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"calendrical" Definitions
  1. of, relating to, characteristic of, or used in a calendar
"calendrical" Antonyms

265 Sentences With "calendrical"

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There are even anecdotal stories of calendrical fistfights breaking out in mosques.
Of course, as I mentioned, this is all a result of calendrical differences.
The calendrical naming indicates something of the seriousness with which those events were viewed.
Yet Japan's government still uses a calendrical system that counts time from the ascension of an emperor.
But as far as our calendrical markers go, the summer solstice today is the official start to the season.
This huge meridian sundial once stood on the Campus Martius in Rome, its calendrical functionality a constant reminder of Augustus' greatness.
That has led other people to point to Britain, not France, as the country whose calendrical flub produced a day of tomfoolery.
Tracing someone's intellectual interests across a lifetime can be more meaningful than dragging the subject and the reader ever onward through calendrical time.
However, there is another type of Blue Moon, called a Calendrical Blue Moon, which occurs when there are two full moons in one month.
Its socialist history probably doomed it to the calendrical D-list, and besides, we supposedly dedicate the entire month of March to women anyway.
You may not have realized just how many learning opportunities the various holidays, traditions and calendrical quirks of February 215 offer you, but we have.
"The characters encoded for these calendrical symbols in Unicode have compatibility decompositions, and those decompositions depend on the actual name chosen for the era," Whistler wrote.
Sir Isaac Newton criticized the ancient Egyptians for the "vanity" of their own calendrical reckoning, which placed the beginning of their monarchy before the existence of the world.
What's more, calibration is critical to this technique; changes in the amount of atmospheric radiocarbon over time means that radiocarbon dates have to calibrated against a chronological, or calendrical, timescale.
The calendrical coincidence combining nationalism and religion encapsulates the seething divide over Jerusalem, the seat of Israel's government and the location of major holy sites sacred to Muslims, Christians and Jews.
But colonial-era documents suggest that khipus had many uses in both the pre-Hispanic and colonial period that went beyond accounting, including to keep calendrical information and to tell historical narratives.
In the coming years, a handful of other major terrorist incidents got the calendrical treatment, including the 2005 London bombings ("7/7") and the 2004 Madrid bombings ("11-M," referring to March 11).
She must partner with the disgraced General Jedao, possibly the only person in the hexarchate who can help reclaim the strategically critical Fortress of Scattered Needles and stop the looming threat of calendrical rot.
The film, which is about an epic holiday bash after the CEO (Aniston) tries to close the branch, is set in Chicago in December, but the production is a world away, both from a geographical and calendrical sense.
Furthering the ironic twist of calendrical fate that now ties him together with President Obama, Jeff Sessions, President-elect Donald Trump's hand-picked choice to serve as the nation's chief law enforcement officials, fits squarely in this camp.
MILLENNIUM BUG (1997): This was a very forward-looking choice at the time, given that we were still a couple of years away from the Y2K doomsday scenario foretold by software unequipped to handle the calendrical change from Dec.
And to account for calendrical drift, when the length of the year doesn't line up with the astronomical calendar (365.24 days, just about), its creators have added an extra week at the end of December every five or six years.
The hats are also suggested to have served calendrical functions.
The calendrical gap can also confuse us by allowing the unwary to misdate events.
The figure is accompanied by a vertical hieroglyphic panel containing a calendrical date.Reyes & Laporte 2005b, p.117.
Smith 2003, p.88 "Ometochtli" is a calendrical name in Classical Nahuatl, with the literal meaning of "two rabbit".
Not all had pagan calendrical associations. The Óenach Colmáin, probably held at Lynally, was named for Saint Elo Colman.
Pope John XXIII's 1960 rubrical and calendrical revision removed the mention of the circumcision of Jesus and called 1 January simply the Octave of the Nativity.
However, further analysis of the stela in question suggests an earlier date of 1185 indicating that the calendrical information may refer to an earlier kʼatun cycle than the one suggested by Love. The astronomical and calendrical information within the Paris Codex are consistent with a Classic period cycle from AD 731 to 987 indicating that the codex may be a copy of a much earlier document.Vail 2006, p. 504.
Page from Corpus Christi College MS 283. A Latin translation of al-Khwārizmī's Zīj. Al-Khwārizmī's (, "astronomical tables of Siddhanta") is a work consisting of approximately 37 chapters on calendrical and astronomical calculations and 116 tables with calendrical, astronomical and astrological data, as well as a table of sine values. This is the first of many Arabic Zijes based on the Indian astronomical methods known as the sindhind.
In the wake of Emperor Kinmei's dispatch of ambassadors to Baekje in 553, several Korean soothsayers, doctors, and calendrical scholars were sent to Japan.Kamstra, p. 60. The Baekje Buddhist priest and physician Gwalleuk came to Japan in 602, and, settling in the Genkōji temple(現光寺) where he played a notable role in establishing the Sanron school,Grayson, p. 37. instructed several court students in the Chinese mathematics of astronomy and calendrical science.
Hun Hunahpu (pronounced ), or 'Head-Apu I' (a calendrical name) is a figure in Mayan mythology. According to Popol Vuh he was the father of the Maya Hero Twins, Head-Apu and Xbalanque. As their shared calendrical day name suggests, Head-Apu I was the father of Head-Apu. He is believed to be the father of the twins' half-brothers and the patrons of artisans and writers, Hun-Chowen and Hun-Batz.
S. Talmon, J. Ben-Dov, and U. Glessmer, Qumran Cave 4.XVI: Calendrical Texts (DJD XXI; Oxford: Clarendon, 2001). 14\. G. Brooke et al., in consultation with J. VanderKam, Qumran Cave 4.
Chaumasi Pratikramana is done once in four months on the Purnima (full moon) of the Kartik, Falgun and Aṣaṛh months of the Vira Nirvana Samvat calendrical year for the sins committed during that period.
These priests, who observed the movements of the sun, moon, planets, and stars, developed a complex mathematical and calendrical system to coordinate various cycles of time and to record specific events on carved stelae.
The discrepancy is probably calendrical, with Delettre more likely correct. The calendar, according to the old style, changed on Easter from 1561 to 1562. the Cardinal celebrated the Eucharist in the Episcopal Palace at Beauvais.
Ryukyuan students were also enrolled into the National Academy (Guozijian) in China, at Chinese government expense, and others studied privately at schools in Fujian province such diverse skills as law, agriculture, calendrical calculation, medicine, astronomy, and metallurgy.
Mamari is the only rongorongo text whose function has been ascertained. Two and a half of the fourteen lines on the recto have been shown to include calendrical information; Guy suggests possible phonetic readings of some of the glyphs in this section. Additional lines on both sides may also be calendrical. Katherine Routledge was told that the Kouhau ‘o te Ranga tablet was one of a kind, a ranga tablet listing the names of enemy prisoners, and had the power to "give conquest in war" and enslave the conquered.
Tedlock 1992: 99–104 The calendrical rites include the five-day marginal period at the end of the year. In 16th-century Yucatán, a straw puppet called 'grandfather' (mam) was set up and venerated, only to be discarded at the end of the marginal period, or Uayeb (Cogolludo). In this same interval, the incoming patron deity of the year was installed and the outgoing one removed. Through annually shifting procession routes, the calendrical model of the four 'Year Bearers' (New Year days) was projected onto the four quarters of the town.
Fragment from Codex Vindobonesis Codex Vindobonensis Mexicanus I, also known as Codex Vindobonensis C, or Codex Mexicanus I is an accordion-folded pre- Columbian piece of Mixtec writing. It is a ritual-calendrical and genealogical document dated to the 14th century.
Pictographic depiction of a Gond lady. Many astronomical ideas were known to ancient Gonds. Gonds had their own local terms for the Sun, Moon, Milky Way, and constellations. Most of these ideas were basis for their time-keeping and calendrical activities.
Yasutomi integrated the astrological and calendrical theories transmitted by the Onmyōdō specialists of the Abe clan. ;Tsushima Shintō :Originated at Tsushima Island in the Sea of Japan. ;Uden Shintō :Created by Kamo no Norikiyo (a.k.a. Umetsuji no Norikiyo, 1798–1862).
The codices from this group include Codex Zouche- Nuttall; Codex Vindobonensis Mexicanus I; Codex Selden; Codex Bodley; and Codex Colombino. The Borgia group are believed to have been created in the Mixteca-Puebla region of central Mexico and they contain calendrical and ritual information. This group includes the Codex Borgia; Codex Cospi; Codex Laud; Codex Fejérváry-Mayer; and Codex Vaticanus B. Maya codices contained calendrical, astronomical and ritual information and are well known for being the source of today’s understanding of Maya civilization. The surviving pre- Hispanic Maya codices include the Dresden Codex; Paris Codex; and Madrid Codex (Maya).
It was found to the west of Stela 2.Laporte et al 1992, p.117. It is badly eroded but was sculpted with three cartouches containing hieroglyphic inscriptions. Although now largely illegible, it is evident that a number of calendrical dates were included.
The earliest classical calendrical poem which might have inspired Ovid is the Works and Days of Hesiod, which includes mythological lore, astronomical observations, and an agricultural calendar. For the astronomical sections, Ovid was preceded by Aratus' Phaenomena as well as lost poetry on constellations and probably Germanicus' adaptation of Aratus (Fasti 1.17–27). The most significant influence on Ovid were the Roman fasti, the Roman calendrical lists, which included dates, notices of festivals, ritual prohibitions and proscriptions, anniversaries of important events, and sometimes aetiological material. Ovid often mentions consulting these calendars, such as his reference at 1.11 to pictos fastos and his references to the actual annotation marks of the calendar.
Calendrical and commemorative rites are ritual events marking particular times of year, or a fixed period since an important event. Calendrical rituals give social meaning to the passage of time, creating repetitive weekly, monthly or yearly cycles. Some rites are oriented towards seasonal changes, and may be fixed by the solar or lunar calendar. Those fixed by the solar calendar fall on the same day (of the Gregorian, Solar calendar) each year (such as New Year's Day on the first of January) while those calculated by the lunar calendar fall on different dates (of the Gregorian, Solar calendar) each year (such as Chinese lunar New Year).
It was spread to the north and east by the prevailing winds, and remnants of it have been identified as far east as the Greenland ice sheet.Zdanowicz, C.M., Zielinski, G.A. and Germani, M.S. 1999. Mount Mazama eruption: Calendrical age verified and atmospheric impact assessed. Geology, vol.
The shaft has broken and fallen forward, leaving the stela butt in place. Stela 6 was associated with Altar 4 and was sculpted with a royal figure accompanied by a hieroglyphic text that included a Maya calendrical date.Laporte et al 1992, p.116. Laporte et al 2006, p.220.
'Alī al-Bayhaqī's Tatimmat Siwān al-Hikma: A Biographical Work on Learned Men of the Islam. Osiris, 8, 122-217. He also wrote extensively on various calendrical systems and on the various manipulations of the calendars. He was the author of an encyclopedia on scales and water-balances.
The algorithm is simple enough that it can be computed mentally. Conway could usually give the correct answer in under two seconds. To improve his speed, he practiced his calendrical calculations on his computer, which was programmed to quiz him with random dates every time he logged on.Alpert, Mark.
In the astronomical and calendrical reforms of the Sasanian (224-651 CE), the planet Mars was named Bahram. Zaehner attributes this to the syncretic influences of the Chaldean astral- theological system, where Babylonian Nergal is both the god of war and the name of the red planet. (see also: "Fatalistic" Zurvanism).
Because this is just before midnight when the Western day begins, but after 6 pm when the Jewish calendrical day begins (equivalent to the next tabular day with the same daylight period), its Julian calendar date is 6/7 October 3761 BCE (Gregorian: 6/7 September 3761 BCE or −3760).
Baktun glyph A baktun (properly bʼakʼtun ) is 20 katun cycles of the ancient Maya Long Count Calendar. It contains 144,000 days, equal to 394.26 tropical years. The Classic period of Maya civilization occurred during the 8th and 9th baktuns of the current calendrical cycle. The current baktun started on
He had a close relationship with his younger brother, Yongyan. Yongqi was talented - he was fluent in the Manchu and Mongol languages, he was versed in astronomy, geography and calendrical calculation. One of his works was the Jiaotong Tenggao (蕉桐幐稿). Yongqi was versed in poetry, painting, and calligraphy.
From an early age, his interests in astronomy and calendrical science led him onto a distinguished path as a state bureaucrat. In his spare time, he was fond of writing poetry, which he used to praise the works of artists such as the painter Li Gonglin (1049–1106).Edwards, 175–176.Harrist, 269.
Most of these represent ball-players, while four represent the four ballgame deities.INAH 1973, p.43. Interspersed among the representations of ballplayers are a small number of bas-reliefs depicting priests making offerings, these stones are incised with calendrical dates and may represent specific rituals related to the ballgame.Winter 1998, p.55.
Relinquishing (this) duty, they then rested and acted (in > turn) controlling the sidewalls (of the calendrical plan); they helped > calculate time by steps. The separated (heaven) above and (earth) below. > Since the mountains were out of order, they then named the mountains, > rivers, and Four Seas. They arranged (themselves) by […] hot and cold qi.
He came up with an entirely new set of symbols for the Somali vowels. I.M. Lewis (1958) considers this to be the most accurate Arabic script to have been devised for the Somali language.Lewis, p.139-140 A prolific writer, Galal was also among the foremost authorities on the Somali astrological, meteorological and calendrical systems.
Stela at Wajxaklajun Wajxaklajun means "eighteen" in the Chuj language;Wölfel and Frühsorge 2008, p. 88. Straffi 2013, p. 257n22. this has been interpreted as deriving from the site originally consisting of eighteen mounds. This is a modern interpretation however, and it is possible that the name originally derived from a Maya calendrical name.
Awilix was the goddess of the moon, the queen of the night.Carmack 2001a, p.275. She was associated with the Underworld, sickness and death and was a patron of the Mesoamerican ballgame.Carmack 2001a, p.275. Her calendrical day was probably ik' ("moon") in the 20-day cycle of the Maya calendar.Carmack 2001a, p.275.
Stela 3 bears a non-Maya calendrical date, one of the glyphs is cipactli, a crocodile head used to represent the first day of the 260-day calendar in central Mexico.Miller 2001, p. 163. This stela once stood next to Stela 2 but was removed to a museum in Guatemala City.Kelly 1996, p. 157.
The Inca people used them for collecting data and keeping records, monitoring tax obligations, properly collecting census records, calendrical information, and for military organization.D'altroy, Terence N. (2001). 18 The cords stored numeric and other values encoded as knots, often in a base ten positional system. A quipu could have only a few or thousands of cords.
Some aspects of the siq'i system remain unclear. R. Tom Zuidema has theorized that the wak'as may be related to Incan understanding of astronomy. The Inca followed a synodic lunar calendar (time was measured in phases of the moon). They observed periodic calendrical rituals celebrating events such as solstices, and different centers were used for different astronomical events.
This influence receded in the 5th century although some minor Teotihuacan references continued to be used. In the late 5th century, Maya kings began to use stelae to mark the end of calendrical cycles. In the Late Classic (c. 600–900), imagery linked to the Mesoamerican ballgame was introduced, once again displaying influence from central Mexico.
He has also given over 200 lectures throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America. He is currently working on several projects, including a biography on the Song Dynasty polymath scientist Shen Kuo and a translation into English of a Yuan Dynasty calendrical treatise published in 1279 AD, the Season-Granting (a hallmark of Chinese mathematical astronomy).
Among the calendrical works is 4Q317, which lists the phases of the moon with respect to the 364-day calendar, 4Q318 ("Brontologion"), which contains a section which used thunder () at various times to predict the future, and 4Q319 (Otot or "signs"), which analyzes certain events over a period of 294 years, i.e. six Jubilees.Wise et al., 1996, pp. 301–309.
This moon is very important to peoples and cultures of Kulthea, and is home to the Lords of Orhan. Many calendrical systems are based on Orhan's movement through the sky. Varin is the second largest moon, and is orange in color. With its polar orbit and red color, Charon, the third moon and home to the Dark Gods, is greatly feared.
Despite the later reassessments that were to somewhat dull the shine of his achievements, Sylvanus Morley remains a notable and respected figure in Maya scholarship. His publications are now generally superseded, except for his calendrical compilations. His epigraphic work, which was his personal abiding interest ("bringing home the epigraphic bacon" was a favorite quote of his),Coe (1992, p.129); Houston (1989, p11).
He erected seven stelae to celebrate a calendrical event in 702 and is named at Dos Pilas in that year, presumably demonstrating that Dos Pilas was still a vassal of Calakmul. El Peru also continued as a vassal and Yuknoom Took' K'awiil installed a new king there at an unknown date. La Corona received a queen from Yuknoom Took'. Naranjo also remained loyal.
Calendrical Calculations is a book on calendar systems and algorithms for computers to convert between them. It was written by computer scientists Nachum Dershowitz and Edward Reingold and published in 1997 by the Cambridge University Press. A second "millennium" edition with a CD-ROM of software was published in 2001, a third edition in 2008, and a fourth "ultimate" edition in 2018.
This "stepped" refers to ritual Yubu (禹步 "Steps of Yu", later known as bugang 步罡 "walking the guideline", Andersen 1989). Yu was the legendary founder of the Xia dynasty who controlled the Great Flood's waters and regulated the four seasons. "Months (Surrounding Text)" in the margins has twelve subsections that picture the monthly gods and list their calendrical rules.
Another is related to calendrical purpose, as proved by the presence of radial centers aligned along the directions of winter solstice and equinox sunset. As have earlier scholars, the two Italians believe that the geoglyphs were the venues of events linked to the agriculture calendar. These also served to strengthen social cohesion among various groups of pilgrims, sharing common ancestors and religious beliefs.
S. H. Hashmi was born in Gaya, Bihar, British India in 1935. His father Allama Syed Abdul Qudoos Hashmi was a renowned Islamic scholar. He was the author and compiler of Taqweem-e-Tarikhi, the historical Islamic Calendrical Book, giving a comparative study of Hijra and Gregorian calendars for the period spanning 1,500 years; published by the Islamic Research Centre in Islamabad, Pakistan.
McDonald's began hosting children birthday parties, which promoted people of Hong Kong to celebrate not only their lunar birthdate, but also their Western calendrical birthdates as well. The author concludes that "younger people…are avid consumers of transnational culture in all of its most obvious manifestations: music, fashion, television, and cuisine". From the author's view, globalization has driven cultural integration all over the world.
Symbolic Crucifixion from the Uta Codex The Uta Codex Quattuor Evangelia (Clm. 13601, Bavarian State Library, Munich) is a "gospel lectionary" or evangeliary. It contains those portions of the gospels which are read during church services. "Unlike most Gospel lectionaries, the individual readings in the Uta Codex are not arranged in calendrical order, but are instead grouped together after their respective Gospel authors."Cohen.
The Tamil calendar is based on the classical Hindu solar calendar also used in Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, Manipur, Nepal, Odisha, Rajasthan and PunjabS.K. Chatterjee, Indian Calendric System, Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1998. There are several festivals based on the Tamil calendar. The Tamil New Year follows the nirayanam vernal equinoxDershowitz, Nachum and Reingold, Edward M.: Calendrical Calculations.
The siting of the stela-altar complex on the edge of an east-facing scarp offers a perfect location for observing the sunrise. Ceramic finds from the southern portion of the stela platform have been dated to the Late Preclassic and the Late Classic periods.Tomasic and Fahsen 2004, p.798. The combined hieroglyphic texts of the three stelae contain 137 glyphs and 12 Maya calendrical dates.
The earliest "year names", whereby each year of a king's reign was named after a significant event performed by that king, date from Sargon's reign. Lists of these "year names" henceforth became a calendrical system used in most independent Mesopotamian city-states. In Assyria, however, years came to be named for the annual presiding limmu official appointed by the king, rather than for an event.
At Oxkintok the last stela was raised in 859. Stela 11, dated to 869, was the last monument to ever be erected at the once great city of Tikal. The last known Maya stelae bearing a Long Count calendrical date are Toniná Monument 101, which was erected in 909 to mark the kʼatun ending that year, and Stela 6 from Itzimté, dated to 910.
The was a war of succession in Japan during the Asuka period of the Yamato state. It broke out in 672 following the death of Emperor Tenji. The name refers to the jinshin (壬申) or ninth year of the sixty-year Jikkan Jūnishi calendrical cycle, corresponding to the Western year 672.Ainslie T. Embree (ed.), Encyclopedia of Asian History (Scribner, 1988: ), p. 226.
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg 2003. The hats are also suggested to have served astronomical/calendrical functions. The Berlin Gold Hat was acquired in 1996 by the Berlin Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte as a single find without provenance. A comparative study of the ornaments and techniques in conjunction with dateable finds suggests that it was made in the Late Bronze Age, circa 1,000 to 800 BC.
While this festival was celebrated by the Athenians, there were not many indications that showed that the other demes in Attica, outside of Athens, held Synoikia. This festival is not present in either the Marathonian and Erchian calendrical inscriptions — where the Marathonian calendar was for the Marathon Tetrapolis (consisting of the demes Marathon, Oinoe, Probalinthos, and Trikorynthos), and the Erchian calendar was for the deme of Erchia.
Coe 1999, p. 154. Some of the more foreign-looking stelae even bear non-Maya calendrical glyphs.Coe 1999, p. 154. Changes at Seibal at this time are associated with the Chontal-controlled trade flowing along the Pasión River. The Chontal Maya themselves were warrior-merchants originating from the Gulf Coast of Mexico who displayed a mixture of Maya and non-Maya characteristics.Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 528-9.
For calculating the day of the week, he invented the Doomsday algorithm. The algorithm is simple enough for anyone with basic arithmetic ability to do the calculations mentally. Conway could usually give the correct answer in under two seconds. To improve his speed, he practised his calendrical calculations on his computer, which was programmed to quiz him with random dates every time he logged on.
In the calendrical dedication of Siroza 1.7, Ameretat is invoked on the seventh day of each month together with the Gaokarena (the "White Haoma"). This Younger Avestan allusion to immortality is properly developed in Bundahishn 27.2, where White Haoma is considered to be the "death-dispelling chief of plants." From this White Haoma, the ambrosia of immortality will be prepared at the final renovation of the world (Bd. 19.13; 30.25).
In China and surrounding areas, a calendrical system consisting of measuring time in cycles of twelve represented by twelve has an ancient historical past. The exact line-up of animals is sometimes slightly different, but the basic principle is that each animal takes a turn as the emblematic or totem animal for a year or other unit of time in a cycle of one dozen. This is explained by various myths.
He borrowed significantly from the vast ancient Somali cultural repository, working towards a renaissance of this rich past. Galal later documented the Somali astrological, meteorological and calendrical systems. He devoted two major works to traditional Somali science, The terminology and practice of Somali weather lore, astronomy, and astrology (1968) and Stars, seasons and weather in Somali pastoral traditions (1970), both of which are regarded as classics in Somali studies.
This termination at ten and twelve's least common multiple leaves half of the combinations—such as jiǎchǒu ()—unused; this is traditionally explained by reference to pairing the stems and branches according to their yin and yang properties. This combination of two sub-cycles to generate a larger cycle and its use to record time have parallels in other calendrical systems, notably the Akan calendar.For the Akan calendar, see .
Nagualism is linked with pre-Columbian shamanistic practices through Pre- classic Olmec depictions that are interpreted as human beings transforming themselves into animals. The system is linked with the Mesoamerican calendrical system, used for divination rituals. Birth dates often determine if a person can become a nagual. Mesoamerican belief in tonalism, wherein every person has an animal counterpart to which his life force is linked, is drawn upon by Nagualism.
Jews outside the Land of Israel celebrate the festival for eight days. Reform and Reconstructionist Jews usually celebrate the holiday over seven days. Karaites use a different version of the Jewish calendar, differing from that used with modern Jewish calendar by one or two days.The Samaritans use a calendrical system that uses a different method to that current in Jewish practice, in order to determine their timing of feastdays.
The calendrical name of a given person transmitted a character and fate to both men and women. A person born on the first day of the 260-day cycle, would be named One Crocodile and was given a positive character that would bring about authority, wealth, and fame. It is important to note that inauspicious day signs could be ameliorated through rituals such as first baths, and life events.
He became the first European to enter the Forbidden City of Beijing in 1601 when invited by the Wanli Emperor, who sought his services in matters such as court astronomy and calendrical science. He converted several prominent Chinese officials to Catholicism. He also worked with several Chinese elites, such as Xu Guangqi, in translating Euclid's Elements into Chinese as well as the Confucian classics into Latin for the first time in history.
Evans never intended to give exact calendrical dates to the pottery periods. He did correlate them roughly to better dated Egyptian periods using finds of Egyptian artifacts in association with Cretan ones and obvious similarities of some types of Cretan artifacts with Egyptian ones. In 1958 Nikolaos Platon proposed a new chronology at the Prehistoric Conference in Hamburg. In it, the terms "Pre- palace", "Old Palace" and "New Palace" were to replace Evans' scheme.
Further improvements were made during the later part of the Ming dynasty by Xu Guangqi and Johann Adam Schall von Bell, the German Jesuit and was recorded in Chongzhen Lishu (Calendrical Treatise of Chongzhen period, 1628). Traditional Chinese star maps incorporated 23 new constellations with 125 stars of the southern hemisphere of the sky based on the knowledge of Western star charts; with this improvement, the Chinese Sky was integrated with the World astronomy.
The sacristy contains several sacred objects, but above all the famous Perpetual Calendar by Giovanni Plana, one of the oldest calculator machines (it is equipped with rotating drums and a transmission system that allows the correct combination of the various information contained in the system) which allows precise calendrical calculation over a period of 4000 years starting from year zero (including the calculation of lunations, days of the week and Christian holidays).
Da Liu Ren is a form of Chinese calendrical astrology dating from the later Warring States period. It is also a member of the Three Styles () of divination, along with Qi Men Dun Jia () and Taiyi (). Li Yang describes Da Liu Ren as the highest form of divination in China. This divination form is called Da Liu Ren because the heavenly stem rén (), indicating "yang water", appears six times in the Sexagenary cycle.
These and other designs and architectural elements are more than merely decorative, suggesting "strong ideological significance", although there is no consensus just what that significance is. Some interpret the pyramid's iconography as cosmological in scope – a myth of the origin of time or of creation – or as calendrical in nature. Others find symbols of rulership, or war and the military.A summary of the possible iconographic interpretation can be found in Spence et al.
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 1:25-61. (Proprer spelling of the place name being Thaïs.) Prior to Marshack's work, many Paleolithic archaeologists focused their work on art such as the cave drawings at Lascaux, but paid little attention to the abstract notches and marks on plaques and other artifacts found at these sites. Marshack's work has been criticized as having over-interpreted many artifacts, finding numerical and calendrical patterns where none exist.Robinson, Judy. 1992.
From this work, he was able to demonstrate an astronomical or calendrical role in the stones' placement. The architect John Wood was to undertake the first truly accurate survey of Stonehenge in 1740.Wood, John, 1747, Choir Guare, Vulgarly called Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain. Oxford However Wood's interpretation of the monument as a place of pagan ritual was vehemently attacked by Stukeley who saw the druids not as pagans, but as biblical patriarchs.
The initial site survey was conducted in 1927 by archaeologists from the British Museum Expedition to British Honduras that was led by Thomas Joyce. The survey led to the removal of the best preserved stelae from Pusilhá to the British Museum in London.British Museum Collection The survey yielded dates and calendrical glyphs that were included in Sylvanus G. Morley's discussion work The Inscriptions of Petén. Thomas Joyce also conducted an extensive ceramics evaluation in 1929.
Through this system, the hats could be used to calculate a lunisolar calendrical system, i.e. a direct reading in either lunar or solar dates, as well as the conversion between them. The table can be used in the same way as the original Golden Hats may have been. To determine the number of days in a specific time period (yellow fields), the values of the coloured fields above are added, reaching an intermediate sum.
Stelae 12 and 13 from Monte Alban, provisionally dated to 500-400 BCE, showing what is thought to be one of the earliest calendric representations in Mesoamerica.Marcus (1992) Mesoamerican calendars are the calendrical systems devised and used by the pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica. Besides keeping time, Mesoamerican calendars were also used in religious observances and social rituals, such as for divination. The existence of Mesoamerican calendars is known as early as ca.
Hieroglyphs are ubiquitous and were written on every available surface, including the human body. The glyphs themselves are highly detailed, and particularly the logograms are deceivingly realistic. As a matter of fact, from an art-historical point of view, they should also be viewed as art motifs, and vice versa. Sculptors at Copan and Quirigua have consequently felt free to convert hieroglyphic elements and calendrical signs into animated, dramatic miniature scenes ('full figure glyphs').
This led him to propose that the priests must have had some form of computed calendar or calendrical rules that allowed them to know in advance whether a month would have 30 or 29 days, and whether a year would have 12 or 13 months.Gandz, Solomon. "Studies in the Hebrew Calendar: II. The origin of the Two New Moon Days", Jewish Quarterly Review (New Series), 40(2), 1949–50. . . Reprinted in Shlomo Sternberg, ed.
However, the astronomical and calendrical information within the codex are consistent with a Classic period cycle from AD 731 to 987 indicating that the codex may be a copy of a much earlier document. The Paris Codex was acquired by the Bibliothèque Royale of Paris in 1832 and is currently held at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris, in the Département des Manuscrits, catalogued as Mexicain 386.Noguez et al 2009, p. 17. Bibliothèque Nationale de France 2011.
The most popular designs found in early redwork (prior to 1900) include Japanese inspired imagery, children, toys, animals and insects, and elaborately-coiffed women, some of which were adapted from designs made for crazy quilts. After the turn of the 20th century, Beatrix Potter characters and animals were the most popular. In the 1910s, tea-towel motifs were adapted into redwork designs, including calendrical themes and kitchenware. The following decade saw the predominance of state birds and state flowers.
Analysis of the few remaining Postclassic codices has revealed that, at the time of European contact, the Maya had recorded eclipse tables, calendars, and astronomical knowledge that was more accurate at that time than comparable knowledge in Europe.Demarest 2004, p. 193. The Maya measured the 584-day Venus cycle with an error of just two hours. Five cycles of Venus equated to eight 365-day haab calendrical cycles, and this period was recorded in the codices.
This was one of the earliest large-scale scientific archaeological excavations in the region. The Gezer calendar found there is a very early paleo-Hebrew calendrical inscription. However, in most respects Macalister's work in Biblical archaeology is considered to have been a failure , due to the poor quality of his excavation techniques and his shoddy record-keeping . Because Macalister was the only professional archaeologist involved in the excavation, managing a project of such complexity was essentially an impossible task.
With this data he compiled the first corpus of the script, which he published as Grundlagen zur Entzifferung der Osterinselschrift in 1958. He was the first scholar to correctly identify anything in the texts: He showed that two lines in the Mamari tablet encode calendrical information. In 1959 Barthel became Associate Professor of Ethnology at the University of Tübingen, and from 1964-1988 he was Professor of Ethnology. His primary research was in the folklore of the Americas.
This coincides with an ancient calendrical system divided into twenty-four fifteen- day periods. A simplified modern Chinese offering is made by drawing a circle with chalk on the sidewalk or the pavement between residential buildings and burning the paper offering within the circle. This is quite common in all Chinese cities and villages today. Due to environmental concerns, contemporary Joss paper burners are now fitted with a special cover which eliminates the spread of burning ashes.
The smaller of two Minoan snake goddess figurines The Minoans seem to have prominently worshiped a Great Goddess, which had previously led to the belief that their society was matriarchal. However it is now known that this was not the case; the Minoan pantheon featured many deities, among which a young, spear-wielding male god is also prominent. Some scholars see in the Minoan Goddess a female divine solar figure.Evidence of Minoan Astronomy and Calendrical PractisesMarinatos, Nanno.
Building upon work by earlier scholars such as Eduard Seler, Nowotny and his contemporaries like Alfonso Caso and Paul Kirchhoff greatly added to the scholarly understanding of calendrical elements such as the central Mexican tonalpohualli, veintena and trecena cycles.Quiñones Keber 1995, pp.135,155–156 Nowotny's analysis and expositionSuch as in Nowotny's Tlacuilolli, first published in 1961. See also the first English-language translation of this work, published in 2005 by University of Oklahoma Press (Nowotny 2005).
Stela 4 was found in the northern part of the East Plaza. It was the only monument at El Chal to have been sculpted on both sides and had been moved from its original location. Due to its sculptural style and its location, it is believed to have been associated with Altars 3 and 4. The upper portion of the front of the stela bears a hieroglyphic text with a calendrical date that has been interpreted as
Fairbank, 104. In the case of Shen Kuo and Su Song, their pursuits in academic fields such as classifying pharmaceuticals and improving calendrical science through court work in astronomy fit this ideal. Literati painters of the Song period and subsequent dynasties often remade scenes that were painted in earlier dynasties, while adding their own unique style and artistic expression. Along with intellectual pursuits, the gentry exhibited habits and cultured hobbies which marked their social status and refinement.
The reverse of the codex is more varied in nature and includes a section dedicated to a calendrical cycle ruled by Chaac, the god of rain. A set of two pages illustrates the days of the tzolkʼin 260-day cycle that correspond to the beginning of the solar year over a period of 52 years (a cycle of the Calendar Round). The final two pages of the codex depict a series of thirteen animals that represent the so-called "zodiac".
Full sentences were rarely found in Aztec writing and were replaced by a series of pictures or symbols that could have different meanings depending on the context. The types of information in manuscripts falls into several categories: calendrical, historical, genealogical, cartographic, economic/tribute, economic/census and cadastral, and economic/property plans.Glass, John B. "A Survey of Native Middle American Pictorial Manuscripts", article 22, Guide to Ethnohistorical Sources Part 3; Handbook of Middle American Indians. University of Texas Press 1975, pp. 3-80.
A first small observatory was furnished in 1711, financing itself by calendrical computations. In 1825 Johann Franz Encke was appointed director by King Frederick William III of Prussia. With the support of Alexander von Humboldt, Encke got the King to agree to the financing of a true observatory, but one condition was that the observatory be made accessible to the public two nights per week. The building was designed by the well-known architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel, and began operating in 1835.
The Borana calendar is a calendrical system once thought to have been used by the Borana Oromo, a people living in southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya. The calendar has been claimed to be based on an earlier Cushitic calendar, developed around 300 BC found at Namoratunga. However, reconsideration of the Namoratunga site led astronomer and archaeologist Clive Ruggles to conclude that there is no relationship. The Borana calendar consist of 29.5 days and 12 months for a total 354 days in a year.
The capstone bears two calendrical dates, in AD 435 and AD 441\. The second of these is probably the date that the capstone was dedicated. The Xukpi Stone is a dedicatory monument from one of the earlier phases of the 10L-16 temple constructed to honor K'inich Yax K'uk' Mo'. It bears the date of AD 437 and the names both K'inich Yax K'uk' Mo' and K'inich Popol Hol, together with a possible mention of the Teotihuacan general Siyaj K'ak'.
Once recurrent themes are grasped, the language becomes more comprehensible. There have been comments that Kubler offers many variables and possibilities but no concrete and identifiable system of categorizing frames of codification. Kubler's opinion that there is no one system, but many systems to judge a particular event, is intrinsic to his view that trying to identify a closed system would be hypocritical to his primary premise. All events and ways to measure these events evolve and shift with calendrical time.
Born in Urbino in 1570, he became in 1600 a canon of the Urbino Cathedral. He was professor of theology and philosophy at the University of Urbino. His main work in four books, Della sfera mondiale, printed in Urbino in 1626 by Marc' Antonio Mazzantini with many astronomical illustrations, is a relevant work of disclosure against judicial astrology, with details about telescope and zodiac. He vigorously disputed with Erycius Puteanus (Erik van de Putte) about his proposal of a calendrical date line.
The problem of periodicity of four pillars is a problem in calendrical arithmetics but most of fortune tellers are unable to handle the mathematics correctly. Hee for example, proposed that it takes 240 years for a given four-pillar quadruplet to repeat itself. In p. 22, Hee wrote, > . . . because of the numerous possible combinations, it takes 60 years for > the same set of year pillars to repeat itself (by comparison, as set of > month pillars repeats itself after just five years).
A (or ) is someone who – despite having an intellectual disability – can name the day of the week of a date, or vice versa, on a limited range of decades or certain millennia. The rarity of human calendar calculators is possibly due to the lack of motivation to develop such skills among the general population, although mathematicians have developed formulas that allow them to obtain similar skills. Calendrical savants, on the other hand, may not be prone to invest in socially engaging skills.
The stela did not just mark off a period of time; it has been argued that it physically embodied that period of time. The hieroglyphic texts on the stelae describe how some of the calendrical ceremonies required the king to perform ritual dance and bloodletting. At Tikal, the twin pyramid groups were built to celebrate the kʼatun ending and reflected Maya cosmology. These groups possessed pyramids on the east and west sides that represented the birth and death of the sun.
Stelae were considered to be invested with holiness and, perhaps, even to contain a divine soul-like essence that almost made them living beings. Some were apparently given individual names in hieroglyphic texts and were considered to be participants in rituals conducted at their location. Such rituals in the Classic Period appear to have included a kʼaltun binding ritual, in which the stela was wrapped in bands of tied cloth. This ritual was closely tied to the kʼatun-ending calendrical ceremony.
Astrology has been dated to at least the 2nd millennium BCE, with roots in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications. A form of astrology was practised in the first dynasty of Mesopotamia (1950–1651 BCE). Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa is one of earliest known Hindu texts on astronomy and astrology (Jyotisha). The text is dated between 1400 BCE to final centuries BCE by various scholars according to astronomical and linguistic evidences.
On Your Knees Cave (49-PET-408) is an archaeological site located in southeastern Alaska (Prince of Wales Island). Human remains were found at the site in 1996 that dated between 9,730 ±60 and 9,880±50 radiocarbon YBP (Years Before Present) or a calendrical date of 10,300 YBP. In addition to human skeletal remains, stone tools and animal bones were discovered. DNA analyses performed on the human skeletal remains document the presence of mitochondrial haplogroup D which occurs widely in the Americas.
The architect had used the formula to lay out the precise dimensions of the fractal and self-similar geometry in Borobudur's design. This ratio is also found in the designs of Pawon and Mendut, nearby Buddhist temples. Archeologists have conjectured that the 4:6:9 ratio and the tala have calendrical, astronomical and cosmological significance, as is the case with the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. The main structure can be divided into three components: base, body, and top.
The Aztec or Mexica calendar is the calendrical system used by the Aztecs as well as other Pre-Columbian peoples of central Mexico. It is one of the Mesoamerican calendars, sharing the basic structure of calendars from throughout ancient Mesoamerica. The Aztec sun stone, also called the calendar stone, is on display at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. The calendar consists of a 365-day calendar cycle called (year count) and a 260-day ritual cycle called (day count).
New York: McGraw-Hill Using microscopic analysis, Marshack suggested that seemingly random or meaningless notches on bone were sometimes interpretable as structured series of numbers. For instance, Marshack hypothesized that notches on the bone plaque from the Grotte de Thaïs in southern France (which dates to approximately 12,000 BP) were structured in subsets of 29 notches, thus suggesting that they were used to mark the duration between two lunations.Marshack, A. 1991. The Taï plaque and calendrical notation in the Upper Paleolithic.
The Indo- Scythian Taxila copper plate uses the Macedonian month of "Panemos" for calendrical purposes (British Museum).Tarn, p. 494. From the 1st century AD, the Greek communities of central Asia and the northwestern Indian subcontinent lived under the control of the Kushan branch of the Yuezhi, apart from a short-lived invasion of the Indo-Parthian Kingdom."Though the Indo-Greek monarchies seem to have ended in the first century BC, the Greek presence in India and Bactria remained strong", McEvilley, p.
Calendrical evidence for the postexilic Persian period is found in papyri from the Jewish colony at Elephantine, in Egypt. These documents show that the Jewish community of Elephantine used the Egyptian and Babylonian calendars.Sacha Stern, "The Babylonian Calendar at Elephantine", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 130, 159–171 (2000).Lester L. Grabbe, A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Volume 1: Yehud: A History of the Persian Province of Judah, T&T; Clark, London, 2004, p. 186.
Tozzer 1941: 26n136, quoting Avendaño Aside from calendrical learning, however, priests had multiple tasks, running from performing life crisis rituals to managing the monthly feast cycle, and held special offices, such as that of oracle (chilan), astrologer, and sacrificer of human beings (nacom). In the K'iche' Kingdom of Q'umarkaj, the most important deities (Tohil, Awilix, Jacawitz and Gukumatz) had their own high priests.Orellana 1981: 163. At all levels, access to the late-Postclassic priesthood seems to have been restricted to the nobility.
A lunar station, also called a lunar mansion or lunar house, is a segment of the ecliptic through which the Moon passes in its orbit around the Earth. The concept was used by several ancient cultures as part of their calendrical system. In general, though not always, the zodiac is divided into 27 or 28 segments relative to the fixed stars – one for each day of the lunar month. (A sidereal month lasts about 27.3 days.) The Moon's position is charted with respect to those fixed segments.
Page 3 of the Paris Codex, displaying the typical combination of a standing and a seated figure The content of the codex is mainly ritual in nature, and one side of the codex contains the patron deities and associated rituals for a cycle of thirteen kʼatuns (a 20-year Maya calendrical cycle).Sharer and Traxler 2006, p. 127. Noguez et al 2009, p. 16. One fragment contains animals that represent astronomical signs along the ecliptic including a scorpion and a peccary;Coe 1999, p. 217.
The Mesoamerican area gave rise to a series of cultural developments that included complex societies, agriculture, cities, monumental architecture, writing, and calendrical systems.Sharer and Traxler 2006, pp. 28–29. The set of traits shared by Mesoamerican cultures also included astronomical knowledge, blood and human sacrifice, and a cosmovision that viewed the world as divided into four divisions aligned with the cardinal directions, each with different attributes, and a three-way division of the world into the celestial realm, the earth, and the underworld.Foster 2002, p. 28.
Belief in supernatural forces pervaded Maya life and influenced every aspect of it, from the simplest day-to-day activities such as food preparation, to trade, politics, and elite activities. Maya deities governed all aspects of the world, both visible and invisible.Sharer and Traxler 2006, p. 92. The Maya priesthood was a closed group, drawing its members from the established elite; by the Early Classic they were recording increasingly complex ritual information in their hieroglyphic books, including astronomical observations, calendrical cycles, history and mythology.
Archaeologists also found the first surviving examples of two previously lost ancient Chinese musical instruments, a woodwind known as a yú () and a five-string instrument known as a zhù (). Musical and dancing troupes consisting of dozens of performers were recorded in unearthed manuscripts. As seen in excavated manuscripts and artifacts, the Changsha elite practiced complicated incantations and ritual acts for their interaction with the spirit world. The calendrical system was incorporated into the religion, and Taiyi, the polar deity, was the central celestial deity.
The proleptic Gregorian calendar is explicitly required for all dates before 1582 by ISO 8601:2004 (clause The Gregorian calendar) if the partners to information exchange agree. It is also used by most Maya scholars, especially when converting Long Count dates (1st century BC – 10th century). The best practice for historians quoting contemporary documents is to give the date as in the original and to add as a note any contextual clues, conclusions about the calendar used and equivalents in other calendrical systems.
The stela was possibly moved to the temple by king Yax Nuun Ayiin II to celebrate the changing of the 20-year k'atun Maya calendrical cycle in AD 771 and thereby link himself to Chak Tok Ich'aak I. It was placed directly over the most important of the late 4th century elite tombs.Laporte and Fialko 1994, p.344. The stela continued to be worshipped in the Terminal Classic, as evidenced by the presence of polychrome ceramic offerings and incense burners.Laporte and Fialko 1994, p.344.
Astrological beliefs in correspondences between celestial observations and terrestrial events have influenced various aspects of human history, including world-views, language and many elements of social culture. Among Indo-European peoples, astrology has been dated to the 3rd millennium BC, with roots in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications.Koch-Westenholz (1995) Foreword and p.11. Until the 17th century, astrology was considered a scholarly tradition, and it helped drive the development of astronomy.
Korean celestial globe based on the Huihui Lifa. In the early Joseon period, the Islamic calendar served as a basis for calendar reform owing to its superior accuracy over the existing Chinese-based calendars. A Korean translation of the Huihui Lifa "Muslim System of Calendrical Astronomy", a text combining Chinese astronomy with the zij works of Jamal al- Din, was studied during the time of Sejong the Great in the 15th century. The tradition of Chinese-Islamic astronomy survived in Korea up until the early 19th century.
In general, the orientations in Mesoamerican architecture tend to mark the dates separated by multiples of 13 and 20 days, i.e. of basic periods of the calendrical system. The distribution of these dates in the year suggests that the orientations allowed the use of observational calendars that facilitated the prediction of agriculturally significant dates. These conclusions are supported by the results of systematic research accomplished in various Mesoamerican regions, including central Mexico, the Maya Lowlands, Oaxaca, the Gulf Coast lowlands, and western and northern Mesoamerica.
He never took up use of the basso continuo, despite its increasing popularity via Italy in the beginning of the 17th century. Of about 150 motets, most of the early works are in Latin and most of the later in German. His Evangelien collections are calendrical settings of the Gospels, which together cover the entire church year. The settings contain the text of the gospel reading for the day as well as a short introductory phrase which summarizes or sets the stage for the actual Biblical passage.
Around 1384, during the Ming Dynasty, Hongwu Emperor ordered the Chinese translation and compilation of Islamic astronomical tables, a task that was carried out by the scholars Mashayihei, a Muslim astronomer, and Wu Bozong, a Chinese scholar-official. These tables came to be known as the Huihui Lifa (Muslim System of Calendrical Astronomy), and were published in China a number of times until the early 18th century, despite the fact the Qing Dynasty had officially abandoned the tradition of Chinese- Islamic astronomy in 1659.
Henry G Liddell,Liddell, 1909, A History of Rome, John Murray, London, p. 29 the staff writers of Encyclopædia Britannica and Elias BickermanE J Bickerman, Chronology of the Ancient World, Ithaca, New York 1980, . hold that in intercalary years February's length was fixed at 23 days and it was followed by a variable length mensis intercalaris with 27 or 28 days. This view is followed in generalist surveys of calendrical history such as those of D E Duncan, G R Richards or A Aveni.
The most important of the calendrical slametans are for the Prophet's birthday (Muludan, on 12 Rabi' al-awwal) and near the end of Ramadan (Maleman). Other notable holidays infrequently have slametans, and Satu Suro, the New Year's Day (1 Muharram) is celebrated by those who are self-consciously Muslim. Because these dates are shared by everybody, it is common to attend slametans for many of one's neighbors in succession. For this reason, they tend to be relatively small, and particularly based on the principle of inviting neighbors.
Yuri's Night is an international celebration held every April 12 to commemorate milestones in space exploration. It is named for the first human to launch into space, Yuri Gagarin, who flew the Vostok 1 spaceship on April 12, 1961. The launch of STS-1, the first Space Shuttle mission, is also honored, as it was launched 20 years (with precision to the calendrical day) after Vostok 1: on April 12, 1981. In 2011, Yuri's Night was celebrated at over 567 events in 75 countries on seven continents.
Yucatec civilisation, in Lamanai, lasted longer. Farmers engaged in various types of agriculture, including labor-intensive irrigated and ridged- field systems and shifting slash-and-burn agriculture. Their products fed the civilization's craft specialists, merchants, warriors, and priest-astronomers, who coordinated agricultural and other seasonal activities with rituals in ceremonial centers. These priests, who observed the movements of the sun, moon, planets, and stars, developed a complex mathematical and calendrical system to coordinate various cycles of time and to record specific events on carved stelae.
The earliest evidence of Iranian calendrical traditions is from the second millennium BC and possibly even predates the appearance of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster. The first fully preserved calendar is that of the Achaemenids, a royal dynasty of the 5th century BC who gave rise to Zoroastrianism. Throughout recorded history, Persians have been keen on the idea and importance of having a calendar. They were among the first cultures to use a solar calendar and have long favoured a solar over lunar and lunisolar approaches.
Golden Cone of Ezelsdorf-Buch The gold cones are covered in bands of ornaments along their whole length and extent. The ornaments - mostly disks and concentric circles, sometimes wheels - were punched using stamps, rolls or combs. The older examples (Avanton, Schifferstadt) show a more restricted range of ornaments than the later ones. Calendrical functions of the Berlin Gold Hat It appears to be the case that the ornaments on all known golden hats represent systematic sequences in terms of number and types of ornaments per band.
An amateur astronomer has proposed a theory that it has a calendrical function (see Archaeoastronomy). The rock is tall and long. It sits about offshore, and has been marked with chiseled and drilled coast survey features since 1856, and a bronze geodetic mark was placed on it in 1934. Some sources say that the rock is one of three prominent Salish Sea petroglyphs that were always on the shoreline, but tectonic activity around the Seattle Fault may have put Haleets in the intertidal zone.
His uncompromising stance on historical and calendrical issues led to his becoming a controversial figure, preventing him from rising to the status of Grand Historian. His political rivalry with the palace eunuchs during the reign of Emperor Shun (r. 125–144) led to his decision to retire from the central court to serve as an administrator of Hejian Kingdom in present-day Hebei. Zhang returned home to Nanyang for a short time, before being recalled to serve in the capital once more in 138.
Despite perhaps being able to remember the day of the week on which a particular date fell, hyperthymestics are not calendrical calculators, like some people with savant syndrome. Rather, hyperthymestic recall tends to be constrained to a person's lifetime and is believed to be a subconscious process. Although people showing a high level of hyperthymesia are not regarded as autistic, certain similarities exist between the two conditions. Like autistic savants, some individuals with hyperthymesia may also have an unusual and obsessive interest in dates.
The dates recorded are concentrated in four agriculturally significant seasons and tend to be separated by multiples of elementary periods of the calendrical system (13 and 20 days), suggesting that the orientations allowed the use of observational calendars intended to facilitate a proper scheduling of agricultural and associated ceremonial activities. Although most of the important Maya buildings were oriented on the basis of astronomical criteria, their primary functions were religious, residential or administrative; the label "observatory" applied to any structural type is thus hardly warranted.
They seem to have been deliberately selected and placed at specific points in the circle that mark certain calendrical events (sunsets and solstices related to the four seasons, for example). They work by standing outside the circle at the stone directly opposite to the quartz stone concerned. One alignment, at Samhain/All Souls' Day, may involve Long Meg herself, a portal stone and one of the quartz stones. The use of different coloured stones also seems to be significant – red, white and blue/grey predominate (Long Meg herself being of red sandstone).
Individuals with autism are more likely to have savant skills so, for them, the most obvious drawback could be the drawbacks they link to autism itself. Most cases of calendrical calculation involve individuals with IQs that are below average. Autism spectrum disorders contain criteria for diagnosis based on difficulties with social behaviour and communicating with others, amongst other debilitating criteria. Researchers have proposed two hypotheses to explain how autistic individuals may develop advanced skills; the first is the obsession with constricted areas of interest (a common symptom of autism) and central coherence.
Chiefly families lived along the slopes of the Waianaes overlooking the plateau and along the shores of Waialua to the north, and many key battles between rivals for control of Oahu were also fought on the central plains surrounding Kūkaniloko. The wide view of the skies from Kūkaniloko might also have made it a sort of Hawaiian Stonehenge. In April 2000, a team from the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy recorded designs and shapes on the stones that could have been used to track the movements of celestial objects for calendrical purposes.
A deferent/epicycle model is in fact used to compute Lunar positions needed to define modern Hindu calendars. See Nachum Dershovitz and Edward M. Reingold: Calendrical Calculations, Cambridge University Press, 1997, Chapter 14. () The first planetary model without any epicycles was that of Ibn Bajjah (Avempace) in 12th century Andalusian Spain, but epicycles were not eliminated in Europe until the 17th century, when Johannes Kepler's model of elliptical orbits gradually replaced Copernicus' model based on perfect circles. Newtonian or classical mechanics eliminated the need for deferent/epicycle methods altogether and produced more accurate theories.
Kʼinich Popol Hol (died 470) was a king of the Maya city of Copán. Popol Hol's main achievement was to cement the mythology and institutions of Central Peten kingship at Copan, which lasted 400 years. He was co-ruler with his father for the baktun (calendrical period) ending rites of December 9, 435 as shown on the Motmot Marker (a structure in Structure 10L-26). He declared himself the son of Yax Kʼukʼ Moʼ on Stela 63 and he claimed succession as the second king of Copan on the Xukpi Stone.
Keller and Volkov, p. 64. He introduced the Chinese Yuán Jiā Lì (元嘉暦) calendrical system (developed by Hé Chéng Tiān (何承天) in 443 C.E.) and transmitted his skill in medicine and pharmacy to Japanese disciples, such as Hinamitachi (日並立)Lu and Needham, p. 264.Rosner, p. 13. According to Nakayama Shigeru, nearly all 7th century astronomers in Japan came from Baekje, and only by the following century did the percentage of immigrant astronomers fall to 40% as local astronomers mastered the science.
A shrine may be built "that becomes the location for the fulfillment of the village's calendrical obligations and critical supplications to the shrine image—the village's divine protector," Christian writes, but "in this context the shrine image and the site of its location are of prime importance; the seer merely introduces it, and is not himself or herself the focal point of the worship."Christian, p. 107 In pre-Columbian Mesoamerican tradition, on the other hand, representation meant embodiment of these holy figures rather than mere resemblance, as it did in Europe.Lois Parkinson Zamora. 2006.
Most human civilizations - India, China, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Maya, and Inca, among others - based their culture on complex systems of astrology, which provided a link between the cosmos with the conditions and events on earth. For these, the astrological practice was not mere divination because it also served as the foundation for their spiritual culture and knowledge-systems used for practical purposes such as the calendar (see Mesoamerican calendrical shamans) and medicine (e.g. I Ching). Astrological tradition even contributed to the development of astronomy as the study of the skies provided invaluable insights about celestial bodies.
Wang also created an agricultural calendrical diagram in the form of a circle, which included the Heavenly Stems, the Earthly Branches, the four seasons, twelve months, twenty-four solar terms, seventy-two five-day periods, with each sequence of agricultural tasks and the natural phenomena which signal for their necessity, stellar configurations, phenology, and the sequence of agricultural production.Needham, Volume 6, Part 2, 53-55. Amongst the various contemporary agricultural practices mentioned in the Nong Shu, Wang listed and described the use of ploughing, sowing, irrigation, cultivation of mulberries, etc.
Venice by British artistic savant Stephen Wiltshire Savant skills are usually found in one or more of five major areas: art, memory, arithmetic, musical abilities, and spatial skills. The most common kinds of savants are calendrical savants, "human calendars" who can calculate the day of the week for any given date with speed and accuracy, or recall personal memories from any given date. Advanced memory is the key "superpower" in savant abilities. Approximately half of savants are autistic; the other half often have some form of central nervous system injury or disease.
Because becoming an astronomer was a hereditary profession and those that are employed by the Bureau are not transferable to other occupations, students were trained very young by the Ministry of Rites. However, when there was a shortage of workers in the Bureau, the Ministry of Rites would scout suitable students and train them on a trial basis. Calendrical recordings greatly attracted Confucian scholars, which widened interest into this subject, and thus into astronomy and divination. Confucian student's deep need for knowledge and practicality made these tasks appeal to academics.
Hanne Darboven, Vita Galerie Crone, Berlin. Accessed 30 January 2011. Ever since, Darboven's work has often occupied large spaces: her installation Cultural History 1880–1983, (1980–1983) with its 1,589 individually framed works on paper of uniform format and 19 sculptural elements takes up 7,000 square feet.Grace Glueck (May 2, 2001), Popular Sizes in Art: Large and Xtra Large New York Times. Reducing the Gregorian calendrical notation to only forty-two denominations for each century,Lauren Sedofsky (March 1, 1997), [Hanne Darboven: Dia Center for the Arts - artist Hanne Darboven's work, 'Kulturgeschichte 1880–1983'] Artforum.
In addition, his disciples included many masters of the Sakya, Gelugpa and Kagyü schools, such as Sershul Lharampa Thubten, Palpung Lama Tashi Özer and Ju Lama Drakpa Gyaltsen. Patrul Rinpoche died on the eighteenth day of the fourth lunar month in the Fire Pig year of the fifteenth calendrical cycle (1887). Patrul Rinpoche's writings were not collected by the master himself or by his attendants, and thus many of them were never carved into printing blocks. Those which were printed and which are now to be found comprise six volumes.
The great value of the Babad Dalem as a source of Balinese cultural values and perceptions of kingship is generally recognized by the scholars. Its value as a source of past events on Bali is controversial. The older versions contain few calendrical dates, and the babad genre seems more concerned with origins than with the exact chronology of events. Comparisons with external (in particular Dutch and Javanese) historical materials suggest that important aspects of the history of Gelgel have been left out or altered in the Babad Dalem.
Calendrical function of the Berlin Gold Hat Modern scholarship has demonstrated that the ornamentation of the gold leaf cones of the Schifferstadt type, to which the Berlin example belongs, represent systematic sequences in terms of number and types of ornaments per band. A detailed study of the Berlin example, which is the only fully preserved one, showed that the symbols probably represent a lunisolar calendar. The object would have permitted the determination of dates or periods in both lunar and solar calendars.Wilfried Menghin (Hrsg.): Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica. Unze, Potsdam 32.2000, S. 31-108.
Joseph Needham (1900–1995), a late Professor from the University of Cambridge and author of the groundbreaking Science and Civilisation in China series, stated that the "Han time (especially the Later Han) was one of the relatively important periods as regards the history of science in China."Needham (1972), 111. He noted the advancements during Han of astronomy and calendrical sciences, the "beginnings of systematic botany and zoology", as well as the philosophical skepticism and rationalist thought embodied in Han works such as the Lunheng by the philosopher Wang Chong (27–100 CE).
A minority opinion places Creation on 25 Adar AM 1, six months earlier, or six months after the modern epoch. Thus, adding 3760 before Rosh Hashanah or 3761 after to a Julian year number starting from 1 CE will yield the Hebrew year. For earlier years there may be a discrepancy [see: Missing years (Jewish calendar)]. The Seder Olam Rabbah also recognized the importance of the Jubilee and Sabbatical cycles as a long-term calendrical system, and attempted at various places to fit the Sabbatical and Jubilee years into its chronological scheme.
Koinobori at Chizu, Tottori Koinobori Koinobori flying in Oboke Koboke, Iya Valley, Tokushima Prefecture A large selection of koinobori in Higashishirahige Park, 2015 Factory for hand-made koinobori , meaning "carp streamer" in Japanese, are carp-shaped windsocks traditionally flown in Japan to celebrate , a traditional calendrical event which is now designated a national holiday: Children's Day (Kodomo no Hi, 子供の日)."Trend Illustrated Japanese-English Dictionary of Things Japanese", Shogakukan, 1999 These windsocks are made by drawing carp patterns on paper, cloth or other nonwoven fabric. They are then allowed to flutter in the wind. They are also known as .
The original diagram of Su Song's book of 1092 showing the inner workings of his clocktower; a mechanically rotated armillary sphere crowns the top. Armillary sphere at Beijing Ancient Observatory Throughout Chinese history, astronomers have created celestial globes () to assist the observation of the stars. The Chinese also used the armillary sphere in aiding calendrical computations and calculations. According to Needham, the earliest development of the armillary sphere in China goes back to the astronomers Shi Shen and Gan De in the 4th century BC, as they were equipped with a primitive single-ring armillary instrument.
Around 1384, during the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the Chinese translation and compilation of Islamic astronomical tables, a task that was carried out by the scholars Mashayihei, a Muslim astronomer, and Wu Bozong, a Chinese scholar-official. These tables came to be known as the Huihui Lifa (Muslim System of Calendrical Astronomy), which was published in China a number of times until the early 18th century, though the Qing Dynasty had officially abandoned the tradition of Chinese-Islamic astronomy in 1659. The Muslim astronomer Yang Guangxian was known for his attacks on the Jesuit's astronomical sciences.
Liu served under Zhu Yuanzhang's rebellion against the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty in China, which had ruled since the conquest of the Southern Song dynasty in 1279. He dabbled in many fields of statecraft, philosophy, scholarly works, and technology. His philosophical outlook was that of a skeptical naturalist, and he became interested in astronomy, calendrical science, magnetism, and fengshui. He was known to be a friendly associate of the mathematician and alchemist Zhao Yuqin, and collaborated with the contemporary general and scholar Jiao Yu to edit and compile the military-technology treatise of the Huolongjing, which outlined the use of various gunpowder weapons.
Coptic calendrical icon displaying two months of saints The reformed Egyptian calendar continues to be used in Egypt as the Coptic calendar of the Egyptian Church and by the Egyptian populace at large, particularly the fellah, to calculate the agricultural seasons. It differs only in its era, which is dated from the ascension of the Roman emperor Diocletian. Contemporary Egyptian farmers, like their ancient predecessors, divide the year into three seasons: winter, summer, and inundation. It is also associated with local festivals such as the annual Flooding of the Nile and the ancient Spring festival Sham el-Nessim.
While I > agree with his results on the inscriptions of the Old Empire cities which > contain many dates and time periods, I find that his method of dealing > solely with calendrical matter fails at Chichen Itza, since there are but > few hieroglyphs of that nature.Beyer (1937), p.3 of Preface (as reproduced > online at Mesoweb). The later years of the project would increasingly concentrate on completing the restorative work on the principal structures, for Morley always had an eye on the dual purpose of the project: to research, but also rebuild to generate the promised revenue from tourism.
A painted Wheel of the Year at the Museum of Witchcraft, Boscastle, Cornwall, England, displaying all eight of the Sabbats Paganism's public rituals are generally calendrical, although the pre-Christian festivals that Pagans use as a basis varied across Europe. Nevertheless, common to almost all Pagan religions is an emphasis on an agricultural cycle and respect for the dead. Common Pagan festivals include those marking the summer solstice and winter solstice as well as the start of spring and the harvest. In Wicca, a Wheel of the Year has been developed which typically involves eight seasonal festivals.
Dressed limestone The lowest temple is astronomically aligned and thus was probably used as an astronomical observation and/or calendrical site. On the vernal and the autumnal equinox sunlight passes through the main doorway and lights up the major axis. On the solstices sunlight illuminates the edges of megaliths to the left and right of this doorway. Although there are no written records to indicate the purpose of these structures, archaeologists have inferred their use from ceremonial objects found within them: sacrificial flint knives and rope holes that were possibly used to constrain animals for sacrifice (since various animal bones were found).
Wayekiye (A) was a grandson of Paêse by his daughter Tꜣ- špš and his son-in- law Hornakhtyotef I, and is known from an inscription he made in 227/228. Wayekiye identifies his father as a qorene of Isis, and himself as the prophet of Sopdet, the goddess of the star Sirius, and the priest of "the five living stars [planets]". Later in the same inscription, he calls himself the "chief wizard of the King of Kush". From this description, Wayekiye seems to have been a hierogrammateis, a priestly astronomer in Egyptian religion who was responsible for the calendrical sciences.
In Part IV of the ', Bacon proposed a calendrical reform similar to the later system introduced in 1582 under Pope Gregory XIII. Drawing on ancient Greek and medieval Islamic astronomy recently introduced to western Europe via Spain, Bacon continued the work of Robert Grosseteste and criticised the then-current Julian calendar as "intolerable, horrible, and laughable". It had become apparent that Eudoxus and Sosigenes's assumption of a year of 365¼ days was, over the course of centuries, too inexact. Bacon charged that this meant the computation of Easter had shifted forward by 9 days since the First Council of Nicaea in 325.
He was the first to establish that the numerous Swedish petroglyphs were from the Nordic Bronze Age, by comparing axes portrayed in the petroglyphs with archaeological finds. Further he supported Thomsen's typology of gold bracteates from the migration period. By taking calendrical dates from the recently deciphered hieroglyphics of Ancient Egypt, Montelius employed a complex system of cross-dating through typologies and associated finds to apply absolute dates to archaeological finds and features all over Europe. His diffusionist theories were eventually displaced by more complex views of cultural interaction but following refinement his system of sub-divisions is still effectively in use.
Eduard Seler saw the Toxcatl ritual as symbol of the change of season represented as the death and rebirth of Tezcatlipoca. He likens Toxcatl to its K'iche' Maya equivalent, the feast of Jun Raqan, which is the celebration of the new year. Michel Graulich, who advocates a different calendrical correlation, places Toxcatl in the fall and sees the festival as a harvest feast celebrating the abundance of maize. Olivier (2003) stresses the importance of the actions of the tlatoani in the ritual and sees the feast as a way for the ruler to offer a worthy sacrifice to the lord of rulership, Tezcatlipoca.
It has become associated with Mayanism. The earliest known appearance of the design is in the 16th century Codex Magliabechiano, an Aztec (not Maya) document that is also known for graphic depictions of heart sacrifice drawn by indigenous artists. The design was first reproduced by Zelia Nuttall, who rediscovered the Codex Magliabecchiano in Florence, Italy in 1898, in her 1901 book The Fundamental Principles of Old and New World Civilizations: A Comparative Research Based on a Study of the Ancient Mexican Religious, Sociological and Calendrical Systems.Nuttall 1901: 103, Fig. 32 Facsimiles of the codex were published in 1903 and 1982.
Chintamani Ragoonathachary, a native astronomer took the initiative to modify and publish a new almanac and thereby introduced a change in the calendrical system followed in the Tamil region. It was clear during the middle of the nineteenth century that the traditional calendars were way off the mark. Not only were there errors in the position of stars, the old system predicted eclipses when there would be none. As the traditional almanac was seen to be quite inaccurate, Chatre and Khetkar in Bombay, Venkatakrishna Raya and Ragoonathachari in Madras proposed Drigganitha Panchang to replace the traditional Panchang computations based on the Vakya Panchang.
Porcelain production was stimulated as a result of the changing chiefly dynamics among indigenous groups within the Philippines. Porcelain served as symbols of political influence, as they were not only used in ritualized feasts associated with life crises and calendrical events, but also negotiation incentives amongst polities. A study in Tanjay, Negros, Philippines demonstrated that the immense quantity of foreign porcelains in burials and settlements increased significantly from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries. Prior to the fifteenth century (and the introduction of the Manila Galleon trade), the high-quality exported porcelain were predominantly limited to high-ranking elites and chiefs.
Sumati's only known work is the Sumati Tantra, written in Sanskrit on palm leaves between 556–960 AD, in the Kathmandu Valley. It is the first astronomical text written by a Nepalese scholar, and is largely based on Indian astronomy, with commentary and discussions of Indian texts like the Sūrya-siddhānta (5th century AD), as well as Varāhamihira's Pañca-siddhāntikā (6th century AD). In 1409, the Sumati Tantra was translated into the local Newar language by an astrologer named Bardhan, who titled this translation the Sumati Siddhānta. Both texts were commonly used for calendrical and astrological purposes.
Vanant is the Avestan language name of a minor Zoroastrian divinity. The name literally means "conqueror", but in Zoroastrian tradition Vanant is the hypostasis of the "star of the west", variously identified with Altair, Fomalhaut, Vega, Sargas or Kappa Scorpii/Girtab. Vanant may have its origins in the Sumero-Akkadian Vanand, perhaps incorporated in the Zoroastrian pantheon as a consequence of the close relations between Iran and Babylon during the late Achaemenid era. Vanant has no calendrical dedication (see Zoroastrian calendar), but is invoked together with the other astral divinities on the second and third days of the month.
Other festivals throughout the year are specified by the Balinese pawukon calendrical system. Celebrations are held for many occasions such as a tooth-filing (coming-of-age ritual), cremation or odalan (temple festival). One of the most important concepts that Balinese ceremonies have in common is that of désa kala patra, which refers to how ritual performances must be appropriate in both the specific and general social context. Many of the ceremonial art forms such as wayang kulit and topeng are highly improvisatory, providing flexibility for the performer to adapt the performance to the current situation.
Astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences, dating back to antiquity, with its origins in the religious, mythological, cosmological, calendrical, and astrological beliefs and practices of prehistory: vestiges of these are still found in astrology, a discipline long interwoven with public and governmental astronomy. It was not completely separated in Europe (see astrology and astronomy) during the Copernican Revolution starting in 1543. In some cultures, astronomical data was used for astrological prognostication. The study of astronomy has received financial and social support from many institutions, especially the Church, which was its largest source of support between the 12th century to the Enlightenment.
Around 1500, the Yucatec priesthood was hierarchically organized, from the high priest living at the court down to the priests in the towns, and the priestly books were distributed along these lines.Landa, in Tozzer 1941: 27 The role model for the high priest is likely to have been the upper god Itzamna, first priest and inventor of the art of writing.Tozzer 1941: 146n707 The most general word for priest, including the Yucatec high priest, appears to have been ah k'in 'calendrical priest'. Some priests were ordinary diviners, while others had specialized knowledge of the katun cycle.
The Franciscan friar Andrés de Avendaño oversaw a second attempt to overcome the Itza in 1695, convincing the Itza king that the Kʼatun 8 Ajaw, a twenty-year Maya calendrical cycle beginning in 1696 or 1697, was the right time for the Itza to finally embrace Christianity and to accept the king of Spain as overlord. However the Itza had local Maya enemies who resisted this conversion, and in 1696 Avendaño was fortunate to escape with his life. The Itza's continued resistance had become a major embarrassment for the Spanish colonial authorities, and soldiers were despatched from Campeche to take Nojpetén once and for all.Jones 2000, p. 362.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida. An approximate correspondence with the Sun's positions on its zenith and nadir passages is likely coincidental, however, because very few Mesoamerican orientations match these events and even for such cases, different explanations are much more likely. Since the sunrise and sunset dates recorded by solar orientations that prevail in Mesoamerican architecture, tend to be separated by multiples of 13 and 20 days (i.e. of basic periods of the calendrical system), and given their clustering in certain seasons of the year, it has been argued that the orientations allowed the use of observational calendars intended to facilitate a proper scheduling of agricultural and related ritual activities.
A slave, a cripple, or a criminal was chosen and expelled from the community at times of disaster (famine, invasion or plague) or at times of calendrical crisis. It was believed that this would bring about purification. On the first day of the Thargelia, a festival of Apollo at Athens, two men, the Pharmakoi, were led out as if to be sacrificed as an expiation. Some scholia state that pharmakoi were actually sacrificed (thrown from a cliff or burned), but many modern scholars reject this, arguing that the earliest source for the pharmakos (the iambic satirist Hipponax) shows the pharmakoi being beaten and stoned, but not executed.
Several of the earliest calendrical texts, as well, are found in the South at, for example, Takalik Abaj and El Baúl, although the very earliest – by ca. 60 years – confirmed thus far are found at Chiapa de Corzo and Tres Zapotes, that is, from sites with an Olmec (or “epi-Olmec”) identity. Glyphs found at San Bartolo, in the Petén, may date to as early as 300 BC,Saturno, William A., David Stuart, Boris Beltrán (2006) Early Maya Writing at San Bartolo, Guatemala. Science 311 (5765):1281-1283 but these texts are very short in length and do not bear Long Count or Calendar Round dates.
Khipu kamayuqkuna (knot makers/keepers, i.e., the former Inca record keepers) supplied colonial administrators with a variety and quantity of information pertaining to censuses, tribute, ritual and calendrical organization, genealogies, and other such matters from Inka times. Performing a number of statistical tests for quipu sample VA 42527, one study led by Alberto Sáez-Rodríguez discovered that the distribution and patterning of S- and Z-knots can organize the information system from a real star map of the Pleiades cluster. Laura Minelli, a professor of pre-Columbian studies at the University of Bologna, has discovered something which she believed to be a seventeenth-century Jesuit manuscript that describes literary quipus, titled .
The Indiction as Module These thoughts of life or generational duration can be thought of as outdated due to the increase in our current life expectancy. Technological advances have increased our quality of life; therefore, there is no calendrical duration correlating with individual life expectancies. When analyzing the age classes (infant, child, adolescent, young adult, mature adult, and old adult), Kubler applies the working lifetime for an artist: 60 years, with 50 of the years at full working capacity. The artist's life can be categorized into four periods:"preparation, early, middle, and late maturity, each lasting about 15 years, resemble the indictions of the Roman calendar" (102).
Magellan was intended to be shown as a calendrical cycle, one film for each day of the year. One film from the cycle, Magellan: Drafts and Fragments, is exemplary of Frampton's ambition to create a personal "meta-history" of film; in Drafts and fragments, he remade the cinema of the Lumieres in 51 1-minute films. The last few years of his life, Frampton taught at SUNY Buffalo, writing, working on Magellan and ongoing photographic projects with fellow artist and wife Marion Faller, and investigating the relationship between computers and art. He did some initial work with video and sound reproducing with an IMSAI 8080 computer.
His first published work was Mo'ed Mo'adim on the Jewish, Karaite, Christian, and Muslim calendars (1846; republished 1863), with tables from the Creation to the year AM 6000. In 1847 he edited a Hebrew annual, Ha-Asif, or Harvest: The Annual Hebrew Magazine, containing various essays on Hebrew literature and mathematics, in both Hebrew and English (1849). The Jewish Chronicle praised Filipowski's calendrical calculations for correcting the defects of Elias H. Lindo's Calendar, especially his erroneous method for calculating the termination of Shabbat in London. According to Filipowski, for almost a decade London Jews had been ending the Shabbat and festivals at the wrong time.
Howe writes that "the traditional calendar of the Russian peasants was a guide for day-to-day living. The names attached to calendar dates, the calendrical periods into which they were grouped, the day on the week on which each fell, and the sayings connected with them encoded information about when to undertake tasks, but also about when not to work, when it was necessary to perform symbolic actions, take part in rituals and compulsory celebrations". Peasants (i.e. three-quarters of the population of Russia) formed a class apart,Until the ukaz of 18 October 1906, the peasant class was stereotyped under the electoral law.
Providing calendrical dates and ordered chronological sequences in the study of early stone tool manufacture is often accomplished through one or more geological techniques, such as radiometric dating, often potassium-argon dating, and magnetostratigraphy. From the Konso Formation of Ethiopia, Acheulean hand-axes are dated to about 1.5 million years ago using radiometric dating of deposits containing volcanic ashes. Acheulean tools in South Asia have also been found to be dated as far as 1.5 million years ago. However, the earliest accepted examples of the Acheulean currently known come from the West Turkana region of Kenya and were first described by a French-led archaeology team.
249–61, which can also be found at his website. See also John Q Jacobs article for more information on the alignments of Mesoamerican Cities that this is because of a general wish to align the pyramids to face the sunset on August 13, which was the beginning date of the Maya Long Count calendar. However, recent research has shown that the earliest orientations marking sunsets on August 13 (and April 30) occur outside of the Maya area. Their purpose must have been to record the dates separated by a period of 260 days (from August 13 to April 30), equivalent to the length of the sacred Mesoamerican calendrical count.
In stories with eschatological significance, Sraosha (Sarosh), Mithra (Mihr), and Rashnu (Rashn) are guardians of the Chinvat bridge, the bridge of the separator, across which all souls must pass. Further, what the calendrical dedications had begun, the tradition completed: at the top of the hierarchy was Ahura Mazda, who was supported by the great heptad of Amesha Spentas (Ameshaspands/Mahraspands), through which the Creator realized ("created with his thought") the manifest universe. The Amesha Spentas in turn had hamkars, "assistants" or "cooperators", each a caretaker of one facet of creation. In both tradition and scripture, the terms 'Amesha Spenta' and 'yazata' are sometimes used interchangeably.
The Maya sculptural tradition that produced the stelae emerged fully formed and had probably been preceded by sculpted wooden monuments. However the tradition of raising stelae had its origin elsewhere in Mesoamerica, among the Olmecs of the Gulf Coast of Mexico. In the Late Preclassic it then spread into the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and southwards along the Pacific Coast to sites such as Chiapa de Corzo, Izapa and Takalik Abaj where Mesoamerican Long Count calendar dates began to be carved onto the stelae. Although at Izapa the stelae depicted mythological scenes, at Takalik Abaj they began to show rulers in Early Classic Maya posture accompanied by calendrical dates and hieroglyphic texts.
These twelve months were initially numbered within each season but came to also be known by the names of their principal festivals. Each month was divided into three 10-day periods known as decans or decades. It has been suggested that during the Nineteenth Dynasty and the Twentieth Dynasty the last two days of each decan were usually treated as a kind of weekend for the royal craftsmen, with royal artisans free from work. Because this calendrical year was nearly a quarter of a day shorter than the solar year, the Egyptian calendar lost about one day every four years relative to the Gregorian calendar.
The Schifferstadt specimen was the oldest of the group of four known Golden hats, The Schifferstadt hat was the first to be discovered. After the example from Berlin, it is the best- preserved one, fully preserved with the exception of a small part of the brim. Three associated bronze axes and a comparison with other Late Bronze Age metalwork date the Schifferstadt Hat to circa 1,400-1,300 BC. The hat, like its counterparts, is assumed to have served as a religious insignia for the deities or priests of a sun-cult common in Bronze Age Europe. The hats are also suggested to have served calendrical functions.
As references to empires, Eran and Aneran occur already in a calendrical text from Mānī (dating back probably to Ardashir I's era.) This shorter term "Eran" appears in the names of the towns build by Shapur I and his successors as well as in the titles of several high- ranking administrative officials and military commanders. For the former there are examples such as "Eran-xwarrah-Shapur" (The glory of Eran (of) Shapur), "Eran-ashan-kard-kavadh" (Kavadh pacified Eran) and for the latter "Eran- amargar" (Accountant-General), ”Eran-dibīrbed" (Chief Secretary), ”Eran- drustbed“ (Chief Medical Officer), ”Eran-hambāragbed" (Commander of the Arsenal), and ”Eran-spāhbed“ (Commander-in-Chief).
The Easter Rising lasted from Easter Monday 24 April 1916 to Easter Saturday 29 April 1916. Annual commemorations, rather than taking place on 24–29 April, are typically based on the date of Easter, which is a moveable feast. For example, the annual military parade is on Easter Sunday; the date of coming into force of the Republic of Ireland Act 1948 was symbolically chosen as Easter Monday (18 April) 1949. The official programme of centenary events in 2016 climaxed from 25 March (Good Friday) to 2 April (Easter Saturday) with other events earlier and later in the year taking place on the calendrical anniversaries.
It is likely that Wayekiye introduced advanced Egyptian calendrical and astronomical knowledge to the kingdom of Kush, for which he received a royal title. Wayekiye and his wife Taêse were later buried in Kushite territory, where the king of Kush may have awarded them with land. Wayekiye's brother-in-law, Manitawawi, was a prophet, qorene, and agent of Isis who hailed from a family that had long been in service to the goddess. In an inscription, he described himself as the chief of the Triakontaschoinos, prince of Takompso on the border between Roman Egypt and Kush, and as the "agent, scribe, and chief ritualist" of the king of Kush.
The narrative takes place in and around the family's farm and home, called "The Cedars," located near the village of Athens, a fictional name for the village of Warsaw (now incorporated into Cincinnati) on the west bank of the Great Miami River in Hamilton County, Ohio. The original home was torn down in the 1850s, and the site is now occupied by Seton High School (Cincinnati, Ohio). Instead of following a single unifying plot, the narrative is organized as a calendar year, with a separate chapter for each month, beginning and ending with classic scenes of emigrant Christmas. Within this calendrical structure are incorporated numerous threads relating to domestic life (e.g.
The Mayan landscape is a ritual topography, with landmarks such as mountains, wells and caves being assigned to specific ancestors and deities (see also Maya cave sites). Thus, the Tzotzil town of Zinacantan is surrounded by seven 'bathing places' of mountain-dwelling ancestors, with one of these sacred waterholes serving as the residence of the ancestors' 'nursemaids and laundresses'.Vogt 1976: 63 Part of these ritual takes place in or near such landmarks, in Yucatán, they also take place around karstic sinkholes (cenotes). Ritual was governed not only by the geographical lay-out of shrines and temples, but also by the projection of calendrical models onto the landscape.
The Maya calendar, connected to networks of sacrificial shrines, is fundamental for ritual life. The rites of the 260-day cycle are treated below ('Sciences of Destiny'). Among the highland Maya, the calendrical rites of the community as a whole relate to the succession of the 365-day years, and to the so-called 'Year Bearers' in particular, that is, the four named days that can serve as new year days. Conceived as divine lords, these Year Bearers were welcomed on the mountain (one of four) which was to be their seat of power, and worshipped at each recurrence of their day in the course of the year.
13–16: "the one who told Ulysses to write back to Penelope while he was wandering over a hostile sea for two lustra, and who has abandoned his own Troezen and unfinished Dierum Opus with his sudden death: Sabinus." The 19th-century scholar Carl Gläser conjectured that the Troezen was an epic poem containing a history of the birth and adventures of Theseus, whose birthplace was Troezen, up to the time of his arrival at his father's court at Athens. The Dierum Opus ("Days' Work") he regarded as a continuation of Ovid's calendrical Fasti, which was left unfinished when he died in exile.Carl Eduard Gläser, "Der Dichter Sabinus," Rheinisches Museum 1 (1842), 437–442.
Evidence of Minoan Astronomy and Calendrical PractisesMarinatos, Nanno. Minoan Kingship and the Solar Goddess: A Near Eastern Koine (2013). Károly Kerényi believed that the most important goddess was Ariadne, daughter of King Minos and mistress of the labyrinth who is identified in Linear B (Mycenean Greek) tablets in Knossos. The bull leaper from Knossos (Heraklion Archaeological Museum) Retrieval of metal and clay votive figures, double axes, miniature vessels, models of artifacts, animals, and human figures has identified sites of cult, such as numerous small shrines in Minoan Crete, and mountain peaks and very numerous sacred caves over 300 have been explored were the centers for some cult, but temples, as the Greeks developed them, were unknown.
Unlike other people with advanced memory abilities, such as savant syndrome (who tend to use calendrical calculation), individuals with hyperthymestic syndrome rely heavily on their personal "mental calendar", which is an automatic and obsessive process. Moreover, individuals with hyperthymesia do not focus on practiced mnemonic strategies. For example, "AJ", who has the first documented case of hyperthymesia, has difficulty consciously applying her memory strategies to help her memorize new knowledge, making her rote memorization abilities below average. Importantly, having superior autobiographical memory does not translate to broadly superior memory; in fact across tests like a digit span, visual reproduction, and word- pair memorization, those with hyperthymesia have no statistically significant difference from a control group.
The Kalokol Pillar Site is an archaeological site on the western side of Lake Turkana in Kenya. Pillar sites, or namoratunga, such as this one are characterized by columnar basalt pillars, and several of these sites are known to be cemeteries dating to the Pastoral Neolithic c. 5000-4000 BP. Archaeologists have previously argued that pillars at some of these sites are aligned with stars of known calendrical importance to current Cushitic- speaking communities such as the Borana in northern Kenya. The archaeological sites were thought to have served archaeoastronomical purposes, but new radiocarbon dating efforts have called into question these interpretations, given that the sites are now known to be older than previously assumed.
It is sometimes convenient to consider positional numeral systems where the weights associated with the positions do not form a geometric sequence 1, b, b2, b3, etc., starting from the least significant position, as given in the polynomial form. In a mixed-radix system such as the factorial number system, the weights form a sequence where each weight is an integral multiple of the previous one, and the number of permitted digit values varies accordingly from position to position. For calendrical use, the Mayan numeral system was a mixed-radix system, since one of its positions represents a multiplication by 18 rather than 20, in order to fit a 360-day calendar.
The work also includes irregularly-observed rituals and celebrations concerning disease, bodily functions, marriage, childbirth, dancing, and the exorcism of evil spirits. Importantly, the Jingchu Suishiji records changing Chinese rituals, cuisine, and entertainment as religious and calendrical changes led to a "new canon" of major festivals. The Chinese New Year, Lantern, Tomb Sweeping, Dragon Boat, Double Seven, Ghost, and Double Ninth Festivals all took most of their present form during the period leading up to the composition of the Jingchu Suishiji. The Double Seven and Double Ninth Festivals reflect the growing use from the late Han onward of monthly dating rather than the old sexagenary cycle of heavenly stems and earthly branches.
The following day, the current Aj Kan Ekʼ travelled across the lake with eighty canoes to greet the visitors at the Chakʼan Itza port town of Nich, on the west shore of Lake Petén Itza. The Franciscans returned to Nojpetén with Kan Ekʼ and baptised over 300 Itza children over the following four days. Avendaño tried to convince Kan Ekʼ to convert to Christianity and surrender to the Spanish crown, without success. The Franciscan friar tried to convince the Itza king that the Kʼatun 8 Ajaw, a twenty-year Maya calendrical cycle beginning in 1696 or 1697, was the right time for the Itza to finally embrace Christianity and to accept the king of Spain as overlord.
The creation of Moldovan written literature was preceded by a rich folklore that emerged in the 10th and 11th centuries CE: calendrical and family ritual poetry (Plugusorul), fairy tales, heroic epics (Hydra, Toma Alimos, The Knight Gruia Grozovan, Mihul Kopilul, Codreanu, Corbea), historical songs (Duca Vode, Buzhor, Tobultok), folk legends, proverbs, popular sayings, lyrical songs, ballads (The Sun and the Moon, The Rich Man and the Pauper, Dolca). The greatest achievement of Moldovan epic-lyric pastoral poetry is the ballad Mioriţa, various versions of which were found across Romania. The national struggle against the Ottoman occupation is reflected in the ballad The Well of Frost, which was popular not only in the Moldovan principality but also in Wallachia.
The 8-day nundinal cycle also seems to have been observed elsewhere in Italy, particularly Campania, as attested in stone calendars and graffiti, as at Pompeii. There are records from the imperial period of towns and villas petitioning for the right to hold such markets ('). Such a right seems to have been universally granted to the capitals of Italy's prefectures (') but also extended to some smaller localities where markets were necessary for local trade. These local fairs used the same calendrical system as Rome's, marking out the days of the year into cycles from A to H, but each town or village in an area typically used a separate day, permitting itinerant traders (') to attend each in turn.
In 1384, a Chinese astrolabe was made for observing stars based on the instructions for making multi-purposed Islamic equipment. In 1385, the apparatus was installed on a hill in northern Nanjing. Around 1384, during the Ming Dynasty, Hongwu Emperor ordered the Chinese translation and compilation of Islamic astronomical tables, a task that was carried out by the scholars Mashayihei, a Muslim astronomer, and Wu Bozong, a Chinese scholar-official. These tables came to be known as the Huihui Lifa (Muslim System of Calendrical Astronomy), which was published in China a number of times until the early 18th century, though the Qing Dynasty had officially abandoned the tradition of Chinese-Islamic astronomy in 1659.
Seventeen stelae were erected at Seibal between 849 and 889, and show a mix of Maya and foreign styles, including a lord wearing the beaked mask of Ehecatl, the central Mexican wind god, with a Mexican-style speech scroll emerging from the mouth. Some of these have a stylistic affinity with the painted murals at Cacaxtla, a non-Maya site in the central Mexican state of Tlaxcala. This hybrid style seems to indicate that the kings of Seibal were Maya lords adapting to changing political conditions by adopting a mix of symbols originating from both lowland Maya and central Mexican sources. Some of the more foreign-looking stelae even bear non-Maya calendrical glyphs.
The authors design individual calendrical calculation algorithms for converting each of these calendars to and from a common format, the Rata Die system of days numbered from January 1 of the (fictional) Gregorian year 1. Combining these methods allows the conversion between any two of the calendars. One of the innovations of the book is the use of clever coding to replace tables of values of mildly-irregular sequences, such as the numbers of days in a month. The authors also discuss the history of the calendars they describe, analyze their accuracy with respect to the astronomical events that they were designed to model, and point out important days in the year of each calendar.
Maya rituals differ from region to region, but many similar patterns in ceremonies, whether being performed for individual or group need, have been noted. First, all rituals are preceded by foresight of a medicine man, who determines the day of the ceremony through calendrical divination. The medicine men of the Ixil Maya of Guatemala, who kept track of days in their heads, would lay out red seeds from the coral tree onto the pre- Columbian calendar to count them and figure out what day best suited the specific ritual.Colby, 86 As a symbol of a spiritual purification, the individual or individuals would observe a fasting and abstinence period before the ritual day.
The Shuanggudui tomb contained the earliest known diviner's boards (shi ), or "cosmographs", divinatory instruments that were widely used during the Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 AD). These two lacquered astrological boards consist of a movable disk – in diameter – representing the Heavens mounted on a square base – – representing Earth. The center of the circular top depicts the seven stars of the Northern Dipper (which was considered to be a powerful astral deity), whereas the rim of both the disk and the square base is inscribed with astro-calendrical signs that helped to perform divination. Donald Harper, who wrote about this artifact soon after its discovery, argued that it should be called "cosmic board" because it is "so obviously a mechanistic model of the cosmos itself".
The poet Ovid, who was ultimately exiled by Augustus, twice tells the story of Marsyas's flaying by Apollo, in his epic Metamorphoses and in the Fasti, the calendrical poem left unfinished at his death.Publius Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses 6.383–400 and Fasti 6.649–710. Although the immediate cause of Ovid's exile remains one of literary history's great mysteries, Ovid himself says that a "poem and transgression" were contributing factors; his poetry tests the boundaries of permissible free speech during Rome's transition from republic to imperial monarchy.Joanna Niżyńska samples the extensive scholarship on the subversive qualities of Ovid's poetry in her comparative study "Marsyas's Howl: The Myth of Marsyas in Ovid's Metamorphoses and Zbigniew Herbert's ‘Apollo and Marsyas,’" Comparative Literature 53.2 (Spring 2001), pp. 151–169.
Easter was originally dated according to Hebrew calendar, which tried to place Passover on the first full moon following the Spring equinox but did not always succeed. In his Life of Constantine, Eusebius records that the First Council of Nicaea (325) decided that all Christians should observe a common date for Easter separate from the Jewish calculations, according to the practice of the bishops of Rome and Alexandria. Calculating the proper date of Easter (computus) then became a complicated process involving a lunisolar calendar, finding the first Sunday after an idealized Passover on the first full moon after the equinox. Various tables were drawn up, aiming to produce the necessary alignment between the solar year and the phases of the calendrical moon.
Sculpted glyphs on the stone bench inside the temple shrine In the ruins of the temple were found two fallen stones with glyphs, one stone bears the name of the eighth Aztec emperor Ahuizotl, the other with the calendrical date "10 rabbit". This date represents the year 1502 A.D., the year that this emperor died. From this, some archeologists have concluded that this was the year in which the temple was built, others suggest that these stones were added later to commemorate the death of the Aztec emperor. Some glyphs include a turquoise crown and a shield with arrows, which have led investigators to conclude that the benches were built by the Triple Alliance some time after 1452 A.D., the year when the Alliance conquered Tepoztlan.
The Nahua still practice many of their ancient traditions, but at the same time they have synchronized and coordinated many of these rituals with the Catholic Church. One major calendrical observance occurs during the winter solstice, from December 21 through December 24, called tlacaelel, which means birth in Nahuatl. During this time, the sun begins to move north as the days grow longer and thus it is associated with birth. During the celebration the shamans open the shrine and remove a plaster statue of tonantsij in the form of the Virgin of Guadalupe; the statue is moved in a line of procession with fanfare in the form of guitarists and violinists who play sacred melodies along with young girls bearing lighted candles.
This view is strengthened by the discovery of alignments in Knowth, Dowth, and the Lough Crew Cairns leading to the interpretation of these monuments as calendrical or astronomical devices. Formerly, the Newgrange mound was encircled by an outer ring of immense standing stones, of which twelve of a possible thirty-seven remain. Evidence from carbon dating suggests that the stone circle which encircled Newgrange may not be contemporary with the monument however, but was placed there some 1,000 years later in the Bronze Age. This view is disputed and relates to a carbon date from a standing stone setting that intersects with a later timber post circle, the theory being, that the stone in question could have been moved and later, re-set in its original position.
In the Greek literalistic understanding of a Minoan myth,Specific astrological or calendrical interpretations of the mystic mating of the "wide-shining" daughter of the Sun with a mythological bull, transformed into an unnatural curse in Hellene myth, are prone to variability and debate. in order to actually copulate with the bull, she had the Athenian artificer DaedalusDaedalus was of the line of the chthonic king at Athens Erechtheus. construct a portable wooden cow with a cowhide covering, within which she was able to satisfy her strong desire.Greek myth characteristically emphasizes the accursed unnaturalness of a mystical marriage conceived literally as merely carnal: a fragment of Bacchylides alludes to "her unspeakable sickness" and Hyginus (Fabulae 40) to "an unnatural love for a bull".
Astrology is a pseudoscience that claims to divine information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects. Astrology has been dated to at least the 2nd millennium BCE, and has its roots in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications. Many cultures have attached importance to astronomical events, and some—such as the Hindus, Chinese, and the Maya—developed elaborate systems for predicting terrestrial events from celestial observations. Western astrology, one of the oldest astrological systems still in use, can trace its roots to 19th–17th century BCE Mesopotamia, from where it spread to Ancient Greece, Rome, the Arab world and eventually Central and Western Europe.
A contrast set is a bounded collection of items, each of which could fill the same slot in a given schema, syntactic structure, or other linguistic environment. The seven days of the week, the fifty United States, the eight Hawaiian islands, the letters in the alphabet, the categories "male" and "female," the students in a class, or the flavors on offer at an ice cream store are all examples of contrast sets. Contrast sets may be relatively natural in origin (such as the eight Hawaiian islands) or relatively conventional (such as the fifty United States). The mastery of certain conventional contrast sets is essential to basic socialization: for example, calendrical units, musical notes, and elements of writing systems like numerals and the alphabet.
On one side of the codex the general format of each page largely follows the same arrangement, with a standing figure on the left hand side and a seated figure on the right hand side. Each page also contains the ajaw day glyph combined with a numerical coefficient, in each case representing a date marking the final day of a calendrical cycle. In spite of the poor state of preservation of the document, enough text has survived to demonstrate that in the case of the Paris Codex, the main series of dates correspond to kʼatun-endings, allowing for the reconstruction of some of the lost date glyphs in the text. The seated figures are each associated with a sidereal glyph indicating that they represent the ruling deity of each kʼatun.
The urban grid had great significance to city planners when constructing Teotihuacan, as the cross is pecked into the ground in the Pyramid of the Sun in specific places throughout Teotihuacan in precise degrees and angles over three km in distance. The layout of these crosses suggests it was there to work as a grid to the layout of Teotihuacan because they are laid out in a rectangular shape facing the Avenue of the Dead. The direction of the axes of the crosses don’t point to an astronomical North and South direction, but instead point to their own city’s North. Numerology also has significance in the cross pecking because of the placement and amount of the holes, which sometimes count to 260 days, the length of the ritual calendrical cycle.
Lunar movements may have had calendrical significance to early peoples, especially farmers who would have benefited from the division of the year into periods which indicated the best times for planting. 18.61 is not a whole number and so it cannot be used to predict an eclipse without precision equipment, using only crude marker stones or timber posts in a circle instead. Hawkins' theory was that three 18.61 year cycles multiply out to 55.83, which is much closer to an integer and therefore easier to mark using 56 holes. Hawkins argued that the Aubrey Holes were used to keep track of this long time period and could accurately predict the recurrence of a lunar eclipse on the same azimuth, that which aligned with the Heel Stone, every 56 years.
The title page and Dedication from the Barberini MS. The texts read: "Valentinus, may you flourish in God" (top), "Furius Dionysius Filocalus illustrated this work" (in triangles), "Valentinus, enjoy reading this" (main in placard), on the left "Valentinus, may you live long and flourish", on the right "Valentinus, may you live long and rejoice". Portrait of Constantius II, dispensing largesse, from part 7 of the Barberini MS Personification of June The Chronograph of 354 (or "Chronography"), also known as the Calendar of 354, is a compilation of chronological and calendrical texts produced in 354 AD for a wealthy Roman Christian named Valentinus by the calligrapher and illustrator Furius Dionysius Filocalus. The original illustrated manuscript is lost, but several copies have survived. It is the earliest dated codex to have full page illustrations.
In the winter of 1966–1967, she met Sol LeWitt, Carl Andre and Joseph Kosuth, major figures in the then nascent fields of Minimalism and Conceptual art. These meetings proved pivotal in the development of Darboven's work; soon thereafter, she began her first series of drawings on millimeter paper with lists of numbers, which resulted from complicated additions or multiplications of personally derived numerical sequences based on the four to six digits used to notate the date, month, and year of the standard Gregorian calendar.Hanne Darboven: Wunschkonzert, December 15, 2010 – January 29, 2011 Regen Projects, Los Angeles. The calendar sequence has consistently formed the basis for the majority of her installations, and the ‘daily arithmetic’ consisting of checksums came to replace the year’s calendrical progression according to a complex and challenging mathematical logic.
Motoki and Shizuki collaborated on translations of Dutch scientific treatises, and helped introduce and popularize Newtonian mechanics to Japanese scholars, as well as ideas about planetary motion and calendrics ultimately derived from Copernicus and Johannes Kepler. Shizuki's commentaries draw heavily from John Keill's, though Shizuki also generated his own ideas in his commentaries, and sought to reconcile Western philosophies of science with traditional Confucian metaphysical ideas. His best-known work was Rekisho Shinsho, or New Treatise on Calendrical Phenomena, which he completed in 1802 and which was heavily indebted to Keill's works, several of which Shizuki had already translated by that time. Several of the Japanese terms that Shizuki used in translating Newtonian mechanical ideas, including those for gravity and centripetal force, were adopted into the Japanese scientific lexicon and remain in common use.
The earliest known reference in Chinese writings to a seven-day week is attributed to Fan Ning, who lived in the late 4th century in the Jin Dynasty, while diffusions from the Manichaeans are documented with the writings of the Chinese Buddhist monk Yi Jing and the Ceylonese or Central Asian Buddhist monk Bu Kong of the 7th century (Tang Dynasty). The Chinese variant of the planetary system was brought to Japan by the Japanese monk Kūkai (9th century). Surviving diaries of the Japanese statesman Fujiwara Michinaga show the seven-day system in use in Heian Period Japan as early as 1007. In Japan, the seven-day system was kept in use for astrological purposes until its promotion to a full-fledged Western-style calendrical basis during the Meiji Period.
The oldest Latin astrolabe, from 10th-century Catalonia, desperately needed to be reinstated after it had been declared a fake by scholars versed only in the medieval astrolabe textual tradition. King published lists of all known medieval instruments, Islamic and Western, arranged chronologically by region (as far as this is possible), to facilitate future research, as well as catalogue in preparation, now available online. He also was able to show that various instruments long thought to have been of medieval European inspiration, such as the universal horary quadrant with movable solar-calendrical scale (12th- century Spain) and the universal horary device for timekeeping by the sun known as the navicula de Venetiis (14th-century England) were actually devised in 9th-century Baghdad, as was the universal horary device for timekeeping by the stars.
The latter practice illustrates the Imperial genius as innate to its holder but separable from him as a focus of respect and cult, formally consistent with cult to the personification of ideas and ideals such as Fortune (Fortuna), peace (Pax) or victory (Victoria) et al. in conjunction with the genius of the Emperor, Senate or Roman people; Julius Caesar had showed his affinity with the virtue of clemency (Clementia), a personal quality associated with his divine ancestor and patron goddess Venus. Priests typically and respectfully identified their function by manifesting the appearance and other properties of their deus. The duties of Imperial priests were both religious and magistral: they included the provision of approved Imperial portraits, statues and sacrifice, the institution of regular calendrical cult and the inauguration of public works, Imperial games (state ludi) and munera to authorised models.
The Sardica paschal table or Sardica document is a document from a Latin manuscript of the 7th/8th century AD. It is a copy in Latin translation of the creed of the Eastern Christian bishops attending the Council of Sardica who, fearing that their deliberations would be dominated by Western bishops, met separately at Philippopolis. Appended to the creed and anathemas is a table of Paschal full moon dates, given as dates in the Julian calendar, for the years 328 to 357, together with a list of dates of 14 Nisan in the Jewish calendar, also referred to the Julian calendar, for the years 328 to 343, the year of the Council. The calendrical information contained in the document has been used by scholars in tracing the history of the computus and of the Hebrew calendar.
OSID RUNVira controls the Temple of Mother Ukraine-Oryana in Spring Glen which the organisation took over by legal means in the late 1990s, after a dispute with OSIDU RUNVira over the ownership. Also OSID RUNVira members hold weekly Holy Hours, but these incorporate non-Sylenkoite elements such as readings of the Book of Veles or of Taras Shevchenko's national poetry. OSID RUNVira puts more emphasis than other Sylenkoite groups on calendrical celebrations, and their liturgy includes objects like the didukh (braided wheat-sheaf) and objects representing fire, water and earth. Ancestor worship is central, and festivals include de-Christianised holidays, such as the "Christmas of Dazhbog's Light" and the "Easter of the Eternal Resurrection", and holidays in honour of minor Slavic gods, Ukrainian heroes, the Slavs' supreme ancestor Or (otherwise spelled Ory, Ary, Yari, Yuri, and Yarilo), and others.
It is assumed that the golden hats served as religious insignia for the deities or priests of a sun cult then widespread in Central Europe. Their use as head-gear is strongly supported by the fact that the three of four examples have a cap-like widening at the bottom of the cone, and that their openings are oval (not round), with diameters and shapes roughly equivalent to those of a human skull. The figural depiction of an object resembling a conical hat on a stone slab of the King's Grave at Kivik, Southern Sweden, strongly supports their association with religion and cult, as does the fact that the known examples appear to have been deposited (buried) carefully. Attempts to decipher the golden hats' ornamentation suggest that their cultic role is accompanied or complemented by their use as complex calendrical devices.
It is a war dance that Spanish missionaries introduced in Mexico to tell how the Apostle Santiago led the Spanish struggle against the Moors eight centuries. Flying pole dance, it is in the mountainous area of the Gulf of Mexico and the Sierra de Puebla, This ceremony reached its height in ancient times as an important part of the solar cult and calendrical that took place throughout Mesoamerica. When it does not rain, there is a person in charge of the ceremony of the motion of rain. The procession worships the "collateral sir," and followed by much of the population, full of color as community offerings that are designed by the eight districts that make up the municipality are used, this procession is a very important element of cohesion and solidarity the municipality, as well as serving to preserve traditions and spirituality.
Decimal time was used in China throughout most of its history alongside duodecimal time. The midnight-to-midnight day was divided both into 12 double hours () and also into 10 shi / 100 ke () by the 1st millennium BC.Nachum Dershowitz, Edward M. Reingold, "Calendrical Calculations", page 207Joseph Needham, Ling Wang, and Derek John de Solla Price Heavenly clockwork: the great astronomical clocks of medieval China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986) 199-202, . Other numbers of ke per day were used during three short periods: 120 ke from 5–3 BC, 96 ke from 507–544 CE, and 108 ke from 544–565. Several of the roughly 50 Chinese calendars also divided each ke into 100 fen, although others divided each ke into 60 fen. In 1280, the Shoushi (Season Granting) calendar further subdivided each fen into 100 miao, creating a complete decimal time system of 100 ke, 100 fen and 100 miao.
The first lived thousands of years ago, while the second accompanied Xerxes I in the invasion of Greece in 480 BCE. Some scholars propose that the chronological calculation for Zoroaster was developed by Persian magi in the 4th century BC, and as the early Greeks learned about him from the Achaemenids, this indicates they did not regard him as a contemporary of Cyrus the Great, but as a remote figure. Some later pseudo-historical and Zoroastrian sources (the Bundahishn, which references a date "258 years before Alexander") place Zoroaster in the 6th century BC, which coincided with the accounts by Ammianus Marcellinus from 4th century CE. The traditional Zoroastrian date originates in the period immediately following Alexander the Great's conquest of the Achaemenid Empire in 330 BCE. The Seleucid rulers who gained power following Alexander's death instituted an "Age of Alexander" as the new calendrical epoch.
For example, the so-called "Jester God" was transferred to the headdress of the ruler portrayed on Tikal Stela 29, which bears the oldest Long Count date yet found in the Maya lowlands – equating to 292 AD. At some Maya cities the first appearance of stelae corresponded with the foundation of dynastic rule. The standard form of the Maya stela incorporating art, calendrical dates and hieroglyphic text onto a royal monument only began to be erected in the Maya lowlands after 250 AD. The late 4th century saw the introduction of non-Maya imagery linked to the giant metropolis of Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico. This foreign influence is seen at Tikal, Uaxactun, Río Azul and El Zapote, all in the Petén Department of Guatemala. At Tikal this was initiated by the king Yax Nuun Ayiin I, from there it spread to his vassal cities.
The illustration depicts the solar representation on the left and the lunar one on the right. The red or blue fields in Zones 5, 7, 16, and 17 are intercalary zones. The values in the individual fields are reached by multiplying the number of symbols per zone with the number of rings or circles incorporated in each predominant symbol. The special symbols in Zone 5 are assigned the value of 38, as indicated by their number. ;Example :Zone 12 is dominated by 20 repetitions of punched symbol No. 14, a circular disc symbol surrounded by 5 concentric circles. :Thus, the symbol has the value of 20 × 5 = 100\. :The smaller ring symbols placed between the larger repetitions of No. 14 are considered as mere ornaments and thus not counted. Through this system, the Hats can be used to calculate a lunisolar calendrical system, i.e.
As shown, for instance, by the Sardica paschal table, it was quite common at that time that the Jewish calendrical year started before and after the equinox according to Exodus 12:2 and Deuteronomy 16:1 In case the previous year had started after the equinox, two Passovers would be celebrated in the same solar year (the solar New Year was starting on March 21). But the Ancient Hebrew calendar is based on the New Moon and the Aviv barely, not the Solar calendar. Note: (The word Month being Hebrew Chodesh which literally means New Moon which is referenced in Deuteronomy 16:1) . Since the 3rd century this disorder of the "Jewish" calendar of the time was lamented by several Christian writers, who felt that the Jews were often using a wrong lunation as their Nisan month and advocated the introduction of an independent computus by the Christians.
In the 12th century, it was given special recognition by being placed among the Five Classics as a substitute for the long-lost sixth work, the Classic of Music. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, following Kang Youwei, the book was often seen as a forgery by Liu Xin. Currently, a few holdouts continue to insist on a Western Zhou date while the majority follow Qian Mu and Gu Jiegang in assigning the work to about the 3rd century BC. Yu Yingshi argues for a date in the late Warring States period based on a comparison of titles in the text with extant bronze inscriptions and calendrical knowledge implicit in the work In this view, the word "Zhou" in the title refers not to the Western Zhou but to the royal State of Zhou of the Warring States; the small area still directly under the king's control.
From the eleventh century, anno mundi dating became dominant throughout most of the world's Jewish communities. Today, the rules detailed in Maimonides' calendrical code are those generally used by Jewish communities throughout the world. Since the codification by Maimonides in 1178, the Jewish calendar has used the Anno Mundi epoch (Latin for "in the year of the world," abbreviated AM or A.M., Hebrew ), sometimes referred to as the "Hebrew era", to distinguish it from other systems based on some computation of creation, such as the Byzantine calendar. There is also reference in the Talmud to years since the creation based on the calculation in the Seder Olam Rabbah of Rabbi Jose ben Halafta in about 160 CE.p. 107, Kantor By his calculation, based on the Masoretic Text, Adam was created in 3760 BCE, later confirmed by the Muslim chronologist al-Biruni as 3448 years before the Seleucid era.
Sun stated that he wanted to present current knowledge about food so that people would first turn to food rather than drugs when suffering from an ailment. His chapter contains 154 entries divided into four sections – on fruits, vegetables, cereals, and meat – in which Sun explains the properties of individual foodstuffs with concepts borrowed from the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon: qi, the viscera, and vital essence (), as well as correspondences between the Five Phases, the "five flavors" (sour, bitter, sweet, pungent, and salty), and the five grains. He also set a large number of "dietary interdictions" (), some based on calendrical notions (no water chestnuts in the 7th month), others on purported interactions between foods (no clear wine with horse meat) or between different flavors. Sun Simiao's disciple Meng Shen (; 621–713) compiled the first work entirely devoted to the therapeutic value of food: the Materia Dietetica ().
The author probably designed the work for calendrical purposes, to determine the era of the creation; his system, adopted as early as the 3rd century, is still followed. Adhering closely to the Pharisaic interpretations of Bible texts, he endeavored not only to elucidate many passages, but also to determine certain dates which are not indicated in the Bible, but which may be inferred by calculation. In many cases, however, he gave the dates according to tradition, and inserted, besides, the sayings and halakhot of preceding rabbis and of his contemporaries. In discussing Biblical chronology he followed three principles:Jewish Encyclopedia, Seder Olam Rabbah # To assume that the intention of the Biblical author was, wherever possible, to give exact dates # To assign to each of a series of events the shortest possible duration of time, where necessary, in order to secure agreement with the Biblical text # To adopt the lesser of two possible numbers.
139–140 The emphasis that Saint Bernardine of Siena (1380–1444) laid on the name of Jesus in his preaching led in 1721 to the institution of a separate Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. Pope John XXIII's 1960 rubrical and calendrical revision called 1 January simply the Octave of the Nativity. (This 1960 calendar was incorporated into the 1962 Roman Missal, whose continued use is authorized by the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.) The 1969 revision states: "1 January, the Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord, is the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, and also the commemoration of the conferral of the Most Holy Name of Jesus."Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, 35 f However, this does not apply to traditionalists, who do not follow the majority, if any, of the post-Vatican II changes, where it remains a Holy Day of Obligation.
Northcote asserts that the Septuagint calendrical pattern was meant to demonstrate that there were 5,000 years from creation to a contemporaneous Ptolemaic Egypt, circa 300 BCE. The 2nd century BCE Book of Jubilees begins with the Creation and measures time in years, "weeks" of years (groups of seven years), and jubilees (sevens of sevens), so that the interval from Creation to the settlement of Canaan, for example, is exactly fifty jubilees (2450 years). Dating from the 2nd century CE, and still in common use among Jews, was the Seder Olam Rabbah ("Great Order of the World"), a work tracing the history of the world and the Jews from Creation to the 2nd century CE. It allows 410 years for the duration of the First Temple, 70 years from its destruction to the Second Temple, and 420 years for the duration of the Second Temple, making a total of 900 years for the two temples.
The sexagenary cycle, also known as the Stems-and-Branches or ganzhi, is a cycle of sixty terms, each corresponding to one year, thus a total of sixty years for one cycle, historically used for reckoning time in China and the rest of the East Asian cultural sphere. It appears as a means of recording days in the first Chinese written texts, the Shang oracle bones of the late second millennium BC. Its use to record years began around the middle of the 3rd century BC. The cycle and its variations have been an important part of the traditional calendrical systems in Chinese-influenced Asian states and territories, particularly those of Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, with the old Chinese system still in use in Taiwan, and to a lesser extent, in Mainland China.For example, the annual Lunar New Year's Eve Chunwan gala has continued to announce the sexagenary term of the upcoming year (庚子, gengzi for 2020). This traditional method of numbering days and years no longer has any significant role in modern Chinese time-keeping or the official calendar.
With the Neolithic agricultural revolution new needs were also met by increasing knowledge of constellations, whose appearances in the night-time sky change with the seasons, allowing the rising of particular star-groups to herald annual floods or seasonal activities.Hesiod ( 8th century BC). Hesiod’s poem Works and Days demonstrates how the heliacal rising and setting of constellations were used as a calendrical guide to agricultural events, from which were drawn mundane astrological predictions, e.g.: “Fifty days after the solstice, when the season of wearisome heat is come to an end, is the right time to go sailing. Then you will not wreck your ship, nor will the sea destroy the sailors, unless Poseidon the Earth-Shaker be set upon it, or Zeus, the king of the deathless gods” (II. 663-677). By the 3rd millennium BC, widespread civilisations had developed sophisticated awareness of celestial cycles, and are believed to have consciously oriented their temples to create alignment with the heliacal risings of the stars.Kelley and Milone (2005) p.268.
In theory, the exact year when this will begin to occur depends on uncertainties in the future tidal slowing of the Earth rotation rate, and on the accuracy of predictions of precession and Earth axial tilt. The seriousness of the spring equinox drift is widely discounted on the grounds that Passover will remain in the spring season for many millennia, and the text of the Torah is generally not interpreted as having specified tight calendrical limits. The Hebrew calendar also drifts with respect to the autumn equinox, and at least part of the harvest festival of Sukkot is already more than a month after the equinox in years 1, 9, and 12 of each 19-year cycle; beginning in AM 5818 (2057 CE), this will also be the case in year 4. (These are the same year numbers as were mentioned for the spring season in the previous paragraph, except that they get incremented at Rosh Hashanah.) This progressively increases the probability that Sukkot will be cold and wet, making it uncomfortable or impractical to dwell in the traditional succah during Sukkot.
In The Discovery of the Law of Time (1989-1996) , José and Lloydine Argüelles devise and promote a notion that they call the "Law of Time", in part framed by their interpretation of how Maya calendrical mathematics functioned. In this notional framework, J. & L. Argüelles claim to have identified a "fundamental law" involving two timing frequencies: one they call "mechanised time" with a "12:60 frequency", and the other "natural [time] codified by the Maya [that is] understood to be the frequency 13:20".Terminology and statements in quotation marks taken from 2002 interview with Argüelles, as transcribed in Moynihan (2002) To the Argüelles, "the irregular 12-month [Gregorian] calendar and artificial, mechanised 60-minute hour" is a construct that artificially regulates human affairs, and is out-of-step with the natural "synchronic order". José and Lloydine Argüelles propose the universal abandonment of the Gregorian calendar and its replacement with a thirteen moon, 28 day calendar, in order to "get the human race back on course" by the adoption of this calendar of perfect harmony so the human race could straighten its mind out again.
The fangshi were philosophically close to the School of Naturalists, and relied much on astrological and calendrical speculations in their divinatory activities. Wudangshan, one of the Taoist sacred places. A part of a Taoist manuscript, ink on silk, 2nd century BCE, Han Dynasty, unearthed from Mawangdui tomb 3rd. The first organised form of Taoism, the Tianshi (Celestial Masters') school (later known as Zhengyi school), developed from the Five Pecks of Rice movement at the end of the 2nd century CE; the latter had been founded by Zhang Taoling, who said that Laozi appeared to him in the year 142. The Tianshi school was officially recognised by ruler Cao Cao in 215, legitimising Cao Cao's rise to power in return. Laozi received imperial recognition as a divinity in the mid-2nd century BCE. By the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE), the various sources of Taoism had coalesced into a coherent tradition of religious organisations and orders of ritualists in the state of Shu (modern Sichuan). In earlier ancient China, Taoists were thought of as hermits or recluses who did not participate in political life.
The Geologic Calendar is a scale in which the geological lifetime of the earth is mapped onto a calendrical year; that is to say, the day one of the earth took place on a geologic January 1 at precisely midnight, and today's date and time is December 31 at midnight. On this calendar, the inferred appearance of the first living single-celled organisms, prokaryotes, occurred on a geologic February 25 around 12:30pm to 1:07pm, dinosaurs first appeared on December 13, the first flower plants on December 22 and the first primates on December 28 at about 9:43pm. The first Anatomically modern humans did not arrive until around 11:48 p.m. on New Year's Eve, and all of human history since the end of the last ice-age occurred in the last 82.2 seconds before midnight of the new year. A variation of this analogy instead compresses Earth's 4.6 billion year- old history into a single day: While the Earth still forms at midnight, and the present day is also represented by midnight, the first life on Earth would appear at 4:00am, dinosaurs would appear at 10:00pm, the first flowers 10:30pm, the first primates 11:30pm, and modern humans would not appear until the last two seconds of 11:59pm.

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