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"class war" Definitions
  1. opposition between the different social classes in society, especially that described in Marxist theory

171 Sentences With "class war"

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The class war might be — the class war is one of the reasons why Trump won.
Brexit is class war and the middle class have lost.
On the economic left it's the Bernie Sanders class war.
The message is loud and clear: No War but Class War.
Is some sort of violent American class war around the corner?
All wars have body counts, and class war is the same.
Cocktails and trainers are essentially a class war in my head.
Amy McCarthy is wearing cowboy boots to the class war on Twitter.
But this isn't a traditional class war wherein the masses overthrow capitalism.
Residents suddenly found themselves caught in the crossfire of a class war.
The real solution, therefore, is not class war to hammer successful businesses.
In 2020, running on economic gloom or class war probably won't work.
They aren't just soldiers in a class war but victims of one, too.
Democrats are doing this even though the Sanders class-war story is wrong.
Trump has turned what is traditionally an ideological fight into a class war.
It might be time to wage a class war outside of the law.
If you want hardcore politics about class war, it's Les Miserables every time.
Beset by both a class war and a fierce culture war, Republicans are reeling.
Thanks to Donald Trump, the specter of class war is haunting the Republican Party.
In this week's issue, Anand Giridharadas reviews "The New Class War," by Michael Lind.
"The New Class War" lacks the texture and earth and seduction of real portraiture.
Or maybe we should just get this class war started, just to be safe.
Both women had fired unwise shots in the class war: both paid a political price. .
Meanwhile, if nothing else, the concept of class war has surged back to prominence recently.
So in other words, "Class struggle" and "class war" are bound up in each other.
Screenland Whenever a class war breaks out online, order is suspended, and instinct sets in.
If the class war is on, it's not hard to guess who he's fighting for.
It's strong on themes of poverty and exclusion but light on the language of class war.
It is another skirmish in the smoldering class war being waged on the roads of Beijing.
Taylor has become the show's knightly quasi-protagonist, displacing the class war with a generational one.
Instead, he spoke with fiery passion about class war between the 1 percent and everybody else.
But no time for class war: A family on bikes had rammed right through our conversation.
The ongoing vulnerability of women and people of color is the deadliest proof that class war exists.
Read more " _____ Miles Kampf-Lassin in In These Times: "It's a new front in the class war.
Class war and sectarian violence erupted as an all-out brawl between punks, metalheads, and rockers ensued.
The election, say Iran's commentators, is turning into a class war, pitting pre-revolutionary values against revolutionary ones.
It is the 30-year-old bipartisan class war waged against America's working class and shrinking middle class.
It's gradually being torn apart by a class war raging between the eponymous aristocrats and the common folk.
Suffice it to say, it's the perfect soundtrack for class war (especially if your cadre fucks with blastbeats).
Perhaps someday, when the dust of the future class war settles, we'll think of her as a seer.
The young leaders present themselves as fresh faces, free of 20th-century baggage of left-right class war.
Roma is a film in which political forces intercede on the domestic, but class war at home is repressed.
So here's my advice: move on from Ukraine as fast as you possibly can and embrace the class war.
With protesters in the park carrying signs with messages like "gentrification is class war," the police rushed the park.
That racism has been used as a form of class war that's also been very bad for poor whites.
Author Michael Lind describes his new book The New Class War and the argument it makes about the economy. Hill.
For them the war between generations is the new version of their parents' (and grandparents', and great-grandparents') class war.
The media they consumed was fake news aimed to distract them from the only war worth fighting: the class war.
Simply, it's another offensive in the class war the president is waging on behalf of himself and other rich assholes.
But privatizing libraries and stripping them bare of any services the wealthy find too helpful for poor people is class war.
Revolution and class war gave way to reform, progress, and growth, to a willingness to work with and within the system.
But his experience of sudden wealth ought at least to temper the hard and ugly edges of his class-war politics.
Rirette Maîtrejean and Victor Kibaltchiche met on the battlements of the class war, which fueled their affair and gave it purpose.
And there is Bernie Sanders's class-war Theyism: The billionaires have rigged the economy to benefit themselves and impoverish everyone else.
The G.O.P. has been swallowed by Trump's culture war, and many Democrats seem to be rushing to join Sanders's class war.
In fact, I strongly recommend Michael Lind's new book, "The New Class War," which is the best version of us/them.
In this unequal world, it could be heading for class war or a brokered peace—for savagery or stillness, or both.
A lot of us don't want to live in a war society, whether it's a tribal war or a class war.
It's clear there's a class war being waged up in the sky, and anyone who's ever flown in coach probably knows that.
Turns out, your worst nightmare (or greatest hope, depending on where you fall in the class war) may be true after all.
Instead, this film, directed by Tyler Spindel, splits the difference between post-teenage romantic comedy and lower-versus-middle-class-war farce.
Donald Trump won because he recognized the nature of that class war and appealed to those who were being hurt by it.
So it should be an ongoing story and some people will think of it as an attack, a class war kind of thing.
While the right-wing says the left is fueling a class-war, progressives argue that without reform, American democracy will drift towards plutocracy.
By the end of the season, Reggie helped Archie blow up a car and was waving a gun around a class war-tinged riot.
His subjects, divided by class war, shed blood on the streets of the capital; their leaders eyed the vacuum that would follow his demise.
This was in effect a proxy for class war, pitting—in Bryan's sweeping words—the "idle holders of idle capital" against "the struggling masses".
The Bolsheviks created the first professional revolutionaries, the first total police state, the first modern mass-mobilization on behalf of class war against counterrevolution.
And yes, some commentators on the left have increasingly taken to calling for all-out class war, though they don't usually mean a violent one.
It's always been a class war, but Missouri's defeat of Prop A is further proof that when the working class fights back, we can win.
One is his idea of the "new class war," which builds a deep cultural component into class identity and maps much better onto populist resentment.
Whether it's the class war, the race war, the rising tide, or the total collapse of civilization, we'll all need food and water when it comes.
Class war, gang war, colonialism, and its discontents—there are some core, kinetically unsettling truths about Vancouver, which is not to say the city can't change.
When the attack on the post-war settlement came, the bad guys, those supporting wealth and privilege, won the class war and the battle of ideas.
All the rich people are happy at their decadent parties until power failures start afflicting the lower floors, and class war — the real thing — breaks out.
At least he understands that a politically plausible "Theyism" is economically left and socially right — combining the culture war and class war into a tidy narrative.
So if any of this class war stuff is going to happen, picture some of that notorious, Trump-supporting "white working class" blob actually being into leftism.
Orphaned during the Russian Revolution, Zoya is thrown out of one class war and into another, emigrating to an all-girls school in Maple Hill, New Jersey.
When the class war inevitably reaches an apex and the rich put the poor in zoos to observe, this is kind of what it will look like.
"The New Class War," by Michael Lind, the author of numerous books of nonfiction, fiction and poetry, anchors itself firmly in the why-is-this-happening genre.
Looking at this doorstopper-shaped hunk of stainless steel, you're probably wondering how unbreakable its supposedly unbreakable windows are, or whether it will hasten the class war.
It's very difficult to predict what will happen politically in the United States, but I think we have to see it as a part of a class war.
"The New Class War" is a reminder that, even in the Trump era — especially in the Trump era — it is curiosity rather than certainty that must propel us.
Trying to fight a class war through implicit jabs at those who are running and those who came before you is not how these things actually get done.
Bannon might be forgiven by being puzzled that liberals who spent their careers fighting the class war would let a little thing like white nationalism get in their way.
Notably, there are some really subtle nods to the class war that's currently being fought in the Silicon Valley region that would be difficult to pick up on otherwise.
But he gives the film a memorable central character, one who steps beyond the class-war metaphor to become a larger symbol of the dangers and pleasures of submission.
As the "color-coded class war" of gentrification drags on, "once-interesting conversations" turn to real estate, and the dream of making art in the city becomes increasingly untenable.
By the time I got to New Hampshire, the Democratic hysteria was rising — and a faltering Joe Biden disappeared in a crisis cloud — while internecine class war was intensifying.
Bernie has directly declared himself to be on the side of the working class in this nation's ongoing class war and also literally stated that billionaires should not exist.
He opens the Trump campaign up, in other words, to the kind of attacks that doomed the Romney campaign: war on women; war on the working class; war on everyone.
Two years ago, Britain voted to leave the European Union, in a referendum that reignited class war, pitting city dwellers against the countryside, the winners of globalization against the losers.
So when Lind says, "Almost all of the political turmoil in Western Europe and North America can be explained by the new class war," you don't feel in good hands.
In "The New Class War" in American Affairs, Michael Lind points out that by the time of the Great Recession, 95 percent of microprocessors were manufactured by just four companies.
Narrative cogs turn, some large (an act of violence), others minute (a passing remark), with moral complexity springing from each action (are we supposed to take sides in this class war?).
" For Lilla, focusing on diversity has meant that a generation of young Americans have "shockingly little to say about such perennial questions as class, war, the economy and the common good.
What's more, none of my experts even thought a class war in the US was likely to happen—Scarcelli in particular wanted me to emphasize how impossible he considered such an outcome.
Right now in Nepal, there is a whole lot of class war going on due to the new constitution which is defines who is first class and who is second—utter bullshit.
In a two-panel cartoon published in Class War Comix, Nixon wonders how to react to a phony newspaper article that accuses Vice President Spiro T. Agnew of killing thousands by flatulence.
This relative oasis upon the shores of the nations opioid epidemic and post industrial class war between the moneyed overlords and the on the ground street soldiers provides ample fuel for the spirit.
"But if Mayor Pete's a serious contender, the 2020 election might not be about class war, and you know what, that is bullish — another reason" the stock market went higher in Wednesday's session.
My life and outlook is taut, swift, burning, hyper-sensitive, living in a world of jazz and narcotics and class-war, and unemployment, and seeing my Jewish friends being disgraced on the streets.
It's easy to blame politicians and greedy corporations for the growing gap between the rich and poor, but some say it's actually sleep technology that will spark the class war of the future.
Class-war progressivism always loses to culture-war conservatism because swing voters in the Midwest care more about their values — guns, patriotism, ending abortion, masculinity, whatever — than they do about proletarian class consciousness.
Bloomberg has attempted to weaponize that view of the class war by accusing Sanders of being "a millionaire with three houses," while Sanders and Warren focus on only the very wealthiest in society.
By the time they reach college many assume that diversity discourse exhausts political discourse, and have shockingly little to say about such perennial questions as class, war, the economy and the common good.
He has even less sympathy for Pennsylvania's "radical Constitutionalists" and those fomenting "class war" in the fall of 1778, provoked by divisions over independence and the nine-month occupation of Philadelphia by the British.
"Democrats have more moderation, but it's the same policy of class war as the Republicans," Chance Walker, the co-chair of the new YDSA chapter at University of Texas San Antonio, told VICE News.
Her roots in that effort run much deeper than Sanders's — as engaged as he is by the class war, there's no evidence that he's as personally or politically passionate about children as Clinton is.
By the end of "Hustlers," last year's class-war crime thriller about strippers ripping off plutocrats, the central character played by Constance Wu has hustled her way into what looks like the middle class.
With every sledgehammer hit, gunshot demo, and finally an embarrassing incident where the Cybertruck's supposedly unbreakable windows uhhh broke, the reason for this truck's existence became clear: it's a vehicle for the class war.
The class war where one side is composed of adult babies who nonetheless can afford at least the promise of military-grade hardware that reminds them of stuff they liked when they were teenagers.
At its ugliest, a leftist military can wage class war by massacring landowners, and other class enemies, some of whom might be working-class people themselves, as happened in the days of Spain's Red Terror.
Left-wing critics of globalization typically deny that this tradeoff exists, portraying instead what economist Jeff Faux terms a "global class war" in which the poor and middle class all around the world are losers.
While the party has committed "big mistakes" like the Cultural Revolution, when children turned on parents and students on teachers after Mao Zedong declared class war, the party's history is "generally speaking glorious", Xi said.
From Star Wars to Game of Thrones, the themes are familiar from our news feeds—terrorism, class war, the anthropocene—and the audience's sense of wonder is evoked with computer-generated giants and battle scenes.
Making such a coalition constructive rather than just disruptive may be impossible, but it's the only way he sees to escape neoliberal oligarchy and bring our class war to an end with a negotiated peace.
In the end, if Johnson, as expected, wins easily, it will be in part because exhausted voters will have swung to Trump/Johnson nationalist demagogy since the only alternative is a Corbyn/Sanders class war.
But the more they have defined these values as barbaric the more they have given themselves permission to engage in a class war against people who embrace these values, either marginalising them or delegitimising them completely.
The Liverpudlian trio's new album, The Unlawful Assembly, breathes new fire into black metal's small but sturdy leftist tradition, crafting potent, violin-laced atmospheric black metal songs that double as battle hymns for the class war.
The risk it poses is best understood through the same terms that propelled the American labor movement to its early victories: The problem is class war, and the solution is a clear, vibrant left-wing platform.
These arguments are rarely presented in policy terms, but it's easy to draw a line between an opposition to Sanders rooted in the Democratic Party's donor class and Sanders's high-tax proposals and class-war rhetoric.
So look, there's no exact formula to any of this, but in general my rules of thumb for electability are this: Listen to your B.S. detector, embrace class war, and tread lightly with the woke signaling.
The case, which was featured last year on a television program called "Posh Neighbors at War," became a litmus test of sorts for British tolerance of creativity and eccentricity, as well as a proxy class war.
Third, both Warren and Sanders believe, to different degrees, in a class mobilization theory of politics: You focus on policies that will inspire your supporters and make clear who's side you're on in the class war.
"We are seeing an ongoing class war by liberal elites against the middle and working classes," Joel Kotkin, a demographer and executive director of the Houston-based Center for Opportunity Urbanism, told me in an interview.
"Class war is the only war that's necessary and apparently the only one conservatives wouldn't support waging for two decades without end," Sean McElwee, a progressive activist and co-founder of Data for Progress, told INSIDER.
Between the cabin fever and the class war, this is definitely something to help you stay mad about, say, the unjust distribution of proper healthcare access — and also remind you that climate change is still a thing.
So if you squint, what Appelbaum presents could be seen as a picture of a dramatic class-war, a conservative counter-revolution in reaction to the New Deal government, duplicitously legitimized by a regressive political theory: economics.
Union leaders say these fears are unfounded, and that the university should take the opportunity to negotiate a gold-standard contract or risk inviting something resembling class war on campus—especially with federal labor rules potentially changing soon.
She might go the route of championing clean politics or could pick up the mantle of class war, for it can't be long before Trump's voters notice that his proposed tax cuts are so generous to the rich.
Democrats aren't likely to win back the voters they've lost until they realize that many of those voters won't even listen to them if there isn't a truce in the class war they see being waged against them.
Recent wildcat strikes and the election of democratic socialists to Congress have made this last claim somewhat less tenable than it was before 2016, but relative to the Gilded Age's literal class war, the upsurge in resistance remains mild.
"The link between politics and weapons must be broken forever," he said recently, even as he cast doubt on whether the FARC will prosper as a political movement unless it discards its "archaic and Soviet-era" rhetoric of class war.
But the Donald Trump era has been clarifying in so many respects, not least in showing that the Republican Party, in league with the upper classes, is engaged in an all-out class war against the working and middle classes.
But the rules of society still apply: The have-nots are relegated to the dingy back cars of the train while the wealthy elite occupy spaces near the front, triggering a class war that threatens to send them off the tracks.
Democratic socialists in Western societies rarely criticized their revolutionary comrades in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China, Cuba, Vietnam or elsewhere, even as they murdered or imprisoned millions of people in conducting their "class war" against capitalism and the bourgeoisie.
" Over apocalyptic ska riffs and galloping hardcore choruses, Navarro howls, "Drinking water that makes you fucking sick / Left with no choice but to live like hostages / The rich politicians getting over on the poor / Rich corporations are waging class war.
The guests under the great dome were impeccably dressed in that smart Parisian way that inevitably made me think of the fierce class war that has been raging every Saturday since the "Yellow Vest" movement started over three months ago.
On both the left and the right, the terms "class war" and "class warfare" get used almost interchangeably with the Marxist concept of "class struggle," which was just Karl Marx's way of talking about the eternal political fight facing workers under capitalism.
"We must never forget to draw lessons from the 'Cultural Revolution'," the newspaper said in an opinion piece on Tuesday, in a rare public mention of the 1966-1976 period when Mao Zedong declared class war, plunging China into chaos and violence.
BEIJING (Reuters) - Tears well up in Wang Shiji's eyes as he describes the first time he saw Mao Zedong, waving to a crowd of Red Guards in Beijing at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution in 1966 when Mao declared class war.
In effect, the draft turned the Vietnam War into a "working-class war," as the historian Christian Appy has labeled it, with disproportionate numbers of the poor and working-class sent to Vietnam while everyone else seemed to go off to college.
I've just read Michael Lind's fascinating essay "The New Class War" in American Affairs, and under its influence I'd say the future of American politics will be a competition between two other stories, which are sort of descended from the existing four.
However, underscoring China's sensitivities about more difficult parts of its recent past, the Chinese version of the profile skipped a description of the suffering inflicted on Xi's father Xi Zhongxun during the chaos of the Cultural Revolution, when Mao declared class war.
Both sides of this new digital class war are maintaining uneasy relationships with the exceptionally wealthy: Donald Trump, Peter Thiel, Rex Tillerson, Andrew Pudzer, and Gary Cohn on one side; Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Sergei Bryn, and Tim Cook seemingly on the other.
But just as Ho's last big North American film, Snowpiercer, was about capitalism's dire effects on our physical environment and climate change's resulting class war, Okja is a searing look at the environmental and cultural impact of our mass production and consumption of meat.
Back in 2007, the late, great Joe Bageant wrote the classic book, "Deer Hunting With Jesus: Dispatches From America's Class War," which sought to explain why such a large contingent of voters traditionally walk into the booth and vote against their own best interests.
Since then, Chepang has continued to dominate the New York City extreme metal underground and beyond, grinding out frenzied screeds about police brutality and class war at both beloved local venues and the loftier platform of Maryland Deathfest, which they were invited to play in 2016.
I've unearthed some sweet punk bands this week, too (have you heard this Junta demo??), as well as some class war-centric blackened hardcore, and a new composition from Bleed the Pigs vocalist Kayla's gnarly noise project, so I'm throwing them on the pile as well.
We're streaming Lathi Charge in its entirety below; pick up a copy from Nerve Altar here (or here, if you fancy a physical copy), read on for an in-depth conversation with Mountain God about the album, class war, and where that "immigrindcore" tag came from.
But screenwriters Damon Lindelof and Nick Cuse commit precisely the same sin of reductive thinking and crude stereotyping when they make "The Hunt" a crypto-class war, ignoring the inconvenient truth that most of the voters who tipped the election in 2016 were relatively well-off.
While the party has acknowledged Mao made mistakes, there has yet to be an official accounting for the chaos of the Cultural Revolution when Mao declared class war, or the millions of deaths from starvation during the 1958-61 Great Leap Forward, a failed attempt at rapid industrialization.
It is widely assumed that the succession could tilt the balance in a deep feud which has roiled Thailand's politics for ten years—a sporadically violent class war of sorts that has pitted middle-class urbanites against the rural poor, and which in 403 brought a particularly oppressive junta to power.
But even as he acknowledges the faults of populism, Lind treats the class-war aspect of polarization as a potentially positive development, because he hopes that it will create a real political coalition for the losers of neoliberal era — a socially conservative, economically left-leaning constituency that's numerous but often homeless.
The feudal order of Arthur's Round Table is revealed to be waging literal class war as they invade and then demolish the poor parts of London, little more than self-flattering thugs serving the interests of a United India Company that, in this fantasy, has pretty much become synonymous with the British Empire.
Bong Joon-ho's 2013 film Snowpiercer portrays class war among the few survivors of a global cold snap in which almost everyone in the world has perished and most of the remaining people left are fed cockroach sludge and made to toil in abject conditions—but ends with a moment of triumph.
"I believe the leaders of the business community, with few exceptions, have chosen to wage a one-sided class war today in this country—a war against working people, the unemployed, the poor, minorities, the very young and the very old, and even many in the middle class of our society," Fraser said.
Henry Aaron, a Brookings senior fellow and an expert on the details, is outspoken in his criticism of the AHCA: For many years, some conservatives have berated the political left for "waging class war" whenever the left suggested that conservative policies helped to further enrich the wealthy at the expense of the poor.
In your mind you know that again he kinda has a point: that too often when people with money express left-wing views those views are pulled down as hypocritical, as if to have money makes you an automatic bastard, as if having money means you have to fight the class war for the rich.
While the progressive vision of Sanders points the way forward for Democrats in the 2018 midterms and the 85033 presidential election, TrumpCare's reactionary class war against the poor and middle class would, if continued by the GOP, lead to electoral disaster for the party that has thrown the principles of Abraham Lincoln under the bus.
Offenders would have different weights of wooden clamps placed around their necks to publicize the crime and warn off others, said Wu. When Mao Zedong declared a class war, known as the Cultural Revolution, in 1966-76, guards held "struggle sessions" in which people accused of capitalist thoughts were verbally and physically abused in public.
From Klein you can take the truth that politics tends naturally to polarize and that racial divisions and racism make that polarization worse; from Caldwell the truth that our polarization follows ideological fault lines, not just tribal ones; from Lind the reality that culture war looks indistinguishable from class war the deeper our polarization gets.
In "The Judiciary's Class War," Glenn Harlan Reynolds notes the practical consequence of a Court comprised strictly of east coast Ivy League trained judges; the justices, conservative and liberal alike, embody the values, outlook, and philosophy that dominate that legal educational system, beliefs and perspectives that are well removed from the lives and experiences of common, everyday Americans.
Now I'm not saying that you can't or shouldn't be in the right place on these issues, but if you lead with them or if your liberalism is the Beto O'Rourke model of basically virtue signaling plus letting the rich continue to win their class war unabated, you will fail just as hard and as fast as Beto did.
For liberal observers, including journalists, activists and Bernie Sanders, whose campaign sent a batch of pizzas to express its support, the protest represented a rare opportunity to set aside the vexed and divisive realities of America's dying coal industry—its pollution, its outsize political influence, its unanimous support for Donald Trump (for whom 85% of Bloody Harlanders voted)—and reignite the class war.
As Wired noted in 2016:The real problem—the reason the protests won't stop for good anytime soon—is that to many, these private shuttles are the rolling symbol of a class war pitting young, cash-rich tech workers against long-time San Franciscans who are being pushed out of their homes by evictions and out of the city altogether by astronomical rent prices.
Here's how it works: If you point out that the bill hugely favors the wealthy at the expense of ordinary families, Republicans will point to the next few years, when the class-war nature of the plan is obscured by those temporary tax breaks — and claim that whatever the language of the law says, those tax breaks will actually be made permanent by later Congresses.
You will find Kawi, the latest Momofuku restaurant, on the fifth floor of 20 Hudson Yards, assuming you stay determined and swallow back the urge to run for the exits that may grip you as you negotiate escalators that don't connect to one another, elevators that are hidden out of sight like somebody's crazy grandfather and shiny retail windows that seem to be trying to provoke a class war.
And a third new book, Michael Lind's "The New Class War: Saving Democracy From the Managerial Elite," does an important part of that work, by explaining an aspect of our present polarization that can't be traced to specifically American racial fears or constitutional debates: Namely, the way that our populist-era divisions increasingly mirror Europe's, with the same exodus of downscale voters from left-of-center parties, the same polarization by education and class.
With fascism and authoritarianism once again on the rise, it's more vital to do more than simply denounce something like Mein Kampf, and work instead to understand why so many readers found it appealing: Unencumbered by the theoretical and stylistic obligations of nineteenth-century economic "science," and secure in its anti-intellectualism, Mein Kampf rejects both class war and searching for the "soul of the soul" in favor of a berserk hatred that is far more visceral, enduring, and alluring to the great darkness of the human heart.

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