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359 Sentences With "continua"

How to use continua in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "continua" and check conjugation/comparative form for "continua". Mastering all the usages of "continua" from sentence examples published by news publications.

For anyone who's mastered the language: per favore continua a leggere.
Project Continua is uncovering women's rich history and bringing it to the masses.
La economía está empeorando de manera continua y casi 22013 personas han huido del país.
"Cambian su nombre de manera continua para no tener que pagarle a la gente", señaló Axjup.
Esta organización se distinguió por aprovechar el descontento social derivado de la continua escasez de alimentos en Cuba, entre otras dificultades.
This marks the New York premiere of Dirty Looks's "Sesión Continua" series, which has been staged in Los Angeles annually since 2015.
Luego la muchedumbre saqueó el edificio y le prendieron fuego a un centro de educación continua y a la oficina de correos local.
Project Continua, a collaborative of professors and students, is seeking out women's stories throughout history and finally giving them the sustained attention they deserve.
Linda Xue, a Parsons student who directs digital applications and design for Project Continua, wants to know why Wikipedia credits Picasso and Braque with inventing collage.
The international dealership Galleria Continua, based in San Gimignano in Italy, was one of four debut exhibitors bolstering the contemporary art section of this year's fair.
Or, decide what characteristics fit you best on these two continua — from communicating with critical thinking to physical work and operating machines to processes and service work.
The national unemployment rate, part of the so-called PNAD Continua survey by official statistics agency IBGE, is set to replace the benchmark PME job survey in the coming months.
" Galleria Continua of Beijing is showing the work of Anish Kapoor, the Indian-born London sculptor known best for steel and resin pieces like "Random Triangle Mirror" and "Sky Mirror.
Este es el centro vacacional nudista con más tiempo en operación de manera continua en Florida y funciona como una especie de campamento de verano y de residencia para jubilados.
"Il male continua a svelarsi piano piano come un gomitolo di lana," hanno scritto i suoi genitori in una lettera pubblicata su La Repubblica nel primo anniversario della sua scomparsa.
Continua opted to show a pared-down display of life-size metal sculptures of the human body by Antony Gormley, mostly dating from 2011-143, all priced at £400,000, about $520,000.
Nada de esto habría pasado, comentó Carter, de no ser por la continua insistencia de los fans en internet, muchos de los cuales son muy jóvenes para haber visto el show original.
El tratamiento principal es la atención continua, asegurarse de que el paciente reciba suficiente oxígeno y, si es necesario, usar un ventilador para llevar aire a los pulmones, dijo la doctora Vaishampayan.
Y el formato de una sola toma continua, que lo hizo famoso en "Birdman" ⎯por la que ganó el Oscar al mejor director⎯, fue mucho más difícil de lograr en medio del bosque.
Katsiaficas is worth reading partly for nostalgic reasons: If you have forgotten the existence of Lotta Continua in Italy or of the Brown Berets in California, he will remind you of their actions.
M. Mitterrand continua à fréquenter ce jeune écrivain prometteur dont il demeura admiratif, y compris après son apologie retentissante de la pédophilie, parue en 1974 sous le titre Les moins de seize ans.
El Banco Central del país avaló ayer cambios para que pueda intervenir con mayor facilidad en las bandas cambiarias, en medio de una continua devaluación del peso frente al dólar que ha profundizado la inflación.
Almost anticipating the short-lived lifespan of all music on the internet, its producers were hesitant to distinguish the nascent sound from the continua of both net music subcultures and the broader traditions of house and techno.
A Brookfield, uma gigante com grandes investimentos imobiliários e em infraestrutura no Brasil, também exige diretos totais de controle sobre a Renova, disseram as pessoas, que pediram anonimato para discutir os termos da proposta, que continua privada.
Broadly previously asked Gina Luria Walker, an intellectual historian and the director of Project Continua, the New School's initiative to give women's histories the attention they deserve, what would happen if we began to take these narratives seriously.
El día del tratamiento, la persona entra a la clínica, ingiere la droga y se sienta o se acuesta, ante la observación continua de un terapeuta, quien le ofrece apoyo y orientación ocasional a medida que los efectos empiezan a manifestarse.
The artist arranged for all the necessary visas to get the egg seller out of Cuba for the first time in his life and explores issues "about walls, borders, divisions," said Lorenzo Fiaschi, director of Galleria Continua, which is presenting the piece.
Disgruntled Grunt toggling eerily athwart continua, cheerily transgressing wildly disparate eons or eras, today satisfactorily compensated for his mind-bending disabilities by weaponized prosthetics shunted home from five futures, enabling Conner to kill to his heart's content without ever leaving his chair.
La británica Years and Years, de Russell T. Davies, narra las vidas en contrapunto de los miembros de una familia mientras la historia avanza desde 2019 hasta 2034, en una continua aceleración que incluye saltos temporales, para dibujar un complejo horizonte posbrexit.
"Aunque no podemos declarar la eliminación del carbón en este preciso momento", dijo Koizumi en una reunión informativa en Tokio el mes pasado, el país "ha dejado en claro que avanzará de manera continua para que su principal fuente de energía sea la energía renovable".
The exhibition "La Lucha Continua The Struggle Continues, 19403 & 21940," at the Loisaida Center, documents a monumental piece of that work: a series of 21965 murals painted in 28 and 1986 on the sides of four tenements surrounding an empty lot turned garden called La Plaza Cultural.
El periodista viajó a más de doce estados para contactar a los entrevistados —entre ellos el otrora Subcomandante Marcos y el expresidente Carlos Salinas de Gortari— que le ayudan a contar la realidad cambiante, y la crisis continua, de ese momento crucial en la historia reciente de México.
Desilusionados con la vida civil y ante la amenaza continua de los paramilitares, un grupo de exintegrantes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia han vuelto a levantarse en armas y ponen en peligro la permanencia del acuerdo de paz, que también es cuestionado por el presidente Iván Duque.
Desde luego, después de seis años de una contracción continua, Venezuela es una sombra de lo que fue, una economía extractiva que se ha mantenido a flote con las exportaciones de petróleo cada vez menores, con el comercio ilegal de oro y con una iniciativa privada a pequeña escala.
Un reportaje de The New York Times muestra a excombatientes que, desilusionados con la vida civil y ante la amenaza continua de los paramilitares, han vuelto a la insurgencia en la selva, lo que pone en peligro el acuerdo de paz que también es cuestionado por el presidente Iván Duque.
The country has very high taxes on importing artworks — according to multiple gallerists at the fair, up to 50% (although business at the fair benefits from a 25% waiver) — but this didn't stop major galleries such as White Cube, David Zwirner, neugerriemschneider, or Galleria Continua from participating with blue chip artists.
Pero cerca de aquellos que vivían estas experiencias por los hoteles en la playa, mientras Puerto Rico sigue intentando recuperarse como destino caribeño después de la devastación del huracán María de septiembre de 2017, hay cientos de habitantes que aún no tienen techo; solo una carpa azul cuyo color es muestra de la continua pobreza.
En junio, la Oficina de Rendición de Cuentas de Estados Unidos difundió un informe que señalaba que ICE había implementado políticas para manejar los casos de los veteranos que no son ciudadanos y podían enfrentar una deportación, pero la agencia no se adhirió de manera sistemática a esas políticas y no monitorea de una forma continua a los veteranos.
Una vez que se confirma una infección por coronavirus, el tratamiento principal es la atención continua: asegurarse de que el paciente reciba suficiente oxígeno, se controle su fiebre y, si es necesario, se use un ventilador para llevar aire a los pulmones, dijo la doctora Julie Vaishampayan, presidenta Comité de Salud Pública de la Sociedad de Enfermedades Infecciosas de Estados Unidos.
There is a single subspecies of Z. continua: Z. continua fasciatipennis.
The factor that allows hemicrania continua and its exacerbations to be differentiated from migraine and cluster headache is that hemicrania continua is completely responsive to indomethacin. Triptans and other abortive medications do not affect hemicrania continua.
Dermatitis repens (also known as Acrodermatitis continua, Acrodermatitis perstans, Pustular acrodermatitis, Acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau, Acrodermatitis continua suppurativa Hallopeau, Hallopeau's acrodermatitis, Hallopeau's acrodermatitis continua, and Dermatitis repens Crocker) is a rare, sterile, pustular eruption of the fingers and toes that slowly extends proximally.Freedberg, et al. (2003). Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine. (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. .
Vergilius Augusteus, Georgica 141ff, written in capitalis quadrata and in scriptio continua. Scriptio continua (Latin for "continuous script"), also known as scriptura continua or scripta continua, is a style of writing without spaces, or other marks between the words or sentences. The form also lacks punctuation, diacritics, or distinguished letter case. In the West, the oldest Greek and Latin inscriptions used word dividers to separate words in sentences; however, Classical Greek and late Classical Latin both employed scriptio continua as the norm.
Hemicrania continua (HC) is a persistent unilateral headache that responds to indomethacin. It is usually unremitting, but rare cases of remission have been documented.Mark Thompson, "Hemicrania Continua" Hemicrania continua is considered a primary headache disorder, meaning that it is not caused by another condition.
Grey also collects vinyl records and her motto is Lotta continua.
Lotta Continua disbanded in 1976. In 1988, a former member of Lotta Continua, Leonardo Marino, confessed to having participated in the murder of Calabresi."Calabresi", Associazione Italiana Vittime del Terrorismo In May 1990 Adriano Sofri, leader of Lotta Continua, along with members Giorgio Pietrostefani and Ovidio Bompressi, were convicted and sentenced to 22 years in prison. Leonardo Marino was sentenced to 11 years.
Continua Health Alliance is an international non-profit, open industry group of nearly 240 healthcare providers, communications, medical, and fitness device companies. Continua Health Alliance members aim to develop a system to deliver personal and individual healthcare. Continua was a founding member of Personal Connected Health Alliance which was launched in February 2014 with other founding members mHealth SUMMIT and HIMSS.
Clytiomya continua is a European species of fly in the family Tachinidae.
Zygogramma continua is a species of beetle belonging to the family Zygogramma.
Tartessian is written in scriptio continua, which complicates the identification of individual words.
In the mathematical field of point-set topology, a continuum (plural: "continua") is a nonempty compact connected metric space, or, less frequently, a compact connected Hausdorff space. Continuum theory is the branch of topology devoted to the study of continua.
The year before, Potere Operaio had disbanded, although Autonomia Operaia carried on in its wake. Lotta Continua also dissolved in 1976, although their magazine struggled on for several years. From the remnants of Lotta Continua and similar groups, the terror organization Prima Linea emerged.
Pitthea continua is a moth of the family Geometridae first described by Francis Walker in 1854.
Nyceryx alophus is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It is found from Brazil to Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. The wingspan is about 54 mm. It is similar to Nyceryx continua continua, but the forewing upperside is more variegated because the lines are more distinct.
The International Headache Society's International Classification of Headache Disorders classifies hemicrania continua as a primary headache disorder.
Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2005. pg 15. He is represented by Galleria Continua, San Gimignano / Beijing / Le Moulin.
La Historia Continua... Parte IV is a compilation album released by Marco Antonio Solís on January 24, 2012.
Impages continua is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Terebridae, the auger snails.
They continue to greet passerby with the old pan-African slogan, "A luta continua" ("the struggle continues") as the film closes.
In 1913, he published a seminal work in the field of topology of surface entitled On Cutting the Plane by Continua.
In general topology, the pseudo-arc is the simplest nondegenerate hereditarily indecomposable continuum. The pseudo-arc is an arc-like homogeneous continuum, and played a central role in the classification of homogeneous planar continua. R.H. Bing proved that, in a certain well-defined sense, most continua in Rn, n ≥ 2, are homeomorphic to the pseudo-arc.
With nearly 220 member companies reaching across the globe, Continua comprises technology, medical device and healthcare industry leaders and service providers dedicated to making personal connected health a reality. Continua Health Alliance is working toward establishing systems of interoperable telehealth devices and services in three major categories: chronic disease management, aging independently, and health and physical fitness.
Hospital de Distrito was located on Avenida Tito Castro (PR-14),Sabor criollo... ¡en continua evolución! Omar Alfonso. La Perla del Sur.
Castelo,Castelo, J. (2000). ‘Formação continua. O treinador de futebol. Exercícios de treino no futebol’, Escola superior de desporto de Rio Maior. IPS.
The Continua Alliance website contains a full listing of member organisations, a directory of qualified products, and a clear statement of their mission.
In 1932 George Birkhoff described his "remarkable closed curve", a homeomorphism of the annulus that contained an invariant continuum. Marie Charpentier showed that this continuum was indecomposable, the first link from indecomposable continua to dynamical systems. The invariant set of a certain Smale horseshoe map is the bucket handle. Marcy Barge and others have extensively studied indecomposable continua in dynamical systems.
Z. continua is native to North America, Canada, and Mexico. Both adults and larvae are associated with the false sunflower species showy goldeneye (Heliomeris multiflora).
One of the stairwells from the old awaiting-trial block with the Portuguese words A luta continua (the struggle continues) written in lights, has been retained.
"Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania And Hemicrania Continua Responding To Topiramate: Two Case Reports." Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery 100.1 (2008): 88-91. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.
E a Vida Continua... is a 2012 Brazilian drama film directed by Paulo Figueiredo, based on the book of the same name by the medium Chico Xavier.
Coelostathma continua is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Costa Rica.Systematics and Phylogeny of Sparganothina and Related Taxa (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Sparganothini).
Acacia continua, or the thorn wattle, is a shrub belonging to the genus Acacia and the subgenus Alatae. It native to New South Wales and South Australia.
Brain biopsy in Rasmussen's encephalitis showing lymphocytic infiltrates staining for CD8 on immunohistochemistry Brain MRI of an 8-year-old female with Rasmussen's encephalitis. Left: December 2008, the patient was presented with headache and epilepsia partialis continua. There are lesions with local brain swelling in the right parietal and occipital lobes and right cerebellar hemisphere. Right: April 2009, the same patient, now she is comatose with epilepsia partialis continua.
On 1 October 1977, after a procession had started with an attack on the headquarters of the Italian Social Movement (MSI), a group of militants of Lotta Continua reached a downtown bar, L'angelo azzurro (The Blue Angel), frequented by young right-wing activists. They threw two Molotov cocktails, and Roberto Crescenzio, a totally apolitical student, died of burns. The perpetrators of the murder were never identified. Lotta Continua leader Silvio Viale called it a "tragic accident".
Alphabetic writing without inter-word separation, known as scriptio continua, was used in Ancient Egyptian. It appeared in Post-classical Latin after several centuries of the use of the interpunct. Traditionally, scriptio continua was used for the Indic alphabets of South and Southeast Asia and hangul of Korea, but spacing is now used with hangul and increasingly with the Indic alphabets. Today Chinese and Japanese are the main scripts consistently written without punctuation to separate words.
The Chuukic–Pohnpeic or historically Trukic-Ponapeic languages are a family of Micronesian languages consisting of two dialect continua, Chuukic and Pohnpeic. They are the westernmost and historically most recent Micronesian languages.
9.2 deaths/1,000 live births (May 2010);Populatia Romaniei, in continua scadere, July 12, 2010,, Accessed online on August 2, 2012 down from 17.3 deaths/1,000 live births in 2002.
English translation in Real Numbers, Generalizations of the Reals, and Theories of Continua, ed. Philip Ehrlich, Kluwer, 1994. Fifty years later, Abraham Robinson provided a rigorous logical foundation for Veronese's work.Robinson, Abraham (1966).
Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness, Glastonbury Festival, 2019 Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness (BCUC) are a six/seven member band from Soweto, South Africa. Their music has been described as "afro-psychedelic future pop". The band formed in 2003, and sings in all 11 of the official languages of South Africa. The band consists of Nkosi "Jovi" Zithulele, Kgomotso Mokone, Thabo "Cheex" Mangle, Mritho Luja, Lehlohonolo "Hloni" Maphunye, and Skhumbuzo Mahlangu, with Mosebetsi Ntsimande of the band Uju as a featured bassist.
On October 1, 1977, after a procession had started with the attack of the headquarters of the Italian Social Movement (MSI), a group of militants of Lotta Continua reached a downtown bar, L'angelo azzurro (The Blue Angel), frequented by young right-wing activists. Following the launch of two Molotov cocktails, Roberto Crescenzio, a totally apolitical student, died of burns. The perpetrators of the murder were never identified. A leader of Lotta Continua, Silvio Viale, called the fact a "tragic accident".
Odites continua is a moth in the family Depressariidae. It was described by Edward Meyrick in 1935. It is found in China."Odites Walsingham, 1891" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms.
He is co-editor of the anarchistic magazine Gegner and the cultural magazine Zonic. He is co-owner of the culture café Rumbalotte Contiua, which opened doors on 17 September 2010.Rumbalotte Continua Official Website.
In the Southwest Classis are congregations in Bergschenhoek, Hasselt and Zwolle. In the Northeast Classis have congregations in Emmen, Groningen, Olterterp, Marienberg, Bruchterveld, Assen and Bergentheim. The denomination publishes its own magazine the Reformed Continua.
In mathematics, Waraszkiewicz spirals are subsets of the plane introduced by . Waraszkiewicz spirals give an example of an uncountable family of pairwise incomparable continua, meaning that there is no continuous map from one onto another.
"Most of whom have been ignored, trivialized, or written out." The project features biographies and references to additional source material for scholars interested in conducting further research. Walker partnered with the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum to direct Project Continua. Walker and the scholars initially believed they were supplementing the traditional historical canon with new information––hence the name Project Continua––but as the scope of previously unknown and suppressed material came to light, they renamed their effort The New Historia.
The cones over some of these continua appear as the complements of Casson handles in a 4-ball. The dogbone space is not a manifold but its product with \R^1 is homeomorphic to \R^4.
He was born in Coremas, Paraíba. He started his career at the Teatro Municipal Severino Cabral in Campina Grande. He also worked as a presenter on Rádio Campina GrandeShaolin: A mundiça continua , Retrieved 17 January 2016.
The incidents have so traumatized Jacob that he has agreed to marry Hilda and so they have a double ceremony. The couples then go to Jacob's hidden cabin in the woods, where they have their honeymoons. Thus begins the series of adventures that the four embark upon as they travel in the Gay Deceiver, which is equipped with the professor's "continua" device and armed by the Australian Defence Force. The continua device was built by Professor Burroughs while he was formulating his theories on n-dimensional non-Euclidean geometry.
Acrodermatitis continua is a form of localized psoriasis limited to the fingers and toes that may spread to the hands and feet. Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris is another form of localized pustular psoriasis similar to acrodermatitis continua with pustules erupting from red, tender, scaly skin found on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is also known as (von Zumbusch) acute generalized pustular psoriasis in acute cases, and as impetigo herpetiformis during pregnancy. GPP is a rare and severe form of psoriasis that may require hospitalization.
Major dialect continua in Europe in the mid-20th century. North Slavic corresponds to the area that is described here as East Slavic and West Slavic. Europe provides several examples of dialect continua, the largest of which involve the Germanic, Romance and Slavic branches of the Indo-European language family, the continent's largest language groups. The Romance area spanned much of the territory of the Roman Empire but was split into western and eastern portions by the Slav Migrations into the Balkans in the 7th and 8th centuries.
Sociolinguists agree that the question whether Macedonian is a dialect of Bulgarian or a language is a political one and cannot be resolved on a purely linguistic basis, because dialect continua do not allow for either/or judgments.
Epilepsia partialis continua is a rare type of brain disorder in which a patient experiences recurrent motor epileptic seizures that are focal (hands and face), and recur every few seconds or minutes for extended periods (days to years).
Autonomia Operaia was an Italian leftist movement particularly active from 1976 to 1978. It took an important role in the autonomist movement in the 1970s, aside earlier organisations such as Potere Operaio, created after May 1968, and Lotta Continua.
After her brief experience as a TV presenter, and throughout the 1970s, she continued to play small roles in films such as ' (1976), La espada negra (1976) by Francisco Rovira Beleta, and Sesión continua (1984) by José Luis Garci.
Nyceryx continua is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It is found from Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Brazil. The wingspan is 56–72 mm. There are no or faint lines in the basal costal area of the forewing upperside.
The scripts written in rustic capitals utilize punctus marks (dots which are placed between the words) to denote word separation, contrary to the common practice of scriptura continua (the continuous writing of words without any form of separation see Uncial Script).
Mutations in the IL-36RN gene resulting in a decrease or production of defective IL-36RA protein have been shown to cause inflammatory skin diseases including generalised pustular psoriasis, acrodermatitis continua suppurativa Hallopeau (ACH) and acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP).
PHÉNOMÉNOOLOGIE DU DIALOGUE, I.-Charles de Gaulle,une pensée diplomatique en acte. Amérique Latine, Edilivre, Paris, 2018, 334p. / REVISTA DEL COLEGIO DE ABOGADOS Y ABOGADAS DE PUERTO RICO Educación jurídica continua VOL. 75 NÚMS. 1-2 2014, pp. 280–320.
Peirce classified mathematics into three subareas: (1) mathematics of logic, (2) discrete series, and (3) pseudo- continua (as he called them, including the real numbers) and continua. Influenced by his father Benjamin, Peirce argued that mathematics studies purely hypothetical objects and is not just the science of quantity but is more broadly the science which draws necessary conclusions; that mathematics aids logic, not vice versa; and that logic itself is part of philosophy and is the science about drawing conclusions necessary and otherwise.Peirce (1898), "The Logic of Mathematics in Relation to Education" in Educational Review v. 15, pp.
In 1951, Bing proved that all hereditarily indecomposable arc-like continua are homeomorphic — this implies that Knaster's K, Moise's M, and Bing's B are all homeomorphic. Bing also proved that the pseudo-arc is typical among the continua in a Euclidean space of dimension at least 2 or an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space. Bing and F. Burton Jones constructed a decomposable planar continuum that admits an open map onto the circle, with each point preimage homeomorphic to the pseudo-arc, called the circle of pseudo-arcs. Bing and Jones also showed that it is homogeneous.
"Né omicidio né suicidio: Pinelli cadde perché colto da malore", La Stampa, October 29, 1975 Despite being exonerated (he was not in the room when Pinelli fell), the far-left organisation Lotta Continua held Calabresi responsible for the death of Pinelli, and in 1972 he was murdered by left-wing militants in revenge. Adriano Sofri and Giorgio Pietrostefani, former leaders of Lotta Continua, were convicted of plotting Calabresi's assassination, while members Ovidio Bompressi and Leonardo Marino were sentenced for carrying it out."Definitive le condanne per Sofri e gli altri", Corriere della Sera, January 23, 1997 .
NET: SHAAMAN Calls It A Day, posted October 12, 2006 (English)Ricardo Confessori: "O Ritual continua!" (Portuguese) Ricardo Confessori, the only remaining member of Shaman, decided to continue the band with a new line-up. Later, in 2007, the album Immortal, was released.
Although Gauss gave the form of this continued fraction, he did not give a proof of its convergence properties. Bernhard RiemannB. Riemann (1863), "Sullo svolgimento del quoziente di due serie ipergeometriche in frazione continua infinita" in Werke. pp. 400–406. (Posthumous fragment).
Z. continua is a small leaf beetle with an orange-brown head and orange-brown pronotum, mottled with yellow at the frontal end. The elytra are pale white or yellow and marked with four continuous, elongated brown stripes. The suture is also brown.
Pierfrancesco Lorusso (Bologna, 7 October 1952 – Bologna, 11 March 1977), generally known as Francesco Lorusso, was an Italian militant of the far-left organization Lotta Continua who was shot dead by carabinieri in Bologna on 11 March 1977 during the riots of that year.
Mino Carta. Photo taken by Ricardo Stuckert of Agência Brasil on November 7, 2006. Mino Carta, pseudonym of Demetrio CartaControverso e respeitado, Mino Carta continua se reinventando no mercado jornalístico (born c. 1933 in Genoa) is an Italian-born Brazilian journalist, publisher and writer.
Newton seems to have come across the idea of atomism through his knowledge of Gassendi gained by reading Charleton's Physiologia. He argued against continua and asserted the need for atoms. His acceptance of the corpuscular theory of light may have been affected by this.
Un mondo perfetto is the second studio album by Italian singer Dolcenera, released on May 18, 2005 via Amarena Music/BMG Ricordi. It peaked at #4 on the Italian album chart and spawned three singles "Mai più noi due", "Continua" and "Passo dopo passo".
Nyceryx maxwelli is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It is known from Bolivia and Venezuela. The wingspan is about 63 mm. It is similar to Nyceryx continua cratera but the apex of the hindwing upperside is brown and the tornal area is not yellow.
She also established that if the intersection and union of two closed sets are Jordanian continua, then so are the sets themselves. In the 1940s, she taught mathematics at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, where her husband was also a member of the faculty.
A continuum C is a nonempty compact connected metric space. The arc, the n-sphere, and the Hilbert cube are examples of path connected continua; the topologist's sine curve and Warsaw circle are examples of non-path connected continua. A subcontinuum C' of a continuum C is a closed, connected subset of C. A space is nondegenerate if it is not equal to a single point. A continuum C is decomposable if there exist two subcontinua A and B of C such that A eq C and B eq C but A \cup B = C. A continuum which is not decomposable is an indecomposable continuum.
Continua Health Alliance is an international not-for-profit industry organization enabling end-to-end, plug-and-play connectivity of devices and services for personal health management and healthcare delivery. Its mission is to empower information-driven health management and facilitate the incorporation of health and wellness into the day-to-day lives of consumers. Continua is a pioneer in establishing industry standards and security for connected health technologies such as smart phones, gateways and remote monitoring devices. Its activities include a certification and brand support program, events and collaborations to support technology and clinical innovation, as well as outreach to employers, payers, governments and care providers.
Pulpit of St. Pierre Cathedral, where John Calvin preached Rather than preaching on the appointed gospel, as was the common practice at the time Zwingli preached through consecutive books of the Bible, a practice known as lectio continua which he learned from reading the sermons of John Chrysostom. John Oecolampadius preached from the Hebrew text rather than the Latin, though most theologians during the time often could not even read Greek. In Strasbourg, Martin Bucer and its other preachers also preached lectio continua. There, catechetical preaching took place every Sunday afternoon, so that the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the sacraments were explained every year.
Green was in his lifetime one the U.K.'s leading scientists, who in his career increasingly concerned himself with linear and after World War II nonlinear elasticity theory. In elasticity theory he worked with Wolfgang Zerna, who was in Newcastle in 1948/1949 as part of an academic exchange programme between the U.K. and Germany. (Subsequently, Zerna was a professor in Hannover.) With Rivlin, Green published some of the first works on the mechanics of materials with memory. From the mid-1960s he primarily deal with the thermodynamics of continua, the theory of elastic-plastic continua (with Naghdi) and various hydrodynamic problems (such as jets in ideal fluids).
The letters and words are not separated from one another (scriptio-continua). There is frequent insertion of a point as a mark of interpunction. This has been supposed to occur in an ancient stichometrical style of writing. A dot is always used to denote the end of the stichos.
Fagioli is the author of a large number of articles addressed and published on Lotta Continua. All the articles were subsequently collected in the periodical “Il sogno della Farfalla”.Fagioli M, “Realtà umana dell’artista e opera d’arte”, in “Il sogno della farfalla”, 4, 2001, pp. 5 - 11; Fagioli M, “Intervista a Radio Città”, in “Il sogno della farfalla”, 4, 2001, pp. 11 - 24; Fagioli M, “Possibilità e realtà di un lavoro psichico di realizzazione, trasformazione e sviluppo”, in “Il sogno della farfalla”, 4, 2001, pp. 25 - 34; Fagioli M, “Venticinque anni dopo. Interviste e scritti di Massimo Fagioli su “Lotta Continua”. 1979 - 1981”, in “Il sogno della farfalla”, 1, 2005, p. 5.
Quinta Dimensión. With the help of her Spanish boyfriend Nuño, Agata's boyfriend Omar, and local detective Martin Ugalde, she discovers that Agata is trapped between life and death, between reality and a terrible netherworld of evil spirits and ancient legend."Kilómetro 31" continua con éxito. February 28, 2007, La Voz.
The publication contains 64 plates reproducing the Roman coin collection of Charles. The frontispiece was engraved by de Bie after a design by Peter Paul Rubens.Jacob de Bie, Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata Aurea a Julio Cæsare Ad Heraclium Continua Serie Collecta, Et Ex Archetypis Expressa. Industria Et Manu J. de Bie.
On 31 May 1972, three Italian Carabinieri were killed in Peteano in a bombing, attributed to Lotta Continua. Officers of the Carabinieri were later indicted and convicted for perverting the course of justice.Carlo Ginzburg, The Judge and the Historian. Marginal Notes and a Late-Twentieth-century Miscarriage of Justice, London 1999, .
Mylothris continua is a butterfly in the family Pieridae. It is found in Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The habitat consists of dense primary forests. Adults have a slow flight and keep to the semi-shade of the forest.
In the 1990s-2000s the problem of "the limiting processes, there merely indicated, which lead from the atomistic view to the laws of motion of continua" was approached by many groups of mathematicians. Main recent results are summarized by Laure Saint-Raymond, Marshall Slemrod, Alexander N. Gorban and Ilya Karlin.
Avengers / Ultraforce #1 (1995). Marvel Comics. Nemesis proclaimed a desire to create, and, joining elements from both the Avengers and Ultaforce's worlds, created an amalgam universe. There were too many conflicting elements though, and when Topaz of the Ultraverse made physical contact with Loki, elements from two wildly different continua, the structure snapped.
Numerical diffusion is a difficulty with computer simulations of continua (such as fluids) wherein the simulated medium exhibits a higher diffusivity than the true medium. This phenomenon can be particularly egregious when the system should not be diffusive at all, for example an ideal fluid acquiring some spurious viscosity in a numerical model.
New Attacker You was also broadcast on Hero TV in the Philippines. Outside of Asia, the series is not very well known. In 2011 it aired in Italy with the title Mila e Shiro - Il sogno continua, but received much criticism from the older fans of the 1984 original version of the cartoon.
Ecclesiarum insuper Cathedralium Priores, Decani, Thesaurarii, Præcentores, Cancellarii, Archidiaconi, et melioris notæ Canonici continua serie deducti a Gulielmi I conquæstu ad auspicata Gul. III tempora, 935. # Diaries and Accounts (chiefly commonplace books), 936, 937. # An Alphabetical Catalogue of English Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Archdeacons, &c.;, from the 12th to the 17th century, 962.
1 (1901), pp. 44-63, 213–237. In its common English translation, the explicit statement reads: Stairs of model reduction from microscopic dynamics (the atomistic view) to macroscopic continuum dynamics (the laws of motion of continua) (Illustration to the content of the book Alt URL). :6. Mathematical Treatment of the Axioms of Physics.
In 2008–09 season, he left for Lucchese and won Group D champion of Serie D. In the next season he won promotion to Prima Divisione as Group A champion. Nella stagione seguente continua a rappresentare un punto di riferimento costante nella squadra rossonera che disputa un campionato dignitoso di centro-classifica.
The Mexico–Puerto Rico boxing rivalry is a highly competitive sports rivalryPuerto Rico vs Mexico – La rivalidad continua. 2008-05-07 that exists between boxers from the country of Mexico and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as well as their respective sets of fans.Revive rivalidad México-P.R. – Boxeo – ESPN Deportes.
This section covers mechanical engineering, which includes, but is not limited to, aerodynamics, automation and control, biomechanics, design and manufacturing, fluid and hydro mechanics, kinematics and dynamic systems, mechanics of continua, mechanisms and robotics, mechatronics, microelectromechanical systems, and thermal systems. Emphasis is on analytical, experimental, and numerical works. Transaction B is published bimonthly.
ICCES has established several international awards, including the Satya N. Atluri ICCES Medal, Hilbert Medal, Eric Reissner Medal, THH Pian Medal, W-Z. Chien Medal, K Washizu Medal, Sejong Award, AS Kobayashi Medal for Young Scientists in Experimental Research, S. Ramanujan Medal for Outstanding Young Scientists in Computation, and S. Chandrasekhar Medal for Outstanding Young Scientists in Theory. Atluri is the founder of FSL: A Global Forum on Structural Longevity (Health Management, Failure Prevention, & Infrastructure Rehabilitation). He founded the journals Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (2000);Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences Computers, Materials, & Continua (2004);Computers, Materials, & Continua Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics (2004);Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics Structural Longevity (2008); and Advances in Computational Mechanics (2008),Advances in Computational Mechanics all of which are published by Tech Science Press.
Bluegiga Technologies Ltd. known as Bluegiga, is a Finnish wireless technology company based in Espoo, Finland. Founded in 2000, it has since expanded its offices to Atlanta in USA and Hong Kong. Bluegiga has been a member of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group since it was established and joined Continua Health Alliance in Spring 2008.
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Philippicae, iii. 9. After the departure of Antonius from Rome to prosecute the war against Decimus Junius Brutus in Cisalpine Gaul, Canutius had full scope for indulging his hostility to Antonius, and constantly attacked him in the most furious manner, continua rabie lacerabat.Marcus Velleius Paterculus, Compendium of Roman History, ii. 64.
The first two terms of this expansion give the Euler equations and the Navier-Stokes equations. The higher terms have singularities. The problem of developing mathematically the limiting processes, which lead from the atomistic view (represented by Boltzmann's equation) to the laws of motion of continua, is an important part of Hilbert's sixth problem.
The spirituality of the Brotherhood is oriented to the example of Saint James and formed by Evangelical counsels, although without celibacy or common life in community. The rule of life includes e.g. daily prayer for reunion, reading of Holy Bible in lectio continua and use of private confession. The Brotherhood gathers together one a year.
Currently, there are approximately 1,150 tons of radioactive residues – primarily uranium and thorium – stored among 80 tons of heavy mineral sand in Interlagos, a busy neighborhood in the city of São Paulo.THOMÉ, Clarissa (2010). "Galpão com lixo tóxico continua sem solução", O Estado de S.Paulo, 23 Abril 2010. Retrieved 10 March 2013SZKLARZ, Eduardo e Bruno GARATTONI (2012).
The film was the first Spanish motion picture to win the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Sesión continua (Double Feature), (1984, which also received an Academy Award nomination, and Asignatura aprobada (Course Completed, 1987) gave emphasis to sentimentality. Canción de cuna (Cradle Song, 1994), a film adaptation of the sentimental Gregorio Martinez Sierra play.
The interpunct died out in Latin only after the Classic period, sometime around the year 200 CE, as the Greek style of scriptio continua became fashionable. In the 7th century, Irish monks started using blank spaces, and introduced their script to France. By the 8th or 9th century, spacing was being used fairly consistently across Europe (Knight 1996).
Both Trinidad and Tobago feature creole continua between more conservative Creole forms and forms much closer to Trinidadian English, with the former being more common in spontaneous speech and the latter in more formal speech. Because of the social values attributed to linguistic forms, the more common varieties (that is, more creolized forms) carry little prestige in certain contexts.
As a songwriter, she has written "Falsa Felicidad", recorded by Jimmy Gonzalez y el Grupo Mazz, in the album: La Leyenda Continua, Billboard Charts \- Latin Album #37, receiving a Latin Grammy for Best Tejano Album in 2008. Shortly after, she releases the Hillary Clinton campaign song "We Need A Woman" and accepts an interview by Soledad O'Brien from CNN.
Florentin Banu is a business man from Timișoara. In 1994 he created the "Joe" waffles (his nickname from childhood) which he sold in 2000 to Nestlé.Ce greseli trebuie sa eviti in primul an de antreprenoriat, 12 Aprilie 2010,, accesat la 8 octombrie 2010Florentin Banu: Vom continua afacerile cu apartamente pentru clasa de mijloc, 3 iul 2007, zf.
In 1972, Pasolini started to collaborate with the extreme-left association Lotta Continua, producing a documentary, 12 dicembre, concerning the Piazza Fontana bombing. The following year he began a collaboration for Italy's most renowned newspaper, Il Corriere della Sera. At the beginning of 1975 Garzanti published a collection of his critical essays, Scritti corsari ("Corsair Writings").
Raw materials are sourced locally (sand, quartz and feldspar) as well as from all over the world (kaolin, ball clay and feldspar). A wide range of technologies are used at the company’s plants some of which include digital printing technology, continua+, chroma, slim, anti-microbial, glow in the dark, double charge, roll feed and other technologies.
Often both the solid matrix and the pore network (also known as the pore space) are continuous, so as to form two interpenetrating continua such as in a sponge. However, there is also a concept of closed porosity and effective porosity, i.e. the pore space accessible to flow. Many natural substances such as rocks and soil (e.g.
Primary symptoms of the disease are developmental delay, progressive intellectual disability, hypotonia (low muscle tone), spasticity (stiffness of the limbs) possibly leading to quadriplegia, and progressive dementia. Seizures may include epilepsia partialis continua, a type of seizure that consists of repeated myoclonic (muscle) jerks. Optic atrophy may also occur, often leading to blindness. Hearing loss may also occur.
Non-archaeologists should be aware of the limitations of ceramic typology. All such typologies are abstractions, and fail to describe all of the variability in an artistic tradition. Professional disagreement over specifics is common. Changes in ceramic design did not happen overnight, and archaeological typologies tend to break continua of design evolution into arbitrary (but highly useful) units.
In 1988, former Lotta Continua leader Adriano Sofri was arrested with Ovidio Bompressi and Giorgio Pietrostefani for Calabresi's murder. The charges against them were based on testimony provided, 16 years later, by Leonardo Marino, an ex-militant who confessed to the murder of Calabresi, under order from Adriano Sofri. Claiming his innocence, Sofri was finally convicted after a highly contentious trial, in 1997.
A pioneer of Russian psychiatry and advocate of humane treatment of the mentally insane, Aleksei Kozhevnikov founded the Moscow Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists in 1890. "Kozhevnikov's epilepsy," also known as epilepsia partialis continua, is named after him. Sergei Korsakoff was known for his studies on alcoholic psychosis. He introduced the concept of paranoia and wrote an excellent textbook on psychiatry.
All the departments of AITM have their student forums and conduct several events to provide students with the finest opportunities to showcase their skills. The departmental student forums are Technovate (Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering), Mecsico (Department of Mechanical Engineering), Synergy (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering), Continua (Department of Civil Engineering) and Foci (Department of Computer Science and Engineering).
Mike's eldest son, John Ellis, is a well-known South African singer-songwriter and guitarist. His debut solo album, Come Out Fighting, released in June 2010, has a strong political message. It was dubbed 'Protest Songs' by the local press. Songs such as 'A Luta Continua', 'Government Song', 'Rebels' and 'Rant' speak about being a white South African post-Apartheid.
During his career, he published more than 150 papers in Italian and international journals. The beginning of his scientific production was under Grioli’s scientific influence: Galletto worked on the topic of his laurea thesis, i.e. on the theory of continua having asymmetric stress characteristics. However, soon he followed his independent research path, with pioneering works that forerun the so called generalised continuum theory.
Punctuation includes a comma, period, colon, as well as marks to introduce and end section of a text. Musical notation uses letter-like symbols and diacritical marks in order to indicate pitch information. Text are written left to right without word boundaries (Scriptio continua). There is also a set of "holy letters" called aksara modre which appears in religious texts and protective talismans.
Charles F. Hockett used the term L-complex. Dialect continua typically occur in long-settled agrarian populations, as innovations spread from their various points of origin as waves. In this situation, hierarchical classifications of varieties are impractical. Instead, dialectologists map variation of various language features across a dialect continuum, drawing lines called isoglosses between areas that differ with respect to some feature.
In 2016 Logan Hoehn and Lex Oversteegen classified all planar homogeneous continua, up to a homeomorphism, as the circle, pseudo-arc and circle of pseudo-arcs. In 2019 Hoehn and Oversteegen showed that the pseudo-arc is topologically the only, other than the arc, hereditarily equivalent planar continuum, thus providing a complete solution to the planar case of Mazurkiewicz's problem from 1921.
Diazepam is 2nd priority to treat status epilepticus. Epilepsia partialis continua is a rare type of focal motor seizure (hands and face) which recurs every few seconds or minutes for extended periods (days or years). It is usually due to strokes in adults and focal cortical inflammatory processes in children (Rasmussen's encephalitis), possibly caused by chronic viral infections or autoimmune processes.
He and his co-authors (Judy Kennedy, Edward Ott and James A. Yorke) have explored a temporally periodic flow with a time varying perturbation. In this flow, they showed the presence of indecomposable continua associated to the chaotic dynamics of the fluids. He was the first to prove numerically the Wada properties of the exit basins of an open Hamiltonian system.
Severe Generalized pustular psoriasis Pustular psoriasis appears as raised bumps filled with noninfectious pus (pustules). The skin under and surrounding the pustules is red and tender. Pustular psoriasis can either be localized or more widespread throughout the body. Two types of localized pustular psoriasis include psoriasis pustulosa palmoplantaris and acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau; both forms are localized to the hands and feet.
The model arose from an analysis of reproductive traits and demographic parameters using his own field-derived datasets and data compiled via review of hundreds of articles and reports (Winemiller 1989, Winemiller & Rose 1992). Building on these analyses, fundamental inferences were developed that unified earlier life history continua in one dimension, such as fast vs. slow life histories, and r vs. K strategists.
A special sign (⌐) for separation of paragraphs is found fragment 27, between the lines 6 and 7. While the later divisions would label these verses 5:20-26, it appears to testify to a classical transition from chapter 5 to 6. Skehan dated 4Q120 to "late first century BCE or opening years of the first century CE". Scriptio continua is used throughout.
As for the other records, Só Faltava Você had little publicity. The songs were little worked on the programs of Xuxa, except for "Eu tô Feliz" and "Adoleta". The only ones not performed on TV were "Rima 2 (a Malhação Continua)" and "Uma Canção Para Sasha". As in the previous album, Boas Notícias, the disc's release was incorporated into the program scenarios.
In Geneva, Saints' days were abolished, with only Christmas, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost retained as holy days to be celebrated on Sundays, with a break in the lectio continua preaching for a sermon suited for the occasion. In continental Reformed churches, the five evangelical feasts of Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost were regularly celebrated. Puritans largely discarded the church calendar.
While on leave from university in 1918–1919, Stanisława taught mathematics to soldiers in the Polish army. Her doctoral thesis was titled On disconnecting the plane by connected sets and continua. She published three books and several articles before the Second World War broke out. Among her findings were necessary and sufficient conditions for a subcontinuum of a Jordanian continuum to be Jordanian.
If two spaces have different number of cut-points, they are not homeomorphic. A classic example is using cut-points to show that lines and circles are not homeomorphic. Cut-points are also useful in the characterization of topological continua, a class of spaces which combine the properties of compactness and connectedness and include many familiar spaces such as the unit interval, the circle, and the torus.
In addition to these group effects, there are individual differences: different people demonstrate unique patterns of change at all stages of life. In addition, some research (Fleeson, 2001) suggests that the Big Five should not be conceived of as dichotomies (such as extraversion vs. introversion) but as continua. Each individual has the capacity to move along each dimension as circumstances (social or temporal) change.
Natural predators of the goby include yellow goosefish (Lophius litulon), ocellate spot skate (Okamejei kenojei), Japanese whiting (Sillago japonica), leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata), ashishirohaze (Acanthogobius lactipes), and suzuki (Lateolabrax japonicus). Fish of this species are often found to carry heavy parasite loads. They play host to the metacercariae of flukes, including Echinostoma hortense, Heterophyes nocens, Heterophyopsis continua, Pygidiopsis summa, Strictodora fuscata, S. lari, and Acanthotrema felis.
The codex contains the complete text of the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of John on 157 parchment leaves ( by ). The leaves are arranged in quarto, that is four leaves folded in quires. The text is written in two columns per page, 23 lines per page. There are no spaces between letters, and the words are not separate but written in scriptio continua.
The notion of a pc and various representative spaces (tactile, visual, motor spaces) were introduced by Poincaré in an 1894 article on the mathematical continuum, an 1895 article on space and geometry and a compendious 1902 book on science and hypothesis followed by a number of elaborations, e.g.,. The 1893 and 1895 articles on continua (Pt. 1, ch. II) as well as representative spaces and geometry (Pt.
21 November 2007 Polícia indicia seguranças por morte English translation via Google The Civil Court of Cascavel granted an order for the repossession of the site on 20 December 2007Marcus Vinícius for Bem Paraná. 28 December 2007. A multa continua English translation via Google and on 12 June 2008, the remaining MST members left the Santa Teresa site they had been invading.Staff, Bem Paraná.
In autumn 1921 Kuratowski was awarded the Ph.D. degree for his groundbreaking work. His thesis statement consisted of two parts. One was devoted to an axiomatic construction of topology via the closure axioms. This first part (republished in a slightly modified form in 1922) has been cited in hundreds of scientific articles.. The second part of Kuratowski's thesis was devoted to continua irreducible between two points.
This sirventes is a useful source for the relationship between Toulouse and the Trencavel on the eve of the Albigensian Crusade, as it was written for a contemporary audience and dealt with personal issues. Cadenet also wrote a famous early alba, S'anc fu belha ni prezada, whose music (air) and lyrics are still preserved.Falvy, 164. The music is of the style of an oda continua hymn.
In 1987 she solved a problem of Bronisław Knaster concerning bi-homogeneity of continua. In the 1980s she became interested in fixed points and topological aspects of dynamical systems. In 1989 Kuperberg and Coke Reed solved a problem posed by Stan Ulam in the Scottish Book.A Dynamical System on R3 with Uniformly Bounded Trajectories and No Compact Trajectories, August 1989, retrieved 2015-11-11.
Lotta Continua (LC; ) was a far-left extra-parliamentary organization in Italy. It was founded in autumn 1969 by a split in the student-worker movement of Turin, which had started militant activity at the universities and factories such as Fiat. The first issue of Lotta Continuas eponymous newspaper was published in November 1969, and publication continued until 1982 after the organization disbanded in 1976.
As opportunities became more limited, it disbanded in 1976 after a national congress characterized by a severe ideological clash between male and female militants. At that time, Sofri and others embraced electoral politics, while some militants joined terrorist organizations, including Prima Linea and the Red Brigades. The newspaper was published until 1982. During the 1980s, most of Lotta Continua 's representatives abandoned their original ideology.
In these cases, the relation between the variables of the cause and the effect resembles a mathematical function in which change in the variable of the cause changes values in the variable of the effect. Human learning of such relations has been studied in the field of "Function Learning".Carroll, J. D. (1963). Functional learning: The learning of continuous functional mappings relating stimulus and response continua.
However, the story concludes before their goal is attained. Blaylock's Zeuglodon revisits the Pellucidar theme, when a group of children attempt to rescue Giles Peach, one of the characters traveling to Pellucidar in The Digging Leviathan. In Robert A. Heinlein's Number of the Beast, the protagonists visit an inside-out world in their continua craft and discuss whether they have reached Pellucidar.Heinlein, Robert A. (1980).
"Mercy Otis Warren". Project Continua. In 1790, she published a collection of poems and plays under her own name, a highly unusual occurrence for a woman at the time. In 1805, she published one of the earliest histories of the American Revolution, a three- volume History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution, the first history of the American Revolution authored by a woman.
They can also develop on many species of wild cruciferous plants and on nasturtiums. Natural enemies include a number of species of parasitoid wasps in the family Scelionidae, some species of predatory bugs in the family Nabidae, a rare parasitic fly Clytiomya continua, some spiders and ants. They can be controlled by crop rotation, the destruction of cruciferous weeds and the use of insecticides.
"Dose, Efficacy and Tolerability of Long-term Indomethacin Treatment of Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania and Hemicrania Continua." Cephalalgia 21.9 (2001): 906-10. Print. Almost all cases of CPH respond positively and effectively to indometacin, but as much as 25 percent of patients discontinued use of the drug due to adverse side effects, namely complications in the gastrointestinal tract. Camarda, Cecilia, Rosolino Camarda, and Roberto Monastero.
Carlotto was at the center of one of the most controversial legal cases in Italian contemporary history. The Carlotto case In 1976, a 25-year-old student, Margherita Magello, was found dead at his home, killed by 59 stab wounds. Massimo Carlotto, a 19-year-old student member of Lotta Continua happened upon the victim, bleeding and dying. Instead of notifying the police, he panicked and fled.
Xuxa in 2006. This is a complete filmography of Xuxa, a Brazilian singer, actress, and television presenter. Xuxa's first starring role was in Amor Estranho Amor (English title: Love Strange Love), a controversial 1982, erotic film directed by Walter Hugo Khouri. Produtor diz que briga para relançar filme polêmico de Xuxa continua. The plot involves an adult man's recollection of a short period in his life in 1937.
He wrote a number of books about his experiences during the War: Come firmai l'armistizio di Cassabile (How I signed the armistice in Cassabile), published by Mondadori in 1945; La guerra continua (The continuous war); and Roma Kaputt. In 1947, he retired from the Army and became the director of a chain of hotels and thermal baths for some years. He died in Porretta Terme on July 31, 1977.
Historical Glottometry is a method used in historical linguistics. It is a quantitative, non-cladistic approach to language subgrouping. The aim of Historical Glottometry (HG) is to address the limitations of the tree model when applied to dialect continua and linkages. It acknowledges that the genealogical structure of a linkage typically consists of entangled subgroups, and provides ways to reconstruct that internal structure by measuring the relative strength of these subgroups.
Historical Glottometry grew out of the observation that a large number of language families in the world form linkages (a term coined by Malcolm Ross), i.e. they evolved out of former dialect continua in which historical innovations tend to overlap. Such linkages do not conform with the Tree model often used in historical linguistics, which presupposes that innovations should be nested. This common situation is better approached using the Wave model.
Prima Linea (Italian, English: "Front Line") was an Italian Marxist–Leninist terrorist group of the late 1970s. It was formed in 1976 by members of hard- line factions within the far left, extra-parliamentary organization Lotta Continua, which disbanded that year, together with members of Potere Operaio and of other far left groups.‘Breve storia di Prima Linea’, By 1982 it had carried out more than twenty assassinations.
In October he was among those who signed a "self- denunciation", to express solidarity with some journalists of Lotta Continua newspaper, defending their strong anti-government positions."I falsi profeti del Sessantotto" di Michele Brambilla"Caso Calabresi" di Antonio Socci Among his literary critic essays are Poesia degli anni sessanta (Poetry of the 1960s) published in 1968, Quaderno in prosa in 1981. La fossa di Cherubino (1980) collects his proses.
On March 8, 1973, the offender convinced DMP, a girl, resident of Vila Prudente, to walk with him to a nearby apartment near Vergueiro street, where he promised a gift for her. But, inside the building, he attempted to rape her, whereupon she screamed for help and alarmed residents of the building. The attacker, fearing for his capture, threw the girl against the wall, injuring her.Monstro que ataca meninas continua solto.
It supports fully polarised radiative transfer calculations in clear-sky or cloudy conditions in 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D geometries, including the calculations of Jacobians. Cloudy simulations support liquid and ice clouds with particles of varying sizes and shapes and supports multiple- scattering simulations. Absorption is calculated line-by-line, with continua or using a lookup table. The user programs ARTS by the means of a simple scripting language.
Convulsive status epilepticus presents with a regular pattern of contraction and extension of the arms and legs. Epilepsia partialis continua is a variant involving hour-, day-, or even week-long jerking. It is a consequence of vascular disease, tumors, or encephalitis, and is drug-resistant. Generalized myoclonus is commonly seen in comatose people following CPR and is seen by some as an indication of catastrophic damage to the neocortex.
A planned book with Feltrinelli about German war criminals never materialized. He became "a rare species of man: an international German revolutionary" (eine seltene Spezies Mensch: ein internationaler deutscher Revolutionär).Der Kampf geht weiter, Die Weltwoche, Nr. 43/2006 After his father died, he moved to Italy. He joined the far-left organization Lotta Continua and began literary work, which along with his travels and films, marked the following years.
A variety within a dialect continuum may be developed and codified as a standard language, and then serve as an authority for part of the continuum, e.g. within a particular political unit or geographical area. Since the early 20th century, the increasing dominance of nation-states and their standard languages has been steadily eliminating the nonstandard dialects that comprise dialect continua, making the boundaries ever more abrupt and well-defined.
Halkett disguised him as a woman to effect his escape to the European continent, commenting in her autobiography that he "was very pretty in it." She then gave him something to eat and sent him to safety on the continent with a special cake which she knew he liked.Eliana Greenberg and Koren Whipp, "Anne Halkett", Project Continua, 2013. Halkett seems to have lived with Bampfield under the promise of marriage.
Mixture theory is used to model multiphase systems using the principles of continuum mechanics generalised to several interpenetrable continua. The basic assumption is that, at any instant of time, all phases are present at every material point, and momentum and mass balance equations are postulated. Like other models, mixture theory requires constitutive relations to close the system of equations. Krzysztof Wilmanski extended the model by introducing a balance equation of porosity.
Erri De Luca's original first name was Enrico (Henry), an homage to his grandmother, who had American nationality, but defined by him as an "accident." Upon completing high school in 1968 Erri De Luca joined the radical left-wing movement Lotta Continua. After the organization's disbanding he left political involvement. He worked as a blue collar worker at the Fiat factory in Turin and at the Catania airport.
Pasolini's polemics were aimed at goading protesters into re-thinking their revolt, and did not stop him from contributing to the autonomist Lotta continua movement, who he described as "extremists, yes, maybe fanatic and insolently boorish from a cultural point of view, but they push their luck and that is precisely why I think they deserve to be supported. We must want too much to obtain a little".
The phrase appeared on T-shirts worn by LGBT rights activists at the funeral of David Kato in Uganda in 2011. A luta continua is also widely used in Nigeria by students and activists. Protests, riots, and other actions to demand for the rights of Nigerian students are termed as "Aluta". It is the motto of the all-Nigerian Students Union across all academic institutions of higher education.
One endemic limitation of the tree model is the very founding presumption on which it is based: it requires a classification based on languages.or, more generally, on language varieties. Since a variety represents an abstraction from the totality of linguistic features, there is the possibility for information loss during the translation of data (from a map of isoglosses) into a tree. For example, there is the issue of dialect continua.
The soundtrack for 180 was composed by Malayalam composer Sharreth. The film was his third project in Tamil and second in Telugu. Think Music, a subsidiary of SPI Cinemas, the film's production company, acquired the music rights for both Tamil and Telugu versions. The album consists of 7 tracks, primarily performed by Malayalam playback singers, and also features an additional track "Continua" which was composed by Mani Sharma.
There are also many other reasons why these seizures occur. For example, they could be due to genetics, infections, or problems with brain development. Commonly the cause is unknown. Genetic background determines such features as height, eye color, and potential to develop certain diseases like diabetes, but it also determines all the chemicals and structures that make up the brain, therefore playing a role in epilepsia partialis continua.
41 - 69. His views led him to face conflicts and inevitable clashes with political exponents. In 1975 he gave a lecture on Das Kapital by Karl Marx at the University of Siena, whilst between the years 1979 and 1981 he collaborated both with the Italian Communist Party and with Lotta Continua newspaper.Del Missier G, “Massimo Fagioli, l’Analisi Collettiva, e la sinistra italiana. 1979 - 2011” in “Il sogno della farfalla”, 1, 2017, pp. 41 - 69.
The German New Left movement Außerparlamentarische Opposition (APO, Extraparliamentary Opposition) is one of the best known examples of this phenomenon. The APO challenged the grand coalition of the Social Democratic Party and the Christian Democratic Union, which controlled 95 percent of the seats in the Bundestag between 1966 and 1969. The Italian Far Left movement Lotta Continua (LC - Continuous Struggle) is one of the best known examples of this phenomenon in Italy.
The group was influenced by the Italian Lotta Continua group.David Widgery The Left In Britain, 1956-1968 Penguin,1976 (p. 479) The group published a magazine, Big Flame; and a journal, Revolutionary Socialism.John Moorhouse, A Historical Glossary of British Marxism (Pauper's Press, 1987) Members were active at the Ford plants at Halewood and Dagenham and devoted a great deal of time to self-analysis and considering their relationship with the larger Trotskyist groups.
Morrone's acting career began in 2011 by playing the role of Riccardo in Second Chance, a three-episode web series directed by Piergiorgio Seidita, which was cancelled after one season. He also appeared in a music video by the Italian girl band, Makay, in 2012. After gaining more experience in the field, he started playing lead roles in short films. He acted in Il Tempo di una Sigaretta and E la Vita Continua.
El tramo con línea continua de la N-232 se cobra dos víctimas más It passes the Hermitage de la Consolación before the Port Torre Miró (1,259m). The road turns east after the town of Morella, going into the Serra de Vallivana and Serra del Turmell over the Port de Querol. The road follows the valley of the Rambla de Cervera and ends at the N-340 at Vinaròs 15 km north of Peníscola.
Among the Party's top figures were César Oliveira, Jorge Sampaio, João Cravinho, Ferro Rodrigues and Augusto Mateus. The majority of the Party's members would later join the Socialist Party, Jorge Sampaio would become the President of Portugal in 1996 and Ferro Rodrigues would become the leader of the Socialist Party. During its short existence the MES published several newspapers and magazines, such as: Esquerda Socialista, Poder Popular, Acção Sindical, Informação Militante and A Luta Continua.
11, No. 2, September 2005, pp.77-94. People such as Oreste Scalzone, Franco Piperno, professor in Calabria University, Toni Negri in Padova or Franco Berardi, aka Bifo, at Radio Alice were the movement's most well-known figures. The movement became particularly active in March 1977, after the police in Bologna killed Francesco Lo Russo, a member of Lotta Continua. This event gave rise to a series of demonstrations in various parts of Italy.
The group was influenced by the Italian Lotta Continua group.David Widgery The Left In Britain, 1956-1968 Penguin,1976 (p. 479) The group published a magazine, Big Flame, and a journal, Revolutionary Socialism.John Moorhouse, A Historical Glossary of British Marxism (Pauper's Press, 1987) Members were active at the Ford plants at Halewood and Dagenham and devoted a great deal of time to self- analysis and considering their relationship with the larger Trotskyist groups.
The first four stages of the construction of the bucket handle as the limit of a series of nested intersections In point-set topology, an indecomposable continuum is a continuum that is indecomposable, i.e. that cannot be expressed as the union of any two of its proper subcontinua. In 1910, L. E. J. Brouwer was the first to describe an indecomposable continuum. Indecomposable continua have been used by topologists as a source of counterexamples.
In November Christell was nominated to the Grammy Latino by her second album "La Fiesta Continua". At seven years old she became the youngest singer ever to be nominated for the award. In 2006 she took part in the TV show "La Movida del Festival" of Channel 13, (Chile) as a "Commentator" of the Viña del Mar International Song Festival. Her role was to give her opinion and point of view on this festival.
Sesión continua (') is a 1984 Spanish drama film written, produced and directed by José Luis Garci. José Luis Garci wanted to cast Alfredo Landa and José Sacristán, but both actors refused because of professional rivalry between them. By the time the film was produced, Garci also worked as radio presenter on Antena 3 Radio. Some of the uncredited actors we can see in the film are actually presenters on the same radio station.
Because the ancients did not use punctuation, their writing consisted of one long stream of words called scriptio continua. During the editing process, modern rhetors must go through three stages: correctness rule, formatting, and presentation. Writers face more problems than speakers because they must be conscious of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Punctuation is useful in written discourse because it marks the end of a thought and allows the reader to pause and process the information.
It is generally given in full: "A luta continua; a vitória é certa", meaning "The struggle continues; victory is certain". Increased usage of the term has also been noted during the 2016 South African Fees Must Fall protests. Internationally, the phrase has also been used by human rights activists in Indonesia who demanded action from government for unresolved cases of human rights violation. The phrase gained traction especially after 2019 Indonesian protests and riots.
The species was first formally described by the botanist George Bentham in 1864 in the work Flora Australiensis. It was reclassified as Racosperma continuum by Leslie Pedley in 2003 then transferred back to the genus Acacia in 2006. The species is often confused and misidentified as Acacia colletioides. The specific epithet is taken from the Latin word continua meaning uninterrupted, in reference to the phyllodes running continuously from the stems and branchlets.
In 1895 he became chief engineer. Besides his engineer career he worked with his junior brother, Eugène, in mechanics and elasticity, publishing papers and a book about it. In 1913 he was elected president of the Société mathématique de France. His most important work is his book, a joint work with his brother, Théorie des corps déformables (Theory of deformable bodies) (1909) in which laid the foundations of the mechanics of the generalized continua.
Deaglio was born in Turin, where he graduated in medicine (June 1971) and worked in the Mauriziano Hospital. In the mid-1970s, he started his journalist career for the communist newspaper Lotta continua, of which he was editor from 1977 to 1982. Later he worked for numerous national newspapers and magazine, including La Stampa, Il Manifesto, Panorama, Epoca and l'Unità. From 1985 to 1986 he was the editor of the newspaper Reporter.
Let \Gamma be a group acting by homeomorphisms on a compact metrizable space Mwith at least three points, and let \gamma\in\Gamma. Then it is known (Lemma 3.1 in or Lemma 6.2 in B. H. Bowditch, Treelike structures arising from continua and convergence groups. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 139 (1999), no. 662.) that exactly one of the following occurs: (1) The element \gamma has finite order in \Gamma ; in this case \gamma is called elliptic.
The 1975 tribunal further found that Calabresi was not in the room at the time of Pinelli's death. However, elements of the far left did not accept the determination. Despite being exonerated by the institutions of the Italian state, the far-left Lotta Continua accused Calabresi of being responsible for the death of Pinelli. For two years he was the focus of a media campaign, led in part by the weekly L'Espresso, that held him responsible for Pinelli's death.
The groups coming from Lotta Continua began to organize as a separate secret structure in 1974-1976. After starting its activity under different definitions, the organization adopted the name "Prima Linea" from 30 November 1976. Prima Linea was active particularly in Lombardy, Tuscany, Campania and, above all in Turin (the birthplace of Donat- Cattin) and Piedmont. The first assassination officially attributed to Prima Linea was that of Enrico Pedenovi, a member of the post-fascist Italian Social Movement.
In the novel, the biblical number of the beast turns out to be not 666 but (6^6)^6 or 10,314,424,798,490,535,546,171,949,056,note: not 6^{6^6}, which is a far bigger number the initial number of parallel universes accessible through the continua device. It is later theorized by the character Jacob that the number may be merely the instantly accessible universes from a given location and that there is a larger structure that implies an infinite number of universes.
He considers that events do not really repeat themselves exactly because circumstances change, but the consequences are likely to be broadly the same, such as wealth gaps leading to authoritarian governments.Felipe Pigna: La historia no se repite, continua (interview) His works usually describe history as a dispute between the people and the powerful classes, where the latter ones oppressed the population both now and then, and even so people would manage to achieve some victories, even if short-lived.
Presently scholars also disagree as to where to draw language boundaries within the dialect continua. The similarities among the Uto-Aztecan languages were noted as early as 1859 by J. C. E. Buschmann, but he failed to recognize the genetic affiliation between the Aztecan branch and the rest. He ascribed the similarities between the two groups to diffusion. Daniel Garrison Brinton added the Aztecan languages to the family in 1891 and coined the term Uto-Aztecan.
Most of the plates are roughly rectangular, with the exception of one round plate. They have dimensions between 93mm x 98mm and 354mm x 255mm. Most are written using scriptio continua in the Greek alphabet, with a few additional signs; the text includes "V" from the Latin alphabet and signs for palatal "c" and "g" resembling those of the Cyrillic script. They also include text written in some unknown scripts that do not resemble any known written alphabet.
Systems music is music with sound continua which evolve gradually, often over very long periods of time . Historically, the American minimalists Steve Reich, La Monte Young and Philip Glass are considered the principal proponents of this compositional approach. Works by this group of composers are often characterized by features such as stasis or repetitiveness. A number of English experimental composers have also developed systems based music particularly Michael Parsons, Howard Skempton, John White, and Michael Nyman .
For McGregor, Theory X and Theory Y are not opposite ends of the same continuum, but rather two different continua in themselves. In order to achieve the most efficient production, a combination of both theories may be appropriate. This approach is derived from Fred Fiedler's research over various leadership styles known as the contingency theory. This theory states that managers evaluate the workplace and choose their leadership style based upon both internal and external conditions presented.
The Hamiltonian for a system of discrete particles is a function of their generalized coordinates and conjugate momenta, and possibly, time. For continua and fields, Hamiltonian mechanics is unsuitable but can be extended by considering a large number of point masses, and taking the continuous limit, that is, infinitely many particles forming a continuum or field. Since each point mass has one or more degrees of freedom, the field formulation has infinitely many degrees of freedom.
Giving the news of the stipulation of the Armistice of Cassibile, the issue n. 2 of the 47th year, published on 9 (incorrectly printed as 3) September 1943, was entitled La guerra fascista è finita ("The fascist war is over"), while the subheading said La lotta dei lavoratori continua ("The struggle of workers continues") mocking the Badoglio Proclamation of 25 July (la guerra continua, "The war continues"). Avanti! of 16 March 1944, printed and distributed illegally in the territories of the Italian Social Republic and whose occupied by Nazi Germany, proclaimed: La classe operaia in prima fila nella lotta per l'indipendenza e per la libertà ("The workers' class in the front row in the fight for independence and freedom"), with the sub-header: Lo sciopero generale nell'Italia Settentrionale contro la coscrizione, le deportazioni e le decimazioni ("The general strike in Northern Italy against conscription, deportations and decimations").It is the mass strike of 1º May 1944 which paralysed the industrial production of factories in Milan for an entire week.
Morchella conica is an old binomial name previously applied to species of fungi in the family Morchellaceae. It is one of three scientific names that had been commonly used to describe black morels, the others being M. angusticeps and M. elata. It was first introduced by mycologist Christian Hendrik Persoon in 1818, as a superfluous name for the old taxon Morchella continua. According to Richard and colleagues, Fries’ sanctioning applies only at the subgeneric level and the name is illegitimate.
In the same period, Roversi decided to stop selling his works to large publishers, and distributed them autonomously, often in amateur printing editions. In the early 1970s Roversi edited the far-left newspaper Lotta Continua. In 1973-1976, Roversi wrote lyrics for three albums by fellow Bolognese musician Lucio Dalla: Il giorno aveva cinque teste, Anidride solforosa and Automobili, the latter under the pseudonym Norisso. He also wrote lyrics for the Bolognese band Stadio, including "Chiedi chi erano i Beatles".
The first anti- glutamate receptor antibody was shown by McNamara JO and colleagues to be directed against the GluR3 subunit of the alpha- amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) receptor.Rogers SW, Andrews PI, Gahring LC, Whisenand T, Cauley K, Crain B, Hughes TE, Heinemann SF, McNamara JO. Autoantibodies to glutamate receptor GluR3 in Rasmussen's encephalitis. Science. 1994 Jul 29;265(5172):648-51. Since then anti-GluR3 antibodies have been demonstrated in temporal lobe epilepsy, epilepsia partialis continua and focal epilepsy.
Bonaventura Cavalieri, the mathematician the principle is named after. Cavalieri's principle was originally called the method of indivisibles, the name it was known by in Renaissance Europe. Cavalieri developed a complete theory of indivisibles, elaborated in his Geometria indivisibilibus continuorum nova quadam ratione promota (Geometry, advanced in a new way by the indivisibles of the continua, 1635) and his Exercitationes geometricae sex (Six geometrical exercises, 1647).Katz, Victor J. (1998), A History of Mathematics: An Introduction (2nd ed.), Addison-Wesley, p. 477.
This art project proved influential, inspiring the La Lucha Continua Art Park/La Lucha Mural Park in New York City the following year. Painting continues regularly in the alley, including new murals about gentrification and police harassment in 2012 and a restoration of one the PLACA murals in 2014. Besides those listed above, artists who have produced murals in the alley include Juana Alicia, Susan Kelk Cervantes, Marta Ayala, Brooke Francher, Miranda Bergman, Osha Neuman, Carlos Loarca, Xochitl Nevel-Guerrero, and Sirron Norris.
Gina Luria Walker is Professor of Women's Studies and Director of The New Historia at The New School in New York City. She teaches Women's Intellectual History and is one of world's foremost scholars on eighteenth-century feminist intellectual Mary Hays and her circle. Walker's core focus is recovering the lost contributions of historical women. In 2015 Walker partnered with the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum to direct Project Continua, a website devoted to female biographies.
Cristiano Melo Araújo (January 24, 1986 – June 24, 2015) was a Brazilian singer and songwriter. Araújo was famous for the singles "Efeitos" (2011), "Você mudou" (2012), "Maus bocados"(2013), "Cê que sabe" (2014) and "É com ela que eu estou" (2014). After his album Efeitos in 2011 and live álbum/ DVD Ao Vivo em Goiânia in 2012, he released his solo studio album Continua in 2013. In 2014, he released his third live album In The Cities – Ao Vivo em Cuiabá.
In September 2, the same year, Bishop Carrilho suspends Alves from all ecclesiastical duties, announcing a "zero tolerance" policy and vowing to send all investigation reports and conclusions to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in accordance with Canon Law. Alves has not been seen since his removal from office. The diocese has made several attempts to contact him pertaining to the child abuse investigation, but his whereabouts remain unknown.João Francisco Gomes, Sónia Simões: Padre suspeito de abusos sexuais continua desaparecido.
During his career, Mario Nascimbene won three Nastro d'Argento for Best Score awards in 1952 for Rome 11:00, in 1960 for Violent Summer, and 1968 for Pronto... c'è una certa Giuliana per te. He was also nominated for a David di Donatello Award in 1990 for his work on Blue dolphin - l'avventura continua. Although he did not win the prize that year, Nascimbene was awarded a "Career David" from the David di Donatello Awards in 1991 honouring his lifetime achievements in film music.
In 1982 Oxford University Press published Introduction to Special Relativity, with the second edition in 1991. A reviewer noted that other books provide a better introduction and intuitive understanding, but that it "should provide a useful reference for most applications of special relativity: kinematics, optics, particle mechanics, electromagnetism and mechanics of continua."Lyle Hoffman (1984) "Review: Introduction to Special Relativity", American Journal of Physics 52:285 In 1984 Roger Penrose and Rindler published Spinors and Spacetime, volume 1, on "two-spinor calculus and relativistic fields".
Z. Wang, W. Chen, X.R. Jiang, Investigation of regularized techniques for boundary knot method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 26(12), 1868–1877, 2010 F.Z. Wang, Leevan L, W. Chen, Effective condition number for boundary knot method. CMC: Computers, Materials, & Continua, 12(1), 57–70, 2009 relationships among condition number, effective condition number, and regularizations are investigated; inZ.J. Fu; W. Chen, Q.H Qin, Boundary knot method for heat conduction in nonlinear functionally graded material, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 35(5), 729–734, 2011.
The journal Quaderni Rossi ("Red Notebooks", 1961–5), along with its successor Classe Operaia ("Working Class", 1963–6), both founded by Negri and Tronti, developed workerist theory, focusing on the struggles of proletarians. Associated with this theoretical development was a praxis based on workplace organising, most notably by Lotta Continua. This reached its peak in the Italian "Hot Autumn" of 1969. By the mid-1970s, however, the emphasis shifted from the factory to "the social factory"—the everyday lives of working people in their communities.
The 18th century saw routine use of infinitesimals by mathematicians such as Leonhard Euler and Joseph-Louis Lagrange. Augustin-Louis Cauchy exploited infinitesimals both in defining continuity in his Cours d'Analyse, and in defining an early form of a Dirac delta function. As Cantor and Dedekind were developing more abstract versions of Stevin's continuum, Paul du Bois-Reymond wrote a series of papers on infinitesimal-enriched continua based on growth rates of functions. Du Bois- Reymond's work inspired both Émile Borel and Thoralf Skolem.
In 1906,Pergamino Continua Desaparecido. the Legislature of Puerto Rico issued a proclamation to officially declare Rafael Rivera Esbri and the seven firefighters heroes.Univison In time, the city of Ponce also built an obelisk to their memory which is located at Plaza Las Delicias (See Monumento a los heroes de El Polvorin), and is dedicated to Rivera Esbri and the seven firefighters who risked their lives in the 25 January 1899 fire. Rivera Esbri's name, along with those of the firefighters are engraved on the obelisk.
Even though linear continua are important in the study of ordered sets, they do have applications in the mathematical field of topology. In fact, we will prove that an ordered set in the order topology is connected if and only if it is a linear continuum (notice the 'if and only if' part). We will prove one implication, and leave the other one as an exercise. (Munkres explains the second part of the proof ) Theorem Let X be an ordered set in the order topology.
In the late seventies the movement had exhausted their initial spontaneous momentum. The Moro kidnapping prompted many members of leftist groups outside Parliament to follow the contents in the motto suggested in newspaper of Lotta Continua: "Né con lo stato, né con le Brigate Rosse" (Neither with the State, nor with the Red Brigades). Several young people joined in the armed struggle while others retreated into parliamentary parties. Others – disillusioned and in despair – turned to mysticism, Eastern philosophies and some withdrew into a community for alternative lifestyles.
The board of the federation of Protestant Churches in Germany, the Rat der EKD clearly rejects both creationism and intelligent design from a theological standpoint. It refers to both Calvin and Luther as proponents of a creatio continua, an ongoing creation. EKD stands as well for an intense and fruitful exchange between churches, science and theology in the general public and on university level. Germany has a longstanding tradition of religious education in public (state funded) schools, starting with the Prussian education system in the 18th century.
Plaque in memory of Giorgiana Masi on the Ponte Garibaldi in Rome. On May 12, 1977, the Radical Party and the far-left organization Lotta Continua held a sit-in in Piazza Navona, Rome. The demonstration aimed at protesting against recent measures banning public manifestations, celebrating the third anniversary since the divorce referendum, and collecting signatures supporting the upcoming referendums on party financing and public order. Activists were joined by students from the Movement of 1977 and members of Autonomia Operaia, some of which were armed.
Since this infection does not directly involve the brain it might not appear as a possible cause of epilepsy, but has been shown that meningitis can cause epilepsy, which would give rise to the possibility of developing epilepsy partialis continua. These infections are most likely to result in epilepsy when they occur at an early age. Problems with brain development can also be a factor. The brain undergoes a complicated process during development in which neurons are born and must travel to the surface of the brain.
Technically, these are all inscriptions rather than manuscripts. In the Western world, from the classical period through the early centuries of the Christian era, manuscripts were written without spaces between the words (scriptio continua), which makes them especially hard for the untrained to read. Extant copies of these early manuscripts written in Greek or Latin and usually dating from the 4th century to the 8th century, are classified according to their use of either all upper case or all lower case letters. Hebrew manuscripts, such as the Dead Sea scrolls make no such differentiation.
José Luis García Muñoz (born 20 January 1944), known professionally as José Luis Garci, is a Spanish director, producer, critic, TV presenter, screenwriter and author. He earned worldwide acclaim and his country's first Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award for Begin the Beguine (1982). Four of his films, including also Sesión continua (1984), Asignatura aprobada (1987) and El abuelo (1998), have been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, more than any other Spanish director. His films are characterized for his classical style and the underlying sentimentality of their plots.
Paul Janson (11 April 1840 - 19 April 1913) was a Walloon Belgian liberal politician.Jean Francis Mes belges années 1974 "Paul Janson ne demeura que quatre ans dans la cité liégeoise car sa famille vint s'établir à Ixelles, rue de l'Arbre-bénit mais tout son atavisme était wallon et il continua de se sentir tel. Bien plus tard, il écrira : « Là où se trouve la Meuse..", écrira- t-il beaucoup plus tard, "je suis content". Born in Herstal, Janson studied philosophy and law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Two dots, called a trema, were used in the Hellenistic period on the letters ι and υ, most often at the beginning of a word, as in , , and , to separate them from a preceding vowel, as writing was scriptio continua, where spacing was not yet used as a word divider (see Coptic alphabet, for example). However, it was also used to indicate that a vowel formed its own syllable (in phonological hiatus), as in and .William Johnson, 2004. Bookrolls and scribes in Oxyrhynchus, p 343; examples on pp 259, 315, 334, etc.
By extension, a sprachraum can also include a group of related languages. Thus the Scandinavian sprachraum includes Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands, while the Finnic sprachraum is Finland, Estonia and adjacent areas of Scandinavia and Russia. Even within a single sprachraum, there can be different, but closely related, languages, otherwise known as dialect continua. A classic example is the varieties of Chinese, which can be mutually unintelligible in spoken form, but are typically considered the same language (or, at least, closely related) and have a unified non-phonetic writing system.
She returned to the silver screen in 1936 in the Mario Mattoli film L' Uomo che sorride. She went on to appear in films such as the Carlo Lizzani-directed film Ai margini della metropoli in 1952 in which she appeared alongside the main cast of Massimo Girotti, Marina Berti and Giulietta Masina. Between 1936 and 1956 her career was at its peak and her roles gradually became less numerous in the decades that followed, making a final appearance in the Giorgio Mosa film Blue dolphin - l'avventura continua in 1990.
Jacob de Bie moved to Brussels where the Duke was living. He began to work on an edition of the collection. When the Duke died in January 1612 Jacob de Bie was left without a job. He only finished and published the book on de Croÿ's ancient coin collection in 1615 in Antwerp under the title Imperatorum Romanorum numismata aurea a Julio Cæsare ad Heraclium continua serie collecta Et Ex Archetypis Expressa (A continual series of gold coins of the Roman Emperors from Julius Cesar to Heraclius collected and expressed through the originals).
Later, he worked for the Gazzetta del Popolo, L'Europeo and Il Giorno, analyzing Italian culture and politics. In 1971 he was amongst those who signed a document issued by the magazine L'Espresso against police chief Luigi Calabresi after the death of the anarchist Giuseppe Pinelli, soon after killed by a terrorist group of far left named Lotta Continua. Five years later, Bocca was among the founders of the daily La Repubblica, with which he thenceforth collaborated. He also wrote several books, in most of which he denounces the social and political problems of Italy.
Bertozzo realises that "Piccini" is the Maniac, after seeing his coat and hat on a stand. Bertozzo, holding the policemen at gunpoint, orders Feletti to cuff the three policemen; getting the Maniac to show them his medical records, exposing him as a fraud. The Maniac reveals a tape recorder, which he used to record Pissani and the Superintendent's tirade, exposing their crime. The Maniac strips off his disguise, making him recognizable to Feletti, who identifies him as Paulo Davidovitch Gandolpho, the "Prose Pimpernel of the Permanent Revolution" and "notorious sports editor of Lotta Continua".
Figure 4. Frigyes Riesz, 1880-1956 The notions of near and far in mathematics can be traced back to works by Johann Benedict Listing and Felix Hausdorff. The related notions of resemblance and similarity can be traced back to J.H. Poincaré, who introduced sets of similar sensations (nascent tolerance classes) to represent the results of G.T. Fechner's sensation sensitivity experiments and a framework for the study of resemblance in representative spaces as models of what he termed physical continua. The elements of a physical continuum (pc) are sets of sensations.
After experimenting with salsa and merengue, then performing as a ballad crooner, he shifted his style and repertoire entirely to cuarteto. In 1996, he signed a contract with Magenta Records that gave him 1% of his total record sales. The songs from his first album release, Lo Mejor del Amor, became major radio hits that propelled him to national fame and earned him an ACE Award for Best Musical Act from the Argentine Association of Entertainment Journalists. The next year he published La Leyenda Continua, recorded live at Fantástico Bailable.
Kline wrote to Moore saying: "Claytor wrote a very fine thesis. In many ways I think that it is perhaps the best that I have ever had done under my direction."William Waldron Schieffelin Claytor at the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive In 1934, a paper-based on Claytor's thesis appeared in Annals of Mathematics, credited to Schieffelin Claytor, making him the first African-American to publish in a mathematical research journal. In 1937, also in the Annals, he published the paper "Peanian Continua not Imbeddable in a Spherical Surface", also credited to Schieffelin Claytor.
The Limburgish group belongs to the Continental West Germanic dialect continuum. As usual inside dialect continua, neighboring languages have a maximum of similarities, and speakers being used to the rather small individual lingual differences in their immediate neighborhood perceive them as close, and familiar, while more distant ones become gradually harder to understand with distance. That ends, in the Dutch–German continuum at least, most often with incomprehensible dialects. Isoglosses are so dense in this area that practically every village or town has its own distinct dialect of Limburgish.
The Javanese script is an abugida writing system which consists of 20 to 33 basic letters, depending on the language being written. Like other Brahmic scripts, each letter (called an aksara) represents a syllable with the inherent vowel /a/ or /ɔ/ which can be changed with the placement of diacritics around the letter. Each letter has a conjunct form called pasangan, which nullifies the inherent vowel of the previous letter. Traditionally, the script is written without space between words (scriptio continua) but is interspersed with a group of decorative punctuation.
On 17 May 1972, police officer Luigi Calabresi, a recipient of the gold medal of the Italian Republic for civil valour, was killed in Milan. Authorities initially focused on suspects in Lotta Continua; then it was assumed that Calabresi had been killed by neo-fascist organizations, bringing about the arrest of two neo-fascist activists, Gianni Nardi and Bruno Stefano, along with German Gudrun Kiess, in 1974. They were ultimately released. Sixteen years later, Adriano Sofri, Giorgio Petrostefani, Ovidio Bompressi, and Leonardo Marino were arrested in Milan following Marino's confession to the murder.
Project Continua launched in 2012 as the online compendium to the Female Biography Project. Scholars realized they had surpassed Mary Hays’ source material yet continued to uncover female philosophers and intellectuals who were lost to history. The goal was to create a public, multimedia resource dedicated to the preservation of women's intellectual history from the earliest surviving evidence into the 21st Century. "There have always been women producing knowledge and contributing to human understanding and participating in the great events and new ideas of their time," said Gina Luria Walker in an interview.
Thaana, Taana or Tāna ( ) is the present writing system of the Maldivian language spoken in the Maldives. Thaana has characteristics of both an abugida (diacritic, vowel-killer strokes) and a true alphabet (all vowels are written), with consonants derived from indigenous and Arabic numerals, and vowels derived from the vowel diacritics of the Arabic abjad. Maldivian orthography in Thaana is largely phonemic. The Thaana script first appeared in a Maldivian document towards the beginning of the 18th century in a crude initial form known as Gabulhi Thaana which was written scripta continua.
More symbolically: 1. S has the least-upper-bound property, and 2. For each x in S and each y in S with x < y, there exists z in S such that x < z < y A set has the least upper bound property, if every nonempty subset of the set that is bounded above has a least upper bound. Linear continua are particularly important in the field of topology where they can be used to verify whether an ordered set given the order topology is connected or not.
In his research, Anand focuses on solid mechanics, continuum mechanics, and plasticity. Many of the theories that he has developed in his research have been used in finite-element-based computer programs and are widely implemented for structural and materials-processing design in engineering. Anand has published over 130 peer-reviewed research papers in academic journals. He has also coauthored a textbook with Morton Gurtin and Eliot Fried, titled The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua published by Cambridge University Press in 2010, which is frequently used in engineering courses focusing on continuum mechanics.
They provide varieties that are not unequivocally one language or another but contain features characteristic of more than one. The issue of how they are to be classified is similar to the issue presented by ring species to the concept of species classification in biology. The limitations of the tree model, in particular its inability to handle the non-discrete distribution of shared innovations in dialect continua, have been addressed through the development of non-cladistic (non-tree-based) methodologies. They include the Wave model; and more recently, the concept of linkage.
Finally, in 1974 Gorz resigned as the editor of Les Temps Modernes, following a disagreement concerning an article about the Italian autonomist group Lotta Continua. At the same time, he found himself forced to the periphery of Le Nouvel Observateur, being replaced by more classically oriented economists, while he followed at the same time a campaign against nuclear industry — to which EDF, the state electricity firm, replied by withdrawing advertisements from the weekly. Following the weekly's refusal to let him publish a special issue on the nuclear issue, he published it in the Que Choisir? consumers' magazine.
In Greek, the question mark is written as the English semicolon, while the functions of the colon and semicolon are performed by a raised point (•), known as the ano teleia (). In Greek the comma also functions as a silent letter in a handful of Greek words, principally distinguishing (ó,ti, 'whatever') from (óti, 'that'). Ancient Greek texts often used scriptio continua ('continuous writing'), which means that ancient authors and scribes would write word after word with no spaces or punctuation between words to differentiate or mark boundaries. Boustrophedon, or bi-directional text, was also used in Ancient Greek.
Chinese has been likened to the Romance languages of Europe, the modern descendants of Latin. In both cases, the ancestral language was spread by imperial expansion over substrate languages 2000 years ago, by the Qin–Han empire in China and the Roman Empire in Europe. In Western Europe, Medieval Latin remained the standard for scholarly and administrative writing for centuries, and influenced local varieties, as did Literary Chinese in China. In both Europe and China, local forms of speech diverged from the written standard and from each other, producing extensive dialect continua, with widely separated varieties being mutually unintelligible.
Armored vehicle in the university area of Bologna. In 1977 the city of Bologna was the scene of violent street clashes. In particular, on 11 March a militant of the far-left organization Lotta Continua, Francesco Lorusso, was killed by a gunshot to the back (probably fired by a policeman), when police dispersed protesters against a mass meeting of Communion and Liberation, which was being held that morning at the University. This event served as a detonator for a long series of clashes with security forces for two days, which affected the entire city of Bologna.
The early alphabetic writing systems, such as the Phoenician alphabet, had only signs for consonants (although some signs for consonants could also stand for a vowel, so-called matres lectionis). Without some form of visible word dividers, parsing a text into its separate words would have been a puzzle. With the introduction of letters representing vowels in the Greek alphabet, the need for inter-word separation lessened. The earliest Greek inscriptions used interpuncts, as was common in the writing systems which preceded it, but soon the practice of scriptio continua, continuous writing in which all words ran together without separation became common.
A form of scriptio continua has become common in internet e-mail addresses and domain names where, because the "space" character is invalid, the address for a website for "Example Fake Website" is written as `` – without spaces between the separate words. However, the "underscore" or "dash" characters are often used as stand-ins for the "space" character when its use would be invalid and their use would not be. As another example, so-called camel case—in which the first letter of each word is capitalized—has become part of the culture of many computer programming languages.
Distribution of the native speakers of major continental West Germanic dialects today (dialects of the following languages: Dutch, German, and Frisian). Map colors do not reflect the actual relationship between the varieties. German dialects are dialects often considered languages in their own right and are classified under the umbrella term of "German". Though varied by region, those of the southern half of Germany beneath the Benrath line are dominated by the geographical spread of the High German consonant shift, and the dialect continua that connect German to the neighboring varieties of Low Franconian (Dutch) and Frisian.
In Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau the creoles are dominant over Portuguese, but undergoing decreolization processes, leading to the development of "soft creoles" in both Cape Verde and Guinea- Bissau and post-creole continua with noncreolized Portuguese. In São Tomé and Príncipe, the situation is different from Upper Guinea as noncreolized Portuguese is dominant over the creoles, and children are intentionally raised in Standard Portuguese by their parents, leading to the younger generations in Principe Island not even being able to understand the island's creole or not valuing it.Estudo do Léxico do São-Tomense com Dicionário Carlos Fontes - Universidade de Coimbra.
It has been extended and applied to a wide variety of engineering problems, including multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems, buildings, frames, bidirectional and torsional response of hysteretic systems, two- and three- dimensional continua, soil liquefaction and base isolation systems. The Bouc–Wen model, its variants and extensions have been used in structural control—in particular, in the modeling of behaviour of magneto-rheological dampers, base-isolation devices for buildings and other kinds of damping devices. It has also been used in the modelling and analysis of structures built of reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, and timber.
The second large group of anti-glutamate receptor antibodies is associated with different subunits of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Patients with limbic encephalitis, encephalitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, ataxia and epilepsia partialis continua may present with serum and cerebrospinal fluid antibodies to the delta2 or NR2 subunits of the NMDA receptor.Shiihara T, Kato M, Konno A, Takahashi Y, Hayasaka K. Acute cerebellar ataxia and consecutive cerebellitis produced by glutamate receptor delta2 autoantibody. Brain Dev. 2007 May;29(4):254-6.Hanly JG, Robichaud J, Fisk JD. Anti-NR2 glutamate receptor antibodies and cognitive function in systemic lupus erythematosus.
In 1982, "Rumantsch Grischun" was developed by Heinrich Schmid as such a Dachsprache for a number of quite different Romansh language forms spoken in parts of Switzerland. Similarly, Standard Basque and the Southern Quechua literary standard were both developed as standard languages for dialect continua that had historically been thought of as discrete languages with many dialects and no "official" dialect. Standard German and Italian, to some extent, function in the same way. Perhaps the most widely used Dachsprache is Modern Standard Arabic, which links together the speakers of many different, often mutually unintelligible varieties of Arabic.
Lotta Continua focused on spreading radicalisation from students and youth to workers, and played a large role in setting up social centres. Its influence was greatest among recently immigrated, young, unqualified workers in large factories, while the "traditional" working class kept its allegiance to the Italian Communist Party and the trade union movement. Among the newspaper's enduring features was Roberto Zamarin's comic strip "Gasparazzo", which poignantly and humorously related the struggles of a worker at a Fiat plant.Nicola Pizzolato, "Revolution in a Comic Strip: Gasparazzo and the Identity of Southern Migrants in Turin, 1969–1975," Humor and Social Protest, ed.
She became involved with journalism in 1956 after moving to Rome, where she remained until her death. An author of narrative works (and of other genres) intended for the theater, she was a founder of the Teatro La Maddalena in Rome alongside Dacia Maraini. She was also a friend of Pier Paolo Pasolini and acted in several of his films. With other progressive intellectuals she gave her support and authority as the director of the daily newspaper Lotta Continua (but did not contribute to the political direction) to guarantee freedom of expression and to allow the newspaper to publish.
When combining native and non-native speakers, English is the most widely spoken language worldwide. Besides the major varieties of English, such as British English, American English, Canadian English, Australian English, Irish English, New Zealand English, and their sub-varieties, countries such as South Africa, India, Nigeria, the Philippines, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago also have millions of native speakers of dialect continua ranging from English-based creole languages to Standard English. Other countries, such as Ghana and Uganda, also use English as their primary official languages. As of 2012, India claims to have the world's second-largest English-speaking population.
Potere Operaio ("Workers' Power") was a radical left-wing Italian political group, active between 1967 and 1973. (It shouldn't be confused with "Potere Operaio Pisano" which was one of the components of a competing revolutionary group, Lotta Continua.) Among the group's leaders were Antonio ('Toni') Negri, Nanni Balestrini, Franco Piperno, Oreste Scalzone and Valerio Morucci, who led its clandestine armed wing. It was part of the "workerist" movement (operaismo), leading to the later development of the Autonomist movement. Potere Operaio's main sphere of operations was in factories, especially big factories in the industrial North, and publishing newspapers and leaflets.
The theory was intended as a substitute for the tree model, which did not seem to be able to explain the existence of some features, especially in the Germanic languages, by descent from a proto-language. At its most ambitious, it is a wholesale replacement for the tree model of languages. During the 20th century, the wave model has had little acceptance as a model for language change overall, except for certain cases, such as the study of dialect continua and areal phenomena; it has recently gained more popularity among historical linguists, due to the shortcomings of the Tree model..
On 2 July 2013 Fornasier signed with U.C. Sampdoria.Transfer news: Manchester United youngster Michele Fornasier joins Sampdoria; Sky Sports, 2 July 2013 He made his professional debut on 5 December, starting in a 4–1 home win over Verona.Coppa Italia: Samp–Verona 4–1, l'effetto Mihajlovic continua (Coppa Italia: Samp–Verona 4–1, the Mihajlovic effect continues); Repubblica, 5 December 2013 On 9 February of the following year Fornasier made his Serie A debut, starting in a 1–0 win over Cagliari.Sampdoria 1–0 Cagliari; ESPN FC, 9 February 2014 Fornasier ended the season with 10 appearances.
This opened up doors for huge popular, Brazilian appearances at places such as the Sertanejo Pop Festival 2012 held in São Paulo, followed by a live album and DVD Ao Vivo em Goiânia with collaborations from well-known acts like Bruno e Marrone, Fernando & Sorocaba, Israel & Rodolffo and João Reis amongst others. In 2013, he released his first studio album Continua. In 2014, he released his last DVD titled In The Cities, this being held in Cuiabá (Mato Grosso). With international standards, the DVD has a more than 40 tons of equipment structure, bringing the very latest in technology.
In physics, angular momentum (rarely, moment of momentum or rotational momentum) is the rotational equivalent of linear momentum. It is an important quantity in physics because it is a conserved quantity—the total angular momentum of a closed system remains constant. In three dimensions, the angular momentum for a point particle is a pseudovector r × p, the cross product of the particle's position vector r (relative to some origin) and its momentum vector; the latter is p = mv in Newtonian mechanics. This definition can be applied to each point in continua like solids or fluids, or physical fields.
A son of Mexican farm laborers, this Coachella, California native has dedicated himself to study and poetry, first writing lyrics referring to the legendary Jesus Malverde, and then developing raps around street life and culture. Malverde released his first album, Mi Palabra (My Word) in May 2004. In 2007 Malverde received even greater acknowledgement from the music community with hit "Vato," a collaboration with Snoop Dogg, and his album La Leyenda Continua, a release from Universal Music Group and Machete Music. Malverde was signed on as an MTV Tr3sDescubre and Download artist where he exposed his fans to the single 'Este Camino.
In the second edition, Goldstein corrected all the errors that had been pointed out, added a new chapter on perturbation theory, a new section on Bertrand's theorem, and another on Noether's theorem. Other arguments and proofs were simplified and supplemented. Before the death of its primary author in 2005, a new (third) edition of the book was released, with the collaboration of Charles P. Poole and John L. Safko from the University of South Carolina. In the third edition, the book discusses at length various mathematically sophisticated reformations of Newtonian mechanics, namely analytical mechanics, as applied to particles, rigid bodies and continua.
Distribution of the Austronesian languages, per Blust (1999) The internal structure of the Austronesian languages is complex. The family consists of many similar and closely related languages with large numbers of dialect continua, making it difficult to recognize boundaries between branches. The first major step towards high-order subgrouping was Dempwolff's recognition of the Oceanic subgroup (called Melanesisch by Dempwolff). The special position of the languages of Taiwan was first recognized by André-Georges Haudricourt (1965), who divided the Austronesian languages into three subgroups: Northern Austronesian (= Formosan), Eastern Austronesian (= Oceanic), and Western Austronesian (all remaining languages).
Riots in Bologna: Armored vehicle in the university area. That year, the city of Bologna was the scene of violent street clashes. In particular, on March 11 a militant of Lotta Continua - Francesco Lorusso - was killed by a gunshot to the back (probably fired by a policeman), during charges to disperse a group of persons who had organized a protest against a mass meeting of Communion and Liberation, which was being held that morning at the university. This event served as a detonator for a long series of clashes with security forces for two days, that affected the entire city of Bologna.
Thus they usually deal not only with populations that have lived in certain areas for generations, but also with migrant groups that bring their languages to new areas (see language contact). Commonly studied concepts in dialectology include the problem of mutual intelligibility in defining languages and dialects; situations of diglossia, where two dialects are used for different functions; dialect continua including a number of partially mutually intelligible dialects; and pluricentrism, where what is essentially a single genetic language exists as two or more standard varieties. Hans Kurath and William Labov are among the most prominent researchers in this field.
These include weakness of one side of the body (hemiparesis), loss of vision for one side of the visual field (hemianopia), and cognitive difficulties (affecting learning, memory or language, for example). Epileptic seizures are also a major part of the illness, although these are often partial. Focal motor seizures or epilepsia partialis continua are particularly common, and may be very difficult to control with drugs. In the chronic or residual stage, the inflammation is no longer active, but the sufferer is left with some or all of the symptoms because of the damage that the inflammation has caused.
In Classical Chinese, a word and a character were almost the same thing, so that word dividers would have been superfluous. Although Modern Mandarin has numerous polysyllabic words, and each syllable is written with a distinct character, the conceptual link between character and word or at least morpheme remains strong, and no need is felt for word separation apart from what characters already provide. This link is also found in the Vietnamese language; however, in the Vietnamese alphabet, virtually all syllables are separated by spaces, whether or not they form word boundaries. An example of Javanese script scriptio continua of the first article of declaration of human rights.
After a series of concerts, António returned to the studio and, between the 6 and 25 February 1984, recorded his second and final LP, entitled "Dar & Receber", which would be released in May of the same year and received once again with great enthusiasm on all fronts (having in the song "Canção de Engate" one of the artist's biggest hits). Two months later, he would perform his last concert in the Portuguese parish of Viatodos (part of the municipality of Barcelos), during the festival of "Feira da Isabelinha". In April he would make his last public appearance at the television show A Festa Continua, hosted by Júlio Isidro.
As Mazilu attempted to obtain a PhD, he worked as a professor of law at Ștefan Gheorghiu Academy in Bucharest. From 1965–1966, Mazilu served as Director of Securitate in Băneasa.Actuala Academie de Poliție Alexandru Ioan Cuza, la care va continua să predea și după 1989, din 1999 în 2011 According to the Report Armageddon VII of 2004, it is claimed that Dumitru Mazilu had been dismissed from the management of Securitate officers as a result of an attempt to falsify documents relating to a car accident. From 1965–1968, Mazilu was responsible for investigating abuses and irregularities committed during the regime of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej.
The frontispiece of the Geometria indivisibilibus. Inspired by earlier work by Galileo, Cavalieri developed a new geometrical approach called the method of indivisibles to calculus and published a treatise on the topic, , or Geometry, developed by a new method through the indivisibles of the continua. This was written in 1627, but was not published until 1635. In this work, Cavalieri considers an entity referred to in the text as 'all the lines' or 'all the planes' of a figure, an indefinite number of parallel lines or planes within the bounds of a figure that are comparable to the area and volume, respectively, of the figure.
Decreolization processes occurred in creoles ranging from Brazil in South America as well in Africa, to Macau and Daman in Asia. The Asian and American creoles existed in continua with forms of Portuguese and underwent a process of decreolization when the Asian places were still overseas provinces of Portugal, and from the 18th century when the línguas gerais were forbidden by Marquis of Pombal to about one century after the Brazilian independence along in the Americas. These older processes can best be seen or studied in Daman and Diu Portuguese and Macanese Patois, which converged with Standard Portuguese. In Africa, these are contemporary processes in post-independence Africa.
Hemicrania was mentioned in 1881 in The Therapeutic Gazette Vol. 2, by G.S.Davis, and the incident has been cited in King's American Dispensatory (1898 and later editions) in the description of the strong analgesic Jamaican Dogwood, a relatively low dose of which reportedly produced convulsions and prolonged respiratory depression over six hours in an elderly woman with this condition. In newer times, Hemicrania continua was described in 1981; at that time around 130 cases were described in the literature. However, rising awareness of the condition has led to increasingly frequent diagnosis in headache clinics, and it seems that it is not as rare as these figures would imply.
The rising tide of violence had driven many musicians and producers to leave Jamaica for the UK and US; reggae had not broken through to widespread commercial success, and, in the wake of Bob Marley's death a lot of major labels either dropped their Jamaican artists or spent little on promoting them, and the music returned to its insular roots. "Slackness" (sexually explicit lyrics) became far more fashionable than cultural Rastafari movement, and teenagers looked more towards the United States for their heroes. While his records continued to find a market, tunes like "Jah Jah Golden Jubilee", "A Luta Continua" and "Chanting" failed to capture the public imagination.
Isomorphic keyboards can be compared and contrasted using metrics such as the thickness of an octave's swathe of buttons on the keyboard and the number of repetitions of a given note on the keyboard. Different isomorphic keyboards are suited for different uses; for example, the Fokker keyboard is well-suited to tunings of the syntonic temperament in which the tempered perfect fifth stays in a narrow range around 700 cents, whereas the Wicki keyboard is useful over both this and a much broader range of tunings.Milne, A., Sethares, W.A. and Plamondon, J., Tuning Continua and Keyboard Layouts, Journal of Mathematics and Music, Spring 2008.
The earliest use of Vocaloid-related software used prototypes of Kaito and Meiko and were featured on the album History of Logic System by Hideki Matsutake released on July 24, 2003, and sang the song "Ano Subarashii Ai o Mō Ichido". The first album to be released using a full commercial Vocaloid was A Place in the Sun, which used Leon's voice for the vocals singing in both Russian and English. Miriam has also been featured in two albums, Light + Shade (See also: [ release list] at Discogs) and Continua. ( Japanese progressive-electronic artist Susumu Hirasawa used the Lola Vocaloid in the original soundtrack of Paprika by Satoshi Kon.
Front cover of the second edition. Concerning the second printing of the first edition, Vic Twersky of the Mathematical Research Group at New York University considered the book to be of pedagogical merit because it explains things in a clear and simple manner, and its humor is not forced. Published in the 1950s, this book replaced the outdated and fragmented treatises and supplements typically assigned to beginning graduate students as a modern text on classical mechanics with exercises and examples demonstrating the link between this and other branches of physics, including acoustics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics, geometric optics, and quantum mechanics. It also has a chapter on the mechanics of fields and continua.
In all of the Bantu speaking areas of Uganda, dialect continua are very common. For example, people around Mbarara speak Runyankore and people from Fort Portal in Tooro Kingdom speak Rutooro, but in the area between those towns, there are villages where most of the people speak a dialect that is best characterised as intermediate between Runyankore and Rutooro. In recognition of the closeness of four of these languages (Runyankore, Rutooro, Rukiga and Runyoro), and to facilitate work in them such as teaching, a standardised version called "Runyakitara" was developed around 1990. In south central Uganda, the Bantu languages of Luganda and Lusoga are largely interintelligible.
Intensities of spectra of individual atoms or molecules typically vary linearly with the numerical gas density. However, if gas densities are sufficiently increased, quite generally contributions may also be observed that vary as density squared, cubed... These are the collision-induced spectra of two-body (and quite possibly three-body,...) collisional complexes. The collision-induced spectra have sometimes been separated from the continua of individual atoms and molecules, based on the characteristic density dependences. In other words, a virial expansion in terms of powers of the numerical gas density is often observable, just as this is widely known for the virial expansion of the equation of state of compressed gases.
A jealous rival tries to trick Goofy into switching the normal bottles with bottles made of unbreakable glass, and Goofy ends up breaking all of the bottles to prove they're the right ones. This "Pippo" (Goofy) story premiered in issue #40, replacing the American strip Ella Cinders as the American content was being phased out. Pedrocchi was hoping to produce another comic headlined by a Disney character, Il Giornale di Pippo, and created a dummy mockup of the first issue. The final panel in the last part has the word "Continua..." ("To be continued..."), presumably a lead-in to the proposed Pippo paper, which never materialized.
Kozhevnikov was a pioneer of Russian psychiatry, and was an advocate for humane treatment of the mentally insane. His name is lent to the eponymous "Kozhevnikov's epilepsy", also known as epilepsia continua, which is an epilepsy characterized by almost continuous, rhythmic muscular contractions that affect a limited portion of the body. He provided a comprehensive description of progressive familial spastic diplegia, and made contributions in the neuropathological study of nuclear ophthalmoplegia and asthenic bulbar paralysis. Among his students and assistants were Sergei Korsakoff (1853-1900), Grigory Ivanovich Rossolimo (1860-1928), Liverij Osipovich Darkshevich (1858-1925), Vladimir Karlovich Roth (1848-1916) and Lazar Salomonovich Minor (1855-1942).
Samskara, or Sankhara, is a significant concept across major schools of Hindu philosophy as well as Buddhism and Jainism. The schools of Indian philosophy differ on the specific mechanisms about how samskara operates at the subconscious level. For example, Buddhism considers samskara as "causal continua" while being consistent with its "there is no self, no soul" premise, whereas the Vedic traditions within Hinduism consider samskara as "relational properties" (an impression, mark, impulse, tendency or a form of psychological potential energy within) that rests inside the "self, soul" of every person. In Yoga, Vedanta and Nyaya schools of Hinduism, samskara constitute an affective and motivational field that contributes to the value structure within the person.
This has allowed the more moderate supporters of independence to stress the popular sovereignty theory in order to accept the legitimacy of the Republic of China (whose government the Democratic Progressive Party used to control) in Taiwan. Former President Chen Shui-bian, by his interpretation of the "Republic of China", has repeatedly confirmed that the "Republic of China is Taiwan." # Sovereignty transfer to the ROC by prescription does not apply to Taiwan's case since: ## Prescription is the manner of acquiring property by a long, honest, and uninterrupted possession or use during the time required by law. The possession must have been possessio longa, continua, et pacifica, nec sit ligitima interruptio (long, continued, peaceable, and without lawful interruption).
Some close-knit language families, and many branches within larger families, take the form of dialect continua in which there are no clear-cut borders that make it possible to unequivocally identify, define, or count individual languages within the family. However, when the differences between the speech of different regions at the extremes of the continuum are so great that there is no mutual intelligibility between them, as occurs in Arabic, the continuum cannot meaningfully be seen as a single language. A speech variety may also be considered either a language or a dialect depending on social or political considerations. Thus, different sources, especially over time, can give wildly different numbers of languages within a certain family.
Hemicrania continua generally responds only to indomethacin 25–300 mg daily, which must be continued long term. Unfortunately, gastrointestinal side effects are a common problem with indomethacin, which may require additional acid-suppression therapy to control. In patients who are unable to tolerate indomethacin, the use of celecoxib 400–800 mg per day (Celebrex) and rofecoxib 50 mg per day (Vioxx - no longer available) have both been shown to be effective and are likely to be associated with fewer GI side effects. There have also been reports of two patients who were successfully managed with topiramate 100–200 mg per day (Topamax) although side effects with this treatment can also prove problematic.
An earthquake collapses or "folds" the structure, leading to all eight rooms being contained within just one. The stairs appear to form a closed loop, and there seems to be no way of leaving, as all the doors and even the windows lead directly into other rooms. Heinlein's 1963 fantasy novel Glory Road (originally serialized in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction) features a device called a fold box which is bigger on the inside than the outside. In his 1980 novel The Number of the Beast, a "continua device" formulated using "theories on n-dimensional non-euclidean geometry" gives the protagonists the ability to time-travel and to visit fictional universes.
However, Daedra's reckless behavior triggers her personal security system, killing all the Patchers and their boss, named Hamed al- Habib. Wilf is fired (he assumes; he doesn't check his mail) and goes to his friend Lev Zubov's house, Lev being the son of a powerful and wealthy Russian family that moved to Britain several generations ago. Lev, a "continua enthusiast", introduced Wilf to "stubs", digital links to computer systems in the past, hosted by an inscrutable computer server in China. Milagros Coldiron is really their front organization to the past in which Flynne and Burton live, a past which has - because of the contact from the future - branched off the original timeline on which Wilf lives.
Born on 22 February 1946 in Sterzing, South Tyrol, a province of Italy inhabited by a German-speaking population, he became involved early on in local political issues, which at the time centered on the interethnic relations in the region, which after two world wars and decades of tensions and terrorism were very tense. In the early 1970s he was active in Lotta Continua, a left-wing political organization in Italy. Later, he joined the Green Party of South Tyrol, and became a member of the regional council for Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol in 1978. Ever resistant to imposed ethnic boundaries, he refused twice to declare his ethnic group during the 1981 and 1991 census in Bolzano.
The tree model requires languages to evolve exclusively through social splitting and linguistic divergence. In the “tree” scenario, the adoption of certain innovations by a group of dialects should result immediately in their loss of contact with other related dialects: this is the only way to explain the nested organisation of subgroups imposed by the tree structure. Such a requirement is absent from the Wave Model, which can easily accommodate a distribution of innovations in intersected patterns. Such a configuration is typical of dialect continua (and of linkages, see below), that is, historical situations in which dialects share innovations with different neighbours simultaneously, in such a way that the genealogical subgroups they define form an intersected pattern.
These had organized two large pop rallies (named Youth Festival of the proletariat) in Parco Lambro, Milan, somewhat modeled on the Woodstock festival (1969). The culture also passed through the so-called free radios, born after the liberalization of broadcasting in 1976. Internationally, in 1977 there came the "first wave" of punk subculture called "Punk 77", particularly relating to British scene (British Punk) and American (American punk). In this context a complex movement, libertarian and creative, was born where there were no leaders and where involvement and responsibility were closely personal, although a leading role in the struggles continued being played by the now dissolved Lotta Continua militants, and especially by the area of autonomy.
Molecular fly-by collisions take little time, something like 10−13 s. Optical transition of collisional complexes of molecules generate spectral "lines" that are very broad - roughly five orders of magnitude broader than the most familiar "ordinary" spectral lines (Heisenberg's uncertainty relation). The resulting spectral "lines" usually strongly overlap so that collision-induced spectral bands typically appear as continua (as opposed to the bands of often discernible lines of ordinary molecules). Collision-induced spectra appear at the frequencies of the rotovibrational and electronic transition bands of the unperturbed molecules, and also at sums and differences of such transition frequencies: simultaneous transitions in two (or more) interacting molecules are well known to generate optical transitions of molecular complexes.
The research conducted for the development of hardware and software formed the basis for automated computing complexes. Minin was elected a member of the presidium of the regional branch of Siberia and the Far East of the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences as regards a complex problem of “Mathematical simulation” and a member of Novosibirsk territorial coordination Council for science, vocational education and policy in science and technology.Resolution of Novosibirsk region administration of 22 June 1994 . № 286 In the field of numerical techniques and algorithmization he was in charge of the research on creating efficient machine-dependent techniques and algorithms for numerical simulation of the mechanics of continua processes.
Homens da Luta (Men of the Struggle) is a Portuguese improvisational comedy and musical street performance group consisting of brothers Vasco Duarte (Falâncio) and Nuno Duarte "Jel" (Neto). Their songs are a parody of songs sung during the period after the 1974 Carnation Revolution, and the characters played are caricatures of the revolutionary singers of the time, such as Zeca Afonso and José Mário Branco. Homens da Luta often use the term "struggle" to invoke slogans that became famous during the revolutionary era, such as "A Luta Continua" (The Struggle Goes On). In 2010 Homens da Luta released an mp3 album called "A Canção é uma arma" (The song is a weapon) consisting of 14 songs.
Major dialect continua in Europe in the mid-20th century A dialect continuum is a network of dialects in which geographically adjacent dialects are mutually comprehensible, but with comprehensibility steadily decreasing as distance between the dialects increases. An example is the Dutch-German dialect continuum, a vast network of dialects with two recognized literary standards. Although mutual intelligibility between standard Dutch and standard German is very limited, a chain of dialects connects them. Due to several centuries of influence by standard languages (especially in Northern Germany, where even today the original dialects struggle to survive) there are now many breaks in intelligibility between geographically adjacent dialects along the continuum, but in the past these breaks were virtually nonexistent.
In 1980 Isidro hosted the Saturday Morning showFebre de Sábado de manhã which was a huge success in Portugal, he also hosted shows such as O Passeio dos Alegres, Festa é Festa e A Festa Continua. In 1985 he hosted Arroz Doce along with Eunice Muñoz and in 1986 he hosted Clube dos Amigos Disney where he inherited the nickname Uncle Júlio. Starting in 1991 he began hosting the Festival da Canção (Portuguese heats for the Eurovision Song Contest), he continued to host the semi-finals in 1992 and 1993. In 1991 he went to work for the private TV station TVI where he hosted the shows Domingo Gordo, Luzes da Ribalta and 1001 Tardes.
The Democratic Party started to lose support by late 2000s in the Po Valley. First elections when Democratic Party lost to more radical party were 2010 Venetian regional election (20.34 per cent vs 35.16 per cent obtained by Lega Nord). The party lost 185 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 58 seats in the Senate in the 2018 general election, falling from the largest to the third largest faction in the Italian parliament, although the party still came in second place in terms of popular vote.Sondaggi elettorali, continua la crescita del Pd: superato il Movimento 5 Stelle However, the PD entered government in September 2019 with the Five Star Movement after the collapse of the previous M5S–Lega government.
A version of the film was released in the United States titled Buried Alive in 1985 by ThrillerVideo. This version of the film has anglicized the names of the characters and is missing parts of the Italian theatrical version. The film was re-released in Italy in 1987 as In quella casa Buio omega as an attempt to pass the film off as being related to the American films The Evil Dead and Evil Dead II which were released in Italy as La casa and La casa 2. In Spain, the film was marketed as being a sequel in the House franchise as House 6: El terror continua and in Mexico as part of the Zombi series of film as Zombi 10.
LUAR released his single "Viva o Poder Popular" (Hail to the People's Power) with "Foi na Cidade do Sado" on the B-side. In Italy, the revolutionary organizations Lotta Continua, Il Manifesto and Avanguardia Operaria released the album República, recorded in Rome on 30 September and 1 October. The money received from the sales of the album went to support the striking workers of the newspaper República. The album is almost unknown in Portugal and includes the songs "Para Não Dizer Que Não Falei de Flores", "Se os Teus Olhos se Vendessem", "Foi no Sábado Passado", "Canta Camarada", "Eu Hei-de Ir Colher Macela", "O Pão Que Sobra à Riqueza", "Os Vampiros", "Senhora do Almortão", "Letra para Um Hino" and "Ladainha do Arcebispo".
The four branches of Quechua: I (Central), II-A (North Peruvian), II-B (Northern), II-C (Southern) There are significant differences among the varieties of Quechua spoken in the central Peruvian highlands and the peripheral varieties of Ecuador, as well as those of southern Peru and Bolivia. They can be labeled Quechua I (or Quechua B, central) and Quechua II (or Quechua A, peripheral). Within the two groups, there are few sharp boundaries, making them dialect continua. However, there is a secondary division in Quechua II between the grammatically simplified northern varieties of Ecuador, Quechua II-B, known there as Kichwa, and the generally more conservative varieties of the southern highlands, Quechua II-C, which include the old Inca capital of Cusco.
Being in charge of the investigations Minin took part in the works on adaptation of the developed algorithms and creation of the brand new parallel ones for numerical simulation, implemented on the basis of upgraded 128-processor machine PS-2000 as all-in-one decision field. Together with the display stations “Gamma” type it is incorporated in general simulation complex. This system which had no analogues in the USSR made it possible to simulate various significant nonstationary processes of the mechanics of continua. By 1990-91 all the TV centres of the USSR were equipped with video-computer graphic stations GAMMA-T. By means of the developed software-hardware complex the problems of meteoroid protection for spaceship “Vega” (in “Vega-Galley” project) were solved.
2018 Parker Jotters are similar to the version that first came out in 1954 Following World War II, many companies vied to commercially produce their own ballpoint pen design. In pre-war Argentina, success of the Birome ballpoint was limited, but in mid-1945, the Eversharp Co., a maker of mechanical pencils, teamed up with Eberhard Faber Co. to license the rights from Birome for sales in the United States. In 1946, a Catalan firm, Vila Sivill Hermanos, began to make a ballpoint, Regia Continua, and from 1953 to 1957 their factory also made Bic ballpoints, on contract with the French firm Société Bic. During the same period, American entrepreneur Milton Reynolds came across a Birome ballpoint pen during a business trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Je vis successivement apparaître les lettres El, dont la première, l'epsilon, confirmait la valeur épigraphique du 2; puis le mot , étranger, que je reconnus sur-le-champ. Ce mot me remit aussitôt en mémoire le passage de Josèphe qui parle d'inscriptions destinées à interdire aux Gentils l'accès du Temple; mais je n'osais croire à une trouvaille aussi inespérée, et je m'appliquai à chasser de mon esprit ce rapprochement séduisant, qui continua toutefois de me poursuivre jusqu'au moment où j'arrivai à la certitude. Cependant la nuit était venue; je dus, pour ne pas exciter les soupçons des habitants de la Médrésé par une insistance inexplicable pour eux, suspendre le travail. Je fis reboucher le trou et je partis très-troublé de ce que je venais d'entrevoir.
G. Fisher (1994) in P. Ehrlich(ed.), Real Numbers, Generalizations of the Reals, and Theories of continua, 107-145, Kluwer Academic The notion arose from the theory of magnitudes of Ancient Greece; it still plays an important role in modern mathematics such as David Hilbert's axioms for geometry, and the theories of ordered groups, ordered fields, and local fields. An algebraic structure in which any two non-zero elements are comparable, in the sense that neither of them is infinitesimal with respect to the other, is said to be Archimedean. A structure which has a pair of non-zero elements, one of which is infinitesimal with respect to the other, is said to be non-Archimedean. For example, a linearly ordered group that is Archimedean is an Archimedean group.
Works from the permanent collection on display at the Centro de Educación Continua Unidad Allende IPN During the strike of 1982-1985, workers were supported by over 320 artists. After the workers won the right to take over the company, these artists along with the Salón de la Plástica Mexicana and Taller de Gráfica Popular began a project to auction donated works to raise the money needed to restart the idle plants. The project gathered 524 works of art. However, most of the donated paintings were not sold for various reasons ending with the obtaining of the needed money from the main union of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. The new workers’ cooperative offered to return the works to the artists but most preferred that they remained with the organization.
There was widespread social conflict and unprecedented acts of terrorism carried out by both right- and left-wing paramilitary groups. An attempt to endorse the neo-fascist Italian Social Movement (MSI) by the Tambroni Cabinet led to rioting and was short-lived. Widespread labor unrest and the collaboration of countercultural student activist groups with working class factory workers and pro-labor radical leftist organizations such as Potere Operaio and Lotta Continua culminated in the so-called "Hot Autumn" of 1969, a massive series of strikes in factories and industrial centres in Northern Italy. Student strikes and labour strikes, often led by workers, leftists, left-sympathizing laborers, or Marxist activists, became increasingly common, often deteriorating into clashes between the police and demonstrators composed largely of workers, students, activists, and often left-wing militants.
A founding member of progressive rock band Catapilla which was formed in the late 1960s, Calvert was one of one two constant members during the band's brief history, the other being guitarist Graham Wilson. He appears on both their albums, 1971's eponymous Catapilla and 1972's Changes. In the 1970s Calvert studied improvised music with John Stevens, and Maggie Nicols and in 1975, he began appearing on John Stevens' albums, initially on free jazz band Spontaneous Music Ensemble's album SME + = SMO. Calvert's next two albums were Somewhere in Between (1976) and Mazin Ennit (1977) both by Steven's jazz-rock band John Stevens' Away, followed Steven's album Ah! (1977). In 1994 he appeared on John Stevens Dance Orchestra's A Luta Continua, but this had been recorded in 1977.
It constitutes two large volumes still preserved today by the de Croÿ family: one covers property located in Hainaut, the other those lying in Brabant, Flanders, Namur, Artois and Picardy. Frontispiece of Jacob de Bie's Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata Aurea a Julio Cæsare Ad Heraclium Continua Serie Collecta on de Croÿ's coin collection The albums bring together nearly 2,500 gouaches delicately executed, representing as many villages. They cover a very extensive perimeter, encompassing many areas from the north of present-day France and Belgium, from the former principalities of Artois, Hainaut and Namur to the Duchy of Aarschot, the valleys of the rivers Scheldt, the Lys and the Sambre. The Albums offer one of the most important testimonies for the topographical knowledge of the towns and villages of the former Spanish Netherlands.
Word borrowing and word play among Ngawbere (Panama). East Lansing: Michigan State University. Rolando Rodríguez offers another theory of the origin of the words Guaymí and Bogotá in reference to the Ngäbe and Buglé peoples, respectively, that the terms come from both the Ngäbere and Buglere languages: :La historia de los grupos indígenas revela una continua rivalidad manifestada de diferentes formas, pero unas de las formas reveladoras de rivalidad es la forma verbal, es decir, una guerra verbal que se caracteriza por el sarcasmo, la ironía, y la ofensa utilizando palabras, una vez superando las tensiones de la luchas los ngäbe y buglé. En algún momento de la historia hicieron alianza como estrategia de defensa ante otro grupo de indígenas pero en esta convivencia cada uno decía ser mejor que el otro.
He continued his studies at Ecole National des Ponts et Chaussees, as a research assistance at LCPC, receiving a Docteur-Ingenieur degree (eq. Ph.D.) from ENPC in January 1994, with a specialization in Materials and Structures. During this time, he worked closely with Olivier Coussy on the English translation of Coussy's book “Mechanics of Porous Continua”. The collaboration of Ulm with Coussy led to the development of the Continuum Chemomechanics theory which has been applied by Ulm and co-workers to Early–Age Concrete and risk evalDiuation of concrete cracking relevant for massive concrete structures in innovative bridge and tunneling applications; to prediction of premature deterioration of concrete structures due to the Alkali-Silica Reactions; and the deleterious effects of calcium leaching of concrete relevant for nuclear waste storage applications.
While still holding Diana in contempt for much the same reasons as she did in prior continua, Cale was content to ignore her until Deimos and Phobos put Cale and Diana at odds. She hates the Olympians for the loss of her daughter and her best friend. Blaming the Amazon for bringing her religious insanity into their lives yet by the same token, was truly heartbroken at the loss of her business partner and initially felt remorse for her role in Dr. Minerva's transformation into the Cheetah. Her progressive characterization would grow more callous and vindictive, using both her resources and intellect to further personal gain by arming potential adversaries to the demigoddess in order to secure even greater profit at her hated enemies expense, both financially and in a misotheistic sense.
Demographics changes (the rapidly aging population in many industrialised countries) and an increase in chronic diseases (such as diabetes and heart disease) has led many to ask how technology can be used to ease the burden on health care professionals and provide useful tools to the elderly and infirm – and in particular how technology can help people cope with their conditions within their own homes. This is leading to the development of "personal health devices" which allow people to monitor their own conditions within their own homes and provide the information that such devices obtain to health care professionals and other carers. Concern that incompatible systems will slow the roll-out of useful personal health devices has prompted moves towards ensuring interoperability. The Continua Alliance is a group of companies and bodies seeking to promote the growth of this personal health market.
Nasr broke into the international art scene in 2001 when one of the leading Italian art galleries, Galleria Continua, exhibited his work. Nasr has participated in many exhibitions since and has won many awards including: third place in the 7th Salon of Youth, a contest organized by the Ministry of Culture in 1995, the Prize of Painting in the Heliorama exhibition from the French Cultural center in Cairo in 1997, the Grand Prize in the 8th International Cairo Biennale in 2001, the Biennale Prize from Dakar Biennale in Senegal in 2002, the Ministry of Culture Prize, Dak’art Biennale, Dakar, Senegal in 2004 and the Grand Prize, Sharjah Bienniale, UAE in 2005. In November 2008, Nasr founded Darb 1718. Darb 1718 is an Egyptian contemporary art and culture center located in the Fustat area of Old Cairo.
At very small angles to the line of sight, relativistic beaming dominates, and we see a blazar of some variety. However, the population of radio galaxies is completely dominated by low-luminosity, low-excitation objects. These do not show strong nuclear emission lines—broad or narrow—they have optical continua which appear to be entirely jet-related, and their X-ray emission is also consistent with coming purely from a jet, with no heavily absorbed nuclear component in general. These objects cannot be unified with quasars, even though they include some high-luminosity objects when looking at radio emission, since the torus can never hide the narrow-line region to the required extent, and since infrared studies show that they have no hidden nuclear component: in fact there is no evidence for a torus in these objects at all.
Claytor attended public schools in Washington, DC, and also the Hampton Agricultural and Industrial School in Virginia. In 1928 he received his BA from Howard University, where he had been taught by Elbert Cox, the first African-American to get a Ph.D. in mathematics. Dudley Woodard, the second African-American to get a PhD in mathematics, was just setting up the graduate program in math at Howard, and Claytor earned his MA there in 1929, with a thesis done under Woodard.William W. Schieffelin Claytor at the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Claytor obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1933 with the dissertation Topological Immersion of Peanian Continua in a Spherical Surface, directed by John R. Kline, who had also supervised Woodard's thesis and was himself a student of R. L. Moore (of Moore method fame).
Hewick has guested on guitar and/or vocals on albums by the Freed Unit, Steve Cartwright, Meta-Tekki and on ist's King Martha (2005) He co-wrote the song "A Scotsman in a Church", which appeared on the ist album Toothpick Bridge (2009) and has contributed both lyrics and vocals to music written by Alessandro Monti for Italian act Unfolk's album The Venetian Book of the Dead, released in February 2010 (a live performance of that album was played in Italy at Musica Continua in Mestre on 19 March 2011). He performed with Leven in the Stornoway Girls, and appeared on Leven's live albums Greetings from Milford (2001) and Only the Ocean Can Forgive (2003). Hewick also returned to the London acoustic circuit, often performing at 12 Bar Club in Denmark Street. He sang onstage there with Subterraneans in November 2010.
The rest of the movement, as had been intended by the late sixties, disappeared entirely, leaving a single organization, Democrazia Proletaria (Proletarian Democracy), which, after the parliamentary choice, sided to the left of PCI becoming a reference point for some young people involved in politics in the eighties. Several leaders and celebrities of the movement, veterans of the early experience of the Sixties, as the last editor of the newspapers of Lotta Continua, joined the nascent Italian green movement. Others joined the old parties (especially the Italian Socialist Party – PSI), devoting themselves to their careers: in practice, joining the nascent movement of yuppies. At the same time other new realities of youth political struggle were born; they were very localized and underground as the Centri Sociali, which, in turn, then gave birth to the Italian anti- globalization movement.
The adenoma may be the prime causative factor behind the headache or may serve to exacerbate a headache caused by other factors. Amongst the types of headaches experienced are both chronic and episodic migraine, and more uncommonly various unilateral headaches; primary stabbing headache, short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) \- another type of stabbing headache characterized by short stabs of pain -, cluster headache, and hemicrania continua (HS). Compressive symptoms of pituitary adenomas (visual field deficits, decreased visual acuity, headaches) are more commonly seen with macroadenomas (which are greater than 10 mm in diameter) than with microadenomas (which are less than 10 mm in diameter). Non-secreting adenomas can go undetected for an extended time because no obvious abnormalities are seen; the gradual reduction in normal activities due to decreased production of hormones is rather less evident.
Born in Girona, Catalonia, Soler was a RCD Espanyol youth graduate, making his first-team – and La Liga – debut in the 1983–84 season and going on to become an essential element after a loan to neighbouring CE L'Hospitalet. In his fourth year, as the club finished third after the second stage, he appeared in 41 out of 42 games and scored two goals, going on to help it reach the final of the 1988 UEFA Cup, netting in the first leg (3–0 home win) as the Pericos eventually lost on penalties against Bayer 04 Leverkusen.¡Y continua la "Euro-fiesta"! ("Euro-party" continues!); Mundo Deportivo, 5 May 1988 (in Spanish)Miquel SOLER; Hall of Fame Perico, 14 May 2009 (in Spanish) Subsequently, Soler joined neighbours FC Barcelona, helping the side to the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup in his first season while also playing 23 matches in the league.
Satya N. Atluri ICCES Medal is a Medal awarded annually by ICCES (International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences) and Tech Science Press to an individual who has had a significant impact on the world of engineering, the sciences, and commerce, and the well- being of the society at large as a result. This Medal is presented at the Awards Banquet of the annual ICCES Conference.ICCES Award List The recipient of the Medal is invited to deliver a Plenary Lecture, on a topic of her/his choosing, at the ICCES conference. This Medal honors Professor Satya N. Atluri of UCI, who founded ICCES in 1986, and founded the journals, "CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences" (2000), "CMC: Computers, Materials, & Continua" (2004), "MCB: Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics" (2004), "SL: Structural Longevity" (2008), and "ACM: Advances in Computational Mechanics" (2008), all of which are published by Tech Science Press.
He followed that by participating, as a married medical doctor in 90-60-90 Modelos. In 1997, Cernadas made his third appearance at a telenovela, in Ricos y Famosos ("Rich and Famous"), which became a major international hit. 1998 was an important year in Cernadas' life: after participating in Milady: La Historia Continua ("Milady: The Story Continues)", which was the sequel to Argentine soap opera classic Milady, he was seriously considering moving to Mexico to work there, but he was convinced to stay in his home country by producer Raúl Lecouna, who offered Cernadas his first starring role as a telenovela actor, in another soap that would become a major hit: Muñeca Brava ("Wild Angel"). This soap opera had such a wild success, that Cernadas travelled across Argentina, and to many other countries, to relive his character at various acting venues, for the next two years.
The third and final part was devoted to the drawings of Pablo Echaurren that were published in Lotta Continua in 1977. On April 24, 2018, at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, Mary Ann Caws, Thierry de Duve, David Joselit, Sophie Seita and Elizabeth Zuba conversed in an evening inspired by Dada focusing on the 1917 New York magazine The Blind Man, curated by Marcel Duchamp, Henri-Pierre Roché and Beatrice Wood, recently republished in facsimile edition by the Ugly Duckling Presse. Mary Ann Caws, Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature, English and French at the Graduate School of the City University of New York, started from impressions received in 2017, during the visit to Pablo Echaurren's exhibition Du champ magnétique. Works 1977-2017, held at the Scala Contarini del Bovolo, Venice, to highlight the seminal value of one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century.
Gonçalves returned to Portugal in June 2009, being loaned to Vitória S.C. in a season-long move.Jorge Gonçalves reforça Vitória de Guimarães (Jorge Gonçalves bolsters Vitória de Guimarães); Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, 17 June 2009 (in Portuguese) As the Minho club finished in sixth position he was irregularly used, failing to find the net in 21 competitive matches; he was subsequently released by RacingMario y Osmar pasan a ser futbolistas del primer equipo y Gonçalves dice adiós (Mario and Osmar are now first-team players and Gonçalves says goodbye) ; El Diario Montañés, 19 May 2010 (in Spanish) but stayed in his country, joining S.C. Olhanense. After one final campaign in the top level with Vitória de Setúbal, Gonçalves returned to the second tier, where he represented C.D. FeirenseJorge Gonçalves continua ao serviço (Jorge Gonçalves still on duty); Record, 26 July 2013 (in Portuguese) and Atlético Clube de Portugal.
The Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro in Rome and the Banca Commerciale Italiana and the Banca Nazionale dell'Agricoltura in Milan were bombed in December. Local police arrested 80 or so suspects from left-wing groups, including Giuseppe Pinelli, an anarchist initially blamed for the bombing, and Pietro Valpreda. Their guilt was denied by left-wing members, especially by members of the student movement, then prominent in Milan's universities, as they believed that the bombing was carried out by fascists. Following the death of Giuseppe Pinelli, who mysteriously died on 15 December while in police custody, the radical left-wing newspaper Lotta Continua started a campaign accusing police officer Luigi Calabresi of Pinelli's murder. In 1975, Calabresi and other police officials were acquitted by judge Gerardo D'Ambrosio who decided that Pinelli's fall from a window had been caused by his being taken ill and losing his balance.
Antonio Negri, a leading theorist of Italian autonomism Autonomist Marxism—referred to in Italy as operaismo, which translates literally as "workerism"—first appeared in Italy in the early 1960s. Arguably, the emergence of early autonomism can be traced to the dissatisfaction of automotive workers in Turin with their union, which reached an agreement with FIAT. The disillusionment of these workers with their organised representation, along with the resultant riots (in particular the 1962 riots by FIAT workers in Turin, "fatti di Piazza Statuto"), were critical factors in the development of a theory of self-organised labour representation outside the scope of traditional representatives such as trade unions. In 1969, the operaismo approach was active mainly in two different groups: Lotta Continua, led by Adriano Sofri (which had a very significant Roman Catholic cultural matrix), and Potere Operaio, led by Antonio Negri, Franco Piperno, Oreste Scalzone, and Valerio Morucci.
It is central to the field of comparative linguistics, which involves using evidence from known languages and observed rules of language feature evolution to identify and describe the hypothetical proto-languages ancestral to each language family, such as Proto-Indo-European and the Indo-European languages. However, this is largely a theoretical, qualitative pursuit, and linguists have always emphasized the inherent limitations of the tree model due to the large role played by horizontal transmission in language evolution, ranging from loanwords to creole languages that have multiple mother languages. The wave model was developed in 1872 by Schleicher's student Johannes Schmidt as an alternative to the tree model that incorporates horizontal transmission. The tree model also has the same limitations as biological taxonomy with respect to the species problem of quantizing a continuous phenomenon that includes exceptions like ring species in biology and dialect continua in language.
This last assertion appears unsupported however, since wonton soup is not attested in Chinese sources dating earlier than the Han dynasty , although the linguistic connection of the soup to the larger concept certainly appears real (; ; ). Hundun has a graphic variant hunlun (using lún see the Liezi below), which etymologically connects to the mountain name Kunlun (differentiated with the "mountain radical" ). says "Kunlun and hundun are the same closed center of the world." quotes the Chinese philologist Lo Mengci , who says that reduplicated words like hundun "suggest cyclic movement and transformation", and speculates: > Ritually mumbling the sounds of hun-tun might, therefore, be said to have a > kind on incantatory significance that both phonetically and morphologically > invokes the mythological and ontological idea of the Tao as the creatio > continua process of infinitely repeated moments of change and new creation. The Shuowen Jiezi does not enter dun (which apparently lacked a pre-Han Seal script).
While conservative forces tried to roll back some of the social advances of the 1960s, and part of the military indulged in "sabre rattling" in order to intimidate progressive political forces, numerous left-wing activists became increasingly frustrated at social inequalities, while the myth of guerrilla (Che Guevara, the Uruguayan Tupamaros) and of the Chinese Maoist "cultural revolution" increasingly inspired extreme left-wing violent movements. Social protests, in which the student movement was particularly active, shook Italy during the 1969 autunno caldo (Hot Autumn), leading to the occupation of the Fiat factory in Turin. In March 1968, clashes occurred at La Sapienza university in Rome, during the "Battle of Valle Giulia." Mario Capanna, associated with the New Left, was one of the figures of the student movement, along with the members of Potere Operaio and Autonomia Operaia such as (Antonio Negri, Oreste Scalzone, Franco Piperno and of Lotta Continua such as Adriano Sofri.
Matéria da Folha de S.Paulo sobre a agressão / julho de 2004: O líder da banda Charlie Brown Jr., Alexandre Magno Abrão, o Chorão, acertou uma cabeçada no nariz e um soco no olho do vocalista e guitarrista do grupo Los Hermanos, Marcelo Camelo, no aeroporto de Fortaleza. Even after a note apologizing for the event,Chorão pede desculpas a Camelo / julho de 2004: O vocalista do Charlie Brown Jr., Chorão, pediu desculpas para Marcelo Camelo dos Los Hermanos, porém, Marcelo Camelo não se comoveu com o arrependimento de Chorão e continua com a idéia de processá-lo pela agressão sofrida no último dia 2 em Fortaleza. Chorão was sued by Camelo and had to compensate the singer for moral damages and reimbursement of canceled commitments. The attack occurred because of statements from Marcelo Camelo and Rodrigo Amarante, in the OI magazine, on the then recent advertising campaign for Coca-Cola soft drink brand.
A hydrogen atom and its constituent particles: an example of an over-simplified way of looking at a small collection of posited building blocks of the universe Bohm's proposals have at times been dismissed largely on the basis of such tenets. His paradigm is generally opposed to reductionism, and some view it as a form of ontological holism. On this, Bohm noted of prevailing views among physicists that "the world is assumed to be constituted of a set of separately existent, indivisible, and unchangeable 'elementary particles', which are the fundamental 'building blocks' of the entire universe ... there seems to be an unshakable faith among physicists that either such particles, or some other kind yet to be discovered, will eventually make possible a complete and coherent explanation of everything" (). In Bohm's conception of order, primacy is given to the undivided whole, and the implicate order inherent within the whole, rather than to parts of the whole, such as particles, quantum states, and continua.
But he did not neglect economics themes realizing inquests in different installments about the pharmaceutical industry, the research, the press, the publishing industry and more. In those same years he showed to be interested also about the foreign policy, particularly about India, China, the Middle East, Spain, the eve of the Francoism withdrawal, the war in Chad, the Tunisian economic and political crisis, the human rights violations in the Greek military junta and the Algerian political perspectives. Anyway, the major commitment led him to dedicate himself mainly to terrorism events, beginning with Giangiacomo Feltrinelli's death and the assassination of Luigi Calabresi. He also got interested about the first military initiatives of the Red Brigades, to the terrorist dens discovered in Milan, the relationship with the police chief Allitto Bonanno and to the guerrilla warfare which was producing uproars and deaths around Milan's streets, organised by radical small groups Lotta Continua, Potere Operaio, Avanguardia Operaia.
The western continuum of Romance languages comprises, from West to East: in Portugal, Portuguese; in Spain, Galician, Leonese or Asturian, Castilian or Spanish, Aragonese and Catalan or Valencian; in France, Occitan, Franco-Provençal, standard French and Corsican which is closely related to Italian; in Italy, Piedmontese, Italian, Lombard, Emilian-Romagnol, Venetian, Friulian, Ladin; and in Switzerland, Lombard and Romansh. This continuum is sometimes presented as another example, but the major languages in the group (i.e. Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian) have had separate standards for longer than the languages in the Continental West Germanic group, and so are not commonly classified as dialects of a common language. Focusing instead on the local Romance lects that pre-existed the establishment of national or regional standard languages, all evidence and principles point to Romania continua as having been, and to varying extents in some areas still being, what Charles Hockett called an L-complex, i.e.
In the book series, the origins of The Way are the result of the superspace geometry researches of the fictional Dr. Patricia Luisa Vasquez in the late 20th and early 21st Century, pre- and post-Death (The Death being the name given to a nuclear war that occurred in the early 21st century within the timeline of the novels). Vasquez's first exploration into the superspace mathematics of fractional geometry and continua was her Doctoral Dissertation, Non-gravity Bent Geodesics of n-Spatial Reference Frames: An Approach to Superspace Visualisation and Probability Clustering in 1989. This work was the fundamental basis of the Way, as it identifies the requirements for accessing superspaces, and the consequences of doing so within the context of a physical object linked to a stable quantum configuration: The Thistledown, connected to the Way. Later work by Vasquez, specifically the fictional paper Theory of n-Spatial Geodesics as Applied to Newtonian Physics with a Special Discourse on ρ-Simplon World Lines.
Colonel Dino Mingarelli, the old right-hand man of the general Giovanni de Lorenzo, was placed to direct the investigation on the matter. Mingarelli immediately directed his investigation into the Lotta Continua circles of Trento, but the investigations did not obtain the expected results: the Milanese judiciary received information according to which the attack would be carried out by a group neo-fascist terrorist, which also included Ivano Boccaccio, a militant killed in an attempted hijacking of a plane at Ronchi dei Legionari airport in the following October. The information had been given by Giovanni Ventura, meanwhile arrested for the massacre in Piazza Fontana: the colonel however discarded the Milanese indication, as an order from the SID invited him to suspend investigations into the far-right terrorist group. The colonel, with his "right arm" captain Antonino Chirico, directed the investigative attentions towards six young people, leading them to trial: according to Mingarelli they would take revenge on some rude people suffered by the carabinieri.
1 s, t, \ldots are all multiples of 0.01 (as would be the case if there were exactly 100 equiprobable outcomes), then P(A \rightarrow B) must be a multiple of 0.01, as well, but P(A \cap B)/P(A) need not be. That being the case, P(A \rightarrow B) cannot reliably be made to equal P(B \mid A). also argued that the condition P(A \rightarrow B) = P(B\mid A) caused acceptable P-functions to be implausibly sparse and isolated from one another. One way to put the point: standardly, any weighted average of two probability function is itself a probability function, so that between any two P-functions there will be a continuum of weighted-average P-functions along which one of the original P-functions gradually transforms into the other. But these continua disappear if the added P(A \rightarrow B) = P(B\mid A) condition is imposed.
ARBOS 4100E - equal size wheel In 2011 Lovol Heavy Industry ltd, Chinese manufacturer of tractors, agricultural machines and earth moving machinery, opened a research and development centre in Calderara di Reno (BO), to coordinate its activities in Europe. After taking over Arbos and Bubba, this new centre became the headquarters of a new holding, Lovol Arbos Group Spa, whose aim was to design three tractor platforms from 100 to 270 HP and recuperate the industrial know-how of Arbos combine harvesters.Bubba-Arbos, la storia continua grazie a Lovol, maggio 2015 ARBOS 5130 and subsoiler ROCK In 2015, ARBOS Group launches a major acquisition plan designed to consolidate the foundations of a project that would shortly lead to the production of an integrated full-line solution within agricultural mechanization. The goal is to establish ARBOS as an international brand of reference for farmers around the world and for the entire agronomic cycle, by introducing products compatible with the latest cultivation, conservative farming and precision seeding techniques, moving from compact and highly specialized tractors to the creation of a full range for open field applications.
For the application of the BPM to Helmholtz, Poisson and plate bending problems,Fu ZJ, Chen W, Yang W, Winkler plate bending problems by a truly boundary-only boundary particle method. Computational Mechanics 2009,44(6): 757–563 the high-order fundamental solution or general solution, harmonic functionHon YC, Wu ZM, "A numerical computation for inverse boundary determination problem" Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2000,24(7–8): 599–606 or Trefftz function (T-complete functions)Chen W, Fu ZJ, Qin QH, "Boundary particle method with high-order Trefftz functions". CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua 2010,13(3): 201–217 are often used, for instance, those of Berger, Winkler, and vibrational thin plate equations.Chen W, Shen ZJ, Shen LJ, Yuan GW, "General solutions and fundamental solutions of varied orders to the vibrational thin, the Berger, and the Winkler plates" Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2005,29(7): 699–702 The method has been applied to inverse Cauchy problem associated with PoissonFu ZJ, Chen W, Zhang CZ, "Boundary particle method for Cauchy inhomogeneous potential problems".
In 2004 his tour "Cattura il sogno/Il sogno continua" ("Catch the dream/The dream continues") was awarded by Pollstar magazine as the most successful of the year in Italy as well as one of the most successful worldwide (#30). The recording of his concerts in Rome, held at Olimpico Stadium in June, was the top selling musical DVD in 2004. In 2005 he took part in the Italian staging of Live 8, in the Circo Massimo. In November his new album Il dono ("The Gift") topped the charts and maintained the No. 1 position until the end of the year. In December 2005 he performed in the Vatican with a song dedicated to Pope John Paul II. Renato Zero's 2006 tour was entitled "Zeromovimento" and involved 25 concerts. After 40 years of his musical career, in February 2006 he refused the Career Award at the Sanremo festival, stating that the award should be for artists who had reached old age. In 2007 he toured again in major Italian cities, filling sports stadiums. The tour was called "MpZerO", and attracted 270,000 spectators over seven dates, of which 120,000 filled the Olympic Stadium of Rome, his hometown.
Following his work on Enthiran, Karky became one of the most sought after lyricists in the Tamil film industry, having multiple collaborations with A.R. Rahman, Harris Jayaraj, D. Imman, M.M. Keeravani, Yuvan Shankar Raja, S. Thaman, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Anirudh Ravichander and Sam CS. In addition to his native Tamil, he is known for penning songs in multiple languages; some of which include "Asku Laska" from Nanban (which features 16 different languages), "The Rise of Damo" from 7aum Arivu (written in Mandarin) and "Continua" from Nootrenbadhu (in Portuguese). His work is also characterized by infusing uncommon Tamil words that aren't normally used in everyday lexicon, as part of lyrics (like "Kuviyamillaa Kaatchi Paezhai" from Ko and "Panikoozh" from I). He also wrote the first palindrome song in Tamil cinema for the film Vinodhan. As of the end of 2018, he has over six hundred songs to his credit. Some of Karky's most popular songs include "Irumbile oru Irudhaiyam" (Enthiran), "Enamo Edho" (Ko), "Nee Koorinal" (Nootrenbadhu), "Asku Laska" (Nanban), "Google Google" (Thuppakki), "Elay Keechaan" (Kadal), "Osakka" (Vanakkam Chennai), "Selfie Pulla" (Kaththi), "Pookkalae Sattru Oyivedungal" (I), "Mei Nigara" (24), "Azhagiye" (Kaatru Veliyidai), "Endhira Logathu Sundariye" (2.0) and "Kurumba" (Tik Tik Tik).

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