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84 Sentences With "zoning out"

How to use zoning out in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "zoning out" and check conjugation/comparative form for "zoning out". Mastering all the usages of "zoning out" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Zoning out with your TV sounds like a good plan.
When I realize I'm zoning out, I switch to Maggie Rogers.
It provides a lovely soundtrack for zoning out on your morning commute.
I&aposm in beach mode and I&aposm just zoning out like this.
Today I was just zoning out, counting the pedal strokes for an hour.
But, Ms. Shoket confirms, zoning out with headphones may be a shortsighted solution.
I'm zoning out, bored, and the make-up artist starts to spray Titan's exposed ass.
Remember the childhood bliss of zoning out at an arts-and-crafts table for hours?
Passive noise cancellation is fine if you're not too worried about zoning out at the gym.
On the season premiere, Siddiq starts zoning out as the camera hones in on Dante's mouth.
We would be watching "DuckTales" after school, and I would be eating chips and zoning out.
Certainly, no one can be always "on," and simply zoning out on something isn't always wrong.
Try to end that bad habit today and dive into your emotions instead of zoning out.
That's why he's been meditating in parks, taking strolls alone and zoning out on the grass.
Lots to catch up on since I spent the first couple days of the week zoning out!
Zoning out in front of a show is one thing; actively connecting with it is another entirely.
I was zoning out at my register, and he was standing right next to me, waiting on someone.
Sasha also, inexplicably, is excelling in her math class despite the fact she spends most of her lessons zoning out.
There is pleasure in hearing a beat that matches your heart, or a repetitive rhythm designed for simply zoning out.
Just idly rub at the weird parts on the case while you're zoning out at a meeting or in class.
Beats Solo3 headphones are good for zoning out to music, studying, and blocking out the noise on family road trips.
In the 20s, 30s, and 40s, I don't think they were walking around fucking zoning out all of the time.
No staffers were there, so it wasn't that Trump was zoning out while the real dialogue happened at the staff level.
Maybe the ride you just took, zoning out on your phone in an Uber on Quiet Mode, was actually a lifesaver.
New features for sharing location, making plans and even playing multiplayer games like Words with Friends discourage users from zoning out.
Or is the pull of zoning out with a jelly-infused bat or screaming emoji on your face just too strong?
Zoning out and working out are theoretically a great combination, and I am all for HTC continuing this path of research.
For some, "Ecstatic Music" will be perfect for zoning out, couched as it is in a religiosity that is welcoming, nonjudgmental.
It does this for good reason—like similar systems, ProPilot doesn't react to stopped obstacles, so zoning out can be deadly.
These can range from zoning out when someone is yelling at you, to running on adrenaline when you have an accident.
In the 2016 primary debates, when Trump wasn't zoning out, he was trying to question his opponents' masculinity and assert his own.
Once I realized this, I became extremely protective of my writing—like literally zoning out whenever white people were talking about it.
Kim Borghoff wanted her husband Jeff to screened for the disease after he started "zoning out" for no apparent reason, she said.
Feeling for: a curvilinear steel-framed, wood-layered meditation pod from the popular mindfulness app Headspace, for zoning out in comfort and style.
Making calls is easier and so is zoning out on tasks that require a ton of focus and not a lot of distraction.
Watching world champion Robert Gagno play South Park pinball is like zoning out to a really intricate fireworks display, only with fart noises.
The headbands are designed to help kids learn to focus their minds, and to enable teachers to understand when kids are zoning out.
I start my nightly routine around 303 but I must keep zoning out because by the time I'm done it's almost 9:30.
And I found myself zoning out during conversations with my husband, because I was mentally making lists of everything I needed to get done.
But is my go-to for zoning out good for me, or simply a placeholder for the feelings and obligations I need to manage?
This kind of immersion isn't new — I'd say it's just an evolution of the zoning-out we've all done with other forms of media.
During a typical appointment, zoning out with my eyes closed may have seemed weird, or even rude, but at Sundays I fit right in.
Fabric, dyed in bright patterns, was being sold by the meter and tailors focused on intricate stitching jobs, somehow zoning out the nonstop activity around them.
Regardless of how or why people find themselves getting involved with paint-by-numbers, the YouTube results remain a soothing balm, perfect for zoning out to.
At regular intervals, the watch buzzes to corral the student's attention if they have been zoning out or otherwise not focusing on what's happening in the classroom.
Instead of immediately scrolling through my phone, I've been trying to just sit and enjoy my warm drink while zoning out, meditating, and easing into the morning.
I don't get to go on social media much when I work nights, so I spent my morning zoning out on Instagram and catching up with politics.
Beats by Dre Wireless Solo3 Headphones, available at Best BuyandAmazon, from $164.99They can use these at the gym, for studying, and for zoning out during family road trips.
Suni Harford, head of investments at UBS Asset Management, can't stand it when she gets stuck in an elevator with someone wearing headphones zoning out those around them.
Paying attention to your form also keeps you from zoning out: "You want to allow yourself to [walk] without losing sight of the purpose of your run," Fitzgerald says.
But unlike THC, which gets you stoned, CBD is non-psychotropic (in other words, won't have you zoning out to a Pink Floyd blacklight poster for three straight hours).
The last month or two, though, he'd started zoning out in the middle of meals, or while watching a game show, or just while standing looking out a window.
Air New Zealand may have found the one thing that will keep you from zoning out during their preflight safety instructions: two of your favorite celebs as the stars.
Lockpicking is really based on the feel of the lockpicking tools in your hand, and requires a weird mix of focus and relaxation, a sort of controlled zoning out.
To a computer measuring keystrokes, a student zoning out because he's bored is indistinguishable from one who is moved by her book to imagine a world of her own.
I'm all for zoning out during a long flight, but after passively listening to an audiobook and watching a few episodes of a Netflix show, you might want to switch gears.
After watching a show for long enough, it's only natural to start zoning out during the opening credits; you might even find yourself fast-forwarding through them more often than not.
Imagine coming home from a stressful day at work and instead of zoning out with Netflix, doing something that's not just fun and creative but effortlessly flexes and enhances your brain. 3.
Since 20163, when Katchadourian began this body of work, she's turned the downtime of tedious, long-distance flights (movies, sleep, melatonin, zoning out) into the uptime of concentrated, marvelously inventive art-making.
After years of extolling the benefits of high-intensity workouts while everyone else at the gym was zoning out on the elliptical, Jillian Michaels is happy to see people have finally caught on.
There's a dull ache behind my eyes, and I keep on zoning out, but Angelina won't be going to bed for at least another 17 hours, so I'm steeling myself for a long night.
My 30 minutes of zoning out seem to always leave me with the feeling that I need to step things up in life, because everyone else on my feed appears to be killing the game.
The time-tested rule of thumb for stoners, though, is that sativas have a more cerebral and wakeful high, while indicas are good for zoning out on your couch for hours and watching Planet Earth.
One is mind-reading, when you erroneously think you know what's going on in another person's head -- like, say, assuming your partner's staring at that attractive stranger because they're interested, when really they're just zoning out.
If your plans for the long weekend include little more than parking your keister in front of the AC and zoning out to a few movies, here's a few staff selections to get you into the holiday spirit.
There are plenty of shows where the common use cases aren't what anyone involved in the creative process intended—like binging Grey's while sad, zoning out on Planet Earth while stoned, replaying Office episodes while trying to fall asleep.
Lately, people have been saying they're "dissociating" to describe a range of experiences, including things like zoning out at the dentist, shutting down mentally after reading something cringey, and slipping into a trance-like state while listening to music.
Looking at the case of Marin County, Jonathan Rothwell, a senior economist at Gallup, first made the case in a July 254 Brookings report, Zoning Out The Poor, that liberals have a moral obligation to support desegregation initiatives: Segregation is a disaster for the poor.
But when one or two videos regularly turns into two hours of videos, or you're zoning out to makeup tutorials instead of venting to your friends, you might want to take another (more professional) step on your road to mental well-being and seek out therapy.
It places them with other equally powerful acts in psych/drone's newest generation, such as Japan's Kikagaku Moyo, Canada's Shooting Guns and the UK's Cult of Dom Keller and Haikai No Ku—all with their own sounds and aesthetics, but all dedicated to being enthralled by head-nodding waves of feedback and general zoning out.
And this is less compelling as a commerce play than an entertainment service because, as you might be aware, you need to buy certain things to live (food, clothes, branded notepads, very cheap HDMI cables, etc.) not all of which can be fulfilled by a single-serve website, while zoning out to The Great British Bake-Off is more or less optional.
Like many people, I deal with them by zoning out and watching TV. I developed this habit during my freshman year of college—when I was under the impression that I was the least cool and smart person in my dorm—because my arrival on campus coincided with the debut of three major shows: My So-Called Life, ER, and Friends.
And if none of that is clear, just watch the video below: 'Temple of Yog: The First Epoch' trailer What this means is that you're constantly darting your eyes up and down, checking in on what's going on where you're not, and zoning out of one world when necessary to avoid deadly projectiles or zero in on an unsuspecting warg or hiding-behind-a-bush asp.
So there was a key board guy guitar guy, someone on bass, on drums, tambourine, and a microphone, So what james brown would do is his band would be in there zoning out and literally improvising and feeding off each other and James Brown would just walk into the room while their jamming, the mic would be on record and that would be how they would come up with records.
In the United States, early societies were able to easily expel individuals deemed undesirable from public space through vagrancy laws and other forms of banishment. In the 1960s and 1970s, however, these exclusion orders were denounced as unconstitutional in AmericaHerbert, Steve and Katherine Beckett. 2009. Zoning out disorder: Assessing contemporary practices of urban social control. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society. 47: 1-25.
Absent- mindedness seemingly consists of lapses of concentration or "zoning out". This can result in lapses of short or long-term memory, depending on when the person in question was in a state of absent-mindedness. Absent-mindedness also relates directly to lapses in attention. Schachter and Dodsen of the Harvard Psychology department say, that in the context of memory, “absent-mindedness entails inattentive or shallow processing that contributes to weak memories of ongoing events or forgetting to do things in the future”.
She may just be doing the cyborg version of 'zoning out', but since she has already slipped forward in time once, there's no telling what might be happening. What is certain is that she is about 150,000 years in the past, growing fruit and vegetables for a Company resort on Santa Cruz island. One day, a man shows up in a Company Time Shuttle. These previously unknown vessels let the Company ship tourists back to the past, but can only be piloted by cyborgs.
She performed as a cellist with the Sydney Youth Opera and was later a bass guitarist in a few local indie rock bands. Wonderland later recalled how she developed an interest in electronic dance music, "I went out to a club called Candy's Apartment... Someone played 'Silent Shout' by the Knife... I remember just completely zoning out... and walking over to the DJ and asking, 'What is this track?! Please tell someone what this track is, because this is amazing'." Her performance name is a pun to the Lewis Carroll novel Alice in Wonderland.
"Hail Mary" is a single by American rapper Tupac Shakur from his final album The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory, under the new stage name Makaveli. The song, released after his September 1996 death, features rap verses by Kastro, Young Noble and Yaki Kadafi of The Outlawz and Prince Ital Joe. A music video was shot for the song and can be found on the DualDisc of The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory. The song captures Makaveli zoning out the violence and negativity surrounding him, praying to God, and making biblical references.
Though absent-mindedness is a frequent occurrence, there has been little progress made on what the direct causes of absent-mindedness are. However, it tends to co-occur with ill health, preoccupation, and distraction. Three potential causes: # a low level of attention ("blanking" or "zoning out") # intense attention to a single object of focus (hyperfocus) that makes a person oblivious to events around him or her; # unwarranted distraction of attention from the object of focus by irrelevant thoughts or environmental events. Absent-mindedness is also noticed as a common characteristic of personalities with schizoid personality disorder.
Absent-mindedness is where a person shows inattentive or forgetful behavior. It can have three different causes: # a low level of attention ("blanking" or "zoning out") # intense attention to a single object of focus (hyperfocus) that makes a person oblivious to events around him or her; # unwarranted distraction of attention from the object of focus by irrelevant thoughts or environmental events. Absent-mindedness is a mental condition in which the subject experiences low levels of attention and frequent distraction. Absent- mindedness is not a diagnosed condition but rather a state people experience in their daily lives from a variety of different causes including boredom, sleepiness, or focus on internal thoughts instead of external surroundings.
Martinu's Impressive Quiet, Czech Music, 23 (2009), 31–50 In 2011, Rybka published a Martinů biography, in which such traits are reviewed, such as his failure of social reciprocity, his flat affect and stolidity, his phobias and extreme stage fright, his strict adherence to a ritualized schedule, and his zoning out into an aura, while walking with his mind deeply engrossed in composing.Rybka, FJ pp. 293–307. The biography concludes that there were both positive and negative ways Asperger's affected his life. It seems to have facilitated his extraordinary memory for music, and his ability to compose prolifically and skillfully, but it also left him unable to promote or showcase his music in public.
At work, Marc, after witnessing his boss zoning out at her desk, tells her that it maybe her lack of sex that is causing her to have these nightmares. To fix the two situations at once, Marc hires James, a ripped former model who loves to sing lullabies, as her "Manny". Wilhelmina is not happy about what Marc did, but agrees to keep him around. Later that night, just as Wil breaks down and demands that he remove his pants and asks him to sleep with her, he shows her that he's not interested in sex just because of his looks and hands her a bit of wisdom, which Wilhelmina takes to heart before she fires him.
Paste praised the support for DS Download Play functionality as generous, and described games of Diamond Trust of London as "fabulous palate cleansers" in between board game sessions. They also observed that during these games, much of a player's personality would be expressed through the moves they made. Commenting on a preview build, Nintendo World Report highlighted the game's music, describing it as a "wonderfully eclectic mix", and "a constantly evolving ambient soundscape". MTV Multiplayer, while finding the music "a little out of place", still found it "really good", and believed that players would find themselves "zoning out, enjoying the music without even realizing it" as they waited for their next turn.

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