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163 Sentences With "empathizing"

How to use empathizing in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "empathizing" and check conjugation/comparative form for "empathizing". Mastering all the usages of "empathizing" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Connecting and empathizing with North Koreans is certainly a positive thing to do: understanding and empathizing the people under a repressive regime is a good thing to do.
By listening, not denouncing; empathizing, not ridiculing; understanding, not dismissing.
Radical empathizing might feel like giving up, but it's the opposite.
Empathizing with someone isn't the same thing as solving their problem.
But empathizing with those who want to engage is a gift.
She also noted her comments about empathizing with other Trump supporters.
Could he shift gears from attacking to cajoling or even empathizing?
Again, that's different from empathizing with self-interested insiders and instigators.
Dr. Gottman recommends that couples practice empathizing and apologizing during disagreements.
Empathy is correctly dispassionate only when empathizing with a dispassionate person.
Empathizing with relatives' pain, she says, comes more naturally for women.
But he quickly softens up, empathizing and giving her some pepper spray.
Which generation do you find yourself understanding and empathizing with the most?
Damore cited several Wikipedia pages about topics like neuroticism, sex differences in psychology, and empathizing-systemizing theory, which is used to classify people into "empathizing" or "systemizing" buckets, and has been applied to predict people's affinity for STEM subjects.
They find themselves empathizing with others in ways they never could have before.
"  A 2002 study carried out on babies unveiled a controversial "empathizing-systemizing theory.
Empathizing with such a person is a bridge too far, Sara tells Kreizler.
The very act of empathizing so deeply seems to help people understand themselves.
"There's a difference between understanding and empathizing, and being O.K. with it," she says.
"There's this constant struggle between ego and empathizing," Baobab Studios CEO Maureen Fan said.
They're propping each other up and empathizing with each other in moments of pain.
By doing this, they are putting themselves in the shoes of the teenager;empathizing.
Empathizing with others is one way we can work against this racism and misanthropy.
Do you worry that people will be against the idea of empathizing with prisoners?
Zaki doesn't believe empathizing with someone means condoning or approving their behavior, actions, or views.
He was "mocking a liberal" — for empathizing with a girl being taken from her mother.
Lenders are empathizing with people who are struggling to pay their bills during the pandemic.
I love seeing our generation being there for one another and empathizing more with each other.
I didn't always find myself empathizing with the characters McManus intends for us to care about.
I'm consciously trying to elevate people with an empathizing voice, more than just let myself talk.
So where is the line between being moved and being damaged — and between empathizing and rubbernecking?
Mr. Trump may be clueless about nuclear strategy and incapable of empathizing with the South Koreans.
"You're laughing out of amazement and disbelief and kind of empathizing with the confusion," Brown said.
Yet they are not gestural, not figurative, and so a question arises: with what are we empathizing?
It also doesn't mean that dogs are capable of understanding or empathizing with a person's emotional state.
As his legs started tiring from running so many routes, he started empathizing with his old receivers.
That means she's capable of out-imagining, out-empathizing and ultimately outwitting anyone with a Y chromosome.
Empathizing with Buckley doesn't come naturally, but 9-1-1 seems to want us to root for him.
When an outsider joins the ranks of our friends or colleagues, empathizing with them aligns with that goal.
They eat people, cause chaos, and murder their own, but that doesn't stop me from empathizing with them.
A doctor has to keep people alive, but also keep them well, empathizing in a particularly difficult time.
When I was in Twin Falls, I found myself empathizing: These same activists refused to speak with me.
As a volunteer, I have learned the importance of empathizing, listening and communicating complex and technical matters simply.
Or, more simply put: When we look at the faces of out-group members, we avoid empathizing with them.
Empathizing has shown how to better question my assumptions and to quietly, constantly recalibrate my own perspective and worldview.
It's effectively an interactive movie, one where the interactivity is both diegetic and important to empathizing with the character.
The three of us have managed to create an intense environment of constant challenge, thinking, creating, meditating, and empathizing.
Trump is focused on his own image and needs, incapable of understanding or empathizing with Pena Nieto's political needs.
Some of the problem lies in the scripts, which swing unsteadily between lacerating the couple and empathizing with them.
Maybe it's less about projecting an image of oneself and more about empathizing with others' internal complexities and contradictions.
The best plays aren't just about empathizing with the oppressed; they're also about accepting our connection to the oppressors.
With others, you might realize through all this listening and empathizing, that you just don't want them in your life.
We added these meetings to the schedule and began the work of listening to, empathizing with, and educating our community.
The British psychologist claims that the male brain is the "systematizing brain" while the female brain is the "empathizing" brain.
On reflection, maybe our belief was more concerning the power of technology to change habits than empathizing with consumer needs.
The victim compounds their own suffering by over-empathizing with their tormentor, who is only emboldened by shows of vulnerability.
After exchanging greetings, Gruden can be heard first empathizing with Brown's situation and then asking him what exactly is going on.
Women generally also have a stronger interest in people rather than things, relative to men (also interpreted as empathizing vs. systemizing).
"Practice empathizing with your clients' client to understand what problem needs to be solved and engage with them directly," he said.
" On empathizing with a juror who forgot her number during roll call: "And I can understand your haziness on the number.
The aggravated callers take it out on the workers, who must multitask among dysfunctional, incompatible computer systems while empathizing and upselling.
Focus on positives rather than putting yourself down if you're afraid to connect and figure out your roadblocks to empathizing with others.
"Women are so used to that active empathizing with the active protagonist of a male-driven plot," the actress said last year.
Regardless of overwhelming evidence, people often appear much more capable of empathizing and believing in the perpetrators of assault than the victims.
Luckily, design and strategy company Sub Rosa has set out to make empathizing a little easier with its Questions & Empathy card deck.
It just seemed that the cultural experience of walking around as a female your entire life was useful in reporting and empathizing.
I am well aware that, for lots of viewers, the fun of watching Succession will never lie in empathizing with the Roys.
He and the other men seem to want to say that the women have forfeited reason by empathizing with the boys' suffering.
Muslims' well-documented generosity and the Ramadan spirit of empathizing with the poor must be directed at indigent Muslim communities at home.
Rather than empathizing with Rønnenfelt's pain as my own, I simply reveled in the rawness of its expression in every note and lyric.
Slovic's work has shown that the human mind is not very good at thinking about, and empathizing with, millions or billions of individuals.
"I found myself empathizing with the situation of these rejected migrants who are brought to the shore by the sea," Koraichi told Hyperallergic.
Sam encourages Caputo to quit learning about institutional and structural problems with the country; to quit empathizing with the girls being wrongfully prosecuted.
By empathizing, remembering personal details, and creating conversation consistently, you'll win over the hearts of anyone you endeavor to build a relationship with.
Those seeking reelection must find a way to claim credit for the improving economy while simultaneously empathizing with those struggling to keep up.
There is a tension in Stockbridge's photographs between empathizing with an addict's situation and feeling as if you must morally appraise their condition.
Then again, the prospect of empathizing with, say, racists and neo-Nazis who get flattering news coverage is a line you're unwilling to cross.
"I think it's an essential point in understanding and empathizing with Fosse — that he got clobbered by sex too young," Wasse told Vanity Fair.
Even if you're not able or willing to do anything to help, actively empathizing with someone teaches you about them, the world, and yourself.
In the days after the election, many commenters chafed at the idea that they ought to perform the work of empathizing with Trump's supporters.
Consider, for example, Cambridge University psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen's influential Empathizing-Systemizing theory of brains and the accompanying "extreme male brain" theory of autism.
Since he took over "The Daily Show" in 2015, Trevor Noah has shown a penchant for standing up for and empathizing with the vulnerable.
Not only do we possess privileges, we literally can't see them, and that prevents us from empathizing people who are oppressed by our position.
Still, that the pendulum may swing too far in the direction of empathizing with white working-class voters remains a concern for people of color.
Daryl Kroner and Adelle Forth, about half of convicted sex offenders exhibit psychopathology, meaning they are incapable of feeling remorse or empathizing with their victims.
And while there are countless benefits to empathizing, it's not something that comes easy to everyone — it's like a muscle that needs to be trained.
Ms. Sasamoto is interested not just in people-watching, which offers some of New York's finest theater, but in empathizing with the people being watched.
He observed black and white soldiers in the 101st Airborne sharing supplies, telling stories and jokes, and generally empathizing with one another, whatever their race.
Her focus has little to do with solving the crime or empathizing with the victims, but rather understanding the granular specifics of the motives behind it.
For example, when we become upset at television reports about a rocket landing in a densely inhabited city, we are empathizing with people we cannot see.
In her performance, Fraser plays the role of male feminists, both empathizing with them and exposing their failure to empathize with the goals of the Women's Movement.
The popularity of the Borja cultural center and the Museum of Bad Art nods to a deeply human quirk: taking pleasure in, and empathizing with, others' mistakes.
Most of all, I would have asked this nurse to wrestle with why her discomfort with abortion kept her from empathizing with the person who needed it.
So, that sense of knowing and empathizing and embracing and fighting for that person — based on a character they see on TV — that takes a long time.
It's too late to stop now, though, and I just blot my streaming eyes and keep going, my mouth empathizing with the residents of King's Landing more and more.
It may sound strange, but empathy absolutely belongs in these (very different) settings, and there's a body of research that suggests that empathizing really can improve relationships with others.
Instead of empathizing with Ariana and Tom's feelings, Jax flew off the handle, with Brittany egging him on ("Knock him the fuck out!" she literally screamed during their argument).
This is why it's possible to understand someone's perspective, to have cognitive empathy, but to have no interest in empathizing emotionally or in doing anything to solve that person's problem.
Armed with whiteboards, buzzwords, mind-maps, and rainbow colored Post-its, consultants apply the well-worn tenets of design thinking—empathizing, ideating, prototyping and so on—to America's restaurant landscape.
If a passenger is being obnoxious, just saying "I'm sorry you have to deal with that" or empathizing with "people can be such jerks" can score you status-worthy treatment.
And I'm wary of the fact that any show that roots itself in an awful protagonist's headspace for so long tends to eventually end up empathizing with him, even inadvertently.
"Almost everybody has something about them that's worth empathizing with," McKinnon says, before laughing: "There's a couple that I'm not sure about in the world right now, but…" He grins.
For me, the big challenge was to construct this episode in a way that in the end you're sort of conned into empathizing and caring about what happens to him.
And yet I can imagine for instance an audience member with liberal commitments wondering if they're supposed to be empathizing with the characters onstage, and whether that's a good thing.
"I just kept watching more and more of that content, sympathizing and empathizing with her and also seeing that, wow, she really knows what she's talking about," Cain told Roose.
Ways to identify T-shaped people User-centered (aka customer-centric, human-centered) thinking is a way of framing problems with a clear starting point: understanding and empathizing with user needs.
The My Girl actress — who is married to business executive Shaun So — touches on how sweet it is to see the sisters empathizing with each other at such a young age.
Now, as a professor, I teach the virtues of empathizing with one's adversaries, of understanding why those with whom you vehemently disagree think what they think and do what they do.
When Joe Neguse discussed his newborn child on the campaign trail in his congressional race in Colorado, he found himself empathizing with constituents concerned about early education for their own children.
It was less of an album and more of a crystal ball, peering into our technology-driven future (now present) and empathizing with our emotions before we had even felt them.
On Saturday, Trump doubled down, a day after being criticized for empathizing with the plight of Porter, his former staff secretary, while ignoring the violent accounts detailed by Porter's ex-wives.
Such development includes understanding and managing emotions and stress, listening to and empathizing with others with different perspectives, collaborating with peers to solve problems, and fostering a culture of respect and trust.
For these assumptions, researchers blamed not individual prejudice but deeply ingrained unconscious stereotypes about people of color, as well as physicians' difficulty in empathizing with patients whose experiences differ from their own.
In the age of the antihero, Jane was a guiding light, a moral compass, a heroine to whom we could aspire while empathizing with her mistakes and cheering on her every victory.
In the wake of Mr. Trump's largely unpredicted election, there has been much hand-wringing in the media about doing a better job of understanding and empathizing with some of his voters.
Whether they agree or disagree, performance coaches listen and ask questions to better understand where they're coming from prior to discussing potential commonalities between their own cultural backgrounds or perhaps empathizing with concerns.
This experience succeeds because it uses that process of empathizing — trying to understand what goes on in the minds of others — while it confounds our expectations around our own bodies, around what sight is.
He devoured Betty Friedan's 226 feminist manifesto, The Feminine Mystique, and found himself agreeing, if not downright empathizing, with the feminist leader's depictions of society squandering women's choices in the home, bedroom, and workplace.
That is why taking time to understand other cultures and learning a second language are vital to educating ourselves about the world and empathizing with those who may not view life exactly like us.
Arguably, the best way to gain much-needed perspective is through empathizing with the multitude of voices we hear in the film, and perhaps most important the voices from those with whom we reflexively disagree.
Progressives who believe in the redemptive power of empathy, compassion and forgiveness for, say, formerly incarcerated men and women looking to rehabilitate their lives somehow stop short for empathizing with any conservative who says something wrong.
He could think —he was empathizing with the tree, for heaven's sake, for having been taken out of the woods and into New York City, where it was foolishly clad—but he really could not speak.
Taylor may overcome the over-empathizing this episode (hilarious that this show praises a lack of empathy and is kinda right about it), but Taylor also shows Axe that they can see him for who he is.
Eminem raps that if he could go back in time, he would reword that moment to be more about empathizing with Dreamers and the marginalized people that Trump has disenfranchised rather than focusing so much on insulting him.
In other words, as you read, you think, "'This person does this and it reminds me of this person I know,' and when you think deeply in that way, you get better at empathizing with others," Oatley said.
" Hillary tells Bill, "You can't help but make my thing about you," acidly noting that she would like to get the Bill who's famous for listening and empathizing because the Bill she gets "tramples me time after time.
Does the lack of playable mothers also have something to do with the fact that the alleged average gamer—a heterosexual man, even if official statistics vehemently contradict that stereotype—has little interest in empathizing with a mother?
Foster's belief that by living as an animal he is exercising his ability to empathize, and that by empathizing he is developing his ability to live as himself, is the most fascinating part of Being a Beast to me.
While the two works are not especially similar in tone, theme, or comic sensibility, they do share an interest in exploring the awesome messiness of the human experience, empathizing with imperfect characters, and making you laugh really, really hard.
The emotionally gripping show, based on Jay Asher's 2007 YA novel, has viewers talking about its depiction of issues like rape and suicide, empathizing with (and critiquing) its cast of characters, and theorizing about what the hell happened next.
REACH stands for recalling the incident that hurt you; empathizing with the person who wronged you; thinking of forgiving that person as an altruistic gift; committing yourself to forgiving them; and then holding onto that forgiveness without taking it back.
As ominous as it is to imagine a person you've never met watching your every move — comparing you to mugshots and anticipating whether you'll commit a crime — imagine instead software working at top speed and incapable of empathizing with you.
She doesn't fit in with the frivolity of Louise and her companions whose privileged status keeps them from empathizing with the poor that huddle on the streets of Paris, or with those that Claire cares for in the charity hospital.
" Putin will presumably offer a similar approach to Trump on Monday, empathizing with his complaints that the Mueller investigation, which has now laid 191 criminal charges against 32 people and three companies, is nothing but "fake news" and a "witch hunt.
And earlier this year, Flynn cheered a coup attempt trying to overthrow Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, before later empathizing with the leader in Ankara and calling for the U.S. to extradite a Muslim cleric alleged to be stirring revolutionary sentiments.
Asia also did a great job of empathizing with The Vixen and saying that she understood her anger, she just wanted to make sure The Vixen knew why she's angry and that she's channeling that anger in the right direction.
This presupposes there is a particular "systemizing" brain type that we could meaningfully describe as "the male brain," that drives ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that distinguish the typical boy and man from the typical "empathizing" girl and woman.
It is thrilling to be in the room with the two of them once their cat-and-mouse game commences: Marco, unctuous, a savant of manipulation; Cercas, recoiling in his chair, empathizing against his will, trying desperately not to be used.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads TOULOUSE, France — The tipsy rapture experienced when in close contact with fine timeworn vanitas seems to stem from the discord felt between enjoyably empathizing with the ultimate barrenness that awaits us, and apprehending that barrenness.
When reproducible productivity and coherent, completed tasks are the ingredients for addictive gaming, an ethical shift occurs: Rewards are laid out for the completion of tasks and not for emotional labors like empathizing with a friend or taking care of a sick parent.
"It just felt irreverent to play that song ... from my perspective, I'm really empathizing and thinking of the families that lost somebody," Foster said, adding that "Pumped Up Kicks" was written to try to get inside the head of a psychotic individual.
When my straight friends weren't empathizing with the frustration I felt as I tried to help my then girlfriend come out to her family, for example, I knew there was a place where I could turn to be heard, validated, and loved.
Ms. Katayama informed me that I was, however, her largest client to date, which resulted in her struggling with the geometric limitations of the sheet and me empathizing with all the clothing I'd packed into suitcases by brute force over the years.
On the flip side, perhaps the normalization of home assistant technology (Amazon Alexa) and the rise of robots built to provide comfort to aging adults (Hasbro puppies, the Paro seal) are making us more attuned to the prospect of empathizing with our home goods.
Fallout director and writer Christopher McQuarrie recently explained (in this two-part, nearly six-hour-long podcast discussion with Empire magazine) that he purposely inserted moments like Lark's defense of his worldview to make viewers consider empathizing with what Lark is trying to do.
But instead of empathizing with those affected by the hikes and proposing a solution, Trump hailed it as an I-told-you-so moment: I think [Obamacare is a] disaster and I've been saying it from the time before they even voted for it.
Donald Trump tried his best to defuse some of the tension surrounding the perceived threat from North Korea Thursday, by praising the work of Chinese President Xi Jinping, empathizing with dictator Kim Jong Un, and saying he wants to use diplomacy to resolve the crisis.
BR: In the book you dismiss the idea of emotional intelligence — the idea that people can be adept at empathizing, and that this can matter more in jobs that require a lot of social interaction than pure IQ. What's your case against emotional intelligence?
Ian: On a minor level I hope that some people are finding each other through our show, that some people are seeing themselves or people like them in a new way, or they're empathizing with someone who is different than they are and changing their views.
Ms. Lakshmi, the host and an executive producer of "Top Chef" as well as model, wrote an op-ed in The New York Times in September revealing that she was raped at the age of 16 and empathizing with women who waited years to disclose sexual assault.
"Eighth Grade" doesn't share the sourness of Solondz's film, however, empathizing strongly with Kayla (Elsie Fisher) as she posts would-be viral videos, throws herself into awkward social situations and rolls her eyes at her overly attentive single father (Josh Hamilton), who doesn't know how to help her.
Ms. Lakshmi, the host and an executive producer of "Top Chef" as well as a model, wrote an op-ed in The New York Times in September revealing that she was raped at the age of 0003 and empathizing with women who waited years to disclose sexual assault.
If there is a character whose point of view we seem intended to share, it is Anna; but you, the reader, old or young, must filter your thoughts through the lens of the omniscient narrator, and it is easy to end up feeling protective of Anna rather than empathizing with her.
And again, that gets to empathizing with the experience of people with addictionI do feel like one of the great struggles of my life has been the struggle with and against self-obsession, and again, I say that less in a self-lacerating way—it's probably one of everybody's huge struggles.
But it's hard not to wonder whether alienation is perhaps just a bit overstated for the sake of empathizing with the ranch residents, from whom Gaffney is, after all, fundamentally different: She has a home with a loving longtime partner; a fulfilling and meaningful career; the ability to speak and act with authority.
At times, as with Orlando Sunday, after the Paris attacks last year, or after the Boston bombings, Obama has seemed to do a better job explaining the reasons for the attacks and the concept of terrorism itself than empathizing with Americans suddenly confronting the prospect of death and destruction being unleashed on the homeland.
Nor can your personal 'sense of fairness' and/or 'facts/logic' shield you from causing wider offense if you also lack the ability to see beyond your own monotone boundaries (also known as having a 'limited perspective' — a typical human state that can be ameliorated by empathizing with people other than and different to yourself).
Coaches are responsible for creating the culture of their locker rooms, and if they are incapable of empathizing with victims on their own, then teams, at the very least, should use their considerable resources to offer training so they can to answer these questions in a nuanced and effective way that doesn't malign accusers.
That makes his podcast something of a test case for a political strategy that has been floated among liberals since the election of President Trump: Stop condescending and start empathizing with people on the other side of the aisle, and then — this last step is often implied but rarely stated — turn them into Democrats.
Sonically, the song "4 AM" is one of the most interesting things 2 Chainz has ever made, but the true payoff is in empathizing with Chainz's pride in his own rise, from sitting "reminiscin' 'bout the trap, playin' the first Carter" to ending up "in a group with the best rapper that's alive," in Lil Wayne.
Within a year of that article, "the use of the phrase mirror neurons more than doubled, and over the next decade, mirror neurons captured the public imagination, claiming to offer insight into everything from empathizing with therapy clients to international diplomacy, how children learn music, and how people appreciate art," wrote Harvard psychology graduate student JohnMark Taylor in a blog post on the subject.
In the summer of 2017, a Google employee named James Damore suggested in an internal email that several qualities more commonly found in women — including higher rates of anxiety — explained why they weren't thriving in a competitive world of coding; he cited the cognitive neuroscientist Simon Baron-Cohen, who theorizes that the male brain is more likely to be "systemizing," compared with women's "empathizing" brains.
Trump warns of "major, major conflict with North Korea" but war is still unlikely Trump warns of "major, major conflict with North Korea" but war is still unlikely Donald Trump tried his best to defuse some of the tension surrounding the perceived threat from North Korea Thursday, by praising the work of Chinese President Xi Jinping, empathizing with dictator Kim Jong Un, and saying he wants to use diplomacy to resolve the crisis.

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