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"a posteriori" Definitions
  1. analysing something by starting from known facts and then thinking about the possible causes of the facts, for example saying ‘Look, the streets are wet so it must have been raining.’

251 Sentences With "a posteriori"

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"A posteriori on a toujours tort et on aurait sûrement fait mieux. "
A lack of a "posteriori" knowledge of conservatism coupled with a lack of "priori" knowledge has resulted in the intellectual decline of conservatism.
Hence, a posteriori certification is different from algorithmic correctness – for an extreme example, an algorithm could randomly generate candidates and attempt to certify them as approximate roots using a posteriori certification.
An a posteriori language (from Latin a posteriori, "from the latter"), according to Louis Couturat, is any constructed language whose elements are borrowed from or based on existing languages. The term can also be extended to controlled versions of natural languages, and is most commonly used to refer to vocabulary despite other features. Likewise, zonal constructed languages (auxiliary languages for speakers of a particular language family) are a posteriori by definition. While most auxiliary languages are a posteriori due to their intended function as a medium of communication, many artistic languages are fully a posteriori in design—many for the purposes of alternate history.
Other instances of a posteriori necessary truths include: "H2O is water".
Kant also distinguished between a priori (pure) and a posteriori (empirical) concepts.
The primary intension of "Water is H2O" is the a posteriori component, since it is contingent that the referent of "water" is H2O, while the secondary intension is the necessary component of the sentence, since it is necessary that the stuff we in fact call water is H2O. Neither intension gives us both a necessary and an a posteriori component. But one gets the false impression that the sentence expresses a necessary a posteriori proposition because this single sentence expresses two propositions, one a posteriori and one necessary.
Some a posteriori physicalists think that unlike the possession of most, if not all other empirical concepts, the possession of consciousness has the special property that the presence of PTI and the absence of consciousness will be conceivable—even though, according to them, it is knowable a posteriori that PTI and not Q is not metaphysically possible. These a posteriori physicalists endorse some version of what Daniel Stoljar (2005) has called "the phenomenal concept strategy".See Stoljar, 2005 Roughly speaking, the phenomenal concept strategy is a label for those a posteriori physicalists who attempt to show that it is only the concept of consciousness—not the property—that is in some way "special" or sui Stoljar, 2005 Other a posteriori physicalistse.g.
He called those concepts that result from abstraction "a posteriori concepts" (meaning concepts that arise out of experience). An empirical or an a posteriori concept is a general representation (Vorstellung) or non-specific thought of that which is common to several specific perceived objects (Logic, I, 1., §1, Note 1) A concept is a common feature or characteristic. Kant investigated the way that empirical a posteriori concepts are created.
Using scientific instruments and empirical research, it was concluded that both Hesperus and Phosphorus are the same object. This is a posteriori knowledge. :(C) Therefore, it is possible for knowledge obtained a posteriori to be necessary. That Hesperus is Phosphorus has been shown to be both necessary, because the names pick out the same thing in all possible worlds, and a posteriori, because this claim was discovered by empirical research.
Methods for certification can be divided into two flavors: a priori certification and a posteriori certification. A posteriori certification confirms the correctness of the final answers (regardless of how they are generated), while a priori certification confirms the correctness of each step of a specific computation. A typical example of a posteriori certification is Smale's alpha theory, while a typical example of a priori certification is interval arithmetic.
The latter assumes an a priori distribution of examinee ability, and has two commonly used estimators: expectation a posteriori and maximum a posteriori. Maximum likelihood is equivalent to a Bayes maximum a posteriori estimate if a uniform (f(x)=1) prior is assumed. Maximum likelihood is asymptotically unbiased, but cannot provide a theta estimate for a nonmixed (all correct or incorrect) response vector, in which case a Bayesian method may have to be used temporarily.
The SISO decoding is typically done using Maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoders using the BCJR algorithm.
Implementation of rest by means of a scene graph avoids drift. In other words, physical simulators usually function one of two ways, where the collision is detected a posteriori (after the collision occurs) or a priori (before the collision occurs). In addition to the a posteriori and a priori distinction, almost all modern collision detection algorithms are broken into a hierarchy of algorithms. Often the terms "discrete" and "continuous" are used rather than a posteriori and a priori.
The collision detection algorithm doesn't need to understand friction, elastic collisions, or worse, nonelastic collisions and deformable bodies. In addition, the a posteriori algorithms are in effect one dimension simpler than the a priori algorithms. Indeed, an a priori algorithm must deal with the time variable, which is absent from the a posteriori problem. On the other hand, a posteriori algorithms cause problems in the "fixing" step, where intersections (which aren't physically correct) need to be corrected.
Thus, ideas in Dewey's system retain their empiricist flavour in that they are only known a posteriori.
On 26 September 2006, Enigma's sixth album A Posteriori was released worldwide, containing a new version of "Hello and Welcome" and the new song "Goodbye, Milky Way". A DVD version of A Posteriori was released on 16 December 2006, which featured kaleidoscope images in synchronization with the multi-channel remastered music. A Posteriori received a Grammy nomination as Best New Age Album, its second in that category following 1996's Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi! nomination."49th Annual Grammy Nominees". Librarything.
A posteriori necessity is a thesis in metaphysics and the philosophy of language, that some statements of which we must acquire knowledge a posteriori are also necessarily true. It challenges previously widespread belief that only a priori knowledge can be necessary. It draws on a number of philosophical concepts such as necessity, the causal theory of reference, rigidity, and the a priori a posteriori distinction. It was first introduced by philosopher Saul Kripke in his 1970 series of lectures at Princeton University.
Visualization of the Pareto front is one of the a posteriori preference techniques of multi- objective optimization. The a posteriori preference techniques provide an important class of multi-objective optimization techniques. Usually the a posteriori preference techniques include four steps: (1) computer approximates the Pareto front, i.e. the Pareto optimal set in the objective space; (2) the decision maker studies the Pareto front approximation; (3) the decision maker identifies the preferred point at the Pareto front; (4) computer provides the Pareto optimal decision, which output coincides with the objective point identified by the decision maker.
Under European patent practice and case law, lack of unity (of invention) can appear either "a priori", before the prior art was examined, or "a posteriori", after the prior art was examined. An a posteriori lack of unity usually results from a lack of novelty or inventive step of the subject- matter of one independent claim.
Cretu continued to record Enigma albums, releasing Voyageur in 2003. Familiar sounds of the Shakuhachi flute, tribal or Gregorian chants were replaced with more commercially-friendly tunes and beat. In March 2006, a new single called "Hello and Welcome" was released in anticipation of another album, A Posteriori. A Posteriori is the sixth Enigma studio album.
An a priori constructed language is one whose features (including vocabulary, grammar, etc.) are not based on an existing language, and an a posteriori language is the opposite. This categorization, however, is not absolute, as many constructed languages may be called a priori when considering some linguistic factors, and at the same time a posteriori when considering other factors.
In distinguishing whether the language is a priori or a posteriori, the prevalence and distribution of respectable traits is often the key.
And in the 1970s, Saul Kripke established the necessary a posteriori. Still, Hume's fork is a useful starting point to anchor philosophical scrutiny.
Promotion of the best agendas are the product of careful "back-room" analysis of policies by a priori assessment and a posteriori evaluation.
The origins of the distinction are less clear, and it concerns the origins of knowledge. A posteriori knowledge arises from, or is caused by, experience. A priori knowledge may come temporally after experience, but its certainty is not derivable from the experience itself. Saul Kripke was the first major thinker to propose that there are analytic a posteriori knowledge claims.
Statements and arguments depending on empirical evidence are often referred to as a posteriori ("following experience") as distinguished from a priori (preceding it). A priori knowledge or justification is independent of experience (for example "All bachelors are unmarried"), whereas a posteriori knowledge or justification is dependent on experience or empirical evidence (for example "Some bachelors are very happy"). The notion that the distinction between a posteriori and a priori is tantamount to the distinction between empirical and non-empirical knowledge comes from Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. The standard positivist view of empirically acquired information has been that observation, experience, and experiment serve as neutral arbiters between competing theories.
P. Robertson, P. Hoeher and E. Villebrun, "Optimal and Sub-Optimal Maximum A Posteriori Algorithms Suitable for Turbo Decoding", European Transactions on Telecommunications, Vol. 8, 1997.
Coupled with the album's subject matter of the collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, A posteriori is, compared to earlier releases, stark and foreboding.
In spite of its name, the language is not a pasigraphy because it is not an a priori language, but a posteriori/natural one, almost a euroclone.
Kant proposes instead a critique of pure reason by means of which the limitations of reason are clearly established and the field of knowledge is circumscribed by experience. According to the rationalists and skeptics, there are analytic judgments a priori and synthetic judgments a posteriori. Analytic judgments a posteriori do not really exist. Added to all these rational judgments is Kant's great discovery of the synthetic judgment a priori.
Difference between CAC and traffic policing is that CAC is an a priori verification (before the transfer occurs), while traffic policing is an a posteriori verification (during the transfer).
The Private Lounge Remix album version of A posteriori was released via iTunes Store on 18 March 2007 in Germany and on 26 March in the rest of Europe.
A Posteriori is a studio album by German musical project Enigma. It is Enigma's 6th album. In December 2006, the album was nominated in the Best New Age Album category in the 2007 Grammy Awards. While the previous album, Voyageur, contained minimal amounts of the project's signature sounds, A posteriori only contains the signature "Enigma horn" (a foghorn) during the opening minute of the album, and even then it is a fleeting glimpse.
Being an a posteriori language, Glosa takes most of its vocabulary from Greek and Latin roots, seen by the authors as international in a sense by their usage in science.
Another example is "redness" being identical to certain phenomena of electromagnetism. This is discovered by empirical investigation. Similarly, many moral naturalists argue that "rightness" can be discovered as an a posteriori truth, by investigating the different claims, like that of pleasure being the good, or of duty being the good. This is done by invoking rightness and wrongness to explain certain empirical phenomena, and then discovering a posteriori whether maximizing utility occupies the relevant explanatory role.
When the variance of the measurement error is only partially known, the reduced chi-squared may serve as a correction estimated a posteriori, see weighted arithmetic mean#Correcting for over- or under-dispersion.
The first stable version of OS Novius was launched in September 2012. It was the version 0.1 before being renamed "Amsterdam" a posteriori. This version included the expected standard elements of a CMS (publishing pages, blog entries, creating users, managing permissions) and the first notable features Novius OS such as specific business applications, the library, the multi-language and system of tabbed browsing makes multitasking CMS. Version 0.2 was launched in February 2013 and it also has been known a posteriori "Berlin".
Since Bayesian model comparison is aimed on selecting the model with the highest posterior probability, this methodology is also referred to as the maximum a posteriori (MAP) selection rule or the MAP probability rule.
As mentioned above, epistemologists draw a distinction between what can be known a priori (independently of experience) and what can only be known a posteriori (through experience). Much of what we call a priori knowledge is thought to be attained through reason alone, as featured prominently in rationalism. This might also include a non-rational faculty of intuition, as defended by proponents of innatism. In contrast, a posteriori knowledge is derived entirely through experience or as a result of experience, as emphasized in empiricism.
Two-dimensional approaches are usually motivated by a sense of dissatisfaction with the causal theorist explanation of how it is that a single proposition can be both necessary and a posteriori or contingent and a priori.
"A Posteriori Review on PopMatters". PopMatters. Retrieved on 25 August 2016. Seven Lives Many Faces (2008) followed and contained a mixture of classical and modern elements ranging from ethnic chants to rap and dubstep influences.Monger, James Christopher.
Bolak is a mixed language, whose grammar is mostly a priori while the vocabulary is a posteriori. It is also an agglutinative language, much like Esperanto but while Esperanto uses agglutination mainly logically, Bolak uses it mainly emotionally.
In Naming and Necessity,Kripke, Saul. 1980. Naming and Necessity. Harvard University Press: 22. Saul Kripke argued that there were a posteriori truths, such as Hesperus is Phosphoros, or Water is H₂O, that were nonetheless metaphysically necessary.
We recommend reference to the original paper, JACS does not license Wikipedia for graphs. A posteriori one may presume that in the systems where the reaction partners may diffuse freely the optimum distance for the electron jump may be sought, i.e.
After ruling out the possibility of analytic a posteriori propositions, and explaining how we can obtain knowledge of analytic a priori propositions, Kant also explains how we can obtain knowledge of synthetic a posteriori propositions. That leaves only the question of how knowledge of synthetic a priori propositions is possible. This question is exceedingly important, Kant maintains, because all scientific knowledge (for him Newtonian physics and mathematics) is made up of synthetic a priori propositions. If it is impossible to determine which synthetic a priori propositions are true, he argues, then metaphysics as a discipline is impossible.
Another problem with the a posteriori moral search is that we lack an epistemic account of how we access moral facts. This is the epistemic aspect of Mackie's argument from queerness. . Failing such an account, the postulation of moral value will be egregious.
Glosa is written with the Latin alphabet without special characters. There are no double vowels or consonants and pronunciation rules are simple and regular. Most words in Glosa are taken from Latin and Greek roots. Glosa is thus an a posteriori language.
Naive Bayes is a successful classifier based upon the principle of maximum a posteriori (MAP). This approach is naturally extensible to the case of having more than two classes, and was shown to perform well in spite of the underlying simplifying assumption of conditional independence.
At the same meeting, Ido was first presented. Spokil never gained much support, however, and nowadays is largely forgotten. Like Volapük, Spokil is most often qualified as an a priori/a posteriori hybrid. Some authors, including Nicolas himself, consider it a purely a priori language.
If we merely connect two intuitions together in a perceiving subject, the knowledge is always subjective because it is derived a posteriori, when what is desired is for the knowledge to be objective, that is, for the two intuitions to refer to the object and hold good of it for anyone at any time, not just the perceiving subject in its current condition. What else is equivalent to objective knowledge besides the a priori (universal and necessary knowledge)? Before knowledge can be objective, it must be incorporated under an a priori category of understanding.Deleuze on Kant , from where the definitions of a priori and a posteriori were obtained.
Kripke's three lectures on proper names and identity, (1980), raised the issues of how we should interpret statements about identity. Take the statement that the Evening Star is identical to the Morning Star. Both are the planet Venus. This seems to be an a posteriori identity statement.
However, upon closer examination of the subject, Hume discovered that some judgments thought to be analytic, especially those related to cause and effect, were actually synthetic (i.e., no analysis of the subject will reveal the predicate). They thus depend exclusively upon experience and are therefore a posteriori.
However, blind deconvolution remains a very challenging non-convex optimization problem even with this assumption. Top left image: NGC224 by Hubble Space Telescope. Top right contour: best fit of the point spread function (PSF) (a priori). Middle left image: Deconvolution by maximum a posteriori estimation (MAP), the 2nd iteration.
It can also improve the regularity of the dual wavelet. A lifting design is computed by adjusting the number of vanishing moments. The stability and regularity of the resulting biorthogonal wavelets are measured a posteriori, hoping for the best. This is the main weakness of this wavelet design procedure.
In the a posteriori case, we advance the physical simulation by a small time step, then check if any objects are intersecting, or are somehow so close to each other that we deem them to be intersecting. At each simulation step, a list of all intersecting bodies is created, and the positions and trajectories of these objects are somehow "fixed" to account for the collision. We say that this method is a posteriori because we typically miss the actual instant of collision, and only catch the collision after it has actually happened. In the a priori methods, we write a collision detection algorithm which will be able to predict very precisely the trajectories of the physical bodies.
If two-dimensionalism is workable it solves some very important problems in the philosophy of language. Saul Kripke has argued that "Water is H2O" is an example of a necessary truth which is true a posteriori, since we had to discover that water was H2O, but given that it is true (which it is) it cannot be false. It would be absurd to claim that something that is water is not H2O, for these are known to be identical. However, this contention that one and the same proposition can be both a posteriori and necessary is considered absurd by some philosophers (as is Kripke's paired claim that the same proposition can be both a priori and contingent).
A letter survives of Anselm responding to Lanfranc's criticism of the work. The elder cleric took exception to its lack of appeals to scripture and authority. The preface of the Proslogion records his own dissatisfaction with the Monologion's arguments, since they are rooted in a posteriori evidence and inductive reasoning.
Pan-Romance languages and other Romance-based languages can be similar. The later are mostly constructed a posteriori languages that resemble Romance, mainly because of their vocabulary, but lack some typical, generally grammatical, Romance features, which pan-Romance languages do include. Mediterranean Lingua Franca was not a constructed language but a pidgin.
Solutions to polynomial systems computed using numerical algebraic geometric methods can be certified, meaning that the approximate solution is "correct". This can be achieved in several ways, either a priori using a certified tracker, or a posteriori by showing that the point is, say, in the basin of convergence for Newton's method.
Springer, New York (1994) It can be used for inference of maximum a posteriori (MAP) state or estimation of conditional or marginal distributions over a subset of variables. The algorithm has exponential time complexity, but could be efficient in practice for the low-treewidth graphs, if the proper elimination order is used.
Both Viterbi and sequential decoding algorithms return hard decisions: the bits that form the most likely codeword. An approximate confidence measure can be added to each bit by use of the Soft output Viterbi algorithm. Maximum a posteriori (MAP) soft decisions for each bit can be obtained by use of the BCJR algorithm.
Frater (lingua sistemfrater), an a posteriori international auxiliary language, published in Frater (Lingua sistemfrater). The simplest International Language Ever Constructed, in 1957 by the Vietnamese linguist Phạm Xuân Thái. The grammar can be compared to Indonesian language grammar. Phạm Xuân Thái gave it more than 6,000 words for the usage of a very extensive vocabulary.
For Bachelard the scientific object should be constructed and therefore, different from the positivist sciences, information is in continuous construction. Empiricism and rationalism are not regarded as dualism or opposition but complementary, therefore studies of a priori and a posteriori or in other words reason and are dialectic and are part of scientific research.
Empirical evidence is the information received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and documentation of patterns and behavior through experimentation. The term comes from the Greek word for experience, ἐμπειρία (empeiría). After Immanuel Kant, in philosophy, it is common to call the knowledge gained a posteriori knowledge (in contrast to a priori knowledge).
Naming and Necessity p.3 This does not mean that we have knowledge of this necessity. Before the discovery that Hesperus (the evening star) and Phosphorus (the morning star) were the same planet, this fact was not known, and could not have been inferred from first principles. Thus there can be a posteriori necessity.
Why–because analysis (WBA) is a method for accident analysis. It is independent of application domain and has been used to analyse, among others, aviation-, railway-, marine-, and computer-related accidents and incidents. It is mainly used as an after the fact (or a posteriori) analysis method. WBA strives to ensure objectivity, falsifiability and reproducibility of results.
Thus, Kant saved Newton's law of universal gravitation from Hume's problem of induction by finding uniformity of nature to be a priori knowledge. Logical positivists rejected Kant's synthethic a priori, and adopted Hume's fork, whereby a statement is either analytic and a priori (thus necessary and verifiable logically) or synthetic and a posteriori (thus contingent and verifiable empirically).
In 2012, Xi et al. managed to obtain a more resolved phylogenetic tree than previous studies through the use of data from a large number of genes. They included analyses of 82 plastid genes from 58 species (they ignored the problematic Rafflesiaceae), using partitions identified a posteriori by applying a Bayesian mixture model. Xi et al.
The BCJR algorithm is an algorithm for maximum a posteriori decoding of error correcting codes defined on trellises (principally convolutional codes). The algorithm is named after its inventors: Bahl, Cocke, Jelinek and Raviv.L.Bahl, J.Cocke, F.Jelinek, and J.Raviv, "Optimal Decoding of Linear Codes for minimizing symbol error rate", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT-20(2), pp.
"Elman, 115. In the Xu gua zhuan lun, a treatise on the Yijing, Cunyu makes his stance against Buddho-Taoist negative categories (in polemics with Zhu Xi's distinction of "before Heaven"/a priori and "after Heaven"/a posteriori): "First there was Heaven and earth. Then the myriad things were born within. The sage speaks of being.
Saul Kripke has argued that "Water is H2O" is an example of the necessary a posteriori, since we had to discover that water was H2O, but given that it is true, it cannot be false. It would be absurd to claim that something that is water is not H2O, for these are known to be identical.
One of the most notable epistemological debates in the early modern period was between empiricism and rationalism. Empiricism places emphasis on observational evidence via sensory experience as the source of knowledge. Empiricism is associated with a posteriori knowledge, which is obtained through experience (such as scientific knowledge). Rationalism places emphasis on reason as a source of knowledge.
In order for any concept to have meaning, it must be related to sense perception. The 12 categories, or a priori concepts, are related to phenomenal appearances through schemata. Each category has a schema. It is a connection through time between the category, which is an a priori concept of the understanding, and a phenomenal a posteriori appearance.
In estimation theory and decision theory, a Bayes estimator or a Bayes action is an estimator or decision rule that minimizes the posterior expected value of a loss function (i.e., the posterior expected loss). Equivalently, it maximizes the posterior expectation of a utility function. An alternative way of formulating an estimator within Bayesian statistics is maximum a posteriori estimation.
On 12 September, the album was released on Enigma's MySpace page for pre-listening. After enjoying a huge success on MySpace (with over 400,000 listens in 2 days), several international MTV and VH1 web sites started streaming the album until 22 September. Seven Lives Many Faces was also released in DVD format with 5.1 surround sound, similar to their previous album A posteriori.
From the point of view of the decision maker, the second step of the a posteriori preference techniques is the most complicated one. There are two main approaches to informing the decision maker. First, a number of points of the Pareto front can be provided in the form of a list (interesting discussion and references are given in) or using Heatmaps.
Universalglot is an a posteriori international auxiliary language published by the French linguist Jean Pirro in 1868 in Tentative d'une langue universelle, Enseignement, grammaire, vocabulaire. Preceding Volapük by a decade and Esperanto by nearly 20 years, Universalglot has been called the first "complete auxiliary-language system based on the common elements in national languages".Bray, Mary Connell. "Introduction" in Alexander Gode et al.
The EM method was modified to compute maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates for Bayesian inference in the original paper by Dempster, Laird, and Rubin. Other methods exist to find maximum likelihood estimates, such as gradient descent, conjugate gradient, or variants of the Gauss–Newton algorithm. Unlike EM, such methods typically require the evaluation of first and/or second derivatives of the likelihood function.
Therefore (by the definition of 'necessary') 'Hesperus = Phosphorus' is necessarily true. If it is the case that in all possible worlds the identity claim “Hesperus is Phosphorus” is true, the statement is necessary :(P3) The fact that Hesperus is Phosphorus was discovered by empirical observation. So it is a posteriori knowledge. Knowing that Hesperus is Phosphorus cannot have been discovered a priori.
Motion segmentation can be seen as a classification problem where each pixel has to be classified as background or foreground. Such classifications are modeled under statistic theory and can be used in segmentation algorithms. These approaches can be further divided depending on the statistical framework used. Most commonly used frameworks are maximum a posteriori probability (MAP), Particle Filter (PF) and Expectation Maximization (EM).
The citizen protests that he understands who his brother is, and who the Masked Man is supposed to be, and can meaningfully ask, "Is my brother the Masked Man?" Obviously, analytic equivalency is of no relevance here. The matter is an empirical one, which the citizen must investigate a posteriori. The absurdity of dismissing the claim as such is apparent.
"A posteriori", a Latin phrase translated as "after the fact", refers to empirical knowledge, the epistemological concept of deriving knowledge from past experience. "Eppur si muove", alternately spelled "E pur si muove!", is an Italian phrase translated to "And yet it moves", attributed to Galileo Galilei after he was sentenced by the Roman Inquisition to recant his belief in heliocentrism.
Some objects are in resting contact, that is, in collision, but neither bouncing off, nor interpenetrating, such as a vase resting on a table. In all cases, resting contact requires special treatment: If two objects collide (a posteriori) or slide (a priori) and their relative motion is below a threshold, friction becomes stiction and both objects are arranged in the same branch of the scene graph.
Most of the work on blind deconvolution started in early 1970s. Blind deconvolution is used in astronomical imaging and medical imaging. Blind deconvolution can be performed iteratively, whereby each iteration improves the estimation of the PSF and the scene, or non-iteratively, where one application of the algorithm, based on exterior information, extracts the PSF. Iterative methods include maximum a posteriori estimation and expectation- maximization algorithms.
A posteriori became first Enigma album to be recorded using Cretu's new 5.1 fully computerized mobile music studio "Alchemist". "Alchemist" represents a machine of comparably small size with main keyboard and a number of hardware MIDI controllers with some "special" expansions and central computer with LCD screen. It was designed for Michael Cretu privately and according to him helped a lot producing music, transferring ideas into sound.
Constructing skill trees (CST) is a hierarchical reinforcement learning algorithm which can build skill trees from a set of sample solution trajectories obtained from demonstration. CST uses an incremental MAP (maximum a posteriori) change point detection algorithm to segment each demonstration trajectory into skills and integrate the results into a skill tree. CST was introduced by George Konidaris, Scott Kuindersma, Andrew Barto and Roderic Grupen in 2010.
Historians have divided the history of Cubism into phases. In one scheme, the first phase of Cubism, known as Analytic Cubism, a phrase coined by Juan Gris a posteriori,Honour, H. and J. Fleming, (2009) A World History of Art. 7th edn. London: Laurence King Publishing, p. 784. was both radical and influential as a short but highly significant art movement between 1910 and 1912 in France.
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1980 In the case of two-valued vector logic, uncertainties in the truth values can be introduced using vectors with s and n weighted by probabilities. Let f=\epsilon s + \delta n, with \epsilon, \delta \in [0,1], \epsilon + \delta = 1 be this kind of "probabilistic" vectors. Here, the many-valued character of the logic is introduced a posteriori via the uncertainties introduced in the inputs.
It may hear cases referred by the President of the Republic, the government, the members of Parliament (A150) or any judge before whom a constitutional issue has been raised by a defendant or a plaintiff (A152). The Constitutional Court has the right to both a priori and a posteriori review (respectively, before and after enactment), and can invalidate whole laws or decrees and ban their application for all future cases (A153).
Outside, the aisles were covered with a terrace punt, the roof being reserved for the nave: thus there was the effect of a basilica on two levels. This silhouette disappeared with the Gothic remodelling. A deambulatory with radiating chapels developed around the church which preserved a part of its murals. A crypt of the 11th century, dug a posteriori under the choir, also preserves frescos of the time.
Some of these tracks were available previously on the original A Posteriori iTunes version of the album and the previously mentioned DVD release. On 19 September 2008, Enigma's seventh album Seven Lives Many Faces was released worldwide. The lead single, "Seven Lives", is a fusion of modern and classical elements. The Platinum Collection, a 3-CD compilation, was released on 27 November 2009 in Germany, and on 9 February 2010 worldwide.
A posteriori studies have shown that the best reagentless fluorescent biosensors are obtained when the fluorophore does not make non-covalent interactions with the surface of the bioreceptor, which would increase the background signal, and when it interacts with a binding pocket at the surface of the target antigen. The RF biosensors that are obtained by the above methods, can function and detect target analytes inside living cells.
Spirit = revealed Totality of Being = ((subjective) Revelation + (objective) Being) = (Knowledge + Real) = (Subject + Object)Spirit, or Geist, is always an endpoint, or a 'becoming'. Although determinist, for Hegel, the becoming of Spirit can only be traced a posteriori and not predicted. System = Subject<->Object [Subject reveals Object, Subject is revealed in Object] Self = Time'Time' and 'Space' are absolutely key concepts here. Though Hegel uses them in slightly unfamiliar ways.
Kripke argued that the only way to defend this identity is as an a posteriori necessary identity, but that such an identity — e.g., that pain is C-fibers firing — could not be necessary, given the (clearly conceivable) possibility that pain could be separate from the firing of C-fibers, or the firing of C-fibers be separate from pain. (Similar arguments have since been made by David Chalmers.Chalmers, David. 1996.
It is a process called scalarization of a multi-objective problem. The first Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization (MOACO) algorithm was published in 2001, but it was based on a posteriori approach to MOO. The idea of using PROMETHEE method to integrate decision-makers preferences into MOACO algorithm was born in 2009. So far, HUMANT algorithm is only known fully operational optimization algorithm that successfully integrated PROMETHEE method into ACO.
Physicalists hold that physicalism is true. A natural question for physicalists, then, is whether the truth of physicalism is deducible a priori from the nature of the physical world (i.e., the inference is justified independently of experience, even though the nature of the physical world can itself only be determined through experience) or can only be deduced a posteriori (i.e., the justification of the inference itself is dependent upon experience).
Most notably, a fictionalized version of Cleanthes appears as one of the three main interlocutors in David Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, where he defends the view that a posteriori knowledge of the existence and nature of God is possible for us. Cleanthes also appears in José Enrique Rodó's essay Ariel, in which he is depicted as meditating on the teachings of Zeno as he carried water all through the night.
The original study was published by Gottman and Buehlman in 1992, in which they interviewed couples with children. A posteriori modeling yielded a discriminant function that discriminate who has divorced with 94% accuracy. Gottman believed that since early married life is a period of change and adjustment, and perceptions are being formed, he sought to predict marital stability and divorce through couples' perceptions during the first year of marriage.
As a follower of Bonaventure, Walter accepted that the existence of God is "the first truth" and therefore could not be proved a priori. The school of which he formed part differed from Thomas Aquinas, who held that God's existence can be proved a posteriori but not a priori (see Summa Theologica, I, 2, 1 and I, 2, 3), but contended that being itself was the first object of knowledge.
According to Kant then, existence is not really a predicate. Therefore, there is really no connection between the idea of God and God's appearance or disappearance. No statement about God whatsoever may establish God's existence. Kant makes a distinction between "in intellectus" (in mind) and "in re" (in reality or in fact) so that questions of being are a priori and questions of existence are resolved a posteriori.
It is an argument a > posteriori, by which something is demonstrated by the results produced by > it. Our Lord plainly attests the ground on which she had obtained > forgiveness, when he says, "Thy faith has saved thee." By faith, therefore, > we obtain forgiveness: by love we give thanks, and bear testimony to the > loving-kindness of the Lord.John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian > Religion, Book III, Chapter 4 at
Design for All in the context of information and communications technology (ICT) is the conscious and systematic effort to proactively apply principles, methods and tools to promote universal design in computer-related technologies, including Internet-based technologies, thus avoiding the need for a posteriori adaptations, or specialised design (Stephanidis et al., 2001).User Interfaces for All: Concepts, Methods and Tools. Constantine Stephanidis, (Ed.) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001, Accessed 2019-05-14.
To deduce all these laws, Kant examined experience in general, dissecting in it what is supplied by the mind from what is supplied by the given intuitions. This is commonly called a transcendental deduction.Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, pp. 35–43. To begin with, Kant's distinction between the a posteriori being contingent and particular knowledge, and the a priori being universal and necessary knowledge, must be kept in mind.
Rationalism is often contrasted with empiricism. Taken very broadly, these views are not mutually exclusive, since a philosopher can be both rationalist and empiricist. Taken to extremes, the empiricist view holds that all ideas come to us a posteriori, that is to say, through experience; either through the external senses or through such inner sensations as pain and gratification. The empiricist essentially believes that knowledge is based on or derived directly from experience.
According to Kant, there are twelve categories that constitute the understanding of phenomenal objects. Each category is that one predicate which is common to multiple empirical concepts. In order to explain how an a priori concept can relate to individual phenomena, in a manner analogous to an a posteriori concept, Kant employed the technical concept of the schema. He held that the account of the concept as an abstraction of experience is only partly correct.
Flowchart showing how the MAS5 algorithm by Agilent works. Factor Analysis for Robust Microarray Summarization (FARMS) is a model-based technique for summarizing array data at perfect match probe level. It is based on a factor analysis model for which a Bayesian maximum a posteriori method optimizes the model parameters under the assumption of Gaussian measurement noise. According to the Affycomp benchmark FARMS outperformed all other summarizations methods with respect to sensitivity and specificity.
Kant said that the schema of a concept is the representation of a general procedure of the imagination by which an image can be supplied for a concept. Kant claimed that time is the only proper and appropriate transcendental schema because it shares the a priori category's generality and purity as well as any a posteriori phenomenon's manner of appearance. However, it may be true that time is not the only possible schema.
More realistically, though, the hat matrix would involve an observation covariance matrix Σ indicating the non-zero correlation among observations. The more general formulation of effective degree of freedom would result in a more realistic estimate for, e.g., the error variance σ2, which in its turn scales the unknown parameters' a posteriori standard deviation; the degree of freedom will also affect the expansion factor necessary to produce an error ellipse for a given confidence level.
Toxicophores can also be identified in lead compounds and removed or replaced later in the process with less toxic moieties. Both techniques, in silico (predictive) and a posteriori (experimental), are active areas of chemoinformatics research and development, within the field known as Computational Toxicology. For example, in the United States, the EPA's National Center for Computational Toxicology sponsors several toxicity databases based on predictive modeling as well as high-throughput screening experimental methods.
The question "This is H2O but is it water?" is intelligible and so, in that limited sense, whether or not water is H2O is an open question; note that this does not address the issue of significance. But that does not lead us to conclude that water is not H2O. "Water is H2O" is an identity claim that is known to be true a posteriori (i.e., it was discovered via empirical investigation).
Also cited in Claude Piron, Le Defi des Langues (L'Harmattan, 1994) . Furthermore, fictional or experimental languages can be considered naturalistic if they model real world languages. For example, if a naturalistic conlang is derived a posteriori from another language (real or constructed), it should imitate natural processes of phonological, lexical, and grammatical change. In contrast with languages such as Interlingua, naturalistic fictional languages are not usually intended for easy learning or communication.
The Art of Love is Sandra's first album not to be produced by her then-partner, Michael Cretu, who at that time was unavailable due to working on the new Enigma album, A Posteriori. It was also her last album released before their separation in late 2007. Instead, the material was produced by Jens Gad, Cretu's "right hand man". This change made Sandra actively participate in writing songs for the first time in her career.
Afshar and Lashckarbolok used the CDLSM method for the adaptive simulation of hyperbolic problems. A simple a posteriori error indicator based on the value of the least squares functional and a node moving strategy was used and tested on 1-D hyperbolic problems. Shobeyri and Afshar simulated free surface problems using the DLSM method. The method was then extended for adaptive simulation of two- dimensional shocked hyperbolic problems by Afshar and Firoozjaee.
Edinburgh, London: Mosby Elsevier. 2008. TDM aimed at improving patient care by individually adjusting the dose of drugs for which clinical experience or clinical trials have shown it improved outcome in the general or special populations. It can be based on a a priori pharmacogenetic, demographic and clinical information, and/or on the a posteriori measurement of blood concentrations of drugs (pharmacokinetic monitoring) or biological surrogate or end-point markers of effect (pharmacodynamic monitoring).IATDMCT Executive Committee.
Under , a European patent application must "...relate to one invention only or to a group of inventions so linked as to form a single general inventive concept." This legal provision is the application, within the European Patent Convention, of the requirement of unity of invention, which applies also in many other jurisdictions. The lack of unity or non-unity (of invention), can appear either a priori, i.e., before taking into account the prior art, or a posteriori, i.e.
The summary published in the 2006 re-edition of Vanier’s autobiography is as follows: ″Many books have been devoted to the pioneering of aviation in France. Often these are written a posteriori by researchers, journalists or novelists, exalting their heroic exploits. “Tout pour la ligne” on the other hand, was written by a pioneer himself. According to his personal notes, Raymond Vanier speaks directly with modesty and rigor of his working day life of more than forty years.
Since a priori physicalists hold that PTI → N is a priori, they are committed to denying P1) of the conceivability argument. The a priori physicalist, then, must argue that PTI and not Q, on ideal rational reflection, is incoherent or contradictory.For a survey of the different arguments for this conclusion (as well as responses to each), see Chalmers, 2009. A posteriori physicalists, on the other hand, generally accept P1) but deny P2)--the move from "conceivability to metaphysical possibility".
Once the suitability model is complete the results should be analyzed. It is always a good idea to examine the results closely to verify that they make sense and no mistakes were made. Before the model is used the results should also be verified and validated. Ideally, the value of predictive methods based in habitat suitability to estimate for instance the population size of common species should be tested before conducting large- scale monitoring, rather than a posteriori.
In the last two decades, many specific face hallucination algorithms have been reported to perform this technique. Although the existing face hallucination methods have achieved great success, there is still much room for improvement. The common algorithms usually perform two steps: the first step generates global face image which keeps the characteristics of the face using probabilistic method maximum a posteriori (MAP). The second step produces residual image to compensate the result of the first step.
Sense and reference are two different aspects of some terms' meanings. A term's reference is the object to which the term refers, while the term's sense is the way that the term refers to that object. There is a difference between the sense of a term and its reference (i.e. the object itself).. Thus, we can understand a claim like "goodness is identical with pleasure" as an a posteriori identity claim similar to "Water is H2O".
If this were true, it would show why empirical investigation was not their modus operandi. In other words, the Oxford Calculators' works show respect for quantitative reasoning; opposed to a posteriori evaluations. Regardless of whether they opted against empirical investigation for theological reasons or simply because the debut of the scientific method was not ready to be revealed, one ought to regard John of Dumbleton and his contemporaries as exemplary pioneers in mathematics, physics, and logical discourse.
Like Hume, Kant rejects knowledge of the "I" as substance. For Kant, the "I" that is taken to be the soul is purely logical and involves no intuitions. The "I" is the result of the a priori consciousness continuum not of direct intuition a posteriori. It is apperception as the principle of unity in the consciousness continuum that dictates the presence of "I" as a singular logical subject of all the representations of a single consciousness.
In practice, the objective value may be noisy or even non-numerical, and hence its gradient information may be unreliable or unavailable. This is particularly true when the problem is multi-objective. At present, many designs and refinements are mainly made through a manual trial-and-error process with the help of a CAD simulation package. Usually, such a posteriori learning or adjustments need to be repeated many times until a ‘satisfactory’ or ‘optimal’ design emerges.
Greek psaltes were not interested at all in this question. They knew the models of each modes by certain simple chant genres as the troparion and the heirmoi (the melodic models used to create poetry in the meter of the heirmologic odes), but other genres like sticheron and kontakion could change the echos within their melos, so their main interest was the relationship between the echoi to compose elegant and discrete changes between them. In contrary, the very particular form and function of the tonary within chant transmission made it evident, that the modal classification of Latin cantors according to the eight tones of the Octoechos had to be done a posteriori, deduced by the modal analysis of the chant and its melodic patterns, while the transmission of the traditional chant itself did not provide any model except of the psalm tones used for the recitation of the psalms and the canticles.Peter Jeffery's important and long essay about "The Earliest Oktōēchoi" (2001) emphasized an analytic modal classification a posteriori as an essential observation concerning the Western use of the octoechos.
We then deduce from this knowledge that there is a prime number greater than two. Thus, it can be said that intuition and deduction combined to provide us with a priori knowledge – we gained this knowledge independently of sense experience. Empiricists such as David Hume have been willing to accept this thesis for describing the relationships among our own concepts. In this sense, empiricists argue that we are allowed to intuit and deduce truths from knowledge that has been obtained a posteriori.
Because games do not need to mimic actual physics, stability is not as much of an issue. Almost all games use a posteriori collision detection, and collisions are often resolved using very simple rules. For instance, if a character becomes embedded in a wall, they might be simply moved back to their last known good location. Some games will calculate the distance the character can move before getting embedded into a wall, and only allow them to move that far.
Multi-objective optimization methods can be divided into four classes. In so-called no preference methods, no DM is expected to be available, but a neutral compromise solution is identified without preference information. The other classes are so-called a priori, a posteriori and interactive methods and they all involve preference information from the DM in different ways. In a priori methods, preference information is first asked from the DM and then a solution best satisfying these preferences is found.
Positivism is a philosophical theory which states that "genuine" knowledge (knowledge of anything which is not true by definition) is exclusively derived from experience of natural phenomena and their properties and relations. Thus, information derived from sensory experience, as interpreted through reason and logic, forms the exclusive source of all certain knowledge. Positivism therefore holds that all genuine knowledge is a posteriori knowledge. Verified data (positive facts) received from the senses are known as empirical evidence; thus positivism is based on empiricism.
Once this spectral information is extracted, it can be compared to an existing database containing information about the targets that the system will identify and a decision can be made as to what the illuminated target is. This is done by modeling the received signal then using a statistical estimation method such as maximum likelihood (ML), majority voting (MV) or maximum a posteriori (MAP) to make a decision about which target in the library best fits the model built using the received signal.
Much understanding of cause and effect is based on associations, without an understanding of how events are related to one another; this is known as the "illusion of explanatory depth". A 2013 neuropsychology study demonstrates that humans conform new information to old information. This suggests an inverted causal experience: cause must be attributed to effect a posteriori to understand the causal connection between agent and act. Friedrich Nietzsche argued against Aristotelian causality (that cause precedes effect) in The Will To Power.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 78:199-214. . but two works published after APG III have accepted the small families Medusagynaceae and Quiinaceae.Zhenxiang Xi, Brad R. Ruhfel, Hanno Schaefer, André M. Amorim, Manickam Sugumaran, Kenneth J. Wurdack, Peter K. Endress, Merran L. Matthews, Peter F. Stevens, Sarah Mathews, and Charles C. Davis. 2012. "Phylogenomics and a posteriori data partitioning resolve the Cretaceous angiosperm radiation Malpighiales". PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 109(43):17519-17524. .
The fifth of Thomas Aquinas' proofs of God's existence was based on teleology Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), whose writings became widely accepted within Catholic western Europe, was heavily influenced by Aristotle, Averroes, and other Islamic and Jewish philosophers. He presented a teleological argument in his Summa Theologica. In the work, Aquinas presented five ways in which he attempted to prove the existence of God: the quinque viae. These arguments feature only a posteriori arguments, rather than literal reading of holy texts.
In Kant's view, a priori intuitions and concepts provide some a priori knowledge, which also provides the framework for a posteriori knowledge. Kant also believed that causality is a conceptual organizing principle imposed upon nature, albeit nature understood as the sum of appearances that can be synthesized according to a priori concepts. In other words, space and time are a form of perceiving and causality is a form of knowing. Both space and time and conceptual principles and processes pre-structure experience.
To reduce the search time, the biologically-inspired evolutionary algorithm (EA) can be used instead, which is a (non-deterministic) polynomial algorithm. The EA based multi-objective "search team" can be interfaced with an existing CAD simulation package in a batch mode. The EA encodes the design parameters (encoding being necessary if some parameters are non-numerical) to refine multiple candidates through parallel and interactive search. In the search process, 'selection' is performed using 'survival of the fittest' a posteriori learning.
There are many constructed a posteriori languages which integrate elements from different, typically European, language families but have a very Romance or even Latin appearance because they are based on international vocabulary, that is, words which are common to the most internationally influential European languages. This vocabulary is mainly of Latin origin due to the century-long influence of this language over European languages. They have been called Latinid constructed languages by Blanke,Blanke (2006), p. 42 and include Esperanto,Blanke (2006), p.
Postprocessing procedures are designed for the extraction of the data of interest from a finite element solution. In order to meet the requirements of solution verification, postprocessors need to provide for a posteriori error estimation in terms of the quantities of interest. When the errors of approximation are larger than what is considered acceptable then the discretization has to be changed either by an automated adaptive process or by the action of the analyst. There are some very efficient postprocessors that provide for the realization of superconvergence.
The instants of collision are calculated with high precision, and the physical bodies never actually interpenetrate. We call this a priori because we calculate the instants of collision before we update the configuration of the physical bodies. The main benefits of the a posteriori methods are as follows. In this case, the collision detection algorithm need not be aware of the myriad of physical variables; a simple list of physical bodies is fed to the algorithm, and the program returns a list of intersecting bodies.
Secondly, it is argued that the premise of causality has been arrived at via a posteriori (inductive) reasoning, which is dependent on experience. David Hume highlighted this problem of induction and argued that causal relations were not true a priori. However, as to whether inductive or deductive reasoning is more valuable remains a matter of debate, with the general conclusion being that neither is prominent. Opponents of the argument tend to argue that it is unwise to draw conclusions from an extrapolation of causality beyond experience.
Cretu recorded the first five Enigma albums at A.R.T. Studios, a home recording studio located on the Spanish island of Ibiza. From 1988 until 2001, Cretu lived in Santa Eulària des Riu followed by, from 2001 to 2008, a villa near Sant Antoni where the studio was redesigned and built by Gunter Wagner and Bernd Steber. Voyageur and A Posteriori were recorded using an all-in-one mobile digital recording studio named Alchemist. In 2010, a reworked version of Alchemist was built and named Merlin.
The categories, or pure concepts of the understanding,Critique of Pure Reason A81 are a priori logical innate forms that are conditions of the possibility of things in general, or of things as such.Critique of Pure Reason, A 139 A thing can become a known object of thought when an a posteriori sense impression is comprehended through the forms of the categories. Categories and sense impressions are totally different from each other. Categories are utterly heterogeneous with the perceptions that are experienced through the sense organs.
The doctrines of the Peripatetic school were those laid down by Aristotle, and henceforth maintained by his followers. Whereas Plato had sought to explain things with his theory of forms, Aristotle preferred to start from the facts given by experience. Philosophy to him meant science, and its aim was the recognition of the "why" in all things. Hence he endeavoured to attain to the ultimate grounds of things by induction; that is to say, by a posteriori conclusions from a number of facts toward a universal.
In practice, the class means and covariances are not known. They can, however, be estimated from the training set. Either the maximum likelihood estimate or the maximum a posteriori estimate may be used in place of the exact value in the above equations. Although the estimates of the covariance may be considered optimal in some sense, this does not mean that the resulting discriminant obtained by substituting these values is optimal in any sense, even if the assumption of normally distributed classes is correct.
A certificate for a root is a computational proof of the correctness of a candidate solution. For instance, a certificate may consist of an approximate solution x, a region R containing x, and a proof that R contains exactly one solution to the system of equations. In this context, an a priori numerical certificate is a certificate in the sense of correctness in computer science. On the other hand, an a posteriori numerical certificate operates only on solutions, regardless of how they are computed.
The suggestion, then, is that possession of the concepts in the consequent, plus the empirical information in the antecedent is sufficient for the consequent to be knowable a priori. An "a posteriori physicalist", on the other hand, will reject the claim that PTI → N is knowable a priori. Rather, they would hold that the inference from PTI to N is justified by metaphysical considerations that in turn can be derived from experience. So the claim then is that "PTI and not N" is metaphysically impossible.
The categories are: Truth, Nonsense, The True and the False, Certainty, Discussion, The Object, The Self, God, Condition, Conscience, Intelligence, Personality, The Absolute, The Oeuvre, The Finite, Action, Meaning, and finally, Wisdom. These categories correspond to historic philosophical discourses that have been elaborated, however their logical order is something that appears a posteriori and something that does not have a direct correspondence with the historic appearance of these discourse.Canivez, Patrice, "La notion de reprise et ses applications", in Cultura, Vol. 31, 2013, pp. 15-29.
The ROC's GDP is ahead of several G20 economies. In the context of the international norm of tabula rasa, the ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs remains a de facto state in readiness to join the international community, and (if applicable) as a sui generis entity of international law, abiding by the reference of the ex factis jus oritur principle and a priori and a posteriori of the ROC, to participate in international organisations as defined by international norms and the Union of International Associations.
There are interesting thoughts on what probability really is: > ... probability as a measurable degree of certainty; necessity and chance; > moral versus mathematical expectation; a priori an a posteriori probability; > expectation of winning when players are divided according to dexterity; > regard of all available arguments, their valuation, and their calculable > evaluation; law of large numbers ... Bernoulli was one of the most significant promoters of the formal methods of higher analysis. Astuteness and elegance are seldom found in his method of presentation and expression, but there is a maximum of integrity.
In some cases, the first-order conditions of the likelihood function can be solved explicitly; for instance, the ordinary least squares estimator maximizes the likelihood of the linear regression model. Under most circumstances, however, numerical methods will be necessary to find the maximum of the likelihood function. From the vantage point of Bayesian inference, MLE is a special case of maximum a posteriori estimation (MAP) that assumes a uniform prior distribution of the parameters. In frequentist inference, MLE is a special case of an extremum estimator, with the objective function being the likelihood.
In a posteriori methods, a representative set of Pareto optimal solutions is first found and then the DM must choose one of them. In interactive methods, the decision maker is allowed to iteratively search for the most preferred solution. In each iteration of the interactive method, the DM is shown Pareto optimal solution(s) and describes how the solution(s) could be improved. The information given by the decision maker is then taken into account while generating new Pareto optimal solution(s) for the DM to study in the next iteration.
This is perhaps the most controversial of the retrograde analysis conventions; if it is employed, the problem is usually marked as "AP". Sometimes it is possible to prove that if castling is possible, then the previous move must have been a double step of a pawn, making an en passant capture legal. In this case, the en passant capture is made, then its legality is proved a posteriori; this is accomplished by castling. In some such problems, Black's defence consists of trying to prevent White from castling, rendering the initial en passant capture illegal.
And in fact, it is: "unmarried" is part of the definition of "bachelor" and so is contained within it. Thus the proposition "All bachelors are unmarried" can be known to be true without consulting experience. It follows from this, Kant argued, first: All analytic propositions are a priori; there are no a posteriori analytic propositions. It follows, second: There is no problem understanding how we can know analytic propositions; we can know them because we only need to consult our concepts in order to determine that they are true.
By the early 1970s, Saul Kripke established the necessary a posteriori, since if the Morning Star and the Evening Star are the same star, they are the same star by necessity, but this is known true by a human only through relevant experience. Hume's fork remains basic in Anglo-American philosophy. Many deceptions and confusions are foisted by surreptitious or unwitting conversion of a synthetic claim to an analytic claim, rendered true by necessity but merely a tautology, for instance the No true Scotsman move. Simply put, Hume's fork has limitations.
Philosophy and Experimental Science Maritain introduces the experimental stage of knowledge, which he regards as the most rudimentary of the degrees of knowledge. Experimental knowledge is a type of a posteriori knowledge – or knowledge after experience. Experimental knowledge has the capacity to be universalized into a law if what is known is necessarily the case rather than contingently the case. Our Knowledge of the Sensible World Maritain discusses the types of knowledge, and he claims that knowledge is only valid when you accept that this reality is true.
The same applies if identity statements are necessarily true anyway. (For some interesting comments on the proof, see Lowe 2002.) The statement that for instance “Water is identical to H2O” is (then) a statement that is necessarily true but a posteriori. If CT is the correct account of modal properties we still can keep the intuition that identity statements are contingent and a priori because counterpart theory understands the modal operator in a different way than standard modal logic. The relationship between CT and essentialism is of interest.
He further developed relations between the abscissas and the corresponding ordinates that are equivalent to rhetorical equations of curves. However, although Apollonius came close to developing analytic geometry, he did not manage to do so since he did not take into account negative magnitudes and in every case the coordinate system was superimposed upon a given curve a posteriori instead of a priori. That is, equations were determined by curves, but curves were not determined by equations. Coordinates, variables, and equations were subsidiary notions applied to a specific geometric situation.
That finite fields are perfect follows a posteriori from their known structure. One can show that the tensor product of fields of L with itself over K for this example has nilpotent elements that are non-zero. This is another manifestation of inseparability: that is, the tensor product operation on fields need not produce a ring that is a product of fields (so, not a commutative semisimple ring). If P(x) is separable, and its roots form a group (a subgroup of the field K), then P(x) is an additive polynomial.
" Francis Darwin and T. H. Huxley reiterate this sentiment. The latter wrote that "the most remarkable service to the philosophy of Biology rendered by Mr. Darwin is the reconciliation of Teleology and Morphology, and the explanation of the facts of both, which his view offers." James G. Lennox states that Darwin uses the term 'Final Cause' consistently in his Species Notebook, On the Origin of Species, and after. Contrary to the position described by Francisco J. Ayala, Ernst Mayr states that "adaptedness... is a posteriori result rather than an a priori goal-seeking.
This result can be obtained by assuming that the coupling constant g is small (so small nonlinearities), as for high energies, and applying perturbation theory. The relevance of this result is due to the fact that a Yang–Mills theory that describes strong interaction and asymptotic freedom permits proper treatment of experimental results coming from deep inelastic scattering. To obtain the behavior of the Yang–Mills theory at high energies, and so to prove asymptotic freedom, one applies perturbation theory assuming a small coupling. This is verified a posteriori in the ultraviolet limit.
It means getting the facts about the physical and social world we inhabit, and the facts about our situation in it [...] before we deliberate about normative matters. It means facing those facts – accepting them for exactly what they are, no more and no less – before we draw normative conclusions from them. It means doing ethics from the facts constructing normative propositions a posteriori. It means adjusting those normative propositions to fit changes in the facts, and accepting those adjustments for exactly what they are, no more and no less.
Logo of Union of the Democratic Centre. The inclusion of the "I can promise and I do promise" formula in the final speech of the election campaign has been considered a posteriori as a key factor in the victory of the Union of the Democratic Centre, since a victory of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party was also considered possible. Suárez managed to identify UCD with himself (hence the use of the first person in the phrase) providing strength to a party which later (with Suárez's resignation in 1981) proved to be very unstable.
Other approximation methods achieve improved computational efficiency by using simple bounded-region representations of uncertainty. Set- membership techniques are mainly based on interval constraint propagation. They provide a set which encloses the pose of the robot and a set approximation of the map. Bundle adjustment, and more generally Maximum a posteriori estimation (MAP), is another popular technique for SLAM using image data, which jointly estimates poses and landmark positions, increasing map fidelity, and is used in commercialized SLAM systems such as Google's ARCore which replaces their previous augmented reality project 'Tango'.
A theoretical justification for regularization is that it attempts to impose Occam's razor on the solution (as depicted in the figure above, where the green function, the simpler one, may be preferred). From a Bayesian point of view, many regularization techniques correspond to imposing certain prior distributions on model parameters.For the connection between maximum a posteriori estimation and ridge regression, see Regularization can serve multiple purposes, including learning simpler models, inducing models to be sparse and introducing group structure into the learning problem. The same idea arose in many fields of science.
All philosophical concepts must be ultimately based on a posteriori, experienced intuition. This is different from algebra and geometry, which use concepts that are derived from a priori intuitions, such as symbolic equations and spatial figures. Kant's basic intention in this section of the text is to describe why reason should not go beyond its already well-established limits. In section I, the discipline of pure reason in the sphere of dogmatism, Kant clearly explains why philosophy cannot do what mathematics can do in spite of their similarities.
Knowledge gained a posteriori through the senses, Kant argues, never imparts absolute necessity and universality, because it is always possible that we might encounter an exception. Kant further elaborates on the distinction between "analytic" and "synthetic" judgments. A proposition is analytic if the content of the predicate-concept of the proposition is already contained within the subject-concept of that proposition. For example, Kant considers the proposition "All bodies are extended" analytic, since the predicate-concept ('extended') is already contained within—or "thought in"—the subject-concept of the sentence ('body').
The unknown parameters in each vector βk are typically jointly estimated by maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation, which is an extension of maximum likelihood using regularization of the weights to prevent pathological solutions (usually a squared regularizing function, which is equivalent to placing a zero-mean Gaussian prior distribution on the weights, but other distributions are also possible). The solution is typically found using an iterative procedure such as generalized iterative scaling, iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS), by means of gradient-based optimization algorithms such as L-BFGS, or by specialized coordinate descent algorithms.
An adaptive hypermedia system should satisfy three criteria: it should be a hypertext or hypermedia system, it should have a user model and it should be able to adapt the hypermedia using the model. A semantic distinction is made between adaptation, referring to system-driven changes for personalisation, and adaptability, referring to user-driven changes. One way of looking at this is that adaptation is automatic, whereas adaptability is not. From an epistemic point of view, adaptation can be described as analytic, a-priori, whereas adaptability is synthetic, a-posteriori.
Kripke has made influential and original contributions to logic, especially modal logic. His principal contribution is a semantics for modal logic involving possible worlds, now called Kripke semantics.Jerry Fodor, "Water's water everywhere", London Review of Books, 21 October 2004 He received the 2001 Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy. Kripke is also partly responsible for the revival of metaphysics after the decline of logical positivism, claiming necessity is a metaphysical notion distinct from the epistemic notion of a priori, and that there are necessary truths that are known a posteriori, such as that water is H2O.
Already in the Encyclopédie attention began to focus on a posteriori auxiliary languages. Joachim Faiguet de Villeneuve in the article on Langue wrote a short proposition of a "laconic" or regularized grammar of French. During the 19th century, a bewildering variety of such International Auxiliary Languages (IALs) were proposed, so that Louis Couturat and Léopold Leau in Histoire de la langue universelle (1903) reviewed 38 projects. The first of these that made any international impact was Volapük, proposed in 1879 by Johann Martin Schleyer; within a decade, 283 Volapükist clubs were counted all over the globe.
McGrath (2001-b), pp.247-249 Christian theology and the natural sciences, therefore, are both a response to reality and so must proceed a posteriori-that is from observations (i.e. of revealed or natural data respectively) to dogmas/theorems.McGrath (2001-b), pp.123-124, pp.272-77 Ideally, neither discipline confuses its theoretical constructs with the reality it seeks to describe. Both should be critical of their dogmas/theorems and constantly put them to the test. For Christian theology this means continually assessing Christian faith and practice against the revelation of God in Jesus Christ “the incarnate word.”McGrath (2001-b), p.
Other than using infinite basis sets, two methods exist to eliminate the BSSE. In the chemical Hamiltonian approach (CHA), basis set mixing is prevented a priori, by replacing the conventional Hamiltonian with one in which all the projector-containing terms that would allow mixing have been removed. In the counterpoise method (CP), the BSSE is calculated by re-performing all the calculations using the mixed basis sets, and the error is then subtracted a posteriori from the uncorrected energy. (The mixed basis sets are realised by introducing "ghost orbitals", basis set functions which have no electrons or protons.
According to the initiator, the following advantages are linked to N.B.N.:De Smet 1991b, p. 18-19 #A posteriori system: N.B.N. draws from the experiences of more than 200 years of scientific nomenclature, conserves from it the good sides and avoids the bad ones; N.B.N. makes use of modern views in biology and of the large knowledge of species and taxonomy. #Well defined system: the rules of the game were firm before any names were given. #Reliable system: the names do not originate only from one person; they are systematically criticized and (dis)approved by three other biologists.
In Bayesian statistics, a maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimate is an estimate of an unknown quantity, that equals the mode of the posterior distribution. The MAP can be used to obtain a point estimate of an unobserved quantity on the basis of empirical data. It is closely related to the method of maximum likelihood (ML) estimation, but employs an augmented optimization objective which incorporates a prior distribution (that quantifies the additional information available through prior knowledge of a related event) over the quantity one wants to estimate. MAP estimation can therefore be seen as a regularization of maximum likelihood estimation.
Physics, as with the rest of science, relies on philosophy of science and its "scientific method" to advance our knowledge of the physical world. The scientific method employs a priori reasoning as well as a posteriori reasoning and the use of Bayesian inference to measure the validity of a given theory. The development of physics has answered many questions of early philosophers, but has also raised new questions. Study of the philosophical issues surrounding physics, the philosophy of physics, involves issues such as the nature of space and time, determinism, and metaphysical outlooks such as empiricism, naturalism and realism.
Saint Saturninus of Cagliari () is venerated as the patron saint of Cagliari. According to Christian tradition, Saturninus was a local martyr –that is, he was killed at Cagliari by order of governor Barbarus.Patron Saints Index: Saint Saturninus of Cagliari The legend states that he was beheaded for refusing to offer sacrifices to Jupiter during the persecutions of Christians by Diocletian. However, some scholars have determined that this tradition was invented centuries after the supposed martyrdom, and that the legend was devised a posteriori to attach a story to the name to whom the local ancient basilica was dedicated.
The 17th-century Dutch writers Lessius and Grotius argued that the intricate structure of the world, like that of a house, was unlikely to have arisen by chance. The empiricist John Locke, writing in the late 17th century, developed the Aristotelian idea that, excluding geometry, all science must attain its knowledge a posteriori - through sensual experience. In response to Locke, Anglican Irish Bishop George Berkeley advanced a form of idealism in which things only continue to exist when they are perceived. When humans do not perceive objects, they continue to exist because God is perceiving them.
The discovery of the planet was announced in February 2009, during the First Corot Symposium. It was discovered during the follow-up started in order to confirm the existence of CoRoT-7b, a super-Earth uncovered by the CoRoT mission. However, unlike CoRoT-7b, it was not detected by the transit method from the CoRoT satellite, but only by the radial velocity method using HARPS from La Silla Observatory, Chile. A posteriori search of transits of CoRoT-7c in the lightcurve of the star CoRoT-7 yielded a negative result, confirming the planet is not transiting.
Zeitouni received his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering in 1980 from the Technion. He obtained in 1986 his doctorate in electrical engineering under the supervision of Moshe Zakai with the thesis Bounds on the Conditional Density and Maximum a posteriori Estimators for the Nonlinear Filtering Problem. As a postdoc he was a visiting assistant professor at Brown University and at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems at MIT. He joined the Technion in 1989 as senior lecturer, and was promoted in 1991 to associate professor, and in 1997 to full professor in the department of electrical engineering.
Williams thinks the goal of empiricism is to describe and explain the ‘foreground of experience’ and to ‘intelligibly and credibly construct our account of the rest of the world’. The traditional understanding of empiricism, going back to John Locke, accepts the foreground of experience as the ground from which we construct our concepts and confirm certain conclusions that inform us of the rest of the world, especially other parts that are not experienced. According to Williams, empiricism says that a posteriori knowledge is known inductively. He further thought that induction is not restricted to experience and its content or restricted to science. Induction has ‘ontological reach’ to things in themselves.
The counsels of prudence (or rules of prudence) are attained a priori (unlike the rules of skill which are attained via experience, or a posteriori) and have universal goals such as happiness. Counsels of prudence are actions committed for the overall sake of good will for the individual, and with the best intentions. This assumes, then, that actions done with the best intentions are using the hypothetical imperative to discern and make decisions that are "most moral good". Thus, almost any moral "rule" about how to act is hypothetical, because it assumes that your goal is to be moral, or to be happy, or to please God, etc.
The Alma Mater Satellite-1 (ALMASat-1) was the secondary payload of the flight, with a mass of and a cubic shape with side length of about . As such, both its orbit and adapter were constrained by LARES's. An anomaly during its separation into a targeted elliptical 345x1450-km altitude orbit at an inclination of 69.5° was detected a posteriori, and it is suspected that it might be due to the low voltage required by LARES and a thermal imbalance of its separation system (AD-SS). First signals of the spacecraft were received on , however a few days later, an on-board failure occurred which eventually resulted in a contact loss.
If there can be no such thing as observing the same object at different times, there is no possibility of a posteriori inductive reasoning (generalizing from experience). Ontology—the philosophy of what it means to be—is an alien concept. Tlön is a world of Berkeleyan idealism with one critical omission: it lacks the omnipresent, perceiving deity on whom Berkeley relied as a point of view demanding an internally consistent world. This infinitely mutable world is tempting to a playful intellect, and its "transparent tigers and ... towers of blood" appeal to baser minds, but a Tlönic world view requires denying most of what would normally be considered common sense reality.
If pure concepts of the understanding (Kantian Categories) and sense perceptions are radically different from each other, what common quality allows them to relate? Kant wrote the chapter on Schematism in his Critique of Pure Reason to solve the problem of " we can ensure that categories have 'sense and significance.' "Walsh, W.H., "Schematism," Kant-Studien, Band 49"The formation of the schema [Schemabildung] is the making sensible of concepts." (Martin Heidegger, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics, Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1997) A posteriori concepts have sense when they are derived from a mental image that is based on experienced sense impressions.
The Principle of Symmetry holds that in explaining the origins of scientific beliefs, that is, assessing the success and failure of models, theories, or experiments, the historian/sociologist should deploy the same kind of explanation in the cases of success as in cases of failure. When investigating beliefs, researchers should be impartial to the (a posteriori attributed) truth or falsehood of those beliefs, and the explanations should be unbiased. The strong programme adopts a position of relativism or neutralism regarding the arguments that social actors put forward for the acceptance/rejection of any technology. All arguments (social, cultural, political, economic, as well as technical) are to be treated equally.
While approximation algorithms always provide an a priori worst case guarantee (be it additive or multiplicative), in some cases they also provide an a posteriori guarantee that is often much better. This is often the case for algorithms that work by solving a convex relaxation of the optimization problem on the given input. For example, there is a different approximation algorithm for minimum vertex cover that solves a linear programming relaxation to find a vertex cover that is at most twice the value of the relaxation. Since the value of the relaxation is never larger than the size of the optimal vertex cover, this yields another 2-approximation algorithm.
In statistics, an expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm is an iterative method to find (local) maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates of parameters in statistical models, where the model depends on unobserved latent variables. The EM iteration alternates between performing an expectation (E) step, which creates a function for the expectation of the log- likelihood evaluated using the current estimate for the parameters, and a maximization (M) step, which computes parameters maximizing the expected log- likelihood found on the E step. These parameter-estimates are then used to determine the distribution of the latent variables in the next E step. EM clustering of Old Faithful eruption data.
For example, "Richard Nixon" refers to the same person in every possible world in which Nixon exists, while "the person who won the United States presidential election of 1968" could refer to Nixon, Humphrey, or others in different possible worlds. Kripke also raised the prospect of a posteriori necessities — facts that are necessarily true, though they can be known only through empirical investigation. Examples include "Hesperus is Phosphorus", "Cicero is Tully", "Water is H2O" and other identity claims where two names refer to the same object. Finally, Kripke gave an argument against identity materialism in the philosophy of mind, the view that every mental particular is identical with some physical particular.
When we start, this membership is unknown, or missing. The job of estimation is to devise appropriate parameters for the model functions we choose, with the connection to the data points being represented as their membership in the individual model distributions. A variety of approaches to the problem of mixture decomposition have been proposed, many of which focus on maximum likelihood methods such as expectation maximization (EM) or maximum a posteriori estimation (MAP). Generally these methods consider separately the questions of system identification and parameter estimation; methods to determine the number and functional form of components within a mixture are distinguished from methods to estimate the corresponding parameter values.
Part Four, Section Two of the Constitution establishes the Constitutional Court that rules on the constitutionality of statutes and Presidential executive orders. The Court rules on issues referred to it by the President, the members of Parliament, or any judge before whom an exception of unconstitutionality has been raised by a defendant or a plaintiff. The Constitutional Court has the right to both a priori and a posteriori review (respectively, before and after enactment), and it can invalidate whole laws or governmental decrees and prevent their application in future cases. Challenges to a law must be made within the first two months of its promulgation.
Paunero himself demanded that Duarte surrender, which he finally agreed to do. A final Paraguayan force of infantry under Lt. Zorrilla crossed the Yatay stream and was attacked by a cavalry unit of Suarez and Madariaga, who attacked from the rear. A few hundred Paraguayan soldiers swam the Uruguay River, while the rest were killed or taken prisoner. In total they suffered 1.500 deadRosa, en La Guerra del Paraguay..., basado en fuentes brasileñas, asegura que tuvieron 1.700 muertos; tal vez sumase los 200 uruguayos y argentinos tomados prisioneros, y de los que buena parte fueron fusilados a posteriori por Flores, pero difícilmente lo hayan sido en su totalidad.
To Gentile, Marx's externalizing of the dialectic was essentially a fetishistic mysticism. Though when viewed externally thus, it followed that Marx could then make claims to the effect of what state or condition the dialectic objectively existed in history, a posteriori of where any individual's opinion was while comporting oneself to the totalized whole of society. i.e. people themselves could by such a view be ideologically 'backwards' and left behind from the current state of the dialectic and not themselves be part of what is actively creating the dialectic as-it-is. Gentile thought this was absurd, and that there was no 'positive' independently existing dialectical object.
His work in this field can be divided into several branches:He is, according to , one of the pioneers of modern numerical analysis together with Boris Galerkin, Alexander Ostrowski, John von Neumann, Walter Ritz and Mauro Picone. in the following text, four main branches are described, and a sketch of his last researches is also given. The papers within the first branch are summarized in the monograph , which contain the study of convergence of variational methods for problems connected with positive operators, in particular, for some problems of mathematical physics. Both "a priori" and "a posteriori" estimates of the errors concerning the approximation given by these methods are proved.
He is one of the originators of the teleosemantic theory of mental representation, a solution to the problem of intentionality which derives the intentional content of our beliefs from their biological purpose. He is also a defender of the a posteriori physicalist solution to the mind–body problem. Papineau was elected President of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science for 1993–5, of the Mind Association for 2009–10 and of the Aristotelian Society for 2013-4. His latest book Knowing the Score (2017) is written for a general readership, and looks at a number of ways in which sporting issues cast light on long-standing philosophical problems.
In his Methodus plantarum nova Ray also developed and justified the "natural" or pre- evolutionary approach to classification, based on characteristics selected a posteriori in order to group together taxa that have the greatest number of shared characteristics. This approach, also referred to as polythetic would last till evolutionary theory enabled Eichler to develop the phyletic system that superseded it in the late nineteenth century, based on an understanding of the acquisition of characteristics. He also made the crucial observation Ex hac seminum divisione sumum potest generalis plantarum distinctio, eaque meo judicio omnium prima et longe optima, in eas sci. quae plantula seminali sunt bifolia aut διλόβω, et quae plantula sem.
SGLD is applicable in any optimization context for which it is desirable to quickly obtain posterior samples instead of a maximum a posteriori mode. In doing so, the method maintains the computational efficiency of stochastic gradient descent when compared to traditional gradient descent while providing additional information regarding the landscape around the critical point of the objective function. In practice, SGLD can be applied to the training of Bayesian Neural Networks in Deep Learning, a task in which the method provides a distribution over model parameters. By introducing information about the variance of these parameters, SGLD characterizes the generalizability of these models at certain points in training.
Since Wirkola would be the a priori and a posteriori star of any event he participated in, spectator attention and excitement levels were building up in the minutes leading up to any of his ski jumps, with appropriate crescendo and forte fortissimo culmination during his flying through the air – inadvertently causing the next participant, regardless of fame, nationality or ability, to jump in and into the vacuum of tired spectator silence. Other countries have similar expressions: for example in Australian popular culture the equivalent is "batting after Bradman" , in reference to Australian cricketer Don Bradman who was considered the greatest batsman in the history of Test cricket.
Rather than validate enumerative induction—the futile task of showing it a deductive inference—Herbert Feigl as well as Hans Reichenbach, apparently independently, sought to vindicate it by showing it simply useful, either a "good" or the "best" method for the goal at hand, making predictions.Grover Maxwell, "Induction and empiricism: A Bayesian-frequentist alternative", in pp 106–65, Maxwell & Anderson, eds (U Minnesota P, 1975), pp 111–17. Feigl posed it as a rule, thus neither a priori nor a posteriori but a fortiori. Reichenbach's treatment, similar to Pascal's wager, posed it as entailing greater predictive success versus the alternative of not using it.
Concerning reality, the necessary is a state true in all possible worlds—mere logical validity—whereas the contingent hinges on the way the particular world is. Concerning knowledge, the a priori is knowable before or without, whereas the a posteriori is knowable only after or through, relevant experience. Concerning statements, the analytic is true via terms' arrangement and meanings, thus a tautology—true by logical necessity but uninformative about the world—whereas the synthetic adds reference to a state of facts, a contingency. In 1739, David Hume cast a fork aggressively dividing "relations of ideas" from "matters of fact and real existence", such that all truths are of one type or the other.
In digital communications, a turbo equalizer is a type of receiver used to receive a message corrupted by a communication channel with intersymbol interference (ISI). It approaches the performance of a maximum a posteriori (MAP) receiver via iterative message passing between a soft-in soft-out (SISO) equalizer and a SISO decoder. It is related to turbo codes in that a turbo equalizer may be considered a type of iterative decoder if the channel is viewed as a non-redundant convolutional code. The turbo equalizer is different from classic a turbo-like code, however, in that the 'channel code' adds no redundancy and therefore can only be used to remove non-gaussian noise.
The a posteriori observation that extinction level events are rare could be offered as evidence that the DA's predictions are implausible; typically, extinctions of dominant species happen less often than once in a million years. Therefore, it is argued that human extinction is unlikely within the next ten millennia. (Another probabilistic argument, drawing a different conclusion than the DA.) In Bayesian terms, this response to the DA says that our knowledge of history (or ability to prevent disaster) produces a prior marginal for N with a minimum value in the trillions. If N is distributed uniformly from 1012 to 1013, for example, then the probability of N < 1,200 billion inferred from n = 60 billion will be extremely small.
The vocals in the song is sung by Andru Donalds, who also lent his voice in the fourth and fifth Enigma albums. On its release, listeners thought that, like previous standalone single "Turn Around", the song might not be part of any released album: however, it was later released in September 2006, with a new mix, on A posteriori. The song will also be the walk-in music for the German boxer, Felix Sturm. According to information provided by Crocodile Music Management, the single was originally scheduled to be released first in October 2005 but the date was moved to 25 November 2005, a day before Sturm's fight with Maselino Masoe for the WBA Championship title.
A large number of MPTs is often seen as an analytical failure, and is widely believed to be related to the number of missing entries ("?") in the dataset, characters showing too much homoplasy, or the presence of topologically labile "wildcard" taxa (which may have many missing entries). Numerous methods have been proposed to reduce the number of MPTs, including removing characters or taxa with large amounts of missing data before analysis, removing or downweighting highly homoplastic characters (successive weighting) or removing wildcard taxa (the phylogenetic trunk method) a posteriori and then reanalyzing the data. Numerous theoretical and simulation studies have demonstrated that highly homoplastic characters, characters and taxa with abundant missing data, and "wildcard" taxa contribute to the analysis.
In 1760, he published L'Onanisme, his own comprehensive medical treatise on the purported ill-effects of masturbation. Though Tissot's ideas are now considered conjectural at best, his treatise was presented as a scholarly, scientific work in a time when experimental physiology was practically nonexistent. Immanuel Kant regarded masturbation as a violation of the moral law. In The Metaphysics of Morals (1797), he made the a posteriori argument that "such an unnatural use of one's sexual attribute" strikes "everyone upon his thinking of it" as "a violation of one's duty to himself", and suggested that it was regarded as immoral even to give it its proper name (unlike the case of the similarly undutiful act of suicide).
This conception does not take account of the presence of the human capacity for a priori thought, the presence of which was proved by German classical philosophy in the person of Kant, who proceeded from the premise that it is humans that can think a priori, because they possess mind. Kant had no knowledge of Darwin's ideas and therefore did not deal with the problem of animal, a posteriori thought transforming into actual human, a priori thought. Plato raised the issue of apriorism with his concept of “anamnesis”,Works. Plato. Vol.1. pp 384, 385, 407 etc. (Russian edition) and so, later on, did Leibniz, with his concept of “innate ideas”.Works. Leibniz. M. 1983. Vol. 2.
The simply laced Dynkin diagrams classify diverse mathematical objects. In mathematics, the ADE classification (originally A-D-E classifications) is a situation where certain kinds of objects are in correspondence with simply laced Dynkin diagrams. The question of giving a common origin to these classifications, rather than a posteriori verification of a parallelism, was posed in . The complete list of simply laced Dynkin diagrams comprises :A_n, \, D_n, \, E_6, \, E_7, \, E_8. Here "simply laced" means that there are no multiple edges, which corresponds to all simple roots in the root system forming angles of \pi/2 = 90^\circ (no edge between the vertices) or 2\pi/3 = 120^\circ (single edge between the vertices).
At 1740, Hume aggressively sorted truths into two, divergent categories—"relations of ideas" versus "matters of fact and real existence"—as later termed Hume's fork. "Relations of ideas", such as the abstract truths of logic and mathematics, known true without experience of particular instances, offer a priori knowledge. Yet the quests of empirical science concern "matters of fact and real existence", known true only through experience, thus a posteriori knowledge. As no number of examined instances logically entails the conformity of unexamined instances, a universal law's unrestricted generalization bears no formally logical basis, but one justifies it by adding the principle uniformity of nature—itself unverified—thus a major induction to justify a minor induction.
In natural language processing, multinomial LR classifiers are commonly used as an alternative to naive Bayes classifiers because they do not assume statistical independence of the random variables (commonly known as features) that serve as predictors. However, learning in such a model is slower than for a naive Bayes classifier, and thus may not be appropriate given a very large number of classes to learn. In particular, learning in a Naive Bayes classifier is a simple matter of counting up the number of co-occurrences of features and classes, while in a maximum entropy classifier the weights, which are typically maximized using maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation, must be learned using an iterative procedure; see #Estimating the coefficients.
For example, if noise-predictive detection is performed in conjunction with a maximum a posteriori (MAP) detection algorithm such as the BCJR algorithm then NPML and NPML-like detection allow the computation of soft reliability information on individual code symbols, while retaining all the performance advantages associated with noise-predictive techniques. The soft information generated in this manner is used for soft decoding of the error-correcting code. Moreover, the soft information computed by the decoder can be fed back again to the soft detector to improve detection performance. In this way it is possible to iteratively improve the error-rate performance at the decoder output in successive soft detection/decoding rounds.
It is only after the revelations of Darcy that Wickham's true character is "unmasked" for Elizabeth. The reader, going back and forth with her, becomes aware of his prudent way of "testing the waters" and gauging the feelings of others, addressing himself to a cynical manipulation of his interlocutors, subtly hiding the truth by deliberate omissions and practicing safe slander (he confides only to Elizabeth while Darcy is at Netherfield, but makes his version of the facts public as soon as Darcy is gone). It is only "a posteriori" that the irony in the vocabulary of emotion he uses is discovered: "I can never be in company with this Mr. Darcy without being grieved to the soul by a thousand tender recollections".Pierre Goubert 1975, p.
Scholars of Southern European studies have described the Kallikratis reform as surprising, as it abolished a great number of prestigious and powerful political posts, which ahead of the looming crisis would have been regarded indespensable for keeping party clientelism alive. Bertrana and Heinelt described the Papandreou government's decision as using a singular window of opportunity to overcome long-standing resistance against reform. While in regard to the massive-scale top-down approach deviating from a Southern European strategy, compared to federal states such as Germany, interaction between national and subnational levels remains relatively weak with the subnational levels remaining strictly separated from the deconcentrated administration of the central government. Also, state supervision remains largely confined to a posteriori control of the legality of a subnational entity's activity.
According to a historiographical tradition widespread in the Arab world, his work would have led to the discovery of the logarithm function around 1591; 23 years before the Scottish John Napier, notoriously known to be the inventor of the function of the natural logarithm. This hypothesis is based initially on the interpretation of Sâlih Zekî of the handwritten copy of the work of Ibn Hamza, interpreted a posteriori in the Arab and Ottoman world as laying the foundations of the logarithmic function. Zekî published in 1913, a two-volume work on the history of mathematical sciences, written in Ottoman Turkish: Âsâr-ı Bâkiye (literally in Turkish: The memories that remain). where his observations on Ibn Hamza's role in the invention of logarithms appear.
As he saw it, the Liliaceae had already become a ("catch-all") grouping, being "everything that does not belong to the other parts of the Lilial Alliance", but expressed hope that the future would reveal some characteristic that would group them better. In other words, he foresaw that Liliaceae would come to be regarded as paraphyletic. By the time of the next major British classification, that of Bentham and Hooker in 1883 (published in Latin) several of Lindley's other families had been absorbed into the Liliaceae. This was the last major classification using the "natural" or pre-evolutionary approach to classification, based on characteristics selected a posteriori in order to group together taxa that have the greatest number of shared characteristics.
We discover that the names designate the same thing. The traditional view, since Kant, has been that statements or propositions that are necessarily true are a priori. But in the end of the sixties Saul Kripke and Ruth Barcan Marcus offered proof for the necessary truth of identity statements. Here is the Kripke's version (Kripke 1971): : (1) ∀x \Box(x = x) [Necessity of self- identity] : (2) ∀x∀y [x = y → → Py)] [Leibniz law] : (3) ∀x∀y [x = y → (\Box(x = x) → \Box(x = y))] [From (1) and (2)] : (4) ∀x∀y [x = y → \Box(x = y)] [From the following principle A → B → C ⇒ A → C and (3)] If the proof is correct the distinction between the a priori/a posteriori and necessary/contingent becomes less clear.
Floor plan of the (destroyed) villa published by Andrea Palladio in I quattro libri dell'architettura (Venice, 1570) The villa which Palladio built for Mario Repeta – or at least the initial results of his building campaign – was destroyed by fire at an unspecified date, sometime between 1640 and 1672, when it was replaced by the existing new edifice. Therefore, Palladio’s Villa Repeta, designed around 1557, can only be reconstructed on the basis of the plate in the I quattro libri dell'architettura, although recent studies have raised serious doubts that the engraving can effectively correspond to the project. Rather they suggest that this plate represents Palladio’s usual, a posteriori, theoretical, re-elaboration of an idea, which was in reality compromised by major pre-existing features.
Three of the quadrants include negative coordinates meaning directions opposite the reference axes of zero. Apollonius has no negative numbers, does not explicitly have a number for zero, and does not develop the coordinate system independently of the conic sections. He works essentially only in Quadrant 1, all positive coordinates. Carl Boyer, a modern historian of mathematics, therefore says: > ”However, Greek geometric algebra did not provide for negative magnitudes; > moreover, the coordinate system was in every case superimposed a posteriori > upon a given curve in order to study its properties .... Apollonius, the > greatest geometer of antiquity, failed to develop analytic geometry....’’ No one denies, however, that Apollonius occupies some sort of intermediate niche between the grid system of conventional measurement and the fully developed Cartesian Coordinate System of Analytic Geometry.
Environmental changes resulting from modernization—such as more intellectually demanding work, greater use of technology and smaller families—have meant that a much larger proportion of people are more accustomed to manipulating abstract concepts such as hypotheses and categories than a century ago. Substantial portions of IQ tests deal with these abilities. Flynn gives, as an example, the question 'What do a dog and a rabbit have in common?' A modern respondent might say they are both mammals (an abstract, or a priori answer, which depends only on the meanings of the words dog and rabbit), whereas someone a century ago might have said that humans catch rabbits with dogs (a concrete, or a posteriori answer, which depended on what happened to be the case at that time).
By Hume's fork, truths by relations among ideas (abstract) all align on one side (analytic, necessary, a priori), whereas truths by states of actualities (concrete) always align on the other side (synthetic, contingent, a posteriori). Of any treatises containing neither, Hume orders, "Commit it then to the flames, for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion". Thus awakened from "dogmatic slumber", Immanuel Kant quested to answer Hume's challenge—but by explaining how metaphysics is possible. Eventually, in his 1781 work, Kant crossed the tines of Hume's fork to identify another range of truths by necessity—synthetic a priori, statements claiming states of facts but known true before experience—by arriving at transcendental idealism, attributing the mind a constructive role in phenomena by arranging sense data into the very experience space, time, and substance.
Implied weighting describes a group of methods used in phylogenetic analysis to assign the greatest importance to characters that are most likely to be homologous. These are a posteriori methods, which include also dynamic weighting, as opposed to a priori methods, which include adaptive, independent, and chemical categories (see Weighting at the American Museum of Natural History's website). The first attempt to implement such a technique was by Farris (1969), which he called successive approximations weighting, whereby a tree was constructed with equal weights, and characters that appeared as homoplasies on this tree were downweighted based on the CI (consistency index) or RCI (rescaled consistency index), which are measures of homology. The analysis was repeated with these new weights, and characters were again re-weighted; subsequent iteration was continued until a stable state was reached.
In particular, whereas Monte Carlo techniques provide a numerical approximation to the exact posterior using a set of samples, Variational Bayes provides a locally-optimal, exact analytical solution to an approximation of the posterior. Variational Bayes can be seen as an extension of the EM (expectation-maximization) algorithm from maximum a posteriori estimation (MAP estimation) of the single most probable value of each parameter to fully Bayesian estimation which computes (an approximation to) the entire posterior distribution of the parameters and latent variables. As in EM, it finds a set of optimal parameter values, and it has the same alternating structure as does EM, based on a set of interlocked (mutually dependent) equations that cannot be solved analytically. For many applications, variational Bayes produces solutions of comparable accuracy to Gibbs sampling at greater speed.
While it might be true to say that anarchism is a cluster of political philosophies opposing authority and hierarchical organization (including the state, capitalism, nationalism and all associated institutions) in the conduct of all human relations in favour of a society based on voluntary association, freedom and decentralisation, this definition has its own shortcomings as the definition based on etymology (which is simply a negation of a ruler), or based on anti-statism (anarchism is much more than that) or even the anti-authoritarian (which is an a posteriori concussion). Nonetheless, major elements of the definition of anarchism include the following: # The will for a non-coercive society. # The rejection of the state apparatus. # The belief that human nature allows humans to exist in or progress toward such a non-coercive society.
When the model is only nonlinear in fixed effects and the random effects are Gaussian, maximum-likelihood estimation can be done using nonlinear least squares methods, although asymptotic properties of estimators and test statistics may differ from the conventional general linear model. In the more general setting, there exist several methods for doing maximum- likelihood estimation or maximum a posteriori estimation in certain classes of nonlinear mixed-effects models – typically under the assumption of normally distributed random variables. A popular approach is the Lindstrom-Bates algorithm which relies on iteratively optimizing a nonlinear problem, locally linearizing the model around this optimum and then employing conventional methods from linear mixed-effects models to do maximum likelihood estimation. Stochastic approximation of the expectation-maximization algorithm gives an alternative approach for doing maximum-likelihood estimation.
Quite surprisingly for the Spaniards, upon their arrival to Fais the local people approached the ships in canoes making the sign of the cross and saying "Buenos días, matelotes!" in perfect sixteenth century Spanish ("Good day, sailors!"), this being an evidence that one of the previous Spanish expeditions had been in the area On 26 January 1543 they charted some new islands as Los Arrecifes (The Reefs) which have been identified as the Yaps also in the Carolines. According to Oskar Spate with Villalobos there was the pilot Juan Gaetan, credited for the discovery of Hawaii by La Perouse. Gaetan's voyage is described in similar terms, with the same sequence of islands in 1753, with no identification to any others known at the time, which is an a posteriori conjecture.
While opposition to the state is central, there is a lot of talk among scholars and anarchists on the matter and various currents perceive anarchism slightly differently.Long 2013, p. 217. While it might be true to say that anarchism is a cluster of political philosophies opposing authority and hierarchical organization (including the state, capitalism, nationalism and all associated institutions) in the conduct of all human relations in favour of a society based on voluntary association, freedom and decentralisation, this definition has its own shortcomings as the definition based on etymology (which is simply a negation of a ruler), or based on anti-statism (anarchism is much more than that) or even the anti-authoritarian (which is an a posteriori concussion).McLaughlin 2007, pp 25–26; Long 2013, p. 217.
On the other hand, while Jahāngir appears to be disconcerted, one cannot escape the suspicion that he may in fact be a willing participant in the creation of the script that Royā is in the process of creating. Jahāngir never fails to ease the tension by using his dark humour when the going gets tough. It has been speculated that what one is witnessing is the film, or at least a rehearsal of it, is actually based on the script written by Royā, with all the members of the family playing their allotted roles.One finds a posteriori justification for one's suspicions when in the later parts of the film one hears Jahāngir talking about his previous agreements with Royā in regard to the script to be written by her.
In coding theory, a zigzag code is a type of linear error-correcting code introduced by .. They are defined by partitioning the input data into segments of fixed size, and adding sequence of check bits to the data, where each check bit is the exclusive or of the bits in a single segment and of the previous check bit in the sequence. The code rate is high: where is the number of bits per segment. Its worst-case ability to correct transmission errors is very limited: in the worst case it can only detect a single bit error and cannot correct any errors. However, it works better in the soft-decision model of decoding: its regular structure allows the task of finding a maximum- likelihood decoding or a posteriori probability decoding to be performed in constant time per input bit.
The second argument, based on research on motivated reasoning, claims that people behave like "intuitive lawyers", searching primarily for evidence that will serve motives for social relatedness and attitudinal coherence. Thirdly, Haidt found that people have post hoc reasoning when faced with a moral situation, this a posteriori (after the fact) explanation gives the illusion of objective moral judgement but in reality is subjective to one's gut feeling. Lastly, research has shown that moral emotion has a stronger link to moral action than moral reasoning, citing Damasio's research on the somatic marker hypothesis and Batson's empathy- altruism hypothesis. Following the publication of a landmark fMRI study in 2001, Joshua Greene separately proposed his dual process theory of moral judgment, according to which intuitive/emotional and deliberative processes respectively give rise to characteristically deontological and consequentialist moral judgments.
As phrased in Immanuel Kant's 1780s characterization of Hume's thesis, and furthered in the 1930s by the logical empiricists, Hume's fork asserts that all statements are exclusively either "analytic a priori" or "synthetic a posteriori," which, respectively, are universally true by mere definition or, however apparently probable, are unknowable without exact experience.Georges Dicker, "Hume's fork revisited", History of Philosophy Quarterly, 1991 Oct;8(4):327–342. By Hume's fork, a statement's meaning either is analytic or is synthetic, the statement's truth—its agreement with the real world—either is necessary or is contingent, and the statement's purported knowledge either is or is . An analytic statement is true via its terms' meanings alone, hence true by definition, like Bachelors are unmarried, whereas a synthetic statement, concerning external states of affairs, may be false, like Bachelors age badly.
An a priori language (from Latin a priori, "from the former") is any constructed language of which all or a number of features are not based on existing languages, but rather invented or elaborated as to work in a different way or to allude different purposes. Some a priori languages are designed to be international auxiliary languages that remove what could be considered an unfair learning advantage for native speakers of a source language that would otherwise exist for a posteriori languages. Others, known as philosophical or taxonomic languages, try to categorize their vocabulary, either to express an underlying philosophy or to make it easier to recognize new vocabulary. Finally, many artistic languages, created for either personal use or for use in a fictional medium, employ consciously constructed grammars and vocabularies, and are best understood as a priori.
Principles - historical concept of the constituents of a substance, specifically those that produce a certain quality or effect in the substance, such as a bitter principle, which is any one of the numerous compounds having a bitter taste. The idea of chemical principles developed out of the classical elements. Paracelsus identified the tria prima as principles in his approach to medicine. Georg Ernst Stahl published Philosophical Principles of Universal Chemistry in 1730 as an early effort to distinguish between mixtures and compounds. He writes, "the simple are Principles, or the first material causes of Mixts;..." Georg Ernst Stahl (1730) Philosophical Principles of Universal Chemistry, Peter Shaw translator, from Open Library To define a Principle, he wrote :A Principle is defined, à priori, that in a mix’d matter, which first existed; and a posteriori, that into which it is at last resolved.
The above implies that the process of choosing between theories does not obey a universal rationality. Feyerabend has the following view regarding whether the absence of a universal rationality constitutes an irrational position: Feyerabend uses this reasoning to try to shed light on one of Popper's arguments, which says that we are always able to change any statement, even those reference systems that guide our critical thinking. However, the two thinkers reach different conclusions, Popper assumes that it is always possible to make a criticism once the new criteria have been accepted, so the selection can be seen as the result of a rationality "a posteriori" to the selection. While, Feyerabend's position is that this solution is merely a verbal ornament whenever the standards are influenced by Popper's first world, the physical world, and they are not just developed in the third world.
Caramazza, A (1986) "On Drawing Inferences about the Structure of Normal Cognitive Systems From the Analysis of Patterns of Impaired Performance: the Case for Single Case Studies" Studies of brain damaged patients can either take the form of a single case study, in which an individual's behavior is characterized and used as evidence, or group studies, in which a group of patients displaying the same deficit have their behavior characterized and averaged. In order to justify grouping a set of patient data together, the researcher must know that the group is homogenous, that their behavior is equivalent in every theoretically meaningful way. In brain damaged patients, this can only be accomplished a posteriori by analyzing the behavior patterns of all the individuals in the group. Thus according to Caramazza, any group study is either the equivalent of a set of single case studies or is theoretically unjustified.
Immanuel Kant regarded masturbation as a violation of the moral law. In the Metaphysics of Morals (1797) he made the a posteriori argument that 'such an unnatural use of one's sexual attributes' strikes 'everyone upon his thinking of it' as 'a violation of one's duty to himself', and suggested that it was regarded as immoral even to give it its proper name (unlike the case of the similarly undutiful act of suicide). He went on, however, to acknowledge that 'it is not so easy to produce a rational demonstration of the inadmissibility of that unnatural use', but ultimately concluded that its immorality lay in the fact that 'a man gives up his personality … when he uses himself merely as a means for the gratification of an animal drive'. The 18th- century philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau saw masturbation as equal to 'mental rape', and discussed it in both Émile and Confessions.
Then followed a thirty-year period bringing us to the eve of Vatican II (1928-1958), when already some of the rich harvest that was expected began to be reaped, and the foundations for others to build on had been laid. Yet the next thirty years after the council up to 1989, the fresh breath of Vatican II brought accrued interest in the Christian East and in the Orientale. When with 1989 Eastern Europe opened up, a new chapter of the Orientale’s relating to the hitherto forbidden East started and many new students from these countries could now study at the Orientale.E.G. Farrugia, “Benedetto XV e la fondazione del Pontificio istituto Orientale (1917): lungimiranza, intuizione, riflessioni a posteriori”, Benedetto XV: Papa Giacomo della Chiesa nel mondo dell’“inutile strage”, a cura di G. Cavagnini e G. Grossi, II, Bologna 2017, 1098-1199, here 1103.
Such algorithms compute estimates of the likely distribution of annihilation events that led to the measured data, based on statistical principle, often providing better noise profiles and resistance to the streak artifacts common with FBP. Since the density of radioactive tracer is a function in a function space, therefore of extremely high-dimensions, methods which regularize the maximum-likelihood solution turning it towards penalized or maximum a-posteriori methods can have significant advantages for low counts. Examples such as Ulf Grenander's Sieve estimator or Bayes penalty methods, or via I.J. Good's roughness method may yield superior performance to expectation-maximization-based methods which involve a Poisson likelihood function only. As another example, it is considered superior when one does not have a large set of projections available, when the projections are not distributed uniformly in angle, or when the projections are sparse or missing at certain orientations.
Anarchism > is only one of the streams of socialist thought, that stream whose main > components are concern for liberty and haste to abolish the State. While opposition to the state is central to anarchist thought, defining anarchism is not an easy task as there is a lot of discussion among scholars and anarchists on the matter and various currents perceive anarchism slightly differently. Hence, it might be true to say that anarchism is a cluster of political philosophies opposing authority and hierarchical organisation (including capitalism, nationalism, the state and all associated institutions) in the conduct of all human relations in favour of a society based on decentralisation, freedom and voluntary association. However, this definition has the same shortcomings as the definition based on anti-authoritarianism (which is an a posteriori conclusion), anti-statism (anarchism is much more than that) and etymology (which is simply a negation of a ruler).
They saw in the logical symbolism elaborated by Frege (1848–1925) and Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) a powerful instrument that could rationally reconstruct all scientific discourse into an ideal, logically perfect, language that would be free of the ambiguities and deformations of natural language. This gave rise to what they saw as metaphysical pseudoproblems and other conceptual confusions. By combining Frege's thesis that all mathematical truths are logical with the early Wittgenstein's idea that all logical truths are mere linguistic tautologies, they arrived at a twofold classification of all propositions: the analytic (a priori) and the synthetic (a posteriori).Achinstein, Peter, and Barker, Stephen F. (1969), The Legacy of Logical Positivism: Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. On this basis, they formulated a strong principle of demarcation between sentences that have sense and those that do not: the so-called verification principle.
An important alteration in the wording of the Kol Nidre was made by Rashi's son-in-law, Rabbi Meir ben Samuel (early 12th century), who changed the original phrase "from the last Day of Atonement until this one" to "from this Day of Atonement until the next". Thus, the dispensation was not a posteriori and concerning unfulfilled obligations of the past year, but was a priori, making reference to vows one might not be able to fulfill or might forget to observe during the ensuing year. Meir ben Samuel likewise added the words "we do repent of them all", since real repentance is a condition of dispensation. The reasons for this change were that an "ex post facto" annulment of a vow was meaningless and, furthermore, that no one might grant to himself a dispensation, which might be given only by a board of three laymen or by a competent judge.
The words 'space' and 'universe', sometimes used interchangeably, have distinct meanings in this context. Here 'space' is a mathematical concept that stands for the three-dimensional manifold into which our respective positions are embedded while 'universe' refers to everything that exists including the matter and energy in space, the extra-dimensions that may be wrapped up in various strings, and the time through which various events take place. The expansion of space is in reference to this 3-D manifold only; that is, the description involves no structures such as extra dimensions or an exterior universe. The ultimate topology of space is a posteriori – something which in principle must be observed – as there are no constraints that can simply be reasoned out (in other words there can not be any a priori constraints) on how the space in which we live is connected or whether it wraps around on itself as a compact space.
To comply with such an analysis, the protagonists should have had a global consciousness of all the consequences of the project they promoted. Laurens considers that a "complot theory", on such a long time period, could not have been planned, even by a Ben-Gurion. In an "intentionalist" approach, he claims, events must be read without a priori and each action must be considered without assuming it will lead to where we know a posteriori it led but it must be considered in its context and in taking into account where the actors thought it would lead. Laurens considers that with an appropriate approach the documentation gathered by Morris shows that the exodus was caused by mutual fears of the other side's intentions, Arabs fearing to be expelled by Zionists and in reaction Zionists fearing Arabs would prevent them by force to build their own state, and the fact that Palestine was not able to absorb both populations (he describes the situation as a zero-sum conflict).
He intervened in the public debate to encourage public reappropriation of major scientific research« Plus de science pour plus de démocratie », Le Monde, 17 octobre 2013 (lire en ligne).. and simplification of the French research system; according to him, the evaluation of researchers a posteriori is the only method for taking the necessary risks in research.« Politique de Recherche : éloge de la simplicité », Le Monde, 23 août 2012 (lire en ligne).. During the reflection on the energy transition, with his colleagues from the French Academy of Sciences, he encouraged the use of nuclear and shale gas.« Repenser la transition énergétique », Le Monde, 24 mars 2014 (lire en ligne)..Par un collectif de membres de l’Académie des sciences, « Aujourd'hui le nucléaire est le moyen le plus efficace pour réduire la part des énergies fossiles », Le Monde, 19 mai 2017 (lire en ligne).. As the problem of storing and restoring intermittent renewable energies has not been solved, he criticizes the forced march towards energy transition. He argues that the intensification of nuclear use is a necessity to reduce CO2 emissions.
Dickens' approach, as shown in David Copperfield, does not escape what :fr:Georges Gusdorf calls "the original sin of autobiography", that is to say a restructuring a posteriori and in this, paradoxically, it demonstrates its authenticity. It consists of splitting one's life into parts, choosing decisive phases, identifying an evolution and endowing them with a direction and then a meaning, whereas, from day to day, existence has been lived as a cluster of shapeless perceptions requiring an immediate adaptation, that captures at best in the novel the use of the historical present generally adopted by Dickens. It is a succession of autonomous moments which do not end up amalgamating in a coherent whole and that connect the tenuous thread of the "I" recognizing each other. In this reconstruction, one part of truth and the other of poetry, the famous Dichtung und Wahrheit (From my Life: Poetry and Truth; 1811–1833), autobiography of Goethe, there is the obligatory absence of objectivity, the promotion of oblivion as an integral part of memory, the ruling power of the subjectivity of time found.
During her first appearance before the head of the Court of Instruction number 5 in Almería, Rafael Soriano, the detainee stuck to the declaration made before the Civil Guard, in which she said there was an argument and a struggle for an axe before she suffocated the child to death and hid his body in the country house of Rodalquilar where she kidnapped the child. This version was partially taken apart by the investigators in their official account of the facts, in which it is quoted: > The defendant murdered Gabriel herself, without any other person; she took > the child possibly because of the jealousy she had for him; she killed him > the day of his abduction, suffocating him, and buried him by covering him > with decorative stones and planks. As the Lieutenant Colonel, Accidental Chief of the Civil Guard Command of Almeria, José Hernández Mosquera, stated a posteriori, Ana Julia was suspected practically from the beginning of the investigation. Even so, the agents always believed she had Gabriel alive and their goal was to get her to take them to the little boy.
Schmitt's conceptualization of the "state of exception" as belonging to the core-concept of sovereignty was a response to Walter Benjamin's concept of a "pure" or "revolutionary" violence, which did not enter into any relationship whatsoever with right. Through the state of exception, Schmitt included all types of violence under right, in the case of the authority of Hitler leading to the formulation "The leader defends the law" ("Der Führer schützt das Recht"). Schmitt opposed what he termed "commissarial dictatorship", or the declaration of a state of emergency in order to save the legal order (a temporary suspension of law, defined itself by moral or legal right): the state of emergency is limited (even if a posteriori, by law) to "sovereign dictatorship", in which law was suspended, as in the classical state of exception, not to "save the Constitution", but rather to create another constitution. This is how he theorized Hitler's continual suspension of the legal constitutional order during the Third Reich (the Weimar Republic's Constitution was never abrogated, emphasized Giorgio Agamben;Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, p. 168.
After the publication of Gli Albanesi in Romania..., the Albanian nationalists in Italy proceeded to declare Elena Ghica as the uncrowned queen of Albania. These speculations were tacitly entertained by Elena Ghica; similarly, other members of the family were drawn into this Albanian nationalistic tradition: at the end of the century, another member of the family, Romanian writer and socialite Albert Ghica would likewise key up vocal demands for the Albanian throne. Modern Romanian historiography has expressed vexation at the appropriation, undertaken by Albanian historiography (and by the unscientific Western scholarly works relying on faulty and superficial theories), of not only the Romanian writer Elena Ghica, but also of the whole Ghica family, at the proliferation of dubious spellings of the family names, false information concerning the birthplaces and other historical facts, and at the family's a posteriori labeling as the "Albanians of Romania".Cf. the article Liviu Bordas, Dor de Dunăre şi alte nostalgii cosmopolite — Preţul cosmopolitismului ("Longing for the Danube and Other Cosmopolitan Nostalgias — The Price of Cosmopolitanism"), in Observator Cultural, No. 437, August, 2008.
Titled Reference and Existence, they were in many respects a continuation of Naming and Necessity, and deal with the subjects of fictional names and perceptual error. In 2013 Oxford University Press published the lectures as a book, also titled Reference and Existence. In a 1995 paper, philosopher Quentin Smith argued that key concepts in Kripke's new theory of reference originated in the work of Ruth Barcan Marcus more than a decade earlier. Smith identified six significant ideas in the New Theory that he claimed Marcus had developed: (1) that proper names are direct references that do not consist of contained definitions; (2) that while one can single out a single thing by a description, this description is not equivalent to a proper name of this thing; (3) the modal argument that proper names are directly referential, and not disguised descriptions; (4) a formal modal logic proof of the necessity of identity; (5) the concept of a rigid designator, though Kripke coined that term; and (6) a posteriori identity.
22. We do not perceive by an immediate intuition that God exists, nor do we prove it a priori. But we do prove it a posteriori, i.e., from the things that have been created, following an argument from the effects to the cause: namely, from things which are moved and cannot be the adequate source of their motion, to a first unmoved mover; from the production of the things in this world by causes subordinated to one another, to a first uncaused cause; from corruptible things which equally might be or not be, to an absolutely necessary being; from things which more or less are, live, and understand, according to degrees of being, living and understanding, to that which is maximally understanding, maximally living and maximally a being; finally, from the order of all things, to a separated intellect which has ordered and organized things, and directs them to their end. 23. The metaphysical motion of the Divine Essence is correctly expressed by saying that it is identified with the exercised actuality of its own being, or that it is subsistent being itself.
Thomas Hobbes British empiricism, a retrospective characterization, emerged during the 17th century as an approach to early modern philosophy and modern science. Although both integral to this overarching transition, Francis Bacon, in England, advised empiricism at 1620, whereas René Descartes, in France, upheld rationalism around 1640, a distinction drawn by Immanuel Kant, in Germany, near 1780. (Bacon's natural philosophy was influenced by Italian philosopher Bernardino Telesio and by Swiss physician Paracelsus.) Contributing later in the 17th century, Thomas Hobbes and Baruch Spinoza are retrospectively identified likewise as an empiricist and a rationalist, respectively. In the Enlightenment during the 18th century, both George Berkeley, in England, and David Hume, in Scotland, became leading exponents of empiricism, a lead precedented in the late 17th century by John Locke, also in England, hence the dominance of empiricism in British philosophy. In response to the early-to- mid-17th century "continental rationalism," John Locke (1632–1704) proposed in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689) a very influential view wherein the only knowledge humans can have is a posteriori, i.e.
They were supported by Joan and her sister Margaret – for some of them, the role of foundresses was assigned a posteriori in modern times.Bernard Delmaire: Le monde des moines et des chanoines, sa féminisation au XIIIe siècle, in: Nicolas Dessaux (ed.): Jeanne de Constantinople, comtesse de Flandre et de Hainaut, Somogy, 2009, pp. 81–92. Joan also supported the foundation of the Mendicant orders in her counties. At Valenciennes, (to which a small community of Franciscans moved in 1217), she granted them the usufruct of the old Donjon of the city with for the foundation of a convent there; however, she had to face the resistance of the local Franciscan community. Finally, the two communities merged before 1241.Bernard Delmaire: Un nouveau mode de vie consacrée : les ordres mendiants, leur diffusion en Flandre et en Hainaut au XIIIe siècle, in: Nicolas Dessaux (ed.): Jeanne de Constantinople, comtesse de Flandre et de Hainaut, Somogy, 2009, pp. 95–104. In the case of the Franciscans of Lille, Joan sent her general contractor and carpenters to help build the church and convent.
He also contributed to a wider awareness of the group's goals and positions by writing, among other works, a paper entitled "Filosofía de la acción y reseña del pensamiento filosófico de Meshico" [Philosophy of Action and Review of the Philosophical Thinking of Meshico], which was originally published in the Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Philosophy, Brussels 1953. Sarabia y Zorrilla cites, in the aforementioned work, the definition of Truth given by the obscure and retiring Mexican philosopher and mathematician Edmundo Cetina Velázquez: "[it is knowledge] which corresponds to the integral unity of being; the world of thought will always reveal to us an external world, sensible or abstract; but always unilateral. 'Truth,' which is reality, is the patrimony of the totality of being." Sarabia y Zorrilla saw in such a statement a correct testimony of faith in an epistemological holism functioning in opposition to the notion of knowledge as a goal obtainable only through a scientific vision which is essentially and necessarily ontic and a posteriori (compare the avowal made by Sarabia himself in the same text: "everything is related, coordinated, linked harmoniously and amorously").
From the concept of index or coefficient of adequacy given by Jaume Gil Aluja in 1996, many draws in adequacy can occur. To solve it, Pérez Capdevila introduced the concepts of overweight in adaptation, fuzzy coefficient for equal adequacy coefficients and adjusted tiebreaker coefficient for equal adequacy coefficients, which he defines with precision, to unpack in an indefinite number of cases with equal adequacy coefficients, thus rounding out a theory about the suitability of candidates for a preset profile Built the operation of mixture of fuzzy sets, where from elements of different nature new elements are obtained with their certain degrees of belonging. In the field of applied mathematics he has achieved important advances regarding the evaluation of the economical effects and control of the exotic invading alien species, and he has accomplished important theoretical contributions. He has contributed to the concepts of individual benefit of an exotic invading alien species, collective benefit of an exotic invading alien species, a priori cost-benefit analysis of an exotic invading alien species, a posteriori cost-benefit analysis of an exotic invading alien species, as well as a method to accomplish those analyses.
Analysis of the copious amounts of test data collected will take several years to complete. Nevertheless, there has been significant dissemination activities of the findings to date in the form of several related journal and conference papers; a one-day seminar introducing the tests and highlighting the analysis and conclusions to date (held in Edinburgh, November 2007); and a book detailing the tests and analysis completed to date was published in November 2007. The book, entitled The Dalmarnock Fire Tests: Experiments and Modelling, comprises material covering characterisation and comparison of both the Test One and Test Two fires; experimental error analysis; evaluation of the fire detection systems; calculation of heat transfer to the structure; analysis of the structural behaviour; evaluation of ceiling fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) performance; and comparison of both a priori and a posteriori computational fire, modelling against experimental data allowing for an evaluation of such the current use of tools. The overall aim of the Dalmarnock fire tests is to improve understanding of how building fire emergencies can be handled in the most effective manner, while providing further insights into the fundamentals of compartment fire dynamics and fire- induced structural behaviour.

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