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13 Sentences With "witty remark"

How to use witty remark in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "witty remark" and check conjugation/comparative form for "witty remark". Mastering all the usages of "witty remark" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Even though Paris has a witty remark to almost everything anyone says, she's also human.
" And naturally, RuPaul came back with a witty remark, "There's a lot going on on this stage that would blow your mind, Gigi.
I've always thought Flaiano's witty remark finds a perfect counterpart in the photographic work of Luigi Ghirri, who dedicated his career to depicting scenes from the country.
By making a mildly witty remark, Hillary was able to put an end to the conversation, and also demonstrate to the show's listeners that she's not always a robot politician.
"good appetite"; "enjoy your meal". ; bon mot (pl. bons mots) : well-chosen word(s), particularly a witty remark ("each bon mot which falls from his lips is analysed and filed away for posterity", The European Magazine, August 29 – September 4, 1996) ; bon vivant: one who enjoys the good life, an epicurean. ; bon voyage: lit.
Damon Henderson is the Green Galaxy Ranger. He was a senior mechanic on Terra Venture and the Astro Megaship before Kai Chen took the ship to Mirinoi to save Leo Corbett and the others. Damon's wisecracking and playful nature can be deceiving. Although he is always ready with a quick comeback or witty remark, he takes his job as the Green Ranger very seriously.
Julio Scoundrél is a dashing sky pirate and captain of the airship Mechane. He is a famous action star, listed as the thirty-second out of the one hundred greatest swordsmen of the century. His proficiency is due to ten levels in the obscure prestige class Dashing Swordsman. This class allows him to apply his high Charisma bonus to attacks with a rapier, provided that he makes a witty remark while doing so.
With Burns in the hospital, the Springfield police search for his assailant. Smithers vaguely remembers shooting someone the night before in a drunken rage. Guilt-ridden, Smithers heads for a local church, and is promptly arrested when the confessional turns out to be a police sting. While passing the media on his way to the police station, Smithers makes a witty remark Sideshow Mel recognizes from an episode of Pardon My Zinger that aired at the same time as the shooting.
After the 1981 season, each show began with a title card featuring a parody TV-show title with a silly (often macabre) picture and the announcer (Les Lye) making the following announcement: "(Phony TV show) will not be seen today/at this time in order for us to bring you (witty remark)." The pre-empted shows were parodies of current TV shows (e.g. The A-Team Makes One Cup of Coffee Last Five Hours, "Hanging Out" or "Malls", 1984), movies (e.g. Top Gun Gets Put on Latrine-Cleaning Duty, "Discipline", 1986), or other pop culture icons (e.g.
" "The Monday morning after we painted it, Diana McClellan put a little picture of the Reagan mural in The Washington Times, with a witty remark about it bothering someone down the street. The next day a friend called and told me that somebody had brought furniture and cardboard boxes out from the Federal Trade Commission Building and pulled them in front of our Reagan mural. I hadn't taken a picture of it yet, so I came down and moved the office furniture to the side and took pictures. I was greeted by a top official from the Federal Trade Commission who said that he and his co-workers liked the portrait, but, as he pointed toward the White House, they didn't.
Over the ensuing decade, Jetfire (now called Skyfire in Japan) received an upgrade into a new body-form, and received the Spark of Combination from Primus, allowing him to combine with other Autobots, most frequently the rookie trooper Ironhide, who he had to carefully train and walk through the combination process. Despite his external changes, however, Jetfire remained consistent in personality and outlook, always ready with a witty remark to keep the mood light even in the middle of a pitched battle. He is once again, the second-in-command of the Autobots. When the resurrected Unicron came under the control of Megatron, Primus used his powers to permanently super-charge some of the Autobots, Jetfire included, recoloring their armor.
I think of all the characters, he's the one who tries to keep everyone else's feet on the ground. He brings everyone back to reality, often with a dry, witty remark or taking a dig at somebody just to sort of bring people back down." Comparing Jack's relationship with Ianto to his romantic tension with Gwen, David-Lloyd states "I think [there are] different sorts of love or lust, as it might be, and I think that's an ongoing thing ... At the moment, I think there's two different sorts of love going on there." He also states that he feels that Ianto's relationship with Jack is his first same-sex relationship, and doesn't feel that Ianto would be a "labelist", but were he, he would identify as bisexual, but that he "wouldn't regard himself the same way as Jack does because they're from different times.
But beyond > that, it produces an unsettling mix of overt satire and covert elegy. The > reductive force of summary after summary starts to have an effect that > transcends the satire; the book begins to convey a sense of the vanity of > human endeavor and the ease with which a lifetime's work might be flicked > into oblivion by a witty remark." Giles Harvey, writing for The New Yorker, included the novel in his list of Bolaño's best work, explaining that: > "This mock reference book of imaginary right-wing litterateurs — including > soccer-hooligans-cum poets and a sci-fi novelist who excitedly envisages > Hitler’s Reich triumphing in the United States — is every bit as fun as it > sounds. Like David Thomson’s Biographical Dictionary of Film or, indeed, > Philip Rees’s non-fictional Biographical Dictionary of the Extreme Right, > Nazi Literature is not a book to read straight through, but rather to dip > into whenever the mood (in this case a rather dark, antisocial mood) takes > you.

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