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"brothel" Definitions
  1. a house where people go to have sex in exchange for money

638 Sentences With "brothel"

How to use brothel in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "brothel" and check conjugation/comparative form for "brothel". Mastering all the usages of "brothel" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In the play, a Jewish brothel owner in early 20th-century Eastern Europe tries to keep his daughter unstained by brothel life.
More like the largest brothel in the world, being torn down only because a larger, glitzier brothel was being erected across the street.
La Quica, meanwhile, is livid that someone at the brothel ratted him out: He heads there and shoots each brothel worker one-by-one.
In May 1858, they reported going to a brothel where they heard a rumor about another brothel whose robots were indistinguishable from their humans.
I'm actually under contract with the brothel—if I were to see a client outside the brothel, that would be a $2,000 fine for me.
Mei*, who's been operating a one-woman brothel for 30 years, remembers when a friend of hers—operating a brothel in the same building—met an undercover cop.
NEVADA PIMP OUSTS THREE TERM LAWMAKER IN REPUBLICAN PRIMARY While there has been an anti-brothel push in Nye and Lyon counties recently, the permanent closure of the brothel is rare.
As a notoriously horny man, Tyrion set out to find as many sex workers as he could, bouncing from brothel to brothel across Westeros and Essos, drinking wine like a fish drinks water.
Someone who pops in to a robot "brothel" on vacation.
Head in the Clouds: A floating brothel owned by Psychasec.
Odom was found unconscious at a Las Vegas brothel Oct.
The brothel as the hub for activity was dying out.
And setting up their own, licensed brothel is prohibitively expensive.
Is there even a dress code for visiting a brothel?
Why couldn't police shut down the brothel in the building?
But what's a DJ set in a brothel really like?
"We'd have a brothel cat," one sex worker told me.
" Nevada pimp running for state Assembly loses brothel license - Fox News: " Dennis Hof , the infamous pimp and Nevada state Assembly candidate who has likened himself to President Trump, has officially lost his brothel license.
That also means customers cannot take us out of the brothel.
Brothel raids, john stings, and public john shaming fire her outrage.
The U.S. won't get its very first "robot brothel" after all.
Building the railroads, operating the saloon, and, yes, even a brothel.
" Nevertheless, the brothel caters to clients with a "classroom sex fetish.
I was put in charge of the brothel, and was fantastic.
Instead, he sold her for 60,000 rupees ($935) to a brothel.
Photographer Amy Lombard takes Broadly on a tour of the brothel.
The term "massage parlor" in China often refers to a brothel.
"I am Chessalind Algolith, and I own this brothel," began one.
A sex doll brothel has, in fact, just opened in Paris.
The two of them disappeared around the back of the brothel.
It's very rare that things like that happen in a brothel.
The brothel empire was always one step ahead of the law.
"I have a brothel guide from 1908," she told the Star.
"It's just another brothel," said Yvette Luhrs, a spokeswoman for Proud.
Quigley is worse from the French-boudoir pretensions of her brothel.
Then, Daniela says, it was back to work at the brothel.
He'll be remembered as a "flamboyant brothel owner" (his words), as the face of America's legal sex industry, and for the HBO reality show Cathouse, which chronicled life at his most famous brothel, the Bunny Ranch.
Penelope Blossom pipes up, asking Hiram about the brothel she was promised.
They insisted Mr Lei was going to the airport, not a brothel.
And, yes, the film even delivers a fight scene in a brothel.
Could a sex-positive event be prosecuted as operating an illegal brothel?
Natasha also explains why she threw in the towel at a brothel.
I had some questions that I thought only a brothel could answer.
We probably spent more time in the brothel than the police station!
An Unsullied soldier goes to a brothel and gets his throat slashed.
Outside of the tea shop, the rest of the brothel was quiet.
Those first few days at the brothel are seared into Rina's mind.
The trafficker planned to sell to her to a brothel in Mumbai.
The dream brothel I'd like to work in would be run collectively.
They are also, it turns out, both connected to a local brothel.
And one of the racing teams was sponsored by a Dutch brothel.
And soon they find themselves inside a nearby brothel with a gangster.
Ms. Schrager did indeed walk into a brothel; several, actually, in Nevada.
The brothel, located in Crystal about an hour drive from Las Vegas, has sparked fervor and an anti-brothel push in Nye County, which hasn't permanently yanked a license in more than a decade, according to the Review-Journal.
A month later, Radha was rescued from a brothel in a police raid.
One commentator asked her if she would be "reporting from a brothel" next.
A few seasons ago he ran a brothel and was Master of Coin.
Nevada brothel owner Dennis Hof was elected to the state Assembly's 36th district.
These include street walking, pimping, owning or managing a brothel and kerb crawling.
Although the brothel was open at the time ... no one inside was hurt.
"The next thing I know was being taken to a brothel," Snow says.
Also, added to the list of those she hopes to protect: brothel clients.
This is when Ghosh and Nandi have friendly chats with the brothel madams.
Christy Norman was a cleaner in the Bunnies' Ranch brothel in Poole, Dorset.
Sex workers would have been just fine, as would have been brothel staff.
Every brothel we called said they sanitized their joints on a regular basis.
Neighbors would complain about a brothel in their building or on their street.
"Umm, no... but they're sort of running a brothel in there," he replies.
So he instructed brothel workers to screen customers, making them drop their pants.
It was actually in a brothel and he claimed to be a submissive.
I don't know if you know brothel lingo—"party" is code for sex.
Allegations of a visit to a brothel may have been the final straw.
But the brothel buildings comprised only a fraction of Mr. Schwartz's larger portfolio.
"My biggest customer base is Republican," a brothel madam announces at a conference.
Great, then you won't have to worry about many of the brothel scenes.
A brothel customer's photographs of 2529th-century prostitution, made with sympathy and imagination.
The sex doll brothel, Xdolls, lets customers rent a sex doll by the hour.
You wouldn't have a contract from the brothel stating the services they offer you.
This is the place where Doc Holiday was a dentist and owned a brothel.
She discovers sisterhood in a brothel as she plots to avenge her father's murder.
The men will pay $100 rent to Vincent for the rooms in the brothel.
And there was also this bizarre exchange about the brothel that almost killed Lamar.
But after Sephak's return, her mother began pressuring her to work in a brothel.
Not only is there this brothel, but journalists have found out where I live.
She said her name was Gabrielle, a young maid who worked in a brothel.
For all that, the Orange must have been running the biggest brothel ever, right?
When Jamie visits a brothel for a business meeting, the madam is selling dildos.
Technically, a brothel is any premises in which more than two people sell sex.
Then there are the brothel laws, which criminalize two or more people working together.
He describes how prostitution was rife — 15,000 streetwalkers and brothel workers in Manhattan alone.
My apartment has been turned into a brothel, and no one can help me.
But they still occasionally call me "brothel mama" when we meet by the mailbox.
But since then the brothel has been battered by cyclones and inundated by floods.
Mr. Hof's death, at Love Ranch Vegas, a brothel he owned in Crystal, Nev.
The rogue unit even set up a brothel to go undercover, the reports claimed.
One of the teams was sponsored by a brothel in Amsterdam, called Sauna Diana.
Once a brothel, this space now sells organic and vegan hair and body products.
He pointed at the irony of a church situated next door to a brothel.
"– in a post on her website and app On confronting ex-husband Lamar Odom about his brothel visits"I said: 'Listen, you do whatever the f— you want to do, but please promise me you'll never go back to a disgusting brothel again.
Nevada legal brothel owner and HBO "Cathouse" star Dennis Hof, who won a GOP primary to run for the Nevada state Assembly earlier this month, was accused in a newly released police report of raping a sex worker at his brothel in 2005.
Except that no one told the women at the brothel not to take politics seriously.
Campaigners say while girls may be rescued and brothel owners arrested, traffickers usually evade prosecution.
Khloé Kardashian is making sure her ex Lamar Odom will never visit a brothel again.
Arya killed him in a brothel where Meryn was abusing young girls, slitting his throat.
All of these women work at Moonlight Bunny Ranch, the city's most famous legal brothel.
His body was discovered by porn legend Ron Jeremy and a prostitute at the brothel.
But behind that, you'll find Germany's latest sexual innovation—the country's first sex-doll brothel.
"Anna is the star of the team," says Andrea, who helps Schwarz run the brothel.
The brothel in Braavos is nothing but brutality, built on revenge, child prostitution, and abuse.
Layla wakes up in a brothel, dizzy and disoriented, indicating she may have been drugged.
If you lived in a brothel, you had a debt to repay to your madam.
Instead, it limits sex work to the client's premises (escort work), or a licensed brothel.
From this, he built his business into what authorities are deeming a full-scale brothel.
In 2015, first responders found Odom unconscious in a Nevada brothel following a drug overdose.
Prostitution is not illegal in Singapore but soliciting, pimping or owning a brothel are criminalized.
Matisse contrasted working in Australia with working in a brothel in Nevada several years ago.
Al is getting older and feels his control over his brothel and the town slipping.
Jamie is also super chill when the madam at the brothel busts out the dildos.
Lydia Faithfull is a full-time sex worker at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada.
Same is true of working at a brothel where I'm unintentionally insulted on the regular.
She was arrested, charged, and ultimately convicted of assisting in the management of a brothel.
Tyrion's R-rated brothel scene features the sex worker named Ros, played by Esmé Bianco.
It's tough as a woman to get into a brothel and talk to sex workers!
Mr. Gilman, the broker and brothel owner, has been at the center of Reno's evolution.
Cover image: France's first brothel featuring sex dolls opened on January 29, 2018, in Paris.
Hedges, who runs a brothel in their apartment building, takes a covetous interest in her.
The students demonstrated outside to have the brothel closed, and they finally won the day.
Just before he came to Los Angeles, he'd frequented a brothel in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
"Anything worth dying for is worth living for," the old man from the brothel says.
There's catty banter and ballgowns with plunging necklines; there's a pet monkey and a brothel.
They lived in a vermin-infested boardinghouse sandwiched between a butcher shop and a brothel.
Brothel employees clean up the dolls between appointments to prepare them for the next customer.
I'm not sure about his experience at the brothel, as I didn't go with them.
Lydia Faithfull is a full-time sex worker at the Alien Cathouse brothel in Nevada.
Here's what we know about the brothel: The Aura Dolls website is purporting to be "North America's first known 'brothel' that offers sexual services with the world's most beautiful silicone ladies," a claim rival businesses, like Toronto's lesser-known KinkySdollS, have refuted on social media.
"It's like a brothel," protested one Alipay user on Chinese Twitter-like social media service Weibo.
Odom's addiction problems culminated in 2015, when he overdosed and almost died at a Nevada brothel.
One such registered brothel is the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, made famous by the HBO series Cathouse.
We reconnect with shirtless, slightly pantless Bronn (+5 for PG-13 clothing loss) in a brothel.
I found it oddly sweet that their manager requests transportation to and from the new brothel.
Bad boy brothel bros Ben (Richard Beymer) and Jerry (David Patrick Kelly) speak to the taming.
When La Quica and Limón return to the brothel, the DEA comes looking for La Quica.
Love Ranch is the brothel where former NBA player Lamar Odom was found unconscious in 2015.
" Kim fired back it was over when he got caught at his "second or third brothel.
Trump set up the Arctic Restaurant in Bennett, which also served as a casino and brothel.
There are two main houses under the spotlight: the homey but run-down brothel of Mrs.
But they also aren't in danger of being kidnapped and forced to work in a brothel.
In Ireland, when paying for sex became illegal in 2017, the fines for brothel-keeping doubled.
There are also many fake stories about refugees being given coupons for brothel visits, Schwarz said.
Others were accused of providing Mr. Paz information in exchange for discounted sex at a brothel.
I am much happier working legally in a Nevada brothel than navigating the grey sugar world.
At present, fucking for a living is legal, but you can be arrested for brothel-keeping.
We reprimanded them for bad hygiene, too much pot smoking, or carelessness at a village brothel.
To aid selection in the brothel, the names of flowers were pinned to their bedroom doors.
Mistress Matisse, a dominatrix and writer, described working in a Nevada brothel as a restrictive experience.
Two others were brothers who have been accused of holding a bachelor party in a brothel.
He brought together second-line parade music and boogie-woogie piano, which was basically brothel music.
Sources on the ground in Baghdad said the apartment the Americans visited was a known brothel.
The distance between the opera and the brothel was vanishingly thin in the late 19th century.
The accepted interpretation is that it depicts five prostitutes in a brothel, eyeballing a male patron.
But it could be a woman kidnapped and made to work in a brothel in Europe.
Lydia Faithfull is a full-time sex worker and Madam of Alien Cathouse brothel in Nevada.
Before sexually engaging clients at the brothel, we perform something known as a dick check (DC).
Eventually, I quit my square job and left Portland to work in a legal Nevada brothel.
I don't have a brothel area where I can take them, like [other] female sex workers do.
Ahlam was trapped in the brothel for a few months before seizing an opportunity to run away.
Their divorce was delayed after Odom nearly died following an overdose at Nevada&aposs Bunny Ranch brothel.
Nye County had just revoked Hof's brothel license, which Randazza said was an act of political retribution.
Determined to help her mother, Charlotte has infiltrated Lydia's brothel, pretending to be one of her girls.
Arafa knew that she was at risk of being sold to a brothel, along with her daughters.
Only "Madam Fiat 500", the brothel-keeper, and her girls offer the lad a "little adoptive family".
Their relationship became even more scrutinized when Odom was found unconscious in a Nevada brothel in 2015.
This won't be the last time someone challenges the legal brothel system, seeking to shut it down.
In October 2015, Odom was rushed to the hospital after being found unconscious in a Nevada brothel.
For starters, he has his brothel, which will be run by Bobby Dwyer and Frankie (James Franco).
In the video, a visibly inebriated man exits a brothel only to be pelted with soccer balls.
For the past three years, the venue has operated as a regular neighborhood brothel and BDSM studio.
LOS ANGELES — Hulu is partnering up with UK's ITV Encore to bring brothel drama Harlots to viewers.
KS: We didn't even get to the brothel, that other girl would have been mad at us.
How bad could it be if, worst case scenario, the person running the brothel didn't clean them?
West Thebarton Brothel Party is playing Adelaide's Rocket Bar this Thursday March 10 with SKIES and Hummingbird.
In Houston, lawmakers have vowed to do what they can to make sure the brothel doesn't open.
By then, Luther had taken to calling the Church a brothel, and Pope Leo X the Antichrist.
In October 2015, Odom suffered a near-fatal overdose and was found unconscious at a Nevada brothel.
There was at least one brothel or Lupanar, meaning wolf den, which you can still see today.
The tiny brothel images with their forthright nakedness and caricature-like figures especially overturn his earlier precision.
The micro-theater trend has exploded since a first production in a former Madrid brothel in 2009.
The rapper, however, thinks it's the ideal spot to set up a brothel in the great outdoors.
Last year, Kent Police confiscated nearly £40,000 from two women accused of running a brothel in Folkestone.
One brothel manager said all customers must wear masks when they walk in and even during sex.
When everyone in her brothel freezes, she learns that she has become immune to the park's controls.
Still, she said, the government needed more direct control as a means to refute the brothel rumors.
Littlefinger's brothel, managed by the male prostitute Olyvar, is raided by the Sparrows not once, but twice.
Season 3 begins one year later, with Charlotte Wells (Jessica Brown Findlay) finally running her own brothel.
"You had to be in the brothel 22018/22016," she told the New York Times in 2016.
Trewitt, the brothel madam who adopts the abandoned baby Jim on her doorstep, has the same instincts.
From as early as the women can remember, the brothel had been walloped by storms and floods.
Some of the young girls who worked in the brothel were subjected to all kinds of punishments.
One of its stars was Carlin Glynn, Mr. Masterson's wife, who played Mona Stangley, the brothel owner.
It's when the barnyard turns into a full-blown brothel and everyone wants to get a piece.
In terms of self-esteem, you have to have really thick skin to work in a brothel.
Dennis Hof, 71, is a brothel owner running to represent Nevada's 0003th District in the State Assembly.
Caligula reportedly opened a brothel in the imperial palace to make money, and he introduced new taxes.
Daphne had cited an anonymous eyewitness, another Maltese customer at the brothel, who said he recognized Cardona.
The drama follows 18th-century brothel turf wars(!) and feels something like the high-stakes power plays of The Sopranos divided by the insidious social games of Gossip Girl, with a fantastic performance from Samantha Morton as the downtown brothel madam determined to rise into a veritable queenpin.
Fleiss attempted to open an all-male brothel catering to women, but the idea never became a reality.
Along with the other women in her steamy Kolkata brothel, she had no idea what a prophylactic was.
When she blossomed into a beautiful young woman at 14, the aunt's husband sold her to a brothel.
But the most bizarre testimony came from reality TV star, self-styled pimp, and brothel owner Denis Hof.
The grade school class evicted from their classroom in a former brothel finally got their very own schoolhouse.
I paced around my room at the brothel and chain-smoked out the window as snow fell outside.
Violating the brothel-keeping law could land owners in jail and wreck the lives of those working there.
When she first balked at entering the brothel, she said she was beaten and tortured with electric shocks.
Six people were arrested including two of the managers of the Artemis brothel and four senior female staff.
I really wanted to catch up with Hayley from the film I did about the brothel years ago.
The holy grail of hidden drinking, however, is Midnight Cowboy, a former brothel (ahem, massage parlor) turned speakeasy.
It follows Margaret Wells (Morton) as she struggles to reconcile her roles as a mother and brothel owner.
But I shouldn't think we have to hide what we do, we're not endorsing a brothel or anything.
Shortly after she's committed, Babydoll concocts an elaborate fantasy in which the asylum becomes a cabaret theater/brothel.
Odom overdosed in a Nevada brothel and his still-wife rushed to his side, as would most humans.
Best, Alex Dear Alex, Prior to working for Dennis Hof, I held employment at another infamous Nevada brothel.
The occasional buyer, the kind who will pop into a brothel with a friend on a night out.
Raised in a brothel, Arthur comes of age in Londinium with a rough-and-tumble gang of friends.
A visit to a brothel reveals a kind of phantom restrained by a room curtain — or is it?
Two weeks after the case finished, the flat was raided again and Janice was prosecuted for brothel keeping.
Area 51, similarly, offers visitors alien-themed lodging, and there's even a legal brothel called the Alien Cathouse.
"A lot of people underestimate young women," the local brothel owner (a brilliant Margo Martindale) tells the sisters.
But in 1836, at the age of 23, Jewett was found axed to death in her brothel bed.
Unfortunately, "brothel-keeping" could simply mean your friend hangs out in the next room to keep you safe.
Even a visit to a brothel called the "Red Guard Nightclub" does not help him clear his mind.
I wouldn't want to work in too big a brothel, perhaps four or five workers together at once.
Ironically, we went to a nightclub called the Randy Dragon, which features décor inspired by a Chinese brothel.
I would go to four or five different brothels a week, sometimes seeing multiple girls at each brothel.
Along with thousands of other girls, she was sold through what amounts to an online brothel called Backpage.
Oxfam aid workers, including the country director, are accused of turning a rented villa into a makeshift brothel.
The investigation leads to a dubious brothel owner who is tied to Robin in more ways than one.
Get ready for the inevitable Mad Men prequel movie about a teenage Don Draper's depressing life in a brothel!
Step four: visit a drag performance/male brothel where, under all that powder, is a very familiar pretty face.
I hit up a friend who works at a brothel to ask how she felt about the Nadkins concept.
Meanwhile, the Poetry Brothel will take over one of the island's historic military homes with sultry, candlelit literary readings.
Lured to the women's sweat-drenched brothel, the Rufus Black Gang has no reason to suspect the coming calamity.
"Being in that damn brothel and thinking I was going to just rest a little bit," says Odom, 37.
Sir Percival, the head exciseman, shows up at the worst possible time to search the premises of the brothel.
In this April 27, 2018 photo, Dennis Hof sits in front of the Love Ranch brothel in Crystal, Nevada.
By episode seven, they're hanging out in a brothel in what appears to be the Free City of Volantis.
Read more: A Marine general said he'd rather 'his daughter work in a brothel than be a Marine pilot.
In October 2015, Odom, 39, had a near-fatal overdose while at the Love Ranch brothel in Las Vegas.
The fear of police raids and the violence the cops brought against the brothel workers rang all too true.
In the UK, those targeted by police during brothel raids describe being dragged onto the street in their underwear.
In last week's "Jezebel's," viewers learn the Republic Of Gilead has formed a brothel for society's highest ranking men.
Is a woman's subjection, her second-class status in society, more evident in a brothel or in a marriage?
Serial killer Nadeem Razaq targeted one-woman brothel sex workers back in 2008, ultimately killing at least three people.
These horrifying flashes throw her off her game, and she fails to seduce brothel guests at the proper rate.
The brothel is a ramshackle village of sagging huts built on the banks of a sinking island called Banishanta.
Despite an economic resurgence in Mongla in recent years, there has been no knock on effect for the brothel.
I imagined the brothel experience to be businesslike, with sex as an integral part of a purely transactional relationship.
In another, he's dressed like the madam of a Russian brothel: a fur-trimmed leather pantsuit with matching hat.
The "hospitality business" at Fannie Hathcock's brothel is humming along, and the Born Losers motorcycle gang has left town.
Artist Paz Errázuriz documented a Chilean brothel where women adopt the domestic behaviors of a hostess toward her guest.
Historians have speculated that van Gogh gave his ear to a madame of the brothel at 1 Rue Bout d'ArlesIf.
With the right sequence, it recreates "House of the Rising Sun," the folk music classic that's probably about a brothel.
And I loved doing the first scene, the brothel scene, it was just so decadent — my life isn't like that.
Below, we talked about what life is like at the brothel, as well as how she got into sex work.
A brothel owner's business goes into foreclosure, while a television star and voodoo queen can speak to the Loa spirits.
At the head of the campaign is 27-year-old Alice Little, who works at Dennis Hof's Sagebrush Ranch brothel.
We don't know much about her early life, except that at one point she worked at a brothel in Canton.
Cracking jokes and quick to laugh, Tania said working in a brothel was safer than selling sex on the streets.
Gentle Tanaka comes to the brothel, but he does not touch Jung-min, the film's battered 14-year-old protagonist.
Economy Minister Chris Cardona claimed libel when she wrote that he visited a brothel while in Germany on government business.
The psychic indicates that Petra, the object of Jonathan's investigation, might be located not inside a brothel but a morgue.
She can't, for example, work together with a friend as this would be classed as a brothel and is illegal.
Wells (Samantha Morton) in Covent Garden and the pristine, sterile, bright brothel of Lydia Quigley (Lesley Manville) in Golden Square.
Logan seems interested in the quest but waves off the old man and drags his buddy into the nearest brothel.
Ms. Manville plays Lydia Quigley, a powerful brothel owner who competes for business with another madam, Margaret Wells (Samantha Morton).
One house that prosecutors said was used as a brothel on Onderdonk Avenue, a quiet residential street in Ridgewood, Queens.
Oberyn makes use of Littlefinger's brothel for consensual group sex (about 262 minutes into Episode 24; lasts about three minutes).
They use it to give donations to the poor at church, or to pay for sex at the town's brothel.
Many of these women are trafficked, sold to a broker who then sells them to a madam in a brothel.
GIF: SSEC/CIMSS/University of Wisconsin–Madison Of course, climate change isn't just the scourge of the brothel, Razia said.
No one wants to rent to a person who used the last rental as a temporary brothel or drug den.
Once, in 2017, the police smashed into what had been a brothel on the border between Gowanus and Park Slope.
"'My friend has said that you are to expect visitors today'," Mr. Paz would tell the brothel, the official said.
One of our most popular stories: How did a brothel empire seem to stay one step ahead of the law?
Opened in 2015, the hotel draws a fashionable clientele that is a far cry from its original incarnation — a brothel.
To get to him, she finds the roughest-looking brothel customer and insults him until he chokes her to death.
Their bond on so-called Bowling Nights — no wives, steak-eating as a show of force, mandatory brothel visits, etc.
He was born a few doors down from the biggest brothel in Alton, Illinois, a racially mixed city, in 1928.
Fluorescent lights flicker intermittently inside the hotel, which doubles as a brothel and serves as the headquarters of tonight's operation.
A brothel owner who calls himself "the Trump from Pahrump" even won the Republican nomination to the Nevada State Assembly.
Lamar has been hospitalized since October when he was found unconscious and fighting for his life at a brothel in Nevada.
But he nearly died in October 20143, when he was found unconscious at the Love Ranch brothel outside of Las Vegas.
Ahlam says she begged to leave the brothel, but the madame beat her, broke her phone and sold her on again.
"This really is the Trump movement," Hof said in the interview at Moonlite BunnyRanch, his brothel near his home in Pahrump.
Gifs of Abe U-turning in a brothel (+21) or Homer backing into a bush (+21) convey a desire to escape.
Without men, there isn't much use for the brothel in town, so Callie co-opts the space for the children's school.
After 25 years as a prostitute, Air Force Amy is the most popular sex worker at Nevada's most notorious legal brothel.
He also directed the season 5 finale episode "Mother's Mercy," in which Arya famously kills Ser Meryn Trant at a brothel.
Hof denied any immigration violations or trafficking at the brothel and said the sheriff's department was responsible for screening prospective employees.
Meanwhile, no one realizes one of prostitutes at the brothel where Limón first started his taxi decoy was paying close attention.
For example, many people are forced to work alone because working with others means they could be arrested for brothel keeping.
Officials said Dennis Hof failed to renew the license and pay the fees for his Love Ranch brothel in Crystal, Nevada.
The British drama follows an 18th century mother named Margaret Wells (Samantha Morton), who also happens to be a brothel owner.
Firstly, she is a survivor who escaped her brothel to rejoin her parents and daughter in a rural village in India.
Thandie Newton gives a killer performance on Westworld as brothel madam Maeve, one of the first Hosts to question her reality.
I will interrupt a party (that's brothel lingo for sex) if a client attempts to spank me or pull my hair.
Would Fergus have ended up in Randall's sights if he didn't accompany Jamie to the brothel to settle Prince Charles' debts?
Austin, Texas, police were tipped off to an illegal brothel when hundreds of condoms clogged a city sewer pipe in March.
Having said that, I wondered about the supposed gender divide on Valentine's loneliness and decided a brothel could offer some insights.
Dubbed "the world's first digital brothel" by the tech blog Engadget, the RTI Network lured workers by promising to empower them.
The objects of their depredations are humanoid robot "hosts" who believe themselves to be actual gunslingers, brothel madams and ranchers' daughters.
And these Asian girls at the brothel come from very poor backgrounds, where there is not a lot of choice there.
If sex workers run into debt with their manager, they may avoid the brothel and turn to street work for money.
Paris councillors are considering calls to close France's first sex doll brothel Tuesday, following objections from feminist and left-wing groups.
While selling sex is legal, brothel-keeping is not, thanks to the archaic and poorly designed laws that govern the industry.
For their wedding reception, according to "Love Story," Ike took his young bride to a sex show at a Mexican brothel.
"I went to one place and they were really busy and they had clients waiting," Ms. Patten said of the brothel.
It is like having your chastity praised by a brothel keeper, or your temperance and thrift eulogized by a drunken sailor.
Around the same time I found the doll books, I found a book of reports from a German brothel (early 70s).
I don't "party" (brothel lingo for sex) with Bob, though we did negotiate once when I was a prima-donna rookie.
A Moore war buddy told a story about briefly walking into a brothel with Moore in Vietnam Bill Stahle, who said he hadn't seen Moore in more than four decades, gave a testimonial about Moore's character that included the two of them unwittingly going to a brothel when they served together in the US Army in Vietnam.
They could work at a boutique brothel like Rudy's or, they could make good on the show's dek and start making porn.
The former basketball player and reality star has given his first extensive interview since he collapsed in a Nevada brothel in 2015.
During the 250s the brothel was active and thriving in what was once Tonopah's red light district, according to its Airbnb description.
But Aruna told Pawar about the money in her trunk that was still at the brothel after she got her travel permit.
After being estranged and filing for divorce, Odom was hospitalized and became comatose after a suspected overdose at a brothel in Nevada.
The former NBA player was hospitalized in Las Vegas in October after being found unconscious in a brothel after an apparent overdose.
She previously filed for divorce in 2013, but withdrew the petition in October when Odom was found unconscious in a Nevada brothel.
The practice migrated into the brothel districts, however, when other forms of gambling became taboo, and it's now a sizable subculture there.
Perhaps his attraction to wine is pulled from a previous storyline in which he was a sommelier in a brothel or something.
The Wild Horse Saloon, a dark and smoky room connected to a legal brothel, is the only sit-down restaurant for miles.
The city council of Houston, Texas unanimously passed an updated ordinance Wednesday that effectively blocks a proposed "sex robot brothel " from opening.
Showed him that everything we do — even his attempts at stealing the safe from the brothel — are pointless narratives without true meaning.
Called "connection houses", the rundown coastal homes serve as bedroom, bar and brothel to a migrant population with nowhere better to go.
The issue ... Odom has a serious history with substance abuse -- he almost died from a drug overdose at a brothel in 2015.
Some of the most moving work in the show is of empty brothel rooms, architecture designed for artificial gaiety, sex, and commerce.
It is with a keen sense of humor that the gallery hung Hursley's quadriptych "Alabama Silo" (2008) next to the brothel imagery.
A proposed sex robot brothel in Houston, Texas ran head-first into controversy in 2018 and was eventually banned by local government.
He ended up in an orphanage and working in a brothel, but he did manage to get in the United States Navy.
While it's illegal to own a brothel or sell sex on the street in India, indoor prostitution is not against the law.
One was the town's former brothel owner, another died in a card game gone wrong and the third still remains a mystery.
Republican Dennis Hof, a Nevada brothel owner, won a seat in the state legislature on Tuesday less than a month after dying.
In 18th-century London, Margaret Wells butts heads with a rival brothel owner as they vie for control of the city's underground.
So far, he's only served as the chaotic-evil fuckboy villain who's replacing Littlefinger as the old brothel-keeper grows increasingly incompetent.
This was only months after he was found unconscious in a Las Vegas brothel after a lethal dose of drugs and alcohol.
"I had this fantasy that my dad had actually lost his virginity by my grandfather taking him to a brothel," Liz says.
We check in with the Greyjoys, who are making a pit stop in a Volantis brothel on their way to meet Daenerys.
There's also a pop-up venue called Drop the Dumbulls which used to be a brothel, and we grew out of that.
He gave Mr. Paz and brothel workers physical descriptions of undercover officers who were expected to visit the prostitutes, Mr. Chain said.
In January, police sergeant Chu Chi-ho was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment for coercing sex from a one-woman brothel worker.
Millie (Kenn E. Head) certainly knows; she's a prostitute at the brothel where some of the team puts up when in town.
One robot brothel in Moscow, for example, charges about $90 for a 30-minute romp with a sexbot (threesomes are also available).
I'd reasoned that the contra deal at a brothel must have been straight forward: how many blowjobs did a set equate to?
Power and sexual politics lie at the heart of the play, yet Mr. Buljan resists sexualizing the women who inhabit the brothel.
The micro-theater concept took off in 2009 from a converted former brothel in Madrid and has since spread across the Americas.
Originally from the American Midwest, she has made her living in, among other places, a New York circus and a Parisian brothel.
Simon (Jonny Lee Miller) is still scraping by on the criminal fringes, trying to transform his rundown bar into an upscale brothel.
The replacement for the late brothel owner -- who was posthumously elected Tuesday night -- must be Republican, and must live within the district.
If it is, see to it that it's held outside, or your home will inevitably smell like a medieval brothel for several weeks.
Defiantly, Asch took his incendiary play abroad, finding a worldwide audience entranced by his debauched tale of respectable Jews operating a hidden brothel.
Dennis Hof, a brothel owner and reality TV star, defeated Democratic educator Lesia Romanov on in the race for Nevada's 36th Assembly District.
Instead of soliciting at their brothel gates, they took on a babu, one dedicated client that can blur the lines of a lover.
A near-fatal drug overdose landed Odom in a hospital after he was found unresponsive at a brothel in Nevada in October 2015.
One might elect to use such a robot under surveillance (say in a brothel), but who wants to have kinky sex under surveillance?
Last year the town's mayor closed down the Taberna Barlovento, a bar that also serves as a brothel, saying it violated zoning rules.
Nevada's regulations dramatically limit who can participate in the legal sex work system — if a brothel doesn't hire you, you can't work legally.
One of the medical team said her handbag was stolen while at work, and another had her identity card taken from the brothel.
Sex workers are wary of contacting the cops for fear of being prosecuted for other things, such as immigration violations or brothel-keeping.
Dennis Hof, the owner of the Nevada brothel where Lamar Odom was found unconscious from a drug overdose three years ago, has died.
Even though Pi Noi was radicalizing their employees, brothel owners were more than happy to receive help trying to keep their workforce alive.
Trouble arises for the film's protagonist when he discovers his oldest sister working at a brothel and—despite her pleading—murders her pimp.
Odom was relieved to find her at his bedside when he awoke from his coma four days after the incident at the brothel.
The reality star revealed that her estranged husband is doing "really good" after he was found unconscious in a Nevada brothel in October.
Investigators were trying to determine whether the men had been lured to the brothel or the kidnapping was opportunistic, the Iraqi official said.
The city's walls also guard King's Landing from invaders; the facade of the Ethnographic Museum is used as the entrance to Littlefinger's brothel.
There's a brothel at the end of the road, so it was geographical, but it really came together in a Facebook group chat.
When Lamar OD'd at a Nevada brothel last October Khloe dismissed her divorce petition ... just weeks before the divorce was to become final.
Khloe Kardashian laid into Lamar Odom after he nearly died -- not just for the drug abuse, but for doing it in a brothel.
The lawsuit asks the courts to declare the legal brothel ordinances in Elko, Lander, Lyon, Mineral, Nye, Storey and White Pine counties unconstitutional.
The 24-year-old woman from Bangladesh was sold by her husband to a brothel in Kamathipura, the red light district in Mumbai.
"I just want to be rich," Ling tells the Chinese madam at a San Francisco brothel, where his boss is paying a call.
Jonathan's psychic places Petra on a map, and thinking it might be a secret brothel, he begins to home in on the district.
The court in Gaya heard testimonies from four of nine girls who were rescued from the brothel during a police raid in 265.0200.
In this episode, they go to the French court at Versailles, and Jamie meets with Bonnie Prince Charlie (Andrew Gower) in a brothel.
Jamie, whom Suzette tells Murtagh is just angry because he's not getting any, rides off on his high horse back to the brothel.
They were rescued from a brothel 10 months ago, and were due to travel on March 26 when the virus halted free movement.
I was sitting a foot away on a small couch fitted with a plastic slipcover inside a brothel, witnessing this age-old transaction.
Then Janos Slynt's Gold Cloaks storm the brothel, and other areas, in order to kill King Robert's natural-born children, even the babies.
The brothel says ... because the sex industry is regulated in Nevada, human trafficking isn't an issue with the working girls -- unlike in Florida.
So she called the police station, resulting in several ride-alongs with a vice cop, and meetings with a madam in a brothel.
According to Begum, women here used to make good pay, enough money, she claimed, to plan for a life outside of the brothel.
Houston enacted a ban in October after a Canadian sex robot maker tried to open an experiential showroom called Adult Love Dolls Brothel.
I was witnessing the result of a dramatic fall from grace, being played out to minimal response in the corner of a brothel.
He went on to open several gas stations of his own, first in Arizona and then in Nevada, before entering the brothel business.
Mr. Hof was the star of the HBO television series "Cathouse," which focused on the Moonlite BunnyRanch, his brothel east of Carson City.
According to Nevada brothel owner Dennis Hof, the city of Las Vegas alone could make $222018 million a year, just from taxing prostitution.
"This really is the Trump movement," Hof said in a June interview at Moonlite BunnyRanch, his brothel near his home in Pahrump, Nevada.
Aura Dolls is not the first sex doll brothel of its kind: There are similar establishments located in Barcelona, Moscow, and Turin, Italy.
" Now, Roland West (Stephen Dorff) tries to persuade his partner, Wayne Hays (Mahershala Ali), to go to a brothel, saying: "I'm a feminist.
As we reported ... he downed 3 Remy Martins -- the same liquor he was drinking in the Nevada brothel the weekend he nearly died.
The Guardian's Maria L. La Ganga visited the Bunny Ranch and, while pointing out the brothel owner's opportunism in endorsing Clinton to get attention for his business, had conversations with the workers that show why the election really is important to them: Taylor Lee, a 26-year-old from Houston, used to be a cake decorator before arriving at the brothel.
Picasso, in such works as "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" (1907) idealized the brothel as a site, like the artist's studio, where degradation and magic occurs.
Lamar Odom is blaming his 2015 overdose on late brothel owner Dennis Hof, alleging the businessman tried to kill him by possibly poisoning him.
But I also became overshadowed by the kind of guilt that possesses unfaithful husbands in brothel lounges before they commit sinister and desperate sin.
Seven months after he was found unconscious at a Las Vegas brothel, Odom was spotted drinking alone at a Los Angeles mall in May.
When we first met Deadwood in Season 1, McShane's Al Swearengen, proprietor of the Gem Saloon bar and brothel, was the camp's chief protector.
Reznick added that one of the officers charged was scouting locations to setup a brothel and illegal gambling operation after retiring from the service.
Instead he agrees to help Sick Boy win a European Union grant to "refurbish" (convert into a brothel) a down-at-heel local pub.
Guests can do anything they like, from getting into gun fights to visiting the brothel, and they supposedly can't be hurt by the hosts.
Odom's memoir details his years-long struggle with substance abuse, which includes a 2015 overdose at a Nevada brothel that nearly left him dead.
There's the teenage prostitute who escapes her pimp and brothel to give birth, only to have her baby taken away for a closed adoption.
Good. When we last left off, Jamie had left to tend to business, leaving Claire to fend off an attacker in Madame Jeanne's brothel.
Dennis was the sole owner of the famous brothel where Lamar Odom overdosed, and no one else is legally permitted to run the biz.
Any Nevada county with a population below 700,000 can host a brothel and, as of 2015, there were 19 brothels operating in the state.
She was sold to a second brothel where she was gang-raped before being forced to have sex with around 20 men a day.
We arrive in the dead of the night where the only lights on are those of the brothel next door to the band's studio.
Eve, now six, arrived at the age of four after she was raped by an 11-year-old boy whose mother ran a brothel.
Each girl is kept in a short-stay home for three days until her credentials and reasons for being in the brothel are verified.
All hosts have roles to play—they're saloon bar hookers or brothel madams; cattle hands and ranchers—and crucially, they all believe their stories.
Kris receives a phone call alerting her to the fact that Khloé's estranged ex, Lamar Odom, has been found unconscious in a Nevada brothel.
Since his near-death experience at a Nevada brothel, Odom (who was hospitalized after being found unconscious) has struggled to make a full recovery.
The client actually stormed out of the brothel in a huff because her breathing wasn't shallow enough, and he could not suspend his disbelief.
Meanwhile, licensing requirements raised the cost of setting up brothels, favoring chains and big businesses, including a 12-story, neon-lit brothel in Cologne.
The pimps, brothel owners and traffickers who buy and sell other people's bodies are the force trying to decriminalize the entire global sex industry.
That Jamie experiencing sexual desire unencumbered by memories of Randall and with an anonymous woman in a brothel happens offscreen completely undercuts the drama.
And Hof says -- for irony's sake -- he wants to buy an aging hotel across from the state capitol and turn it into a brothel.
He said he served during the Vietnam War as a military police officer guarding a brothel in Germany to keep troops from patronizing it.
Lumidolls recently opened Europe's first robotic sex brothel in Barcelona, Spain, but faced opposition from sex workers and in February was forced to move.
During her sentencing hearing on Thursday, the 55-year-old mother of three insisted she is a sexual healer and not a brothel madam.
On top of all that, Claire has the gall to be out lancing boils at the hospital when Jamie comes home from the brothel.
Jonah reveals that one of the Nevada journalists Bob wanted him to contact is dead and the other is a madam at a brothel.
After a short stop at home, where Fergus casually mentions Claire's condition, he rushes back to the brothel to smooth over the Charles situation.
At the brothel where I work, it's common for people to tour our facility and show surprise at how clean and lovely it is.
In the new indictment, two brothers who are officers in the Police Department were even charged with holding a bachelor party in a brothel.
Gilly wisely hides her young one away during the attack on the brothel (about six minutes in, lasts about a minute-and-a-half).
My ideal kink brothel would be a place where sex workers could learn skills from each other, and could work together in sessions legally.
Several years ago, the Indonesian police rescued a female orangutan who had been shaved and was being used as a prostitute at a brothel.
He also said he ran a brothel and had been pressured to sell drugs to raise money for her election campaign, but had refused.
This was not because the respectable businessman at the center of its story runs a brothel in the basement of his proper Jewish home.
In seventeen sensational brothel scenes, most of them from 1877-79, they stand, sit, or loll around availably naked and often frumpily at ease.
In fact conditions at the brothel where she worked got even worse once the Gulf cartel took over, despite the Zetas' more bloodthirsty reputation.
Then we have Maeve, who — as a brothel owner is used to giving her body over to men — ends up controlling an army of them.
"I'm tired of watching you cower like a beat dog," Yara Greyjoy snaps at Theon, as their crew pounds drinks at a brothel in Volantis.
It's said that she produced a whole brood of Targaryen bastards throughout Essos, later becoming rich as the matron of a famous brothel in Volantis.
I said: 'Listen, you do whatever the f— you want to do, but please promise me you'll never go back to a disgusting brothel again.
But at 16 years old, her education was cut short — she married a boy who sold her to a brothel two months after their wedding.
It had been an upmarket brothel before the war; Nancy Balfour, the United States editor, shocked a taxi driver by asking to be taken there.
It seemed that every third scene or so, the show would cut to a brothel in King's Landing where topless women mingled amongst reclining men.
News reports over the past week suggest Sir Martin may have visited a brothel, and that the line between personal and company expenses was blurred.
Khatoon, who was sold into a brothel at the age of 13, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation she felt connected to the Tamil Nadu workers.
Outside the brothel, skimpily clad women stand on graffiti-strewn corners, while waiters dressed in pink waistcoats snort cocaine and others usher in more customers.
When he returns, we find out Jamie somehow speaks Chinese, and also lives in a brothel run by a Madame Jeanne, who throws impressive shade.
"The discovery of U.S. immigration law violations in our legal brothel system is extremely alarming," McNeil said in a statement posted on Facebook on Thursday.
Meanwhile, all types of sex work are outlawed in the US with the exception of Nevada, where it is legal to run a registered brothel.
Girls and women described being forced or duped into prostitution by traffickers and brothel owners, many of them locked in a room and repeatedly raped.
According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, this is the first time Nye County has permanently revoked a brothel license in at least a decade.
In October, Odom was driven from a legal brothel in Crystal, Nevada, to a hospital in Las Vegas after being found unresponsive in his bedroom.
The three men were kidnapped from a Baghdad apartment known to be a brothel, an Iraqi security official with knowledge of the investigation told CNN.
Generic shooter missions take on a greater meaning when you are a black man culling the KKK or massacring white men running a black brothel.
A Nevada brothel owner running for the state legislature will remain on the ballot after he was found dead on Tuesday, The Associated Press reported.
Although Britain does not criminalize prostitution, sex workers can be prosecuted for offences including soliciting for clients and for brothel-keeping when they work together.
Human rights advocates, including Amnesty, think the sex-worker collectives are a far better means of preventing trafficking and under-age prostitution than brothel raids.
The former NBA star also opened up about his cocaine habit and what happened when he ended up in a coma at a Nevada brothel.
The New York Times identified Army Read more: A Marine general said he'd rather 'his daughter work in a brothel than be a Marine pilot.
You find a weapon and approach a futuristic brothel filled with what DiMoDa's curator Helena Acosta described as "philosophical prostitutes"—the only sight of life.
The Ranch -- a legal brothel where Lamar Odom ODd and almost died a year ago -- is booked to capacity, and he's even running extra limos.
" Hof had initially invited Chyna to his brothel following her 2002 Celebrity Boxing Match to teach his girls how to wrestle, "a very popular fetish.
Sometimes Mr. Samaniego relayed the descriptions from his station house, and other times, from outside the brothel, when he himself was part of an investigation.
A sex worker in a brothel next door recently told her that a policeman forced her to shower naked for his own pleasure, she says.
Sven Britt, a musician who lived in a building on Foster Avenue in Ditmas Park, said he first noticed a brothel there in September 210.
Like "Paper Balloons" it's set within a self-contained community, taking place mostly inside a brothel that serves as a crossroads for its Shinagawa neighborhood.
Speaking to reporters in Washington last week, advocates said many people don't consider how decriminalizing sex work can end up legitimizing pimps and brothel operators.
There's a curvy Victorian-style couch, like one you might see in an old brothel, a flour scale hanging from the ceiling, and vintage wallpaper.
The production is deftly directed by Eleanor Reissa, who is terrific in the role of Yankl's wife, Sarah, herself a former worker in Yankl's brothel.
"Harlots" (Hulu, March 29) descends into less rarefied territory, focusing on a brothel owner (Samantha Morton) battling competitors and society's mores in 18th-century London.
With a brothel, bloodshed and a multiple suicide, this version, drawing on the darker aspects of L. Frank Baum's "Oz" books, is not child's play.
But as the book's enslaved narrator discovers, the society's leaders also maintain a brothel, Jezebel's, full of women who couldn't fit into the new order.
The main source of this disrespect comes from the brothel where the murdered woman, who is more than likely a sex worker named Cinnamon, was employed.
Newton was previously nominated for her role as the brothel madam-turned freedom fighter "host" Maeve in the HBO series, losing out last year to Dowd.
On the TV show — which brought us along to the brothel back in season one — can powerful gay men find a way to do the same?
At face value, the union of young teen girl Sansa to the adult man and infamous brothel patron Tyrion is awful for the eldest Stark daughter.
The plot pivots on the strategic marriage between the mayor and Zhu Ying: iron-willed entrepreneur, brothel madam and grieving daughter of the old village chieftain.
In February, a minister secured a warrant to freeze Ms Caruana Galizia's bank account after she claimed that he had been seen in a German brothel.
"Their wives or girlfriends have their own needs, while a prostitute in a brothel has limits on what they will and won't do, sexually," she explains.
Feingold, the anthropologist, says that this began to chip away at the formerly lucrative brothel model that was based on flagrantly ignoring worker welfare and safety.
"You can help pay for investigations, because if you're a slave in a brick factory or brothel somewhere, you can't pay for an investigator," he says.
Many workers railed against those restrictions, and some established a bar and a brothel on a nearby island to let loose after a long day's work.
This is what happened when The Shade Room reported on Kardashian's former husband Lamar Odom, who was found unconscious in a Nevada brothel back in October.
" Gupta similarly denounced Amnesty and Human Rights Watch: "They see a little girl in a brothel and think it's fine, if we give her a condom.
THE SINGLE PARENT LIVING BESIDE A BROTHEL: VANESSA RODELVanessa Mae Rodel is from the Philippines and has worked as a maid in Hong Kong for while.
A month later, Prerana officials kept a sex worker's child in their shelter after discovering that discussions were underway in her brothel to sell the baby.
However, Khloe ended up putting the divorce process on hold to care for Lamar after he was discovered unconscious inside a Nevada brothel in October 2015.
The tour also covers Paresis Hall, a gay brothel and bar opened in the Bowery by a member of the Five Points Gang in the 1890s.
A Nevada brothel owner who was running for a seat in the state's legislature died Tuesday at the age of 72, according to his campaign manager.
While authorities do use existing laws to prosecute pimps, brothel managers and traffickers, customers who assault children trafficked into sexual slavery are rarely arrested, Krishnan said.
When men enter my space (at the legal brothel where i work or otherwise), I tend to occupy myself and appear as though I'm not listening.
Cote is not a brothel or a strip club; we're a fine dining Michelin-starred restaurant with a no-tolerance policy for this type of behavior.
Officer Steven Nieves worked the door at a pop-up brothel and was videotaped accepting "large sums of cash," said Christine Oliveri, an assistant district attorney.
That same county commissioner, Lance Gilman, bought the land surrounding the brothel and turned it into the industrial park where Tesla and Google are now located.
He also claimed to have run a brothel and siphoned $20063,000 in profits from that operation into a growing coke distribution business back in the 1980s.
Rape as a weapon of war is the subject of her play "Ruined," a searing, stop-you-in-your-tracks drama set in a Congolese brothel.
Hof originally rose to fame after starring in the HBO show "Cathouse," which starred sex workers from his brothel the Moonlite BunnyRanch, in Carson City, Nevada.
The report also said a female employee had been instructed to drive him and other producers to a legal brothel while reporting a story in Nevada.
The formerly dilapidated two-story brick building has a colorful history as a boardinghouse, a tattoo parlor and, if legend is to be believed, a brothel.
Law enforcement officials said the woman, Arelis Peralta, was inside a brothel that the vice squad raided, though they did not say why she was there.
In life, Dennis Hof claimed many titles: "America's pimp" and "the P.T. Barnum of Booty," based on his notoriety as an outspoken brothel owner in Nevada.
An Australian study found that the prevalence of STDs was "220 times greater in 22017 illegal street prostitutes than in 275 of their legal brothel counterparts".
In 2012, for instance, he represented Anna Gristina, the so-called Soccer Mom Madam, who was accused of running a brothel on Manhattan's Upper East Side.
It was a brothel for both blood lust and printout lust, featuring a weird crew of characters: grizzled Army officers, bespectacled accountants and bloodless computer modelers.
It's set in a brothel in London in the late 1700s, and while lots of period pieces seem hyper-miserable, "Harlots" is actually a lot fun.
Legend has it that the 100-year-old colonial-style mansion was originally designed as a brothel, with a central room branching off into hidden corridors.
Last winter at the brothel, I had sex with a young man that was in his early twenties and probably a Lake Tahoe trust fund baby.
Genet's drama The Balcony (1957), about the playacting and masochism of authority figures, is set in a posh brothel during a revolution in an unnamed country.
As it turns out, Bancroft was compelled to take his own life after he committed an awful crime in the floating brothel called Head in the Clouds.
Undeterred, Kinan brought additional charges against three more people who she says recruited women to work at the 'Sheik' brothel in a case that is still ongoing.
The three American contractors who were kidnapped by militiamen in Baghdad on Saturday had been visiting a well-known brothel when they were taken, Iraqi officials say.
Although buying and selling sex are legal in England and Wales, kerb-crawling, soliciting, pimping and running a brothel are not—which, in effect, criminalises the trade.
I bought one brothel, thought, you know what I have a nice retirement, I sleep with hot chicks, I party — now I own 40% of Nevada's brothels.
For instance, Stephen Colbert of 25 years ago lived at 2015 North Ridge — with two men and three women — in what I now know was a brothel.
During the lean years TRI relied in part on cash from another of Mr Gilman's businesses: the brothel, called Mustang Ranch, that houses the Wild Horse Saloon.
"When the test is negative, they're relieved," said psychosocial worker Doreen Mongo, sitting in one of several brothel rooms rented for the night by the health workers.
When Khloe Kardashian's former husband Lamar Odom was found unresponsive in a Nevada brothel in October 2015, producers stopped filming for a brief period while he recovered.
In the season teaser, Allen, 32, is the new pimp in town, Isaac Pincher, whose arrival is connected to the brothel run by Charlotte (Jessica Brown Findlay).
Seven months after he was found unconscious at the Las Vegas brothel, the 36-year-old was spotted drinking alone at a Los Angeles mall in May.
In 1997, Jeremy introduced the former Marine to Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, the very same Nevada brothel where Lamar Odom overdosed in 2015.
Powerhouse Samantha Morton stars as Margaret Wells, an up-and-coming madam preparing to elevate her brothel into a high-end establishment that will attract London's elite.
In Toronto—despite there already being a sex doll brothel quietly operating for over a year—a neighborhood used a bylaw against adult entertainment to ban it.
Odom's history with crack is well-documented -- but people close to him thought he'd been scared straight after he overdosed at a Nevada brothel back in October.
He's not wrong ... Odom went from being an NBA superstar to a reality star before hitting rock bottom ... when he overdosed at a Nevada brothel in 2015.
Voters in Nevada elected Republican candidate Dennis Hof into the Nevada State Assembly on Tuesday, despite the brothel owner and reality TV star's death 21 days ago.
Back in October 2015, Hof made headlines when Khloé Kardashian's ex-husband Lamar Odom was rushed to the hospital after he was found unconscious in his brothel.
"If given opportunities I would want to do something else," she said as she sat outside a brothel in Singapore's red light district Geylang late one night.
The campaign manager for the late Nevada brothel owner Denis Hof's Republican bid for state office predicts that he will posthumously win election to the state legislature.
This series includes several of his collaborations with Hou Hsiao-hsien, like "Flowers of Shanghai," a sustained, elliptical immersion in the intrigues of a 19th-century brothel.
Kardashian and Odom enjoyed a meal at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse together, just months after the former basketball star was hospitalized following an overdose at a Nevada brothel.
A saloon and brothel turned luxe hotel, the Occidental has seen famous figures from Buffalo Bill Cody to Theodore Roosevelt passing through since it opened in 1880.
" A news item the New York Post ran days before the election made the point plain: "Tiffany Cabán would turn Queens into a giant brothel, critics say.
Remember, Kobe was one of the first people who rushed to the hospital to meet with Lamar following his overdose at a Nevada brothel back in 2015.
He retired his post in 1815 and while living in helter-skelter impoverishment in a brothel district, died eleven years later in complete obscurity and profound destitution.
Mr. Moralioglu dreams of the queen; Mr. Kane, of Cynthia Payne, "Madame Cyn," the suburban brothel-keeper whose prosecution in the early 1980s transfixed the British tabloids.
Monica*, who's been operating her one-woman-brothel for three months, tells VICE she'd never call the police to report a crime or any other dangerous situation.
Because of her skill at making gingerbread, teenage Harriet is forced to hawk it in an eerie workhouse that seems to be part factory, part child brothel.
Mr. Samaniego was accused of passing along this information while he was on duty, sometimes while he was assigned to a police team working outside a brothel.
My ideal brothel would be a co-op situation with me and a bunch of friends, with us not necessarily all doing the same sort of work.
There was even a special police unit whose business was to make sure the brothel-keepers kept their establishments clean and stocked with condoms and rubbing alcohol.
Brothel owner Dennis Hof, who is running as a Republican for a seat in Nevada's state legislature, is being investigated by state authorities following sexual assault allegations.
This Engineer, who runs the Saigon brothel where the show's leading lovers meet, is a human cockroach, a slippery survivor of poverty, wars and Communist rehabilitation camps.
Allison Schrager has clearly written a book of the complex kind: "An Economist Walks Into a Brothel: And Other Unexpected Places to Understand Risk" (Portfolio/Penguin, $27).
Working Girls, An American Brothel, Circa 1892: The Secret Photographs of William Goldman continues at Ricco/Maresca Gallery (529 West 20th Street, Chelsea, Manhattan) through October 13.
This particular arcade contained a bathhouse, itinerant lodgings, a brothel or two, small restaurants, and Café Certa, a gathering spot for Dadaist and Surrealist writers and artists.
But the servers saw it for the gay prison that it truly was, and the fantasy pseudonyms only enhanced the brothel-like aura of this Hell's Kitchen eatery.
Or you can work in a regular brothel or club, which usually takes a percentage of your earnings as commission but won't consider you a full-time employee.
"They must be given counseling, so they can open up and seek justice," said Danuwar, who was trafficked to a brothel in Mumbai and rescued in the 1990s.
The only other survivor of the Pendragon bloodline is Uther's young son Arthur, who winds up being raised in a brothel in the grubby Roman settlement of Londinium.
Indeed, the former basketball star has been making major headway in his recovery since he was hospitalized in October following a near-fatal overdose at a Nevada brothel.
Only rooms away, International Justice Mission created a room to look like an Indian brothel, complete with VR goggles to visualize the plight of a modern-day prostitute.
But amid the gathering paranoia — both Oswald's and Jake's — there is still room for occasional winking, most notably in a hilarious scene in a brothel in Part 4.
Its name arrives from another non-contemporary work involved in spectacle and excess: Jean Genet's 1957 play, Le Balcon, set largely within a brothel catering to the affluent.
I have never found any evidence of this, and Snopes, the internet myth-buster/dream killer, confirmed that this "brothel law" rumor is widely popular but very unproven.
She had put her divorce to the former NBA star on hold in October, due to Odom, 36, being hospitalized after being found unconscious in a Nevada brothel.
The hutong boasts ten eateries, four public bathrooms, nine grocery or hardware shops, a pet hospital, brothel, barbershop, four-star hotel, pool hall and a community-police headquarters.
In this June 13, 2016 photo, Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlite BunnyRanch, a legal brothel near Carson City, Nevada, is pictured during an interview in Oklahoma City.
It's been three-and-a-half years since Lamar Odom overdosed in a Las Vegas brothel, and the former NBA star says he's still living with the repercussions.
If he wants to overturn the county's decision and reopen Love Ranch, Hof would have to apply for a new brothel license, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.
But for Thandie Newton, who plays brothel madam Maeve, her role on the show unexpectedly became another outlet for her off-the-clock work as an women's activist.
"We are not aware of the 258th Avenue brothel but that should be reported to the Zimbabwe Republic Police," she said, adding that this would now be investigated.
"I had never imagined it would be at a brothel; I just knew I had to get to his side," she said of her rush to help him.
Dennis Hof, one of the best-known legal brothel owners in the state, was found dead on Tuesday following a weekend of parties to celebrate his 72nd birthday.
The Area 51 Alien Center is a full-service tourist attraction, providing everything from a gift shop to a restaurant to a 24-hour brothel — the Alien Cathouse.
Even now, there are divides that exist among sex workers—between street workers and brothel workers, and those with a pimp or madam and those who are independent.
She was prosecuted for assisting in the management of a brothel and police tried to confiscate £8,000 in cash, which she had earned through her personal sex work.
And the man accused of running the operation supposedly met his current wife in a brothel during a raid, and he let her sneak out a back door.
The women at Sheri's Ranch Brothel in Pahrump, Nevada are offering to work with Kraft -- because they don't think prostitution is a bad thing ... when it's done legally.
Joanie Stubbs (Kim Dickens): When she arrived in Deadwood, Joanie worked with Cy Tolliver (Powers Boothe, who died in 2017) at the Bella Union, a high-end brothel.
The neighborhood is a network of dilapidated buildings, pool halls, shops, and brothels posing as bars—prostitution isn't illegal in Brazil, but owning and running a brothel is.
" A raid on a brothel for working-class men unveiled a "celebration room" where clients could frolic with Miss Selina, Sally Fox and even "the Duchess of Devonshire.
Mr. Samaniego was said to have passed along the information while he was on duty — sometimes when he was assigned to a police team working outside a brothel.
The property is a beloved landmark in the region — it was once owned by a prominent San Francisco brothel madam who would later become the mayor of Sausalito.
In Cambodia, I once saw terrified young girls being sold for their virginity; in Pakistan, I saw a brothel owner determined to kill a girl who had escaped.
Renton teams up with Simon and his partner Veronika (Anjela Nedyalkova in the only slightly substantial female role in the film) to raise money to start a brothel.
The scandalous 2239 Yiddish play about an Orthodox Jewish brothel owner and his rebellious daughter, the inspiration for Paula Vogel's Broadway-bound "Indecent," finishes its Off Broadway run.
This scandalous 1907 Yiddish play about an Orthodox Jewish brothel owner and his rebellious daughter, the inspiration for Paula Vogel's Broadway-bound "Indecent," finishes its Off Broadway run.
The aid workers -- including the Oxfam country director at the time, Roland van Hauwermeiren -- are accused of turning a villa rented by the organization into a makeshift brothel.
O.J. Simpson officially has his first post-prison job offer ... from a Nevada brothel who says they're willing to let the juice run loose all over their establishment.
According to the article, during one of his many brothel raids, Red Tarzan met his match on one occasion when a security guard pulled a gun on him.
The brothel supports Villon's political career, hanging up campaign posters and offering her discounted rates on the room she rents for 20 Peruvian soles (about $6) a night.
The general described the kidnappers as Shiite militiamen, a group of Islamist hardliners also suspected in the massacre of nearly 30 women at a Baghdad brothel in July 2014.
Rather, it is regulated, which means that brothel owners can operate legally with a license, and sex workers are seen as independent workers but are monitored by the police.
An aspiring singer from Bangladesh, she told listeners how traffickers had promised her "starlit dreams" of becoming a singing sensation in India, and then trafficked her to a brothel.
Gabrielle's name was first mentioned in 1936 in an article that cited the policeman who had been called to the brothel the night van Gogh clipped his ear off.
All three were poorly educated and unskilled: The youngest was in her early teens — the same age as my grandma when she began work at a brothel in 1928.
She filed for divorce in 2013, but put it on hold in October 2015 after Odom landed in the hospital after being found unconscious at a brothel in Nevada.
But after talking with her best friends (while they're shaming men visiting a local brothel) about how life is less "fun" after the war, she accepts her true feelings.
The trial appeared alternatively entertaining and halting, with Elise, who was representing herself, calling a Nevada brothel owner as her star witness to highlight the differences between their professions.
The cookie is shaped like the music box that we were first introduced to in the episode "Jezebels," in which Offred accompanies the Commander to a state-run brothel.
On Tuesday, Hof was found dead at his Love Ranch brothel in Crystal, Nevada, to the shock of fans and friends who had celebrated with him the previous night.
Bill Staehle defended Moore against the sexual misconduct allegations by recalling the time they found themselves inside a brothel of teenage girls and how Moore quickly decided to leave.
This one stemmed from an article she had published on her blog about Malta's economy minister, Christian Cardona, reportedly visiting a brothel in Germany while traveling on official business.
He is "a man out of real life", chimes in Aurel Marx, who sports a beard and twirled handlebar moustache and makes a living running an eight-room brothel.
In a sneak peek at the interview, Stork delves straight into Odom's incident: The former athlete was hospitalized after being found unconscious at a Nevada brothel in October 2015.
READ MORE: What to know about Nevada's legal brothels Brothel tycoon Dennis Hof owns seven of Nevada's legal bordellos, and that's who Stone turned to last year for help.
According to prosecutors, Backpage executives designed the site's "adult services" section to operate as the world's biggest online brothel, bringing in millions from escort ads that sometimes involved children.
The US Customs and Border Protection website is still proud of the agency's work in "kidnapping" Chinese women "in order to save them" from brothel owners and human traffickers.
Dennis Hof's longtime pal in the sex biz, Heidi Fleiss, tells us the famous brothel owner's sugary diet and poor eating habits played a major role in his death.
The map, fire, knife, and key — the focus of this escape "quest" — all have analogues in both the real world and the brothel fantasy layered on top of it.
HERE'S THE RUNDOWNDrake Gets Catcalled in the BahamasLamar Odom Claims Brothel Owner Tried to Have Him KilledKim Kardashian's Freed Prisoner Rakes in Job OffersWill Smith's Huge Movie Theater Surprise
Police said they had detained the man, Lei Yang, on May 7th during a raid on a brothel; that he had resisted arrest and died of a heart attack.
Westworld is a more literal spin on the traditional shoot-em-up, in which cyborg cowboys and brothel madams become sentient and decide to rebel against their own subjugation.
Davies gives Ling a colorful past: a childhood at a brothel aboard a junk on the Pearl ­River and a stint in Sacramento as a grunt in — what else?
Finally, Joffrey fulfills his sadistic fantasies by using it to brutally murder Ros, the sex worker Littlefinger gave to Joffrey after discovering she'd been spying on the brothel owner.
Dennis Hof, whose brothel is featured in the show "Cathouse," says his businesses in Lyon and Nye Counties make up 40% of the legal commercial sex trade in Nevada.
Then the police raided the brothel I was working in and I got a criminal record and that drew a line under all the theater education I was doing.
Zak Bagans doesn't just collect haunted items for his museum -- he also goes the macabre route ... like adding the brothel bed connected to a death and an infamous overdose.
And Simon, née Sick Boy, (Jonny Lee Miller), Mark's best friend, is in the blackmailing business with Veronika (Anjela Nedyalkova), though they're looking to break into the brothel business.
Signs offering "soapy massages" - bubble baths given to brothel clients that usually end with sex - and go-go bars have helped to bolster Thailand's reputation as a sex destination.
As Claire finds out in the beginning of this episode, sometimes the Scottie hottie loudly stomps in after a night at the brothel, reeking of smoke and cheap perfume.
The police raided the brothel and another one in the city's red light district of Garstin Bastion Road, popularly known as G.B. Road, where they found the second girl.
One of Harlequin's first appearances in literature is a 1585 poem that features him journeying through the underworld to spring a villainous brothel-keeper from the torments of hell.
He then takes up residence at the local brothel — owned by the sheriff, of course — where he tasks a prostitute with, among other duties, reading his correspondence to him.
The post states that a brothel license has to be renewed every three months and that the forms and invoice for the Love Ranch were mailed to Hof late.
Opened in 1835, the building spent a few years as a private residence, and also had a short stint as a brothel around the end of the 19th century.
She played Marlyse, the brothel thief, in José Quintero's Obie-winning production of "The Balcony" at Circle in the Square Downtown in 21985 and worked often with Mr. Quintero.
The idea that a brothel, of all places, needs a DJ might initially farfetched but it's proof of just how far DJing has seeped into all aspects of entertainment.
It concerned the moralistic efforts to close down a real-life Texas brothel known as the Chicken Ranch (because some customers paid in chickens) that had operated for years.
Theatergoers have the option of entering the auditorium not through the usual doors but from a lower level, passing through a series of corridors designated as Mistress Overdone's brothel.
One afternoon, a young woman from Lagos sat outside a brothel holding the infant son of her friend Adenike, a seventeen-year-old girl, who was with a client.
In one of the videos uploaded in July, a woman recounts police officers negotiating with brothel owners for a free night of sex in exchange for not charging them.
A pious Orthodox Jew, Yankl makes his living in what remains a highly unorthodox profession: He owns a brothel that sits below the apartment in which his family lives.
Our stoic, handsome hero is Third Master (Kenny Lin), a fabled swordsman who has tired of the blade and taken work as an odd-job man in a brothel.
The repertory of Orientalism rendered Muslim women passive and sensuous; indeed, European artists were infamous for their lewd fascination with the imperial harem, viewing it as a glorified brothel.
With the promise of rewards, Madame de la Pommeraye lures her and her mother (Natalia Dontcheva), from the brothel that employs them and sets her trap for the Marquis.
One woman told of being held prisoner in a house that had been turned into a makeshift brothel in McAllen, a city of 143,83 in the Rio Grande Valley.
Odom has been super candid about how drugs, partying and sex all played a huge role in the 2015 drug overdose at a Nevada brothel that nearly killed him.
The story alleged that Christian Cardona, the island's economy minister, had visited a brothel that day in Velbert, a town near Dusseldorf, while on an official trip to Germany.
The one year anniversary of Lamar Odom's overdose in a Nevada brothel got really creepy for the brothel's owner, Dennis Hof -- his $2 million mansion burned to the ground.
The first moments of Top Of The Lake: China Girl follow the journey of a mysterious blue suitcase from a brothel in Sydney, Australia, to a deep, dark watery grave.
Tyrion & Ros in "Winter Is Coming"Season 1, episode 1 In case you forgot, Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) was introduced to the GoT world mid-coitus in a Northern brothel.
As (female) sex dolls become increasingly lifelike, it's no surprise that companies want to recreate the brothel, replacing the job of human sex workers with the ultra-realistic silicone replicas.
But when police raided the 'Sheik' street brothel in the center of the resort city in a rescue operation in 2012, Kinan's immediate reaction was one of denial and dismay.

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