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"engraft" Definitions
  1. to join or fasten as if by grafting
  2. GRAFT
  3. GRAFT
  4. to become grafted and begin functioning normally

22 Sentences With "engraft"

How to use engraft in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "engraft" and check conjugation/comparative form for "engraft". Mastering all the usages of "engraft" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Goldstein said the team was surprised at how quickly and effectively the new stem cells were able to engraft to the damaged tissue.
"Our rulers, statesmen, and orators have not attempted to engraft republican principles into our industrial system," George McNeill, who co-authored the Knights' constitution, charged in 1887.
Researchers inject the cells into certain strains of mice and then wait for them to "engraft" — be accepted by the animal's body — and start functioning, much like a transplant.
"The challenge is going to be trying to [engraft analogous cells] in humans in a way that would be amenable with a fairly broad kind of engraftment… and that [would] not make things worse," Schwob told Gizmodo by phone.
I am too imbued with the spirit of Booker T. Washington to engraft > false virtues upon ourselves, to make ourselves that which we are not.
Homing is the phenomenon whereby cells migrate to the organ of their origin. By homing, transplanted hematopoietic cells are able to travel to and engraft (establish residence) in the bone marrow. Various chemokines and receptors are involved in the homing of hematopoietic stem cells.
However, the dosing is still high enough that the ultimate result is the destruction of both the patient's bone marrow (allowing donor marrow to engraft) and any residual cancer cells. Non-myeloablative bone marrow transplantation uses lower doses of total body irradiation, typically about 2 Gy, which do not destroy the host bone marrow but do suppress the host immune system sufficiently to promote donor engraftment.
There are several challenges that scientists face when developing or using PDX models in research. For instance, not all tumor samples will successfully engraft in an immunodeficient mouse. When engraftment does occur, clinical study protocols are difficult to standardize if engraftment rates vary. It is also expensive to house mice, maintain histopathological cores for frequent testing, and perform ex vivo passaging of tumors in mice with high tumor burdens.
Other drugs used to treat myeloma such as lenalidomide have shown promise in treating AL amyloidosis. Chemotherapy drugs are also used in conditioning regimens prior to bone marrow transplant (hematopoietic stem cell transplant). Conditioning regimens are used to suppress the recipient's immune system in order to allow a transplant to engraft. Cyclophosphamide is a common cytotoxic drug used in this manner, and is often used in conjunction with total body irradiation.
These CLP cells then migrate via the blood to the thymus, where they engraft. The earliest cells which arrived in the thymus are termed double-negative, as they express neither the CD4 nor CD8 co-receptor. The newly arrived CLP cells are CD4−CD8−CD44+CD25−ckit+ cells, and are termed early thymic progenitors (ETP) cells. These cells will then undergo a round of division and downregulate c-kit and are termed DN1 cells.
The procreation sonnets are Shakespeare's sonnets numbers 1 through 17. Although Sonnet 15 does not directly refer to procreation, the single-minded urgings in the previous sonnets, may suggest to the reader that procreation is intended in the last line: “I engraft you new”. Sonnet 16 continues the thought and makes clear that engrafting refers to recreating the young man in “barren rhyme”. Sonnet 16 goes on to urge the youth to marry and have children.
Subcutaneous PDX models rarely produce metastasis in mice, nor do they simulate the initial tumor microenvironment, with engraftment rates of 40-60%. Subrenal capsular PDX maintains the original tumor stroma as well as the equivalent host stroma and has an engraftment rate of 95%. Ultimately, it takes about 2 to 4 months for the tumor to engraft varying by tumor type, implant location, and strain of immunodeficient mice utilized; engraftment failure should not be declared until at least 6 months.
Presently, the success of adult stem cells in regenerating human myocardium is just a fraction of what it could be. Three major challenges have been observed. Adult stem cells exhibit a minimal commitment to engraft into the damaged myocardium, they have low survival rates and they have limited proliferation. The positive effects observed in clinical trials today are a result of the work of donated stem cells that persist in the damaged myocardium for just days to weeks after delivery.
When an organ is injured, its blood vessels may not be able to repair the damage because they may themselves be damaged or inflamed. An infusion of engineered endothelial cells may be able to engraft into injured tissue and acquire the capacity to repair the organ. Endothelial cells generated from mouse embryonic stem cells were functional, transplantable and responsive to microenvironmental signals. Such cells can be transplanted into different tissues, become educated by the tissue and acquire the characteristic phenotype of that organ type's endothelials.
Less influential were straightforward attempts to engraft the Berniniesque vision onto British church architecture (e.g., by Thomas Archer in St. John's, Smith Square, 1728) and the contemporary mood soon shifted toward the stripped down orthodoxy of British Palladianism popularised by Colen Campbell's influential Vitruvius Britannicus. Baroque aesthetics, whose influence was so potent in mid-17th century France, made little impact in England during the Protectorate and the first Restoration years. Colen Campbell, writing in 1715, declared the Italians had lost all taste for architecture in the pursuit of capricious novelties.
A NOG (NOD/Shi-scid/IL-2Rγnull) mouse is a new generation of severely immunodeficient mouse, developed by Central Institute for Experimental Animals (CIEA) in 2000. The NOG mouse accepts heterologous cells much more easily compared with any other type of immunodeficient rodent models, such as nude mouse and NOD/scid mouse. Thus, the mouse can be the best model as a highly efficient recipient of human cells to engraft, proliferate and differentiate. This unique feature offers a great opportunity for enhancing therapy researches of cancer, leukemia, visceral diseases, AIDS, and other human diseases.
The approach of using autologous cells ensures that they will not be rejected after transplantation. The project is notable for the high level of community involvement, including fundraisers, lab tours, and community education. Multiple sclerosis therapy development Another project in Dr. Loring’s lab is development based therapy for multiple sclerosis. In a collaboration with Tom Lane, a notable MS researcher, a type of human neural precursor cell derived from pluripotent stem cells restored motor function in a mouse model of MS. The transplanted cells do not permanently engraft within the mouse but the recovery process continues for several months before stabilizing.
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu with her son, Edward Wortley Montagu, who was variolated in March, 1718 by Dr. Charles Maitland In 1713, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's brother died of smallpox; she too contracted the virus two years later at the age of twenty-six, leaving her badly scarred. When her husband was made ambassador to Ottoman Empire, she accompanied him to Constantinople. It was here that Lady Mary first came upon variolation. Two Greek women made it their business to engraft people with pox that left them un-scarred and unable to catch the pox again.
Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease (TA-GvHD) is a rare complication of blood transfusion, in which the immunologically competent donor T lymphocytes mount an immune response against the recipient's lymphoid tissue. These donor lymphocytes engraft, recognize recipient cells as foreign and mount an immune response against recipient tissues. Donor lymphocytes are usually identified as foreign and destroyed by the recipient's immune system. However, in situations where the recipient is severely immunocompromised, or when the donor and recipient HLA type is similar (as can occur in directed donations from first-degree relatives), the recipient's immune system is not able to destroy the donor lymphocytes.
722, 785 (1949)(example "skin letter" entered into the Congressional record during legislative debate over the UCMJ) Congress enacted the UCMJ to engraft civilian forms of due process into the military justice system, while at the same time maintaining the unique authority of the commander. Under the new system, commanders retain significant formal powers over the military justice system. They refer charges to courts-martial, choose from among their subordinates to be members of the panel (the jury), and in some cases can overturn guilty verdicts and authorize or waive entirely punishment adjudged at trial. However, courts-martial are now presided over by military judges, and commanders are specifically directed to remain detached from the proceedings through Article 37 of the UCMJ.
He then cast the clay in bronze using the lost-wax technique and completed the work by placing the casts next to each other so as to create the semblance of a human being. Gesti vegetali ("Vegetation Gestures") was first displayed in exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Chicago and the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris in 1984. "Fossilized gestures that have been performed in a space," wrote the artist in 1977, "bring man closer to plants, which are compelled to live eternally under the burden of the gestures of their past." In his installation in Basel's Merian Park in 1984, he began to engraft vegetation onto his sculptures, as appears in his solo exhibition at the Marian Goodman Gallery in New York in 1985.
In Hawaii v. Mankichi (1903) his opinion stated: "If the principles now announced should become firmly established, the time may not be far distant when, under the exactions of trade and commerce, and to gratify an ambition to become the dominant power in all the earth, the United States will acquire territories in every direction... whose inhabitants will be regarded as 'subjects' or 'dependent peoples,' to be controlled as Congress may see fit... which will engraft on our republican institutions a colonial system entirely foreign to the genius of our Government and abhorrent to the principles that underlie and pervade our Constitution." Harlan delivered the majority opinion in Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. v. City of Chicago (1897), holding that due process required fair compensation to be given for any private property seized by the state.

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