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220 Sentences With "contextualized"

How to use contextualized in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "contextualized" and check conjugation/comparative form for "contextualized". Mastering all the usages of "contextualized" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I ruminate much less, and my thoughts feel ordered, contextualized.
Wojnarowicz's Rimbaud series is contextualized by his diaries entries about
Gymnastics contextualized the world I inhabited as a young athlete.
The subpoena outcome is necessarily informed by highly contextualized facts.
Apple is already focused on improving contextualized search via Siri.
But none of this is contextualized to tease out its wider implications.
Nor should their entire existence be contextualized in relation to someone else.
It boiled the ethos of the culture surrounding it and contextualized it.
But those stories are underpinned and contextualized by what goes on here.
The sculpture is to be relocated to a private and "properly contextualized" location.
Rootedness is the most flexible metaphor for talking about the contextualized human being.
There is of course violence here, but contextualized within that wider social milieu.
Instead, only "contextualized" ads, which are based on the content itself, will appear.
Now you might now hear "people dancing on stage," a much better, contextualized, description.
There is value in publishing a larger, contextualized account of the Trump White House.
Re-contextualized and re-organized, the resulting installations are cynical representations of digital dystopias.
History should be better contextualized on campus, and we should eschew any hagiographic imagery.
Moving them to educational spaces enables them to be appropriately contextualized as historical objects.
It also contextualized its incidents of sexual assault and homicide by citing national rates.
All genders are welcome, but tropes aren't—unless they're being critiqued or re-contextualized.
The goal of these stories is to be contextualized within the current controversy surrounding refugees.
Denomie contextualized this body of work as part of his "ongoing dialogue" with American history.
I really like having an image that is contextualized by the outline of the frame.
Thanks for supporting us in giving voice to the voiceless & providing in-depth, contextualized reporting.
"Human judgment is critical to making contextualized decisions on content," wrote YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.
In "Some thoughts on Nintendo's big week," Grant contextualized the game within Nintendo's unusual year.
It's just about painting a fuller — and more contextualized — picture of how these companies are performing.
Because I think that sex with fat women has always been contextualized as so outwardly other.
The songs are contextualized among field recordings and background ambiences such as mobile-phone GSM interruptions.
If violence is often throwaway in games, it was consistently contextualized and justified in Mafia 3.
Empowering and cathartic, for both players and the game's characters, it is also contextualized and understanding.
Last month, at a Family Research Council event in Washington, Mr. Sasse contextualized his political theology.
Vassar's "Conversation about Israel/Palestine" was a charade contextualized by negative foundational assumptions of Western imperialism.
These techniques are then contextualized and exemplified in specially annotated wall labels that accompany his paintings.
Rather than being contextualized, a "Sr." will be added to the building's name, the committee decided.
I've edited and contextualized our conversation here, but you can also watch the full panel below.
"Black style has to be contextualized differently in order to be seen as luxurious," he said.
In some of the pieces, the pagan past is re-contextualized for a newly Christian society.
Hood's work is often contextualized and understood by her proximity to better-known members of her circles.
The director has contextualized Dylan for us before with the rich, layered 2005 doc No Direction Home.
"There's a tendency to be swayed by data, and even data needs to be contextualized," Bautista said.
It's not that it's hard to understand, it just doesn't present your data in an easily contextualized way.
"One of my favorite things about photographs is how their meanings change when they're re-contextualized," says Fulford.
I listen and write in mind that a song can be contextualized in dual settings and contrasting emotions.
But there are so many beautiful aspects of our culture that could be contextualized in a modern way.
I guess this is why you should be careful what you share when enjoying viral content that isn't contextualized.
But, maybe because the movie wasn't originally built as a queer romance, its characters' sexualities are never fully contextualized.
While lamenting the destruction of yesterday's fire, Gothic architecture scholars contextualized such cataclysms as commonplace in the medieval world.
Still, you don't easily escape something like OK Computer, whose paranoia has re-contextualized Radiohead's music before and after.
Narrated and contextualized by rangers, the action has produced countless stories and dramatic moments and helped document rare behaviors.
" The lieutenant general contextualized the issue, explaining, "We would be naive to think that we shouldn't discuss this topic.
She contextualized the need for new technologies by reminding us of the recent revelations around Facebook's personal data leaks.
In a full obituary, a book-length account, or even a Wikipedia entry, a biographical blemish can be contextualized.
"I don't think this is the way to solve rural education problems, because teaching is very contextualized," she said.
Which may be one reason Seurat's "Circus Sideshow," a masterpiece made to be contextualized, ended up at the Met.
It's really important for us to explore the life of a black woman that isn't contextualized by who she's dating.
But how can Mr. Vega, especially in his work with Suicide, be properly contextualized, in a cause-and-effect way?
Later, an ominously de-contextualized shot of a chain dragging across pavement slyly cues up the reveal of its significance.
Characters keep tossing around fragments of prophecies whose origins are never properly contextualized and whose predictions are never fully explained.
"Landmark,", which opens the series, would feel comfortably contextualized in either a contemporary art screening context or a short film festival.
She's a new media artist, designer, art director, but this is one of the first times she's contextualized in an exhibition.
Their efforts will be contextualized by a selection of traditional masks, headdresses and costumes, most, but not all, from earlier periods.
The Washington Post in an editorial on Friday contextualized Khashoggi's disappearance as part of a broader Saudi effort to silence critics.
I may not have a specific, contextualized association with every title in my possession, but most have had a direct impact.
Bandurrias, requintos, mandolins, flutes, matracas (cog rattles), violins, and accordions are all displayed and contextualized within their development in the region.
Höfer's work is often contextualized by her studies at the Kunstacademie Düsseldorf under the tutelage of photographers Bernd and Hilla Becher.
As with Cersei, acts of unforgivable violence were contextualized by sympathetic character studies into trauma, misogyny, and the love for one's children.
Nova – AI that writes sales emails Sales emails perform better when they're contextualized with information about the recipient, rather than being generic.
Our media and how we experience them are contextualized by mass movements, all bound up in technology, and most of them disturbing.
In his original Cowboy piece, Prince removed the text from an Marlboro ad to strip it down, and re-contextualized the image.
"As a person who doesn't identify as straight, any love song I write is contextualized by a queer identity," he told me.
Co-developer Jonatan Söderström contextualized that violence before the game's release as something that was supposed to create discomfort in the player.
Hillary could have been a better film if it had contextualized Clinton's life, legacy, and celebrity in more honest and nuanced ways.
"What we need more of is visuals of transgender people existing in their communities, contextualized in their full humanity," Ms. McBride said.
There are moments that emulate the high stakes of Empire, contextualized with the knowledge that maybe the music industry isn't life-or-death.
The way the artificial Campbell was interfacing with the game re-contextualized everything so that the familiar gameplay became something alien and strange.
That means the public S-1 serves less as the typical first look into financials and acts more as a contextualized official record.
It fills your timeline with half-contextualized tweets, sometimes poorly connected so you can't figure out where they start and where they stop.
From the study, conducted by Kate MacNeill of the University of Australia, we learn that attitudes have traditionally contextualized illegal downloaders as criminals.
Historians can preserve some monuments in museums, where they can be properly contextualized and understood as the legacy of an immensely immoral cause.
Vaccine-sellers argue their marketing isn't capitalizing on parent concerns, or inflating the risk of contracting infection, but rather, providing fair, contextualized information.
Both [attackers] have become very iconic figures because they left documents that characterize why they did what they did and contextualized their violence.
In the case of David Bowie Is everything from Bowie's costumes to altered contact sheets from Rolling Stone photoshoots can be contextualized as art.
It was what the French artist called a readymade, his word for a combination of everyday objects reassembled or re-contextualized by an artist.
But Wright's successful campaign to keep House of Cards on air wasn't just good news for fans, which Clarkson helpfully contextualized in her interview.
In addition to the shock of the new, you'll often find older sounds being re-contextualized and reimagined for a new set of dancers.
Once a video is labeled as kids' content, all personalized ads will be shut off, replaced with "contextualized" advertising based on the video itself.
Frances C. Moore, the lead author of the new study, wanted to find out how people contextualized extreme temperatures based on past weather experiences.
In twin photo stories by BuzzFeed News, the past and present of this iconic Paris landmark is contextualized against a backdrop of perseverance and reinvention.
Although the quality of execution at the Ailey company is routinely praised, the praise is often contextualized in a way that is not entirely complimentary.
"This is especially true when it comes to cases we hear about through social media which are nearly always distorted or de-contextualized," Wells said.
Goffman could have covered herself by adding another paragraph of analysis, one that would have contextualized but also undercut the scene as the participants experienced it.
"My original comic was influenced by a sign I saw at the 2017 Women's March, which I re-contextualized and added the Scrabble angle," Ellis said.
Much of the meaning of her reporting was better contextualized and dramatized in queer author Gary Indiana's widely praised Three Month Fever, published the same year.
And so in many ways, I find it unproductive to even attempt to get into discussions about who has it worse, because everything is contextualized and relative.
Then those drawings were scanned and—back at the computer again—they were retouched and inserted into a background, where they were contextualized for illumination, tones, etc.
One thing algorithms and facilitators cannot do is account for what a gifter wants a gift to say, contextualized by the human relationship that instigates the gifting.
In the roundtable discussion, O'Brien framed the footage as a deep-dive into the mind of a domestic abuser and contextualized the interview in a #MeToo frame.
I'd prefer my work to be contextualized in the frame of mindfulness: of being mindful of a person as an experience and not trying to commodify it.
Although photographs were still generally sequestered in their own rooms, they were contextualized as part of a larger history rather than being presented as an entirely separate enterprise.
More often than not, those driving the due diligence processes are not cybersecurity professionals, which means that they need cybersecurity metrics to be contextualized against potential business impact.
The tacos, so meaty and so spicy, had the confounding taste of two regionally specific flavor profiles effortlessly cooperating as my confused senses gradually contextualized them into one.
Moving to contextualized grades on transcripts will take time but would more accurately reflect students' actual academic achievement—for the sake of both the students and prospective employers.
Understandably, Nitschke's so-called "suicide machine" generated a lot of press, seemingly none of which contextualized the device in the larger conversation about death, technology, and self-determination.
Or, their contextualized local content could augment the user experience for tech companies enough that tech companies end up being the subscribers (on behalf of their end users).
Because of this risk, members of the public must devote increased diligence to ensure that the information they share on social media and elsewhere is authentic and contextualized.
Although some people say that the monument depicts Stephen Foster drawing inspiration by the banjo player, the Art Commission ultimately recommended that it be removed, relocated, and contextualized.
The way the show re-contextualized Doctor Manhattan in this storyline helped me invest in the character, whose significance previously felt very much tied to the Watchmen comic.
In one piece that hangs near the store's freezers (now given over, in part, to display), paper fragments that run along the center all function as re-contextualized advertisements.
"Unfortunately, your story was the equivalent of putting "VACCINES KILL PEOPLE" in a blaring headline over a poorly contextualized piece," writes academic Zeynep Tufekci, who organized the open letter.
Then, an algorithm compares this sentence with a database of contextualized examples, all coming from reliable sources, such as The New York Times, PLOS ONE, BBC and scientific publications.
Though he contextualized that, noting that WPP will spend $2 billion on Facebook ads this year, and had previously told online video news channel Cheddar about the increased buy.
Preserved, displayed and contextualized, that message of terror could be transformed into an object lesson in the tenacity of hate and the ever-more-urgent relevance of Till's story.
It seems we are a country riven not just by politics but — though rather more gently — curatorial approaches to clothes: populist versus elite; contextualized versus abstracted; local versus global.
With the 'Top of Images' project, we achieved our positioning and placed our products in a fully contextualized manner as items that go hand in hand with these destinations.
She re-contextualized her work to reveal the deeply personal perspective that amplifies the independence of her sonic identity, and justified any distinctions from her work within Crystal Castles.
Contextualized in a science-centric show that explores how disease affects New York City's communities, Blood Mirror highlights how "there's essentially an FDA-imposed quarantine on gay people," Eagles says.
"The assertions made by BuzzFeed in its recent article contain numerous factual inaccuracies and non-contextualized mischaracterizations of isolated events at a small minority of our 200+ facilities," it stated.
Part of me wishes that a museum had mounted this museum-quality show, perhaps the Whitney or MOMA , two institutions that have sensitively contextualized Asawa's work in recent group exhibitions.
The LA-born artist's solo show, #AlexIsrael, at Oslo's Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, functions like a "gigantic 3D postcard from LA" and contextualized by the city's trenchant tropes.
Historians have contextualized Le Brun's depiction of children with the surge of interest in child rearing, a trend triggered in large part by Jean-Jacques Rousseau's influential treatise Emile (1762).
The addition of color — which Neri has contextualized as following the ancient Greek custom of coloring figures with tempera — has been Neri's way of baptizing his figures in chromatic chaos.
It's certainly a shocking subject matter, but one that Domineau says he was very careful to write about in a non-offensive way and contextualized in the voice of the show.
By way of context, the original Voyager Golden Records were compiled by a NASA team headed by the great Carl Sagan, designed to contextualized the Earth experience to far out aliens.
While I cannot escape the politics of my particular situation, this politics is exacerbated by the way I am surveilled by the conservative Arab viewing public and contextualized by curatorial enframing.
Tech products will also be able to provide more good local information, contextualized to the end user based on local graphs of topics, interests and places down to the neighborhood level.
The classical version of each garment is represented by the stereotype, which is then contextualized by accompanying materials (wall texts and so on) to convey a sense of the historical archetype.
By selecting a diverse group of visually compelling, locally contextualized, and socially engaged works, After Darkness succeeds in showing the multiple ways that artists from Southeast Asia have renegotiated painful histories.
Omča) drawn "Bestiary" (2014), are contextualized as nonacademic and un-art-educated, they conceptually are not that much different from the collage-based non-natural images of the Belgrade Surrealists Circle.
But what I know for sure is that they were contextualized as sexual abnormalities as opposed to valid identities that exist along a continuum that is, for most people, subject to evolution.
" In an interview with Belgian daily La Libre published Wednesday, Mary contextualized his comments to Libération, saying Abdeslam had approved the use of the "shocking phrase" to "get their common message across.
"This is meant to allow you to create a personalized contextualized visit through the museum because it has location awareness, and then you tell it what you are interested in," added Futter.
Her delivery and lyrics preaching responsibility and self-love provoked obvious comparisons to Lauryn Hill, but her individuality is contextualized by the UK music scene and the mark she left on it.
The positioning of the beads was like a roadmap for reconstructing how the outfits were made, while the wealth of archeological discoveries at the Sungir site contextualized some of the other details.
Among their findings corroborating their initial suspicion that the items were falsified were multiple misspellings in German, misused or wrongly contextualized National Socialist symbols, and errors in the names of Nazi-era institutions.
And with Crowds and Power—its multitudinous sonic palette, its contemporary and contextualized drama, his assiduous command—the 84-year-old showed that, half a century later, he's still an au courant force.
For his ongoing solo exhibition at Marc Straus Gallery, a motorcycle, a free standing 'tower,' and a series of apartment reliefs made of re-contextualized printed images fill up the gallery's ground floor.
In the photographic portraits (collected and contextualized in a 18953 volume titled " Picturing Frederick Douglass "), he sometimes looks like a fiercer George Washington—Roman nose, intense scowl of virtue, swept-back classical hair.
This is where U.S. analysts and linguists come in to shed light on these dimensions as well as to relay complex data, accurately contextualized, across the decision making apparatus and often with allies.
Contemporary tabloid-news narratives like these are balanced by Kirkuhuff's innovative interpretations of figures from classical mythology, such as Cupid and Hippolyte, whose allegories are re-contextualized through the use of contemporary iconography.
Mathilde de Weisweiller's gnarly collection is moodily re-contextualized by these artists' paintings, as well as the more recent skull scenes of Niki de Saint Phalle and two Brassaï photographs of scratched graffiti.
When you launch the new YouTube Music app, the opening screen pushes new releases, your own listening history, recommended music videos, and contextualized recommendations based on factors such as location or time of day.
The novel was first published in France in 1997, and now is carefully translated to honor the oral tradition of blending French and Creole, with a glossary in the back to add contextualized definitions.
Responding to protests against the monument in the summer of 2017, the City of New York finally relocated the sculpture to Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, where it was historically contextualized with informational plaques.
Optimally, this narrative would frame a new governing philosophy that contextualized these proposals as elements of a strategic response to the reasons why American capitalism has gone off the rails during the past generation.
This was the dream: A game where tactical battles and the grand strategy layer informed and contextualized one another, and you saw the impact of your decisions and your performance reflected in both places.
It's not just seeing Jones re-contextualized in a place that subtracts the strikes he uses to rip holes in people's heads: it's that he's descended from rarified air to dominate us mere mortals.
Confederate monuments in the U.S. Capitol should either be removed from the building and relocated to a museum or battlefield, or be appropriately contextualized as a symbol of slavery, a Republican lawmaker said Thursday.
But if you stayed on the channel long enough, those segments were often contextualized by pundits and gun rights activists who tried to recenter the event and cast themselves as the voice of reason.
SF: No. One thing to keep in mind, the whole conversation has to be sort of contextualized and it's for studios to market movies, the machine they have to keep oiled is so expensive.
And her reflections on being a white woman of privilege in our society today were terrifically contextualized when she spoke about how she could communicate this privilege to suburban women who voted for Trump.
"The global problem right now is around mis-contextualized video (claiming to be from one place or time but actually from another), and ... to a lesser extent lightly edited or manipulated videos," Gregory said.
She contextualized her work with often obscure references, including to the 1961 French film "Léon Morin, Priest" (her dog is named after that film's director, Jean-Pierre Melville) and the actor-director Barbara Loden.
As Vogel remarks, such projects can also be contextualized under the umbrella of "art as experience," an ever-growing quasi-genre that privileges novel and often spectacular experiences over the contemplation of inert objects.
Removed from its usual space amidst other 19th century American landscape painting and now re-contextualized against the backdrop of Native American art, the painting suddenly invites questions about Westward expansion and rightful land ownership.
Dior's experiences as a young man in Paris in the 1920s and his affinity with avant-garde artists contextualized the Paris exhibition, and demonstrated how later creative directors took inspiration from his life and interests.
With that said, I think Watchmen leaned a bit harder than was tolerable for me on just how dark life was for Will, even if it contextualized who he is in the show's contemporary storyline.
Ab-Anbar's other remit is to exhibit Iranian artists who still live in the country, but have an international following, so local audiences can get a contextualized view of how their work is viewed globally.
"This election, while it is sort of surprising at this moment in time, needs to be contextualized," Lara Brown, PhD, the interim director of the Graduate School of Political Management at George Washington University, told Refinery29.
In 1992, Wilson had re-contextualized the Maryland Historical Society's collection by hanging a sign outside that noted that "another" history was to be presented and then emphasizing the absence of African Americans in the collection.
For many, the only respite is 12-step programs, which some of us find alienating and archaic, and where addiction is often seen as a personal identity trait instead of a socially and culturally contextualized issue.
This is a more reliable source of information than trends extrapolated from anecdotes in diners or at campaign stops, and anyone who wants these numbers explained and contextualized can turn to a variety of professional forecasters.
It would not only be able to offer you a more personalized and contextualized experience of the Web, it would also understand your intent better and be able to anticipate your needs before you even express them!
Jacksonville, FL: Jacksonville City Council President Anna Lopez Brosche said Monday she wants to relocate Confederate monuments from public property into "museums or other settings where they can be 'historically contextualized,'" according to the Florida Times-Union.
He became fascinated with the ways in which the photographs and artifacts carried history and meaning that were elastic and could be re-contextualized while maintaining so much of the original moment in which they were made.
This resulting quiet but satisfying novel about a long, hard summer expands her original raw, exquisite portrait of a girl in crisis into a broader examination of American adolescent anxiety and grief, contextualized by devastating global conflict.
I talked to many academy members that season whose vote was secured once they caught del Toro at a Q&A: They initially liked the film, but that deepened into love after the director passionately contextualized it.
The 41 "Brown Sisters" photographs form the spine of an extensive survey of Nixon's practice at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, each portrait contextualized with photos from different bodies of work taken in the same year.
Many of the objects, which were slated for an exhibition at the Holocaust Museum of Buenos Aires, had multiple misspellings in German, misused or wrongly contextualized National Socialist symbols, and errors in the names of Nazi-era institutions.
Like the disco keyboards juxtaposed against the scratchy punk guitars in "Stay Hungry," the Byrne character's sudden rush of desire is most striking when contextualized by songs on which he makes a show of buttoning his top button.
Our contextualized interpretation of the data suggests that the threat actor is likely APT10, or at the very least, a threat actor that shares, or wishes to emulate its methods by using the same tools, techniques, and motives.
She contextualized her sense of urgency today, vis-a-vis enforcing fair competition in the digital businesses sector, by pointing to the pace of growth in WhatsApp's business as an example of how quickly the landscape can change.
It pays the right amount of reverence to the source material and tells exactly the sort of story I like in 40K: important, but contextualized in the big, scary, slightly stupid universe Games Workshop has created for itself.
"It's probably inevitable — the process of 'normalizing' Hitler into just another tyrant, whose words are to be parsed and contextualized," said Ron Rosenbaum, the author of "Explaining Hitler," considered one of the definitive examinations of the Nazi dictator's mind.
By 11, the news desk posted an article by Mr. Choe and Mr. Sanger (who communicated on the phone and via email) that qualified, contextualized and explained North Korea's claim; the news hub soon sent out an updated alert.
Eager to get the information contextualized within the rest of the study, Ford soon hands over the pair's recording of the interview to their hired transcriber, but asks that he not report the unscripted comment made during the interview.
Assembled from lost and then rediscovered footage shot by Swedish news teams in the '60s and '70s, the wealth of unearthed material is contextualized with modern commentary and sharp editing, providing a helpful look at the black power movement.
But it has also broadened the audience for these behaviors from small, isolated, and socially contextualized groups of bored students to an entire contextless media ecosystem that also encompasses the internationally resurgent, internet-savvy, and sometimes lethally violent white nationalist right.
But this time it was contextualized in the conversation we're having now in 2019 -- one we're having largely because Warren made us, announcing right out of the gate her plan to impose a millionaires tax that would dramatically reorder the economy.
Then I remembered that I work in content, and that there isn't a single event in the history of the 22002st Century that hasn't been meticulously poured over, re-evaluated, re-appraised and re-contextualized by myself and my peers.
I wrote it so that Americans looking back on this period 10, 20, 50 years from now will have a contextualized, three-dimensional view of the cultural and political dynamics in the early 21st Century that invited Donald Trump's political ascent.
But let's be real, this fact-checking module isn't really all that useful—finding it requires clicking through to a submenu in a sidebar, and once the user's there the module's crowded with cut-off sentences and poorly contextualized information.
All four are contextualized here as part of a broader movement to bring fresh faces – women, people of color, and others who don't fit the usual mold – into American government, aided by organizations like Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress.
Many of the speakers stressed that the mass shooting in Orlando is not an isolated event when it comes to violence against the LGBT community, and contextualized what happened with the ongoing nationwide debate about gender and same-sex bathrooms.
It is a long set of readings that is framed and contextualized through a more progressive lens around the conflict of the region of the Middle East, instead of the more traditional and scriptural readings on the story of Passover.
It felt immediately and concretely useful — an assertion that's best contextualized by mentioning that most of the class legwork is completing daily "rewiring" tasks designed to build those research-backed habits into your life that will make you happier post-course.
Spiegel's response contextualized the product for me — and the road ahead for Snap — in a whole new way: Evan Spiegel: The way that I would think about it is in terms of the way that cameras overall have evolved over time.
West's comments about slavery being a "choice," therefore, need to be contextualized in a wider matrix: the idea that slavery was not that bad or that significant, and that its brutality was not sufficient in scale to, say, launch a catastrophic war.
Imagine if TIME had included the people who came forward about R Kelly As is so often the case with Swift, her appearance on the cover has kicked up a broader conversation that's contextualized within her personal history, celebrity image, and reputation.
Their work was included in the recently published Duke University Press book "Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Hawaii," a collection of essays, interviews and family histories about ethical and contextualized tourism in the islands edited by Hokulani K. Aikau and Vernadette Vicuña González.
In an op-ed for The New York Times earlier this month — titled "We're reading the coronavirus numbers wrong" — he wrote that even accurate, contextualized numbers and statistics aren't necessarily helpful because there are so many variables and unknowns about the coronavirus.
"Why isn't more art by Native Americans collected, contextualized and presented by major institutions like the Walker, the Whitney and MoMA?" artists and curators of Native American heritage asked last fall in a round-table discussion sponsored by the Walker Art Center.
Contextualized by the sensational stories of distracted teens being hit by cars, a girl finding a dead body, and implied government surveillance, the weariness in Kuczynski drawing is just as applicable to the game's presence in the news cycle as its own addictive qualities.
I agree with you that critics need to be knowledgeable and specific about their references to make those references hit home, but I hope you agree that if a comparison is apt and it's contextualized enough to make it meaningful, it's okay to use it.
Though Neery acknowledged that these shows "marked a paradigm shift in the way contemporary Armenian diaspora artistic practices are contextualized and exhibited globally," she wondered whether the shows were an extended memorial honoring the centennial of the genocide, or represented a true sea change?
It's both startling and hilarious, until the end, when he adds a set of melancholy keyboard chords that bring out the melody hidden in Ol' Dirty Bastard's ululations, and the song suddenly turns mournful; sonically contextualized thus, ODB could almost be an opera singer.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads PUEBLA, Mexico— The Arquetopia art residency has created unique decolonial and contextualized creative spaces for artists in Mexico and Peru, and now they've inaugurated a new gallery intended to challenge the status quo of Mexico City-centric art spaces in Mexico.
Take a broader look at culture: Critic's Notebook A decades-old column that can be found across the Arts pages, Critic's Notebook gives Times reviewers a chance to step back and take a broader, more contextualized look at a work and its cultural meaning and impact.
"Sift Security enhances Netskope's ability to uniquely gather and visualize the richest set of contextualized data on transactions across nearly all of the services provided by the Netskope Security Cloud — including transaction visibility, DLP (data loss prevention), threat protection, adaptive access control and anomaly detection," he explained.
I am not suggesting that Kagan is a racist (far from it), but, at the least, he should have contextualized Frank's essay in his introduction to the volume and highlighted it as an example of the virulent racism built into the foundation of the Classics field.
The memorial performances—by Pharoah Sanders, Henry Threadgill-Jason Moran, Geri Allen-Ravi Coltrane, Cecil Taylor, and Jack DeJohnette-Savion Glover, among others—were presumably more compelling in their contextualized moment than on their CD, although I couldn't get through enough of the DVD to make sure.
I felt a stunning empathy for these images of daily life, laid bare on the cold, smooth glass of a hulking electronic machine, contextualized by snippets of writing that dipped in and out of memory, metaphor, wit, and the kinds of fleeting thoughts one thinks but never utters aloud.
Though it wasn't quite at the scale of those thrilling episodes, it did showcase the same chaotic but coherent visual style, blending close-in flurries of choppy, spurty violence with longer shots to immerse viewers within the combat, and wider ones that keep things contextualized — and thus interesting — throughout.
Robert Reed, Galactic Journal: "Washington Park [Wash and Park]" (1999), acrylic/oil marker on canvas, 84 x 144 in (courtesy of the artist's estate)The contextualized meanings dramatized in Reed's paintings often need to be drawn out in this way, delicately — Reed was not a heavy-handed artist.
But Zinssner contextualized the piece in the then-modern era and came to a surprising conclusion: these novelties softened the edges of the scary stuff, and they were perfect alternatives for protest in a period when the Kent State shooting was still fresh on the minds of the public.
Meanwhile, even those who did cooperate with filmmakers — namely, former Cambridge Analytica business development director Brittany Kaiser, who exists as something between a whistleblower and an opportunist (and bizarrely appears in a luxurious swimming pool for much of her screen time) — are contextualized by the damning evidence of their accountability.
Compounding a de-contextualized reading of sacramental law, moreover, are the growing ignorance of church teaching on holy communion among Catholic faithful, a secular media happy to exploit internal conflicts in the church and not a few Catholic pundits eager to refashion church teaching and practice in their own image.
Instead of a WHO chatbot passively waiting to be asked questions, WhatsApp could actively message reluctant users in a certain geography predictively when a spike of cases is predicted in their area, contextualized against future fatalities already experienced in other countries, with locally personalized actions that would flatten the curve.
" Having seen the 2017 exhibition of Ms. Leibovitz's early body of work at the LUMA Foundation in Arles, France, Mr. Payot said he felt strongly that he wanted to bring that show to the United States, where Ms. Leibovitz deserved to be contextualized "with the greats of the century — painters, sculptors.
Saturday, March 230 Biometric Social Storytelling on Mt. Everest 210am-212pm CST, Four Seasons San Jacinto In May 21, legendary alpinists Cory Richards and Adrian Ballinger used Strava, the social network for athletes, to showcase their Everest attempt without supplemental oxygen through biometric data that contextualized the climb in an entirely new light.
But the Time report contextualized Avenatti's comments by noting that since the election of Donald Trump, the Democrats have embraced diversity even more than before: The Democrats have not been this powerless since the 1920s, and their members have responded by nominating a historic number of women and people of color for office.
The inclusion of specific racial and cultural dress like the caftan and sari are contextualized through a Western lens — the former accompanied by a photograph of Elizabeth Taylor during her caftan phase, the latter juxtaposed with a Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress — which, while showing the lineage of fashion design, also shortchanges the viewer's worldliness.
For instance, hypothetically, a piece of inflammatory or violent content that would typically be quickly contextualized or deemed newsworthy in the United States and parts of Europe might be allowed to remain on the platform, while it would be removed in other countries where it is more likely to be quickly decontextualized, weaponized, and reposted.
" While noting that platforms should still take down content that explicitly calls for violence, which also violates their terms of service, Braniff said, "There's some content that doesn't violate the terms of use, and so the question is, can you make sure that information is contextualized with videos before and after it on the feed?
The mostly chronological account of her career is filled out and contextualized with talking head commentary from art world heavyweights including Lucy Lippard, Richard Serra, Phyllida Barlow, and Nicholas Serota, as well as those closest to her, including her sister (and director of her estate), Helen Hesse Charash; her estranged husband, Tom Doyle; and her best friend, Rosie Goldman.
Popularly, it seemed like its birth had come as a direct response to the growth of piracy in the film and music industries, but what's interesting—and perhaps not properly contextualized—is that it existed for years prior to Napster, and had a technical component before the Digital Millennium Copyright Act gave it a legal component.
The report is contextualized with references to the cyberattacks that targeted top Democrats during the 2016 election—which US intelligence has attributed with high confidence to the Russian government—as well as a more recent controversy involving Moscow-based Kaspersky Labs, software from which federal agencies are no longer allowed to use, per a Department of Homeland Security mandate and, later, legislation signed by President Donald Trump.
But even so, turning Hitler into a comic character is difficult, because he comes freighted with so much emotional baggage — especially in film, where any attempts at funny Hitler imagery come pre-contextualized by hundreds of deeply emotional films about his effects on millions of lives, from soldiers and concentration camp victims to the citizens trying to get by under occupation or the disintegration of their homelands.
She added that the artwork, and the medical process that led to it, also re-contextualized all her projects that came before, among them "Terracotta Daughters," a riff on the famous sculpted Chinese army from the 3rd century B.C. In Ms. Nourry's 2012 version, her 108 clay soldiers are girls, based on real-life orphans, as a commentary on the gender imbalance in China's culture, where boys are traditionally more prized.
It helps, too, that she went back to school after Dexter Gordon's death, studied oral history for a summer at Columbia and got a master's degree in Africana studies at N.Y.U. "Sophisticated Giant" is a work of considerable sophistication, the first-person testimony of its subject employed with affectionate discipline, smartly contextualized and augmented by material from interviews Maxine Gordon conducted with the tenor saxophone masters Sonny Rollins and Jimmy Heath, the record producers Bruce Lundvall and Michael Cucsuna, and others.

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