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985 Sentences With "working people"

How to use working people in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "working people" and check conjugation/comparative form for "working people". Mastering all the usages of "working people" from sentence examples published by news publications.

What he wants to do is pit working people against working people -- black working people against white working people.
What he wants to do is set working people against working people, black working people against white working people.
The Democratic Party is the party of working people, and Milwaukee is a city of working people.
Slovakia faces a rapidly ageing population as the ratio between pensioners and working people will narrow from 22 pensioners to 0.83 working people to 60 pensioners to 100 working people in 2066, according to EU statistics office Eurostat.
"Real populism" would dethrone Trump, restore dignity to working people and create a democracy that serves the economic needs of black and white working people.
The group opposes white supremacy and hopes "to incite a movement amongst white working people that works toward the total liberation of all working people," according to their website.
We want to make sure working people can transition fairly and justly and responsibly and we can only do that if working people have a seat at the table.
We stand for budget and tax policies that serve the needs of working people and against proposals to make working people pay the price for tax giveaways to big corporations and the wealthy.
But I think his message resonates with working people now.
"More of the working people have less flexibility," he said.
While the 1 percent thrive, working people are going backward.
We need to be on the side of working people.
Tell him right to work is wrong for working people.
Now let's find a Labor Secretary who supports working people!
Growing up, it was a good town for working people.
It's a problem most working people I know struggle with.
Working people have been kept down for far too long.
Simply put, our economy is not working for working people.
That's my life, and I've always stood with working people.
Americans are the hardest working people who have ever lived.
I will not rest until this government serves working people.
And he promised to rebuild our economy for working people.
This radical economic change left working people with perpetual anxiety.
What the Crapo bill will do is hurt working people.
"Those are working people who need the coverage," he said.
They are using the 'Buy American, Hire American' call to drive a wedge between American working people and working people in the rest of the world — and a lot of people are falling for it.
The system is designed for healthy, hard-working people, she says.
I think he had a very hard time understanding working people.
I'm going to lead a revolution for working people in America.
I'm not taking money from anyone who is hurting working people.
As regular working people, we are qualified to serve in government.
Its a debt trap for working people + it has to end.
In Missouri, the cards continue to be stacked against working people.
In my eyes that's wrong because there are hard-working people.
"Organize, build a grassroots movement, fight for working people," she said.
Only 4% of low-wage working people get paid family leave.
"It's about raising the confidence of working people," she told me.
Trump said he'll do great things for the working people, right?
Smart, hard-working people with great ideas often run into challenges.
The referendum may also get more working people onto the ballot.
We will work toward improvements that will lift up working people.
The majority of the people in this district are working people.
Or that we're taking advantage of other (smarter, harder-working) people.
Working people do not want a savior to speak for us.
They're working people, they have jobs and families and other responsibilities.
Working people who have been so disillusioned, they no longer vote.
We can put money back in the hands of working people.
"My plan is for the working people," President Trump said yesterday.
In the year since, working people have been doing just that.
This is a year defined by a movement of working people.
Working people are on the rise -- and we're just getting started.
He's a progressive who appeals to working people in red Ohio.
"Working people are bearing the brunt of these policies," says Shuler.
"Working people everywhere have had enough," Morello said in a statement.
I'm sure he has a staff of very hard-working people.
All of the candidates have vowed to advocate for working people.
We give back to working people the prosperity they have earned.
They want to turn their back to poor and working people.
"We hope the film creates a space for the audience to consider the faith of working people, you know, the fate of working people in the world and kind of where the world is going," Reichert said.
"There are too many people who get their power from turning working people against working people," the Massachusetts Democrat said a day later in Storm Lake during a riff on long-stalled talks over comprehensive immigration revisions.
"The atmosphere was quiet, just quiet working, people working away," said Osbourne.
The system isn't working the way it's supposed to for working people.
Mnuchin has made his career profiting from the misfortunes of working people.
In 1910, during the clashes between working people and their bosses, Rev.
I don't blame the hard-working people bringing me my food. They're
Most working people actually pay more in payroll tax than income tax.
But she did not create a robust economic dialogue with working people.
"Y'all honest, blue-collar, hard-working people, and suffering," the rapper said.
This Labor Day, let's put the interests of all working people first.
This time, the concerns of working people must be front and center.
More than anything, working people want their government to work for them.
I'm not perfect, but I know the struggles working people go through.
That kid is one of the hardest-working people in this building.
Some hoped he'd renegotiate trade deals in ways that benefitted working people.
Working people and the communities Amazon operates in deserve better than this.
Scott does not stand for working people, what were you referring to?
There are countless ways the TPP would be disastrous for working people.
Poor people, working people, racial minorities will lose a powerful, effective voice.
But I'm more for lowering the tax rates on the working people.
With your help, we can put working people first again in America.
That is not going to build an America for hard-working people.
" He added that leadership required an understanding of "working people, everyday people.
She says she is running to see more working people in Congress.
We need to bring working people back in to the Democratic Party.
We need to ensure working people have a seat at the table.
What's more, those conversations have already yielded election victories for working people.
New York's governor was magnanimous, saying working people "need a raise" everywhere.
But Secretary Mnuchin made his money taking homes away from working people.
"I believe in democratic socialism for working people, not billionaires," said Sanders.
Where progressives and liberals disagree is in their view of working people.
These are working people, but they've got something they never had before.
The party is certainly conscious of the electoral importance of working people.
The VA is not devoid of dedicated, talented or hard-working people.
The class divide between Mary and these working people is wholly sentimentalized.
While working people lose health care, the rich would come out winners.
I got this Senate seat because of the fight for working people.
They were deporting all kinds of people—students, mothers, hard-working people.
For instance, we have to listen to the concerns of working people, our forgotten working people, have over the record pace of immigration and its impact on their jobs, wages, housing, schools, tax bills and general living conditions.
For instance, we have to listen to the concerns that working people, our forgotten working people, have over the record pace of immigration and it's impact on their jobs, wages, housing, schools, tax bills and general living conditions.
For instance, we have to listen to the concerns that working people, our forgotten working people have over the record pace of immigration and its impact on their jobs, wages, housing, schools, tax bills, and general living conditions.
The only label I take on is as an advocate for working people.
Downtown Phnom Penh was a little sleepy, and working people dominated the neighborhoods.
We've got to go where a lot of working people are voting Republican.
And now this guy is going to be the champion of working people?
And what we need now are candidates who stand with those working people.
Earlier, May promised to put the Tories "at the service" of working people.
Why can't these brave, hard-working people be successful in their own country?
This belies Mr Trump's claim to champion the cause of ordinary working people.
There are so many things that can get good, hard-working people fired.
These state laws are a powerful weapon in the war against working people.
Donald Trump's presidency has in many ways been a disaster for working people.
Any candidate who wants the support of working people must do the same.
But unlike many working people, she actually has enough money to do it.
We are relieved that grassroots pressure from working people led to his withdrawal.
When given the choice, voters consistently choose to support and empower working people.
We need to listen to each other & get things done for working people.
There is no conceivable way to revive it without totally betraying working people.
I know that the men that I was raised around were working people.
I would describe that as positive populism, doing things that help working people.
I also learned that he's one of the hardest working people fucking ever.
How do we stop a movement of working people and low-income people?
"Have they put working people at the center of their agenda?" he asked.
One is that they all specifically address the economic needs of working people.
The wealthy working people have earned their right to live in the city.
He released a video this morning, titled "Working People First," announcing his candidacy.
"We need to bring working people back into the Democratic Party," he said.
"Working people are tired," he said at the entrance of a polling station.
One of a million reasons why working people can't make him the boss.
As governor, Ted championed the interests of Ohio's working people at every turn.
But they could never take away our determination to fight for working people.
There was a treatment of working people in the United States that's wrong.
I was just given a great tour of Moscow - fantastic, hard working people.
By contrast, Medicare is a program working people pay into throughout their careers.
They found allies among the rebelling working people of France (in James's interpretation).
This means a more level playing field for working people across the continent.
Working people, through our voices and votes, are changing the debate on trade.
He has sided repeatedly with the large corporate interest against the working people.
Federal housing projects — public housing — meant quality dwellings for the nation's working people.
Instead, it's one more giveaway to employers at the expense of working people.
Working people who have been taking it on the chin for a generation.
These are people who can't tell the difference between garbage and hard-working people.
Outcomes that will benefit working people as opposed to stockholders driven by profit margins.
I know some very hard-working people, and you're not going to outwork her.
They're working people who are hurting now, who want real change in the economy.
Viewed through a layman's eyes, Ms. Warren appeared to be fighting against working people.
It seems obvious why working people cherish the weekend: It's a respite from work.
"She is authentic and is truly one of the hardest working people I know."
" On Clinton, a third replied "cares about people, the poor, middle class, working people.
He spent most of his life trying to stay far away from working people.
" On Clinton, a third replied "cares about people, the poor, middle class, working people.
Without the buses, and without the vacation pay, working people would not show up.
While working people struggle, the wealthy are pampered by society—materially, legally, even emotionally.
But before anyone can pat themselves on the back, working people need clear answers.
Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors.
Some of the hardest-working people I've ever met are beneficiaries of these programs.
"Really, this is the guy you want to be championing working people?" he asked.
"The litmus test is whether you want to be for working people," he said.
Like many working people, Bianca DiValerio is biding her time until she can retire.
Our districts are home to some of the hardest working people in the country.
This is the solution working people need because doing nothing is not an option.
Working people, she said, don't have the money to pay for maid service anymore.
The Vermont senator said he has stood with working people his entire political career.
" Trump also heaped praised on the Mexican people, calling them "spectacular, hard-working people.
"The premiums are going up for working people and that worries me," Dingell said.
That does not bode well for the working people who voted for Mr. Trump.
The titans of Wall Street were protected and working people were left with scraps.
The facts are clear: Donald Trump has repeatedly broken his promises to working people.
They were just hard-working people who drank a lot of wine at night.
It has got to open its doors wide to working people and young people.
The decline means working people have lost their most effective voice in our democracy.
They believe in empowering working people, not just administering them in "kinder, gentler" ways.
Editorial The secretary of labor is supposed to represent the interests of working people.
We want to make sure we target working people and target the middle class.
Precarious work arrangements like these often leave working people struggling to sustain their families.
We've recently brought together concrete proposals to lift up working people of all backgrounds.
"Working people all across the United States are extremely angry," he told Mr. Gore.
"Working people all across the United States are extremely angry," he told Mr. Gore.
They were ordinary working people who'd travelled far, suffered greatly, and hit the jackpot.
It will bring together working people, who have given up on the political process.
But in effect, working people — whether wealthy or not — will be paying higher taxes.
How disgraceful that they howl in protest when President Trump finally puts working people first.
Wow, Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my supporters, millions of amazing, hard working people.
As many as 95% of working people hustle for a living in the informal sector.
A government study found that in 222 there were nine working people for each pensioner.
This guy who spent 70 years on this earth showing no concern for working people?
Clinton has attacked Trump's business record, portraying him as exploiting working people and bankruptcy laws.
Fighting back and making sure working people come first is going to take radical change.
Democrats will show the country that we're the party on the side of working people.
First and foremost are its people: hard-working people with a lot of common sense.
The "rules need to change" to stop working people from losing out, the IFS added.
And there's a competition wing that could actually win some progress that working people need.
Smith realized how important it was to stand with working people of color in solidarity.
In all these fights, not once did he lift a finger to help working people.
That's a commonsense way to save the lives and limbs of thousands of working people.
AFSCME Council 31 is a ruthless and brazen attack on the freedom of working people.
People have a basic understanding of his positions and his orientation towards protecting working people.
"This is an issue that is of enormous consequences for working people," Sanders told Hill.
President Trump's decision to phase out these protections is needlessly putting working people at risk.
Meaning you hire smart, hard-working people with tastes that are different from your own.
Worse, according to the study, the elevated stress continues into retirement for average working people.
"We are talking about working people who can't easily replace what is lost," said Hill.
It's about regular working people trying to feed their kids, trying to make a living.
Jobs where working people have a say are critical to the fabric of our democracy.
In Germany, working people pay 7.5 percent of income as a contribution toward comprehensive insurance.
Why is investment income taxed lower than the hard-working people who [make] ordinary income?
There's a reason we've called Charli XCX one of the hardest-working people in pop.
Before he casts out hard-working people because of their religion or nation of origin?
The beauty and complexity of the lives of working people seen as they truly are.
Caucuses are designed to engage party activists, and in turn, often drive away working people.
So, we know -- if the economy doesn't work for working people, it just doesn't work.
Those are ongoing things that are very significant for American working people and American business.
"My customers are very hard-working people," said Mr. Cloutier, the president of MidSouth Bank.
Our legal system must enable working people to build those organizations and use them effectively.
The world needs to build a system that maximizes the economic opportunities for working people.
That's why working people from dozens of unions banded together to assist with relief efforts.
These same rich guys have been waging class warfare against hard-working people for decades.
"For working people, you cannot ask them to go outside of their norm," Jackson said.
" He added: "We are going to tax their extreme wealth and invest in working people.
But there are a lot of smart, hard-working people in places like Liberty City.
There are so many things that can kill the careers of good, hard-working people.
Ninety-four percent of low-income working people have no access to paid family leave.
Democrats will show the country we are the party on the side of working people.
Working people were voting for Robin Hood, but they got the Sheriff of Nottingham instead.
We fight for working people, we fight for people of color, we fight against inequality.
And it means strengthening unions, so working people have recourse against retaliation for speaking up.
The cost of living, particularly housing and transportation, is accelerating out of control for working people.
"The fact that you're successful doesn't mean that you can't relate to working people," he said.
The people who used to admire him — the working people of New York — now loathe him.
He talks about building an alliance of working people that will hold power for 50 years.
Working people look at their investment in homeownership for their family, for their neighborhood, for themselves.
"It is a huge army of hard working people to make it happen," Kelly reminded us.
Robert: In general... the idea that we're actually going to get some representation for working people.
Why did working people agree to participate in the industrialization process if it reduced their utility?
However, in order to invest, working people need more than subsistence, unstable wages and inadequate benefits.
Rubio framed the issue as Trump the con artist bilking working people out of their money.
I'm down in Alabama today talking to the incredible, hard-working people behind the #DougJonesForSenate Campaign.
We know the tsunami of potential labor market disruption and despair for working people is coming.
For years, the party supported Wall Street and lost touch with working people and the poor.
By rejecting Proposition A so resoundingly, Missourians have struck a much needed blow for working people.
He is stopping the mass illegal immigration that is competing with working people of every race.
Voters have unleashed this action plan in the name of lifting the fortunes of working people.
The leaders who exploit those very real anxieties are interested in power, not helping working people.
"Let's not hurt the working people in this country ... go to your local pub," he added.
In fact, that makes it worse -- we're supposed to fight FOR working people, not against them.
That's why addressing racism isn't a "distraction" - it's key to understanding the hustle against working people.
Then came the internet, bringing new arrivals who were not weekenders and retirees, but working people.
I want to make it clear, this is supposed to be the party of working people.
They know that we need trade policies that benefit working people, not large multi-national corporations.
We tend to be hard-working people who value education and the finer things in life.
But Amazon runs on a logistics system that's based off working people to the bare bones.
They claim that outsiders are capturing benefits that should be going to French-born working people.
That would mean taxing carbon but increasing tax credits for working people and families with children.
In fact, that makes it worse — we're supposed to fight FOR working people, not against them.
Instead, we must reimagine what will change the dynamic for the working people in America today.
In a nutshell, liberals don't believe working people have much capacity to govern their own affairs.
The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has accused her of taking working people "for fools," while Mrs.
He didn't recruit children, and wouldn't harm women or working people, if he could avoid it.
Hillary's vision is a borderless world where working people have no power, no jobs, no safety.
Private equity is one of the biggest threats to working people and the American economy today.
In the meantime, however, the Trump economic agenda, if enacted, will tilt conditions against working people.
Demos recently released the economic policy proposal Everyone's Economy: 25 policies to lift up working people.
You've got to bring working people and young people and poor people into the political process.
For decades, as our nation increased its wealth, working people saw little improvement in their lives.
Show you care about fairness and creating opportunity for the working people of Long Island City.
Gail: One big topic was what happens to working people when automation takes over the world.
It created an extremely prosperous America for working people and the broad middle of the country.
What that means is forcing open the door for ordinary people, for working people, for young people.
The Democratic candidates we work for position themselves as the champions of working people and organized labor.
"I wanted to show the mechanism for working people into a state of ecstasy," Mr Loznitsa says.
Hickenlooper made clear on Thursday that he doesn't disagree that the economy isn't working for working people.
Nationwide, working people are outraged at the abysmal wages and working conditions faced by Amazon warehouse workers.
All the while, ordinary working people toiled for long, strenuous hours just to make a decent living.
Populism is nothing else than the sign that something is not working, people have lost the trust.
In the end he'll have to live with what he's done to working people in Atlantic City.
It's got to open its doors to working people and to young people, create a grassroots party.
The working people of our country feel at best ignored and at worst forgotten by their government.
Thirty years ago, nearly one in four working people in Wisconsin was a member of a union.
But we've still decided that Wi-Fi wins—at least for working people attached to their devices.
They don't have an agenda for the middle class, working people, poor people trying to get ahead.
It has everything to do with an enormous transfer of wealth from working people to the richest.
" She says "he didn't just take advantage of investors; he took advantage of working people as well.
The money is going to come off the backs of working people, and in many cases, children.
"They're such sweet, hard-working people," Dawn Caviola, a Donut City regular, told the Orange County Register.
But try to do something, anything, for working people, and you'll have a fight on your hands.
This is not a guy who, in my view, is going to stand up for working people.
It's about trying to reinvigorate an economy and put money back in the hands of working people.
I think they really need to respond to demands that working people are making in the streets.
It will strengthen the bonds of solidarity and embolden working people to stick together in strong unions.
Instead of strengthening the rights of working people, the Trump administration has pushed in the opposite direction.
In an exuberant moment, he vowed to increase the estate tax and redistribute it to working people.
According to Perez, the resolution was perceived as "an attack on the working people" in energy industries.
An administration that would rather give billionaires tax breaks than provide a little cushion for working people.
The ad is expansive, visually stimulating, and fast-paced, as Apple looked to target busy working people
In the end, he'll have to live with what he's done to working people in Atlantic City.
Even the auto bailouts, which the White House hoped would be popular with working people, were resented.
We have an excellent team foundation, and we have a great organization with smart, hard-working people.
"For me Scousers are good people, hard-working people, committed people and people who never give up."
LGBTQ working people requesting leave for transgender-specific or HIV-related health care also face serious barriers.
" Abrams slammed the middle class tax cuts, absurdly claiming that they "rigged the system against working people.
In one year we've led the world to understand that private equity is bad for working people.
Meanwhile, the tax cut Mr. Trump has proposed would overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Americans, not working people.
Ms. Laplanche voted for Mr. Macron, but has been disillusioned by his failure to help working people.
It's a struggle out here—the requirements of survival, for working people, are real and sometimes overwhelming.
" Jacob said the new stadium would "hamper the port and cost thousands of working people their jobs.
Is this racist or individualistic or contrary to themes we as leftists and working people hold closely?
Could you see yourself questioning the wisdom of those tariffs if they start to hurt working people?
Governor Cuomo prioritized his donors and pet projects over the subway and now working people are suffering.
Not 'My god, you have a candidate who's trying to bring working people [into] the political process.
Similarly a Pew study last year said 28% see less unionisation as "mostly bad" for working people.
Economically, working people of all races have struggled in recent decades with the decline of manufacturing jobs.
For now, he credited the candidates for the focus they have put on talking about working people.
The protests are connected to broader public anger about Macron&aposs pursuit of austerity for working people.
But I believe the majority of the Muslim people in this country are amazing, hard-working people.
When the global economy shifted in the late 19th century, working people were the first to adapt.
All working people deserve to make it home at the end of their shift safe and healthy.
They lie not with the working people who elected him, but with the plutocracy that envelops him.
I can relate to a community of hard-working people who had to suffer due to circumstance.
Millions of working people feel abandoned by the self-serving and corrupt elites that run their countries.
" The memo made the case for a new political party organized around the "empowerment of working people.
Ensuring our economy and our democracy works for working people is not theoretical for me, it's personal.
But she thinks that the economy did actually work for working people at one point, decades ago.
To borrow from the heroes of my youth, Marx and Engels: Working people of all countries unite!
"We cannot and will not support any deal that does not deliver for working people," he added.
Other residents in the complex include young working people, retirees with pet companions and families with children.
With apologies to James Brown, the hardest working people in show business may well be ballet dancers.
"The middle class and working people are tired of paying the way for everybody," Ms. Waldrep said.
"This country has spent decades taking from working people and giving to the 1 percent," he said.
As commerce secretary, Ross has managed to combine corruption, lies, white nationalism and disdain for working people.
They are easily bought, and the people have to believe that we, the working people, produce everything.
This is a state and a country of big-hearted, open-minded, straight-talking, hard-working people.
"Right now, the federal government is not on the side of working people," de Blasio said on GMA.
Amazingly, the bulk of those contributions came from low-income and working people whose donations averaged $27 apiece.
"We strive to keep our Twitter account actively engaging and real to advocate for working people," she said.
But in reality these are simply policy changes that favor the interests of working people over the rich.
Working those jobs, "I really understood the frustration that working people had across the political spectrum," she said.
"The majority of undocumented immigrants are good hard working people," Aguilar told CNN's John Berman on "Newsroom" Wednesday.
Senator Sherrod Brown, who is weighing a presidential campaign, said Trump had not done enough for working people.
"But at this point, the Democratic Party must be the party that delivers for working people," he said.
At the Kenansville rally, Trump said he would dislodge a political establishment that he said ignored working people.
For all that this looks like a victory for working people, it can't be our high water mark.
It would serve to "oppress and impose massive harm on working people that ERISA was enacted to prevent".
But it's on them to think of a more plausible way to restrict the credit to working people.
We'll just have to make sure that we support the hard-working people she has decided to target.
He was mindful that he had joined the Labour Party and gone into politics to help working people.
He spent most of his life trying to stay as far away from working people as he could.
A rapidly warming planet and the economic devastation that it will bring will hurt working people the hardest.
Conservatives say "yes" because they believe that meritorious and hard-working people deserve the fruits of their labor.
How will working people save for retirement without employer-sponsored retirement savings or employer contributions to Social Security?
It has everything to do with an enormous transfer of wealth from working people to the richest Americans.
This is why it's very hard for people who have salaries to understand the constraints of working people.
Creating quality jobs for working people in every community across America is one goal everyone can agree on.
This bill is an empty promise that no member of Congress who cares about working people should support.
"We need a system that gives working people finally a fair chance to get ahead too," he said.
"The truth is, this is a show about conservative, hard-working middle America," Kutcher told Deadline.
The gold standard is not a kooky proposition or a device to privilege the rich over working people.
If Democrats want to be the party of working people then they can't pick and choose which people.
When you have hard-working people like Keri and Matthew, you make sure you don't miss a step.
On trade, his critique that global deals favor corporate interests at the expense of working people is ascendant.
It has everything to do with an enormous shift of wealth from working people to the richest Americans.
The bill pays for some of its giveaways with an increase on working people here, a tweak there.
Today more women are working, people start their families later, and, in some cases, they are living longer.
" In those days, Ms. Melvin said: "It was mostly professional working people, writers, people in advertising, music people.
Still, that incident confirmed what I still believe, that most of the officers are good, hard-working people.
This is, of course, the whole point of RTW — to weaken unions and lower wages for working people.
"Trump and his pals tell working people a story about what's gone wrong in their lives," Warren said.
We need legislation that makes it easier for working people to join together in a union, not harder.
As Hochschild's informants see it, Obama's Washington cares more for shirkers and cheaters than for hard-working people.
"A tax cut for working people has the same pocketbook effect as a pay raise," Kelton told me.
In short, they end up costing working people more for essential goods such as food and children's clothing.
They can be "dangerous places for working people," said Mark Muro of the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program.
This has been a major source of unhappiness among working people, and a subject of consternation among policymakers.
Inflation benefited working people by making debt cheap and essentially transferred money from bondholders by depreciating financial assets.
She remembered the neighborhood the two girls shared as a lower-middle class area full of working people.
But it will be if Democrats do not fight for working people in every corner of the state.
These are hard-working people, who are putting everything that they can to serve and do something useful.
Shelter hours have been extended to accommodate working people in the hopes they'll visit and find a pet.
But at the very least, working people should have the chance to have their day, together, in court.
During the campaign, Mr. Trump blasted interest groups and major donors for rigging the system against working people.
As the presidential election clarified so painfully, the traditional party of working people has lost touch with them.
And they have been frustrated by the Democratic Party, which they say has lost touch with working people.
Democracy versus oligarchy always meant the rule of the working people versus the rule of the rich people.
We can't hope to build a more equitable economy unless working people have strong organizations of their own.
And it would be fraudulent, because it would purport to help working people while doing no such thing.
"I'm urging the president: Make it easier for working people to buy or rent their homes, not harder."
" Sanders called Nissan's efforts an "all-too-familiar story of how greedy corporations divide and conquer working people.
Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals.
Unfortunately, however, too few working people are represented by forward thinking elected leaders like those out in California.
"Working people and middle-class people feel cheated, and they have every right to feel cheated," he said.
Politicians have, at best, only pretended to care about working people and, at worst, have screwed them over.
For them, NAFTA is not only the economic enemy of working people, but also damaging to their health.
This meant working people had no choice but to visit private providers in the late afternoon or evenings.
If Mr. Trump wishes to act in the interest of all working people, he will preserve those reforms.
Whatever it takes to make sure 100 million working people feel like I have nothing to fear. SEC.
But I felt very comfortable that the net gain for working people was really clear, was unusually clear.
But Democrats can no longer really claim to be the party of working people—not white ones, anyway.
Maureen Dowd: You keep a stack of two-dollar bills to randomly hand out to hard-working people.
There's gang violence and a lot of struggling working people mixed with mentally ill people who are medicated.
The labor movement has long fought for the dignity of working people, & we're proud to be part of it.
We are working people from all walks of life: teachers, scientists, engineers, small-business owners, and nurses like me.
Working people who must live in communities abandoned by out-of-touch leaders are best suited to represent them.
"Black voters are typically working people who don't have the flexibility to go necessarily on Election Day," Pinderhughes explains.
All of it goes straight to cands who stood strong for working people, climate, gun safety, immigrant youth &more.
"What we haven't seen, until I'd say very recently, is a sustained response by working people," Post told me.
I just tried to warn them that when they lecture everyday, hard working people, it has the opposite effect.
They will speak in economic justice terms — working people given a fair shot at negotiating with a bad landlord.
Protesters marched on the bank's Lower Manhattan headquarters last month to demand a president who would represent working people.
"This action protects public safety and ensures hard-working people who contribute to our state are respected," Brown said.
The six candidates at the National Forum on Wages and Working People all backed a $15 federal minimum wage.
In 2014-16, Hamburg had 253 new business founders per 10,23 working people annually, compared with 238 in Berlin.
Where did the idea of taking a day off to celebrate the contributions of working people come from anyway?
I feel like the gay rights movement hasn't really done enough to reach out to working people of color.
At other times, he likened the plight of some working people as well as imported foreign laborers to slavery.
"Working people need a Treasury Secretary who will work for them, not Wall Street," Brown said in a statement.
We are humble, proud and hard-working people who've been battered by the twin storms of globalization and greed.
But there are definitely some hard working people trying to make your phone work the best that it can.
" And Trump himself tweeted: "Wow, Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my supporters, millions of amazing, hard working people.
The goal, according to Mr McDonnell, is an "irreversible shift in wealth and power in favour of working people".
We will remain a vibrant force that lifts up all working people, whether they belong to unions or not.
And here is the truth, you cannot be for Wall Street and for the working people of this country.
Our once celebrated transit systems no longer offer a reliable way for working people to get to their jobs.
The four groups, all left-leaning, are Unite Here Arizona, Working America, Mi Familia Vota, and Working People Rising.
Mandatory arbitration agreements and class-action waivers are increasingly being used to deny working people their day in court.
Thankfully, for the working people of Missouri, voters saw through the corporate propaganda and rejected this assault on workers.
When working people are able to stand together in unions, we're able to achieve these goals and much more.
I was in support of the Spanish working people, and I wanted to go to Spain to help them.
The plan made clear it would give cakes to the fortunate few and leave crumbs for the working people.
A corresponding drop in food prices ensured that working people had a larger disposable income to spend on booze.
There are four necessary traits that can help regular working people become the CEO they've always dreamt of becoming.
"Senate Republicans' latest bill does not go nearly far enough to help working people and our most vulnerable," Rep.
But it would give working people the support and peace of mind they need to care for their families.
He promised to listen to the voices of the country, to its small-town mayors and its working people.
They are working people and they shouldn't be in a state where they cannot afford basic needs of life.
For all our many differences, this is a grisly reality the working people of this country have in common.
The Trump administration is advancing policies that further rig a system that's already stacked against working people in America.
"Working people have taken one punch to the gut after another," Ms. Warren said, before addressing Judge Kavanaugh's nomination.
Local 85033, which represents over 7,000 working people in the city of Detroit and across the state of Michigan.
I am grateful that we have such bright hard-working people working around the clock to protect this country.
Even before Macron&aposs proposal, the French public was angered by his pursuit of austerity policies for working people.
When pressed further, Sanders reiterated that he would continue to support candidates who stand up for the working people.
In 1963, he founded a small bank, Security National Bank, in California to serve the needs of working people.
"Bernie has the bold passion, authenticity & clarity that working people across this country desperately need," she wrote on Twitter.
Inequality is no theoretical concept; the fortunes of working people have taken a hit in the last 50 years.
"Broken promises are bad enough, but President Trump has used his office to actively hurt working people," Trumka said.
And again, the number of corporations and working people in a state like Texas is much greater than Kentucky.
IBEW has long fought for the dignity of working people, and we're proud to be part of that tradition.
"Bernie has the bold passion, authenticity & clarity that working people across this country desperately need," Jayapal wrote on Twitter.
And with fewer working people contributing to the government's coffers, the stress on Beijing's finances will become increasingly acute.
But it would also mean he is paying attention to the needs of the working people who elected him.
We set out to win a better deal for working people, and we refused to settle for anything less.
But making progress state by state, company by company, leaves too many working people – and too many families — behind.
" And Trump himself tweeted: "Wow, Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my supporters, millions of amazing, hard working people.
Like all campaigns we are beholden to our donors, and we're proud to stand with one million working people.
"Yes, Donald Trump lies to working people, but he at least pretends to talk to them," de Blasio wrote.
McDonnell believes Britain needs "an irreversible shift in the balance of power and wealth in favour of working people".
Progressives, working people, women and anyone concerned about keeping religion out of government will thank them, guaranteeing future support.
They avoid taxes, stash profits overseas, and fight every attempt to share any of their profits with working people.
Collectively, this translates to lower wages for working people, while the fruits of economic growth accrue at the top.
"The lesson is clear: Racism doesn't just tear apart black and brown communities — it keeps all working people down."
Janus is specifically designed to undermine public-sector unions' ability to advocate for working people and negotiate fair contracts.
These strikes are ground zero in a new national labor movement, energizing working people after years of union decline.
It would just be: How is this thing going on in the world going to affect these working people?
"If Trump wants to pursue policies that will help working people, Democrats will take a pragmatic approach," he said.
"This is going to drive the premiums and costs for working people who come to the hospital," he said.
We need to be the party of working people, and that includes a party of immigrants, but first we have to tell the working people in America who are hurting that we are going to be on their side every single time against those big corporations who created this mess to begin with.
"The notion that we must avoid race with the middle is wrong: remaining silent on this helps our opposition's toxic worldview gain primacy," the group said in a recent report that urged Democrats to be explicit about race (say "working people, whether white, Black, or brown" instead of just "working people," for example).
I'll take help from anybody who gets on board with the messages that I'm putting forward — I'm for working people.
I think this country was built by you -- by the working people of this nation -- by America's great middle class.
Working families need support and need to be lifted up, and frankly, this economy is not working for working people.
I just tried to warn them that when they lecture everyday, hard working people, it has the opposite effect. Peace.
The dichotomy shows how China's success over these last 30 years has been built on the backs of working people.
Leading voices, like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, full-throatedly declare that the economy has been rigged against working people.
I think Idahoans have a place in our heart for hard-working people who don't have access to health care.
Working people could feel differently about lay-offs, offshoring and automation if their dividends stood to swell as a result.
I want to see working people and young people come into the party in a way that doesn't exist now.
Between 1995 and 2015 the number of working people in Britain aged over 65 more than doubled, to over 1m.
"My plan is for the working people, and my plan is for jobs," Trump told reporters at the White House.
All we need are decent, honest, hard-working people who are accountable and who have America's best interests at heart.
"He spent most of his life trying to stay as far away from working people as he could," Obama said.
The underlying message here is that if working people own anything beyond the bare minimum, then they're not really struggling.
The Democratic Party has historically been the party for working people, and we continue to carry their interests at heart.
In 1980, many working people in Rust Belt cities felt abandoned by the Democratic Party and voted for Ronald Reagan.
In the coming years, voters will rightly be focused on holding Washington accountable on issues that will affect working people.
Here's what I -- here's what I would say prospectively, is that the Democratic agenda is better for all working people.
Working people wind up more atomized from one another, lacking a common location and language to deal with their problems.
"I think the people who should actually be in office are normal working people," said Joel Wacker, 21, of Ames.
The senator has "stood with working people and against the greed of large, profitable corporations his entire life," he added.
"Democrats and progressives win when working people and low income people and young people get involved in the political process."
EIC The Earned Income Credit is a "benefit for working people with low to moderate income," according to the IRS.
One issue that will affect working people is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the trade pact being pushed by President Obama.
We reject efforts to further skew the economy and the tax code away from the vast majority of working people.
Among them are thousands of hard-working people with disabilities employed by the federal government and contractors across the country.
Women in arts, design, entertainment, sports and media had a suicide rate of 28255 per 100,000 working people in 2015.
They've off-shored their incomes and taken nearly 85033 percent of the economic gains, leaving working people with stagnant wages.
"Donald Trump has tapped into the very real and understandable anger of working people," said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.
He must outline his strategy for fostering an environment where all working people — regardless of gender — are treated with respect.
Billionaires, along with their bought and paid-for politicians, have rigged the system to benefit themselves instead of working people.
You know, working people have historically looked to the Democratic Party as the party that offered solutions to their problems.
Working people understand that even if they receive some tax cuts, the law is mainly designed to help wealthy people.
If there was ever a time to change course and start governing on behalf of working people, this is it.
Working people are united in these fights, and we are ready to mobilize and organize in defense of our freedoms.
Trump made a lot of promises that I can see why working people would support, but now they're waking up.
Elizabeth Warren cast a political system that benefits the rich and corporations over working people as the left's political enemy.
But right now, the trusted mechanism that has provided this economic security for millions of working people is under assault.
De Blasio, whose campaign slogan is "Working People First," responded by insisting that the Police Benevolent Association was an outlier.
"Working people do not have a resourced and organized way to get to the table with these companies," said Mehrens.
Elected leaders — and candidates running for president — can choose to find the courage to stand with working people or not.
These countries' economies have been bolstered by trade, but not enough of the gains have filtered down to working people.
If grunge songs didn't directly address the concerns of working people, it was nevertheless recessionary music, made by underemployed slackers.
There's an incredible fabric of very smart, very talented, very committed, very hard-working people who work in this industry.
Shaabi is mainly the music of rural areas—the music of working people, and people who work on the land.
When the tools of modern life stop working, people should be able to shop for the best price on repairs.
Like Sanders, most Democrats agree that our government has issues that stack all odds against working people across the nation.
Under Chief Justice John Roberts, the court has consistently issued bold, partisan decisions that have been terrible for working people.
On Sunday, Sanders added that he has the support of every major grassroots organization because his agenda supports working people.
Unions are a legal right and the single most powerful tool that regular working people have to improve their lot.
We're a community of hard-working people who may not be highly educated, but that doesn't mean we're not intelligent.
"Cars not on the road, airplanes not in the air, factories not working, people not going to work," Yergin said.
It will only be something you get to try if you are among the hard-working people in our team.
That means we need to build (and enshrine) the power of working people that translates to political and economic power.
Having to go out of state for fertility treatments and transfers is expensive — and nearly impossible for most working people.
"  "He's been selling out working people, our values and national security, and on Ukraine, he's been selling out our democracy.
I have long considered myself a moderate liberal, in part because Democrats have always been the allies of working people.
The fantasy that Mr. Trump intends to fight for the health of long-suffering working people should be similarly interred.
"We cannot overstate the gravity of this crisis for firms and working people," Fairbairn and O'Grady warned the prime minister.
As long as he's in office, he retains a lot of power to betray the working people who supported him.
Our job is to watch and defend the rights of working people and not allow supposed groups to harm society.
"I thought that cryptocurrencies would be the one and only breakthrough for ordinary hard-working people like us," she said.
For example, obviously, we're very concerned about Mr. Reagan's policies which are impacting devastatingly on low income and working people.
We embrace diversity and welcome hard-working people who come to the state seeking a better life for their families.
And that means about women, that's people of color, that's our L.G.B.T.Q. community, that's working people, that's our labor unions.
And it's devastating for the millions of low-income and working people who would have benefited from the office's work.
They decide the rules — influencing our government to help tilt the playing field toward themselves — and away from working people.
The best pathway toward a real economic recovery will only develop with the participation of working people, politically and economically.
Certainly for working people, the people who are already skilled in ways that they can't access higher-paying jobs, retail.
Thatcher was the prime minister this pretty kind of constant drumbeat that she's for us because she's for working people.
The EPA has become a one-agency job killer, putting working people out of a job and increasing costs for everyone.
"The contract raises the bar for working people up and down the West Coast," said UAW Western regional director Gary Jones.
Why are we making minor tweaks to a policy that was never designed to help working people in the first place?
One editor of an Italian newspaper estimated that 90 percent of working people were being preyed upon by the Black Hand.
We choose to do something... This is a win for our city, for Philadelphia's working people, and for smart business practices.
"I have no reason to doubt the conclusions that the hard- working people who put that together came to," Wray said.
"If working people come out to vote, if young people come out to vote, we can win this thing," he said.
It's an affront to the dignity of working people, and has led to historic levels of income inequality in our country.
Getting rid of this terrible law is a no-brainer for any politician looking to make life better for working people.
" Executive producer Steven Levenson attests to the duo's long hours, calling Williams and Rockwell "the hardest working people in the world.
With the cost of housing shooting up, even reasonably well-paid working people are being priced out of Ireland's urban markets.
So if Democrats really care about improving the economic stability of working people, they can't drop reproductive rights from that equation.
Until elites pay more attention to the needs of working people and our economy booms again, our politics will be volatile.
Lonzo says his dad is one of the hardest working people he knows who's always had his back since day 1.
However, most working people of any age can probably relate to acute difficulty in separating their work lives from personal ones.
"I don't think there's any reason for anyone to believe that Trump is going to stand with working people," he continued.
It is a beautiful part of North America with a great many hard working people who need a much better economy.
Hughes says same system that allowed people like Zuckerberg and him to get rich has also left many working people stranded.
So Missouri's referendum will likely help unions and allied groups get more working people to the polls in 2018 and beyond.
When you have so much wealth and power in the hands of very few, it does not work for working people.
They demonstrated that they want to be represented by someone who stands up for working people with actions, not just words.
They're all working people, they worked with their hands, and there's probably something in there that's, like, This isn't real work.
The party claims the working people are the masters of the country, but in reality, they are expendable and frequently abused.
In a statement, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said working people will die if the Trump administration walks back the rule.
The good news is that we can make different choices that unrig rules and tilt the scales back towards working people.
We should focus on getting a deal that is actually good for this country and that means good for working people.
India has solid demographics, with a median age of 26 – indicating an even younger slice of educated, working people than China.
And, in front of these hard-working people, newcomers are cutting in line, playing by their own rules to get ahead.
Comprehensive research shows it reduces layoffs dramatically, provides ordinary working people with substantial capital assets, and helps companies perform significantly better.
Working people [were] trying to adjust to a really new situation where a lot of them were put on piece work.
Let me kindly remind everyone that people who cook and clean for a living are the hardest-working people there are.
But Sanders' entire campaign and message has always rested on advocating for working people while fighting exorbitantly wealthy billionaires and corporations.
We know that opening up new markets to American products the right way can create jobs and lift up working people.
Working people are looking to lawmakers to support legislation that holds private equity accountable, including the Stop Wall Street Looting Act.
That the party establishment is a bunch of elites who have, for years, taken working people (and their votes) for granted.
Mr. Chávez's successor, Nicolás Maduro, still makes fun of hard-working people who go abroad to make a living cleaning toilets.
On the other end of the economic spectrum, most working people are employed in manual labor, service industry, and clerical jobs.
That — not empty rhetoric — would show me and all of America's working people that he cares about us and our families.
Yet most party leaders still defined working people as a noble assemblage composed solely of white men and their family members.
Trump said his tax plan was aimed at helping working people, creating jobs and making the tax code simpler and fairer.
" Mr. McTaggart responded by saying: "Garrison is one of the most talented, creative, generous and hard-working people I've ever met.
The crowd was standing room only, with some carrying posters that said "Tax Amazon Not Working People" while others supported repeal.
Only by reworking the structures and systems will working people have the security and agency they need to determine their futures.
"If this assault is going to be stopped, then Democrats must come together and fight for working people together," he said.
But in some ways, King's fight for economic and racial justice has clearly slipped backward, and America's working people feel it.
"Unfunded borrowing and significantly higher levels of taxation would damage our economy, threaten jobs, and hurt working people," she will say.
"The Democratic agenda is better for all working people," said President Obama, in a recent episode of The Axe Files podcast.
"I'm open to the conversation, but what worries me is it falls hardest on working people," Warren told CNN's Jake Tapper.
I.O. joined to bring the voices of working people to the table and advocate the manufacturing initiatives our country desperately needs.
The masters of innovation were becoming stupendously rich via creations poised to make working people poor, replacing human labor with robots.
"The decisions and actions of the NLRB have real consequences for working people," AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said on Wednesday.
The [Democratic National Committee] should find a solution that lives up to our party&aposs commitment to fight for working people.
Something big is happening here: a cross-state, multiracial, coalition of working people who are taking matters into their own hands.
He proposes to cut the health, disability and job-training programs that working people, as well as the poor, rely upon.
We set the bar high because we believe trade done right can and should help the lives of working people everywhere.
From the beginning, the labor movement made clear that putting working people first was the most important test of any deal.
This deal ensures that corporations aren't getting special treatment over working people, especially when it comes to our health and safety.
But it's a far cry from the original NAFTA, and that is a huge win for working people in North America.
Nothing in her record shows she's willing to protect working people from getting ripped off by payday lenders and big banks.
The gamble is there are millions of working people who don't vote or consider politics to be relevant to their lives.
Women's and civil society organizations have loudly declared that his confirmation would be detrimental to working people and the economically vulnerable.
To abolish it requires the organization of the working people, their unions, and the oppressed working together to challenge capitalist rule.
Asked Sunday about the disconnect among progressives, de Blasio said they are capable of governing and giving back to working people.
We have working people who cannot afford the first and last month's rent in order to get into a rental unit.
Ultimately, he said, Warren's earnestness and credibility in "looking out for the little guy, for working people" will win over critics.
The working people, 100 million people at jeopardy, trying to figure out how to put meals on the table, clothe, house.
How many good, hard-working people are "fleeing back" to their countries with the story of an America that doesn't care?
The Conservatives are for working people and the Labour Party are for people who don't want to work and get welfare.
My Republican colleagues talk a lot about fraud and waste when it comes to programs for working people, lower-income people.
That's what he put his wealth into, was servicing, creating the greatest HMO in America, to provide healthcare for working people.
Can Hillary Clinton represent the interests of working people when she and her husband have taken so much money from Wall Street?
Steven Beshear accused the President of deserting the working people who voted for him by picking a cabinet of millionaires and billionaires.
"What the calendar looks like is not as important as what the end result looks like for working people," DeLauro said Tuesday.
Trump said both he and May were adamant that governments "be responsive to everyday working people" and show respect for their citizens.
Their ultimately successful efforts further politicized the young artist and informed his interest in depicting the dignity and power of working people.
The Democratic Party sees the minimum wage as part of a broader strategy to cast itself as the party of working people.
"We cannot have a truly democratic society with so little power in the hands of working people," she writes in her plan.
I wanted to show young people, queer people, working people, imperfect people that they belong here because this is the people's house.
First on the agenda should be enacting early voting, to make it easier for millions of working people to cast their ballots.
So how do you rebalance power between working people and the companies or the capital sources that are working in the economy?
I am very proud that in this campaign, we have seen an enormous amount of excitement from young people, from working people.
I also want to see us centering (on) working people in the United States to stem income inequality (and) tackle climate change.
We found that the jobless showed almost exactly the same day-to-day pattern in emotional well-being as working people did.
"His own employees testified Trump U. was a fraudulent scheme where Donald Trump enriched himself at the expense of hard-working people."
Steve Bullock derided "wish-list economics" and warned that working people "can't wait for a revolution" like the one Sanders calls for.
KILMEADE: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) WILLIAMS: How about less taxes, less regulations for the big corporations and for the rich, not for the working people?
Gosh, I guess I might have to do it by getting out there, getting people organized, fighting for working people and persisting.
The problem, however, is when hard-working people – like my trans brothers and sisters – are discriminated against simply because they are trans.
Because entrepreneurship is the key to creating jobs, increasing the pay of working people, resurrecting struggling communities and spurring growth and innovation.
But the Nevada caucuses are deliberately designed to make it easier for working people to participate — and to ensure a diverse turnout.
They are making the critical connections in our political economy to challenge old assumptions that have hurt working people for too long.
Sophie should be too busy perfecting her caricature of working people to have time to come up with so many petty jabs.
They rejected our values of supporting working people and were unwilling to work with our local communities toward a mutually beneficial resolution.
"He doesn't care about our community or working people, he only cares about himself," said Boni, 271.4, an Ecuador-born U.S. citizen.
Being four hard working people producing music is three or 14 times more efficient than being one hard working person producing music.
This is a horribly frightening projection, but it's not just The Volunteer State suffering, it's hard-working people all across the nation.
Democrats need to "make it clear to working people of this country that the Democratic Party is on their side," Sanders exclaimed.
Democrats, meanwhile, pass regressive taxes that hurt working people and businesses alike, and their only response to our concerns is: drink up.
The constituency that brought Jackson to power consisted of working people and small farmers drawn predominantly from the West and the South.
Today, I introduced legislation to get rid of this nonsensical rule that is bad for our economy and for working people. pic.twitter.
"The Labour Party have completely lost touch with the hard-working people they're supposed to represent," Mr. Cameron, the prime minister, said.
But for Trump to be an economic populist, his policies should reflect some demonstrable interest in improving the lives of working people.
When Donald Trump ran for president, he promised to be a workers' champion who would deliver  "better wages" for America's working people.
In 230, the construction and extraction field had the highest rates of suicides for men, with 8003 suicides per 2800,22016 working people.
"The immense majority of the people of Panama are honest, hard-working people," Luis González Marín, a top labor union official, said.
There were 13 working people per retiree in 1985, declining to six in 2015, and will be less than two by 2050.
" A union spokesman said on Friday that Trumka intends to remain on the council to serve "as a voice for working people.
Senate and House Democrats recently introduced key legislation designed to combat growing inequality and to strengthen the economic security of working people.
"Alien" is an inaccurate term, he said, because it does not fairly describe hard-working people who contribute to the national economy.
I asked him, 'Now what are you going to tell the American people, when we've scared away so many hard-working people?
Politicians are far more likely to be everyday working people, not professional politicians — not because they're conservative, but because of local rules.
But working people saw through his empty promise and called out Puzder's abysmal track record on labor issues for what it was.
I have an embarrassing confession to make: I underestimated how much anti-worker extremist groups really hate organizations that empower working people.
Trumka said a tax plan that would be good for working people should have corporations and the rich paying their fair share.
They're up for a bit of corruption – which, as long as normal working people don't get ripped off, is fine by me.
Real income for the roughly 140 million working people of this country is stagnant and has been for the past 30 years.
First, most working people are paying something like a tax for their health care insurance since they get it through their employer.
When democratic capitalism is managed in ways that fail to provide good jobs, working people will turn in desperation toward authoritarian solutions.
The establishment has failed so many decent, hard-working people — if we don't call it out, aggressively and repeatedly, nothing will change.
For the Vermont senator, the crisis proves the need for a fundamental transformation of society to meet the needs of working people.
Perhaps as a reaction to this, the working people (including me) tend to dress more for practicality than as a performance piece.
This crisis will hit everyone, but it will hit folks who live paycheck-to-paycheck the hardest, including working people and seniors.
He has not only failed to make life better for working people but also has made an already precarious economic situation worse.
The West Virginia teachers' strike is a case of hard-working people deciding that they're no longer willing to accept substandard pay.
They may hate democratic socialism because it benefits working people, but they absolutely love corporate socialism that enriches Trump and other billionaires.
I think we need more everyday people—not just career politicians but people living the challenges that working people live every day.
Businesses are not just huge faceless, unidentifiable, artificial entities - they are created by people, run by people, and comprised of working people.
But how can an administration that pretends to be populist, to stand up for ordinary (white) working people, sell such elitist policies?
Mr. Sanders became a mission-driven lefty, enthralled by socialist and communist governments abroad and the fight for working people at home.
She still failed to persuade a clear majority of the British electorate of her credentials as a savior of the working people.
Clinton had nothing new to offer the hard-working people she said were shut out of the economy and politics but a continuation of Obama's policies and agenda.
"For 20 years, Congressman Robert Brady has been a forceful champion for working people in Pennsylvania and across the nation," she said.
But there has been stiff resistance from unions, which say Macri is governing for the rich while reducing wages for working people.
"The [Democratic National Committee] should find a solution that lives up to our party's commitment to fight for working people," Warren tweeted. .
Rashida Tlaib have always lead with courage by unwaveringly fighting for the working people of our country, and their endorsement of Sen.
I don't believe that a government takeover of large parts of the economy, makes any sense for working people or for families.
America was built from the ground up by innovative and hard-working people driven by big ambitions and a can-do spirit.
They pretend to be on the side of ordinary working people — "paying lip service to democracy and the common welfare," he wrote.
But it was sad all the same (layoffs impact working people who have bills to pay; fret not for the capital class).
American working people have agency, they are plenty educated, and in past crises they rejected the extremism that other nations turned to.
We are honest, hard-working people, who are rising to the challenge of a fast-paced opioid epidemic sweeping across this country.
It&aposs a credit to the remarkable teamwork of 2.4 million of the hardest working people on planet Earth, all working together.
Fixing NAFTA's flaws has been a long time coming, but passing the USMCA does not mean Congress is finished empowering working people.
Today, we mark the end of NAFTA and the beginning of our journey back to an America that works for working people.
"The DNC should find a solution that lives up to our party's commitment to fight for working people," Warren wrote on Twitter.
"Working people do not want a savior to speak for us," Trumka wrote in a New York Times op-ed published Tuesday.
"There's a feeling that's very strong in my state," she said, that trade deals have benefitted large corporations and hurt working people.
"But raise the money in a way that is progressive, not on the backs of low-income or working people," he added.
At the start of this decade, on the heels of the worst economic crash since 333, working people were on the ropes.
"Arbitration is one of the central ways in which corporate America has rigged the system against middle class families, working people," Rep.
So is serving the needs of working people, if you're only used to meeting the demands of the wealthy and well-connected.
That we can get away with ignoring or actively screwing working people if we just engage in the right woke virtue signaling.
We also failed to communicate our values to show that we were on the side of working people, not the special interests.
We also lost a powerful political force that educated millions of working people to vote for candidates who would represent their interests.
The 3.2 million Americans who work as waiters, waitresses and bartenders include some of the lowest-compensated working people in the country.
At both stops, he said Democrats need to focus on improving the lives of "working people" who are being paid less money.
" He quit the Social Democratic Party over migration policy and a sense that the leadership had "completely lost touch with working people.
There are schools that need more funding, healthcare programs to help those in need, and working people take their salary from employers.
We need policies for rural America that represent the needs of working people and farmers, not agri-business and multi-national corporations.
Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) speaks at the National Forum on Wages and Working People on April 27, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Working people — it's outrageous for us to pay for the majority of things when we're the ones who are going to build things.
If it has a chance of working, people will have to invest in it and projects will have to fail along the way.
"There needs to be a better system because they're screwing over the hard-working people of Detroit," Jackson said after appearing with Levin.
But any serious look at what life is actually like for working people in California should bring that fantasy crashing to the ground.
Wages for most working people don't even come close to what is needed to pay for housing and to survive in the area.
In country after country, the old order made the rich richer and working people poorer as incomes went down and jobs went away.
Working people have it harder and harder these days and we believe that things will get better when workers of the world unite.
The actions of one individual are in no way reflective of the almost 200 dedicated and hard-working people who work for Vungle.
I also remember that he spent the last day of his life in Memphis, fighting for dignity and higher pay for working people.
Obviously, the double-your-salary-by-35 figure isn't realistic for many working people in the U.S. — especially those in their mid-thirties.
According to a report from May 2017, 94% of low-wage working people in the U.S. have no access to paid family leave.
Trump proposed on Wednesday the biggest U.S. tax overhaul in three decades, aimed at helping working people with tax cuts and creating jobs.
I think there's a clear understanding that we have to show that the benefits of growth get to working people globally right now.
Because on election day, we're showing up to the polls and casting our votes for elect leaders who support working people in Illinois.
Those of a materialist bent point to decades of slow growth in median incomes, which has bred disillusion and anger among working people.
It was financed not on the backs of working people but by an increase in taxes on big banks and big tech companies.
A Texas coalition, part of the Citizens Trade Campaign, has outlined what is necessary if NAFTA renegotiation is to deliver for working people.
" Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham said on Twitter that Haley had missed her chance to stand with "working people who want borders enforced.
We believe that the United States should never, never, sign trade deals that help giant corporations but leave working people in the dirt!
In this year's presidential campaign, Donald Trump tossed out the well-worn Republican playbook to run as an unabashed champion of working people.
At the same time, working people are struggling with stagnant or falling wages, an ever-increasing cost of living and crippling economic inequality.
"I've got a record to run on of being pro-consumer, pro-working people, pro-agriculture, and pro-guts," he told The Hill.
Proponents of the rule say the moves to rewrite it show Trump is siding with big businesses and corporate lobbyists over working people.
" Trumka also bashed the plan, saying that it benefits Wall Street rather than the working people and "isn't a healthcare plan at all.
Closing Social Security field offices like this one causes undue difficulty for the elderly, disabled and working people who rely on public transportation.
Hard-working people in non-glam jobs and humble living quarters might well be attracted to a man who promises to change everything.
But if working people are supposed to be ghosts, then when they speak up or otherwise make themselves visible, they are "haunting" us.
Like other progressive insurgents, they are committed to economic justice for working people, Medicare for All, abolishing ICE, and holding Democratic leadership accountable.
Federal dollars, as provided from the taxes of the hard-working people of this nation, should go to schools that need extra help.
In other words, while governments enact austerity budgets, which lower the standard of living of working people, the super-rich avoid their taxes.
The result is that the rules governing work in this country are rigged against working people from their first day on the job.
"Working nights and weekends in dentists&apos spaces was a sure way to make dental care more accessible to working people," she said.
"Black America also has a large community of striving, successful, hard-working people: college-educated, in the work force," said a black leader.
I think we heard from working people and people in the middle class who feel like the economy is not working for them.
We are disappointed in today's efforts to undermine the dedicated and hard-working people who are the life and soul of our business.
"He's used his position and authority to enrich himself at the expense of working people," said Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO.
The area has been a magnet for German tourism since the early 1900s, when industrialization gave working people a bit more leisure time.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez speaks to and for the "working class" — not "working people" or "working families," homey phrases meant to soften and soothe.
These days, cosmopolitan "elites" are under heavy fire for neglecting the plight of working people and allowing inequality to spiral out of control.
He ran for re-election casting himself as the defender of working people and Mitt Romney as an out-of-touch rich guy.
Mr. de Blasio, who has adopted the campaign theme of "Working People First," spoke about income inequality, again lashing out at Mr. Trump.
But direct income supports for working people can be a more effective—and far more just—approach to responding to an economic crisis.
"We are in a moment where it is more important than ever that working people be able to express themselves politically," he said.
Democrats, we are the party of working people, but we haven't done a good enough job showing we get what you're going through.
Not surprisingly, opponents are ratcheting up their doomsday predictions of catastrophe if more working people are paid for all the hours they work.
For working people, saving "$1,500 or $2,000 a year on bus fare makes a difference when you make $8" an hour, Lucas said.
President Trump championed the Republican plan to gut health care and raise taxes on working people to line the pockets of the rich.
Working people across the country are clamoring for change, not more of the same anti-worker policies that fail to make anything better.
But Succession refuses to indulge the meritocratic fantasy that inequality is fine as long as the winners are the smartest, hardest-working people.
The majority of people aren't starting out on the same base, and we've got to lift people up and in particular working people.
Pressing his case on Thursday, Mr. Manchin said that senators from both parties had campaigned on giving a "fair shake" to working people.
Varda's work displays an authentic respect for working people, one that isn't always present in the films of her French New Wave colleagues.
He said the biggest issues affecting elections are campaign finance reform and the lack of disposable income working people can use to donate.
But, until Chairman Neal demonstrates a commitment to oversight, the Trump administration will walk all over him and the interests of working people.
However, these talks do represent a real opportunity for you, on behalf of the Labour movement, to secure vital goals for working people.
That leaves a hole for parents of anyone from about six months to 2000 years old, which is a lot of working people.
But this strategy of the green left was surely in the mix because it negated real concerns of working people facing economic uncertainty.
To unrig the rules, working people need permanent, powerful organizations that give them a strong voice in the decisions that affect their families.
Democrats will show the country that we're the party on the side of working people — and that we stand for three simple things.
Contrary to Ross's assumptions, it's not easy for working people without significant collateral to walk into a bank and get a personal loan.
"We've been running as, 'We need more working people in Washington, DC, making decisions on behalf of us,'" he told me on Wednesday.
Billionaire hedge fund managers suggested that the best way to make wages climb for working people was to cut taxes for the wealthiest.
I think the real cause of the pain that America is in is 40 years of the economy tilting dramatically against working people.
But 225 years ago, American liberalism relied too much on the support of working people to let these ideas take too much hold.
We need to be a party of working people and that includes a party of immigrants but first we have to tell working people in America who are hurting that we are going to be on their side every single time against those big corporations who created this mess to begin with and remind people we are all in this together.
Most importantly, the Democratic Party needs leadership which is prepared to open its doors and welcome into its ranks working people and young people.
What I bring to this revolution of working people are the values, experiences, strategies and innovations that have been forged in the American heartland.
I think the single most important thing is to make the majority of Americans who are working people, make sure they're being listened to.
The result was deeply fun to watch—Biden just killed it, eviscerating Trump's disconnect from the struggles of working people with each goofy Bidenism.
If the election has taught the Fed nothing else, it should be that we cannot afford to ignore the economic reality of working people.
And so they reversed precedent to further weaken the voice of working people and further weaken labor unions, which is part of the problem.
Millions of working people earned too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to qualify for tax credits on Obamacare's health-insurance exchanges.
The bottom line is that this president has done more to take jobs away from the hard-working people who are struggling the most.
Documentaries, being generally made for middle and upper-class audiences, can easily succumb to condescension or outright exploitative misery porn when depicting working people.
"The wealthy working people have earned their right to live in the city," Keller adds, in the most widely reviled part of the post.
Let's cut to the chase: Working people are having their fundamental rights stripped away, and we're running out of time to get them back.
To some observers, the protesters are primarily angry about what they see as President Emmanuel Macron's apparent indifference toward tough conditions for working people.
Ocasio-Cortez said the country has drifted so far in the wrong direction, away from helping average working people, that ambitious initiatives are necessary.
Back in a March Republican debate, Trump was attacked by Marco Rubio for scamming working people into spending thousands on useless Trump University classes.
In order to truly protect retirees and working people saving for retirement from predatory financial advisers, we need a fully-applicable, vigorously-enforced rule.
For too many working people, work is a means to qualify for public benefits, rather than a method of supporting oneself and one's family.
They are ready to take this fight to the ballot box for the tens of millions of working people in need of a raise.
There's a level of callousness, there's a level of indifference towards poor and working people, preoccupation with greed, and, most importantly, lack of accountability.
My point was, and let me repeat it, that for Democrats to win, they're going to have to address the needs of working people.
It helps to understand that for a quarter of a century, NAFTA has wreaked havoc on the lives of working people across North America.
"If we are forced to do everything as individuals, we as working people are going to be able to do very little," she said.
We simply do not have a series of targeted initiatives to help increase wages for working people who are most vulnerable to another recession.
"So, that should tell you everything about the state of our economy and the state of quality of life for working people," she continued.
And he established a phony commission, under the guise of voter integrity, to advance new restrictions on the right of working people to vote.
And I love any policy, however small, that shows working people that the system can actually stand up for them and against the multinationals.
Clinton, and the party platform, which he had, through a vigorous campaign, bent toward his own vision of helping working people and the poor.
"We will not allow these bad actors to take money away from the hard-working people in this state," Cuomo said on September 6.
They want more, more and more -- no matter what impact their efforts have on working people, the elderly, children, the sick and the poor.
"In many districts, it's not just high-income people, it's hard-working people who should have that deduction," Lowey told The Hill on Friday.
Both have the potential to be effective advocates for working people, for protecting entitlements, and for addressing health care needs from access to addiction.
With currency fluctuations and rising oil prices forcing up the cost of fuel, food and basic living costs, working people increasingly struggle to survive.
In the current debate, these same forces are mobilized to hang on to their loopholes, at the expense of programs working people rely on.
I'm also angry that the Supreme Court has made it easier for anti-worker extremists to rig the economy further by dividing working people.
"My plan is for the working people, and my plan is for jobs," he told reporters before leaving to pitch the plan in Indiana.
And I will be damned if it was the working people of this country who had to bail out the crooks on Wall Street.
"They may hate democratic socialism because it benefits working people, but they absolutely love corporate socialism that enriches Trump and other billionaires," he said.
"Whenever I am out campaigning, I always talk to working people — valet parking people, the desk clerks, the people behind the counter," he said.
It's never been clearer which party—in the wake of an unprecedented public health and economic crisis—is committed to helping working people survive.
If Walmart continues down this path, I hope that our lawmakers will step in to ensure all working people have a lifeline for support.
The most effective policy for fighting this trend — and making sure working people aren't mired in poverty — has been the Earned Income Tax Credit.
"Having that combination of authenticity, the ability to talk to working people, and the progressive credentials make him a very attractive candidate," he said.
Despite all his talk about fairness and the need to stand up for ordinary working people, he has little to offer his core constituency.
How are we going to make sure that working people benefit from this and the company is able to be more efficient and successful?
Democrats could do worse than look to Sheindlin's show for insight into the lives of working people, what they value and what they reject.
That is especially true of the subway, which he views as the foundation of the local economy and a vital resource for working people.
If these protections are rolled back, Google will be complicit in limiting the rights of working people across the United States, not just us.
" Sanders envisions the organization having three objectives, including "revitalizing American democracy by bringing millions of working people and young people into the political system.
Unfortunately, with each passing day, it has become clear that President Trump has no intention of following through on his commitments to working people.
Working people are tired of hearing how tax giveaways for Wall Street billionaires and corporations will supposedly trickle down to the rest of us.
"Overall the Trump administration's record has been a record that has not been standing up for working people," Shuler told me in an interview.
The thing is, the poll tells us that there are commonsense tax reforms that would help working people and earn strong support from Latinos.
Mr. Acosta's job as labor secretary is to advise Mr. Trump on how to help working people, not how to achieve his deregulatory goals.
More than 70% of working people, across generations, said they were afraid Social Security will not be available in their retirement, Wells Fargo found.
In Trump's view, elitists are always highly academically trained and always more concerned with protecting certain classes over meeting the needs of working people.
Sanders is making it easier for working people to use our collective power with his dedication to rebuilding the labor movement and protecting workers.
"Ellison meets the high standard working people expect from leaders of our political parties," AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said Thursday in a statement.
"The fact that you're successful doesn't mean that you can't relate to working people," he said, adding he has complete faith in Trump's agenda.
One can only hope Republicans will listen to those criticisms and not sell out the working people whose populist enthusiasm put them in control.
"We must come together to elect a president who will raise wages so working people can build better lives," Trumka said during his speech.
"Joe Biden's message is resonating with the biggest, most diverse coalition of any candidate — and especially with working people," said Biden spokesman Andrew Bates.
But at the end of the day, Bernie's consistent advocacy and his willingness to fight for working people are what will set him apart.
Left unexamined though, it leads us to constantly try to demonstrate our worth by out-working people, out-earning them, and out-greating them.
And Netflix says its new global recommendation system is workingpeople are streaming more since the rollout of this feature, the company tells us.
In a video announcing his bid, he touted his record as one that put working people first and promised to continue doing so as president.
They think that this tax is a punishment for families struggling to make ends meet, and proof of the president's disdain towards ordinary working people.
"But they either don't care or wouldn't take off their ideological blinkers to save hard working people and communities," said Tim Roache, GMB's general secretary.
Whether the paid leave plan Congress moves will touch 100 million-plus working people who do not have paid family leave at their jobs now.
"But it's hardly a surprise coming from the Trump administration, which has shamefully sided with big-money corporate interests over working people at every turn."
We didn't need any more proof that the Senate bill isn't designed to improve healthcare for working people—but they gave it to us anyway.
"This contract is a victory for working families across the country and an affirmation of the power of working people," CWA President Chris Shelton said.
We just haven't bothered to think of an alternative for the millions of working people who get their tea or their lunch delivered in one.
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is designed to "benefit for working people with low to moderate income," according to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
While ordinary, working people were at the heart of the Jacksonian Democrats' mission, the party's pro-slavery stance would create a schism many years later.
"This is not the way to show that you want to govern for ordinary working people," said Frances O'Grady, head of unions' body the TUC.
President Taft finally split the Commerce Department in two in 220, with one branch focused on working people and the other on commerce, broadly defined.
Indeed, through the years the words at AFL-CIO rallies grew halfhearted and wooden — about uniting working people across racial lines, around their shared interests.
Some bankruptcy experts, however, viewed her motivations as more far-reaching — aimed at preserving a system that ultimately offers working people some measure of protection.
Since the New Deal, the Democratic Party has been seen as the party of working people, while Republicans were considered the party of the elites.
They are doing so by suggesting that conservatives are mounting an attack on all working people, who must stick together in the face of adversity.
Once we got in the rehearsal room, I was really glad to see that Doug is one of the hardest working people I've ever met.
"It's because of him that I learned, from my youngest age, to respect the dignity of work and the dignity of working people," Trump said.
Agriculture remains the Indian economy's largest source of jobs, directly accounting for a sixth of its GDP and employing almost half of its working people.
Clinton returned to an earlier theme of connecting the Republican presidential candidates of advocating a so-called trickle down economic philosophy that hurts working people.
So our candidates have to work extra hard to beat the odds, getting out the vote among busy working people, one door at a time.
"I will be damned if it was the working people of this country who had to bail out the crooks on Wall Street," he said.
Virtually all of the trade unions and millions of working people understand that our trade policies -- NAFTA, CAFTA, permanent normal trade relations with China, etc.
"It comes from the rising of working people, and in this case, the rise of working women who were horrifically abused and underpaid," Piven said.
Graham and Santorum argue those tax penalties not only funded the Affordable Care Act mandate conservatives despise, but they also ended up hitting working people.
The day after his Twitter attacks on Jones, Trump picked a Secretary of Labor with palpable hostility to working people and the challenges they face.
With the appointment of Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, corporations and others have been able to win critical successes in their campaign against working people.
In Oregon alone, cannabis has created over 19,000 legal jobs for the hard-working people that call it home—instead of feeding the black market.
As legislators move past the manufactured crisis that defined the first weeks of the 116th Congress, working people are ready to fight for that change.
"Working people standing together are going to propel this campaign to the Democratic nomination and then the White House," Mr. Sanders said in a statement.
"Ben showed that running a progressive, issue-oriented campaign can bring all working people together in the fight for justice," Sanders said in the statement.
The rights of working people to join together in strong unions have strengthened their voice for higher wages, better benefits, and safer workplaces and communities.
They should also send a strong message to hard working people that work is a thing of value and that intentionally stealing it is theft.
"Hillary Clinton is the enemy of working people and is the best friend Wall Street ever had," Trump, Clinton's Republican counterpart, said in a statement.
We're prepared to support those ready to use their collective power to create real change that directly improves the lives of working people in America.
"Throughout the campaign, she has demonstrated a strong commitment to the issues that matter to working people, and our members have taken notice," he added.
Houston PD Chief on DACA debate amid Harvey: What do you tell the American public "when we've scared away so many hard-working people?" pic.twitter.
Working people and the labor movement have long been a source of progressive political power, and we should look for ways to rebuild that power.
"Poor and working people, particularly people of color, have a far, far more disproportionate lack of access to the internet than white communities," Sassaman explained.
However, working people are more determined than ever to continue to fight for our right to stand together in unions now and in the future.
After all, most working people in the United states are under 50, and most job loss cannot be clearly attributed to replacement by foreign workers.
But it also shows that even in these polarized times, lots of things — especially nurses, working people, and farmers — are broadly popular on both sides.
In its current form, the package ensures that working people are able to access paid leave should they become infected or need to give care.
This tax, and the jobs in 21st century fields that it creates, would drastically change what the next economy will look like for working people.
Rapid technological change and significantly expanded trade with China have had a far greater impact on the working people of Mr. Trump's base than Nafta.
We must fight back against this self-serving, ill-advised ideology because hard-working people and forward-looking communities need more — not less — public transportation.
"Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do," the oral history by Studs Terkel from 1974.
I.O. Unfortunately, with each passing day, it has become clear that President Trump has no intention of following through on his commitments to working people.
"The idea is simple: Reform the way we attract and keep talented and hard-working people from abroad to better promote economic growth," he wrote.
"Under (Cuban leader Fidel) Castro, enormous progress has been made in improving the lives of the poor people (and) of the working people," Sanders said.
"This district needs someone who is going to stand up for working people, stand up for poor people, and stand up for justice," he added.
The bottom line — if Trump really wants trade deals that are better for working people, he will have to work with Democrats to get there.
Just last month, working people in Missouri mobilized to overturn an egregious corporate-backed law that would have undermined their unions and slashed their wages.
They're aimed at deliberately stripping away the rights of working people and the collective strength we have to address deep economic injustices in our country.
From health care to a living wage, it's time we work for working people, and with Bernie Sanders as president - we can do just that.
All elected leaders, especially those like President Trump who claim to represent the interests of working people, need to fight such unfair and unjust practices.
There are lots of hard-working people (and, for that matter, lots of lazy people) in every field, not just in the hard-hat trades.
"This strike has shown all of Canada why a renewed North American Free Trade Agreement must address the needs of working people first," he said.
If Democrats are going to reclaim the votes of the working people, they're going to have to welcome those people into the halls of Congress.
Like the journalists who walked away from Deadspin before their private equity owners could destroy it, working people across the country are tough and resilient.
"What that tells me is that if government does respond to the needs of working people, they will come out and participate," Mr. Sanders said.
"Today, on Labor Day, we must recommit ourselves to bringing all working people together in the fight for a just and humane world," Sanders wrote.
"White working people, when they are in relationship in union organizations, understand that we all have to join together to lift things up," she says.
Warren has hinted that she will draw a contrast with Biden as the candidate who will fight for working people over the rich and powerful.
What if there was a financial scheme that took the money of younger working people and gave it to older richer people year after year?
Support for the new headquarters was strongest in communities of color and among working people who too often haven't gotten the economic opportunity they deserved.
For a generation, working people have gotten more and more productive, have worked longer and longer hours, and haven't gotten their fair share in return.
Far from a mainstream nomination, we must see Judge Gorsuch for what he represents: an extreme, dangerous assault on the well-being of working people.
"Arresting hard-working people who cannot afford a $2.75 fare is, in effect the criminalization of poverty," they wrote in a letter to Mr. Cuomo.
The activism of working people has already been a major force in this election and is now poised to elect Hillary Clinton and move America forward.
"The people he's trying to convince to vote for him are the same people he's been exploiting for years - working people, small-business people," Clinton said.
"This movement will grow until all working people win $15 an hour and the right to join a union, no matter where they work," Umel added.
The opportunities for the labor movement to organize within Big Tech is promising, but this fight is a shared struggle for all working people and families.
"If working people are losing out because corporate governance is set up to favor shareholders over workers … then we need to change the rules," he said.
Hard-working people who'd give you the shirt off their back, they know how to have a good time and get a little crazy for sure.
"We talk more about free-range chickens than we do working people on the Democratic side sometimes," Representative Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts said before the vote.
That's why he is calling for major new legislation – such as what he calls a "guaranteed income for working people" –  which will save the American dream.
"How the heck are working people supposed to catch up if our central bank slams on the brakes every time wages incrementally go up?" he continued.
"How the heck are working people supposed to catch up if our central bank slams on the brakes every time wages start going higher?" he continued.
"This offer reflects the potential for future growth and improving performance, and is an endorsement of our turnaround strategy and our hard working people," he said.
"This is an opportunity to remove this huge dead-weight cost that punishes hard-working people for living ordinary lives in this province," Kenney said Thursday.
"This offer reflects the potential for future growth and improving performance and is an endorsement of our turnaround strategy and our hard working people," he said.
Given how blatantly Trump is abandoning his promise to serve the interests of working people, they say, his base must surely be about to abandon him.
We heard from our terrific vice president, the one and only Joe Biden, who spoke from his big heart about our party's commitment to working people.
Congress should quickly bring needed relief to local businesses across America, and in so doing, show the working people of our country that we are listening.
If Trump renegotiates NAFTA behind closed doors with the same interests calling the shots, he could make it worse for working people in all three countries.
Campbell, on the other hand, has proudly declared he is a Democrat because the Democratic Party has, historically at least, been the party of working people.
It is doubtful that immigration (which tends to be of young and healthy working people) can be putting much strain on the health or education systems.
The economy is a nightmare for working people whose incomes are flat even as unemployment has reached record lows and the stock market is trading high.
What's become of the Left's approach to Capital's reserve army of migrant-labor and all its effects on working people needs a much more serious critique.
And a president who ran as a champion of working people cannot successfully impose a Labor secretary who opposes everything the Department of Labor stands for.
If Donald Trump is serious about helping working people, he will advance similar policies that ensure all Americans have a shot at a good paying job.
We want to raise the minimum wage, which would have a catalytic effect of giving wage increases to working people up and down the economic scale.
"It will be my job to partner with the next governor and lieutenant governor on behalf of the working people of our city," de Blasio said.
"Working people should not have to risk their lives to make a living and support their families," AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement.
But the nurses, patients, families and working people who have been pushing the Medicare for All movement forward for decades are fed up with the lies.
But beyond repeating his current message in more cities, Trump is going to need to change the headlines by doing more to help ordinary working people.
We are going to win because we are bringing working people, young people and poor people across Iowa and this nation into the political process. pic.twitter.
Do we yield only to our progressive values or do we work on those things that affect high school-educated working people who are under siege?
Corporations and right wing interests continue to try their best to deny working people our fair share of the enormous wealth that we produce every day.
And it's innovation like Tiltas, focused on the interests of genuine working people, Jealous argues, that we should be actively supporting over the next four years.
" Ocasio-Cortez asked in a response, accusing the GOP of working for "corporate CEOs showering themselves in multi-million [dollar] bonuses; not the actual working people.
Janus is part of a multipronged attack, spearheaded by corporate billionaires, to chip away at the progress working people have made for ourselves and our communities.
More importantly, it further empowers the corporate elites in their efforts to thwart the aspirations of millions of working people standing together for a better life.
In a statement to The Hill, the American Federation of Government Employees said Perez understands the needs of working people like few other officials in Washington.
We cannot forget the triumph of Bernie's campaign, and the hunger of the public for an economy that works for working people, not just the billionaires.
" The hot cinnamon flavor is "our political revolution holding politicians' feet to the fire to make America work for working people of all races and genders.
But the market for affordable rentals for working people was tighter, with occupancy rates hovering in the low 90-percent range before the storm, Gilmer said.
"Coming home around 5, I like seeing all these people, working people, leaving the train and going home to care for their kids," Ms. Miranda said.
But what if it is government itself that is the source of exploitation, the force allowing the economic elite to monopolize resources and abuse working people?
But he also has worked hard to right his wrong and grow from the experience, like so many other working people find themselves having to do.
We need more bills like this to help combat the effects of decades of attacks on working people funded by billionaire CEOs and corporate special interests.
There was also still an active political left wing, so at least there was some representation for the underprivileged and the poor and the working people.
TV's "Rising" on Monday that the Democratic Party needs to get back to its roots of being connected to working people in urban and rural America.
The MDGs inspired scientists, doctors, agronomists, community leaders, academics, business leaders, working people and youth everywhere to work together in the great challenge of ending poverty.
But a recession is a disaster for working people, and even if this one wasn't forecastable there is still time for policymakers to soften its blow.
And payroll tax cuts only benefit working people, excluding hourly workers in restaurants, gyms, and other businesses that are rapidly shutting down entirely due to coronavirus.
And he helped raise money and set policy for Clinic by the Bay, which provides free medical services to uninsured working people in the Bay Area.
Clinton offered no new proposals of her own but sought to cast doubt on the image Trump promotes of himself as the voice for working people.
That's not the American dream, and it's time to make some changes and base our legislation on things that are going to lift up working people.
On Monday, Republican Senator Mitt Romney proposed a plan to provide American adults $1,000 to lessen the financial blow of the novel coronavirus on working people.
When the forensic report is finished, Texans will have a clearer vantage point on how the sugar barons enriched themselves by systematically working people to death.
Enter Bernie Sanders, who at the end of Wednesday's Senate discussion, took Republicans to task for their refusal to give working people the help they need.
Inspired by that idea, I want to say thank you today to some other hard-working people who deserve more recognition than they often receive: teachers.
Negotiating some fiscal breathing room, principally to avoid a mandatory sales-tax hike while reducing the burden on working people, should be job one, he says.
And the hot cinnamon is our political revolution holding politicians' feet to the fire to make America work for working people of all races and genders.
President-elect Trump promised to rebuild our economy for working people, and I offer to put aside our differences and work with him on that task.
" Sanders added: "If there is a large voter turnout -- if working people and young people come out in large numbers -- we will win and win big.
Corporations are merging across a range of industries — from telecom to airlines to agriculture and food production —and working people feel the negative consequences every day.
They add little real value to the economy, working people are often hurt and a small handful of executives (not to mention shareholders) line their pockets.
The delay will affect people who claim the earned-income tax credit or the additional child tax credit, which benefit lower- and moderate-income working people.
The House version of the 2900 Farm Bill is an attack on all working people and out of step with our values of community and equity.
"I can tell you more and more working people are coming back across the bridge saying, 'Yeah, he promised stuff, but it's not working,'" he said.
According to the IRS, the EITC benefits working people with low to moderate income, by reducing the federal tax they owe, or by providing a refund.
The fee under consideration by the governors would be much smaller, but sensible politicians certainly need to be careful about new measures that burden working people.
If working people and young people and all people who believe in justice — if they come out in large numbers, we're going to win this caucus.
The same poll, of Democrats and independents inclined toward Democratic candidates, suggests that the Trump presidency has not expunged a taste for billionaires among working people.
"I am proud of those strong numbers because they enable Democrats to enact the legislation necessary to help working people and the middle class," DeLauro said.
It's as if he wanted working people to know that at last they could vote for a president who was incapable of looking down on them.
The senator promises trillion dollar programs like "Medicare for All" and universal free college, which would likely raise taxes on working people and cripple the economy.
This was an important priority for the labor movement because it ensures that working people in all three countries have greater protections under this new agreement.
Before the tax plan became law, Republican leaders indicated that any necessary spending cuts would be targeted toward programs that provide economic security for working people.
From the impacts of Climate Change to the threat of automation, working people have gotten the short end of the stick for the past 40 years.
Real populism demands that working people have the freedom to join together in unions and negotiate with their employers for a fair return on their work.
He also recommended making it easier for working people and students to participate in caucuses, and suggested more transparency in the financial processes within the party.
Americans are fed up with politicians who have rigged the rules of our economy to favor big corporations and billionaires who take advantage of working people.
She was one of the founders of East Brooklyn Congregations, which has built or rebuilt about 5,000 homes for working people of modest means since 1980.
A rise in productivity should trigger a rise in salary, and when profits soar, the working people instrumental in that success should share in its bounty.
It's also an unusual one because, despite its own proud union history, Hollywood has never really been much interested in working people except as paying customers.
It's also an unusual one because, despite its own proud union history, Hollywood has never really been much interested in working people except as paying customers.
It offers a way forward for our nation's energy development that balances our need for power with the health, environmental and economic interests of working people.
It will be in Trump's self-interest to draw upon what we have learned in the past decade about what would improve the circumstance of working people.
De Blasio, 58, launched his candidacy with the central campaign message, "Working People First," becoming the 24th Democrat seeking to take on Trump in next year's election.
And unless we give millions of working people and young people a reason to vote and a reason to believe that politics is relevant to their lives.
But the community here tells a different story, one of hard-working people who feel angry and disconnected from a society that doesn't seem to want them.
But the public's views on Wall Street go to the heart of a belief that the system is primed to benefit banks and CEOS over working people.
Veblen, though, saw the rich as a largely unproductive class of capital-owning moochers, who profited off the useful labour of working people (hence the "leisure class").
"They behaved like traitors, they are corporatists, not in touch with working people," Mohtashim Shaikh, a 63-year-old retired project manager from southeast London, told Reuters.
But I would hope that all of our people would focus on the real issues facing working people and the massive level of wealth and income inequality.
As a rule, the lower the fertility rate, the faster the rise in the dependency ratio (the number of pensioners relative to the number of working people).
Trump can also seize upon comparatively unimportant issues to portray himself as a champion of working people even as he betrays them on much more important ones.
"If you pull a bait-and-switch on working people, if you say that you're with us and then attack us, you're going to fail," Trumka said.

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