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"concomitance" Definitions

23 Sentences With "concomitance"

How to use concomitance in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "concomitance" and check conjugation/comparative form for "concomitance". Mastering all the usages of "concomitance" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The Doctrine of Concomitance is a Eucharistic theological doctrine held by some Christians which describes the nature of Christ's presence in the bread and wine of the sacrament of Eucharist.
It signifies the relation of invariable concomitance between "hetu" and "sadhya" and is of two kinds. Vyapti between terms of unequal extension is called "asamavyavyapti" or "visamavyapti", and vyapti between equal extensions is called "samavyapti". Vyapti is a universal statement that expresses the "niyata sahacharya" or relation of constant concomitance between hetu or the middle term and sadhya or the major term and implies the "sahacara" i.e. the knowledge of invariable relation of causality or co-existence between sadhya and hetu in all the three instances of time, which is possible when the "anupadhik sambandha" i.e.
In particular, their analysis centered on the definition of an inference- warranting relation, "vyapti", also known as invariable concomitance or pervasion. To this end, a doctrine known as "apoha" or differentiation was developed.Bochenksi p. 441 This involved what might be called inclusion and exclusion of defining properties.
There has also been debate on the extent to which Clifford's doctrine of 'concomitance' or 'psychophysical parallelism' influenced John Hughlings Jackson's model of the nervous system and, through him, the work of Janet, Freud, Ribot, and Ey.Clifford, C. K., and G. E. Berrios. 2000. "Body and Mind." History of Psychiatry 11(43):311–38. . .
The empirical appearances and attributes are not changed, but the underlying reality is. However, since according to Catholic dogma Christ has risen, the Church teaches that his body and blood are no longer truly separated, even if the appearances of the bread and the wine are. Where one is, the other must be. This is called the doctrine of concomitance.
It assumed its current name in February 1982 to honor the former president of the club Paolo Mazza, who died two months earlier. In concomitance with the access of SPAL to Serie A, in 1951 it was subjected to a heavy restructuring that brought capacity to 25,000. Between 1960s and 1980s it was renovated again, stabilizing the number of possible spectators to 22,000 until mid-2000s.
This typically takes the following form: ;Chapter 4 :Dignāga offers examples of how inferences are to be used and how to select relevant examples. In his method of syllogistic logic, agreeing and different examples are needed to establish concomitance of the middle term. ;Chapter 5 :Dignāga defines the "exclusion of other" (anya-apoha). Here, Dignāga first eliminates authority as a separate valid means of knowledge, stating that it is a kind of inference.
Roby was the president of the Woman's Pharmaceutical Association of Illinois, founded in 1893 in concomitance with the World's Columbian Exposition. At the time there were 53 female pharmacists in Illinois and they wanted to be prepared for the arrivals in Chicago of many other women pharmacists who were attending the event. At the world's fair, Roby presided the woman's pharmacy, both dispensary and exhibition. The Woman's Pharmacy won the gold award from the Jury of Awards of the Exhibition.
The Doctrine of Concomitance has been used to justify communion under one kind of species, saying that the Christ is fully present in each species alone. Further application allows those who are allergic to gluten, are alcoholics, or otherwise wish to abstain from alcohol consumption to receive one species alone with the assurance of the fullness of the sacrament. Historically, this application contributed to the 1415 ruling by the Council of Constance that the laity should be given only the bread at communion.
Vyapti can never be known because it does not exist. If inductive inference is proved by vyapti then these two cannot be mutually dependent. The Nyaya school of Gautama speaks of five-membered inference or "pararthanumana". Knowledge of vyapti is considered by this school to be the cause of successful inference because inference depends upon the unconditional universal concomitance between the middle term and the major term, the middle term indicating the existence of the major term, and is to be found in the minor term or "paksa", the subject of inference.
Ganciclovir In terms of the treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis, oral valganciclovir, intravenous ganciclovir, IV foscarnet, and IV cidofovir are all efficient in the treatment of this condition. Also intravitreal injections, an injection of medicine into the vitreous near the retina, of foscarnet in concomitance with oral valganciclovir can be used for treatment as well. Often individuals with CMV retinitis will need surgery for either retinal detachment or intravitreal instillation of ganciclovir. Retinal detachment occurs in up to 29% of affected eyes, repair being most effective with endolaser and silicone oil endotamponade.
The Caravaka school of thought which does not believe in causation and its universality, advocating naïve realism and empiricism rejects inference as a means of valid knowledge because it depends upon vyapti i.e. the universal concomitance between the middle term and the major term, and because one vyapti is based on another vyapti thus involving an infinite argument. According to this school vyapti can only be known through perception of perceptible things alone and therefore, perception is the only means of valid knowledge. This school does not consider imperceptible things to exist.
After not having held any office in the Balafrej government (started on May 12, 1958), he was finally appointed, on December 24, 1958, as President of the Council of Government by King Mohammed V in concomitance with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He occupied that post until he was removed from office, May 20, 1960 [ref. necessary). The king himself became the President of the Council of the new government as of May 27. In 1959, he approved the creation of the National Union of Popular Forces (UNFP), with among others Mehdi Ben Barka and Abderrahim Bouabid.
He took up this selfsame issue with Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī (d. 672/1274) in a fascinating philosophical correspondence, where "tashkīk" ("systematic ambiguity," a concept key to later philosophy) figures. In that debate, our thinker sought to demonstrate under what conditions man may know God, a goal he shared with both philosophers and mystics. In a larger sense, Qūnavī was able to deepen the transformation of philosophical reason begun by his predecessors by virtue of a simple, incontrovertible fact: the mechanical logic of Peripatetic philosophy could not quite overcome the distinction between subject and object (the two most elementary “realities” in every act of knowing) except by correspondence, concomitance, etc.
Vyapti is known by the joint method of agreement in presence and agreement in absence based on repeated observation aided by favourable hypothetical reasoning. Doubt about vyapti and certainty of the absence of vyapti act as hindrances to inferential knowledge; the certainty about vyapti is the cause of inferential knowledge. Jain philosophy recognizes inference ("anumana") as a valid means of knowledge. They consider induction ("tarka") to be the knowledge of the invariable concomitance (vyapti) of the middle term with the major term in the three periods of time, arising from the observation of their co-presence and co-absence, and vyapti to be of two kinds, "anvayavyapti" and "vyatirekavyapti".
805 In 2016, a competition was realized to renovate the Place, which was met with stark opposition by the local residents when implementation started in 2018, seeing riots and confrontations with police and security forces. The lack of participation and consultation as well as the concomitance of the building collapse Rue d'Aubagne exacerbated the conflict. Les travaux du chantier de rénovation de la Plaine ont repris It was, before the renovation, home to a daily farmers' market except for Sundays, from 7:30Am to 1:30PM.Visit Provence: Marché de la Plaine On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, the market is mostly set up for fresh vegetables and fruits.
The management of Saraband passed to Massimo Idà. The beginning of this edition suffered a decline in ratings due above all to the concomitance with the September 11 attacks; to attract viewers, from this edition on, it was not uncommon for certain challenges to be prolonged across different advertising blocks, thus creating a certain suspense, or postponing the final game to the next day. It was then with the arrival of Valentina Locchi that the listeners had a strong rise: the maximum point of listening reached in an episode of the transmission was recorded on 6 May 2002 when 8.794.000 viewers (share of 31.50%) followed the final part of the episode that saw its elimination.
Vyapti is the co-existence of the probans and the probandum in all the strata of the probans and does not depend upon the agreement in absence between the probans and the probandum. Inference is "anvayi" and depends upon the agreement in presence between the probans and the probandum and is founded on their positive concomitance. They reject anvaya-vyatireki inference recognized by the Navya Nayaya. Even though most schools of Indian thought have proposed their own method of ascertaining vyapti, because they base the knowledge of universal propositions on the principle of causality and essential identity in order to know how cause and effect are universally related, the Buddhists adopt the method of "pancakarani".
On 7 December 1935, Hermann was arrested in her family's apartment. For three months, she was interrogated at the Stuttgart police prison, and from February 1936 she was held for 16 harrowing months in remand custody, whilst her young son had to be cared for by his grandparents. Charged in the People's Court (Volksgerichtshof), Herrmann and Stefan Lovász, together with KPD officials and , were sentenced to death by the Second Senate in Stuttgart on 12 June 1937 for "treason in concomitance with preparation of high treason in aggravating circumstances".Death sentence copy Herrmann's fellow party member, Lina Haag, was held in the same remand prison at that time, and remembers the night she was sentenced in her book A Handful of Dust or How Long the Night.
Although the term 'comorbidity' has recently become very fashionable in psychiatry, its use to indicate the concomitance of two or more psychiatric diagnoses is said to be incorrect because in most cases it is unclear whether the concomitant diagnoses actually reflect the presence of distinct clinical entities or refer to multiple manifestations of a single clinical entity. It has been argued that because "'the use of imprecise language may lead to correspondingly imprecise thinking', this usage of the term 'comorbidity' should probably be avoided". Due to its artifactual nature, psychiatric comorbidity has been considered as a Kuhnian anomaly leading the DSM to a scientific crisis and a comprehensive review on the matter considers comorbidity as an epistemological challenge to modern psychiatry.
The same holds when the wine is transubstantiated into the blood of Christ. This is known as the doctrine of concomitance. In accordance with the dogmatic teaching that Christ is really, truly and substantially present under the remaining appearances of bread and wine, and continues to be present as long as those appearances remain, the Catholic Church preserves the consecrated elements, generally in a church tabernacle, for administering Holy Communion to the sick and dying. In the arguments which characterised the relationship between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism in the 16th century, the Council of Trent declared subject to the ecclesiastical penalty of anathema anyone who The Catholic Church asserts that the consecrated bread and wine are not merely "symbols" of the body and blood of Christ: they are the body and blood of Christ.
The spontaneous confluence of artists at the via Cavour studio does not appear to have been led by true and proper programmes or manifestos, but rather by friendship, cultural syntheses and a singular pictorial cohesion. With their firm approach to European expressionism, they formally contraposed the solid and orderly painting of neoclassic character, promoted by the Return to order current in the 1920s, which was particularly strong in the Italian sensibility of post-World War I. The first identification of this artistic group should be attributed to Roberto Longhi, who wrote:in L'Italia Letteraria (Literary Italy) of 7 April 1929. and added: Longhi used this definition to indicate the special work he perceived these artists to be performing within the expressionist universe, breaking off from official art movements.In the journal L'Italia Letteraria of 14 April 1929, where a concomitance with Marc Chagall is also mentioned.
Gangesa, the author of Tattvacintāmaṇi who had examined the possibility of dialectical reasoning as a way to grasp pervasion, in the anumāna-khanda of the same text states that pervasion is pursued so long as there is doubt because there is contradiction but does not require deviation; doubt is an invalid cognitive act and fallacious reasoning is the ground for contradiction, the nature of doubt and fallacious reasoning both being conceptual is not of determinate character . Thus, dialectical reasoning is blocking of the opposing view and continues so long as doubt persists. Gangesa agrees that since pervasion is a universal invariant concomitance, therefore, the possibility of a counter example cannot be ruled out, and concludes that contradiction as natural opposition cannot block an infinite regress, it is the doubter’s own behaviour proving the lie to the doubt that blocks it acting as the pratibandhaka. Gangesa uses the term, pratibandhaka, to refer to a natural opposition in cognitive logic, as a preventer.

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