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116 Sentences With "composted"

How to use composted in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "composted" and check conjugation/comparative form for "composted". Mastering all the usages of "composted" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Flowers that are landfilled help contribute to greenhouse gases ... They're composted ... Unless they're composted!
"They're getting chopped off and composted tomorrow," he says flatly.
It also includes packaging made from materials that can be composted.
Cigarette butts are turned into plastic pallets; the tobacco is composted.
Just because something is compostable doesn't guarantee it'll actually be composted.
Would being composted consign us to a dank and loamy perma-Limbo ?
Carcasses were composted inside the houses where the birds were being raised.
About half of the daily haul is converted to energy or composted.
"Noncompliant flower and prerolls will be composted," says Eliot Dobris, spokesperson for Apothecarium.
Sn 2018 alone, it composted more than 1 million pounds of organic waste.
Alternative bioplastic Polylactic Acid (PLA), also derived from renewable resources, must be composted industrially.
If they are thrown away instead of composted, for example, they won't break down.
Vigliotti initially composted his food scraps using a basic windrow technology similar to McEnroe's.
Organic matter gets left in the field or composted, reducing waste and saving labor costs.
It is also experimenting with containers that can be composted or fashioned from recycled content.
In their study, Carpenter-Boggs and collaborators composted the bodies of six human research subjects.
The building can be easily disassembled and the 1,268 blocks recycled or composted, its makers say.
The company composted 30,000 pounds of flower trimmings last year, according to a spokesperson for BloomThat.
We need to reduce packaging and create packaging that can be composted or will biodegrade naturally.
And maybe, for Valentine's Day 2020, you'll have grown your own bouquet with your composted soil.
For a gifted comic, that tension between outside and inside is like a well-composted garden.
Just one-third of which is composted or recycled; the rest presumably becomes landfill or marine debris.
That means the new cup can be composted in industrial composters, unlike the cups Starbucks uses today.
Substances like sawdust may be added as the material is composted, much like a garden compost heap.
All food trash is composted, which contributes to a constant odor of rotting organics fruits, vegetables, and coconuts.
The challenge seeks a new type of design that uses alternative materials that can be recycled or composted.
I have weeded the beds and composted the remains, along with the crunchy leaves the trees have dropped.
Only about a third of that was recycled or composted — most of the rest ended up in landfills.
Indeed, zero customers interviewed at Sweetgreen over several days said that they composted their bowls at their offices.
When the rate of lay declines, henhouses are "depopulated," meaning birds are removed, killed and their carcasses are composted.
"I dumped the blunt guts in the organic trash can," he said, musing on whether they would be composted.
Raphael said that 60 percent of what ends up in San Francisco's trash bins could be composted or recycled.
Perishable items, such as plants and flowers, will be composted and spread around L.A. Live and the Staples Center.
"A loaf of edible bread that has gone moldy and is composted, that is not a win," she said.
Changes have to be systematic; the use of compostable cutlery, for one thing, doesn't guarantee the cutlery will be composted.
If the feces is composted for a long time, the parasites die off and the remaining nutrients boost crop yields.
Kitchen scraps are composted by the greenhouse's worms and larvae, which are then processed into feed to nourish the aquaculture.
Mawlynnong's streets are swept daily by villagers, bamboo trash cans are placed at every street corner, and trash is composted.
Several readers wrote to us to point out that food scraps could be composted instead of scraped into the trash.
The eco-friendly clothing is fabricated from organic materials that could be, according to Mr. Bonaparte, composted in your garden.
Using composted manure instead of synthetic fertilizer, they simultaneously prove the fertility of their soils and reduce their carbon footprints.
The vast majority of the company's packaging materials are recyclable, and even the ice pack can be composted and recycled.
Now, nearly 50 percent of food waste gets composted, according to Hans Van Dusen, the city's solid waste contracts manager.
Pressed grapes are composted, then placed beneath rows of vines, since the organic matter is better at retaining moisture than soil.
On the lower strip, where she has applied her composted manure, knee-high maize and beans fight for space to grow.
Instead, producers will have to ensure that disposable dishes sold in France are made of biologically sourced materials that can be composted.
Repeat Roses, founded in 2014, will even ensure that the donated bouquets get composted once they reach the end of their glory.
This ensures the tree will actually get recycled rather than thrown away, because these decorations cannot be composted or turned into mulch.
No product that is sustainable can at the same time be disposable unless it can be composted naturally without aid in the environment.
That way, food waste can be composted instead of ending up in landfills, where it generates methane, a major contributor to climate change.
All perishable items like flowers and plants will be composted and brought back to the area to be used as nourishment for landscape.
Half of each of the groups was then told that whatever was leftover on their plates would be composted or sent to landfill.
Hundreds of ducks nest on water-logged farms, fertilizing them with their manure, which is supplemented by cattle and vermi-composted kitchen waste.
The craft bud is primarily sungrown outdoors or in a greenhouse, and in customized native, composted soil infused with different kinds of tea.
What's more, he added, fertilizing with composted manure from such cows instead of manufactured fertilizer "sequesters" carbon dioxide, removing it from the atmosphere.
Rich, black soil is so fertile because it's chock full of the composted remains of the dead along with the waste of the living.
As for the composted remains, the family could choose to receive all of it, a few square cubic yards, or some of the material.
Official city data shows that 37 percent of material sent to landfills is organic and could have otherwise been donated or composted, the city said.
Volunteers use it all -- whatever isn't up to snuff to go on display gets composted and donated to local landscaping companies and gardeners, Sayer said.
It's possible that people could use the composted remains in their gardens or opt for it to be sent to a government-run park nearby.
Fears that composted remains might smell bad or contain toxic elements — from dental fillings, for example, or pharmaceutical residues — were allayed, Dr. Carpenter-Boggs said.
Essentially, starting May 193, 2020, it's fine for a person to request they be composted after they die, rather than cremated or embalmed and buried.
Essentially, starting May 1, 2020, it's fine for a person to request they be composted after they die, rather than cremated or embalmed and buried.
That means leftover food will be sent to food banks, scraps will be composted and it will have a much lower carbon footprint than other stores.
Other targets are that 70 percent of plastic packaging is effectively recycled or composted, and that all plastic packaging will have 30 percent average recycled content.
Any product that is out of date is donated to food pantries, and produce that is past its prime is composted and donated to local gardeners.
Well, that was then––and those square pies have long since been composted, while the indigestible political reality of Brexit remains sticking in our collective craw.
Roughly 203 pounds of that is composted or recycled, meaning the U.S. avoids sending just 220 percent of its waste to landfills, according to the EPA.
Some communities have yard waste collection programs in which items like Christmas trees and wreaths can be composted or turned into mulch, Hartmann and Morovati said.
It has to be properly composted, and a lot of cities aren't even set up to handle that, so I'm not looking toward that as the solution.
Last year, over 250 companies signed a MacArthur Foundation agreement pledging that 100% of plastic packaging will be easily and safely reused, recycled, or composted by 2025.
These bottles can't be composted since they're not 100 percent plant-based and can't be recycled because recycling sites prefer undiluted plastic products that they can resell.
But it's up to the user to make sure the diapers actually get composted and not sent to a landfill (where they won't biodegrade) with other garbage.
According to The Washington Post, that means the aisle's over 700 items are stored in glass, metal, cardboard, or biofilm, which is plant-based and can be composted.
The government has proposed composting leaves as the most eco-friendly alternative to burning them, with the composted leaves used as fertilizer or converted into bio-fuel pellets.
Bars juice the fruit and often throw away the husk, but at Operation Dagger, the still-flavorful husk is used for a house-made limoncello before being composted.
The hard-clumping action makes scooping the litter box a breeze, and, because the granules are made from corn and not clay, they can be flushed or composted.
Instead of trying to reduce waste by a small fraction, some individuals and communities are shifting their lifestyles to ensure that nearly everything is reused, recycled or composted.
Paper bags can more easily be recycled or even composted, but the British study found that even these actions didn't make a huge difference in the broader analysis.
The cloths are scraped of residues, which are composted for the school's rooftop garden, and then the cloths go into the washing machine to be laundered for reseeding.
Syfy asked critics to avoid spoilers in any reviews, but it's hard to "spoil" something that has already grown this stale, serving up a composted collection of gags.
So many flowers and stuffed toys clogged intersections that the town gathered, composted and burned them, aiming to incorporate the resulting "sacred soil" into a memorial to the victims.
On Monday, hundreds of stadium employees, food vendors, sustainability experts and volunteers worked together to sort about 50 tons of waste, marking it to be recycled, composted or reused.
The meat to be shipped is encased in a recyclable box and a foam cooler made from water-soluable cornstarch, which can be composted or disintegrated when mixed with water.
"Anything that has ever been alive can be composted," he told me, surveying the 10-foot-tall piles of chicken droppings and feathers, horse bedding (manure and straw) and shredded trees.
He believes that the planet is rightfully theirs, that we are mere undeserving tenants who have trashed the place, and that the sooner we are mown down and composted the better.
In 2017, only about one-third of municipal waste was recycled or composted in the US, according to the EPA, while more than half of it ended up in a landfill.
Wanjiru has been farming her one-eighth of an acre using both manure collected from Maasai land and composted manure from her own cow penned on a corner of her land.
More than a third of residential waste consists of food waste and yard refuse, organic materials that could be separated out, composted and turned into fertilizers or biogas, city officials say.
Melons and leafy greens like lettuce pose a more substantial risk, since both are exposed to many kinds of bacteria from the soil, water and composted manure while they're growing in the fields.
Organic growers are prohibited from using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and instead must rely on practices like crop rotation, cover crops and composted manures to enrich the soil and prevent insects and weeds.
Instead of using the ubiquitous plastic containers for home delivery and takeout, restaurants in the city of 220,000 would have to use ones made from cardboard, cornstarch or bamboo that could be composted.
About a third of residential waste is made up of food scraps and yard rubbish — organic materials that can be composted and turned into fertilizers or biogas, which can be used to produce energy.
About a third of residential waste is made up of food scraps and yard rubbish — organic materials that can be composted and turned into fertilizers or biogas, which can be used to produce energy.
While the city has since taken down the fan-made memorial since his death, some items were sent to the Bryant residence, and the flowers were composted and spread on plants around the Staples Center.
Or the tale of cacao beans picked in the fall from trees that grow wild around the village of Carmen del Emero and which are composted in an undergrowth of strangler figs and jaguar droppings.
"Where reuse is not possible then it's essential that chemical legislation and waste infrastructure are in place to ensure materials can be safely and effectively recycled or composted, and are not unnecessarily lost to landfill."
At a hearing this month, no one spoke in opposition, though a state association of funeral directors said that it hoped clearer information could be added to the bill about where composted remains could be distributed.
When these materials aren't composted and are just thrown away, they go to huge overflowing landfills where they start to release methane: a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change and is more potent than carbon dioxide.
Their solutions: Streets are swept daily by villagers who pitch in; bamboo dustbins are placed at every street corner; and trash is composted and used to nourish the village's agriculture, in particular production of the betel nut.
Zeidman told the LA Times he got the idea to compost the flowers from England's Manchester Arena, which composted flowers and perishables left in the days after a terrorist attack at an Ariana Grande concert in 2017.
Some of the differences between livestock composting and human composting have to do with what's socially acceptable for the process, like what materials are added with the body and how the family will receive the composted remains.
The city started collecting food waste five years ago, and only in the past two years has it begun to require some 2,100 of the city's more than 200,000 businesses to separate organic waste to be composted.
In the U.S., the MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, composted 261.26 tons of waste in 2014 compared to 195 tons in 2013, while a "solar ring" of 1,350 solar panels has been installed above the stadium's catwalk.
Some of the main staples of the zero-waste lifestyle include bamboo toothbrushes, which can be composted, and stainless steel straws, paper towels and reusable sanitary products which do not need to be replaced as often as their throwaway counterparts.
To be completely honest, I normally pride myself on being fairly environmentally friendly — I don't have a car; I haven't eaten meat in about eight years; I save my food scraps and take them to the farmer's market to be composted.
"Leafy greens, such as lettuce, can become contaminated in the field by soil, contaminated water, animals or improperly composted manure," said Jeff Farber, director of the Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety and a professor at University of Guelph in Ontario.
Agar packaging in a firmer state that evokes a shell, and a lightweight form that's more like a spongeLike mushrooms, another organic material which has been heralded as the future of packaging, agar can simply be composted at the end of its use.
Thinking ahead, I hoe the slither of soil in my garden, ready to nourish with composted food waste—an important piece of prep, since (good news!) experts believe we have less than 60 harvests left before the world's soil is too exhausted to produce crops.
The dilemma with what to do with items earmarked for recycling is playing out across the U.S. The country generates more than 250 million tons of waste a year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, with about a third of this recycled and composted.
These include, among other things: getting rid of problematic or unnecessary single-use plastic packaging via redesign, innovation or alternative delivery models; making all plastic packaging either reusable, recyclable or compostable; and ensuring that 70 percent of plastic packaging is effectively recycled or composted.
Each indigo dyer has his own recipe for adding lime, ash, lye from wood and wheat husks to the sukumo (or composted indigo plant), which must be kept warm and stirred for a couple weeks in order to ferment and become dye in a process called aitate.
And while it is probably more eco-friendly to use what was once a chunk of forest for something longer lasting than a fashion show, a spokeswoman for Chanel said it would all be recycled after the collections, and composted, though she could not be more specific than that.
Why E. coli loves leafy greens "Leafy greens, such as lettuce, can become contaminated in the field by soil, contaminated water, animals or improperly composted manure," Jeff Farber, director of the Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety and a professor at University of Guelph in Ontario, told CNN after a 2018 outbreak.
Yet another example of sustainable practices being good for companies' bottom lines: in 2015, General Motors made over $1 billion through its recycling and reuse program, which recycled and composted more than two million metric tons of waste materials globally, converted about 144,000 metric tons of waste to energy, and avoided 85033 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
Pros: Hard-clumping formula makes cleanup easy, biodegradable and environmentally-friendly, made from all-natural corn, can be flushed or composted, can be used in mechanical and sifting litter boxes, offers excellent odor control, dust-freeCons: Fairly expensive compared to other clumping litters, some cats dislike the texture or scent of the litter, some cats have trouble with tracking, clumps may dry out and crumble after a few days

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