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"conjunto" Definitions
  1. a kind of Mexican-American music that has been influenced by the music of German immigrants to Texas and that features the accordion in addition to Mexican elements

664 Sentences With "conjunto"

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Ambas tienen en conjunto 80 millones de seguidores en Instagram.
Cada máquina es tan individual como un conjunto de huellas dactilares.
El testimonio de todos los testigos, en su conjunto, fue arrollador.
Jerry González was also playing congas in the salsa ensemble Conjunto Libre.
Pero el mandatario aún tiene que diseñar un conjunto integral de políticas.
Ahora unen fuerzas para un inédito álbum conjunto, Oasis, que lanzaron esta madrugada.
La soledad, según hallazgos de los investigadores, implica su propio conjunto de riesgos de salud.
En el conjunto de España, el saldo de depósitos descendió en el mismo trimestre un 1,5 por ciento.
"El nuevo conjunto de corales estaba compuesto predominantemente por las especies más tolerantes al calor, las más robustas".
Some of Miami's strongest salsa bands like Conjunto Progreso share the stage here with more leftfield outfits like Palo!
Las multitudes que protestan no están guiadas por partidos ni por movimientos visibles, carecen de un conjunto claro de reivindicaciones.
O Pingo Doce e o Recheio registaram um EBITDA conjunto de 177 ME, 1 pct acima dos nove meses de 2016.
Las películas están diseñadas para satisfacer un conjunto específico de demandas y para ser variaciones de un número finito de temas.
Un conjunto de políticas y medidas estrictas implementadas en Estados Unidos y —recientemente— México, han dificultado mucho más la inmigración ilegal.
Los galardonados son la estadounidense Frances H. Arnold y —en conjunto— el estadounidense George P. Smith y el inglés Gregory P. Winter.
Con frecuencia utiliza elementos en pares, unidos para crear un conjunto, como en la elevada pero elegante obra "Juana de Arco", de 1987.
Macao, un conjunto de islas y territorio recuperado con una extensión de solo 30 kilómetros cuadrados, fue el primer asentamiento extranjero en China.
El gobierno de Donald Trump analiza un conjunto de nuevas políticas con el fin de desalentar a los centroamericanos que viajan hacia su territorio.
Para septiembre, el Comando Central de Estados Unidos y el Comando Conjunto de Operaciones Especiales fueron incorporados al proceso de planear una posible operación.
El Times hace poco visitó seis plantas de subcontratación que, en conjunto, pueden llegar a contratar a cientos de karigars, dependiendo de los pedidos.
Su esposo maneja la empresa de joyería De Grisogono a través de un conjunto impresionante de empresas fantasma en Luxemburgo, Malta y los Países Bajos.
Los últimos restos del aura pasan de la unidad al conjunto, de la ventana a la página web, de la singularidad artística al catálogo común.
Es parte de un conjunto de medidas radicales que tienen como objetivo reducir el flujo de familias migrantes desde el otro lado de la frontera.
Básicamente es un sistema de estaciones wifi múltiples que funcionan en conjunto para cubrir cada rincón de tu hogar con una conexión sólida de datos inalámbricos.
Como ciudadanos debemos observar y demandar que los avances de AMLO en la reducción de la desigualdad laboral se expandan a la economía en su conjunto.
Con frecuencia, el paso más sencillo es tomar un gran conjunto de información y publicar un análisis que demuestre una correlación entre un factor y un resultado.
Argumentan que políticas que primen el cobro de impuestos a los más ricos perjudicarán a la sociedad en su conjunto al reducir los incentivos para crear riqueza.
En conjunto, según señaló, confirmaron "mis peores temores y pesadillas" de que ciertos intereses privados se habían antepuesto a los objetivos de seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos.
Y para quienes se preguntan cómo y cuándo han achatado la curva de aumento de casos de coronavirus distintos países este conjunto de gráficos esclarece el panorama.
Cambiar de estrategia política no será sencillo, así como mantener el control de la Asamblea Nacional este mes requirió de un enorme esfuerzo y trabajo en conjunto.
Su gran logro llegó en 1966 cuando ganó un concurso para recrear un conjunto de frescos mayas extraordinariamente bien conservados que datan aproximadamente del año 790 d.
Elementos del grupo de élite de la marina estadounidense llegarán a Paraguay en marzo como parte de un programa de entrenamiento conjunto con la Agrupación Antinarcótica Paraguaya.
Pero, en conjunto, podrían llevar el espionaje de China a otro nivel, pues ayudan a que sus cámaras y programas se vuelvan más inteligentes y más sofisticados.
Van desde herramientas primitivas hasta pasta de dientes con ingredientes radiactivos y modelos tempranos de móviles que, aunque parezcan basura, en conjunto cuentan la historia de la ciudad.
Entre los que prometen que van a cerrar esa puerta está Alejandro Gertz Manero, el fiscal general de la república y autor principal del nuevo conjunto de reformas.
After moving to Havana in 1949, Mr. Armenteros made his recording debut on the song "Para Niñas y Señoras," with the singer René Alvarez's Conjunto Los Astros, that May.
Es significativo que el conjunto coral sea protagonista; por ejemplo, un segmento se enfoca de manera exclusiva y amorosa en el rostro de una de las cantantes del coro.
"Es lo mejor que le pudo haber pasado a este programa", dijeron David Benioff y D.B. Weiss, los creadores de la serie del momento en un correo electrónico conjunto.
Stevens afirmó en una entrevista que en su conjunto "las pruebas demuestran fehacientemente que la producción excesiva de C4-A conduce a una poda inadecuada durante esta fase crítica del desarrollo".
Tenemos un interactivo para colorear que te tendrá entretenido durante horas, consejos para calmar la ansiedad por el virus y un conjunto de recetas gratuitas para cocinar y quedarse en casa.
Ambas compañías acaban de presentar un proyecto conjunto que recomienda ciertas canciones según los porcentajes genéticos que arrojen tus resultados de, por ejemplo, genealogía andina, polinesia, germánica u otra [en inglés].
The New York Times recibió un conjunto de análisis en respuesta a preguntas sobre lo que había visto el departamento durante las manifestaciones de otoño en Sudamérica y después de ellas.
Por lo tanto, los pronosticadores usan la información que tienen a su disposición, además de toda su experiencia y el conjunto de las investigaciones científicas existentes, para inferir los vientos máximos sostenidos.
El legado de Moro sufrió otro golpe cuando The Intercept Brasil, un medio en línea, empezó a reportar en junio sobre un conjunto de mensajes de texto que habían intercambiado fiscales federales.
Un conjunto creciente de pruebas médicas sugiere que el estrés infantill está vinculado no sólo con un mayor riesgo de depresión y ansiedad en el adulto, sino también con una salud física deficiente.
Si no, tal vez podrías tomar clases con la especie Nasa poissoniana, una planta que florece en forma de estrella, originaria de los Andes peruanos, que tiene un conjunto de habilidades poco comunes.
El conjunto más reciente de reportes noticiosos apareció el mes pasado, los cuales se basaban en otro estudio que relaciona los refrescos —o gaseosas— dietéticos con un aumento en el riesgo de muerte prematura.
En la Nueva gramática de la lengua española se lee que, al hablar de un conjunto formado por hombres y mujeres, la referencia debe ser en masculino, lo que es conocido como masculino genérico.
Investigadores estatales ya trabajan para entender a qué se deben los problemas, en conjunto con la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) y los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC).
Pero la autonomía de esas crónicas contadas en voz alta importa menos —paradójicamente— que el conjunto que dibujan: una antología de alrededor de 150 historias emitidas desde 2012 con muchos autores pero una única personalidad.
Nuestro primer paso fue lanzar una Nueva Agenda Social con un conjunto de medidas muy concretas que abordan algunas de las principales preocupaciones cotidianas de los chilenos, dando alivio y mayor dignidad a sus vidas.
En sus servidores, Clearview almacena fotos que suben los investigadores —conocidas como "imágenes de sondas"—, es decir que podría acumular un conjunto de datos de una delicadeza extraordinaria sobre víctimas infantiles de abuso sexual y explotación.
El domingo 20 de enero de 2018, una turba irrumpió a la fuerza en un pequeño conjunto residencial en Ibarra, una ciudad ecuatoriana a dos horas de la frontera con Colombia, para desalojar a inmigrantes venezolanos.
Conforme el grafito se calienta, satura la estructura en forma de aro del metal y empieza a ascender dentro de un conjunto vertical de cilindros vacíos, cada uno de 0,025 milímetros de grosor, los nanotubos de carbono.
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, no ha trabajado con otros líderes para diseñar una respuesta en conjunto, y ha preferido promover su muro fronterizo que hacerle caso al asesoramiento científico de sus propios médicos expertos.
"Es en contra del Estado mexicano en su conjunto, contra el sector privado, contra los hombres que acosan, violan y matan y en contra de los hombres buenos que se quedan cruzados de brazos, sin hacer nada".
De acuerdo con una serie de diapositivas de apoyo, el 13 de febrero, los consultores presentaron a los funcionarios de ICE un conjunto de "iniciativas para mejorar la contratación de ICE y atender el decreto del ejecutivo".
El índice o coeficiente de Gini es la medida más usada para medir el grado de concentración de la riqueza: cuanto más alto más desigual y América Latina tiene, en conjunto, el Gini más alto del planeta.
A excepción de Venezuela, México y, hasta ayer, Bolivia, habían estado dominando los seguidores del Consenso de Washington, un conjunto de recomendaciones de políticas económicas respaldadas por Estados Unidos para los países desarrollados, en especial en América Latina.
Fuera de serie Esta no es una lista tradicional: es una antología de objetos que conforman, en conjunto, el retrato de una época que ha borrado los límites entre la alta cultura y, por ejemplo, una historia de Instagram.
Sin embargo, en el Met, donde Smartify ha cargado un conjunto limitado de imágenes, pasé una tarde frustrante mostrándole pinturas a la aplicación para que después no pudiera decirme ni siquiera los datos que podía leer en los textos murales.
Dos de sus cinco pizzerías, que en conjunto habían generado ganancias anuales de 50.000 a 100.000 dólares, perdieron hasta 40.000 dólares al año conforme los clientes que antes ordenaban directamente de Escape From New York se mudaban a las aplicaciones.
Dos de sus cinco pizzerías, que en conjunto habían generado ganancias anuales de 50.000 a 100.000 dólares, perdieron hasta 40.000 dólares al año conforme los clientes que antes ordenaban directamente de Escape From New York se mudaban a las aplicaciones.
El socialista Pedro Sánchez y el separatista Quim Torra, en su primer encuentro desde la llegada de ambos al cargo, prometieron abrir un diálogo para trabajar en conjunto temas socioeconómicos, un intento de destrabar la crisis por el independentismo de la región catalana.
Enseguida me respondió Fernando Benavides, el escritor y productor, matizando que, como autor, "te puedo decir que Fausto no se hubiera realizado sin su apoyo", pues "el trabajo se hizo en conjunto y en gran parte gracias a que Spotify creyó en mí".
Para el bien de México, y de Norteamérica en su conjunto, esa forma de comercio tiene que ser sustituida por empresas laboralmente éticas y por gobiernos que protegen y aplican las leyes que favorecen a los trabajadores, y no solo a las empresas.
Es decir, que las máquinas tradicionales de Mac y Windows iban a seguir existiendo pero, como sucede con los camiones grandes, solo serían útiles para un pequeño grupo de usuarios especializados en un conjunto menguante de tareas específicas y de alta potencia.
"O acordo de venda assinado prevê ainda um conjunto de opções de compra e venda, com condições já acordadas, que cobrem os restantes 25 pct, exercíveis num prazo até 5 anos, perfazendo um preço total para os 100 pct de 183 ME", referiu o banco.
I went for a long walk on one of the many trails before finding myself at the northern tip of the park and stumbling upon a free concert by the music ensemble Conjunto Alegre, part of a series of free concerts sponsored by the city.
Es innegable la violencia secular contra el pueblo gitano, tanto en los cuerpos como en las representaciones; pero los elementos romaníes que aparecen en la obra de Rosalía forman parte de un conjunto sincrético en que dialogan artísticamente con otros de procedencias muy distintas.
Esta tendencia se manifestó de manera cruda el domingo 20 de enero de 2019, cuando una turba irrumpió a la fuerza en un pequeño conjunto residencial de Ibarra, una ciudad ecuatoriana a dos horas de la frontera con Colombia, para desalojar a los inmigrantes venezolanos.
"O Estado Português e o Banco Santander Totta chegaram a um acordo para pôr fim aos litígios judiciais respeitantes a um conjunto de contratos de swaps de cobertura de taxa de juro celebrados com as empresas públicas de transportes", anunciou o Ministério das Finanças, em comunicado.
In the 1960s, Mr. Palmieri had — to some observers — the best Afro-Latin dance band in New York, Conjunto La Perfecta, which made powerful innovations in arrangement and instrumentation on the prevailing Latin dance-band sounds; he added more brass and more possibilities for improvising at length.
The group included several artists whose work explores race and culture in America, including the historian Isabel Wilkerson, a Pulitzer Prize-winning former New York Times journalist; the writer James McBride; the Texas conjunto musician Santiago Jiménez Jr.; and Luis Valdez, a playwright, actor, writer and director.
Un conjunto de investigaciones cada vez mayor ha revelado que nuestro organismo funciona de manera óptima cuando alineamos los patrones de alimentación con los ritmos circadianos: los ciclos naturales de 24 horas que le indican a nuestros cuerpos cuándo es el momento de levantarse, comer o dormir.
Los loros y algunas otras aves longevas comparten cambios en un conjunto de 344 genes que participarían en diversos procesos que influyen en la esperanza de vida, como la forma en que el cuerpo de las aves repara el ADN, afronta el cáncer o controla el crecimiento celular.
La IATA afirmó que, a fin de aumentar el porcentaje de reciclaje, se deberían replantear las normas que rigen el desperdicio de alimentos y bebidas a nivel internacional, mismas que implican un conjunto complejo de normas internacionales y específicas de cada país destinadas a evitar la diseminación de enfermedades.
La lenta velocidad a la que se mueve el huracán Dorian en su conjunto (que no debe confundirse con la velocidad de sus vientos, que por supuesto son muy rápidos), permite que se conduzca de manera más errática que si estuviera incrustado en una fuerte corriente de viento.
Sin embargo, hasta hace poco Irán ha preferido depender de su red de aliados militantes por toda la región, incluyendo a Hezbolá en Líbano, un conjunto de milicias iraquíes que ahora conforman las Fuerzas de Movilización Popular, los hutíes en Yemen y otros grupos por toda la zona.
Por eso es que, en conjunto con la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo, la Escuela de Negocios de Alibaba creó un programa de capacitación en comercio electrónico —la beca eFounders— para proporcionar a los jóvenes emprendedores africanos las habilidades necesarias para desarrollar negocios electrónicos prósperos.
En conjunto, estos casos han dejado un retrato nada halagador de la justicia argentina: ineficaz, con una sombría influencia de los servicios de inteligencia heredados de la dictadura y profundamente contaminada por los intereses políticos de los presidentes en turno, quienes han cambiado las versiones según su conveniencia.
La decisión del presidente Jimmy Morales y de su consejo de seguridad de prohibirle entrar al país al comisionado antiimpunidad Iván Velásquez, quien encabeza un organismo de combate a la corrupción en conjunto con la ONU y que ha pedido investigar al mandatario, fue llevada ayer ante la Corte de Constitucionalidad.
Llevó a cabo —en fin— un proyecto revolucionario: "La Biblioteca Hernandiana (como él deseaba que se llamara) no sería simplemente un edificio o un conjunto de libros, sino una máquina para extraer los escritos de toda la humanidad, un organismo adaptado a la vida en el nuevo mundo de la imprenta".
En el Pentágono, el secretario de Defensa, Mark Esper, y todos los integrantes del Estado Mayor Conjunto, encabezado por su presidente, el general Mark Milley, se reunieron en una sala de conferencias en el tercer piso y analizaron cómo mover tropas y familias en la región a ubicaciones más seguras.
Las autoridades chinas están uniendo tecnologías antiguas y de vanguardia —escáneres de celulares, cámaras de reconocimiento facial, bases de datos de rostros y huellas digitales y muchas otras— para crear herramientas exhaustivas de control autoritario, según un conjunto de políticas y bases de datos privadas analizadas por The New York Times.
"Usamos un gran conjunto de datos para la capacitación, le dimos clases y exámenes sorpresa para que pudiera empezar a aprender por sí sola lo que es el cáncer y lo que se convertirá, o no, en cáncer en el futuro", dijo Daniel Tse, director de proyectos en Google y uno de los investigadores.
Hay muchas consideraciones específicas en cuanto a los modales digitales: no respondas a todos cuando envíen un correo conjunto de la oficina; siempre obtén consentimiento antes de enviar una fotografía íntima; jamás dejes un mensaje de buzón de voz (un mensaje de texto muestra mucho más respeto para el tiempo de la otra persona).
"La manera en que lo hemos abordado no es escapando de nuestro pasado, sino más bien contándole al mundo que Ruanda no es solo una cosa, ni un suceso, ni una serie de sucesos; es una historia de las complejidades de la humanidad, si la gente trabaja en conjunto y es disciplinada", dijo Ntayombya.
La popularización del ocio vacacional siguió con el primer festival de cine de Mar del Plata y el centro Chapadmalal, un conjunto de hoteles para los hijos de los trabajadores que Perón, en una de esas provocaciones a las que era tan afecto, amplió con 650 hectáreas expropiadas a la oxidada y muy tradicional familia Martínez de Hoz.
Al pensar en las Bahamas a menudo las asociamos con hoteles todo incluido, cruceros y aguas turquesa, pero las islas que soportan lo peor del embate del huracán Dorian son un conjunto de asentamientos costeros que según los especialistas en el Caribe desmienten la industria idílica con la que prospera una gran parte de la economía de la mancomunidad.
"Existe un esfuerzo conjunto para intentar mandar a las personas que ICE considera detenidos a largo plazo a centros administrados por las oficinas de los alguaciles locales, donde las condiciones son pésimas", comentó Eunice Cho, abogada principal en la Unión Estadounidense por las Libertades Civiles que se dedica a asuntos relacionados con la detención de inmigrantes.
Apenas unas horas antes, el hospital había dicho que estaba luchando para salvarle la vida a Li. El 1 de febrero, The New York Times escribió sobre el doctor e informó sobre sus esfuerzos por alertar a sus colegas de un alarmante conjunto de casos de enfermedades similares al Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Grave (SARS por su sigla en inglés), un coronavirus previo que devastó a China hace casi dos décadas.
Los defensores de las víctimas están exigiendo la elaboración de un conjunto uniforme de leyes y políticas de tolerancia cero en todo el mundo, pero los funcionarios del Vaticano y otros líderes eclesiásticos advirtieron que la negación sobre el abuso en algunas partes del mundo y las barreras legales y culturales para identificar a los abusadores hacen que sea virtualmente imposible que la iglesia pueda conformar un estándar mundial.
Dos equipos de astrónomos y astrofísicos que se han abocado a estudiar la existencia de los agujeros negros, formaciones postuladas por Einstein cuya densidad y gravedad es tal que "deforman" el tiempo y el espacio alrededor suyo, afirman que en el centro de la Vía Láctea hay una versión supermasiva (su masa equivale a la de cuatro millones de soles) que esperan poder fotografiar en los próximos meses gracias a un nuevo conjunto de telescopios.
El presidente Jimmy Morales anunció hace un par de días el fin del mandato de la Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (Cicig), organismo establecido en conjunto con la ONU para investigar casos de corrupción, y remató ayer con una orden para que el encargado de ese organismo, el colombiano Iván Velásquez, no pueda reingresar al país después de su actual viaje a Washington con el argumento de que "atenta contra el orden y la seguridad pública".
"Lo exhortamos a proteger este programa crítico y a garantizar que la meta de admisiones de refugiados sea sólida, de conformidad con los precedentes que tienen décadas de antigüedad y de manera proporcional con las necesidades mundiales urgentes de hoy", escribieron los firmantes del ejército, entre quienes se encontraban el almirante William McRaven, el excomandante de Operaciones Especiales de Estados Unidos; el general Martin Dempsey, expresidente del Estado Mayor Conjunto de los Estados Unidos, y el teniente general Mark P. Hertling, excomandante general de las Fuerzas Armadas en Europa.
However, some authors argue that the Conjunto Kubavana, conducted by Alberto Ruiz, was the very first Cuban conjunto, founded around 1937.Ordoqui García, Joaquín. "El Conjunto Kubavana: Primer Conjunto Sonero de Cuba". Herencia Latina.
In addition there is an Orquesta Sinfonica Juvenil (Youth Symphony Orchestra), Banda Juvenil (Youth Band), Conjunto de Metales (Metal Ensemble), Conjunto de Cañas (Reeds Ensemble), Conjunto de Percusión (Percussion Ensemble), and Conjunto de Acordeones (Accordion Ensemble).
Cuban singer and pianist Janysett McPherson # Salsa Universal (B. Sundres / R. Quintero) \- Conjunto Massalia (Cuba-France) # Canto A Yemaya (J. McPherson) \- Conjunto Massalia # Partage (D. Gaspari) \- Conjunto Massalia # Alguien En Quien Confiar (J.
Its repertoire generally covered sones abajeños, sones arribeños, sones costeños and jarabes, and a wood box for dancing was widely used. Some groups have been caught performing popular music as well. This ensemble of strings is related with other ensembles of the region, like conjunto calentano, conjunto de arpa grande, conjunto de jaraberos and conjunto de son de tarima of the so-called Mexican son.
Tejano has various categories of music and bands. Three major categories are conjunto, orchestra/orquesta, and modern. A conjunto band is composed of accordion, bajo sexto, electric bass, and drums. Examples of conjunto bands are Esteban "Steve" Jordan, The Hometown Boys, and Jaime y Los Chamacos.
Conjunto de Arsenio Rodríguez ca. 1949. Martínez is the first from the right, crouching. Conjunto Chappottín in the 1950s. Martínez is the first from the left, standing.
He joined Arsenio Rodríguez's conjunto in 1945 after the departure of Rubén González. In 1950, after Rodríguez decided to continue his career in New York, the members of his conjunto that remained in Havana formed Conjunto Chappottín, with Félix Chappottín as leader and trumpeter, Lilí Martínez as pianist and arranger, and Miguelito Cuní as lead vocalist. Martínez left Conjunto Chappotín in 1958. In 1960 he married Coralia Camiño.
Esta estructura conectaba al sur con el conjunto B, de la misma altura. Es realmente una pequeña terraza que conectaba al sur con el conjunto D, aun no excavado.
Mexican conjunto music, also known as conjunto tejano, was born in south Texas at the end of the 19th century, after German settlers introduced the button accordion. The bajo sexto has come to accompany the button accordion and is integral to the conjunto sound. Many conjuntos are concentrated in the Southwestern portion of the United States, primarily in Texas and California. In Mexico, the term conjunto is associated with norteño and tejano music.
The historic centre is protected as a Conjunto histórico.
Later on, Davilita formed his own band, Conjunto La Plata.
By the early 1940s, Santamaría had become a master of the instrument, performing with the Lecuona Cuban Boys, Sonora Matancera, Conjunto Matamoros and Arsenio Rodríguez's "Conjunto Segundo" among others.Fernández p. 87. Arsenio had pioneered the conjunto format by incorporating a tumbadora (conga drum) into the rhythm section and having the bongosero double on cowbell. Arsenio's long-time bongosero was Antolín "Papa Kila" Suárez, who is often cited as one of the greatest of his time along with Pedro Mena of the Conjunto Matamoros.
Félix Chappottín (March 31, 1907 - December 21, 1983) was a Cuban trumpeter and bandleader. He was a member of three highly successful Cuban bands: Septeto Habanero, Arsenio Rodríguez's conjunto and Conjunto Chappottín, which he directed.
There is regional band music and conjunto (small musical group) music.
Conjunto Chappottín, also known as Chappottín y sus Estrellas, is a Cuban son conjunto from Havana. It was founded in 1950 by trumpeter Félix Chappottín, pianist Lilí Martínez, singer Miguelito Cuní and other members of Arsenio Rodríguez's conjunto, which was partially disbanded after his departure to the USA. Currently, the group is directed by Jesús Ángel Chappottín Coto, the grandson of Félix Chappottín.
The 1950s saw further innovation in the Mexican-Texan community, as electric guitars, drums, and elements of rock and jazz were added to conjunto. Valerio Longoria was the first major performer of conjunto, known for introducing Colombian cumbia and Mexican ranchera to conjunto bands. Later, Tony de la Rosa modernized the conjunto big bands by adding electric guitars, amplified bajo sexton and a drum kit and slowing down the frenetic dance rhythms of the style. In the mid-1950s, bandleader Isidro Lopez used an accordion in his band, thus beginning the evolution of Tejano music.
Conjunto de Arsenio Rodríguez 1949. Cuban conjunto music was developed in the 1940s by famous tres player Arsenio Rodríguez by adding several instruments (a piano, a tumbadora and various trumpets) to the typical son cubano ensemble, the septeto. Septetos consisted of a lead vocalist and guitar(s), double bass, bongó, maracas and trumpet. Even though the origins of the conjunto cubano can be traced to several sextetos and septetos of the 1920s, it wasn't until the 1940s when Arsenio Rodríguez expanded the Sexteto Bellamar that the conjunto was established.
Conjunto Atardecer is a Mexican Duranguense band considered to be "Los Número Uno Del Pasito Duranguense". Formed in Durango, Durango, Conjunto Atardecer is known for being one of many duranguense groups to actually be from the state of Durango.
He also contributed to recordings by Astor Silva and the Conjunto Ed Lincoln.
In January 2020, Conjunto Atardecer reunited and are recording and touring once again.
Conjunto de Arsenio Rodríguez ca. 1949. Chappottín is the second from the right, standing.
The overall 'feel' of the Rodríguez conjunto was more African than other Cuban conjuntos.
Lakes in the park have been designated a natural monument, the Conjunto Lacustre de Somiedo.
Conjunto Primavera is a Mexican Norteño-Sax band from Presidio, Texas Ojinaga, Chihuahua. In the 1990s and 2000s they became one of the most popular groups in the genre. Conjunto Primavera was formed on the first day of spring in 1978 by the saxophonist Juan Dominguez.[ Conjunto Primavera] at Allmusic They remained a local act for several years, but starting in 1980, they signed with an indie label, Joey Records, in San Antonio, Texas.
Not as obviously related to the polka as the four genres above, Mexican-American polka is called "conjunto". The conjunto sound originated from the Czech and German influence on Mexican- Americans in Texas and northern Mexico. Conjunto bands play some polkas, but their most popular musical form is the ranchera, a form similar to polka. The instrumentation involves a combination of accordion, bajo sexto (a Mexican twelve-string guitar), bass, and drums.
This Conjunto appear to also be a residential area, has defensive elements as dirt-stone fences.
In the mid-1950s, when Mexican ranchera was used in Hollywood film soundtracks and the upper-class enjoyed stately orquestas Tejanas and conjunto evolved into a distinctively Mexican-American genre called Tejano. Artists of this era include Esteban Jordan, Tony de la Rosa and El Conjunto Bernal.
When Armando Marroquin ended his relationship with Ideal Records around 1960, El Conjunto Bernal stayed with him and recorded for his new label, Nopal Records. Shortly thereafter, Conjunto Bernal relocated to McAllen, Texas, across the border from Mexico in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Bernal began working with Victor Gonzales and the two men founded Bego Records (the company name a combination of their two last names). The Bego years represent some of Conjunto Bernal’s most innovative work.
Rubén González is considered an innovator of the son cubano piano style. The genre's early ensembles (sextetos and septetos) lacked pianos, and these were introduced in the late 1930s by the first three conjuntos: Arsenio Rodríguez's conjunto, Alberto Ruiz's Conjunto Kubavana, and Conjunto Casino. González played in the former two, which made him a pioneer in the genre. Apart from the son, González had a profound knowledge of the danzón and his improvisations are characterized by harmonic subtleties.
The bairro contains the following villages: Conjunto Residencial Piratini, Núcleo Habitacional Tancredo Neves, Tancredo Neves, Vila Canaã.
Intocable (pictured) ties with Conjunto Primavera and Calibre 50 with the most number-one songs with 16.
Moreover, Lilí Martínez, another former member of Arsenio's conjunto, joined the band on piano. Johnny Pacheco named his label Fania Records, as well as its band the Fania All-Stars, after Estrellas de Chocolate's 1960 song "Fania". As of 2003, Conjunto Estrellas de Chocolate remained active in Cuba.
Manny Oquendo (January 1, 1931 - March 25, 2009) was an American percussionist of Puerto Rican ancestry. His main instruments were the timbales and the bongos. He was a long-time member of Eddie Palmieri's Conjunto La Perfecta, which he left in the 1970s to co-lead the Conjunto Libre.
The performers have included legends such as Flaco Jimenez, conjunto groups from around the world, and contemporary artists.
Eva Ybarra (born March 2, 1945) known as the "Queen of the Accordion", is a professional conjunto musician.
Texas was part of Mexico until the mid-19th century, after the Mexican–American War, and its Mexican-American inhabitants played a mixture of ranchera, bolero and polka music called conjunto. To some extent an American version of accordion-led Mexican música norteña, conjunto was popular throughout Mexican communities in Texas.
Enrique Raúl Planas Fernández (September 18, 1920 – February 28, 2001) was a popular Cuban singer and songwriter. He performed and recorded with many bands and musicians, including Carlos Barbería y su Orquesta Kubavana, Sonora Matancera, Celia Cruz, Conjunto Rumbavana, Conjunto Chappottín, Charanga Rubalcaba, Rubén González, and the Afro-Cuban All Stars.
Chappottín remained the leader of his conjunto until his death, which took place on December 21, 1983 in Havana.
The Conjunto is located in the lower part, there are various public and domestic areas as well as workshops.
Still known primarily for Tejano music and Heavy Metal, San Antonio throws the Tejano Conjunto Festival, an annual three- day event celebrating Conjunto music, the largest of its kind in the world. Many of the Conjunto legends lived and recorded here. Names like Valerio Longoria, Santiago Jimenez Sr. and Jr., Flaco Jimenez (who has recorded with everyone from Bob Dylan to the Rolling Stones), Steve Jordan and many others. San Antonio was also one of the major centers for Chicano Soul along with Los Angeles, California.
Key charanga flautist, bandleader and entrepreneur Johnny Pacheco switched from the charanga configuration to the conjunto in 1964. However, the first New York-based conjunto was Eddie Palmieri's "La Perfecta", which had its debut in 1962. These conjuntos would be crucial in the early development of the most successful Latin American music genre to date, salsa. Notably, the introduction of Puerto Rican music styles such as bomba and plena within the conjunto and Cuban music in general resulted in what is known today as salsa.
The Trío Matamoros played boleros and son. They toured all Latin America and Europe and recorded in New York. In 1940 Guillermo Portabales performed with the trio. Matamoros expanded the trio into a conjunto (Conjunto Matamoros) for a trip to Mexico and hired the young Beny Moré as singer from 1945 to 1947.
Conjunto calentano The son calentano is an instrumental form of music from the Tierra Caliente region, Mexico. It has meters in 3/4 and 6/8, an ornamented use of violin and back beats on guitar and tamborita. It is usually played by conjunto calentano ensembles and is traditionally performed with dancers.
The bairro contains the following villages: Conjunto Residencial João Rolim, Nonoai, Parque Residencial Jardim Tamanday, Parque Residencial Panorama, Vila Nonoai.
The leader, Gerardo Martínez then formed a new group, Conjunto Típico Habanero.John Santos in liner notes to Folklyric LP 9054.
It is likely that the gravel road at this conjunto was access for pilgrims to the sacred places at the site.
The protected area (conjunto histórico) has since been extended to include the rest of the historic centre. See this report on proposed urban development."Los ecologistas piden la retirada del Plan General porque 'lesiona terrenos protegidos del conjunto histórico" (in Spanish). However, in 2007 it was reported that the palace was in a poor state of conservation.
Pedro Ayala (June 29, 1911 – December 1, 1990), called "El Monarca del Acordeón", was a Mexican accordionist and songwriter from General Terán, Nuevo León, Mexico. Pedro Ayala was a pioneer of conjunto music with his distinctive accordion playing, receiving a National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts for his contribution to conjunto and folk music.
He later competed again and won first prize. He then landed his first stable job with the Conjunto Cauto led by Mozo Borgellá. He also sang with success on the radio station CMZ with Lázaro Cordero's Sexteto Fígaro. In 1941, he made his debut on Radio Mil Diez performing with the Conjunto Cauto, directed by Mozo Borgella.
The roots of Tejano and conjunto Martínez gave accordion playing a new virtuosity in the 1930s, when he adopted the two button row accordion. At the same time, he formed a group with Santiago Almeida, a bajo sexto player. Their new musical style known as conjunto soon became the popular music of the working- class Tejano.
KROB (1510 AM, The Conjunto Station) is a radio station broadcasting a Conjunto/Tejano music format. It is licensed to Robstown, Texas, United States, and serves the Corpus Christi area. The station is owned by Claro Communications, AKA B Communications Joint Venture. It also broadcasts on FM, using the K232DE translator on 94.3 in Corpus Christi.
With the widespread success of Tony de la Rosa's big band conjunto in the late 1950s, the style became more influenced by rock and pop. Esteban Jordan's wild, improvised style of accordion became popular, paving the way for the further success of El Conjunto Bernal. The Bernal brothers' band sold thousands of albums and used faster rhythms than before.
As the popularity of conjunto spread northward, the bajo sexto went with it, and the instrument was taken up by musicians in Northern Mexico and Texas to play other forms of music: norteño music of Northern Mexico and across the border in the music of South Texas known as "Tejano" (or Tex-Mex), "conjunto", or "música mexicana-tejana".
García 2006 p. 147. At the time, only two other conjuntos existed: Conjunto Casino and Alberto Ruiz's Conjunto Kubavana. This type of ensemble would replace the former septetos, although some such as the Septeto Nacional would perform on and off for years. Of all the conjuntos, Arsenio Rodríguez's became the most successful and critically acclaimed one during the 1940s.
On March 18, 1952, Rodríguez made his final recordings with his band for RCA Victor in Cuba.García 2006 p. 68. He finally left Havana on March 22, 1952, having handed the direction of the conjunto to trumpeter Félix Chappottín. Chappottín and the other remaining members, including pianist Lilí Martínez and singer Miguelito Cuní, formed Conjunto Chappottín.
The bairro contains the following villages: Conjunto Habitacional Santa Marta, Juscelino Kubitschek, Vila Caramelo, Vila Jóquei Clube, Vila Martelet, Vila Prado, Vila Rigão.
Many Duranguense groups were born here either members of the band or the band as a whole like Alacranes Musical and Conjunto Atardecer.
In the 1940s, after the disbandment of Carabina de Ases, Chappottín joined several conjuntos: América, Gloria Cubana, Anacaona (directed by Concepción Castro), Azul (directed by Chano Pozo), Los Jóvenes del Cayo and finally Arsenio Rodríguez's popular conjunto, in 1950. In 1950, Rodríguez decided to continue his career in New York and the members of his conjunto that remained in Havana founded Conjunto Chappottín, which was directed by Chappottín, with the arrangements of pianist Lilí Martínez and featuring Miguelito Cuní on lead vocals. The band became one of the most popular conjuntos of the 1950s with hits such as "Alto Songo".
While he remained close to his traditional conjunto roots, he never limited himself musically. More than any other accordionist, Jordan pushed the diatonic accordion to its limits, both musically and physically, playing traditional conjunto, rock, jazz, salsa, zydeco and more. Jordan kept abreast of technological developments, using devices such as phase shifters, fuzzboxes, Echoplexes, for which he named a song, "La Polka Plex",La Polka Plex, Polkas Huapangos Y Redovas, Steve Jordan, 2006. Hacienda Records and synthesizers, and was one of the few conjunto musicians to weave styles such as fusion jazz and rock into his music.
The Tejano Music Award for Album of the Year – Conjunto (formerly the Tejano Music Award for Album of the Year – Conjunto/Traditional from the 11th and 12th awards ceremony) is an honor presented annually by the Texas Talent Musicians Association (TTMA). Musicians nominated for this category are performers of the conjunto style of Tejano music. Current holder, the Hometown Boys are tied with David Lee Garza for most wins at five. While Elida Reyna remains the only female musician to have won the award, Linda Escobar has been the most nominated female singer with three nominations.
It was not until the 1940s, however, that musica norteña became popularized by female duets like Carmen y Laura and Las Hermanas Mendoza, who had a string of regional hits. The following decade saw the rise of Chelo Silva, known as the "Queen of the (Mexican) Bolero", who sang romantic pop songs. The 1950s saw further innovation in the Mexican-Texan community, as electric guitars, drums and elements of rock and jazz were added to conjunto. Valeria Longoria was the first major performer of conjunto, known for introducing Colombian cumbia and Mexican ranchera to conjunto bands.
The 1930s saw the rise of conjunto music and the instruments of choice for this developing style were accordion and bajo sexto. The Texas-Mexican Conjunto At this time the bajo sexto functioned primarily as a bass instrument, providing a strong rhythmic foundation supporting the solo accordion. In the late 1940s, string bass (and later, electric bass) was added to the instruments, and in the 1950s, drums, completing the modern conjunto ensemble. The inclusion of bass and drums freed the bajo sexto from exclusively rhythmic bass duties, and bajo players began experimenting with chords, counter rhythms, and melodic lines.
Luis Martínez Griñán (19 August 1915 - 26 August 1990), better known as Lilí Martínez, was a Cuban pianist, arranger and composer specializing in the son montuno style. He played in the Conjunto de Arsenio Rodríguez and Conjunto Chappottín. Together with Rubén González and Peruchín, he is said to have "forged the style of modem Cuban piano playing in the 1940s".
Ciro Rodríguez, of the famed Trío Matamoros, heard Moré singing in the bar El Temple and was greatly impressed. In 1942, Conjunto Matamoros was engaged for a live performance for Radio Mil Diez. However, Miguel Matamoros was indisposed and asked Mozo Borgellá, to lend him a singer. Borgellá sent Moré, who worked for several years with Conjunto Matamoros, making a number of recordings.
The Chilean Joint Peacekeeping Operations Centre (Spanish: Centro Conjunto para Operaciones de Paz de Chile), also known as CECOPAC (Centro Conjunto para Operaciones de Paz de Chile) is a peacekeeping force led by Chile. It was the Chilean aid to the United Nations. Led by Colonel Valentín Segura, the force was pre-set in many situations, including parts of the Afghanistan War.
Conjunto of Arsenio Rodríguez Arsenio Rodríguez, one of Cuba's most famous tres players and conjunto leaders, emphasised the son's African roots by adapting the guaguancó style, and by adding a cowbell and conga to the rhythm section. He also expanded the role of the tres as a solo instrument.Orovio, Helio: Cuban music from A to Z. Tumi Music Ltd. Bath, U.K., 2004, p.
In July 2016 the area around the lake became an UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the Pampulha Modern Ensemble (Conjunto Arquitetônico da Pampulha).
The city was declared Conjunto Histórico-Artístico ("Historic Artistic Junction") in 1983. In 2001 UNESCO listed the Aranjuez Cultural landscape as a World Heritage Site.
The bairro contains the following villages: Conjunto Residencial Diácono João Luiz Pozzobon, Jardim Berleze, João Luiz Pozzobon, Loteamento Paróquia das Dores, Vila Cerrito, Vila Maringá.
Narciso "El Huracan del Valle" Martinez, known as the "Father of Conjunto Music", defined the accordion's role in conjunto music. Central to the evolution of early Tejano music was the blend of traditional forms such as the corrido and mariachi, and Continental European styles, such as polka introduced by German, Polish, and Czech settlers in the late 19th century.German Roots of Mexican Music, Accessed July 2006.
Estrellas de Chocolate is a Cuban son conjunto founded by conguero Félix "Chocolate" Alfonso in 1959. Its original lineup featured Niño Rivera (tres), Agustín Cabrera (vocals, guitar), David Palomares (piano), Armando Albertini "El Gorila" (trumpet), "Chino" León Lahera (lead vocals), Arístides Valmaseda (lead vocals), Filiberto Hernández (vocals), Sergio de Cuba (double bass) and Pichi (bongo). Albertini and Palomares directed the band, while Rivera was responsible for the arrangements. The style of the group was largely inspired by previous conjuntos such as Arsenio Rodríguez's (of which Alfonso had been a member between 1945 and 1950), Conjunto Chappottín (also a spin-off of Arsenio's) and Conjunto Casino.
The monastery passed into private hands in the 19th century. In June 1931 its ruins were declared a monumento histórico–artístico, nowadays called a conjunto histórico.
Retrieved 5 February 2014. It also has a Conjunto de Tiples (Treble Ensemble), led by professor Héctor Hernández.Comunicado de Prensa. Noticias Sur P.R. 7 September 2012.
Among the groups with which Loyola worked were the Conjunto Tradicional de Sones Los Naranjos, the Ritmica 39 and his own band, The Efrain Loyola Orchestra.
Armando Sánchez y Su Conjunto Son de la Loma. Así empezó la cosa. Liner notes in English and Spanish attributed to John B. González. Recorded in 1978.
Tejano acts Selena and La Mafia, Mexican bands Banda el Recodo, Bronco, Conjunto Primavera, and singer-songwriters Pepe Aguilar and Juan Gabriel, won the award twice each.
Celia Cruz succeeded Myrta Silva in 1950, performing and recording with the conjunto until 1965. Fans of the cooperative at first did not accept Celia as a worthy replacement for Myrta, but by 1951 she had won the audience over. In 1962, she married second trumpeter Pedro Knight, who later became her "protector, manager, and musical director". Cruz's first recording with the conjunto was made on December 15, 1950.
These are generally regarded as the earliest known recordings of conjunto music. The duo would record extensively for Bluebird, releasing some 60 additional singles for the label between 1935 and 1938. The pair's popularity grew as a result, and they performed extensively, both live in South Texas and on record as backing musicians for conjunto singers. In the 1940s, the pair continued to record for Ideal Records and Disco de Oro.
The band was renamed Félix Chappottín y su Conjunto Todos Estrellas. Felix Chappottín directed the band successfully until the year of his death in 1983. From 1983 until the 1990s his son Angel Chappottín Valdes was musical director. Since then, the grandson of Felix Chappottín, Jesús Ángel Chappottín Coto, has directed the Conjunto Chappottín together Miguelito Cuni Jr., singer, percussionist and son of the former lead singer Miguelito Cuní.
Humberto Cané (1918-2000) was a Cuban musician who played an influential role in the Latin American music scene in Havana, Mexico City and Los Angeles. He was born in Matanzas, Cuba in 1918. His father was Valentin Cané, the founder of the well-known musical group Sonora Matancera, where Humberto played the tres guitar. He later played with other groups such as Conjunto Azul and Conjunto Camacho.
The traditional conjunto format consists of congas, bongos, bass, piano, tres, a horn section, and the smaller hand-held percussion instruments: claves, guíro, or maracas, played by the singers. The Cuban horn section traditionally consists of trumpets, but trombones are frequently used in salsa. The section can also use a combination of different horns. Most salsa bands are based on the conjunto model, but the tres is almost never used.
Fringed leather jackets called cueras and outfit for dancing to huapangos and sones from Tamaulipas displayed at the Museo de Arte Popular in Mexico City The huapango norteño is a fast dance piece in . This dance style and rhythm was included in early conjunto norteño. It is performed by conjunto norteño (northern groups). The instrumentation of this type of ensemble consists of accordion, bajo sexto, double bass, drums and saxophone.
Throughout the 1940s, the Conjunto Típico Habanero would remain linked to the Septeto Habanero, as Martínez made recordings with the Septeto in the mid 1940s (there were sessions in 1945, 1946 and 1948). After the death of Martínez in 1958, the Septeto Habanero incorporated a tumbadora, güiro and another trumpet under the direction of Manolo Furé (in the band since 1952), changing its name to Conjunto Típico Habanero.
Salsoul Records, SAL-4115. Salsa Series. Mericana Record Corp. He was also the pianist and musical director on the first album made by Armando Sánchez and his conjunto.
Pianist, conductor, arranger, composer. Born In October 1939, Havana. Studied piano at the Havana Municipal Conservatory. In 1954 Pichardo joined the band Conjunto Casino Juvenil as a pianist.
Texas Tornados is a Tejano band. Its music is a fusion of conjunto (German and Norteño Mexican fusion music of Texas) with rock, country, and various Mexican styles.
Retrieved 28 June 2009. and Vietnam"Presidentes do Brasil e Vietnã realiza 'Comunicado Conjunto' para cooperação para o desenvolvimento econômico e social", Fator Brasil. Retrieved 28 June 2009.
Dámaso Pérez Prado (later, in the 1950s, famous as El Rey del Mambo) was the group's first pianist and one of its earliest arrangers from 1936 to 1939. Severino "Refresquito" Ramos was the primary arranger, as well as pianist, from 1939 (but especially since 1942) to 1944 and, as such, principal architect of the sonic identity of this conjunto. After 1944, he limited himself to arranging and composing. In this decade, La Sonora Matancera faced strong competition from such ensembles as Sexteto Guarina, Juventud Habanera de Joseíto Fernández, Sexteto Nacional de Ignacio Piñeiro, Sexteto Segundo Nacional, Trío Matamoros, Sexteto Casino (it would later become a conjunto), Sexteto María Teresa Vera, Conjunto Kubavana, Belisario López, and Orquesta Antonio María Romeu.
In lower slopes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, for example the Spanish-speaking village of Atánquez, similar flutes are called carrizos from the name of the cane from which they are made, and the ensemble is thus named conjunto de carrizos. This conjunto accompanies the dance chicote, a circle dance in which men and women alternate, placing their arms on each other's shoulders. On the coastal plain, for example the town of San Jacinto, Bolívar, an ensemble known as the conjunto de gaitas commonly provides the music for the cumbia, porro, and other folk styles such as vallenato. This ensemble consists of two duct flutes (gaitas), a maraca, and two hand-beaten drums of African descent.
Banco Palmas is a Brazilian community bank founded in 1998 in Conjunto Palmeiras, a neighborhood of 32,000 inhabitants located in the suburbs of Fortaleza - Ceará, Brazil operating under the principle of the "Solidarity Socio-Economy." Banco Palmas It is the first of currently 52 similarly structured community banks - also known as "community development banks" (CDBs) - throughout Brazil. It is managed locally by the Association of Residents of Conjunto Palmeira (Associação dos Moradores do Conjunto Palmeira), known by its acronym ASMOCONP, the staff of which is mostly volunteer. Its mission is to implement programs and projects for work and income generation using solidarity economy systems primarily focused on overcoming urban and rural poverty.
The Tejano Music Award for Album of the Year – Norteño (formerly the Tejano Music Award for Album of the Year – Conjunto Norteño) is an honor presented annually by the Texas Talent Musicians Association (TTMA). The award was established during the rise of norteño music in the early 2000s decade. Musicians who were performers of conjunto music were also nominated for the award when it was first given out at the 24th awards ceremony, and were no longer eligible to be nominated after the TMA brought back the Tejano Music Award for Album of the Year – Conjunto at the 27th awards ceremony. Current holder, Siggno holds the record with most wins at two.
Although González's first confirmed recordings with Arsenio's conjunto are dated to July 5, 1945, earlier recordings might feature him, since Panacea's last confirmed recording session took place on November 16, 1943; these recordings were all released by RCA Victor. In 1945, he left the conjunto--and was replaced by Lilí Martínez--to go to Panama with the ensemble Estrellas Negras, comprising mostly ex-Rodríguez musicians. With the Estrellas Negras, González toured most of South America--from Mexico City to Buenos Aires--and, on his return to Cuba, he joined the Conjunto Kubavana directed by Alberto Ruiz. He also performed with the Orquesta Los Hermanos Castro which, at one time, featured Mongo Santamaría.
It was the first event of national stature to present the blues, Cajun music, a polka band, a Tex-Mex conjunto, a Sacred Harp ensemble, Peking opera, and others.
Together with Orquesta Melodías del 40, the Maravillas and Arsenio's conjunto were known as Los Tres Grandes (The Big Three), drawing the largest audiences wherever they played. These vibrant times in Havana were described by pianist Rubén González, who played in Arsenio's conjunto, as "an era of real musical life in Cuba, when there was very little money to earn, but everyone played because they really wanted to".Buena Vista Social Club. Musicians Biographies.
The Conjunto Urbano Nonoalco Tlatelolco (officially Conjunto Urbano Presidente López Mateos) is the largest apartment complex in Mexico, and second largest in North America, after New York's Co-op City. The complex is located in the Cuauhtémoc borough of Mexico City. It was built in the 1960s by architect Mario Pani. Originally, the complex had 102 apartment buildings, with its own schools, hospitals, stores and more, to make it a city within a city.
In 1965 Cid dropped out of school, never finishing the first year of Law School at the University of Coimbra (FDUC). In the city of Coimbra in created the musical group Conjunto Orfeão with José Niza, Proença de Carvalho and Rui Ressurreição. Cid went to Lisbon in 1965, to attend the National Institute of Physical Education (INEF). One of his colleagues at INEF was the brother of Michel, a member of the band Conjunto Mistério.
Since tejano was bred out of norteño music originally, this association is not entirely false. However, due to various cultural and socioeconomic developments in the 1900s, norteño musicians began trailblazing the tejano genre as a tangent to conjunto. In the United States and Mexico, a conjunto band is composed of four main instruments: the button accordion, the bajo sexto, an electric bass, and a drum set. They are popular in northern Mexico and southern Texas.
The conjunto contrasted with ballroom orchestras, the charangas, orquestas and danzoneras that were made popular by bandleaders such as Antonio Arcaño. Conjunto music was crucial in the early development of salsa. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Puerto Rican music scene in New York City revolved around charangas such as Charlie Palmieri's Duboney Orchestra. Their music was largely based on Cuban styles such as mambo, chachachá and, most importantly, pachanga.
Arsenio's group also helped break the barriers of race, which particularly affected bongoseros. For example, the Orquesta Casino de la Playa did not allow their black bongosero Ramón Castro to perform on stage, nor was Arsenio allowed on the tres. The Casino de la Playa would also feature bongosero Cándido Requena, who later joined the Conjunto Kubavana and Conjunto Niágara, and became one of Cuba's foremost makers of bongos and tumbadoras.Fernández pp. 101–102.
The site consists of five major groupings of buildings called “conjuntos” labeled A, B, C, D, and E. Conjunto D is more commonly referred to as the Plaza del Serpiente (Plaza of the Serpent). Conjunto E is more commonly referred to as the ball court area. Buildings within each of the conjuntos are denoted with numbers, such as 1A, 1B, etc. The archeological site has more than forty excavated and at least partially restored monuments.
The Shopping Conjunto Nacional (Joint National Mall), sometimes called CNB (Conjunto Nacional Brasília) is the first shopping center in Brasília, and the second mall to be built in Brazil. It was opened in 1971 and is located near the bus station in the Central Zone of Brasília. It is the largest mall in the Federal District and is among the top 30 of Brazil, with 320 stores and 118,100 square meters built.
During this period and into the 1970s, Planas sang on many hits, such as "Te invito un momento" and "Te traigo mi son cubano". In 1982, he joined the Conjunto Tropicuba, sharing vocals at one point with Felix Baloy, and then the Conjunto Chappottín. Later on, he became a member of the Rubalcaba Orchestra. As a solo artist he released his first solo album, Señor del son, in the 1980s through Siboney.
Rivera's career improved due to the success of his compositions, especially "El jamaiquino", which he wrote in 1944. In 1949, Rivera became the arranger for Cuba's most successful conjunto, Roberto Espí's Conjunto Casino. In 1956 he traveled to Mexico, where he worked mainly as an arranger. In 1957 he recorded the third Cuban Jam Session for Panart, which included a series of descargas combining son montuno, swing, guajira, chachachá, guaguancó and conga.
Santiago Almeida (born July 25, 1911, Skidmore, Texas, died July 8, 1999, Sunnyside, Washington) was a Texas musician influential in the development of the musical genres of tejano and conjunto.
2.Conjunto Borrego bid farewell to Salute-The Music Beat posted 7-20-2012 blog 3.Jesse Borrego-Fame Forever/Kids From Fame 4\.
For all three parts of Ultima Lucha Dos the commentators were Matt Striker and Vampiro, the ring announcer was Melissa Santos, and El Conjunto Nueva Ola was the musical guest.
Annual Teatro supports a Viva Seguin Conjunto Festival, Noche De Gala Mariachi Singers Competition, Recital that showcases the talent of the Seguin community through folklorico dancing, mariachi playing and singing.
Later that year Aníbal Troilo died and Piazzolla composed the Suite Troileana in his memory, a work in four parts, which he recorded with the Conjunto Electronico. At this time Piazzolla started a collaboration with the singer Jose A. Trelles with whom he made a number of recordings. In December 1976 he played at a concert at the Teatro Gran Rex in Buenos Aires, where he presented his work, “500 motivaciones”, written especially for the Conjunto Electronico, and in 1977 he played another memorable concert at the Olympia in Paris, with a new formation of the Conjunto Electronico. In 1978 he formed his second Quintet, with which he would tour the world for 11 years, and would make him world-renowned.
He returned to New York City in 1977. He began his career there six years later with the Conjunto Nativo. He also performed with other groups, including the orchestra of Rafael de Jesús, with José Alberto "El Canario", with Johnny Rodriguez and the Conjunto Clásico. In 1985 he replaced Roberto Lugo in the orchestra of Luis "Perico" Ortiz with whom he recorded four albums, including La vida en broma (1985), In Tradition (1986) and Perico (1987).
Roberto Faz Monzón (September 18, 1914 - April 26, 1966) was a Cuban singer who reached the height of his popularity during the 1950s and early 1960s. Like his contemporary Benny Moré, he specialized in many forms of Cuban music such as son, guaracha and bolero. He was a member of the Conjunto Kubavana for three years before joining the Conjunto Casino in 1944. At the Casino he sang alongside Agustín Ribot and Roberto Espí, achieving great success.
Conjunto C is a small group of buildings just behind to west of the Jaguar relief and the main stairs entering the city. This area contains some of the oldest exposed structures at the site. On the Serpent Base looking east over the Plaza The Plaza de la Serpiente (Conjunto D) is located in the western part of the excavated area. The largest structure here is the Serpent Base which measures 120 m long by 40 m wide.
Between 1955 and 1957 he had his own conjunto, Los Salseros, with whom he recorded a couple of albums for Panart (reissued by EGREM). He also made appearances in a number of Mexican movies, including Cuñado los hijos se van (1941), Chucho el remendado (1951) and Mujeres del teatro (1951). In 1957, he traveled to Venezuela and on his return rejoined Orquesta Sensación. In 1958, he left the group and formed another conjunto for more recordings.
It was registered as a monument of cultural interest by the Cabildo de Tenerife in 2010, and is part of a group listing (conjunto historico) of properties of cultural interest in Garachico.
Los Hermanos Ayala was an American conjunto group from South Texas. Sons to Pedro Ayala El Monarca del Acordeon, Los Hermanos Ayala consisted of Pedro Ayala Jr., Ramon Ayala, and Emilio Ayala.
Joseíto González (November 1, 1940 - April 3, 1997) was a Cuban pianist and director of Conjunto Rumbavana. He was a teacher of Adalberto Álvarez and a member of the late Orquesta Riverside.
This bongo bell role was introduced in the son conjunto of Arsenio Rodríguez. Pattern 5 is the basic bongo bell pattern. Cuban bongo bell pattern, with 2-3 son clave above.Waxer, Lise (2002).
"Chocolate" Armenteros on trumpet. Between 1973 and 1977, the brass section comprised six different trumpeters. The most prominent was Alfredo "Chocolate" Armenteros, a former member of Arsenio Rodríguez's seminal conjunto in the 1940s.
The town has been affected by its main economic activity: the industrial sector. It is also renowned for its rich architectural heritage, being listed as a Conjunto histórico by the Ministry of Culture.
It is part of Conjunto Gotas, has been released and consolidated one 100 percent. Has a 5,000 square meters extension, consists of four platforms, the east and north have the most important structures.
"¡Basta Ya!" was released as the first single from Regional Mexican band Conjunto Primavera's 2007 studio album El Amor Que Nunca Fue. While the original version was a ballad, Conjunto Primavera made their version of the song a ranchera. The single reached number-one, making it the second time in the history of Hot Latin Tracks that a song has reached number-one by two different musical acts. The two musicians had also made a duet on the Mexican version of "Desilusioname".
Bongos. Salsa ensembles are typically based on one of two different Cuban instrument formats, either the horn-based son conjunto or the string-based charanga. In the 30's, Arsenio Rodríguez added a second, and then, third trumpetthe birth of the Latin horn section. He made the bold move of adding the conga drum, the quintessential Afro-Cuban instrument. Some bands are expanded to the size of a mambo big band, but they can be thought of as an enlarged conjunto.
Papi Oviedo was born Gilberto Oviedo La Portilla in 1938, son of tres player Isaac Oviedo (1902–1992). Papi Oviedo began playing tres in 1952 and worked his way up through local bands to be the primary tres player for singer Orlando Contreras. Between 1957 and 1969, he was the featured tresero for Conjunto Tipico Habanero, Conjunto Chappottín and Estrellas de Chocolate. Between 1980 and 1995, he teamed up with Elio Revé in a re-formed version of charanga outfit Orquesta Revé.
One other personnel change occurred this year. Elpidio Vázquez, a son of Bubú, replaced him on contrabass. The conjunto made its first overseas tour in 1955. It performed in Panama, Colombia, and Costa Rica.
Dejando Huella (Eng.: Leaving a Mark) is the title of a compilation album by Mexican Norteño-Sax band Conjunto Primavera. This album became their third number-one set on the Billboard Top Latin Albums.
Ignacio Galindo (born March 1, 1959), best known by his stage name, Nacho Galindo is a Mexican Christian singer that rose to fame as the lead vocalist of the Regional Mexican band, Conjunto Primavera.
In 1956 he left the Casino to establish his own conjunto, where he sang with Orlando Reyes and Roeangel Rodríguez "Rolito". He continued to tour and record with his band until his death in 1966.
Santos is specially remembered because he developed an innovative way to perform the merengue with guitars, in opposition to the traditional way of the conjunto tipico or the combos(another popular urban style of orchestra).
There is also a Conjunto de Cuerdas Punteadas (Plucked Strings Ensemble).Presentan Poemario “El Paso de Una Hoja Seca” de María del Rosario “Cuqui” Caraballo. Noticias Sur P.R. 31 July 2012. Retrieved 5 February 2014.
A conjunto de arpa grande is a type of Mexican folk ensemble. Often it consists of diatonic harp, Mexican vihuela, guitar and two violins. Its repertory covers planeco music: sones planecos in and , and rancheras.
Los Texmaniacs is a conjunto band created by Max Baca in 1997. Baca wanted to create a band that incorporated elements from genres such as Rock & Roll and Jazz while still honoring the roots of conjunto Tejano. In 2010 Los Texmaniacs won a Grammy Award for Tejano Album of The Year "Borders y Bailes". Members of Los Texmaniacs have changed over the years but current members include Max Baca on bajo sexto, Josh Baca on accordion, Noel Hernandez on electric bass, and Lorenzo Martínez on the drums.
The music itself is a blending of traditional Mexican- Spanish, German and Czech rhythms and styles. The musical fusion had been evolving since the 19th century, but really began to flourish along the borderlands of Texas and northern Mexico in the early 20th century. Her group was sometimes considered in the genre of Texas-Mexican conjunto, an accordion- centered musical style she helped popularize. In 1984, she was inducted into the Tejano Music Hall of Fame, and in 1991, into the Conjunto Music Hall of Fame.
During the Spanish Civil War, Potes was hit by a fire caused by the Republican side that destroyed the old town, it was rebuilt afterwards. The old town was classified as a Conjunto Histórico in 1983.
Alberto Cobos Periañez is a Spanish paleontologist. He works in Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis, in Teruel, Spain. He is one of the discoverers of Turiasaurus riodevensis, together with Rafael Royo-Torres and Luis Alcalá.
Dr. Rafael Royo-Torres is a Spanish Paleontologist. He works in Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis, in Teruel, Spain. He is one of the discoverers of Turiasaurus riodevensis, together with Luis Alcalá and Alberto Cobos.
Both groups blend their harmonies and vocals to create a song that made history in the genre and its promotion and was accompanied with a video made in the city of Los Angeles, CA And now, for the year 2012, Conjunto Atardecer comes with more force than ever with their new album "De Mil Maneras... Sin Limites" (A Thousand Ways ... No Limits) and her new hit "Te Vere Como Me Ves" (I'll See You as How You See Me) after three days of its release it have been placed as number one selling, Conjunto Atardecer maintained this place for three consecutive weeks, and their last two productions that have as a result be the most successful group Duranguense movement. The Billboard list have confirmed they will always remain the "Numero Uno Del Pasito Duranguense". In January 2017, Conjunto Atardecer’s lead vocalist, Heraclio Cepeda announced on the group’s Facebook page via live video that the group was breaking up at the end of February of that year. He was to start a Norteño-Sax band called “H Norteña” and said that Conjunto Atardecer was splitting on good terms.
Dinópolis has an active research team, called Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis or just Fundación Dinópolis. One of the achievements of this team has been the description of Turiasaurus riodevensis by Royo-Torres, Cobos & Alcala, 2006.
A conjunto huasteco is a type of Mexican folk ensemble. Often it consists of guitarra huapanguera, jarana huasteca and violin, but can also have other violins and guitars. Its repertory covers sones huastecos in and , and rancheras.
This type of Mexican music has derived from singers like Los Relámpagos del Norte, Ramon Ayala, Los Tigres del Norte, Los Tucanes de Tijuana, Polo Urías, Conjunto Primavera, Narciso Martínez, El Potro de Sinaloa, and Calibre 50.
At the time of the recording, Arsenio's conjunto was beginning to make recordings, with a rather variable lineup. With the incorporation of Lilí Martínez (1945) and later Félix Chappottín (1950), the conjunto reached its peak of success and maturity. However, records such as "Sandunguera" have been highlighted as early examples of Arsenio's trademark syle of interlocking rhythms and sudden tempo changes. Describing the original recording, Ned Sublette emphasized how the pianist, Adolfo "Panacea" O'Reilly, "drops into bell-like quarter-note octaves on the piano to lock in with the cowbell".
In the next decade he would play with dozens of groups, finding it hard to establish himself as the core member of any orchestra due to his personal convictions and rivalries with other musicians. He played with Conjunto Sensación, and unlike all the other members, refused to join Johnny Pacheco's band after the break-up of the group in 1966. After dissolution of the Conjunto Sensación, Rodríguez played Vicentico Valdés before joining Willie Rosario's group for one year. In 1968 he joined Joe Cuba's group for two years.
Images of Conjunto Palmeira in the 1970s The origin of the Palmeira neighborhood dates back to the 1970s. Due to redevelopment initiatives along the coast of the city enacted by the municipal government, fishing communities and other inhabitants were uprooted and forced to move inland. The inland district, known today as Conjunto Palmeira, was devoid of basic infrastructure such as water, roads, and electricity, thereby leaving the neighborhood vulnerable to floods and other natural and economic stability problems. Furthermore, the move inland left the primarily fishing-based community without a stable source of income.
Genuine Tejano music is related to, and sounds more like, the folk music of Louisiana, known as "Cajun music", blended with the sounds of rock and roll, R&B;, pop, and country, and with Mexican influences such as [Conjunto Music]. Mr. Narciso Martinez is the father of Conjunto Music. ]. Sunny and the Sunglows, including Rudy Guerra, were originators of the genre. The American cowboy culture and music was born from the meeting of the European-American Texians, colonists mostly from the American South, and the original Tejano pioneers and their vaquero, or "cowboy" culture.
Marroquin began taking them on tours throughout the southwest and beyond where they always played for packed houses. They were especially popular in Arizona where local bandleader Pedro Bugarin was fond of featuring them with his orchestra. In fact, according to Paulino, he and Eloy used to sit in with Bugarin’s band, and some of the band musicians would in turn sit in with El Conjunto Bernal. This exposure to band music inspired Paulino to branch out of the normally simple ranchera music of the conjunto into the more sophisticated style of the orquesta.
It was at his time that Paulino attracted the most talented musicians in the conjunto traditions to his group. In the late 1960s, Gonzales bought out Paulino’s interest in Bego Records and Paulino went on to found Bernal Records, which also produced many outstanding hits by El Conjunto Bernal. By this time however, Paulino had given up performing in favor of the administrative aspects of show business. He ran the recording company, hosted a regional TV music show, and generally concentrated on the promotional aspects of the business.
Dr. Luis Alcalá is a Spanish Paleontologist. He is the director of Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis, in Teruel, Spain. He is one of the discoverers of Turiasaurus riodevensis, together with Rafael Royo-Torres and Alberto Cobos.
A conjunto jarocho is a type of Mexican folk ensemble. Often it consists of requinto, arpa jarocha, jarana and leona, but can also have violin, pandero octagonal, quijada, marimbol or güiro. Its repertory covers sones jarochos in , and .
Enrique Kicho Díaz (Buenos Aires, 21 January 1918 – 5 October 1992) was an Argentine double bass tango musician who played in various ensembles including Aníbal Troilo’s orquesta típica, Astor Piazzolla’s first Quinteto and Conjunto 9 and finally Sexteto Mayor.
Martinez returned to Puerto Rico in 1965, after residing in New York for 16 years. He continued to perform with his group Conjunto Típico until February 1, 1979, the day that he died in the city of San Juan.
Marroquín left his artists wide latitude regarding the material to be recorded, trusting the artists to know their audience. The initial audience for Ideal was the working class, but evolved to include Mexican-Americans of affluence. Ideal's location in Alice, Texas, more towards San Antonio than the Mexican border, was an ideal location to record a more sophisticated brand of tejano music called conjunto which appealed to the bilingual and educated descendants of earlier immigrants, in contrast to its main competitor Falcon, whose more rustic output was called norteña. An example of Ideal's more "sophisticated" music is Valerio Longoria, who pioneered the use of lyrics in conjunto music, as well as introducing Cuban-Mexican bolero into the conjunto tradition, and also Isidro López whose recordings for Ideal broadened the Tejano musical repertoire by fusing orquesta instruments with accordions, the addition of boleros, and "highly sophisticated" arrangements of rancheras and polkas.
Arsenio Rodríguez introduced the idea of layered guajeos—an interlocking structure consisting of multiple contrapuntal parts. The concept, which he began developing in his conjunto in 1934, reached full maturity in 1938.Max Salazar 1992. "Who Invented the Mambo?" part 2.
As a consequence of the implementation of the "Plan de Competitividad Conjunto AHV - Ensidesa", in December 1994 the CSI Group (Corporación Siderúrgica Integral) was formed, and it in turn was reorganized in 1997 forming the Aceralia Iron and Steel Corporation.
Narciso Martínez (October 29, 1911 in Reynosa, Mexico – June 5, 1992 in San Benito, Texas), whose nickname was El Huracan del Valle ("The Hurricane of the Valley"), began recording in 1935 (or 1936) and is the father of conjunto music. The Spanish word conjunto means 'group' and in El Valle de Tejas that means accordion, bajo sexto, and contrabajo (string bass, known locally also as "el tololoche"). The same year, he and Santiago Almeida recorded their first 78 rpm record containing the polka "La Chicharronera" and the schottishche "El Tronconal" for Bluebird Records, which quickly became a success.
It was at Joey Records that Conjunto Primavera would not only record popular covers such as "La Sirenita", "Paloma Querida", and "Noches Eternas", but also subsequent fan favorites such as "Borracho Y Loco", "Cuatro Primaveras", and "10 Kilometros." However, the group was still far from popular. Starting in the mid-80s, Conjunto Primavera would start recording romantic ballads with saxophone and electric keyboard, a style that the norteño group would become known for in the years to come. Another major change took place in 1988 when lead singer Nacho Galindo announced he was leaving the group to become a Christian artist.
Jordan played with guitar legend Carlos Santana a number of times. New wave polka bands such as Brave Combo have cited Jordan's influence. In 1987 he was nominated for a Grammy, but lost out to his old friend Flaco Jiménez. His bid for mainstream presence continued in 1986 when he was asked to do the soundtrack for the Cheech Marin film Born in East L.A. He appeared in the film Texas Conjunto: Música de la gente, a documentary about Texas conjunto music, and in True Stories, an American musical film directed by and starring musician David Byrne.
Since the district includes Paulista Avenue (the side to the direction of Marginal Pinheiros), many of the famous landmarks on the avenue are part of the district, such as the São Paulo Art Museum (MASP), Trianon Park, and the Conjunto Nacional commercial center.
The symphony is scored for ten violins, four violas, three cellos and two basses. An arrangement of the third movement, titled Symphony for Eight, by Cello Octet Amsterdam (formerly known as Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico) for cello ensemble was produced in 1999.
Manuel G. Davila Sr. died on July 12, 1997. Leaving the station to his wife and children. His youngest son, Albert Davila was Program Director of KEDA until 2011. Davila was indicted into the Texas Conjunto Music Hall of Fame in 2015.
Neither the dance, nor the music caught on outside of Cuba. In spite of this, members of Eddie Palmieri's Conjunto la Perfecta did hear this new music over shortwave radio, inspiring them to create a similar rhythm which they also called mozambique.
The music of Arizona began with Indigenous music of North America made by Indigenous peoples of Arizona. In the 20th century, Mexican immigrants popularized Banda, corridos, mariachi and conjunto. Other major influences come from styles popular throughout the rest of the United States.
Díaz Ayala, Cristóbal. "Conjunto Rumbavana", Discography of Cuban Music, Volume 2 - 1925-1960, updated fall 2013. After playing with Orquesta Riverside in the late 1980s, he toured with Omara Portuondo, Los Papines and Havana Son. He died in Havana on April 3, 1997.
He was influential in determining the destiny of the conjunto. Juan Bautista Llópis returned for a brief period, and a new percussionist, José "Manteca" Rosario Chávez, became a member. Three more sources say that Manteca joined in 1929Ledón Sánchez, Armando. La música popular en Cuba.
Que Ganas de Volver (Eng.: I Want to Return) is the title of a studio album by Mexican Norteño-Sax band Conjunto Primavera. It was released on February 5, 2008. This album became their fifth number-one set on the Billboard Top Latin Albums.
Santo Domingo de Silos is a municipality and town located in the province of Burgos, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census (INE), the municipality had a population of 292 inhabitants. The village is preserved by the heritage listing of conjunto histórico.
Luis Griñán Camacho (d. 1961) was a Cuban independent bandleader, pianist, guitarist and record producer. He is best known for his composition "Quimbombó", recorded by Conjunto Chappottín among others. This famous son cubano is often miscredited to its arranger, the similarly named Luis Martínez Griñán.
Besides personnel and instrumental changes, Sonora Matancera, as already illustrated, underwent stylistic changes. In 1950, the conjunto expanded to big band (orquesta) size, making a series of recordings with Daniel Santos.La Época de Oro de Daniel Santos con la Orquesta Sonora Matancera. Recorded in Cuba in 1950.
The clock of the National Assembly mark the time and the temperature of the city of São Paulo. It is located on top of the Edificio Horsa - Conjunto Nacional, at Avenida Paulista, being visible from several points of the city within a radius of about away.
Acosta chose the 17-strong company from dancers in Danza Contemporanea de Cuba, the Cuban National Ballet and Conjunto Folklorico Nacional de Cuba. The "young protagonist" is played by Yonah Acosta, Acosta's younger nephew, and for six performances the central role was played by José Oduardo Perez.
In Portugal, the first yé-yé bands appeared in Coimbra in 1956, most notably Os Babies, led by José Cid. Other Portuguese bands followed afterward, including Os Conchas, Os Ekos, Os Sheiks, Os Celtas, Conjunto Académico João Paulo, Os Demónios Negros and singers such as Daniel Bacelar.
He then became a member of the Conjunto Matamoros, an expanded version of the Trio Matamoros. In 1943 he joined Armando Romeu's Tropicana Club orchestra. He rejected an offer by Mario Bauzá to replace Joe Loco in his band, The Afrocubans, and instead recommended René Hernández.
That year it adopted its formal name, Conjunto Sonora Matancera. Calixto Leicea and Humberto Cané (son of Valentín Cané) became members in this year. Another source claims Humberto Cané joined in 1929. Calixto Leicea replaced Ismael Goberna, who retired because of poor health and died a few months later.
Fortune China. "公司总部地址: 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市金山开发区金山大道8号""PROGRAMA CONJUNTO FAO/OMS SOBRE NORMAS ALIMENTARIAS" (). Food and Agriculture Organization. p. 30. Retrieved on 10 July 2014.
People returned between 1705 and 1713 during the War of the Spanish Succession. Due to its complex history, Zarza la Mayor is a place were a number of monuments can be seen as San Andrés Apóstol church that was declared Conjunto histórico in 1982, and other chapels and castles.
The nominees list includes Ricky Martin and Ricardo Arjona, with four nominations each; La India, Marc Anthony, Marco Antonio Solís, Conjunto Primavera, Olga Tañón and Joan Sebastian with three nominations each; Shakira and Thalía with two nominations; and Juanes, Alexandre Pires, Maná, Pepe Aguilar, Vicente Fernández, and many more.
Rhodesian pilots were considered too valuable by the Royal Rhodesian Air Force (RRAF) to be deployed in support of the Portuguese. The SADF had pilots and helicopters operating out of the Centro Conjunto de Apoio Aéreo (CCAA – Joint Air Support Centre), setting up in Cuito Cuanavale during 1968.
Joseíto González, Montuno Cubano. In the early 1960s, he started collaborating with the Conjunto Rumbavana, for which he did some arrangements. He soon became the band's pianist and director. His arrangements and Raúl Planas' vocals made the Rumbavana one of Cuba's most successful conjuntos of the 1960s and 1970s.
Within a year of its formation the Conjunto 9 had run into financial problems and was dissolved in 1972. Piazzolla re-formed the Conjunto 9 in 1983, with some changes in its formation, for his second concert at the Teatro Colón on 11 June where they played together with the Buenos Aires Philharmonic, conducted by Pedro Ignacio Calderón. The programme included his Concerto for bandoneon and orquestra and Concierto de Nácar. This time the Noneto was made up of: Astor Piazzolla (bandoneon), Pablo Ziegler (piano), Fernando Suárez Paz, (violin), Oscar López Ruiz (electric guitar) and Héctor Console (double bass) plus Hugo Baralis (2nd violin), Delmar Quarleri (viola), José Bragato (cello) and Enrique Roizner (percussion).
Biografias A Puerto Rican Cuatro In 1934, Martinez and the members of Aurora had two radio programs, Jíbaros de la Radio (Country Folk of the Radio) and Industrias Nativas. They rename their group Conjunto Industrias Nativas and among the singers who performed with them was Jesús Sánchez Erazo, better known as Chuíto el de Bayamón and Tito Rodriguez who as a 13-year-old joined the group in 1936. In the later part of the 1930s, Martinez renamed his group and they became known as Conjunto Típico Ladi. Among the songs which they recorded were the following; En mi Carro te Espero; Alma Boricua; Linda Serrana; Noche de Algodón and El Seis Dorado.
Mr. Betancourt later entered politics and was elected mayor of San Benito, Texas. He died on September 5, 1971. Paco is considered to be a pioneer in the history of South Texas recorded music. He is inducted into the Texas Conjunto Music Hall of Fame and Museum in San Benito.
Fiesta Songs is a 2003 album by Señor Coconut Y Su Conjunto (Uwe Schmidt). It is an album of covers done in a Latin American style. Like the previous album, this is a tribute album. It includes covers of Deep Purple, The Doors, Michael Jackson, Sade, and Jean Michel Jarre.
Retrieved 2009-06-28. Vietnam,"Presidentes do Brasil e Vietnã realiza 'Comunicado Conjunto' para cooperação para o desenvolvimento econômico e social" , Fator Brasil. Retrieved 2009-06-28. the Philippines,"PGMA, Brazilian President Lula agree to further strengthen RP-Brazil relations", Republic of the Philippines. Retrieved 2009-06-28. amongst others.
After his death, musicians Sarrail Archilla and Polo Ocasio continued to honor Martinez's legacy by keeping the Conjunto Ladi active. The Institute of Puerto Rican Culture also released a recording of Martinez's music including his famous mazurka, Aurora. His hometown honored his memory by naming a high school after him.
Radanovich (2009) p. 31. Moré replaced Miguel Matamoros as lead singer, and the latter dedicated himself to leading the band. On 21 June 1945, he went with Conjunto Matamoros to Mexico, where he performed in two of the most famous cabarets: the Montparnasse and the Río Rosa. He made several recordings.
Efforts to rebuild the neighborhood began after the 1985 earthquake. Since 2000, the neighborhood has experienced a revival with the creation of spaces for cultural events, the arts, recreation and leisure.Mendiola, Alvaro Maximiliano Silva. Renovación urbana en zonas de conservación: Conjunto de viviendas para el Barrio Brasil, Santiago, Chile. Diss.
Though historically only practiced in cabildos, after the Cuban revolution a number of Afro-Cuban folkloric groups began to perform makuta for staged performances, recordings, and tourists. Such groups, such as Conjunto Folklórico Nacional de Cuba and Grupo Afrocuba de Matanzas, make use of tumbadoras instead of actual makuta drums.
Conjunto Cóporo is located at the top of the Hill, is a ceremonial zone, Acropolis style. In this group and Gotas, human burials were found. Most outstanding of these findings has been the pigmentation with several black layers found in the skeletons, presupposes the existence of worship rituals of their dead.
The group also had an appearance in several films, including Pueblito, a 1961 melodrama directed by Emilio Fernandez. Los Alegres de Terán were inducted into the Tejano Conjunto Hall of Fame in 1983. Abrego died five years later. When Abrego died, Tomas Ortiz was in search for a new singing partner.
Trova musicians often worked in pairs and trios, some of them exclusively so (Compay Segundo). As the sexteto/septeto/conjunto genre grew many of them joined in the larger groups. And let's not forget the Trio Matamoros, who worked together for most of their lives. Matamoros was one of the greats.
383 became the best- known Cuban touring ensemble: they were the ones who first used the conga drum in their conjunto, and popularized the conga as a dance. Xavier Cugat at the Waldorf Astoria was highly influential.Orovio, Helio: Cuban music from A to Z. Tumi Music Ltd. Bath, U.K., 2004. p.
The term conjunto (, literally group, ensemble) refers to several types of small musical ensembles present in different Latin American musical traditions, mainly in Mexico and Cuba. While Mexican conjuntos play styles such as norteño and tejano, Cuban conjuntos specialize in the son, as well as its derivations such as salsa.
Artists released under the Xenophile label include Inti-Illimani, Värttinä, Boukan Ginen, Sabri Brothers, Chief I. K. Dairo MBE, Dembo Konte, Milli Bermejo, Daniel Diaz (musician), John Santos, Conjunto Céspedes, Boca Livre, The Klezmatics, Simbi and Tarika. The Xenophile catalog remains available through Compass/Green Linnet, which is based in Nashville.
Yellow Fever! is a 2006 tribute album by Señor Coconut Y Su Conjunto (Uwe Schmidt). It is an album of covers done in a Latin American style. It is a tribute album dedicated to the Yellow Magic Orchestra, and is similar to his earlier Kraftwerk tribute album released in 2000.
This village is recognised as a Conjunto Etnológico. Under the Spanish system regions maintain their own registers of cultural heritage (see Patrimonio histórico español). There have been some differences in approach between autonomous communities. An example is bullfighting (which at a national level is now regulated by the Ministry of Culture).
Ramirez's first record label was Mira, started in 1947 which specialized in Afro-Cuban music. The label started a "Mexican Series" featuring Pedro Ayala. The next year, 1948, Ramirez started Falcon records which featured Tejano culture. Falcon was dedicated to producing Spanish music, and in particular conjunto Tex-Mex music.
The Garcia Brothers are a Los Angeles-based Latin jazz conjunto formed pianist Robert Garcia, bassist Raul Garcia, and Rudy Garcia on timbales.Scott Janow Afro-Cuban Jazz p.44 Their debut album Jazz con Sabor Latino (1994) was recorded as an octet with a horns section and singer Rolando Mendosa on conga.
And Edison Rey's sweet accordion skillfully threads between the twin romanticisms at the far ends of Latin America, tango and conjunto norteño. It's perhaps the prettiest single Ivy Queen has ever released (or at least tied with “Dime”), largely letting the reggaetón beat alone in favor of lighter, more swaying cumbia and vallenato.
In 1957 his sons Ramon Ayala, and Pedro Ayala Jr. (Quito) joined his group Pedro Ayala y su Conjunto. By 1963 Pedro Ayala's youngest son Emilio joined the group renaming the group to Pedro Ayala El Monarca del Acordeón y Los Hermanos Ayala touring the entire United States for the next several years.
Peñaranda de Duero is a village and municipio located in the province of Burgos, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census (INE), the municipality has a population of 583 inhabitants. The village is conserved as a conjunto histórico, a type of conservation area. Several buildings are additionally protected as monuments.
This Conjunto is located on the skirts of the hill, it is a civic-administrative space. Recent excavations have identified the building as a housing residential unit, from wood remains found, used as columns to support a roof. Carbon-14 dating analysis of these remains provided a date of 500 to 900 CE.
Ojinaga still retains its rural culture and environment, with relatively little pollution and few urban problems. Some of the most famous norteño-sax artists are from Ojinaga, such as Polo Urías, Adolfo Urías, Los Diamantes de Ojinaga, Los Rieleros del Norte, Conjunto Primavera, Los Jilgueros del Arroyo, and Los Norteños de Ojinaga.
The Ministry of Defense of Peru was created by Law No. 24654 on 1 April 1987, during the government of President Alan García. It absorbed the previous Ministries of War, Navy and Aeronautics as well as the Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas (Joint Chiefs of Staff) and the National Defence Secretariat.
86 et seq. for a more complete discussion. While it is true that the mambo of the 1940s, and 1950s contains elements not present in Rodríguez's music, there is considerable evidence that the contrapuntal structure of the mambo began in the conjunto of Arsenio Rodríguez.Salazar, Max 1992. "Who Invented the Mambo?" part 1.
In 1968, Molina joined the Conjunto Dramático de Oriente theatrical company. In 1968, he began to work in television, appearing on Tele-Rebelde until 1970 when he moved to Havana. He has performed theatre, appeared on Cuban radio and television programmes, and in films. He is often described as a character actor.
The dance of the Indians was accompanied by > gaitas. By 1865 these two castes had lost their mutual antagonism and > combined to dance what was then known as the mapalé. Players of gaitas and > players of drums joined together to accompany this dance. This merging was > apparently the origin of the conjunto de gaitas.
Ramón Ayala is an accordion player from Hidalgo, Texas, who currently resides in the Rio Grande Valley. He is the son of Pedro Ayala. His progressive style and technique has earned him the 2009 Accordion Player of the Year Award from the South Texas Conjunto Association. In 2009 he celebrated his 45th career anniversary.
The San Benito Museum, Freddy Fender Museum and Conjunto Music Museum opened in the same building Nov. 17, 2007. On October 25, 1975, on the television show Hee Haw, Freddy Fender saluted his hometown of San Benito, population 15,177. San Benito is part of the Brownsville–Harlingen–Raymondville and the Matamoros–Brownsville metropolitan areas.
Army (Special Operations Command), Navy (Unidad de Operaciones Especiales) and Air Force of Spain have their own special operations units, all wearing green berets with the unit badges. Personal attached to the MCOE (Mando Conjunto de Operacionais Especiales/Joint Special Opeations Command) wear a green beret with the badge of the joint three military branches.
In October 2000, the Centro de Acolhimento e Interpretação dos Monumentos (Interpretative and Study Centre), constructed by the IPPAR, under the Programa de Salvaguarda e Valorização do Conjunto Pré-histórico de Alcalar was inaugurated to the public. On 25 August 2008, the DRCAlgarve, proposed the extension of the zone of protection for the monuments.
Conjunto Santa Rita is a complex of limestone caves located in the municipality of Iraquara, Bahia, Brazil. It is long and the target of traditional pilgrimage. It contains numerous offerings on the altar and inside. The cave has two large parallel galleries joined by a smaller gallery being both associated with a lower slope.
She is the eldest daughter of Ricardo Acevedo and Silvia Rojas. Acevedo also has a sister named Marcela that was born in 1982. She acted in a Colombian television tv series called Clase Aparte and Conjunto Cerrado. Acevedo started with her career in 1993 acting in the TV series "De Pies a Cabeza" directed by Andres Marroquin.
Isolina Carrillo (December 9, 1907 – February 21, 1996) was a Cuban composer, singer and pianist. She was a member of the vocal group Conjunto Siboney. At the age of eleven she made her musical debut replacing a pianist that called in sick in her father’s orchestra. She came from a very musical family; her brothers and father were musicians.
The Integrated National Police (INP) (Filipino: Pinagsamang Pulisyáng Pambansà, PPP; Spanish:Policía Nacional Conjunto, PNC) was the municipal police force for the cities and large towns of the Republic of the Philippines. One of two national police forces in the country along with the Philippine Constabulary, it merged with the latter in 1991 to form the present Philippine National Police.
Monguito performed with Orquesta Mazzuet in his native town before relocating to Havana, where he sang with Orquesta Modernista and Conjunto Modelo. In the 1950s, Monguito el Único moved to Mexico. There he worked with Pepe Arévalo y Sus Mulatos and appeared in three movies. In 1962, Monguito moved to New York City, and began singing with Orquesta Broadway.
The Texas Tornadoes featured Freddy Fender, who brought Latin soul to country music. And the Tornadoes' Flaco Jiménez is a genuine conjunto hero, a third-generation accordionist whose grandfather learned the instrument from German settlers in Texas. Johnny Rodriguez is another Latin country star. In the modern rock and roll era, Carlos Santana featured a full-blown Latin approach.
Artists who recorded for the label included Tito Puente, Celia Cruz, Tito Nieves, Oscar D'Leon, Eddie Palmieri, Cheo Feliciano, Ismael Miranda, José Alberto "El Canario", Tony Vega, Johnny Rivera, Ray Sepúlveda, Domingo Quiñones, Miles Peña, Orquesta Guayacan, Conjunto Clasico, Manny Manuel, the New York Band, Marc Anthony & La India. Record producers included Sergio George, Isidro Infante, and Humberto Ramirez.
Fellove continued to record and perform in Mexico, the US and throughout Latin America. He played with Tito Puente and Machito in New York City. In 1979 he released his last album as a leader with his Conjunto Habana featuring Niño Rivera on tres. In 2002 he recorded a cover version of "Walking on the Moon".
In 1946, Arsenio offered him the opportunity to move to Havana to join Estrellas Juveniles, his side-project. Tata accepted and very soon found himself playing in other bands such as Sonora Matancera and Conjunto Jóvenes del Cayo. He made his first recordings in 1951 as part of Estrellas Juveniles. In 1953, he joined Fajardo y sus Estrellas.
Santiago has performed on multiple continents and at many festivals. In 2012, Santiago and Flaco played together at the Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio, the first time they were on the same stage since 1982. President Obama awarded Santiago a 2015 National Medal of Arts on September 22, 2016 for his contribution to American music.
Another type of accordion is the button accordion, which is used in musical traditions including Cajun, Conjunto and Tejano music, Swiss and Slovenian-Austro-German Alpine music, and Argentinian tango music. The Helikon-style accordion has multiple flared horns projecting out of the left side to strengthen the bass tone. The word "Helikon" refers to a deep-pitched tuba.
The resulting paintings of this summer beach walk provide a climax in Sorolla's career according to José Luis Alcaide.José Luis Alcaide: „Por supuesto que pintará más cuadros de playa, pero sin duda este conjunto de lienzos representa un jalon esencial en su carrera.“ in José Luis Díez, Javier Barón: Joaquín Sorolla, 1863-1923, 2009, S. 402.
German and East European settlers brought their accordions, waltzes and polkas to the region, which were adapted by the local population.Torres, George. Encyclopedia of Latin American Popular Music. 2013. Texas accordion player Flaco Jiménez is probably the best-known conjunto musician in the United States, with a career spanning sixty years and earning him six Grammy awards.
A conjunto calentano is a type of Mexican folk ensemble. Often it consists of violin, guitar and tamborita, but can also have other violin, guitarra panzona, guitarra sexta and harp. Its repertory covers calentano music: sones calentanos and gustos, and other musical forms such as Indias, malagueñas, peteneras, valses, polkas, pasos dobles, sones, chilenas, minuets, rancheras, and corridos.
Also important during the 1950s were Papa Gofio of the Conjunto Rumbavana and Rogelio "Yeyo" Iglesias, the main bongo player in Havana's descarga scene. Over the course of the 20th century, the bongo spread throughout Latin America. In the Dominican Republic, the bongo became integral to bachata, a genre related to bolero that emerged in the 1960s.
Rafael Cortijo became well known across Latin America. He attributed his success to the sound of his percussion, according to Cortijo, Afro-Caribbean music was known worldwide. A member of the Conjunto Monterrey, based in Monterrey, Mexico, he later toured with Daniel Santos' orchestra and worked on radio. By 1954, Cortijo was a member of "El Combo".
Nacho Galindo was born on March 1, 1959. In 1976, he joined Conjunto Primavera with his brother Gustavo Galindo, his cousin Adan Huerta, Juan Dominguez, Ramiro Rodriguez & Telesforo Saenz. He spent 12 years with the band in which they released 11 albums. On June 28, 1986 he attended a Christian service, in which he "accepted Jesus into his heart".
The Jefatura de Inteligencia del Estado Mayor Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas (Intelligence Department of the Joint General Staff of the Armed Forces, J-2) is an Argentine federal agency in charge of controlling all the military intelligence services. The name J-2 refers to Jefatura 2, the official denomination assigned to military intelligence divisions of each branch.
Rodríguez was an authentic rumbero; he both played the tumbadora and composed songs within the rumba genre, especially guaguancós. Rodríguez recorded folkloric rumbas and also fused rumba with son montuno. His "Timbilla" (1945)RCA Victor 45 RPM phonorecord 23-0362-B (1945). and "Anabacoa" (1950) are examples of the guaguancó rhythm used by a son conjunto.
The Tejano Music Award for Tejano Album of the Year (formerly the Tejano Music Award for Best Tejano/Norteño Album) is an honor presented annually by the Texas Talent Musicians Association (TTMA). The award was first presented at the 23rd Tejano Music Awards (TMA) and was not given out at the 24th and 29th awards ceremony. Previously, musicians who predominantly record Tejano recordings were nominated for either the Tejano Music Award for Best Conjunto Album, Orchestra Album of the Year, Album of the Year – Traditional, or Album of the Year – Progressive, depending on their style of music: conjunto, cumbia, pop ballads, or polka music. Since the genre's popularity faded after the mid-1990s, the TMAs either merged or retired the over-categorization of their album-of-the-year categories through the 2000s decade.
The Bernal Brothers were first recorded as the backup conjunto for some of the duets then popular among Texas-Mexicans, such as Carmen y Laura. In March 1955, Marroquin gave the Bernals their chance as headliners, and a 78 rpm record was released with the cancion ranchera Mujer Paseada on one side and the romantic bolero Desprecio on the other. With the release of their first record, the Bernal Brothers quickly put their cotton picking days behind them forever and soon joined Valerio Longoria and Tony De La Rosa as the top conjuntos in Texas. El Conjunto Bernal recorded prolifically for Ideal between 1955 and 1960 and some of the best sides including the monster hits: Mi Unico Camino and Sentimiento Y Renco, both from late 1958, are on this CD and cassette.
Paquito Hechavarría was born on 21 February 1939 in Cárdenas, Matanzas, Cuba. He moved to Havana to study piano at the Conservatory. In the 1950s he began to play in important bands such as Orquesta Riverside, Conjunto Casino and Felipe Dulzaides y Los Armónicos. In 1960 he performed in Mongo Santamaría's Our Man in Havana and Walfredo de los Reyes' Cuban Jazz.
Pedro Lugo "El Nene" in 2019. Pedro Lugo Martínez (born 1 August 1960), better known as El Nene, is a Cuban singer. He specializes in both son cubano and rumba, having sung for La Monumental, Clave y Guaguancó and Conjunto Chappottín. He is also the founder and lead vocalist of Jóvenes Clásicos del Son, a traditional son septet founded in 1994.
Later, it evolved into Estado Mayour Conjunto (ESMACO).Bounded Missions: Military Regimes and Democratization in the Southern Cone Between 1968 and 1971, expenses on military doubled from 13.3% of the budget to 26.2% while expenses on education fell from 24.3% to 16%.Latin American Dictators of the 20th Century: The Lives and Regimes of 15 Rulers In November 1971, general elections were held.
1 & Vol.2 (2003). Hernández has said he was greatly influenced by Beto Villa, the originator of orquesta Tejana that generally features trumpets and saxophones, as opposed to conjunto, which relies on accordions. As a member of Texas’ Tejano Hall of Fame, he’s been entertaining audiences around the world for more than 50 years, on 70 albums and in countless shows.
Raffino, R., D. Gobbo, R. Vázquez, A. Capparelli, V. Montes, R. Iturriza, C. Deschamps y M. Mannasero. 1997 "El ushnu de El Shincal de Quimivil." Tawantinsuyu 3:22-39. And particularly in the central zone of the Chinchaysuyu, in Wanuku Pampa for Shea,Shea, D. 1966 "El Conjunto Arquitectónico Central en la Plaza de Huanuco Viejo". Cuadernos de Investigación 1:108-116.
In 1961, Palmieri founded the band Conjunto La Perfecta, which featured singer Ismael Quintana. Apart from the big bands, at the beginning of the decade the Pachanga (Cuba) was the Latin dance craze. Essential to the Charanga style is the five key wooden flute and at least two violins. Palmieri decided to replace the violins with two trombones for a heavier sound.
He founded with Nemours Jean-Baptiste the Conjunto Internacional and took part in the Citadelle orchestra and Casino Internacional Band. With Jean-Baptiste, he created the compas direct, a variation of the Haitian méringue. In 1961 he commenced a solo career and became one of the pioneers of cadence rampa. He played several instruments as trumpet, bass, piano and drums.
The height of his career took place in the 1930s and '40s in Havana, where he was the guitarist for Benny Moré before he joined Conjunto Matamoros to tour Mexico. In addition, he was part of several other vocal groups, collaborating with famous guarachero Ñico Saquito. In March 2014, Cuban trova musicians paid homage to González in his hometown of Santiago.
By year 1785, the Royal Economical Society of Charity (Real Sociedad Caritativo Económica) was founded in the town as a part of the spirit of the Age of Enlightenment, which promoted several very advanced economic, social and educational activities for the childhood and the youth of the town. The town was declared Conjunto Histórico-Artístico (the equivalent to Heritage Preservation) in 1980.
Uncastillo (Aragonese: Uncastiello) is a municipality in the province of Zaragoza, Aragon, eastern Spain. At the 2010 census,Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Spain) it had a population of 781. Along with Sos d'o Rei Catolico, Exeya d'os Caballers, Sádaba and Tauste, Uncastillo is one of the five towns comprising the comarca of Cinco Villas. In 1966 Uncastillo was declared a Conjunto Histórico-Artístico.
When the piano was added to the son conjunto, the harmonic possibilities were widened, facilitating the adaptation of jazz chords into guajeos in the 1940s. As Rebeca Mauleón points out though, the main "role of the pianist in Afro-Cuban music is a more rhythmic one."Mauleón, Rebeca (1993) Salsa Guidebook for Piano and Ensemble. p. 117. Petaluma, California: Sher Music. .
Most of the Sierra de Francia's territory, together with the valley of Las Batuecas was declared Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia Natural Park in 1978. together with neighboring Sierra de Béjar it constitutes a Biosphere Reserve.Parque Natural Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia. Some of the towns of the comarca have been officially declared Conjunto Histórico-Artístico owing to their cultural and architectural value.
They performed in New York with Beny Moré and Barbarito Diez. In 1964 the duo stopped performing together and Celina continued as a soloist. In later years she sang with her son Lázaro, and was usually accompanied by the conjunto Campo Alegre. Initially, her music was mainly that of the European countryside guajiro (peasant), with lyrics based on the poetics of décima.
Ramón Ayala started playing the accordion in 1951. He learned to play the drums in 1954. In 1955, he picked up the bajo sexto after his father Pedro Ayala, El Monarca del Acordeón, showed him his first two chords. By 1956, Ramón Ayala and his brother Pedro Ayala Jr., who played the accordion, joined their father in Pedro Ayala y Su Conjunto.
Over the next few years, Ferrer would perform with many musical groups, including Conjunto Sorpresa and Chepín y su Orquesta Oriental. As lead singer of the latter, Ferrer recorded in 1956 his biggest hit: "El platanal de Bartolo". In 1961, he also sang lead for Mario Patterson y su Orquesta Oriental on "Cariño falso", a standard of the guaracha repertoire.
Bobby Pulido at The Laredo Coliseum in February 2016. With the keyboard, drums and bajo sexto, Tejanos now had a sound they could begin to call their own. In the 1940s, Valerio Longoria introduced lyrics to conjunto music, further establishing the Tejano claim to this new sound. Tejano music did retain some of its roots in the old European styles.
Contreras started singing in a variety of musical groups in Habana, among them the Arty Valdés trio, and from 1957 to 1958 he joined the Neno González Orchestra. In this orchestra he gain some notoriety and recorded songs that gained some success. While in the Neno Orchestra, Contreras also worked in the Conjunto Casino. After this he became a solo singer.
Programa de Buena Vivienda, Conjunto Hnos. Serdán, Lomas de Sotelo, México. Mexico City: Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos, S.A., 1967 Other complexes from this time include the Cuitlahuac, Xotepingo and Vicente Guerrero housing blocks, all of them in Mexico City. In the later part of his career, Agustín Landa Verdugo began experimenting with different spatial organizations in his housing units.
Texas in the United States The U.S. state of Texas has long been a center for musical innovation and is the birthplace of many notable musicians. Texans have pioneered developments in Tejano and Conjunto music, Rock 'n Roll, Western swing, jazz, punk rock, country, hip-hop, electronic music, gothic industrial music, religious music, mariachi, psychedelic rock, zydeco and the blues.
In 2015, founding member Miguel Gaxiola launched his own line of handmade guitars, Fortaleza Guitars. Fortalezas quickly became a popular instrument in the Mexican music world used by bands like Kinky and Conjunto Primavera. In 2016, the band appeared in the television series Ruta 35 starring Danna Garcia and Julio Bracho Castillo. Their single "Compadre No Rajes" was the show's original theme song.
The pattern of quinto strokes and the pattern of the man's dance steps are at times identical, and at other times, imaginatively matched. The quinto player must be able to switch phrases immediately in response to the dancer’s ever-changing steps. See: rumba dancer steps in tandem to quinto cross-beats at 3:09. "Yambú" by Conjunto Clave y Guaguancó.
Later, Tony de la Rosa modernized the conjunto big bands by adding electric guitars, amplified bajo sexto and a drum kit and slowing down the frenetic dance rhythms of the style. In the mid-1950s, bandleader Isidro Lopez used accordion in his band, thus beginning the evolution of Tejano music. The rock-influenced Little Joe was the first major star of this scene.
Fernando Álvarez recorded the song that year as well, which became Carrillo's favourite rendition. Soon after, Antonio Machín made the song famous in Spain. In 1948, jazz singer Miguel de Gonzalo recorded the song for Peerless Records backed by Julio Gutiérrez's orchestra. He later recorded another version with Sonora Matancera for Stinson Records under the name Conjunto Tropicavana for legal reasons.
The Church of Saint Lawrence was listed as a historic structure by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage in 1952. Both the structure and its contents were included in the IPHAN directive under inscription number 462. It is an important element of the protected historical center of Itaparica (Conjunto Arquitetônico, Urbanístico e Paisagístico de Itaparica), established in 1980.
With Gillespie's support and encouragement, González was able to fuse the African-based rhythms onto jazz elements without compromising the essence of either. The next year, González joined Eddie Palmieri's band until 1974, when he moved on to work with Conjunto Libre, the band led by timbalero Manny Oquendo and Jerry's brother, bassist Andy González. He and his brother Andy were the founders of the Conjunto Anabacoa and later of the charismatic Grupo Folklórico y Experimental Nuevayorquino with whom he recorded two LP albums: Concepts of Unity (1974) and Lo Dice Todo (1975). The band members were Jerry and Andy González, Frankie Rodríguez, Milton Cardona, Gene Golden, Carlos Mestre, Nelson González, Manny Oquendo, Oscar Hernandez, José Rodríguez, Gonzalo Fernández, Alfredo "Chocolate" Armenteros, Willy García, Heny Álvarez, Virgilio Martí, Marcelino Guerra, Rubén Blades, Orlando "Puntilla" Rios and Julito Collazo.
RCA FSP-230(e), Volumen II (1950). Though these met with approval, the orquesta reverted to a conjunto. About 1950, the ensemble recorded eighty tunes for Stinson Records using the name of Sonora Cubana. It already had recorded ten numbers under this name and would record two additional songs as Sonora Cubana; the record company for these twelve tunes is not named by the source.
In 1956, Celio González replaced Laíto on lead vocals (besides singing coro with Rogelio, Caíto, and Laíto and playing the güiro); he stayed until 1959. Refresquito retired in 1957, and Javier Vázquez, another son of Bubú, then became the principal arranger. In 1959, the conjunto undertook another overseas tour, playing in Peru, Chile, and Uruguay; the year is considered the ensemble's high-water mark.
He was then a member of the group Conjunto Típico Sajama, and then director of the baroque classical group, the Ensemble Ad Libitvm. On December 8, 2004, he was the founding member of the Scuola Cantorum Oruro, a choir with pianist Marcela Tórrez. On 19 August 2006, he became director of the Oruro Symphony Orchestra, next to Augusto Guzmán, a prestigious director from Cochabamba.
Conjunto de Arsenio Rodríguez ca. 1949. In the 1940s, Arsenio Rodríguez became the most influential player of son. He used improvised solos, toques, congas, extra trumpets, percussion and pianos, although all these elements had been used previously ("Papauba", "Para bailar son montuno"). Beny Moré (known as El Bárbaro del Ritmo, "The Master of Rhythm") further evolved the genre, adding guaracha, bolero and mambo influences.
"Guajiro" learned trumpet at the age of 18 and began playing professionally in 1951. He joined the jazz band ‘Swing Casino’ in 1953 before forming the ‘Conjunto Rumbavana’ three years later. In 1960, he joined the ‘Orquesta Riverside,’ whose singer Toto Gomez gave him his nickname ‘Guajiro’ Mirabal. There followed spells with various orchestras including ‘Orquesta del ICRT,’ the official orchestra of Cuban state radio and television.
In the 1940s, Flynn became part of the filin music scene which comprised jazz- influenced bolero composers. He accompanied singer Miguel de Gonzalo. In 1946 he founded the Loquibambia ensemble together with guitarist and composer José Antonio Méndez, and they started to work for the Mil Diez radio station. In 1949 they accompanied the famous Conjunto Casino in the recording of their song "Átomo".
In the early 1960s he played with the conjunto Estrellas de Chocolate founded by Félix "Chocolate" Alfonso. He then directed a band called Los Diablos Rojos in Holguín before officially retiring in 1967. In 1983 he gave an improvised concert together with Chucho Valdés and Frank Fernández at the ICAIC. He died on 26 August 1990 in Havana and his remains were transferred to Guantánamo in 1995.
Pacho Alonso (left) with La Lupe and Benny Moré, ca. 1959. All three were signed to the RCA Victor subsidiary Discuba. Pacho Alonso (August 22, 1928 – August 27, 1982) was a Cuban singer and bandleader from Santiago de Cuba who is attributed with creating the musical form pilón in collaboration with percussionist/composer Enrique Bonne. He founded his first conjunto in Havana in 1957.
Martinez moved to New York City in 1945. In New York he continued to perform with his group Conjunto Típico Ladí and recorded over a hundred and fifty songs released on the RCA, Vergne and Sol De Borinquen labels, with songs such as the bolero, Tentación de Besarte. He also had a radio program La Voz Hispana del Aire which aired in New York.
The site is owned by the Council of Culture of the Andalusian Autonomous Government, who manage it as part of the Conjunto Arqueológico Dólmenes de Antequera. The dolmen was restored recently, and is open for visits by the public. In 2016, the dolmens of Menga, Viera, and El Romeral were all inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the name "Antequera Dolmens Site".
Ansia de Amar (Eng.: Longing to Love') is the title of a studio album by Mexican Norteño-Sax Conjunto Primavera released on April 3, 2001. This album became their second number-one hit on the Billboard Top Latin Albums chart. Finally, this is the first album without re-recordings since Amigo mesero of 1994, because the next albums until Morir de Amor have re-recordings.
He did the music and appeared as an accordion street player in the film Born in East L.A. starring Cheech Marin. Esteban was inducted to the South Texas Conjunto Music Hall Of Fame on May 27, 2001. Also the National Hispanic Music Hall Of Fame in 2003. Esteban had cancer for four years and died of complications from liver cancer on August 13, 2010.
He left the group in 1947 to join the well-known Sonora Matancera, where he stayed for a year. From 1949 to 1954 he played for the Conjunto Casino, one of the most popular bands in La Habana at the time. In 1952, they toured New York City, where fellow drummer Cándido Camero decided to stay. Patato would make the same decision two years later.
Three-bedroom houses are most common, with an area of 120 square meters. In 1962 and 1979, CEHAB built the Conjunto Santa Margarida on the Estrada do Campinho. In terms of education, Campo Grande has one of the largest concentrations of students in the Rio de Janeiro (state). The rate of school attendance is satisfactory, as is the rate of enrollment, which has increased yearly.
Large-scale shopping malls on the street, some of which are now designated historic buildings, include Center Três, Conjunto Nacional, Grande Avenida, Gazeta, Top Center and Shopping Pátio Paulista. They are noted for their coffee shops, internet facilities, restaurants, luncheonettes, shops, and movie theaters. Some of the remaining historic mansions and banks are decorated during the Christmas season, and draw crowds for picture taking.
His first hit came in 1936 when the Trío Matamoros recorded his guaracha "Cuidadito compay gallo". To capitalize on the song's success Saquito formed the Conjunto Compay Gallo with guitarist Florencio "Pícolo" Santana in 1940, releasing several singles on RCA Victor. The group broke up after 1941. Santana then began performing alongside guitarist Gerardo "El Chino" Macias at El Baturro, a popular tavern in Havana.
Born in Matanzas on November 1, 1940, his family moved to Marianao (Havana) when he was four years old. He started learning music when he was six years old, taking up the trumpet and the saxophone; in 1950 he began his piano studies at the Marianao Municipal Conservatory. After graduating, he joined the Conjunto Ritmo y Melodía, which played at the Cabaret Pennsylvania.Dalmace, Patrick.
The traditional "ala das Baianas" was a prerequisite to compete, and the schools, all with more than one hundred members, should present sambas unpublished and not use pipe instruments, among other requirements.Nelson p.79 The winning school was Mangueira, while the second group had the Conjunto Osvaldo Cruz, or Portela. The officials assured the success of the contest remained up in Praca XI Square in 1941.
Andrés Echevarría Callava (April 18, 1919 – January 27, 1996), better known as Niño Rivera, was a renowned Cuban tres player, songwriter and arranger. Early in his career he played with the Sexteto Boloña and Sexteto Bolero, before forming his own conjunto in the 1940s.Niño Rivera, EcuRed. His music was based on popular Cuban forms such as the son montuno and the chachachá, often with notable jazz influences.
Paquito Hechavarría (21 February 1939 – 27 September 2012) was a Cuban pianist. Hechavarría built his career in Cuba by playing in some of the most popular orchestras, including Conjunto Casino, Orquesta Riverside and Los Armónicos. However, he is primarily known for his later work with Miami Sound Machine, the band that catapulted Gloria Estefan to international stardom. He has collaborated with popular artists such as David Byrne, Santana and Christina Aguilera.
Armenteros performing at Café Havana, Cartagena de Indias. Armenteros was born on April 4, 1928, in Santa Clara, Las Villas Province, Cuba. He first began playing in a band led by the sonero/composer René Álvarez called Conjunto Los Astros and soon after with Arsenio Rodríguez. The nickname "Chocolate" was bestowed on him owing to a case of mistaken identity, when someone took him for Kid Chocolate, the champion boxer.
Around 1930, Martínez was able to purchase a two-row button accordion. He began collaborating with bajo sexto player Santiago Almeida, receiving enthusiastic responses at dances. Local furniture store owner and talent broker Enrique Valentin heard them, gave Martínez his nickname, and persuaded recording director Eli Oberstein to record them for the Bluebird label. This established a new sound, which quickly became identifiable as Texas-Mexican conjunto music.
By the late 1940s, Almeida had amassed a large family and found his musical success more difficult to sustain. He moved to Sunnyside, Washington in 1950, working as an apple picker and music teacher. He continued to perform locally at gatherings and in churches for the next several decades. In 1987, his contributions to music were recognized when he was inducted into the Conjunto Hall of Fame in San Antonio.
He went on to achieve huge popularity in the 1950s as a soloist on Radio Cadena Habana. In Mexico City he performed at El Patio, singing with Celia Cruz and Beny Moré. With the conjunto Gloria Matancera he played at the Cabaret Antillano. In the 1990s, Juan de Marcos González approached Puntillita to join the Afro-Cuban All Stars, which featured many musicians from Havana's pre-revolutionary era.
JORDÁN, Á. A., y ANDREU, J.: "Un nuevo conjunto epigráfico en el foro romano de Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza"], Archivo Español de Arqueología, 87, 2014, pp. 247-259. The two epigraphic sets, by decision of the Government of Aragon, were protected by sandstone replicas made by the Stonemasonry Workshop School. Season V (2013) - A remarkable lot of more than 40 pieces of Roman sculptural material discarded, surely, for conversion into lime.
The CAIL, Language Learning and Research Complex (Conjunto para el Aprendizaje e Investigación en Lenguas) was finished in 2005. The Real Madrid Soccer school was established. In 2006, 11 new bachelor's degrees and 9 master's degree programs opened, including the innovative programs at the undergraduate level in Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering, and Culinary Arts. The launching of academic programs for 2007 in Health Sciences: Medicine, Odontology and Nursing was announced.
KDAE (1590 AM, "Radio Libertad") is a radio station broadcasting a Spanish religious format. Radio Libertad's programming is a variety of Spanish Christian music that ranges from Conjunto, Tejano, Mariachi, Salsa, Reggaton, Rock, Pop and Rap along with Praise & Worship programs. It is licensed to Sinton, Texas, United States, with studios in Corpus Christi, Texas, United States. The station is currently owned by The Worship Center of Kingsville.
"Neon Lights" was reworked (uncredited) into the theme of the 1983 Canadian computer education show Bits and Bytes. The song was covered by Love Tractor on 'til the Cows Come Home (1984). OMD recorded a version for their album Sugar Tax in 1991. The song was also covered by Señor Coconut y Su Conjunto on El Baile Alemán, an album of Kraftwerk covers done in a Latin American style from 2000.
Sleeve notes from Son inconcluso (in Spanish). Havana, Cuba: EGREM. The resulting album, Son inconcluso, featured a full band including bassist Orlando "Cachaíto" López and tresero Arturo "Alambre Dulce" Harvey (ex-Conjunto Chappottín), among others, and was released in 1999 by EGREM. In 2002, Manolito Simonet, the leader of the popular timba group Manolito y su Trabuco, organized a series of recordings to honour the work of Lilí Martínez.
Between 1953 and 1954 it is estimated that Panart sold 13,000 copies of the single, something completely unprecedented for Cuba's first independent record label. On June 30, 1953 a cover was recorded by singer Miguelito Valdés backed by pianist René Hernández's conjunto, and billed by Seeco as a ritmo de cha cha chá.Díaz Ayala, Cristóbal. "Miguelito Valdés", Discography of Cuban Music, Volume 2 - 1925-1960, updated fall 2013.
The Conjunto Kiñewen is a Chilean folk band, originally from Region del Maule, Provincia de Curico, Curico, Chile, that keeps alive Chilean music just how it is: rich in popular traditions. Besides that this group includes the new trends and new creations of these days, because for this group the folk is more than something that happened time ago, is the result of the lives that Chilean people have.
The requinto jarocho or guitarra de son is a plucked string instrument, played usually with a special pick. It is a four- or five-stringed instrument that has originated from Veracruz, Mexico. The requinto is used in conjunto jarocho ensembles. In the absence of the arpa, the requinto typically introduces the melodic theme of the son and then continues by providing a largely improvised counterpoint to the vocal line.
"Tus Desprecios" has a storyline typical of mariachi recordings, concerning dysfunctional and volatile relationships. The track uses the traditional Tejano conjunto (small band) style and includes a trilling accordion motif. Perone wrote that the song showed Selena's ease with pop, Latin, and Tejano styles. Another track, "No Me Queda Más", uses the identical style of ranchera songs, with the female singer agonizing over the end of a relationship.
However until today in the neighborhood of Madureira there is a street with the name of Dona Clara. It belonged to Dona Clara the Blocos of Dona Esther, "Quem Fala de Nós Come Mosca" (Who Talks About Us Eats Flies)., Portelaweb ancestral of Portela. In the 1920s, when Portela is founded, the neighborhood is already known as Oswaldo Cruz, that the first name of the council was Conjunto Oswaldo Cruz.
Cali Carranza (March 29, 1953 – May 1, 2012) was an American Tejano (Spanish for "Texan") musician. Born in Pharr, Texas he began playing the drums and accordion in his father's band at only 8 years old. Carranza joined Conjunto Bernal in 1973, before becoming a founding member of Roberto Pulido y Los Clasicos. In 1976, Carranza formed his own band, Los Formales, with his brothers, Nito and Ruben.
Huelva and the Lugares colombinos. The Lugares colombinos ("Columbian places") is a tourist route in the Spanish province Huelva, which includes several places that have special relevance to the preparation and realization of the first voyage of Cristopher Columbus. That voyage is widely considered to constitute the discovery of the Americas by Europeans. It was declared a conjunto histórico artístico ("historic/artistic grouping") by a Spanish law of 1967.
The requinto jarocho or guitarra de son is a plucked string instrument, played usually with a special pick. It is a four- or five-stringed instrument that has originated from Veracruz, Mexico. The requinto is used in conjunto jarocho ensembles. In the absence of the arpa, the requinto typically introduces the melodic theme of the son and then continues by providing a largely improvised counterpoint to the vocal line.
The wealth from such an enterprise can be shared in a sustainable way, giving back even more to the community. The primary objectives of PalmaTur are to: # Promote Conjunto Palmeira as an alternative tourist destination in Fortaleza, strengthening the local economic development and having as a base the principles of sustainability and solidarity. # Guarantee work and income for the women of the neighborhood by including them in the formal labor pool.
Esteban "Steve" Jordan (February 23, 1939 - August 13, 2010) was a jazz, rock, blues, conjunto and Tejano musician from the United States.The Guardian He was also known as "El Parche", "The Jimi Hendrix of the accordion", and "the accordion wizard". An accomplished musician, he played 35 different instruments. Born in Elsa, Texas to migrant farm workers and partially blinded as an infant, Jordan was unable to work in the fields.
Jesse Borrego, a Mexican American, was born in San Antonio, Texas, to Gloria Flores and Jesse Borrego Sr. an accordion player and singer of Conjunto Mexican Music. Jesse is the 2nd to the oldest of five children: Gloria Marina, James, Georgina, and Grace. As a youth Jesse often danced with his sister Marina entering & winning several dance contests. Borrego lived with his grandparents during his high school years.
Known as "Lisandro Meza y Su Conjunto" between 1967 to 1994, his music is known for its eclectic styled with Dominican Merengue, Louisiana Zydeco, & Tex-Mex Norteño music His music is inspired by many famous artists and musicians such asLos Del Río, Aterciopelados, Alberto Barros, Aniceto Molina, and many more artists. Most of his music are prominent outside of Colombia, mainly in Peru, Mexico, the Southern Cone , North America, Europe, & China.
Traditional Puerto Rican cuatro In the 1980s, Zayas, the cuatrista, and arranger joined bands like the Jataca, Cimarrón, Areyto, Cumbre Criolla, Taller Boricua, the orchestra of Rafael de Jesús, Mapeyé, and the group of Andrés Jiménez. In 1982, he received the award, "Primer Premio Nacional del Cuatro," and his band, the Conjunto Típico de la Montaña, got the Medal of Culture from the Institute of the Puerto Rican Culture.
Sotolongo himself would later leave the Habanero and direct his own group, the Conjunto Típico Cubano.Orejuela p. 202. His replacement was Agustín Gutiérrez "Manana", who is widely considered one of the most influential bongoseros, partly due to his condition as an Abakuá member, which allowed him to develop techniques based on the ekué (secret drum) drumming of such society. In 1930, Sotolongo's son, Andrés Sotolongo replaced Gutiérrez in the Habanero.
In 1984, Miranda recorded an album for Fania with the Cuban conjunto Sonora Matancera. By 1988, he had planned to retire. However, he went on to establish his own record label "IM Records" and recorded several boleros with Andy Montañez. By 1992, he signed under the management of Chino Rodríguez in New York City, who negotiated with the late Jerry Masucci on the Fania All-Star Reunion of 1994.
The term guaguancó originally referred to a narrative song style (coros de guaguancó) which emerged from the coros de claves of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Rogelio Martínez Furé states: "[The] old folks contend that strictly speaking, the guaguancó is the narrative."Martínez Furé, Rogelio (1963) Conjunto Folklórico Nacional de Cuba. Catalogue. The guaguancó song often begins with the soloist singing meaningless syllables, which is called the diana.
He became a member of the comparsa Las sultanas in which he played the congas (tumbadoras). He became a master of the instrument at a young age, playing alongside other greats such as Mongo Santamaría, Cándido Camero, Julito Collazo and Armando Peraza. The latter was his neighbour and partner in the Conjunto Kubavana led by Alberto Ruiz. He was only 18 years old when he joined this band in 1944.
In 1936, 13-year-old Rodríguez joined the group of Ladislao (El Maestro Ladí) Martínez, Conjunto de Industrias Nativas, as a singer. When he was 16 years old, he participated in a recording with the renowned Cuarteto Mayarí. In 1940, Rodríguez moved to New York City shortly after his parents, José and Severina, died. He went to live with his brother Johnny, who had been living there since 1935.
Pyramid of Conjunto B During the third stage (900 – 1162 CE), most of the currently visible structures of the ceremonial center, such as the pyramidal bases for temples, were built. Of these constructions, the ball court and the Serpent Base stand out. Some residences were also built. The beginning of the fourth stage (1162-1476) is characterized by the conquest and takeover of the city by the Matlatzincas.
Guerra was born in Cienfuegos to an impoverished family, and was orphaned at age five. He was raised by his grandmother, who gave him the nickname Rapindey. In 1931 he moved to Havana, where he sang in Ignacio Piñeiro's Septeto Nacional and took guitar lessons from Rafael Rebuifero. He worked in various groups in Havana through the 1930s, joining Arsenio Rodríguez's conjunto in 1938 and performing frequently on national radio.
José Roberto Pulido (born March 1, 1950), known as Roberto "El Primo" Pulido, is an American musician whose career spans five decades. Pulido has been recognized as a Tejano music pioneer for his introduction of the accordion and saxophone into his music which "helped bridged the traditional conjunto and the modern Tejano camps" in the mid-1970s. Pulido is the father of Tejano musicians Alma Pulido and Bobby Pulido.
The Matlatzincas built their western defensive wall along this street. The defensive walls of the city were mostly constructed by the Matlatzincas, who conquered the city in 1200 C.E. The largest and most intact are located on the west side of the city which reach heights of 10 meters and are up to 1.5 meters wide. These were constructed without mortar and took advantage of the contours of the land. This wall was about two meters long and stretch from north to south on the west side. Looking over the ball court to the east The ball court area (Conjunto E) lies to the south of the Plaza de la Serpiente and Conjunto C. The court is sunken and I-shaped, with the top and bottom of the “I” facing east and west. The actual play space is the body of the “I” which is bordered by walls that first head up vertical from the floor, then steeply incline away from the play area.
Conjunto 9 (a.k.a. Noneto) was a tango ensemble set up by Ástor Piazzolla which was active between 1971 and 1972. The short-lived ensemble was based on Piazzolla’s first Quinteto, comprising Astor Piazzolla (bandoneon), Osvaldo Manzi (later Osvaldo Tarantino (piano), Antonio Agri, (violin), Oscar López Ruiz (electric guitar) and Kicho Díaz (double bass). To this he added a quartet comprising Hugo Baralis (2nd violin), Néstor Panik (viola), José Bragato (cello) and José Corriale (percussion).
In 2017, trade between both Peru and Spain totaled €3 billion Euros.Relaciones económicas y comerciales de España con el conjunto de la región: Perú (in Spanish) Peru's main exports to Spain include: copper, zinc, frozen crustaceans and sea mussels, fruits and vegetables. Spain main exports to Peru include: machinery, electrical equipment, construction machinery equipment and steel. Spanish multinational companies such as Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Banco Santander, Mapfre, Telefónica and Zara operate in Peru.
He made his first recording, the album Primitivo, with Arsenio Rodríguez in 1963 for the Roost Records label. Monguito el Único was a member of Johnny Pacheco's conjunto in the mid-1960s, alternating lead vocals with the Puerto Rican singer Chivirico Dávila. In 1967, he made his Fania solo debut with Johnny Pacheco Presents Monguito. His debut on SAR Records, produced by Roberto Torres, was the album Yo no soy mentiroso in 1979.
It would become one of Cuba's most popular traditional ensembles and by far the most successful changüí group in the country. Latamblé would also play in other groups such as Conjunto Sorpresa, which he joined in 1952. In 1983, popular tresero Pancho Amat visited Latamblé to learn his changüí techniques. Although it became an urban legend that Amat was unable to learn his style, he did subsequently incorporate changüí-like playing in his performances.
Navarrete is a municipality of the autonomous community of La Rioja. Named a Conjunto Histórico-Artístico of Spain, due to its historical and monumental character. Navarrete is located between Logroño and Nájera on the French Way, the most popular path on the Way of St. James, a medieval pilgrim route. Currently, Navarrete is the only pottery centre in La Rioja, and it has been one of the most important centres in Northern Spain.
During the 1960s, Morales conducted a late night program at Radio Rebelde featuring vocalist Gina Martín. He also became the director and arranger of Antobal's Cuban All-Stars. In 1972 he became the director of Conjunto Folklórico Nacional de Cuba's orchestra, with which he toured Europe. He continued his research into Afro-Cuban culture, giving talks and collaborating with Zoila Lapique Becali on a study on Cuban music publishing between 1829 and 1902.
Conjunto Folklórico de Trinidad. EGREM LD – 4383. Also within the cabildos of certain neighborhoods from Havana, Matanzas, Sancti Spíritus and Trinidad, some choral groups were founded during the 19th century that organized competitive activities, and in some occasions were visited by local authorities and neighbors that gave them money and presents. Those choral societies usually were named after their neighborhoods, and in some occasions they counted with one hundred or more members.
KFSC-LP (94.1 FM) was a radio station licensed to broadcast in Visalia, California, United States. KFSC-LP's license was cancelled on December 1, 2013, for failing to file an application for renewal with the Federal Communications Commission. The station was owned by Friends of Radio Grito/Proyecto Campesino. Past programming formats included Latin music of various genres such as conjunto y norteño, La Onda Chicana, mariachi, pop y rock en español, and Tejano.
Joseph performed with Rodríguez at Carnegie Hall and recorded with him on Ansonia Records Arsenio Rodríguez y Su Conjunto, (Vol.2) and on Tico Records (Arsenio Dice... Arsenio Says). Candido, a Cuban Latin-Jazz percussionist, also coached and trained Joseph on Cuban bass rhythms and syncopation. Joseph recorded with Candido as vocalist, with Tito Puente conducting and playing vibes and timbales and he often substituted with Cachao on bass, (Tico Records, Candido's Latin McGuffas Dust).
During the period 1956-57 José made several recordings with the Octeto and the Orquesta and would later join Piazzolla's Nuevo Octeto, Conjunto 9, and later his New Tango Sextet, the last of his many ensembles. Apart from his numerous performances with Piazzolla, José spent much of his time making arrangements of Piazzolla's music for duos, trios, string quartets and full orchestras which have helped to bring tango to a wide international audience.
Panart was pressing half a million records a year, 20% of which was exported outside of Cuba (over 50% by 1959). Its dominance over the jukebox business in Cuba and the strategic (geographical) advantage over its main competitor, RCA Victor, explain part of Panart's success. Moreover, Panart was able to secure contracts with some of the most popular and innovative musicians and groups in the country, from Conjunto Casino to Julio Gutiérrez and Cachao.
This machete is issued with a 5-inch Bowie knife and a sharpening stone in the scabbard; collectively called a "jungle kit" (Conjunto de Selva in Portuguese); it is manufactured by Indústria de Material Bélico do Brasil (IMBEL). Many fictitious slashers have used it as a weapon in horror and fighting movies, the most well known and notorious being Jason Voorhees, from the Friday the 13th movie series and Quincy, from the Downtown Defenders (franchise).
Tourism became respectable again, and so did popular music for their entertainment. Musicians were even allowed to tour abroad and earn a living outside the state-run system. Famous artists from the Cuban exile include Celia Cruz and the whole conjunto she sang with, the Sonora Matancera. 'Patato' (Carlos Valdes), Cachao, La Lupe, Arturo Sandoval, Willy Chirino, Hansel y Raul, La Palabra, Paquito D'Rivera, Bebo Valdés and Gloria Estefan are some others.
In 1975, he auditioned with Pedro Conga and his International Orchestra and was hired as a singer. After a short while, he left the band and joined the "Conjunto Borincuba", conducted by Justo Betancourt, as lead singer. With this band, he participated in the recording of Con Amor (With Love), which became a "hit" in 1978. That same year Rojas joined the Fania All-Stars and had a "hit" song with El Campesino (The Farmer).
Both are located at the extreme east of the excavated zone, near where the hill's steep slopes to the valley floor begin. Conjunto B contains a nearly complete pyramid with a small altar in front and various platforms for dwellings. Some of the structures here show Otomi architectural influence. Buildings here were roofed with thick layers of mud reinforced with poles and had stucco floors which contain evidence of cooking/heating fires.
Caridad Hierrezuelo (10 August 1924 in El Caney - 6 February 2009 in Havana) was a Cuban popular singer. She was the sister of Lorenzo Hierrezuelo and Rey Caney, two famous trova musicians. Her career began in 1947 as a member of the Trio Baraguá, and later the Conjunto Beltrán, until 1950, when she decided to sing as a soloist. She was primarily a singer of the guaracha style, that is, a guarachera.
In 1941, González moved to Havana where he played in the charanga of danzonete singer Paulina Álvarez, as well as Orquesta Elósegui and the orchestra of the CMQ radio station. He became friends with important pianists such as René Hernández, Anselmo Sacasas, Jesús López and Facundo Rivero. He joined Arsenio Rodríguez's conjunto in 1943, replacing Adolfo "Panacea" O'Reilly. Rodríguez advised him to "just play your own style, whatever it is, but don't imitate anyone".
General José Carlos de Nardi, is the former Chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces of Brazil. De Nardi was sworn in as the first Chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces by then-Defense Minister Nelson Jobim on 6 September 2010.Tomou Posse o Primeiro Chefe do Estado-Maior Conjunto das Forças Armadas, o General De Exército José Carlos De Nardi Política Externa. Retrieved on 2012-03-23. .
The history of the bajo sexto is somewhat unclear. There are few written sources, and until very recently most music dictionaries and encyclopedias did not mention the instrument. A few contemporary researchers have been working from oral sources—living players and luthiers—to tracing the background of the instrument.Avetardo, J. T., ed.; Puro Conjunto: An Album in words and Pictures; Center for Mexican American Studies, The University of Texas; Austin, Texas: 2001. 470p.
It is reasonable to prefer the more recent and more complete source (the Cuban 2nd ed of Orovio was published in 1981). was a Cuban musician, composer and bandleader. He played the tres, as well as the tumbadora, and he specialized in son, rumba and other Afro-Cuban music styles. In the 1940s and 1950s Rodríguez established the conjunto format and contributed to the development the son montuno, the basic template of modern-day salsa.
His popularity earned him the nickname El Ciego Maravilloso (The Marvellous Blind Man). The first single by his conjunto was "El pirulero no vuelve más", a pregón which tried to capitalize on the success of "Se va el caramelero". In 1947, Rodríguez went to New York for the first time. There, he hoped to get cured of his blindness but eye specialist Ramón Castroviejo was told that his optic nerves had been completely destroyed.
The Iguanas is a roots rock band from New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, formed in 1989. Their sound has been described as combining Chicano rock, R&B;, Conjunto and various Latin styles into a deep groove. The song "Boom, Boom, Boom", from their 1994 album Nuevo Boogaloo, was featured in the Homicide: Life on the Street episode "The Documentary" Nuevo Boogaloo hit #34 on the US Billboard Heatseekers chart in 1994.
Evidence of these remain in photographs and the preliminary sketches, which Mérida donated to UNAM. One student of Mérida's Alfonso Soto Soria, used some of the original designed to create a monument to the work done at the Juárez complex. This can be found at an apartment complex called Fuentes Brotantes. Like other planned urban communities of the mid 20th century, what remains of the Conjunto Urbano Benito Juárez has continued to deteriorate.
Los Cenzontles has also opened performances for Los Tigres del Norte, Los Lobos and Jaguares. In 1997 Los Cenzontles Mexican Arts Center (LCMAC) sponsored the International Youth in the Tradition Festival featuring workshops and performances in Son Jarocho, Conjunto, Mariachi and Banda. The five-day festival featured youth groups from Mexico and California and artists including Lalo Guerrero, Yolanda del Rio, Graciela Beltran, Grupo Mono Blanco and others. The Festival was sponsored by the US Mexico Fund for Culture.
Throughout his long career as a singer, guitarist, author and composer, he belonged to many different musical groups, and worked together with other talented people. Between 1948 and 1950, he was the lead singer of the Conjunto Folklorico Guarani, directed by Julián Rejala, and sang in duet with Wilma Ferreira. In January 1950, he created his own group. They were presented for the first time at the opening of Radio Guarani, which became a famous radio station in Paraguay.
The Pedregulho Housing Complex (Portuguese: Conjunto Residencial Prefeito Mendes de Moraes, commonly known as Pedregulho) is an apartment complex and planned community in the Benfica neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was designed by the architect Affonso Eduardo Reidy (1909-1964). The project was planned in 1946 to house lower-paid civil servants of the city, which was then the Federal District of Brazil. Work commenced on the complex in 1949 and inaugurated in 1951/1952.
"Anabacoa" is a guaracha composed by Puerto Rican trumpeter Juanchín Ramírez which has become a Latin music standard. Its most famous recording was made in Mexico in 1949 by Beny Moré backed by Pérez Prado and his orchestra. Recorded as a mambo, Moré's recording became a hit throughout Latin America. It was followed by the version made by Arsenio Rodríguez and his conjunto in 1950, which further cemented the piece as a standard of the Cuban music repertoire.
Arsenio's rendition, although labeled as a guaracha, was driven by a guaguancó pattern on the tumbadora. In the 1970s, "Anabacoa" became the signature song of the Grupo Folklórico y Experimental Nuevayorkino, a New York-based descarga ensemble originally known as Conjunto Anabacoa. It was founded by Jerry González and his brother Andy in 1974. Like Arsenio's version, their rendition is also "a guaguancó based on a two-measure montuno pattern that is unchanging throughout the entire piece".
The cooperative began the decade with a tour of Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Aruba, and Curacao, but the political upheaval following the Cuban Revolution affected the group greatly. Having signed a lucrative contract to perform in Mexico City, the group, accompanied by Celia Cruz, left Havana on June 15, 1960. Minino decided to stay; the conjunto never returned to Cuba. On July 15, 1960 two new singers joined the group, Willy "El Baby" Rodríguez and Alberto Pérez Sierra.
Don Narciso, the first widely successful conjunto recording artist, made hundreds of recordings of mostly instrumental dance tunes emphasizing the melody side of the accordion and leaving the bass parts to Almeida. They played local dances and festivals around Brownsville, Texas and Raymondville, Texas. In 1937, he would span his music into Cajun and polka, issuing records under the pseudonyms "Louisiana Pete" and "Polish Joe". In the 1940s, Martínez purchased a now-standard three-row button accordion.
Gregorio Hernández Ríos (17 November 1936 – 8 January 2012), known as El Goyo, was a Cuban rumba singer, dancer and percussionist. A founding member of the Conjunto Folklórico Nacional, he was also the leader of a Santería music ensemble, Grupo Oba-Ilú. He toured Europe and Latin America with various ensembles and recorded with Tata Güines, Alfredo Rodríguez and Jane Bunnett, among others. For the collaborative album La rumba soy yo he received the Latin Grammy Award in 2001.
Jiménez began performing at the age of seven, with his father, Santiago Jiménez Sr, who was a pioneer of conjunto music and began recording at age fifteen as a member of Los Caminantes. Jiménez's first instrument was the bajo sexto. He played in the San Antonio area for several years and then began working with Doug Sahm in the 1960s. Sahm, better known as the founding member of the Sir Douglas Quintet, played with Jiménez for some time.
US-based bands now playing (as of 2012) or using elements of the genre include Radio Jarocho, David Wax Museum, Son del Centro, Las Cafeteras, Son del Viento, Los Cenzontles and Jarana Beat. Related genres include son huasteco, huapango, son jaliscience, and son chiapaneco. Well-known artists playing the genre include Conjunto Hueyapan, Mono Blanco, Siquisirí, Tlen Huicani, Chuchumbé, Chucumite, Son de Madera, and Los Cojolites, the first Son Jarocho group to be nominated for a Grammy Award.
Influenced by traditional Mexican, folk, Tejano, conjunto, and country musics, Hinojosa considers her music to be music of the US/Mexico border. Hinojosa has charted twice on the Billboard country charts and has recorded several albums, primarily for Rounder Records. Her 1992 album Culture Swing won the NAIRD Indie Folk Album of the Year. Using music to bring awareness to cultural issues, Hinojosa hopes to bring into focus the plight of migrant workers and children of the poor.
On May 19, 1970 he gave a concert with his Quinteto at the Teatro Regina in Buenos Aires in which he premiered his composition Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas. Back in Buenos Aires he founded his Conjunto 9 (a.k.a. Nonet), a chamber music formation, which was a realisation of a dream for Piazzolla and for which he composed some of his most sophisticated music. He now put aside his first Quinteto and made several recordings with his new ensemble in Italy.
Mira later became Falcon Records, a very successful Chicano recording company. Over the course of his career, Ayala made 10 albums and numerous 78- and 45-rpm recordings that included polkas, chotes, valses, and redovas. Throughout his career, Ayala remained true to the stylistic core of conjunto music, but also added innovations such as incorporating the toloche (stand-up bass) to the ensemble. He was also regarded as a songwriter with a distinctive style of composition.
The genre is popular in both Mexico and the United States, especially among the Mexican and Mexican-American community, and it has become popular in many Latin American countries as far as Colombia, Chile, and Spain. Though originating from rural areas, norteño is popular in both rural and urban areas. A conjunto norteño is a type of Mexican folk ensemble. It mostly includes diatonic accordion, bajo sexto, electric bass or double bass, and drums, and sometimes saxophone.
Operation Sinaloa or Operation Culiacan - Navolato (Spanish: Operacion Sinaloa/Operacion Conjunto Sinaloa) is an ongoing anti-drug trafficking operation in the Mexican state of Sinaloa by the Federal Police and the Mexican Armed Forces. Its main objective is to cripple all cartel organizations such as the Sinaloa Cartel, Beltrán-Leyva Cartel and Los Zetas that operate in that state. The Military was deployed in response to the murder of Mexico's Federal Police commissioner Édgar Eusebio Millán Gómez.
It will quickly accept the installation of grenade launchers due to the quick attachment/detachment handguard design and to the step-cut barrel. The CQ 5.56mm Type A assault carbine is the only Type CQ variant known to be in official use with a regular Armed force, having been purchased in significant quantities by the DECEI (Destacamento Conjunto de Empleo Inmediato "Joint Quick Deployment Detachment") of the Paraguayan Army.Paraguay soldiers using Chinese M4 (CQ 5.56) carbines .
In 1947, Eva Herz, daughter of German immigrants, set up a book rental service called Biblioteca Circulante (Circulating Library) at her home in Alameda Lorena, São Paulo. The books were imported from Europe and their clientele was mainly immigrants. The service became popular and the circulating library started to borrow books from Brazilian authors, as well as to sell them. In 1969, Herz moved the bookstore, now called Livraria Cultura, to the Conjunto Nacional on Avenida Paulista.
His musical career started at the age of 15 singing with the Conjunto Antoanetti before joining the Sonora Ponceña as co-lead vocalist in 1967. In 1973 Ponceña trumpeter Joe Rodriguez, percussionist Mikey Ortiz and Gómez broke away and formed La Terrifica. Later, Gómez joined Ray Barretto's band sharing vocal duties with Ruben Blades most notably on the 1975 Barretto album.Los Angeles Times "Tito Gomez, 59; vocalist for popular salsa bands" June 14 2007 by Gómez and Ruben Blades.
Comunicado conjunto de Bilbao Basket y Saski Baskonia;, 5 March 2015 Finally, on March 11, the Disciplinary Judge accorded to suspend Tornike Shengelia for five games, him for four and a €3,000 fine to Bilbao Basket player Dairis Bertāns and to Baskonia brothers Mamadou and Ilimane Diop.Resolución del Juez Disciplinario sobre incidentes Bilbao - Laboral Kutxa;, 11 March 2015 In 2015, he signed a new two- year contract extension with Unicaja and he was loaned to Bilbao Basket.
One of the highlights of the series was a selection of Battisti's songs performed in duet with the composer. The shows also included "Balada para mi muerte" ("Ode to My Death"), a nuevo tango duet with Ástor Piazzolla at the bandoneón, backed by the Argentinian group Conjunto 9. "Grande grande grande", arranged by Pino Presti,Mina – I mille volti di una voce by Romy Padovano (Arnoldo Mondadori 1998) was the second biggest-selling single of the year in Italy.
Lebo was also painted contestants for a Miami-based challenge for the TV show "Russia's Next Top Model." LeBatard has collaborated extensively with various musicians. He appeared and toured with Thievery Corporation, the Beastie Boys, Bela Fleck, Burning Spear, Disco Biscuits, Cuban band Conjunto Progresso, and Arturo Sandoval, among others, creating live art while the groups performed. He has also designed CD cover art and other artwork for Phish, The Spam Allstars, and the Latin Grammys.
It is only in the 1960s that a song called "Samba Malató", compiled in Lima by Nicomedes Santa Cruz, and recorded by his Conjunto "Cumanana" became popular. Since then, dance groups have recreated a choreography for this dance, as the original was lost. After this success, other landós emerged such as "A saca camote con el pie" and "Taita Guaranguito", collected in the areas of Cañete and Chincha. Over the years, various composers popularized various landós.
The VMT Music Department is the largest fine arts program at VMT. Courses offered include low brass studies, high brass studies, woodwind studies, orchestral strings, piano, guitar, steel drums, and vocal ensemble are also available. In addition to applied lessons with their respective teachers, students may join various ensembles, including The VMT Philharmonic Orchestra, SoundTown (showband), Conical Con-X-ion (low brass ensemble), Camerata Winds, or Conjunto Extremo. Mariachi and rondalla guitar ensembles are also popular.
As the son cubano grew in popularity in the 1920s, so did the tres. By the 1930s, there were several rising stars of the tres, including Eliseo Silveira, Carlos Godínez, Arsenio Rodríguez and Niño Rivera. In the 1950s, Arsenio left Cuba and his sound was continued by Ramón Cisneros "Liviano" and Arturo Harvey "Alambre Dulce" in the Conjunto Chappottín. Other important treseros of the 1950s such as Senén Suárez and Juanito Márquez began making recordings with electric treses.
El Juez Disciplinario suspende cautelarmente a Dejan Todorovic y Shengelia;, 5 March 2015 Both clubs claimed to have the same sanctions than in 2004, when the brawl Real Madrid and Estudiantes occurred.Comunicado conjunto de Bilbao Basket y Saski Baskonia;, 5 March 2015 Finally, on March 11, the Disciplinary Judge accorded to suspend him for five games, Todorović for four and a €3,000 fine to Bilbao Basket player Dairis Bertāns and to Baskonia brothers Mamadou and Ilimane Diop.
Sleeve notes from Son Inconcluso (in Spanish). EGREM Records CD0334. (1999). The resulting album, Son Inconcluso, featured a full band including bassist Orlando "Cachaíto" López and Arturo "Alambre dulce" Harvey (ex-tresero with Conjunto Chappottín), among others, and was released in 1999 by EGREM. In 1996, Planas joined the Afro-Cuban All Stars project directed by Juan de Marcos González, and participated in the recording of A Toda Cuba le Gusta, which was nominated for the 1997 Grammy Awards.
In 1961, bandleader Eddie Palmieri heard Quintana sing in an audition and invited him to join his newly-organized conjunto (small band) La Perfecta. Quintana accepted and became the lead singer of the band between 1961 and 1971. During this time he co-wrote some of Palmieri's major hit songs. With Palmieri, Quintana was awarded the 1966 Trophy for the "Most Popular Latin Singer of the Year", awarded at the famed Palladium Ballroom in New York.
Around 1909 the son reached Havana, where the first recordings were made in 1917. This marked the start of its expansion throughout the island, becoming Cuba's most popular and influential genre. While early groups had between three and five members, during the 1920s the sexteto (sextet) became the genre's primary format. By the 1930s, many bands had incorporated a trumpet, becoming septetos, and in the 1940s a larger type of ensemble featuring congas and piano became the norm: the conjunto.
In 1952 he founded the first Creole-style Guitar School which was in business until 1967. Between 1957 and 1959 he directed the group "Conjunto Fiesta Criolla" together with Humberto Cervantes, Panchito Jiménez and Arítides Ramirez. From 1955 to 1970 he accompanied, with his unique guitar playing, the legendary artist Chabuca Granda on various world tours recording several acclaimed albums including "Dialogando". Also during this decade he recorded the acclaimed album "Valses Peruanos Eternos" in two volumes with Augusto Valderrama Orchestra.
The huapanguera, guitarra quinta huapanguera or guitarra huapanguera is a Mexican guitar-like instrument that usually forms part of a conjunto huasteco ensemble, along with the jarana huasteca guitar and violin. Because of its large body and deeper structure, the huapanguera is able provide a much deeper sound compared to a regular acoustic guitar. Here it takes on the role of the bass instrument using a rhythmical strumming technique. Its physical construction features a large resonating body with a short neck.
Chappottín is widely regarded as the founder of the modern Cuban trumpet style due to his innovative approach in the development of son cubano between the 1920 and 1950s. According to Craig Harris, writer for AllMusic, Chappottín "continued to inspire Afro-Cuban music with his sweet-toned trumpet playing for more than six decades". In 2002, Chappottín was posthumously inducted into the International Latin Music Hall of Fame. After his death, his son and later his grandson have directed Conjunto Chappottín.
He received his primary education at the Pedro G. Goyco Elementary School and then went on to learn carpentry at a vocational school. He also shined shoes to help his family financially and when he was 16 years old, he worked as a carpenter. During his free time he would hang around the corner with his best friend Rafael Cortijo and sing songs. In 1948, Rivera and Cortijo joined El Conjunto Monterrey, where Rivera played the conga and Cortijo the bongos.
The huapanguera, guitarra quinta huapanguera or guitarra huapanguera is a Mexican guitar-like instrument that usually forms part of a conjunto huasteco ensemble, along with the jarana huasteca guitar and violin. Because of its large body and deeper structure, the huapanguera is able provide a much deeper sound compared to a regular acoustic guitar. Here it takes on the role of the bass instrument using a rhythmical strumming technique. Its physical construction features a large resonating body with a short neck.
Bordaberry dissolved the parliament in 1973, instituting a civil-military dictatorship. On September 9, 1971, President Jorge Pacheco Areco instructed the armed forces to conduct anti-guerrilla operations against the Movimiento de Liberación Nacional-Tupamaros. On December 16, a Junta of Commanders in Chief and of the Estado Mayor Conjunto (Esmaco) (Joint Chiefs) of the Armed Forces was created. Following the presidential elections of November 1971 a new government took office on 1 March 1972 led by Juan Maria Bordaberry.
Apart from son cubano, Moré was a popular singer of guarachas, cha cha cha, mambo, son montuno, and boleros. Moré started his career with the Conjunto Matamoros in the 1940s and after a tour in Mexico he decided to stay in the country. Both Moré and dancer Ninón Sevilla made their cinematic debut on 1946's Carita de cielo, but Moré focused on his music career. In the late 1940s, he sang guaracha-mambos with Pérez Prado, achieving great success.
305 Propaganda activities often led to skirmishes with FET or security forces. Martorell Pérez 2009, pp. 60-70, 197, Miralles Climent 2018, pp. 62-125 Already prior to 1939 most conflicts within the state party were related to Requetés refusing to abandon their identity"en el conjunto periodo un 70% de los registros que hacen referencia a la resistencia a la Unificacíon mencionan al requeté" Mercedes Peñalba Sotorrío, Entre la boina roja y la camisa azul, Estella 2013, , p. 102.
The Falcones played conjunto music in South Texas during the 1970s and 1980s. The debut single for Los Lonely Boys, "Heaven", was a number-one hit on the Billboard adult contemporary chart and reached the top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 2004. In 2009, they signed to an Austin-based indie label, Playing in Traffic Records, and released an EP, "1969" and three albums under their LonelyTone imprint, Keep On Giving: Acoustic Live!, Rockpango, and their newest release, Revelation.
Isolina Carrillo was one of the first people to recognize Cruz's ability to sing Afro- Cuban music and asked her to join her Conjunto Siboney, where Olga Guillot also sang. She later joined Orquesta de Ernesto Duarte, Gloria Matancera, Sonora Caracas and Orquesta Anacaona. From 1947, she started to sing in Havana's most popular cabarets: Tropicana, Sans Souci, Bamboo, Topeka, etc. In 1948, Roderico Rodney Neyra founded the group of dancers and singers Las Mulatas de Fuego (The Fiery Mulattas).
Throughout the 1960s, pianist Eddie Palmieri played an important role in the development of salsa with his conjunto La Perfecta. La Perfecta was one of the first Latin ensembles to feature multiple trombones, one of salsa's distinctive characteristics. The band's repertoire was inspired by Cuban and Puerto Rican dance-oriented styles such as guaracha, son, pachanga and bomba. In 1968, Palmieri disbanded La Perfecta in order to seek a more experimental approach incorporating funk and soul elements into his music.
Los Temerarios and Conjunto Primavera peaked at number one for the first time with Morir de Amor and En La Madrugada se Fue, respectively. Both albums received Latin Grammy nominations for Best Grupero Performance, which was awarded to the latter one. MTV Unplugged, by Colombian performer Shakira, also peaked at number one for two weeks and went on to win the Grammy Award for Best Latin Pop Album at the 43rd Grammy Awards. With All My Hits - Todos Mis Exitos Vol.
Iglesia Arciprestal del Salvador The Iglesia Arciprestal del Salvador (Archiprestal Church of the Savior) is Renaissance-style, Roman Catholic church in Requena, province of Valencia, Spain. The church was erected in the 15th century in Isabelline Gothic architecture, although it underwent baroque refurbishment in the 18th century, including the addition of the Chapel of the Communion, and the bell-tower. It was declared in 1966, along with the town a Conjunto Histórico-Artístico Nacional. The church has three naves with side chapels.
Popular Tejano musician and producer Paulino Bernal of the Conjunto Bernal discovered and introduced to the Tejano music scene the norteño band Los Relampagos del Norte with Ramón Ayala and Cornelio Reyna on his Bego Records. Ayala still enjoys success on both sides of the border. Reyna enjoyed a very successful career as an actor and solo singer and resurfaced in the Tejano scene with a major hit with his collaboration with Tejano band La Mafia. He toured constantly until his death.
He was the first musician signed to GRP Records, a label founded by Dave Grusin and Larry Rosen that specialized in smooth jazz, jazz fusion, and jazz-pop. He recorded his debut album with Ricardo Marrero in 1977. Over time he recorded with Noel Pointer, Patti Austin, Lee Ritenour, Chris Connor, David Benoit, Eliane Elias, and Nnenna Freelon. For several years Valentin served as musical director for Tito Puente's Golden Latin Jazz All-Stars, and also toured with Manny Oquendo's conjunto group Libre.
Finally, the Torre de la Pardida (2,596 m), a summit that has views to the west face of the Naranjo de Bulnes as well as to Torrecerredo and, beyond, to the Cornion. From the Torre de la Pardida steering north one discovers the Neveron de Uriellu (2,559 m), another exceptional observation point from which to admire the west face of the Naranjo, and the Diente de Urriellu. More to the north, and after crossing the Horcada Arenera, the Conjunto de Los Albos emerges.
Buraka Som Sistema was founded in 2002 by Branko (João Barbosa), Rui Pité (DJ Riot), Andro Carvalho (Conductor) and Kalaf Ângelo. Barbosa and Pité were producers from the Cool Train Crew collective, for which Kalaf was a frequent vocal collaborator. They were interested in creating a kuduro project, and had previously worked together as 1-UIK Project. They met Carvalho, a hip-hop producer from Angola and member of the hip-hop band Conjunto Ngonguenha, while he was in Portugal.
Although de facto a septet since 1927, the band didn't release music as the Septeto Habanero until 1945. Due to the advent of conjuntos and big bands, the band remained largely inactive between 1931 and 1945, making recordings only in a session on September 17, 1940. In the early 1930s the band experienced important line-up changes, with Guillermo Castillo and Carlos Godínez leaving in 1934. The following year, director Gerardo Martínez left the band to form a new group, Conjunto Típico Habanero.
Merengue dance Merengues are fast arrangements with a beat. The traditional instrumentation for a conjunto típico (traditional band), the usual performing group of folk merengue, is a diatonic accordion, a two–sided drum, called a tambora, held on the lap, and a güira. A güira is a percussion instrument that sounds like a maraca. It is a sheet of metal with small bumps on it (created with hammer and nail), shaped into a cylinder, and played with a stiff brush.
Throughout the 1960s, pianist Eddie Palmieri played an important role in the development of salsa with his conjunto La Perfecta. La Perfecta was one of the first Latin ensembles to feature multiple trombones, one of salsa's distinctive characteristics. The band's repertoire was inspired by Cuban and Puerto Rican dance-oriented styles such as guaracha, son, pachanga and bomba. In 1968, Palmieri disbanded La Perfecta in order to seek a more experimental approach incorporating funk and soul elements into his music.
The village itself was declared a Conjunto Histórico-Artístico, a type of conservation area, in 1965. Covarrubias and Tønsberg in Norway have entered a friendship agreement as the result of a medieval connection with Christina of Norway, Infanta of Castile. A church honouring Saint Olaf II of Norway, designed by the architect Pablo López Aguado, has been built in the town and dedicated in 2011.Saint Olav's chapel in Spain It was founded in the 7th century AD by the Visigothic king Chindasuinth.
The initial name of the band was Conjunto Blanco y Negro but was soon changed to Tropical Santanera. The name Santanera was chosen as a reference to the name of their hometown and because it is phonetically similar to Sonora Matancera, a Cuban band of the 1920s, after which the band is believed to have been modeled. Sonora Matancera created the format of an orchestra whose sound was based on tropical sons and boleros. They founded a Mexican tropical style and tradition.
Rodríguez started his musical career in 1942 when he joined Leopoldo Salgado's Conjunto Moderno. Soon after Rodríguez joined Johnny Seguí's Dandies Del '42 followed by a short stint with Orquesta Carmelo Diaz Soler. Rodríguez also played with Moncho Usera's orchestra, Manuel Jímenez "El Canario" quartet, Mario Dumont's orchestra, Rafael Muñoz orchestra and Rafael Elvira's Orquesta Tropicana where he shared vocal duties with Gilberto Monroig.Recordando A Pellín Rodríguez 26 Años De Su Partida In 1947 Rodríguez was hired by Noro Morales to join his orchestra.
In 1974, he formed his own conjunto, called Saoco, recording two albums with the group Siempre seré guajiro for Mericana Records and Macho mumba for Salsoul Records. He was the bandleader, singer, songwriter and cover artist in both albums, before being replaced by William Millán in Saoco's next and last two albums. In 1980, he made his solo debut on SAR Records. He recorded two more albums for the label before forming his own record company, Corazón, along with a new band of the same name.
According to the latter, Oviedo was the pioneering and most influential tresero of the septeto format (the major type of son ensemble of the 1920s and '30s). His technical innovations include the alzapúa thumb stroke and the use of the pinky finger. His son Ernesto played in his band since the 1940s and became a successful bolero singer, while his other son Gilberto, known as Papi Oviedo, has also had a long career as a tresero, playing with Conjunto Chappottín, Estrellas de Chocolate and Orquesta Revé.
Munua saves Levante; ESPN Soccernet, 7 January 2012 After leaving the Estadi Ciutat de València, Higón competed exclusively in his country's lower leagues.El conjunto salinero incorpora a Higón y a Manu Amores (The salinero outfit add Higón and Manu Amores); Hoy Torrevieja, 20 November 2015 (in Spanish)Higón, reforç immediat (Higón, immediate addition); L'Esportiu, 24 May 2017 (in Catalan) The exception to this was in the 2014–15 season, when he appeared rarely for Cypriot First Division club Doxa Katokopias FC before returning to his homeland.
In 1945/46, he moved to Mexico City which was then a key centre for Latin American music and cinema and thus attracted talent from around the Hispanic world. Humberto Cane was a sought-after bassist, arranger and bandleader; his band was called the Conjunto Humberto Cane. The legendary Cuban singer Benny More sang and recorded with Cane's band at the beginning of his solo career. Later on, Humberto played bass for the Trio Los Panchos and toured with the black Mexican singer Tona La Negra.
Her artistic career as a performer, choreographer, and composer took her to new heights like being televised on Peruvian Television and being visited on her international tours. But the biggest international milestone was perhaps the group's performance at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. Recreations of such lost rhythms earned her a position amongst the Revolutionary Government of the Peruvian Military. Cruz was "appointed director of the newly established Escuela Nacional de Folklore" in 1969 and director of "the Conjunto Nacional de Folklore" in 1973.
This prompted the building of a number of large apartment complexes including Unidad Vicente Guerrero, Unidad Ejército de Oriente, Unidad Santa Cruz Meyehualco, Conjunto Urbano Popular Ermita Zaragoza and Unidad Habitacional Ejército Constitucionalista. By 1980, all of the land that could be developed legally was, but the population continued to grow. In the 1990s, the borough had growth rates of over 100% according to INEGI. By 2000, the population of the borough accounted for over 20% of the total of the Federal District, the largest in population.
This group was known as La Radiofónica. At this point, the group was competing with the most popular ensembles of the island, and together with Orquesta Melodías del 40 and Arsenio Rodríguez's conjunto it formed Los Tres Grandes (The Big Three). In 1945, circulatory problems related to his lip prevented Arcaño from maintaining his embouchure, which was the end for his playing career. He continued as director and hired his cousin and former teacher José Antonio Díaz as flautist, who was later replaced by Eulogio Ortiz.
This version was credited to Papaíto, the lead singer. The song is often interpolated at the end of "Mondongo", a guaguancó composed by Agustín Pina "Flor de Amor". Recordings of this version have been made by the Conjunto de Percusión de Danza Nacional de Cuba featuring Inés Carbonell on their 1987 Homenaje a Jesús Pérez and by Jane Bunnett on her 1997 album Chamalongo. Another version was recorded in 1998 by Deep Rumba under the title "Yambú chevrolet", which was credited to Orlando "Puntilla" Ríos.
Ibrahim Ferrer (February 20, 1927 – August 6, 2005) was a Cuban singer who played with Los Bocucos for nearly forty years. He also performed with Conjunto Sorpresa, Chepín y su Orquesta Oriental and Mario Patterson. After his retirement in 1991, he was brought back in the studio to record with the Afro-Cuban All Stars and Buena Vista Social Club in March 1996. He then toured internationally with these revival groups and recorded several solo albums for World Circuit before his death in 2005.
Naucalpan is strongly dependent on cars and other motorized transportation. Efforts have been made to promote bicycle use such as bike paths and free bicycle loans, but they have not been successful. One of the best-known areas of Naucalpan is Ciudad Satélite with its signature Torres de Satélite sculpture. Ciudad Satélite was one of a number of large scale projects undertaken by the federal government in the Mexico City area in the 1950s and 1960s, along with the Conjunto Habitacional de Tlaltelolco and the Ciudad Universitaria.
At the same time, the Ecuadorian Joint Armed Forces Command (Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas) publicly expressed that they were withdrawing their support for Gutiérrez, who had no option but to leave the Presidential Palace on a helicopter. He sought political asylum in the house of the Brazilian Ambassador in the north of Quito, after his attempt to leave the city aboard a plane at Quito International Airport was thwarted by hundreds of angry protesters that breached airport security and blocked the airstrip.
M. Winston, Carlist workers groups in Catalonia, 1900-1923, [in:] Stanley G. Payne (ed.), Identidad y nacionalismo en la España contemporánea: el carlismo, 1833-1975, Madrid 2001, , p. 86 Solferino himself assumed a new tone when speaking in the Senate; in 1908 the national press reported him as declaring Spain a confederationthough he did not go as far as Sol y Ortega, who named Spain "conjunto de naciones", La Epoca 20.02.08, available here and confirming that "Cataluña es un Estado y España una Confederación".
In Texas, ethnic Mexicans who had lived in the area for centuries, played a distinct style of conjunto, different from that played in Mexico. The influence of Czech polka music was a major distinguishing characteristic of this music, which gradually evolved into what is now known as norteño (Burr, 604). The Cajuns and Creoles of Louisiana have long constituted a distinct minority with their own cultural identity. The Cajuns are descendants of French-Canadians from the region of Acadia, the Creoles are black and French-speaking.
García 2006 p. 35. The band also recorded Rodríguez's "Ben acá Tomá" in the same recording session, becoming their next A-side. In 1938 they recorded "Yo son macuá", "Funfuñando" (also a hit) and "Se va el caramelero", which included Rodríguez's first recorded performance, a remarkable solo on the tres. In 1940, on the wave of his success with Casino de la Playa, Rodríguez formed his own conjunto, which featured three singers (playing claves, maracas and guitar), two trumpets, tres, piano, bass, tumbadora and bongo.
She choreographed the piece "Salem Witch Hunt" and founded her own Concert Company in New York, which performed at the Brooklyn Museum and Henry Street Playhouse. In 1968, Pandor spent nine months at the dancing school "Cuban Conjunto Nacional de Danza Moderna" in Cuba. New experiences and the collection of Cuban music helped her to form new expressive possibilities to incorporate in her New York Studio. Back in New York City she took up writing classes and started writing for the CPUSA's daily newspaper People's Daily World.
Falcon concentrated artists from the local area, including from both sides of the United States-Mexican border, and many of them were undocumented migrants who moved back and forth across. These artists would often pick cotton by day, and make music at night. After signing Los Alegres de Terán, Ramirez recognized conjunto as a powerful cultural development, and actively sought to find other artists in that genre. Falcon was one of the few local record labels catering to Spanish-speaking audiences that expanded beyond local distribution.
Conjunto São Mateus (GO-011) is a complex of caves measuring 20500 meters long and considered until recently as the largest in Brazil, being replaced by the Toca da Boa Vista. It is located inside Terra Ronca State Park, in the speleologic district of São Domingos, State of Goiás. It is one of the richest in speleothems including the famous "Hall of the Pearls", where visitors should go barefoot to avoid the transposition of sediment. It houses the typical fauna of the caves, including the blind catfish.
No longer a town, Mazonovo has been converted into a museum by Conjunto Etnográfico de Mazonovo (Joint Mazonovo Ethnography). Known as "Museo de los Molinos de Mazonovo" (Museum of the Mills of Mazonovo), or "Mazonovo, Museo de los Molinos", it is dedicated to the mills, both water and manual, that were used for grinding cereal. At one time a maquiladoras, the mills of Mazonovo evolved from prehistoric times until present day. Some of the mills of Mazonovo are reproductions while others are restored originals.
Nowadays, in that building is located the library. On November 28, 1963 through Decree 3438, the buildings that had not been demolished were declared as a conjunto histórico (Historic-artistic ensemble), surviving to the construction works the old infirmary, the hermitage of Santa Lucia and the chapel known as "El Capitulet". In 1979, the Ministry of Culture installed the Public Library of Valencia in the former hospital building, and the Coordinating Center Library (now IVAJ) at the pharmacy.REIG FERRER, Ana Maria, CHILET LLÀCER, Benedicta and CERDÀ BALLESTER, Josep.
After the Cuban Revolution of 1959, there were many efforts by the government to institutionalize rumba, which has resulted in two different types of performances. The first was the more traditional rumba performed in a backyard with a group of friends and family without any type of governmental involvement. The second was a style dedicated to tourists while performed in a theater setting. Two institutions that promoted rumba as part of Cuban culture –thus creating the tourist performance– are the Ministry of Culture and the Conjunto Folklórico Nacional de Cuba ('Cuban Nacional Folkloric Company').
Jerry González (June 5, 1949 - October 1, 2018) was an American bandleader, trumpeter and percussionist of Puerto Rican descent. Together with his brother, bassist Andy González, he played an important role in the development of Latin jazz during the late 20th century. During the 1970s, both played alongside Eddie Palmieri and in Manny Oquendo's Conjunto Libre, and from 1980 to 2018 they directed The Fort Apache Band. From 2000 to 2018, Jerry González resided in Madrid, where he fronted Los Piratas del Flamenco and El Comando de la Clave.
Conjunto Nacional is an important building and commercial centre of the city of São Paulo, Brazil. It occupies the block bounded by Avenida Paulista, Rua Augusta, Alameda Santos and Rua Padre João Manuel. The project was authored by architect David Libeskind and is characterized by being one of the first major modern multifunctional buildings deployed in the city of São Paulo. The complex is characterized by the blending of different uses in the same urban structure: within the building are the following usages: residential, commercial, services and leisure.
Born in the Pinar del Río Province, but registered in the Havana census, on 17 November 1936, El Goyo—as he was always known—began his career as a singer and dancer from a very young age. He accompanied his father as pregonero and later joined various dance ensembles. His big break came in 1962, when he was accepted into the Conjunto Folklórico Nacional, a new ensemble organised by the government to preserve Cuba's cultural traditions and to present them abroad. He also became an educator at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana.
"Macho" moved to New York City in 1937 as a vocalist with "Las Estrellas Habaneras" (Havana Stars).Medina, Luis; 1984; "Machito," Avance Magazine; pg. 15 He worked with several Latin artists and orchestras in the late 1930s, recording with Conjunto Moderno, Cuarteto Caney, Orchestra Siboney, and the bandleader Xavier Cugat. After an earlier attempt to launch a band with Mario Bauzá, in 1940 he founded the Afro-Cubans, and conducted their first rehearsal on December 3 at the Park Palace BallroomSalazar, Max; 2002; "Mambo Kingdom: Latin Music in New York;" pg.
The founding of the band dates back to the 1940s. Its founder Arsenio Rodríguez was one the country's most renowned band leader with major influences on the Latin jazz and Salsa music of the next decades. With his Conjunto he was the first to add reed and brass instruments to a Latin band at that time. When Arsenio Rodríguez left Cuba in 1950 to undergo an ophthalmological intervention in New York to treat his eye disease, he handed the musical direction over to his first trumpet player, Félix Chappottín.
La última rumba de Papá Montero is a 1992 Cuban film directed by Octavio Cortázar. The film focuses on a contemporary documentary production company that is attempting to create a non-fiction feature on Papá Montero, a 1930s rumbero who was murdered during Havana’s carnival celebrations. The film uses flashback sequences to recreate Papá Montero's celebrated dancing and his disastrous involvement in a fatal love triangle.TV Guide Online review The film features rumba-inspired dance sequences performed on the streets of Havana by El Conjunto Folklorico Nacional de Cuba.
Angel Viloria y su Conjunto Típico Cibaeño was a merengue band performing in the US Latin community in the 1950s. It was the first band to enjoy major success in popularizing merengue music outside the Dominican Republic. The band featured Angel Viloria on the accordion (the accordion player was the traditional leader), Ramón E. García on alto saxophone, Luis Quintero on tambora and Dioris Valladares on vocals. Between 1950 and 1952, it notched up a number of hits under the New York based Ansonia Records banner of Rafael Pérez.
It is also the largest consumer center in the region, recording ¥102.2 billion retail sales of consumer goods in 2012, an increase of 14.9 percent from 2011. The city has been a central developmental target for the China Western Development project being pursued by the Central Government. There are many famous enterprises located in Hohhot, including China's largest dairy producer by sales revenue, the Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group, and the China Mengniu Dairy Co."Programa Conjunto FAO/OMS Sobre Normas Alimentarias" (Archive). Food and Agriculture Organization. p. 30.
Seroussi is an award-winning songwriter who has composed for numerous Latin artists, including A.B. Quintanilla III & Los Kumbia Kings, Chelo, Chicos De Barrio, Conjunto Primavera, German Lizárraga, Intocable, Luis Coronel, Melina León, Olga Tañon, OV7, Ozomatli, Pee Wee, Pepe Aguilar, El Poder Del Norte, Rey Ruiz, Reik, Ricardo Montaner and Yuridia, among others. In 2005, Seroussi received a BMI Latin Award for "Mi Gente" performed by A.B. Quintanilla y Los Kumbia Kings featuring Ozomatli. He received a BMI Latin Award in 2014 for "Prometiste" performed by Pepe Aguilar.
Jova Baró was also founder and editor-in-chief for the literary and critical publication Umbrales Revista Literaria Artistica from 1934 to 1937. In 1925, she published a collection of poetry Arpegios intimos. Jova Baró participated in the provincial women's organization Club Femenino and raised concerns about the marginalization of Afro-Cuban women at the 1939 Congreso Nacional Femenino in Havana. In 1939, she joined the Conjunto Nacional Democrático party and was chosen as that party's regional candidate for the national assembly; however, the provincial electoral board disallowed her candidacy.
While playing at the Tropicana Club in Las D'Aida's backing band, he declined Jesús Pérez's invitation to join the Conjunto Folklórico National in order to continue working at the docks. In 1961, he became one of the founding members of Guaguancó Marítimo Portuario, an amateur rumba group from the Havana docks.Schweitzer (2013) p. 223. In 1981 Guaguancó Marítimo Portuario became Yoruba Andabo, a professional rumba group that incorporated Quinto's rhythmic ideas for batá and cajón (wooden box) into a style known as guarapachangueo (pioneered in the 1970s by Los Chinitos).
In 1964, the label released his next endeavor entitled Cañonazo (Cannon Shot). The album featured Pete "El Conde" Rodriguez on vocals and a switch from the Charanga to the smaller-format Conjunto style. This was the first of many recordings with the "compadres" (literally, "godfathers"), and the beginning of a long friendship and working relationship between Pacheco and Rodriguez. Together, they recorded Los Compadres (1970), Perfecta Combinación (Perfect Combination) (1971), Tres de Café y Dos de Azúcar (Three Parts Coffee and Two Parts Sugar) (1973) and many other successful albums.
Soon thereafter, Tony Melendez took the position, at 18 years old, and started to take the group in a new direction. To further their success, Conjunto Primavera signed a new contract with AFG Sigma Records in 1993 and recorded their first major success, Me Nortie; not long thereafter, AFG was bought out by Mexican label Fonovisa. Since their first release on Fonovisa in 1996, the group has released several gold-selling albums and has been nominated for many Latin Grammy awards. In 2008, the group received the Billboard Latin Music Lifetime Achievement Award.
He co-produced the albums Equal Scary People for singer-songwriter Sara Hickman and El Gato Negro for conjunto musician Santiago Jimenez, Jr. He composed music for and appears as an extra in David Byrne's 1986 movie True Stories. His instrumental "Mall Music" appears on the associated album Sounds from True Stories. He co-wrote the music for the play Evelyn and the Polka King. He produced the opening for YuYu Hakusho and both the opening and ending themes for the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball and Case Closed.
This era of creativity and vitality is best represented by the Gonzalez brothers of Conjunto Libre (as the band was originally called). Jerry Gonzalez founded the jazz group the Fort Apache Band, which included his brother Andy and established a new standard for Latin jazz. During this same period, Tito Puente changed to performing and recording primarily Latin jazz for the remainder of his career. By 1989 Eddie Palmieri had also switched to playing mostly Latin jazz. The 1980s saw salsa expand to Nicaragua, Argentina, Peru, Europe and Japan, and diversify into new stylistic interpretations.
33 In 1955 Cheo Marquetti created a new band called Conjunto Los Salseros and recorded some new songs (Sonero and Que no muera el son). In 1955 José Curbelo recorded some other salsa songs (La familia, La la la and Sun sun sun ba bae). The contemporary meaning of salsa as a musical genre can be traced back to New York City Latin music promoter Izzy Sanabria:Boggs 1992, pp. 187-193. > In 1973, I hosted the television show Salsa which was the first reference to > this particular music as salsa.
Papago-Pima style is more commonly referred to as "chicken scratch" and is associated with the Native American Tohono O'odham tribe (who were once the Papago). This tribe was influenced by the music of the Germans who settled in southern Arizona, the most popular area for this genre. Papago-Pima performers use a saxophone, accordion, guitar, electric bass, and drums in their performances and commonly perform music that follows the form of the schottische (a dance with the same cultural origins as polka).Sturman, Janet, Borderlands: From Conjunto to Chicken Scratch.
The origins of the city go all the way back to prehistory, with the first human settlement being near the hill where the castle is today. For this reason and the rugged topography of this region, the historical district has steep and narrow roads, but newer sections of the city to the west and northwest have more standard sized roads. Much of the architecture in the city is listed under the categories of Bien de Interés Cultural and conjunto histórico, categories that are part of Spain's national system of heritage listing.
Rockpango, which features 11 original tracks, marks the first full-length studio album released by the band on their LonelyTone imprint for Playing in Traffic Records. A deluxe edition of the album will include three bonus songs, a behind-the-scenes video, and a fold-out poster of the cover art. In early 2014, Los Lonely Boys released their fifth studio album, Revelation. The album represents new territory for the Boys, with the conjunto touches on "Blame It On Love" and the reggae groove of "Give A Little More", among many other new sonic elements.
Humberto "Tito" Nieves (born June 4, 1959; also known "El Pavarotti de la Salsa") is a Puerto Rican musician who became one of the leading salsa singers of the 1980s and the early 1990s. Born in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico and raised in the United States, Nieves began his career while participating in Orquesta Cimarron, a New York-based group. In 1977, he teamed up with singer Héctor Lavoe and his Orchestra and joined the Conjunto Clasico. Later, Nieves started his solo career in 1986, setting himself apart by singing Salsa in English.
As a boy, he moved to Ipanema, where he earned the nickname "Macalé" - who was the worst football player in the Botafogo team at that time. As a teenager, he formed his first musical group - the duo "Dois no Balanço"; later came "Conjunto Fantasia de Garoto", which played jazz, seranade and "samba canção". He studied piano and orchestration with Guerra Peixe, cello with Peter Dauelsberg, guitar with Turibio Santos and Jodacil Damasceno, and musical analysis with Esther Scliar. [1] His professional career began in 1965 as a guitarist in "Grupo Opinião".
Santiago Jiménez Jr. (aka Santiago Henriquez Jiménez) (born April 8, 1944) is a folk musician who has won a National Heritage Fellowship in 2000 for lifetime achievement in traditional Tex-Mex/folk music, and a National Medal of Arts in 2016. He has been nominated for three Grammys. His father, Santiago "Flaco" Jiménez Sr. was a pioneer of conjunto music and pioneered the use of stringed bass (tololoche) in his work. His older brother Leonardo "Flaco" Jiménez is considered by many the greatest and most famous Tejano accordionist ever.
The creation of the Departmento del Distrito Federal eliminated the municipal government structure here, and integrated the area politically with the city. Eventually, Tacubaya became an important commercial center for Mexico City, linking the city with the west of the country. In the early 20th century, the first tall structure of the Mexico City area was built here, called the Ermita Conjunto or Triángulo de Tacubaya, which was at the vanguard architecturally at the time in Art Deco style. For many years, this building housed the Cine Hipódromo and the Teatro Hipódromo.
On his book Latin Jazz, John Storm Roberts wrote a favourable review of Justicia, calling it "the beginning of a number of extraordinarily important Palmieri releases". Tony Wilds wrote a mixed review for AllMusic, describing the album as "interesting" but "only average for an Eddie Palmieri record, which is still heads above most, and probably essential listening". After its release, Justicia has a long-lasting impact on the thriving New York salsa scene, with numerous socially-conscious bands arising shortly after its release. Notable examples include Tony Pabón's La Protesta and Manny Oquendo's Conjunto Libre.
Among his famous compositions are the bolero "Misterio de amor", written in 1948; "Rumba patria", made famous by Pío Leyva; "Muriéndome de risa", popularized by Los Papines, and "El son te llama", sung by Elena Burke. Peña's most covered song was "Tremendo cumbán", recorded in 1953 by Nelo Sosa's Conjunto Colonial to critical acclaim. The following year, it became the title track to Machito's new album on Seeco Tropical. Another danceable son, "Montuno alegre", was featured as the opener track on Niño Rivera's Conjband album on Panart, with Peña himself on bass.
Regional Mexican is a Latin music radio format, typically including Banda, Conjunto, Corridos, Duranguense, Grupero, Huapango, Mariachi, New Mexico music, Norteña, Ranchera, and Tejano music. It is the most popular radio format targeting Hispanic Americans in the United States.[2] The large number of immigrants from Northern Mexico can lead to an emphasis upon Norteña on Regional Mexican radio stations,[1] though markets with larger Hispanic audiences can have multiple Regional Mexican stations, with variations in which region from which the music is taken and where it is popular.
In particular, the accordion was adopted by Tejano folk musicians at the turn of the 20th century, and it became a popular instrument for amateur musicians in Texas and Northern Mexico. Small bands known as orquestas, featuring amateur musicians, became a staple at community dances. Early inceptions of tejano music demonstrated musical innovation, but also a socially and culturally innovation in themes that countered narratives of dominant culture. Norteño/conjunto accordion pioneer Narciso Martínez learned many tunes from German, Polish and Czech brass bands and transposed them to his accordion.
Tejano musicians like Flaco Jiménez and Esteban Steve Jordan carried on Martinez's tradition of accordion virtuosity and became a fixture on the international World Music scene by the 1980s. In the 1950s and 1960s, rock and roll and country music made inroads, and electric guitars and drums were added to conjunto combos. Also, performers such as Little Joe added both nuances of jazz and R&B;, and a Chicano political consciousness. The 1960s and 1970s brought a new fusion of cultures and the first La Onda Tejana Broadcasters.
Los Temerarios are a Mexican Grupera band from Fresnillo, Zacatecas started in 1978 by brothers Adolfo Angel and Gustavo Angel and their cousin Fernando Angel. During their early years, they were known as Conjunto La Brisa. Los Temerarios have recorded more than 20 albums and been honored with multiple awards and nominations that include two Grammy nominations, one Latin Grammy Award, an Excellence Award from Premio Lo Nuestro and another Lifetime Achievement Award from the Latin Billboard Music Awards. In 2016, they were inducted into the Latin Songwriters Hall of Fame.
"Maravilla Americana" are the first two words of the document's title. The full title in Spanish is Maravilla americana, y conjunto de raras maravillas, observadas con la direccion de las reglas de el arte de la pintura en la prodigiosa imagen de Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe de Mexico (1695-1768). Cabrera received extensive praise for Maravilla Americana throughout Europe from artists and clergymen. Pope Benedict XIV described the commentary with a quote from Psalm 147:20: “Non fecit taliter omni nationi” (God’s done nothing like it for any other nation).
Segura de la Sierra was designated in 1972 Conjunto Histórico-Artístico. The village offers, in essence, the same physiognomy it had in the past, reflected in its silent and beautiful streets. The most important monument is the Mudéjar Castle, placed on top of the town and surrounded by the ancient walls. The Fountain of Carlos V decorated with its shield is close to the Church of Nuestra Señora del Collado that has a nice painting of the Descendimiento by Gregorio Hernández and a Romanic sculpture of the Virgen de la Peña.
"Cómo te extraño" "How I Miss You" (1975), which was written by the band's drummer, Antonio Cruz, was originally offered to the Sonorense conjunto Grupo Yndio, but Yndio's version went mostly unnoticed. Shortly after, the group decided to record the song themselves, with Cruz on the vocals. This recording turned out to be a major hit in Mexico, although its romantic style alienated many fans of the band that had followed them since their days as a rock band. Nevertheless, it was the band's first mainstream hit since "Nasty Sex" in 1971.
Lydia Mendoza (May 31, 1916December 20, 2007) was an American guitarist and Spanish-language singer of Tejano, conjunto, and traditional Mexican-American music. Historian Michael Joseph Corcoran has stated that she was "The Mother of Tejano Music", an art form that is the uniquely Texas cultural amalgamation of traditional Mexican, Spanish, German and Czech musical roots. She recorded on numerous labels over the course of her six-decade career of live performing. The aggregate total of her records number an estimated 200 different Spanish-language songs on at least 50 LP record albums.
In 1984, she was inducted into the Tejano Music Hall of Fame, and in 1991, into the Conjunto Music Hall of Fame. For her contributions to the performing arts, she was inducted into the Texas Women's Hall of Fame in 1985. In 1999, she was awarded the National Medal of Arts by First Lady Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton, and in 2003 she was bestowed with the Texas Cultural Trust's Texas Medal of Arts. She designed and sewed her own stage costumes, and at one point was an instructor at California State University, Fresno.
She became the first Tejana elected to the Conjunto Hall of Fame in 1991. In 1999 on the South Lawn of the White House, she was among 18 individuals, as well as the Juilliard School of Music, awarded the National Medal of Arts by First Lady Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton. The Folk Alliance International presented Mendoza with its Lifetime Achievement Award in 2001. In 2003, she was among the second group of recipients to be awarded the Texas Medal of Arts by the Texas Cultural Trust.
The Pampulha Modern Ensemble (Portuguese: Conjunto Moderno da Pampulha) is an urban project in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It was designed around an artificial lake, Lake Pampulha, in the district of Pampulha and includes a casino, a ballroom, the Golf Yacht Club and the Church of Saint Francis of Assisi. The buildings were designed by the architect Oscar Niemeyer, in collaboration with the landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, Brazilian Modernist artists, and engineer Joaquim Cardozo. In July 2016 the site was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Figures given for losses during the Cenepa War vary widely, especially regarding human casualties. Ecuadorian military sources put the casualties at 34 killed recognized by Comando Conjunto de las FFAA del Ecuador and 154 killed and wounded recognized by Asociación de ex combatientes del Cenepa, Quito, Ecuador. As of February 2005, an Ecuadorian Cenepa war veterans' association had a membership of 131 ex-combatants, some of them with long-term health disorders caused by the war. ALDHU, a human rights NGO, has put the total number of mortal casualties for both sides at around 500.
The three villages, with their characteristic Moorish features - narrow, winding streets, flat roofs - have been designated as a Conjunto Histórico Artístico, a region of special artistic and historical importance. Bubión is thought to have been founded in Roman times, and in any case it certainly antedates the Moorish invasion of the 7th century. Under the Moors, it was under the authority of Ugíjar. In the 16th century, after the fall of Granada to the "Catholic Monarchs", the village participated in the rebellions by the Moors (or "Moriscos" - Moors supposed to have been converted to Christianity).
Violeta Zúñiga, 2017 Violeta Zúñiga (April 12, 1933 - February 2, 2019) was a Chilean human rights activist who was part of the Agrupación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos (Group of Family Members of Detainees and Disappeared) during the Military Dictatorship of Chile (1973-1990) until her death. She was also a member of the folk dance group, "Cueca sola", in which she participated more than a hundred times as a dancer, commemorating those who disappeared in Chile.Bannister, Ramón (2004). «La cueca sola: An Ethnomusicologist's Perspective on the AFDD Conjunto».
Aside from the many awards, Graciela Beltrán is also proud of the many professional collaborations she has participated in during her career. These include duets with Ednita Nazario, Emilio Navaira, Los Tucanes de Tijuana, Chalino Sánchez, Adán Sánchez, Banda Machos, Grupo Modelo, Conjunto Primavera and recently with El Chapo de Sinaloa. Her compilation album with Selena, , titled Las Reinas Del Pueblo has sold 5 million copies worldwide. She has also worked with well-known and respected producers such as Juan Carlos Calderon, K.C. Porter, Bebu Silvetti, Los Cuates Omar y Adolfo Valenzuela and Joan Sebastian.
He claimed to be the true creator of the mambo and was an important as well as a prolific composer who wrote nearly two hundred songs. Despite being blind since the age of seven, Rodríguez quickly managed to become one of Cuba's foremost treseros. Nonetheless his first hit, "Bruca maniguá" by Orquesta Casino de la Playa, came as a songwriter in 1937. For the following two years, Rodríguez worked as composer and guest guitarist for the Casino de la Playa, before forming his conjunto in 1940, one of the first of its kind.
This album again featured Rubén González and Orlando "Cachaíto" López, along with a big band of veteran Cuban musicians and singers such as Ibrahim Ferrer, Pío Leyva, Manuel 'Puntillita' Licea, and Félix Baloy. It was the first album recorded during the consecutive sessions that would also deliver the albums Buena Vista Social Club and Introducing...Rubén González. Planas also wrote songs such as: "Baila Francisca",Sleeve notes from Te Invito Un Momento, EGREM CD 0072. (1995). "Dicharachos Criollos", "Maria Del Carmen",Sleeve notes from Conjunto Rumbavana/Raúl Planas – Reencuentro Entre Soneros, EGREM LP LD–349.
Some of this music was not used in the film due to its late completion by Piazzolla, who was busy preparing for his first concert at the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires in 1972. Bertolucci employed Gato Barbieri to complete the music and that part of Piazzolla’s music that was completed late was used for Francesco Rosi’s film Cadáveri eccelenti in 1976. In 1972 Piazzolla composed the three movement Concierto de Nácar, for the Conjunto 9 and orchestra, one of his most complex compositions which incorporated various techniques of contemporary music composition, such as polyrhythm and polytonality.
El Baile Alemán ("The German Dance" in Spanish) is a cover album by Señor Coconut y Su Conjunto which was released on 23 December 1999 on vinyl in the US and released on other formats and regions on 26 January 2000. It consists of Kraftwerk covers done in a Latin American style. Although mostly note-for- note covers, some tracks add embellishments such as "cha-cha-chas", or minor changes to the song, like incorporating Latin Radio into the radio transmission in "Autobahn". The song "Home Computer" also has some lyrics from "It's More Fun to Compute" from the album Computer World.
In contrast to A toda Cuba le gusta, which was conceived as a revival of the son conjunto, Buena Vista Social Club was meant to bring back the traditional trova and filin, a mellower take on the Cuban son and bolero, as well as the danzón. A critical and commercial success, the album's release was followed by a short concert tour in Amsterdam and New York's Carnegie Hall in 1998. Footage from these dates, together with the recording sessions in Havana, were shown on the Buena Vista Social Club documentary by Wim Wenders, released in 1999.
Born in Rio de Janeiro, he participated at the evening musical get-togethers at Nara Leão's place, the cradle of the musical style Bossa Nova. Other important names like Tom Jobim, Roberto Menescal, Carlos Lyra, Sérgio Mendes and Ronaldo Bôscoli were also active participants. In 1963, together with Eumir Deodato, Sérgio Barrozo, João Palma and Roberto Menescal, he recorded his first LP, A Bossa Nova de Roberto Menescal e Seu Conjunto, playing vibraphone. Titles like "Desafinado", "Batida diferente", "Você e eu" and "Só danço samba" included on this LP, released by the label "Elenco", became some of the Bossa Nova hits.
Son jarocho group It represents a fusion of indigenous (primarily Huastecan), Spanish, and African musical elements, reflecting the population which evolved in the region from Spanish colonial times. Lyrics include humorous verses and subjects such as love, nature, sailors, and cattle breeding that still reflect life in colonial and 19th century Mexico. Verses are often shared with the wider Mexican and Hispanic Caribbean repertoire and some have even been borrowed from famous works by writers of the Spanish "Siglo de Oro". It is usually performed by an ensemble of musicians and instruments which collectively are termed a "conjunto jarocho".
"Wooly Bully" was the band's first and biggest hit. It became a worldwide success, selling three million copies and reaching No. 2 on the American Hot 100 chart on June 5–12, 1965, kept off the top by The Beach Boys' "Help Me, Rhonda" and The Supremes' "Back in My Arms Again". "Wooly Bully" also went to No. 31 on the Hot Rhythm & Blues Singles chart. The song was the first American record to sell a million copies during the British Invasion and was influenced by the British rock sound which was mixed with traditional Mexican-American conjunto rhythms.
Currently Diamond Music is the leader in distribution, promotion and digital logistics with extensive experience and is still the leading company in Puerto Rico and throughout Latin America with more than 250 productions. The company is dedicated to promotional campaigns, Latin e-marketing and direct specific. On the Latin market there are productions of Lucecita Benítez "La Voz Nacional" (17 volumes), Arcangel, Orquesta Corporación America, Conjunto Canayón, Sophy, Jadiel, Rey Pirin, Brian Michael, Arquimedes, Yaga & Mackie, Lourdes Robles, Manolo Lezcano, Lunna, Lou Briel and many more. The label is also the creative production house and more than 35 videos in the urban genre.
North American "Slovenian-style polka" is fast and features piano accordion, chromatic accordion, and/or diatonic button box accordion; it is associated with Cleveland. North American "Dutchmen-style" features an oom-pah sound often with a tuba and banjo, and has roots in the American Midwest. "Conjunto-style" polkas have roots in northern Mexico and Texas, and are also called "Norteño". Traditional dances from this region reflect the influence of polka-dancing European immigrants. In the 1980s and 1990s, several American bands began to combine polka with various rock styles (sometimes referred to as "punk polka"), "alternative polka", or "San Francisco-style".
Editorial Letras Cubanas, La Habana, Cuba, 1998, p. 203. They also occasionally included other instruments such as the bongo, and later they decided to expand the trio format to create a son conjunto by adding a piano, more guitars, tres and other voices. This project was joined by such important figures as Lorenzo Hierrezuelo, Francisco Repilado (Compay Segundo) and Beny Moré. In 1928, they travelled to New York with a recording contract by RCA Victor, and their first album caused such a great impact in the public that they soon became very famous at a national as well as an international level.
Morir de Amor (Eng.: Dying of Love) is a studio album by Mexican Norteño-Sax band Conjunto Primavera released in 2000. This album received a nomination for a Latin Grammy Award for Best Grupero Performance, which was awarded to En La Madrugada se Fue by Los Temerarios, and became their first number-one album in the Billboard Top Latin Albums chart. Technically, this album is of re- recordings, except for Morir de Amor and Mexico Ra, ra, ra, in total are only ballads, all with keyboard with exception of Mexico Ra, ra, ra, because the song has accordion instead of the keyboard.
She graduated in 1967, receiving her degree and almost immediately left for Spain to work with Antonio and José Camuñas on a housing project in Madrid. The father and son team had been hired to complete some 3,300 houses in an extensive complex called Conjunto Virgen de la Esperanza. She returned to Chile in 1980 to accept a position as the Regional Director of Tourism in Antofagasta and in 1982 began teaching at the Catholic University of the North () (UCN). In 1985, Kapstein left the Tourism Department, to focus on establishing the school of architecture at UCN and a laboratory for study.
In June 2012, Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, paid an official visit to Brazil and met with President Dilma Rousseff.Comunicado Conjunto entre Brasil e Austrália (in Portuguese) Both leaders discussed deepening of the ties and growth of the role played by the two countries in the world, and they agreed to increase relations between Australia and Brazil at the level of strategic partnership. In November 2014, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff paid a visit to Australia to attend the G20 Brisbane summit. Brazil is currently the largest source of international students in Australia outside of Asia and fifth largest globally.
See the list of traditional music styles that incorporate the accordion. Although rarely seen many early bigband (swing bands like Glenn Miller's) scores have the Piano part marked "Piano/Piano Accordion" Sometimes, certain traditional music styles may even be tied to a certain type of accordion, like the Schrammel accordion for Schrammelmusik, the Trikitixa for Basque music, or the diatonic button accordion in Mexican conjunto and norteño music. It would be hard to name one country in which the accordion did not play a significant role in its music tradition. It has even been idealized in literature.
Betancourt led a group called Borincuba (Conjunto Borincuba), a combination of the names Cuba and Borinquen, a name for Puerto Rico of Taíno origin.Charley Gerard, Music from Cuba: Mongo Santamaría, Chocolate Armenteros, and Cuban musicians, Praeger, 2001. In addition to recording a number of solo albums, he has played with the Fania All Stars and Sonora Matancera, as well as performing with musicians and singers such as Celia Cruz, Mongo Santamaría, Eddie Palmieri and Ray Barretto, among others.His rhythmic phrasing, tonality and expression display exceptional artistry and place him among the most skillful of singer rumberos in the salsa tradition.
The first, Conjunto Yaguarimú, featured vocalists Zaida Arrate and Pacho Alonso, who interpreted "dated" Cuban music. The second group, Orquesta Aragón, played some of the most dynamic music of the festival, utilizing its charanga sound of violins, cello, flute and rhythm section. The concert was running very late, and people began to leave the hall because of a midnight public transportation curfew. Hence, when the Fania All-Stars took the stage the house was half empty, yet the excitement of this ensemble-featuring practically every top name in salsa still captured the spirit of the audience.
He began playing two congas instead of one, an innovation he devised with fellow conguero Carlos "Patato" Valdés, who played with the Conjunto Casino at the time. With Fajardo, Tata played in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1956. The next year he took part in the recording of Cachao's Cuban Jam Sessions in Miniature; he even doubled on bass on one track with Cachao on piano. He then moved to New York City for two years, performing at the Waldorf Astoria and various nightclubs including Birdland, where he shared the stage with jazz musicians such as Dizzy Gillespie, Maynard Ferguson and Miles Davis.
The Constitution, in Article 81.2, says: "The approval, modification or derogation of organic laws requires an absolute majority of the Congress, in a final vote over the entire project." "La aprobación, modificación o derogación de las leyes orgánicas exigirá mayoría absoluta del Congreso, en una votación final sobre el conjunto del proyecto." Article 81.2 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978. That is to say, an organic law is presented as a project (by the government) or as a proposition of law (by the Cortes Generales) and must follow the same parliamentary procedures as an ordinary law.
In the late 1930s Arsenio Rodríguez took the pivotal step of replacing the guitar with the piano in the son conjunto. The piano has ever since, been a staple of Cuban popular music, and its "offspring" salsa. > "Como traigo la yuca", popularly called "Dile a Catalina", may be Arsenio's > most famous composition. The first half uses the changüí/son method of > paraphrasing the vocal melody, but the second half strikes out into bold new > territory – using contrapuntal material not based on the song's melody and > employing a cross‐rhythm based on sequences of three ascending notes—Moore > (2011: 39).
In 1934 he formed the Conjunto Folklórico Guaraní (Folkloric Guaraní Group), bringing in Santiago Cortessi, Jorge Caballero, Agustín Cáceres, Agustín Larramendia, José L. Melgarejo, Fidelino Castro Chamorro, and others. This group was active during and after the Chaco War (between Paraguay and Bolivia from 1932 to 1935). In the beginning the group was under the direction of Roque Centurión Miranda with the name “Elenco Chaco Paraguayo” (Paraguayan Chaco Cast). After the war he founded the first folkloric dancing group in Paraguay, becoming a pioneer in a genre that has continued to develop up through the present.
In 1958, Lincoln was playing bass regularly for Hammond organist and club owner Djalma Ferreira at the popular Drink Club in Rio de Janeiro. After Ferreira was wounded by a gunshot to the belly (delivered by business rivals), Lincoln was taken to the club at 5 o'clock in the evening on Friday and directed to learn to play the organ by 9 o'clock when the club opened. Previously, Lincoln had not been allowed to touch the instrument, but he proceeded to teach himself enough of its idiosyncrasies that he was able to successfully lead Conjunto Drink through a busy evening.Loronix: Music from Brazil.
El Club Deportivo Coreano es Un Club de Futbol De La Ciudad de Lobos Provincia de Buenos Aires, el club actualmente Juega La Liga Lobense de Futbol (Torneo Regional). El Club fue Fundado por Lorenzo Choi en 2005 y desde entonces Esta afiliado a la Asociacion del Futbol Argentino, posee un Hermoso e Imponente estadio sobre la ruta 205, donde hace de local el conjunto "Oriental", es tambien sede de partidos de la liga lobense y de amistosos contra Equipos Grandes. La Colectividad Asiatica del Pais es seguidora del Equipo asi como tambien vecinos de la ciudad de lobos.
Throughout the town there are sculptures in various styles: the set of sculptures in El Muelle park,Conjunto Escultórico del Parque del Muelle, in Spanish specially the Pedro Menendez sculpture and La foca (the seal); the Ruta del acero set of sculptures along the Avilés estuary; Avilés sculpture, and different ones such as: Marta y María, El hombre que escucha la piedra (the man who listens to the stone), El eslabón, Entre bambalines,El Revistín: Sculptures in Avilés, in Spanish etc. Oscar Niemeyer International Cultural Centre, by Oscar Niemeyer, on one of the sides of the Avilés estuary .
Today, various overlapping styles of music that descended in part from German music (notably polka) include tejano, conjunto, Tex-Mex, quebradita, banda, ranchera, and norteño. Such musical styles are especially popular in northern Mexico and in places of the United States where there is a large immigrant population of Mexican heritage. The brewing industry, in Monterrey, Nuevo León, was developed in part by German immigrants. The influx of German immigrants and the brief Austrian reign (mid-19th century) of Emperor Maximilian, who never traveled anywhere without his two German brew-masters, helped cement the art of brewing as an all- Mexican endeavor.
Cuba and its music: from the first drums to the mambo. Chicago. p408 it was certainly the LCB who took it round the world and made it famous.Harlequin Records put out on CDs the complete sequence of the LCB 78rpm recordings with detailed liner notes; the conga features in six numbers on the first CD. The LCB was therefore the first conjunto to use the conga drum regularly in its performances, and not Arsenio Rodríguez, as is often supposed. The band initially organized itself as a collective, but in practice Armando Oréfiche (composer, arranger, pianist) was the leader.
Alberti composed popular songs as Luna sobre el Jaragua, Tu no podrás olvidar, Estampas criollas and Compadre Pedro Juan, which became an international hit and has been recorded by dozens of performers, including Billo's Caracas Boys, Xavier Cugat, El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico, Porfi Jiménez, Dámaso Pérez Prado, Wilfrido Vargas, Angel Viloria y su Conjunto Típico Cibaeño, and Alberto Naranjo & El Trabuco Venezolano.All- In addition, Alberti wrote a Método de tambora y güira, a collection of infantile songs, and a work on Música, músicos y orquestas bailables dominicanas that stood out during the first half of the 20th century.
Son montuno is a subgenre of son cubano developed by Arsenio Rodríguez in the 1940s. Although son montuno ("son from the mountain") had previously referred to the sones played in the mountains of eastern Cuba, Arsenio repurposed the term to denote a highly sophisticated approach to the genre in which the montuno section contained complex horn arrangements. He also incorporated piano solos and often subverted the structure of songs by starting with the montuno in a cyclic fashion. For his approach, Arsenio had to expand the existing septeto ensemble into the conjunto format which became the norm in the 1940s alongside big bands.
Conjunto Nacional de Danza Moderna was officially established in 1959 and held its first show in 1960 at the Teatro Nacional in Havana. The financial support of the revolutionary government contributed to great initial success, as the dancers and creators of técnica did not have to rely on outside jobs for income, finance rehearsal space, or commission compositions. Técnica was created with the social backing of the new regime and aimed to link the power of dance with Cuban national image. As a result, técnica was a key component of the intellectual socialist production of the new revolutionary Cuba in 1959.
The race course is protected by a heritage listing Bien de Interes Cultural. As well as listing the stands and other structures for protection, the citation refers to the paddock and pelouse (infield) as being of interest.The protected area includes the following, Conjunto de edificaciones enlazadas, formado por restaurante sur, tribuna sur, tribuna central y tribuna norte, más otros dos pequeños edificios de planta cuadrada, situados en la parte oeste de la zona. Además se incluyen el paddock y sus tres galerías perimetrales; el jardín norte, el jardín sur, su galería oeste y sus arcos de entrada; y la pelouse.
Knight was a trained trumpeter, and a "powerfully expressive" musician, according to Sue Stewart of The Guardian. At age 23, he joined the Havana-based, Afro-Cuban conjunto band, La Sonora Matancera ("the sound of Matanzas", a port with a large black population), that produced, highly rhythmic dance music rooted in traditional, Africa-based styles of son and guaracha, as revived decades later by the Buena Vista Social Club. The key to the band's sound relied on trumpets, percussion, Cuban guitar, double bass, voices, and piano. At the time, Havana was emerging as one of the world's most popular musical nightspots.
He was also a stutterer, something to which he constantly made humorous references in his live performances. For example, he claimed that a television comedy sketch featuring himself, Adrián García and Marcos Betancourt, all stammerers, would be four hours long. Pumarejo was usually backed by his longtime musical combo, the Río Cañas Sound Machine (a spoof of the Miami Sound Machine). In 1985, Pumarejo scored a Christmas music chart- topper, with his song "La Finquita" ("The Little Farm"), this time backed by the Conjunto Quisqueya, a very successful merengue band of mostly Dominican expatriates living in Puerto Rico.
Until 1953, Bomba and Plena were virtually unknown outside Puerto Rico. Island musicians Rafael Cortijo (1928–1982), Ismael Rivera (1931–1987) and the El Conjunto Monterrey orchestra introduced Bomba and Plena to the rest of the world. What Rafael Cortijo did with his orchestra was to modernize the Puerto Rican folkloric rhythms with the use of piano, bass, saxophones, trumpets, and other percussion instruments such as timbales, bongos, and replace the typical barriles (skin covered barrels) with congas. Rafael Cepeda (1910–1996), also known as "The Patriarch of Bomba and Plena", was the patriarch of the Cepeda family.
The museum building itself is part of the heritage listing Conjunto histórico. The city also has several specialised museums, like the Maritime Museum Estuary of Bilbao (Bilboko Itsasadarra Itsas Museoa), located next to the Estuary of Bilbao, which holds ships and other collection related to the region's fishing and shipbuilding culture, being particularly relevant the Carola crane, last remaining element of the Euskalduna shipyard that existed where the museum now stands. Other relevant museums are the Biscayan Archeological Museum (Arkeologi Museoa) which holds important collections related to the region's prehistory, and the Diocesan Museum of Religious Art (Eleiz Museoa), both located in the Casco Viejo quarter.
Garralda Arizcun 2008; at that time the alcalde was a Carlist, Antonio Archanco Zubiri, "comerciante local con la tendencia colaboracionista", María del Mar Larraza-Micheltorena, Alcaldes de Pamplona durante el franquismo: Un retrato de conjunto, [in:] Memoria y Civilización 15 (2012), pp. 232, 235 By this token, in 1943 and 1944 he performed the prestigious sanfermines task of setting off el chupinazo.see site available here The council role did necessarily imply collaboration, but promotion to colonel, 1943 appointment as a provincial Falangist delegate for communication and transport and vice secretary of FET Educación Popular sectionAurora Villanueva Martínez, El Carlismo navarro durante el primer franquismo: 1937-1951, Madrid 1998, , p.
Timba is a form of funky Cuban popular dance music. By 1990, several Cuban bands had incorporated elements of funk and hip-hop into their arrangements, and expanded upon the instrumentation of the traditional conjunto with an American drum set, saxophones and a two-keyboard format. Timba bands like La Charanga Habanera or Bamboleo often have horns or other instruments playing short parts of tunes by Earth, Wind and Fire, Kool and the Gang or other U.S. funk bands. While many funk motifs exhibit a clave-based structure, they are created intuitively, without a conscious intent of aligning the various parts to a guide-pattern.
Paco Betancourt owned and operated the Rio Grande Music Co. in San Benito, Texas, which also housed the Ideal Records recording studio. The Rio Grande Music Co. was primarily a coin-operated vending company that owned and serviced jukeboxes and pinball machines. In the 1920s, Paco Betancourt owned and operated the Queen Theatre in Brownsville, Texas, which was the first theatre in the Rio Grande Valley to show talking movies. By the late 1940s and early 1950s, local music of the day--the early Tejano and conjunto music of South Texas--had become a popular genre and good business for record producers and jukebox operators.
The first two songs Baca learned were the polka, "Monterrey," and the swing classic, "In the Mood." This combination of musical genres with the conjunto music he inherited from his father portended the future direction of Baca's musical career. Flaco Jiménez and Max Baca, 2013 When he was twelve, Baca and his brother Jimmy formed their own group from Albuquerque New Mexico- Los Hermanos Baca- The Band had hit after hit in the Land of Enchantment to include- "Hey Baby Que Paso" an original hit of The Texas Tornados. The Members: Jimmy Baca Accordion & Vocals, Max Baca Bajo Sexto & Vocals, Lee Ray Romero, Jr. Bass Guitar and Carl Lee Lucero Drums.
"Hoy Como Ayer" ("Today Like Yesterday") is a song performed by Mexican Norteño-Sax band Conjunto Primavera. Released in 2005 as the first single from the album of the same name, the song became their first number-one single in the Billboard Top Latin Songs chart, as well as peaking number-one on the Billboard Regional Mexican Airplay. The track debuted in the Billboard Regional Mexican Songs chart on January 29, 2005 at number 34 and climbed to the top five of the chart two weeks later. "Hoy Como Ayer" peaked at number- one on February 26, 2005 for week and later spent two consecutive weeks number-one.
He played with Piazzolla's re-formed Conjunto 9 in 1983 for his Teatro Colón concert with the Buenos Aires Philharmonic. In 1985 Ziegler composed the music for the film Adios Roberto, and in 1990, he established the New Tango Quartet.Pablo Ziegler His playing style, both sharply percussive and metallically lyrical, is instantly recognizable and bears some similarities to that of Vladimir Horowitz as well as some of the wistfulness of Bill Evans. As a composer he has taken Piazzolla's contrapuntal approach to tango music and added more jazz influence, notably with the regular use of a drumkit, lighter harmonies similar to those used in Bossa Nova, and extended passages of improvisation.
She started playing the guitar as a teenager, and got involved with the emerging Bossa Nova movement, winning a nationwide song contest on TV at the age of 19. Following a 1967 album, "Muito Na Onda," with the project 'Conjunto 3D,' Carvalho did her first solo record, 1968's "Andança", and carried the song of the same name to victory in a larger festival, which brought her to prominence. Although she started her career with Bossa Nova, that was an ephemeral phase which lasted less than one year. Beth started dedicating herself entirely to samba just as her fame began, working with legendary composers such as Nelson Sargento.
The company was founded in 1959 as the Conjunto Nacional de Danza Moderna (National Modern Dance Ensemble) by Ramiro Guerra Suarez, who moulded Danza Contemporanea’s repertoire into a Cuban blend of ballet and folklore styles. In 1971 Guerra was separated from the company and ostracized by the government, although he was partially rehabilitated in 1978. It was in 1971 that the name of the company was changed to Danza Nacional de Cuba, until 1987; in that period the company went through several directors. Since 1987 Danza Contemporanea de Cubahas been under the direction of Miguel Iglesias, who started dancing with the company in 1975.
466 and receiving flattering letters from the prince.Carlos Hugo wrote to Abánades, probably consciously expoiting his lifetime adherence to Mella: “Mella no es el canto del pasado. Utiliza el pasado para exponer su sistema (...) La tradición es un conjunto de soluciones que han creado los hombres y que la historia ha acreditado como eficaces (...) La tradición no puede suponer nunca una coacción del pasado; es un proyecto de futuro, a partir de una altura histórica [...] La necesidad origina y precede a la tradición; de ahí que, cuando surgen problemas nuevos, es necesario inventar tradiciones nuevas cara el futuro”, quoted after Martorell Perez 2009, p.
His Puerto Rican New Yorker protegé Miguel Quijano (a current mani teacher and instructional author) notes De Dios as also a santero, and a ceremonial singer "versed in Yoruba, Palo, Abakua, and Arara traditions, known throughout Cuba". De Dios was in turn a student, with seven others, of the great manisero Argeliers Leon. Quijano writes of the eight graduates of Leon that they "knew the art ... in its entirety", as both a dance form and a martial art, and were founding members of the Conjunto Folklorico Nacional (Cuba's 'National Folkloric Connection' dance organization), where they taught "a folkloric version", i.e. one oriented to dance performance.
In 1999 the band returned to Cuba after being invited to appear in Havana and Santiago to work with Conjunto Folklorico de Cutumba. In 2003, the band's third album El Agua De La Vida reached number 5 on the World Music Chart of Europe and number 24 in the end of year round-up 2003 World Music Chart for Europe. In 2004 the band toured the UK for the first time, including a headline performance at Queen Elizabeth Hall on London's South Bank. Salsa Celtica have appeared on BBC Radio 2's folk programme The Mike Harding Show and BBC Radio 3's Andy Kershaw Show.
Elvira began a solo recording career with Continental Records of São Paulo, in 1944. She released a 78, accompanied by Conjunto Tocantins, interpreting the sambas "Arrastando o pé" by Peterpan and and "Samburá" by and . In 1945, she recorded a four-song album, unusual for the time, with the songs "E o mundo se distrai" and "Meu amor és tu" by Gadé, Almanir Grego and ; and the songs "Cabelo azul" and "Briga de peru" by and Herivelto Martins. That same year, she released a second album with two sambas, "Na feira do cais dourado" by Nelson Teixeira and Nelson Trigueiro, and "Um ranchinho na lua" by Babi de Oliveira.
RCA Víctor Mexicana hired her in 1953 to record several songs with Daniel Zarabozo's conjunto. Four of these recordings were reissued in 1961, when RCA Camden (RCA Víctor's subsidiary label) compiled them into a collector's edition LP record. On 7 October 1970, she sang "Nostalgia" and "Anoche" in a posthumous tribute to Gonzalo Curiel at the Teatro Degollado in Guadalajara. The tribute, in which artists such as Martha Triana, Amparo Montes, and Lupita Palomera participated, was organized by the Government of the State of Jalisco, the National Association of Actors, the Society of Authors and Composers of Mexico, and Guadalajara's Fiestas en Octubre Committee.
Discovered in 2011, the remains came from Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico of Teruel-Dinópolis locality AR-1, located east of Ariño, in the northern Teruel Province in the Community of Aragón. This vertebrate site occurs below the lowest mineable coal seam operated by SAMCA Group's Ariño coal mine in a plant debris bed in the lower Escucha Formation, and the most abundant dinosaur identified from it is the iguanodontian Proa valdearinnoensis. The paratype of Europelta was collected 200 meters laterally from the holotype in the same bed. The site dates to the early Albian stage of the late Early Cretaceous, based on an analysis of the palynomorphs, ostracods and charophytes (nanofossils).
Todo Tango: Antonio Agri He later joined the Rosario Symphony Orchestra, though in 1961, Nito Farace (a violinist in the Aníbal Troilo Orchestra for decades) recommended him to Ástor Piazzolla. Piazzolla invited Agri to take part in the Quinteto Nuevo Tango, and the debut took place in April 1962. Agri later played in the Nuevo Octeto (1963), and played as sideman in well-known orchestras headed by Osvaldo Fresedo, Horacio Salgán, Mariano Mores, Alberto Caracciolo and Roberto Pansera. Piazzolla made Agri the lead violin in his 1968 musical, María de Buenos Aires, and the two continued their association in 1971 as part of the Conjunto 9, recording for RCA Records.
Starting in 1991, the Finger Lakes GrassRoots Festival of Music and Dance is an annual festival held the second-to-last weekend of July in Trumansburg, New York, a small town ten miles north of Ithaca. The GrassRoots Festival, or simply GrassRoots, as it is known, draws nearly 20,000 visitors throughout the course of four days. GrassRoots presents over 70 musicians, bands and dance troupes on four simultaneously running stages continually throughout the long weekend. Genres represented among the musicians include bluegrass, Cajun, zydeco, African, reggae, country, Americana, Native American music, old-time music, Irish music, jam band, rock and roll, hip hop, Conjunto, rockabilly and more.
Newsweek found the music in Amor Prohibido to have combined house music, cumbia, rock, dancehall, and new wave that was modernized in a kaleidoscopic form that embodied postmodern maelstrom of the mid-'90s. Amor Prohibido diverged from Selena's "stock-in-trade contemporary Tex-Mex sound." Mario Tarradell of The Dallas Morning News, however, believed the title track and "Bidi Bidi Bom Bom" contained Selena's cheerful and enthusiastic personality that were prevalent in previous recordings. The album's musical influences include salsa, funk, R&B;, bubblegum pop, teen pop, pop ballads, techno, a fusion of reggae and dancehall, rock, polka, conjunto, flamenco, mariachi, corridos, and Tejano cumbia.
Historical aerial view of the Central Complex The Conjunto Central (Central Complex) of the University City houses many academic, administrative, and social buildings, as well as some of the campus's more famous artworks. The Plaza Cubierta is an indoor-outdoor space designed as an "open museum", combining art into the environment and architecture into art, and is considered one of the most important artistic and cultural works of the country. It also connects many different buildings in the Central Complex.:356-358 Villanueva wanted the Plaza Cubierta to be the heart of the campus, the physical and cultural center, being inspired by halls and city center plazas in Europe.
Son Huasteco trio at the Alfredo Guati Rojo National Watercolor Museum in Mexico City Huapango is a Mexican folk dance and music style, part of the style son huasteco. The word likely derives from the Nahuatl word cuauhpanco that literally means "on top of the wood", alluding to a wooden platform on which dancers perform zapateado dance steps. It is interpreted in different forms, the most common being the classic huapango interpreted by a trio of musicians (un trio huasteco); the huapango norteño interpreted by a group (un conjunto norteño); and the huapango de mariachi, which can be performed by a large group of musicians.
However, this height caused opposition and an adjoining building, the Isabel Conjunto, was scaled back to four floors. Both were innovative at the time because they mixed different uses in the same building, commercial centers on the ground floor and residences on the upper floors. The building is commonly called “Canada” due to the large lighted “Canada” (a chain of stores in Mexico) which has been here since the 1950s. The building is in disrepair, in part from the addition of advertising signs, such as those for Coca Cola, Camel and Sol, without adapting the building to their weight. These signs also hide the building’s characteristics.
However, Los Lobos took notice of the popular groups on the Hollywood music scene and added influences of rock to its sound. Originally, they called themselves Los Lobos del Este (de Los Angeles) ("The Wolves of the East [of Los Angeles)]"), which was a play on the name of the norteño band Los Tigres del Norte; also, there was another conjunto band at the time named "Los Lobos Del Norte", who had released several albums already, and in fact Los Lobos del Este were from east L.A. The name was quickly shortened to Los Lobos.El Cancionero: Mas y Mas liner notes of CD box set.
After spending some time with the Fania All-Stars, Rojas decided to form his own band the "Conjunto Borincano", but the venture was short lived. In 1987 and 1989, he had hits with the salsa versions of the ballads Noche de Bodas (Wedding Night), and Quiereme Tal Como Soy (Love me the way I am). These were accomplished after he joined the "Puerto Rican Power" band. In 1990, Rojas went solo and recorded Sensual (1990), Condename (1992), and A Mi Estilo (At My Style) (1994), however it was his 1995 recording Por Propio Derecho (On my own right), that placed Rojas on the Latin Billboards hit list.
Falcon's studio location was an optimal spot to record rural norteño music, which appealed to both the working class Hispanic population, as well as to more affluent members of the ethnicity who were seeking nostalgia. This was in contrast to their main competitor Ideal Records, who recorded a more urban, "sophisticated" brand of tejano music called conjunto that appealed to the bilingual and the educated. One of the first artists to sign to Falcon was Los Alegres de Terán, who continued to record for Falcon for more than 30 years. The group's recordings played a crucial role for norteña music, as their music became popular throughout Mexico.
The other side opens with Formas libres, an instrumental theme created by Naranjo, where his Trabuco adopt a more radical view of music when dealing with complexity of expression, loosely based on free jazz experimentation and uncompromising ideas. The theme is composed of solos by Samuel del Real (piano), Gustavo Aranguren (trumpet) and Rafael Silva (trombone). But the band is at its most interesting when it stretches out, then comes Imágenes latinas, a warm homage to Conjunto Libre and trombonist Barry Rogers. This song provides an emotional vocal showcase for Palacios, and is interspersed with long solos by Lorenzo Barriendos (bass), William Mora (bongos), José Navarro (timbales) and Felipe Rengifo (congas), with impeccable support from the brass section.
The relationship between the collective trade usages, leisure-and uses private residences-gives the composition between two parts: in the horizontal part, which occupies the entire block on which to deploy the building-is a shopping arcade, and the vertical part, which occupies only a part of the projection of the terrain are the apartments. The Gallery proposal in the National Assembly became an architectural paradigm for projects of similar buildings in the central area of São Paulo during the 1950s decade. Conjunto Nacional has restaurants, offices and other types of shops and services, plus the largest bookstore in Latin America by built area, the Livraria Cultura. For many years it housed the Cine Astor and the Fasano Restaurant.
Guatemala participates in several regional groups, particularly those related to the environment and trade. For example, US President Clinton and the Central American presidents signed the CONCAUSA (Conjunto Centroamerica-USA) agreement at the Summit of the Americas in December 1994. CONCAUSA is a cooperative plan of action to promote clean, efficient energy use; conserve the region's biodiversity; strengthen legal and institutional frameworks and compliance mechanisms; and improve and harmonize environmental protection standards. Illicit drugs: Guatemala is a transit country for cocaine shipments; minor producer of illicit opium poppy and cannabis for the international drug trade; active eradication program in 1996 effectively eliminated the cannabis crop; proximity to Mexico makes Guatemala a major staging area for drugs (cocaine shipments).
In gastronomy, La Orotava was honored for the Denominación de Origen Valle de La Orotava or the Denomination of the Origin of the Orotava Valley (Valle de La Orotava) in wines. The historic center of La Orotava was declared Conjunto históricoHistórico de La Orotava in 1976 and is included in the Inventory of the European Cultural Heritage Protection and Monumental.Histórico de La Orotava Also noteworthy is that much of the Teide National Park (a World Heritage Site in 2007) is located within the municipality. La Orotava is also the highest town of Spain and steepest, the municipality comes from sea level up to 3718 meters the Teide (the highest peak in Spain).
Their unique sound caught the ear of a young and upcoming Rock Bassist and arranger named Randy Ortiz, who was looking for a group that could realize his musical ideas of combining the electric power of a rock band with a fiery Latin rhythm section. The concept was taken a step further with the addition of a dual trumpet, dual brass sections that would be reminiscent of the conjunto sound...a style of orchestration which has deep roots in the New York Latin music scene. Under the musical direction of Randy Ortiz, the band leadership of percussionist Angel Nater Jr., and guitarist Louie Perez, Seguida began to refine its sound. The result was a style like no other.
It also made no. 13 on the Radio Luxembourg Top 30. On the basis of sales from the record-buying public of Europe, it was the winning entry, outperforming the contest's winner,Record World, Spotlight on Germany, 21 January 1978, page 20 a quarter of a million copies being sold in Germany alone,Billboard, 3 December 1977 where it was the 38th best selling single of 1977. After the Eurovision Song Contest, it was released as one of the tracks on an EP in Portugal entitled "Conjunto Pentagrama" ("Pentogram Set"), together with the French entry "L'Oiseau Et L'Enfant", the Irish entry "It's Nice To Be In Love Again" and the Monaco entry "Une Petite Française".
In 1956, still at the age of 14, Poventud was invited to sing in the wedding of Grace Kelly and Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. Poventud made his professional debut in El Teatro Puerto Rico, where he sang the songs he'd written in his mother's memory: Soy un Huerfanito (I'm a Little Orphan), De Que Me Sirve la Vida (What's the Use of Living), and Hechame a Mi la Culpa (Blame Me). Poventud continued to make further presentations at the theater with Yomo Toro y su Conjunto playing Rock 'n Roll in English, and singing Boleros in Spanish. His also sang Rock 'n Roll songs such as "Prometo Recordarte" (I Promise to Remember You).
The monastery, over its more than 500 years of history, has suffered several modifications, above all from the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. La Rabida Monastery. It is one of the most prominent places from the events surrounding the discovery of the Americas; Columbus stayed there, it is the burial place of Martín Alonso Pinzón, it was visited by various Spanish conquistadors, and many of their religious practiced in the evangelization of the Americas. That is why it forms part of the distinguished historic and artistic itinerary known as los Lugares Colombinos.Decreto 553/1967, de 2 de marzo, por el que se declara conjunto histórico artístico el sector denominado «Lugares Colombinos» en la provincia de Huelva.
In 1939 he was succeeded by well-known composer Radamés Gnattali, and Pixinguinha left Victor to join flautist Benedito Lacerda's band, where he took up the tenor saxophone as his primary instrument and continued to compose music for the group. Lacerda's band was a conjunto regional (or just regional), the name given to in-house bands hired by radio stations to perform music and accompany singers, often live in front of a studio audience. Throughout the 30s, 40s regionais provided steady employment to the very best choro musicians of the day and led to the professionalization of the Brazilian music industry. It was with Lacerda that Pixinguinha began another fertile period of composing and recording.
The latter, which he composed when he was only 17 years old, was recorded by numerous artists including Miguelito Valdés, Machito and his Afro- Cubans featuring Charlie Parker, Celia Cruz with La Sonora Matancera, Tito Puente, and Johnny Pacheco, as well as Fellove himself. Based on the fast tempo of his guarachas, which he termed "chua chua", Fellove developed a scat singing technique together with fellow vocalist Dandy Crawford. In 1952, Fellove took part in some of the descargas (jam sessions) directed by Julio Gutiérrez at Panart Studios in Havana (released in 1956). In December 1955 he moved to Mexico with fellow filin songwriter José Antonio Méndez and joined the cha-cha-cha group Conjunto Batamba.
Agri toured with the Conjunto internationally, though he left to accept a commission as a company violinist in the prestigious Teatro Colón opera house, in Buenos Aires (Agri later admitted regretting this move).Clarín: Murió el violinista Antonio Agri He formed his own string ensemble (violins, violas, cellos and double bass), in 1973. His Mosalini/Agri Quintet, based in Paris and co-directed by Juan José Mosalini, also featured Agri's son, Pablo, with whom the violinist often performed as a duo. He later co-founded the Nuevo Quinteto Real with pianist Horacio Salgán, bandoneonist Leopoldo Federico (later replaced by Néstor Marconi), guitarist Ubaldo De Lío, and drummers Omar Murtagh and Oscar Giunta.
In 1981, Hilda Hilst won the Grande Prêmio da Crítica para o Conjunto da Obra, by the same Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Arte. In 1984, the Câmara Brasileira do Livro awarded her the Jabuti Prize for Cantares de Perda e Predileção, and the following year the same book claimed the Prêmio Cassiano Ricardo (Clube de Poesia de São Paulo). Rútilo Nada, published in 1993, took the Jabuti Prize for best short story, and finally, on August 9, 2002, she was awarded at the 47th edition of Prêmio Moinho Santista in the poetry category. From 1982 to 1995 Hilst participated in the Programa do Artista Residente (Artist-in-Residence program), at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP.
The Bate Palmas Company taking their bows after a performance. Member of the Bate Palmas Company Bate Palmas is a musical youth group from Conjunto Palmeiras under the coordination of the singer-songwriter Parahyba and support of the Banco Palmas. Through its music, the Bate Palmas Company represents the culture and the history of the neighborhood while also representing the principles of the solidarity economy movement through the manufacturing and selling of its own artistic and cultural products, including musical instruments, CD recordings, art workshops, and shows and other artistic performances. Although with great emphasis on percussion, the band is, at times, also accompanied by guitar, electric bass, drums, mandolin, violin, guitar and vocals.
Cuban bandleader and musician Juan de Marcos González Several projects gained international attention in the 1990s due to their revival of traditional music styles such as the son cubano of the septeto and the conjunto era. Founded in 1976, Sierra Maestra (band) was one of the first revivalist groups in Cuba. In 1995, Juan de Marcos González, director and tres player of Sierra Maestra, was contacted by Nick Gold (head of World Circuit Records) to record a traditional Cuban album featuring African musicians. In the end, the African musicians could not make it to Havana, so the project became a 100% Cuban affair featuring veteran Cuban musicians such as Rubén González, Ibrahim Ferrer, Compay Segundo and Omara Portuondo.
In 1983, the Conjunto Típico Habanero reverted its name definitively to Septeto Habanero, still with Manolo Furé as lead singer and claves player. In 1995, the band recorded an album for its 75th anniversary entitled 75 Años después. The band was actually as octet (and remains so), featuring Manolo Furé (lead vocals, claves), Germán Pedro Ibáñez (guitar), José Antonio Pérez (vocals and maracas), Digno Marcelino Pérez (vocals and güiro), Felipe Ferrer (tres), Bárbaro Teuntor García (trumpet), Faustino Sánchez Illa (electric bass) and Ricardo Ferro Vicente (bongos). After the death of Furé, guitarist and singer Germán Pedro "Pedrito" Ibáñez, who joined the band in 1962, became the director until his death in 2007.
The first Tejano Music Awards was held in 1980 and recognized Tejano musicians and recordings of 1980. The ceremony awarded Tejano musicians in 11 categories: Male Vocalist of the Year, Female Vocalist of the Year, Vocal Duo of the Year, Album of the Year – Orchestra, Album of the Year – Conjunto, Single of the Year, Male Entertainer of the Year, Female Entertainer of the Year, Song of the Year, Songwriter of the Year, and Most Promising Band of the Year. Tejano music enjoyed a wider success in the 1990s as it entered in its first renaissance and marketable era. This was due to the popularity of American singer Selena, who was called the "Queen of Tejano music".
In keeping with this effort to promote Cuban culture, Castro's new regime fostered expansion of the arts by encouraged the creation of new art forms. Castro's government appointed Ramiro Guerra, an accomplished dancer and choreographer, as the director of the Department of Modern Dance, housed within the Teatro Nacional (English: National Theatre) in the Plaza de la Revolución in Cuba. Dancers from Danza Contemporanea The goal of the department was to create a dance group with original repertory that was rooted in an original Cuban contemporary dance style. Guerra and his colleagues thus founded a contemporary dance group, Conjunto Nacional de Danza Moderna (English: The National Modern Dance Ensemble) with support from the new Castro regime.
The earliest recording of "La chismosa del solar" was made by Los Muñequitos de Matanzas in 1970 for Areito, the main imprint of EGREM, Cuba's national record label. It was one of a series of songs released in the early 1970s by the band, effectively relaunching their career after their many recordings in the 1950s under the name Conjunto Guaguancó Matancero. The band had become Cuba's foremost rumba band, partly due to the success of hits like "Los muñequitos", which led to the renaming of the band. Despite not touring internationally at the time, the song made its way to the United States, where trumpeter Alfredo "Chocolate" Armenteros soon recorded and released the song as a single for Mericana Records.
Because Afro-Cubans had fewer economic opportunities and the majority lived in poverty, the style of dance and music did not gain national popularity and recognition until the 1950s, and especially after the effects of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, which institutionalized it. The first commercial studio recordings of Cuban rumba were made in 1947 in New York by Carlos Vidal Bolado and Chano Pozo for SMC Pro-Arte, and in 1948 in Havana by Filiberto Sánchez for Panart. The first commercial ensemble recordings of rumba were made in the mid 1950s by Alberto Zayas and his Conjunto Afrocubano Lulú Yonkori, yielding the 1956 hit "El vive bien". The success of this song prompted the promotion of another rumba group, Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, which became extremely popular.
También se registró un crecimiento considerable en las últimas estadísticas oficiales sobre la pobreza absoluta, que tienen en cuenta el acceso a alimentos, salud, educación, vivienda y otros factores. De acuerdo con datos recientes del Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (CONEVAL), entre 2006 y 2010, la proporción de personas que vivían en la pobreza (extrema y moderada) aumentó del 35% al 46% (lo que equivale a 52 millones de personas). El alto nivel de pobreza absoluta se refleja también en otros indicadores relativos a las condiciones de vida: por ejemplo, la mortalidad infantil, que es tres veces superior al promedio de la OCDE, y la tasa de analfabetismo, que supera a la media del conjunto de la Organización.
Cauby still would write the song "Enrolando o Rock" for the band "Betinho & Conjunto", after this quick passage by genre the singer would not more record rock songs. In 1959, he returned to USA for a season of 14 months, during which he held concerts, appearances on television and recorded in English, the song Maracangalha (Dorival Caymmi), which received the title of I'Go (Music belonging to the 5th most played album in the US, proudly in the voice of a Brazilian, was a 78 rpm compact disc from Epic Records, recorded with the Paul Weston Orchestra). On a third visit to the US, some time after, participated in the Warner Brothers movie Jamboree. Throughout the 1960s, he limited his appearances to presentations in nightclubs.
In 1942 the Grupo Coral Folklórico de Cuba became the Conjunto Coral Sinfónico Folklórico de Cuba, and together with Fernando Ortiz he began to give lectures about Afro-Cuban music at the Hispano-Cuban Culture Society and the Society for Afro-Cuban studies. Beginning in 1943, Morales conducted Afro- Cuban music performances on Sundays which were broadcast by Radio Cadena Suaritos. In the 1950s Morales was responsible for the score of several films including Rincón criollo (1950), Una gitana de La Habana (1950), Sandra, la mujer de fuego (1954) and Yambaó (1957). In 1955, Morales was the conductor in Ñáñigo, an LP by Puerto Rican singer Ruth Fernández with a repertoire of classics by Moisés Simons, Ernesto Lecuona, Eliseo Grenet and Gilberto Valdés.
He and his brother Jerry Gonzalez were founding members of Conjunto Libre and Grupo Folklórico y Experímental Nuevayorquíno, with whom he produced three albums: Concepts in Unity (1975), Lo Dice Todo (1976), and Homenaje a Arsenio (2011). The band included Frankie Rodríguez, Milton Cardona, Gene Golden, Carlos Mestre, Nelson González, Manny Oquendo, Oscar Hernández, José Rodríguez, Néstor Torres, Gonzalo Fernández, Alfredo "Chocolate" Armenteros, Willy García, Heny Álvarez, Virgilio Martí, Marcelino Guerra, Rubén Blades, Orlando "Puntilla" Ríos, and Julito Collazo on the first two albums. González also worked with Dizzy Gillespie, Tito Puente, Eddie Palmieri, Kip Hanrahan, and Astor Piazzolla. A native of The Bronx, New York, in 1951, González died from pneumonia and complications of diabetes in the Bronx on April 9, 2020.
Many chicken scratch bands still play polka songs with a distinctive flourish, and may also play the waltz or conjunto. Chicken scratch dance is based on the "walking two step or the walking polka and the emphasis is on a very smooth gliding movement";Pulse of the Planet dancers may also perform the mazurka or the chote, though no matter the style, it is always performed counterclockwise. Chicken scratch is usually played with a band including alto saxophone, bass, guitar, drums and accordion, though the original style used only percussion, guitar and violin, with the accordion and saxophone added in the 1950s. (in French) Its home is the Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and Gila River Indian Community.
Havana Jam was a three-day music festival that took place at the Karl Marx Theatre, in Havana, Cuba, on 2–4 March 1979. It was sponsored by Bruce Lundvall, the president of Columbia Records, Jerry Masucci, the president of Fania Records, and the Cuban Ministry of Culture. The festival included, on the American side, Weather Report, the CBS Jazz All-Stars, the Trio of Doom, Fania All-Stars, Stephen Stills, Billy Swan, Bonnie Bramlett, Mike Finnigan, Kris Kristofferson, Tony Williams, Jaco Pastorius, Rita Coolidge, and Billy Joel. The Cuban acts included Irakere, Pacho Alonso, Zaida Arrate, Elena Burke, Orquesta de Santiago de Cuba, Conjunto Yaguarimú, Frank Emilio Flynn, Juan Pablo Torres, Los Papines, Tata Güines, Cuban Percussion Ensemble, Sara González, Pablo Milanés, Manguaré, and Orquesta Aragón.
Cuban mambo, cha-cha-chá and charanga bands enjoyed brief periods of popularity, and helped establish a viable Latin-American music industry, which led the way to the invention of salsa music among Cubans and Puerto Ricans in New York City in the 1970s. The 1950s also saw success for Mexican ranchera divas, while a Mexican-American mariachi scene was developing on the West Coast, and Puerto Rican plena, Brazilian bossa nova and other Latin genres became popular. Mexican-Texans had been playing conjunto music for decades by the end of World War 2, female duos created the first popular style of Mexican-American music, norteña. Mexican romantic ballads called bolero were also popular, especially singers like the Queen of the Bolero, Chelo Silva.
Kuyayky was founded by ethnomusicologist Jose Hurtado Zamudio and singer/composer Edda Bonilla Peña of the Conjunto de Alma Jaujina, in 1980 in the town of Jauja. Kuyayky's original members are the Hurtado Bonilla siblings: Rubi Indira in guitar and first voice, Jose Luis in the mandolin and fourth voice, Yina in the charango and second voice, Mariluz in the quena, sikus, cajón and third voice, and Candy in the bombo leguero and first voice. They have been known to collaborate with different musicians in distinct musical genres including jazz, bluegrass, rock, punk rock and folk music from Europe and Latin America. Kuyayky also founded the Kuyayky Foundation a non-governmental organization that fosters cultural awareness through the research, promotion and development of Andean music and culture.
Grupo La Forma is a regional based musical group from the mid 80's in Hobbs and Lovington, New Mexico. With a number of recordings and countless appearances throughout Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas, they pioneered the early "grupo" genre of Tejano music. La Forma recorded early on for Hacienda Records and later recorded for Manny Guerra's newly formed A.R.S. label in San Antonio, TX. Their unique style and showmanship drew from various Rock, Soul, Salsa, and Mexican Conjunto music influences. The group consisted of Richard Quiroz: vocals/guitar, Lalo Enriquez: vocals/keyboard, Arthur Quiroz: Drums, Charlie Madrid: vocals/saxophone, Mike Garcia: vocals/saxophone, Rudy Rodriguez: vocals/bass guitar, Oscar Deleon: Sound Engineer/Road Manager, Miguel Mendez: Road Crew/lighting, Albert Deleon: Road Crew/Staging Effects.
The term "Tex-Mex" is also used in American rock and roll for Tejano- influenced performers such as the Sir Douglas Quintet and the Texas Tornados (featuring Flaco Jiménez, Freddy Fender, Augie Meyers, and Doug Sahm), Los Super Seven, Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, Los Lobos, Latin Playboys, Sunny and the Sunliners, Louie and the Lovers, The Champs, Ry Cooder, Calexico, The Mars Volta, Los Lonely Boys, The Mavericks, Son de Rey, and Selena y Los Dinos. Texan accordion music has also influenced Basque trikitixa players. Contemporary Swedish-American composer Sven-David Sandström has incorporated Tejano stylings in his classical music. Tejano and conjunto music is so popular that organizations such as the Guadalupe Arts Center in San Antonio, Texas hold annual festivals every year.
De Lemos made his professional debut for Herediano on 25 August 2002 against Santos de Guápiles.De Lemos no irá a Atenas - Nación In January 2005 he moved to Brujas on loan in order to get more playing timeHeredia lo cedió a Brujas De Lemos quiere regresar - Nación and he duly returned to Herediano in summer 2006.Herediano bajará la edad del equipo - Nación In summer 2010 he joined Pérez Zeledón.Mercado ya ha movido 57 fichajes Adrián de Lemos firmó ayer con Pérez Zeledón tras salir del conjunto herediano - Nación In December 2012, Saprissa snapped him up ahead of the 2013 clausura De Lemos ya es morado; Francis y Estrada todavía no - Nación only to lose him a year later to Santos de Guápiles.
Founded in 1998 by Martín Perna as "Conjunto Antibalas", the group first performed on May 26, 1998, at St. Nicks Pub in Harlem at a poetry night organized by renowned visual artist Xaviera Simmons. Over the course of the next few months, the group solidified with a core of eleven band members and expanded their repertoire of original songs. For the first year of the group's existence, they performed exclusively at non-commercial venues such as block parties, lofts, and public parks, before securing a Friday night residency at the now-defunct NoMoore in August 1999. Called Africalia!, the residency lasted from August 1999 till April 2001, when the club was shut down by fire officials during the Giuliani administration's crackdown on nightclubs and cabarets.
Ismael Silva seems to have been the first to have come up with idea of creating "blocos de Carnaval" in which groups could dance and move to the samba rhythms and sounds.Nelson p.47 The first samba school contests began in 1928 and were held at the home of Zé Espinguela, where his Conjunto Oswaldo Cruz won and Mangueira and Deixa Falar also competed for the title. Some consider this as the starting point leading to the development of present-day samba schools.Academia do Samba - Capítulo 1 However, between 1930 and 1932, these were only considered a variation of the blocos, local street parade celebration, and in 1932 the owner of Mundo Sportivo, Mário Filho, decided to sponsor the first Parade of Samba Schools in Praça Onze.
Inda started her career as extra in the successful film La Mujer del Puerto (1934), which starred Andrea Palma. Also, she participated in Mexican films such as The Night of the Mayas (1939), Santa (second sound version, 1943), Bugambilia (1944, with Dolores del Río), Amok (1945, with María Félix), and the success films Los olvidados (1949, directed by Luis Buñuel and El Rebozo de Soledad (1955, directed by Roberto Gavaldón). In the later years, she was an acting teacher in the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes in Mexico, and directed a folkloric dance group called "Stella Inda y su Conjunto". In 1947 she had a prominent but uncredited role as the historical personage La Malinche in the Hollywood epic Captain from Castile, opposite Cesar Romero as Hernán Cortés.
He not only created the fold rock genre, but opened the door for future generations of Latin stars by refusing to change his last name when early record execs scoffed at the idea of a Lopez making a name in the largely Anglo radio and TV world. He later went into film acting and became associated with Frank Sinatra's Rat Pack. He was co-billed with the Beatles in Paris the 2 weeks before they appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. Likewise, Tex-Mex and Tejano style featured the conjunto sound, resulting in such important music as "Tequila" by The Champs, "96 Tears" by Question Mark and the Mysterians, Sam the Sham & the Pharaohs, Thee Midniters, and the many combinations led by Doug Sahm, including the Sir Douglas Quintet and the Texas Tornadoes.
In addition to preserving some traditional rites, the event incorporates others of recent creation. It is noted for the rigorous chronology observed in all processions, in which the order narrated in the Bible is followed, and for the antiquity and variety of the musical genres that are performed during the processions. Another feature of interest is the quality of its sculpted imagery, with carvings from the ancient Spanish provinces of the Netherlands, colonial America, the eighteenth-century Sevillian school, nineteenth-century neoclassicism – with the presence of some of the best works by Canary Islands sculptor Fernando Estévez – and the most brilliant periods of local sculpture. The urban setting of Santa Cruz de La Palma, through which most of the processions take place, was declared Conjunto histórico (Historic-Artistic Grouping) in 1975.
BBC Mundo: Nancy Fabiola Herrera Her repertory includes among others: Adalgisa (Norma), Romeo (I Capuleti e i Montecchi), Giulietta (Les contes d'Hoffmann), and Rosina (Il barbiere di Siviglia). Prior career highlights include Carmen at the New National Theatre Tokyo, her debut at the Royal Opera as Suzuki in a production of Madama Butterfly, and her Italian debut at the Rome Opera as Carmen. In 2009, Herrera sang in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in the opera Roberto DevereuxLa Provincia: Brillante conjunto de voces en Devereux and debuted as Dalila from the opera Samson et Dalila in Manaos.The Jakarta Globe: A night at the Opera in the middle of the World's largest rain forest Herrera created the role of Donna Rosa in the world premiere of Daniel Catán's Il Postino at Los Angeles Opera in 2010.
The resulting album, Son Inconcluso, featured a full band including bassist Orlando "Cachaíto" López and Arturo "Alambre dulce" Harvey (ex-tresero with Conjunto Chappottín), among others, and was released in 1999 by EGREM. In 1995, Nick Gold (head of World Circuit Records) and Juan de Marcos González (director and tres player of Sierra Maestra) decided to record a series of descarga sessions featuring classic Cuban musicians, including Rubén González on piano, together with African virtuosos Toumani Diabate (kora player) and Djelimady Tounkara (guitarist). By early 1996, the Cuban musicians had already been selected and the African musicians were about to leave for Cuba, but could not travel because of difficulties in obtaining visas. Gold then invited Ry Cooder and his son Joachim to participate in the sessions; Ry would play guitar and Joachim African percussion.
The following year, the band produced the new album: A Nova Bossa Nova de Roberto Menescal e Seu Conjunto, which also included hits like "Samba de verão", "Só tinha de ser com você" and "Bolinha de papel". Apart from playing the vibraphone, Marotta also arranged and composed some of the songs for this second LP. During the Bossa Nova movement, he worked and recorded with several well-known Brazilian artists and bands (Maysa, Sylvia Telles, Carlos Lyra, Marcos Valle, Eumir Deodato), playing and arranging songs that became some of the Bossa Nova icons. In 1968, he produced and directed the "Música Nossa" movement, along with Roberto Menescal, Mário Telles, Paulo Sérgio Valle and Tibério Gaspar. Marotta, whose first vibraphone was constructed by himself, came back to the musical scene on a new record with the harmonic player Maurício Einhorn.
Within a year the Conjunto 9 had run into financial problems and was dissolved and in 1972 he participated in his first concert at the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, sharing the bill with other Tango orchestras. Astor Piazzolla with Gerry Mulligan at the Summit recording, Milan (Italy) 1974. The image includes the producer Aldo Pagani, first from the left, and some performers, including Pino Presti, 2nd from right, and Tullio De Piscopo, 2nd from left After a period of great productivity as a composer, he suffered a heart attack in 1973 and that same year he moved to Italy where he began a series of recordings which would span a period of five years. The music publisher Aldo Pagani, a partner in Curci- Pagani Music, had offered Piazzolla a 15-year contract in Rome to record anything he could write.
The Billboard Top Latin albums chart, published in Billboard magazine, is a chart that features Latin music sales information. This data are compiled by Nielsen SoundScan from a sample that includes music stores, music departments at electronics and department stores, internet sales (both physical and via digital downloads) and verifiable sales from concert venues in United States. Ozomatli, peaked at number one for the first time on this chart in 2001There were twenty number-one albums on this chart in 2001, including the first Spanish language album by Christina Aguilera, which spent five weeks at the top in 2001 and 14 weeks in 2000 and won the Latin Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Album. Ricky Martin, Marco Antonio Solís, Conjunto Primavera and Los Tigres del Norte hit the top spot for the second time on their careers, respectively.
Una regeneración completa, o casi, para una nueva etapa (Complete regeneration, or nearly, for a new spell); Gara, 3 June 2009 (in Spanish) He spent 2009–10 with Cultural y Deportiva Leonesa, in the third tier.La Cultural confirma la contratación de Josu Uribe como nuevo entrenador (Cultural confirm signing of Josu Uribe as new manager); El Comercio, 24 July 2009 (in Spanish) In 2011, Uribe had a fleeting spell in Greek football,Josu Uribe ficha por un conjunto de la Liga griega (Josu Uribe signs for Greek League outfit); La Nueva España, 24 June 2011 (in Spanish) leaving Panserraikos F.C. after a few months due to the club's economic problems. In January 2012 he was appointed at Girona FC after the sacking of Raül Agné, with the Catalans ranking in 21st position (ouf of 22 teams) but eventually avoiding second-division relegation.
In 1982, Santiago was invited and participated on the Third Penitentiary Theater Festival held in Venezuela. Santiago recorded three more studio albums while serving his sentence.ChileSalsaen2 Marvin Santiago The albums were not received as well as previous albums due to a combination of factors. Among those factors were; arrangements that were not at the same level as the ones provided by Millet produced albums, Santiago's spiritual reawakening and the considerably cleaned up lyrics on his later work, something that his hardcore fans did not approve of, and the surge of merengue groups such as the Puerto Rico-based Conjunto Quisqueya and Freddie Kenton Orchestra, as well as new local talent such as Eddie Santiago, Gilberto Santa Rosa, and Frankie Ruiz who popularized the so-called "Romantic Salsa", which eventually displaced more urban-based subject matter in Salsa songs.
Skeletal reconstruction Europelta was first described and named by James Ian Kirkland, Luis Alcalá, Mark A. Loewen, Eduardo Espílez, Luis Mampel and Jelle P. Wiersma in 2013 and the type species is Europelta carbonensis. The generic name combines a contraction for Europe, as it is the most complete ankylosaur from the continent, and πέλτα (pelta) Ancient Greek for "shield", a common suffix for ankylosaurian genus names in reference to their armored bodies. The specific name means "from the coal", from the Latin carbo, in honor of the access provided by the Sociedad Anónima Minera Catalano-Aragonesa (SAMCA Group) to the fossil locality where Europelta was found, in the open-pit Santa María coal mine. Europelta is known from two associated partial skeletons, reposited at Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis/Museo Aragonés de Paleontología (FCPTD/MAP).
Although it was mentioned as early as 1902, the origin of the transfer system dates back to 1932, when the Minister of Public Works Indalecio Prieto entrusted engineer with the formulation of a plan for the management of national water resources. A year later, he presented the Plan Nacional de Obras Hidráulicas (National Plan of Hydraulic Works), which included the Tagus-Segura Water Transfer; however, for various reasons, the plan was never realized. The transfer system project was resumed through the Ministerial Order of July 30, 1966, which commissioned the drafting of the Anteproyecto General del Aprovechamiento Conjunto de los Recursos Hidráulicos del Centro y Sureste de España, Complejo Tajo-Segura (General Proposal for the Joint Management of Hydraulic Resources in Central and Southeastern Spain, Tagus-Segura System). The construction of the Tagus-Segura Water Transfer formed an integral part of this proposal.
Cappella Artemisia is an Italian all-female vocal group specializing in the music of the convents of 17th-century Italy. The group was founded by the American, but resident in Italy, singer and musicologist Candace Smith.Goldberg: early music magazine: Issues 22-25 2003 "Candace Smith y su conjunto Cappella Artemisia han contribuido mucho a promocionar esa música,.." Smith is also co-publisher, with her husband cornettist Bruce Dickey of editions of this music through Artemisia Editions. The main repertoire of the group focuses on nun composers themselves - including Raphaella Aleotti, the first nun to publish as a composer, Maria Xaveria Perucona and Isabella Leonarda (both Ursulines), Chiara Margarita Cozzolani and Rosa Giacinta Badalla (both from the Milan convent of Santa Radegonda), Sulpitia Cesis (from the Augustinian convent of S. Geminiano in Modena), Alba Tressina, Lucrezia Orsina Vizzana and Caterina Assandra.
Artwork Monica by Pop Artist Lobo However, the statue made by the artist Lobo was stolen at dawn, less than three hours after Monica Parede's team left it at the exhibition site, at Rua Oscar Freire in Jardim Paulista. The case was under police investigation for a few days and gained prominence in the media, newspapers and news in Brazil. After an anonymous complaint indicating that the sculpture had been abandoned in the city of Guarulhos, Mauricio de Sousa's daughter, Mônica Sousa went to the police station to rediscover the sculpture of the character inspired by herself. After a small restoration, the sculpture created by Lobo, Mônica Pop 50 was placed on Paulista Avenue, in front of the Conjunto Nacional (São Paulo) where fans and onlookers lined up and fought for the right to a photo next to Mônica.
In a few years, Intocable fused the genres Tejano and Norteño with a musical signature that fused Tejano's robust conjunto and Norteño folk rhythms with a pop balladry. Intocable is perhaps the most influential group in Tejano and their tough Tejano/Norteño fusion has become the blueprint for dozens of Tex-Mex groups. The group's style combines romantic, hooky melodies, tight instrumentation and vocal harmony. Career accomplishments include four consecutive sold-out nights at Mexico City's prestigious Auditorio Nacional and the group's 2003 headlining appearance at Reliant Stadium in Houston, which drew a record 70,104 fans. They also play every year as tradition with two sold-out dates (lately three) at the 10,000-capacity Monterrey Arena in Monterrey, Mexico —an unusual accomplishment given that Norteño groups typically play large dance halls and rarely arenas unless it's an all day festival event.
Mexico City was flooded with nightclubs, cabarets of all levels and burlesque theaters where the vedettes began to bloom. Among the most important nightclubs that illuminated the capital of the country are the Terazza Casino, the Capri (from the Hotel Regis), the Imperial, the Minuet, the Rio Rosa, La Fuente, El Conjunto Marrakech, La Copa de Champagne, El Cordiale, El Rondinella, El Clóset, El Quid, El 77, the Impala Bar and the Belvedere of the Hilton Continental Hotel. Some cabarets such as La Burbuja, Montparnasse, Las Fabulosas, El Can-Can, Los Globos, King Kong and Savoy also reached a great boom, while theaters like El Iris, El Blanquita and the Teatro Fru Fru presented burlesque shows, where the shows were more audacious and explicit. In addition, thanks to television, movies and magazines, the vedettes in Mexico reached their highest point of popularity.
Rumba instrumentation has varied historically depending on the style and the availability of the instruments. The core instruments of any rumba ensemble are the claves, two hard wooden sticks that are struck against each other, and the conga drums: quinto (lead drum, highest-pitched), tres dos (middle-pitched), and tumba or salidor (lowest-pitched). Other common instruments include the catá or guagua, a wooden cylinder; the palitos, wooden sticks to strike the catá; shakers such as the chekeré and the maracas; scraper percussion instruments such as the güiro; bells, and cajones, wooden boxes that preceded the congas. During the 1940s, the genre experienced a mutual influence with son cubano, especially by Ignacio Piñeiro's Septeto Nacional and Arsenio Rodríguez's conjunto, which led to the incorporation of instruments such as the tres, the double bass, the trumpet and the piano, and the removal of idiophone instruments.
Díaz, widely known by his nickname "Kicho", was born in the city of Avellaneda in the Province of Buenos Aires, and had two older brothers, David, who became a tango violinist and José (aka Pepe) who became a tango double bass player. He began his musical career in 1935 when he joined a tango ensemble as double bass player with the pianist José Pascual and Anselmo Aiete. In 1939, he joined the orquesta típica of Aníbal Troilo, which included Orlando Goñi (piano), Roberto Gianitelli, Juan Miguel Toto Rodríguez (bandoneon) and the singer Francisco Fiorentino. Díaz would stay with Troilo until 1959. He joined Ástor Piazzolla’s first Quinteto in 1960 and later Piazzolla would write the tango Kicho as a tribute to him. In 1968 Piazzolla put together an orchestra, including Díaz, to perform his operetta María de Buenos Aires, and between 1971 and 1972 Díaz played with Piazzolla’s Conjunto 9.
São Francisco de Assis Church in Pampulha Park Belo Horizonte has several significant cultural landmarks, many of them situated in the Pampulha district, where there are notable examples of Brazilian contemporary architecture.Info BH Under the leadership of the then mayor of city, Juscelino Kubitschek, architects and artists such as Oscar Niemeyer, landscaper Burle Marx, and painter Candido Portinari, started a type of modern architecture and art here that was greatly developed later with the construction of Brazil's new capital, Brasilia, also led by the now president Juscelino (aka JK). It is at the Pampulha complex that one can see the routes of this new architecture movement. The modern and protomodern architecture can also be seen all over Belo Horizonte, either in emblematic 1950's buildings such as Edificio Acaiaca, Conjunto JK, Hotel Amazonas and former Hotel Excelsior, all reflecting the modernity culture of the first planned capital of Brazil.
"Y Ahora Te Vas" () is a song written and produced by Mexican singer- songwriter Marco Antonio Solís, and performed by him as the lead singer of Los Bukis. It was released as the first single from their Grammy nominated album Si Me Recuerdas (1988). This song became their first number-one single in the Billboard Hot Latin Tracks chart. "Y Ahora Te Vas" has been also included on several compilation albums released by Los Bukis, including their two number- one albums 30 Inolvidables (2002) and Crónica de Dos Grandes (2004); this song also has been covered by a handful of performers, including Conjunto Atardecer, Victor Garcia, El Grupo Santa Clara, Inicial de Durango, Los Komplices, Mar Azul, Tito Nieves, Banda R-15, Notable, La Nueva Luna, Estela Núñez, Orquesta Noche Sabrosa, Otro Sentido, Lefty Perez, Raulin Rodriguez, Raulin Rosendo and Los 6 de Durango.
As opposed to salsa, whose roots are strictly from son and the Cuban conjunto bands of the 1940s and 1950s, timba represents a synthesis of many folkloric (rumba, guaguancó, batá drumming and the sacred songs of santería.Cuban Music from A to Z, by Helio Orovio, p210 (Duke University Press, Durham 2004)), and popular sources (even taking inspiration from non Afro-Cuban musical genres such as rock, jazz, funk, and Puerto Rican folk). According to Vincenzo Perna, author of Timba: The Sound of the Cuban Crisis, timba needs to be spoken of because of its musical, cultural, social, and political reasons; its sheer popularity in Cuba, its novelty and originality as a musical style, the skill of its practitioners, its relationship with both local traditions and the culture of the black Diaspora, its meanings, and the way its style brings to light the tension points within society.West-Duran, Alan.
In the beginning of the 20th century, in Oswaldo Cruz, there was the carnivalesque group of dancers called Quem Fala de Nós Come Mosca (Who tells things about us eats flies), of Dona Ester. Portelaweb A dissidence of this carnivalesque group of dancers (called "bloco" in Brazilian Portuguese) surged in 1922 and another bloco, the Baianinhas de Osvaldo Cruz (Baianas of Oswaldo Cruz) was created. And on the other hand, a dissidence of Baianas created the Conjunto Carnavalesco Osvaldo Cruz (Ensemble of Carnaval Oswaldo Cruz) on April 11, 1926. The founders were from Osvaldo Cruz, but Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Portela was founded, on 412 Portela Road, in the neighborhood of Madureira. After the victory of the concourse between sambistas in 1929, performed in the house of Zé Espinguela, the bloco changes its name to Quem nos Faz é o Capricho (Who makes us is caprice).
He recorded "Dolor Karabalí", which Moré considered his best composition recorded with Pérez Prado, one he never wanted to re-record, also his recording in Mexico with Rafael de Paz Orchestra of "Bonito y Sabroso" was never recorded again by Moré, even though his famous composition of the months prior to leaving Mexico became in time the theme of his big band in Cuba. Moré was always reluctant to record newer versions of his hit songs, as he thought "you don't fix what's not broken". Moré and Prado recorded 28 songs in total, mostly mambos. Moré also recorded with the orchestra of Mariano Mercerón: "Me Voy Pa'l Pueblo", "Desdichado", "Mucho Corazon", "Ensalada de Mambo", "Rumberos de Ayer" and "Encantado de la Vida" with "El Conjunto de Lalo Montane", a Colombian singer and composer, with which he recorded in Mexico, conforming a famous duo called "The Phantom Duet" or "Dueto Fantasma".
About the issues of the negotiations see Interests of the Parties One day after the announcement of the award on 2 May 1977, the Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs foreshadowed a possible refusal: «…no commitment obliges a country to comply with that which affects its vital interests or that which damages rights of sovereignty…».See Alejandro Luis Corbacho: «Predicting the Probability of War During Brinkmanship Crises: The Beagle and the Malvinas Conflicts» Frenzied diplomatic activity occurred alongside the military preparations. On 5 May 1977 the Argentine Government sent to Chile the Chief of Staff (jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto), Admiral Julio Torti with the proposal for direct discussions regarding the consequences of the arbitral award, particularly the maritime border. This overture eventually led to two rounds of discussions, held from July 5 to 8 1977 in Buenos Aires and October 17 to 20 1977 in Santiago de Chile.
At Pampaneira, near the bridge by which the main road from Órgiva and Lanjarón crosses the river, there is another hydro-electric installation, and just before the Poqueira river joins the Trevélez, at the narrowest point, there is a third - deep in the gorge and invisible from above. High on the eastern side lie the villages of Capileira, Bubión and Pampaneira which have become noted touristic attractions: they are of Moorish origin, with narrow, winding streets, flat roofs, characteristic chimney-pots... On the hillsides the terraces created by the Moors can still be seen, though now they mostly lie uncultivated, and the channels also built by the Moors still bring water to the villages and terraces. The higher part of the valley lies within the Sierra Nevada National Park, the lower part within a Natural Park; and the valley with its villages has been declared a "Conjunto Historico". The Poqueira valley was the scene of the first major battle in the second "Morisco" rebellion, in January 1569.
After leaving Troilo's orchestra in the 1940s, Piazzolla led numerous ensembles beginning with the 1946 Orchestra, the 1955 Octeto Buenos Aires, the 1960 "First Quintet", the 1971 Conjunto 9 ("Noneto"), the 1978 "Second Quintet" and the 1989 New Tango Sextet. As well as providing original compositions and arrangements, he was the director and bandoneon player in all of them. He also recorded the album Summit (Reunión Cumbre) with jazz baritone saxophonist Gerry Mulligan. His numerous compositions include orchestral work such as the Concierto para bandoneón, orquesta, cuerdas y percusión, Doble concierto para bandoneón y guitarra, Tres tangos sinfónicos and Concierto de Nácar para 9 tanguistas y orquesta, pieces for the solo classical guitar – the Cinco Piezas (1980), as well as song-form compositions that still today are well known by the general public in his country, including "Balada para un loco" (Ballad for a madman) and Adiós Nonino (dedicated to his father), which he recorded many times with different musicians and ensembles.
Of Iberian and Roman origins, Alarcón first appears in recorded history at its occupation by the Arabs, to whom it owes the construction of the primitive castle on which the existing one is based. The history of Alarcón is governed by its role as a stronghold; however, the castle is not the town’s only precious heritage: it also claims a rich architectural variety, both religious (the Churches of Santo Domingo de Silos, San Juan Bautista, the Santa Trinidad, and Santa María del Campo, as well as the Hermitage of Santa María de la Orden), and civil (the town hall, the House of Villena, and the Castañeda Palace). The town of Alarcón was declared the site of a Historic-Artistic Grouping (Conjunto Histórico-Artistico) on July 3, 1981. In 1994, artist Jesús Mateo began a project to paint the interior of the old Church of San Juan Bautista, creating the Mural Paintings of Alarcón (1994-2002), which were recognized by UNESCO in 1997 for their global artistic interest.
Because timba is highly aggressive and a challenge to dance to some Cuban bands in search of a broader audience have intentionally made music that a majority of Latinos will find easy to dance to, mixing Latino staples such as salsa, merengue, and romantic ballads into the Cuban beat. By 1990, several bands had incorporated elements of funk and hip-hop into their arrangements, and expanded upon the instrumentation of the traditional conjunto with American drum set, saxophones and a two-keyboard format. Along with the Cuban congas and timbales, the drum set provided powerful funk and rock beats that added more punch to the rhythm section, and the bass players began to incorporate the playing techniques associated with funk, slapping, and pulling the strings in a percussive way. The combination of the trumpets and the saxes gave the horn section a more jazzed sound, and the harmony began to evolve on a more contemporary level.
It tells the story of the celebration of the historic three-day Havana Jam festival at the Karl Marx Theatre, in Havana, Cuba, from 2–4 March 1979, sponsored by Bruce Lundvall, the president of Columbia Records, Jerry Masucci, the president of Fania Records, and the Cuban Ministry of Culture. The documentary includes interviews with some of the Cuban musicians who participated, as well as critics and some who were in the audience. Havana Jam ’79 recreates the performances by Weather Report, the CBS Jazz All-Stars, the Trio of Doom - John McLaughlin, Tony Williams, Jaco Pastorius, Fania All- Stars, Stephen Stills, Billy Swan, Bonnie Bramlett, Mike Finnigan, Kris Kristofferson, Rita Coolidge and Billy Joel from the American side, as well as Irakere, Pacho Alonso, Zaida Arrate, Elena Burke, Orquesta de Santiago de Cuba, Conjunto Yaguarimú, Frank Emilio, Juan Pablo Torres, Los Papines, Tata Güines, Percusión cubana, Sara González, Pablo Milanés, Manguaré, and Orquesta Aragón, from the Cuban side.
A boycott by musicians saying they would not stage performances in Arizona was co-founded by Marco Amador, a Chicano activist and independent media advocate and Zack de la Rocha, the lead singer of Rage Against the Machine and the son of Beto de la Rocha of Chicano art group Los Four, who said, "Some of us grew up dealing with racial profiling, but this law (SB 1070) takes it to a whole new low." Called the Sound Strike, artists signing on with the effort included Kanye West, Cypress Hill, Massive Attack, Conor Oberst, Sonic Youth, Joe Satriani, Rise Against, Tenacious D, The Coup, Gogol Bordello, and Los Tigres del Norte. Some other Spanish-language artists did not join this effort but avoided playing in Arizona on their tours anyway; these included Pitbull, Wisin & Yandel, and Conjunto Primavera. The Sound Strike boycott failed to gain support from many area- or stadium-level acts, and no country music acts signed on.
As defined in Executive Order (E.O.) No. 389, the main function of the PC was maintaining peace and order within the country and to be the country's national police force even though it was a branch then of the military. In the reorganization that followed, the four Military areas created under EO No. 94, series 1947, were not altered substantially but were nevertheless placed under the administrative and operational control of the AFP General Headquarters. By 1975, the PC officially integrated the nation's municipal and city police, fire and penitentiary services, which from 1974 onward formed the Integrated National Police, into the service, thus the PC became the Philippine Constabulary-Integrated National Police (PC-INP), (Spanish: Constabularia Filipina – Policía Nacional Conjunto) as per the provisions of Presidential Decree 765, enacted on August 8 the same year, that formally fused the two services into one joint service, with joint command resting with the Chief of the PC.
In 1965, Barretto signed with the Latin division of United Artists, UA Latino, and began recording a series of albums in the boogaloo genre, which merges rhythm and blues with Latin music. On his album El Ray Criollo, Barretto explored the modern Latin sounds of New York, combining features of charanga and conjunto to birth a new style which would later be known as salsa. After recording four albums for the United Artists label, Barretto joined the Fania record label in 1967, and his first recording for the new label was the 1968 album Acid, which is often cited as one of the most enduring boogaloo albums, with songs such as "A Deeper Shade of Soul" and the title track was included in the soundtrack of the video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories on the fictitious Latin music radio station "Radio Espantoso". During this period, Adalberto Santiago was the band's lead vocalist.
107 Concepts attributed to the claimants and named minimalismo and montemolinismo are political strategies rather than theories;Wilhelmsen 1998, esp. chapters III.22–23 the most lasting contribution to Carlist Traditionalism of the era was a so-called double legitimacy theory.Canal 2000, p. 151. A canonical Carlist text which outlined the theory was Carta de Maria Teresa de Borbón y Braganza, princesa de Beira, a los españoles, probably written by de la Hoz, Olabarría Agra 2003, p. 652 Antonio Aparisi In the 1860s the Isabelline and the Carlist versions of Traditionalism drew closer thanks to followers of Donoso called neocatólicos;"hasta los años del Sexenio Revolucionario 1868-1872 no se hace relación al término „Tradicionalismo” para designar al conjunto de carlistas y neo-católicos", Begoña Urigüen, Orígenes y evolución de la derecha española: el neo-catolicismo, Madrid 1986, , p. 53 the group comprised parliamentarians like Antonio Aparisi Guijarro and Cándido Nocedal, publishers like Gabino Tejado, Eduardo González Pedroso, Antonio Vildósola and Francisco Navarro Villoslada, or academics like Juan Orti Lara.
He launched the process of institutionalising the guardianship of the Archaeological Zone, facilitating the drafting of its I Master Plan (2011-2018) as well as the Restoration and Enhancement Project. Thus, the Antequera Dolmens was declared a Property of Cultural Interest (in Spanish, Bien de Interés Cultural, or BIC) with the category of Archaeological Area;Decreto 25/2009, de 27 de enero, por el que se inscribe en el Catálogo General del Patrimonio Histórico Andaluz como Bien de Interés Cultural, con la tipología de Zona Arqueológica, el ámbito arqueológico de los Dólmenes de Antequera (Málaga). the institution became an independently managed administrative serviceDecreto 280/2010, de 27 de abril, por el que se crea el Conjunto Arqueológico Dólmenes de Antequera como servicio administrativo con gestión diferenciada (BOJA 13.05.10) and several scientific outreach initiatives were promoted (Menga - Journal of Andalusian Prehistory, Millenary Antequera Autumn Courses and Conferences on Andalusian Prehistory). Bartolomé Ruiz oversaw the application process for the ensemble’s entry onto the European Heritage Programme List “The Great Stones of Andalusian Prehistory: the Megalithic Sites and Landscapes of Andalusia”.
In 1989 began studying music / theater in the school of "Taller de Arte" which first receives an opportunity to open to the public debut at the Teatro Fernando Saavedra in a montage of the work " Vaseline" by participating as "Dany". From now on musical theater and singing were fundamental in life and never stopped Menny appear within his extracurricular activities to the point of dropping out to start a solo career that has taken him to share the stage with artists such as, Maná, Betto Calleti, Fernando Delgadillo, Alejandro Filio, Circle, Conjunto Primavera Diego Torres, Aleks Syntek, Belanova, Jan, Facundo, Jeans, Motel Eduardo Capetillo, etc. Also 4th place holder, as well as an interpreter issued by the ITESM in the competition Festival de la Cancion at the system level. From 1998 begins a new stage as solo and songwriter that would lead him to produce a series of successful concerts under its name and lead in various theaters of the City of Chihuahua, becoming known to the public Chihuahua.
This prompted a move at the end of the season to Villarreal CF on a five-year dealAranda makes Villarreal move; UEFA, 25 June 2002 but, as opportunities were scarce with the Valencian Community side, he returned to Numancia in January 2003. Aranda joined Sevilla FC in 2004–05, scoring in his UEFA Cup debut, a 2–0 home win over Alemannia Aachen on 4 November 2004.Al Sevilla le falta un galón (Sevilla missing something); El País, 5 November 2004 (in Spanish) He was relatively used during the campaign, but was deemed surplus to requirements after the arrivals of Luís Fabiano, Frédéric Kanouté and Javier Saviola, and left for Albacete Balompié on loan – he had already represented the Castile-La Mancha team the previous season.Aranda se marcha cedido al conjunto manchego por el Sevilla (Aranda is loaned by Sevilla to the manchego outfit); Diario AS, 23 August 2005 (in Spanish) Aranda's second spell with Albacete finished on a sour note, as he was accused of unprofessional behaviour by the club.
Provisionally, its studios were located in the old São Luís College, with its first technical operator Osmar Dias de Oliveira, the official date of inauguration where it happened to be transmitted by radio was April 28, 1962 (although that by Contel is authorized only on May 10, 1963) with the blessings of Dom Antônio Mazzarotto, for which it was a wish of the same, with celebrations in the Club Princess of the Fields, with presence also of Agnaldo Rayol, Duo Pianístico, Sexteto Paulistano of Guitars and Conjunto Madrigal . In the mid-1960s by the study of the Faculty of Philosophy, Science and Letters (current UEPG) showed that the radio had a total of 259 apparatuses, the largest among all broadcasters from Ponta Grossa. In March 1966, Marechal Floriano Peixoto Square, the highest point of the city (980 m), next to the St. Ann Cathedral, continued the custom of classifying itself as "the best sound", complementing "The radio success!" and later as "the most powerful AM radio in Ponta Grossa". On April 21, 2016, Iraci Travisani Rosa died.
Later compositions include a large-scale BBC commission, The Dormition of the Virgin (2003), concertos for double-bass (The Morning Star, 2003), piano (Linnunlaulu, 2003) and bassoon (Arise, 2004), Passione Popolare, built on popular religious texts from Magna Graecia and premièred at the Antidogma Festival in Italy in June 2005, and Ossetian Requiem, written for the Amsterdam-based ‘Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico. In 2008, he completed a new work for the King's Singers, "Canti della Rosa" and a large-scale setting of the Stabat Mater, incorporating texts from the Byzantine liturgy and by Anna Akhmatova, for the Oslo International Festival of Church Music. His 2009 Hymn to St Nicholas for eight voices was commissioned for the KotorArt Festival in Montenegro, where it was premiered under the composer's direction, and received its American premiere in November of that year. Works completed in 2010 include Canticum Canticorum IV, a commission from Seattle Pro Musica, Angelus Domini descendit, a commission from the Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London and Sub tuum praesidium, a commission from the English Chamber Choir.
Since the earliest days of the band, Those Darn Accordions intended to play styles of music well beyond the scope of genres which traditionally incorporate the accordion. In a 1994 interview, Tom Torriglia stated bluntly "We're of the mindset that there's absolutely no musical style that cannot be played on the accordion", while Big Lou once eloquently queried "the accordion is just a portable acoustic organ...other bands use organs in their rock songs, so I figured why can't we use accordions in our rock song remakes and originals?" Although polka plays a major role in TDA's sound and the band has dabbled in various accordion-centric styles including tango, Cajun and New Orleans music, Tejano and conjunto, and French bal-musette, TDA is foremost rooted in rock and pop music, with frontman Rogers listing Elvis Costello, Joe Jackson and Randy Newman among his major songwriting influences. The band's studio albums have featured songs in styles such as ska, funk, folk, mambo and country and western music, while their cover songs have spanned swing, bluegrass, surf, new wave, synthpop, hard rock and even heavy metal.
Típica 73 was a charanga and salsa band in the 1970s and early 1980s that was formed by musicians from Ray Barretto's band. "Típica" refers to the typical configuration of a Cuban chararanga while "73" refers to the year that group was founded. Tipica 73 was the first American salsa band to record in Cuba (Típica 73 En Cuba Intercambio Cultural) and included Adalberto Santiago, Alfredo de la Fé, and José Alberto "El Canario". In the New York salsa scene in the early 1970s, the group began with Johnny "Dandy" Rodriguez Jr. and four of Ray Barretto's original band including Adalberto Santiago (who all left Barretto simultaneously to start Tipica 73 in 1972), and, after combining the conjunto percussive style (congas, timbales, and bongos) with a horn section the band became one of the biggest stars of the salsa movement in the US. However, the band's lineup ended up with an almost different cast by the start of the following decade, with several of the original members having left after differences in the late 1970s regarding whether the band would continue to play tipica music, with Santiago and three others leaving to form Los Kimbos.
He is only one of a few Russian artists ever to have had Rizzoli publish their books; Chagall and Malevich are in this small group. In 2000, The Bertelsmann Group, published “The Art of Paradise”, a major book about Yuri Gorbachev’s life and art explaining his symbolism, roots and development as an artist and containing his ceramics from the first twenty years of is career, his early oils and later more intricate works. Mr. Gorbachev has had his work exhibited over the past several years at the Mora Museum of Russian Art, NY, 2011, the St. Petersburg State Museum of Urban Art 2010; the National Fine Art Museum of The Ukraine, 2000; the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, 2003; the Russian Museum of Kiev, 2005; the Odessa State Literature Museum, 2005 and 2006; the Donezk Museum of Fine Art, 2006; Museum Conjunto Cultural da Caixa, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2005. Brazil’s major magazine, Caras, featured Gorbachev as person of the year 2006. Gorbachev’s exhibit, visited by many thousands of people, became a cultural phenomenon in San Paulo- his images were reproduced on T-shirts, scarves, clothing and worn by stars like the Rolling Stones, Bono, Jamie Fox, and many other visiting luminaries.

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