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"biologically" Definitions
  1. in a way that is connected with the processes that take place within living things

786 Sentences With "biologically"

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On this basis feminism is biologically dysfunctional whilst patriarchality is biologically functional.
The system thus combines biologically inspired techniques with non-biologically inspired ones.
The suit claims that it's biologically impossible for the cisgender complainants to defeat their "biologically male" trans counterparts.
The liver and kidneys convert this biologically inert form of vitamin D into biologically active forms the body can use to promote calcium absorption and bone health.
And yet, for as long as people have been keeping records, nature shows a different, dependable pattern: For every 100 babies born biologically female, 105 come out biologically male.
But it's not enough to be morally opposed to biologically changing animals, because the fact is that we've been biologically changing animals for a long time, since the beginning of agriculture, she explained.
He says it may be because sex changes us biologically.
Michael's take is that nocturnal boners are incredibly important biologically.
Biologically, yes, and I love my uncles and my dad.
Read This Next: People Who Work Out Are Biologically Younger
"Biologically, they are not made for sexual things," Milano refuted.
It is about as biologically intimate as one can get.
The results showed that the men were not biologically related.
"Our birth, biologically speaking, is a metamorphosis," Dr. Laudet said.
On average, men and women biologically differ in many ways.
For competitive purposes, though, it effectively considers them biologically male.
For the record, inbreeding biologically or economically is never good.
Gender is a social construct and is not biologically determined.
Biologically, Saccorhytus belongs to a broad category of creatures called deuterostomes.
So, Connolly's two daughters are biologically related to each other, too.
Our modern concept of beauty is both biologically and culturally determined.
"That environment is very different geologically, chemically and biologically," said Chadwick.
The Buddhist notion of anatta, or non-selfhood, is biologically true.
The reality is, though, some people aren't biologically male or female.
It's biologically determined, but also related to puberty and hormonal regulation.
These are biologically inspired networks of artificial neurons, or brain cells.
Latina patients frequently have a biologically aggressive form of breast cancer.
Dr. Knipling believed these sterile insects could suppress the screwworm biologically.
Brazil is home to the most biologically diverse places on Earth.
There is no biologically safe level of lead ingestion for children.
It's biologically indicative of how crying keeps society safe and functional.
Some people seem to be biologically incapable of adjusting to it.
Biologically, the runner's high and the cannabis high look much alike.
And biologically, women are more at risk for alcohol's intoxicating effects.
Hormone-disrupting chemicals can also be biologically powerful at those doses.
Intersex athletes who are biologically female aren't affected by the rules.
Older people may need different dosing or even biologically different vaccines.
We're biologically prone to getting hooked on these sorts of experiences.
In other words, stress ages us not just psychologically but also biologically.
"Well, biologically, I think it's too late for me," I started shakily.
"On average, men and women biologically differ in many ways," Damore wrote.
They're also searching for evidence of other biologically-relevant molecules on Titan.
Biologically, my body may have been primed for reproduction but I wasn't.
Are women biologically predisposed to have a worse reaction to the drug?
"Shift work is not a biologically good way to work," said Sutcliffe.
Some traits that we think of as attractive are biologically useful, right?
They argue that women aren't biologically suited to be programmers or engineers.
Also would it even be possible to circumcise a mosquito, biologically speaking?
It was overwhelming but it helped me to understand a lot biologically.
The idea of pure thought was biologically incoherent: cognition was always embodied.
Phytochemicals are biologically active compounds that are found in plant based foods.
Ultraviolet radiation could help to produce biologically relevant compounds… We are optimistic.
Biologically, an adult human needs less than 2.13 gallon of water daily.
Biologically, it behaves differently than the flu, although some symptoms are similar.
These could be cases where women are biologically more sensitive than men.
Biologically, our ancestral differences reflect only a 0.1 percent difference in DNA.
"We are biologically different, and we need to acknowledge that," she said.
So their indoor plant is biologically engineered to capture VCOs and process them.
Laughing, biologically, also releases endorphins and why deny yourself some more of that?!
Some would argue this is due to the fact that humans were biologically
Biologically, our bodies and our brains react when we get angry and upset.
After the Amazon, it is the most biologically diverse river in the world.
Yeah. My personal belief is: Feminine, essential respect—it's not just biologically determined.
There's a great deal of interest among scientists in developing biologically-inspired adhesives.
The measure points to research that has shown pornography to be biologically addictive.
People snigger at this whole cougar thing, but biologically it makes perfect sense.
Did we evolve biologically to guard against the health risks of inhaling smoke?
But biologically, the body is just like, well, you should have done it.
HE: Biologically, we aren't that far away, at least for some cancer types.
This signals more muscularity, which biologically would make a male a good mate.
So it actually helps to calm down and biologically buffer the stress response.
Oh, and she also concealed for decades that she was biologically a woman.
These abilities are among the characteristics that set them apart from spiders biologically.
These differences — many which are biologically meaningless — are also passed down the generations.
From what I've seen, existing general models don't do a great job of finding signals we can interpret biologically: They often just determine the biggest influencers of variance in the data, as opposed to the most biologically impactful sources of variance.
It's funny, because I'm almost calling her 'Mom' — but she's not biologically your mother.
Even "male" and "female," which Reich invokes as obviously biologically meaningful, has important limitations.
"The teeth don't move biologically like they do on the computer system," Stubbs said.
Father figures come in many different forms — whether biologically related to you or not.
Biologically a girl but feeling like a boy, Gavin struggled to concentrate at school.
We have these biologically inspired concepts in machine learning that come from computational neuroscience.
Environmentalists opposed the move, saying removing grizzlies from the larger population was biologically unsound.
The Breathing Shoe has a biologically active shoe material that is home to microorganisms.
Tommy Dorfman said "biologically I am male … yet inside, I am considerably more female."
Confirming that different versions are biologically similar "is more complex than insulin," she said.
They're still very biologically diverse so they're more robust in terms of climate change.
He has told men that the children they raised were not biologically their own.
Biologically, there's an argument one way, but morally, there's an argument the other way.
But their wives were certain they wanted kids and were biologically driven toward them.
"Biologically, organs of the living and the dead aren't all that different," he added.
Most people, male and female alike, believed that women were biologically unfit for politics.
In effect, it has said that athletes with such elevated levels are biologically male.
In effect, it is saying that athletes with such elevated levels are biologically male.
Active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) consist of components that are biologically active in a drug.
Wolves are prolific breeders, biologically driven to break off and start their own packs.
In other words, most men and women with biologically defined Alzheimer's had no symptoms.
"This has been proven biologically from a human perspective over and over," Hamlet said.
In such a biologically rich place, where are all the habitats of other species?
"Among the seven principal tuna species, 41 percent of the stocks were estimated as fished at biologically unsustainable levels, while 59 percent were fished within biologically sustainable levels," according to a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 2016 State of World Fisheries document.
He promises a new, free life in Hawaii with a baby who is biologically hers.
He's been called a "biological Democrat," but refers to himself as biologically Czech and Croatian.
We have this view that fertility is a women's issue, but that's just biologically wrong.
All disposable dishes in France will instead have to be made from biologically sourced materials.
"The claim that they can balance hormones is, quite simply, biologically impossible," Dr. Gunter wrote.
The length of telomeres provides a good indication of how old a person is biologically.
There have been few conclusive studies on how the color yellow alone affects people biologically.
Were practitioners selecting and combining materials following some "scientific" methodology for producing biologically active cocktails?
She was also informed that she wouldn't be able to conceive any more children biologically.
All the genre signifiers are here: high tech, low life, biologically integrated hardware, and paranoia.
A parent was either biologically related to the child or had legally adopted the child.
The five-second intervals were less stressful biologically, it seems, and their impacts comparatively muted.
Men and women and boys and girls are biologically different despite rumors to the contrary.
"And provide age-appropriate and biologically correct information as children begin to ask more questions."
"We've been engineering biology to control nanomaterials that are not normally grown biologically," Belcher says.
In 2012, Esvelt assumed a postdoctoral position at Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering.
His paintings are an examination of humanity in its cycle of decay: morally, psychologically, biologically.
Did it arise from life, or was it created non-biologically, deep within the planet?
Some people think that women are just biologically better at one kind, and men at another.
They first punctured lab-grade polymer, but then wanted to work with something more biologically relevant.
And biologically, it's not clear that there are many of these really broad-effect distal signals.
When in fact, as everybody knows, and as anthropologists have shown, race is not defined biologically.
The perk will also be applicable whether employees become parents biologically, via surrogacy or through adoption.
"No biologically significant effects were observed in the brain or heart of female rats," they added.
But I think the idea that women are biologically less suited to engineering is just offensive.
In other words, European ethnicity is the dominant force behind Western culture and Western civilization biologically.
Still other SNPs are biologically meaningless, or have a biological significance that is not yet understood.
It permits adoption of children biologically related to at least one of the same-sex pair.
Regardless of my maturity level, the fact remains that I am at least getting biologically older.
Dealing with strangers is stressful, and when you're stressed, it's biologically more difficult to feel empathy.
But it's part of this whole flow of how you exist in the universe physically, biologically.
"We have, by nature or biologically, this destructive emotion, also constructive emotion," the Dalai Lama said.
When they got the results back, Rebecca learned that she wasn't biologically related to her father.
The Lower Rio Grande Valley, near the border with Mexico, offers a world of difference biologically.
In the memo, Damore claimed that women are less biologically suited to be engineers than men.
It's biologically hard-wired, though there can be some changes in tendencies depending on your age.
The heart, biologically speaking, is ugly as it pumps its passion and fear down the veins.
It's not hard to see how this could produce a biologically bifurcated world with unimaginable inequalities.
The bottom line is it is biologically appropriate for babies to be fed from their mother's bodies.
The point was that adolescence is a culturally determined phase of life, not a biologically determined one.
Stephen StearnsProfessor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University We won't be adapting biologically, not for centuries.
In this approach, products and buildings are biologically informed and digitally engineered by, with and for, nature.
The Native concept of gender is configured much differently than biologically focused structures found in the West.
Man's nearest living relatives, chimpanzees and gorillas, are further removed from Homo sapiens biologically than hominins are.
First, an engineer was fired for writing a memo suggesting women are biologically unfit for tech jobs.
But it's equally possible that I kicked then because I had become biologically capable of doing so.
The female carrying the pregnancy (the surrogate) is not biologically related to the child she is carrying.
Eventually, they underwent DNA testing and learned that the girl was not biologically related to her father.
It doesn't make perfect, rational sense, and that's because it stems from the way we're built biologically.
It turns out that lunching on used johnnies is mostly an okay thing to do, biologically speaking.
"You have to have two of everything, so they can procreate intellectually if not biologically," she said.
Biologically, it seems improbable that pubic hair care regimens or removal would contribute to vaginal yeast infections.
They knew there were numerous reasons that connections in their data set might not be biologically related.
But while shorter telomeres indicate biologically older cells, the process is not strictly chronological, scientists have found.
And sugar is also at the scene of the crime biologically, and it's got the mechanism necessary.
As humans, we are not really biologically primed to process the abstract motivations that govern modern life.
If you smoke or if you are obese, your epigenetic markers are likely to be biologically older.
Firefighters were called in because they had been trained to work in chemically and biologically dangerous situations.
KS: Now we're going to take some questions about biohacking, which is improving yourself biologically, essentially, right?
"Music engages the same [reward] system, even though it is not biologically necessary for survival," says Zatorre.
Historically, the study authors posit, men may have avoided investing in offspring that wasn't biologically related to them.
These are some of the tiniest biologically active components of a drug, usually isolated through processes like centrifuging.
Rather, it's about augmenting your body — giving it capabilities it never had before and never could have biologically.
"He rated the zero group as 'biologically lower standing than most animal species,' considering them vegetables," Kanger said.
After the Great Dying, Earth remained biologically impoverished for 10 to 20 million years—or so paleontologists assumed.
Representing wine that night would be Billy Smith's favorite Champagnes, all made in the biologically vigorous natural style.
Farrow, Previn says, played favorites with her many children, tending toward the kids that were biologically her own.
At the top of the marine food chain, they are biologically charged with keeping prey populations in check.
"We showed that our solution is biologically plausible, and that it has outstanding results as well." he said.
And Dana, it kind of proves that men and women are biologically different when it comes to money.
According to Fleming, early women's brains were biologically different to men's, which meant they didn't need an education.
Trying to understand what is in the soil, biologically, would be a really important data set for farmers.
Lena and her fellow protagonists are investigating a phenomenon for which they are literally biologically unequipped to process.
With this more biologically correct analog, researchers were able to have the androids perform movements never before seen.
Worse, this uncritical presentation can incorrectly communicate that the disparity in maternal health is genetically or biologically inherent.
The point made in the court's rulings is that young people are biologically and psychologically different from adults.
But a biologically astute observer would declare us a doomed species, owing to the scarcity of our young.
Here was America's Penny sounding like the proudly nasty funk artist Millie Jackson (no relation; not biologically, anyway).
"Biologically I'm struggling to understand why that smaller egg never dropped out, it's very odd," he told ABC.
Our culture's current hostility to subcutaneous fat is extremely well documented; biologically, however, cellulite is pretty much inevitable.
The 19th-century way of "thinking biologically," Harrington writes, was fixated not on biochemistry but on brain anatomy.
It is described as a bio hot spot, one of the most biologically diverse regions in the world.
Biologically we are all back to functioning normally, but in our brains everything is as dastardly as always.
The authors found that Indonesia's quotas for 99 of 129 species were calculated based on biologically impossible parameters.
The molecules would then become "biologically integrated" into the cotton fibers as the seeds grew, the authors said.
" Women have been discriminated against for thousands of years because we are biologically women, not because of "identity.
Their latest target is "gender ideology," the idea that gender identity is socially constructed rather than biologically determined.
Moreover, cannabis and its compounds are among some of the more studied biologically active substances of modern times.
"A person who's been abused severely is never going to be the same again, biologically or psychologically," she said.
Dolezal became infamous when it was revealed that she's biologically white despite portraying herself, and self-identifying as black.
"The ordinary meaning of 'sex' is biologically male or female; it does not include sexual orientation," the filing continued.
Often, though, the placement of these flags is not random; they point to biologically meaningful regions of the genome.
They can also be mass produced, and they're standardized, so they're ideal for lab experiments requiring biologically active brains.
But as the results of the poll show, most Americans aren't ready to buy into this biologically enhanced future.
The bellybutton, biologically and symbolically, signifies the uniqueness of the individual and a connection to birth and our mothers.
Rising temperatures are stimulating the growth of phytoplankton, meaning parts of the Arctic ocean are becoming more biologically productive.
That "may cascade through the food chain, potentially turning this biologically productive region into an ecological desert," Koll said.
However, a genetic analysis of these remains shows that most individuals who were buried together were not biologically related.
In your book, you emphasize that what we crave is, biologically, what we evolved to need: fats, sugars, salt.
"We have become so biologically focused, thinking that biology is going to tell us something about ourselves," she says.
Biologically speaking, there is almost a determinism: Sperm always move towards the chemical signatures of eggs—that's just biology.
" The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) describes the Caucasus as "one of the world's biologically richest yet most threatened areas.
At the very least, it appears to point to something more biologically influenced that the Roomba's hockey puck shape.
Colombia is one of the world's most biologically diverse countries, being home to 33 percent of the world's species.
The main obstacle, Nadelhoffer says, is reluctant defense attorneys who fear branding their clients as biologically predisposed toward crime.
"That's just not biologically feasible," says Teri Greiling, an associate professor of dermatology at the Oregon Health & Science University.
Olivia's mother, Melissa, said that she did not think the tennis coach knew that she was not biologically female.
No matter how we ended up like this, our brains do seem biologically wired for religion, the video adds.
I like to imagine that I willed my beautiful son into existence, even though that can't be biologically accurate.
Aerobic activities like jogging and interval training can make our cells biologically younger, according to a noteworthy new experiment.
Removal aside, it seems biologically implausible that how you care for your pubic hair could lead to any infection.
Cannabis is a plant family that includes hemp and marijuana, which have more than 80 biologically active chemical compounds.
A Virginia doctor led the effort; like the Nazis, he believed that biologically inferior children emerged from racial mixing.
Personal Health The appendix is turning out to contain biologically useful tissue that may help prevent nasty gastrointestinal ills.
This consideration has led many scholars to conclude, contrary to Everett, that we must be biologically "wired" for numbers.
While putting together The Wirecutter's own report, one researcher learned that a grandparent was in fact not biologically related.
You can use the same science that food manufacturers use to make junk foods biologically irresistible to your advantage.
In high school we learned about birth control, condoms, and looked more in depth about what sex was biologically.
Often, data from one drug's clinical trials is useful to other companies wanting to introduce competing, biologically similar drugs.
Non-humanifesto I'm a Google manufacturing robot and I believe humans are biologically unfit to have jobs in tech.
If it is impossible for us to do, we will end up with a biologically bifurcated global caste system.
Kids are biologically different from adults, with different sleep-wake cycles that don't conform to the standard adult workday.
In other words, it is clear that we are still operating in an environment where it is much more likely that women who are biologically able to work in tech are chased away from tech by sociological and other factors, than that biologically unsuited women are somehow brought in by overzealous diversity programs.
Luminous and dapper, Strole (biologically 70 years old; "ageless" in spirit), has the puffed-chest posture of a circus ringmaster.
Check out more videos from VICE: Erik Grafe : The coastal plain [in the Arctic Refuge] is also very important biologically.
Trouble is, most complex origami-bots to date have required batteries and wires, making them bulky, heavy, and biologically unsafe.
The method could also lead to more biologically accurate "muscle-on-a-chip" systems used in drug development and testing.
"We examine the market, look if there is something new—some biologically active additives, amino acids, vitamins, microelements," Boshirov said.
Researchers at the University of Southampton have announced successful flight tests for a new kind of biologically inspired aircraft wing.
It's important to understand, he says, that cancer among young adults is not just biologically different, but also psychologically different.
She talks to an adopted woman whose children were the first people she knew who were biologically related to her.
In addition to welcoming transgender women, the college supports biologically born women who may transition to male during their enrollment.
We were biologically mixed blood, but it said NEGRO on our birth certificates, with no indication of our mother's whiteness.
The star told PEOPLE in April that she and McKinney were done having kids biologically but would still consider adoption.
However there are plenty of examples of 'superpowers' in nature, so we know that these are at least biologically possible.
The study was funded by the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard and the National Institutes of Health.
And unless we take action, these bastions of diversity could become as biologically impoverished as the land we've impacted directly.
Developed by researchers from Harvard University's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, this new device could help solve this problem.
How humans may choose to change themselves biologically is hard to say; that some choices will be controversial is not.
"Excessive or prolonged stress has been shown to biologically alter the brain and affect health, learning and behavior," Sullivan said.
Darwin believed that women are biologically incapable of being geniuses because they are at a different stage of evolutionary development.
Not, I want to have a baby and biologically there's only so long my body can physically accomplish that task.
In part, this is because they need pollen to feed their larvae, so they're biologically driven to gather the stuff.
We live in an age where it's so biologically framed, and based on the brain and dysfunction of the brain.
Biologically, people who feel lonely can show physical impacts of their loneliness, like high stress levels and lower immune functions.
Experts are likely to debate whether the structures described in the new report were formed biologically or through natural processes.
Until now, "biologically based mental illnesses" in the Mental Parity Law applied only and specifically to anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
Given the damage that's already been done, we can hardly afford to lose the most biologically diverse landscape on Earth.ADVERTISEMENTgoogletag.cmd.
While the foods might be "biologically stable" and therefore safe to eat, that doesn't mean that they will be tasty.
In fact, a 2010 study about chemosignals of human tears revealed that men are, biologically, turned off by female tears.
It's fire-engine orange near Mount McLoughlin in southern Oregon, one of the most biologically diverse regions in the world.
While biologically 69, he claimed he identified as 49 — mostly to up his Tinder game and to troll transgender people.
Poem The poems of "Constellarium" tell the story of the author's transition from a biologically male to a female body.
Meanwhile, the lyrics see humanity from afar and it's not pretty: biologically predetermined, deeply superstitious and greedily self-destructive. 1.
They don't come on the planet thinking, 'I'm supposed to have a mom and a dad who I'm biologically related to.
That ratio will be very interesting to astrobiologists, because biologically produced methane here on Earth is significantly depleted in carbon-13.
He foresaw a world divided between biologically and digitally enhanced "gods" and the "useless", who lack the cash for an upgrade.
"Women and men are equally valuable but are of different vocation, predisposed biologically for some tasks or other tasks," tweeted one.
The hardest cases will involve men learning that their children aren't biologically theirs, and children learning the same about their fathers.
In June, Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering developed a lung-on-a-chip programmed to mimic a human lung.
I think no matter what culture you're from, at the age of sixteen, we're all going through the same thing biologically.
"Women are just more vulnerable, anatomically and biologically, than men," says Leslie Nielsen, a director at the International Aids Vaccine Initiative.
We're supposed to believe they just forgot to talk about the prospect of a baby until it was biologically too late?
This detached bear population, Chief District Judge Dana Christensen determined, were too biologically vulnerable to be removed from the infamous list.
Race is a fiction It's important to note here that false beliefs stem from the idea that race is biologically fixed.
Kendall Jenner, 23, also posted a tribute to him on her Instagram Story, even though Robert Sr. isn't biologically her father.
We are nature enthusiasts ourselves, and can sense when certain scenes are biologically not possible or incredibly unlikely to occur naturally.
Others found his views, which argued that men in general may be biologically more suited to coding jobs than women, offensive.
I think we feel it's natural, biologically, to ogle girls…and this is a place where we can let that out.
Another new reality show, TLC's "Long Lost Family," works a variation on the genealogical search, seeking to reunite biologically connected people.
We know, thanks to the other show, what happens biologically inside the brain when someone turns, but why remains a mystery.
That said, at least with IVF my potential child would be biologically related to me, his or her grandparents and cousins.
Vector and Russia's consumer protection watchdog also said that no biologically hazardous substances were present at the time of the blast.
Most importantly, he's stopped growing them in embryonic cells, having devised a way to cultivate them in a biologically inert form.
Your skin is biologically designed to keep all the bad things out, and it actually does a great job at that.
Google most recently came under fire when one of its engineers suggested women were not biologically capable to handle the role.
While she still believes that "females are biologically and physically superior to males," she wrote, she is uncomfortable making essentializing generalizations.
Of course, it's not biologically accurate—it's Vincent's interpretation of the story, as it's not supposed to be a science lecture.
While Biles and Biles-Thomas are biologically related, the two did not grow up with each other, according to USA Today.
He was at an age that is young enough to be "too soon," but old enough to be biologically fair game.
As we have two parents biologically, we are not identical to either parent, so we are not clones of our parents.
But the valley and its surrounding mountains, cloaked in thick forest, are so rugged and biologically rich that the bears persisted.
But as these natural landscapes wither and become less biologically rich, the services they can provide to humans have been dwindling.
"What's interesting is that disgust is hard-wired biologically," Dr. West said this week over a restaurant lunch of cabbage pudding.
"Madidi was put together on the hypothesis that it could be the world's most biologically diverse protected area," Dr. Wallace said.
The theory is this gene might also make moss more efficient at cleaning the air, functioning like a biologically powered air filter.
As mentioned before, this likely evolved because males are biologically disposable and because women are generally more cooperative and areeable than men.
"Nothing about this, biologically, is sound," Gwen Pearson, an educational outreach coordinator for the Purdue Department of Entomology, told the Washington Post.
A Colorado mother got the surprise of a lifetime when she learned that her two adopted children are biologically brother and sister.
Octopuses frequently engage in cannibalistic behavior, so this biologically programmed death may be nature's way of preventing mothers from eating their young.
"Some of the hardest decisions about protecting natural landscapes must be taken within the planet's most biologically valuable regions," the authors conclude.
There are a number of biologically inspired soft robots and a brain-controlled industrial 'bot programmed to learn from its own mistakes.
"As a result, they also have altered time frames when it comes to attending to such otherwise biologically ingrained habits," he explains.
There are also things you can more likely do for children to whom you're biologically related — notably, on the organ-donor front.
What all these steps eventually yielded was the ability to take biologically-accurate snapshots of the tiniest machinery of life mid-movement.
Instead, producers will have to ensure that disposable dishes sold in France are made of biologically sourced materials that can be composted.
"There is no past event that looks biologically like what's happening today," lead study author Jonathan Payne, of Stanford University, told Gizmodo.
In order to acquire pluripotency, adult stem cells must be biologically reprogrammed — a feat that, when invented, led to a Nobel Prize.
Silk contains proteins that are biologically compatible with skin and can help it regenerate, and is often used in wound-healing materials.
Around puberty, their voices deepened, their bodies grew muscular, and their genitals swelled, revealing the unexpected truth that they were biologically male.
It could push certain rogue actors—say, "a guy with a dog kennel or a biologically sophisticated rancher"—toward cavalier, DIY experimentation.
Any assumed revenues from Arctic drilling are speculative and do not justify the damage it would do to this biologically unique place.
While biologically safe, the data generated by the chips can show how often an employee comes to work or what they buy.
People were yelling the most absolutely insulting and completely biologically scandalous kinds of things at each other, and having a great time.
This has been a consistent issue with Jon—a reminder that he really is Ned Stark's son, even if not biologically so.
At the same time, they are a very poignant elegy on the process of time and the biologically inevitable march towards death.
Black folk were considered biologically ugly, too—we were a race that drew from the genes and chromosomes of an impure species.
As mentioned before, this likely evolved because males are biologically disposable and because women are generally more cooperative and agreeable than men.
Alex* was middle aged, and perhaps biologically unlucky that the liquor affected his body more than others who drank the same amount.
At this point, "surrogacy" becomes somewhat metaphorical: Lewis isn't asking that we all agree to physically gestate fetuses that aren't biologically ours.
Biologically, TB is a complex disease and there is limited scientific understanding of how it develops and how drugs can stop it.
Earlier in the week, one vigilant reader pointed out language that he felt needlessly distinguished between biologically born women and transgender women.
"They are biologically interesting," said Catherine G. Haase, a postdoctoral researcher from Montana State University, as she affectionately handled a docile bat.
A boy and a girl, conceived with eggs from the same donor, will each be tied biologically to one of the men.
Moving through stories of complexity expressed mythologically, biologically, technologically, and psychically, he suggested that inherent contradiction is our constant state of being.
The purpose of their venture was to test the viability of a biologically regenerative artificial environment that would support human habitats in space.
In Guantanamo for example, they played a loop of some heavy metal for the prisoners, which was really uncomfortable both culturally and biologically.
"This is a biologically extreme and risky procedure," Marcy Darnovsky, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, told MIT Technology Review.
Gender reveals are only relevant to a population who believes that there are two genders, and that they are fundamentally and biologically distinct.
We've evolved to dislike not specific smells but classes of smell linked to biologically relevant sources: decaying meat, urine, and of course feces.
But Swank didn't just win the Best Actress Oscar for playing a person born biologically as a woman but living as a man.
Images: V&A MuseumLondon's Victoria & Albert Museum has unveiled an incredibly intricate robotically woven and biologically inspired carbon-fiber pavilion in its courtyard.
What's more, Damore's manifesto argument that women are biologically inferior is an untenable position inside almost any company — not just politically, but logistically.
If people in their twenties are a lot like adolescents socially and biologically, should they really be considered full adults under the law?
Echoists tend to be more sensitive and emotionally vulnerable than others, and these traits are biologically wired into their personality, Malkin's research suggests.
Maybe, the still-unidentified author argues, women are actually just biologically different from men and that's why there's a gender gap in engineering.
The first is the claim that women are biologically predestined to be worse tech workers, as coined by James Damore's infamous Google memo.
For us, we have vast experience in the field and can recognize situations in the photo that are biologically impossible or ridiculously improbable.
While similar chips have been found to be biologically safe and are even FDA-approved for medical uses, there are some health concerns.
Beyond ventures in Swiss medical companies, Wyss has given about $225 million to Harvard University and its Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering.
The company dismissed its former engineer after he wrote a paper arguing that woman aren't as biologically equipped for leadership roles as men.
The reasons why are not understood, but some scientists believe that boys are biologically weaker and more susceptible to diseases and premature death.
Biologically, when a person enjoys a sexual act, their brain releases dopamine, the neurotransmitter that heats up the brain's reward and pleasure centers.
Then we will seek out signs of biologically produced gases, analogous to ways that living organisms have transformed the composition of Earth's atmosphere.
That's also biologically practical, because connecting more than one sense creates a greater impact than the listener is even able to consciously control.
Already, CRISPR technologies are being used to biologically manufacture chemicals, replace pesticides and fertilizers, and provide cures for rare diseases once though impossible.
"What's interesting is that disgust is hard-wired biologically," said Samuel West, the lead curator at the Disgusting Food Museum, a touring exhibition.
Today some people think that many biologically active substances in plant-rich diets aren't necessarily improving health by acting as antioxidants at all.
PHYS ED Aerobic activities like jogging and interval training can make our cells biologically younger; weight training did not have the same effect.
The answer, my friends, is that the appendix is turning out to contain biologically useful tissue that may help prevent nasty gastrointestinal ills.
The researchers chasing this line of inquiry say there are biologically plausible ways neurons could do this to solve the credit assignment problem.
They said gender identity was biologically based, and urged federal and private insurers to cover medical needs related to it for transgender people.
In 2004 he founded Biologically Applied Engineering, where he pioneered the use of ground-penetrating radar to examine the layers of track surfaces.
What is striking about the universe of Trump resistance, at least in New York, is how visibly active the biologically unavailable actually are.
Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that can be produced biologically, seep out of the ground naturally, or bubble out of mud volcanoes.
Dr. Eigen's research helped chemists gain a much greater understanding of enzymes, biologically critical substances that catalyze specific chemical reactions, among other things.
The are now more than 700 viral vector-based therapies in clinical trials, spurring demand for biologically secure bioreactors to churn out products.
He also took the test himself—and discovered that he is biologically a half-year older than his chronological age, which is 61.
Because the alternative would be so horrifying; you'd basically have a fragmentation of our population into two castes — two biologically very different castes.
We have to think carefully about how to characterize when a signal is biologically relevant or just noise, and how to distinguish the two.
"What we're learning is these air pollution exposures are triggering biologically relevant pathways that we can measure in the blood," Kaufman told Reuters Health.
Robert Wood and Jennifer Lewis, both at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, describe the Octobot in a paper published today in Nature.
"I always found it quite attractive, biologically," said Brian Charlesworth, an evolutionary geneticist at University of Edinburgh who was not involved in the study.
Some areas in the western Arctic, like Teshekpuk Lake, are every bit as vital biologically as the coastal plain is in the Arctic Refuge.
After much reflection, I realized that although I am biologically male, I feel happier and more like myself when I present as a woman.
After a 2007 battle with breast cancer left her unable to conceive a child biologically, Hoda Kotb thought she would never be a mother.
The big picture: Advocates for the procedure say it helps women who carry genetic diseases have healthy children that are biologically related to them.
Deborah WellsReader, School of Psychology, Queen's University, BelfastAs humans, we are biologically programmed to avoid ingesting materials that might be dangerous to our health.
"If you want to get pregnant and cannot biologically do so (such as two men) you must first find an egg donor," Malin wrote.
The company has reverse-engineered the cortex in our brains to enable what it claims is a new generation of biologically inspired computational technologies.
Since Kim is the Kimoji Queen, did she somehow biologically arrange for her son to come out looking exactly like the brown-baby emoji?
Most crudely put, they are people who are born biologically male and dress as women—but they consider themselves neither cross-dressers nor transgender.
While biologically-produced magnetite crystals were also found in the patients' brains, small, perfectly spherical iron particles outnumbered natural magnetite roughly 100 to one.
Despite the fact that females have less upper-body muscle mass, biologically deeming them underdogs, this woman merked rep upon rep of unfathomable weight.
Truffles, biologically speaking, are just very frightened fungi: They take on the form as a survival tactic, to avoid fires and other natural hazards.
By the time they reach junior high, falling asleep before 11 pm becomes biologically difficult, and waking up before 8 am is a struggle.
"We've both have talked about adoption or fostering in the future, down the road, but we're not [having kids] biologically," Bookout recently told PEOPLE.
It could have a mild sleep promoting effect in the short term, but mostly what it does biologically is regulate your rhythms, Mander says.
Dolezal was born a white woman to white parents but says she identifies as black and posed as a biologically black woman for years.
The prejudice that keeps muthos out of the mouths of women is "hardwired into us," Beard writes, not biologically but by Classical narrative precedent.
It simply aimed to give women the basics: Sexual and reproductive health care for what is, inarguably and biologically, a sexual and reproductive violation.
The groom, also 36, is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering in Boston, working on cardiac tissue engineering.
They're everywhere — bouncing on the sides of buildings in the opening credits, on plants (the show is anatomically detailed but biologically creative), on pastries.
"We get to have a child that's biologically ours, which is an opportunity a lot of people in our community don't have," David said.
So black people aren't dying for want of basic necessities, they're actually dying because they're biologically inferior to whites and ill-suited for freedom.
But that man took a DNA test in 2012 that showed that he wasn&apost biologically related to the Fronczaks, who had raised him.
"We need to stop assuming that gender gaps imply sexism," it states, claiming that women are biologically more neurotic and less competitive than men.
But as this carbon is sequestered over centuries, these areas may become both more biologically diverse and more accessible and endangered by human interference.
" Instead, Lovejoy and Nobre think those South American nations should replace the industries that incentivize deforestation with "a biologically based view of economic development.
Once-thriving rivers in China, India, Bangladesh, wrecked by wastewater effluent from factories, have transformed into biologically dead zones replete with cancer-causing chemicals.
Most scientists concur that race is socially, and not biologically, constructed, and so there has been no "progress" in the genetic identification of race.
Alternately, it is argued PMS may well be a cultural construct; a manifestation of a period-fearing society that doesn't exist, biologically, at all.
After all, why would you work at a place where many people seem to think that you are literally biologically deficient in some way?
Environmentalists argue that treating those bears separately from other grizzly populations in Montana and elsewhere was biologically unsound and illegal under the Endangered Species Act.
He also claimed that tech's gender gap exists in part because men are "biologically" better suited for the work — which has been contested by experts.
Not just psychologically, but also biologically — people who do a lot of comfort eating tend to show a reduced level of stress hormones and stress.
She later admitted on The Real that she was "biologically born white," but said she has identified as black since she was a young girl.
TELLER: They&aposve always noticed the price of war and the sacrifices these guys make, and we know that biologically their brains, everything is different.
Costa Rica is one of the most biologically diverse and beautiful spots on earth, with Pacific and Atlantic coastlines that are the stuff of legend.
So instead, the startup grows biologically identical meat in the lab, gathered from animal cells, essentially creating real meat, but cruelty-free and planet friendly.
The investment firm has been busy placing bets across a number of different biologically based solutions to reduce the emissions associated with agriculture and cultivation.
Description: Hobbyist robotics startup Dash Robotics has been collaborating with toymaker Mattel on the Kamigami line of biologically inspired robots for over a year now.
They continue: When a child cries, parents are biologically programmed to spring into action; blood pressure increases, for example, even if it's not your kid.
In 2009, after her victory in the 800 meters at the African Junior Championships, Ms. Semenya was tested to determine whether she was biologically female.
"To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK," he wrote.
"The eruption of halogens into the stratosphere catalyses ozone-destroying reactions, raising surface levels of biologically damaging UV radiation," the authors wrote in the paper.
Any free DNA will be recognized by the immune system, but if introduced with a biologically inert carrier, the process should be safe, Tetro says.
There is no nervous, digestive, circulatory, perceptive or reproductive system in place; it truly is a biologically enhanced machine rather than a mechanically enhanced organism.
"A continuous cycle of testing and revising biologically inspired models of neural computation is the key to developing insightful theories of the brain," he said.
Eventually, because the chimpanzees are so similar to us biologically as well as behaviorally, most scientists accepted that we are part of the animal kingdom.
Near Tucson, it's one of the most biologically diverse areas in North America, where the temperate and tropical zones meet and two major deserts convene.
"To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK," Pichai wrote.
And we examine growing evidence that aerobic activities like jogging can make our cells biologically younger — and that weight training doesn't have the same effect.
But discussions have become more hostile and abusive since an engineer on internal forums last summer wrote that women are biologically unsuited for technology jobs.
It's supposed to be a protected space in which kids who've become biologically adult are not obligated to immediately become emotionally, morally and financially adult.
The first is "population replacement" in which a mosquito population biologically able to transmit pathogens is "replaced" by one that is unable to transmit pathogens.
That's what startup Modern Meadow has created: a material it says is "biologically similar to leather" but doesn't cost the life of a single cow.
Those two groups — the "young old" and the "old old" — don't just differ in how they look and spend their days; they also differ biologically.
So that's what I mean when I say sugar is at the scene of the crime both in populations and biologically, in the body itself.
And who was the white politician who also used the N-word freely, told racist jokes and said African-Americans were biologically inferior to whites?
"We are biologically wired to react, to steer ourselves away from the danger," said Michael Conway, CEO of Conway Wealth Group in Parsippany, New Jersey.
Colombia, where I have also been working the past few years, is one of 36 global biodiversity hot spots, Earth's most biologically rich terrestrial regions.
In the now-viral document entitled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," Damore asserts that women are biologically ill-equipped to handle the rigors of the tech industry.
"While there are biologically plausible ways that diet can influence our state of mental health, the exact mechanisms of action are still being investigated," she said.
Gender equality advocates largely applauded Google's decision Monday to fire a software engineer who wrote a memo suggesting women were biologically less suited to coding jobs.
"They replace it with material that's biologically reactive," said Jeffrey A. Hawkes, a marine chemist at the University of Oldenburg in Germany, who led the research.
"I think it's strong evidence that there is a real biologically probable link between head injury during play and erectile dysfunction and low testosterone," said Grashow.
By the 1990s multi-faceted gender identities and experiences were embraced by feminist scholars who wrote against a biologically-determined feminist theory that excluded trans women.
Creating biologically accurate emoji representations of animals and insects are an issue for developers at Apple and Google, and the most recent example is no exception.
Intersex people are born with chromosomes, genitals, or reproductive organs that are not 100% biologically male or female, according to the human rights organization Amnesty International.
Working with ASDA, a grocery store chain based in the UK, Hasbro's Wonky Mr. Potato Head features a more biologically-accurate potato used for his head.
A strain twice as hot as a Dragon's Breath at the size of a bell pepper would theoretically do it, but is not likely biologically feasible.
Many in Silicon Valley found his views, which argued that men in general may be biologically more suited to coding jobs than women, offensive and destructive.
Other geochemical evidence suggests that around 3.2 billion years ago, bacteria developed mechanisms for transforming atmospheric nitrogen (N2 gas) into ammonia (NH3), a biologically-useful form.
It should also be noted that Ben Fodor and Caros Fodor are not biologically related; instead they grew up together raised by the same foster parent.
"Biologically, most transgender women are born as males, so it is not clear whether they could be penalized for having sex with a man," Chakrapani said.
"This practice is coercive, and does not take into account families with children not biologically connected to parents, like adopted children and stepchildren," the EFF wrote.
Their security measures are built in, biologically, thanks to a peculiar communication strategy based on sending information from shrimp to shrimp through the polarization of light.
A DNA kit given as a Christmas gift led to a startling realization for one Ohio family: Joseph Cartellone wasn't biologically related to his daughter, Rebecca.
He stands alone as a child in pain, and, frankly, many of us are probably biologically wired to respond in some way to children in pain.
Some of their parents were ultimately not eligible for reunification, for reasons which include having a criminal history or not being biologically related to the children.
Some fantasized about boning the fish man; others actually brought his biologically confounding, fictional fish dick into the real world and made it into a dildo.
It could be that something is biologically causing men to be more bacteria-ridden, but there are also environmental, behavioral, and cultural factors to be considered.
But biologically speaking, staying in close connection is healthy for moms since they're adjusting both physically and emotionally—and often figuring out a work-parenting balance.
Berger, like many social conservatives in support of the bill, suggested that it is "dangerous" to allow anyone who is biologically male into a girls' bathroom.
" Despite the judge's ruling the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stood behind its decision saying the "grizzly bear is biologically recovered and no longer requires protection.
Alcalase works within the peanuts to destroy the biologically reactive parts of these types of proteins to varying degrees while leaving the peanuts' natural form intact.
For a narrower counterpoint to the notion of a biologically-mandated male-dominated society, here is a "pro-science" example for female-dominance: the spotted hyena.
Nothing in the structure of the family or, say, the school—or anything else—but that seem particular to each of them and somehow biologically determined.
I found odd comfort in the fact that I was still Hispanic, but felt a deep pang of guilt that, at least biologically, my sister was not.
They're probably not biologically related as siblings ( honestly, who knows), but considering what Elodie tells Prairie about there being "cosmic families," that's a possible route for them.
Damore also used the term in his memo, although his views on whether women are less biologically predisposed to become engineers was not explicitly a political argument.
"If you want to get pregnant and cannot biologically do so (such as two men) you must first find an egg donor," Malin wrote at the time.
She is drawn to the fact that humans recognize faces biologically, see them where they don't exist, and read all sorts of emotions and facts from them.
A team of scientists at North Carolina State University is offering an interesting take on the space, utilizing magnetic fields to move around the biologically inspired robots.
Last December, Wade first started using "she/her" pronouns when referring to his 12-year-old child Zaya, who was born biologically a male and named Zion.
A federal judge in California ruled that a child did not need to be biologically related to a married US citizen parent to be eligible for citizenship.
In some ways, this was a much more exciting find, considering how important hot springs biologically—they may, in fact, be where life first emerged on Earth.
" After all, it's possible to find an exception for just about every conventional idea of what it means to be "born female" or to be "biologically female.
But in this case, Bliss told ABC News that she felt strongly that the child should be biologically hers, but she didn't want to carry the kid.
The study looked at - and mapped - wilderness across the planet, defining 'wilderness' as "biologically and ecologically intact landscapes free of significant disturbance," the University of Queensland said.
" But at the same time, "because it's not a biologically realistic system, then you might be a little less clear on exactly what information it gives you.
Yet, there's also just "something strange about snakes -- both biologically and culturally," said Goode, who admits the lack of arms and legs and eyelids can be disturbing.
The human brain can and will spot a fake smile; it is biologically programmed to be instantly wary of the fake smile — and the person behind it.
Most arguments for laws regulating bathroom usage claim that allowing "biologically-born men" to use the women's bathroom would pose a threat to cisgender girls and women.
After downloading the raw data, the challenge was to clean it and make sure it didn't include results that were biologically impossible, like people with three parents.
Orban said the key question was whether the Hungarian nation was preserved "biologically and in numbers" and what the government should do to stop the demographic decline.
Now, a study claims to have found that men can reach this state biologically, and that the sex-n-cuddle hormone oxytocin may be the holy grail.
The research was lead by Dr Patty Van Cappellen, a social psychologist from Duke University who wanted to see if it was possible to biologically manufacture spirituality.
But it won't be formally adopted until 2020, giving manufacturers time to ensure future disposable products are made from biologically sourced materials, as well as being compostable.
Harris said it had a religious right to fire Stephens and that she was also biologically male and violated a dress code requiring men to wear suits.
So, while it makes sense biologically, that a newborn baby and mother require closeness from one another, our cultural understanding of this time, doesn't allow for it.
Maia Emmons-Boring told CBS News she learned she was biologically linked to Dr. Phil Jones, of Grand Junction, Colorado, after submitting a DNA test to
She says the first judge overstepped his boundaries in using a surrogacy contract to make her the mom ... even though she's not biologically related to the child.
But, biologically speaking, it could also be that scientists need to fine-tune the optimal dose and timing in order to maximize the results for each individual.
Ojeda told Barcroft Media that while the baby is biologically one of her partner&aposs, the five of them plan on raising her together as a family.
In various recent studies, active older people's muscles, immune systems, blood cells and even skin appeared biologically younger, at a molecular level, than those of sedentary people.
In future studies, the researchers plan to measure whether white matter increases in mice made to "meditate" and to track what's going on biologically in that process.
An international team of scientists found "bio-essential" sugars in meteorites, which also contain other biologically important compounds, according to a press release from NASA on Tuesday.
"It's merely a very intriguing association that's being raised, which is biologically quite plausible, but it's one that certainly requires further studies in other populations," Wisniewski said.
The memo contained provocative statements suggesting that women were "generally" biologically, temperamentally, or motivationally less suited for positions as software engineers or tech leaders than men are.
The Rio Grande Valley is one of the most biologically diverse regions in the country and a major bird migration corridor, with more than 1403 species recorded.
As it drains out of a glacier here, rock silt dyes the ice-cold torrent an opaque gray, but biologically, the river is pristine — free of bacteria.
"Your body, your baby's body, your pregnancy, and your delivery could benefit greatly from working to restore functional, biologically necessary core strength while you're pregnant," Bowman writes.
So in places with more fish and seals — places that are more "biologically productive" — there will be more food for bears, and they're likely to be better fed.
The surgery does not, however, entail the transplant of the testicles, so a successful procedure would still allow for a man to father children that are biologically his.
Social scientists generally take the perspective that sexuality isn't biologically "hard-wired," at least not in any simple sense, but rather profoundly shaped by social and cultural factors.
Despite the presence of complex, evolved thought processes in our big ol' human brains, Simon argues that, ultimately, we will do what we are biologically compelled to do.
Ultimately this line of research could lead to biologically engineered plants that have the opposite tendencies, but for now Space Moss is not a promising source of food.
Hanne was born with androgen insensitivity syndrome, meaning that although she physically appears to be biologically female, she has XY chromosomes and was born with internal, undescended testes.
Gender theory is broadly the concept that while people may be biologically male or female, they have the right to identify themselves as male, female, both or neither.
Introducing the rotary actuated dodecahedron (RAD), a 12-faced device developed by researchers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University and several other institutions.
A man named Daniel wakes up with a disease that he wasn't aware he'd been infected with, one that makes him biologically immortal, yet dangerous to his neighbors.
"The problem is that there's a tremendous risk, because the driver has to stay awake when there's tremendous pressure biologically to sleep," Hersman said, especially between 2 a.m.
"To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK," Pichai said at the time.
"To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK," Pichai wrote in his statement.
Though using bacteria to clean up toxic soil sounds very different than delivering a vaccine, biologically, the process happens to use many of the same mechanisms, said Boyle.
Of course, it's always possible that life forms on Mars are so biologically different, they've found a way to adapt to perchlorates in the soil, and even thrive.
Biologically the clitoris, there's parts of it still embedded underneath the skin, but an operation cannot give you [back] the same sort of design that God gave us.
Two years later it launched a programme that paid for leading laboratories in the field to put together pathways which could produce 1,000 molecules never created biologically before.
Or, following Murray, is IQ an essential inborn characteristic of a group's genetic background, a biologically inherent deficit in cognitive ability that in part causes their other disadvantages?
Biologically, depression could affect pain modulation mechanisms in the body, as well as immune system and inflammatory responses, and cause the pain to be more severe or frequent.
This biologically active, disruptive manmade radiation that surrounds us 24/7 in a sea of invisible energy is a major stressor to the autonomic nervous system—and more.
It's an arrangement that, over the past few decades, has become a near-cliché: gay men who donate sperm to lesbian couples so they can conceive children biologically.
Maia Emmons-Boring told CBS News that she learned she was biologically linked to Dr. Phil Jones, of Grand Junction, Colorado, after submitting a DNA test to
The appearance of more recognizable animals — mobile and powerful, able to punch through the mats and devour other living organisms — might have caused a biologically driven mass extinction.
It's not perfect yet, but soon we'll take someone aged sixty and fix them up well enough that they won't be sixty again, biologically, for another thirty years.
" Over a hundred pages later, Hayes confides: "My younger brother, James L. Hayes II, has my father's name because James L. Hayes is, biologically speaking, not my father.
That smell is sharper and harder in men, because the breakdown products from androgens are much more present in the naturally occurring odor of the biologically male body.
As well as being a World Heritage site, it is deemed by many conservationists to be one of the most biologically rich and productive parts of planet Earth.
In laboratory studies, they have determined that each of us has a particular pace at which we are most biologically efficient, meaning that we use the least energy.
This technique is supposed to strip the DNA of biologically relevant information (things like eye color, skin color, or disease) and just be a means to identify people.
By comparing the DNA from us to those, we might see the changes that make us biologically different or special, and confirm our belief that our behaviors are special.
Nebraska requires the sperm donor to be the father and the person who delivers the baby to be the 'mother,' even if she's not biologically related to the child.
When I was of the mind that I could become some athlete, they were present to remind me that, no no no, biologically, that's not going to happen [laughs].
Image: Columbia PicturesIn the sci-fi thriller Gattaca, Ethan Hawke struggles to compete in life and work as a biologically inferior human born without the aid of genetic selection.
This viewpoint was most notably voiced by Google's James Damore, who was fired after writing a memo in which he said women were less biologically suited to tech work.
The area around Guantánamo is "biologically rich," said Fernando Bretos, director of the Cuban Marine Research and Conservation Program, which fosters collaboration between scientists in the US and Cuba.
However, one unique Riverdale theory suggests that, yes, Betty is biologically related to the Black Hood — but it's not someone we associate directly with Betty and her family yet.
Such drugs work by binding to a biologically important molecule and changing that molecule's characteristics in some way that is detrimental to the organism of which it is part.
The shame associated with her body not doing what it's 'biologically designed to do,' the loss of control, and the uncertainty about reproductive health-—these things are all devastating.
In January 2016, he spoke to PEOPLE about how the couple were exploring their options about whether they'd have a child biologically, adopt or make a different decision altogether.
"Family comes in all forms, and this little lady, who is biologically ours, was carried by an incredible surrogate mother, to whom we will be eternally grateful," she explained.
He tells me that tea itself—especially green tea—can be incredibly beneficial; it contains biologically active compounds, such as catechins, which can strengthen the body in many ways.
First, the statistically significant results reported in journals are often not biologically relevant, because a measurable outcome may be so small that it has no meaningful effect on patients.
The court also found that the federal agency failed to protect areas of the world that its own government experts had flagged as "biologically important" to protect marine life.
But there's much we can do right now to protect these reefs, which are the biologically rich rainforests of the sea relied on by coastal communities around the world.
"Nobody understands biologically why that is," Dr. Ligibel said, adding that researchers will be collecting blood samples throughout the trial to track metabolic changes that occur with weight loss.
A force of marines and rangers is outnumbered as it tries to protect the area anchored by the Tambopata reserve, one of the most biologically diverse places on earth.
It's not clear exactly how that might work, biologically -- the study suggests some possibilities, but, Dr Gage warns, "you can come up with plausible mechanisms for almost any finding".
But most big-time ruminators can simply blame their genetic makeup and temperament—they're biologically hardwired to react more intensely or negatively when embarrassing, annoying, or hurtful events happen.
Soft, biologically inspired robots have become one of the field's most exciting offshoots, with machines that are capable of squeezing between obstacles and conforming to the world around them.
Long thought to be biologically inert, the stratum corneum is now known to be an intricate, biochemically complex structure, the sanctity of which is critical to having healthy skin.
What is important to know is that there are many different intersex conditions, but the I.A.A.F. is only concerned with the subset that involves athletes who are biologically male.
Starting in puberty and as adults, their testes produce sperm, not eggs, and supply testosterone in quantities that biologically female bodies and their ovaries never come close to producing.
We sat down to dinner, Blake ushering their daughter — Joe and Zaeli's daughter, biologically, but one Blake was helping to raise as part of the family — to the table.
You transform biologically and change shape; hair begins to grow from your skin; you acquire the terrifying ability to create another human being using cells from your own body.
Nest building materials, such as bones, twigs, insects and plant fragments, are biologically diverse but come from within a 100-meter radius of the pack rat that built them.
What they, and indeed much of modern Western society gets wrong, is that sex may be biologically determined, but science tells us that there are more than two options.
Levine views the test as a tool for personalized prevention, enabling people to see if their healthy lifestyle changes cause their epigenetic age to decline, making them biologically younger.
On that microbial note, Charles Reilly, an artist working with the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, brings a four-minute video called "Choreography of Life" (2019).
"The document, titled A Guide to Effective Communication: Inclusive Language in the Workplace, also included that someone who is "biologically male or female" should be called "assigned male or female.
Andrapalliyal argued that the government would apply the same rules to an opposite-sex couple who had child overseas if the child wasn't biologically related to a US citizen parent.
For months, I stood by, biologically useless as my wife gave our daughter milk, so feeding her food I've made is the closest I've ever felt to being truly important.
Other pieces, about how Ullman is treated by her male colleagues, foreshadow Google's recent memo scandal — in which James Damore was fired for implying women were biologically unfit to code.
If we understand what is actually happening -- socially, psychologically and biologically -- we can see that this effect is not going to be limited to just one group in the future.
Google's new diversity VP has since come out against the memo's central claims — which include statements about women being biologically unsuited to engineering jobs — but the debate still rages on.
Developed as a pack robot for military applications, the company's Big Dog has become both an important piece in the evolution of biologically inspired devices and a major online sensation.
The research was co-led by Ben Maoz, Anna Herland, and Edward Fitzgerald at Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, and represents the latest development in Organ Chip technology.
A monocle-wearing political thinker and painter whose ideas about a biologically superior caste influenced fascists like Mussolini, Evola was hitherto known largely to specialists in the Italian far right.
Though he has denied doing this to dozens of women, claiming that it has been "biologically impossible" for the last 22 years, I know what happened to me in 1997.
"We're creating a robot that can manage different tasks than an animal or a purely manmade robot could," said Roger Quinn, director of Case Western Reserve's Biologically Inspired Robotics Laboratory.
Dr. Rasmussen and her colleagues also reviewed the biologically plausible explanations for how the virus might cause damage to the brain, and the absence of other explanations that make sense.
" Howells and then a younger generation of "American intellectuals, academics, and reformers," White points out, disagreed with Spencerian liberalism, which suggested that "natural laws systematically weeded out the biologically unfit.
Srini Rao, the Chief Scientific Officer of ATAI and the CEO of Entheogenix, agreed that there are intersecting, and sometimes competing, theories of how psychedelics help people—experientially or biologically.
They're biologically incompatible with any organism other than their bacterial host partner, which means they can't infect humans, they just hunt down the bacteria making us sick and destroy them.
These biases are baked into research—fewer than 10% of all fundamental research studies look exclusively at female subjects, even though more than 50% of our population is biologically female.
The research surrounding attention suggests that our minds are biologically wired to focus on anything that's novel, pleasurable or threatening — and distractions can be an enticing cocktail of all three.
I remembered something that Matthew Hill had said about how a stress response is biologically designed to reallocate energy for survival—the goblin feelings are just a weird side effect.
"Some childhood behavior challenges are caused by adverse experiences and stress, which have been shown to biologically alter the brain and affect health, learning and behavior," Sullivan said by email.
But both at least encompass some biologically relevant status that a fetus could acquire, some benchmark it could reach, that would establish its right not to be dismembered and destroyed.
Lisa Feldman Barrett on how emotions are constructed For decades, Lisa Feldman Barrett has been demonstrating that emotions are not biologically hardwired into our brains but constructed by our minds.
So again, we're picking a story that tells quite an intense and thought-provoking environmental story, yet it's still a fascinating biologically natural history piece that's visually fascinating as well.
" For instance, "we have to prepare people for how they'll talk to their children about their origins, or how they feel about having a child that is not biologically theirs.
For the numerous eels in the Thames — who, according to the Independent, recolonized the Thames Estuary "after it was considered 'biologically dead' in the 1960s" — this would likely mean "hyperactive" behavior.
The memo has a ranting nature, and claims the gender gap within tech exists because women are biologically different from men in ways that make them less suited to engineering roles.
She clearly believes that the country would be improved if the immigration system admitted more whites and fewer nonwhites — not because nonwhites are biologically inferior, but because they are culturally inferior.
This small mass difference is enough to affect the speed of chemical reactions involving them, particularly if those reactions are biologically mediated by, say, bacteria, and thus involve interactions with enzymes.
So my main take home from this is self-compassion: You're not doing the comfort eating because you're some sort of weak-willed human being; you're biologically driven to do this.
The Gray Area Foundation, in collaboration with Google Research, has put together the first of several art exhibits that make use of biologically-inspired forms of computing called artificial neural networks.
James Damore was fired as an engineer after the manifesto, which questioned the benefits of diversity programs and suggested women may be biologically inferior engineers, was widely passed around the company.
Even when Star Trek aliens are culturally and even biologically inclined toward the duties of their rank, humans dismiss and ignore them as regularly as they wave off the Prime Directive.
He believes that he could create far more replicants if only they could reproduce biologically, so he is just as keen as K to track down the replicant of woman born.
And then there's OvaScience, a publicly traded biotech company that promises it can turn back the biological clock for older women wanting to have kids by growing younger, biologically identical eggs.
Amid growing concerns about suspect exemptions, the California Department of Public Health recently launched a review of schools with "biologically unlikely" numbers of medical exemptions, says the agency's director, Karen Smith.
Senior researcher Joshua Breslau told The Washington Post that the large gap between boys and girls is partially attributable to something socially or biologically that girls experience during their teen years.
Biologically, this tissue is exactly the same as one that comes from a cow, explained Mark Post, chair of physiology and team lead of the Cultured Beef project at the university.
Their act was two identical, but not biologically related, men with presumably functional microphones hyping the crowd up for 45 minutes while 12-foot high flames shot out of the ground.
It's anybody's guess as to how well these biologically-inspired tricks will really work, but when you're dealing with black boxes—biological or mechanical—sometimes you have to take a risk.
Deep learning is often mentioned interchangeably together with artificial/deep neural networks, which can be viewed as a biologically inspired programming paradigm that enables a computer to learn from observational data.
Traditionally, old-fashioned racism is the kind of explicit, overt racism that is associated with negative stereotypes, with perceptions that African Americans are biologically inferior to whites, [and] with white supremacy.
The laws are mainly environmental regulations that need to be brushed aside in order to begin building in the Chihuahua Desert, one of the most biologically diverse deserts in the world.
Under the U.S. Controlled Substances Act of 2628, the cannabis plant and its biologically active components are classified as Schedule I prohibited substances — the most restrictive category available under the law.
"We are a tribal species so are biologically compelled to gather as much information as we can to assess the threat and figure out what to do about it," she said.
Crystal tears aren't biologically possible, according to an ophthalmologistAccording to Dr. Ivan Schwab, a professor of ophthalmology at the University of California Davis School of Medicine, Kazaryan's conditions is physically impossible.
Take the elevator up to the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Design, badge through the doors, walk down the hall and you'll arrive at Church's lab, a small white square room.
"We need better methods of distinguishing biologically self-limited tumors from harmful tumors that progress," writes Elmore, a professor of medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.
At 29,000 acres, the El Yunque National Rainforest is one of the oldest forest reserves in the hemisphere and one of the most biologically diverse run by the U.S. Forest Service.
Dr. Paul said that if someone is taking enough testosterone to be within the post-puberty male range, even if he was born biologically female, he should be competing against males.
That means that the early hominins who traveled out of Africa through Arabia did not need to be biologically equipped to face a harsher environment than the one they were leaving.
To realize before it is too late that we are biologically, emotionally and spiritually tied to this planet and while our curiosity propels us outward, it does necessarily exceed our grasp.
Many biologically implausible or under-tested therapies, like homeopathy, naturopathy and reiki, are presented as ancient, but the oldest of the bunch is homeopathy and that dates to the early 1800s.
Chimps turned out to be, not only behaviorally so like us, but also biologically like us, sharing 98.6 percent of DNA, similarities in immune system, blood composition, anatomy of the brain.
But if scientists could return to our toxic twin and prove that volcanoes are active today, they might even help test out a hypothesis that Venus is alive today, biologically speaking.
"We are designed (biologically) to be really responsive to the sugar, salty, properties of unhealthy foods, and we are not really programmed to overeat vegetables in the same way," Bragg said.
The artery through which the world's trade passed at the height of the British Empire, its banks were lined with factories that drove the industrial revolution but left its waters biologically dead.
A Google engineer was fired yesterday after he wrote a memo arguing that women are biologically less suited for software engineering jobs compared to men and that Google's diversity efforts are misguided.
Though the way DMT and near-death experiences cause hallucinations biologically is still unknown, future research on the two may open doors to treating things like anxiety and depression, the researchers said.
Here are just five common stereotypes that have flipped in recent history: Most of these stereotypes seem especially absurd with historical hindsight, which goes to show, again, that race isn't biologically real.
"So even though the man that passed away and the child weren't biologically related, there's still a reference of a connection on the other side because they're connected through [Kim]," says Henry.
"So there will be a child out there that is biologically mine, and I just will never be able to see them or have any contact with them," Ruby told BuzzFeed News.
Former Google engineer James Damore, who was fired for distributing a memo suggesting women are not biologically suited for certain types of work, is now branding himself as a brave truth teller.
If you think about it, when you get good news, often the first person you want to call up is your mom, who is your unrivaled, biologically pre-programmed cheerleader in life.
I particularly like it when Claire Redfield yells, "What the hell is up with you?" and "Asshole!" at ex-humans whose brains have been turned to porridge by a biologically engineered virus.
Advocates for the procedure say it helps women who carry genetic diseases have healthy, disease-free children that are biologically related to them, and there's been a push to overturn the ban.
But I also believe that because the unborn child is, biologically speaking, indisputably one of us, equal justice under law demands that she be protected from the private lethal violence of abortion.
James Damore, author of a controversial memo in which he argued men and women are biologically suited to different types of work, is suing Google for allegedly discriminating against white, male conservatives.
Former Google employee James Damore, who was fired last year for circulating a memo arguing women were biologically less suited for tech jobs, is taking his legal complaint against Google into arbitration.
In fact, that stress may be leading African Americans to age at a faster rate than whites: One study found that black women are biologically 7.5 years older than their white counterparts.
"There will never be, because it's biologically impossible, a simple single-dose way to make an animal suddenly sprout wings or become huge and aggressive or turn into King Kong," he says.
Understanding natural intelligence is the most systematic way of developing AI. Many novel models are trying to simulate biologically inspired systems by attempting to mimic very elementary behavior of animals or insects.
It's supportive of the hypothesis that sexuality is biologically determined, possibly by different fetal hormone exposure, which could then cause slight physiological differences in addition to affecting whom one is attracted to.
So how do we change our currently biologically dysfunctional culture to one in which the maximum number of young women can find happiness in marriage and children and restore a positive birthrate?
You should be aware—as we all are now, innately, biologically, the information stored deep within the global psyche—that there was a wedding a lot of people cared about very much.
The 63s American immigration regime, bolstered by widely circulated eugenicist policy, buttressed these Nazi claims of a biologically essentialized citizenship, as did the American rejection of thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing Europe.
The Google engineer who wrote a memo claiming, among other things, that tech's gender gap existed in part because men were biologically better suited for the work has been fired, Bloomberg reports.
Kiran, who is biologically male but whose gender identity is female, said that after resumption of Section 377 in 2013, her romantic partner became a lot less willing to meet with her.
The reference is to James Damore, a senior software engineer who was fired from Google last year after he circulated a memo that argued men were biologically better suited to software development.
They're biologically incompatible with any organism other than their bacterial host partner, which means they can't infect humans, they just hunt down the bacteria that can make us sick and destroy them.
" In the absence of case law related to these specific issues, the courts might struggle in re-categorising prosthetics since these devices, no matter how integrated they are, are not "biologically human.
Last year, one engineer, James Damore, argued in an internal document that women were biologically less adept at engineering and that "personality differences" explained the shortage of female leaders at the company.
From these observations, Dr. Brazelton wrote a book, "Infants and Mothers: Differences in Development" (21995), which argued for the first time that newborns arrive in this world with a biologically based temperament.
Flora and fauna native to the Americas were so different from the plants and animals that Europeans brought with them, and so acclimated to specific growing conditions, that they couldn't compete biologically.
The exosuit is the result of a collaboration between researchers from Harvard University's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, the University of Nebraska Omaha, and Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea.
It is both biologically and physiologically implausible: It contradicts the remarkable heterogeneity of human metabolism, microbiome and environment, to name just a few of the dimensions that make each of us unique.
At its core is the persistent belief that men's and women's natures can be usefully and meaningfully carved into two categories or "natural kinds," that are distinct, timeless, and deeply biologically grounded.
A. Among the wealth of biologically active compounds in sea sponges are some enzymes that fight the growth not just of the fungus that causes mildew, but also molds and destructive bacteria.
"If women were so biologically neurotic that they couldn't endure the competitiveness of coding, then the ratio of women-to-men in programming ought to be similar around the world," Thompson writes.
Plutonium is the biologically toxic element used to make atomic bombs, and just as its toxicity comes from its chemical structure, the danger of facial recognition is ineradicably, structurally embedded within it.
He gives examples of the ways our bodies and the world around us affect our thoughts, feelings and actions, but not how body and world become biologically embedded to constitute a mind.
Scholars have long maintained that change of the kind movements generate is largely driven by the "biologically available," which is to say by the young and unencumbered or the old and idle.
If we can disarm these killers, de Grey suggests, we should gain thirty years of healthy life, and during that period we'll make enough further advances that we'll begin growing biologically younger.
The Miami Herald reported that Kaytora Paul was separated from her godmother at the Miami International Airport on Sunday night by CBP officials because her godmother is not biologically related to her.
First isolated in 1940, CBD is one of more than 100 biologically active components called cannabinoids that are in the cannabis plant, and it is the second most abundant cannabinoid after THC.
The idea that women are PMS-ing during their period is incorrect, linked to male fear of periods, and has somehow been passed down in attempts to make women seem biologically unstable.
Biologically speaking, whatever is going on in my brain is the thing that romantic love is supposed to look like, or what it looks in other people who are in monogamous love.
The former senior software engineer was fired from Google in August after internally circulating a ten-page memo arguing in part that women are not as biologically suited for coding jobs as men.
Being a shill can still get you in some deep shit, and arguing to your entire company that women are biologically inferior to men is still a totally good reason to fire someone.
Chinese producers of low-quality copycat drugs have been slow to meet the CDA's tougher new manufacturing standards and the requirement to prove that their pills are biologically equivalent to the original drugs.
In the same way, today, when people tell me they must be biologically broken because they have "everything they could want" yet they are still depressed, I say: Tell me what you have.
Cloning doesn't guarantee that a dog's behavior will mirror that of its genetic donor, as some portion is biologically inherited, while another is more dependent on environmental factors, Scientific American reported last year.
North Carolina governor sued over transgender law Student: Not an 'alien' Grimm, a junior at Gloucester High School, was diagnosed with gender dysphoria; he was biologically born a female but identifies as male.
Eubanks' second thoughts about starting a family came not from wanting to "appease" her husband, but the idea that she might only have so much time if she wants to do it biologically.
But still, these little subterraneans get a bad rap for not looking like puppies or kittens, which is a shame, because in some ways, naked mole rats are biologically wired better than humans.
The label "transgender", and the terms "trans man" and "trans woman", are more nebulous terms for any biologically female person who identifies as a man, and any male who identifies as a woman.
But take the fundamental compulsion toward sparkle and shine and multiply it by the much more mysterious (but still very real) love of canines, and you get something that's all but biologically irresistible.
James Damore, a fired Google engineer famous for penning a memo that argued lack of diversity in tech is in part because women are biologically inferior to men, has sued his former employer.
Why it matters: Damore's memo set off wide backlash because of his assertions that women were biologically less inclined to pursue computer science professions and that Google doesn't tolerate conservative or minority viewpoints.
Despite the diseases being very different in symptoms and transmission modes, she added, the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis have an up to 90 percent genetic match, providing a biologically plausible mechanism.
He wrote that gender disparities in the industry were due to men being more biologically suited for programming work, with women more likely to suffer from neuroticism and have lower thresholds for stress.
Curiously, though males appear to be less biologically resistant to mortality than females, men generally have better health and higher functional status as they age, a phenomenon known as the morbidity-mortality paradox.
Last year, Google faced an internal crisis when a programmer, James Damore, circulated a memo arguing there are fewer women in tech jobs because they are biologically predisposed toward less technical career fields.
A few experiments with the mass release of biologically altered mosquitoes, carried out by a biotechnology company and by researchers funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have reportedly had some success.
As we've written about here before, nature is popular inspiration for researchers looking to develop new types of mechanical forms, and there's seemingly no animal too biologically complex for the field of biomimetics.
Particularly for children, one of the most important factors is having a nurturing caregiver who the child trusts — that actually helps to support the child to biologically turn off that biological stress response.
When a pathogen is introduced to a new place, people are biologically more susceptible to the disease, since their immune systems have probably never been exposed and have no experience fending it off.
Men don't know that, but the other thing is that when a woman cries, biologically, a man, when he smells a woman's tears it lowers his testosterone and leads to feelings of failure.
These men and women also had much higher aerobic capacities than most people their age, the study showed, making them biologically about 30 years younger than their chronological ages, the study's authors concluded.
The controversy over the tech industry's diversity problems continued when the leaked memo by a now-fired Google engineer claimed that women are "biologically" less suited to tech and leadership jobs than men.
Coca monoculture and land clearance in these untouched areas causes devastating habitat loss; Colombia is one of the world's most biologically diverse countries, and is home to 10 percent of the world's species.
"There's a lot of people who do care about the future of the planet and want to make sure habitat is set aside so that we stay a biologically diverse planet," Breen said.
Soil carbon, meanwhile, is but one end of a carbon bridge between atmospheric carbon, nourishing liquid carbon, and the soil microbes that themselves form another bridge between biologically active soils and plants themselves.
This is what I call "the pheromone hotbox," a space in which a biologically confounded process occurs as our pheromones interact (in a nonsexual way) to generate creativity through simultaneous trust and mischievousness.
In his basement, where the shelves are lined with videogames about biologically and technologically enhanced soldiers, there is even a framed sketch of a character in full body armor, with the words painless pete.
"The voice has been, biologically, so compellingly important to survival, to family membership, to recognizing who's a friend and who's a foe, and also to discerning attitudes and emotions, implications and everything," she says.
It's on this trip that Ned confronts Cersei about her children's parentage: Joffrey and the others don't biologically belong to her husband, King Robert Baratheon, and are instead the product of brother–sister incest.
Perhaps some of us are simply biologically broke, but the idea that a purely biological story describes the vast majority of depressed and anxious people is by now, it is fair to say, discredited.
But when the couple's tenderness culminates in a threesome with Helmut, desire trumps biologically determinist reasoning and the fear of the other (while, as we can guess, giving Calixto a chance to become pregnant).
Chief Justice Scott Bales, who wrote the majority opinion, said that even though Suzan is not related biologically to the boy, she still has the same parental rights as the husbands of birth mothers.
The Arizona-based couple, who just celebrated their first wedding anniversary, also talk about how their decision changed from wanting to have their own child biologically via surrogate to embracing the idea of adoption.
Berryessa Snow Mountain, California The Berryessa Snow Mountain region of northern California, about 100 miles from the Bay Area and Sacramento, is biologically diverse and one of the least known regions of the state.
They concluded that the available data suggests there's a biological link to a person's gender identity, indicating that trans people are essentially assigned genders at birth that don't match their inherent, biologically set identity.
Virunga National Park, which lies in the eastern part of the country, is Africa's oldest park and also its most biologically diverse, with a varied landscape of active volcanoes, savannahs, mountains, lakes and forests.
Starting at the end of 2020, a small-scale biorefinery in Amsterdam will be able to process the recovered secondary raw materials and convert them into biologically-based products like biodegradeable plastics and biofertilizers.
The report states that human-caused climate change is transforming the Arctic, both physically through the reduction of sea ice, and biologically through reductions in wildlife populations and introduction of marine toxins and algae.
Their reappearance each spring, in their elegant finery, is an occasion to wonder at the turning of the seasons, the high cost (biologically speaking) of reproduction and the all-too-human quest for beauty.
By removing these protective organs from the equation, the message that Bolsonaro is sending is clear: vast swathes of Brazil's biologically diverse and ecologically important landscape will be opened up for development and extraction.
Modern Meadow CEO and co-founder Andras Forgacs explains that biofabrication involves the design of cells to produce and assemble collagen and other proteins to yield leather that is "biologically identical" to traditional types.
Followers of the Quiverfull movement, including the Duggar family and their TV friends the Bates, famously abstain from contraception in order to have as many children as is biologically possible—their quivers are full.
Charlotte has a half sister, Sadie (Kayli Carter) — biologically unrelated to Richard or Rachel — who is adrift and unhappy at 25, trying to finish college and figure out how to live for her art.
Environmentalists countered that treating those bears separately from other grizzly populations in Montana and elsewhere in the Lower 48 states was biologically unsound and illegal under the Endangered Species Act, and the judge agreed.
After stating what he believed to be biologically caused differences between men and women, he then validates that a gender gap does not imply sexism and that the tech industry should be male-dominated.
A parent in this position is unlikely to have the multigenerational support at home that previous generations did, and it's biologically typical for their baby to wake two to three times during the night.
The Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, at Harvard, has extracted chitosan, a polysaccharide, from shrimp and lobster shells and combined it with silk fibers to create an alternative to plastic packaging, called Shrilk.
"We're biologically motivated to maintain close relationships with a small amount of people in our lives," says Dr. Katherine Shear, a professor of psychiatry and director of the Center for Complicated Grief at Columbia.
PA) plans to create a standalone company dedicated to making active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), components that are biologically active in a drug, and will decide whether to list it on Euronext Paris by 2022.
PA) plans to create a standalone company dedicated to making active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), components that are biologically active in a drug, and will decide whether to list it on Euronext Paris by 2022.
Sanofi plans to create a standalone company dedicated to making active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), components that are biologically active in a drug, and will decide whether to list it on Euronext Paris by 2022.
It seems to share some of the same desires and anxieties reflected in the proliferation of "slow" movements — slow cooking, slow sex, slow parenting, slow cities — the yearning for a more biologically based time.
Blumenthal and his colleagues wrote to Obama last year to ask for the monument, which would protect a uniquely biologically diverse area with dozens of species of coral, sharks, whales, sea birds and more.
The Brainstorm Project is modeled in part on Lunshof's day-to-day practices: Since 2006, she has been working with research groups at Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, including the Church laboratory.
"To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK," Google CEO Sundar Pichai wrote in a subsequent email to employees.
Many neuroscientific theories about how music acts on the brain—such as Steven Pinker's notion that music is "auditory cheesecake," a biologically useless pleasure—ignore how personal tastes affect our processing of musical information.
When I'm good at my job, I've been told it's because I'm not like normal women, or there's something about women biologically that makes us especially suited to do whatever task I just completed.
It holds that traditional, biologically determined gender roles (men dominant and rational, women submissive and emotional) mean that women aren't capable of regulating their own behavior or decisions and must be controlled by men.
Photo: GettyLast August, James Damore circulated a memo internally at Google in which he argued women were biologically less inclined to succeed in engineering roles at the company and that Google's diversity efforts were misguided.
Toback denied the allegations to the L.A. Times, claiming it would be "biologically impossible" for him to do what he was accused of because he has had diabetes and a heart condition for 22 years.
This is our second solve from Mr. Paleos; his debut was memorable and fun, a visual pun on something you probably dislike as much as you are biologically drawn to the subject of today's theme.
Google has fired a senior software engineer for authoring a 10-page screed condemning the company's diversity efforts and claiming men are biologically more predisposed to working in the tech industry than women, Bloomberg reports.
Google has found itself embroiled in controversy after a sexist memo, claiming that women are less biologically suited to be engineers than men, went viral throughout the company and was later released to the public.
Toback denied the allegations to the L.A. Times, claiming it would be "biologically impossible" for him to do what he was accused of because he has had diabetes and a heart condition for 22 years.
A team of engineers at the University of California San Diego have applied the biologically inspired principles of soft robotics in order to develop a robot capable of navigating uneven terrain like rocks and sand.
After James Damore's modest proposal that women weren't biologically suited to work in STEM and Susan Fowler's catalogue of Uber's offenses against women, it's clear, actually, that there are women and minorities working in tech.
As for claims cockfighting is animal abuse, Roy is adamant he's not forcing the birds to do anything they're not biologically programmed to do ... and says most cockfighters love their birds like their own children.
Previously, the Obama Administration effectively killed the mining plans, citing "significant and unacceptable adverse effects" to the biologically and economically valuable ecosystem, but the Trump administration has reversed course, and is officially reconsidering the quarry.
While a remarkable feat in itself, mechanically creating a neuron is light years away from rebuilding an entire human brain, a biologically, infinitely complex structure — let alone understanding how to synthesize human consciousness and intelligence.
The park's parent company, Delos Inc, has been shown to have the almost godlike ability to create perfect, biologically accurate replicas of almost every living thing, from fully intelligent human beings to the smallest bird.
Vlaming believes both as a matter of human anatomy and religious conviction that sex is biologically fixed in each person and cannot be changed regardless of a person's feelings or desires," the lawsuit said. "Mr.
To find out, for this week's Giz Asks we reached out to a number of pain doctors and researchers, whose answers twisted and problematized the very concept of pain, and the function pain serves biologically.
I don't believe for a second that Cersei is actually pregnant, though this could be wishful thinking; it seems like an attempt to enmesh Jaime more thoroughly in their mentally unhealthy and biologically unsound relationship.
I pick up a flint blade and hold it in my hand, marveling at how the same technology is being passed between people biologically and culturally linked but separated by tens of thousands of years.
" When asked in an interview in 2011 with Smithsonian magazine why his scholarly approach had not been pursued before, he said, "We were thinking politically and ideologically, but very rarely were historians thinking ecologically, biologically.
Instead of analyzing materials and trying to produce them through standard chemical synthesis, she found a way to use nature itself to populate the landscape of all possible variants of biologically or chemically important molecules.
Biologically, this is concerning, as pharmacological doses of estrogen in the first month after delivery can have a negative impact on milk supply, and could theoretically lead to an increased risk of dangerous blood clots.
The United States National Institutes of Health found that people between the ages of 85033 and 25 are uniquely suited to creatively solve problems as they are biologically wired for novelty-seeking and risk-taking.
With I.V.G., two men could have a baby that was biologically related to both of them, by using skin cells from one to make an egg that would be fertilized by sperm from the other.
He is vulnerable — we are biologically wired to protect that tiny form and those big eyes — but also, from all we know of the Force and his look-alike who wielded it, almost unimaginably powerful.
" In a published commentary, Moira K. Differding and Noel T. Mueller, both of the Department of Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, wrote that the study results were "biologically plausible.
The family sued the State Department for denying Ethan citizenship, drawing attention to a department policy that says that a child born abroad must be biologically related to an American parent to become a citizen.
There is one study that tells us natural endocannabinoids actually reduce during sexual excitement, so it is biologically plausible that CBD could increase pelvic floor muscle tone (meaning it would be very unhelpful for spasm).
It makes sense; after all, we are biologically programmed to bond with our parents, and the attachments we form as children are what wire our brains to help us form secure relationships in the future.
You used the word "caste" just now, but in the book you use the phrase "biologically bifurcated humankind" to describe a broader inequality between enhanced citizens of affluent nations and unenhanced citizens of poor nations.
"Biologically, organs of the living and the dead aren't all that different," Allan D. Kirk, the chief surgeon at Duke University Health System, who was not involved in the research, told the New York Times.
After meeting with Church last summer, I sat down with his team in a conference room at Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, a glass and steel marvel situated behind the Church lab's main building.
Researchers at Harvard University's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering have developed a new diagnostic test that can quickly detect the presence and specific strain of Zika virus in a sample of blood, urine or saliva.
"It's not a biologically sound strategy for a parasite to cause its host communities to go into serious decline or drive its host to extinction, but that is the case for this fungus," Dr. Garner said.
LONDON, Aug 23 - Eradicating malaria is biologically feasible and a lofty aim, the World Health Organization said on Friday, but the focus for now should be getting the funds, tools and political will to control it.
"To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK," CEO Sundar Pichai said in an email to staff after Damore was fired.
Here, in the fifth-most biologically diverse nation on earth, some 13 million people - about half belonging to Mexico's 62 indigenous peoples - live in, and administer, community forest lands, according to the Inter-American Development Bank.
If you couldn't make it through that paragraph without starting to formulate an objection, you already know the first problem with this theory: it invites a lot of quibbling over what is and isn't biologically feasible.
Out of Case Western Reserve University's Biologically Inspired Robotics lab, this creepy-crawly bot is helping both roboticists and neuroscientists better understand a type of motion called peristalsis — or movement through contracting and expanding of muscle.
It seems that there are biologically rooted rules to how mammalian vocalizations encode emotions and these shared processes help humans to assess the emotional load of not just dogs but other mammal species' vocal emotion expressions.
Ever since, health professionals and lay people alike have debated the origins of gender identity, the wisdom of altering one's biologically determined sex, and whether society should accept the transgender community as a fact of nature.
" The FDA had already decided "based on sound science and a comprehensive review" that labeling was unnecessary because AquaAdvantage Salmon was "as safe to eat and as nutritious" as other salmon with "no biologically relevant differences.
In 2014, an issue of Science featured, on its cover, a piece on TERMES , a termite-inspired robot created by the computer scientist Radhika Nagpal and her team at Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering.
Henry Maudsley, a giant of Victorian psychiatry in midcentury, gloomily concluded that insanity was hereditary in most cases; he provided scientific support to those who argued that the mad were "biologically unfit" and should be sterilized.
"From a genetic standpoint, this is the right time biologically to do this," said Dr. Patrick F. Sullivan, director of the University of North Carolina's Center for Psychiatric Genomics, who will lead the project's genetic analysis.
If our sexual desires were biologically programmed to advance the species, then shouldn't we have evolved to the point at which women with broad shoulders and waists were seen as the most idealized form of femininity?
When scientists began using bioarchaeological methods such as DNA testing, they found that the skeletons buried with bows, arrows, and other weapons were just as likely to be biologically female as they were to be male.
The acclaimed futurist and computer scientist Ray Kurzweil believes that by the 220s we'll have microscopic machines traveling through our bodies, repairing damaged cells and organs, effectively wiping out diseases and making us biologically immortal anyway.
Fourteen of these experts recently published a consensus statement expressing concern that the herbicide may be an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC), which means it has the potential to be biologically active even in extremely low doses.
LONDON, Aug 23 (Reuters) - Eradicating malaria is biologically feasible and a lofty aim, the World Health Organization said on Friday, but the focus for now should be getting the funds, tools and political will to control it.
The crux of Damore's memo was that Google's diversity efforts are misplaced, that women may be biologically less suited to engineering and programming jobs in the tech industry, and that Google creates a hostile environment for conservatives.
I had some questions about whether that notion that biology could direct our behavior was being exaggerated, but then looking at it carefully, I found eating behavior is something that is, to a certain degree, biologically directed.
Planned for March 2018, the proposed Lease Sale 250 includes regulations to protect species in the area, biologically sensitive resources, and to avoid any other potential consequences of oil and gas development, per the department's press release.
The main question at issue is whether federal officials can designate as "critical habitat" an area of private land where the species does not currently live, but which officials believe is biologically necessary for the frog's survival.
It's a biologically anemic area caused by fertilizer runoff carried downstream from across the US by the Mississippi River, which leads to reduced levels of oxygen in the water and a dearth of all kinds sea life.
ReWalk acquired the initial technology design from the Wyss Institute at Harvard, which had begun developing a "biologically inspired smart suit," the Medexo, with funding from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) back in 2014.
Research from 2005 found that so-called paternity discrepancy, when a person is identified as being biologically fathered by someone other than the person they believe is the father, occurs between 0.8% to 30% in the population.
"We can address the fact that there are thousands of kids here who have all the natural ability and biologically vested intelligence to do spectacularly in life, but whose opportunities to do so are restricted," he said.
Organizers announced the march after Google fired employee James Damore over a memo in which he criticized the company's diversity initiatives, saying that women are biologically different from men which makes less suited to the tech industry.
Damore published a 10-page manifesto on an internal Google system last week that criticized the company's diversity initiatives and tried to make an argument that women are less biologically equipped than men to take leadership roles.
He fired Damore and wrote, "To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not O.K." That is a blatantly dishonest characterization of the memo.
For the current study, researchers examined data on 337 families where a parent had at least two previous episodes of major depression and a biologically related child between 9 and 17 years old lived in the home.
James Damore, an engineer at Google who was fired after Gizmodo published a memo he distributed inside the company arguing that women are biologically ill-suited for engineering roles, says that Google stamped out discussion of his views.
Pichai noted that "To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK." Damore argued that many men in the company agreed with his sentiments.
The lagoon on Florida&aposs Atlantic Coast is one of the nation&aposs most biologically diverse waterways, but sewage spills and pollution from farming contribute to periodic algae blooms that can kill marine life and discolor the waters.
People with intersex characteristics might not be at either extreme of the male–female spectrum biologically, but the idea that they are 'trans'—where one's identity and bodily sex characteristics do not fully correspond—does not necessarily follow.
What's more, the sharp-toothed reptiles we see today may be almost biologically identical to their millennia-old ancestors — an incredibly rare trait for most living species, according to a pair of studies shared with Mashable this week.
Zootopia tries to cover for this by saying that in its world, predators and prey used to have a biologically antagonistic relationship, but both sides have evolved past that relationship to arrive at this new, more enlightened future.
In Damore's depiction of a politically correct culture run amok, Google employees freely rant about Trump and his supporters, but Damore is fired for an unpopular opinion, namely that men dominate the company because they are biologically superior.
You don't want to scare men off by talking about babies and adoption so early on, but you don't want to tell them further down the line and then find out they want children that are biologically yours.
What is interesting about the urethra biologically is that its proportions, length to diameter, stay roughly the same no matter the size of the animal (as long as it weighs more than about six and a half pounds).
Here's the week in good news, including an urban farm that's helping ex-prisoners, above; a wildlife park that might be the most biologically diverse area in the world; and a breakthrough drug that promises to prevent migraines.
He noted that with each passing year, more people have at least some insurance coverage for infertility, which means that fewer patients would be tempted by a package deal to save them money if they were biologically unlucky.
One mark of queer culture is our frequent need to foster familial relationships with people we're not biologically related to, because our own families are so often unaccepting or unable to fully understand our experiences as queer people.
Toback denied the allegations to the Times saying that he never met "any of these women" and that his diabetes and a heart condition make it "biologically impossible" for him to carry out the misconduct he is accused of.
Lee's lawsuit follows more than six months of Google grappling with the fallout from a memo written by a former employee, James Damore, in which he argued that women were biologically less fit for careers in tech than men.
Toback denied the allegations to the Times saying that he never met "any of these women" and that his diabetes and a heart condition make it "biologically impossible" for him to carry out the misconduct he is accused of.
The overall impression is of an adolescent who has fallen victim to premature ageing: trapped in the same clothes but biologically fast-forwarded, with the hair greying, thinning or disappearing, the paunch expanding, the skeletal frame buckling and bending.
If any of her roles should have snagged her Best Actress, it should have been Albert Nobbs, in which she does stellar work as a man who has for years been hiding the fact that he is biologically female.
"Unless you're able to break into the black box of this network, and make this network a little more biologically realistic, then at some point you hit the limit in how you can inform further neurobiological studies," he said.
But observing that some people have greater cognitive ability than others is one thing; assuming that this is because of some biologically based, essential inner quality called g that causes them to be smarter, as Murray claims, is another.
The so-called unicorn was about 6 feet tall, roughly 15 feet long, and weighed almost 9,000 pounds — which makes it biologically closer to the size of a woolly mammoth than to the size of a horse, ScienceAlert explains.
Whenever a man speaks over me or down to me, he's not thinking: 'Well, this person appears to me to be biologically female, as opposed to merely identifying as a woman, so therefore I will be misogynistic toward her.
"To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK," said Sundar Pichai, the chief executive of Google, in a note to staff explaining the decision.
On the morning of May 11, Rachel Masika Baraka, a park ranger, was setting out on a normal day at work in Virunga National Park, the oldest, largest and most biologically diverse park in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
I sure have my bad days, and not just bad in the sense of attitude or not being in the mood, but biologically sabotaged—I slept badly, I'm about to have my period, I'm really stressed out by work.
" She said: "You have treatment doing its best to remove these, chemically and biologically, but it's not just the treatment quality, it's also the amount that we use day to day and our assumption that it just goes away.
To experience an Op painting's illusions — the apparent vibration, motion and three-dimensionality of a picture that was actually flat and static — would be to become conscious of the often deceiving roles played by our biologically given faculties of perception.
He has also referred to the 'sperm competition' theory—the lab-tested idea that if a man watches another man have sex with his loved one, his body is biologically primed to produce larger amounts of more effective sperm. Why?
"Biologically, cats are inclined to pick things up by their mouths and bring them to you," said Dr. Tu. You've seen evidence of this if your cat has ever left a partial dead mouse on your kitchen mat as a gift.
Last July, a Google engineer named James Damore wrote an internal memo criticizing what he saw as "authoritarian" diversity practices at the tech giant, suggesting along the way that women and men might be biologically suited to different professional roles.
Simply put, because "STDs are biologically and psycho-socially sexist at all levels," said Dr. Hunter Handsfield, a professor emeritus of medicine at the University of Washington Center for AIDS and STD who has studied sexually transmitted diseases for 40 years.
With a founding team including some of the leading luminaries in the field of biologically inspired engineering (including George Church, Pamela Silver, and Jeffrey Way from Harvard's Wyss Institute) 3003-x is engineering organisms to function in otherwise inaccessible environments.
Perhaps no food crop is more emblematic of what is at stake—agriculturally, biologically, culturally, and perhaps even in homegrown foodie ways—than the tomato: queen of the farmer's market, jewel of the backyard garden, alpha vegetable of locavores everywhere.
With a founding team including some of the leading luminaries in the field of biologically inspired engineering (including George Church, Pamela Silver and Jeffrey Way from Harvard's Wyss Institute), 275-x is engineering organisms to function in otherwise inaccessible environments.
Dr. Myers's other books include "Perverse Subsidies: How Tax Dollars Can Undercut the Environment and the Economy," with Jennifer Kent, and "Hotspots: Earth's Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions," with Russell A. Mittermeier, Patricio R. Gil and Christina G. Mittermeier.
If we conceptualize thought as a mental motor skill subject to the same temporal reorganization as high-speed sports, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that the experience of free will (agency) and conscious rational deliberation are both biologically generated illusions.
I had pestered for months to get permission to see Peru's efforts to halt the army of illegal miners that was already turning patches of the Tambopata reserve, one of the most biologically diverse places on earth, into toxic wasteland.
But after Ms. Whitehead gave birth to a girl, known in court papers as Baby M, she changed her mind: She wanted to keep the baby, who was biologically her daughter, as she had used her own egg for the pregnancy.
Plutonium is the biologically toxic element used to make atomic bombs, and just as its toxicity comes from its chemical structure, the danger of facial recognition is ineradicably, structurally embedded within it, because it attaches numerical values to the human face.
In their report, they summarize their findings this way: The striking disparity between the numbers of men and women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics has often been considered as evidence of biologically driven gender differences in abilities and interests.
We still don't know whether it's the caffeine, or one of the thousands of other biologically active compounds and antioxidants (which decaf seems to have, too, albeit at slightly lower levels), that may be responsible for coffee's many health perks.
When we chop, chew, and digest cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and bok choy, they break down into biologically active compounds that both protect our cells from DNA damage and kill cancer cells, at least in animal tests.
The memo at the center of the controversy argued that the gender gap at Google and in Silicon Valley as a whole was less a result of sexism, and more a result of women being biologically suited for other professions.
Upon returning to the U.S. with his family, Andrew Dvash-Banks was informed that his second twin, Ethan — who is biologically Elad's son — was not linked by DNA to an American citizen, and therefore does not benefit from automatic American citizenship.

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