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130 Sentences With "dados"

How to use dados in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "dados" and check conjugation/comparative form for "dados". Mastering all the usages of "dados" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Cerca de 224 pacientes han sido dados de alta del hospital.
O cabo foi inicialmente desenhado para carregar 160 terabytes de dados por segundo, informaram as duas empresas.
Fue una movida inesperada por parte de Washington dados los acercamientos que ha tenido Donald Trump con Vladimir Putin.
El grupo también prometió que aceptará documentos de identidad vencidos, dados los retrasos del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro para proveer nuevos.
Quando o diretor do INPE divulgou dados sobre desmatamento, o presidente o exonerou — talvez outro inimigo dos valores cristãos seja a realidade.
"El anuncio de la CDC es totalmente apropiado, dados los riesgos en Brasil", aseguró el Dr. Artur Timerman, especialista en enfermedades infecciosas de Sao Paulo.
Dados económicos tépidos, incluíndo uma taxa de desemprego crescente, alimentaram as expectativas de que o banco central australiano reduza as taxas de juro em Julho.
En promedio, los salarios son de menos de 500 dólares mensuales, una cantidad terriblemente baja dados los niveles de productividad en Estados Unidos y Canadá.
Mencionó que pensaba que, dada su edad, Borrell sería menos propenso que Mogherini a los viajes continuos y podría ser más efectivo, dados los requisitos institucionales del puesto.
As acções de autos afundam 2,05 pct, bem encaminhadas para a maior queda diária desde Julho do ano passado, prejudicadas pelos dados mais fracos sobre o registo de carros.
O índice caíu 8 pct nas últimas 3 semanas com crescente ansiedade sobre as grandes empresas de tecnologia com o foco no uso de dados da Facebook, e regulação da Amazon.
Su encarcelamiento podría extenderse hasta un año, tal vez más, dados los creativos recursos judiciales presentados por su equipo de abogados para evitar su extradición a Estados Unidos, donde enfrenta acusaciones federales por narcotráfico y homicidio.
Curiosamente, estos detalles fueron dados a conocer porque el mismo Chapo espiaba los teléfonos de las mujeres y de decenas de allegados con un programa que fue intervenido por el FBI con ayuda de un ciberexperto colombiano.
A Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO) assinou um acordo para incluir dados da Agência de Exploração Aeroespacial do Japão (JAXA) nas plataformas de monitoramento florestal da FAO, e planeja treinar os Estados sobre como utilizá-los.
Ao melhorar o monitoramento em ambos os países e apoiar ações mais rápidas para conter o desmatamento e proteger as turfeiras, os dados do radar poderiam ajudá-los a se qualificarem para financiamentos florestais de instituições como o Banco Mundial, acrescentou.
LONDRES, 24 Nov (Reuters) - As acções mundiais negoceiam perto de máximos recorde esta sexta-feira, encaminhadas para reverterem duas semanas consecutivas de quedas, enquanto o euro tocou em máximos de seis semanas, após dados económicos mais fortes do que o esperado esta semana.
Um trader também apontou para a notícia no britânico Daily Telegraph que refere-se às previsões de que os dados de registo de automóveis do Reino Unido, devidos na sexta-feira, vão mostrar uma queda de 5 pct nas vendas de carros novos.
ROMA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Dados poderosos de um sistema de radar japonês, disponíveis pela primeira vez, permitirão que governos monitorem mais de perto as ameaças às suas florestas e turfeiras, ajudando-os a obter financiamento para proteger esses ecossistemas, disse a ONU.
El papa se encuentra bajo una presión enorme para denunciar enérgicamente los abusos, dados los devastadores antecedentes de sacerdotes católicos en Irlanda —y en muchos otros países, como el escándalo reciente en Estados Unidos— que violaron y abusaron de niños, así como los obispos que los encubrieron.
Os números são ainda mais preocupantes nas comunidades atendidas pelo Centro de Recuperação e Educação Nutricional (CREN): em alguns bairros, 303% das crianças têm obesidade e outras 30% sofrem de desnutrição, segundo os dados da organização, que descobriu que 6% das crianças obesas também estão desnutridas.
Fred Stolle, vice-diretor do Programa de Florestas do World Resources Institute dos Estados Unidos, disse que o radar tinha o valor adicional de poder "ver" através das nuvens e do céu noturno, mas interpretar seus dados era mais complicado do que os dos satélites ópticos.
"Dados los precios de sus productos, se tiene la idea de que las marcas de lujo están haciendo las cosas bien, y eso las hace inmunes al escrutinio público", dijo Michael Posner, profesor de Ética y Finanzas en la Escuela de Negocios Stern de la Universidad de Nueva York.
Datos dados a conocer este fin de semana [en inglés] señalan que dos mil menores han quedado lejos de familiares como parte de una nueva política del gobierno de Donald Trump, que resulta de la decisión de presentar cargos de inmediato contra quienes crucen hacia Estados Unidos de manera ilegal.
La mayoría de los heridos fueron atendidos en hospitales de la zona y fueron dados de alta, pero un puñado permanece hospitalizado; dos en el Centro Médico de la Universidad, De Alba y Luis Calvillo, de 35 años, un veterano del ejército y entrenador de fútbol juvenil que recibió cinco disparos.
En algunos casos los sobornos fueron para que los encargados de admisiones hicieran la vista gorda si llegaba un adulto a hacer los exámenes de ingreso en vez de los aspirantes; en otros para que los estudiantes fueran dados de alta como atletas con preferencia de admisión cuando no lo eran.
Dados los consabidos efectos de consumir demasiada azúcar, no sorprendió que los autores encontraran que la posibilidad de morir joven era 8 por ciento mayor para la gente que bebía dos o más vasos de bebidas azucaradas al día en comparación con las personas que consumían menos de un vaso al mes.
Plataformas de Coletas de Dados, Dados Históricos Meteorológicos. on July 18, 2000, in the suburbs. "INMET" , Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia. Gráficos Climatológicos.
In 1950 the DEE was replaced by the Departamento de Estatística do Estado de São Paulo – DEESP (São Paulo's Statistics Department). In 1976 the DEESP was incorporated by the Coordenadoria de Análise de Dados – CAD (Data Analisis Coordinating Body). The CAD was responsible for the Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados Estatísticos, created in 1975. In 1978 the Law #1,866 from December 4 created the Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados – SEADE.
The 1998 Individual Speedway Junior World Championship World Champion Robert Dados get qualification to 1999 Speedway Grand Prix.
Satélite de Coleta de Dados (SCD, Portuguese for "Data-Collecting Satellite") is a series of satellites developed in Brazil.
Besides these simulators, there are numerous other university and commercial simulators such as PROMIS, PREDICT, PROSIM, ICECREM, DADOS, TITAN, MicroTec, DOPDEES, ALAMODE.
Robert Dados (15 February 1977 in Poland – 30 March 2004 in Lublin, PolandSł - 2008-03-24) was a Polish speedway rider who won the World Under-21 title in 1998.
The mortuary temple featured the first palmiform columns of any Egyptian temple, massive granite architraves inscribed with Sahure's titulary overlaid with copper, lion-headed waterspouts, black basalt flooring and granite dados.
The Brazilian government refused to receive detainees from the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.Staff writer (15 December 2010). "Confira os Principais Dados Publicados Pelo WikiLeaks" (in Portuguese language). Agence France-Presse (via
The Speedway Grand Prix Commission nominated Antonín Kasper, Jr. (Czech Republic) and two Poles: Robert Dados (1998 Under-21 World Champion who qualify to the 1999 Speedway Grand Prix) and Jacek Gollob as Wild Card.
Dados para uma monografia, Cascais 1999, p.193. The entire fleet carried 598 guns in total, most of them small caliber (1 basilisco, 2 leões, 3 águias, 19 camelos, 21 esperas, 52 pedreiros, 150 falcões, 350 berços).
MORAIS, L.: Banco de Dados Sobre Espécies Oleaginosas da Amazônia, unpublished PINTO, G.P. Características físico-químicas e outras informações sobre as principais oleaginosas do Brasil. Recife: Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentação Agropecuárias do Nordeste, Boletim Técnico 18, 1963.
The game of astronomical tables, from Libro de los juegos The Libro de los Juegos ("Book of games"), or Libro de axedrez, dados e tablas ("Book of chess, dice and tables", in Old Spanish), was commissioned by Alfonso X of Castile, Galicia and León and completed in his scriptorium in Toledo in 1283,Sonja Musser Golladay, "Los Libros de Acedrex Dados E Tablas: Historical, Artistic and Metaphysical Dimensions of Alfonso X’s Book of Games" (PhD diss., University of Arizona, 2007), 31. Although Golladay is not the first to assert that 1283 is the finish date of the Libro de Juegos, the a quo information compiled in her dissertation consolidates the range of research concerning the initiation and completion dates of the Libro de Juegos.Wollesen, Jens T. "Sub specie ludi...: Text and Images in Alfonso El Sabio's Libro de Acedrex, Dados e Tablas", Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 53:3, 1990. pp. 277–308.
Aroaqui (Aroaki) is an extinct Arawakan language of Brazil that was spoken on the lower Rio Negro.Ramirez, Henri (2019). Enciclopédia das línguas arawak: acrescida de seis novas línguas e dois bancos de dados. (in press)Jolkesky, Marcelo Pinho de Valhery. 2016.
Shenk, David. The immortal game, chapter 3, 2006, Anchor Books. Initially there were many differing local Chess games with varying rules or assizes such as Short assize chess, Courier chess and Dice Chess. An important source of medieval games is the Libro de los juegos, ("Book of games"), or Libro de acedrex, dados e tablas, ("Book of chess, dice and tables", in Old Spanish) which was commissioned by Alfonso X of Castile, Galicia and León in 1283.Sonja Musser Golladay, "Los Libros de Acedrex Dados E Tablas: Historical, Artistic and Metaphysical Dimensions of Alfonso X’s Book of Games" (PhD diss.
Pelotas is part of the watershed of the Camaquã River. The streams Quilombo and Caneleiras drain the city. They meet to form the Arroio de Pelotas, which flows into the São Gonçalo Channel. "Dados Gerais" , Prefeitura de Pelotas, Accessed on 4 April 2007.
The Libro de juegos can be divided into three parts: the games and problems it explores textually, the actual illuminations themselves, and the metaphysical allegories, where an analysis of the texts and illuminations reveals the movements of the macrocosmos of the universe and the microcosmos of man.Golladay, "Los Libros de Acedrex Dados E Tablas: Historical, Artistic and Metaphysical Dimensions of Alfonso X’s Book of Games," 1222. The symbolism within the medieval illuminations, as explained by the accompanying texts, reveal allusions to medieval literature, art, science, law and philosophy.Golladay, "Los Libros de Acedrex Dados E Tablas: Historical, Artistic and Metaphysical Dimensions of Alfonso X’s Book of Games," 1225.
Cararí (Kararí) is an extinct Arawakan language of Brazil that was spoken on the Mucuim River, a tributary of the Purus River.Ramirez, Henri (2019). Enciclopédia das línguas arawak: acrescida de seis novas línguas e dois bancos de dados. (in press)Jolkesky, Marcelo Pinho de Valhery. 2016.
It was rapidly adopted and is prominent in the portals of French Gothic cathedrals such as Laon, Notre-Dame de Paris, Amiens and Reims, indeed most 13th-century cathedrals in France. There are three examples extant on Devon roodscreen dados: at East Portlemouth, Holne, and Torbryan.
Wainumá (Wainambu, WainambɨRamirez, Henri (2019). Enciclopédia das línguas arawak: acrescida de seis novas línguas e dois bancos de dados. (in press)) and Mariaté are an extinct, poorly attested, and unclassified Arawakan language. Kaufman (1994) placed them in his Wainumá branch, but this is not followed in Aikhenvald (1999).
Jumana (Yumana, Xomana, XimanaRamirez, Henri (2019). Enciclopédia das línguas arawak: acrescida de seis novas línguas e dois bancos de dados. (in press)) is an extinct, poorly attested, and unclassified Arawakan language. Kaufman (1994) placed it in his Río Negro branch, but this is not followed in Aikhenvald (1999).
It culminated in a scale X event.Dina Silveira, Caracterização da sismicidade histórica da ilha de S. Miguel com base na reinterpretação de dados de macrossísmica: contribuição para a valiação do risco sísmico. Tese de Mestrado em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos, Universidade dos Açores, 149 p., 2002.
Anexo I. Diário da República, 1.ª Série, n.º 19, Suplemento, de 14/06/2016. The population in 2011 was 691,Valor obtido somando a população das antigas freguesias que lhe deram origem: INE (2012) "Censos 2011 (Dados Definitivos)", "Quadros de apuramento por freguesia" (tabelas anexas ao documento).
The interior contains a small vestibule in the tower base, with the sanctuary behind. Two sets of folding doors connect the sanctuary to the adjacent lecture room. Only a few pews remain int the sanctuary, but the original interior surface treatments remain, including matched board dados and ceiling.
After a gigantic battle with archers firing tak at the dados, it appears that the battle is won. When a second wave of dados arrive, Bobby throws almost all the tak they have left in a tunnel and lures the army over it. As he is about to detonate the tak, Saint Dane catches up with Bobby and has a fight with him, in which he reveals that there is a "King of the territories", and that he wants to be it. When Bobby asks who the king is now, Saint Dane merely says, "And now you see the truth..." Siry arrives in time to prevent Bobby from being killed, and Bobby blows up the tak bomb.
Mainatari (Maihanatari) is an extinct Arawakan language of Venezuela that was spoken on the Castaña-Paraná, a tributary of the Siapa River in the Orinoco basin.Ramirez, Henri (2019). Enciclopédia das línguas arawak: acrescida de seis novas línguas e dois bancos de dados. (in press)Jolkesky, Marcelo Pinho de Valhery. 2016.
The irregular stones, chipped at the edges, recalled a horizontal Wailing Wall. On the dados where the wood-clad walls meet stone, the exposed vertical edges are unfinished, a Jewish tradition for cornerstones. We, like stones, are works in progress. (pamphlet) Every wall and ceiling surface is covered in paneling.
Two additional rooms added at south west corner. The attic has four large rooms lit by attractive dormers having arched transoms with curved glazing bars. This pattern is repeated in the fine fanlight over the south door. The interior joinery is cedar with extensive panelled window reveals, dados and built-in cupboards.
Parawana is an extinct Arawakan language of Brazil that was spoken on the Wanawaua River (now known as the Anauá River), a tributary of the lower Rio Branco.Ramirez, Henri (2019). Enciclopédia das línguas arawak: acrescida de seis novas línguas e dois bancos de dados. (in press)Jolkesky, Marcelo Pinho de Valhery. 2016.
Mepuri is an extinct Arawakan language of Brazil that was spoken around the confluence of the Rio Negro and Japurá River, mainly on the Marié River and Curicuriari River.Ramirez, Henri (2019). Enciclopédia das línguas arawak: acrescida de seis novas línguas e dois bancos de dados. (in press)Jolkesky, Marcelo Pinho de Valhery. 2016.
The diameter dome is supported by eight pointed arches. The dados of the prayer hall are decorated with large square polychrome underglazed tiles. These have a border of two styles of rectangular tiles. The tiles are believed to have been produced locally in Diyarbakır but are very similar to those produced in İznik.
The tiled roofs have overhanging eaves. The interior retains many original features, with original panelling, plasterwork, door surrounds and fireplaces. The original staircase has been retained, along with dados, and a built-in window seat with chests of draws. Field later designed several houses in nearby Lyndhurst Road, this time in a Neo-Georgian style.
The Royal Chapel has side aisles with galleries supported by six pillars on either side. The pillars, galleries and roof are made of wood. The richly decorated ceiling was painted by Peder Wergmann in 1843.Slottskapellet Norske kirkebygg The dados along the side aisles feature plaster reliefs of the four evangelists by the sculptor Hans Michelsen.
Pigmented structural glass was also manufactured by Pilkington Brothers in the United Kingdom. Marrietta Manufacturing originally marketed pigmented structural glass as a lining for refrigerators. Industrial consumers quickly found new uses for the product as countertops, dados, bathroom partitions, storefront signs, and tabletops. By the early 1920s, it was advertised as an inexpensive alternative to marble or ceramic tile.
Grupo Bauru: uma unidade continental do Cretáceo no Brasil-concepções baseadas em dados micropaleontológicos, isotópicos e estratigráficos. Revue de Paléobiologie, 20(1), 245-304. from bottom to top: Caiua, Santo Anastacio, Adamantina, and Uberaba. Not all formations are equally well represented in the different states and differences occur according their sedimentary composition and therefore also in their naming.
Chess problem #35 Alfonso also had the Libro de ajedrez, dados, y tablas ("Libro de los Juegos" (The Book of Games)) translated into Castilian from Arabic and added illustrations with the goal of perfecting the work. It was completed in 1283.. Although Musser Golladay is not the first to assert that 1283 is the finish date of the Libro de Juegos, the a quo information compiled in her dissertation consolidates the range of research concerning the initiation and completion dates of the Libro de Juegos. The Libro de juegos contains an extensive collection of writings on chess, with over 100 chess problems and chess variants.Wollesen, Jens T. "Sub specie ludi...: Text and Images in Alfonso El Sabio's Libro de Acedrex, Dados e Tablas", Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 53:3, 1990. pp. 277–308.
December 2009, No. 72. p. 6. Retrieved on 15 December 2011. "Edifício 34, no extremo norte do reduto TAP. Uma construção aparentemente banal, de paredes frágeis. É essa a visão com que se depara, do exterior, o visitante do novo Centro de Processamento de Dados da empresa, o CPD2." ANA Aeroportos de Portugal has its head office in Building 120.
Gongans are of varying length, according to the pathet. The ending (suwuk) can occur at different points in the cycle, given the cue from the kendhang or kepyak. It usually begins in irama lancar, and then slows down to tanggung, dados, or rangkep. The ayak- ayakan is often used to accompany the entrance of puppets, or the transition between pathets.
The interior is entirely finished with hardwoods. The walls are covered with vertical beaded-board dados up to chair- rail height, horizontal boarding above that, up to picture-moulding height, and additional vertical boarding up to the ceilings. The ceiling is covered with boards, and the floor has original hardwood floorboards. The waiting room contains an original fireplace with mantelpiece.
The main entrance is defined by a rendered masonry portico off-set to the south of the small front verandah. Internal walls are mostly rendered brick and the floorboards are of pine. The main reception rooms feature coffered ceilings. The ornate friezes, cornices and dados in the principal rooms, which were restored in the early 1980s, are thought to date from the 1880s.
The parapet has a balustrade and five highly decorative pediments extending below. The original entrance is still located between the shops and features stained glass leadlight sidelights and French doors between. Originally the entrance hall and vestibule lead to the shops and offices, the staircase being made from polished jarrah. Tiles in different colours have been used for dados, corridors and decorations.
The hole on the east side was used as an entrance to the tower. Also in 1929, the day-rooms were redecorated with dados and murals. In 1930-31, the ground floor of the ruined palas was rebuilt, to make a dining hall, a dishwashing room, and a flat for the hostel manager. In 1932, work was done on clearing the rubble from the moat.
Afterwards two new members joined the band - Paolo Casarin (accordion and keyboards) and another guitarist Fernando Deluqui (ex-RPM). After two years without recording, Engenheiros released Simples de Coração (Naïve at Heart), towards the end of 1995. The sound was heavier, with a regional flavour given to it by the accordion of Casarin. Standout tracks were "A Promessa" (The Promise), "Lance de Dados" (A Cast of Dice) and "Simples de Coração".
Machiloides banksi is a species of rock bristletail, family of basal insects belonging to the order Archaeognatha, in the genus Machiloides.Wygodzinsky, Pedro, and Kathleen Schmidt (1980) Survey of the Microcoryphia (Insecta) of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Provinces of Canada, American Museum Novitates, no. 2701Mendes, Luís F. (1989) Novos dados sobre os tisanuros (Microcoryphia e Zygentoma) da América do Norte, Garcia de Orta, Série Zoologia, vol. 16, nos.
The access stairs have parallel beams that culminate in dados – an element found in Tenayuca and other Mexica areas. The name comes from the three human skulls made from clay, with bulging eyes and covered in stucco, along with the rest of the structure. This ornamental feature relates to the function of the altar, which is believed to be a mausoleum. It contains the remains of a man and woman.
On the lower walls of the tomb are white marble dados sculpted with realistic bas relief depictions of flowers and vines. The marble has been polished to emphasise the exquisite detailing of the carvings. The dado frames and archway spandrels have been decorated with pietra dura inlays of highly stylised, almost geometric vines, flowers and fruits. The inlay stones are of yellow marble, jasper and jade, polished and levelled to the surface of the walls.
The Art Deco and Steamline Moderne architectural movements vastly increased the market for pigmented structural glass. Its first important architectural use came in 1912, when it was used for bathroom stall partitions and dados in the Woolworth Building in New York City. By 1929, of pigmented structural glass was being manufactured in the United States. Throughout the 1930s, the product also found a use as cladding for storefronts, entryways, lobbies, and even as ceiling material.
They escape from the enraged Flighters, only to meet Saint Dane in the now abandoned Lifelight pyramid. Aja Killian's journal is interrupted by Saint Dane. Bobby then finds out that the Jakills' name comes from Aja Killian [aJAKILLian] and that Flighters were the people who didn't leave Lifelight [liFeLIGHTERS]. Saint Dane reveals that he is bringing an army of tens of thousands of dados to Ibara to make Veelox's second turning point a disaster.
The World Expo '88 interior refurbishment included the carpeting and painting of the interior, a new staircase from the front foyer to the first floor and modern fretwork brackets. The third stage (1902), at the rear, is a long rectangular building with light coloured horizontal strings and window arches. The corrugated iron hipped roof has a continuous raised roof ventilator. The interior walls has timber panelled dados, plaster raked ceilings and an unadorned proscenium stage.
As of the 2010 Census, Primeiros Dados do Censo 2010 Accessed March 22, 2012. Gravataí had a population of 255,660, with 92,425 households, and 82,442 families residing in the city. The population density was 551.8 people per km² (1,429.16/sq mi). There were 92,425 housing units at an average density of 199.4/km² (480.86/sq mi). The ethnic/racial makeup of the city was 84.7% White, 8% Brown, 7% Black, 0.2% Asian, and 0.2% Amerindian.
The former chamber features highly decorative pressed metal ceilings, moulded architraves and dados, and two central decorative cast iron columns. It also has a concrete safe which retains its safe door and some timber shelving, and a curious window opening to the stair landing reputedly for managers to supervise their staff from above. From Wickham Street is a second entrance lobby, and vestibule with tessellated tiles. The timber stair features substantial newels, twisted balusters, and boarding to the underside.
Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (Federal Data Processing Service), or Serpro, is the biggest government-owned corporation of IT services of Brazil. It was created by Law n. 4.516, of December 1, 1964 to modernize and give agility to strategic sectors of public administration. It's a company linked to the Ministry of the Economy of Brazil and it grown developing software and services to let more control and transparency about government revenue and government spending.
For example, when shaping the edge of a fine table top, many users prefer a D handle, with variable speed, as it seems to permit better control and burning the wood can be minimized. Routers have many uses. With the help of the multitude of jigs and various bits, they are capable of producing dovetails, mortises, and tenons, moldings of infinite varieties, dados, rabbets/rebates, raised-panel doors and frames, cutting circles, and so much more.
The interior of the building is generally in less good condition than the exterior. The presence of termites at the western end of the 1891 building and the southern end of the 1899 building is of particular concern. There is much surviving early fabric throughout the building, some of which has been concealed behind later linings. This is most evident in the main hall, where timber dados and the front of the gallery have been covered over.
A through dado (left) and a stopped dado A dado (US and Canada), housing (UK) or trench (Europe) is a slot or trench cut into the surface of a piece of machinable material, usually wood. When viewed in cross-section, a dado has three sides. A dado is cut across, or perpendicular to, the grain and is thus differentiated from a groove which is cut with, or parallel to the grain. Dados are often used to affix shelves to cabinetry carcasses.
Club Basket Mar Gijón was founded in 1997 to replace Unión Scotch Club, that was dissolved. The senior team started playing in the regional league until 2005, when it promoted to Primera Nacional (third tier). First season (1997–98) played against Colegio Paula Frassinetti (Doroteas), Cosmos, Dados, El Pilar, Juventud Astur (Aucalsa Oviedo), King Rocky, Talleres Marín and Ventura Sport. On 21 May 2017, Basket Mar promoted to Liga Femenina 2 by winning the promotion stage played in Barañain, Navarre.
SCD-2A (Satélite de Coleta de Dados 2A in Portuguese) was a fully planned, constructed and qualified Brazilian data collection satellite in Brazil,Os satélites SCD e CBERS são totalmente brasileiros?. INPE. Retrieved 31 March 2017. identical to SCD-2, which was lost during the inaugural launch of VLS-1 in 1997. The SCD-2A was launched into space on November 2, 1997, by means of a VLS-1 rocket from the Alcântara Launch Center in state of Maranhão, Brazil.
Inside the entrance lobby is a tiled mosaic floor, and the walls have dados of green and dark brown enameled bricks. An ornate cast-iron spiral staircase leads to the first floor former reference library. A secondary staircase from the old town hall was also incorporated into the Carnegie library and a room was provided at the north end of the flat roof, above the reading room, for studying natural history. Since it was built, there have been considerable changes to the interior.
PORDATA is an initiative of the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation - FFMS Pordata Pordata - Base de Dados de Portugal Contemporâneo is the Contemporary Portugal Database equipped with official and certified statistics about Portugal and Europe. The information is divided in several themes like population, education, health, between others. This database is available for everybody, free of charge, and complete with exempt and accurate information. All of its information is provided by official entities, such as the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics and Eurostat.
Before this competition, Bobby learns that LaBerge and Veego originated the territory of Veelox, but were taken to Quillan by Saint Dane, and later shown Eelong, Cloral, and Zadaa from which they derive the games' structure. Ultimately, Bobby wins the game and the support of the people, who revolt against Blok; but Nevva, secretly in league with Saint Dane, reveals the revivers' archive 'Mr. Pop' to the dados, who suppress the rebellion. In leaving Quillan, Bobby encounters Nevva's mother, Elli Winter, who assumes the position of Traveler.
Constructed -1880 It is a two-storey granite structure containing prisoner accommodation - originally intended to provide accommodation for one prisoner per cell. During WWI the German internees undertook to improve the internal finishes of the cell blocks and remnants of decorative friezes and dados are still in evidence in some of the cells. The structure is currently unroofed exposing the top storey to the elements. Cell Block B was constructed between 1899 and 1900 and runs southwest from the rear of the mess hall.
The Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados (Statewise System for Data Analysis Foundation), known as Fundação SEADE (SEADE Foundation) is an independent public agency sponsored by the São Paulo state in Brazil. It is linked to São Paulo's Planning and Management Office (Secretaria de Planejamento e Gestão). It is a national reference center in the production and dissemination of socioeconomic and demographic analysis. SEADE perform direct research and data gathering using information produced by other sources, compiling a huge dataset collection and publishing it for free.
An early stone retaining wall frames the walkway at the end of the building. The 1880s brick wing of the early Rosemount residence and the adjoining kitchen is of the same layout that appears on the 1916 plan and contained bedrooms, bathroom, large dining room, kitchen scullery, larder and cook's room. Timber detailing throughout is substantial and elaborate and includes ceilings, architraves, skirtings, dados, dining room mantel piece and door and window joinery. The dining room and hall have elaborate coffered ceilings and the floor to the halls has tessellated tiles.
Laminate trimmers excel at this task due to their light weight and one-handed operation. Laminate trimmers have evolved to the point where they are essentially fully functional miniature routers. Apart from trimming and flushing, they can be used for jointing, rounding edges, chamfering, routing grooves and dados, dovetails, even mortise and tenons. A modern laminate trimmer can perform almost any task that a larger handheld router can do, with the caveat that the smaller machine may be limited in the size of bit that can physically fit within its collet and the base plate.
Encerramento: Ministério vai averiguar a base de dados das instituições Privadas inspeccionadas , in Correio da Manhã 2007-03-30.Pedro Sousa Tavares - Governo desencadeia saneamento das privadas (26 May 2007), in Diário de Notícias (in Portuguese) Many institutions did not provide degree programs of academic integrity comparable to those of traditional universities. Like in any other country in the world, this appears to be an injustice for thousands of others students admitted to more rigorous and selective institutions that will face the same competition in the labour market, where the graduation marks are often decisive.
In Coimbra, Barreto studied Esperanto, the international language, and was an enthusiast and advocate for its use. In Aljustrel he contributed to the emergence of a "burgeoning Esperanto movement", in the words of Francisco Rasquinho.Santos, E. R.(2000). Alguns Dados Biográficos por Elsa Rodrigues dos Santos in Barreto, A., Civilização Hindu (seguido de O Livro da Vida), Lisboa, Hugin, His aim to intervene among the most unprotected sections led him to create a weekly to provide support to the poor and to offer free evening literacy classes to mine workers.
Palaces at Samara such as al-'Ashiq and al-Jiss, built around 870, display polylobed moldings carved deeply into the intrados of the arches, giving the appearance of a foliate arch. Floors were sometimes of marble, more often tiled. The reception rooms of palaces at Samarra had carved or molded stucco dados decorating the lower part of the walls, and stucco also decorated door frames, wall-niches and arches, in three distinct styles. Other palaces that have been excavated often have a domed central chamber surrounded by four iwans facing outward.
These mountains also have a chaotic, blocky character. The mountains were named after Sir Edmund Hillary, New Zealand mountaineer, and Nepalese Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay, who were the first climbers to reach the summit of the highest peak on Earth, Mount Everest, on 29 May 1953. Some groups of hills in the basin are named after spacecraft; for example, “Coleta de Dados”, in honor of the first Brazilian satellite launched into space. Immediately to the southwest of the Norgay Montes (context) is a large, circular mountain with a central depression, Wright Mons.
The Poland national under-21 speedway team is the national under-21 motorcycle speedway team of Poland and is controlled by the Polish Motor Union (PZM). The Under-21 Speedway World Cup has been dominated by Poland with them winning first place in all of the past championships. Karol Ząbik was a member of Poland team by three finals (2005-2007). Poland has produced seven Under-21 Individual World Champions: Piotr Protasiewicz (1996), Robert Dados (1998), Dawid Kujawa (2001), Jarosław Hampel (2003), Robert Miśkowiak (2004), Krzysztof Kasprzak (2005) and Karol Ząbik (2006).
Pereira was born in São Paulo on November 8, 1959. He met musician André Abujamra (son of the late actor Antônio Abujamra) in 1984, and in the following year they formed Os Mulheres Negras. The duo released two albums, Música e Ciência (1988) and Música Serve pra Isso (1990), through WEA (present-day Warner Music Group) before disbanding in 1991.Os Mulheres Negras – Dados Artísticos Both musicians then began their respective solo careers, with Pereira becoming Marcelo Rubens Paiva's bandleader for his talk show Fanzine, hosted by TV Cultura in the early 1990s.
The vimana over the garbhagriha has a pancharatha plan that rests on plinth moldings that are similar to the Surya Temple at Tezpur. On top of the plinths are dados from a later period which are of the Khajuraho or the Central Indian type, consisting of sunken panels alternating with pilasters. The panels have delightful sculptured Ganesha and other Hindu gods and goddesses. Though the lower portion is of stone, the shikhara in the shape of a polygonal beehive-like dome is made of brick, which is characteristic of temples in Kamrup.
These games are discussed in the final section of the book at both an astronomical and astrological level. Examining further, the text can also be read as an allegorical initiation tale and as a metaphysical guide for leading a balanced, prudent, and virtuous life.Luis Vázquez de Parga, "Alfonso X el Sabio," in Libros del ajedrex, dados y tablas, edited by Vicent García Editores, Valencia, and Ediciones Poniente (Madrid, Spain: Patrimonio Nacional, 1987): 13–28, 17. In addition to the didactic, although not overly moralistic, aspect of the text,Dwayne E. Carpenter, "Fickle Fortune: Gambling in Medieval Spain," in Studies in Philology 85, no.
Upon arrival on Quillan, Bobby witnesses a fellow Traveler die in the games; but is soon captured by the android 'dados' of Quillan's police force, and recruited as a 'challenger' by the siblings LaBerge and Veego. He is also befriended by another Traveler, Nevva Winter, who explains the social situation. Subsequently, antagonist Saint Dane offers a 'secret' of the Travelers to Bobby, in exchange for Bobby's participation in the Grand X, an upcoming series of games. Bobby initially refuses; but is persuaded to join the Grand X by a secret society of 'revivers' bent on overthrowing Blok.
The Instituto Brasileiro de Economia, (IBRE) (Brazilian Institute of Economics) is a Brazilian institute located in Rio de Janeiro. IBRE was founded in 1951, originally lead by Jorge Kingston and Alexandre Kafka, linked to the Fundação Getúlio Vargas. IBRE focuses on measurements and applied research concerning the Brazilian economy. The IBRE includes: the Data Management Division ("Divisão de Gestão de Dados" – DGD) − in charge of producing and disseminating economic statistics; the Applied Economics Division ("Divisão de Economia Aplicada" – DEA) − in charge of studies on the Brazilian economy; and the Publications and Events Division ("Divisão de Publicações e Eventos" – DPE).
Pablo Lescano, ex-member of Amar Azul and founder of Flor Piedra and Damas Gratis is known to be the creator of the cumbia villera "sound". However, a lighter form of cumbia enjoyed widespread popularity in Argentina during the 1990s. Antonio Rios (ex-Grupo Sombras, ex-Malagata) is a good representative of the Argentinian cumbia from the 1990s. The emergence of cumbia as a massively popular form of music in Argentina came perhaps with the release of Tarjetita de Invitacion by Adrian y Los Dados Negros in 1988 which was certified platinum, a first back then for a cumbia act.
Luque has made translations of French, Latin, and Ancient and Modern Greek poetry, from authors such as Maria Laina, Louise Labé, Renée Vivien, Sappho, Catullus, Meleager, and all of the Greek poets who dealt with themes of eros or the sea. In 2000 she published Los dados de Eros. Antología de poesía erótica griega (Ediciones Hiperión), and in November 2004 the Sappho translation Poemas y testimonios (). As a lecturer, she has worked to rescue forgotten authors, such as the playwright María Rosa Gálvez and the writer and ambassador Isabel Oyarzábal, on whom she focused her interest in 2010.
On arrival in Egypt, he was promoted to sergeant and on 3 April 1915 was promoted into the New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps (NZAOC) as a second lieutenant. King saw service in the Dardanelles as the Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services (DADOS) for the New Zealand and Australian Division and was promoted to lieutenant on 6 October 1915. Struck down with illness King was invalided back to New Zealand in May 1916. Returning to New Zealand, King was employed with the New Zealand Defence Stores Department in a "temporary" capacity prior to being appointed permanently to the New Zealand Army Ordnance Department (NZAOD) on 1 April 1917.
As Alfonso elucidates in the opening section of the Libro de Juegos, the Libro de ajedrex (Book of chess) demonstrates the value of the intellect, the Libro de los dados (Book of dice) illustrates that chance has supremacy over pure intellect, and the Libro de las tablas (Book of tables) celebrates a conjoined use of both intellect and chance.Dwayne E. Carpenter, "‘Alea jacta est’: at the Gaming Table with Alfonso the Learned," in Journal of Medieval History 24, no. 4 (1998): 333–345, 336. Further, the iconographic linkage between chess and kingship in the Western tradition continued to evolve and became symbolic of kingly virtues, including skill, prudence, and intelligence.
The /16 layout is still highly readable, despite the removal of several internal walls and the creation of an ensuite bathroom for each of the four bedrooms. The interior is remarkable for its extensive use of decorative pressed metal ceilings, cornices, ceiling roses, architraves, and dados, in almost every room of the house. Many of the designs are Art Nouveau in inspiration, including that of the dado panels in the vestibule, which has been identified in an early 20th century Wunderlich catalogue. There is also a pressed metal architrave used externally on the bay window to the bedroom in the front southwest corner of the house.
The streets are fairly wide and straight, and many of the houses belonging to aristocratic families, descendants of those expelled from Al-Andalus by the Spanish Reconquista, possess marble fountains and have groves planted with orange trees. Within the houses and riads the ceilings are often exquisitely carved and painted in Hispano-Moresque designs, such as are found in the Alhambra of Granada, and the tilework for which Tétouan is known may be seen on floors, pillars, and dados. The city has seven gates which were closed at night up until the early 20th century. Many Sufi Zawiyas are scattered inside the walled old city.
Major P. A. Billis, the Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services (DADOS) for Engineering recommended that 200 new vehicles be sent as a matter of urgency. More vehicles arrived with the 7th Division, and the 21st Brigade section of the 2/7th Division Workshop established itself at Ilolo on 19 August, mainly to service engineer equipment used for road work. Owers' Corner was named after Lieutenant Noel Owers, who was given the task of surveying a new route from Ilolo to Nauro. The project of constructing a jeep track to Nauro was pushed aggressively by the Chief Engineer at New Guinea Force, Brigadier John Main.
Within the sanctuary there is a decorative carved stone sedilia on its southern wall and decorative plaster dados on the walls. During the site inspection on 28 November 2016 a small range of furniture was arranged throughout the chancel and sanctuary, including four chairs, an alms box, a pray kneeler, and a rectangular timber altar along the east wall of the sanctuary, beneath the window. Generally the existing furniture, with the exception of the modern communion table, is similar to that described in Munro's accounts suggesting that they are original. In 1989 the original communion table was known to survive, but its location was not mentioned.
The flat can then be flipped over and covered with muslin or decorative plywood. Toggles in a Broadway flat are placed on centers. Broadway flats can also be constructed using Half-lap and Cross-lap joints instead of keystones and corner blocks, and joins stiles, rails, and toggles, by sawing a deep half-lap at the ends of the pieces, and/or a deep dado groove mid-piece, which are then glued and stapled together. Dados can be made using a radial arm saw or table saw, and a dado stack cutter (two outer circular saw blades and one or more "chippers" between them, giving a much wider cut).
In Alexandra he established a New Zealand Ordnance Depot at No. 12 Rue de la, Porte Rosette and a warehouse at Shed 43, Alexandra Docks. Levien embarked for the Dardanelles on 2 August 1915, where he replaced Captain Beck as the Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services(DADOS) for the Australian and New Zealand Division and was promoted to Lieutenant on 6 October 1915. Redeployed to Mudros on 28 November 1915, Levien became the Chief Ordnance Officer at Sarpi camp responsible for reequipping the now depleted Australian and New Zealand Division. On the evacuation of the Dardanelles Levien returned to Alexandra for the reorganisation of the New Zealand Division for operations in France.
"Tudo Pode Mudar" (Portuguese for "Everything Can Change") is a song from the Metrô album Olhar. It was written by gaúcho singer Joe Euthanazia (in his second collaboration with Metrô, the first one being "Johnny Love") alongside Ronaldo Santos,Metrô, Dados Artísticos - Dicionário Cravo Albin da Música Popular Brasileira and released as a B-side to the single "Ti Ti Ti". It is one of the band's most memorable hits thanks to the massive airplay it received at the time of its release, making it the second most played song in Brazilian radios of 1985 (losing only to "We Are the World"). A music video for the song, directed by Eid Walesko, was released in the same year.
A riving knife to the left of the blade on table saw A riving knife is a safety device installed on a table saw, circular saw, or radial arm saw used for woodworking. Attached to the saw's arbor, it is fixed relative to the blade and moves with it as blade depth is adjusted.What is the difference between a Table Saw Splitter/Spreader and a Table Saw Riving Knife? A splitter is a similar device attached to a trunion on the far side of the saw and fixed in relation to the saw table, which must be removed to make any non-through cuts or dados within the depth of the wood.
The New Zealand Expeditionary Force (NZEF) was originally established with Captain W T Beck as Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services(DADOS), and a small staff. On the arrival of the main body in Egypt, Temp Sergeant Levien was attached to the British Ordnance Corps Depot at the Citadel in Cairo to study the Ordnance systems in use with the Imperial forces in Egypt. As preparation for the Gallipoli campaign progressed, the New Zealand Ordnance organisation was developed and equipped the force in accordance with Instruction G1089. To support the force a depot was established at No. 12 Rue de la, Porte Rosette and a warehouse at Shed 43, Alexandra Docks in Alexandria.
Frederick Otto Wunderlich (28 June 1861 – 12 May 1951), known as Otto, along with his two brothers, Alfred and Ernest created the well known Wunderlich brand of building products in early 20th century Australia, based in Sydney. Wunderlich was best known as a manufacturer of pressed metal, used to create decorative domestic and commercial ceilings and dados, and of the red ‘Marseilles’ patterned roof tile, a ubiquitous and defining characteristic of the Federation house. The company also manufactured Faience, and asbestos cement pipes, as well as roof tiles and wall sheets, inexpensive and popular material for houses in Australia from the 1920s into the 1950s. Like his brothers, Otto was born in Islington, London, to German born parents, and was educated in London, Germany and Switzerland.
Waterhouse believed it was a matter of great difficulty to find a stone "proof against the evil influences of the peculiar climate of Manchester" but decided that the Bradford Dale-quarried Spinkwell Stone and Bolton Woods Stone/Gaisby Rock/Elland Flags stone would resist "the deleterious influences of Manchester atmosphere". The interior decoration was chosen with a view to providing permanent colour and cleanable surfaces. Public corridors were faced with terracotta rather than plaster, and extensive use was made of stone vaulted ceilings, tiled dados and washable mosaic floors. Waterhouse's design used a Gothic style with limited carved decoration and a uniform colour, a departure from the high Victorian heaviness and colour used in contemporary Ruskinian Gothic buildings, and was criticised by some Manchester inhabitants for not being Gothic enough.
In 1999, the Portuguese fixed-line telephone market was set to be deregulated, ending the monopoly of Portugal Telecom, which prompted Sonaecom, then mainly a mobile phone operator through its brand Optimus, to enter that market. Clix was launched on October 27 of that year as a residential Internet Service Provider (ISP), together with sister brand Novis (fixed-line telephone service and business ISP). Both brands were supported on the merger of Sonae Redes de Dados (IT consultancy and network management) with IP Global, an ISP which had been acquired earlier in the same year. The initial service offer of Clix consisted of Freeserve-type free Internet access, collecting a proportion of the standard telephone line charges, by analog modem or ISDN, and an advertising-supported web portal.
He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and president of the Instituto de Estudos do Trabalho e Sociedade in Rio de Janeiro. He was a professor of sociology and political science at the Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro, the University of São Paulo and the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Between 1994 and 1998 he was president of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) Schwartzman is also a member of the advisory boards of several institutions, including the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and The Edelstein Center for Social Research and of several journals, including Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences; [Dados - Revista de Ciências Sociais]; Education Policy Analysis Archives; Science, Technology and Human Values; Nova Economia and Teoria e Sociedad.
With its stone cellars, attic rooms, detached brick service block, terraced grounds and river frontage, its decorative detailing and demarcation between public and private spaces and between "family" and "servant" areas, Shafston House is important in demonstrating in its form, materials, design, layout, size and detailing the principal characteristics of its class: an evolving, substantial, mid-19th century middle-class riverine house. Since 1851 the house has retained its original siting in an estate overlooking the river, a river frontage and the visual link between the house and the river. The main rooms, in particular the drawing room and dining room contain rare evidence of elaborate high Victorian taste with painted dados and friezes and elaborate joinery and mantlepieces. The character of the internal refurbishment by Dods also survives.
At New Year's 1147, long before there was any village called Münchwald, the free noble Godebold III of Weierbach promised to take part in a crusade to the Holy Land. Since he did not keep this promise, he atoned for his sin by donating his estate, an area now within Münchwald's limits, to Bernard of Clairvaux, who then passed it on to the Cistercian Eberbach Abbey in the Rheingau (the building complex still stands near present-day Eltville). From this donation, enlarged by further donations, arose the Dadenborn monastic estate, as described in Eberbach Abbey's directory of holdings, the Oculus Memoriae (“Eye of Memory”). In 1219, Bishop of Speyer Conrad acknowledged the Dadenborn monastic estate's freedom from tithes. Professor Konrad Eckes interpreted the name Dadenborn as Dados Brunnen (or in English, “Dado’s Spring/Well”).
This work had a huge popular impact in Spain and also influenced the entire development of European fiction. Alfonso also had Libro de ajedrez, dados, y tablas (The Book of Games) translated into Castilian from Arabic and added illustrations with the goal of perfecting the work. A poem of 1266 ("Pero da Ponte, paro-vos sinal") by Alfonso directed at the Galician troubadour accuses both him and Bernal de Bonaval of lacking skill in their art: "Vós nom trobades come proençal, / mais come Bernaldo de Bonaval; / por ende nom é trobar natural / pois que o del e do dem'aprendestes" ("You do not compose like a Provençal / but like Bernaldo de Bonaval / and therefore your poetry- making is not natural / for you learned it from him and from the [D]evil").
The Alhambra features various styles of the Arabic epigraphy that developed under the Nasrid dynasty, and particularly under Yusuf I and Muhammad V. José Miguel Puerta Vílchez compares the walls of the Alhambra to the pages of a manuscript, drawing similarities between the zilīj-covered dados and the geometric manuscript illuminations, and the epigraphical forms in the palace to calligraphic motifs in contemporary Arabic manuscripts. The texts of the Alhambra include "devout, regal, votive, and Quranic phrases and sentences," formed into arabesques, carved into wood and marble, and glazed onto tiles. Poets of the Narsid court, including Ibn al-Khatīb and Ibn Zamrak, composed poems for the palace. Most of the poetry is inscribed in Nasrid cursive script, while foliate and floral Kufic inscriptions—often formed into arches, columns, enjambments, and "architectural calligrams"—are generally used as decorative elements.
Dios nos concedió el Espíritu Santo, que crea y renueva la iglesia de Jesucristo y une en un pacto de fidelidad a personas de todas las edades, idiomas y razas. Dios nos llama como iglesia para que aceptemos el costo y la alegría del discipulado, para que seamos sus servidores al servicio del ser humano, para proclamar el evangelio a todo el mundo y resistir los poderes del maligno, para compartir el bautismo de Cristo, comer en su mesa, y unirnos a Jesús en su pasión y victoria. Dios promete a toda persona que confía en Jesús el perdón de los pecados y la plenitud de su gracia, valor en la lucha por la justicia y la paz, su presencia en las tristezas y en las alegrías, y vida eterna en su reino que no tiene fin. Bendición y honor, gloria y poder sean dados a Dios. Amén.
The exact date of its construction is unknown; the oldest known references to the vessel mention the "great galleon São João" sailing in a convoy to Guinea, under the command of Duarte Coelho in 1532.José Virgílio Pissarra: O galeão S. João (c. 1530-1551). Dados para uma monografia, Cascais 1999, p.202 The São João most famously distinguished itself during the Conquest of Tunis (1535), when it bombarded La Goletta fortress. It was commanded by Infante Luís, Duke of Beja, brother of John III and brother-in-law of Charles V. Besides the São João itself, a further 20 war-caravels and 2 carracks, bearing a total of 1500 men (of which 515 were soldiers and 230 were artillery gunners) made up the Portuguese expedition. The oldest available estimates regarding its armament range from 80 to 200 guns José Virgílio Pissarra: O galeão S. João (c. 1530-1551).
Balla first appeared on the Optimus 2000:we'vebeenwatchingyou collection, with his track "Âmago", in 2000 (alongside other bands such as Plástica and Atomic Bees).Fonoteca Municipal - Catalogue His eponymous first album of original songs was released in the same year, and was described as "crossing the atmosphere of accessible Portuguese music, with dance rhythms and pop sounds, finally connected through cut-and-paste, first experimented upon in the universe of hip-hop. The result is essentially a pop sound, yet different from that presented by previous efforts, where the results were rougher. In Balla, Armando Teixeira tried to recreate, in his style, the musical ambience of the 1960s and the 1970s." Artistas e Bandas do Mundo da Música na Base de Dados do Cotonete In 2003 Balla released his second full-length, entitled Le Jeu, where the humour of the persona is rendered more clearly.
It is the closest launch center to the equator in the world (2.3 degrees south of the equator), making it attractive for launches of geostationary satellites. For example, because it is so close to the equator it provides a 25 percent fuel savings compared with Kennedy Space Center. On February 9, 1993, the first satellite developed entirely in Brazil, the Data-Collecting Satellite (Satélite de Coleta de Dados—SCD-1), was launched. The SCD-1, sometimes referred to as the "green" satellite, is used by Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais) agencies. Both the SCD-1 The SCD-2, which was launched October 22, 1998, by a Pegasus rocket (a U.S. rocket), to collect environmental data. On July 6, 1988, Brazil signed an agreement with China that calls for the joint development (between the INPE and the Chinese Space Agency) of two earth- imaging satellites to be launched by a Long March Chinese rocket from the Shanxi Launching site.
Aisemberg was born in General Pico (province of La Pampa), made his primary and secondary studies between Córdoba and Buenos Aires and went through the universities of Buenos Aires and La Plata. He was an advisor to the Ministry of Culture of the Nation, a jury in film festivals, a contributor to the International Film Festival of Mar del Plata, a member of the screenwriting tribunal at the Cinematography Institute, a professor in journalism schools, and was in charge of the Circle of the Press and was president of Argentores (General Society of Authors of Argentina). He wrote numerous stories, novels and plays, among them Es más tarde de lo que crees, No hay rosas en la tumba del marino, No hay ojos aquí and La guerra del cuarto mundo. Some of his works were translated for North American editions and his novel Cuestion de dados, as well as his volume of stories Jaque mate in two plays, appear in important international anthologies.
A Brazilian citizen's privacy is protected by the country's constitution, which states: :The intimacy, private life, honor and image of the people are inviolable, with assured right to indenization by material or moral damage resulting from its violationConstituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 / Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988 On 14 August 2018, Brazil enacted a full-fledged data protection bill.Lei 13709 Dispõe sobre a proteção de dados pessoais e altera a Lei nº 12.965, de 23 de abril de 2014 (Marco Civil da Internet) / Law 13709 Provides for the protection of personal data and amends Law no. 12.965, of April 23, 2014 (Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet) The bill has 65 articles and has many similarities to the GDPR. The first translation into English of the new data protection law was published by Ronaldo Lemos, a Brazilian lawyer specialized in technology, on that same date.
Within weeks of the First World War been declared in August, New Zealand had mobilised and deployed an Expeditionary Force to capture and occupy German Samoa, whilst concurrently mobilising an Expeditionary Force for Europe, which would depart in October. Included in the first Contingent of the Expeditionary Force to Europe was Captain W Beck the Defence Storekeeper from Auckland, who deployed as the Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services (DADOS) of the NZEF, and would be the first New Zealanders ashore at Gallipoli. Defence Stores Department was at the forefront of these efforts, supplying as much as possible for the mobilising forces. In addition to preparing the Expeditionary Forces, Defence Stores also had to ensure that the four existing Mobilisation Stores, (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin) were provided with additional stock and an additional Mobilisation Store that was established in Palmerston North was also provisioned to enable it to carry out its role.
The full-page illustrations are almost exclusively on the verso side of later folios and are faced by accompanying text on the recto side of the following folio. The significance of the change in miniature size and placement may indicate images of special emphasis, could merely function as a narrative or didactic technique, or could indicate different artisans at work in Alfonso's scriptorium as the project developed over time.Ana Domínguez Rodríguez, "El Libro del los juegos y la miniatura alfonsi," in Libros del ajedrex, dados y tablas, edited by Vicent García Editores, Valencia, and Ediciones Poniente (Madrid, Spain: Patrimonio Nacional, 1987): 29–123, 32. Having multiple artisans working on the Libro de juegos would have been a typical practice for medieval chanceries and scriptoria, where the labor of producing a manuscript was divided amongst individuals of varying capacities,Thomas F. Glick, "‘My Master, the Jew’: Observations on Interfaith Scholarly Interactions in the Middle Ages," in Jews, Muslims and Christians In and Around the Crown of Aragón, edited by Harvey J. Hames (Leiden, Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV, 2004): 157–182, 159.
Boutaud was born in São Paulo on February 27, 1963, to French emigrants. As a teenager she studied at the Lycée Pasteur, a school for French Brazilians, where she met Alec Haiat, Yann Laouenan, Daniel "Dany" Roland, Marcel Zimberg and Xavier Leblanc; with them she founded, in 1978, the experimental/progressive rock band A Gota Suspensa. After releasing a self- titled album in 1983, they decided to shift their musical direction towards a more accessible new wave sound inspired by Blondie, Laurie Anderson and Rita Lee, among others, and in the following year, they changed their name to Metrô. Their first release as Metrô was the single "Beat Acelerado", via Epic Records.Metrô, Dados Artísticos – Dicionário Cravo Albin da Música Popular Brasileira One year after the release of Metrô's 1985 debut album Olhar, which catapulted them into fame, numerous creative divergences between Virginie (who was fatigued due to the band's extensive touring schedule) and her bandmates made her be fired from the band.Trip: Virginie Boutaud, a princesa do pop nacional oitentista (May 10, 2010) She then went to live in Paris for a while, where she took singing and dancing lessons, before returning to Brazil.
When World War II started King was seconded to the 2NZEF, New Zealand Ordnance Corps (NZOC) from the NZAOC as a lieutenant colonel and appointed as the DADOS HQ 2nd New Zealand Division and sailed with the first echelon. Arriving in England in early June 1940, King proceeded to inspect the proposed locations of the New Zealand camps and liaise with the RAOC the necessary arrangements to equip the New Zealand Division, arrangements which were hampered by a severe shortage of equipment caused by the British Expeditionary Forces withdrawal from France and the impending German invasion of the United Kingdom. The events of the war cause the NZEF in the UK to be sent to the Middle East in 1941 with all their equipment and on 1 January 1942 King was appointed Deputy Director Ordnance Service (DDOS)HQ NZ Div. Briefly attached to the 8th Army from 2 June 1942 King was promoted to colonel on 1 August 1941 and formally relinquished his position of DDOS HQ NZ Div on 18 July 1942 and became the DDOS LofC 8th Army, responsible for the supervision of all Ordnance and Ammunition depots in Egypt and the control of ordnance shipping into and out of the Middle East.

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