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331 Sentences With "ghettos"

How to use ghettos in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "ghettos" and check conjugation/comparative form for "ghettos". Mastering all the usages of "ghettos" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Just like when Irish moved, they went into Irish ghettos and Jews into Jewish ghettos et cetera.
The modern history of American ghettos, then, begins with a misunderstanding: the term acquired its awful resonance because of the Nazi ghettos, even though the conditions in American cities more closely resembled those of the older European ghettos, which were places capable of inspiring mixed feelings, among both inhabitants and scholars.
Bantustans, ghettos -- ghettostans -- and apartheid are not the solution.
Second, Italy has no Muslim ghettos like the French banlieues.
Northern and midwestern cities are home to strikingly persistent ghettos.
But Marin County's gilded ghettos abut areas of extreme poverty.
Security forces raided the ghettos, and arrested their former patrons.
The 15 areas designated as "hard ghettos" have serious problems.
At the moment I see ghettos in the clubbing framework.
You can't say, 'Now violence is OK' once they're establishing ghettos!
He blames new ghettos for violent crime (violent crime is falling).
Mr Rasmussen also announced a policy to eradicate "ghettos" by 2030.
To focus on one troubling fact, too many ghettos live on.
The existence of ghettos is no longer enforced by implacable bigots.
An outgrowth of this has been the creation of gilded ghettos.
The first of many ghettos was established in Venice in 1516.
They are stateless murderers plotting from failed-state ghettos like Libya.
Today, several thousand former child soldiers live in ghettos in Monrovia.
He knows that all Black people don't live in ghettos, right?
Many of those areas which people slander as ethnic ghettos are dynamic and vibrant communities, where no one single ethnic or racial group predominates, and where property prices have been on the rise — hardly signs of ghettos.
So it was in the ghettos, and so it was in Russia.
Aren't there other opportunities to get out of the ghettos than fighting?
"Workers in the ghettos don't know what unions are," he tells me.
"They're trying to integrate into Israel and leave their ghettos," she said.
They would break up concentrations of poverty and, by extension, all-minority ghettos.
They need to get out of their gilded ghettos and visit Brexit Britain.
Denmark is the only country to formally classify certain residential zones as ghettos.
The memorials and ghettos are like painful-but-sadly-beautiful urban hors d'oeuvres.
Nixon's solution for racial ghettos was tax breaks and incentives, not economic justice.
The townships were ghettos of isolation, full of leaky roofs and dangerous wiring.
In Barcelona and Venice, the old Jewish ghettos have themselves become tourist attractions.
"Chinatowns used to be ghettos because of segregation," he told NPR this month.
" The subtext on the BDS website explains that the wall "forces Palestinians into ghettos.
But that's light years away from ghettos and camps, to say nothing of Auschwitz.
Similarly, Shelby does not deny that high jobless rates in ghettos are a problem.
Such a bold policy suggests that the evidence for ghettos being bad is overwhelming.
European worries about ghettos stem partly from scepticism about the American model of integration.
Worse, the data show ghettos becoming increasingly concentrated sinks of poverty, disproportionately affecting non-whites.
Perhaps Britain and America will become more segregated over time, with ghettos in new places.
But the city's Jews were swiftly confined to two ghettos and then assembled for deportation.
Mr. Nixon's solution for racial ghettos was not economic justice, but tax breaks and incentives.
Black protests ensued, which turned into a resistance movement and black ghettos erupted in violence.
Since then, many Rohingya have been barred from leaving their villages or sequestered in ghettos.
Black ghettos, and whites' attitudes about them, emerged after slavery, and reinforced what slavery had established — that the black person's place was at the bottom of the American racial order, the ghettos helping to fuse in the public mind lowly status with black skin.
" "That is when blacks moved north, they were either pushed into or moved into black ghettos.
These migrants will often spend time in safe houses, which the residents of Agadez call "ghettos".
But in the ghettos of Agadez, Niger's main transit hub, some people told a different story.
Bernie Sanders on Tuesday for comments he made on Sunday about "ghettos" and African-American families.
In terms of housing, there must be a range of neighborhoods, so you don't create ghettos.
Tens of thousands of others were herded into ghettos in Budapest and killed, mostly by Hungarians.
Many Jews had their land and property seized and were sent to ghettos or labor camps.
We come from the ghettos, barrios, reservations and borders of America where there are no workshops.
Academics and activists who once sought to abolish ghettos may now speak, instead, of saving them.
Those who commit crimes in the "ghettos" will face harsher punishments than if they commit them elsewhere.
There was a lot of ghetto violence in Jamaica at that time, political violence in the ghettos.
Denmark targets immigrant "ghettos," Angela Merkel battles her own alliance and Russia stuns in the World Cup.
Nidia grew up Vale de Amoreira, another of the city's neighboring ghettos with a rich kuduro heritage.
America worries about racially segregated ghettos but has made only half-hearted attempts to break them up.
Most of Denmark's designated "ghettos" are large housing developments outside city centres, far from well-paid jobs.
America, though also worried about racially segregated ghettos, has made only half-hearted attempts to prevent them.
Incited by the media's accusations against the president, America's black ghettos ran red with blood and flame.
In the old Italian ghettos, Jews, who were ostracized by authorities, created their own tightly organized communities.
Coming down to Foggia in the wake of the road deaths, Salvini vowed to close the ghettos.
The government push to eradicate "ghettos" is being seen as yet another example of the government targeting Muslims.
There were smaller, more local bars too, in areas that would be considered more like slums or ghettos.
Today middle-class blacks, Hispanics and other minorities can and do move away from ghettos and deprived barrios.
For all its recent social and economic fragmentation, it has no French-style banlieues or American-style ghettos.
Vibrant cultural traditions survived and even flourished, but the first ghettos quickly became places of decay and disease.
Those who were murdered in the 40,000 camps, ghettos, killing fields and mass graves deserve to be remembered.
In this case, these gilded ghettos are perpetuating wealth, a sense of safety and access to great education.
D.A.: I come from Barrio Logan, which in the past was referred to as one of the ghettos.
"What if the Irish or the Jews had been unable to move out of their ghettos?" he continued.
When Americans speak of ghettos, they often mean poor, crime-ridden African-American neighbourhoods such as West Baltimore.
American ghettos were the combined product of legal discrimination, personal prejudice, flawed urban planning, and countless economic calculations.
In the 20th century, heroin became a controlled substance in America, associated with poor blacks in inner-city ghettos.
Sanders looked to clean up his comments about ghettos on Monday at a town hall organized by Fox News.
Are the super-rich augmented power brokers, who seemed to abound in Human Revolution, also getting sent to ghettos?
What Shakespeare bequeathed to us offers the possibility of an escape from the mental ghettos most of us inhabit.
But many — perhaps most— were forced into hiding, imprisoned in concentration camps and ghettos, and deported to extermination centers.
For Shelby, ghettos are something more troubling and less tractable: symptoms of the "systemic injustice" of the United States.
But a second objection is easier to examine—that ghettos harm their residents, in part by keeping them poor.
Most people who directly survived concentration camps or ghettos are now in their 258s or 24s, Mr. Schneider said.
These days he's committed to spreading the gospel in the ghettos, and can be found preaching in Lagos' crowded markets.
Paying off and dodging officials, connections also sell off migrants and refugees among themselves, or herd them in migrant ghettos.
Alien immigrants get stranded in Johannesburg and are treated as second class citizens, living in squalor and poverty in ghettos.
This reduces the risk that immigrants will cluster in ghettos, sell drugs and trade illegally, says Juan Carrasco, the mayor.
The commission described a country blighted by ghettos, neighbourhoods in which too many citizens were trapped by poverty and race.
Further, Americans are also unfamiliar with basic details of the Holocaust, such as specific names of concentration camps or ghettos.
Landlords like Tobin aren't making money in trailer parks or ghettos in spite of their poverty but because of it.
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - In urban areas of Denmark officially designated as "ghettos", some residents feel stigmatized and excluded from mainstream society.
The public scourges Minnie Mouse and Elmo are confined to mascot ghettos in Times Square known as designated activity zones.
The Reich planned to keep the Jews in ghettos until they died naturally of starvation and exposure, von Roon says.
But then you start seeing other parallels, like in Jamaica where the areas between different ghettos have been cleared out.
We represent the Black men from the ghettos across America, and let them know that you can make it out.
Hindus refused to sell houses to Muslims, forcing them to set up ghettos on the edges of the prosperous city.
Ironically, K-12 public schools in urban ghettos have returned to providing inferior education and are back to being re-segregated.
It reminds him of the shtetls, the ghettos and little villages where Jews were clustered before the Nazis came for them.
Little effort was made to integrate them, and some ended up in ghettos that some Germans say stoked inter-community tensions.
As Homs and other cities grew, ghettos sprouted on the urban fringe that were often divided according to religion and class.
Denmark formally named areas ghettos in 2010 to target specific places which they deemed needed increased attention to integrate the residents.
This was arguably also true of the Jews, who often inhabited their own separate ghettos and villages during the Middle Ages.
In his provocative book DARK GHETTOS: Injustice, Dissent, and Reform (Belknap/Harvard University, $29.95), the philosopher Tommie Shelby tackles this question.
In 1938, the Philippine president, Manuel L. Quezon, rescued more than 1,200 German Jews from Nazi ghettos and gave them refuge.
The riots cemented Mr. Modi's position as the foremost Hindu nationalist politician, and the state's Muslims increasingly sought safety in ghettos.
In paying companies to run detention centers, we are creating the perverse incentives that were also present in German camps and ghettos.
It's no coincidence the bombers came from ghettos up north, and the way that Trump talks gives the lost boy a cause.
Unlike nearby ghettos, their village of 300 households includes 30 Buddhist families, and the tragedy in March has tightened their village bonds.
"It is resulting in further impoverishment and marginalisation of already deprived urban communities, resulting in dispossession and creation of ghettos," she said.
They will be forever limited, believing that their literal and figurative ghettos are a permanent reality from which there is no escape.
"If you see detention centers that look like Nazi camps or ghettos, it is evident that people will get worried," he said.
While cultural competency for police officers can always be improved, the real solution would be the elimination of the ghettos and poverty.
Additionally, according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, there were over 2628,28503 concentration camps and ghettos in Europe during the Holocaust.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you... so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
"I am from the ghettos of America, and he is one of the most powerful billionaires," said Meek Mill of Mr. Kraft.
About 5,1003 Trawniki guards, instruments of death in occupied Poland, had served in the killing centers, Jewish ghettos and forced-labor camps.
When asked to name a concentration camp or ghetto, 45 percent of Canadians named Auschwitz, and some identified other camps or ghettos.
Restrictive hiring and housing covenants confined Black people to ghettos and tenements, and often left Black men unable to find steady employment.
Myanmar's shame: Life inside Rohingya ghettos In November of last year, the NLD swept national elections, taking around 80% of the available seats.
After World War II, the desperate need for housing in Germany led to large, soulless apartment blocks that created ethnic and economic ghettos.
It also serves a cultural one: immigrants who work assimilate far more quickly than those who are forced to sit around in ghettos.
They force them to pay 5 euros each for transport to the fields and to return to the ghettos to sleep at night.
They charge them rent in the ghettos, they even make them pay for old tyres to burn for heat and warmth in winter.
Anti-Semitism is an ancient form of hate, stretching back for millennia and leaving ghettos, pogroms, and mass industrialized murder in its wake.
"I can hear the glass crunching on Kristallnacht in the ghettos of Warsaw and Vienna when I hear that, honest," former Massachusetts Gov.
It traces a long road from the ghettos and shtetls to Broadway and Hollywood and the likes of Marlon Brando and Barbra Streisand.
We've seen this story so many times before—in the favelas of Brazil, in the suburbs of England, in the ghettos in Italy.
The curator, Donatella Calabi, argues that viewing the Venetian ghetto through the prism of the Nazi-imposed ghettos of the Shoah is misleading.
" [The New York Times] • Denmark is adopting harsh new laws targeted at immigrant "ghettos," where children will receive mandatory instruction in "Danish culture.
Correcting the effect of these gilded ghettos on people not fortunate to live, work and raise children in them may not be easy.
One Republican candidate, George Romney, called for an integration plan to loosen the "high-income white noose" of white suburbs around black ghettos.
Racial segregation by residence, while still high, is falling as the Fair Housing Act has allowed middle-class black people to escape ghettos.
"Neighbourhood schools" drive neighbourhood effects—both the beneficial ones of posh parts and the harmful ones experienced in America's growing ghettos and barrios.
Trump has also used the word "ghettos" referring to the inner cities when he described issues faced by African-Americans in the starkest terms.
And because housing discrimination often forced black families into ghettos, they weren't able to invest in housing in the same way as white families.
"I can hear the glass crunching on Kristallnacht in the ghettos of Warsaw and Vienna when I hear that, honest," Mr. Weld said Thursday.
Troublingly, 28503 percent of U.S. adults cannot identify one of the 22019,000 concentration camps or ghettos where Holocaust victims were herded, labored and slaughtered.
She and others accused the Chicago Housing Authority of discrimination in its stewardship of public housing that methodically steered low-income minorities toward ghettos.
Once a deal was struck, the recruiters drove the migrants to the ghettos on motorcycles, and the connection men paid them a small commission.
We have been divided into invisible cultural and political ghettos of citizens who do not break bread together anymore, let alone appreciate their shared values.
Ms Frederiksen and other SD politicians speak of the problem of immigrants forming "parallel societies" in Denmark, and of the need to eliminate immigrant "ghettos".
" On "Smile": "I know they hoping that it's right back to the ghettos I go / I know my pigment is not that of a businessman.
Visits to other ghettos dotted throughout Puglia found migrants from Ghana, Ivory Coast, Romania and Bulgaria struggling to eke out an existence from tomato picking.
Napoleon set out to demolish the ghettos of Western Europe in the early 19th century, but the Roman ghetto didn't fall until the late 1800s.
Measures include banning criminals from moving into the areas, giving double punishment for crimes committed in ghettos, and demolishing then rebuilding parts of the zones.
One thick folder is filled with hundreds of previously unseen poems and songs Jews composed in the ghettos and camps, which he transcribed from survivors.
Denmark is delineating ghettos not to contain immigrants, as the original ghetto in Renaissance Venice was designed to contain Jews, but to push them out.
"Chinatowns used to be ghettos because of segregation," said Peter Kwong, a professor of urban policy and planning at Hunter College in New York City.
And how could they help stop the rioting that had broken out in ghettos across America — the violent antithesis of everything for which King had stood?
"And we're going to work on our g-ghettos, are so--" Trump said, appearing to trip on his next words as he stumbled through his sentence.
It was a community wrought with the typical symbols of urban ghettos: sneakers strung on telephone lines, drug paraphernalia-littered streets, and barely kept apartment buildings.
There is the United States, where Jewish identity is increasingly a stark choice between the religious ghettos of the Orthodox or erasure and melting into America.
As the writer Naresh Fernandes describes in his book, "City Adrift: A Short Biography of Bombay," some suburban areas are acquiring the feel of religious ghettos.
The agony continued through nearly six years of German occupation, when the Nazis used Polish soil to establish the ghettos and killing fields of the Holocaust.
Until then, Mr. Museveni had dismissed Mr. Wine as a weed-smoking "hooligan" from the "ghettos" of Kampala, the capital, where he was born and raised.
So he just sort of wanders into the ghettos and streets and makes friends with a lot of down-and-outers, which is what he is.
"I can hear the glass crunching on Kristallnacht in the ghettos of Warsaw and Vienna when I hear that, honest," Weld told The New York Times.
"I can hear the glass crunching on Kristallnacht in the ghettos of Warsaw and Vienna when I hear that, honest," Weld told The New York Times.
For black families, this meant their country engineered for them a second-class experience — one that put them in poor, segregated ghettos and poor, segregated schools.
Children raised in ghettos must contend with higher crime rates and schools that do not ready them for the world of work, or even keep them safe.
The officials worry that they may end up staying on, like construction laborers did in Osaka and Tokyo after the 1960s building boom, forming Japan's poorest ghettos.
This one makes clear that ghettos are physical places that are perpetuated by vicious cycles of inequality and are justified by ideologies of cultural or racial pathology.
In pursuit of this aim, the Democrat Party uses the NAACP as a gatekeeper in keeping black kids shackled to failing K-12 public schools in ghettos.
They were Jews enlisted by the Nazi SS during the Holocaust to serve the SS in the concentration and extermination camps as well as in the ghettos.
And Reinhard Heydrich had begun to hole up all of Poland's Jews in the squalor of the ghettos, where thousands died from maltreatment, disease, starvation and exhaustion.
Mr. Trump simply doesn't go to places he sees as hostile or irrelevant to his worldview, such as Los Angeles, or most college campuses, or actual ghettos.
"Evacuating people from the ghettos is a priority only if we offer them a proper shelter and better working conditions," Mr. Iacovelli said of Mr. Salvini's remarks.
But even in concrete banlieues, there are less punitive ways for governments to encourage integration than by labelling them ghettos and pushing some of their residents out. ■
Ghettos and colour lines have been so hardy in such cities that their names inspire songs, films and fashion: the South Side, 8 Mile and the South Bronx.
In Belgium, like in France and other countries in Europe, you have these areas in cities that have over the past years, if not decades, become migrant ghettos.
Yet international aid groups say that since the Rohingya insurgent attacks last August it has been much more difficult to deliver food and other necessities to these ghettos.
Traditional believers, or even pragmatic secularists who recognize the hard science of biology, will be relegated to their ghettos as "bigots" and "haters," the moral equivalent of racists.
"We have to look at all the divisions, the tensions that have been going on for years ... the neglect of the suburbs, the ghettos, the social misery," Valls added.
Where Singaporeans can live depends in part on their ethnicity: to avoid racial ghettos, Singapore requires the composition of public-housing blocks to reflect the country's racial make-up.
It matters how Muslim immigrants arrived: some European governments recruited guest-workers en masse from specific source-countries to staff particular industries, creating jobless ghettos when those industries collapsed.
"What I meant to say is when you talk about ghettos traditionally, what you're talking about is African-American communities," said Mr. Sanders, standing near his campaign's chartered plane.
The Danish government is introducing a new set of assimilation laws that'll apply to 25 immigrant "ghettos" — largely low-income, Muslim-majority urban neighborhoods, reports the New York Times.
The courts have repeatedly chastised the agency for allowing cities to confine families to federally financed ghettos that offer little or no access to jobs, transportation or viable schools.
I'd already been down in the slums of Colombia and very quickly came to an understanding that the cartel is the authority there, the shadow power in these ghettos.
From Oslo to Milan, grumpy natives fret about the emergence in their cities of poor immigrant districts—ghettos—that no longer feel like the country they grew up in.
It makes those territories ghettos controlled by Israel, with no jurisdiction or authority over borders, security, roads, natural resources or even the very environment where Palestinians live and breathe.
At Trawniki, they were trained and then deployed across occupied Poland for brutal deportation operations in Jewish ghettos and for work in Nazi-run labor camps and killing centers.
Duneier describes the debate, among Nazi officials, between "productionists," who saw the inhabitants of Jewish ghettos as a useful source of slave labor, and "attritionists," who preferred them dead.
Ralph Fiennes gives a chilling performance as an SS second lieutenant who oversees the construction of a concentration camp at Krakow and brings in captives from liquidated Jewish ghettos.
The larger themes of the work are rooted in state-sanctioned displacement and environmental racism that, for instance, produced inner city ghettos, predominantly white subdivisions, and Native American reservations.
"It is not possible that in a progressive society such as ours ghettos should still exist," he told reporters, without saying where the shanty-town dwellers should go instead.
He won, in part, through his promise to say the unsayable: Mexicans are rapists and drug smugglers; Muslims are terrorists unless they can prove otherwise; African-Americans live in ghettos.
" But Case is the one who's described it best: "A sour and used-up ol' place," she sings in "Thrice All American," with buildings "empty like ghettos of ghost towns.
Look at all the wonderful government housing projects and the ghettos people have been herded into and compare it to the housing and lifestyle in which the political class lives.
The Nazis were systematically evicting German Jews from their homes and forcing them into communal dwellings with other Jews, from which they were later deported to ghettos or concentration camps.
" And in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Senator Orrin Hatch lamented that identity politics — "tribalism by another name" — could turn the nation into "a divided country of ideological ghettos.
My concern is that the people he was fighting for who are living outside the state's protection under alternative regimes in the ghettos will find it harder to get out.
We have a new generation coming of age, and young people are saying, 'We don't accept being locked out of the cities, kicked off the farms, and pushed into ghettos.
"Our main mission is to challenge our perception of slums, favelas, ghettos and other informal settlements around the world, and to acknowledge the citizenship and creativity of these people," he said.
I'm an adult, so even if I'm walking around in one of these so-called ghettos, the police don't have the right to ask me where I got my clothes from.
The Turkish government's more informal approach means most Syrians there are not in ghettos, as they are in parts of Europe, nor in camps, as they are in Jordan and Lebanon.
The term itself was coined in the early 90s by Italian music journalist Federico Vacalebre as a way of distinguishing the working class pop of the 'ghettos' from traditional operatic folk.
In summer time when the migrant labor force is at its fullest, say NGOs including Amnesty International and CGIL, women also move to the ghettos to cook and work as prostitutes.
Why had they insisted, even when the town was divided into two ghettos by the Nazis, that they could live in this new world and treat it like a temporary vacation?
Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi SS lieutenant colonel credited as one of the masterminds behind the transportation of Jews into concentration camps and ghettos, was found living in Argentina in the 1960s.
" In Mr. D'Souza's film, the president is a liberator blessed with Abraham Lincoln's "inner toughness," currently "saving America" from the "new Democratic plantation" of "black ghettos, Latino barrios, Native American reservations.
" Mr. Almon, who is black, said in his email to Mr. Dowd that the protesters should "go back to the ghettos and do raise their children and rebuild places like Detroit.
Despite the long history of Jewish ghettos in Europe, Duneier is at pains to show that the Nazi ghetto was not a revival of European history but a break from it.
Informal rules and discrimination by Indian landlords to keep out religious minorities and single people are eroding the multi-cultural nature of India's cities and dividing communities into ghettos, analysts say.
Their points of confluence — the deaths of family members, improbable escapes, the hardship of life in ghettos and camps — underscore the horror and, at times, the grim absurdity of surviving extermination.
Early hits included "Simmer Down" (1963), in which the Wailers and the Skatalites denounced violence and crime in the city's ghettos; in "Wash, Wash" (1963) Prince Buster lamented a life of penury.
" Fulton added: "We need a president who understands black families don't all live in ghettos -- and who has a plan to end the racial violence that too often plagues families like mine.
The biggest of the ghettos, 'Il Ghetto Rignano Garganico',a sprawling, shanty town of cardboard and wooden huts, is reached by a 50 km (30 miles) drive along pot-holed, country tracks.
" At the time, Hayes said that organizers' "goal is not to clean the air while leaving slums and ghettos, nor is it to provide a healthy world for racial oppression and war.
The security forces want to keep out would-be terrorists and Islamic extremists, and to steer new arrivals to specific places of residence to prevent new migrant ghettos from forming in cities.
So to be here 20 years later to see the Ice Cream Man anniversary, this record, the Ghettos Tryin to Kill Me, I was definitely trapped in that life, in that world.
Yet the projects' racial isolation came at a price, solidifying ghettos where our most serious social problems — unemployment, violence, confrontations with the police, inadequate student achievement, multigenerational poverty — fester to this day.
While far nicer and more comfortable than their urban counterparts, these gilded ghettos similarly narrow the vision of the people who live in them and their understanding of people outside of them.
A research associate at the Economic Policy Institute, he quite simply demolishes the notion that government played a minor role in creating the racial ghettos that plague our suburbs and inner cities.
But here is where Shelby's argument becomes more germane: He contends that the injustice of American ghettos places certain moral constraints on what the government may do to try to improve them.
Lars Lokke Rasmussen, then the prime minister, came to Mjolnerparken in March 2018 to unveil new legislation that designated as "ghettos" areas dominated by immigrants with high levels of unemployment and crime.
Starting at age 1, children from neighborhoods that the government describes as "ghettos" will receive mandatory instruction in "Danish values," including the traditions of Christmas and Easter, and in the Danish language.
Almost half of millennials polled — 2900 percent — and 220006 percent of all U.S. adults were unable to identify one of more than 2202,2628 concentration camps or ghettos in Europe used by Nazi Germany.
Belgium's integration has been somewhere between the French model, which put new immigrants in suburban ghettos, and the British and American one, which created communities like Chinatown or Little Italy, Mr. Goldstein said.
"Slum clearance has increased overcrowding among the lowest income groups; low-cost public housing has often created new ghettos," said James R. Dumpson, the city's first black welfare commissioner, in a 1959 speech.
By far the most flagrant part of the plan is that it ends any possibility for an independent sovereign Palestinian state, instead dividing the territories into ghettos and Bantustans, besieged, suffocated and isolated.
The uneasy way we discuss ghettos and gentrification says something about our discomfort with the real-estate market, which translates every living space into a commodity whose value lies mainly outside our control.
Donald Trump's blithe assumption that all black people live in ghettos with sky-high unemployment and desperate schools takes what is usually an unspoken fact of American life and makes it brutally explicit.
In fighting the requirements for entry are low and world champions come out of the slums or the ghettos as often as they come out of the most advanced facilities in the United States.
Kadyrov's control is so great that the Islamic republics have become massive no-go zones for ethnic Russians and Russian police, dwarfing the "Muslim ghettos" in European cities that Russian television loves to highlight.
Almost half of the millennials polled — 49 percent — and 45 percent of all U.S. adults were unable to identify one of more than 85033,000 concentration camps or ghettos in Europe used by Nazi Germany.
Instead of fighting this narrative, the NAACP chooses the spray-on tan of white activists Shawn King and Rachel Dolezal while paying only lip service to the plight of blacks in our nation's ghettos.
After 1900, the South had Jim Crow, a legal regime of separatism, but the rest of the country had ghettos, redlining, gerrymandering, quota and exclusion systems, and the artifice of the local school district.
Those were the years before Nazi-allied troops stormed Odessa to take it from the Soviets and rounded up Jews, including her neighbors, killing many of them and placing thousands of others in ghettos.
" The new laws aim to regulate life in 25 low-income and heavily Muslim enclaves, officially described by the government as "ghettos" and populated by what Danish newspapers call "ghetto parents" and "ghetto children.
Chicago's ghettos are in dire need of repair; they can be healed only when our politicians pursue policies that will raise our communities up instead of keeping us under the heel of the police.
This brings us back to the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which was intended to break down the walls around the country's ghettos so that at least some people could forge successful lives elsewhere.
The exhibition revisits the human ordeal of World War II through previously unknown images of life in one of the many ghettos the Nazis built to isolate Jews and streamline deportation to concentration camps.
Stone analyzed railway records of 480 of these deportations from 393 Polish towns and ghettos to calculate for the first time the month-to-month rate at which the Nazis killed Jews during Operation Reinhard.
They burst on the scene at a time when dookie gold chains were getting dookier, James Brown sampling was en vogue, and ghettos throughout the US were being littered with the hubris from crack cocaine.
Toledo, Ohio (CNN)Donald Trump on Thursday referred to inner cities for the first time on the campaign trail as "ghettos" as he promised as president to tackle the problems facing low-income African-Americans.
Cities may be seen not as economic engines of the nation but as teeming dens of crime, breeding grounds of radicalization, ghettos where drug use is the norm, and where "normal Americans" have no place.
According to Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial, the Jews of Oswiecim, whose property had been confiscated, were rounded up in 1941 and deported to ghettos, including to Sosnowiec, before being sent to the death camps.
"It is unacceptable to continue to finance places like this that create ghettos, and above all, where the living conditions don&apost protect the rights of children, women and men," Raggi wrote in a Facebook post.
Other ways to improve the situation could include ethical certification, "pre-booking lists" where farms can hire migrants without using the 'caporali', housing projects to replace ghettos, and projects to offer legal advice and medical help.
In March this year, Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen of the Liberal Party announced a plan aimed at boosting the integration of immigrants and eliminating ghettos - a word that is the same in Danish - by 2030.
Arnold R. Hirsch, a historian whose landmark study of Chicago documented the role of government policy in creating highly segregated African-American ghettos during the mid-20th century, died on March 19 in Oak Park, Ill.
When I visited Agadez three years ago, migrants packed what locals called "ghettos" at the edge of town, hanging out for weeks in the courtyards of unfinished villas waiting for a chance to cross the desert.
On these trips — encouraged by the Ministry of Education and undertaken, according to some measures, by about a third of Israel's Jewish students — teenagers visit the sites of the ghettos, the cemeteries and the death camps.
The deaths dominated prime-time television this week and were quickly seized upon by the hard-line interior minister, Matteo Salvini, who promised to stop the exploitation by breaking up the ghettos where many migrants live.
Once upon a time in the American West, the most exclusive places — Sun Valley, Aspen, Lake Tahoe, the San Juan Islands in Washington State — were known as "golden ghettos," an imperfect term used by trendy demographers.
Each Monday, Tuareg and Toubou drivers went to the migrant ghettos, collected cash from the connection men, and loaded some five thousand sub-Saharans into the beds of Toyota Hilux pickup trucks, roughly thirty per vehicle.
Lack of supply accelerates unaffordability, which creates income ghettos and pushes those on lower incomes into 2-3 hours commutes (not green!), instead of being able to live in or near the neighborhoods where they work.
The political left would desire nothing more than Christians to voluntarily remove themselves from positions of influence in this world and go into spiritual ghettos where they can easily be isolated, ignored and robbed of their influence.
The new policy, which was agreed to by the country&aposs major political parties, will force children living in "ghettos" into 25 hours of public education a week starting from the age of one,  according to Reuters .
Rather than attacking laws meant to address economic marginalization and cumulative disadvantage, the new administration should focus on how existing policies can improve education and training so that people with disabilities can break out of occupational ghettos.
If we want to restore respect for facts and break through the intellectual ghettos on both the right and left, the mainstream media will have to be aggressive without being hysterical and adversarial without being unduly oppositional.
When it comes to the neighborhoods that Duneier would call ghettos, there is some evidence that the most humane approach is not to improve them but, in effect, to dismantle them, by encouraging their inhabitants to move.
"This means families are not housed in special units for refugees, creating ghettos, but are integrated into buildings across the city, creating community and contributing to the life (of the city)," Liakou told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
Research by Patrick Sharkey, a sociologist at New York University, shows that children living in ghettos have considerably worse outcomes than their better-off peers—but those whose parents grew up in similarly desperate milieus do even worse.
" He also found no fault with the camps or ghettos some 120,000 Rohingya are forced to live in by the state, but said he'd never visited them, as he was told "they were too dangerous for an outsider.
In almost every case, the diseases were an accident not of migration, but of close urban living—but, prefiguring the current situation, the immigrants had been forced into legal or actual ghettos that facilitated the spread of illness.
In a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 25 Holocaust survivors, many of them refugees from the ghettos and concentration camps of Europe, beseeched him "to learn the lesson" and not to expel Africans seeking asylum in Israel.
Kepel has argued that much of France's left-leaning intelligentsia fails to understand the nature of the threat the country faces — not just from foreign terrorists but also from the Islamist provocateurs in its exurban ghettos, the banlieues.
Reimer, it appeared, had been deployed to at least two ghettos at the exact same time that tens of thousands of Jews were being rounded up for deportation to the Treblinka killing center or shot on the spot.
Donald Trump, the resistance, and the limits of normcore politics "No ghettos in 2030": Denmark's controversial plan to get rid of immigrant neighborhoods The 24 best TV shows of 2018 so far Before Trump, churches were increasingly multiracial.
"Sadly these neighborhoods have been turned into ghettos," Lefebvre of the SGP police union said, saying police were not sufficiently trained or equipped to deal with life in the gritty high-rise housing sprawls in the region ringing Paris.
The Danish government generally labels neighborhoods as "ghettos" if they meet two out of three requirements, according to NPR: Half of the residents are immigrants from non-Western countries, 40 percent are unemployed, or 2.7 percent have criminal convictions.
Cities turned into riot zones, a preferred tactic of Black Lives Matter leftists to manipulate the genuine misery and dissolute practices of our urban ghettos, are now on the receiving end of what amounts to a hefty ransom payment.
The problem is not Islam, he insists, but the negligence of government officials like himself in allowing self-contained ethnic ghettos to grow unchallenged, breeding anger, crime and radicalism among youth — a soup of grievances that suits Islamist recruiters.
What makes these trends explosive is that the "expansion and continued existence of high-poverty ghettos and barrios is no accident," Jargowsky writes: These neighborhoods are not the value-free outcome of the impartial workings of the housing market.
"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government," he said.
Taxpayers can swallow the costs of integrating refugees, or reject that burden and risk a defining division: White, native-born Swedes will retain jobs and comfortable lives, while dark-skinned immigrants sink into poverty and joblessness in isolated ghettos.
Taxpayers can swallow the costs of integrating refugees, or reject that burden and risk a defining division: White, native-born Swedes will retain jobs and comfortable lives, while dark-skinned immigrants sink into poverty and joblessness in isolated ghettos.
Rather than employing pickers directly and putting them on regular contracts, farmers turn to caporali, or gangmasters, who gather the laborers from various camps and ghettos that dot the countryside and drive them to the fields in overcrowded vans.
Last year the (right-wing) government controversially introduced legislation to require children living in designated poor neighbourhoods inhabited mainly by immigrants, which it calls "ghettos", to attend day care for at least 25 hours a week from the age of one.
At first, Jews from the surrounding areas flocked to Adampol, driven by the mistaken notion that it would be safer than staying in the towns and ghettos where executions and deportation to the nearby Sobibor death camp were increasingly common.
During the Second World War, the Chinese—the only immigrant community in the US to be explicitly excluded (unless Trump gets his way)—went from being marginalised and shunted into Chinatown ghettos to being allies in the fight against fascism.
Many of them, he predicted, would come to live in Muslim-majority ghettos like those in Paris, "where they don't do anything, don't work and then watch some stupid Internet films, and then some will carry out terrorist attacks," he said.
In a different place, this simple fact wouldn't feel so surprising, but in twenty-first-century L.A.—as throughout America—cross-class and cross-economic encounters are regulated and separated by gates, districts, ghettos, railway tracks, walls, and income brackets.
Fritzsche suggests that the sociology was the same throughout Europe, not only in Warsaw and in Paris but in the transit camps and the ghettos, where Jews who remained could separate themselves morally from those who were transported to their deaths.
At least when they committed their bombings, larceny, extortion, and kidnappings in the ghettos of the city's Italian immigrant working class, law enforcement seemingly paid the group—which often sent threatening letters with its namesake symbol to victims—no mind.
Neither of those approaches hold much meaning for American Jews, who, like most Americans, are more concerned with this country's ghettos, and the concentration camps it's running in Guantanamo Bay and on the Mexican border, than with rehashing any foreign martyrdom.
Having worked as a photographer before World War II, he received a job once he was confined to one of the Nazis' largest ghettos: taking pictures for the statistics department of the Judenrat, or Jewish Council, which reported to the Germans.
Some believed the event contained echoes of Jews who were held in ghettos or concentration camps during the Holocaust and resisted their persecutors by saying clandestine prayers, teaching their children the Torah or furtively blowing a ram's horn on Rosh Hashana.
Mr. Matyash receives $180 a month in German Social Security payments for Holocaust survivors who worked in Nazi ghettos, and $1,200 every three months through the Article 2 Fund, established by the German government to compensate Jewish victims of Nazi persecution.
Since the end of World War II — in part as a response to Nazi Germany's stripping Jews of their citizenship before rounding them up and shipping them to ghettos and then concentration camps — international law has codified protections for the stateless.
In February, the government announced a plan to eradicate immigrant ghettos, in part by doubling the penalties for crimes committed within their borders and requiring that children attend a mandatory 30 weekly hours of daycare from their first birthday onwards.
It paints him as the complicated person he is: willing to be a beacon of hope for overlooked and deprived youths being raised in America's ghettos while simultaneously warning them to stay away from the dangers that he prides himself on participating in.
Caine, played by Tyrin Turner in a raw portrayal, grows up in the ghettos of LA. When his best friend, O-Dog (Larenz Tate), shoots a Korean grocer down in cold-blood, the duo is forced to navigate a society that despises them.
"As German forces implemented the killing, they drew upon some Polish agencies, such as Polish police forces and railroad personnel, in the guarding of ghettos and the deportation of Jews to the killing centers," the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website says.
Before you'd heard of slavery and colonialism, of capitalism and subjection, of islands and mainlands, of cities and ghettos, when all you had to orient yourself was what was visually available to you; that is, what was in front of your eyes.
The plan has met with a mixed response in Mjolnerparken in central Copenhagen, one of the country's 25 ghettos - a term that originated in 16th-century Venice and was used to describe certain areas of the city to which Jews were restricted.
López Obrador, an Atypical Leftist, Wins Mexico Presidency in Landslide Thai Cave Search Turns to How to Rescue Trapped Team Poland Purges Supreme Court, and Protesters Take to Streets In Denmark, Harsh New Laws for Immigrant 'Ghettos' Bulwark Against an Abortion Ban?
It was the policy of the Duke of Este in the 16th century to welcome Sephardic exiles from Spain and other Jews to the city, a period when the Church was ascendant and Jews were being confined to ghettos in Rome and Venice.
The Nazis killed almost one-quarter of Holocaust victims from the towns and ghettos of western Poland with military precision and at a speed that forestalled any resistance, spurred by an August 1942 directive recorded as "Fuhrer ordered all action speeded up!" in German records.
Last year the right-wing government introduced a rule requiring children from designated poor districts inhabited mainly by immigrants, which it calls "ghettos", to attend a day-care centre for 25 hours a week from the age of one (as almost all Danish children do).
To better tailor its services to the communities it served (and to assist the federal government in its study of urban "ghettos"), Hull House researchers produced maps like this one, which shows the ethnicity of each immigrant family living in a given tenement block.
The 30-minute special, like many that have come before and after it, examined the music which painted the most vivid of honest pictures of America's ghettos, naturally causing spectators with little empathy for those realities to be at odds with the sub-genre.
There's only one answer, which is for the citizens of America to expose and heap scorn on this lying and dangerous triad of big government, liberal mainstream media, and the lost souls of the urban ghettos both these institutions feed upon for their power.
The Kerner Report, by contrast, critically rendered the failings of an array of institutions and social forces that had delivered the country to that moment of racial reckoning, beginning in the Colonial era and continuing through the formation of what were then called ghettos.
And then came the subway: hundreds of miles of track shooting out in every direction, carrying millions of immigrants out of the ghettos and into newly built homes, tying together the modern city and enabling it to become a place where anything was possible.
Likewise, the injustice of ghettos relaxes certain moral constraints, Shelby believes, on the behavior of the ghetto poor, some of whose otherwise blameworthy and punishable actions are, as he sees it, sound expressions of self-respect and legitimate resistance to an oppressive status quo.
For those in redlined "ghettos" or those with subprime mortgages that are disproportionately dealt out to people of color, reparations may finally give them access to homeownership in good neighborhoods, or they may finally be able to afford to build, maintain, and protect their own.
Those who are digging trenches and declaring "self-rule" in Sur and other cities and towns of southeastern Turkey today are mostly Kurdish youths in their teens and 20s who were born into that earlier era of violence, poverty and displacement, and grew up in radicalized ghettos.
In an interview at the offices of the committee, 100 East Forty-second Street, Mr. Troper said that 1,500,000 Jews were absolutely destitute in Poland and many of them were living in walled-up ghettos which they were not allowed to leave even during the day.
Investigations by Italian labor unions who are demanding change have revealed that a vast army of vulnerable, often stateless North African and Eastern European migrants used to pick tomato crops are controlled by illegal work-gang masters and held in slave-like conditions in rural ghettos.
The common-sense rule rightly breaks with the laissez-faire approach of the past, making it clear that compliance with civil rights and fair housing laws means abandoning the strategy of dumping affordable housing in ghettos — and giving poor residents access to areas that offer greater opportunity.
By the late 1960s, many of us who had grown up black in an era when African-Americans were locked into Northern ghettos and murdered in the South for seeking the right to vote registered our grievances by refusing to stand for the anthem at sporting events.
" Mustafa Barghouti, secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative, was scathing in his criticism: "By far the most flagrant part of the plan is that it ends any possibility for an independent sovereign Palestinian state, instead dividing the territories into ghettos and Bantustans, besieged, suffocated and isolated.
And as politicians, journalists and sociologists continue to focus attention on the well-known urban ghettos on the city's south and west sides, few are taking note of the worsening plight of places like Harvey or nearby Dolton, where concentrated poverty is now just as bad.
If this is not done, those programs will continue to concentrate the most impoverished and dependent segments of the population into the central-city ghettos where there is already a critical gap between the needs of the population and the public resources to deal with them.
In Liquor Store Theatre by Maya Stovall, a series of performances and interviews the artist conducted with people in Detroit unfolds, a series of screens are displayed in the gallery that dispel mainstream media myths about urban ghettos, and with it the ability of dance to transform these environments.
GEOFFREY L. WERTIME, NEW YORK To the Editor: Your April 8 print edition had three articles about housing: the front-page story about evictions; an editorial, "America's Federally Financed Ghettos"; and "The Gendered Politics of New York's Emasculator in Chief," by Ginia Bellafante (Big City column), which discusses Gov.
This is plausible; street style has always reflected prison culture, and moves that would work in the confines of prisons would work just as well in the confines of the similarly-designed housing projects which had come to dominate New York City's ghettos in the era of urban renewal.
The only consolation I have is that however badly conceived and badly written — and therefore harmful — a story may be, the harm will always be less than that caused by terrible political and economic mismanagement, with its accouterments of wars, guillotines, mass exterminations, ghettos, concentration camps and gulags.
There are currently numerous such ghettos in the West Bank that are partitioned and divided by the surrounding Israeli settlements deemed illegal and a violation of international law by the UN Security Council Resolution 2334 of 2016; there is also the separation wall and hundreds of military roadblocks.
Otto Kerner and stacked with leading political, civil rights and policy experts, the Kerner Commission report unveiled the relationship between institutions of American democracy and structures of racial, economic and cultural segregation that turned predominantly black ghettos stretching from Los Angeles to Harlem into what was effectively another country.
The large-scale immigration from Turkey and North Africa that began a half-century ago at a time of economic boom has — at a time of economic stagnation — led to near-ghettos in or around many European cities where the jobless descendants of those migrants are sometimes radicalized by Wahhabi clerics.
Driven by the "Warrior Pope" from a Renaissance Europe of ghettos, inquisitions, and rampant Church corruption, Énard's Michelangelo encounters a city that seems to "sway between Ottomans, Greeks, Jews and Latins," ruled by an epicurean sultan who enjoys wine, poetry, music, and the intimate company of men and women alike.
Their parents, it might be said, were still riding what Bassani calls "the euphoria of civic equality" following the Unification of Italy, when Jews, recently liberated from the ghettos, threw themselves into public life as statesmen, scientists, scholars, entrepreneurs and, with their country's entry into World War I, as soldiers.
The commission's sensitivity to the hopes and dreams of black folk trapped in segregated ghettos stood on the broad shoulders of civil rights activists such as King, even as the conditions patiently revealed the political environment that inspired black power activism and produced radical activist groups such as the Black Panthers.
To its politicians and defenders, Singapore is an achievement born of self-sacrifice, hard work and committed multiculturalism (for instance, public-housing blocks, where most Singaporeans live, must reflect the ethnic make-up of the country: "There are no segregated ghettos in Singapore," its prime minister boasted in a speech last year).
After scouring tens of thousands of names in a Yad Vashem online deportation database and searching the list of Jews who had been deported from Frankfurt to ghettos or extermination camps, Mr. Haimi said that only one name and city matched the birthday: Karoline, who was born in Frankfurt on July 3, 1929.
The sky filled with all those orbiting gadgets therefore has not only turned the earth upon its axis multiple times and surrounded it with multiple smaller spheres, but also broken it down into a familiar patchwork of seas, plains, ghettos, "street views" and possibilities of filtered vision that Google Earth presents us so readily with.
There was a time in the middle of the last century when piano-playing children in certain quarters of the Bronx and Brooklyn were often asked to entertain guests with a song called "Miami Beach Rhumba," an improbable combination of zesty Latin dance rhythms and musical inflections born of the shtetls and ghettos of Eastern Europe.
Throughout the Middle Ages, Jewish political involvement was limited to what amounted to extortion: Confined to ghettos, confined to certain occupations, forced to dress according to the sumptuary laws, and perpetually vulnerable to the depredations of hostile populaces, Jews were organized into communities, which were permitted a token degree of autonomy, and forced to pay for protection.
" Dhruv Kapadia on "As Migrant Families Are Reunited, Some Children Don't Recognize Their Mothers" Diya Kraybill on "When a Baby Is an Everyday Reminder of Rohingya Horror" Simon Levien on "Mice Don't Know When to Let It Go, Either" Emily Sawaked on "In Denmark, Harsh New Laws for Immigrant 'Ghettos'" Seohyoung on "Must Science Conflict With Spirituality?
The great merit of Mr. Rau's film was that it put "a spotlight on a stain on the consciousness of any Italian, which is the existence of ghettos for migrants who are exploited in the agricultural business in the South of Italy," said Lorenzo Marsili, the founder of the Transeuropa Festival, which hosted Mr. Rau in Palermo.
On a recent afternoon, Ms. Naassan was sitting with her four sisters in Mjolnerparken, a four-story, red brick housing complex that is, by the numbers, one of Denmark's worst ghettos: forty-three percent of its residents are unemployed, 82 percent come from "non-Western backgrounds," 873 percent have scant education and 51 percent have relatively low earnings.
Then there's his religious fixation, born from the same urge as his erotic passion but rarely articulated as clearly — his many odes to the glory of God frequently contradict each other and invite extreme suspension of disbelief ("Ghettos to the left of us, flowers to the right/there'll be bread for all of us if we can just bear the cross").
It's about the way historical policies created our modern American ghettos and their concentrated poverty; the ways in which such concentrated poverty and its blight and hopelessness can be a prime breeding ground for criminal behavior; the way these areas make poverty sticky and opportunity scarce; the way resources, from education to health care to nutrition, are limited in these areas.
Mr. Snipes was a Quaker peace activist and a conscientious objector during World War II. After the war, he worked for the United Nations in Germany, helping to relocate refugees and escorting trainloads of displaced people returning from ghettos and concentration camps to their homes in Poland and Hungary through Russian lines, according to his children, Jonathan Snipes and Susan Snipes-Wells.
The Council included both Zionist and Orthodox Jews, many of whom were aware of what the Nazis had done in neighboring countries but believed that they could somehow placate the Hungarian government and the Nazi authorities through smaller concessions — giving up furniture and other possessions, moving into ghettos created by the occupying German forces — and somehow avoid deportation to death camps until the war ended.
It was a dream that was over almost before it began and has since been condemned by all sides: by urbanists who came to hate the uniformity of its structures and their negation of street life; by minority communities who increasingly recognized these places as artificial ghettos, without the distinctive character and variety of real neighborhoods; and by the city officials who had to police the plazas.
When Trump went to Arizona to rally his supporters and brazenly pardoned Joe Arpaio, he was stepping to a political cauldron shaped by social geography: Anglos in Maricopa County had gravitated to the racist Arpaio in response to the increasing presence of immigrants from Mexico, who were close by and yet segregated into large immigrant ghettos in the Phoenix area, which has seen the Latino population grow by more than 700 percent in the past 40 years.
It is relevant because the literature of the Holocaust continues to be written anew, as the first generation of survivors bent on documenting the obscene reality of the ghettos and concentration camps (Elie Wiesel, Primo Levi, Tadeusz Borowski) has yielded to a second — and now third — generation more at ease with imaginative retellings, be they fictional accounts of the events (Jerzy Kosinski, Imre Kertesz, Leslie Epstein) or alternate histories (Jonathan Safran Foer, Michael Chabon, Howard Jacobson).

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