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"floccus" Definitions
  1. a tuft of woolly hairs on a plant
  2. [New Latin, from Latin]: one of the small masses or tufts making up certain cloud formations

9 Sentences With "floccus"

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The cloud then dissipates into cirrus. Cirrocumulus clouds come in four species: stratiformis, lenticularis, castellanus, and floccus. They are iridescent when the constituent supercooled water droplets are all about the same size.
The cloud then dissipates into cirrus. Cirrocumulus clouds come in four species which are common to all three genus-types that have limited-convective or stratocumuliform characteristics: stratiformis, lenticularis, castellanus, and floccus. They are iridescent when the constituent supercooled water droplets are all about the same size.
It is only rarely observed with stratus nebulosus. The variety lacunosus is caused by localized downdrafts that create circular holes in the form of a honeycomb or net. It is occasionally seen with cirrocumulus and altocumulus of the species stratiformis, castellanus, and floccus, and with stratocumulus of the species stratiformis and castellanus.
Fragments of his work can be found in Hermann Peter's Historicorum Romanorum fragmenta (1883). A work published under the name of L. Fenestella (De magistratibus et sacerdotiis Romanorum, 1510) is really by A. D. Fiocchi, canon and papal secretary, and was subsequently published as by him (under the Latinized form of his name, Floccus), edited by Aegidius Witsius (1561).
At the beginning of the spring season, the females start digging through their underground cells to collect pollen and nectar. The pollen that is collected is on the hind tibia, a large pollen-carrying brush, the hind femora, basket-like structure, and the trochanter, another basket called the floccus. The nectar is carried internally. Nectar load is increased in the afternoon but the amount of pollen per day does not change significantly.
Tufted clouds of the more detached floccus species are subdivisions of genus-types which may be cirriform or stratocumuliform in overall structure. They are sometimes seen with cirrus, cirrocumulus, altocumulus, and stratocumulus. A newly recognized species of stratocumulus or altocumulus has been given the name volutus, a roll cloud that can occur ahead of a cumulonimbus formation. There are some volutus clouds that form as a consequence of interactions with specific geographical features rather than with a parent cloud.
This species was first described as Cantherellus floccosus in 1834 by American mycologist Lewis David de Schweinitz, who reported it growing in beech woods in Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania. Its specific epithet is derived from the Latin floccus, meaning "tuft, or flock, of wool". In 1839, Miles Joseph Berkeley named a specimen from Canada as Cantharellus canadensis based on a manuscript by Johann Friedrich Klotzsch, noting its affinity to C. clavatus. A large specimen collected in Maine by Charles James Sprague was described as Cantharellus princeps in 1859 by Berkeley and Moses Ashley Curtis.
Altocumulus castellanus (V-28) Altocumulus floccus (V-29) Altocumulus lenticularis duplicatus (V-39) Altocumulus stratiformis translucidus undulatus (V-40) Altocumulus stratiformis perlucidus undulatus (V-41) clouds merging into altostratus opacus (V-50), with higher layer of cirrus fibratus (V-1) Fallstreak hole -altocumulus stratiformis translucidus lacunosus (V-44) Abbreviation: Ac Mid-level stratocumuliform clouds of the genus altocumulus are not always associated with a weather front but can still bring precipitation, usually in the form of virga which does not reach the ground. Layered forms of altocumulus are generally an indicator of limited convective instability, and are therefore mainly stratocumuliform in structure.
The observer, conscientiously trying to comply with ICA classification guidance, might then misclassify this cloud as an altocumulus (perhaps altocumulus floccus), although the instability creating it is at a different level compared to an altocumulus. To complicate matters even further, convective clouds of type castellanus can be generated by updrafts originating at intermediate altitudes with respect to the levels defined in the Atlas; it makes a continuum of possible altitudes. These intermediate-altitude convective clouds will have flat bases except when generating precipitation. Moreover, the altitude of their bases can be higher than the level of condensation by convection or even higher than the level of free convection; it depends on the altitude where the forcing occurs.

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