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"docilely" Definitions
  1. in a way that shows that somebody/something is quiet and easy to control

15 Sentences With "docilely"

How to use docilely in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "docilely" and check conjugation/comparative form for "docilely". Mastering all the usages of "docilely" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In a public statement, he docilely claimed that there was no reason — none whatsoever!
She came right up to us, the dog trotting along docilely at her side.
This slew of photo facsimiles was tossed docilely into the box(es) with no linier order prescribed.
Some people have said these anchors should have quit instead of docilely reading something they believe is inaccurate propaganda that slimes fellow journalists.
Driven from Nazi Germany in 1933 subsequent to being branded a degenerate artist, Hausmann docilely dwelt on the sunny island of Ibiza where he became a prolific, sensitive, and surprisingly lyrical photographer.
After generations of docilely submitting to slaughter and consumption by humans, not to mention the amorous aspirations of their herders, one sheep almost got posthumous revenge in 2014 when a tourist began to choke on a chunk of mutton in Don Jorge's restaurant.
Why, he wonders, do so many African-Americans sympathize with immigrants who are stealing low-wage jobs from "low-skilled natives," and why do the leaders of organizations like the N.A.A.C.P. "tug at their forelock" and docilely support filibuster reform and other "overclass issues that have little to do with ­African-Americans as a group"?
Jody becomes angry at his mom and blames Melvin for the marijuana. Melvin comes home and admits to Juanita that he planted it and apologizes for it. Juanita docilely accepts Melvin's confession, causing an argument between her and Jody who feels wrongfully blamed. Jody and Melvin then get into a heated argument, which results in Melvin punching him in the face and breaking the table.
In Busman's Honeymoon the relationships of this odd triangle are worked out. Harriet cannot believe she has married Peter until Bunter calls her "Your Ladyship". Peter, utterly dependent on Bunter, is relieved when the latter accepts the new mistress. Bunter seems to accept the situation docilely, but is justified and consoled when Wimsey turns to him, not to Harriet, for assistance at a major breakthrough in the case.
However, both Jodi and Mick are concerned when Gordon undergoes a radical behavior change after a stay at the Stepford Institute for Human Behavior, afterwards thinking only of his wife Lisa, but ignoring his son and other interests. Caroline subtly manipulates the Davisons and drugs Mick at a party. When Mick reacts to the drug, Jodi is convinced that her husband has serious problems and commits him to the Stepford Institute for a cure. Mick is given mind-altering behavioral therapy and psychotropic drugs, altering him to behave docilely, but passionless.
The definition of traditional education varies greatly with geography and by historical period. The chief business of traditional education is to transmit to a next generation those skills, facts, and standards of moral and social conduct that adults consider to be necessary for the next generation's material and social success. As beneficiaries of this plan, which educational progressivist John Dewey described as being "imposed from above and from outside", the students are expected to docilely and obediently receive and believe these fixed answers. Teachers are the instruments by which this knowledge is communicated and these standards of behavior are enforced.
The subsolid person is the charmer and the hysteric - happy and successful as long as he or she is able to be hooked on the psychological climate of the environment. But the person is fickle, like a chameleon, and reacts docilely and sensitively on predominant opinions and absorbs them. Lacking actual own substance, adapting a pose is what becomes important; he or she gets a need to dramatize and attract attention. The subsolid person is assessed as quick, agile, histrionic, unpredictable, subjective, and impulsive; (Millon, Theodore, 2011, Disorders of Personality) The concept originates from Henrik Sjöbring's personality model, developed in Personality Structure and Development: A Model and its Application, (Copenhagen 1973).
The plan was discussed by the school board and subsequently endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce and local PTA. By August, the board felt that the "situation had reached emergency conditions" due to overcrowding and "sanitary and moral" issues stemming from the Mexican and Mexican American youth. In this plan to separate these students from their peers, the school board expected that "the Mexican community would docilely separate itself and send its children to the new school." This "new school" where the students were to be separated was an old two room building that came to be known within the local Mexican American community as la caballeriza, meaning "the barn," on Olive Street.
Divers at Arquipelago de Abrolhos off Bahia state have reported that adult Brazilian large-eyed stingrays "behaved docilely" toward them. This species is caught by artisanal fisheries in limited numbers, and is also collected for the private aquarium trade in Bahia; the impact of these practices on the population is unknown. Habitat degradation may also pose a threat to this species, although its range does overlap several Brazilian Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), including Parque Estadual do Parcel Manuel Luiz off Maranhão and Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos off Bahia. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) does not yet have sufficient information to assess the conservation status of this species beyond Data Deficient.
After the 1890 general election for the lower house of the Diet of Japan, the elected members proved much less amenable to government persuasion than had been anticipated by Itō Hirobumi and other members of the Meiji oligarchy. Rather than docilely rubber stamp legislation issued from the House of Peers and the genrō, the leaders of the lower house used the only leverage granted to them under the Meiji Constitution: withholding budgetary approval to show resistance. This stalemate led to earlier than anticipated dissolution of the government and new elections. Emperor Meiji expressed concern that if the same people were elected again, the same problem would recur, and suggested that regional offices encourage good people to run for office.Keene, Donald. (2002). Emperor of Japan: Meiji and his World, p. 460.

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