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"devote to" Definitions
  1. to give an amount of time, attention, etc. to something

309 Sentences With "devote to"

How to use devote to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "devote to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "devote to". Mastering all the usages of "devote to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Find a few hours each day to devote to yourself.
Goren doesn't have as much time to devote to music anymore.
What resources do we have to devote to those in need?
Underlying this objection is typically a sense that we can't afford to "waste" compassion on animal suffering, because every bit of caring we devote to that cause means we have less to devote to human suffering.
He says tech companies have more resources to devote to the issue.
How much of your life must you devote to apologizing, justifying, defending?
But there is a chunk of resources that we devote to that.
How much time did I devote to improving my time-tracking workflow?
That left them with less money to devote to growing their firms.
C: Education is an idea - need many stakeholders to devote to it.
Think about if you have permanent counter space you can devote to it.
Track workers were deployed to Sainte Devote to weld down the offending cover.
How do you balance your workouts with the time you devote to gaming?
How much time can you devote to Hesitation Wounds moving forward and touring?
He'll have more time to devote to tennis, which he called an obsession.
Most of my time in the gallery I devote to juicy boudoir libertinage.
Track workers were then deployed to Sainte Devote to weld down the offending cover.
Rich countries tend to have healthier populations and more resources to devote to sport.
The company, though, now has less cash to devote to such a buyback plan.
That's all the time you need to devote to reliving any social faux pas.
Who decides which sports you play, and how much time you devote to each?
It's totally worth the few hours and many popcorn bags you'll devote to it.
It's a time to devote to your ideas, your goals and push your boundaries.
Warren has a ton of time to devote to activities like cleaning out her closet.
I'll always value our friendship, but I don't have time to devote to hang out.
In an ideal world, we'd have unlimited time and resources to devote to our skin.
How much of your book did you want to devote to taking on those theories?
Should there be limits to how much time young people devote to a single sport?
That's a lot of time to devote to any relationship, even one as zesty as this.
Alternately, it might have just limited the budget Universal wanted to devote to another Legendary release.
And spending less time on stretching gives you more workout time to devote to getting stronger.
What better voice to devote to the issue than a British member of the European Parliament?
I asked Jeff for his assistance, as my time to devote to puzzles then was limited.
Good Girls is totally worth the few hours and many popcorn bags you'll devote to it.
At first glance, four hours seems like a lot of time to devote to the story.
A few years later came the car accident and more time to devote to puzzle making.
The secret sauce of the Turing architecture is a lot more power to devote to artificial intelligence.
For now, with seasons 1 and 2 complete, Porowski has time to devote to his principal interests.
"Lower pay means less income to devote to debt repayment and puts women at a severe disadvantage."
Looks like Spencer Pratt is going to have less time to devote to his posse of hummingbirds!
That's a lot of time to devote to warped, mopey soul that hangs around the same tempo.
Increases in the total time couples devote to unpaid housework results in significant increases in sexual frequency.
Mr. Trump might also reconsider how much time to devote to appealing to Latinos and African-Americans.
Right now, I am thinking of taking at least a semester off to devote to the movement.
All this means that America's available diplomatic and military bandwidth that it can devote to Europe must change.
He retired for good the following year, saying he needed more time to devote to his airline business.
Rewrite the code with fewer synonyms, and you have more codons to devote to non-canonical amino acids.
In this case, the savings of American lives and the bandwidth our leaders can devote to tractable issues.
Between college, babies, home ownership, and careers, it's hard to find time to devote to a financial plan.
The agency left them with no more than a few hours per week to devote to these responsibilities.
Taking time from these kinds of incidental physical activities to devote to more-formal exercise might seem laudable.
Some of those sacrifices are social: how many resources we collectively devote to a given pursuit of knowledge.
But we can't fault them for not having the time to devote to every single résumé out there.
"These massive cuts reduce the amount of funding the IRS could devote to system upgrades," Cummings said Wednesday.
How much each media company receives is based on the amount of time readers devote to its content.
That spending coexists with the hundreds of millions that foundations like Gates, Walton, and Broad devote to the issue.
A separate section for longer stories is also available, for when you have more time to devote to listening.
I get it — there are a lot of movies, and most people have limited time to devote to them.
Sure, the nurture we deserve may be more like the kind you'd devote to a slightly awkward younger sibling.
She was also pregnant and working full-time, which left her less and less time to devote to Jane.
I hate to guess at how many hours I devote to this, but it's probably 40 hours a week.
"Well maybe it's because men feel like they don't have the time to devote to applying makeup," I offer.
Once a month, Fern*, 32 and her fiancé Connor*, 25, set aside some time to devote to their relationship.
"He didn't have time to devote to an agricultural farm," explains Ronald Cairns, chair of the Friends of Ellisland.
You must also have ample free time to devote to hexing, ritual ceremonies, calling your representatives, and attending marches.
Four years ago, in a primary campaign when he had only a little time to devote to Texas, Sen.
And what better time to take up a new hobby than when you have hours to devote to it?
Sinclair pumps its news content to its affiliates — but complicated arrangements govern how much time stations devote to Sinclair's programming.
He explains that a step away from acting would give him more time to devote to his true passion: directing.
But as paintings go for more cash, I found more time to devote to the craft, experimenting with new styles.
The retired NBA star now has more time to devote to one of his long-term goals, empowering marginalized communities.
With as many temptations as possible out of the way, they have more strength to devote to reaching their goals.
As suspense has dwindled, so has television viewership and the number of hours the major broadcast networks devote to coverage.
Obama put limits on how much time she was willing to devote to the campaign trail because of family obligations.
This trend suggests users are reaching a saturation point in terms of how much time they can devote to apps.
Nor is his routine realistic for most people who don't have a movie budget to devote to health and fitness.
Patrick told CNBC that leaving NASCAR in the rearview mirror will allow her more time to devote to those projects.
"How much energy does Disney want to devote to something they don't own all of or control all of," asks Greenfield.
That's not counting the amount of time one would need to devote to maintaining the rental, emailing and greeting guests, etc.
Maybe your goal is financial independence, an early retirement, more travel cash or more time to devote to a passion project.
To the contrary, that meant both films had more time to devote to the relationships within them that were really crucial.
They recently moved closer to my sister, who just became an empty nester and has more time to devote to them.
Given those pressures, it's likely that California will be disappointed again in the amount of attention the candidates devote to it.
The "hassle" of an appeal, Terrazas said, adding homeowners should make sure they have the time to devote to the process.
Each year there will be new resources freed up to devote to compliance; full decarbonization will happen eventually, come what may.
The school district is banking on teachers agreeing to relinquish 7 percent of their earnings over two years to devote to pensions.
Employees of the cloud computing service are granted eight additional days of paid time off each year to devote to meaningful causes.
"Waves of new blood on board, we devote to the affairs of family, nation and globe, composing chapters of commitments," one read.
"I've had so much time to devote to my ideas of where I see this brand going," Westbrook said in her video.
As a result, in those decades neither the Vietnamese government nor individual families had spare resources to devote to finding the missing.
"We haven't decided to devote any more resources to it because we don't have any more to devote to it," he said.
For instance, knowing I can rely on you for plotting, I have more creative energy to devote to language, setting, et cetera. 25.
Don't forget that affordability is largely a function of your cash flow each month: What can you devote to paying down your mortgage?
How much attention he will devote to FSOC issues, though, is questionable given all the other issues on his plate, notably tax reform.
It reflects funding levels for the agencies, privacy protections, changes in how much we're going to devote to human intelligence versus signals intelligence.
In Minnesota, one public defender followed by a reporter estimated that he had about 12 minutes to devote to each client that day.
That's the rate of return you get — tax- and risk-free — on every dollar you devote to paying down your credit card debt.
The idea is that those items will attract younger collectors, ones with less disposable income and less time to devote to the practice.
Does it make it easier to do your forward planning in terms of, you know, 'how much do we devote to fossil fuels?
I'm serving on the board of a startup nonprofit organization and I never feel like I have enough time to devote to it.
But people still have a finite amount of attention — and money — to devote to video, and more players will be competing for it.
There's dinner to cook, sex to enjoy, sleep to be had, and only so many extra hours to devote to television as a couple.
This opening in the television world — which isn't exactly underpopulated right now — means that we all have more time to devote to other shows.
It is anyone's guess how much time Danske's interim boss, Jesper Nielsen, and his team have had to devote to cleaning up the mess.
And as some people have noticed, Twitter is apparently doing so with a lot more zeal than it seems to devote to purging harassment.
Is it unethical to pursue this tactic when facing contract negotiations that do not account for the unpaid hours teachers devote to their profession?
" Jung agrees: "The more raw material you have, the more time you devote to developing a skill set, the easier it is to improvise.
And few people have the time and energy to devote to such intelligent creatures, leaving many forgotten behind bars, their limbs and minds atrophied.
By contrast, the labor relations officials on the management side have no similar limits on the time they can devote to handling workers' cases.
But Ford is suffering compared with larger competitors such as General Motors, Volkswagen and Toyota, which have greater resources to devote to emerging technology.
Every minute you spend counting beans is one you can't devote to leader level-priorities, like product innovation, or personal ones, like self-care.
Write down a list of all the activities and commitments you have during your week with the amount of time you devote to each.
"It puts a strain on how much time you can devote to nonbusiness conversations," said Cunningham, who runs Magnet Media Films, a branded content studio.
To reduce the amount of time women devote to unpaid and devalued domestic work, men simply have to take on some of the workload themselves.
We were a specific group, this gaggle of writers who'd sit two or more years out from their professional lives to devote to a craft.
Start with the maximum number of hours you'd want to devote to driving and then search for locations within that drive time from your house.
He's hoping to get $25,000 per month out of her after that, claiming that he took time away from work to devote to their marriage.
If more doctors dealt with simple queries from their patients by phone or e-mail, they would have more time to devote to tricky ones.
I won't live long enough to have 10,000 hours to devote to personalized tennis training, but I have spent lots of time with a coach.
You just can't serve 100 million people without making compromises on quality—what you cover and how much resources to devote to any one thing.
Though the results may seem obtuse and confusing at times, it's honestly no worse than the actual words human music writers typically devote to him.
Young people are marrying less and later, and parents are having fewer children, so they have more attention and money to devote to each one.
Which academic department is going to give up a valuable tenure line to devote to this, given how much academic departments fight over resources already?
And for all the attention families devote to the most competitive institutions, plenty more have space available through summer and invite qualified students to apply.
"Now, I don't know how much time Disney will devote to the positives from its deal with Fox, which, coincidentally, reports on Wednesday, " he said.
The state has 13 attorneys that together handle more than 100,000 cases per year, meaning they don't have enough time to devote to any of them.
Yes, they work hard, but their work usually involves multiple projects and the amount of time they devote to any one effort is usually pretty small.
The time you can devote to reaching out to loved ones is limited and sometimes you put these calls and get-togethers lower on your list.
When making "Stacker," Mattern observed that once children entered junior high and high school, they developed other interests and had less time to devote to stacking.
The more the left lashes out over tax returns, the less energy it can devote to opposing the White House's grossly incompetent appointees and harmful legislation.
As the New York Times notes, President Obama is just 55 years old, and presumably has plenty of years left to devote to any number of projects.
This model has garnered both sites a devoted following, especially among consumers with little time to devote to researching the best possible purchase in any particular category.
The researchers say their study is an attempt to better inform the debate over how much money the U.S. government should devote to Zika prevention and treatment.
Even so, Tranquility Base is still an oddly magnetic listen, an immersive and finely crafted record that becomes more compelling the more time you devote to it.
The film is nearly two hours long (minus credits) — a big chunk of time to devote to a movie that mostly consists of a giant mispronouncing words.
As I've grown older I've become less enchanted with the imaginary worlds of fiction, and more starved for the time and energy to devote to a book.
Some of the letter signers plan to lobby lawmakers in Washington, but it is unclear how much money, if any, the companies may devote to this issue.
On the Freakonomics podcast, he says he stopped running competitively in his youth knowing the time he'd need to devote to the sport to be truly successful.
MOORE ON HIATUS Minnesota Lynx star Maya Moore has decided to skip the upcoming W.N.B.A. season, seeking more time to devote to her family and her faith.
Considering all of this, it's probably safe to assume that he won't have much time or desire to devote to personal grooming in the weeks ahead of him.
"Before buying, consider your yard's size and terrain, and think about the machine's power and how much physical effort you are willing to devote to mowing," Henriksen says.
Many others are older, far removed from the support of a high school guidance counselor, and often have limited time and money to devote to researching educational options.
A static analysis might consider the cost of security personnel, X-ray and other scanning machinery, and even the time that airline employees devote to ensuring TSA compliance.
Try to figure out how many hours a week you can devote to a paying job, while still accounting for some down time to focus on yourself.2.
With our busy schedules, our career aspirations, and our commitments to family and friends, finding time to devote to our romantic partners can often feel like a challenge.
"There's so much competition in [SVOD], and consumers are excited about it, but they've got a limited budget that they're willing to devote to these things," Ryan said.
Maybe it's getting more sleep, not checking your email first thing in the morning, or eating better so that you have more energy to devote to your career.
Since outrage erupted over the Trump administration's practice of separating families at the border, you've probably made a decision about how much attention you'll devote to the humanitarian crisis.
Mr. Biden's team is also urging allies to redouble fund-raising efforts before the calendar turns to 2020 and he has fewer days to devote to the money trail.
Which in turn means less time to devote to digital experiments to "stay at the forefront of digital change", as one of the earlier digital strategy drafts put it.
However, some people have already seen doctors and exhausted other treatments, and have extra funds to devote to sleep training, so they turn to a personalized coach for treatment.
Murphy also told Huffington Post that the singer-actress "didn't have much time to devote to AHS filming over the summer" because of the scheduling of her new album.
Most teachers find cursory treatment of letters distasteful, but this is one way for teachers to make clear how much time they devote to their jobs outside the workday.
James noted, however, that tensions and conflict in other areas of the world mean the United States has fewer resources to devote to helping neighbors in its own region.
However, with all the attention that you need to devote to your health, I don't see how you could have much time to experience and think about anything else.
A separate study in Pediatrics looked at one factor that can impact earnings - the amount of time away from work doctors devote to family life, caregiving, and household chores.
"In job interviews, you want to think about the fact that this person probably doesn't have a lot of time to devote to a long-winded conversation," Pope says.
And then there was the problem of simply finding staff and expertise to devote to other parts of the world at a time when Vietnam consumed the administration's attention.
When we connected in November, Ms. Smith said she was taking a break from writing her new collection because she couldn't find long enough stretches to devote to it.
"No one I know has the space or the time to devote to what a formal dinner party entails," says Elizabeth Gerberich, a 25-year-old living in Austin, Texas.
This means they're paid minimum wage for 40 hours a week during the season, regardless of how much time they devote to baseball (hint: it's a lot more than that).
Cohler did not give a specific reason for his departure, while Huffington said she no longer had the time to devote to Uber due to expansion of her own company.
The judge who selected her, Kimba M. Wood of Federal District Court, said that she had asked Ms. Jones how much time she could devote to the special master's role.
This means that the national Republican Party has fewer resources to spend on saving their most vulnerable incumbents and national Democrats have more resources to devote to taking them out.
If your kids aren't in school yet, the time you have to devote to an outside job are probably before they wake up, during nap, and after they're in bed.
Participants celebrate Shabbat together, but the amount of time that specific Birthright trips devote to religious practices and/or education differs depending on the group that organizes each individual trip.
In any event, the strategist familiar with McConnell's thinking predicted that the week of July 17 is the last one the GOP leader will devote to the health care debate.
Few if any physicians had that kind of time to devote to paperwork, no matter how compelling the therapy or how much the doctor cared about her or his patients.
Legislators decide how many of those hours to actually meet as a chamber, and how much to devote to competing priorities like sleep, family, recreation, fundraising, campaigning, and meeting constituents.
The more attention Ramaphosa has to pay to party squabbles, the less time he can devote to fighting corruption and pursuing reforms which could hurt his opponents' interests, they say.
Low-income voters — who may not own cars and have less time to devote to registering or standing in line — may be unable to participate if the barriers are too difficult.
By leaving the CP board, Ackman will gain time to devote to work as a board member at Valeant Pharmaceuticals and Howard Hughes, a developer and operator of master planned communities.
Instead, governments are reducing the share of spending they devote to agriculture, perhaps because city-dwellers complain more loudly when their roads have potholes or their hospitals run out of medicine.
It is unclear how much capital Goldman will ultimately devote to the effort, but individual investments will be in the tens of millions of dollars, people familiar with the plan said.
When these bets fail, local communities are left with even fewer resources to devote to the work of growing a local economy that provides opportunity and upward mobility for its residents.
A lighter debt load could open the door to additional capital expenditures or returning cash to investors because it reduces the portion of cash flow companies must devote to servicing debt.
Cisco employees receive five days off beyond their vacation time each year to devote to volunteering, an initiative that's clearly been a hit — last year, employees put in 227,143 volunteer hours.
The amount of time that millennials devote to their mobile devices has also grown in the same period, from about one hour and 30 minutes to three hours and 30 minutes.
Online money is particularly important now that the primary season has arrived because there are far fewer days for candidates to devote to holding fund-raisers when elections come almost weekly.
Moreover, tax-deferred vehicles like health savings accounts are less beneficial for those in lower tax brackets and virtually useless for families who lack surplus income to devote to the account.
Many hospitals, clinics, and private practices operate on older technology and equipment and have limited resources to devote to state-of-the-art IT. "Healthcare is such low-hanging fruit," Petronella says.
In the end, despite all the cloak-and-dagger tactics, the intrigue and the vast resources news organizations devote to this game, the result will be inevitable: Each candidate will pick somebody.
Crucially, the phenomenon surged between Christmas and New Years, when lots of people were on vacation or bored at work and had downtime to devote to making and circulating the memes online.
Size and wealth are obvious factors: bigger countries naturally have larger pools of talent to draw from, and rich ones tend to have healthier populations and more resources to devote to sport.
"There is no plan to list the group for now since the company has a net financial position of nearly 700 million euros it can devote to potential M&A," he said.
Booker said he would also require the FBI and the Justice Department to allocate the same level of resources and attention to white supremacist-inspired violence as they devote to international terrorism.
He may well have less and less time to devote to shoring up support for sanctions, while Iran will have no greater priority that trying to shift global opinion in its favor.
" And, on top of all that, term limits may foster laziness in lawmakers because, as Nyhan writes, "incumbents who lack a reelection incentive can reduce the effort they devote to their jobs.
Instead, intuitive eating just helps you feel calmer around, and less compelled by, those foods so that you have more mental space to devote to other things you care about in life.
"State and local governments are best positioned to know the resources and capacities they may or may not have available to devote to sustainable resettlement," Mr. Trump said in the executive order.
Given that RompHim's founders all have full-time jobs, they no longer have time to devote to the company, which was intended to be a side project, Webster-Clark told BuzzFeed News.
Instead, intuitive eating just helps you feel calmer around, and less compelled by, those foods so that you have more mental space to devote to other things you care about in life.
When the sun blazes into Virgo for a month on the 22nd, you might thrive being single — or at least having a healthy chunk of solo time to devote to your personal ambitions.
If you have tons of conversations going at one time, good for you, but just make sure you have enough energy to devote to all the "Derek Tinders" in your phone — and yourself.
Unless you're someone like Google, Kanojia reasoned, with billions of dollars at the ready to devote to building out such networks, creating a wired home broadband network is simply out of the question.
Even with help and plenty of time and resources to devote to scouring the internet and creating new, positive content to distribute as an alternative, removing photos from the web is fiendishly difficult.
It may also help to research how much time, on average, the process will take with different services, as well as how much time you'll need to devote to make sure things sell.
Another problem with such an approach is that there are limited pots of money to devote to wall funding that fall well short of the multi-billion dollar price tag for the project.
Declaring the outbreak as such a health threat, known as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, would increase the level of attention that the W.H.O.'s member countries devote to combat it.
In the meantime, the CDC's Injury Center is left with only what it can wrangle out of its discretionary funds — a "very limited" amount, according to a spokesperson — to devote to gun violence prevention.
Since autonomous networks will be much more efficient than individual ownership, a large number of cars will come off the road — freeing up an enormous amount of space to devote to anything but cars.
Back when Life of Kylie was on the air (RIP), the model admitted that she feared Jenner would one day not have as much time to devote to their friendship because of a relationship.
Granted, a six-part documentary might seem like a lot to devote to "The Clinton Affair," but the filmmakers flesh out the narrative by interviewing most of the key players, foremost among them Lewinsky.
First, you'll want to be clear on how much time you can devote to your side job, whether there are any start-up costs, and what types of jobs best suit your skill set.
Bangladesh doesn't have many resources to devote to the labor-intensive task of reuniting refugees with their surviving relatives and has made clear it wants them out of the country as soon as possible.
Especially considering how much time and thought they are now forced to devote to what they wear, and all its possible meanings, they may as well put all that background research to good use.
Now, even estimates of $100 billion—which on Thursday is what Governor Cuomo pledged to devote to the project—to bring everything up to a state of good repair might be low-balling it.
"The institutions that have graduate students are going to see a decline in those dollars, which they use for financial aid, money to devote to research, building new labs and upgrading technology," Bloom said.
"With so many overlapping constituencies to satisfy, it is a wonder that bank management has time to devote to the management of the bank," Rajan said in an address to a bankers' conference in Mumbai.
They complain about the time and money schools must devote to preparing for, administering and scoring the exams and the limited information they get from them, as well as raising broader philosophical objections to testing.
The availability of maternity leave or social support also affects the amount of time that new mothers can devote to breastfeeding their babies, which is another critical factor in the establishment of a healthy microbiome.
Their consistent finding: The amount of effort people will expend to resist being stripped of something they already possess is significantly larger than the effort they will devote to acquiring something they don't already have.
I always looked at our old Weekend Dime as the internet's answer to the full-page displays that various newspapers used to devote to the N.B.A., Major League Baseball or the N.F.L. on a Sunday.
The money could mean the difference between constant stress with little time for family bonding, and more time or resources that parents can devote to activities like reading to their kids or taking them to museums.
Though human brains have biological limitations to their size and the amount of energy they can devote to thinking, AI systems can scale arbitrarily, housed in massive data centers and powered by solar and wind farms.
Simone Biles is having a ton of fun with new beau (and fellow gymnast) Stacey Ervin, but the Olympic gold medalist says the pair are realistic about how much time they can devote to each other.
And once they start their families, their energies are zapped by sleepless nights, running after toddlers, and all the other labor that goes into raising children, with little left over to devote to organizing for legislation.
Ms. Brandt said that even if she has one hour of variations coaching with the highly respected ballet mistress Irina Kolpakova — and that's a lot of time to devote to one dancer — it's still not enough.
What motivates others to continually engage in activities, performing arts, sports or academics that they aren't naturally adept at, and that they may never be good at, no matter how much time they devote to it?
The NRA has been a major player in the political ad wars for years, ramping up its efforts after 260, when the Supreme Court lifted the restrictions on how much outside groups could devote to political campaigns.
As I talked to Guerlain about the artistry they devote to the making of the perfume and the way they work in communities, sourcing their ingredients, the pieces came together and I felt we were a match.
The product is generally priced at $199 -- by no means cheap, but thanks to relying on the smartphone that people already own, not a huge expense relative to the hours that wannabe Jedi can devote to it.
Time is money might be an overused idiom, but it's unbelievably easy to become over-scheduled, and if I spend my entire day in meetings, I have little time to devote to my own tasks and priorities.
It was also not immediately known whether Mr. Ailes, who received $103 million in an exit agreement with Fox News, would be paid for work on the campaign, or how much time he would devote to it.
And, to me, that's exactly what 30D was: a brilliant play on words that kept me thinking for way more time than I wanted to devote to it, but when I got it, it made me smile.
One news report also said the motion to suspend Parliament will give Ottawa more money to devote to the pandemic, but the PMO did not say whether MPs will take a pay cut during the parliamentary shutdown.
The ongoing impeachment inquiry targeting Mr. Trump has only added to the pressure on the Democratic field, since the tumult in Washington is likely to leave voters with even less time to devote to reviewing underdog options.
"I think a lot of family foundations should do this model if they have the time to devote to it," said Susan V. Berresford, the vice chairwoman of Robina and a former president of the Ford Foundation.
Find bite-sized chunks of time to devote to it Just a few sessions a week will seriously improve your vocabulary and pronunciation, as long as you stick at it and keep reminding yourself to do it regularly.
But apparently it does, because two-thirds of those with a partner have not discussed how much leisure time to spend together in retirement, or how much money to devote to it, according to the Merrill Lynch data.
Irrespective of a debate in the United States of how much attention it should devote to the Middle East, these changes will rock a wide range of U.S. security interests in the region itself and around the globe.
When it comes to decision-making, McKinsey found that a majority of respondents say that much of the time they devote to decision-making is used ineffectively, and only 20% reported that their organizations excelled at decision-making.
He says the new protocols serve mostly the interests of the abortion industry by increasing their profit margin by requiring a smaller dose of the drug and reducing the level of staff they have to devote to the patient.
There's also the issue of how much attention the administration can devote to other, second-tier issues – it still has a shortage of deputy and assistant secretaries of state and defense who normally do much of the heavy lifting.
Participants must first register for the contest by filling out a survey that assess their academic merits and how much free time they have to devote to the project; more than 1,500 people have submitted the form so far.
And to be vegan is not simply a lifestyle choice but a statement of identity: It's to declare that you have enough time and energy and resources to devote to the care and keeping of your electively restrictive diet.
And not for nothing, everything comes together in about 25 minutes, which seems to be the magic number for how much time most people are willing to devote to cooking indoors in the summertime, and to fish in general.
The authors write: "This is primarily because, under Medicare for All, physicians will be able to substantially reduce the amount of time they now spend on administration and to correspondingly increase the time they can devote to patient care."
They tend to disadvantage parents with children too young for the kids' club — as a mother of a toddler, I don't have many extra vacation hours to devote to the ukulele lessons or mixology classes I'm supposedly paying for.
As well as assessing how much resource auditors such as KPMG, EY, Deloitte and PwC devote to evaluating the impact of climate change, it would also evaluate the quality of future risk disclosures under Britain's new Corporate Governance Code.
Nevada was better, where he was off less than 1 percent, but it should be noted his opponents were completely consumed with competing in the first two states and had precious little time to devote to a caucus state.
So while Insure calculates dads' salary based on Bureau of Labor Statistics compensation data for the most reasonable job titles for the many duties that dads perform, they're not actually earning anything for the hours they devote to their families.
In the wake of the crisis, the banks have shored up their balance sheets, in part by reducing the capital they devote to trading activities, with the result that, in a crisis, markets may be even less liquid than before.
Successfully prosecuting complicated white-collar cases is difficult, both because the cases themselves can get rather involved and because the defendants tend to have considerably more resources to devote to their own legal team than is the case with violent crimes.
But in a weird twist of fate, I've found myself falling for my home city all over again; I've made new friends, I'm more active in the community, and I have more time to devote to writing that I care about.
Only flex-time scheduling, coupled with allowing parents to accumulate vacation days to devote to family issues, had a bigger effect, Olivetti and Petrongolo found in a study of policies of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD.
Those who favor transparency -- and not incidentally, have to make decisions about how much coverage to devote to entertainment -- surely welcome Netflix's flirtation with providing a glimpse into its inner workings, or in this case, a peek beneath its blindfold.
And if 60 million Americans stop spending $19 billion a year on gyms, that would be a much a bigger deal than if the 6.6 million gym members in China stopped spending the $6 billion they devote to gyms now.
This will in turn lead to building more car-centric infrastructure to support these uses, and we won't have any kind of hope for addressing the gargantuan amount of space we devote to automobiles, cars' climate impacts, or traffic deaths.
Between your demanding workload, an almost endless list of chores, and a hard-to-resist Netflix queue (no judgment here — we can't peel away from Money Heist, either), there's no doubt that you have very little time to devote to books.
Marian Schneider, the president of Verified Voting, a nonpartisan group that promotes the integrity of elections, pointed to a recent data breach at a large supermarket chain, Wawa, which would have more resources to devote to security than local election offices.
The researchers caution that they only analyzed clearance data from October 2017 to December 2017, so some cases may have been cleared after that (sexual assault investigations can be complex, and police departments often have limited resources to devote to them).
When he ascends to the throne, Charles, who was feted for his 70th birthday this week, may not have the same time – or energy – to devote to the philanthropic ventures that he's made his own during his five decades of public life.
How that conflict plays out in the second half of the first season will depend on the creative team's ability to follow through on their best ideas in this show, as opposed to how much time they devote to their worst ones.
Striking a balance with everything, whether it's what's in your closet or how much time you can devote to a family dinner, is something even Mendes says she has trouble with, especially because she reportedly doesn't have a nanny (a rarity for Hollywood).
What's more, the idea that neighborhood power is preferable to federal intervention rests on an unstated presumption that every locality has residents like Jane Jacobs, endowed with the free time, knowledge, and extensive organizing credentials to devote to radical experiments in local government.
I doubt that most workers, especially those balancing multiple low-wage jobs and families, have the interest, much less the time, to draw up a spreadsheet so they can uncover hidden moments to devote to a run, a massage or simply sleep.
The FAA could be doing the best job in the world, and they wouldn't have the time or resources to devote to drone complaints (genuine or otherwise) at the same time as they manage the national airspace and look after airline traffic.
The more resources and time we devote to the wrong enemies -- who are being painted as immigrants and refugees -- the fewer resources we're going to have for minimizing access to the content that inspires alleged terrorists like Saipov and Ullah to act.
And the combination of the players we produce internally — plus the financial resources that we'll be able to devote to free agents or trading for big contracts in the near future — should bode well for the on-field success of this organization.
In case you don't have 90 minutes to devote to listening to the podcast in detail, here are my summary notes: Yang discussed how he noticed this work ethic when he first visited China 20 years ago and it's the same today.
"The extent to which sellers go to game the system, and the amount of resources they devote to doing it, [are] a testament to how Amazon's recommendation and ranking algorithms shape consumption," Renee DiResta, director of research at cybersecurity company New Knowledge, told BuzzFeed News.
While it's true that entrepreneurs must be prepared to wear several hats at once, if you're always tied up in monotonous administrative tasks—especially those that fall outside your skill set—you won't have the time or energy to devote to high-level strategizing.
American troops will remain in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future, president Donald Trump announced Monday evening, though he declined to reveal just how many more troops or dollars he will devote to a conflict that he's repeatedly called a waste of the United States' resources.
Its goal was outrageously ambitious: to treat non-Western art with the same respect that the other greats in Paris devote to the Western canon, including the Louvre, with its Greek, Roman and Renaissance art treasures, and the Musée d'Orsay, with its Impressionist masterpieces.
In fact, charter schools do skim in several ways: Parents with the wherewithal to apply, which must often be done well in advance and by filling out many forms, have to be organized, aware and English-speaking and have the time to devote to it.
The Air Line Pilots Association says the solution is simply to raise wages and improve working conditions to attract people to the profession, a difficult proposition given the unfavorable contracts that regional airlines have with their mainline partners, which leave little to devote to salaries and benefits.
With only two weeks to go before the first nominating contest in the presidential race, Republican candidates have devoted large sections of their stump speeches to Iran, giving Tehran as much time as they devote to their condemnations of Islamic State militants, also known as ISIS.
Live beneath your meansHaye feels that a lot of people take a backward approach to spending, figuring out how much they can afford to devote to necessities like a home and a car and luxury items based on how much income they're pulling in, he said.
In a statement, cited by Reuters, Branson said the company would require more time than he could devote to the company: At this stage in the company's evolution, I feel it needs a more hands-on Chair, who can focus on the business and these opportunities.
Apple also highlighted new features to help customers better manage the amount of time and attention they devote to their devices, as well as parental controls, another not-so-subtle reference to criticism Facebook (along with other tech companies) has recently faced, per Axios' Kia Kokalitcheva.
More: During the conference's keynote, Apple also highlighted new features to help customers better manage the amount of time and attention they devote to their devices, as well as parental controls, another not-so-subtle reference to criticism Facebook (along with other tech companies) has recently faced.
Without a day-to-day role in Renaissance management, these people said, Mr. Mercer would have more freedom and time to devote to his philanthropy and other activities, including an effort to recruit and support conservative candidates who want to replace the current Republican leadership in Congress.
And because the Australian government is spending billions of dollars supporting a struggling private insurance industry for middle-class and wealthier patients, it has fewer resources to devote to disadvantaged populations, like indigenous Australians or patients living in rural areas who have less access to medical care.
Produced at the invitation of the Archives Nationales for the exhibition Le Secret de l'Etat ("The Secret of the State"), this slick 16-minute short, shot by a professional film crew, is the first of a series that Grasso hopes to devote to places of power.
Investors at those funds aren't able to deploy small bits of capital into early-stage startups — not only because the return on the investment isn't meaningful, but they don't have the time to devote to those projects, which typically require more support and oversight than their late-stage counterparts.
At this moment of frustration for May, one of the great ironies of the UK's vote to leave the EU last year is becoming clearer: the monumental effort and time her government now needs to devote to Brussels is more so than perhaps all previous post-war UK administrations.
Then, later, when the wives had built up their careers and started earning as much as if not more than the husbands, the dynamic of these households changed: The wives did not have as much time to devote to household tasks or care for children and family members.
Again working with co-director Lynn Novick and writer Geoffrey Ward, Burns explores key events at home and abroad -- the Tet offensive, the My Lai Massacre, Kent State, the fall of Saigon -- but also has the time to devote to individual battles and encounters that are less well known.
Enormous amounts of money are continuously placed offshore by very wealthy individuals and by companies that use these very low-tax jurisdictions (often legally) in order to reduce their taxes, thus retaining resources that countries could devote to education, health, public art, and the safety of their citizens.
We don't recommend going quite so far as to forgo the outside world in favor of devouring the streaming riches on offer, but we're attempting to make it a little easier to plan just how much of April you'll need to devote to watching All of the Things.
As lobbying regulations have increased over the years, many lobbyists have simply just de-registered, becoming, in effect, "shadow lobbyists" who avoid the narrow legal definition of "lobbyist" by carefully structuring their time so what they devote to "covered activities" falls under certain thresholds that would require them to register.
Accelerometers and other activity trackers are more reliable ways to examine the connection between longevity and exercise habits because they offer a more accurate picture of how much time people devote to exercise as well as how hard they work out and how much time they're sedentary in a typical day.
If you're new to gaming and want a crash course in some modern classics, or if you're looking to play some AAA gems you may have missed the first time around (we all only have so much time to devote to gaming, after all), Sony's service might be for you.
Musk also originally came up with the concept for Hyperloop, though he opened up the idea to development by outside interests because he said at the time that he would not have enough time to devote to making it a business in its own right, in addition to his other duties.
Add to that the movie's supremely weird abundance of insert shots in which characters are holding or firing guns — not only are there many, but they're handled with the sort of care most directors would devote to, say, making sure we know where characters are standing in relation to each other.
So when he had the time and wherewithal to devote to philanthropy in 1993, he said, he chose to tackle a problem he knew about: improving the lives of children at greatest risk — not the top students at underperforming schools, but the struggling ones who faced multiple impediments to success.
It's perfectly fine to take advantage of this masking effect on a small scale, but when the amount of things that you don't need continuously increases — along with the time and space that you devote to accumulating those things — you will find that it becomes harder to lie to yourself.
It might seem like quite a lot of pages to devote to one early 20th-century mystery, but Josiffe contextualizes Gef within a paranormal moment in Great Britain (emerging alongside such cryptids as the less verbose Loch Ness Monster, who drew international notice in 1933), as well as the enduring engagement with Spiritualism.
Think about it like this: If a company raises too little in a pre-Series A or Series A round, founders don't have enough time to devote to building the first versions of their product or services, and they'd lack the resources needed to experiment with different business models and customer acquisition strategies.
Even better, reducing the amount of energy we devote to figuring out who takes out the trash or washes the dishes means freeing up more mental space for spontaneous romantic gestures or better sex moves or whatever it is that you and your partner see as an essential part of keeping love alive.
But because it's a Wednesday, the day of the week that we try to devote to cooking off the cuff and not from a recipe, I won't give you a proper card of instruction so much as a simple prompt: salad with green beans and tomatoes, over mozzarella in a basil-flecked dressing.
Still, Joseph Y. Yun, a career diplomat who negotiated with North Korean officials until he retired in March 2018, said Mr. Biegun's new status could convince Pyongyang that the United States was serious enough about restarting the discussions that it had promoted one of its most senior officials to devote to the details.
That's not to mention the effort players of online role-playing games like World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV devote to making their in-game avatars as gorgeous and expressive as possible—a devotion that lives on as more recent online games like Fortnite and Grand Theft Auto Online have introduced paid skins.
As the S.E.C. faces a potential reduction in the resources it can devote to enforcement, choices will have to be made about what types of violations will be investigated and whether to file cases that may involve a significant expenditure of time and energy, especially if there is not a high probability of success.
Lawmakers can force a vote on the issue every six months, and Democrats have been using the opportunity to pressure Republicans to choose repeatedly between protecting their own powers of the purse and backing the president's use of executive authority to steer more money than Congress has been willing to devote to the border wall.
In the next few weeks alone, progressives will be forced to decide how much money and attention to devote to Mr. Trump's cabinet and White House appointments, his pick to fill a vacant seat on the Supreme Court, his financial conflicts of interest and his stated plan to quickly repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Interviews in recent days by Reuters with more than a dozen friends and colleagues, as well as his sister, paint a picture of a strong-minded, ambitious but friendly person with an enduring belief in the power of tax cuts to fuel economic growth and seemingly bottomless energy to devote to promoting that belief.
It's unclear how much time Congress wants to devote to this (they've got a lot on their plate), but here is a list of Obama rules that would be vulnerable to CRA disapproval, including emissions standards for landfills, rules around offshore drilling, methane standards for oil and gas drilling, and restrictions on migratory bird hunting.
DEBATE TEAM, WHIFFLE BALL Interviews in recent days by Reuters with more than a dozen friends and colleagues, as well as his sister, paint a picture of a strong-minded, ambitious but friendly person with an enduring belief in the power of tax cuts to fuel economic growth and seemingly bottomless energy to devote to promoting that belief.
" Although it also says that experience "convinced us that no certification organization or DPA is really in a position to assert with high confidence that Diffix, or for that matter any complex anonymization technology, is anonymous", adding: "These organizations either don't have the expertise, or they don't have the time and resources to devote to the problem.
Members of the working class may be consumed by mundane concerns like making sure their kids can go to college and their cars can get them to their jobs, but the wealthier you are, the more resources you can devote to your personal interests and esoteric hobbies, whether that means getting really into Scotch, exotic pets, or toppling governments.
Acronym apparently told donors that it would create content, which would gin up a lot of impressions on social media, and that this, far more than any traditional advertising strategy, was a better investment—but to date, Acronym, according to the Daily Beast, has not managed to spend very much of the money it promised to devote to taking down Trump.
But you're also the sign of accounting and analyzing, and Jupiter's energy, being all big and abundant, can push you to worry about how much extra energy and time you'll have to devote to all this extra abundance Jupiter could bring to your life—it would be great to win the lottery, but then you have to pay all those taxes!
On a run through the easy rolling hills of Cincinnati, just across the river from where we grew up, he reminded me that he was coming of age precisely when the family was stretched to its edge in terms of money and the time our parents could devote to their seven children, and that we actually did not come from the same place.
Trump's promise to stay in Afghanistan has few concrete details Trump's promise to stay in Afghanistan has few concrete details American troops will remain in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future, President Donald Trump announced Monday evening, though he declined to reveal just how many more troops or dollars he will devote to a conflict that he's repeatedly called a waste of the United States' resources.
They are often run by only a few people donating all of their time to the cause, and they rely nearly exclusively on unpaid, volunteer work and small, out-of-state donations of $20 or $50 at a time from people who happened to hear of them, even though many of the funds don't have the time or money to devote to websites or ads to let people know they exist.
I mean, I hadn't forgotten that, exactly; there had just not been any time to devote to it, what with all the traveling and the chores and errands and our busy social life and the increasingly full-time work and our cocktails together after work and — oh, yes — the gym and the yoga and the haircuts-and-color appointments, and, and, and …My husband encouraged me to write.
" Brian Wieser, global president of business intelligence at media investment giant GroupM, warned that rivals may have a difficult time catching up to Netflix on content because "if you're not in with, like, $5 billion, you're not really a player": "At least in the United States, I think that the amount of time people can devote to what we call television is relatively limited, and Netflix and all of the new services are going to be competing for that time.

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