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20 Sentences With "blathers"

How to use blathers in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "blathers" and check conjugation/comparative form for "blathers". Mastering all the usages of "blathers" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Once Blathers arrives, he'll set up shop at the spot where you put his tent down.
This is Blathers, the museum curator, and he's looking to start a museum right here on your island!
As such, Blathers is tasking you with finding him enough bugs, fish, and fossils to fill the building.
One of our two male candidates blathers on about how great he is, the other promises the blue moon.
She collects dice, knows at least several deeply lame insurance jokes and blathers casually to us about her work.
Once 5AM hits, you can boot up the game and head to the spot that you placed Blathers' tent.
Villanelle literally stops moving and turns her entire body to continue looking at the stranger, all while Sebastian blathers about Paris.
Once you do, he'll receive a call — the museum curator Blathers is coming to town, and needs a place to stay.
To assist with this, Blathers gives you the DIY recipe for the Vaulting Pole, which will help you cross the rivers.
For the first puzzle, I wound up getting a toehold with UNBRIDLED, crossed with BLATHERS; for the second, it was CLAPBOARD.
Now, all that's left is to wait for Blathers to arrive tomorrow with the museum, and your new house to be built.
What starts off as a tent where series veteran Blathers the owl sits becomes a truly gorgeous display of everything you've collected.
In the world designed by Wobbly Dev, the player must defeat an orange-faced tyrant who blathers on the television, beckoning his followers to do his dirty work.
As soon as you give him your fifth catch, he'll receive a call from this friend: Blathers, a famed museum curator, is coming to town, and needs somewhere to stay.
The effect is sort of like being at a cocktail party listening while a half-tipsy celebrity blathers on about his stupid co-star and the way the Academy Awards are fixed.
There's a bunch of parties where Nick is mostly a bystander, periodically interjecting whitewashed observation as people bicker over relationships and Gatsby blathers amidst his privilege about how he was in the war once.
"I love looking at people who know they are about to die," says her tormentor, who having lured her into this tight spot with a lecture on Gnosticism and a grueling group demonstration of extreme sadomasochism, now blathers on about Socrates and the Gospels of Mark and Matthew.
Now the dog days are here again, and with them a new spasm — white supremacists with tiki torches, antifa and the alt-right going at it, a white nationalist running down protesters, a little Weimar re-enactment in the streets of Charlottesville, Va. So while the president blathers about how some of the torchbearers were fine people, other people are talking about whether we could have a civil war for real.
Several major recurring characters in the Animal Crossing series. From left: Blathers, K.K. Slider, Tom Nook, Timmy & Tommy, Isabelle, and Mabel. The life simulation video game series Animal Crossing, created by Katsuya Eguchi and first released in 2001 by Nintendo, features an assortment of recurring characters. Titles in the series follow the player character as they live in a village populated by anthropomorphic animals, with gameplay that proceeds in a nonlinear fashion and in-game events that occur in real-time.
John arrives to question the blood coming from her room, and they talk as she explains that her son was taken to a ranch outside town, and all they found was the costume. His kidnapper had taken and killed many children and disposed of their bodies with quick lime and set them in a mass grave. After the recounting, her mood upswings as she blathers on about preparations for the festivities. Alex Lowe has brought Holden home, but the family dog rejects him.

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