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"decapitates" Antonyms

371 Sentences With "decapitates"

How to use decapitates in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "decapitates" and check conjugation/comparative form for "decapitates". Mastering all the usages of "decapitates" from sentence examples published by news publications.

After 13 minutes of senseless torture, she decapitates the puppy.
The series regularly decapitates main characters in full frame, so it's not necessarily super appetizing.
The symbol that we later learn is King Paimon's is emblazoned on the pole that decapitates her.
And Turandot herself is gruesome; it's hard to feel much sympathy for a woman who decapitates her suitors.
"The man is so frightened by his extraordinarily satisfying liberation that he decapitates the lady," Mr. Canby wrote.
When he attacks Darth Vader, he decapitates him only to discover the face under the helmet is his own.
Using a reflective bronze shield to protect his eyes, Perseus decapitates Medusa, releasing a winged horse, Pegasus, from her severed neck.
But there's no time as her minutes without oxygen tick by, and upon seeing that, Firehose literally decapitates the snake with an axe.
The video shows a masked man quoting the Quran while an unmasked man pushes Mr. Hall's head to the ground and decapitates him.
This is actually just one of several disturbing moments in Hereditary, and just slightly more disturbing than a scene in which Annie decapitates herself.
Charlie's hobby is assembling makeshift toys out of peculiar objects, including the severed head of a bird she decapitates with a pair of classroom scissors.
Before he decapitates Will, Ned recites the oath of execution in front of his sons: "In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon," he begins.
Just as Stefan struggles to maintain sanity while programming the game, Jerome goes mad while writing the many realities of his book (and ultimately decapitates his wife).
Accompanied by his bodacious first lady, Alice (Brian Belovitch), Tamberlaine rapes, pillages, castrates, decapitates and turns the monarchs of the universe he lets live into personal sex slaves.
The classical fear of the nuclear attack is the fear that the President or both houses of Congress would be destroyed in a single sweep that decapitates the country.
Tannerite is designed to produce a pretty safe, small explosion but when you use it in a container it can create shrapnel, like the door that nearly decapitates this shooter.
In 2003, they murdered their three children, the mother holding the "little feets," as she recalled it, while the father decapitates Julissa, Mary Jane and John Stephan using kitchen knives and a machete.
The most excruciating scene is a lengthy segment in which Martsinkevich slaughters, decapitates, guts and dismembers a pig on a living room carpet, a sacrifice that brought the "smell of death" on set, Khrzhanovsky said.
"Look at the execution of the lips, the way the chin and eyelids are painted," said Mr. Turquin, pointing at the face of Judith, challenging the viewer with her gaze as she coolly decapitates Holofernes with his own sword.
Comyns steps with intense identification into the persona of a woman who, in the Grimms' telling, decapitates her stepson by dropping the lid of a trunk on his head in a moment of rage and then cooks him in a stew.
Michonne later decapitates the walkers shortly before she and Andrea are discovered by Merle.
She is killed in the final battle against the Buff Clan, when a blast of gunfire decapitates her.
Using telekinesis to disable the generator, Vader decapitates Czycz, leaving him to consider Czycz's status as more machine than man.
Several decapitations and dismemberments are also described in the Book of Mormon. In chapter 4 of the First Book of Nephi, the prophet Nephi is commanded by the Spirit to kill a man named Laban, whom he decapitates.1 Nephi 4. In Ether chapter 15, the warrior Coriantumr, who is the last survivor of the Jaredites, decapitates Shiz.
Warlock attempts to restore Cypher's true personality, but is infected by a trojan programming code that incapacitates him, after which Cypher decapitates him.New Mutants vol. 3 #6. Marvel Comics.
Nina speeds away in a car, but she crashes into back of a truck. The truck's rear bumper decapitates her, and the car explodes in a mass of flames.
He killed Kshatradeva, Shikhandi's son on the twelfth day of the war. Laxman is slain on the 13th day of the War by Abhimanyu, who decapitates Laxman using the Nagashirashtra.
Weil captures Freida and decapitates her. The Count captures Maria, but Weil appears. Weil challenges the Count and is killed. Anton seizes his chance to pierce the Count's heart with a spear.
When Judith gets him alone, she decapitates him. She takes his head back to Bethulia and her fearful countrymen. When the invading Assyrian army realizes they have lost their leader, they retreat.
Tucker quickly decapitates Lorenzo, and causes the tank to explode with Cronut still inside. It's later revealed that Cronut managed to survive, and was imprisoned along with the other surviving Blues and Reds.
Hideshi eventually decapitates himself and remains as a living head on a table. Though He Never Dies features graphic imagery, it is more darkly comedic in tone than its predecessors and its successors except Devil Woman Doctor.
He dives in and swims toward the zombie as she swims in the opposite direction. But Tom can't find the zombie. He asks a fisherman for help. The zombie, wielding a machete, attacks them and decapitates the fisherman.
After this and M-Day he lost his mutant powers.Uncanny X-Men #539 Without his powers, Commando begins to die. He kidnaps Hope Summers in an attempt to have her save him. Wolverine rescues her and decapitates Crimson Commando.
27; tr. Storey, Pierrot: a critical history, p. 112. Pierrot's new-found villainy is put to good use when his Columbine grows too familiar with Harlequin: Pierrot decapitates his rival—in reality, not fiction—in the middle of a pantomime.
However, he accidentally frees Drakkon, who decapitates Saba and takes his headless sword body to escape. Arriving in the past, the Ranger Slayer joins forces with Rita Repulsa to power the Gravezord so she can deliver the Chaos Crystal back to Lord Drakkon.
Stevie gets down from the roof and makes it back to safety. After Elizabeth, Nick, Andy, Kathy and Sandy leave the church, the fog reappears inside the church along with the revenants, and Blake decapitates Malone as the screen cuts to black.
The doctor confronts Sadie and points his gun at her, but Julia manages to get free from the operating table and decapitates Sgrundud from behind. Before Sadie can thank her friend, Julia shoots her in the head and leaves towards an unknown future.
Isabelle shoots the Predator and Royce decapitates it. As Royce and Isabelle rest, they observe parachutes opening in the distant sky. Royce, surmising that more Predators will arrive to hunt the new prey, tells Isabelle they must find another way to get off the planet.
Mina thrusts the knife through his heart and as he finally dies, the mark on her forehead disappears, as Dracula's curse is lifted. She decapitates him and gazes up at a fresco of Vlad and Elisabeta ascending to Heaven together, reunited at long last.
At the climax of the story, Jason battles his nemesis Tommy Jarvis and his great-niece Stephanie Kimble; Stephanie impales him before Tommy decapitates him with a shard of glass. Jason's soul is then absorbed by Freddy, who uses it to increase his own power.
Marcus, his faith restored, grabs his cross and rushes towards the fire to combat the evil. Iris and Daniel flee, and Iris is subdued by members of the congregation and killed with an axe. Daniel continues to run before Caleb decapitates him and the camera falls.
At a critical moment, the moon falls. To solve this problem, Itchy decapitates Scratchy's head and uses it as the new moon. Filming resumes for a final time, Itchy launches the rocket and it lands on the moon taking out Scratchy's right eye in the process.
At the house, Ann goes to the cellar looking for Bob and hears childlike sobbing sounds. Freudstein decapitates her after slashing her throat. Bob sees Ann's head, and exits screaming. Lucy returns to find Bob crying in his room, but refuses to believe Bob's account about Ann.
Following the death of Diana, Princess of Wales on August 31, 1997 the scene where Bean accidentally decapitates her picture while cutting a new serving hatch has been removed from some broadcasts, only showing Prince Charles, whose head Bean cuts through with the jigsaw, possibly as mark of respect.
4) #7 In the meantime, he seeks his sister, Mongal, to settle family squabbles. The heroes break free and use a teleporter to transport Mongul and Mongal to their home planet. Stating family to be a weakness, Mongul decapitates Mongal with a single blow to her head.Green Lantern (vol.
Franz reunites the head of Markus with his corpse and places him beside Marlina's mummified husband. While Novi cooks chicken soup for him under duress, he rapes Marlina and Novi decapitates him. She then gives birth. Marlina and Novi leave the house in the morning together with the child.
However, Sam decapitates him while he is distracted and as a result of his betrayal, the Alpha gives Sam and Dean his blood for the weapon they are creating. Edgar is left to the Alpha with a warning to keep his head away from the rest of his body.
Moro intervenes and Ashitaka dives into the corruption, saving San. The Forest Spirit euthanizes Okkoto and Moro. As it transforms into the nightwalker, Eboshi decapitates it. It bleeds ooze which spreads over the land, killing anything it touches as the nightwalker searches for its head, which Jigo steals.
The Pathan man confronts his wife who confirms she loved the other man and laughs in his face. The narrator decapitates her and throws her into the Kabul River. The narrator then explains to the Sahib his trip so far in chasing Daoud Shah, and how close he has gotten.
Voorhees attempting to kill Alice, but she escapes to the shore of the lake. During the final struggle, Alice decapitates her with a machete. Afterwards, a shaken Alice boards a canoe and falls asleep. Just as she sees police arriving, a decomposing body of a young boy drags her underwater.
Mistaking him for Nick, the killer approaches Lou from behind and decapitates him. Lou's severed head rolls onto the dance floor, sending the prom-goers fleeing in horror. Kim finds Nick and frees him. As they prepare to escape, they are confronted by the killer who attacks Nick but not Kim.
When Tobey partially removes his drag costume, the killer returns and decapitates him as well. Eddie finally finds Jake. They go to the first dance venue but find it closed following the discovery of Joey's body. Jake climbs over a tall chain-link fence to retrieve his motorcycle, and Eddie goes after him.
Then Nancy sacrifices herself, luring Billy with a striptease. Max collapses, but, now the Final Girl, she awakens with the power to kill Billy. They fight and she eventually decapitates him with his own machete. A wounded Chris arrives and the two kiss, while the credits for Camp Bloodbath play in the sky.
One of the captors reads a statement and then another captor takes out a knife and decapitates him. The statement said: "Korean citizens, you were warned, your hands were the ones who killed him. Enough lies, enough cheatings. Your soldiers are here not for the sake of Iraqis, but for cursed America".
Back at Scully's apartment, Gill leaves for the day. She gets into a car driven by Duffy Haskell, and tells him she thinks Scully trusts her. At the lab, Agent Crane derides Doggett for dealing with Mulder. Mulder and Doggett head back to Parenti's office, during which time Miles appears and decapitates Parenti.
The bomb falls through the neck opening of the headless Scratchy and explodes, sending body parts scattering. The Itchy mice cheer. As another Scratchy (cat) watches in disgust, an Itchy decapitates him and, with the help of a teammate, lifts him and pours his blood over the head of the Itchy coach.
Forced into working on a larger portal to Hell by his family's captors, John sabotages the portal and is promptly killed afterward by Pinhead, who decapitates him with a scissor-like chain. Shortly after John's death, Bobbi and Jack manage to banish both Pinhead and Angelique back to Hell with the Lament Configuration.
Shakti eventually finds Bali Thakur and asks him to surrender to the police before the villagers kill him. Bali Thakur's rabid hatred for Shakti makes him reject his offer of help. Bali Thakur, blaming Shakti for all his problems, tries to kill him. In the struggle that follows, Shakti accidentally decapitates Bali Thakur.
Renier and Eremborc decide to substitute their own son for Jordain. Fromont decapitates the child himself, to the horror of his own nobles. Angels take the innocent's soul to heaven. When he is old enough, Jordain, who is being passed off as Renier's son, is sent to Blaye for training as a knight.
However, the killer soon arrives at the house and decapitates Becky, before killing the boys and Julie. The killer proceeds to decapitate a boy in the hot tub before drowning his girlfriend. Kareem witnesses the murders and rounds up Roxy, Marcus and Anna (Denyce Lawton) to leave. The group split up to warn the others.
At the farmhouse, Mary cremates Adam's remains, then starts to walk away only to encounter the leader's daughter who pretends to be an innocent girl. As they both start walking, the girl reaches for a jagged blade to kill her but Mary is quicker and decapitates her, then continues walking away from the burning farmhouse.
Jennifer is forced to jump into the water as the motorboat explodes, whereupon the child grabs her. Rising into the flaming waters, he is eventually killed. Jennifer reaches the shore just as Morris appears. A severely injured and disfigured Brückner reappears and decapitates him from behind with a metal plate as Jennifer screams in horror.
The Yeerks are depressed and afraid, aware of the consequences for failure. They rendezvous with Visser Three, who decapitates the Yeerk 'responsible' for the failure. The Visser then orders his Hork-Bajir to eliminate the suspicious-looking horses standing close by. Cassie knocks over a Hork-Bajir, and the rest make a break for it.
After return, Krishna gives back the jewel to Satrajit when he feels guilty hands over it and his daughter Satyabhama to Krishna. During the time of their wedding, enraged Satadhanva attacks slay out Satrajit and escape with the jewel when Krishna decapitates him with Sudarshana Chakra. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note.
A fight ensues and Rayne decapitates her father, avenging her family. Despite Kagan's death, the vampires still plague the city, and Severin suggests that Rayne should run it now. Brimestone declares martial law to rescue the surviving humans, cracking down hard on all vampires and more vampire overlords setting their sights on the city.
The Equation speaks through her, claiming that Cyborg himself is the cure. While he is distracted with finding the Arks, Wonder Woman decapitates him. The story ends with Lois, safe on the Ark with a newly awakened Jonathan, claiming that the monsters are now behind them and that it is time for a new start.
In a drunken stupor Holofernes falls to the ground unconscious at Judith's feet. After he is placed on his bed, she remains with him as everyone else leaves. Within the tent she takes his sword and decapitates him. After asking Avra to put the head into a sack, the two of them leave quickly.
He stalks her through the house, but Katia manages to elude him. The priest arrives and struggles with Mikos, and Katia grabs an axe from a decorative suit of armor and decapitates Mikos with it. The police and the rest of the family arrive to discover Katia standing in the doorway, covered in blood holding Mikos's severed head.
Mac is killed in friendly fire, and Mike bludgeons Mic with a fire extinguisher. Pete ambushes Mike outside the building, but Mike kills him easily. He spares Fred by knocking him out and goes to the house of Kent’s employer, oil tycoon Atal Zim. He kills Jane with her own katana, rejects Zim's bribery attempts, and decapitates him.
Uluchi advises Babruvahana to revive Arjuna using Sanjeevani-mani from Nagaloka. As Chitrangada is lamenting over Arjuna's death, Takshak decapitates Arjuna's corpse and take his head to Nagaloka. Krishna with the help of his Sudharshan Chakra defeats Takshak's henchmen and brings back the severed head of Arjuna. Using the Sanjeevani-mani which Babruvahana got from Nagaloka, Arjuna is revived.
Ida emerges from the basement and stabs Mike with a knife, Sheryl quickly decapitates her with Deacon's sickle. She patches up Mike's wound and calls the Rangers Post with her cell phone, finally ending their sufferings. One year has passed since Mike and Sheryl survived their ordeal. The couple put their baby to bed and leave the room.
Despite Dr. Sebastian's interest in the creature, Jacky decapitates the eel. While sailing around a nearby island, Jacky prepares to dive and find the Santa Magdalena. Spurred on by Dr. Sebastian, Jacky dives into the water and finds the sunken ship. Unfortunately, a Spanish man-of-war called the San Cristobal comes across the Nancy B. and board it.
Djedi chooses three animals instead - first a goose. He decapitates the goose and places her head at the eastern side of the audience hall, the body at the western side. Then Djedi utters a secret spell and the head of the goose stands up, starting to waddle. Then the body of the goose stands up and waddles, too.
After finding her husband asleep in bed with his mistress, Lucy Harbin decapitates them both with an axe. Her three-year-old daughter, Carol, witnesses the murders. Lucy is committed to a psychiatric hospital and deemed criminally insane. Twenty years later, after she is found to be mentally sound and reformed, Lucy is released from the institution.
The group splits up with Dieter and Dwayne marching into the forest toward Thailand. The monsoon rains start, but the pair are soon lost and gradually weaken as they struggle through the jungle. They surprise a villager who decapitates Dwayne with a machete. Dieter is pursued by the villagers and Pathet Lao but manages to avoid them.
When criticized by Bhurisravas for interfering in the fight without warning, Arjuna responds by castigating him for attempting to kill an unconscious warrior. Moreover, he criticizes Bhurisravas for his actions during the death of Abhimanyu. Recognizing his shame, Bhurisravas lays out his weapons and sits down in meditation. Satyaki then emerges from his swoon and swiftly decapitates his enemy.
When Alric sees his troops begin to die for him he charges ahead and demands to be let in. The commoners who have taken the gate, open it to let the army through. Count Pickering duels Braga and decapitates him. Although the coup is stopped, no one is aware of Saldur's involvement and he crowns Alric king.
Ellie decapitates Jake with a shovel and breaks the curse on the two siblings (and Zipper). They watch as Jake's body bursts into flames. Bo, Brooke, and Zipper arrive at the house. Bo and Jimmy are now friends; Jimmy kisses Brooke and walks her home along with Bo. Ellie is stuck with the clean- up of the messy house.
The fragment concludes with action not mentioned in the catalogue: the painter finally decapitates his servant, stuffing the head and body in the same trunk he had used before. The servant's body, holding its head, climbs out of the box and wanders away. The painter, terrified at the sight, jumps straight into his painting and disappears.
Rigby is scared and asks if anyone was there. Mordecai then wakes up and tells him that he won't let anything happen to him, but the wizard decapitates him. Then, Rigby finds out that Mordecai has died and he says sorry to the wizard. Then the wizard comes and gives Rigby his punishment by throwing eggs at him.
Ilya shoots him in the eye with an arrow and drags his body to the palace of Prince Vladimir. III. The Palace of Prince Vladimir Allegro. Vladimir the Great of Kiev holds a great feast, at which Ilya decapitates Solovei. IV. The Feats of Valor and the Petrification of Ilya Muromets Allegro tumultuoso – Tranquillo – Maestoso solemne – Andante sostenuto.
Having taken Winterfell, Theon promises to Bran that he won't harm the inhabitants. When Ser Rodrik spits on Theon, Dagmer insists Theon need personally execute him. Despite the urgings of Bran and others, Theon decapitates Ser Rodrik. Osha seduces Theon in exchange for her freedom, giving her, Hodor, Bran and Rickon the opportunity to escape Winterfell.
Erik, disguised as Red Death, witnesses this exchange and becomes enraged. He decapitates Carlotta, causing mayhem, and kidnaps Christine. Hawkins, Richard, and the rat catcher (Yehuda Efroni), whom Destler has been bribing in the past, go quickly in pursuit. Back in the Phantom's lair, an enraged Destler attempts to rape Christine but hears the men approaching.
A duel ensues and Ramírez nearly decapitates his foe. Though he fails, the Kurgan will carry the scar from the wound and a damaged voice for the rest of his immortal life. The Kurgan then kills Ramírez, bringing an end to their centuries-long conflict, and leaves. Connor buries Ramírez in Glencoe, near the home he shares with Heather.
Having gained the upper hand, Kika rips out the heart in Rikka's chest and decapitates her. With the "Queen" dead, all of the zombies fall to the ground dead. As the plane falls apart, Kika almost dies but No-Name and Kaito manage to save her. No longing needing her original heart, Kika crushes it in her hand.
Both severely injured, the monster chases Jenn to the shoreline, but collapses from its wounds. Jenn decapitates the corpse and limps away to the raft, carrying the decapitated head as proof of what happened on the island, before presumably sailing west for rescue as the camera pans out, revealing that the island's foliage is now partially ablaze.
She decapitates her father and discovers her mother is alive. At her mother's request, Ami kills her. Murata, Shin, and Ami take Mitsuko to a forest, where she agrees to be killed. She explains she had not taken the sleep medication and had hoped Taeko would die, that she had sex with her friends' boyfriends as well as Ami's.
Reverend Alfred Knapp (Patrick Gorman), a warlock from the same coven as Katrina who helped her cast a resurrection spell on Ichabod. He was later present at the resurrection of George Washington, and remained in Sleepy Hollow to guard the location of the Headless Horseman's head. After the Horseman's resurrection, he confronts Knapp and then decapitates him.
Marvel Comics. who is also looking for some new Goblin technology.The Amazing Spider-Man #648 (November 2010). Marvel Comics. Kingsley is about to kill him when Urich snaps and uses his Lunatic Laugh to incapacitate Kingsley. Using the fire sword that Kingsley had just found, Urich decapitates Kingsley and steals the new Goblin equipment from Norman Osborn's secret lair.
As she gazes out at the city beyond, she soon finds that the sharp minute hand has begun to dig into her neck. Slowly, the minute hand decapitates her. At one point, pressure against her neck causes her eye to fall and roll down into the gutter and then to the street below. Her other eye follows thereafter.
One of the workers, Daxton and his intern A.J. manage to fend off the zombies and the group takes refuge inside of the gorilla lab. Daxton goes to check on the zoo's endangered Cross River gorilla, Kifo, finding him to be infected. Kifo kills him and invades the lab. Rex stabs him, but Kifo decapitates Rex in retaliation.
At the wake, he forces Pan Jinlian at knife point to make a full confession on the murder. He then decapitates and disembowels her. Next he makes Granny Wang sign a confession in front of the neighbours. After that, he rushes to Lion Restaurant (), where Ximen Qing is dining with his friends, and kills the man after a tough fight.
When Bart disagrees, the bullies make fun of him. Bart is conflicted and asks Homer whether it is okay to compromise one's beliefs to be popular. Homer tells Bart that popularity is the most important thing in the world, as long as Bart is not talking about killing someone. That night, Bart sneaks out of the house and decapitates the statue.
Chaz takes ecstasy and leaves when he sees a good-looking man walk past. Joey's crush comes into the bathroom and apologizes, leaving Joey ecstatically happy. Just then, the killer emerges from a bathroom stall and decapitates Joey, taking his head as a trophy. Chaz goes into another dance venue, where the killer catches up with him on the dance floor.
During a firefight in Vietnam, U.S. soldiers John Eastland and his best friend, Michael Jefferson, are captured by the Viet Cong. They are tied to wooden stakes with several other men, and tortured for information. When Eastland refuses to answer, the VC commander decapitates the soldier beside him with a machete. Jefferson escapes moments later, kills the remaining VC soldiers, and unties Eastland.
When Bill returns to the basement, Niamh, now a lookalike of Nora, comes to life. After Bill kisses her, Niamh slits his throat, decapitates him, and goes upstairs. At the same time, Nora's behavior becomes erratic, and she tells Jim that she left Ireland for America after having an abortion. Jim goes downstairs to drink, where he eventually encounters Niamh.
Eventually, Ed accepts that he must move on and let his mother die. Out of self-defense, he decapitates Mabel and later says goodbye to her, but the head comes back to life and bites him on the lip when he gives her a final kiss. Disgusted, he throws the head into the grave, finally free of his overbearing mother.
The man educates himself with the hermit's books. He finds himself in a reverie in which he and the hermit battle a slave-owning capitalist. The man returns to his former place of employment and rouses a workers' rebellion. During the fray, he fantasizes that he decapitates his employer's head; when he raises it, he discovers the head to be his own.
Danny and Peter grab her arms and try to pull her up, but, as a result, Sybil is torn in half. Danny immediately goes down and is also killed by Wallace with a chainsaw. Cornering Peter and Laurel, Wallace wounds Laurel and cuts off Peter's arm before the chainsaw runs out of fuel. The killer takes the axe and ultimately decapitates the director.
Wanting answers, Aru confronts Deus who reveals the boy is an artificial human designed to observe the game and keep it in balance, but confirms there is a conspiracy around Yuno. Yukiteru murders his friends and then Kamado. Aru battles Yuno, destroying her diary but discovers she has a spare. Realising the truth, Aru shows a text to Yukiteru before Yuno decapitates him.
2 #27 Angered, the Punisher believes Red Hulk set the bomb and began hunting down his former teammates. He snipers Leader and Faustus. He decapitates Deadpool, who is not angry and actually flattered that Frank found him a threat. He steals magic regalia from Bloodstone and depowers Ghost Rider, but Johnny Blaze is actually glad to be freed of the demon.
Milhouse even shoots a first-day student of the school who had never done anything to him, claiming it is "prevenge". Milhouse gives Groundskeeper Willie an Ultimate Noogie, which decapitates him. Lisa eventually convinces Milhouse to stop, and he reluctantly throws the device aside. Afterwards, Nelson, whom Milhouse forgot about, returns from an absence due to mumps and finds the weapon.
While spying on an experiment to create a new human being from assembled body parts, Travis is captured by the hospital staff. A power failure renders the experiment's human head unusable, so Millar decapitates Travis and attaches his head to the creature. On being given life, the creature (played by McDowell) attacks Millar, forcing Millar to stab and dismember it.
After dancing for a while, Dolores and Tony escape out to the woods, before he excuses himself to relieve himself. While Tony is urinating, the killer sneaks up behind him and decapitates him. When Dolores grows worried, she goes looking for him and is horrified to find his dismembered head—and the killer. The killer chases after Dolores, but her screams go unheard.
A horseman lassoes him but owing to an accident the taut lasso decapitates a child. The animal escapes and heads off to the city, pursued by a crowd, which, incidentally, tramples a passing Englishman.It is mentioned that the Englishman is himself the owner of a slaughter yard. For the favourable opinion Rosas enjoyed among English residents of Buenos Aires see Hudson, 126.
The Knight once again kneels before Gawain, who now decapitates him. Instead of dying, the Knight continues to live. The body picks up the head, which now gives Gawain his instructions on where to come for the return blow. Gawain must travel to the north, to the Green Chapel, the instructions echoing as the Knight rides out of the court.
Using a bow and arrows, they shoot and incapacitate all the zombies but one, whom they pursue. Joshua is killed, and Jeff gets trapped in a shed, where he discovers April's dead body. The lone remaining zombie wakes the others from their delusions of death and kills Jeff as he decapitates it. The remaining zombies return to the house, where Zoe is alone.
Sieg decides he wishes to liberate the homunculi, returning to Trifas during battle. As the Black and Red factions clash, the Greater Grail is transported into the Hanging Gardens. Frankenstein’s monster and Spartacus die fighting Mordred. Sieg defends Astolfo from Mordred, discovering he can temporarily transform into Siegfried. Mordred decapitates Astolfo’s master Celenike Icecolle Yggdmillennia, Sieg becomes Astolfo’s new master.
Meanwhile, Oszek is summoned back to the convent, where the nuns have found that Justine's corpse has disappeared. Upstairs, Sister Germana is found inexplicably burned alive. When her body reanimates, Father Lázaro bludgeons and ultimately decapitates her. The event challenges Oszek's science-based beliefs, and he flees back home, fearing for Daniela's safety; upon arriving, he finds Alucarda and Daniela are both gone.
Cormac McCarthy's 1985 novel Blood Meridian, Or the Evening Redness in the West includes a scene in which one of the two Jacksons decapitates the other by a campfire, leading to a graphically described blood spurt. In the movie National Lampoon's European Vacation, Clark Griswold hits a cyclist with his car. Blood spews out of the cyclist's hand as he points to give directions.
She confronts Hank, but he decapitates her by increasing in size and biting her head off in the struggle that follows. When the Black Panther later escapes the lab, he also takes the Wasp's still sentient head, which continues begging for food. He eventually reaches safety after encountering Magneto's surviving Acolytes. The Acolytes announce that they will study the Wasp, seeking a cure for the virus.
Upon their arrival, Ventura attacks Renata, but Renata gains the upper hand and stabs Ventura with a butterfly knife in his femoral artery. Paolo Fassati, who witnesses the assault, attempts to telephone the police but is confronted by Albert, who strangles him to death. To ensure there are no additional witnesses, Renata decapitates Anna with an axe. Ventura's partner Laura arrives, planning to meet up with him.
Silas attacks Cordelia, blaming her for all the problems of their land, but she decapitates him just before he triggers the device to kill all human slaves. Groosalugg and Angel fight, Angel struggling to stay human, but eventually turning into the demon. just as the demon is about to kill the Groosalugg, Angel's human side regains control. He tells the Groosalugg they need to find another way.
Shinzaemon counters by telling Naritsugu that lords cannot live without the support of the people and that, if a lord abuses his power, the people will always rise up against him. Naritsugu and Shinzaemon mortally wound each other. Crying, crawling in the mud, and experiencing fear and pain for the first time, the lord thanks Shinzaemon for showing him excitement. Shinzaemon then decapitates him.
Bill returns dressed as an executioner and waits for 6:00 AM. Eventually, he decapitates Craig with a blowtorch. Meanwhile, Craig's wife Kelly invites her best friend Bianca over to discuss where Craig might be. Kelly reveals to Bianca that Craig is having an affair and wants to kill whoever it could be. Bianca stays the night and falls asleep on the sofa after Kelly drugs her.
The footage shows Shapiro filming different topless women, including Misty and Jenna. It also further reveals Shapiro's plan to venture into the swamp. After Jack finishes watching the video, he is killed by Victor Crowley, who gouges his intestines out and strangles him with them until he decapitates him. Marybeth returns to Reverend Zombie's shop and, after demanding to speak with him, he reluctantly lets her in.
In the novel, she is named Mary Crane, originates from Dallas, Texas, and dies after Norman decapitates her; in the film, "Mother" stabs her repeatedly. Her name was changed to Marion in the film because of a then real life Mary Crane residing in Phoenix, Arizona. In the novel, she is Norman's first victim; in the film, Norman had murdered two young girls prior.
Lorenzo (Burnie Burns) is Lopez's counterpart, a robot that can only speak Italian. When the Blues and Reds arrive on Earth, Lorenzo and Cronut are sent in a tank to kill them. Tucker jumps on the tank and decapitates Lorenzo, who was serving as the gunner, and kicks his head into the distance while Lorenzo yells out threats. Lorenzo's body is destroyed when the tank explodes.
While walking around the side of the house, May is pulled down a hole, where she is murdered by an unseen assailant, who violently decapitates her. Following this, Scott is also murdered by the same figure on the roof. Peter attempts to prank Denise, but she is oblivious to his efforts. He goes to search for Scott, only to discover his body strung up on the roof.
Hunter and the survivors intend on following the creature and kill it once and for all. They follow the creature to a cave and discover that it is the grave site of the species, who murdered each other in blind, cannibalistic rage. Brick, Takakura, and Dixon die in the final battle with the creature. Hunter sets the beast on fire and decapitates him with his Bowie knife.
In contrast to his parents, Brodie's cousin David has not transformed yet, but Brodie decapitates David anyway as he enters the room. Having decided they will search the sheets of paper, Zakk and Brodie craft weapons and go after them. In the meantime, the members of the cult have come to Greypoint to serve Aeloth. They meet with Terry who appears to be Aeloth's ambassador.
Courtney is a student at Evernight and is another one of the Evernight type according to Bianca. She is a bully towards the human students and enjoys taunting Raquel about money. Later Bianca realizes she is a bully because she envies the human students. When Courtney finds out about Bianca and Balthazar leaving school she is staked by Charity who then decapitates her before leaving.
Shaw enters Weyland's quarters, where he prepares to meet the last Engineer (who is in cryosleep). On the Engineer ship, he has David talk to the Engineer; Shaw interferes, and Weyland orders her subdued and shot if necessary. When the Engineer learns about Weyland's intentions, he decapitates David and uses his head to beat Weyland to death. Dying, Weyland tells David that the voyage was in vain.
He boasts that no one has seen his face and lived. Kirina shows no fear of dying, so he grants her final wish to show her his face. Racine returns, looking for his room key, and tries to defend Kirina, but he is late. Kinjo decapitates her as his men stab Racine, hit him with a poisoned shuriken and cut his throat, leaving him for dead.
Takeo makes a deal with the Tribe that allows him to bring Shigeru's body down in return for joining them. Takeo, together with Kenji and Yuki, sneaks into the castle at night and bring Shigeru down from the wall. Shigeru, dying from his wounds, asks Takeo to bury him at Terayama, next to his brother's grave. Then Takeo decapitates him in order to end his pain.
Maya Thevar's rabid hatred for Sakthivel makes him reject his offer of help. Maya Thevar, blaming Sakthivel for all his problems, tries to kill him. In the struggle that follows, Sakthivel accidentally decapitates Maya Thevar. Although other villagers are willing to take the blame for Maya Thevar's murder, Sakthivel surrenders to the police, wanting to put an end to the cycle of violence once and for all.
Before his first shift, Max sees a vision of a dead woman in a mirror and then sees Jenna's naked reflection ripping off her head. Meanwhile, Jenna is thrown through glass doors by her reflection, and a shard of glass decapitates her. Max realizes that he foresees the deaths in the mirrors. That night, he tries to find the ghost but instead sees Ryan's reflection being eviscerated.
During this time, a zombie infection starts spreading and Lisa, Tony, Savage and Chris's grandmother are stranded in the school. Anna and John bond over her post-graduation plans after work. The next morning, Anna and John leave for the school, completely oblivious to the zombie chaos around them. When they encounter a zombie dressed as a snowman, Anna decapitates him with a seesaw.
The film ends as a piranha emerges from the pool and decapitates David (the small child who Hasselhoff saved earlier), leading Hasselhoff to quip "Little ginger moron", while the surviving visitors pick up their phones and take pictures of the dead child while the credits roll. In a post-credits scene, Hasselhoff is running on a beach holding a trident, advertising a film titled Fishhunter.
During the eclipse, Morgana – in a huge, semi draconic form – appears with the entire Mortes Milles. The children fight back, using strategies combining medieval warfare with modern technology. Merlin casts a magic spell to pull Morgana from the world, and Alex decapitates her as she vanishes, dispelling all the demons. Alex, Bedders, Lance, and Kaye bid farewell to Merlin, who encourages them to become leaders.
Curry and Roxanne shoot Bert numerous times, but the bullets prove ineffective. Corbin finally decapitates him, apparently killing him. Kellie flees into the field in the melee, and finds her father's eviscerated body hung from a scarecrow post with barbwire. Corbin retrieves her, bringing her back to the house, where Jack and Roxanne are extracting the wadded cash stuffed in Bert's hollowed-out corpse.
It is revealed that Gaia, though possessing every power of every living person in the FAYZ, loses that power when the person dies. Sam contemplates whether he must sacrifice himself in order to stop Gaia. Meanwhile, Alex brings Drake's head to Gaia; she decapitates Alex, attaches Drake's head to his body, and replaces Alex's missing arm with another tentacle. Gaia attacks Perdido Beach and kills Brianna.
As a final insult, Clapham-Lee decapitates West's corpse before leading his army of zombies off into the night. The narrator does not reveal much to the police about West, and they disbelieve the information he does reveal since the catacomb wall seems intact and undisturbed. He is forever haunted, considered mad, by his knowledge of what transpired and the lack of resolution regarding the raised corpses.
On the mainland, a team relays the information to their employer, Jeff, a wealthy bounty hunter. Later on that night Roland hears noises while on the roof of his houseboat. He leans over the edge and a frankenfish leaps up and decapitates him. His wife Bobbi attempts to escape the houseboat on a small boat but the fish flips her out and kills her.
In his drugged state, Chaz doesn't realize that the killer is slashing his torso with the scythe. The killer then decapitates Chaz while the crowd dances on (thinking it is a Halloween gag). Tobey, drunk and angry that no one's hitting on him while he's in his Halloween drag, spots the killer, who's still carrying Joey and Chaz's heads in trick or treat bags. Tobey pursues the killer, who dismisses him.
Captain Sánchez is hiding, waiting to trap the unsuspected Jalón. All is happening according to plan, but when the captain overhears the sincere love confession of Jalón for his daughter asking to marry him, he becomes outraged. In a fit of jealousy, the Captain grasps an ax and decapitates Jalón. Captain Sánchez throws the severed head into the fire, and hides the mutilated body on the cellar behind a wall.
Greta then decapitates Ruben before going back to the house and almost kill their sons. Seth and Alma followed Greta, but were horrified when Greta hanged herself. The next day Ding, who is on a raid at a sex den, kills the tenants and his teammates before his remaining teammates shoot him dead. Seth, worried about Cookie, explain to Jed on her behavioral changes and urges him to protect her.
Brigg finds Skye in her father's office and tries to explain himself, but she doesn't want to hear it. When Madison's father starts giving a speech, Olivia gives up on finding Chloe and goes to use the bathroom. She finds Chloe's body in one of the stalls and runs out to the crowd to warn everyone, but Charlie appears and decapitates her. Frightened, everyone leaves except for Madison and Skye.
David contaminates a drink he gives Holloway to impregnate Shaw with an extraterrestrial life form. He explores the Juggernaut and cuts his feed to Vickers, giving Weyland private-screening access as he learns about a last-surviving Engineer in cryosleep. David prepares Weyland for the expedition to awaken the Engineer. He translates Weyland's request for immortality, and the Engineer decapitates him and kills the rest of the expedition except for Shaw.
He takes them to the dungeon, and shows Angstrom Levy upside down and tortured. Mohawk Invincible wants to harness Levy's power and use it to conquer other realities. Robot then murders the Mohawk Invincible with a bomb that works its way down the throat, and decapitates Angstrom Levy. Robot leaves Mark stranded in this alternate Earth, stating that he wants to take over the current Earth and become its new ruler.
A lengthy chase ensues, with the two cops fleeing by patrol car. As Newton is driving the vehicle, Moorehouse jumps on top of the vehicle and decapitates Strom. Terrified, Newton exits his vehicle and shoots its gas tank, though the ensuing explosion doesn't put down Moorehouse. Moorehouse then chases Newton into an alley, where he telekinetically throws used hypodermic needles into the cop's body, pinning him to Moorehouse's wall mural.
Title pun: "Candle in the Wind" Simpsons episode: "Treehouse of Horror IX" Year 1998 Synopsis: In a segment of a Halloween special, Itchy decapitates Scratchy's head and prepares to use it as a jack-o'-lantern. However, Bart and Lisa are trapped in the cartoon and are caught laughing at Scratchy's pain. As a result, the cat and mouse duo try to teach the Simpson kids a lesson.
In the episode "The King, the Widow, and Rick", after the war between the Saviors and the banded survivors has begun, Rick again attempts to get Jadis on his side. She imprisons him in a shipping container. In the episode "Time for After", Jadis releases him to fight with another armed walker. He decapitates the walker and disarms her men, giving her new terms which she appears to accept.
But outside a tense feast in the great hall, a fight breaks out between Huns and Burgundians, and soon there is general mayhem. When word of the fight arrives at the feast, Hagen decapitates the young son of Kriemhild and Etzel before their eyes. The Burgundians take control of the hall, which is besieged by Etzel's warriors. Kriemhild offers her brothers their lives if they hand over Hagen, but they refuse.
Joey storms out and states that he will continue on to Vegas alone. Bart decapitates Janet in order to ensure her death, then drops her remains over the bridge where he and Joey usually disposed of their corpses. Bart is captured by SWAT teams and taken to jail, where, come dawn, he collapses in his cell. Upon nightfall, Bart reawakens in the morgue and escapes, returning to the apartment.
Angel Zeruel decapitates the other Evangelion units, defeating Rei and Asuka. Shinji, arguing with his mentor and Misato's lover, Ryoji Kaji, returns to Nerv to protect the city. He merges with its unit and frees the Evangelion; however, he is trapped in its core for a month. Although Rei sacrifices herself in the battle against the Angel Armisael to save Shinji, she is revived through one of her clones.
As Rostam is sleeping, the dragon approaches; Rakhsh attempts to wake Rostam, but fails to alert him to the danger until Rostam sees the dragon. Rakhsh bites the serpent, while Rostam decapitates it. This is the third trial of Rostam's Seven Labors. Rostam is also credited with the slaughter of other dragons in the Shahnameh and in other Iranian oral traditions, notably in the myth of Babr-e-Bayan.
They are interrupted by the killer, disguised in a decorative suit of armor, who shoots Blake with a crossbow and decapitates Sam with an axe. Meanwhile, Nancy runs into the school's groundskeeper, Ralph, who ominously tells her he believes something evil is about to happen. Melody, meanwhile, seduces Alex in her bedroom and gives him a handjob. The next morning, Nancy finds Ralph's corpse in the woods outside.
This rice is taken from the fresh harvest available at that time. This custom is prevalent both in rural and urban areas especially in Western India. Krishna decapitates the demon Narakasura with his discus On this day, a head wash and application of kajal in the eyes is believed to keep away the kali nazar (evil eye). Some say that those who are into tantra, learn their 'mantras' on this day.
He is then killed by Alex, who decapitates him and destroys Boris's brain. As the trio leave the burning museum, Alex leaves to enter a hidden room. There he pulls off his face, showing that he has a similar metal skeleton, and switches it out with another, implying that Boris had switched faces with Alex and that he is now free to kill again in a new location.
Seeking to redeem himself, Billimoria asks Julia for her last wish, who appeals that he continue her task of delivering the sword to the INA before falling to her death. Unsheathing the shining sword, Billimoria massacres the rest of the British troops on the bridge, decapitates Harding, and walking on the rope delivers the sword to the INA. The film ends by proclaiming the INA raised the Indian flag in 1944.
Tien then embarks on a rehabilitation regimen with the help of Master Bua. Rajasena visits Bhuti at his temple to remove his curse, but Bhuti reveals his true motive of usurping Rajasena and becoming the new king. After a battle, Bhuti decapitates Rajasena, but his severed head curses Bhuti. After meditating, Tien returns to his village to find it in ruins, and the surviving villagers kidnapped and enslaved by Bhuti.
Outside, Angela sees Inga drive back in a yellow car, similar to one Manuela drove. The masked killer takes Inga somewhere, as she has accompanied the person willingly, where she is tied with rope. The killer turns on a saw and pushes Inga towards it. After a young boy turns off the machine, the saw is turned back on and decapitates Inga, before the killer chases and splatters him with the car.
Lajoska stuffs his father and the cats. With little left to live for, he locks himself in a homemade surgical harness and through the use of sedatives, painkillers and a heart-lung machine, begins removing his own internal organs. Pumping his body full of preservatives and sewing himself up, he activates the machine that decapitates him, leaving behind a preserved statue. His body is displayed in an exhibit alongside the cats and his father.
Alex's abusive ex-boyfriend, Mike, learns of the outing and plans to sabotage it. Meanwhile, the genie levitates Dr. Bressling's body and decapitates him with a ceiling fan in his office. That night at the museum, Alex and her boyfriend Ted are met by Babs, Ross, Gwen, and Terry. The group enter the museum, where Alex leads them to the basement where they plan to stay the night and elude the building's security guards.
She lets her body be ripped apart by Hazama in order to deliver a crippling blow. She was torn into shreds by an angered Hazama along with Jin, who stayed by her side till the end. ; :A quirky Shikabane Hime who always squabbled with her Contracted Monk, Nagatomo Kashin. She fights with a pair of sub-machine guns like Makina, she was the first to be killed when Hokuto decapitates her with a kick.
He eventually becomes the first of the Phoenix Five to fall. Namor rejoins the Illuminati, but believing the group's morality holds it back, he assembles a new group, the Cabal, to deal with interdimensional incursions. Namor and the Cabal eventually escape to another Earth, this one in the Ultimate Universe. The new Squadron Supreme decapitates Namor in retaliation for the worlds destroyed by the Cabal, but this is undone through time travel.
A player decapitates three rat foes Battletoads Arcade is a coin-operated, scrolling beat 'em up arcade game. Up to three players, as the Battletoads (Rash, Pimple, and Zitz), punch and kick oncoming enemies through six levels to save their alternate universe from the Dark Queen. Arcade was the first Battletoads game to feature three-player cooperative multiplayer. Players control their characters with eight-directional joysticks and two buttons (attack and jump).
Michonne's walkers make noises that alert the men to their presence, and though Michonne decapitates the walkers to stop them, Michonne and Andrea are captured. Andrea is surprised one of the men is Merle (Michael Rooker), Daryl's brother who Rick's group had left handcuffed to piping atop an Atlanta skyscraper. Merle was able to escape by sawing off his own hand, which he has replaced with a makeshift bayonet prosthetic. Andrea faints from the shock.
Rubi duels and kills Pelham's chief bodyguard, Tarantula (Kim Mai Guest), by snapping her neck, then decapitates Pelham. Ackers says that Rubi delivered his son to his death, albeit unknowingly. He cannot bring himself to forgive her, but her actions that night are enough for him to refrain from taking vengeance on her. Rubi accepts this and leaves, pocketing a small stack of cash that Pelham threw at her to try to save himself.
Amon was angry with his deceased father. He felt Abin had abandoned him in favor of the Green Lantern Corps and decided to take his anger out on all Green Lanterns. Amon is eventually stopped by Hal Jordan's successor, Kyle Rayner, and a second-generation Guardian of the Universe named Lianna. Lianna decapitates Amon, but since the head is not a crucial appendage to Ungarans, he survives and eventually regrows a new head.
Meanwhile, a nail from the large crucifix hanging over the church's altar is pried out by an unseen force and flies across the room and is driven into Jameson's skull. Stanley then rises from the cellar below engulfed in flames and wielding a sword. A pack of large black boars pours out of the hole in the floor, where Stanley now hovers above everyone else. He then decapitates Kincaid and his coach.
She then tells him that Jenny has been sent to 1998, where Kinsky is training his army to establish a new world order. After Lori urges John to save Jenny, he decapitates her and uses the last of her energy to travel to a post-apocalyptic wasteland in 1998. Upon his arrival, John reunites with Jenny, who is now an adult. She reveals that she reprogrammed Kowalsky to fight on their side.
Ignoring posted warning signs, Vyvyan sticks his head out the window as the train enters a tunnel and accidentally decapitates himself. The four leave the train to chase down Vyvyan's head and ends up hitchhiking to the studio. They arrive two weeks later, bedraggled and filthy, and Vyvyan tries and fails to smuggle in a pig. Mike's friend, Bambi, is the host of University Challenge and a play on host Bamber Gascoigne.
David then suddenly sees Jack, in a yet more advanced stage of decay, outside of an adult movie theatre. Inside, Jack is accompanied by David's victims from the previous night, most of whom are furious with David and suggest different methods for him to commit suicide. David transforms again into a werewolf inside the movie theatre. He decapitates Inspector Villiers, and wreaks havoc in the streets, causing the deaths of many drivers and bystanders.
When Arundo, fearing for his safety, decides to cut ties with Shibumi and flee to Shanghai, Saitō appears and decapitates Arundo with a strike from his sword. Watsuki stated "this character's only here to get beat up." Appearing to aid story development, Arundo does not have much personality aside from arrogance (Watsuki's favorite personality trait for villains). Watsuki believes that he was unable to make Arundo's chain-scythe to appear like real chains.
Royce frees the captive Predator in exchange for transport to Earth. The Predator dons his armor and hacks into the computer of the Super Predators' ship using his wrist computer, setting a course for Earth. Royce runs to the ship as the Berserker arrives, and the two Predators fight each other. The Berserker overpowers and decapitates the smaller Predator before using his wrist computer to self destruct the ship, ostensibly killing Royce.
Later, however, he was seen alive and well, in the company of Betty Ross; at the time, the circumstances of his apparent resurrection were not revealed.Fall of the Hulks: Gamma (December 2009). Marvel Comics. As the attempted coup d'état of Washington, D.C. takes place, Colonel Talbot appears on national TV as part of the Intelligencia's plan to seize control - only to be revealed as an L.M.D. himself when the Red Hulk decapitates him.
West offers to demonstrate the reagent and puts a few drops of it onto a microscope slide with dead cat tissue. As Dr. Hill peers through the microscope at this slide, West clobbers him from behind with a shovel, and then decapitates him with it. West then reanimates Dr. Hill's head and body separately. While West is questioning Dr. Hill's head and taking notes, Dr. Hill's body sneaks up behind him and knocks him unconscious.
Peter Joseph "Peejoe" Bullis lives in a small town in Alabama in 1965, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. Peejoe's eccentric Aunt Lucille Vinson poisons her husband Chester to death after suffering years of abuse. She decapitates him and brings his severed head with her en route to Hollywood, where she is convinced that television stardom awaits her. In New Orleans, Lucille purchases a black hat box to store Chester's head.
Clara decapitates Werner, burns his body, and leaves town with her daughter. Eleanor and Clara seek sanctuary in the coastal town of Hastings. There, Clara sets her sights on a lonely soul named Noel, who has just inherited the Byzantium Hotel, a once-thriving business that has fallen into disrepair. Eleanor plays the piano in a restaurant and is approached by a young waiter named Frank, who takes a shine to her.
Initially, they frighten Mina, but she eventually succumbs to their chanting and attempts to seduce Van Helsing. Before Mina can feed on his blood, Van Helsing places a communion wafer on her forehead, leaving a mark. He surrounds them with a ring of fire to protect them from the brides, then infiltrates the castle and decapitates them the following morning. As sunset approaches, Dracula's carriage arrives at the castle, pursued by the hunters.
Jimmy pins Eddie to the wall with glass shards, decapitates him, later doing the same to Lupovich, but keeps their heads alive to transport their souls. Pearl, knowing that Jeremiah is next, goes with Cynthia to his house to rescue him. They end up being too late. Pearl, Cynthia, Patrick, Bill, Tia and Jeremiah's wife Nancy (Lynda Boyd) watch him get dragged off by Jimmy, leaving nothing but a melted hole in the window.
In the Shiva Purana, the annihilation of Hiranyaksha appears as a cursory tale in the story of subduing of his adopted son Andhaka by Shiva. The demon king Hiranyaksha confines the earth to Patala. Vishnu becomes Varaha (identified with Sacrifice) and slaughters the demon army by trashing them by his snout, piercing by tusks and kicking by his legs. Finally, Varaha decapitates the demon king with his discus and crowns Andhaka as his successor.
Coming across a group of citizens scheduled for lobotomy, he asks whether they have free will; When they answer yes, he frees them and goes on to confront Michael. As the two androids fight, Michael proclaims the importance of order over free will, calling this "justice". Hakaider declares that, if that is justice, then he will be evil. Michael gains the upper hand, but Hakaider surprises him with a concealed weapon and decapitates him.
He also eats Snowball V and then he attempts to eat Bart, but is stopped by Marge. Homer then becomes obese, and eats a teenager in an attempt to "savor" him from the flames of a barbecue fire. Homer then slowly mutates into a giant blob monster, rampaging through Springfield while eating all the overweight people he can find. Homer snacks on bus passengers as if they were candies and decapitates Ned Flanders.
A year later, in the story "Return to New York", the Turtles returned to settle the score with the Shredder. Leonardo faced off against Oroku Saki alone, during which Saki revealed he was brought back to life by a technique using worms feeding on his remains and recreating his cells to reform his body. In the battle, Leonardo decapitates the villain, finally killing him, and the four turtles burn his body at the Hudson River.
Machete and Mendez manage to reach the US and kill Doakes and Clebourne only to be caught by a reborn Zaror and the same mercenaries who killed Sartana. Zaror decapitates Mendez and Machete is riddled with bullets. Machete wakes up to find himself in a healing tank. He is taken to meet Zaror's benefactor—corrupt businessman, inventor and Star Wars fan Luther Voz (Mel Gibson), who reveals Zaror is a series of cloned warriors.
When they find his mementos and a wall covered in news clippings of missing women, they attempt to leave, but the Stranger captures them both and prepares them for the creature. Amy is taken away, but before the Stranger can prepare Ben for sacrifice, Rachel rescues him. Together, Ben and Rachel search for Amy, only to find her moments before the creature decapitates her. Ben tosses Rachel his car keys and demands that she flee.
The killer manages to wound her, but Christie is able to momentarily incapacitate the killer, escaping into the woods. As she rests against a tree, the killer appears from behind and viciously decapitates her. Later that day, a drunk Matthew rides away on a snowmobile, in search of Christie. Patti is given an impromptu audition with Stryker and nearly explodes with anger when he mocks her ability to act, not even giving her a chance to start.
Prisoner KSC2-303 decapitates The Man and rescues The Girl, and both make their escape from The Forest of Resurrection. 99 years later, Earth lies in ruin. The reincarnation of The Man travels through the remains of a city, and eventually confronts Prisoner KSC2-303 and the reincarnated versions of The Man's gang (who now work for KSC2-303). The Girl, held against her will, tells The Man that she should have been on his side 99 years earlier.
Xuemei joins Lun Lin in his fight against Tong Fong Pak but takes control of the battle, decapitates the enemy, and delivers the head to the remaining masters. She then kills the masters' army along with Ghost. Fire and the Witch counterattack by pushing a drum towards her, which reflects magic back at her when she uses the lyre. Lun Lin was able to repel Fire and Witch's attack, but suffers injury from using the lyre improperly.
He orders Kip to retrieve Janus Borrig's card set (as well as cards stolen from him by the Prism) in exchange for declaring Kip prism elect. During a card scene, Koios tests his control of black by elevating an opportunistic blue to become Mott. As soon as he attempts betrayal, the pendant decapitates him. The Color Prince then selects Samila Sayeh for the 'honor,' which she does not want but is in no position to refuse.
Hank manages to knock him with a rifle and it woges back to his human form, revealed to be Gregorek, who says: "Dēcapitāre". In Vienna, Renard, Meisner and Sebastien arrive at the meeting with Frenay, who is executing a man for betraying them and tells Meisner to kill him. In the station, Nick and Hank try to make Gregorek confess but he refuses. Nick learns from Rosalee that the word "Dēcapitāre" means "he who decapitates" in Latin.
On Juliet Starling's 18th birthday, she goes to the front park of San Romero High School to meet her boyfriend Nick Carlyle, who is going to meet her family for the first time. Unfortunately, a zombie outbreak has occurred, which leads to Juliet fighting off hordes of undead on her way to meet Nick. When she arrives, Nick is bitten in her place to protect her from a zombie. To prevent him from turning, Juliet decapitates him.
Dobbs pulls his pistol, only to find it is unloaded. After one of the Mestizos knocks Dobbs to the ground with a rock to the head, Miguel, the leader of the gang, decapitates the stunned Dobbs with a machete. The men don his boots and pants but leave his bloody shirt behind, and escape with the pack train. The outlaws, upon examining the contents of the pack, find only what appears to be sand in burlap bags.
Finally, the Aghori decapitates the corpse to acquire its skull or extracts a bone from its spine to gain control over its soul. The remaining body is cast in the river. The rite should be followed by a period of asceticism to gain mastery of the soul of the deceased. While the Aghori sits on the corpse's chest and meditates, the ojha (exorcist or wizard) performs the ritual by seating on the stomach of the deceased.
While Benjamin has one of his sons pick up doughnuts, Larry gets attacked by the undead, then accidentally shot by the other son. Afterward, it is revealed that the nurse was Benjamin's wife and she left the group in an attempt to help others. Benjamin tries to bring her back despite her infection but is attacked and killed, while another zombie decapitates his wife. A man named Hac is sent by his bitten friend Mac to find an antidote.
Krishna decapitates the Naraka with his Sudarshana Chakra Goddess of earth gives the Aditi's Kundalas to Krishna Drunk with power, as he knew himself to be unrivalled in prowess, he brought all the kingdoms on earth under his control. Next, he turned his eyes towards Swargaloka. Even the mighty Indra could not withstand the assault of this son of Vishnu and had to flee the heavens. Narakasura had become the overlord of both the heavens and earth.
Unable to get inside, the cannibals set the tower on fire to burn the group alive, but they escape by jumping out of the window to the trees. In the subsequent chase, Three Finger catches Carly and decapitates her with an axe. Chris pulls a branch while Jessie lures Three Finger for the former to release it, knocking Three Finger off to the ground. Jessie and Chris manage to escape and hide in a cave until the morning.
With the holy water the group brought, Bibi, Johnny and Sister Gloria kill the remaining demons, except for Angela. After finishing off the demons, the three survivors find Melissa sleeping on an altar. Angela and Sister Gloria debate on what true faith is with Angela stating "Real faith can move mountains, your faith can't even move a mouse." Angela then decapitates Sister Gloria but the sister actually pulls her head down into her habit and survives.
After a brief hide and seek Gary almost exits the building when Jacob pulls him in and decapitates him. Brenda goes out and reclaims the map, but is followed back to the office by Jacob, who forces his way in before the door can be resealed. Jacob axes David while Melanie and Brenda make a run for it, trying to use the map to find another way out. Jacob finds the two, kills Melanie, and fights Brenda.
Parallelly, Srimukha is caught by a creeper Latha (Meena Kumari) and they fall in love. Fortuitously, Swarna Manjari also winds up to the same place and being aware of Chandra Bhanu she moves to rescue him. Underwater with his blessing of Lord Jalakanteshwara Swamy (Ramakrishna) she gets back Chandra Bhanu. But, unfortunately, the mermaid decapitates her when Chandra Bhanu beseech the mermaid which she accepts on an oath, that he will reside to her by the full moon day.
Vishnu (with 10 primary avatars). The above- quoted account from the Shatapatha Brahmana seems to be an altered and elaborated version of the same legend from the Panchavimsha Brahmana. The most notable changes are that Vishnu is present at the sacrifice, and the bow- string snaps and decapitates Him this time as a result of ants gnawing at it. As mentioned before, the word 'Mahāvīra' can also be translated as 'great hero' and 'archer' (see above).
They become lost, failing to rendezvous with the rest of the expedition who has left because of the storm, and find a mound of Engineer corpses and a hidden room containing the thawed, mutating black liquid. They also encounter Hammerpedes: extraterrestrial, eel-like creatures which attack them. Fifield decapitates one, and its corrosive blood melts his helmet. The deformed and mutated Fifield returns to the Prometheus, where he attacks the crew and murders several members before he is killed.
The results later come back negative and Kahn ends up escaping. Noel and Jenna later lure the Liars to an abandoned school for blind students so they could be held hostage and eventually murdered. During a cat-and-mouse chase, Kahn ends up stumbling upon an axe that decapitates his head after failing to fight Emily and Hanna. In the following episode, "Playtime", Detective Marco Furey informs Spencer that Jenna and Noel frequently visited Archer Dunhill at Welby.
She nearly escapes, only to be caught in a bear trap. Elizabeth attempts to appeal to Jedidiah's sympathy, while Verna encourages him to kill her to protect their family. Unable to recall events prior to his injury, Jedidiah begins to listen to Elizabeth's pleas, but spitefully decapitates her after she insults Verna. The next morning, Verna burns the evidence of the prior night's events and the other Sawyers feed the remains of their victims to the pigs.
Jack's plane luckily hits and decapitates the creature, preventing the woman from being eaten. At the last second Jack bails out, and at the beginning of the game he dangles in his parachute from a tree, with a boot-knife as his only weapon. After cutting the woman loose, she is revealed to be a princess who was going to be sacrificed as an attempt to save her father's life. She becomes Jack's companion throughout the game.
Successful in lowering Eco-Pod 15 back to Earth, Walker slaves its processor to Kvasir's mainframe before being forced to fight off an Authority strike force. Kvasir sends Walker on a mission to retrieve a DNA sample from General Cross. Raiding an Authority base for the sample, Walker frees captives from Vineland whose DNA was used in horrific cloning and mutant experiments. Walker decapitates General Cross after defeating him in battle, though a fresh clone of the General escapes.
After trying to dig up Mullet at the cemetery, Bradley breaks down and cries over the death of his friends. Tasha consoles him and they have sex in the car, but Mullet drags him out and rips off his penis, causing him to bleed to death. Tasha escapes and runs into an open grave, where Mullet decapitates her with a shovel. Next day, Justine tells Jason, who is in the Art Room, that she was responsible for Mullet's death.
Lucy then enters the tomb, with a small child she intended to feed on, and is confronted by the vampire hunters ("Undead One, Surrender"). The group forces her into her coffin with religious chanting, and Holmwood tearfully drives a stake through her heart, while Van Helsing decapitates her. Lucy dies and is finally able to rest in peace. While musing on the events of the previous day, Mina once more hears Dracula's voice in her mind.
However, Ivy turns on Floronic Man and lets Batman go to fight the intoxicated maniac. In the end, Batman decapitates the Floronic Man, and Ivy escapes with her money.Batman: Shadow of the Bat #56–58 At times, Ivy demonstrates positive and maternal traits. When Gotham City is destroyed in an earthquake and declared No Man's Land, she holds dominion over Robinson Park and turns it into a tropical paradise rather than fight over territory like most of Batman's enemies.
She also runs into Dr. Allen, who believes Laura committed the killings. He tries to sedate her, but is stopped by the Boogeyman who stabs him and shoves two needles into his eyes. The Boogeyman is revealed to be Henry; Dr. Allen had locked him in a closet in an attempt to treat him of his bogyphobia, and the Boogeyman possessed Henry at that time. The chase ends when Laura decapitates the Boogeyman with gardening shears.
Armageddon finishes off the undead and the Prisoner decapitates the Hazmat zombie, apparently ending the threat. Later, the President announces that he will cooperating with NATO to bring all those responsible for the bioweapon to justice, much to The Chief of Bureau’s chagrin. The President considers his decision to be “a necessary evil” and expects the Chief to resign, effective immediately. Mina allows the Prisoner to leave, despite having some ammo in her guns, showing respect for him.
As Antimatter eventually reaches The Peak, She-Hulk orders Singularity to stay behind while the rest of the team leaves to parley with Antimatter. After talks fail, Antimatter fatally wounds Dazzler and in turn She-Hulk decapitates Antimatter. Angered by Dazzler's death, Singularity leaves to confront a recovered Antimatter one-on- one. As Singularity fights Antimatter, Dr. Tempest Bell, The Peak's lead scientist, develops a bomb capable of destroying Antimatter but denoting it will also kill Singularity.
Dean breaks free and kills two of the three vampires, but Starr goes after Jody. Donna, who broke one of the lenses of her glasses and used it to cut herself free, decapitates Starr, saving Jody and quipping "Hakuna Matata, lady." Later, Donna discusses the experience with Jody, saying that knowing monsters are out there makes the world seem bigger and darker. Jody, complimenting Donna's actions, offers to train her to be a hunter, something Donna accepts.
She is introduced to Guan Yu by Zhang Fei after Lü Bu's death. Instead of accepting her as the spoils of war, Guan Yu decapitates her with his sword. This event is not mentioned in historical records or the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but is propagated through mass media such as operas and storytelling. A Qing dynasty illustration showing Diaochan and Wang Yun discussing their plan to make Lü Bu kill Dong Zhuo.
Conker opens an airlock, expelling Kriplespac and the Panther King and Berri's corpses into space, and then battles the alien with the aid of a robotic suit. The game then suddenly freezes, and Conker expresses disbelief that Rare did not test the game properly. Asking for the programmers' assistance, the programmers give Conker a katana and teleport him to the Panther King's throne room, where he decapitates the alien. Conker is then crowned the new king of the land.
Michael tracks Laurie and her son to the private boarding school where she is headmistress and murders John's friends. Getting her son to safety, Laurie willingly goes back to face Michael, and decapitates him, finally killing him. Halloween: Resurrection (2002), which picks up three years after H20, retcons Michael's death, establishing that the man Laurie decapitated was a paramedic whom Michael had attacked and swapped clothes with. Michael (Brad Loree) tracks down an institutionalized Laurie and kills her.
It appears that the creature, impersonating Klaski, has been caring for Remy's well-being with a mind to fulfill its base purpose. Unfortunately for it, when they finally meet in a suspenseful setting in Remy's apartment, she decapitates it. However, it is not dead as cockroaches can live up to two weeks without a head and Remy and one of the students, who is now living with her, are left wondering how to handle the situation.
Although freed, Warren refuses to rejoin X-Factor, feeling that he has changed too much psychologically to be a hero.X-Factor #25 He seeks out Candy Southern, but finds that she is missing. Warren learns that Candy has been lobotomized to protect Cameron Hodge's secrets, including the establishment of the anti- mutant militia "The Right" using funds embezzled from Worthington. In the confrontation that follows, Hodge murders Candy in front of Warren and Warren decapitates Hodge.
In Heaven, the archangel is notified, but refuses to enter the fight without God. The archangel arrives with God over his head and decapitates the dragon, liberating Teodosio from his chains and ending his penance. This legend is associated to the monastery of San Miguel de Aralar. It has been interpreted as a way of justifying the break from the religion and customs of pagan Basques and the adoption of Christianity and, specifically, the veneration for St. Michael.
The boys return to the docks in their costumes hoping to win the contest for best costume, with Kenny wearing an elaborate costume of the ED-209 robot from RoboCop. To Kenny's disappointment, everyone (including Korn) is able to clearly recognize him. At the town square, the grave watchers are explaining the concept of necrophilia very explicitly until the Pirate Ghosts show up and terrorize the town. A few citizens are blown up and one ghost decapitates two others.
Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith (2005) In Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, set three years after Attack of the Clones, Anakin is now a Jedi Knight and a hero of the Clone Wars. He and Obi-Wan lead a mission to rescue Palpatine from Separatist commander General Grievous (voiced by Matthew Wood). The two Jedi battle Count Dooku, whom Anakin overpowers and decapitates at Palpatine's urging. They rescue Palpatine and return to Coruscant.
When Leonardo is completely healed from his injuries, the Turtles and Splinter return to New York to face the Shredder once more. They launch a surprise assault on the Foot headquarters, fighting their way through Shredder's minions and eventually reaching his throne. By the end of the battle, an epic standoff between Leonardo and the Shredder occurs. Armed with the Sword of Tengu, the former decapitates the latter when they strike each other in one final clash.
Laurie's fear becomes reality when Michael shows up at the school and begins killing John's friends. Laurie manages to get John and his girlfriend (Michelle Williams) to safety, but decides to face Michael once and for all. Laurie decapitates Michael, finally killing him. Halloween: Resurrection (2002) picks up three years after H20, and reveals that Michael swapped clothes with a paramedic—crushing the paramedic's larynx so that he could not talk—and that was whom Laurie killed.
After they crash the car, Costas and Natsuo steal a motorcycle, which they later crash as well. With his goons stripping the car, Madras drives off in pursuit. After locating Costas and Natsuo, he shoots Costas and attempts to run down Natsuo, who despite Costas' plea has begun to run towards the car. Natsuo deliver's a kamikaze attack on Madras, kicking through the windshield and hitting Madras so hard the force of the strike decapitates him.
The night before Halloween, a gay couple are making out in a car when a bare-chested killer in a devil mask (Nick Name Kent Bradley James) appears and decapitates them with a sickle. Halloween finds Eddie (Dylan Fergus) at his job as a police technician talking with his police officer sister. He distributes flyers about the murders and dresses in his father's police uniform for a Halloween costume. While distributing the flyers, he meets Jake (Bryan Kirkwood) in a tattoo shop.
Celine goes to comfort Aidan, and decides to offer him her blood. Reluctantly, Aidan drains Celine of her blood, killing her, but allowing him to heal completely. Expecting that Josh would attempt to fight for him, Aidan has Sally trap Josh in the hospital basement while he decapitates Bishop in their fight to the death. After Heggeman crowns him as the new head of the Boston vampires, Aiden learns that Mother wants to meet with him over the matter of Bishop's orphaned vampires.
He excavates the ruins of the lodge where his family died, and upon finding Mischa's remains, he gives her a proper burial. He also unearths the dog-tags of the deserters who killed his sister. One of them, Enrikas Dortlich, sees him arrive in the country and attempts to kill him but is incapacitated by Lecter. After he buries Mischa's remains, Lecter forces Dortlich to reveal the whereabouts of the rest of his gang, then decapitates Dortlich with a horse-drawn pulley.
Meanwhile, the rest of the hunting party are systematically murdered by Victor: Chad is violently hacked in the face with Victor's hatchet, and Cletus' face is mutilated by a boat propeller. While Layton and Avery are having makeup sex, Victor appears and decapitates Layton. Avery tries to run away, but Victor chops her between the legs and in the chest with his hatchet. Finally, John and Vernon are simultaneously split in half from the groin up with a long chainsaw.
The killer, mistaking Lou for Nick, decapitates him, and his head rolls across the stage. A panic ensues among the promgoers, and Nick and Kim battle with the killer on the dance floor. Nick hits him in the side of the head with the blunt edge of the axe, and the killer stumbles outside. Kim follows him, unmasking him as he collapses outside, only to see that it is her brother, Alex—Alex had witnessed Robin's death, and sought vengeance against those responsible.
This casket is the most elaborate, the largest and possibly the earliest in date, but over 45 medieval chasses survive showing Becket's story and thought to have been made in Limoges. Another fine example is in the Burrell Collection in Glasgow.Binski, 225, with a catalogue entry on the Burrell chasse. The scene of the martyrdom is shown on the front, where one of the knights decapitates Becket in front of the altar, while on the sloping roof the archbishop's funeral is depicted.
In Nextwave #10, Forbush Man forces each member of Nextwave to experience life in 'Forbush Vision'; they were cursed to suffer in a boring or mundane personal hell. Aaron's nightmare was life as an insurance adjuster for Delmar Insurance in Central City, USA. Bashing his head into a personal computer several times out of depression, he decapitates himself...only to answer the phone a moment later. Stack is freed from the nightmare by the intervention of fellow Nextwave member Tabitha Smith.
Satyakant and Shiv are attacked by a contract killer, Jabbar Bhai, and his goons, sent by Pradhan. Surya decapitates Jabbar Bhai and his gang, saving his father and brother. Twenty- five of the MLAs of Pradhan's political party are caught red-handed at a brothel with prostitutes by the media with the help of an unknown informer, later revealed to be Boss. Ayushman sets a trap against Shiv by setting up Ankita's friend Dimple and arrests Shiv in a fake rape case.
The Marine Turtle Population Law of 2002 assigns a three-year prison sentence to anyone who "kills, hunts, captures, decapitates, or disturbs marine turtles". Even so, it is common for locals to harvest eggs for personal use or for sale in local bars due to supposed aphrodisiac qualities. A poacher can make up to $300 in one night, selling eggs for about $1 each on the black market. Eggs obtained from poaching are often sold to drug dealers or traded for drugs.
Takashi says, through Ruby's translation, that the demon spared him because of his remorse. As the others come to believe Jennifer, they admit their sins: Ruby says she hired a yakuza to disfigure a rival model in Japan, and Douglas admits to killing his wife. Ruby drowns after admiring her reflection in a pool of water, and the demonic miller decapitates Douglas. Revealing himself as the miller's assistant, Abe kills Takahashi because the miller can not kill innocents or remorseful people.
Later, Kriemhild confronts Hagen with a group of Huns, and Hagen provokes her by bragging that he killed Siegfried. None of the Huns is brave enough to attack, and the Burgundians prevent an attack that Kriemhild had planned for that night. The next day, Kriemhild convinces Etzel's brother Bloedelin to attack the Burgundians' supplies; this occurs while Etzel, Kriemhild, and their son Ortlieb are seated in the hall with Burgundians. Upon hearing of the attack, Hagen decapitates the Hunnish prince.
Countering this, Satyaki narrates the story of Kritavarma plotting to kill Devaki's father. Warriors start taking sides depending on who their clans had fought for during the war; wine flows and tempers flare. Enraged, Satayki gets up from the ground, and to his shock he discovers that the grass he pulls up from his clenched hands has turned into weapons (thanks to a rishi's curse). Red-faced, Satyaki decapitates Kritavarma and begins assaulting the warriors who are on Kritavarma's side.
The Alpha refuses to listen and after hearing that Edgar has arrived, orders the hunters locked up. The Alpha confronts Edgar who confirms Sam and Dean's story, telling him that the Leviathans intend to use the fact that so many monsters feed on humans to wipe them out. When Edgar insults Eve, the Alpha attacks him, throwing Borax in his face, but Edgar overpowers him. Before Edgar can kill the Alpha, Sam and Dean, who broke free, attack and Sam decapitates Edgar.
Avid came from the South District to drink the blood of Noh-A, but soon after seeks Jack's blood. Avid bites Jack and briefly controls him using fear, but Jack breaks through the commands and decapitates him. Afterward, Avid is still alive and a black wings sprout from his eyepatch (which has the symbol of a wing on it), flying him away. ;Lucy Lucy used to be a 'meal' (zombie) under the control of Avid but was saved by Hansen.
Using his mastery of the Five Venom Fists, Yuan kills Su's father and decapitates him. He expresses his desire to be with his sister (Ying) and her son Feng as a family. When Su hears the news of his father's murder, he rushes to the scene of his father's death and is attacked by the Iron Twins. He chases them to a rapid where Yuan is offering Su's father's head to his real father's shrine as a symbol of revenge taken.
After initially encountering the mutants, McCan is killed when a mutant decapitates him. Deeper into the base, Crispy and Ramirez are both ambushed by the Theta and killed, leaving Cole on his own. Cole manages to locate the rest of Delta, however they are attacked again by the Theta, and all but Cole and Lieutenant Chew are killed. Making their way topside, the Illuminati disables the cargo elevator, killing Chew and leaving Cole bitten by one mutant, partially mutating him.
Voldemort announces Harry's apparent death to everyone at Hogwarts and demands their surrender. As Neville Longbottom gives a defiant response and draws the sword from the Sorting Hat, Harry reveals he is still alive; the Malfoys and many Death Eaters abandon Voldemort. While Harry confronts Voldemort in a duel throughout the castle, Molly Weasley kills Bellatrix in the Great Hall and Neville decapitates Nagini, making Voldemort mortal. Harry and Voldemort's fight ends with Voldemort's own Killing Curse rebounding and obliterating him.
Incensed, Mr. Gallico attacks Mr. Ormond and forces him into the buzz-saw on functional mode (non-illusion) and decapitates him. His crime is almost revealed when Mr. Ormond's severed head is mistakenly taken for a trip with Gallico's assistant Ms. Lee and Mr. Bruce. Gallico then impersonates Ormond to rent an apartment from Alice Prentiss (Lenita Lane), an author of mystery novels. Gallico disposes of Ormond's body, but is again forced to murder when his ex-wife Claire discovers the impersonation.
It also cannot detect the difference between diaries from other universes, which Yuno exploits to defeat him. Despite losing to Yuno, he continues to help Yuki and gives him the clue on Yuno's identity before she decapitates him. In the Third World, Aru is seen alive and continues as Deus' observer, with Reisuke as his detective-in-training. :Aru is the protagonist of Paradox, set in an alternate timeline after Murumuru accidentally kills Yuno and Yuki is mortally wounded by Takao Hiyama.
Raiden breaks into Geza's bedroom and decapitates him as Geza makes a failed attack of his own. With Geza dead, Raiden's surviving group rescues Bartok's daughter and tells her that Bartok's honour is restored. When word reaches the Emperor, he discusses with his council on how to deal with Bartok's soldiers, who caution him against the risk of turning the people against the crown. They realise that the public view Geza's death as a righteous one, and widely support the Bartok clan.
Years later when Mickey finally uncovered the truth, Bethel shot him, implicating Kinsey. Kinsey is reluctantly persuaded by the detectives to attempt to trap Bethel into a confession, an operation which goes badly wrong, and she ends up a target. However Duffy, now understanding Bethel to be the one responsible for his brother's death, decapitates Bethel with a digger, saving Kinsey. Meanwhile, Kinsey has uncovered the truth at the Honky-Tonk: it is being used to manufacture fake IDs, as Mickey had discovered.
Reddy stops Dhanush from shooting anyone else and tells Umapati to call Gana and make him surrender to Dhanush. Told that Sripati will only be taken to the hospital if he surrenders, Gana does so and is beaten and stabbed by Dhanush and his men. Reddy then tells Dhanush to kill Sripati, which enrages Gana into killing the thugs and Reddy. Gana then fights Dhanush and decapitates him with an axe when he tries to run over his father and uncle.
At Alexandria, Michonne (Danai Gurira) takes a hidden sniper rifle and leaves for a field, with a burnt out car, to practice with the weapon. A walker eventually approaches and she misses it several times, and eventually decapitates it with her katana. She finds one of her stray bullets hit a deer, and she carries it back to Alexandria. Meanwhile, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and his Saviors, including a captive Daryl (Norman Reedus), arrive earlier than expected to collect half of Alexandria's supplies.
Angel decapitates Hainsley and Spike reappears, revealing that Hainsley died when he hit the table and Spike was just enjoying hitting Angel. Back at Wolfram & Hart, Angel tells Wesley that Spike came to Angel with his plan to defeat Hainsley; Wesley says that Spike should have run the plan by everyone first. Angel says that Spike isn't good at sharing. Spike pays Fred a visit in the science lab, saying that she's "the science queen" and might be able to help him.
He is the first one killed when Vegeta interrupts his fight with Krillin and Gohan and decapitates him. Guldo is voiced by Kōzō Shioya in the original series and Yasuhiro Takato in Kai. In English, he is voiced by Terry Klassen in the Ocean dub, Dylan Thompson in Funimation's original dub, Bill Townsley in their redub, and by Greg Ayres in Kai. , or Recoome in the English anime dub, is a sadistic, orange-haired humanoid who names his attacks after himself.
As the battle with the zombies takes place, Magneto decapitates the zombie Hawkeye with Colonel America's shield. He attempts to decapitate the Colonel as well but only succeeds in slicing off the top half of Colonel America's brain. The latter becomes very annoyed at this, demanding double rations when Magneto is caught. Magneto is soon confronted by more zombie hordes, whom he only destroys but with little success as result of them being undead, and prepares for a final showdown.
Seeking out a radio tower he envisioned earlier, Red encounters The Chemist, a mysterious drug manufacturer, who tells him where to find the Children of the New Dawn. At their makeshift wooden church in a quarry, Red kills Brothers Swan and Hanker with his axe and kills Brother Klopek in a chainsaw duel, sparing only the life of Sister Lucy. Traversing the tunnels beneath the church, Red finds Mother Marlene and decapitates her. He then finds Sand, taunting him by rolling out Marlene's severed head.
Call, her crew and Ripley infiltrate the station disguised as "the World's Most Unexceptional Food Delivery Service," and after killing the guards, move into Trollenberg's lab. Inside, they find Trollenberg, who proceeds to kill two of Call's crew (Echo and Saud) before the cloaked Predator decapitates him with its disc, leaving Call, Ripley, and the survivors stunned. Immediately, the now-decloaked Predator is thrown back into the room, only to be followed by the hulking form of the prototype super soldier who proceeds to fight the Predator.
It is later discovered that Vyxn are a group of ghouls that lure men to their deaths (and it is hinted vampires) at will through their voice. Giles and the others rescue Xander from them just prior to Buffy's final fight with Solitaire. Solitaire it is discovered is immune to sunlight because he is not actually a vampire, he is a full-blooded demon, that can shift forms between human and demon, and the halfway mark looks remarkably like a vampire. Buffy decapitates him with an axe.
When a drunk Jug Mckenzie decides to join the race in response to critics saying he is now past his prime, Chopper locks him in a cupboard. Moments after the race starts, a shell burst decapitates surfer Dallas Hall, embedding part of her skull into Chopper's left arm, rendering it immobile. As the race continues, many others fall dead or injured, leaving only a handful of surfers left with Chopper in the lead. During one of the final obstacles, Chopper is gunned down by hidden machine guns.
Martin Ashley, a mentally ill gardener, decapitates his boss, the wealthy Mrs. Townsend, with a pair of garden shears. He subsequently turns himself in to the police, is found insane, and is sent to a mental institution ruled by psychiatrist Edwina Beighley. Mrs. Townsend's executor, Harley Manning, is suspicious of Ashley and hires actor Dale Nelson to simulate madness and land himself in the same institution; his hope is for Dale to locate a million dollars in stolen loot that Ashley might have hidden.
He likes to run through and bash through forces, such as in the scene where he is being shot at, he runs straight through the shots. Also, unlike many Predators, he has no sense of honor and instead takes immense pleasure in killing unarmed or sick prey, something which normal Predators find dishonorable and unsportsmanlike. He likes to appear right in front of everyone. Upon finding out the captive Predator has been freed by Royce and collaborates with him, he fights the Predator and decapitates him.
In the cave, realizing two of their men were poisoned, the leader grows angry. He and another tribesman pull Hunt from his cell, cut open his abdomen and shove the opium flask (heated by the fire) into the wound, and shoots him in the arm and abdomen with a rifle. Arthur arrives and kills one of the tribesmen, while Hunt decapitates the leader with one of the tribe's bone tomahawks. Arthur frees Samantha and Chicory, while a mortally wounded Hunt stays behind with a rifle.
He challenges Slaine to a duel in order to see who's more worthy of protecting the princess. He pilots the Kataphrakt Herschel that is capable of shooting projectiles incredibly fast in all directions, putting Slaine in trouble, until he manages to lure him to an area where it can only shoot in one direction, destroying his drones. When he tries to flee, Slaine decapitates his Kataphrakt, ejecting him into outer space. ; : :A Martian Knight with the rank of Count, who seems to get along with Marylcian.
When Dean regains consciousness, Donnelly tells him that he is building an army to fight the Darkness, who will kill everyone unless stopped. Dean finds Piper's hairpin and unlocks his handcuffs, and grabs the alpha, causing the car to smash into a roadblock. He finds Jessie's friend's purse in the car, which has pennies in it, places a coin in the alpha's mouth. Using the machete he dropped earlier and the door of the Impala, he decapitates the alpha and cures all of the transformed Nachzehrers.
The story revolves around Judith, a daring and beautiful widow, who is upset with her Jewish countrymen for not trusting God to deliver them from their foreign conquerors. She goes with her loyal maid to the camp of the enemy general, Holofernes, with whom she slowly ingratiates herself, promising him information on the Israelites. Gaining his trust, she is allowed access to his tent one night as he lies in a drunken stupor. She decapitates him, then takes his head back to her fearful countrymen.
Knowing that it was Helen that has been sowing seeds of discontent within the group, Alpha grabs Helen and decapitates her with a piece of wire. She then hands the head over to a sobbing Sean before fatally stabbing him in the stomach, as Henry looks on in horror. Privately, Alpha tells Beta a story about Lydia when she was three-years-old. They both then agree that Henry can be useful and that they need to find out if Lydia truly has feelings for him.
Pseudacteon tricuspis (commonly referred to as a phorid fly or fire ant decapitating fly) is a parasitic phorid fly that decapitates its host, the imported Solenopsis invicta fire ant. There are over 70 described species within the Pseudacteon genus, which parasitize a variety of ant species. However, P. tricuspis is very specific to its host ant and will not attack other native ant species, making it a good biological control against the fire ant. P. tricuspis was also introduced into the United States for this purpose.
Judith Beheading Holofernes is a painting of the biblical episode by Caravaggio, painted in . The widow Judith first charms the Syrian general Holofernes, then decapitates him in his tent. The painting was rediscovered in 1950 and is part of the collection of the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica in Rome. The recent exhibition 'Dentro Caravaggio' Palazzo Reale, Milan (Sept 2017-Jan 2018), suggests a date of 1602 on account of the use of light underlying sketches not seen in Caravaggio's early work but characteristic of his later works.
Knowing that it was Helen that has been sowing seeds of discontent within the group, Alpha grabs Helen and decapitates her with a piece of wire. She then hands the head over to a sobbing Sean before fatally stabbing him in the stomach, as Henry looks on in horror. Privately, Alpha tells Beta a story about Lydia when she was three years old. They both then agree that Henry can be useful and that they need to find out if Lydia truly has feelings for him.
An escaped convict named Pascal Gorriot happens to witness an attractive woman named Lucille disposing of her second husband Andre's corpse at sea. Thirteen years later, Andre's cousin shows up at Lucille's villa and he is stabbed to death by Andre's son (Colin) and daughter (Falaise) who are still living there with their mom. They even kill his pet dog who arrived with him. Soon after, another friend of the family moves into the villa and seduces the nutty Falaise, who decapitates him afterwards.
But Sathi marries Shiva against her father's wish, so, Daksha decides to insult Shiva by performing a sacrifice without inviting Shiva. Sathi wants to attend the sacrifice and visits uninvitedly ignoring the advice of her husband where she has to endure many insults. At last, when Daksha started insulting her husband, she could not bear and immolated herself in the sacrificial fire. Hearing it, Lord Shiva makes a ferocious dance called Rudra Thandava and wakes up Veerabhadra from his hair, who destroys sacrifice and decapitates Daksha.
After searching the lake, Nathan and Sheriff Tony arrive at Sadie's house and join Susan, Connor and Vica. They decide to try and escape from the house to go to a hospital but, as they do so, Vica and Sheriff Tony are devoured, and the car is submerged in the lake. Nathan, Susan and Connor take shelter in the house. Meanwhile, Brett, Reba and Jonas manage to shoot a crocodile dead, but another crocodile arrives and decapitates Jonas before attacking Reba, who manages to escape.
Upon Harry's return to Hogwarts, Neville sends messages to the D.A., which in turn gathers the Order of the Phoenix. During the Battle of Hogwarts, he is spotted twice by Harry using his knowledge of Herbology to help ward off the attackers. He is later seen helping Oliver Wood carry the body of Colin Creevey. When Voldemort returns with Harry's apparently lifeless body, Neville defies him, and decapitates Nagini with the Sword of Godric Gryffindor (which he draws from the Sorting Hat), thus destroying the final Horcrux and making Voldemort mortal once again.
Two girls are driving to Daytona when their car breaks down. Rather than sit in an old broken down truck in the middle of nowhere while they wait for their friends to come pick them up, they decide to go with J (Violent J), a clown, who invites them to his bed and breakfast. However, J's ulterior motives are revealed when his retarded hunchback brother, Shaggy (Shaggy 2 Dope), decapitates one of the girls. The girl's friends head to pick them up, and each are murdered by the clowns.
After a Neomorph attacks and decapitates Covenant security officer Rosenthal, David approaches it and pacifies it by attempting to communicate. The ship's captain, Christopher Oram, kills the Neomorph, upsetting David. Held at gunpoint by Oram, David shows him how he has been utilizing the mutagen to try and engineer the "perfect organism", with the Neomorphs being one of the outcomes. David leads Oram to a room filled with Alien Eggs or Ovomorphs, where Oram is attacked and impregnated by a Facehugger by forcing its ovipositor down his throat.
Another cult member attempts to kill Nicholas by pushing him in front of a subway train, but when he fails, Nicholas forces him to take him to Phillips, who isolates himself in a fiery furnace room deep underground. After delivering Nicholas, the follower decapitates himself using an elevator. A brief meeting convinces Nicholas that he himself is special and that Phillips does not kill him as he needs him for some purpose. By researching his own adoption records, Nicholas finds an old woman who seems to be his birth mother.
After giving Arkham to Nightwing, Batman goes to save Lincoln March. Bruce combats Alton Carver, the Talon sent to kill March, but is unable to stop Carver from killing March, a mayoral candidate who wanted to make Gotham a better place. March gives Batman a package that will make Gotham better and Bruce heads out to burn down the lair of the Court of Owls. Damian heads off to the outskirts of Gotham and decapitates a Talon who was seeking to kill an army generalBatman and Robin Vol. 2 #9.
Jess changed her name to Gigi Caldwell and begun a relationship with Wes Gardner. Despite her craziness, she cares about the girls especially Grace after she tasers the Red Devil in "Pumpkin Patch" who she had a secret meeting with at the end of an episode. She witnessed Pete stabbing Boone in the chest dressed as the Red Devil after she was confronted by her foster son and threatened to be killed. She died in "Thanksgiving" after the Devil (Hester) decapitates her and serves her head on the turkey platter in Kappa Kappa Tau.
Two years after the events in Bangkok, Alan Garner causes a multi-car freeway pileup after he purchases a giraffe and accidentally decapitates it on a low overpass. Surprised by that, Alan's father Sid dies of a heart attack. Meanwhile, Alan's brother-in-law Doug Billings informs friends Phil Wenneck and Stu Price that Alan has been off his ADHD medication and is out of control. The group attends an intervention in which Alan agrees to visit a rehabilitation facility in Arizona where he can seek treatment, as long as "the Wolfpack" takes him there.
Lone reveals that his actions have all been designed to bring him face-to-face with Yanagawa, so he could kill the man who ordered the death of his family. Yanagawa reveals that Crawford was in his pocket that whole time and responsible for leaking Tom Lone's identity and home address to the real Rogue. Angered, Lone disarms and decapitates Yanagawa. Meanwhile, Chang's wife receives a package from Lone, containing one of the two golden horses that belongs to Chang's family and a message reading, "Make a new life".
Bonnie (Dedee Pfeiffer) goes to the cellar to secretly meet her boyfriend Vinnie, who is later killed by a physical manifestation of Max with a cleaver. The next night, Bonnie tells Scott (Aron Eisenberg) to come with her to look for Vinnie, while Lucas goes to the basement and angrily calls for Max to stay away from his family. Bonnie returns to the basement and finds Vinnie's body for which Lucas is suspected of the murder. Max kills Scott with the meat cleaver, transforms into Bonnie and decapitates Campbell before holding Donna hostage.
In 1947 a UFO was shot down in Roswell. Since then the US army have been training commandos called the Exterminators to defend earth in the event of an alien invasion, however after almost 70 years with no Alien events the Exterminators are retired. But suddenly the aliens, originating from Alpha Draconis, return positioning spaceships above major cities around the world including Badaling, London, Paris, Manhattan and Roswell, New Mexico. An alien lands in Roswell, a drunk man spots him, and the alien decapitates him with a single shot from a gun on its arm.
The first day of the war, Lakshmana was defeated by Indrajith by using Nagastram (Snake Bomb), by which he is completely poisoned when Hanuman brings Sanjeevani from the Himalayas and saves him. After recovery, Lakshmana finds that Indrajith is performing a Yaaga to become immortal so he must be killed before it is completed. On the other side, his wife Sulochana is performing a Vratham, which is protecting her husband. Lakshmana destroys the Yaaga, at the same time, Ravana stops Sulochana's prayers, at that moment, Lakshmana decapitates Indrajith.
After a grueling battle that takes the lives of several ninjas, Yamata, Rin and Jinnai kill three of the aliens, but one of them retreats and takes Jinnai with it. A cowering Nezumi rushes back to his home village, only to see the villagers massacred by the aliens. He runs for his life, but is cornered by the alien, which swiftly decapitates him as his head lands on a temple post for a crow to feed on. Jinnai wakes up at an abandoned temple, hanging upside down along with corpses of other ninjas.
The hack was so popular that some parents lost the entire contents of their hard disks to preschoolers wanting to see more of Oscar, prompting Shapiro to create a stand-alone application using the same animation and sounds. The software was discontinued after Children's Television Workshop sent Shapiro a cease and desist letter. The fumetti comic Twisted Toyfare Theater once featured Oscar in an issue in which he sings a variation of his "I Love Trash" song about Wesley Snipes' movies. In the end, Wesley Snipes (as Blade) decapitates him.
For unexplained reasons, he does not arrive at Emain Macha for several months. He burst in and cries out that men are being killed, women abducted, and cattle plundered, and that Ailill mac Máta, king of Connacht, is responsible. However, he is ignored, for he has failed to follow precedence - no man could speak before the king, and the king could not speak before his three druids - and Conchobar and his druids agree he should be executed. As Súaltam runs out, he falls against the sharpened rim of his shield and decapitates himself.
During her rampage, she is shot in the right eye, but her body quickly replaces it with a cybernetic eye. She confronts the police commissioner, who admits to her father's assassination, but explains that he raised her to become the perfect Engineer Hunter as atonement. Following a gruelling sword fight, Ruka dismembers and eventually decapitates the commissioner — effectively bringing down his reign on the police force. During the end credits, it is revealed that Key Man is still alive, having mended himself back into one piece with the help of one of his test subjects.
They are interrupted by Hydroflax, who has listened to their conversation. Being a cyborg, he detaches his head from his mechanical body for safety and orders it to kill them. While River defends herself, the Doctor grabs Hydroflax's head and threatens to put him in the garbage disposal, creating a stalemate and allowing Ramone, River's actual husband, to teleport her, the Doctor and Hydroflax’s head outside of the ship. Believing Nardole to have information about River, Hydroflax’s body (which operates independently) decapitates him to use his head as its own.
The killer pushes Kelly off a cliff and decapitates Stacy before she can reach help. The resort staff remain unaware of the killings until Carlos' body is found behind the kitchen. Dave relates a story about a former employee named Phil Colletti who lost his mind and murdered his fellow staff members, before castrating himself and running away; though Pete insists it is a story made up to scare guests around the campfire, the mounting death toll suggests otherwise. Putman alerts the others when he finds Cliff murdered in a hedge maze.
The Brain That Wouldn't Die Dr. Bill Cortner (Jason Evers) saves a patient who had been pronounced dead, but the senior surgeon, Cortner's father (Bruce Brighton), condemns his son's unorthodox methods and transplant theories. While driving to his family's country house, Cortner and his beautiful fiancée Jan Compton (Virginia Leith) become involved in a car accident that decapitates her. Cortner recovers her severed head and rushes to his country house basement laboratory. He and his crippled assistant Kurt (Anthony La Penna) revive the head in a liquid-filled tray.
The animated films and the TV series follow the manga's initial story and come to two different endings. In the film all the Dragons of Heaven and Earth die in the ensuing battles, leaving Kamui and Fūma as the last Dragons. In the final battle, Kamui decapitates Fūma and the film ends with Kamui crying why he ended killing his best friend. In the TV series, all the Dragons of Heavens lose their powers to create kekkai because they lose their most important people leaving the Tokyo defenseless.
Rick attempts to reason with the Governor, but he had already had his mind set, and partially decapitates Hershel. A massive firefight breaks out, and Hershel attempts to crawl to safety, but the Governor finds him and finishes decapitating him ("Too Far Gone"). Rick's group eventually repels the Governor, and in the aftermath, Michonne finds Hershel's reanimated head and finishes him off remorsefully. Hershel appears in flashbacks in the season finale "A" as he helps convince Rick to pull away from violence, and spending time with his family.
The group splits up: Liam and Lizzie search for a working vehicle and Nash, Doc, and Ava search the town for weapons. The trio steals several guns from Kolchak Stillwall’s general store, but Headless appears and decapitates Doc, stealing his head. As Lizzie and Liam are searching the garage, they are attacked by Pa Rusk but Liam overpowers him. The four reunite at Kolchak’s but soon split again, with Lizzie and Nash work to get a car working while Ava and Liam search the town’s library for clues as to how to defeat Headless.
At the prison, the Governor takes a well-armed caravan with a tank and demands that Rick order his group to leave the prison, using Hershel and Michonne as leverage. Rick tries to reason with the Governor with the offer of living together peacefully but The Governor declares him a liar and decapitates Hershel with Michonne's katana. Rick's group opens fire, and Michonne rolls away and unties herself. The Governor orders his group to kill everyone at the prison, and they attack, breaking down the fences with their vehicles.
He breaks into the lab, reclaims his machete and decapitates Lowe. With the Grendel badly damaged, the remaining survivors head for a functional shuttle, while Tsunaron upgrades KM-14. After crew member Crutch is electrocuted to death by Jason, Kinsa has a panic attack and attempts to escape on her own, but forgets to release the shuttle's fuel line, causing it to crash into the ship's haul and explode. Tsunaron reappears with an upgraded KM-14 who wields a new array of weapons and combat skills to stand a better chance against Jason.
"Horror Hospital") is a front for Dr. Storm (Michael Gough) and his lobotomy experiments that turn wayward hippies into his mindless zombie slaves. The wheelchair-bound doctor surrounds himself with an entourage that includes Judy's aunt, erstwhile brothel madam Olga (Ellen Pollock), dwarf Frederick (Skip Martin) and numerous zombie biker thugs. Dr. Storm also has a Rolls Royce car, fitted with a giant blade that decapitates escapees and interfering parties. Abraham (Kurt Christian) arrives at the Horror Hospital "looking for his chick" and is promptly whacked around the head by the motorcycle zombies.
Following Cheng Yu's advice, Cao Cao then summons Guan Yu to the frontline to deal with Yan Liang. The next day, as Yan Liang's troops line up on the battlefield, Guan Yu sits beside Cao Cao on a hilltop to observe the enemy. From afar, Guan Yu sees Yan Liang in a chariot under a banner. Leaping onto the Red Hare, Guan Yu charges right through the enemy ranks towards Yan Liang, decapitates him in a swift stroke and returns to Cao Cao's camp in triumph with Yan Liang's head.
Cordelia reacts quickly and stakes Jenoff's hand to the table while Angel decapitates him. Gunn breaks free, but he knows the terror is not over as the parasitic soul-sucking creature within Jenoff's body emerges from where his head was and starts emitting horrible, high-pitched screams. Thinking quickly, Angel questions whether anyone else in the crowd is in Jenoff's debt and the customers all jump on Jenoff while the Angel Investigations team escapes. In his truck, Gunn apologizes repeatedly to Fred for breaking up with her and she accepts after many repetitions.
Ahab, John and Twink kill themselves to travel to Hell and save Chelsea. John is sent to Heaven, where he takes an angel hostage and then proceeds to hold up God in order to gain access to Hell, and Twink is killed by a demon who uses Walnut (and their unconsummated love) as bait and decapitates him. Ahab finds the Fuchmanicus' lair, where it has Chelsea chained to him while Stegel and Mark serve as guards. Mark and Stegel are crushed to death, but John is split in half.
The Liars all get a text message ordering them to head over to 1465, Elm Street. Once the girls arrive to the location, they make their way inside an abandoned school for blind students where they're held hostage by Kahn and Jenna, with the later tracking down the Liars at gunpoint. During the cat-and-mouse chase, Emily and Hanna end up fighting Noel which causes him to trip over an axe that decapitates him. Spencer is subsequently shot by an unknown assailant, giving Jenna the leverage to finish her off.
The real murderer decapitates the school goat one day, which raises further suspicions against Mizuno, since she was the one appointed to feed the animal that day. Wanting to see if Mizuno truly is Hanako-san, Mizuno's classmates decide to lock her in the last stall in the girls' bathroom over night, surmising that, if she is still there in the morning, she must not be Hanako- san. Unbeknownst to Mizuno's classmates, the child killer is lurking around the school, and he eventually confronts Mizuno and one of her friends. The real Hanako-san appears, and is revealed to be a benevolent spirit.
Calvin and Spider find the janitor, who reveals that the Imp was summoned to help a lousy bowler become a champion, and the Imp was trapped for 30 years due to the creature killing people (the bowler was blamed and executed for the deaths). Meanwhile, after Babs kills Lisa with a paddle, she is burned to death with a Molotov cocktail tossed by Calvin. After Spider and Calvin find the janitor dead, they are chased by Frankie with an axe. Spider gains the upper hand and decapitates her, and the severed head knocks the doors open.
He and the people of Kottapattinam berate Rishikodagan for becoming a traitor and surrendering the whole kingdom of Kottaipattinam to Raja Mahendran for his own personal interests and commitments, which was the same charge that Rishikodagan had placed on Kochadaiiyaan years ago. Following this, a war starts between Rana and the united armies of Kottaipattinam and Kalingapuri. Rana successfully manages to subdue the armies of both kingdoms and along with a majority of Kottaipattinam's army, he kills Raja Mahendran and allows Veera Mahendran to return as he was defeated, reminding him of their friendship. He then fights Rishikodagan and decapitates him.
At a crowded apartment party, sultry goth-punk Raphaëlle is pawed by a male guest whom she kicks in the eye in response. When he goes to the bathroom to check his injury, he's attacked and murdered by a mysterious Death like figure in a cloak and skull mask. His body is discovered by a girl whom the killer promptly decapitates, tossing her head into the middle of the living room which throws the crowd into a panic. The stranger wades through the partygoers, skewering heads and slashing away until the guests have either fled or perished.
Damon tells Bonnie he is sorry and leaves the room. Kai is irritated that his plan to torture Damon with an impossible choice had failed and, while he is distracted, Damon decapitates him from behind. Damon saves Bonnie's life and they go to the Salvatore boarding house to say their goodbyes to Elena, deciding that they will allow Bonnie to live her life, and, when she dies, Elena will wake. Damon allows himself to enter Elena's subconscious to say his goodbye, dancing with her and telling her that he'll never be ready to live the next 60 years of his life without her.
In local folk traditions Maha Sona is formerly a human known as Ritigala Jayasena (Jayasena of Ritigala), a fierce warrior living around the reign of King Dutugamunu. After offending Gotaimbara (one of the Ten Giant Warriors of King Dutugamunu) in a drunken stupor, they agree to a bare-hands dual. Depending on the version of the tale, Gotaimbara decapitates Jayasena either accidentally or by a single kick, where the cadaver is removed to an open graveyard. Seeing the predicament of Jayasena, a deity takes pity and tries to revive him before the cadaver goes cold (or another time limit is reached).
In the episode "Internment", he resolves problems with walkers carving through the fences as the illness dies out with Hershel's medical assistance. In the mid-season finale, "Too Far Gone", The Governor returns with a militia to take over the prison and decapitates his hostage, Hershel, calling Rick a liar for proposing they can live together in the community. The Governor's men drive a tank through the fences, destroying Rick's home and causing a battle between the two sides. The Governor tries to strangle a badly wounded Rick to death, but Michonne stabs him through the chest.
Michelle slips roofies into all of the drinks, then goes upstairs, where Aaron is cheating on Debbie with Heather. When Aaron leaves the bedroom, Michelle decapitates Heather with a machete, and takes her costume, using it to get close to Debbie, who she drowns in a filth-filled toilet. Michelle then seduces Aaron, leads him to a bedroom, confesses to murdering his friends, and kills him by biting his penis off and slitting his throat. Wendy, who has been outside, returns to the party, where everyone has passed out due to the drugs Michelle had given them.
He is sent to Istvaan III with the other loyalists to die, but thanks to Saul Tarvitz's warning about the Life-Eater virus, he is able to survive. However, his jealousy of Tarvitz combined with his desire to be reconciled to his legion drive him to betray Tarvitz and the other loyalists after he decapitates Chaplain Charmosian. Using Charmosian's helmet vox, Lucius contacts Eidolon and offers to betray the loyalists in exchange for his acceptance back into the Legion. After he convinces Solomon Demeter to kill the other loyalists is his sector, Lord Commander Eidolon penetrates the defenses of the loyalist Emperor's Children.
As he is about to kill Peter, Tracey begins mocking him, ordering him to hurry up and do it. Frustrated, the Farmer suddenly turns around and gruesomely decapitates her at mouth-level with the shovel. He then knocks out a hysterical Peter and hangs him by his jacket from a meat-hook in the shed. Meanwhile, Andrew and David, discover Andrew's hairdresser Steven (Simon Schatzberger), dying from being disemboweled, before setting off through the woods in search of Peter and Tracey, when they stumble across the dead body of one of Arnie's henchmen, who has had his throat slit.
A second group of brothers are later introduced in Chapter 15. They are called: Yihuda (Amharic: ይሁዳ - Judah), Meqabis (or Maccabeus) and Mebikyas, and they are said to have led a successful revolt against the ruthless King Akrandis of Midian. This is possibly a historical allusion to the king Alexander I Balas, who ruled the Seleucid Empire after the death of Antiochus IV, and who supported the legitimacy of the Maccabees cause. However, in this folk rendering of history, Mebikyas enters the king's military camp and decapitates him at his dinner table, while his food was still in his mouth.
Seth searches the junkyard for Pa Rusk when a headless figure emerges, decapitates him, and leaves with his severed head. When Seth does not return, Ava searches the junkyard and finds his body, then alerts the others. Candy reveals the history of “Headless”, or Calvin Montgomery, a 19th-century serial killer who preyed on the children of Wormwood until the residents finally caught and hanged him in the town square, leaving him to rot until his body tore away from his head. Since then, Montgomery’s spirit rises every 7 years on Halloween to collect 7 youths’ heads.
Nash fixes a car and the four escape the town and are about to cross the bridge over the river when Headless appears and decapitates Nash, causing the car to crash. Pa Rusk shows up and forces Liam, Ava, and Lizzie back into town at gunpoint, where he ties them up for Headless. When Pa Rusk leaves, Candy unties the remaining three, revealing she is not originally from the town and wishes to escape with the others. She tells them that if Headless does not get his 7 heads, he and all of Wormwood will cease to exist entirely.
Magneto undoes the restoration of Xavier's ability to walk, kidnaps him, and destroys the X-Mansion (killing several of the students). Then Xorn/Magneto assaults New York, where Cyclops, Fantomex and a few students confront him. After the rest of the X-Men arrive, Xorn/Magneto kills Jean Grey with an electromagnetically induced stroke, and Wolverine decapitates him. With Jean dead, Xavier leaves the school to Cyclops and Emma Frost, to bury Xorn/Magneto in Genosha.New X-Men #128-132, 135-138, 146-150 In a retcon of Grant Morrison's storyline, there Xavier meets the "real" Magneto, who mysteriously survived Cassandra Nova's assault.
331, 337 Alongside Conchobar, Cú Roí and Ailill, Cairbre appears as king of Tara in stories of the Ulster Cycle, where he is the brother of Ailill mac Máta, husband of Medb of Connacht. His wife is Fedelm Noíchrothach, daughter of Conchobar, and they have a son, Erc, and a daughter, Achall. In Cath Ruis na Ríg ("The Battle of Rosnaree"), he and his brother Find mac Rossa, king of the Gailióin of Leinster, fight a battle against Conchobar and the Ulaid. The Ulaid hero Cúchulainn kills him with a spear from distance, then decapitates him before his body hits the ground.
Andrew, Sabrina and Rose all flee in separate directions with Sabrina stealing Kathleen's phone from Rose before heading to Dillon's boat, while Rose hides. At the boat Crowley catches Sabrina and decapitates her after breaking her jaw. He then chases after Rose and throws her at Andrew and Dillon, who got the engine working, the turbine now running. A stand-off between the three and Crowley ensues where Andrew misses his shot with a flare gun and Rose attempting to use Crowley's hatchet as a tomahawk also fails to hit him, instead giving him the weapon back.
Defending himself, Sean accidentally kills her. Having lost what he saw as his redemption and rebirth, more angry and cynical than ever, Sean returns to Ray's farm and methodically and ruthlessly exacts revenge on his captors; having arrived before Ray, he finds Duke's body and decapitates it, removing the wounds that would implicate his involvement. While waiting for Ray, Sean burns Duke's head in a fire pit along with pictures of Susan, exclaiming that if it wasn't for him and his friends he could have had a happy life. He hides in the house while Ray's henchmen search for him.
Bhikshatana (; ; literally, "wandering about for alms, mendicancy") or Bhikshatana-murti () is an aspect of the Hindu god Shiva as the "Supreme mendicant" or the "Supreme Beggar".Kramrisch p. 287 Bhikshtana is depicted as a nude four-armed man adorned with ornaments who holds a begging bowl in his hand and is followed by demonic attendants and love-sick women. Bhikshatana is considered a gentler form of Shiva's fierce aspect Bhairava and a gentle phase between Bhairava's two gruesome forms, one of which decapitates the god Brahma and the other of which murders the god Vishnu's gatekeeper.
In the ensuing fracas, Satyaki decapitates Kritavarma with his sword, then begins striking down others present there. Krishna runs over to prevent him from doing further mischief. However, others are impelled by fate in the face of Krishna to slay Satyaki and Pradyumna, who tries to save Satyaki. Krishna beholding his own slain son Pradyumna as well as Satyaki, takes up, in wrath, erakā grass in his hand, which miraculously becomes a bolt of ironMonier Monier-Williams, , see Column 1, entry for Eraka \- it is with this iron rod that he begins to slay the violent.
During this time, a government official by the name of Baqer Mirza (Jahangir Forouhar) is tasked to investigate the death of Esmaeel Khan. So the members of Komiteh Mojazat hire Shaban Ostekhani, then a notoriously violent homeless man whose job was to collect animal bones from eateries and make animal glue out of them, to keep an eye out for Baqer Mirza. Despite Baqer Mirza's threat, the assassination of Matin -o- Saltane goes underway successfully. Though Komiteh Mojazat later realizes the threat of Baqer Mirza more clearly, and so Shaban decapitates him as a message to government officials.
Fulci staggers outside to be greeted by the returning policeman, who reassures the flaky director that his family are safely on holiday in Sardinia. When Fulci expresses his visions to Gabrielli and that he may have killed some people, the cheerful police detective responds, "If you're trying to create a sensation like you do in your films, this time you've goofed." Meanwhile, Professor Swharz can stand no more of his wife's bland contempt for him and his practice. So, the insane psychiatrist strangles her to death by ripping out a wire from his wife's piano and nearly decapitates her with it.
A tugboat pulling a huge iceberg arrives at a port in Alexandria, Egypt, when suddenly, the iceberg shatters and releases a megalodon from suspended animation. The Mega Shark begins its reign of terror by flipping the tugboat to the air until it crashes and decapitates the Sphinx hundreds of miles away in Giza. Following the incident, several countries around the world place their ports on lockdown and impose a ban on fishing, adversely affecting the world's economy as the megalodon terrorizes the seas. Meanwhile, rumors surface of the United Nations' proposal to develop a weapon to combat the shark.
Anton Ivanov (portrayed by Zach McGowan) is a reclusive Russian industrialist known as "The Superior", who champions traditional values and old-fashioned hardware over modern technology and extraterrestrial entities. He believes that Coulson is the cause of Earth's alien problems (due to pictures of him investigating unknown objects) and works with the Watchdogs, Senator Nadeer, and Holden Radcliffe to fight S.H.I.E.L.D. He is highly deluded, believing Inhumans are cheaters and monsters. After being crippled by Daisy Johnson, Aida decapitates Ivanov and creates an android body for his mind to control. Ivanov then creates multiple additional bodies for his mind to control.
Tai Po realises he indeed can succeed, and Vernon does something which he has not done before. Handsome also controls his anger perfectly in front of Gavin, in which Gavin's reaction has the referee offering him a red card but sends back another player. Tai Po is tackled down hard by Gavin, but he tries his best and scores the final goal to win. The Durians triumph, while Gavin weeps over his lost girlfriend (who ironically was stolen by none other than his father) and is appalled by his doll which he claims has stopped loving him and in a fit of rage decapitates the doll, exasperating him.
As Nina recovers in a hospital, the killer decapitates Alex by slamming her onto the frayed edge of a fish tank. Nina identifies her attacker as Manfred Haas, the father of Fabian Haas, a childhood friend who had died due to falling through a frozen lake that he was playing ice hockey on with her, Martin, Mona, Clemens, and Alex. The police inform Nina that Manfred hanged himself two years after his son's death, and that his wife moved away, though she still owns a house nearby. Nina, Mona, and Clemens sneak out to explore the Haas property, and are followed by Nina's sister, Kerstin.
Telling the Duke of York that he will meet him back at the castle, he wanders off to search for another horse, stumbling across Edmund's steed. Noticing an attempt to steal his horse, Edmund draws his sword and decapitates the apparent thief, only recognising him as King Richard III afterwards. With Baldrick's help, Edmund hides the body in a cottage but forgets the head, which Percy brings, claiming it to be his triumph until realising whose head it is. Before they can escape, a wounded knight begs to be sheltered in exchange for his land and money, but Edmund and Baldrick shake him off.
The peculiarities of Susan's paperwork (which the murderer further sabotages after killing a pair of laboratory workers) cause Doctors Saxon and Beam to order that she be detained for observation. Harry uncovers evidence suggesting that someone is pulling a "con job" on Susan, but he disappears after promising Susan he will straighten things out. Jack, who had fallen asleep in his car while waiting for Susan, enters the hospital to look for her, and is lured to an empty hospital room by the killer, who beckons him. Behind a curtain, Jack finds the corpse of one of the nurses before the killer decapitates him with an electric orthopedic saw.
Upon his meeting Mugen, the composure crumbles, worse when the eye patch is cut away, and he spirals to Denkibou's level of madness. At this point, Umanosuke sports possibly the greatest destructive intent in the entire series, attacking in a berserk flurry of vicious attacks. Mugen gives up his sword in order to rescue Fuu from his clutches, but manages to reclaim it and, after a hard-fought battle, decapitates Umanosuke with his own weapon. The way he ends the battle is important; in the earlier battle against Kariya, Mugen is told that simply fighting on instinct shows everyone his limits and is soundly defeated.
Royce (Adrien Brody) is an American ex- military–soldier turned mercenary equipped with an automatic shotgun with a drum mag, and a pistol as well as a machete.. He realizes that he and others are on an alien game preserve planet, and are being hunted as game by some unknown hunters. Royce releases the Classic Predator for his help to start the ship in order to escape the planet. He disarms Edwin and booby-traps Edwin's body with grenades and uses him as bait in a trap for the Berserker Predator. Royce disorients the Predator and after a violent fight, he defeats and decapitates it.
Will A. Zeppeli, a man who intends to destroy the stone mask after it caused his father's death, teaches Jonathan how to use a supernatural energy produced by controlled breathing called Then, on November 30, 1888, Jonathan, Speedwagon, and Zeppeli travel to Wind Knights Lot, where Dio is creating an army of zombies. Zeppeli is mortally wounded by one of these zombies, Tarkus, and passes the last of his Hamon energy on to Jonathan before dying. Joined by Zeppeli's fellow Hamon users, on December 1, 1888, Jonathan destroys Dio's body by sending Hamon directly through him. Dio decapitates his head to survive the Hamon attack.
In a possible future where a final battle between the heroes and villains ended with the villains winning, the Red Skull is revealed as the mastermind of the villains' conquest and has made himself President of the United States. Living in the Nazi-redecorated White House, the Red Skull had taken to wearing Captain America's old bloodstained uniform and collecting gruesome trophies from fallen heroes. When his men bring in a wounded Wolverine, Logan and the Red Skull fight in his trophy room. Unwilling to unsheathe his claws during the fight, Wolverine decapitates the Red Skull with Captain America's shield, ending his villainous rule.
Liam is able to call 911 and a patrol car is sent out to search the area but the inhabitants of Wormwood kill the officer as Headless appears and decapitates Lizzie. Candy steals Pa Rusk’s tow truck, running him down with it in the process. Liam and Ava lure Headless to the bridge out of town in an effort to destroy him because he cannot cross running water. Candy drives up in the tow truck and using the tow’s cable, Ava and Liam hook Headless then pull him onto the bridge where he simultaneously bursts into flames and melts, causing the bridge to catch fire.
After Jeffrey explains to her how he did it and why they almost reconcile but Zorro tracked them down and decapitates Jeffrey with a machete with the attempt to steal Elizabeth. However, the spare hooker parts were reanimated from the first experiment into a many limbed monster, which drags Zorro away when he pulls out his drugs to lure Elizabeth. Wanting her lover back, Elizabeth decides to revive Jeffrey via the same procedure he used on her. When Jeffrey wakes up he sees Elizabeth who tells him what happened but since the process only works on female bodies, Elizabeth had to use the hookers' body parts to bring him back.
Dean is contacted by Castiel who tells him that the creature that attacked the sheriff might be a Whisper, and the only way to kill it is to shoot him with silver bullets or beheading. After Dean tells Castiel that he has discovered that the crime scene was staged, deputy sheriff Donnelly stops by and, after apparently friendly chat, attacks Dean. As Castiel explains the lore behind Whispers, Dean and the deputy fight around and on top of the Impala, until Dean decapitates him. Finding the sheriff's head to still be alive, Dean puts it in the freezer in the backseat and send a picture to Castiel for further research.
Murdo is turned into a vampire by Val, and Val forces him to drink a pint of his mother's blood to end his first hunger. Murdo finds Grady with the Principal, and tells Grady to watch him since his blood is tainted and will turn soon. Then he changes his mind and decapitates the principal, before jumping off the roof to join Rage, who is having fun killing zombies with his bare hands. Addison Payne and the rest discuss tactics and make note of The First Zombie's plan to chain the vampires, torturing them with the hunger pangs for 65 years till they too become schaemiacs.
Nick fends off Bo and frees Carly while Dalton visits the House of Wax and finds Wade, who is unable to move in his wax coating. Dalton attempts to free Wade by peeling off the wax from his face, but inadvertently removes his skin in the process. Dalton is then ambushed by Vincent, who corners and decapitates him. Carly and Nick realize that the wax figures are actually the wax-coated corpses of the town's residents and previous visitors and that Bo has been manipulating Vincent, who is currently running their mother's business, into murdering the people he lured into town to make the figures look more realistic.
Jason first appeared outside of film in the 1982 novelization of Friday the 13th Part 3 by Michael Avallone. Avallone chose to use an alternate ending, which was filmed for Part 3 but never used, as the ending for his 1982 adaptation. In the alternate film ending, Chris, who is in the canoe, hears Rick's voice and immediately rushes back to the house. When she opens the door, Jason is standing there with a machete, and he decapitates her. Jason next appears in print in the 1986 novelization of Jason Lives by Simon Hawke, who also adapted the first three films in 1987 and 1988.
She reveals that her son, Jason, was the young boy who drowned in 1957, blaming his death on the counselors who were supposed to be watching him, but were having sex instead. Revealing herself as the killer, she attempts to kill Alice, but Alice knocks her unconscious. At the shore, she tries to kill her again with a machete, but Alice gains the advantage and decapitates her. Exhausted, Alice boards and falls asleep inside a canoe which floats out on Crystal Lake. Suddenly, Jason’s decomposing corpse attacks her, at which point she awakens in a hospital surrounded by a police sergeant and medical staff who are tending to her.
In one graphic scene, he rapes Sheila with a dildo covered in snake blood, and decapitates a native. In another, a native widow named Mowara (Me Me Lai) is ritualistically raped after her late husband's body is burned on a pyre. A group, consisting of Mowara, Mark, Sheila and Diana escapes into the jungle, where Diana and Mowara are caught by a group of cannibals, with Diana raped and then both slowly cut up and eaten before being hacked to death, while Mark and Sheila helplessly watch from the cover of the bushes. They quickly escape back to New York when helicopters sent by the authorities come looking for them.
Back at the cabin, Hannah departs to find another way out of the bog and ends up getting captured by the giant man. David attempts to intervene and calm the bog man down, but Hunter shoots him, and in his rage the man decapitates Hannah. Upon his return, Mallory tells David that they had lied about their stories as well, that they had accidentally hit an old trench digger walking along the road and buried him near the bog. Dying shortly after, David realizes that their stories seem to have prompted this, Saiorse tells David that she too killed a man, her uncle who constantly beat and raped her, even giving her a still born child.
In the opening of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, set three years later, Dooku and Separatist commander General Grievous (Matthew Wood) kidnap Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) —Sidious' alter ego—as part of a plan orchestrated by Palpatine to lure Anakin to the dark side of the Force. Anakin and Obi-Wan board Grievous' ship and confront Dooku, who knocks Obi-Wan unconscious, leaving Anakin to face the Sith Lord alone. Anakin gives in to his hatred of Dooku and uses the dark side to overpower him, severing both of Dooku's hands and leaving him helpless. Palpatine then tells Anakin to execute Dooku on the spot; after initial hesitation, Anakin brutally decapitates Dooku.
Title pun: Hoop Dreams Simpsons episode: "Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life" Year: 2010 Synopsis: A basketball game between teams of Itchies and Scratchies is about to begin. As a zebra referee tosses the ball into the air for the opening jump, the center Itchy takes out a knife and decapitates the center Scratchy, whose head is caught by another Itchy, who tosses it to a teammate. The teammate jumps to attach the Scratchy head below the rim of the basket with its mouth open to conform to the rim. Another Itchy dribbles down the court and removes the skin of the basketball to reveal a lit bomb which he slam dunks into the Scratchy head.
After discovering that the casino is a front for a factory producing the hypnotizing bears for mass distribution, the Freelance Police sabotage the factory and destroy the operation. Soon after, the US President starts bringing in bizarre policies; Max is particularly concerned about the introduction of gun restrictions, while Sam believes the President has been hypnotized. At the White House, Max decapitates the President, revealing him to be a mechanical puppet designed to hypnotize the nation through TV broadcasts. The President's bodyguard, none other than the now-fallen Toy Mafia's pit boss, activates a giant robot disguised as the statue at the Lincoln Memorial to run in an emergency election against Max.
In the mountains, they encounter Gobblins, which are evil turkeys, who take them to their town, but the dwarves all fight out, Gandef repeatedly decapitates countless Gobblins while in combat, a fifth dwarf dies in friendly fire from Gandef and Bingo gets lost by falling down the abyss. He falls into a cavern where he meets a morose philosopher named Sollum. He challenges him to a game of riddles; with the cannibalistic philosopher seeing Bingo's presence as the only delightful moment in his life. Bingo wins the riddles, and asks what he wins, but then remembers he found a Thing® that was created by evil dark lord Sharon and is Sollum's.
Aura Petrescu (Asia Argento), a young woman suffering from anorexia, escapes from a psychiatric hospital and meets a young man, David Parsons (Christopher Rydell), who offers to let her stay with him rather than go back to the hospital; however, Aura is soon caught, and her return to the hospital coincides with the start of a string of murders of hospital staff members, past and present. The killer decapitates them using a homemade garrote device on rainy days. When her father Stefan, is murdered along with her mother, Aura and David team up to find the killer. In the end, it is revealed that Aura's mother, Adriana, who faked her death after murdering her husband, is the killer.
The roc swoops down grabs Tommy, flies off and decapitates Tommy, while the others retreat into the R.V. The group begin to argue, but the roc reappears, chasing after the R.V., however it flies away when the R.V. reaches a secluded house. The group enter the house and find a family, including Drina (Eve Macklin), who are willing to let them use their phone. However, Luca arrives and takes them outside at gun point. Drina takes Kate to retrieve the medallion from the R.V., however Kate instead knocks her out and escapes, having already put the medallion on, while Luca ties the others to wooden poles so the roc can get them.
The MDC said on the same day that it did not oppose convening Parliament as long as it was not accompanied by the formation of a new Cabinet, desiring that the new Cabinet should be appointed only after the conclusion of a power-sharing agreement. On 20 August, however, the MDC took a firmer stance, declaring the move to convene Parliament to be unacceptable, with Biti stating that it would "be a clear repudiation of the Memorandum of Understanding, and an indication beyond reasonable doubt of ZANU-PF's unwillingness to continue to be part of the talks. In short convening parliament decapitates the dialogue".Cris Chinaka, "MDC says Mugabe parliament plans endanger talks", Reuters.
Upon reaching the campsite, Maggie attacks Steve with a knife and begins beating him, only for him to be killed by Jason Voorhees, after he discovers the two. Enraged at being robbed of the chance to kill Steve, Maggie begins to attack Jason, ultimately blowing him up. Seeing Jason has survived the car explosion unscathed, Maggie begins trying to reason with him, saying that they are both the same, as they both know what it is like to have lost a mother and to be hurt and ridiculed by others. Unfazed by Maggie's speech, Jason decapitates her with his machete, afterwards submerging himself in Crystal Lake, taking Maggie's head and body with him.
After Cyrax reveals the Cyber Lin Kuei need a central master to function, Sub-Zero decapitates Sektor, and Cyrax becomes the remaining cyborgs' new master. Unable to live as a cyborg, Cyrax chose to self-destruct, taking the Cyber Lin Kuei with him. In the MKX game, Cyrax was added as one of three variations for the shapeshifting cyborg DLC character, "Triborg". A time-displaced Cyrax appears in Mortal Kombat 11 as an NPC character who was brought to the present timeline by the keeper of time Kronika as part of her plan to restart time; taking part in Sektor's plot to capture Sub-Zero's Lin Kuei warriors and convert them into cyborgs to bolster her ranks.
In Henry of Huntingdon's retelling of Geoffrey's Historia, Mordred is beheaded at Camlann in a lone charge against him and his entire host by Arthur himself, who suffers many injuries in the process. In the Alliterative Morte Arthure, Mordred first kills Gawain by his own hand in an early battle against Arthur's landing forces and then deeply grieves after him. In the Vulgate Mort Artu (and consequently in Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur), the terrible final battle begins by an accident during a last-effort peace meeting between him and Arthur. In the ensuing fighting, Mordred personally slays his cousin Yvain after the latter's rescue of the unhorsed Arthur and then he decapitates the already badly wounded Sagramore.
Tom Russo, a paranoid airplane mechanic struggling to make ends meet, becomes convinced his wife, Leeza, is cheating on him with various men after he finds and reads what he assumes is Leeza's diary. While Leeza is out grocery shopping one afternoon, Tom's friend Ben (who Tom suspects is one of the men Leeza is having an affair with) drops by with his girlfriend Angel. Tom decapitates Angel, beats Ben to death with her head, and buries the couple's remains. The next day, Tom lures back an electrician who he believes had sex with Leeza and scalps him by lifting the man into a ceiling fan that has had machetes attached to the blades.
Medusa is also featured in the 2010 remake of the film, with her face appearing human until it contorts as she turns her victims to stone. Medusa appears in the film, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (played by Uma Thurman), where she attacks Percy Jackson and his friends as they are looking for the Pearl of Persephone in her garden (which has statues: people she has turned to stone). When Percy's friends drive a car through a wall Medusa is distracted and Percy decapitates her before escaping. In the film Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, the two masked twins' "peculiarity" is revealed to be that they are Gorgons, with serpentine faces and the ability to petrify.
He is raised by his mother Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins. He becomes a talented martial artist before his teenage years, at which time Talia reveals Damian's existence to Bruce Wayne and leaves him in Batman's custody in an effort to disrupt Batman's work. Precocious, spoiled, and violent, Damian battles Tim Drake, whom he wants to replace as Robin, and sucker punches Tim off the stuffed Tyrannosaurus in the Batcave when Tim stops fighting to help him. Damian then escapes, dons a variant Robin costume made of Jason Todd's old tunic and mask and assorted League of Assassin gear, and gets into a fight with and decapitates the villainous Spook.
Wheeler murders a woman (Laurene Landon) and hangs her body in the truck, and pistol whips and decapitates a man with the sliding door of the luggage compartment. Walker garrotes the bus driver with a dead snake, shoots a passenger, leaves another passenger to die tied by her wrists to a tree and wrapped in barbed wire (whom Wheeler finds alive and taunts), slaughters a punk, and partially skins his girlfriend before killing her. Later, at a roadside motel, the two psychopaths play head games with each other and Stacia, clashing over who will get to kill her. As she is leaving the motel, Wheeler offers her a ride then assaults her while driving, handcuffing her to the car.
The other four are skeptical but Kristof insists. they use a ouija board and Allie is temporarily possessed by a witch’s spirit but claims she’s fine afterwards while Bill, Jeff, and Kat try to set up their scare outside. Meanwhile, the ouija board resurrects the three executioners, Sickle, Mace, and Scythe, named here for the weapons they carry. Calvin catches a glimpse of Jeff as he walks past a window so he and Kristof search the grounds, leaving Michele and Rory to watch Allie. Jeff is possessed by a witch & immobilized and Sickle decapitates him; Kat’s possessed and Scythe cuts her throat. Rory and Michele leave Allie instead and find the old caretaker’s bedroom to have sex and do cocaine.
After Courtney finds out about Bianca and Balthazar leaving school she stakes her and then decapitates her before leaving. An attack on the school by Charity and her clan while an attack by Black Cross is taking place leads Bianca, Lucas and Raquel to leave the school and head to Black Cross HQ. On their way out of the school they meets Charity who they think will kill them but as they prepare to run she is pushed against a tree and staked by a sharp branch. Although Lucas wants to finish her off he cannot find anything to destroy her with so agrees to leave her. When at Black Cross HQ Raquel volunteers to join and Bianca later agrees to join.
When the Liars head to the shed Noel was secluded, the Liars panic as soon as they realize he's missing as well as a camera Hanna used in an attempt to record a confession of him admitting he's their tormentor. A few seconds later, the girls receive a text message ordering them to show up in 1465, Elm Street at 10 pm. Once they arrive at the location, the Liars make their way inside an abandoned school for blind students where they're held hostage by Noel and Jenna, with the later tracking them down at gunpoint. During the cat-and-mouse chase, Emily and Hanna end up fighting Noel which causes Kahn to stumble upon an axe that decapitates him.
Eight years after the initial first three disasters: the explosion of Flight 180; the Route 23 pileup; and the Devil's Flight derailment, college student Nick O'Bannon watches an auto race with his girlfriend Lori Milligan and their friends Hunt Wynorski and Janet Cunningham at the McKinley Speedway for their semestral break. Nick suffers a premonition of an accident from the racetrack that sends debris into the grandstand, causing the stadium to collapse. When Nick panics, a scuffle breaks out and several people leave the stadium, including Lori, Hunt, Janet, tow truck driver Carter Daniels, mother Samantha Lane, mechanic Andy Kewzer, his girlfriend Nadia Monroy, and security guard George Lanter. As Nadia berates the group, a stray tire flies out of the stadium and decapitates her.
As the castle collapses, Tajima is confronted by Jubei, who has covered his body with Buddhist prayer symbols and chastises his father for obsessing only on his swordplay to the point of coming back from hell to fight his own son. The two begin to duel, during which Jubei loses his eyepatch; although his sword is broken, he disarms his father and kills him. Shiro appears and offers to let Jubei join him; Jubei declines and vows to set his father and Kirimaru's souls at peace. After a brief fight, Jubei decapitates Shiro; although this does not kill him, his body catches his head and promises to return as long as humans have evil in their heart before melting into the flames.
Telling Alex to turn away, Jody decapitates Celia and is joined by Sam and Dean who took care of the other vampires. As Alex didn't feed, Sam and Dean are able to cure her and Jody decides to take care of Alex as she has no family left. Jody promises to be there for Alex and offers understanding at Alex having lost her whole family, having gone through it herself, something Alex understands and acknowledges. In "Hibbing 911" of season ten, Jody, who has adopted a rebellious Alex, goes to a sheriff's retreat in Hibbing, Minnesota where she meets overeager Sheriff Donna Hanscum of Stillwater, Minnesota who becomes her partner for the weekend and neither one knows of the other’s connection to the Winchesters.
Several weeks later, Thor goes with a group of Avengers to confront Thanos on the garden planet to which he has retired. After discovering that Thanos has destroyed the Infinity Stones to prevent their use again, a vengeful Thor decapitates Thanos. Over the next five years, Thor becomes an overweight and obese alcoholic with severe PTSD and depression as he leads the remaining survivors of Asgard, who have created a colony in Norway. When the return of Scott Lang leads to the idea of using time travel to get the Infinity Stones to save the universe, Thor joins the mission during which he meets his mother in a time before her death, a meeting that reignites Thor's sense of purpose, and he also regains Mjolnir.
In Here Comes Tomorrow, an apocalyptic alternate future time line, the last U-Man is known as Apollyon the Destroyer, who serves as a herald for "The Beast" (a Sublime-possessed Hank McCoy).New X-Men #151 Having suffered several injuries and still being "perfected" with different grafts, Apollyon awaits the day when he will be grafted with the "Phoenix gene" and will become perfect and able to walk on a "perfected world." However, when the Phoenix gene is harvested, Apollyon discovers that the Beast lied to him and intends to harvest the Phoenix gene for himself.New X-Men #152 When a reawoken Jean Grey extracts the intelligent bacterial entity Sublime from Beast, Apollyon strikes and decapitates Beast out of vengeance.
Sir Gawain, however, steps in, decapitates the 'Knight of the Green Chapel' and a year later finds himself in a forest awaiting the return blow, on a hollow mound like an ancient long barrow; the Green Chapel which Sir Gawain has spent the last two months desperately trying to seek out. The Knight of the Green Chapel was able to pick up his head and ride away from King Arthur's hall the previous Christmas. And for the week leading up to this return encounter, Sir Gawain has been staying at a castle owned by Sir Bertilak. This name is derived from the Irish bachlach, churl or herdsman, and is a name given in the ancient Irish legends to Cú Roi mac Dáire.
Throughout he is shown taking the bounty, leaving to hunt down his targets as a professional Head Hunter, coming back wounded and maimed. One of his bounties results in the death of his horse. Soon after making a grave for his companion and visiting his daughter’s grave another bounty is posted, much to his surprise it’s the monster that killed his daughter. Traveling far north to an island he finds the monster in a cave, after a hard battle he finally decapitates the monster and travels home to pay respects to his daughter and hang the head. His victory is short lived as one of his jars he left near his window is knocked over all of it’s contents spilled on the monster head bringing it back to life.
Marchen continually coaxing Namor to dispatch the Peterson's to tie up loose ends after hearing about Steve and Jim's chasing leads as to what his plans are. When he reached the Peterson abode however, they were already there inquiring about Namor's past with their family and Professor X. He immediately went on the warpath dispatching Cap by tossing him into the deep ocean, simultaneously dealing with Hammond whom went to save him, but as he Saw Randall dying of geriatric complications the two had a short conversation before the senior citizen passed away. Causing the former to fly away in tears. With everything prepped and ready Namor's plan begins to unfold, intercepting Hammond over the skyline of Boston, Maine where he summarily decapitates the android to so Roman can launch a missile strike against Atlantis.
Vishnu then decapitates Svarbhanu just as he is about to swallow the nectar, leaving his head and decapitated body immortal.Later the head part is known as Rahu and the beheaded part is known as Ketu. According to the Bhagavata, the products of the churning of Kshirasagara are the substances Halahala (the terrible poison neutralised by Shiva) and Amrita (the divine nectar); the divinities Dhanvantari (the physician of the Gods), Lakshmi (Goddess of Riches), Jyestha (Goddess of Poverty) and Chandra (the Moon); the animals Airavata, the white elephant and the horse Uchchaisrava and, last but not least, the magical wish-granting tree Kalpavriksha. The Churning of the Cosmic Ocean (the Milky Way) is told in several ancient texts, notably in the Valmiki's Ramayana Canto 45 and in the Mahabharata.
Joseph-Noël Sylvestre (1847–1926) was a French artist, notable for his studies of classic scenes from antiquity.Joseph-Noël Sylvestre. Peintre pompier biterrois (1847–1926) (Exhibition catalogue, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Béziers, October 2005) He was born in Béziers in South-West France on 24 June 1847, training as an artist first in Toulouse under Thomas Couture, then at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Alexandre Cabanel. He was an exponent of the romantic Academic art style, also known as art pompier (fireman's art), examples of which are the Death of Seneca (1875), The Gaul Ducar decapitates the Roman general Flaminius at the Battle of Trasimene (1882), The Sack of Rome by the barbarians in 410 (1890) and François Rude working on the Arc de Triomphe (1893).
Barney Resnick, Lisa's unscrupulous business rival, visits a prospective client, a dominatrix who agrees to sell her home through his agency if he has kinky sex with her. Harry follows Resnick, decapitates him with an axe, and snaps the neck of the home owner. The next day, Harry abducts Lisa, who gives cryptic hints about her whereabouts when Harry calls KDRX to taunt David. David tracks Lisa and Harry to an empty house, and as the authorities swarm the building, Harry expresses disappointment over the media not being present, and rants about how corporations and the real estate industry drove him to kill, as they made it so he could never have a place he could call his own Just as Harry is about to slit Lisa's throat, he is shot and knocked through a glass door by Detective Shapiro.
On 19 August 2008, President Robert Mugabe announced his intention to open Parliament in the subsequent week, five months after the parliamentary election was held. Due to ongoing negotiations over the disputed election, the opposition Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai party saw this as unacceptable, with MDC–T Secretary-General Tendai Biti stating that it would "be a clear repudiation of the Memorandum of Understanding, and an indication beyond reasonable doubt of ZANU–PF's unwillingness to continue to be part of the talks. In short, convening Parliament decapitates the dialogue."Cris Chinaka, "MDC says Mugabe parliament plans endanger talks", Reuters (International Herald Tribune), 20 August 2008. Nevertheless, Parliament was convened on 25 August 2008. That morning, Mugabe appointed 11 senators, including eight of the ten seats reserved for provincial governors and three of the five special non-constituency Senate seats.
Once Leia is captured, Vader asks her where she hid the Death Star plans, leading her to respond that they are in one of twenty-six briefcases, a reference to the game show Deal or No Deal. When Luke is watching the sunset, he breaks the fourth wall by introducing Star Wars composer John Williams and the London Symphony Orchestra, who have been scoring the scene, in a parody of a scene from Blazing Saddles featuring Count Basie and his orchestra. Luke then asks the orchestra to play the theme of The People's Court. Later in the episode when Luke finds his uncle and aunt murdered, he also finds that Williams and the entire orchestra have been killed as well; this saddens Luke, since the episode will now have to be scored by composer Danny Elfman before Luke decapitates him with his lightsaber.
The remaining three reach the attic, where Jingles snaps J.B.'s neck, and captures Angela and Mia. Jingles decapitates Mia, reveals to Angela that he was having an affair with Angela's mother and is her biological father, and forces Angela to remember that she sacrificed Amy to him, shoving her older sister into Jingles's arms to save herself the night the rest of the Nelson family was slaughtered. While Jingles is skimming through an occult book, Angela escapes her bonds, and stabs him in the mouth, causing him to fall on and crush the doll that was keeping him alive. In the morning, Angela is found by the authorities, placed in the back of a car, and screams that they have to destroy Jingles's damaged doll, which laughs at her when a CSI walks past with it.
After a failed attempt at retrieving the dream suppressant Hypnocil and after Jason is left comatose due to the machinations of Freddy, Lori volunteers to enter the dream world and confront Freddy there and bring him to earth; after nearly being raped by Freddy and learning he was responsible for the death of her mother as a child, Lori does successfully force him into entering the real world, where he and the reawakened Jason battle in Crystal Lake. In the end, Lori blows up the dock the two are fighting on with gasoline and propane, and later decapitates Freddy, whose body falls into the depths of Crystal Lake, along with Jason. In an unused ending for Freddy vs. Jason, Lori dies when, while having sex with Will two months after Jason and Freddy's battle, he transforms into Freddy and proceeds to kill her.
In an alternate ending of Friday the 13th Part III, Chris's fate is changed; after hearing her boyfriend Rick's voice while canoeing to safety, Chris follows it to a cabin, only to be decapitated by an unmasked Jason, who is waiting inside. In the 1982 novelization of the film, Chris, instead of striking Jason with an axe, decapitates him with a sickle, later falling unconscious and awakening in her own bed, with it being implicated by an attending doctor and police officer that the events of the previous night were simply delusions. Sneaking out of her room and to her barn after being left alone, Chris discovers both the place completely cleaned up and the bodies of her friends and the trio of bikers Jason had killed. After discovering the bodies, Chris is killed by Jason.
To this end, he establishes a training school, enlists a number of fighters and gets himself and Leela invited to the well-publicised Maidenly-Baloch duel, where he mingles with other powerful and important spectators, such as the State Security Minister and Sita Benovides. For some reason, Maidenly doesn’t show up, and the desperate sponsors throw the court open to spot challenges. The Doctor and Leela watch in disgust as the sadistic Baloch slowly tortures and kills his opponents—but a pale, red-haired woman then enters the ring, decapitates Baloch on her first pass, and then disappears without claiming her prize. Keefer's flight takes him to Piran, a satellite of the gas giant Geewin; on the way, he bribes his shuttle pilot, Melly Finbar, for information on the Lady Hakai's personal ship, the Ultraviolet Explorer.
She is ultimately able to elude her enemies, but the Hudsons trick her into coming to their house after claiming they have Kemal, who, after realizing his nanny is also trying to kill him and Dana and is feeding him sleeping pills, was able to escape the apartment, but was tranquilized and brought to the Hudsons. Dana goes to the Hudsons' house in the hope of saving Kemal, but finds it was a trap and that Kemal had already been left for dead in a burning school. The Hudsons' doorman, Cesar takes Dana to a park to drown, but Jeff Connors, whose ex-wife asked him to leave after lying that her mastectomy to prevent her cancer from spreading was successful, arrives in the TV studio's helicopter and decapitates Cesar using the helicopter blades. Dana weakly utters Kemal's name before fainting.
Limerick City, Ireland 1188AD: Several templar knights pursue a fleeing figure in a red cloak on horseback through a wooded area. The figure reveals herself to be a banshee and kills several knights with its scream before the last knight decapitates it with his magical cross shaped shield that folds into a cube around the head, severing it and sealing it away. Present Day (2011): At a university, archeology professor Maura Whelan is working late with several students on an artifact cataloging project when they are sent a mysterious box containing an Irish gauntlet and a hand-drawn map of “section 3”, a storage area rarely used. One of the students, Otto and Whelan’s daughter Shayla investigate the map and uncover a small room hidden behind a false wall. Inside is crate with the name “DUNCAN” spray painted on it.
In order to know more about Nagavalli's lover Ramanatha (Vineeth), she went to Nagavalli's house as Gowri, and returned with Nagavalli's photo, completely as Nagavalli. Gowri later goes to the fort where Vijaya Rajendra Bahaddur is, to kill him. Dr. Vijay, knowing Gowri would have definitely sought revenge goes to the fort where the Raja almost gets burnt to death, but he survives when it starts to rain, then Dr. Vijay has a battle with him, and the Raja almosts decapitates Gowri/Nagavalli, but before he does so, the Raja gets struck by a lightning; thus, throwing his sword above and as it comes down, it stabs the Raja in the neck, who then dies. Gowri is no more affected by Nagavalli anymore and is going to marry the bridegroom she scared away, and Geetha is going to marry too and it all comes to a happy ending.
When Medb raises an army from four of the five provinces of Ireland and launches an invasion of Ulster to steal the bull Donn Cúailnge in the Táin Bó Cúailnge, Conchobar, like all the Ulstermen but Cú Chulainn, is unable to fight, disabled by the curse of Macha. Cú Chulainn fights a series of single combats against Connacht champions, hoping to give the Ulstermen time to recover and take the field. Eventually, Cú Chulainn's father, Sualtam, comes to Conchobar at Emain Macha to warn him of the devastation the Connacht army is creating and demand he raise his army before it's too late. Conchobar and his druids agree that Sualtam should be put to death for breaking the protocol of the court - no-one is permitted to speak before Conchobar but the druids - and Sualtam runs out, but falls and decapitates himself on the sharpened edge of his shield.
His response causes the entire human company to tense and Roger decides to dump the translation of Krath from his "toot", loads Cord's language as a baseline and orders Pedi to speak in Shin. It soon becomes clear that a "Servant of God" is really a sacrifice to the God, who will then be eaten by the body of the Fire God's worshippers. Sor Teb confirms this, and when Roger asks to decline this invitation, Teb points out that he has more guards than he does and that they can either choose to hand over a single human sacrifice or that all of them will be sacrificed as he intends to make sure all Krath know that it was he who finally brought the humans to the God. It is then that Roger and company open fire on the guards and Pedi immediately tosses off her robes and goes for the High Priest whom she decapitates.
An Honest Liar documents James Randi's early life as a carnival-bound refugee from Toronto who, early on, dedicated himself to learning every trick performed by Harry Houdini, and even improving on some of them. In one of his feats as an escape artist, Randi frees himself from a straitjacket while being hung upside down by his ankles over Niagara Falls. Age and concerns over the danger of his profession and his health led him to retire from that occupation and seek out not only a new career, but a crusading obsession that makes him a pop cultural fixture by the 1970s: As a scientific skeptic investigator and challenger to pseudoscientific and paranormal claims, which leads him to expose the deceit behind religious faith healers, psychics, and other con artists who exploit the public. Randi becomes a recurring guest on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and makes appearances on TV shows such as Happy Days and in rock music artist Alice Cooper's 1973 Billion Dollar Babies tour, where Randi, portraying the Executioner, decapitates Cooper at the end of each performance.
In the ninth episode ("Cyrax and Sektor"), Cyrax—whose face is shown beaten and bloodied without explanation—and Sektor are first shown in their human forms, and are being taken to a nondescript warehouse that serves as the Lin Kuei headquarters. After a successful test battle pitting them against cyborgs disguised as human fighters, Cyrax and Sektor themselves are seen undergoing automation, the process of which is shown in detail for the first time in any type of MK media while featuring moderately graphic imagery. They then fight two against one in hand-to-hand combat against another cybernetic named Hydro, who decisively pounds on Sektor until Cyrax gains the upper hand that enables them to team up and finish Hydro off with a kick to the head by Cyrax that decapitates him, all while the Grandmaster and a pre-injury Kano watch from inside a laboratory. Cyrax was included in a "Mortal Kombat Klassic" three- pack of action figures along with Sektor and Smoke that was released in 2011 by Jazwares, and was one of twenty MK characters featured on 2.5" x 3.5" collectible magnets from Ata-Boy Wholesale.
All Hallow’s Eve, 1862: Two confederate soldiers, the last of their company, are being hunted in the woods outside Wormwood Ridge. They attempt to defend themselves as the headless horseman emerges from the woods and decapitates them. Halloween, Present Day: Seven teenage friends; Seth, his girlfriend Tiffany, Lizzie, her boyfriend Doc, Nash, Ava, and Liam are driving through eastern Kansas Approx. 12m56s to a party when they stop for gas and directions. Seth finds a “shortcut” through some backroads, but drives over an open bear trap, which destroys the car’s wheel. A young tow truck driver named Candy “happens upon” them and takes them to Wormwood Ridge, a town so small it does not appear on the map. Candy drops their van off at her father, “Pa” Rusk’s garage/junkyard to be repaired and gives the others a tour of the town, which is preparing for the Headless Horseman Celebration, an annual event held every Halloween in Wormwood Ridge since 1806, the year the Horseman began stalking the area for heads according to legend. Seth and Ava go check on the van and discover it missing.
On top of that, Dandrige will do anything, including committing murder without feeding on blood, to protect his secret. In one scene of the 1985 film, when Dandrige confronts and threatens to kill Charley Brewster for spying on and investigating him, Dandrige offers to spare Charley's life by giving him a one-time-only chance to keep silent about him being a vampire and of his recent kills... a lifestyle that Dandrige claims not to have a choice in the matter himself. The 2011 version portrays Dandrige in a more sinister and less sympathetic light than in the 1985 version, as the Dandrige in the 2011 film keeps his victims (mostly female) alive in a secret section of his house, where he feeds on their blood on a nightly basis, even after they slowly evolve into vampires themselves. In the 1985 version, Dandrige decapitates (off-camera) his victims as mercy killings so they will not turn into vampires themselves after he feeds on their blood to spare his victims from living an undead life of being a murderous vampire as he is (and possibly to keep them from becoming competition for food, or draw attention to his own vampiric activities by their-own vampiric activities).

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