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"by machine" Definitions
  1. with a machine

264 Sentences With "by machine"

How to use by machine in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "by machine" and check conjugation/comparative form for "by machine". Mastering all the usages of "by machine" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They can be marked either by machine or by hand – and counted either by machine or by hand – but it is this paper record that is crucial.
She was breathing by machine and diagnosed with liver failure.
Surcharges by machine owners are now an average of $19693.
All of this, of course, is powered by machine learning.
This layer is first cut by machine to form the curds.
She was breathing by machine and was diagnosed with liver failure.
The classic officer's knife is assembled by machine at the factory.
He'd relive seeing a fellow medic killed by machine gun fire.
The algorithms created by machine learning are much more dynamic by comparison.
Imagine what will happen when these attacks are driven by machine intelligence.
It's powered by machine learning, of course, specifically object and scene recognition.
It produces parts mostly by machine, but there are difficulties there, too.
"We sometimes make them by hand, and sometimes by machine," Amaya says.
What if they were meticulously tended by hand rather than by machine?
The coronavirus outbreak has tested the appeal of placing ads by machine.
But the two-layered coat means it's challenging to sort by machine.
Siri is also getting a new voice completely generated by machine learning algorithms.
As for understanding the models created by machine learning — that's a bigger problem.
It's aided by machine learning and computer vision, two big Silicon Valley buzzwords.
Begin your restoration by machine washing it using Woolite with Color Renew™ detergent.
In other words, a job best suited to machines underpinned by machine learning/AI.
It will inevitably be government-controlled training by machine, not education by human beings.
Physicians, clinicians or family members simply cannot be replaced by machine learning in healthcare.
Powered by machine learning, its tech claims to automatically surface poor or unusual experiences.
It's powered by machine learning, and thus the auto captions are far from perfect.
I sew Velcro on small pockets by hand, but mostly I sew by machine.
Detasseling corn, like a lot of agricultural work, is now done mostly by machine.
Medical diagnosis is one field most immediately, and perhaps unpredictably, threatened by machine learning.
"It's an entirely fake data set that was generated by machine learning," said Watson.
The company created a two sided platform that is used by machine shops and designers.
They're not doing the coal anymore, and if they do it, it'll be by machine.
Unlike its competitors, Steinway refused to churn out hundreds of pianos each day by machine.
Two of the men were killed by machine-gun fire and the third was wounded.
Slabinski said Chapman was hit almost immediately by machine-gun fire after stepping off the helicopter.
Using its own proprietary engine, augmented by machine learning, the service constantly watches for unusual behavior.
Today we encourage them to build applications powered by machine learning, microservices and voice/visual inputs.
The scenes are produced by machine at a rate that would leave an Etsy crafter breathless.
These data are processed by machine-learning algorithms and translated into the actions in the game.
I tell them to have the work reflect the handmade quality, not something made by machine.
Major programs powered by machine learning, like Amazon's recruiting software, were revealed to be biased against women.
Robots that battle inside the virtual world of RoboSumo are controlled by machine-learning software, not humans.
The classification system that gauges the relative merits of these strategies is itself run by machine learning.
She stayed there, a tube down her throat, another in her nose, comatose and breathing by machine.
The revolution came from above (a coup underscored by machine guns); the tragedy was experienced from below.
State Department permanent records identified by machine learning algorithms will continue to be turned over to us.
Nearly all posts promoting al-Qaeda and ISIS are removed automatically through systems powered by machine learning. Disinformation?
It shows that gatekeepers' authority to police content doesn't evaporate just because it was made by machine learning.
That takes one to two weeks by hand or one to two days by machine, according to Osselin.
Several walls in the community are spattered with deep holes from blasts of ammunition sprayed by machine guns.
It's also rebranding its collection of workplace apps as G Suite and adding features driven by machine learning.
But the biggest changes for Siri will be under the hood, powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Video showed a bloodied soldier who lost part of a leg that was shredded by machine gun fire.
It doesn't matter if you don't tag your shots; the results are driven by machine learning, not by metadata.
Florida law mandates a vote recount by machine when the vote difference is less than half of one percent.
Powered by machine learning, the new skill search was built off a skills graph that maps skills to content.
Both battery life and screen brightness are automatically handled by machine learning that adjusts settings based on your usage.
Many firms are already using robots powered by machine learning to improve the running of their factories and warehouses.
"It's at the heart of every decision taken by machine learning," said Ralf Herbrich, Amazon's director of machine learning.
Self-driving cars, recommendations for online shopping, and software for detecting fraud are all made possibly by machine learning.
Graves were sometimes dug by machine, and sometimes he and other prisoners were forced to do it, he said.
In Aguiñiga's words, the meanings of these crafted works are "lost in translation," when produced by machine rather than hand.
I think of it as any mimicry, manipulation, or synthesis of video or audio that is enabled by machine learning.
They were generated by machine learning algorithms, for the purposes of probing whether AI-made faces can pass as real.
Just make sure to choose a region that harvests by hand, and not by machine, which requires significantly fewer people.
Since then, it's seen many iterations, most recently, by machine-learning software developed by two recent MIT graduates, called Glitch.
Assessments that drop in from the sky are designed to be cheap and to be scored by machine; it's very limited.
Created in 2009 by researchers at Princeton and Stanford, the online image database has been widely used by machine learning projects.
Instead of the laws of quantum physics governing a quantum realm, however, Barri's "virtual matter" is governed by machine laws: algorithms.
But the first recount could happen relatively quickly, because all that's required is a retabulation of the paper ballots by machine.
Yet the "rules" and predictions uncovered by machine learning algorithms are still unable to solve many business problems on their own.
Market orders can be messy, and have no specific price allocated, so investors can get crushed by machine algorithms, Cramer said.
"The human editors of the most important source of public information can be supported by machine learning," he told The Register.
The current models can fly as high as 400 feet and are guided by machine learning algorithms, according to the company.
In recent years, more French wineries have begun harvesting by machine, which is cheaper and faster, though it offers inconsistent quality.
This feature, again powered by machine intelligence, helps suggest meeting times and available rooms based on users' preferences and other insights.
The app is then enhanced by machine learning technology, which learns from incoming consumer queries how to best respond to questions.
The latest exhibition by Machine Project, an LA-based art collective, dives into the avant-garde by curating an underwater exhibition.
"All these old products were completely done by hand, engraved by hand, and now everything is done by machine," he said.
Mix-ins like cookie pieces made in the bakery are added automatically and pints are filled by machine, not by hand.
"Instagram's feed ranking is powered by machine learning, which is constantly adapting and improving based on new data," Mr. Madway said.
Many had lost their jobs to industrialization, man had been replaced by machine and the irate mob was ready for revenge.
Backed by machine learning, the cognitive service doesn't just try to find a language match for every word — it looks at context.
He plans to unveil an even more ambitious effort soon: hired performers whose traits are determined, and perhaps enhanced, by machine learning.
YouTube removed more than 8m videos in the fourth quarter of 2017, over 85% of which were flagged by machine-learning algorithms.
Behind the scenes, Editor is powered by machine learning and an actual team of linguists that helped it fine tune its suggestions.
It is pursuing a number of infrastructure projects, made possible by machine intelligence, aimed at augmenting both urban and suburban internet connectivity.
The company says this will also continue to improve with time and use, which makes sense since it's powered by machine learning.
Many weapons with AI will not involve decision-making by machine algorithms, but the potential for them to do so will exist.
It is in part a technical challenge, with the potential for automated review, informed by machine learning, to accelerate a company's responsivity.
This huge database was scoured by machine learning algorithms designed by Ryan Adams, also from Harvard, in order to thin the herd.
A new tool, driven by machine learning, that lets users easily swap the faces of their favorite celebrities onto preexisting video images.
AI is not magic Virtual assistants are powered by machine learning algorithms, which comb through massive amounts of data, searching for patterns.
"It's an incredible application of Google Translate powered by machine learning — it's like having a personal translator by your side," Payne said.
It's not perfected yet by machine and radiologists have to supervise the machines, but we're getting closer and closer to diagnostics, automated diagnostics.
The job of this component is to convert the electrical impulses of human speech into text — a process aided by machine learning (ML).
One of the downsides is that, as with so many predictive models produced by machine learning, we don't really know how it works.
These, too, are surfaced by machine learning algorithms that surface notable tweets based on how you already use Twitter and people you follow.
Algorithms created by machine learning are already being deployed in a number of questionable areas in the US, including helping to sentence criminals.
This includes protection against malware that is powered by machine learning using behavioral blocking; ransomware and zero-day exploits; and signature-less malware.
Young people starting on their career path shouldn't necessarily be discouraged by machine learning, or abandon career aspirations because of it, Norvig said.
The world wide web is a magnificent library of knowledge, linked together by machine-readable text that can be crawled by search engines.
Later, Lucy and another housemate, Felix (played by Machine Gun Kelly) steal the car and leave together in a scene that happens offscreen.
Yeah, and the text-audio alignment and all this stuff is being enabled by machine learning and artificial intelligence and blah blah blah.
We have what's called a milking parlor, where they're milked in a circle by machine, and we're also using manure for fuel now.
The vocals are often harmonized by machine; the drumbeats that crash into the beginning of "10 (Death/Breast)" are programmed and cranked up.
Postmarks can be applied by machine and by hand, depending on how a piece of mail is sent, according to the Postal Service.
Taken together, Articles 21 and 22 introduce the principle that people are owed agency and understanding when they're faced by machine-made decisions.
It so happens that they're also well studied by machine learning and computer vision researchers, who have developed various means of analyzing them efficiently.
He fought in the Battle of Saipan, earning a Purple Heart when he was hit by machine-gun fire and then by a sniper.
The quantitative-investment strategies division at Goldman Sachs uses language processing driven by machine-learning to go through thousands of analysts' reports on companies.
Powered by machine learning, the Documenting Hate News Index will track reported hate crimes across all 50 states, collecting data from February 2017 onward.
The plaintiffs claimed that "handmade" had to mean "made by hand, not by machine, and typically, therefore of superior quality," a dictionary-based definition.
Founded by Israeli entrepreneurs in 2013 and based in Silicon Valley, SentinelOne concentrates on this endpoint protection powered by machine learning and behavioural analysis.
The winning result demonstrated a 17 percent improvement over the industry standard benchmark, and blazed new avenues for pharmaceutical research aided by machine learning.
That compared with $2.9 billion in standard size cigars and $1.3 billion in small cigars - which are typically less expensive and made by machine.
Among the first organizations to join the partnership was the ACLU, recognizing the potential civil rights and civil liberties issues raised by machine learning.
That is thanks in part to a new automated system backed by machine learning that the company formally announced Thursday morning, February 28, 2019.
The company says that G Suite users will soon notice inline suggestions, powered by machine learning, that appear as you type out an email.
Boost image resolutions with Let's EnhanceScreenshot: GizmodoPoint your browser towards Let's Enhance and you can tap into some image embiggening magic powered by machine learning.
The AI generated by machine learning was based on a recent large-scale crawl of the web that captured the complexity of the English language.
If sex-sorting by machine learning could be applied to insects like mosquitoes, illnesses such as malaria and dengue might also come under tighter control.
Davidson, 25, and Beckinsale talked intently for most of the afterparty before they were joined by Machine Gun Kelly, Isla Fisher, and Sacha Baron Cohen.
Twitter said its improved performance was explained in part by weeding out abusive content, around 40% of which is now detected by machine-learning algorithms.
His team has put together an Icicle Atlas of "something like 250,000 images of icicles, all taken and organized by machine," including 3D-printable files.
"We're not the first in the country to offer emergency contraception by machine, and we're not the first in the state of California," Paulson said.
The app is driven by machine-learning algorithms, but it also has an editorial team led by Rich Jaroslovsky, the first managing editor of WSJ.
Smart Replies are powered by machine learning technology, which enables the company to predict a few very specific responses for any given message in real time.
LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters are frequently on the butt end of claims made by machine learning-powered data analytics startups emerging in a potpourri of industries.
Company co-founder Mike Matas told The Verge that Lobe isn't designed to compete with software used by machine learning professionals (tools like PyTorch and TensorFlow).
He focuses on companies enabled by machine learning, AI and computer vision, (particularly in intelligent assistants), IoT, Agtech, and works with a number of portfolio companies.
The filters are also powered by machine learning, and will edit the photo based on its brightness, darkness, warmth or saturation before applying the new style.
The seismic signals generated in the simulations were analyzed by machine-learning systems that could identify the low rumblings that strengthen as tremors approach, Humphreys said.
When a soldier was shot down in a clearing raked by machine guns, others yelled to stay down until the team could set up cover fire.
These patterns were used for hundreds of years for everyday use for local communities until the '70s when they were replaced by machine-printed, synthetic fabrics.
The app's content team, including former journalists, screen publishers before they are added to its platform, but articles shown to users are picked by machine learning.
Two soldiers carried it from the trenches and, since it was by then broad daylight, were killed by machine-gun fire as they laid it down.
As reporters and editors find themselves the victims of layoffs at digital publishers and traditional newspaper chains alike, journalism generated by machine is on the rise.
Imagine a generation of kids around the world benefiting from a personalized learning experience powered by machine learning to become more creative and, in turn, more successful.
Forese said the positions, which make up almost two-fifths of investment bank employees at Citi, could be replaced by machine processing, the FT reported
It also has intelligent search powered by machine learning, so it can understand and return the right results for queries that Spotify and Apple Music stumble on.
The latest search tool takes advantage of a new architecture powered by machine learning to help pinpoint the exact piece of content a user is looking for.
The final ballots were reportedly tabulated by machine late Wednesday night, and officials will use the remaining time before the deadline to hand count mail-in ballots.
Understanding the function of Cloud Index's neural network—called deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN), described in early 2016 by machine learning researchers—is what interests Bridle.
"We haven't seen many other folks yet with this sort of combination of really inexpensive hardware powered by machine learning," he says, when asked about the competitive landscape.
"This paper suggests that one day we might be able perhaps to predict weather by machine-learning algorithms and not by sophisticated models of the atmosphere," Kantz said.
Nearly 8.3m videos were taken down in the last three months of 2017 for violating YouTube's guidelines; four-fifths of them had been identified by machine-learning algorithms.
Twitter now removes 2.5 times more tweets sharing personal information, and about 38% of abuse tweets taken down each week are detected by machine learning models, he said.
The debate is part of the raging global discussion over a perceived challenge posed by machine intelligence to jobs, the human role in society, geopolitical power — to us.
He told me nothing and seemed nearly offended that I might be willing to release this poisonous information to a public already overwhelmed by machine-created Pokemon maleficence.
They combine three layers: innovative data and metadata stores, data intelligence systems (enabled by machine learning/AI) and the predictive intelligence that is expressed at an "application" layer.
The company recommends dry cleaning it to keep the soft, plush feel intact, but you can wash by machine on a gentle cycle with cold water if needed.
CreditCreditMarion Berrin A ready-to-wear sheath often takes mere minutes to make, the cutting, sewing and finishing — right down to attaching the label — all done by machine.
In the year since, the app has become a global hit, thanks to a core feed powered by machine learning that's entertaining even if you never follow anyone.
Buildings that were still standing in Sinjar were scarred by machine gun fire, like in this image, which I took the day the city was freed in 2015.
What they share is moral clarity, dedication to a progressive policy agenda, and the ability to inspire voters who are turned off by machine candidates like Andrew Cuomo.
Too Short thinks the actor who got beat up by Machine Gun Kelly's crew had it coming because saying to someone "You're a p***y" ... well, them's fightin' words.
New 3D models of living human cells generated by machine-learning algorithms are allowing scientists to understand the structure and organization of a cell's components from simple microscope images.
Siraj Khaliq is a partner at the global venture firm Atomico, where he tries to find world-changing startups that are enabled by machine learning, AI, and computer vision.
Does it feel really crass and manipulative for a company to say that a technological product driven by machine-learning algorithms will help us remember our lost loved ones?
Therefore, things got a bit murky when Facebook was accused of being politically biased about its "Trending Topics" module, a component that is at least partly powered by machine learning.
Better data collection and analysis, assisted by machine learning and artificial intelligence, allow companies to quickly troubleshoot and respond to customer needs with reduced downtime and tight DevOps feedback loops.
The company that is run by former U.S. National Security Agency techies has developed a method to govern how data is used by machine-learning algorithms without breaching privacy laws.
Guided by machine learning, Rose's team was able to train the TMS to locate areas of the brain where participants were storing the memory of the face or the name.
He listed non-trial corporate lawyers, accountants and book keepers, insurance adjusters, and doctors as key jobs that will be partially eliminated or greatly changed by machine learning and AI.
Keithley's team also uses Skyhigh Networks for monitoring activity in the cloud, Crowdstrike for protecting networked devices from breaches, and Cylance, which provides threat detection software powered by machine intelligence.
Google used to ditch some of the words in your searches, but the update powered by machine learning will take all your words into consideration and make sense of them.
This roundup of work by a Los Angeles artist focuses on his heavily glazed, nightmarishly shaped, exactingly rough basins and containers of clay, made by hand and by machine. Oct.
La Pierrette has developed a few laser machines to replace some manual processes — although, Mr. Dall'Acqua noted, many still can be done manually, and even more quickly, than by machine.
Our approach is very driven by machine learning, which basically means that we try to learn more from the past than from what we think the mechanism [of transmission] is.
Sakura: If you just make everything by machine, then you&aposre gonna lose the skills and the knowledge that all these artisans have that were passed on generation by generation.
With hardware sales growth slowing there's also increasing pressure on Cupertino to innovate in services, which means it needs to be offering smarter, predictive and personalized products powered by machine learning.
Similarly, Senators' inboxes could be flooded with messages from constituents that were cobbled together by machine-learning programs working off stitched-together content culled from text, audio, and social media profiles.
The company says it's now removing 2.5 times as many tweets that share personal information and that 38 percent of those are detected by machine learning before anyone can report them.
They are responsible for checking voters' identity cards, counting ballots and signing off on tally sheets that summarise the results, which are transmitted by machine to the supreme electoral tribunal (TSE).
It combines a mobile ad platform that syncs with over 3,500 mobile apps and sites, with analytics — measuring 25 data points of a user — and predictive algorithms powered by machine learning.
In the third quarter of 2018, the company removed nearly 8 million videos with problematic content from the site, 75 percent of which were identified by machine-learning systems, Wojcicki said.
It's important to remember that on a day-to-day basis, these teams are in constant competition with each other to develop the best products and services powered by machine intelligence.
The tradeoffs and differences between the two devices paint the picture of two complementary $5 computers, each having a unique place in our hyperconnected future that is ruled by machine overlords.
Using its own proprietary algorithms, powered by machine learning, Bind discovered that it could break out certain procedures and reduce health benefit costs more effectively than with a high-deductible plan.
The latest on artificial intelligence, from machine learning to computer vision and more Deepfakes quickly became a catchall term for any image, video, or audio fabricated or altered by machine learning.
Overall, the study found that all three brands achieved higher levels of brand familiarity, brand interest and purchase consideration when their campaigns were optimized by machine learning instead of human campaign managers.
And even more exciting, the approach looks like it could be applied to all sorts of other uses — meaning we may be on the brink of robots being powered by machine learning.
So to get double-digit growth for an entire quarter in impressions for 3 quarters in a row takes a fundamental change, and that's being driven by machine learning in the timeline.
Censors at Chinese internet companies say tools to detect and block content related to the 1989 crackdown have reached unprecedented levels of accuracy, aided by machine learning and voice and image recognition.
The premise of Rasa Core is similar to the approach of a lot of AI startups that use services like Amazon Mechanical Turk to correct for uncertainty faced by machine learning models.
After attending public schools he enlisted in the Army in 1942, landed at Normandy, was wounded by machine gun fire in Germany and won two Bronze Stars along with the Purple Heart.
But by 1895, after he had invented a way to cut crystal by machine, his company moved to Wattens, Austria, in an Alpine region that provided sufficient hydroelectric power for its factory.
We're probably only at the outer edge of the many-layered onion of fresh horrors made possible by machine learning and AI, and previously unimagined by our feeble fleshy brains, so strap in.
In response, he says, farmers are moving from crops that require careful handling, like apricots—"just look at an apricot and it will turn brown"—to crops that can be harvested by machine.
The good news is that a new generation of startups is identifying and simplifying these thickets of rules, and the future of housing may be determined as much by machine learning as woodworking.
It does this by machine reading thousands of documents confidentially and then analyses variations of the same clause to deuce market standards and allow lawyers to negotiate the best deal for their clients.
"There are a lot of high-skilled tasks that will be affected by machine learning, and that's going to be very disruptive," says Erik Brynjolfsson, director of MIT's Initiative on the Digital Economy.
Johnson and two Nigerien soldiers fought back and attempted to get away from the ambush, but Johnson was hit by machine gun fire up to 18 times from far away, the AP said.
He was a war hero in Patton's Army in Russia in World War II. Not so long ago, I got his Purple Heart — he was wounded by machine gun fire — and Bronze Star.
Jobs like massage therapist turned out to have the lowest SML index, while concierge scored the highest—the largest number of tasks within that job's purview stand to be affected by machine learned automation.
Halderman says it would be a good practice for election officials to routinely perform manual audits of vote counts, to make sure that manual counts produce the same results as ballots counted by machine.
Bob Manchester of the Winnipeg Grenadiers was in a ditch opposite and saw Brigadier Lawson and three of his men hit by machine-gun fire as they scrambled up the hillside behind the bunker.
He sees one of the limiting factors to the success of other approaches as their inability to collect enough genetic material to produce accurate enough samples — even when those samples are enhanced by machine learning.
How it works: The filters, which are powered by machine learning and debuted late last week, transform a Snapchat user's hair, facial shape and other aesthetics to make them either more traditionally masculine or feminine.
Back in January, a team led by neuroscientist Nima Mesgarani from Columbia University created a system that captures a person's responses to auditory speech, which was then decoded by machine learning to produce synthesized speech.
From weeding to milking cows, more and more routine farming work can be done by machine - a trend that is changing agriculture "beyond recognition", according a study by researchers at Britain's University of East Anglia.
"There are a lot of high-skilled tasks that will be affected by machine learning, and that&aposs going to be very disruptive," said Erik Brynjolfsson, director of MIT&aposs Initiative on the Digital Economy.
A smart reply feature will let you respond to messages with auto suggestions (like with the Allo app), or respond using your handwriting on your watch's screen or a new keyboard backed by machine learning.
He said on Friday that only a recount — both by machine and by hand — could determine if that undervote was due to poor ballot design or an issue with how vote-scanning machines were calibrated.
These data, sold on to advertisers and programme-makers and crunched by machine-learning systems, subsidises the price of the televisions themselves (which explains why non-connected, "dumb" televisions have become very difficult to buy).
Ahead of the anniversary, censors at Chinese internet companies say tools to detect and block content related to the 1989 crackdown have reached unprecedented levels of accuracy, aided by machine learning and voice and image recognition.
Rattray declined to specify the exact prevalence of machine learning in its funds today, but said he would not be surprised if in five years, half of its quant trading will be supported by machine learning.
Researchers used lasers to carve tiny three-dimensional etchings into the glass's surface that could be read by machine-learning algorithms trained to look at the patterns created when a light is shined through the glass.
Because it's a smaller instrument there is a greater chance that you'll learn something on the Populele and the technology, thanks to investment by Zhenfund and Xiaomi, the creators have perfected guitar and uke learning by machine.
This will be produced by "machine learning," and fortunately the students in the graphic design summer extension program at Loyola University, who we assume were responsible for this video, have produced this helpful slide: It's that simple.
A new benevolent super-intelligence will solve all the problems we created over the last centuries, from climate change to global poverty, while we enjoy eternal leisure, softly hypnotized by screens, entertained and served by machine slaves.
Today, this is done by machine-learning algorithms, but with the help of human content moderators who spend their days scouring social posts and videos looking for graphic language and imagery, from racist comments to acts of murder.
He has a deep understanding of what it takes to build an online education platform and he also notes that the only jobs worth having in the future are the ones that can't be replaced by machine learning.
Yesterday, YouTube announced it would more heavily rely on its automated systems during this time, which meant more videos will likely be taken down by machine learning-powered systems before they received a review from a human moderator.
He also has a lyric from "Victory Music," a song by Machine Gun Kelly: "My city told me they needed me, so I'm grindin' for that," it says, with the script trailing off to form a mountain range.
The grammar checker, which Google announced last July, is powered by machine translation, which is the same subset of AI tools that enable software's natural language processing capabilities and the ability to translate text from one language into another.
Works like "I-10 Westbound" (2017) make evident the shambolic nature of the rescue operations that took place: Lafitte depicts a swarm of people exiting military helicopters and being lined up on the ground by machine-gun-wielding soldiers.
This year, for the 30th anniversary, censors at Chinese internet companies say that tools to detect and block content related to the 1989 crackdown have reached unprecedented levels of accuracy, aided by machine learning and voice and image recognition.
It was unclear whether what the worker witnessed was wrongdoing, or a routine process in which staffers fill out fresh blank ballots to replace those that come in too bent, torn or otherwise defective to be read by machine.
Image: Deep Solar/Stanford UniversityThe system developed by Rajagopal, along with his colleagues Jiafan Yu and Zhecheng Wang, is called DeepSolar, and it's an automated process whereby hi-res satellite photos are analyzed by an algorithm driven by machine learning.
But Spring Health and Lyra Health are both part of a wave of startups looking to create ways for employees to more efficiently seek care powered by machine learning and capitalizing on the cost and difficulty of those tools dropping dramatically.
Almost since the day Apple introduced its voice assistant on October 4, 2011, Siri has undergone an almost continual series of brain transplants that shifted its silicon-powered mind from pure Artificial Intelligence to AI powered, in part, by machine learning.
"Plant breeders will keep the traits that farmers want, like a tomato that grows on the vine at the right height to be harvestable by machine, but they'll breed certain things to keep up with pests or diseases," Khouly said.
But that's just the business side of the equation, and the company also seems to be having a hell of a lot of fun with its AI research, publishing a bunch of fun and creative experiments powered by machine learning.
In some European countries, up to 30 percent of the cows are milked by machine, while in the United States the share is about 2 percent, estimates Mathew Haan, a dairy technology expert at Pennsylvania State University's agriculture extension program.
"Today these are handcrafted by machine learning scientists and literally only a few thousands of scientists around the world can do this," said Google CEO Sundar Pichai last week, briefly namechecking AutoML at a launch event for new smartphones and other gadgets.
" An analysis published on Silver's FiveThirtyEight website said that the hacking claim "doesn't check out" statistically and that there was "no clear evidence that the voting method used in a county -- by machine or by paper -- had an effect on the vote.
But the lack of dual lenses on the back of the phone didn't stop Google from highlighting some of the new camera features they're opening up, including what they're calling Night Sight, which promises extremely good low-light performance strengthened by machine learning.
A new study from one of the world's biggest ad firms, its digital ad agency and a programmatic ad tech company suggests that digital ad campaigns optimized by machine learning tools outperformed campaigns managed by humans over the course of one month.
"Firstly, they are cut out into different sizes, which are sewn together to make them thick and in layers, that they take the shape of a tunnel," he wrote, adding that the straps were cut out by hand but sewn by machine.
Amazon's automated system, driven by machine learning algorithms, often flags non-violations, creating "false positives," especially when there are dirty tricks involved like a competitor trying to take down a higher-ranked seller, according to Jerry Kavesh, an Amazon seller and consultant.
"Human-level" doesn't say anything — there is rarely good data on the error rate of humans, and even when there is such data, it is often hard to compare the types of errors made by humans versus those made by machine learning.
But all this interest, including Greenhouse, is a product of attempts to try to find the right talent in what might be unexpected spots powered by machine learning tools that are now getting to the point where the predictions are actually pretty good.
With the bulk of the work being carried out by machine learning, the experts and software engineers can become much more productive and focus on more advanced concepts, such as identifying relationships between threats, reverse engineering attacks and enhancing the overall system.
"The key is that in the beginning we manually do a lot of things, but right now we have engineers making a program that is leaning using AI that will be able to do some of this by machine learning," he said.
Unless Steve Bannon finds another Breitbart centerfold the way he did in Alabama, and then we can have an exciting race with Romney versus a far-right puppy-beater who lives in a cabin on a hill surrounded by machine gun turrets.
There are a number of ways to detect AI-generated video, ranging from digital artifacts in the audio and video, misaligned shadows and lighting, and human anomalies that can be detected by machine, like eye movement, blink rate and even heart rate.
As those past Disruptors, which are defined by their use of smartphones and the cloud, become public giants, we're seeing a handful of new technologies drive change, led by machine learning and artificial intelligence, both leveraged by well over half of this year's list.
For Tanz, the decision to set up Pearl as a separate business was necessary for the new company to be able to focus on a huge opportunity to transform a portion of the healthcare industry that has remained largely untouched by machine learning applications.
The company also claimed its algorithms were getting increasingly better at identifying violent extremism — in October the company said that 83% of its videos removed for extremist content were originally flagged by machine learning; just one month later, it says that number is now 98%.
Trump thinks he can get away with his war on children, the likes of which the country hasn't seen since President Franklin Delano Roosevelt rounded up American citizen children and their families and "interned" them in desert camps guarded by machine-gun-armed soldiers.
In June, Crootof bet that before 2018 is out an electoral campaign somewhere in the world will be roiled by a deepfake—a video generated by machine-learning software that shows someone doing or saying something that in fact they did not do or say.
Microsoft's Arul Menezes tells me that these new translation packs are "dramatically better" and provide far more human-like translation than the old ones, which relied on an older approach to machine translations that has now been far surpassed by machine learning-based systems.
And the basic idea of an entertainment app powered by machine learning that shows users a bunch of fun videos punctuated by ads may ultimately be easy to clone — which is why you see so much venture capital flooding into rivals at the moment.
Located in a mountainside village called Triesenberg, I must admit that out of the roughly 90 countries I've been to so far, I've never before stayed at a hotel where check-in and check-out were done completely by machine like at Hotel Oberland.
At this year's Google I/O, the company's annual developer conference and showcase, CEO Sundar Pichai made one thing very clear: Google is moving toward an AI-first approach in its products, which means pretty soon, everything you do on Google will be powered by machine learning.
In his boldest move since coming to power in April, Abiy offered last month to make peace with Eritrea 20 years after the conflict in which an estimated 80,000 people died, many of them scythed down by machine-gun fire in World War One-style trench warfare.
So, you know, you're saying, "Okay, if–" Jonathan Zittrain: So by machine learning it would just be give me an estimate of the odds by which if a human looked at it who was employed to enforce policy– Mark Zuckerberg: Well, basically– Jonathan Zittrain: Whether it violates the policy.
But Cook's steadfast aversion to the cloud presents a challenge as Apple tries to build up new features powered by machine learning and AI. To build and run machine learning services you need computing power and data, and the more you have of each the more powerful your software can be.
The first camp is led by "machine learning" and "predictive analytics" experts who argue for a future in which computers will possess real "artificial intelligence," while the second camp argues that only human analysts can reliably make conclusions based on the vast amounts of data collected and stored by humanity.
John K. Lawson, Mr. Lawson's father, was the highest-ranking Canadian soldier killed in action during World War II. He was cut down by machine-gun fire in the doomed defense of Hong Kong, a largely forgotten battle that claimed the lives of nearly 210,222 soldiers, 21946 of them Canadian.
"If you take 'deepfake' to mean any video or image that's edited by machine learning then it applies to such a huge category of thing that it's unclear if it means anything at all," Tim Hwang, former director of the Harvard-MIT Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative, tells The Verge.
Baraka's son Ras J. Baraka is the current mayor of Newark.) Mr. Gibson argued that it was time to end dominance by machine politicians and sought to supplement his overwhelming support among black residents by successfully courting votes among liberal and moderate white people, who widened his victory margin. (Mr.
The firm's proprietary software-based approach, which is underpinned by machine learning, claims to be able to generate and evaluate deal-flow more efficiently than traditional venture firms that mostly employ human VCs alone — although, admittedly, practically every VC firm is underpinned by some element of data science and/or technology these days.
Ballots that were counted last week by machine in the populous, Democratically dominated Broward County show tens of thousands of "undervotes" in Scott's race — in which voters picked no candidate in the race — and a hand recount, which involves a visual inspection, could show markings on the ballots that reveal voters intended to pick Nelson.
"If the race goes to a recount following the election, Alabama's recount laws won't do enough to protect voters' votes because it has no audit structure in place and relies on re-tabulation—where ballots that were tabulated by optical scanners are now re-tabulated by machine," Verified Voting president Marian Schneider said in a statement.
According to Jonathan Masci of Quantenstein, a machine-learning fund manager, years of work on rules-based approaches in computer vision—telling a computer how to recognise a nose, say—were swiftly eclipsed in 2012 by machine-learning processes that allowed computers to "learn" what a nose looked like from perusing millions of nasal pin-ups.
The use of big data and its analysis by machine learning and artificial intelligence offer unparalleled prospects for improving medical care: first of all, in the area of predictive medicine, including early diagnosis and disease prevention; second, with regard to decision-support systems that produce more accurate diagnoses than human physicians can; and third — precision medicine.
The Latest Google Algorithm Creates Video Based On a Few Still ImagesGoogle's engineers can do some pretty incredible things with the consumer technology it has…Read more ReadPredictive algorithms like this, powered by machine learning, are useful for more than just mind-melting art projects—Google has already shown how they can be used to generate moving video from still images.
Juro's SaaS product is an integrated contracts workflow which it touts as a big time-saver, offering contract creation and e-signing capabilities while also enabling a newer set of features powered by machine learning tech — such as negotiation heatmaps and contract analytics — to help its b2b users identify recurring sticking points in contract negotiations, for example, and keep on top of renewals.
It's been 18 years since the infamous 2000 presidential election recount, so if you need a refresher, here's how recounts work in Florida: If a margin of victory in a race or the approval or rejection of a ballot measure is less than a half of a percent, or 0.5 percent, an automatic recount is triggered of votes tallied by machine.
The Interface On Monday we talked about some of the pressures stacking up on TikTok: increasing skepticism from Congress about its Chinese parent company ByteDance; a raft of new competitors slurping up venture capital and building their own short-form video apps powered by machine learning; and the public-perception risk that comes from keeping executives behind the scenes and responding to questions primarily via blog post.
Word of the Day verb: make (textiles) by knitting verb: tie or link together noun: a fabric made by knitting noun: a basic knitting stitch noun: needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine verb: to gather something into small wrinkles or folds _________ The word knit has appeared in 445 New York Times articles in the past year, including on Jan.
The show never gives us an answer, and here's why: in Astro Boy, just like in real life, the self-driving car constitutes a social contract that says death by machine is the unavoidable and ultimately acceptable cost of a world that is statistically safer, a frequently touted promise of self-driving cars—even if we're still shocked by any eruption of violence in a world where violence itself becomes rare, due to advanced technology.

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