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"corrigible" Definitions
  1. capable of being set right : REPARABLE

9 Sentences With "corrigible"

How to use corrigible in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "corrigible" and check conjugation/comparative form for "corrigible". Mastering all the usages of "corrigible" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Meanwhile she made basic, corrigible mistakes during her election campaign.
Corrigible AI agents recognize that they are fundamentally flawed or actively under-development and, as such, treat any human intervention as a neutral thing for any reward function.
When Witt regrets that love had not arrived for her, or that a "family had not chosen" her, these are not corrigible societal problems, but, frankly, human ones, and they will remain with us no matter how much maternal leave we are afforded, and no matter how many times we swipe eagerly right.
I heartily hope that if you have been incommoded it is already over, and for a corrigible cause.
In mathematics, intuitionism is a program of methodological reform whose motto is that "there are no non-experienced mathematical truths" (L. E. J. Brouwer). From this springboard, intuitionists seek to reconstruct what they consider to be the corrigible portion of mathematics in accordance with Kantian concepts of being, becoming, intuition, and knowledge. Brouwer, the founder of the movement, held that mathematical objects arise from the a priori forms of the volitions that inform the perception of empirical objects.
Some art theorists have proposed that the attempt to define art must be abandoned and have instead urged an anti-essentialist theory of art.Elizabeth Millán (ed.), After the Avant-Gardes, Open Court, 2016, p. 56. In ‘The Role of Theory in Aesthetics’ (1956), Morris Weitz famously argues that individually necessary and jointly sufficient conditions will never be forthcoming for the concept ‘art’ because it is an "open concept". Weitz describes open concepts as those whose "conditions of application are emendable and corrigible" (1956, p. 31).
"If other persons ... attempt to frustrate the right-holder's wants, then a liberal society must take steps to prevent this, by law if necessary. All exercises of power by others to frustrate the relevant individual or group preferences constitute unwarranted 'interference' with liberty in purely private matters." Ian Hunt concurs that offers may be considered coercive, and claims that, whatever form the interventions take, they may be considered coercive "when they are socially corrigible influences over action that diminish an agent's freedom overall". He accepts that a possible objection to his claim is that at least some coercive offers do seemingly increase the freedom of their recipients.
In response, Wren proposed to restore the body of the gothic building, but replace the existing tower with a dome. He wrote in his 1666 Of the Surveyor's Design for repairing the old ruinous structure of St Paul's: > It must be concluded that the Tower from Top to Bottom and the adjacent > parts are such a heap of deformaties that no Judicious Architect will think > it corrigible by any Expense that can be laid out upon new dressing > it.Clifton-Taylor, 237. Wren, whose uncle Matthew Wren was Bishop of Ely, admired the central lantern of Ely Cathedral and proposed that his dome design could be constructed over the top of the existing gothic tower, before the old structure was removed from within.
Whilst Gallie's expression "essentially contested concepts" precisely denotes those "essentially questionable and corrigible concepts" which "are permanently and essentially subject to revision and question",Hampshire (1965), p. 230. close examination of the wide and varied and imprecise applications of Gallie's term subsequent to 1956, by those who have ascribed their own literal meaning to Gallie's term without ever consulting Gallie's work, have led many philosophers to conclude that "essentially disputed concepts" would have been far better choice for Gallie's meaning, for at least three reasons: #Gallie's term has led many to the mistaken belief that he spoke of hotly disputed, rather than essentially disputed concepts.See Waldron (2002). #Expressly stipulating that a specific issue can never be resolved, and then calling it a "contest" seems both absurd and misleading.

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