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75 Sentences With "copulated"

How to use copulated in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "copulated" and check conjugation/comparative form for "copulated". Mastering all the usages of "copulated" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In consciousness-raising sessions, feminists questioned the male supremacy influencing how most humans copulated.
"Total strangers copulated in doorways and on the pavements," the historian A. J. P. Taylor declared.
In "A Case Study of Transference" (238) by Xu Bing, two pigs copulated in front of an audience.
The work, "A Case Study of Transference," is a video documentation of a 1994 performance in which two pigs copulated before a live audience.
It's not that unusual an occurrence, but it served as the perfect parable on quite how vigorously the camera manufacturers have self-copulated themselves into oblivion.
Males help feed offspring in nests of females with whom they have copulated a lot, even if they can never be certain it's their own kids they're feeding.
From Harris again: In one prior report on breeding-associated mortality, a tagged territorial male sea otter held a struggling female underwater until her body became limp and then copulated repeatedly with her carcass.
After a few rounds of getting off on the red light, the engineered males had a similar neurological buzz—specifically, increased levels of the courtship-related Neuropeptide F—to males that had genuinely copulated with females.
" They also found that "blood feeding activity had low occurrence when music was played" and that "adults entertained with music copulated far less than their counterparts kept in the environment where there was no music entertainment.
John has gay affairs, and courts a much older woman named Europa. After that, it is indirectly hinted that he copulated with his own mother. #Methods of a Young Anthropologist. John interviews famous people using various ruses.
Mia's purpose in Walter's and the Crimson King's plan is to bear Roland's child; prophecy has foretold that this child will be Roland's doom. Mia called the child her "chap", and it was carried by both Susannah and Mia. Susannah had become pregnant with Roland's seed from the demon she copulated with in The Waste Lands, during Jake's Drawing. The demon, a hermaphrodite able to change its sex, had copulated previously with Roland as a female in The Gunslinger while Roland protected Jake and queried it for information.
When a male who has copulated with a female sees another male trying to court her, he will often adopt the female receptive position. Post-copulatory female mimicry by the male offers an advantage by acting as a mate-guarding mechanism. If a second male arrives soon enough after the female copulates with the first male, the second male may be able to induce a second copulation which will compete with the first one. However, if the first male who copulated with her mimics the female, it distracts the second male long enough that the female becomes unreceptive.
Additionally, a large number of copulations are unsuccessful, with a study finding that females that copulated once had a hatching success rate of only 10%. Copulation specifics are not entirely understood, but some copulation events are rapid and last less than 60 seconds.
Males will fly during the late morning, with mating occurring during the late morning and into the early afternoon. H. lucina females use a pheromone to attract males. Once male and female adults meet, copulation occurs. The mated pairs remain copulated for about 2 hours.
In Egyptian mythology, Geb challenged his father's, Shu's, leadership, which caused the latter to withdraw from the world. Geb either forcefully copulated with his mother, Tefnut, or she willingly became his chief queen. Horus, the grandson of Geb, had his own mother, Isis, become his imperial consort.
In a study, one male was found to have copulated with all the females in the area.Zenuto, R. R., A. I. Vasallo, And C. Busch. 1996. Comportamieto social y reproductivo de Ctenomys talarum en cautiverio. Libro de resúmenes de las XI Jornadas Argentinas de Mastozoología [no volume number]:9–10.
The mother of Aegipan, Aix (the goat), was perhaps associated with the constellation Capra. Sybarios was an Italian Pan who was worshipped in the Greek colony of Sybaris in Italy. The Sybarite Pan was conceived when a Sybarite shepherd boy named Krathis copulated with a pretty she-goat amongst his herds.
Vibhandak, the father of Shring Riashi, had a baby boy from deer he copulated in the forest. So shameful was he about his act that he hid the boy from rest of the world. The boy had a Shring (horn) on his head. Therefore, he got the name Shring Rishi.
This explanation means that smaller males had a greater fitness due to the behavior of the female spider to move around in maturity as compared to that of larger males who did not move as much and often copulated with females in their webs after smaller males had already done so.
Finally the male mounts and copulates with the female. Afterward, the male generally dismounts and the two pair usually run away from each other. However, the male sometimes chases the female and tries to copulate again. In an experiment, 12 tufted (52%) and 14 gray males (54%) copulated with females after courtship.
Infanticide increases a male's reproductive success when he takes over a new troop of females. This behavior has been observed in langurs who live in single male breeding groups. The females whose infants were killed exhibited estrous behavior and copulated with the new leader. These effects result from acceleration of the termination of lactational amenorrhea.
With respect to reproductive success of male C. capitata, males that are fed a diet consisting of no protein copulated at a significantly lower rate than males who were fed protein. In short, male diets are a significant factor in the mating success of male C. capitata as dictated by the receptivity of females to further copulations.
Juvenile Asian palm civet Due to its solitary and nocturnal habits, little is known about its reproductive processes and behaviour. In March 2010, a pair of palm civets was observed when attempting to mate. The pair copulated on the tree branch for about five minutes. During that period, the male mounted the female 4–5 times.
Clearly a male who has copulated with a female benefits his progeny when she takes a stone. Sometimes copulation doesn't occur, but the female still takes a stone. But both males and females steal stones: sometimes they get away with it and sometimes they are attacked. The female is not always willing to copulate to avoid a fight.
The differences in feelings of jealousy across cultures support the evolutionary psychological model. Different weights are given to triggers of sexual jealousy depending on the culture. In liberal cultures, male mating effort is based on the number of women the male has copulated with. These men therefore invest less time in each woman and thus exhibit less sexual jealousy.
The welcoming afterlife goddess was often portrayed as a goddess in the form of a tree, giving water to the deceased. Nut most commonly filled this role, but the tree goddess was sometimes called Hathor instead. The afterlife also had a sexual aspect. In the Osiris myth, the murdered god Osiris was resurrected when he copulated with Isis and conceived Horus.
Nesting ground with juveniles and eggs, by Keulemans Historical descriptions of the great auk breeding behaviour are somewhat unreliable. Great Auks began pairing in early and mid-May. They are believed to have mated for life (although some theorize that great auks could have mated outside their pair, a trait seen in the razorbill). Once paired, they nested at the base of cliffs in colonies, likely where they copulated.
In these areas a male will try to impress the females while defending the area from other males, a practice known as lekking. In other areas many males will attempt to mate with the same female, sometimes inflicting injuries to the female or each other. During this the female will have copulated with multiple males, who will have fought to mount her from below. This greatly increases the chances of conception.
A female P. africana prefers to lay her eggs on a silken platform free from detritus. In a laboratory, male P. africana copulated with female P. labiata but no eggs were laid. During all cases the female P. labiata twisted and lunged in an attempt to bite. As in other Portia species, if a mature male meets a sub- mature female, he will try to cohabit with her.
Oecologia 162, 617-25 (2010). In D. triton, post-copulatory sexual cannibalism was observed in the females that had a limited food source; these females copulated with the males and then cannibalized them. The adaptive foraging hypothesis has been criticized because males are considered poor meals when compared to crickets; however, recent findings discovered Hogna helluo males have nutrients crickets lack, including various proteins and lipids.Kralj-Fišer, S. et al.
In the almond moth, mating lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours. Female moths will mate with both virgin and mated males, but when given a choice in a laboratory setting, females preferentially copulated with mated males. During mating, males first deliver a volume of seminal compounds followed by the spermatophore. These seminal compounds appear to contain chemicals which decrease female remating, and enhance the number of eggs laid by the female.
Brad and Ella are the first to contact one another in a shared lucid dream. The dreamscape mirrored a park setting that the couple had copulated in near the beginning of their relationship. Brad and Honora have less luck. The Professor, wishing to set the foundation for a share dream space between the four, takes the students for a weekend vacation to a rural cabin owned by a colleague of his.
In Greek mythology, the Gargareans, or Gargarenses, ( Gargareis) were an all- male tribe. They copulated with the Amazons annually in order to keep both tribes reproductive. Varying accounts suggest that they may have been kidnapped, raped, and murdered for this purpose, or that they may have had relations willingly. The Amazons kept the female children, raising them as warriors, and gave the males to the Gargareans.Strabo, Geography, Bk. 11, Ch. 5, Sec.
Minimum breeding age for the black-tailed prairie dog is usually two years, but yearlings may breed if space and food are abundant. In Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota, 40% (213 individuals) of yearling females copulated and 9% successfully weaned a litter. The mating season occurs from late February through April, but varies with latitude and site location of the colony. Estrus occurs for only one day during the breeding season.
Araneus diadematus. The courting male is wrapped by the female before it has successfully copulated. It is often said that the male (usually significantly smaller than the female, down to 1% of her size as seen in Tidarren sisyphoides) is likely to be killed by the female after the coupling, or sometimes even before intercourse has been initiated. This supposed propensity is what gave the black widow spider, Latrodectus mactans, its name.
Copulation of adults has not been observed in the wild. With the female reproductive organs pointing outward, the male will place his reproductive organs "in direction to the upright abdominal end of the female" to copulate. Having copulated for only a few seconds to 2 minutes, the male will then begin to search for another female. After copulation is complete, the male will die, although sometimes he will take a blood meal before doing so.
Prolonged copulation, although associated with cannibalism, enhances sperm transfer and relative paternity. It was observed that when males mated with a non-sibling female, the duration of their copulation was prolonged, and consequently the males were cannibalized more frequently. When males mated with a sibling female, they copulated briefly, and thus were more likely to escape cannibalism. By escaping, their chance of mating again with a non-kin female likely would be increased.
Heid (2000), p. 65 However it has not always been so: the Fall occurred because Adam and Eve succumbed to their desire for each other, and copulated before the allotted time.Seymour (1997), p. 257 He argues against the idea that Christians should reject their family for an ascetic life, which stems from Luke , contending that Jesus would not have contradicted the precept to "Honour thy Father and thy Mother" (Exodus ), one of the Ten Commandments.Clark (1999), p.
Once a female has copulated with a male, she does not allow other males to approach, kicking them away with her hind legs. The eggs are laid in leaf litter. Up to 13 oothecae are produced by a female over 3 to 40 days (blocking the ocelli of the females has been found to inhibit the laying of eggs). The oothecae are produced as in other cockroaches by the secretions from the asymmetrical colleterial glands of the females.
2 Leto copulated with Zeus (the son of fellow Titans Cronus and Rhea) and bore Artemis and Apollo. Given that Phoebe symbolized prophetic wisdom just as Coeus represented rational intelligence, the couple may have possibly functioned together as the primal font of all knowledge in the cosmos. Along with the other Titans, Coeus was overthrown by Zeus and the other Olympians in the Titanomachy. Afterwards, he and all his brothers were imprisoned in Tartarus by Zeus.
He discusses marriage, which is treated similarly in the Paedagogus. Clement rejects the Gnostic opposition to marriage, arguing that only men who are uninterested in women should remain celibate, and that sex is a positive good if performed within marriage for the purposes of procreation.Heid (2000), p. 65 He argues that this has not always been so: the Fall occurred because Adam and Eve succumbed to their desire for each other, and copulated before the allotted time.
Geb subsequently either forcefully copulated with his mother, Tefnut, or she willingly became his chief queen; thus Geb separated Shu from his sister-wife, as Shu had previously separated Geb from his sister-wife, Nut. Geb and Nut produced Isis, Osiris, Set and Nephthys. Two of these deities, Isis and her younger brother, Osiris, ruled jointly as husband and wife, and they brought fertility to the Nile valley. Their other two siblings, Set and Nephthys, also married.
They are seeking compensation and apologies. Because of this tainted history, the primary stereotype that most South Koreans held of South Korean women who had copulated with white men or "crackers" ("Hindungi") was mainly negative. Besides, the first transnational marriages were mostly between U.S. soldiers and Korean women who worked in U.S. military bases or who were camp prostitutes. By 2010, more than 100,000 Korean women had married U.S. soldiers and moved to the United States.
Tuttle and other critics have interpreted the gaze of Adam upon his wife as lustful, and indicative of the Christian belief that humanity was doomed from the beginning. Gibson believes that Adam's facial expression betrays not just surprise but also expectation. According to a belief common in the Middle Ages, before the Fall Adam and Eve would have copulated without lust, solely to reproduce. Many believed that the first sin committed after Eve tasted the forbidden fruit was carnal lust.
The nest sat on a wire fence, and the two petioles were merely 13 mm apart. This nest was founded by a worker, in contrast with the well known fact that P. snelleni nests are founded by a single queen. The worker reared brood in both combs at the same time. Early emerging males were often spotted around this special nest, so it has been assumed that the worker who created the nest copulated with at least one early emerging male.
They all went naked and copulated in public, even in front of their revered king. Whaling ships from America and elsewhere called at Futuna in the 19th century for water, wood and food. The first such vessel known to have called was the Independence in 1827.Robert Langdon (ed.) Where the whalers went: an index to the Pacific ports and islands visited by American whalers (and some other ships) in the 19th century, Canberra, Pacific Manuscripts Bureau, 1984, p.32.
Initially she offered him her daughter then her granddaughter who was six years old. The four other women were named as co-conspirators in her confession. Adam admitted to not only having a pact with the Devil but also having copulated with him and allowing him to brand her with his mark. She confessed that she colluded with the others to kill a local man; the plot only failed because he had woken up and made the Sign of the cross.
VanBlaricom, p. 71 Several captive individuals have lived past 20 years, and a female at the Seattle Aquarium died at the age of 28 years.VanBlaricom, pp. 40–41 Sea otters in the wild often develop worn teeth, which may account for their apparently shorter lifespans.VanBlaricom, p. 41 There are several documented cases in which male sea otters have forcibly copulated with juvenile harbor seals, sometimes resulting in death. Similarly, forced copulation by sea otters involving animals other than Pacific harbor seals has occasionally been reported.
If copulation is successful, the mosquitoes pair in flight, then land and remain together for a few seconds. To end copulation, the male flies away or the female flies while carrying the male until it falls. Most young females rejected copulation attempts (unreceptive), and many of those that copulated rejected insemination attempts (refractory), with acceptance of copulation and insemination (receptive) both increasing with female age when exposed to an older male cohort. Unreceptive females avoided males by flying away with sudden increases in speed or sharp turns.
Lim's influence over Tan was strong; on his encouragement and promise that sex with a younger man would preserve her youth, Tan copulated with a Malay teenager and even with her younger brother. The boy was not her only sibling to be influenced by Lim; the medium had earlier seduced Tan's younger sister and tricked her into selling her body and having sex with the two youths.John (1989), 171. Despite the abuses, Tan lived with Lim, enjoying the dresses, beauty products and slimming courses bought with their income.
In this study, male hamsters were given lesions to either the hippocampus or the perirhinal-entorhinal cortex, or received a sham treatment. Then the hamsters were allowed to mate with a female hamster until they became satiated. All subjects were then presented with two anesthetized females, one of whom was the female they had previously copulated with, while the other was a novel female. Hamsters with sham and hippocampal lesions investigated the anogenital region of the novel females for a significantly longer period of time in comparison to the familiar female.
Ladislaus's favoritism towards the Cumans made him so unpopular that many of his subjects accused him of inciting the Mongols to invade Hungary. In fact, Ladislaus employed Mongol prisoners of war, known as nyögérs, when he subjugated a rebellion in the Szepesség in September 1285. The king preferred the Cumans' way of life, including their costumes and hairstyle, and took Cuman girls as his mistresses. According to Lodomer, archbishop of Esztergom, Ladislaus copulated with his favorite concubine, Aydua, whom the archbishop described as a "poisonous viper", in public.
The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Hieronymus Bosch. Some Cathars told a version of the Enochian narrative where Eve's daughters copulated with Satan's demons and bore giants. The Deluge would have been provoked by Satan, who disapproved of the demons revealing he was not the real god, or alternatively an attempt by the Invisible Father to destroy the monsters. The Holy Spirit was sometimes counted as one single entity, but others it was considered the collective groups of unfallen angels who had not followed Satan in his rebellion.
Males court females by producing a calling signal by stridulating with hindlegs and wings, the hindlegs are used alternately to rub against the tegmen in a behaviour called alternate stridulation. The male sits horizontally on sunlit bare ground and may continue to stridulate for 5 minutes or more until he is successful in attracting a female. She moves towards the male and when she is close enough he approaches her and mounts. If he is acceptable to the female they copulate and may remain copulated for as long as 16 hours.
Adult females and males of our study population are codominant (in terms of aggression), they live in pairs or small multi male groups and mate promiscuously. They found that males groomed females more than vice versa and more grooming was exchanged when females were cycling than during pregnancy or lactation. The number of copulations/day was elevated when females were cycling, and females copulated more frequently with males on days when they received more grooming. When males increased their grooming efforts, females also increased their grooming of males, perhaps to equalize give and take.
If it is correct, then, first, we can identify other glyph sequences which constitute personal names. Second, the Santiago Staff would consist mostly of persons' names as it bears 564 occurrences of glyph 76, the putative patronymic marker, one fourth of the total of 2320 glyphs. Third, the sequence 606.76 700, translated by Fischer (below) as "all the birds copulated with the fish", would in reality mean (So-and-so) son of 606 was killed. The Santiago Staff, with 63 occurrences of glyph a rebus for îka "victim", would then be in part a kohau îka (list of war casualties).
Centris pallida males looking for females The other category of behavior (the hoverers) uses a very different strategy that relies on the inherent limitations of the patroller strategy. Females won't have copulated with a patroller if they weren't found before emerging, or if they departed while the male that found them was fighting off a rival. The hoverers will wait either near plants that are close to emergence areas, regardless of whether the plants are flowering, or at flowering trees and shrubs well away from the emergence areas. These bees will hover anywhere from a few centimeters to eight meters in the air.
While the Coolidge effect is usually demonstrated by males—that is, males displaying renewed excitement with a novel female—the body of research into the phenomenon continues to explore the potentiality of the effect in females, specifically rodents. Research examining female rats has lent its support, wherein female rats showed a higher incentive motivation for unknown males over ones they had just copulated with. In a study conducted in 2013, researchers conducted an experiment to test if the Coolidge effect could be observed in female rats. In their experiment, they assigned female rats to one of two conditions: paced or non-paced.
The spermatophore actually blocks the spermathecal duct so that another spermatophore cannot physiologically be planted. Additionally, after mating is completed, the genitalia of the pair hook firmly together for 40 to 90 minutes due to the clasping reflex, which prevents other males from mating with the female before she reaches the defensive state. Other than the loss of sexual receptivity after a copulation, refusal to mate occurs during the juvenile stage, when the insect is not yet fully sexually mature. Female grasshoppers who have not yet copulated with a male and are in the defensive state are exhibiting “primary defense”.
After finishing the defensive state (which usually occurs after laying eggs if having previously copulated), the female enters the state of passive acceptance. This willingness appears to be due to ablation of a bristle field of contact receptors in the duck or denervation, or loss of nerve supply, to the spermatheca, or alternatively it is due to the severance of the ventral nerve cord. Sperm not used in fertilization of the eggs can be maintained in the spermathecal bulb, which connects to the duct. This creates sperm competition between the sperm of previous mates and more recent ones.
Halfway there, Makie is taken prisoner by a tentacle demon, and Taki is forced to leave her behind. Upon their arrival at the clinic, Mayart begins his recovery, while Mr. Shadow—the leader of the Radicals—uses a psychic projection to taunt Taki into rescuing Makie. Ignoring Mayart's threats that he will be fired, he pursues Shadow to a dilapidated building far from the hospital, where he finds Makie being gang raped by Radicals. A female Radical attempts to seduce Taki, asking him if he ever copulated with Makie, but he kills her and the Radicals violating Makie, and wounds Shadow.
On average, male guppies seek out and spend more time in the environment in which their color pattern is the most visible. Males, in the light environment that made them most visible, copulated with the most females. In emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri), resource availability determines when male emperor penguins will be able to return to their breeding grounds to initiate their courtship rituals. The greater the concentration of resources in their feeding ground, the quicker they will be able to restore their body reserves for winter, and the sooner they will be able to return to their breeding grounds.
Fischer believes the Staff consists exclusively of creation chants in the form of "all the birds copulated with the fish; there issued forth the sun". The sign which Fischer translates as 'copulate', 76 10px, a putative phallus, occurs 564 times on the Staff. Guy (1998) argues that this is untenable, and further that if Butinov and Knorozov are correct about a genealogy on Gv, then Fischer's putative phallus is a patronymic marker, and the Staff would consist almost entirely of personal names. Fischer's creation chant given above might instead "Son of (bird) was killed", since the fish 10px was used metaphorically for a war victim.
On the basis that the Rapanui word maꞌu "to take" is nearly homophonous with a plural marker mau, he posited that the hand of 606 was that plural marker, via a semantic shift of "hand" → "take", and thus translated 606 as "all the birds". Taking penis to mean "copulate", he read the sequence 606.76 700 8 as "all the birds copulated, fish, sun". Fischer supported his interpretation by claiming similarities to the recitation Atua Matariri, so called from its first words, which was collected by William Thomson. This recitation is a litany where each verse has the form X, ki ꞌai ki roto ki Y, ka pû te Z, literally "X having been inside Y the Z comes forward".
Miroslav Marcovich, Studies in Graeco-Roman Religions and Gnosticism Elohim and Edem, ignorant of the existence of the Good One, fell in love and copulated, giving birth to twenty-four angels of both paternal and maternal nature, also creating the world in the process. Those angels then created mankind out of Edem's human part and the animal kingdom out of her snake part. However, Elohim discovered the Good One and ascended to his heaven, where he was charged to stay to redeem himself from having thought himself the greatest. Dominion over the Earth was thus assigned to Edem who, vengeful and heartbroken by Elohim's departure, released the evils of famine and disease on the world.
Therefore, he inferred the number of involved mates based on the number of offspring that were later found to have mutations from both a male and a female. The difficulty that arose was that if a female Drosophila had copulated with five males and only one larva survived, Bateman would not be able to account for the other four copulations. Analysis of the data collected in sets one through four showed that the males' reproductive success, estimated as the number of sired offspring, increased at a steady rate until a total of three mates were reached. It is important to note that Bateman kept the sex ratio of males to females completely even throughout his trials.
During the first two years of a gay couples relationship, two-thirds of gay couples had sexual intercourse three of more times a week compared to lesbian couples in a two- year relationship. Even so, during a ten-year relationship 11% of gay couples copulated compared to 1% of lesbian couples signifying that gay couples have higher frequencies of sex. Given that males desire higher levels of sex in comparison to females, it is thus, common to find that gay males, in comparison to heterosexuals and lesbians, have the highest frequencies of sex across all stages of their relationships. Thus, this signifies that gay couples encounter in higher levels of sexual intercourse.
Copulation is frequent and conspicuous, with both males and females copulating with several birds, while other members of the colony display or otherwise interfere with the mating pair. Copulation usually occurs on larger, exposed branches close to the nest site and can occur at any time of the day, although slightly more often between 11:00 and 13:00, when communal activities are less frequent. The frenzied courtship activity had led to speculation that the female mates promiscuously to recruit males to help care for the young, but recent genetic testing shows that 96.5% of noisy miner broods result from monogamous mating and that multiple paternity is rare. An observation of banded birds noted that while females copulated repeatedly, it was always with the same male.
Mice have been used in biomedical research since the 17th Century (from May 30, 1678) when William Harvey used them for his studies on reproduction and blood circulation and Robert Hooke used them to investigate the biological consequences of an increase in air pressure. During the 18th century Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier both used mice to study respiration. In the 19th century Gregor Mendel carried out his early investigations of inheritance on mouse coat color but was asked by his superior to stop breeding in his cell "smelly creatures that, in addition, copulated and had sex". He then switched his investigations to peas but, as his observations were published in a somewhat obscure botanical journal, they were virtually ignored for over 35 years until they were rediscovered in the early 20th century.
The male then scrambled onto the female's back and copulated, which was then followed by soft clucking and occasionally more preening. John James Audubon described the courtship of the passenger pigeon as follows: Nest and egg in Whitman's aviary After observing captive birds, Wallace Craig found that this species did less charging and strutting than other pigeons (as it was awkward on the ground), and thought it probable that no food was transferred during their brief billing (unlike in other pigeons), and he therefore considered Audubon's description partially based on analogy with other pigeons as well as imagination. Preserved egg, Muséum de Toulouse Nests were built immediately after pair formation and took two to four days to construct; this process was highly synchronized within a colony. The female chose the nesting site by sitting on it and flicking its wings.
For instance, when quoted Ladislaus IV, who allegedly replied to Lodomer with the sentence "For me, I am the law and I do not tolerate that the laws of such priests constrain me", in response to criticisms, is a reference to the Bible, which described the pagans' way of life with the same phrases, and Pope Innocent III's decretals, which determined "the liberty of the Church" from secular powers. According to the archbishop, Ladislaus copulated with his favorite concubine, Aydua, whom the archbishop described as a "poisonous viper", in public. Lodomer cited antique works (the tale of Proteus, poems of Horace, Ovid and Livy's Ab Urbe Condita Libri), in addition to such recent Christian texts, like Bernard of Clairvaux's De consideratione, regarding the theory of "two swords". Consequently, Lodomer's accounts about the events in the 1280s are quite questionable.
Fischer notes that the long text of the 125-cm Santiago Staff is unlike other texts in that it appears to have punctuation: The 2,320-glyph text is divided by "103 vertical lines at odd intervals" which do not occur on any of the tablets. Fischer remarked that glyph identified as a possible patronymic marker by Butinov and Knorozov, is attached to the first glyph in each section of text, and that "almost all" sections contain a multiple of three glyphs, with the first bearing a 76 "suffix". Fischer identified glyph 76 as a phallus and the text of the Santiago Staff as a creation chant consisting of hundreds of repetitions of X–phallus Y Z, which he interpreted as X copulated with Y, there issued forth Z. His primary example was this one: :glyph sequence 606-76, 700, 8 about half-way through line 12 of the Santiago Staff. Fischer interpreted glyph 606 as "bird"+"hand", with the phallus attached as usual at its lower right; glyph 700 as "fish"; and glyph 8 as "sun".
Belles-lettres preserve the correspondence from Iddin-Dagān to his general Sîn-illat about Kakkulātum and the state of his troops, and from his general describing an ambush by the Martu (Amorites). The continued fecundity of the land was ensured by the annual performance of the sacred marriage ritual in which the king impersonated Dumuzi-Ama-ušumgal-ana and a priestess substituted for the part of Inanna. According to the šir-namursaḡa, the hymn composed describing it in 10 sections (Kiruḡu), this ceremony seems to have entailed the procession of: male prostitutes, wise women, drummers, priestesses and priests bloodletting with swords, to the accompaniment of music, followed by offerings and sacrifices for the goddess Inanna, or Ninegala. The ceremony reached its climax with the assembly of the “black-headed people” around a dais specially erected for the occasion when the king and priestess copulated to gawking onlookers and is described thus: There are 4 extant hymns addressed to this monarch, which, apart from the Sacred Marriage Hymn, include a praise poem to the king, a war song and a dedicatory prayer.
Now said some of the Danish men in their heresy that he # Jove was, and he Thor named, Mercury's son, and he(Mercury) Odin named, but they were # not right, therefore that we read in book, both among heathens and in Christendom, that # the evil Jove in truth is Saturn's son. And some woman named Venus, she was # Jove's daughter and she was as foul and so wicked in lust that her own # brother with her copulated, so the men say, through devil's teaching, and that evil[woman] # worshipped the heathens also as exalted woman. # Many also other heathen gods were in various ways devised and also likewise # heathen goddesses were held in great honor through middle-earth mankind to # ruin, but this was foremost however in heathenism told, although because # they foully existed in the world. And the scheming devil who ever is treacherous towards # mankind brought the heathen men in the profound error, so that they as # vile[people] him to good chose who their foul list they to law for themselves set # and in uncleanness their lives also lived then a while because he existed.
Now some of the Danish men said in their error that he was Jove, that he named Thor, that he was Mercury's son, and that Mercury named him, but they were not right, for we read in books, both among heathens and in Christendom, that the evil Jove is, in truth, Saturn's son. And a woman named Venus, she was Jove's daughter and she was so foul and wicked in lust that she copulated with her own brother, or so the men say, through the devil's teaching, and the heathens also worshipped that evil woman as an exalted woman. Many other heathen gods were also devised in various ways, and likewise heathen goddesses were held in great honor through middle earth, bringing mankind to ruin; however, this was taught in heathenism because they foully existed in the world. The scheming devil who is ever treacherous to mankind brought the heathen men into profound heresy, so that they thought vile people were good and made their foul lusts as a law for themselves and they also lived their lives in uncleanness then because he existed.

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