellect that God has given us.
He read the book, he spoke the words and, while I was half-asleep with my eyes closed, it was as if he was making up the story himself, telling us about things he knew and had seen.
But rather than blaming it on your tools (why does brand-new mascara transfer so much product you have to wipe off the brush?) or the fact that you were half-asleep when you applied it at 7 a.m.
After some half-asleep fumbling, I end up with a haphazard meal of oatmeal with chia seeds, Burmese lamb stir fry and rice, half a cup of black tea for the caffeine, and as much water as I can handle.
Then you get jittery and you start Skyping friends in Australia, and it's fucking 2 AM and they're half asleep, and I'm chattering away, fucking 50 miles an hour, and they go, 'Are you doing what I think you're doing?
The woman reported that because she was half asleep it took her some time to realize what was happening, and that when she did, she got up, returned to her room, and called her mother — who urged her to contact police.
Honest, bold, and suckers for attention, they love the excuse mood rings give them to talk about themselves—"Oh yeah, see this orange color right here?" they'll ask the random, half-asleep person sitting next to them on the plane.
She instinctively reaches for the bucket she keeps at arm's length and, still half-asleep, begins the tedious process of scooping water up from the floor of her bedroom before it damages the food and utilities she needs to sell the next morning.
On more than one occasion the driver was also told he would not be paid if he did not complete a route — and it said he had sometimes driven when "half asleep at the wheel" in order to ensure he got paid.
About 21994 minutes into my first morning, I learned from NPR that Julian Assange had been arrested in London, which is normally the kind of information I'd receive seconds after opening my eyes, while scrolling through my phone in bed half-asleep.
Like drunken partygoers periodically stumbling into the hallway to ask where the bathroom is, two half-asleep bugs will materialize on a door frame, a third will rest on the arm of a sofa, a fourth will pause in its exhausting journey across the floor.
Much of life consists of quiet, musing moments when we seem to drift outside ourselves; moments on trains staring out the window; moments when we are half-awake, half-asleep; moments when we look at something so beautiful or surprising that we wonder, briefly, who we are.
But those colors are rare for reasons that don't matter to people who just like seeing these movies in the theater or while half-asleep on the couch, and now for the most part, there are like, two common lightsaber colors and seven known lightsaber colors.
In the week since I left, he tells me, he's twice gotten up in the middle of the night, half-asleep, to make me more comfortable—turned up the heater, pulled an extra pillow from the closet—some part of him convinced I was still in his bed.
Sources close to Raz tell TMZ ... the singer jumped in a ride-share vehicle early Thursday morning and fell asleep for the entire 27-minute drive through Jacksonville, FL. We're told when he woke up, he was still half asleep and just got out ... forgetting his LV bag.
Shaving is shaving, and I rarely feel like doing it, and though I live in a world full of seductive branding and have bought plenty of things for hardly any reason at all, I do still have my wits about me enough to realize that there is no amount of marketing that is going to make me care deeply about what razor I pass over my armpits when I am half asleep.
It was right when I started, so I wasn't really used to getting up... I used to be on call 24 hours, so I could get a call at 3 AM telling me I had to be at the airport in two hours, so I'd be half asleep having to go into work... I never knew when someone was going to call me and I had to be alert at all times and I didn't get enough sleep.

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