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898 Sentences With "with the appearance of"

How to use with the appearance of in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "with the appearance of" and check conjugation/comparative form for "with the appearance of". Mastering all the usages of "with the appearance of" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The program has kept Congress at bay with the appearance of effectiveness.
"The decisions of the parole board are fraught with the appearance of arbitrariness," the report stated.
Shaw said the jury ignored the boy&aposs testimony and was unimpressed with the appearance of Mrs.
That January, flush with the appearance of success, Trump launched his newly burnished brand into another medium.
With the appearance of supporters at the Tampa rally, the movement appears to be moving beyond cyberspace.
When Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he reportedly frequently expressed disdain with the appearance of the headquarters.
That means doing better with the appearance of our stations, with the cleanliness of the trains and the bathrooms.
It picks up at the exact moment where the first movie ends, with the appearance of the villainous Underminer.
Today, with the appearance of a credible rival to Mr. Maduro, Venezuela's future hinges on those very same officers.
And Trump Winery in Virginia will get a free advertisement with the appearance of Kerry Woolard, the winery's general manager.
And with the appearance of Napster, the music industry suddenly had a reason to use these rules they pushed for.
This growing humanitarian crisis will not disappear at Mexico or the U.S.'s doorstep with the appearance of a wall.
While the Frida Kahlo Corporation sanctioned the doll, the artist's great-niece isn't happy with the appearance of the toy.
Perhaps you remember Infrastructure Week, which coincided with the appearance of former F.B.I. Director James Comey before a Senate committee.
Analysts say a deal is still possible, but the odds have fallen with the appearance of disagreement between the major players.
I think because they feel like they can be themselves instead of keeping up with the appearance of extreme, excessive luxury.
Back in the early days of his illness, before there was a diagnosis, I panicked with the appearance of every post.
More young girls than ever before are seeking cosmetic genital surgery to address perceived problems with the appearance of their vulvas.
At last, the movie jumps to kinetic life with the appearance of the Wilsons' doubles, who descend in a brutal home invasion.
Nolan did take some artistic license with the appearance of the film's black hole, as we've previously explained, including things like lens flare.
With the appearance of an organist juggling complex polyphony, he aims to match the high quality of studio recordings — only in real time.
The video ends with the appearance of "PetGa," an alien being first seen during the release and promotion of Lady Gaga's 2013 album ArtPop.
Participants also rated themselves as more satisfied with the appearance of their faces at the study's end, Alam and colleagues reported in JAMA Dermatology.
Since security footage is usually shared in the context of crime on local news, all security footage is marred with the appearance of suspicion.
With the appearance of the Fox, sung with succulent clarity by the soprano Angela Denoke, the Vixen finds a mate that is her equal.
Bride-shows also allowed rulers to pacify warring court factions with the appearance of political impartiality, even if the "winner" had been chosen in advance.
Well, speculation will certainly heat up with the appearance of a nearly 150-page patent application that gamers are still poring through for hidden info.
The court — again, with Ginsburg's approval — has interpreted the Constitution's Due Process Clause to require judges to act impartially and with the appearance of impartiality.
They also asked the women how satisfied they felt at the end of the study with the appearance of a number of their facial features.
"There is data looking at smoking in older kids and adults showing a connection with the appearance of psoriasis and/or its severity," Cohen said.
I was so sick and tired of keeping up with the appearance of having it all that I confessed [the debt] to him that night.
And in some cases, the "video showed items being discarded which appeared to be stained with a substance consistent with the appearance of blood," it states.
During the 2016 campaign, Stone posted several tweets with the appearance of advance knowledge that WikiLeaks was going to publish hacked emails from the Clinton campaign.
Annette Bening and Julianne Moore gave incredible performances as a lesbian couple dealing with the appearance of their children's sperm-donor father, played by Mark Ruffalo.
Charlotte mastered a nearly microscopic handwriting, with the appearance of printed fonts, to give her sub-Lilliputian publications the look of a finished book or magazine.
This one is much more clearly connected to the main franchise with the appearance of Jude Law as Dumbledore (swoon) and yes, a return to Hogwarts!
With the appearance of two icy hooves to close "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms," Team Stark-Targaryen's final battle against the Night King (Vladimir Furdik) is here.
Israel's self-styled image as a global innovation hub got a bit of a knock last week with the appearance of the European Union's annual European Innovation Scoreboard.
Backstage workings are clearly visible; period costumes are juxtaposed with red Solo cups inside a bar with the appearance of a roadside dive somewhere in the Sierra Nevada.
Evolutionary biologists have generally believed that this transformation probably arose in parallel with the appearance of more complex multicellular structures, some of which lent themselves to these adaptations.
Scrooge's journey with the Ghost of Christmas Present reaches a grim climax with the appearance of a pair of starving children, "meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish", named Ignorance and Want.
We know women and girls are concerned with the appearance of their vulva (the external part of the vagina), despite there being no such thing as a "normal" one.
Undergarments from the line range in price from $33 to $35, and can be used when swimming for those who want to swim with the appearance of being shirtless.
With the appearance of a murdered-out dune buggy, the Blackbird uses 360-degree cameras and an adjustable suspension to transform its chassis into any length or width required.
But with the appearance of the presidential candidate herself — winking at the Broad City ladies in slo-mo — "2016" becomes one of the show's most bizarre chapters to date.
The biggest bombshell came Wednesday, with the appearance of Gordon Sondland, the Trump megadonor turned ambassador to the European Union, who dismantled the top talking points of presidential apologists.
But far more important than whether the killing can be stopped is whether it's already too late, since the manhunt coincides with the appearance of a deadly extraterrestrial fungus.
The proposed reforms, with the appearance of greater checks and balances and, perhaps more importantly, his promise to leave as president in four years, are proving popular for the moment.
Most medical processionals are wary of the increase in the demand for plastic surgery among teenagers, including an alarming rise in those who are dissatsified with the appearance of their genitalia.
According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the Pink Moon earned its name because it coincides with the appearance of flowers called wild ground phlox, known as "moss pink" for their color.
In retrospect it is clear that Mrs Merkel's hopeful New Year's address coincided with the appearance of immigration's dark side on German streets, and that her warnings have not been heeded.
One of the project's lead designers, Pooja Shah, wanted to create a structure constructed from mathematical principles, but with the appearance of a natural organic object grown out of the ground.
Short-circuiting procedures designed to allow for public comment and constrain government power (as Justice Scalia noted) has left Pruitt's EPA with the appearance of being one-sided and ill-informed.
Each new sequel tends to get more implausible with time with the appearance of previously killed villains (think "Terminator"), new "celestial" fathers (think "Guardians"), or previously destroyed evil organizations (think "Avengers").
With the appearance of a Kandinsky — of course defined by the principle of color's dominance over composition and painterly style — the show simply assumes you are convinced that Delacroix is behind it.
"With the appearance of two small missile ships armed with the Kalibr cruise missiles the Fleet's potential targeting range will be significantly expanded in the northern European military theater," the source told Interfax.
"Women who are unhappy with the appearance of their genitalia should be informed about the significant variations in normal genitalia and how the appearance of the vulva can change throughout life," she added.
To be sure, some national homeland vulnerabilities had arisen earlier, together with the appearance of air power and air war, but even those exposures required previous penetrations by a capable enemy air force.
For several decades, cat breeders have been working to develop a pet cat with the appearance of a wild feline, such as a leopard or tiger, but the temperament of a domestic tabby.
Then Mr. Gall, a writer on the NBC drama "Blindspot," adds a fourth point to his geometry with the appearance of D (Maren Bush), C's put-upon girlfriend, and the structure loses its stability.
As a lawyer and as an American, I am disgusted with the appearance of Michael Cohen as a witness against the president, regarding legal representation he gave primarily to Donald J. Trump the businessman.
This spectacle included handing out an "opportunity scholarship" to an African-American child, presenting the Medal of Freedom to a divisive radio host and surprising a military wife with the appearance of her husband.
Regardless of the nominee's personal merits, the appointment is inconsistent with the appearance of independence and integrity that is essential if the American public is to have faith in the outcome of the investigation.
But suppose the observer — again, the person we have to think about in connection with the "appearance of partiality" statute — concludes that conscientious application of the moral balancing test does mean that reaffirming Roe v.
According to models and indirect geochemical evidence, atmospheric oxygen levels rose sharply toward the end of the Neoproterozoic era some 600 million years ago, closely coinciding with the appearance of marine animals in the fossil record.
The politics around gun control have been shifting to some extent since the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, with the appearance of groups like Giffords and Everytown and an uptick in state gun restrictions.
In recent weeks, he had frustrated Mr. Cramer with the appearance of friendly ties to Ms. Heitkamp, particularly after she was seated next to the president during the signing into law of a banking deregulation bill.
The de facto solution of the Greenspan Fed was to supplant the organic spending power of lost production and wages with the appearance of demand issuing from an immense and continuous run-up of household debt.
Along with the appearance of electric lights and underground public transportation in the growing city, was after-hours entertainment amid its illuminated streets for both the thriving newly rich and the lower classes, often living in overcrowded tenements.
This new thinking found clear voice last week with the appearance of the PNAS paper "Declining CO23 price paths" by Kent Daniel of Columbia Business School; Bob Littleman, a financial analyst; and Gernot Wagner, an economist at NYU.
But none of that appeared to matter to Trump, who seemed more concerned with the appearance of a win and projecting strength on the world stage -- to the potential delight of the supporters of his "America First" vision back home.
The discovery of other dinosaur-era bird-like creatures, with sizes and characteristics more in keeping with the appearance of modern birds, led some scientists to conclude that Archaeopteryx was an evolutionary dead end, and that modern birds have a different common ancestor.
I'm not sure the first book knew Holden sucked so much, but by the second book (with the appearance of Avasarala and Bobbie especially), it's clear that James SA Corey is aware of how bad Holden's naive-but-helluva-guy schtick smells.
The Riverdale castm in particular, is a kind of pop culture ouroboros, as the show itself it swathed in current references, but the cast revels in '00s nostalgia, starting with the appearance of one of the decade's true child stars, Cole Sprouse, in the cast.
The larger world does eventually intrude, first in the form of Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis), an arms dealer previously seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron, then more notably with the appearance of Erik "Killmonger" Stevens (Michael B. Jordan), a soldier with a mysterious grudge.
Mr. Netanyahu may also have a domestic interest in playing along with the appearance of progress if he is serious about broadening his governing coalition by luring in Isaac Herzog, the current opposition leader, and at least part of his center-left Zionist Union party.
Image via After studying the patterns of exploding stars, including NASA's supernova animation from earlier this year, along with the appearance of nebula and how ink flows in water, Vanz and his team dropped different colored liquids into a lit tank and began filming them.
LONDON (Reuters) - British street artist Banksy is thought to have given a Valentine's Day gift to his home town of Bristol in western England with the appearance of a new mural showing a small girl with a catapult and a splatter of red flowers.
But tattletale Blake couldn't compete with the appearance of Lexie, a very angry woman who said she had dated DeMario for seven months until he vanished, only to reappear a few days later — on television, introducing himself as a contestant on Ms. Lindsay's season.
As of March, for the first time since the country's return to democracy in 1990, with the appearance of the Frente Amplio, politics will not be dominated by the same two coalitions, and the composition of Congress will be younger, more female and politically diverse.
" Grassley argued that a "significant cloud of doubt" has been cast over the bureau and signaled he wants Rosenstien to detail what steps he will take to ensure the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election isn't "tainted with the appearance of political bias.
"Let the enemies of the state and their supporters from foreign soil be forewarned that no amount of destructive narratives against this government will envelope it with the appearance of pretended truth to hoodwink the Filipino people in embracing it," Mr. Panelo said in a statement.
Applying Dr. Andrea L. Pusic's Breast Q, a validated measure for determining patient satisfaction, the most recent outcome studies have demonstrated that women with successful breast reconstruction are significantly more satisfied with the appearance of their chest/breasts and fare better psychosocially and sexually than women with mastectomy alone.
With the appearance of teeth, a child can begin to eat solid food, and the acquisition of this "adult" skill is believed to be a propitious time to foretell what the future holds, said Yulia Antonyan, a professor in the department of cultural studies at Yerevan State University in Armenia's capital.
Knowing what we know, burdened with or gifted with the appearance of sharing a man's profound personal pain, it was impossible to not look for or fear cracks during any songs from Skeleton Tree, the album that was not written about the death of Cave's son but has taken on that freight in its release.
With the appearance of a wrap skirt and the coverage of bike shorts, in a charcoal hue that goes with basically everything, the Court Skort also absorbs sweat like a pair of leggings, has a very flatteringly slight A-line silhouette, and, perhaps best of all, prevents uncomfortable thigh chafing (which is an utterly awful feeling).
Kennedy defends McConnell for working with president during impeachment trial MORE (R-Alaska) in a recent interview with local station KTUU said she was "disturbed" when she heard McConnell pledge full coordination with the White House, a signal there is at least some Republican discomfort with the appearance of the Senate conducting a trial that favors the president.
There is an eccentric humor to the entire exercise: an artist, holding an absurd pose associated with classical statuary, walks back and forth with Sisyphean pointlessness, while the small hole in his t-shirt's right underarm and his glasses tucked in his left breast pocket endow him with the appearance of someone who's come to fix the leak in your roof.
"If we take Edvard Munch's words literally and compare them with the sharp colors and distinct and undulating shape of the sky in 'The Scream,' it is our opinion that they fit well with the appearance of mother-of-pearl clouds," they write, citing a poem Munch wrote in his diary around 1890–92 that mentions "flaming clouds as blood" above Oslo.
" Yet 33 percent of them said that society expected them to suppress feelings of sadness or fear and to replace them with the appearance of strength and toughness or to remain silent and "suck it up;" 41 percent said they felt pressured to express their anger through aggression and a reactionary reflex for violence; and 49 percent wanted to "learn more about having the 'right to feel any way you want and it doesn't matter what people think.
Real Talk: What might be the mother lode of Episode IX spoilers leaked online last week with the appearance of what seemed to be a poster for the movie that showed a lot of things previously rumored to be in the movie, including the Knights of Ren, a new breed of stormtrooper with red armor, at least three new characters—including what may be Lando Calrissian's daughter—and, to the delight of a lot of fans, C-3PO wearing Chewbacca's bandolier and holding his crossbow.
With the appearance of the Daily Worker, its less frequent forerunner, The Workers' Weekly, ceased publication.
The episode ended with the appearance of the Wakefield children's mother who was thought to be dead.
The store celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2009 with the appearance of various authors including Ray Bradbury, Angi Ma Wong, and Lisa See.
But this kind of hagiolatry might spread the length and breadth of the continent with the appearance of further saints of this type.
The Auk, 93(4), 830-833. When water levels receded, occupation resumed with the appearance of black charcoal levels from cooking and cremation fires.
The staminodes range from diminute and filiform to very well developed with the appearance of sterile anthers, in some cases containing few pollen grains.
Olsen 262 U.S. 1 (1923). Modern futures agreements, began in Chicago in the 1840s, with the appearance of grain elevators.Cronon, William. Pricing the Future: Grain.
From the 1980s they found favour in the executive market with the appearance of types such as the OMAC Laser 300, Avtek 400 and Beech Starship.
Gradually the association moved towards nationalistic positions (Conceyu Nacionalista Astur) and from 1980, they lost all their influence with the appearance of Academy of the Asturian Language.
The presumed period of decadence is being contested with the appearance of recent cultural and literary studies showing that there were indeed literary works of note in the period.
To recharge, Peke simply needs to sleep. Using a dress-form program, Peke has the ability to take on a human form, with the appearance of a young girl.
It has tan to dark brown rod-like and angular marking, often with the appearance of hieroglyphs. The shell is white on the inside. It is sometimes confused with Lioconcha castrensis.
Immunolocalization shows prestin is expressed in the lateral plasma membrane of the outer hair cells, the region where electromotility occurs. The expression pattern correlates with the appearance of outer hair cell electromotility.
The advent of the Late Neolithic individual graves is connected with the appearance of the Bell-Beaker culture and signs of a new attitude in society. In many areas the old ideas end abruptly.
Radiologically, the term "ringed esophagus" has been used for the appearance of eosinophilic esophagitis on barium swallow studies to contrast with the appearance of transient transverse folds sometimes seen with esophageal reflux (termed "feline esophagus").
Patch editors allow users to program their equipment through the computer interface. These became essential with the appearance of complex synthesizers such as the Yamaha FS1R,Johnson, Derek. "Yamaha FS1R Editor Software ". Sound on Sound.
Milkis launched in 1989 with a huge marketing campaign, notably with the appearance of Hong Kong actor Chow Yun- fat in its television advertisements. Saranghaeyo, Milkis!, Interview 365, 2007-12-17. Retrieved 2010-06-22.
After treatment of VL, PBMCs start producing interferon gamma, which coincides with the appearance of PKDL lesions due to interferon-gamma-producing cells causing skin inflammation as a reaction to persisting parasites in the skin.
One of the earliest examples of public spaces are commons. For example, no fees or paid tickets are required for entry. Non-government-owned malls are examples of 'private space' with the appearance of being 'public space'.
The development of open source GIS software has—in terms of software history—a long tradition with the appearance of a first system in 1978. Numerous systems are available which cover all sectors of geospatial data handling.
Fluxomics falls within the field of systems biology which developed with the appearance of high throughput technologies. Systems biology recognizes the complexity of biological systems and has the broader goal of explaining and predicting this complex behavior.
Epi-Palaeolithic period () is characterized by significant cultural variability and wide spread of the microlithic technologies. Beginning with the appearance of the Kebaran culture (18,000–12,500 BCE) a microlithic toolkit was associated with the appearance of the bow and arrow into the area. Kebaran shows affinities with the earlier Helwan phase in the Egyptian Fayyum, and may be associated with a movement of people across the Sinai associated with the climatic warming after the Late Glacial Maxima of 20,000 BCE. Kebaran affiliated cultures spread as far as Southern Turkey.
The book ends at the beginning of the battle, where David, Christopher, Jalil and the Viking men appear to be winning against the Aztecs. It ends with the appearance of Huitzilopoctli, who has arrived to join the battle.
The earliest emergence of civilizations is generally associated with the final stages of the Neolithic Revolution, culminating in the relatively rapid process of urban revolution and state formation, a political development associated with the appearance of a governing elite.
Along with Clementi, Dussek may have been a source of stylistic inspiration and influence for Beethoven, whose expansion upon the idiomatic innovations of the London school led to their rapid penumbration with the appearance of Beethoven's own keyboard works.
Maria Claudia and Antonio are meant for each other and try to build their happiness; but everything is destroyed with the appearance of Aranza, the woman who years back offered to Antonio something more than just a fleeting love.
But the weather north of the alps - known to be significantly more harsh - destroyed the artful paintings within short time. Therefore, he issued an order to Bavarian science to develop paint with the appearance of lime but greater durability.
Wordplay: origins, meanings, and usage of the English language. University of Toronto Press, 1996, p. 126, . This coincided with the appearance of the Oxford Movement and the growth of Anglo-Catholicism, which led a revival in traditional rituals and religious observances.
He was also the man who shot Assistant Director Skinner, who survived. He was later taken into custody by the Washington, D.C. Police Department, and was then hanged in his cell with the appearance of suicide to keep him silent.
He was saved from the attack and now has shorter black hair. Schicksal's leader. ; :A member of Shicksal with the appearance of a young winged girl. She saved Fluegel from Kite's Data Drain and later gathered the rest of the members.
The AllMusic review by Ian Martin said "With the appearance of the title track as well as Carter himself in a coffee commercial, there was a resurgence in his popularity in Japan, with this album of new recordings the result".
With the appearance of the crack Cunard liners and in 1893, Servia was relegated to intermediate service. She was later used to transport troops to South Africa during the Boer war. She was broken up in 1902 by Thos W Ward.
With the appearance of the accumulation charge, the intensity of the transmitted light changes. The variation of the light intensity () is then collected though the photodetector and lock-in amplifier. The charge modulation frequency is given to Lock-in amplifier as the reference.
Thus, as little as 10–20% of prehistoric male immigration can (but need not) cause a language switch, indicating an élite imposition such as may have happened with the appearance of the first farmers or metalworkers in the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages.
The style of the building is Neoclassical, with the appearance of a Greek Temple. The building is constructed of sandstone, with a roof of Welsh slate. The main, western, front has a Tuscan Doric portico. The eastern front is windowless, with Tuscan pilasters.
With the appearance of a woman who apparently lost all her memories yet seemed to be greatly linked to the murderer of Takakura's father, the story of the worst,yet the best, partnership between the New York elite and the Japanese detective begins...
Urbanization in the gangetic plains began with the appearance of Northern black polished ware period and archaeologists trace the origin of this pottery in Magadh region of Bihar. The oldest dated site of NBWP is in Juafardih, Nalanda, which is carbon dated to 1200 BC.
Aurora, Flora, and her nymphs perform a waltz. Tableau 4 -- With the appearance of resplendent Apollo, everything becomes animated. Smitten with the beauty of Flora, Apollo kisses her. At his call, Zephyr, the god of the gentle west wind, flies to his beloved Flora's embrace.
The monument is constructed in sandstone. It has an ashlar tapering plinth approximately square and high. On the plinth is a pedestal with the appearance of a rock, about high. Standing on the pedestal is a larger than life-size figure of a lifeboatman.
The oldest extant European martial arts manual is Royal Armouries Ms. I.33 (c. 1300). "Illustrations only" manuals do not become extinct with the appearance of prose instructions, but rather exist alongside these, e.g. in the form of the Late Medieval German illuminated manuscripts.
111 Another strong influence on Michoacan lacquerware was the Church, with the appearance of religious symbols.Thele, p. 16 One other influence was the Asian goods that flowed into Mexico due to the Manila trade, both Asian lacquer and other decorative objects.De P. León, p.
Campania at the Cunard Pier in New York. Campania and Lucania served as Cunard's major passenger liners for 14 years, during which time they were superseded in both speed and size by a succession of four-funnelled German liners, starting with the in 1897, which sparked off a battle between nations to create the largest most powerful liners such as the Kaiser and Olympic-class ocean liners. The German competition necessitated the construction of replacements for the two Cunarders, which came to fruition in 1907 with the appearance of the and . With the appearance of a third Cunard giant in 1914, , Campania was no longer required.
Later, this transition was delayed and extended until 1883-12-31. In British Ceylon, it ended in 1887 with the appearance of a papal decree that placed all Catholics in the country under the exclusive jurisdiction of the bishops of the island. That measure met resistance.
Each rhinophoral sheath edge has three ramifications. The middle one is virtually identical to the lateral appendages. The other two ramifications are similar to the smaller tentacles of the rest of the body. The oral tentacles are simple folds of the mantle with the appearance of cylinders.
With the Appearance of Panini Comics in Hungary, who also publishes American comics, Semic chose to make Csodálatos Pókember a monthly title. Adoc-Semic products are available at newsstand, there is no Direct market for comics in Hungary. Some back issues are still available from the publisher.
On the east gable is a finial with the appearance of a turret. Inside the church is a gallery at the rear, and oak furniture, which includes the altar, pulpit, reader's desk and communion rail. In the corner of the gallery is a small single-manual organ.
In reality several different tribes supported the Romans in the Dacian wars. Their attire and weapons would have varied widely. The Column stereotypes them with the appearance of a single tribe, probably the most outlandish-looking, to differentiate them clearly from the regular auxilia.Rossi (1971), p.104.
Currently, the mayor of Paris is trying to maintain the Square des Batignolles in the pure Haussmann-Alphand style. This style is most visible in small bridges, concrete designs with plant motifs, and faux rocks with the appearance of stratification (as at Parc des Buttes-Chaumont).
St James' Church is located in Vidathaltheevu village in Mannar District in Sri Lanka with the appearance of beautifully and elegantly 25km away from the Mannar town in the Mannar – Sangupitti ( A32 ) main road in the direction of north west 1.25 km away from the main road.
"[T]he court is no longer concerned strictly with the appearance of bias but rather with establishing the possibility that there was actual although unconscious bias."Ex parte Dallaglio, p. 152. He also agreed with the Australian High Court's comments in Webb v. The Queen (1994).
Artamne and Soterus are killed in the struggle, and with the appearance of the Praetorian Guardsmen, the battle is quickly ended. Domitian makes it as far as his throne room with Lucilla as his hostage, but Valerius follows him and kills him in the ensuing duel, ending his tyranny.
This roughly coincides with the appearance of Homo sapiens in Europe and decline of the Neanderthals; individual skulls and/or long bones began appearing, heavily stained with red ochre and separately buried. This practice may be the origin of sacred relics. The oldest discovered "Venus figurines" appeared in graves.
The disease starts with the appearance of testicular antibodies, then movement of macrophages and lymphocytes from the blood stream into the testis, breaking of the physical interactions between the developing sperm and Sertoli cells, entry of neutrophils or eosinophils, and finally death of the developing sperm, leading to infertility.
After a short but sharp battle, Ashura is sent packing. Tetsuya decides to leave with Jun to give his wounds time to heal and entrust the safety of Japan to Kouji. Episode 3: Kouji Assassination Order!: Enraged with the appearance of Mazinkaiser, Dr. Hell is furious with Baron Ashura.
Ramana Maharishi termed this concept as the 'doctrine of simultaneous creation' or as the 'theory of false appearance', which theory maintains that all objects depend for their apparent existence upon the seer; that the world only exists when it is perceived, i.e. with the appearance of I-thought.
View of the ramparts of the developed hillfort of Maiden Castle, Dorset, as they look today The Bronze Age began around 2500 BC with the appearance of bronze objects. This coincides with the appearance of the characteristic Beaker culture; again this might have occurred primarily by folk movement or by cultural assimilation or both. The Bronze Age saw a shift of emphasis from the communal to the individual, and the rise of increasingly powerful elites whose power came from their prowess as hunters and warriors and their controlling the flow of precious resources to manipulate tin and copper into high-status bronze objects such as swords and axes. Settlement became increasingly permanent and intensive.
The mass extinction coincided roughly with the appearance of people belonging to the big game-hunting Clovis culture, who were prolific hunters with distinct fluted stone tools, which allowed for a spear to be attached to the stone tool. Biochemical analyses have shown that Clovis tools were used in butchering camels.
With the appearance of the stock ticker machine in 1867, which removed the need for traders to be physically present on the floor of a stock exchange, stock speculation underwent a dramatic expansion through the end of the 1920s. The number of shareholders increased, perhaps, from in 1900 to in 1932..
In French folklore, the Graoully (spelled as Graouli, Graouilly, Graouille or Graully) is a creature with the appearance of a dragon. According to legend, it lived in the arena of the Roman amphitheater in Metz, France. Legends state that Saint Clement of Metz fought against Graoully and vanquished the beast.
Alexei Kalionski, Ethnicity and migration. The Bulgarian case, 1830-1915 in Communities, Identities and Migrations in Southeast Europe, Anamnesis Collected Articles; , pp. 22-59. With the appearance of the first refugees in many cities of the country, rallies were convened, which appealed to Europe and the Bulgarian government for intervention.Силянов, Христо.
Apparently, Coltrane had initially contacted Gil Evans to assist with the arrangements; however nothing came of this and Coltrane called on Dolphy and Tyner to orchestrate.Porter, p. 212. Originally credited to Dolphy alone on the initial release, that has been corrected with the appearance of the 1995 reissue.Porter, p. 213.
The broadcasting was developed lately in Tunisia with the appearance of private stations broadcasting from Sfax and Bizerte from 1935 and Tunis from 1937.Serge La Barbera and Lucette Valensi, Les Français de Tunisie. 1930–1950, éd. L'Harmattan, Paris, 2006, Philippe Soupault served as the director between 1937 and 1940.
Following this collapse of large cities and the Hittite state, the Early Iron Age in northern Mesopotamia saw a dispersal of settlements and ruralization, with the appearance of large numbers of hamlets, villages, and farmsteads.See Wilkinson, Tony J.; 2003. Archaeological landscapes of the Near East. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.
Working as a member of a vocal quartet with the appearance of a Soviet culture brigade, Schreyer purchased for his father working boots for the wet work in the factory, using his first eighty rubles.Wie haben Sie den Krieg überlebt, Herr Schreyer? In: FAZ 14. Mai 2010; retrieved, 26 February 2015.
Around the same time, Japan had a so-called "gay boom" with the appearance of magazines such as Amatoria which focused on homosexuality. This article originally appeared in Fushimi Noriaki (ed.) Dōseiai nyūmon [Introduction to homosexuality], Tokyo: Potto shuppan, 2003, under the title ' Nihon no gei no rekishi', pp. 44-47.
Though not insisting on a 24-hour day of the Creation story of Genesis, Dale says he believes in it, and that those that believe in its impossibility have a great theological problem. He states that the universe was created with the "appearance of age." Dale also denies theistic evolution.
There is a relationship between risk factors such as obesity and hypertension, with the appearance of diseases such as diabetes mellitus and sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome, specifically, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). These diseases are associated with an increased risk of AF due to their remodeling effects on the left atrium.
Albert, with his colleagues and son, goes to the Himalayas for the research and Albert and Adam opts to stay at an old bungalow owned by Dr.Inayat with Hakka, an old janitor from the local tribe to assist them. Then the story progresses with the appearance of another character named Eva.
The lateral plate mesoderm splits into parietal (somatic) and visceral (splanchnic) layers. The formation of these layers starts with the appearance of intercellular cavities. The somatic layer depends on a continuous layer with mesoderm that covers the amnion. The splanchnic depends on a continuous layer that covers the yolk sac.
As well as being one of the most species-rich families in the order Carnivora, the family Mustelidae is one of the oldest. Mustelid-like forms first appeared about 40 million years ago, roughly coinciding with the appearance of rodents. The common ancestor of modern mustelids appeared about 18 million years ago.
The Stone Age is a prehistoric period in which stone was widely used in the manufacture of implements. This period occurred after the appearance of the genus Homo about 2.6 million years ago and roughly lasted 2.5 million years to the period between 4500 and 2000 BC with the appearance of metalworking.
This binding was invented in the mid-1980s by Anne Goy, a Belgian bookbinder. She was looking for a Western version of the traditional Japanese stab binding techniques. She wanted a book that would open flat but with the appearance of the stab sewing. Anne Goy calls this binding the "crisscross binding".
Baltimore Sun, January 18, 1981. Crook's first published story was a winner in the Boy Scouts of America's first short story writing contest.Steve Miller, "'Stephen Tall' writing light science fiction", Timonium Star, March 15, 1979. He began publishing science fiction in 1955 with the appearance of "The Lights on Precipice Peak" in Galaxy.
The problem itself has changed with the appearance of new theories in scientific and philosophic domains, particularly in the field of anthropology. He is also an admirer of the development of non- governmental higher education, and believes that developing such schools would lead to decreased demands on the administration of education and pedagogy.
In his composition, Ruan Ji ridicules Confucian morals and rituals. > “With the appearance of a ruler cruelty flourished instantaneously, vassals > came into being and at once faithlessness and betrayal appeared. Rituals and > laws are established but people are bound, not free. Cheating the ignorant, > duping simple people, hiding knowledge to seem wise.
Mutations in the HNF4A gene are associated with a form of diabetes called maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY). Increased amplification of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha has been observed in colorectal cancer. It has also associations with the appearance of Fanconi syndrome phenotypes which occurs due to deletion of the gene.
These points appeared in the American northeast around 700 AD and were very common from about 900 AD until around 1350 AD when it was replaced by the Madison projectile point. They are associated with the Owasco Indians and others, and their disappearance coincides roughly with the appearance of the Iroquois culture.
The most common turf log is an undressed fir log 5 to 6 inches across. Also fairly common are squared timbers of similar size. In some districts planks raised on edge were used.Vreim 1966:70-73 Other traditions called for a more elaborate cross section with the appearance of a fascia, approaching "real" architecture.
In May 2010 a rare ceremonial Roman helmet was discovered by an unnamed metal detectorist not far from a Roman road near the hamlet. The copper-alloy helmet with integral mask, with the appearance of a youthful male face, and a griffin crest, is only one of three recorded finds of its kind in Britain.
Though much less common, rompers for men have been produced. Several designers have presented collections including romper suits and they are offered by many retailers. Designers include Deborah Sweeney and Juliette Hogan. In the 2010s the "sleep romper" for women gained popularity, being similar in style to the teddy, but with the appearance of shorts.
The off- flavour in beer, such as a cardboard or green apple taste, is often associated with the appearance of staling aldehydes. The Strecker aldehydes responsible for the flavor change are formed during storage of the beers. Philip Wietstock et al. performed experiments to test what causes the formation of Strecker aldehydes during storage.
Local tradition maintains that James Brindley built a model canal lock at TurnhurstKlemperer & Sillitoe 1995, p.13. and late 19th century newspaper articles even describe the canal as being present on the estate.Klemperer & Sillitoe 1995, p.23. A linear feature with the appearance of a canal section had been identified on 19th century estate plans.
Wilkinson, Richard H. (2003). The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson. pp. 205 In the Book of the Dead, which was still current in the Graeco-Roman period, the sun god Atum is said to have ascended from chaos-waters with the appearance of a snake, the animal renewing itself every morning.
Focusing on prehistoric language shift in already settled areas, examples worldwide show that as little as 10–20% of prehistoric male immigration can (but need not) cause a language switch, indicating an élite imposition such as may have happened with the appearance of the first farmers or metalworkers in the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages.
Played by: Matt Lucas Appearances: Series 3 Deleted scenes A man (with the appearance of a Beanie) from the town of Frottage is generally seen on a bus on its way to Dung market centre. He likes to blurt out various tunes at random, to the annoyance of the person sitting next to him.
On the other hand, the adoption of the real likelihood test would shift the focus of the inquiry from the perspective of a reasonable person to that of a judge who is no longer concerned strictly with the appearance of bias but rather with establishing whether there is in fact a sufficient possibility of bias.
The building is valuable as an example of the town planning decision of VP Stasov for the design of the street corner. The style of the building is late classicism. It is in harmony with the appearance of the Great Greenhouse. Along the Greenhouse street, both buildings had the same type of stone fence.
Subsequent (now posthumous) ads featuring Steve Jobs (for a variety of products including audio books) have mimicked the format and appearance of that original ad campaign, with the appearance of Jobs nearly identical to that of Big Brother. In 2008, The Simpsons spoofed Apple's Big Brother commercial in an episode entitled "Mypods and Boomsticks".
The Star Man examines the children in their catechism and rewards them with small presents if they do well, even if they need a bit of coaching. The Star Boys sing carols and are given a treat for their help. The feast begins with the appearance of the first star. The meal is followed by the exchange of gifts.
The community in Thwaite is active in organising social and fund-raising events. These events regularly draw a crowd from the wider South-Norfolk and Suffolk area. Together with the appearance of the village and its position in the picturesque Norfolk/Suffolk-borders countryside, this social cohesion contributes to a reputation as a highly desirable place to live.
Ramadan, the ninth month on the Muslim calendar, is considered the holy month of fasting. Ramadan begins and ends with the appearance of the new moon. During the month of Ramadan, God delivered the Quran to the prophet Muhammad as guidance for the people. During Ramadan, Muslims take time for introspection, prayer, and reading of the Quran.
The large size of Achaenodon made it a difficult target for middle Eocene carnivores. Achaenodon was the first large artiodactyl, and remained the only artiodactyl to be part of the megafauna throughout the Eocene; even after the disappearance of this animal, there were no other large artiodactyls for at least 5 million years, with the appearance of Archaeotherium.
Connor and Jackson, A Catalogue of Greek Vases, p. 157. The unstable pigments have flaked away and often left figures on surviving vases with the appearance of nudity when they were intended to be clothed.Donald White et al., The Ancient Greek World: The Rodney S. Young Gallery (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 1995), p. 35.
Voiced by Taylor Lautner, first appears in "Pirate Radio" (episode #23) Youngblood is a ghost with the appearance of a young child. Obnoxious and childish, he can only be seen by children. Despite his looks, Youngblood is a keen commander and skilled in battle. A ruthless prankster, Youngblood dresses up in various costumes, but most commonly portrays a pirate.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language. Vol 242. in a process that began in 1968 and culminated with the appearance of the first unified Albanian orthographic handbook and dictionary in 1972. Although they had until then used Gheg and almost all Albanian writers in Yugoslavia were Ghegs, they chose to write in Tosk for political reasons.
She was so pleased with the appearance of the garden in c.1938 that she had photographer Harold Cazneaux take a series of photographs of it. She had a full-time gardener who lived in, and whose wife was the family's cook. The family kept a cow which the gardener milked, had a very big fowl yard and chooks.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15. Leicester, UK: Midland Publishing, 2001. . With the appearance of the MiG-15 in the skies over North Korea, unescorted raids at low altitudes now became extremely dangerous. Consequently, the missions were now flown at 20,000 feet, defensive formations were used, and fighter escort was provided by F-80C and F-84E aircraft.
Huntford 1975, p. 541. Wild's thoughts were now seriously turning to the possibility of a boat trip to Deception Island—he planned to set out on 5 October, in the hope of meeting a whaling ship—Alexander 1998, p. 182. when, on 30 August 1916, the ordeal ended suddenly with the appearance of Shackleton and Yelcho.Mills 1999, p. 261.
The word "mariachi" was thought to have derived from the French word "marriage", dating from the French intervention in Mexico in the 1860s, related to the music's appearance at weddings. This was a common explanation on record jackets and travel brochures. This theory was disproven with the appearance of documents that showed that the word existed before this invasion.
Early on, Baden was home to boat building yards, quarries, a lath mill and a gristmill. After Baden was established as a borough in 1858, it grew with the appearance of steel mills and oil wells in the area as well as the growth of the railroads, including the nearby Conway Yard, now operated by Norfolk Southern.
There are also regions where a yōkai with the appearance of a child is called makura-kozō (枕小僧). In the Iwata District, Shizuoka Prefecture, the makura-kozō has a height of around 3 shaku (around 90 centimeters), and it is said to do pranks such as turn over the pillows of those who sleep alone.
The churchyard walls and the gateway were also designed by Pugin, and are built in the same stone as the church. The wall runs along Ribby Road and has copings with the appearance of a Mansard roof. The gateway is in the form of an arch. Its top is stepped and has coping similar to that on the wall.
Unlike the adult cases, only 8% of cases in children are tuberculous. With the stark decrease of tuberculosis in the second half of the 20th century, scrofula became a less common disease in adults, but remained common in children. With the appearance of AIDS, however, it has shown a resurgence, and presently affects about 5% of severely immunocompromised patients.
Possibly his main legacy is his "Translation of Lucian" from ancient Greek language, on which he spent almost 25 years from 1773 to 1798. This was published in 5 volumes. At the time it was considered to be of great importance in the literary world, but this importance has since diminished with the appearance of other more classical translations.
Starting in the 4th millennium BC as well as in the Bronze Age, the first wave of migrations into Italy of Indo-European-speaking peoples occurred, with the appearance of the Remedello, the Rinaldone and the Gaudo cultures. These were later (from the 18th century BC) followed by others that can be identified as Italo-Celts, with the appearance of the Proto-Celtic Canegrate cultureVenceslas Kruta: La grande storia dei celti. La nascita, l'affermazione e la decadenza, Newton & Compton, 2003, , and the Proto-Italic Terramare culture, both deriving from the Proto-Italo-Celtic Tumulus and Unetice cultures. Later, Celtic La Tène and Hallstatt cultures have been documented in Italy as far south as Umbria and Latium in Central Italy, also inhabited by the Rutuli and the Umbri, closely related to the Ligures.
Poppy Jhakra was also cast as agency nurse Amira Zafar for the feature-length episode. Jhakra reprised the role for an appearance in episode 22. David's family was introduced in episode 5, with the appearance of his son and former wife, Oliver Hide (Harry Collett) and Rosa Hide (Lorraine Pilkington). Collett reprised the role in episodes 17, 18 and 25.
Fargo, North Dakota. Note the halo arcs passing through each sun dog. Sun dogs are a common type of halo, with the appearance of two subtly-colored bright spots to the left and right of the sun, at a distance of about 22° and at the same elevation above the horizon. They are commonly caused by plate-shaped hexagonal ice crystals.
Xconomy Mushroom Networks Uses Bonding Technology The company solely focuses on networking products utilizing their "Broadband Bonding" technology. In various configurations, these products provide the end-user with the appearance of larger bandwidth by aggregating multiple network services through load balancing, and/or channel bonding. Mushroom Networks has developed its Broadband Bonding through extensive research and development.Mushroom Networks Company Product Page.
It was observed to sparkle like a star and did not move across the heavens like a comet. These observations are consistent with the appearance of a supernova, and this is believed to be the oldest confirmed record of a supernova event by humankind. SN 185 may have also possibly been recorded in Roman literature, though no records have survived.
The primary remedy for prickly heat or rash is to wear lighter clothing, or otherwise avoid overheating one's body. The immediate treatment of the involved skin areas involves the use of a soothing ointment such as calamine lotion. Talcum powder may be used in some cases. Medical assistance should be sought for the first episode of a rash with the appearance of miliaria.
The paper's first edition came out on July 4, 1900, as Hearst's Chicago American. It became the Morning American in 1902 with the appearance of an afternoon edition. The morning and Sunday papers were renamed as the Examiner in 1904. James Keeley bought the Chicago Record-Herald and Chicago Inter-Ocean in 1914, merging them into a single newspaper known as the Herald.
With the appearance of music videos, many pre-1975 songs, as well as newly composed exiled songs, were accompanied by visuals. Meanwhile, various forms of Western popular music and also songs made by overseas Vietnamese composers were welcomed by the diasporic population. Post-1975 exiled music was about life in former South Vietnam, which included songs about love, homesickness, freedom and anti-communism.
Pretoria, Council for Geoscience. The name of the biozone refers to Tapinocephalus atherstonei, a large herbivorous tapinocephalid dinocephalian therapsid. It is characterised by the presence of this dinocephalian species along with the appearance of other advanced tapinocephalid dinocephalians, and the large pareiasaur Bradysaurus baini. It is also the first biozone of the series where the dicynodont, Diictodon feliceps, species first appear.
The band was dropped from its label when Mercury Records was reorganized under Universal Music. On 28 August 2015, the band reunited with the appearance of original members, Andy Eichorn and Reed Shimozawa, who were joined by two local Calgary musicians for a one time live opening show at the Marquee Beer Market and Stage with headlining band Age of Electric.
SATA introduced a new logo with the new fleet revitalization; referred to as Blue Island Açor,Azorean Spirit, May–July 2009, p.46 it was inaugurated with the appearance of the first Bombardier aircraft, the Q200. Based on a year-long effort, and over 100 drafts, the re-imagined modern Açor brand was designed by Ivity-Corp.Azorean Spirit, May–July 2009, p.
These structures were then covered by a layer of water-lain sand that is interpreted as a possible flooding event. Following this, four separate platform-mound building events were recorded by Hally and Rudolph. The mounds were topped by free-standing structures of possible political/ceremonial importance. Mound Stage 2 also saw the addition of a wide ramp with the appearance of steps.
This behavior ashamed Uma, who cursed both of them so they appeared as fearsome and ugly ogres. This fierce form of Dewi Uma is also known in Hinduism as Durga. From this relationship, Batara Kala was born with the appearance of an ogre. Another origin story is that he was conceived when a drop of Shiva's semen was swallowed by a fish.
Damage is noted throughout the season, beginning with the appearance of two to three pairs of real leaves before harvesting. Caterpillars pass through five ages during the 25–30 days of development. They are hygrophilic, therefore, in a dry and hot weather, their mass death is observed. After completing nutrition they pupate in oval spider cocoons in the soil at a depth of .
The larger varieties were known as tea chests. This term was also applied to cube-shaped wooden crates used for exporting tea overseas; and now denotes similar boxes chiefly associated with house removals. As tea grew cheaper there was less concern with the appearance of caddies, and as a result they fell out of use, as tea was kept in the kitchen.
The supernatural powers that control natural events are also of major concern. Among farming peoples, rituals to propitiate such powers are associated with the beginning and end of the agricultural cycle. Among the Sara, the new year begins with the appearance of the first new moon following the harvest. The next day, people hunt with nets and fire, offering the catch to ancestors.
NGC 14 is an irregular galaxy in the Pegasus constellation. It was included in Halton Arp's Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, under the section "Galaxies with the appearance of fission," since the irregular appearance of this galaxy causes it to look like it is separating apart. (webpage includes PDF link) It was discovered on September the 18th 1786 by William Herschel.
Debuting in 2000 and running through 2004 with 52 original episodes, Static Shock featured the character Static. Prominent characters in the series were derived from, or very loosely based on, characters created by Milestone Media for comics published through DC Comics. Later episodes bring the series into the DC Animated Universe with the appearance of characters from the other shows.
After the events of the Marvel Comics series, B.A.Ts were hardly ever used again by Cobra. However, one resurfaced in the pages of the Devil's Due G.I. Joe comics as an advanced model type, with the appearance of the original model. The B.A.T. had been crafted by Doctor Mindbender and several Techno-Vipers. It was far more adaptable and capable of self-repair.
Phyllophaga micans is a species in the family Scarabaeidae ("scarab beetles"), in the order Coleoptera ("beetles"). It is found in North America. Adults are 15-17mm long, dark colored with the appearance of a pale, dust-like coating, and feed on hardwood trees. It ranges from Connecticut and New York in the north, south to Georgia, and west to Kansas and Texas.
A hypervisor provides one or more software virtualization environments in which other software, including operating systems, can run with the appearance of full access to the underlying system hardware, where in fact such access is under the complete control of the hypervisor. These virtual environments are called virtual machines (VM)s, and a hypervisor will typically support multiple VMs managed simultaneously.
The brain is not shut off under general anesthesia. Instead, anesthetics induce highly structured oscillations between key brain regions. These oscillations, which are readily visible in standard electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings, alter arousal by impairing normal communication between regions. This is analogous to what happens when an epilepsy patient loses consciousness with the appearance of the regular, hypersynchronous oscillations of a seizure.
A major potential criticism of the AQE is that it is still a hobbyist device with the appearance of consumer- ready packaging. To end-users more quickly, the original version's sensors were not fully calibrated by the manufacturer. In 2017 The Air Quality Egg version 2 was included in the permanent collection of MAK, the Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst / Gegenwartskunst in Vienna.
Copenhagen : Munksgaard, 1960.—that with the appearance of Das Kapital, "the materialist conception of history is no longer a hypothesis, but a scientifically proven proposition".V.I. Lenin, What the "Friends of the People" Are and How They Fight the Social-Democrats (A Reply to Articles in Russkoye Bogatstvo Opposing the Marxists) (1894), Part 1, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 1. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1937. .
A tree of symmetrical upright growth and of great vigour, with the appearance of an arrow. The foliage was of medium size, oval and light green. Four photographs of 'Gaujardii' appear in Pépinières Gaujard-Rome et Cie (1930), where the nursery distinguished between medium- and large-leaved forms. Herbarium specimens suggest that more than one clone has been labelled 'Gaujardii' (see 'External links').
Domination by men of women is found in the Ancient Near East as far back as 3100 BCE, as are restrictions on a woman's reproductive capacity and exclusion from "the process of representing or the construction of history". According to some researchers, with the appearance of the Hebrews, there is also "the exclusion of woman from the God-humanity covenant". The archaeologist Marija Gimbutas argues that waves of kurgan-building invaders from the Ukrainian steppes into the early agricultural cultures of Old Europe in the Aegean, the Balkans and southern Italy instituted male hierarchies that led to the rise of patriarchy in Western society. Steven Taylor argues that the rise of patriarchal domination was associated with the appearance of socially stratified hierarchical polities, institutionalised violence and the separated individuated ego associated with a period of climatic stress.
The remainder of the rim is roughly circular, but irregular with multiple small outward bulges. The inner wall is terraced in places, with the appearance of slumping along parts of the upper edge. Within the interior is a low, curving central ridge near the midpoint. There is a patch of lower albedo material to the southwest of this ridge, extending to the edge of the inner wall.
The Neolithic began with the appearance of pottery in mid 5th millennium BC. The Semi-Neolithic Neman culture was a successor of the Mesolithic Neman culture. Most of flint tools are very similar between both cultures. A new widespread development was knives with sharpened and flared point. Pottery of the Neman culture had pointed bottoms and was made of clay mixed with organic matter or crushed quartzite.
The labia majora have fewer superficial nerve endings than the rest of the vulva, but the skin is highly vascularized. The internal surface of the labia minora is a thin moist skin, with the appearance of a mucous membrane. They contain many sebaceous glands, and occasionally have eccrine sweat glands. The labia minora have many sensory nerve endings, and have a core of erectile tissue.
Neonatal herpes simplex is a HSV infection in an infant. It is a rare but serious condition, usually caused by vertical transmission of HSV-1 or -2 from mother to newborn. During immunodeficiency, herpes simplex can cause unusual lesions in the skin. One of the most striking is the appearance of clean linear erosions in skin creases, with the appearance of a knife cut.
Jackson Hyde first appeared in Brightest Day #10 (September 2010). This coincides with the appearance of Aqualad in the Young Justice animated series (albeit using the name Kaldur'ahm). According to Johns, the new Aqualad is named Jackson Hyde, and is a black teenager from New Mexico. In a teaser poster for the Brightest Day event, he is shown using "hard water" abilities to create a sword.
The first appearance of such vehicles coincided with the appearance of the first tanks, these vehicles were modified Mark V tanks for bridging and mine clearance. Modern military engineering vehicles are expected to fulfil numerous roles, as such they undertake numerous forms, examples of roles include; bulldozers, cranes, graders, excavators, dump trucks, breaching vehicles, bridging vehicles, military ferries, amphibious crossing vehicles, and Combat engineer section carriers.
Robinson visited the village in 1838, noting that it was "a large village, or rather town, on the slope of the range of hills",Robinson and Smith, 1841, vol 3, p. 151 and that there was a tower in the village with the "appearance of antiquity". The village was placed in the esh-Sharawiyeh esh-Shurkiyeh (the Eastern) district, north of Nablus.Robinson and Smith, 1841, vol.
As part of the transition, churches served by Goan Catholic priests remained under the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of the East Indies until 1843. Later, this transition was delayed and extended until . In British Ceylon, it ended in 1887 with the appearance of a papal decree that placed all Catholics in the country under the exclusive jurisdiction of the bishops of the island. That measure met resistance.
This is true for the Philippine populations of D. setosum. For a population in the Persian Gulf, spawning occurs during the months of April to May. Other cues, such as the phases of the moon have been observed to affect the spawning of D. setosum populations. The species has been found to trigger spawning events in concordance with the appearance of a full moon.
In 1890, John Wanamaker joined with other Philadelphia devotees of the Harrisons and made a gift to them of a summer cottage at Cape May. Harrison, though appreciative, was uncomfortable with the appearance of impropriety; a month later, he paid Wanamaker $10,000 () as reimbursement to the donors. Nevertheless, Harrison's opponents made the gift the subject of national ridicule, and Mrs. Harrison and the president were vigorously criticized.
In many cultures, human corpses were usually buried in soil. The roots of burial as a practice reach back into the Middle Palaeolithic and coincide with the appearance of Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens, in Europe and Africa respectively. As a result, burial grounds are found throughout the world. Through time, mounds of earth, temples, and caverns were used to store the dead bodies of ancestors.
With the appearance of Oasis on the music scene in 1994, Gallagher quickly made a public name for himself with his "loutish" behaviour. By 2000, his reputation and wild lifestyle saw him feature in a Channel 4 documentary Hellraisers along with actors Peter O'Toole, Oliver Reed and Richard Harris and musicians Keith Moon and Ozzy Osbourne."Hellraisers". Channel 4. 2000. Retrieved 7 May 2020.
EBV positivity is more common in the plasmacytoma rather than bone marrow infiltration form of PCM. Tissues involved in EBV+ PCM typically show foci of EBV+ cells with the appearance of rapidly proliferating (e.g. high mitotic index) immature or poorly differentiated anplastic plasma cells. The cells express products of EBV genes such as EBER which suggest that EBV is in a restricted latency II phase.
The beads and pendants forming this c. 3,000-year-old neck chain are of the Elmenteitan culture and were among the finds at Njoro River Cave. The arrival of the Southern Nilotes on the East African archaeological scene is correlated with the appearance of the prehistoric lithic industry and pottery tradition referred to as the Elmenteitan culture.Ehret, C., History and the Testimony of Language, p.
It is here Ellis meets heroes from the rest of the Multiverse who have also been summoned there as well and travels to Earth-8 to try and stop the Gentry's invasion. The story ends with the appearance of an evil Nix Uotan on Earth-8, a version of Uotan that has been corrupted by the Gentry. The Multiversity #1 was published in August 2014.
This recovery period was when terrestrial animals flourished and when land reptiles diversified and flourished, along with the appearance of Dinosaurs. These Dinosaurs would become what characterizes the life forms of the following periods, the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Lastly at the end of the Triassic and the beginning of the Jurassic was the first appearance of small shrew like mammals that came from reptiles.
The release of Majom-tangó immediately led to a rise in popularity on the Hungarian music scene. The band moved from being a phenomenon on the alternative stage to wider popularity with the appearance of Diligramm (Loonygramme) in December 1997. Diligramm is a complete work of a mature band. The lyrics are crisper, the musical palette more colorful; the band found its own style.
JSTOR, Accessed 21 July 2020. Although the first Dalit literature conference was held in 1958 by newly converted buddhist writers, Annabhau Sathe, a communist, who turned to Ambedkarite movement in the later part of his life, is credited as the founding father of Dalit literature. Dalit literature started being mainstream in India with the appearance of the English translations of Marathi Dalit writing.
The constant political turmoil that Bolivia has experienced throughout its history has slowed the development of Bolivian literature. Many talents have had to emigrate or were silenced by the internal conflict. In recent years the literature of Bolivia has been in a process of growth, with the appearance of new writers. Older writers such as Adela Zamudio, Oscar Alfaro, and Franz Tamayo continue to be important.
Saab 900 Combi coupé is a marketing term used by Saab to describe cars with a sloping coupé-like rear hatchback. The term joins the European term "combi" (for an estate car / station wagon) with coupé. The design combines the functionality of a hatchback with the appearance of a fastback. As per a hatchback, the combi coupé incorporates a shared passenger and cargo space.
The story begins with Rina herself and her husband Ichijima Ryota who are on their honeymoon in Finland. There, they see a lot of unicorns. When Rena touches one, he turns into a man with the appearance of Mika Valaska, her idol music composer. Her husband and the rest of the tour group she is with vanish when the unicorns touch them, leaving only their clothes behind.
The Khormusan industry in Egypt began between 42,000 and 32,000 BP. Khormusans developed tools not only from stone but also from animal bones and hematite. They also developed small arrow heads resembling those of Native Americans, but no bows have been found. The end of the Khormusan industry came around 16,000 B.C. with the appearance of other cultures in the region, including the Gemaian.Nicolas-Christophe Grimal.
One of his longest serving staff in this Wellington office was Mrs. Ethel Bulté, who was known as "Auntie Pat" by Anscombe's grandchildren. She was Anscombe's secretary and is remembered by the grandchildren as always wearing black, her "grey hair pulled back into a bun" with the appearance of being an "efficient secretary." She remained a friend of the family even after Anscombe died.
The output of moths from pupae that have wintered, and at the same time pupation of caterpillars of V age, coincides with the appearance of sprouts of sugar beet. The moths do not need additional nutrition, however, during drier periods, dew drops are sucked out. They are active in the evening, night and morning hours. The life expectancy of moths is 12–18 days.
This movement is dance-like, with a gently rising melody which quickly blooms and fades away. This piece seems to imply A minor, though this has been undermined in the middle section with the appearance of E-flat and A-flat in the accompaniment. It ends with a perfect cadence in A minor. Like the movement before it, performance time lasts around twenty-five seconds.
Rolf Dieter Brinkmann is considered an important forerunner of the German so- called Pop-Literatur. He published nine books of poems in the 1960s, dealing with the appearance of the present culture and the sensual experience of active subjectivity. During that period he also wrote Keiner weiß mehr (Nobody knows anymore), a novel of modern family life. His early prose was inspired by the French nouveau roman.
Demyelinating lesions begin with the appearance of some areas named NAWM (normal appearing white matter) which despite its name, is abnormal in several parameters. These areas show axonal transections and stressed oligodendrocytes (the cells responsible for maintaining the myelin), and randomly, they show clusters of activated microglia named pre-active lesions. These pre-lesions normally resolve themselves, though sometimes they spread towards a capilar vein.
In real life, she previously encountered Tokio at a video game arcade and became the first person to break Tokio's perfect gaming record by thoroughly defeating him. For reasons unknown, she trains Tokio in The World R:X before revealing her allegiance to Schicksal. ; :A PC with the appearance of a jester with a wide grin and an unstable personality. He encounters Tokio during his adventures through the .
Language families in the Indian subcontinent. The languages of India are divided into various language families, of which the Indo-Aryan and the Dravidian languages are the most widely spoken. There are also many languages belonging to unrelated language families such as Austroasiatic and Sino- Tibetan, spoken by smaller groups. Linguistic records begin with the appearance of the Brāhmī script from about the 18rd century BCE.
Spiral pad in one direction There are also spiral puzzles where words must be entered in only one direction.Enchanted Learning The last letter of one word is also the first letter of the next Without overlapping letters, this puzzle is no more than a quiz with the appearance of a puzzle. For more difficult types of spiral puzzles, the numbering in the spiral is missing.
Complex signage systems emerged with the appearance of motorcars. In 1908 the automobile association in West London erected some warning signs. In 1909, nine European governments agreed on the use of four pictorial symbols, indicating bump, curve, intersection, and railroad crossing. The intensive work on international road signs that took place between 1926 and 1949 eventually led to the development of the European road sign system.
With the appearance of nuclear submarines and their plentiful electricity supply, even larger plants could be installed. The X-1 plant was designed so that it could be operated when snorkelling, or even when completely submerged. As the ambient pressure increased when submerged, and thus the boiling point, additional heat was required in these submarine distillers, and so they were designed to run with electric heat continuously.
Cutaneous horns, also known by the Latin name cornu cutaneum, are unusual keratinous skin tumors with the appearance of horns, or sometimes of wood or coral. Formally, this is a clinical diagnosis for a "conical projection above the surface of the skin." They are usually small and localized but can, in very rare cases, be much larger. Although often benign, they can also be malignant or premalignant.
More rapid detoxifications e.g. of a month are not recommended as they lead to more severe withdrawal symptoms. Tolerance leads to a reduction in GABA receptors and function; when benzodiazepines are reduced or stopped this leads to an unmasking of these compensatory changes in the nervous system with the appearance of physical and mental withdrawal effects such as anxiety, insomnia, autonomic hyperactivity and possibly seizures.
Mamen himself died ten days later of the same debilitating disease.McKinlay, pp. 113–120 From early June the diet was augmented with the appearance of birds. These birds and their eggs became a vital source of food; as the supply of seal meat dwindled to nothing, the party was reduced to eating rotten flippers, hide, or any part of a seal that was remotely edible.
The beads and pendants forming this c. 3,000-year-old neck chain are of the Elmenteitan culture and were among the finds at Njoro River cave. The arrival of the Southern Nilotes on the East African archaeological scene is correlated with the appearance of the prehistoric lithic industry and pottery tradition referred to as the Elmenteitan culture.Ehret, C., History and the Testimony of Language, p.
With the appearance of Abby, things really started to heat up and get interesting. No marriage is off limits when Abby sets her eyes on it. Played to perfection by Donna Mills, Abby is wicked, vicious, bitchy, and heartless enough to keep us loving and hating her for years. Abby's clashes with Karen MacKenzie and Val were legendary, and season two gets things rolling.
Female specimens bear megaspores that are found in large numbers in the upper part of the stem, with the appearance of pinnate leaves that enclose the ovules, in clumps of 4. The seeds are oblong, 50–60 mm long, coated with an orange-brown tegument when ripe. The megasporophyll is a defining feature, with laminae which de Louriero described as "laciniate" (fringed with lateral narrow pointed lobes).
The Initial Interest Confusion doctrine has been applied by U.S. courts as early as 1975. However, with the appearance of the World Wide Web, Initial Interest Confusion claims have increased from 10 cases relying on the doctrine before 1990 to more than 100 between 1990 and 2005.Rothman, Jennifer E., Initial Interest Confusion: Standing at the Crossroads of Trademark Law, 27 Cardozo Law Review 105 (2005).
Inukami! revolves around Keita Kawahira, a descendant of an Inukami-tamer clan and considered a failure by the clan due to his attitude towards his duty and being unable to find an Inukami to bond with. Inukami, literally "dog god", are benevolent creatures that possess spiritual powers. They are a type of demon with the appearance of a dog who can transform into a human form.
Exhausted from the ordeal, Lady Divine collapses on a couch and is raped by a giant lobster named Lobstora. In the aftermath (mumbling "You're a maniac now, Divine"), she destroys a car, then wanders Baltimore trying to kill anyone she can. The film ends with the appearance of the National Guard, which surrounds Lady Divine on the street and shoots her, accompanied by the sound of "America the Beautiful".
Dudley Head () is a snow-covered, prominent ridge projecting into the east side of Beardmore Glacier, surmounted by several domes rising to , about 5 nautical miles (9 km) south of Mount Patrick. It was discovered and named by the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907–09, and called "Mount Dudley" by Ernest Shackleton. The name was amended by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names in keeping with the appearance of the feature.
The tissues involved in EBV+ plasmacytoma typically show foci of EBV+ cells with the appearance of rapidly proliferating immature or poorly differentiated plasma cells. These cells express products of EBV genes such as EBER1 and EBER2. EBV-positive plasmacytoma(s) is more likely to progress to multiple myeloma than EBV-negative plasmacytoma(s) suggesting that the virus may play a role in the progression of plasmacytoma to multiple myeloma.
View of the Boulevard du Temple, taken by Daguerre in 1838 in Paris. Benjamin builds an analogy between the Fourier's innovations and Louis Daguerre's. "As architecture begins to outgrow art in the use of iron construction, so does painting in the panoramas." Daguerre begins as a panorama painter, a genre of painting whose climax coincides with the appearance of the arcades (which would often be decorated with panoramic paintings).
Rarely, they can be much more substantial. In 2009, Harrod's offered a version of Christmas cracker retailing at $1,000: "Harrods Luxury 6 Christmas Cracker Collection: Bling it up this festive season!" The paper hats, with the appearance of crowns, are usually worn when eating Christmas dinner. The tradition of wearing festive hats is believed to date back to Roman times and the Saturnalia celebrations, which also involved decorative headgear.
The first, led by Cecil Sharp, was academic. It involved the collection of songs and tunes and their publication in journals. It was at its peak about 1910. The second revival involved large-scale public performances of English music, beginning with the appearance of the Copper Family at the Royal Albert Hall in 1952, together with a proliferation of folk clubs meeting mainly in the upper rooms of public houses.
A succession of coaches and numerous roster changes failed to revive the team throughout the 1980s. Angelo was associated with the appearance of front office divisions and management mistakes. By the late 1990s his 14-year tenure in Tampa Bay was perceived as successful, as the Buccaneers made the playoffs three times from 1997 to 2000. With new ownership of the franchise, Angelo moved on to the Chicago Bears.
However, further confusion has been added to the mix with the appearance of budget and mid-range graphics cards which claim to use "GDDR2". These cards actually use standard DDR2 chips designed for use as main system memory although operating with higher latencies to achieve higher clockrates. These chips cannot achieve the clock rates of GDDR3 but are inexpensive and fast enough to be used as memory on mid-range cards.
According to Cicero, in Rome, inhumation was considered the more archaic rite. The rise of Christianity saw an end to cremation in Europe, though it may have already been in decline. This stance was influenced by its roots in Judaism, the belief in the resurrection of the body, and the example of Christ's burial. Anthropologists have been able to track the advance of Christianity throughout Europe with the appearance of cemeteries.
Seo-hyun is an ordinary housewife in her late thirties with a ten-year-old son and a successful architect husband. For Seo-hyun, life is a series of banal routines, but she is well provided with upper class comforts. Her sheltered life is suddenly threatened with the appearance of U-in, her much younger sister's attractive new fiancé. U-in approaches Seo-hyun and attraction evolves into a passionate affair.
Film Critic's Christopher Null gave four and a half stars (out of five) saying, "Hallmark has imbued Stranded with the appearance of big budget effects and an authenticity much like Cast Away, and though the Robinsons always had it easy compared to Hanks and Mr. Crusoe (thanks to the ship full of supplies which ran aground on the island with them), their adventure is thankfully, finally, made worth watching".
This is a rough and primitive carpet. Gabbeh patterns are of a very basic kind with only a limited number of decorative, mostly rectangular objects resembling mainly animals. In gabbeh usually bright colors, such as yellow and red, are used. Although large fields of solid color are used in gabbeh designs, the color is variegated (the color varies throughout the rug, with the appearance of differently colored zones).
Pig carcass in the bloat stage of decomposition The first visible sign of the Bloat Stage is a slight inflation of the abdomen and some blood bubbles at the nose. Activity of anaerobic bacteria in the abdomen create gases, which accumulate and results in abdominal bloating. A colour change is observed in the carcass flesh, along with the appearance of marbling. During the bloat stage the odor of putrefaction becomes noticeable.
The flaming hut distracts many of the giants and Dake is able to capture Teyle, as well as Morja and Oren, who are also Raseri's children. As Conan escapes, the giants release their "Hellhounds", a massive beast with the appearance of a cross between a bear and a wolf. The hellhounds, Vargs, and giants are tracking Conan in that order of following. Soon, Conan slays all the hellhounds.
Earlier Safirs came in attractive orange boxes with white lettering and white and black trim. They had pictures of different models around the base of the box. Some special Safir CIKY boxes were thicker board but came in the form of an old French garage that could be formed with sloped roof with the appearance of terra cotta tiles (Supersafir no date). Later models came in typical clear plastic display cases.
Global recognition, within the user experience community, of this methodology resounded with the appearance of the 'extreme user' approach by August de los Reyes, a lead designer for the Xbox One. This occurred due to his recent wheelchair bound state, resulting in him creating a design for the video game console that could be accessed by the non-conventional user of the device, individuals who are wheelchair bound.
In time, a row of halls, warehouses and storage object along the river bank were built. With the appearance of the steam power, the passenger transport developed too, connecting Pančevo and Serbian capital Belgrade. As Pančevo grew into the developed industrial center, by the early 20th century the traffic on Timiș became so intensive that the river had to be rerouted and straighten, with numerous canals being cut through around it.
The test oil is required to be transparent in layers 40 mm in thickness (in accordance with ASTM D2500). The wax crystals typically first form at the lower circumferential wall with the appearance of a whitish or milky cloud. The cloud point is the temperature just above where these crystals first appear. The test sample is first poured into a test jar to a level approximately half full.
Zoey is hiding in the stables with her horse, Persephone. After an internal debate she finally decides to talk with her friends. On the way to the cafeteria she feels the presence of Darkness and rushes inside. She tries to blend in and act normally but her friends ignore her and the situation degenerates with the appearance of a newly re-Marked Aphrodite, who chooses to sit with the 'nerd herd'.
The prince respects the pact with St. Ursula, accompanying her in pilgrimage to Rome. Here, outside the city's walls, the pilgrims are welcomed by the Pope, who will baptize the pagan prince and crown the spouses. Here too the ceremonial is reminiscent of the Venetian ones, and the didascalos is also present next to the Pope, in a red toga and with the appearance of the Renaissance humanist Ermolao Barbaro.
After his demise Marcus Lewin from Eskilstuna, Sweden was asked to be his successor. In the period 1990–1995, they had an extensive with the American trumpet star Lester Bowie. In 1986 The Brazz Brothers started the recording of their first album, Brazzy Landscapes, the start of a unique music history. The album comprised the band's own compositions and arrangements, with the appearance of the British singer Phil Minton.
Sex reassignment surgery for male-to-female involves reshaping the male genitals into a form with the appearance of, and as far as possible, the function of female genitalia. Before any surgery, patients usually undergo hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and, depending on the age at which HRT begins, facial hair removal. There are associated surgeries patients may elect to undergo, including vaginoplasty, facial feminization surgery, breast augmentation and various other procedures.
Alongside the institute's focus on research, it provides programs for undergraduate and graduate students to engage with the world of policy and organizes events in which political, diplomatic, and community leaders speak on Rice's campus. With the appearance of President Barack Obama in November 2018 at a gala commemorating the institute's twenty- fifth anniversary, the institute has, since its inception, hosted every living former president of the United States.
From the fact the girl's disappearance coincided with the appearance of Abel, it can be deduced that the two share a cause-and-effect relationship. The Song of Nephilim is the result of amplifying the wavelength created by the Lemegeton through the use of a giant tuning fork. That system was designed and built by Joachim Mizrahi. "Nephilim" is the name of the race of giants referred to in the Bible.
The Anchorage, Cos Cob by Theodore Robinson, ca. 1894 The community is situated on Cos Cob Harbor, a sheltered area on the north side of Long Island Sound. Cos Cob's role as a commercial shipping port, supplying potatoes and apples to New York City, disappeared with the appearance of the railroad and damming of the Mianus River. The river is now one source of the town's drinking water.
In 1996 the trading activity was favored with the appearance of the Savings Fund Administrators (AFAP ) and the Securities Market Act and Notes. The following year, the BVM developed its System Clearing, Settlement and Custody . In 2008 it began operating with the electronic Spanish Stock Market Integrated System (SIBE ) . In Uruguay in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, many enterprises began life taking capital from the market's risk.
The shipbuilding tradition begins in to the early Twentieth century, with the appearance of the first small steam fishing boats. One of these early models, known as the “Vigo type steamer” was very popular all around the coast of Spain and North Africa. Hundreds of this type were built. Another decisive moment of development was in the 1960s, when the new freezer trawlers, which revolutionised the fishing industry, were first built.
Analytic philosophy has sometimes been accused of not contributing to the political debate or to traditional questions in aesthetics. However, with the appearance of A Theory of Justice by John Rawls and Anarchy, State, and Utopia by Robert Nozick, analytic political philosophy acquired respectability. Analytic philosophers have also shown depth in their investigations of aesthetics, with Roger Scruton, Nelson Goodman, Arthur Danto and others developing the subject to its current shape.
Rivers in the Neolithic period were a means of transport and thus life-giving. Likewise, geologist Isobel Geddes links the positioning of the mound as an expression of water worship. Nigel Bryant suggested the mound was a monument to the Earth goddess. Furthermore, it has been observed that the period in which the mound and the others in Wiltshire were constructed coincided with the appearance of early English Beakers.
At first, it was believed that Narva culture ended with the appearance of the Corded Ware culture. However, newer research extended it up to the Bronze Age. As Narva culture spanned several millennia and encompassed a large territory, archaeologists attempted to subdivide the culture into regions or periods. For example, in Lithuania two regions are distinguished: southern (under influence of the Neman culture) and western (with major settlements found in Šventoji).
It is around the turn of the century when the first ninots with a cloth body and a head and hands made of wax appeared. The creation of these takes a lot more work so we can say that the figure of the fallero artist is born. This period lasts until the 1920s–1930s. There is at this stage a transformation in the festivity, with the appearance of mold cardboard figures.
Suzuka seals the well and seemingly imprisons the mass for good. This last resort does not work either, and instead backfires terribly: both Sadako and Kayako's curses have combined, and become a single entity – Sadakaya. Sadakaya, possessing Yuri's body, with the appearance of Sadako, a combined movement method of both spirits, and emits Kayako's death rattle. Suzuka helplessly screams in Sadakaya's presence whilst Tamao's psychic powers get overwhelmed.
In the 1880s Félix Dubois was one of the newspaper's European correspondents, writing from Berlin and Vienna. An 1887 directory of newspapers said Le Petit Marseillais was Republican, concerned with commerce and finance, with a circulation of 76,000. Competition became stronger with the appearance of the Le Radical, Le Petit Provencal and Le Soleil du Midi. In response, Le Petit Marseillais launched a six-page format on 16 May 1897.
In 2011, an application was put to the council, which had suffered huge losses on its investments during the financial crisis of 2007–2008, to subdivide the land. On the westernmost lot, the former museum building became the Wingecarribie Aboriginal Community Cultural Centre in July 2012. The other lot was destined to go to the Mittagong RSL Club; it is still vacant land with the appearance of parkland.
G2G features mostly teenage or preteen characters, with the appearance of teachers and parents on occasion, in a fictional North American junior high school. Maddison Marples-Macintosh (Esther Maloney) is the main character on the show, and one of the youngest, being only around 13 years old. She's a very typical preteen girl, full of giggles and gossip. She is still socially shy, yet confident in her own abilities.
In Hindu mythology, Kali was an immensely powerful and bloodthirsty battle goddess and one of Parvati's many identities. :Pai can absorb a human soul to do her bidding, transforming the person affected into a nearly invulnerable servant. She has other mystical powers usually manifested along with the appearance of her third eye, and used by her Parvati identity. Older Sanjiyans often become evil, decadent and uncaring; younger ones tend to have split personalities.
He and his friends Yukio and Momoka love Gunpla and play GBN together. However, his own life changes as he meets a mysterious Gunpla Diver named Sara as strange events take place in the GBN with the appearance of Mass-Divers. Now guided by his new allies, he forms their first Gunpla Diver group, embarking on epic adventures with his friends and to see who is the best fighter in the GBN world.
Bats at the top of the roost tend to circle the roost and leave before the rest of the colony emerges. The time of bat emergence was significantly influenced by the day length, sunset and the ambient temperature delayed the time of emergence. The bats fly with the appearance of a large swarm but forage individually, and give off contact calls infrequently. Individuals travel upwards of in search of food, finding it by sight.
Rhymes: Baima rhymes are very similar to the Kham Tibetan dialect but its vowel system is much more complex. Codas have essentially been lost and vowels show considerable differentiation, with the appearance of many back diphthongs. In general, the number of tones in Baima is also similar to Kham Tibetan. But the correspondences between Baima tones, onsets, and rhymes with written Tibetan are not as clear as those between Khan Tibetan and written Tibetan.
Cave paintings Archaeological evidence proves that early Stone Age hominins inhabited in Mongolia 850,000 years ago. By the first millennium BC, bronze-working peoples lived in Mongolia. With the appearance of iron weapons by the 3rd century BC, the inhabitants of Mongolia had begun to form Clan alliances and lived a hunter and herder lifestyle. The origins of more modern inhabitants are found among the forest hunters and nomadic tribes of Inner Asia.
The Hybrid is alluded to with the appearance of many other hybrids such as Osgood and Ashildr. The Doctor's investigation into this being ultimately leads him back to his home planet of Gallifrey, which returns fully in the series. Steven Moffat wrote four episodes solo and co-wrote an additional two. The other writers who worked on this series included Toby Whithouse, Jamie Mathieson, Catherine Tregenna, Peter Harness, Mark Gatiss, and Sarah Dollard.
2) #0 (April 2009) Scar killed one of her fellow guardians in the beginning of the Blackest Night, and is later revealed that she has since died after the Anti-Monitor's attack, and functions as an undead instead of an immortal.Green Lantern (vol. 4) #44 (September 2009) Another guardian was killed by Nekron, as a sacrifice to summon the Entity on Earth. The Guardians seemed extremely displeased with the appearance of the other corps.
1835 "Classic Head" quarter eagle The "Classic Head" variety was designed by William Kneass, which featured a traditional maiden with a ribbon binding her long, curly hair. This variety omitted E pluribus unum from the reverse of the coin. In 1840, a coronet and smaller head were designed to conform with the appearance of the larger gold coins, therefore making the Classic Head design obsolete. The Classic Head design was produced from 1834 to 1839.
The identity of the author has been the subject of debate, starting with the appearance of the first edition. It has been proposed that Leadbeater was the actual producer of the work; this proposition has had opponents as well as supporters. Shortly after the original publication, the matter found its way to court in India. It was brought up during a custody battle over Krishnamurti between Besant and Jiddu Narayaniah, Krishnamurti's father.
As the British force took control of Santa Brigida, a Spanish squadron of four ships sailed from Vigo with the appearance of intending to bring Pierrepont's squadron to battle. Pierrepont immediately issued orders for his ships to meet with the Spanish who promptly turned about and returned to port without coming within range. A shore breeze enabled the British ships and their prize to extricate themselves from the Commarurto rocks without further damage.Clowes, p.
Spring-heeled Jack was described by people who claimed to have seen him as having a terrifying and frightful appearance, with diabolical physiognomy, clawed hands, and eyes that "resembled red balls of fire". One report claimed that, beneath a black cloak, he wore a helmet and a tight-fitting white garment like an oilskin. Many stories also mention a "Devil-like" aspect. Others said he was tall and thin, with the appearance of a gentleman.
In order to accommodate the extra length of the rounds (112 cm), the gun was moved forward, preventing stabilization. The muzzle velocity of the round was 1740 m/s, with an armor penetration of 152 mm at 60 degrees at 2000 yards Standard equipment was 40 rounds. With the appearance of the T123 120 mm rifled gun, it was decided that it should be installed on two of the four planned T95E4s.
Costa Rican life is, in the texts of Olympus, a social world in trance, where traditions and national customs are yearned for, which are corroded by the values of capitalist modernity. The maturity of the writers of Olympus should coexist with the introduction of modernism, and coincide with the appearance of a second writers' promotion that will begin the questioning of the model imposed by Olympus: the generation of the Repertorio Americano.
By the 1890s, with the appearance of electric light, some chandeliers used both gas and electricity. As distribution of electricity widened, and supplies became dependable, electric-only chandeliers became standard. Another portmanteau word, electrolier, was coined for these, but nowadays they are most commonly called chandeliers. Some are fitted with bulbs shaped to imitate candle flames, for example those shown below in Epsom and Chatsworth, or with bulbs containing a shimmering gas discharge.
Yosef's objections on Ben Ish Hai, for many years in handwritten form only, were printed beginning in 1998 with the appearance of his Halikhot Olam. Yosef received rabbinic ordination at the age of 20. He became a long-time friend of several members of his class who went on to prominent leadership positions in the Sephardi world, such as Rabbi Ben Zion Abba Shaul, Rabbi Baruch Ben Haim, Rabbi Yehuda Moallem and Rabbi Zion Levy.
The following year, however, Chivers was forced to sink the New Soldado to block the harbor passage of Saint Mary's with the appearance of four British battleships in September 1699. Despite his efforts, he and Culliford eventually accepted a royal pardon and returned to the Netherlands on the merchantman Vine. Several members of Chivers' crew returned to America separately, offering Giles Shelley large sums to take them as passengers aboard his ship Nassau.
Friedgut's sharp threshold theorem states, roughly speaking, that a monotone graph property (a graph property is a property which doesn't depend on the names of the vertices) has a sharp threshold unless it is correlated with the appearance of small subgraphs. This theorem has been widely applied to analyze random graphs and percolation. On a related note, the KKL theorem implies that the width of threshold window is always at most O(1/\log n).
Therefore, in order to represent Symbolism as a movement of formidable following, Bryusov adopted numerous pen names and published three volumes of his own verse, entitled Russian Symbolists. An Anthology (1894–95). Bryusov's mystification proved successful – several young poets were attracted to Symbolism as the latest fashion in Russian letters. With the appearance of Tertia Vigilia in 1900, he came to be revered by other Symbolists as an authority in matters of art.
Layer III is of the Bắc Sơn culture, similar to Hòa Bình II that had been put forward before by M. Colani. Hòa Bình II or Bắc Sơn culture really belongs to the New Stone Age, with the appearance of axes with ground blades and pottery. With blade axes, the human beings had gained great achievement in production techniques of stone wares, the beginning for the New Stone Age revolution in Vietnam and the region.
A similar design on gold coinage kept the name "Classic Head", but only retained the curly hair. The head was completely redesigned by William Kneass, and featured a traditional maiden with a ribbon binding her long, curly hair. This variety omitted "E pluribus unum" from the reverse of the coin. In 1840, a smaller head was designed to conform with the appearance of the larger gold coins, therefore making the Classic Head design obsolete.
The Ponta do Altar Lighthouse (Farol da Ponta do Altar) is located in the Ferragudo parish of the Lagoa municipality in the Faro District of Portugal. The lighthouse, of unusual design, consists of a small square turret attached to a one-story caretaker's house. It supports a red lantern on its terrace. The house, often compared with the appearance of a small schoolhouse, is painted white, with exposed stones and a red tiled roof.
Embraced by the Crooked River and Deschutes River Arms of Lake Billy Chinook, the isolated, plateau called "The Island" (actually a peninsula, but with the appearance of an island due to its isolation by high, sheer cliffs) was designated a research natural area in 1986. The Island supports one of the last relatively pristine remnants of pre-settlement ecology in the western United States, and was closed to virtually all public access in 1997.
Once inside the rat's body, the parasite will then begin reproducing epimastigotes in the blood capillaries of the host. After about five days, trypanosomes will begin appearing in the peripheral blood of the host, with the appearance of thick worms. These parasites are usually attacked by ablastin, a trypanocidal IgG antibody produced by their host's immune system beginning 2–4 days postinfection. After a few weeks, the trypanosomes stop growing and disappear from the bloodstream.
The group dance included several other popular Indian songs including "Jumme ki Raat Hai". The Indian cultural show ended with the appearance of Republican Hindu Coalition chairman Shalabh Kumar appearing on the stage and waving at the audience. The live event was played out in front of 800,000 people and was telecast to over 2 billion viewers worldwide. Manasvi attended all the Inaugural functions including the Trump's VIP Candle Light Dinner at Union Station.
In February 2013, Scott resurfaces in Port Charles, revealing to a bewildered Luke that he and Laura are engaged. Scott's return to town also coincides with the appearance of a replica of the infamous Ice Princess Diamond, which had been addressed to Lulu on Valentine's Day. Scott than tries to marry Laura before Luke tries to get Laura back. Scott succeeds, but Laura spends a great time away with Luke, after Lulu is kidnapped.
Conventional trucks were previously used to tow aircraft, but with the appearance of the Tu-104 and Tu-114, more powerful vehicles were needed. MAZ-535 tractors were used, but its height required a longer tow bar; as a result, maneuverability worsened as the tractor often had to turn around and reconnect. This not only caused flight delays, but also created an unsafe environment at the airport. Development of the MAZ-541 started in 1956.
The onset of ocular symptoms are usually preceded by episode of viral or flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough or sore throat (however this is not always the case). Patients can typically present erythema nodosum, livido reticularus, bilateral uveitis, and sudden onset of marked visual loss associated with the appearance of multiple lesions in the retina. These lesions may be colored from grey-white to cream- shaded yellow. Other symptoms include scotomata and photopsia.
The earliest known fossil of complex eyes date from the Ediacaran, with the appearance of the stem mollusk Clementechiton sonorensis. Diverse eyes are known from the Burgess shale of the Middle Cambrian, and from the slightly older Emu Bay Shale. Eyes vary in their visual acuity, the range of wavelengths they can detect, their sensitivity in low light, their ability to detect motion or to resolve objects, and whether they can discriminate colours.
There are three national newspapers, Diari d'Andorra, El Periòdic d'Andorra, and Bondia as well as several local newspapers. The history of the Andorran press begins in the period between 1917 and 1937 with the appearance of several periodicals papers such as Les Valls d'Andorra (1917), Nova Andorra (1932) and Andorra Agrícola (1933). In 1974, the Poble Andorrà became the first regular newspaper in Andorra. There is also an amateur radio societyUnió de Radioaficionats Andorra.
Omniscriptum Publishing Group, formerly known as VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, is a German publishing group headquartered in Riga, Latvia. Founded in 2002 in Düsseldorf, its book production is based on print-to-order technology. The company publishes theses, research notes, and dissertations through its e-commerce bookstores. Its publishing methods have been questioned for the soliciting of manuscripts from individuals, and for providing authors with the appearance of a peer-reviewed publishing history.
Recently, the 6-string Geomungo has been improved quite a lot, with the appearance of electronic geomungo (전자 거문고). Geomungo playing with Hwaldae bow (활대 거문고) (same as playing ajaeng), or the type of geomungo having more strings, collected; attracted the attention of young artists. In the development of culture, besides the conservation artists, inheriting the cultural tradition of the nation, there are artists who change and modernize the traditional culture of the nation.
Three years after the events in Runemarks, the Middle World has changed again. After the destruction of the Order, the surviving gods, having rescued their friends from the Black Fortress of Netherworld, have regrouped in the village of Malbry. The General is dead and chances of rebuilding Asgard seem remote. But a prophecy, coupled with the appearance of unnatural creatures in the Middle Worlds, reveal a breach in Chaos, which may lead to another Apocalypse.
Well-behaved children receive small gifts on the day, whereas naughty children receive a lump of coal or a twig, called "rózga". The highlight of the holiday is the most significant day, Christmas Eve on the 24 December. Polish Wigilia begins with the appearance of the first star, which corresponds to the Star of Bethlehem. During preparation, hay is spread beneath the tablecloth as a reminder that Jesus Christ was born in a manger.
Being a girl of only 11 years old, she has a life plan to her fifties involving becoming an idol and later a noblewoman. She is the classmate of Yū, and lists him as "the first backup of boyfriend", and behaves intimately with him when they meet, much to his annoyance. Despite thinking of becoming an idol, her singing is terrible. ; : :A high-school boy with the appearance of a middle-school student.
In the first half of the 16th century, with the appearance of Protestant Reform, an important Mennonite (usually called Anabaptist) community formed in Amsterdam. Religious tension grew throughout the Empire until in 1534 the anabaptists of Munster rebelled and emperor Charles V decreed a persecution of all members of this church. In two years, the authorities of Amsterdam executed 71 mennonites and exiled many others. Executions would continue more sporadically until the 1550s.
Sastri (1955), p. 165 Initially, the Eastern Chalukyas had encouraged Kannada language and literature, though, after a period of time, local factors took over and they gave importance to Telugu language.Narasimhacharya (1988), p. 68The Eastern Chalukya inscriptions show a gradual shift towards Telugu with the appearance of Telugu stanzas from the time of king Gunaga Vijayaditya (Vijayaditya III) in the middle of the 9th century, Telugu literature owes its growth to the Eastern Chalukyas.
The aboriginals identified her with the appearance of their goddess Chaxiraxi (the mother of the gods), but the Christian conquerors insisted that the image was the Virgin Mary. Later a hermitage was constructed and later the Basilica was constructed to Santa Maria. Nowadays Candelaria is the principal Catholic center of pilgrimage of the Canaries and one of the principal ones of Spain. The current image of the Virgin of Candelaria is to dress.
Superman, inhabiting the Thought Robot, defeats Mandrakk/Dax Novu. Later, a different incarnation of Mandrakk (Rox Ogama) battles his son, Nix Uotan, and is killed during the Final Crisis by the Green Lanterns. In the end, Superman heals the damaged Multiverse with a replica of the Miracle Machine. Nix Uotan, now with the appearance of a human being living in Metropolis, retains his role as the sole link between the Overmonitor and the Multiverse.
However, these networks still had to be monitored, as it was necessary to understand the organisation of Allied air forces.IF-180, p. 31 With the appearance of new allied units which needed to be monitored, intercept companies found it difficult to burden themselves with the intercept requirements of the new allied units. In that instance, Referat B would intervene, and reorganise the intercept and evaluation companies accordingly, as per need and personnel available.
Consequently, the listener really learns more about Faust than about Gretchen. In Goethe's drama, she is a complex heroine. In Liszt's symphony, she is innocent and one-dimensional—a simplification that could arguably exist exclusively in Faust's imagination. The listener becomes aware of this masquerade when the "Gretchen" mask Faust is wearing slips with the appearance of the Faustian themes in bars 44 through 51 and bar 111 to the end of the movement.
Bon chic, bon genre () is an expression used in France to refer to a subculture of stylish members of the Paris upper class. They are typically well-educated, well-connected, and descended from "old money" families, preferably with some aristocratic ancestry. The style combines certain fashionable tastes with the appearance of social respectability. The expression is sometimes shortened to "BCBG" (the fashion company BCBG Max Azria was named in reference to the subculture).
Acción Gallega was conceived as a movement in that tumultuous context. On January 15, 1910, the movement gave the first public sign of life, with the appearance of Acción Gallega, the official magazine of the movement, subtitled Biweekly Magazine and defender of regional interests. Basilio Álvarez was the main promoter of the magazine and of the movement. A part of this journalistic campaign, AG also initiated a series of meetings and actions of different nature.
An example of mass gap arising for massless theories, already at the classical level, can be seen in spontaneous breaking of symmetry or Higgs mechanism. In the former case, one has to cope with the appearance of massless excitations, Goldstone bosons, that are removed in the latter case due to gauge freedom. Quantization preserves this gauge freedom property. A quartic massless scalar field theory develops a mass gap already at classical level.
Since the 1990s he has increasingly focused on issues in higher education. In the words of Alan Wald, "With the appearance of Manifesto of a Tenured Radical in 1997. Nelson became an example of the committed scholar who conceived of the advance of his own career in the context of the amelioration of the rank-and-file of the academic community; more specifically, graduate students, part-time employees, and campus workers." Cary Nelson.
With the appearance of the first oral contraceptives in 1960, dissenters in the Church argued for a reconsideration of the Church positions. In 1963 Pope John XXIII established a commission of six European non-theologians to study questions of birth control and population. It met once in 1963 and twice in 1964. As Vatican Council II was concluding, Pope Paul VI enlarged it to fifty-eight members, including married couples, laywomen, theologians and bishops.
Actors such as Hart and Charles II's mistress Nell Gwyn developed and refined the famous scenes of repartee, banter and flirtation in Dryden's and Wycherley's comedies. With the appearance of actresses for the first time at Drury Lane and Lincoln's Inn Fields in the 1660s, British playwrights wrote parts for outspoken female characters, daring love scenes and provocative breeches roles.Byrd, Ann Marie. "Violently Erotic: Representing Rape in Restoration Drama" in Greenfield (2015), p.
Biodiversity of large mammal species per continent before and after humans arrived there The loss of species from ecological communities, defaunation, is primarily driven by human activity. This has resulted in empty forests, ecological communities depleted of large vertebrates. In the Quaternary extinction event, the mass die-off of megafaunal variety coincided with the appearance of humans, suggesting a human influence. One hypothesis is that humans hunted large mammals, such as the woolly mammoth, into extinction.
The disease often presents in infancy with colicky pain, failure to thrive, and other symptoms and signs of the chylomicronemia syndrome. In women the use of estrogens or first pregnancy are also well known trigger factors for initial manifestation of LPLD. At all ages, the most common clinical manifestation is recurrent abdominal pain and acute pancreatitis. The pain may be epigastric, with radiation to the back, or it may be diffuse, with the appearance of an emergent acute abdomen.
The Coca-Cola Building is a Coca-Cola bottling plant modeled as a Streamline Moderne building designed by architect Robert V. Derrah with the appearance of a ship with portholes, catwalk and a bridge from five existing industrial buildings in 1939. It is located at 1334 South Central Avenue in Los Angeles, California. It was designated Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument Number 138 on 5 Feb 1975. It is often referred to as the Coke Building.
It is thought that there is a relationship between the occurrence of F. verticillioides and human esophageal cancer. A low socioeconomic status and a less varied diet, that mainly consists of corn and wheat, is associated with the appearance of esophageal cancer. This derives from epidemiologic studies in various countries. Other studies show that higher concentrations of FB1, FB2 and F. verticillioides are present in corn growing in regions with a high percentage of esophageal cancer.
Odayil Ninnu came as a shocking revelation that a finest piece of literature can be produced with commonplace themes and unconventional style of prose with ordinary mortals as heroes and heroines. Apart from the fact that the appearance of rickshaw puller was a thrilling experience at that time, the author blazed a new trail in Malayalam literature. With the appearance of the novel in 1942 began the publication of a series of high quality novels in Malayalam.
Lincoln died in the battle. Simnel was pardoned for his part in the rebellion and was sent to work in the royal kitchens. Henry's throne was challenged again in 1491, with the appearance of the pretender Perkin Warbeck, who claimed he was Richard, Duke of York (the younger of the two Princes in the Tower). Warbeck made several attempts to incite revolts, with support at various times from the court of Burgundy and James IV of Scotland.
In the 1960s, some British working-class youths developed the skinhead subculture, whose members were distinguished by short cropped hair (although they did not shave their heads down to the scalp at the time). This look was partly influenced by the Jamaican rude boy style. It was not until the skinhead revival in the late 1970s—with the appearance of punk-influenced Oi! skinheads—that many skinheads started shaving their hair right down to the scalp.
Beliefs, opinions and sentiments that are close to anarchist core values were expressed in Ancient Greece. With the appearance of presocratic thought, rational inquiry during the classical and Hellenistic period, challenged traditional beliefs, religion and authority itself. Socrates scepticism towards the state and its passionate support of the individual's moral freedom were among the first-ever libertarian critiques. Cynics' contribution to philosophical anarchism was the distinction between the man-made laws and nature's law, fiercely rejecting the former.
Numerous scholars identified Rorik with Rurik, the founder of the Russian royal dynasty. The suggestion is based on the disappearance of Rorik from Frankish chronicles during the 860s, consistent with the appearance of Rurik in Novgorod in 862, but inconsistent with his remaining in power there until 879. The first identification to this effect was made by Hermann Hollmann in 1816.Hermann Friedrich Hollmann, Rustringen, die ursprüngliche Heimath des ersten russischen Grossfürsten Ruriks und seiner Brüder.
Looking at the picture through the glasses, Danny is astounded when the man springs to life off the page. His arrival is timely as it coincides with the appearance of more gunmen, who identify the man from the book as Captain 3-D. In spite of being outnumbered, Captain 3-D easily subdues the attackers, then has Danny examine them through the same strange glasses that brought him to life. Danny sees that the "gunmen" are Cat People.
A new threat emerged further north in 860 with the appearance of the Kievan Rus' and subsequent Rus'–Byzantine wars of 860. Basil then arranged to murder Bardas in 866, and was adopted by Michael and crowned co-emperor a few months later. Michael and Basil were entangled in a complex sexual melange involving Michael's mistress Eudokia Ingerina, and his sister Thekla. Michael also appointed, or announced he was going to appoint as co-emperor, Basiliskianos.
He is often seen as a very serious and highly observant character, and appears to have highly advanced deduction and cognitive abilities. ; : :The or Red Biblioprincess, otherwise known as the custodian of the Bibliotheca Razielis Archangeli. A girl with the appearance of a small child with short green hair. Her right eye is green [novel] or golden [anime], while her left eye is covered with a metal eyepatch of dark gray lustre, and a big keyhole in it.
French man with a Geisha in 1861. The opening of contacts between France and Japan coincided with a series biological catastrophes in Europe, as the silk industry, in which France had a leading role centered on the city of Lyon, was devastated with the appearance of various silkworm pandemics from Spain: the "tacherie" or "muscardine", the "pébrine" and the "flacherie".Polak 2001, p.27 From 1855, France already was forced to import 61% of its raw silks.
Opera was also performed by the students at the conservatory established by The Philharmonic Society of Bucharest. By the early 19th century, works by native Romanian composers began to be performed, although usually with librettos in German (or occasionally Hungarian). The notion of a Romanian national opera tradition emerged in the mid-19th century with the appearance of operas on Romanian subjects, often based on historical events, with Romanian-language librettos.Grout, Donald Jay and Williams, Hermine Weigel (2013).
King Edmund is the king of the forgotten Dark Kingdom and the long lost father of Eugene Fitzherbert. In flashback, Edmund ruled the Dark Kingdom with the help of the opal, later revealed to be the Moonstone. However, with the appearance of the black rocks, Edmund tried to destroy the Moonstone to no avail and causing his right arm. With no other options, he sent his finest warriors Quirin and Adira to flee the kingdom with his people.
Less commonly, acro dancers may wear foot thongs, which are variously called Dance Paws and FootUndeez, depending on the manufacturer. Foot thongs—which are slip-on, partial foot covers that protect only the ball of the foot—are sometimes preferred over acro shoes for aesthetic reasons. In particular, flesh colored foot thongs endow the wearer with the appearance of having bare feet, while retaining some degree of the traction, cushioning, and abrasion protection provided by acro shoes.
Murid gammaherpesvirus 4 (MuHV-4) is a species of virus in the genus Rhadinovirus. It is a member of the subfamily Gammaherpesvirinae in the family Herpesviridae. This species infects mice via the nasal passages and causes an acute infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome with elevated levels of leukocytes, and shifts in the relative proportion of lymphocytes along with the appearance of atypical mononuclear cells. Murid gammaherpesvirus 4 currently serves as a model for study of human gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis.
Mammography overall has a false-positive rate of approximately 10%. It has a false-negative (missed cancer) rate of between 7 and 12 percent. This is partly due to dense tissues obscuring the cancer and the fact that the appearance of cancer on mammograms has a large overlap with the appearance of normal tissues. Additionally, mammogram should not be done with any increased frequency in people undergoing breast surgery, including breast enlargement, mastopexy, and breast reduction.
The first tetrapodomorphs, which included the gigantic rhizodonts, had the same general anatomy as the lungfish, who were their closest kin, but they appear not to have left their water habitat until the late Devonian epoch (385–359 Ma), with the appearance of tetrapods (four- legged vertebrates). Tetrapods are the only tetrapodomorphs which survived after the Devonian. Non-tetrapod sarcopterygians continued until towards the end of Paleozoic era, suffering heavy losses during the Permian–Triassic extinction event (251 Ma).
Much more important than Oscar. Ya-dig?""Appreciating Sidney Lumet; Obits, Spike Lee Tweets, Photos and Clips" ,, April 10, 2011 A few months after Lumet's death in April 2011, TV commentator Lawrence O'Donnell aired a tribute to Lumet,"Lawrence O’Donnell’s Tribute To Director Sidney Lumet Includes An F-Bomb",", June 27, 2011 and a retrospective celebration of his work was held at New York's Lincoln Center with the appearance of numerous speakers and film stars.
The beginning of the Miocene saw the second diversification, with the appearance of the deinotheres and the mammutids. The former were related to Barytherium and lived in Africa and Eurasia,Sukumar, pp. 16–19. while the latter may have descended from Eritreum and spread to North America. The second radiation was represented by the emergence of the gomphotheres in the Miocene, which likely evolved from Eritreum and originated in Africa, spreading to every continent except Australia and Antarctica.
A Roman fresco depicting Diana hunting, 4th century AD, from the Via Livenza hypogeum in Rome. Rome hoped to unify into and control the Latin tribes around Nemi, so Diana's worship was imported to Rome as a show of political solidarity. Diana soon afterwards became Hellenized, and combined with the Greek goddess Artemis, "a process which culminated with the appearance of Diana beside Apollo [the brother of Artemis] in the first lectisternium at Rome" in 399 BCE.Gordon 1932:179.
The F/A-18 unit placed Normalair at the forefront of aircraft recorder technology and a dedicated electronics division was set up at Clarence Street, near to the former Huish football ground. The height of Normalair’s fame came with the appearance of the Deep Dive 500 closed circuit breathing system (scuba set) which appeared in the James Bond film For Your Eyes Only. The system minimised the emission of bubbles which made it suitable for covert naval operations.
The inscription on side C of the Narsaq stick as presented by Bernard Mees. Side C of the stick is carefully carved with 49 signs using the same technique as on the A side. The row begins with four apparently normal runes, aaal, but then continues with a repeated symbol with the appearance of a bind-rune formed of k and reversed upside-down k. These symbols are divided into groups with one-point division marks.
Because of this few were produced, and even fewer survived. Today collectors are after these musical pieces, and they continue to be sold at record prices. This industry was very important in previous centuries, but with the appearance of the quartz watch this branch of the economy is now almost gone. Today, Furtwangen is a city with a more balanced industry, there are many small and medium-sized industrial companies focused in microelectronics and precision mechanics.
She finished with the appearance of the "Family Concert" broadcast on 2 April 2016, and graduated from Okaasan to Issho at the age of thirty. At the time of a news conference, she said that she did not belong to the entertainment office and spent it for a while, and her last activity outlining the guest appearance to the Okaasan to Issho Family Concert Shiritoriji made Daibōken in May of the same year and is in a dormant state.
It is also known as Observatory House, the Old Observatory, or after its designer James Craig House. The central building with the appearance of a Greek temple is the Playfair Building, named after the building's designer William Henry Playfair. This houses the 6-inch (15 cm) refractor in its dome and the 6.4-inch (16 cm) transit telescope in its eastern wing. The largest dome of the site is the City Dome in the northeast corner.
To compete in the global toy car market, Tomy early on, had plans of exporting its models. This was done starting in 1974 with the appearance of "Tomy Pocket Cars" in Canada and the United States. The marketing ploy was a blister package designed like a denim jeans 'pocket' with yellow 'stitching' around the outside of the card and the vehicle. Since Japanese cars were not yet booming sellers overseas, in 1976 Tomy started producing 'foreign' (non-Japanese) models.
Despite leaving Wernham Hogg three years ago, Brent still visits the office to see the staff and "keep up the morale". This does not sit well with Gareth or David's former boss Neil Godwin (Patrick Baladi), and it appears to the viewer that Brent misses his old job. When the programme makers offer to fly Dawn and Lee back for the office Christmas party, along with the appearance of David Brent, the scene is set for a reunion.
This, along with the appearance of "Elephant Bones" in Guitar Hero II, greatly increased their visibility. In 2009, their second EP, Enlightenment's For Suckers, was released. That Handsome Devil went on a national tour named "Hating New People" in the summer of 2010, where they sold small-print discs of previously unreleased singles and covers. In 2011, That Handsome Devil released their third album, The Heart Goes to Heaven, The Head Goes to Hell, to favorable reviews from fans and critics.
From his earlier lectures grew his magisterial Politics, Trade, and Commerce in the Ancient World, which would go through numerous later editions, with Heeren providing fundamental revisions as it continued to appear. With the appearance of the first edition, Heeren awoke to find himself famous. Even today, when Heeren has become a minor figure in the story of nineteenth-century German scholarship, his name continues to be associated with this work. Part of its success was due to Heeren's fortunate choice of subject.
Nadia (Chynna Ortaleza), who works as call center agent, is the girlfriend of Nico (Paolo Contis) who lives alone in the house of her grandmother. Nadia feels her world collapsing when she learns of his boyfriend's death in an accident. Her problem is compounded with the appearance of Bogart (Jay-R), the boyfriend of Jessica (Cindy Kurleto) who was also a ghost. Bogart insists that the land on which Nadia's house was built is his grandfather's and it's his inheritance.
The California quail is easily infected with western equine encephalomyelitis virus (WEEV). In California, the virus' appearance and quail infection coincided perfectly with the appearance of chicks in nature. In turn, this led researchers to hypothesize that large coveys containing these non-immune birds could be responsible for amplifying the virus in rural settings. However, experimental studies concluded that only immature birds were competent hosts for WEEV, which were able to produce viruses potent enough to infect Culex tarsalis mosquitos.
The Flying Eleven is an Australian boat designed as a high performance racing skiff suitable for 12- to 18-year-olds. High performance sailing is fast becoming the goal of a great many dinghy sailors with the appearance of 49ers as an Olympic class.The Flying Eleven is a logical step in the transition between junior classes such as the Manly Junior or Sabot and prepares young sailors for classes such as Cherubs, 420s, 470s, 29ers, Moths, 13s or even 49ers.
The following is a bibliography of works by Jacques Derrida. The precise chronology of Derrida's work is difficult to establish, as many of his books are not monographs but collections of essays that had been printed previously. Virtually all of his works were delivered in slightly different form as lectures and revised for publication. Some of his work was first collected in English, and additional content has been added to some collection with the appearance of English translations or later French editions.
Khormusan industry was a Paleolithic archeological industry in Egypt and Sudan dated at 42,000 to 18,000 BP. The Khormusan industry in Egypt began between 42,000 and 32,000 BP. Khormusans developed tools not only from stone but also from animal bones and hematite. They also developed small arrow heads resembling those of Native Americans, but no bows have been found. The end of the Khormusan industry came around 18,000 BP. with the appearance of other cultures in the region, including the Gemaian.Nicolas-Christophe Grimal.
With the appearance of Asgardians Sif and Lorelei, the former mentions that the latter escaped prison during the Dark Elf attack, as depicted in Thor: The Dark World. Hernández reprises his role from the films, and talks to Coulson about the whereabouts of S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury, who appears in Captain America: The Winter Soldier alongside Hernández's Sitwell. The episode also introduces the motorcycle gang Dogs of Hell, whose New York chapter is later seen in the second season of Daredevil.
Vincent Canby wrote in The New York Times, "that Robert Bresson [...] is still one of the most rigorous and talented film makers of the world is evident with the appearance of his beautiful, astringent new film, L'Argent. [...The film] would stand up to Marxist analysis, yet it's anything but Marxist in outlook. It's far too poetic – too interested in the mysteries of the spirit."Vincent Canby, "Film Festival; 'L'Argent,' 13th feature by Bresson," The New York Times, September 24, 1983.
During the hot Washington summers, the Harrisons took refuge in Deer Park, Maryland and Cape May Point, New Jersey. In 1890, Postmaster General (and successful businessman) Wanamaker joined with other Philadelphia devotees of the Harrisons and made a gift to them of a summer cottage at Cape May. Harrison, though appreciative, was uncomfortable with the appearance of impropriety; a month later, he paid Wanamaker $10,000 as reimbursement to the donors. Nevertheless, Harrison's opponents made the gift the subject of national ridicule, and Mrs.
Shortly after, he wrote his most famous piece, the Einzug der Gladiatoren or "Entrance of the Gladiators". Originally titled Grande Marche Chromatique, Fučík's interest in Roman history led him to rename the march as he did. In 1910, Canadian composer Louis- Phillipe Laurendeau arranged "Entrance of the Gladiators" for a small band, under the title "Thunder and Blazes." It is in this version that the piece is most familiar, universally associated with the appearance of the clowns in a circus performance.
The story begins along the Lake Superior Michigan shoreline with the appearance of a mighty spirit that tells the Native Americans a peacekeeper will bring wisdom and unite the warring tribes. Hiawatha is born to Wenonah and after her death her mother Nokomis raises the child. Hiawatha becomes an excellent hunter and later weds Minnehaha, but she dies during a severe winter. The final episodic adventure tells of the arrival of the "Black Robe" or missionary who brings Christianity to the Native Americans.
Not until 1892 with the introduction of the 0-4-4-0 Meyer locomotive, the Saxon IV K was a design produced that was to form the backbone of the Saxon narrow gauge fleet for decades. With the appearance of the Saxon VI K in 1918 the final successful design was submitted. Whislst the private Leipzig-Dresden Railway bought its engines from several German locomotive manufacturers, the state locomotives were almost exclusively developed and supplied by the Chemnitz- based Sächsischen Maschinenfabrik locomotive factory.
In the Blackheath chapel, a blue celestial light is designed to fall in the shape of a cross or sword across the central altar of the basilica- shapedi.e. the early meeting-room form interior from the east side. The tall, rectangular windows of the building were inspired by the gallery of shadowy pillars in the background of the painting. There is a theory that medieval pillars and fan vaulting had some connection with the appearance of an avenue of trees.
The pioneer of this style was Charley Straight, whose compositions were issued on piano roll years before Confrey's novelty hits. Early Charley Straight novelties include "S'more," "Playmor," "Nifty Nonsense," "Rufenreddy," and "Wild And Wooly." Novelty piano came most powerfully to the attention of the public in 1921, with the appearance of Zez Confrey's "Kitten on the Keys". The popularity of this piece quickly led to other Confrey works including "Dizzy Fingers" and "Greenwich Witch", and inspired other artists to issue novelty pieces.
With the appearance of the journal Economic Geography, Baker became associate editor, and later a contributor of a notable series of articles on regional agricultural geography of North America. His interest in farm populations started around 1920, however it was during the 1930s that this field became a major focus of the USDA. Baker was particularly interested in the migration of rural youths into urban areas. Even into his later years, populations problems occupied much of his research and energies.
Most of the Wetlands backstory is told through the graphic novel contained in game's manual. A nuclear test conducted in 1995 by the United States of America government under the name Project Othello altered weather patterns worldwide, resulting in years of rain immersing the Earth in water. The earth's population is forced to live in underwater cities. The rise in criminal activity along with the appearance of extraterrestrial invaders has caused the planet to become a haven for all manner of unlikable characters.
In April 2016, she tried new position as being a music producer. Her first project was Mùa Hè Không Độ music festival in cooperated with Trà Xanh Không Độ brand as a charity activity. The festival was held in Hà Nội and Hồ Chí Minh City with the appearance of Sơn Tùng MTP, Hoàng Thùy Linh, Bảo Anh, Hương Tràm, Hoàng Tôn,... In 2017, she was also the producer of Mùa Hè Không Độ music festival for the second time.
Zallinger was an art student who in the early 1940s had been painting seaweed drawings for the Peabody museum. Dr. Albert E. Parr, then director of the Peabody Museum, had been unhappy with the appearance of the Great Hall of the museum, which he felt was devoid of color and barren.Scully, 18. Parr asked Lewis York, Zallinger's professor at art school, if he knew anyone who would be able to fill a large wall space in the Hall; York recommended Zallinger.
John Fawcett as Autolycus in The Winter's Tale (1828) by Thomas Charles Wageman An ink drawing of Act II, Scene iii: Paulina imploring Leontes to have mercy on his daughter, Perdita. Illustration was designed for an edition of Lamb's Tales, copyrighted 1918. Following a brief setup scene the play begins with the appearance of two childhood friends: Leontes, King of Sicilia, and Polixenes, the King of Bohemia. Polixenes is visiting the kingdom of Sicilia, and is enjoying catching up with his old friend.
Radiologic examination may reveal an alveolar hemorrhage with the appearance of a nodule. Serum tests may show positive results for galactomannan and beta-D-glucan which are both the cell wall materials for A. candidus. Although these may provide strong evidence for invasive aspergillosis, false positive results are also common because many other fungal pathogens also show similar symptoms test results. If the invasive aspergillosis is kept untreated, the disease can spread from the lungs to any of the organs in the body.
Evolution of the surname included variants de Eluetham in the 13th Century, de Aluetham in the 14th Century, Aluetham and Alvetham in the 14th Century, with the appearance of Altham in the 14th Century. Prevalence in Great Brintain was about the same in both 1811 and 2011 census data, 373 and 318 instances, respectively. Prevalence in the United States, as of 2003, had not put it in the top 70,000 family names, though Altom was thought to be a potential derivative.
Poetry was also renewed. Méndez Ferrín and Arcadio López Casanova, with the appearance of their poetry in 1976, marked a richer direction more open to multiple influences. Darío Xohán Cabana, Xulio Valcárcel, Rodríguez Fer, Manuel Rivas and many other authors contributed and continue to contribute to the enlargement of a genre established from the beginning of literature in the Galician language in the Middle Ages. The dramatic genre experienced an intense transformation in the second half of the twentieth century.
Beginning from 500 BC to AD 200, the Scythians and then the Sarmatians expanded their control into the forest steppe. A few Eastern Iranian loan words, especially relating to religious and cultural practices, have been seen as evidence of cultural influences. Subsequently, loan words of Germanic origin also appear. This is connected to the movement of east Germanic groups into the Vistula basin, and subsequently to the middle Dnieper basin, associated with the appearance of the Przeworsk and Chernyakhov cultures, respectively.
Most of us are not, physically or rhetorically". When racial stereotyping in advertising causes offence, this type of advertising is not ethical. The advertising world is beginning to see more research into racial stereotyping come to light along with the appearance of opinion blogs and columns that include criticism toward the issue. "We have a choice to learn more and have a clearer understanding about a certain ethnic group instead of believing everything that the media report states them to be.
In 1985, their daughter Lidia was born. With the appearance of family and stability, the White Period fully formed and began to occupy an ever-greater place in Vulokh's, as a sort of reflection of all the joyous events of his life that took place in those years. In 1988, Troels published in Denmark the first monograph about Vulokh, whose art was still not officially recognized in Russia. The preface to the book contained Gennady Aigi's Twelve Parallels to Igor Vulokh.
When implanted into regular human beings, the technology induces a transformation similar to that of Warren's. When his feathered wings are severed from his body by Wolfsbane, his metal wings grow back in their place. Furthermore, his skin reverts to blue and his old Archangel costume appears. Warren's body returns to normal — the metal wings being replaced with the appearance of his feathered ones — indicating that Warren has the ability to switch between metal and feathered wings and his Angel and Archangel appearances.
The oral cavity of a new-born baby does not contain bacteria but rapidly becomes colonized with bacteria such as Streptococcus salivarius. With the appearance of the teeth during the first year colonization by Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguinis occurs as these organisms colonise the dental surface and gingiva. Other strains of streptococci adhere strongly to the gums and cheeks but not to the teeth. The gingival crevice area (supporting structures of the teeth) provides a habitat for a variety of anaerobic species.
Bauer & Dearborn 1995 These ceques connected the centre of the empire to the four suyus, which were regions defined by their direction from Cusco. The notion of a quartered cosmos is common across the Andes. Gary Urton, who has conducted fieldwork in the Andean villagers of Misminay, has connected this quartering with the appearance of the Milky Way in the night sky.Urton 1981 In one season it will bisect the sky and in another bisect it in a perpendicular fashion.
Horatio Hornblower is a fictional Napoleonic Wars–era Royal Navy officer who is the protagonist of a series of novels and stories by C. S. Forester. He was later the subject of films, radio and television programmes, and C. Northcote Parkinson elaborated a definitive biography. The original Hornblower tales began with the 1937 novel The Happy Return (U.S. title Beat to Quarters) with the appearance of a junior Royal Navy captain on independent duty on a secret mission to Central America.
Henriques, Julian, and Beatrice Ferrara, "The Sounding of Notting Hill Carnival: Music as Space, Place and Territory." The Carnival further diversified in 1984 with the appearance of the London School of Samba. Formed in that year, they were the first samba school in the UK and have paraded every year since (with the exception of 1992). Other samba schools have also paraded in Carnival, notably Acadêmicos de Madureira (1992–94), Quilombo do Samba (1993–2006) & the Paraiso School of Samba (since 2002).
Artistic Cultures of Asia and the Americas - Pre-Columbian Art Retrieved March 20, 2013 The beginning of pre-Columbian art in Chile coincided with the appearance of indigenous cultures in the territory, and ended around the start of the Spanish conquest of Chile around 1500AD. After this period, indigenous art was virtually eliminated by the Catholic community as part of the process of converting native people. (see also: Catholic Church and the Age of Discovery, Spanish missions in South America).
Davis, who was living in Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada, died on June 29, 2008, of a heart attack. His ashes were scattered into the Pacific Ocean. The writers of Stargate Atlantis paid him homage by mentioning the death of his character George Hammond and naming a spaceship after him in the final episode of the show airing January 9, 2009. He was again honored in October 2009, with the appearance of the spaceship Hammond in the pilot episode of Stargate Universe.
Miyamoto later stated that "it's what you think it is", alluding to the Tanooki Suit, a power-up originally from Super Mario Bros. 3. While no exact release date was announced, Miyamoto stated that he hoped to release the game during 2011. The game was showcased at Nintendo's press conference at E3 2011, where a 2011 release date was confirmed, along with the appearance of the Tanooki Suit. While the power-up allows Mario to float down gently, unlike Super Mario Bros.
She was raised by a Giftia, so she empathizes with the "android children", people who were raised by Giftia or other androids. She had tried to protect her guardian from being retrieved, resulting in him becoming a "Wanderer", and he was later shot down by members of the private security firm R. Security, resulting in her longstanding hatred of them. This experience has since resulted in her joining Terminal Service One. ; : :A Giftia with the appearance of a high-class young boy.
Kaka and Bim-Bim recruited three new members, Ridho, Ivan and Abdee Negara. Initially, the fans were not very satisfied with the appearance of new members as Slank has had six albums with the ex-members. Surprisingly, when they released their seventh album, called Tujuh (seven in Indonesian), the popularity increased dramatically and the albums sold broke the record of Slank's other albums. Nowadays, with his audio engineering skill, Negara is in charge of Slank's sound engineering and created many songs with Slank.
He died in 1946; siblings Edward J. and Elizabeth R. Lynett took over as co-publishers, with Edward J. as editor. Edward J. Lynett died in 1966, and his four children took over; they still run the paper today. Shortly after they took over, the Times expanded to a full week with the appearance of The Sunday, Scranton Times and Scranton Tribune history, from The Daily Review In 1990, the Times bought the remains of its principal rival, the morning Scrantonian-Tribune.
The nodules, in which the disease is characterized by, appear seven to nineteen days after virus inoculation. Coinciding with the appearance of the nodules, discharge from the eyes and nose becomes mucopurulent. The nodular lesions involve the dermis and the epidermis, but may extend to the underlying subcutis or even to the muscle. These lesions, occurring all over the body (but particularly on the head, neck, udder, scrotum, vulva and perineum), may be either well-circumscribed or they may coalesce.
He stirs up trouble and dissension. He commands thirty > legions. # Andrealphus (also Androalphus) appears as the 54th demon in > Johann Weyer's tome on demonology Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and is described > as a great Marquis with the appearance of a Peacock who raises great noises > and teaches cunning in astronomy, and when in human form also teaches > geometry in a perfect manner. He is also described as ruling over thirty > legions and as having the ability to turn any man into a bird.
I²CBaMBUS, a flower robot developed by BBS 1 - Technik - Kaiserslautern In home automation systems and robotics, a flower robot is a simple electromechanical device with the appearance of a common flower, with components such as stem and leaves. First developed by Berufsbildende Schule 1 Kaiserslautern in 2006 and later by Carnegie Mellon University in 2007, flower robots are used as intelligent home appliances, with capabilities such as sensing, simple actuation for movements, and effectors such as lights or humidifier.
Over the next two decades, Barker continued writing books about UFOs and other paranormal phenomena. One of these was 1970's The Silver Bridge, which linked the collapse of the Silver Bridge in Point Pleasant, West Virginia with the appearance of an alleged paranormal creature known as Mothman. The book preceded John Keel's The Mothman Prophecies by five years. Before dying in 1984, Barker wrote a final book about the Men in Black, called MIB: The Secret Terror Among Us.
Swedes attempted the attack first during the daylight but the Danes were alerted by a sentry located around , Älvsjö so the attack failed. Consequently, the Danish army attacked the southern flank but the Swedes repelled the attack and eventually broke through their defense line. This coincided with the appearance of Swedish reinforcement as a part of the foot soldiers that were not yet involved into the battle and who intervened in the attack. In result the Danish front was dissolved and fled.
A further consequence of the novel's ambiguous legal status as a banned book was that "bootleg" versions appeared, including pirate versions from the publisher Samuel Roth. In 1928, a court injunction against Roth was obtained and he ceased publication. With the appearance of Ulysses, and T.S. Eliot's poem, The Waste Land, 1922 was a key year in the history of English- language literary modernism. In Ulysses, Joyce employs stream of consciousness, parody, jokes, and almost every other literary technique to present his characters.
The threat of another government takeover of the steel mills, this time on solid legal ground, with adequate preparation by the government, and with the appearance of even- handedness (steelworkers would be drafted and ordered to work in the mills), brought the manufacturers to the bargaining table again.Raskin, "Pressure On Steel Men to End Strike Quickly", The New York Times, July 20, 1952. Negotiations resumed in Pittsburgh the day after the newspaper report."Steel Talk Today Arranged by U.S.", The New York Times, July 20, 1952.
It is also worth mentioning that Ouza was one of the major items of worship in the pagan Arabic culture, before the rise of Islam. Al-Uzza and Al-Lat (The Ouza and the Lat) were considered the Daughters of God and were prayed for. However, with the appearance of the monotheistic religion of Islam, the worship of any other god beside God (Allah) was defeated. The mention of Al Lat and Al Ouza was made in the Chapter of the Star (Surat Al Najm) [chapter no.
After an emotional and painful farewell, San promises to wait for the day when both are reunited and can be together again. In turn, Kaguya expresses his love for San as he leaves. The act ends with San shouting inconsolably the name of Kaguya towards the Moon. In the modern era, a street singer with the appearance of Kaguya called Shouta Aoi sings the song Kaguya used to sing, “Ai no Uta”, but discouraged that no one listened to him, he decides to leave.
78 Tongue in cheek, he later characterised such New Realist writing as "full of misplaced symbolism and defective imagery, quasi-mysticism coupled with an abuse of technical terms."Forward note to "Cocoon", Stars over Bombay (translated by Peter Nijmeijer), Transgravity Press 1976, p.39 With the appearance of Duizenden zonsondergangen (Thousands of sunsets, 1971) Verhagen shifted into the sentimental mode of the Dutch renewal of Neo Romanticism. From the eighties onwards he confined himself to painting and did not return to poetry until the new millennium.
The thin rods which controlled their movements were attached to a leather collar at the neck of the puppet. The rods ran parallel to the bodies of the puppet then turned at a ninety degree angle to connect to the neck. While these rods were visible when the shadow was cast, they laid outside the shadow of the puppet; thus they did not interfere with the appearance of the figure. The rods attached at the necks to facilitate the use of multiple heads with one body.
Signatories to the Unseelie Accords, the Fomor are first introduced in the short story "Even Hand" with the appearance of Mag, a cantrev lord who assaults Marcone's office. They also appear in "Aftermath" kidnapping many low-level practitioners in Chicago and many major cities less than 24 hours after the end of Changes. The Fomor (according to Gard) are water-dwellers, cousins to the Jotun, seers, sorcerers and shapechangers. They are described as humanoid, tall (around seven feet) and froglike with pale skin and bulging eyes.
MTV EXIT concert at Mỹ Đình National Stadium Mỹ Đình National Stadium has hosted many entertainment events. On January 10, 2010, VTV held a concert featuring local famous singers. On March 27, 2010, a MTV Exit concert was held here with the appearance of Super Junior, a Korean boyband, Kate Miller, an Australian singer along with many Vietnamese singers. Recently, on October 1, 2011, the Irish boyband Westlife put a stop here as a part of their Gravity Tour; about 11,000 people attended the concert.
The story revolves around a series of adventures involving the Fulani Sunsaye family, particularly, Mai Sunsaye, head of the household and chief of Dokan Toro. Mai Sunsaye rescues a slave-girl, Fatimeh from the servant of a rough man known as Shehu. With the appearance of Fatimeh in the family, its existence turns topsy-turvy, leading Shaitu, Mai Sunsaye's wife to view her as bad luck. First, Rikku, Mai Sunsaye's youngest son seems to have fallen in love with Fatimeh who is much older than him.
After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them. Meanwhile, Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie. In order to make sure Sulfus does not try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu, watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearance of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.
After 1940–50, the municipality began to function as a suburb and bedroom community, attracting more residential growth along the coast. This culminated in the 1970s with the appearance of illegal urban settlements, squatters and barrios. Until the 1980s, the municipality was dependent on the much larger urban centre for development. By the end of the 1980s, however, Oeiras began to constitute its own economic pole in the Lisbon metropolitan area, concentrating its development on tertiary activities linked to science, investigation, information technology and communications.
The execution of Gasim, the train attacks, and Deraa exteriors were filmed in the Almería region, with some of the filming being delayed because of a flash flood. The Sierra Nevada mountains filled in for Azrak, Lawrence's winter quarters. The city of Seville was used to represent Cairo, Jerusalem, and Damascus, with the appearance of Casa de Pilatos, the Alcázar of Seville, and the Plaza de España. All of the interiors were shot in Spain, including Lawrence's first meeting with Faisal and the scene in Auda's tent.
In the cooler glacial periods, this was replaced by rain forests prevalent in drier climes. From 40,000 years ago, the crater was gradually occupied by sclerophyll vegetation such as Casuarina and Eucalyptus, with the transition being completed 26,000 years ago. Around 10,000 years ago, evergreen vegetation once more regained dominance. Particles of charcoal dated from up to 38,000 years ago are believed to be the result of fires lit by Aboriginal Australians, and are coincident with the appearance of the sclerophyll vegetation and loss of regional megafauna.
French bayonet charge taken just before the Great War. Note the long needle-like épée bayonet, for the French Lebel Model 1886 rifle. With the appearance of the hiltless sword bayonet, such as the socket-mounted variety, their use on the end of the musket or rifle also became a hindrance during the reloading of the muzzle-loaded longarm, (a common problem to all muzzle-loading infantry weapons). A bayonet of similar style and dimension was used on the Lee–Enfield rifle of the early 20th century.
Mega wrote that Front Line was programmed poorly with "the appearance of having never met up with a gamestester", calling it "truly awful". Electronic Gaming Monthly and GamePro compared the game to Operation Wolf. Sega Force rated Front Line lowest within the six-pack, with a score of 22%. The magazine wrote that the bug game, Pest Control, would make players bored after ten minutes, and Mega said the game was not worth loading even once, giving it their lowest rating of the bunch: 12%.
Goddesses (l to r): Mammitu, Demeter, Isis, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Neith, Hestia and Bast With the appearance of the Bana- Mighdallian Amazons, the Olympians faced a new prospect. Though devout Amazons, these newest citizens of Themyscira do not worship the Greek gods. Renouncing them millennia ago, the tribe instead worship a combination of Egyptian and middle eastern deities. The central gods worshipped by the desert Amazons are: Isis (wisdom and magic), Mammitu (judgement bringer), Bast (nature and feminine), and Neith (mother figure and protection).
The fight begins, and the hero destroys his foe by knocking off three heads of the enemy at each turn. He hides all the heads under the bridge, while cutting up the corpse and sinking it in the Black Sea. He returns to their hut and ties the captured horse to Ivan Maid's Son, who wakes up in the morning and imagines the horse to be God's gift to him. The second night, the action is repeated with the appearance of the nine-headed monster.
From early days there was a small plaza in front of La Moneda, with a statue of Diego Portales and two fountains, with the Ministry of War opposite. With the appearance of tall buildings in the streets around the Ministry in the late 1920s including some large government buildings, it was decided to clear the entire block. More large government ministries followed either side of La Moneda in the 1930s. The square was planted with trees but was virtually used as a parking lot into the 1970s.
By the Psyren timeline, her attachment to Junas has grown into a deep love; because of this, Kagetora spare his life. ; :A mysterious figure with the appearance of a young woman, not much is known about Misura other than that she is a member of W.I.S.E.'s Council of Elders. She is not a human nor from the earth. When Misura's body begins to crack, it looks similar to the alien life form within the Ouroboros Meteor that hit the Earth in December of 2009.
The rods ran parallel to the bodies of the puppet then turned at a ninety degree angle to connect to the neck. While these rods were visible when the shadow was cast, they laid outside the shadow of the puppet; thus they did not interfere with the appearance of the figure. The rods attached at the necks to facilitate the use of multiple heads with one body. When the heads were not being used, they were stored in a muslin book or fabric lined box.
210 The Globe Hotel was built in 1857, with the appearance of an Italian palazzo. However, by the mid-1870s it was a squalid tenement crowded with Chinese residents. Just outside, Jackson Street was the Chinese red-light district, where unmarried men could visit "hundred-men's-wives". On February 7, 1900, Wong Chut King, the owner of a lumber yard, fell sick with what the Chinese doctors thought was typhus or gonorrhea, the latter a sexually transmitted disease common to Chinatown's residents at that time.
Spring's New Arrivals He was born in Brussels and attended the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels during 1827–29, where he studied under Joseph Paelinck and Florent Willems. His first attempts lithography date from 1827, and his reputation grew steadily with the appearance of his first portraits in the magazine L'Artiste in 1833. He collaborated with from 1835 until 1842 in producing a series of portraits of the Belgian House of Representatives. Louis Huard finished only 6 portraits, Baugniet doing the remainder.
F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1922 short story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is about a boy who was born with the appearance of a 70-year-old and who ages backwards. This short story is thought to be inspired by progeria. The description of the fictitious Smallweed family in the Charles Dickens' Bleak House suggests the characters suffered from progeria. Christopher Snow, the main character in Dean Koontz's Moonlight Bay Trilogy, suffers from xeroderma pigmentosum, as does Luke from the 2002 novel Going Out by Scarlett Thomas.
She described how girls upon puberty underwent a period of training of four to twelve months during which they engaged in seclusion, fasting, training in manners, and instruction in making a ceremonial outfit or object. At the end of this period, females engaged in the custom of “coming out”, dressed in a hooded leather robe, to signal entry into womanhood. Florence Shotridge concluded her essay by noting that with the appearance of Christian missionaries, who disapproved of these practices, the customs that she described were vanishing.
Growth of Zostera noltii starts in the spring with the appearance of new leaves and the lengthening and branching of the rhizome. Dense beds of shoots appear with seagrass meadows covering the intertidal flats during the summer, and at this time, flowering takes place. By autumn growth has stopped and over the winter most of the leaves either get broken off or are eaten by birds so that the only parts left are the submerged rhizomes. A clump of rhizomes may live for many years.
Tuareg men A tagelmust, worn by a man A cheche, worn by a French woman The tagelmust (also known as cheich, cheche and litham) is an indigo-dyed cotton garment, with the appearance of both a veil and a turban. The cloth may exceed ten meters in length. It is mostly worn by Tuareg Berber men, the Hausa of the far northern Sahel region and the Songhai. In recent times, other colors have come into use, with the indigo veils saved for use on special occasions.
The original Mosquito prototype, which drew Lord Nuffield's "poached egg" comment, was designed with similar proportions to prewar cars, being relatively narrow for its length. In late 1947, with Cowley already tooling up for production, Issigonis was unhappy with the appearance of the car. He had the prototype cut lengthways and the two halves moved apart until it looked "right". The production model was thus 4 inches (10 cm) wider than the prototype, and in keeping with Issigonis' design principles, this further improved interior space and roadholding.
The slow movement that opens with the appearance of a muted trumpet followed by a melody developed and later imitated over tremolos and trills, resembles a nocturne. The middle, scherzo-like part is based on a prominent motive, later transformed to imply a caricatured waltz. The final movement is conceived in the form of a Rondo with three themes ending with an energetic bass bassoon solo. Sonatina for piano (1926), with its prominent historicist and modernist tendencies represents one of the most performed works by Predrag Milošević.
The presence of the Galician language in journalism contributed enormously to its prestige. In the year 1876 "O Tío Marcos da Portela" is published, edited and promoted by Valentín Lamas Carvajal, the pioneer of newspapers written entirely in Galician. The success of this newspaper, which was marked with a nature of tyranny, was spectacular. Between the years 1886 and 1888 journalism in Galicia was gradually consolidated, with the appearance of new monolingual initiatives: “O Galiciano” in Pontevedra; "A Monteira" in Lugo; and "As Burgas" in Ourense.
Justus Jonas, who had originally translated the Apology from Latin into German, made use of both the quarto and the octavo editions. The other reason for the differences is the "looseness" of the Jonas translation that is more like a paraphrase than a translation.Roland F. Ziegler, "The New English Translation of The Book of Concord (Augsburg/Fortress 2000): Locking the Barn Door After ...," Concordia Theological Quarterly, 66 (April 2002) 2:150. With the appearance of the 1930 Bekenntnisschriften critical text a new English version was deemed desirable.
For example, with the appearance of the Cuco de los Sueños we see magical realism avant la lettre, which permits the evocation of cities of the past, those which are now buried under other cities.José Mejía, 2000, pp. 714 The apparent fluidity of time and space also invoke the sensation that the logic of magical realism had been brewing in the work of Asturias. Similarly, Selena Millares describes the world of Leyendas as watching the world through the reflection of a sub-terrain riverSelena Millares, 2000, pp.
There are usually two to three broods in a year, but in northern areas, the species may be univoltine. In some places such as the UK, some will pupate and emerge in the same year and others will overwinter as pupae before emerging the following year, a situation known as being partially bivoltine. The caterpillar spends the first part of its life with the appearance of a bird dropping, an effective defense against predators. As the caterpillar grows larger, it becomes green with black and orange markings.
The reaction usually occurs in three stages, beginning with the appearance of an erythematous area at the site of injury, followed by development of a flare surrounding the site; finally a wheal forms at the site as fluid leaks under the skin from surrounding capillaries. CUS has been categorized as an immediate hypersensitivity reaction with IgE (a type of anti-body) playing a crucial role in its pathogenesis. Investigations dealing with CUS seem to suggest that a percentage of urticarias encompass a contact mechanism.
The markers were made from stone, and were made to appear like the outline of the traditional boat tataya. Inspection of the Chuhangin and Nakamaya sites in Batanes reveals that the markers were oriented in a Northwest-Southeast direction. Principal site investigators also discovered that the bow of the markers pointed towards the sea. But apparently, when the storms cease to pound on the islands of Batanes, the bow of the boats align with the appearance of the band of the Milky Way Galaxy.
See also Diocese of Skopje Assumption of Our Lady Church, in Strumica. The first period of the Christianity in North Macedonia begins with the appearance of Christianity in Europe. Paul the Apostle was missionary at this time. Christianity was present in these areas illustrated by the fact that the Council of Nicea (325), signed between the Assembly's fathers, and the Bishop of Dacosta Scupi (Skopje) was mentioned as bishop in charge of Dardania (Europe) province, whose capital is Skopje, and extends from Niš until Veles (city).
Following Kodansha's decision to publish in North America through an imprint, Kodansha USA released a four-volume omnibus edition from June 2012 to June 2013. The series has been well received by English-language readers, with the appearance of three volumes and one omnibus on various bestseller lists and the series appearing twice on ICv2's annual list of the top twenty-five manga properties. Critical reception ranged from positive to lukewarm, and the series won the 2006 Kodansha Manga Award for children's manga.
Momo became the daughter of a young childless couple, accompanied by three followers with the appearance of a dog (Sindbook), a monkey (Mocha) and a bird (Pipil). On Earth, Momo takes the appearance of a teenage girl. To help the planet regain its hopes and dreams, Momo transforms into an adult version of herself, with an occupation tailored to fit the situation (airline stewardess, police officer, football manager, veterinarian, and many more). Each time Momo succeeds in bringing happiness to the person affected, the Fenarinarsa crown shines.
In the 1950s, a permanent ticket-office was placed at the top of the ramp leading to Platform 1 (towards Birmingham). An older shelter at the top of this ramp built after the Second World War was converted into a toolshed, which it is used as today. Workers at the factory first used the station to travel to and from work, which kept the station open during the era of the Beeching Axe, but traffic became less with the appearance of the private car.
The old volcano was one of the central places where obsidian was found and worked for cutting tools and arrowheads. Even now the volcanic glass can be found on the sides of the mountain. The Neolithic began in Sardinia in the 6th millennium BC with the Cardial culture. Later, important cultures like the Ozieri culture and the Arzachena culture of the late Neolithic and the Abealzu-Filigosa and Monte Claro culture of the Chalcolithic period, developed in the island contemporaneously with the appearance of the megalithic phenomenon.
His hatred and influence stems from Oliver causes him to become a demonoid who attacks the school, forcing Shin to kill him in order to protect the campus. His father who was the Vice Minister of Finance Bureau resigned in grief. ; : :Oliver is the quintessential villain of the series who is a demonoid with the appearance of a young man with long silver hair and red eyes. Former known as Oliveira von Schtradius a head Duke of a royal family from the Bluesphere Empire.
The rods ran parallel to the bodies of the puppet then turned at a ninety degree angle to connect to the neck. While these rods were visible when the shadow was cast, they laid outside the shadow of the puppet; thus they did not interfere with the appearance of the figure. The rods attached at the necks to facilitate the use of multiple heads with one body. When the heads were not being used, they were stored in a muslin book or fabric lined box.
It narrows and the central barrier ends; a grass median taking its place between the opposing lanes. The land-use density continues to drop, with the appearance of some open spaces and farms interspersed with industrial and commercial buildings. By 19th Avenue, just north of the Honda Canada headquarters in Markham, the land-use is agricultural on both sides of Highway 404\. Highway 404 continues north, forming the eastern boundary of the municipalities of Richmond Hill, Aurora and Newmarket and the western boundary of Whitchurch-Stouffville.
While the route changes each year, the format of the race stays the same with the appearance of time trials, the passage through the mountain chains of the Pyrenees and the Alps, and the finish on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. The modern editions of the Tour de France consist of 21 day-long segments (stages) over a 23-day period and cover around . The race alternates between clockwise and counterclockwise circuits of France. There are usually between 20 and 22 teams, with eight riders in each.
In particular, the Diplura may be more closely related to the Insecta than to the Collembola (springtails) or the Protura. There is also some evidence suggesting that the hexapod groups may not share a common origin, and in particular that the Collembola belong elsewhere. Molecular analysis suggests that the hexapods diverged from their sister group, the Anostraca (fairy shrimps), at around the start of the Silurian period - coinciding with the appearance of vascular plants on land. The following cladogram is given by Kjer et al.
"It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry" is a song written by Bob Dylan, that was originally released on his album Highway 61 Revisited. It was recorded on July 29, 1965. The song was also included on an early, European Dylan compilation album entitled Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits 2. An earlier, alternate version of the song has been released, in different takes, beginning with the appearance of one take on The Bootleg Series Volumes 1–3 (Rare & Unreleased) 1961–1991 in 1991.
The thin rods which controlled their movements were attached to a leather collar at the neck of the puppet. The rods ran parallel to the bodies of the puppet then turned at a ninety degree angle to connect to the neck. While these rods were visible when the shadow was cast, they laid outside the shadow of the puppet; thus they did not interfere with the appearance of the figure. The rods attached at the necks to facilitate the use of multiple heads with one body.
One of the mechanisms of programmed cell death (PCD) is associated with the appearance of autophagosomes and depends on autophagy proteins. This form of cell death most likely corresponds to a process that has been morphologically defined as autophagic PCD. One question that constantly arises, however, is whether autophagic activity in dying cells is the cause of death or is actually an attempt to prevent it. Morphological and histochemical studies so far did not prove a causative relationship between the autophagic process and cell death.
Elsewhere the number of nobles was lower and many owned substantial property and wealth, being distinguished by their wealth more than by ancient concepts of estate. In Spain the distinction between the social classes diminished in the 18th century. The military justification of the nobles diminished with the appearance of a national army. The Bourbons opposed the political pretensions of the nobility, decreased its number, restricted its fiscal exemptions by indirect taxes, and decreed that work was compatible with noble status (Lynch, p. 226).
Kurosawa starts out as a cheater who puts weapons into his car, but he never wins a race that way. He flies to America and comes back even more vicious. However, with the appearance of Kai Okita and his Beak Spider, which possesses weapons more powerful than Kurosawa's, he decides to race normally and becomes a permanent ally of the protagonists. He is shown to have allies; three of them (as named in Summer GJC entry list in episode 26) are named Timota, Rokukawa, and Masa.
With the appearance of the palace came the return of the powerful sorcerer Hiruko, who was thought to have been defeated and sealed by the Oboro Clan long ago. He summoned hellspawn to wreak havoc upon the city, and all but destroyed the Oboro Clan. The city's residents became paralyzed with fear. With the Oboro Clan ravaged and Tokyo on the verge of collapse, Hotsuma placed himself at the heart of the chaos, determined to reach the mysterious Golden Palace and avenge the death of his clan.
Concern at the ambitions of the Saddam Hussein regime and at the possibility that Iraq was concealing aspects of its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program from United Nations inspection teams was common to the United States and all member states of the European Union. On the basis of this shared concern, Security Council Resolution 1441 was passed on November 9, 2002, with the appearance of unity within the EU. Evidence of a differing orientation toward the use of force among EU countries, however, was already discernible.
After performing a choreography based on Alberto Sordi and Monica Vitti's "Ma 'n do'... Hawaii", Casta joined Fazio for a tribute to Italian singer Enzo Jannacci, who ended with the appearance of Enzo's son, Paolo. After Raphael Gualazzi & The Bloody Beetroots performances, Raffaella Carrà appeared on stage, singing "Fun Fun Fun" and "Cha Cha Ciao". She also dueted with Luciana Littizzetto, performing "Rumore". Carrà also promoted the second season of the talent show The Voice of Italy, in which she appears as a coach.
As their name suggests, the bombs were designed with the appearance of jack-o'-lanterns. These varied in function from smoke bombs to traditional explosives, while the razor edged bat-shaped boomerangs-could cut through very durable surfaces and materials. The gloves of the Goblin uniform were fashioned with minuscule conductors that allowed for the release of electricity at nearly 10,000 amps of an undetermined voltage. Originally, Osborn used a mechanical broomstick to fly through the air during his first few exploits as the Green Goblin.
Tetragramma donaldtrumpi is a species of fossil sea urchins discovered and identified by William R. Thompson, Jr. in 2016. The specimen locality is from the Lower Cretaceous, Trinity Group, of the Glen Rose Formation near Fischer, Texas, in the United States. Based from the fossils discovered of Tetragramma donaldtrumpi, the species is known to have been about in size and round in shape, with the appearance of a Life Savers candy. The genus Tetragramma is known from the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) to the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian).
Superman: Doomsday is loosely based on "The Death of Superman"; to fit within a 75-minute runtime, the story was condensed and greatly altered. For example, the Justice League is not present and most aspects of "Reign of the Supermen!" were removed. The film was a commercial success and started the DC Universe Animated Original Movies line of direct-to-video releases. The DC Extended Universe series of films contains references to "The Death of Superman", beginning with the appearance of Superman's black suit in Man of Steel (2013).
The additive has gained notoriety for being used in energy drinks. As with other plants producing caffeine, the high concentration of caffeine is a defensive toxin that repels herbivores from the berry and its seeds. The colour of the fruit ranges from brown to red and it contains black seeds that are partly covered by white arils. The colour contrast when the fruit is split open has been compared with the appearance of eyeballs and has become the basis of an origin myth among the Sateré-Mawé people.
Today, the living Felidae are divided in two subfamilies: the Pantherinae and Felinae, with the Acinonychinae subsumed into the latter. Pantherinae includes five Panthera and two Neofelis species, while Felinae includes the other 34 species in ten genera. The first cats emerged during the Oligocene about , with the appearance of Proailurus and Pseudaelurus. The latter species complex was ancestral to two main lines of felids: the cats in the extant subfamilies and a group of extinct cats of the subfamily Machairodontinae, which include the saber-toothed cats such as the Smilodon.
H.B. Chandler, one of the first settlers, filed on land on the south side of town in 1903. When the railway arrived in the area, he applied for the site to be named “Southey”, after Robert Southey, one of his favourite English poets. From this point on, the town grew and developed with the appearance of the first stores, school, banks, elevators, barber shop, hardware and implement dealers, restaurants, lumber yard, telephone system, sidewalks, fire brigades and others in the 1905 - 1912 period. This growth allowed Southey to be incorporated in 1907-08.
The glaciation has left moraines and terraces in the area, with undulating hills lying close to the outlet of the lake. Poorly developed moraines with the appearance of tiny hills lie downstream of Laguna del Maule, and form small hills around the lake rising about above the lake level. Other climate changes in the Holocene such as the Little Ice Age are recorded from sediments in Laguna del Maule, such as a humid period in the 15th to 19th centuries. The landscape around Laguna del Maule is mostly desertic without trees.
They often have a deep fold down the center of the shell. The feature that gives the spiriferids their name ("spiral-bearers") is the internal support for the lophophore; this brachidium, which is often preserved in fossils, is a thin ribbon of calcite that is typically coiled tightly within the shell. Spiriferids first appear in the Late Ordovician with the appearance of Eospirifer radiatus. They increased in diversity throughout the Silurian and underwent a dramatic evolutionary radiation during the Devonian period, reaching peak development in variety and numbers.
Goods from the Caucasus (wool, lard, bread, flaxseed) were of particular interest to the inhabitants of Rostov-on- Don. In many respects the expansion of trade in Rostov-on-Don was promoted by the fairs that were held here in the 1840s—1850s. The fairs begin to be organized simultaneously with the appearance of the first settlements near Temernik River. In Autumn, a trade congress was organized here, which attracted the attention of local merchants and guests from the Ottoman Empire and Greece and from the residents of Zadonsk and Kuban steppes.
Sikander Verma / Sukku (Himesh Reshammiya) is an unemployed stuntman that was once forced to sell his sperm for money. Now he's faced with the appearance of a daughter from that donation, who tracked him down after bribing a ward boy. Initially unwilling to get to know her, Sukku and his daughter begin to bond- much to the chagrin of her wealthy mother, who wants nothing to do with men. Sukku and his daughter must now find a way to convince her mother that they are indeed a family and that not all men are bad.
The shape of the iris opening has a direct relation with the appearance of the blurred out-of-focus areas in an image called bokeh. A rounder opening produces softer and more natural out-of- focus areas. Some lenses utilize specially shaped diaphragms in order to create certain effects. This includes the diffusion discs or sieve aperture of the Rodenstock Tiefenbildner-Imagon, Fuji and Sima soft focus lenses, the sector aperture of Seibold's Dreamagon, or the circular apodization filter in the Minolta/Sony Smooth Trans Focus or Fujifilm APD lenses.
VisualNovelist of positively compared the game's visual quality to Everlasting Summer, another independent visual novel with the appearance of a professional production. Reviewers pointed out that the game's horror was built on the destruction of a sense of control over what happens in the game and the feeling of helplessness that stems from the distortions in the game's world. Victoria Rose of Polygon stated that this approach was strikingly different from traditional horror games and films, where the viewer remains alienated from what is happening on the screen.
When Jost published his first historical work, Jewish historiography was still in its infancy. Of older works, that of Jacques Basnage was the best; the sources had not yet been collected; and for the religious history the unsystematic and uncritical works of the chroniclers were the only guide and source. It was inevitable that, with the appearance of Zunz's monographs and the numerous similar works, published either independently or in magazines, the work of Jost should soon become antiquated. He recognized this himself at the end of his life by taking up the work again.
Water voles are usually found within 5 to 10 m from waterways. They form a polygynous social group, in which females tend to stay within their territory, which does not overlap other females, and males travel between burrows to reproduce with several females. Because of this system, males travel over a much larger home range than females, and they tend to be more aggressive than females, with aggressiveness coinciding with breeding patterns. Estrus is induced by contact with reproductively active males, and tends to first coincide with the appearance of vegetation in the spring.
The ceremony was inaugurated by Dr. Ir. Dodi Nandika Secretary General of the Ministry of National Education. Being relatively new, UMN had conferred degrees to its first batch of graduates on Saturday, 26 November 2011, with the appearance of Minister for Tourism and Creative Economy, Mari Elka Pangestu, who gave speech on this occasion. Two bachelors from the first batch were given international scholarships to continue with their studies. The following universities, Tokyo Denki University Japan and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Malaysia, both give a full tuition scholarship for these talented bachelors.
Vietnamese patriots realized the potential of Quốc Ngữ as a useful tool to quickly reduce illiteracy and to educate the masses. The traditional Chinese scripts or the Nôm script were seen as too cumbersome and too difficult to learn. The use of prose in literature also became popular with the appearance of many novels; most famous were those from the Tự Lực Văn Đoàn literary circle. As the French suppressed both movements, and after witnessing revolutionaries in action in China and Russia, Vietnamese revolutionaries began to turn to more radical paths.
Due to being designed at the time of the space-cadet keyboard, X11 defined the shift states "Meta", "Super", and "Hyper" (along with "Shift" and "Control" and "Alt" which were commonly available on keyboards). Initially on PC hardware it was just impossible to produce these shift states as there was no key to push for them. The only software that commonly used these modifiers was Emacs. With the appearance of keyboards with the Windows key there was now a key available on standard keyboards that could be used for one of these.
This permits landscape photography with the appearance of an extremely large depth of field — from closest foreground to the far horizon — to be achieved, by aligning the plane of focus with the subject plane of interest, using the Scheimpflug principle. Compared with 35 mm, the main drawbacks are accessibility and price. While 35-mm cameras, film, and photo finishing services are generally widely available and cheap, medium format is usually limited to professional photography shops and can be prohibitively expensive. Also, medium-format cameras tend to be bulkier than their 35mm counterpart.
Thyrotroph embryonic factor is a protein that in humans is encoded by the TEF gene. Thyrotroph embryonic factor (TEF), a transcription factor, is a member of the PAR (proline and acidic amino acid-rich) subfamily of basic region/leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors. It is expressed in a broad range of cells and tissues in adult animals, however, during embryonic development, TEF expression appears to be restricted to the developing anterior pituitary gland, coincident with the appearance of thyroid- stimulating hormone, beta (TSHB). Indeed, TEF can bind to, and transactivate the TSHB promoter.
In the absence of targets worthy of torpedoes, the submarine contented herself with the destruction of floating mines and with the sinking of two tiny trawlers on 28 March. Early on 3 April, an enemy bomber forced her to dive, and she ran submerged for the remainder of the day. That evening, she surfaced once again and soon made radar contact with a good-sized target. The fact the enemy ship carried radar, coupled with the appearance of a second target larger than the first, indicated she was some type of warship escorting a merchantman.
The choreography was by Robert Alton, costumes by Raoul Pene du Bois and the set was by Albert Johnson. The cast featured William Gaxton, Victor Moore, Sophie Tucker, Mary Martin, Tamara Drasin, and Alexander Asro. In his first Broadway show, Gene Kelly had a role as a dancer and Secretary to Mr. Goodhue.Krebs, Albin. "Gene Kelly, Dancer of Vigor and Grace, Dies" New York Times, February 3, 1996 The original production ended with the appearance of Joseph Stalin, who led a final dance to the Soviet anthem The Internationale.
A woman that Barda, Lief and Jasmine discover in a castle in the mountains. She was Mariette's sister and Bede's girlfriend until Bede fell in love with Mariette and chose her sister over her. This made Kirsten bitter with resentment and so she allied herself to the Shadow Lord for vengeance. The Shadow Lord gave Kirsten evil magical powers and thus she became the Masked One, now a sorceress with the appearance of a black-cloaked figure with a green mask and pale hands that could kill others just by touching them.
Her Viper is hit by debris and she is knocked out. She experiences a conversation with an Avatar with the appearance of Leoben set in her apartment on Caprica. The avatar forces Kara to confront her past, the abuse she received from her mother and the guilt she feels for leaving her mother to die alone. The avatar comments Kara has been running from her past just as she has been running away from death for her entire life and implies eventually she will have to confront her fears and her "destiny".
Demeanour, and later the punk band Demon Preacher (later known as the Demons). Alien Sex Fiend recorded a cassette (The Lewd, the Mad, the Ugly and Old Nick) with Youth of Killing Joke, which brought them to the attention of the UK music press, along with the appearance of their track "R.I.P." on the Batcave club compilation, The Batcave: Young Limbs and Numb Hymns 1983, released by London Records in 1983. They signed to the Cherry Red sub-label Anagram Records, releasing their first single, "Ignore the Machine", in August 1983.
In 2005, she started collaborating with the funk band Rich Bitch and with them, in 2008, released the album 10.Rich Bitch official website During the 1980s, funk influences could also be found in the works of Idoli and Disciplina Kičme. In the following decades funk rock was again popularized in Serbia with the appearance of Deca Loših Muzičara and Plejboj in the 1990s. Formed in 1988, Deca Loših Muzičara played a combination of funk and rock, found on their albums Dobar dan (1992), and Prolećni dan (1995).
In December 2016, Blockberry Creative announced the debut of a new group called "8x8x8", which would follow up from the ongoing debut project of girl group LOONA. This name originated from the fact that they would debut on August 8, 2018. Along with this, Blockberry Creative also announced they would begin holding auditions from January 2017 to determine the lineup of this group. The next year, in April 2017, the first of these trainees was revealed, with the appearance of leader Love in the music video for ViVi of LOONA's solo album.
In 1928, Webb and his three sisters (Mavis, Claudia, and Leonie) were sent to live with their paternal grandparents, Charles and Amy Webb-Wagg, in Sydney. Webb wrote his first poems as a birthday present for his paternal grandmother when he was seven years old, under the tutelage of an aunt who died before she could see them in print. When Webb was 14 years old his much loved grandfather died. Webb's first major individual publication came with the appearance of 'Palace of Dreams' in The Bulletin (10 June 1942).
ASASSN-15lh (supernova designation SN 2015L) is an extremely luminous astronomical transient discovered by the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN), with the appearance of a superluminous supernova event. It was first detected on June 14, 2015, located within a faint galaxy in the southern constellation Indus, and was the most luminous supernova-like object ever observed. At its peak, ASASSN-15lh was 570 billion times brighter than the Sun, and 20 times brighter than the combined light emitted by the Milky Way Galaxy. The emitted energy was exceeded by PS1-10adi.
After this explosive phase the eruption changed character to a more effusive one marked by rhyodacitic blocky and Aa type lava flows emitted from the vents along the N135° trending fissure. A third phase followed with the appearance of short north-north west (N165°) oriented vents transverse to the main fissure which also erupted rhyodacitic lava. The third phase ended temporarily with viscous lava obstructing the vents, but continued soon with explosive activity restricted to the Gris and El Azufral craters. The eruption came to an end on 22 July.
Lyza and Ozen subsequently brought Riko back from the depths of the abyss using a relic regarded as the 'Curse Repelling Vessel'. However, as a result of the Curse, Riko wears glasses as she develops a headache if she does not view the world through a crystal lens.Made In Abyss Manga: Chapter 5 ; : :An amnesic robot with the appearance of a human boy. He can also consume organic food despite being a machine. Having no memory of his own name, he was named “Reg” after a dog Riko used to own.
Nick makes a brief appearance in season five, heckling Mayor Tommy Carcetti’s ribbon-cutting ceremony for the conversion of a derelict grain pier into condos and waterfront commercial space, contrary to what his uncle Frank had hoped. This, together with the appearance of Johnny Fifty in a homeless encampment earlier in the season, suggests that the port has been continuing job cuts since season two. No information about Nick's life is provided, although Simon has since said that Nick left the witness protection program after missing his friends and family.
However, there is no evidence that this prank took place on the nights in question. Other explanations for the incident have included a downed Soviet spy satellite, but no evidence has been produced to support this. The most plausible sceptical explanation is that the sightings were due to a combination of three main factors. The initial sighting at 03.00 on 26 December, when the airmen saw something apparently descending into the forest, coincided with the appearance of a bright fireball over southern England, and such fireballs are a common source of UFO reports.
The trial continued with the appearance of Jay Warren, 48, the former Magistrate of Pitcairn, and Terry Young, 45. Warren held the office of Magistrate, which had since been renamed mayor, for most of the 1990s. The 48-year-old Warren was accused of indecently assaulting a 12-year-old girl in 1983. The woman (name suppressed), who was 33 at the time of the trial, testified by video link from New Zealand, where she lived, that Warren had accosted her while she was body-surfing with friends in Bounty Bay after school.
Two recordings of "flexile panoptiosis" are projected onto the façade of the Kunsthalle. The first recording shows the shadows of performers through a lace curtain. The second recording provides an overhead view of the same performance, which appears horizontally and parallel to the first recording. The performance, which takes place in the interior of the building, starts with the appearance of a queen, who is wearing items of fashion that visually symbolize her authority, including a ruffed collar and an elaborate gown, moving across the stage trailed by a procession of followers.
Team members assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion, Gulfport, Miss., give a set of BDUs with her name on them to Chef Cat Cora Iron Chef America first aired as a special titled Iron Chef America: Battle of the Masters. Unlike Iron Chef USA, Iron Chef America quickly earned legitimacy with the appearance of Iron Chefs Hiroyuki Sakai and Masaharu Morimoto. (Chen Kenichi was also originally slated to appear, but he was absent due to a scheduling conflict.) The first Battle of the Masters involved Sakai and Flay, with the theme of trout.
With the appearance of the Oxford Movement in the Anglican Church, a revival in the traditional rituals and religious observances associated with Christmastide occurred.Ronald Hutton Stations of the Sun: The Ritual Year in England. 1996. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 113. . This ushered in "the development of richer and more symbolic forms of worship, the building of neo- Gothic churches, and the revival and increasing centrality of the keeping of Christmas itself as a Christian festival" as well as "special charities for the poor" in addition to "special services and musical events".
Her fervent pursuit of making augmented reality a "safe place" stems from her re-opening the portal to the other side in her early days of hacking, thus initiating the constant battle between obsolete and new space. ; : : Daichi is the founder and leader of a group of pranksters at school called the Daikoku Hackers' Club. Hot-headed and quick to take offense, he holds an ongoing love/hate rivalry with Fumie stemming from early childhood. With the appearance of Isako, Daichi quickly finds himself defeated and cast out of his own group after challenging her.
The model attracted attention, "but was too complex for regular production." An unusual use for the cars was to tour colleges as a marketing tool for Ford. After reactions from potential customers and focus groups had demonstrated that the original concept of the Mustang I had limited appeal to the general public, a completely new concept car, the Mustang II, appeared in 1963. With the appearance of this Mustang II concept car, the original "Mustang" concept car became the Mustang I. Both cars were from Eugene Bordinat's Advanced Design group, which developed 13 Mustang concepts.
The post-emergence phase is the time between the emergence of the first adult and the abandonment of the colony, and reproductive episodes usually occur during this phase as well. Females typically emerge first, meaning that the initiation of the post- emergence phase coincides with the appearance of the first female. Males begin to emerge after females, but any female that happens to emerge with these males are considered to be worker females. Between 77 and 196 days after the foundation of the colony, the initial dominant female will abandon the colony.
Cars which became surplus due to the use of shorter configurations were converted into the 115 series 3500 subseries. This was the first reduction in the number of 117 series cars. 117 series cars retained in special rapid service were used only in early morning and late night runs because of their 115 km/h limit and door configuration. With the appearance of the 223 series in the May 11, 1999, timetable, capable of operating at between Nishi-Akashi and Kusatsu, 117 series trains were withdrawn from special rapid service.
651 and on a manuscript copied in 1797 AD (1212 AH) by Shlomo ben Ṭobiah, which he could not buy but was able to view for a few hours in Nablus. In 1870, Moritz Heidenheim, apparently unaware of Neubauer's publication of the year before, published his own edition of the Tolidah. In 1954, John Bowman, claiming to have seen a manuscript with "the appearance of antiquity" that he believed to be the original Tolidah, published a new edition. He did not give a date or name the scribe of the manuscript.
China's first-generation tank development program failed to meet the PLA's performance requirements. These technical shortcomings coincided with the appearance of the T-72 tank in Russia, which influenced Chinese defense officials and contributed to their decision to begin development of a new indigenous MBT in the early 1980s. This new program was to lead to the development of the Type 80/85 family by 1988. Chinese Type 85-IIM Tank, Export version of Type 96 tank. The Type 80 prototypes were accepted into PLA service as the Type 88A/B.
German ship mills on the Rhine at Cologne, around 1411. Largely unaffected from the turbulent political events following the demise of the Western Roman Empire, the importance of watermilling continued to grow under the new Germanic lords. The sharp rise in numbers of early medieval watermills coincided with the appearance of new documentary genres (legal codes, monastic charters, hagiography) which were more inclined to address such a relatively mundane device than the ancient urban-centered literary class had been. This partly explains the relative abundance of medieval literary references to watermills compared to former times.
With the appearance of this new group of westerners, the faction of the Lords of the South grow restless. They send a politically charged gift to the Emperor, a storyteller who tells a vivid, allegorical tale of a brave young emperor who frees himself from his cowardly Shogun. Fifteen years pass as Kayama and Manjiro dress themselves for tea. As Manjiro continues to dress in traditional robes for the tea ceremony, Kayama gradually adopts the manners, culture and dress of the newcomers, proudly displaying a new pocket watch, cutaway coat and "A Bowler Hat".
The images are titled for the sounds they represent, such as "Bus Horn G#" and "Resonant Frequency of Main Garage F", and appear on the exteriors of two CATS facility buildings. Due to time and budget constraints, the work was created with 3M chrome film that simulates the reflective quality of O'Neal's mirrored paint, causing the appearance of the work to change with the appearance of the sky. In 2012, the work was named one of the 50 best public art projects by Americans for the Arts (AFTA).
By 1939 there were 148 credit unions in Nova Scotia, 68 in New Brunswick, and 37 in Prince Edward Island. The Nova Scotian League with many other credit union leagues emerged in the late 1930s. It later joined the Credit Union National Association in the United States, and as a response to that, the nationalist group from Acadians soon developed their own credit union central and insurance company. The movement got even more power with the appearance of insurance and trust companies in the 1940s and 1950s in Québec, Ontario and Saskatchewan.
The 1960s saw the emergence of a new Soviet football elite in Torpedo Moscow and Dynamo Kyiv. While Moscow's automakers did not manage to grow into perennial challengers, the team from the Ukrainian capital became an unofficial feeder for the Soviet national team, replacing Dynamo Moscow. Dynamo Kyiv's success as a Ukrainian club was supplemented in the 1980s with the appearance of Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk led by its striker Oleh Protasov who set a new record for goals scored in a season. In 1984, Zenit Leningrad became Soviet champions for the first time.
If this is eaten quickly, the pond 'evolves'. In Colony 1 this means the introduction of jellyfish (similar to the hydra but stay at the top of the pond), the dumping of radioactive waste (which leaves the sides and bed of the pond deadly) and finally a move to Colony 2. This begins with the same hazards as Colony 1 but with a more complicated pond with an underwater cave area which makes swimming about more difficult. The pond continues to 'evolve', first with the appearance of your first frog.
Dong's original painting The painting depicts the inaugural ceremony of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949. The focus is on Mao, who stands on Tiananmen Gate's balcony, reading his proclamation into (originally) two microphones. Dong took some liberties with the appearance of Tiananmen Gate, opening up the space in front of Mao to grant the chairman a more direct connection with his people, something that architect Liang Sicheng deemed a mistake for a builder, but artistically brilliant. Five doves fly into the sky to Mao's right.
Because the first convoys lacked air cover, the slow and lightly armed He 115 was less vulnerable than near the English coast. With the appearance of carriers and escort carriers, coupled with new Soviet heavy fighters like the Petlyakov Pe-3bis, Luftwaffe air superiority over the convoys was challenged and losses increased. He 115 shot down by de Havilland Mosquito. Apart from its use as a minelayer and torpedo bomber, the He 115 was used for coastal reconnaissance and by KG 200 to drop agents behind enemy lines.
In place of the Donetsk steppe, overgrown with chamomile and feather grass, a mining town is being developed. Brigadier of the youth mine Grigory Griva is in love with comrade Lyuda and therefore often openly sneers at her organizational skills. But when he is alone with her, he becomes timid and shy, for which he is angry with himself and makes up new pranks. The second story is connected with the appearance of Christina in the mining town, a beautiful but closed-minded girl who falls under the influence of the presbyter of the sect.
A 3 July 1935 resolution from the Presidium of Lensovet set out the vision for the future of the necropolis museums. > the Tikhvin cemetery and the Literary Walk [in the Volkovo Cemetery] ... > after the reconstruction will be turned into necropolis parks of a > remarkable and revolutionary culture, with the appearance of parks. Freed > from ordinary graves, they will not be of a graveyard nature at all, but > will actually represent extensive, architecturally decorated green spaces, > sometimes decorated with certain monuments standing on the graves above > these wonderful people.
With the appearance of Allied tanks, the German Army were quick to introduce new anti-tank defense detachments within the pioneer battalions of the infantry divisions. These were initially issued 1.3 cm caliber long barrel rifles firing solid shot. However, these suffered from fouling after 2–3 rounds and had a recoil that was unsustainable by the mechanism or the rifleman. Stick grenades were used to destroy the tracks by individual pioneers, however this required accompanying machine-gunners to first separate the supporting Allied infantry line from the tanks, which proved difficult.
Twelfth Night, or, What You Will is a videotaped 1988 television adaptation of Kenneth Branagh's stage production for the Renaissance Theatre Company of William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night first broadcast in the UK by ITV on 30 December 1988.Michael Brooke "Twelfth Night (1988)", BFI screenonline Made by Thames Television, in collaboration with Renaissance, it stars Frances Barber as Viola and Richard Briers as Malvolio. The recording was shot on a single set with the appearance of a wintry garden. The costumes are Victorian, and the time of year is Christmas.
The development of the "direct market" distribution system in the 1970s coincided with the appearance of comic-book specialty stores across North America. These specialty stores were a haven for more distinct voices and stories, but they also marginalized comics in the public eye. Serialized comic stories became longer and more complex, requiring readers to buy more issues to finish a story. In the mid-to-late 1980s, two series published by DC Comics, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen, had a profound impact upon the American comic-book industry.
A few of the streams of the Pacific slope actually rise in the highlands, and force a way through the Sierra Madre at the bottom of deep ravines. One large river, the Chixoy or Salinas River, escapes northwards towards the Gulf of Mexico. The relief of the mountainous country which lies north of the Highlands and drains into the Atlantic is varied by innumerable terraces, ridges and underfalls; but its general configuration is compared by E. Reclus with the appearance of "a stormy sea breaking into parallel billows".Universal Geography, ed.
The game begins with the appearance of the four youthful Light Warriors, the heroes of the story, who each carry one of the darkened Orbs. Initially, the Light Warriors have access to the Kingdom of Coneria and the ruined Temple of Fiends. After the Warriors rescue Princess Sara from the evil knight Garland, the King of Coneria builds a bridge that enables the Light Warriors' passage east to the town of Pravoka. There the Light Warriors liberate the town from Bikke and his band of pirates and acquire the pirates' ship for their own use.
When the film was released, the staff at Variety gave the film a generally favorable review, writing. They wrote, "The Capture is an offbeat drama, with psychological overtones, that plays off against the raw and rugged background of Mexican locales. Picture kicks off with a wallop ... Ayres and Teresa Wright are very capable in the lead characters, adding to the general realism given the story because of the locales used. One of the interesting touches to the film is the incidental native music hauntingly spotted with the appearance of a blind guitar player."Variety.
The Shadows influenced 1960s Yugoslav beat bands like Crni Biseri, Elipse, Iskre, Siluete, Tomi Sovilj i Njegove Siluete and Zlatni Dečaci, all of whom were the pioneers of the Yugoslav rock scene. In the words of Crni Biseri member Vladimir Janković "Jet" (who got his nickname after Harris), "even the Beatles weren't as popular in Belgrade as the Shadows were". The second episode of Rockovnik, a Serbian 2011 documentary series about the Yugoslav rock scene, deals with the appearance of the Shadows and the influence they had on Yugoslav bands.
" Enrique Murciano portrayed Ziva's boyfriend Ray Cruz during the eighth and ninth seasons. The character of Erica Jane "EJ" Barrett (Sarah Jane Morris) was set to be introduced in the episode "One Last Score", which also marked Weatherly's directing debut. Weatherly divulged, "With the appearance of EJ, suddenly there's a renewed spirit that Tony has always had in him – it's what made him to go Africa and rescue Ziva with McGee. [Sometimes] he acts like a goofball because that's what people expect, but in this episode he comes away from that place.
Bybee Pottery, historically known also as Cornelison Pottery, is a historic industrial facility in Bybee, Kentucky, United States. Located in a vernacular structure with the appearance of a barn, Cornelison is among the oldest pottery manufacturers west of the Appalachian Mountains still in operation. The facility now uses a modern kiln. and Founded in 1809 according to local lore, the pottery's earliest years are undocumented; the earliest clear references to the facility are sales records from 1845, but even this date demonstrates that Cornelison is Madison County's oldest industry.
Kachina dolls are small brightly painted wooden "dolls" which are miniature representations of the masked impersonators. These figurines are given to children not as toys, but as objects to be treasured and studied so that the young Hopis may become familiar with the appearance of the kachinas as part of their religious training. During Kachina ceremonies, each child receives their own doll. The dolls are then taken home and hung up on the walls or from the rafters of the house, so that they can be constantly seen by the children.
AIDS stands for acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome which is not a proper name, while Aids is in the style of one. Some style manuals also base the letters' case on their number. The New York Times, for example, keeps "NATO" in all capitals (while several guides in the British press may render it "Nato"), but uses lower case in "Unicef" (from "United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund") because it is more than four letters, and to style it in caps might look ungainly (flirting with the appearance of "shouting capitals").
Both pairs of Brothers Grimm had powers which were somehow related to the Brothers Grimm mannequins built by Nathan Dolly. Both pairs of Brothers Grimm possess the ability to conjure, with the appearance of sleight of hand, a variety of small novelty items from within their costumes. Each of these items has a unique offensive capability; long strands of nearly unbreakable thread, corrosive filled eggs, pies filled with blackbirds, paralytic "stardust", fast-growing bean seeds, and many others have been used. They could also emit poisonous smoke from their hands.
The episodes revolve around the Hastings family who owns and directs a funeral home and the cemetery in the sleepy town of La Rochelle, Georgia. The basement of the family home provides space for the city morgue as well where Tilly, the medical examiner, works. Having long been hunters of the supernatural, the Hastings and Tilly make sure that Infernals don't wreak havoc among the human populace. Things start to unravel when Friday the 13th arrives, with the appearance of the Hastings' oldest son who left the family sixteen years ago.
With the appearance of the first oral contraceptives in 1960, dissenters in the church argued for a reconsideration of the church positions. In 1963 Pope John XXIII established a commission of six European non-theologians to study questions of birth control and population. Neither John XXIII nor Paul VI wanted the almost three thousand bishops and other clerics then in Rome for the Second Vatican Council to address the birth control issue even though many of these bishops expressed their desire to bring this pressing pastoral issue before the council.
Generally, earlier manifestation of the disease correlates with poorer language recovery, and with the appearance of night seizures that last for longer than 36 months. LKS has a wide range of symptom differences and lacks a uniformity in diagnostic criteria between cases, and many studies don't include follow-ups on the patients, so no other relationships between symptoms and recovery have been made known. Language deterioration in patients typically occurs over a period of weeks or months. However, acute onset of the condition has also been reported as well as episodic aphasia.
Cheap Trick was being booked regularly at clubs in the Midwest for $100 a night ($ in dollars) and was getting some repeat bookings. About late 1973 or early 1974, Carlos still sported hair down to his shoulders and a scraggly beard. He now cut his hair short, and began sporting a "bandit" mustache. The members of the Cheap Trick were also impressed with the appearance of David Bowie (then using his "Thin White Duke" persona on stage), Electric Light Orchestra, and Roxy Music, and made a conscious decision to begin dressing better on stage.
A replica was built for a 2006 AT&T; commercial. David Lightman was modeled on David Scott Lewis, a hacking enthusiast Parkes and Lasker met. Falken was inspired by and named after Stephen Hawking, with the appearance of John Lennon, who was interested in the role, but was murdered in New York while the script was in development. General Beringer was based on General James V. Hartinger (USAF) the then- commander-in-chief of NORAD, whom Parkes and Lasker met while visiting the base, and who, like Beringer, favored keeping humans in the decision loop.
The Machine wheel, optional on 1970 AMX Among its standard performance features, all The Machine models included a special set of wheels with the appearance of a cast alloy wheel. Painted silver metal-flake with a rough texture, they have a mag-style appearance. AMC described them as "15-inch styled road wheels" in brochures and catalogs. Enthusiasts call them "Machine wheels" and the wheel's came with a chrome center cap adorned with a blue trim disc featuring a gear icon in the center and the words American Motors around it.
The station was put up for auction by the owners, Elsey Downs Ltd., in 1951 and was advertised as covering an area of and was stocked with 26,000 head of cattle. The auctioneer tried to open the bidding at £200,000 but could only attract a bid of £140,000 from an agent acting on behalf of a Victorian syndicate, who assured that all historic landmarks on the property would be preserved. During the 1960s, Brahman cattle were introduced to the property which coincided with the appearance of Parkinsonia weeds at Elsey.
The blastula stage of early embryo development begins with the appearance of the blastocoel. The origin of the blastocoel in Xenopus has been shown to be from the first cleavage furrow, which is widened and sealed with tight junctions to create a cavity. In many organisms the development of the embryo up to this point and for the early part of the blastula stage is controlled by maternal mRNA, so called because it was produced in the egg prior to fertilization and is therefore exclusively from the mother.
The building sits low to the ground on a concrete slab and is constructed of painted, load-bearing concrete blocks with the appearance of vermiculated ashlar. A low masonry wall and cast iron fence runs along the front boundary of the site, attaching to the corners of the front elevation. Two sets of gates defined by pairs of masonry piers lead to the entrances of the War Memorial and Soldier's Room. Each wall of the building has a centrally located, moulded pediment whose shape is reflected in a parapet wall above.
Big Mouth House - Created in 2008 to publish works of fiction for all ages. The imprint first began publishing with the appearance of a complete collection of celebrated English novelist Joan Aiken's Armitage Family short stories, originally published separately between 1953 and 1984. Peapod Classics - Created in 2004 to reprint classic works of fiction. To date the imprint has published three volumes, debuting with the influential first novel of Carol Emshwiller, Carmen Dog, a feminist work first published by Mercury House in 1990 and out of print since then.
Outflow boundaries can be seen either as fine lines on weather radar imagery or else as arcs of low clouds on weather satellite imagery. From the ground, outflow boundaries can be co- located with the appearance of roll clouds and shelf clouds. Outflow boundaries create low-level wind shear which can be hazardous during aircraft takeoffs and landings. If a thunderstorm runs into an outflow boundary, the low-level wind shear from the boundary can cause thunderstorms to exhibit rotation at the base of the storm, at times causing tornadic activity.
When more heroes arrived to help, Red Onslaught revealed that he influenced Stark to create a model of Sentinels, based on the knowledge of different super heroes he acquired after the Civil War before erasing the latter's memories of constructing them. Red Onslaught then deployed his Stark Sentinels to fight the heroes. With the appearance of the Stark Sentinels, the tide of the battle was quickly turned to Red Onslaught's favor. Using their opponents' own strengths against them, the Sentinels countered the heroes, bathing them in Pym Particles to shrink them and hold them prisoner.
Now famous artists like Bernard Hislaire, Zep, Tome, Janry or Midam debut or still publish in the magazine. But next to the magazine, Dupuis, like all the other editors, targets the older audience as well with a collection of graphic novels. Both Lombard and Dupuis have since been bought by the French media concern Média Participations, but retain a large degree of independence. In Flanders, this period started with the appearance of two new successful newspaper comics, Bakelandt by Hec Leemans and the extremely successful Kiekeboe by Merho.
Koch was a lifelong bachelor, and his sexual orientation became an issue in the 1977 mayoral election with the appearance of placards and posters (disavowed by the Cuomo campaign) with the slogan "Vote for Cuomo, Not the Homo." Koch denounced the attack. Writer and LGBT rights activist Larry Kramer, who often criticized Koch for not doing more about the HIV/AIDS crisis in the city, publicly alleged that Koch was a closet homosexual. In 1989, Koch was interviewed about a book he had coauthored with Cardinal John J. O'Connor.
Much of the trade networks was with the Arabian peninsula. Kilwa Kisiwani reached its highest point in wealth and commerce between 13th and 15th centuries CE. Evidence of growth in wealth can be seen with the appearance of stone buildings around the 13th century CE, before which all of the buildings were wattle-and-daub. The socio-economic status of the individuals residing there could be clearly seen in the type of structure they were living in. Among Kilwa's exports were spices, tortoiseshell, coconut oil, ivory, and aromatic gums, as well as gold.
The deckle edge could be trimmed off, but this extra step would add to the cost of the book. Beginning in the early 1800s with the invention of the Fourdrinier machine, paper was produced in long rolls and the deckle edge became mostly obsolete. Although there was some deckle on the ends of the rolls, it was cut off, and the individual sheets cut out from the roll would have no deckle in any case. With the appearance of smooth edges in the 19th century, the deckle edge slowly emerged as a status symbol.
"What are you on about – Opera", The Times, 24 November 1995. Milnes criticised the rest of the cast for their failure to make anything of the words, adding, "The whole game was given away with the appearance of John Fryatt [who] came to the Coliseum with the company from Sadler's Wells more than 25 years ago, when the standard of diction was immeasurably higher and there was some point to singing in English."Pettit, Stephen. "A warming ice queen – Opera", The Sunday Times, 26 November 1995, p. 10.
Far from being shocked, Chikara's mother was entranced by the beauty in her husband's transformed body, and obsessed with the appearance of it, attempted to replicate the effect on herself and her son. Takigawa awakens to find Chikara's mother about to test the medicine on her, holding a bottle of acid, a main ingredient in the medicine. After she accidentally spills the acid on her leg, in a panic she urges Maya to 'get it off'. Maya pulls a zipper on her sister's body, releasing her skin from her muscles and organs underneath.
People likely settled around swamps because of the rich faunal, plant, soil and water resources this environment made available.Pohl, Mary D., Kevin O. Pope, John G. Jones, John S. Jacob, Dolores R. Piperno, Susan D. deFrance, David L. Lentz, John A. Gifford, Marie E. Danforth & J. Kathryn Josser, 1996. "Early Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands". Latin American Antiquity 7(4):355-372 Maize appears at the site around 890 cal BP. Pollen records show mass forest disturbance around 2500 B.C., this coincides with the appearance of maize pollen, a decline in tree pollen and an increase in charcoal.
Flitch beams are currently mainly used in historic renovations, where they can be used to reinforce aged lumber supports, or for aesthetic purposes, where exposed beams with the appearance of wood and the strength of steel are required. An adaptive use project in the UK, changing stables into offices, required cutting the beam supporting a floor down its entire length, and then inserting a similarly-sized steel plate. The resulting flitched beam was then secured with resin and bolts, preserving appearance while providing strength. Flitch beams were used as columns in a two-story new construction.
Inheritance of dwarfing in maize. Demonstrating the heights of plants from the two parent variations and their F1 heterozygous hybrid (centre) The concept of dominance was introduced by Gregor Johann Mendel. Though Mendel, "The Father of Genetics", first used the term in the 1860s, it was not widely known until the early twentieth century. Mendel observed that, for a variety of traits of garden peas having to do with the appearance of seeds, seed pods, and plants, there were two discrete phenotypes, such as round versus wrinkled seeds, yellow versus green seeds, red versus white flowers or tall versus short plants.
While increasing his physical strength and speed, it starts making him irrational and more prone to aggression. Seeing an opportunity with the appearance of the asteroid, Luthor decides to finally end Superman and tells the media that he has evidence the Man of Steel himself is drawing the deadly radioactive rock towards Earth. He offers a billion-dollar reward for the Last Son of Krypton's capture. As these efforts fail and the meteorite is destroyed, an enraged Luthor decides to fight Superman directly, injecting himself with more of the synthetic kryptonite-laced Venom and donning a high- tech warsuit.
Before the Viking spacecraft landed on Mars, the composition of the Martian surface was the subject of many debates. Dollfus tried to determine the composition of the Martian desert, through comparison with the appearance in polarized light of several hundred terrestrial minerals. He found that only pulverized limonite (Fe2O3) corresponded with the appearance of Mars, and concluded that the Martian surface could be composed of iron oxide. Astronomer Gerard P. Kuiper of the University of Chicago disagreed with this conclusion, believing that fine-grained igneous rocks were a better fit to the data, but subsequent observations proved Dollfus correct.
The importance of the Vic to the Watts became obvious when Sharon returned to lay claim to the pub after a 6-year absence. Indeed, the Vic was to become a central battlefield in the war between the contending families: the returning Watts seeking to reclaim what now belonged to the Mitchells. Even when Sharon was forced out of the pub, the rivalry with Phil, Peggy, and Sam Mitchell (Kim Medcalf) heated up with the appearance of Sharon's half-sister Vicki and Den's long-lost son, Dennis, who particularly clashed against Phil Mitchell after punching him when they first met.
In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC's continuity. Father Time still exists in this new timeline, first seen with the appearance of an elementary-age Japanese girl, complete with school uniform, wearing a domino mask. For most of the new Uncle Sam and The Freedom Fighters series, Father Time was depicted as a villain, but in issue eight he reveals that he knew the danger Gonzo posed all along, and created the new versions of Doll Man, Phantom Lady, etc., to bring Uncle Sam forth, make his new team heroes in the public eye, and defeat Gonzo's plan.
The backstory of The Shadow over Innsmouth involves a bargain between Deep Ones and humans, in which the aquatic species provides plentiful fishing and gold in the form of strangely formed jewelry. In return, the land-dwellers give human sacrifices and a promise of "mixing"—the mating of humans with Deep Ones. Although the Deep One hybrid offspring are born with the appearance of a normal human being, the individual will eventually transform into a Deep One, gaining immortality—by default—only when the transformation is complete. The transformation usually occurs when the individual reaches middle age.
28 mya (million years ago) – fossil from Rupelmonde in Belgium has been assigned to Vanellus, but even if the genus were broadly defined, it is entirely unclear if the placement is correct. Its age ties in with the appearance of the first seemingly distinct Charadriinae at about the same time, and with the presence of more basal Charadriidae a few million years earlier. However, the assignment of fragmentary fossils to Charadriinae or Vanellinae is not easy. Thus, it is very likely that the charadriid waders originate around the Eocene-Oligocene boundary – roughly 40–30 mya – but nothing more can be said at present.
In Grand Prix racing itself, the figure was not exceeded until the early 1980s (when Grand Prix racing had become known as Formula One), with the appearance of turbo- charged engines in Formula One. The W125 reached race speeds of well over in 1937, especially on the AVUS in Berlin, equipped with a streamlined body. In land speed record runs, a Mercedes-Benz W125 Rekordwagen was clocked at over a mile and a kilometre. This car was fitted with a DAB V12 engine (82.0 x 88 mm) of 5,576.75 cc (340.31 CID) with a power of 726 BHP (736 PS) at 5,800 rpm.
When the sixth bowl is poured out, the great river Euphrates dries up so that the kings of the east might cross to be prepared to battle. Three unclean spirits with the appearance of frogs come, one each, out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. These demonic spirits work Satanic miracles to gather the nations of the world to battle against the forces of good during the Battle of Armageddon. Jesus says that his coming will be like that of a thief in the night, urging his followers to stay alert.
Though in the mid-'90s cassette culture seemed to decline with the appearance of new technologies and methods of distribution such as the Internet, MP3 files, file sharing, and CD-Rs, in recent years it has once again seen a revival, with the rise of partly or wholly tape-based labels such as Burger Records, POST/POP, Memorials of Distinction, Tuff Enuff Records, Truant Recordings, First Base Tapes and Gnar Tapes. An exhibition was held at Printed Matter in New York City devoted to current American cassette culture entitled "Leaderless: Underground Cassette Culture Now" ( 12–26 May 2007).
A short roof above the gun port offers some protection from the elements, and prevents the lid from jamming against the hull. A gunport is an opening in the side of the hull of a ship, above the waterline, which allows the muzzle of artillery pieces mounted on the gun deck to fire outside. The origin of this technology is not precisely known, but can be traced back to the late 15th century, with the appearance of artillery in naval warfare. Ships featuring gunports were said to be pierced, since the ports were cut through the hull after the construction.
The creation of White Tower led to numerous legal battles between it and White Castle during the 1930s. By 1930, White Castle already had 116 restaurants spread over a distance of , all of which were located within the United States. [1] The company eventually became a large restaurant chain, however, there has never been a restaurant outside of the United States. The American shortage of beef during World War II had little effect on sales across White Castle, due to the effect of vertical integration along with the appearance of fast food chains that operated on a franchise model that emphasized horizontal integration.
A denarius of Gaius Juventius Thalna, triumvir monetalis in 154 BC. The denomination is indicated by the 'X'. The gens Juventia, occasionally written Jubentia, was an ancient plebeian family at Rome. After centuries of obscurity, the gens emerges into history with the appearance of Titus Juventius, a military tribune, in the beginning of the second century BC. The first of the Juventii to obtain the consulship was Marcus Juventius Thalna in BC 163. But the family is renowned less for its statesmen than for its jurists, who flourished during the second century AD.Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol.
Consequently, a few Eastern Iranian loan words, especially relating to religious and cultural practices, have been seen as evidence of cultural influences. Subsequently, loan words of Germanic origin also appear. This is connected to the movement of east Germanic groups into the Vistula basin, and subsequently to the middle Dnieper basin, associated with the appearance of the Przeworsk and Chernyakhov cultures, respectively. Into the Common Era, the various Balto-Slavic dialects formed a dialect continuum stretching from the Vistula to the Don and Oka basins, and from the Baltic and upper Volga to southern Russia and northern Ukraine.
This marked the beginning of independent recording in Cuba, although such radio material was generally not in circulation. In the 1940s, with the emergence of Panart, the Cuban music industry began a shift that peaked in the late 1950s with the appearance of numerous independent record labels such as Puchito, Kubaney and Maype. Facing such competition, RCA Victor decided to create a new label to consolidate its Cuban operations. Thus Discuba was created, under the direction of Jesús Humara, and with Eliseo Valdés serving as A&R; manager; both had been involved with Victor for many years.
After Gohan's death, Trunks assumes the mantle of Earth's sole protector against the artificial humans for the next three years until Bulma finishes her time machine. Once he informs Goku of the events to come, Trunks gives Goku a special medicine and returns to his own time. Trunks returns to help in the present day battle against the artificial humans, only to learn that his actions only effected the present timeline with a new future while his own timeline remains unaffected. With the appearance of Cell from another alternate timeline, Trunks trains with Vegeta in the Room of Spirit and Time.
Indirect flight: muscles make thorax oscillate in most insects. The Neoptera, including butterflies and most other insects, have indirect flight musculature. Other than the two orders with direct flight muscles, all other living winged insects fly using a different mechanism, involving indirect flight muscles. This mechanism evolved once and is the defining feature (synapomorphy) for the infraclass Neoptera; it corresponds, probably not coincidentally, with the appearance of a wing- folding mechanism, which allows Neopteran insects to fold the wings back over the abdomen when at rest (though this ability has been lost secondarily in some groups, such as in the butterflies).
The ability of these dogs to do so is a transference of the canine pack social structure on to a flock. Following their invention, the focus in dealing with predators shifted to the nearly exclusive use of guns, traps, and poisons to kill predators both defensively and preemptively. The population of predator species plummeted worldwide, pushing some to extinction (such as the thylacine) or significantly reducing their original ranges. With the appearance of the environmental and conservation movements, and subsequent state, provincial, national and international legislation, simply exterminating predator species failed to be a legally viable option for protecting flocks.
Dermophis donaldtrumpi is about long, shiny, slippery, and slimy, with the appearance of a large worm. It is a burrowing species, living almost entirely underground. It is nearly blind, with its eyes only able to detect light and dark, so it uses a pair of tentacles near its mouth in order to find prey; it also has an extra layer of skin which its young can eat after peeling it off. According to the Rainforest Trust, amphibians such as D. donaldtrumpi are vulnerable to extinction due to being exceptionally sensitive to the results of global warming.
He began his military career in 1606 with the appearance of Ivan Bolotnikov, whom he would defeat twice, first near the Pakhra River with a small unit at his disposal (after Bolotnikov had crushed the Muscovite army led by Mstislavsky and other boyars) and then at Kotly. After the second defeat, Bolotnikov and his men fled to Tula. Skopin-Shuisky took an active part in a successful siege of Tula alongside the Muscovite army. When False Dmitriy II appeared on the political horizon, Vasili IV decided to seek help from the Swedes and sent Skopin-Shuisky to Novgorod to negotiate with them.
He had been parachuted back into Germany as a resistance organiser by the British, landing in a field in the countryside to the west of Berlin. His arrival coincided with the appearance of a number of other German-born resistance fighters, also arriving by parachute, from the Soviet Union. The authorities became aware of the arrival of these so-called "parachute agents" ("Fallschirmagenten") and took immediate steps to arrest them and their "helpers". There are strong indications that Beuthke had conducted himself "imprudently", for instance visiting the home of his parents (whom he had not seen since 1933) for a family reunion.
The alveolar support of the affected tooth will be lowered due to continuous replacement resorption of the root. This process will stop with the appearance of root fractures and shed crown, and changes in dentition, especially the anterior teeth, can be observed in this stage. Symptoms such as infraocclusion and asymmetry in the smile arc may be developed. However, for ankylosis in posterior teeth happening in non-growing subjects, it may be completely asymptomatic because the slow change in height of the affected teeth may not be noticeable to both the patient and the doctor, compared to that happened in anterior teeth.
When Imaris was introduced to the market in 1993 it ran only on Silicon Graphics (SGI) workstations as at the time only these were capable to perform 3D volume rendering at a speed worthy of being deemed "interactive". With the appearance of OpenGL capable graphics boards in personal computers the company decided to port its software to Windows and Macintosh and released a first version for the personal computer in 2001. By the end of 1994, the software had sold in 30 labs in central Europe. In 1998, the product was introduced to the US market.
Both Giovanna and Gino are tragic characters in their inability to find a space in which to situate themselves comfortably. The limited roles made available by society prove to be insufficient in providing narratives for their lives that bring them closer to happiness. Giovanna is pulled away from the security of her marriage to the repulsive Bragana by a desire for true love and fulfillment, whose potential is actualized with the appearance of Gino. Her attempts to hold onto the fortune which came with marriage, however, ultimately lead to the failure of their relationship and perhaps, by extension, her death.
July 28, Kolomenskoe Visited by 50,000 people. Headliners: Múm (Iceland), Junior Boys (Canada), Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin (US), HushPuppies (France), Clinic (UK), Dälek (US), Mumiy Troll (Russia), Mujuice (Russia), Flëur (UKR). Special Memories: nu-rave, a newly born music style, is celebrated with the appearance of Lo-Fi-Fnk (Sweden), Shy Child (US) and Russian acts such as Yogo-Yogo, a movie pavilion with premier screening Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait documentary and cartoons from 2×2, the Pink Paradise beauty zone with spa, massage and pink fur on the floor, Nintendo Wii tournament, old Soviet gaming machines and squirt guns.
The lungfish's greatest diversity was in the Triassic period; today there are fewer than a dozen genera left. The lungfish evolved the first proto-lungs and proto-limbs, developing the ability to live outside a water environment in the middle Devonian (397-385 Ma). The first tetrapodomorphs, which included the gigantic rhizodonts, had the same general anatomy as the lungfish, who were their closest kin, but they appear not to have left their water habitat until the late Devonian epoch (385 - 359 Ma), with the appearance of tetrapods (four-legged vertebrates). Tetrapods are the only tetrapodomorphs that survived after the Devonian.
Steve agrees to undergo plastic surgery fix his eye, in order to infiltrate the preacher's camp for the ISA as Daniel Lucas. After the ISA operation ends with the appearance of Shane's death, life is upended for Steve and Kayla yet again when Marina Toscano appears, claiming to be Steve's presumed dead first wife. Knowing she is pregnant but not yet having told Steve, Kayla encourages Steve to help Marina, in hopes the old entanglements can be resolved. Marina and Steve travel to Italy to retrieve the key, where Kayla catches them in an apparently compromising situation.
The commercialization of the industry came at a time of expanded interest in fishing as a recreational hobby for members of the aristocracy. The impact of the Industrial Revolution was first felt in the manufacture of fly lines. Instead of anglers twisting their own lines - a laborious and time-consuming process - the new textile spinning machines allowed for a variety of tapered lines to be easily manufactured and marketed. British fly-fishing continued to develop in the 19th Century, with the emergence of fly fishing clubs, along with the appearance of several books on the subject of fly tying and fly fishing techniques.
Pyne's secretary, Miss Lemon, is apparently the same woman who was secretary to Hercule Poirot. Whether she came into Pyne's employ during one of Poirot’s numerous retirements or before she entered his employ is unknown, though she is described as "a young woman" in Parker Pyne's story The Discontented Soldier, but as having grizzled hair in the Poirot novel Hickory Dickory Dock, suggesting that she worked for Pyne before working for Poirot. This, along with the appearance of Ariadne Oliver, suggests that Pyne and Poirot occupy the same fictional universe even though they have never actually met.
The practice of using the handgun itself as a blunt-force weapon began with the appearance of muzzle loaders in the 15th century. Single-shot weapons that were tedious to reload were used to strike opponents directly in close-quarters combat after their projectile had been expended. It was entirely up to circumstance whether the user had time or chose to reverse the gun in their hand and strike a blow with its handle or merely swung the heavy weapon as a club or baton holding it normally. There are arguments as to the efficacy of either approach.
The altarpiece consists of eight paintings by Eduardo Acosta representing the four evangelists, scenes from the Battle of Tentudía, with the appearance of the Virgin Perez Correa, and the crowning of the equestrian figure of St. James. The niche is occupied by a restored wood carving of the crucified Christ dating from the 17th century. In the windows there are fleurs-de-lis representing the triumph, and the sword of the Order of Santiago. The pulpit, next to the arch, is octagonal with a granite body resting on a fluted basis, supported by a pillar of granite.
In the 1920s and 1930s, a renaissance in Southern literature began with the appearance of writers such as William Faulkner, Katherine Anne Porter, Caroline Gordon, Allen Tate, Thomas Wolfe, Robert Penn Warren, and Tennessee Williams, among others. Because of the distance the Southern Renaissance authors had from the American Civil War and slavery, they were more objective in their writings about the South. During the 1920s, Southern poetry thrived under the Vanderbilt "Fugitives". In nonfiction, H.L. Mencken's popularity increased nationwide as he shocked and astounded readers with his satiric writing highlighting the inability of the South to produce anything of cultural value.
This car was very different in appearance from the subsequent prototypes and the production models and has been compared to an oversized Panhard CD. Neither Tastevin nor his wife were happy with the appearance of the first prototype. A second prototype chassis was built and sent to Williams & Pritchard, who produced a body for it in aluminum. The style of this body was much more angular than the first. Tastevin personally requested some last-minute changes to the shape which would be undone in later prototypes, but in general prototype #2 set the general direction for subsequent bodies.
Many movie versions of the Robin Hood story conclude with the appearance of King Richard in disguise, returning from the Crusades. This ballad was adapted into the final episode of Season One of Robin of Sherwood. However, in this version, Little John realizes that the King has little interest in Robin's advice and is treating him as a court jester. Robin is initially disbelieving, but when he speaks out against the King's plans to raise taxes for his war against Philip II of France, Richard decides he has gone too far, and he must escape from the King's assassins, back to Sherwood Forest.
The mountain with the appearance of a truncated cone, at the centre of the image, is Descabezado Grande volcano, and close to it is the pyramidal Cerro Azul. Cerro Azul is part of the South Volcanic Zone, which runs through central and western Chile and extends south to Argentina. This range includes at least nine caldera complexes, more than 70 of Chile's stratovolcanoes and volcanic fields that have been active in the Quaternary, and hundreds of minor eruptive centres. The South Volcanic Zone is the most volcanically active region in Chile, and produces around one eruption per year.
In the 2012 Acoustic Neuroma Association patient survey, 29% of the respondents reported facial weakness or paralysis, some of which were pre- and some were post- treatment. This represents a significant improvement from the 1998 Acoustic Neuroma Association patient survey of post-treatment acoustic neuroma patients, which revealed that at the time they completed the survey, only 59% were satisfied with the appearance of their face. Treatment for an acoustic neuroma may damage the facial nerve – either with surgery or radiation. It is usually possible, however, to preserve some degree of facial function even in cases where the nerve is extensively involved.
We find out that he also trained Hakugen. At the end of the series, he and Hakugen are seen attending Ukitsu's grave, and he gives thanks to Ukitsu for sacrificing her life in order to save Hakufu, thus changing the fates of many fighters for the better. ; : :An old woman with the appearance of a young girl, Choshou is in charge of the Hyakukeitō, a set of 5 legendary Chinese jian made of jewels supposedly made by Cao Cao in ancient China. All five were embedded in a large boulder on Chosho's property and sealed with chi, making them impossible to remove.
Amour-propre (French, literally "self-love"). By definition amour-propre means loving oneself, whereas in philosophy it is a debated theory of Jean-Jacques Rousseau that esteem must be found by the approval of others first. Rousseau contrasts it with amour de soi, which also means "self-love", but which does not involve seeing oneself as others see one. According to Rousseau, amour de soi is more primitive and is compatible with wholeness and happiness, while amour-propre is an unnatural form of self-love that arose only with the appearance of society and individuals' consequent ability to compare themselves with one another.
However, with the appearance of the 105 mm L7 gun into the British, US and German tank designs, this light tank would have been less powerful while too large for the reconnaissance role, and so a new design was required. With armour twice that of the light tank design, it would still be 12 tonnes lighter than Centurion and hence more mobile. The design would use the new engine and transmission of the Chieftain tank then being developed. The development coincided with an agreement with India in 1961 to produce a tank design and help set up a factory there to produce it.
Peter Brett (in his book - Purpose Made Joinery) describes this door as a pair of narrow doors joined together at the meeting stile to make a single door with the appearance of a pair. It is used for door openings that are too wide for a single door but where a pair of doors would be difficult for people to manoeuvre past. An example of a double margin door can be seen at the entrance to 10 Downing Street. A bench joiner will need to be aware of the correct procedure for assembly of this type of door.
The main story takes place 7 years after Season 2. This season sees our familiar four doctors as seniors passing on their knowledge to the new generation, with the appearance of three fellows: Natori Soma (Daiki Arioka), Yokomine Akari (Yuko Araki), and Haitani Shunpei (Narita Ryo). Saejima and Fujikawa seems to have taken their relationship to another step, while Saejima is enjoying her fulfilling role as the head nurse and the only flight nurse. However, just as Shohoku's Emergency Medical Services faces a shortage of manpower, Kanna Mitsui requests for temporary retirement, although Aizawa has just returned.
Night Trap is a 1992 game developed by Digital Pictures and released on the Sega CD, a CD-ROM attachment for the Sega Genesis. Night Trap is presented as an interactive movie, using full-motion video to show scenes and allowing players to choose their next option, creating divergence in the story. The game's narration centered on the disappearance of teenage girls (starring Dana Plato) at a winery estate, tied in with the appearance of vampire-like beings that feed on young females. Subsequently, the video scenes often veered into some sexually-alluring context as well as violence with various encounters.
Lunate microliths have the least diversity of all and may be either semicircular or segmental. Archeological findings and the analysis of wear marks, or use-wear analysis, has shown that, predictably, the tips of spears, harpoons and other light projectiles of varying size received the most wear. Microliths were also used from the Neolithic on arrows, although a decline in this use coincided with the appearance of bifacial or "leafed" arrowheads that became widespread in the Chalcolithic period, or Copper Age (that is, stone arrowheads were increasingly made by a different technique during this later period).
1125 ;When the Yellow River flows clear. Sometimes the Yellow River is poetically called the "Muddy Flow" (). The Chinese idiom "when the Yellow River flows clear" is used to refer to an event that will never happen and is similar to the English expression "when pigs fly". "The Yellow River running clear" was reported as a good omen during the reign of the Yongle Emperor, along with the appearance of such auspicious legendary beasts as qilin (an African giraffe brought to China by a Bengal embassy aboard Zheng He's ships in 1414) and zouyu (not positively identified) and other strange natural phenomena.
Other artists featured alongside Oliver were David Hammons, Hank Willis Thomas, Radcliffe Bailey and Kiki Smith. Oliver's work was shown for only one hour nightly during the run of Canicular at The Print Center in 2011, coinciding with the appearance of the dog star, Sirius. The show also featured manipulation of sound, heat and light, also evoking astronomy but literally using elements referring to canines, like a dog whistle, thus possibly corralling the star-gazing visitors into controlled environments like a pet and making the actual freedom of space unattainable. He used objects and photography to create this installation.
King Usermaatre Setepenre/Setepenamun Shoshenq III of the 22nd Dynasty ruled for 39 years according to contemporary historical records. Two Apis Bulls were buried in the fourth and 28th years of his reign and he celebrated his Heb Sed Jubilee in his regnal year 30. Little is known of the precise basis for his successful claim to the throne since he was not a son of Osorkon II and Shoshenq's parentage and family ties are unknown. From Shoshenq III's eighth regnal year, his reign was marked by the loss of Egypt's political unity, with the appearance of Pedubast I at Thebes.
In an infectious disease, the incubation period is the time between infection and the appearance of symptoms. The latency period is the time between infection and the ability of the disease to spread to another person, which may precede, follow, or be simultaneous with the appearance of symptoms. Some viruses also exhibit a dormant phase, called viral latency, in which the virus hides in the body in an inactive state. For example, varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox in the acute phase; after recovery from chickenpox, the virus may remain dormant in nerve cells for many years, and later cause herpes zoster (shingles).
Fleming calls Borean a "phyletic chain" rather than a super- phylum. He notes that his model of Borean is similar to Morris Swadesh's Vasco-Dene proposal, although he also sees similarities between Vasco-Dene and Dené–Caucasian. He sees Borean as closely associated with the appearance of the Upper Paleolithic in the Levant, Europe, and western Eurasia from 50 thousand to 45 thousand years ago, and observes that it is primarily associated with human populations of Caucasoid and Northern Mongoloid physical appearance, the exceptions being southern India, southern China, southwestern Ethiopia, northern Nigeria, and the Chad Republic.
Juanra López of El Confidencial also reported on Paulina's style, noting that she wears her hair in a functional low bun most of the time, and that her make-up is minimal and is "not intended to emphasize her sexuality". López wrote that this style is part of her identity as a high- class woman, and also contrasts with the appearance of María José, which is furthered by Paulina's more work-style fashion compared to María José's haute couture. Ramírez also thought that Paulina's outfits make her seem cultured, but elaborated that "her style relaxes in accordance with her character development".
Sometimes a special whitish deposit with the appearance of sheets of paper is found in the turloughs when they dry up. This "algal paper" is made up of filaments of an alga that grows abundantly in warm weather and is then left to dry out in sheets when the turlough empties. In drainage ditches in a turlough, or in holes made with a soil auger, one may find a white- or cream-coloured deposit beneath the vegetation cover, or beneath a layer of peat. This is often called "white marl"; again, it is made of calcium carbonate.
Skene's map of Scottish bishoprics in the reign of David I (reigned 1124–1153). The Diocese of Ross was an ecclesiastical territory or diocese in the Highland region of Scotland during the Middle Ages and Early Modern period. The Diocese was led by the Bishop of Ross, and the cathedral was, latterly, at Fortrose. The bishops of the Early Church were located at Rosemarkie. The diocese had only one Archdeacon, the Archdeacon of Ross, first attested in 1223 with the appearance of Archdeacon Robert , who was consecrated bishop of Ross on 21 June 1249 x 20 June 1250.
From 1931 the car appeared in modified form as the Rosengart LR4, now heavily differentiated from its Austin origins, and the model's robust character was demonstrated by several long distance trials. Variations on this model would survive until the 1950s, always retaining the original short wheelbase. A further substantial upgrade of Rosengart's small car took place in 1938 with the appearance of the Rosengart LR42N 4CV. In the early 1930s Rosengart teamed up with the German manufacturer Adler, offering license built copies of the Adler Trumpf and Trumpf Junior, small front-drive cars that bolstered its range.
An architect who has been active in Malaysia from the 1960s to the present, the shifts in Nik's style reflect global trends as they played out in South East Asia. He started in a period in which his work was consistent with international modernism, and he produced some of the nation's most accomplished Brutalist buildings. Decades later, he had abandoned that stylistic position in favour of a historicist approach, which was coincident with the appearance of postmodernism on the global stage. Over time, his buildings moved further in the direction of tradition, and away from the ironic position of postmodernism.
The colonial period marked a profound change in Chilean art from the previous pre-Columbian period, with a concerted effort to eliminate the vestiges of the pagan culture that existed prior to the conquest. However, pre-Columbian painting survived due to the process of integration that occurred during this period, whereby the symbols and customs found expression in colonial work.Arte colonial en Chile Retrieved March 20, 2013 Generally, the colonial period is considered to end with the appearance of José Gil de Castro, an important painter of Peruvian origin, which began the tradition of the traveling painters in Chile.
In some systems, the SVS will calculate the aircraft's current flight path, or possible flight path (based on an aircraft performance model, the aircraft's current energy, and surrounding terrain) and then turn any obstructions red to alert the flight crew. Such a system might have helped prevent the crash of American Airlines Flight 965 into a mountain in December 1995. On the left side of the display is an SVS-unique symbol, with the appearance of a purple, diminishing sideways ladder, and which continues on the right of the display. The two lines define a "tunnel in the sky".
Several of these weapons were used during the colonial wars of the end of the 19th century, during the First World War and also sometimes during the Second World War. As with other cannons, the de Bange cannons had the disadvantage of being slow to fire, as they were affected by recoil, and thus had to be re-aimed after every shot. This inconvenience would be solved with the appearance of the famous Canon de 75, that had a hydro- pneumatic recoil mechanism, which kept the gun's trail and wheels perfectly still during the firing sequence.
The backstory of The Shadow over Innsmouth involves a bargain between Deep Ones and humans, in which the aquatic species provides plentiful fishing and gold in the form of strangely formed jewelry. In return, the land- dwellers give human sacrifices and a promise of "mixing"—the mating of humans with Deep Ones. Although the Deep One hybrid offspring are born with the appearance of a normal human being, the individual will eventually transform into a Deep One, gaining immortality—by default—only when the transformation is complete. The transformation usually occurs when the individual reaches middle age.
The splay of the wall on the inside provides room for the soldier and his equipment, and allows them to get as close to the wall face and arrow slit itself as possible. Examples of deep embrasures with arrowslits are to be seen at Aigues-Mortes and Château de Coucy, both in France. With the appearance of firearms, the embrasure designated more specifically the opening made in a fortified structure to allow the firing of these weapons. In modern architecture, the embrasures are provided during construction because they are intended to receive a door or a window.
The Transition onto Land deals with life moving onto land, and features giant sculptures of modern bugs, synapsids like Lystrosaurus, and petrified wood. Diversity of Evolution deals with the appearance of dinosaurs and other archosaurs, in which many large mounts of dinosaurs like Omeisaurus, Triceratops, and Lambeosaurus are featured, as well as a collection of fossilized dinosaur eggs. There are also pterosaur displays, in which a large Dsungaripterus skeleton is laid out. The Flight of Birds deals with the evolution of birds from dinosaurs, and features several filamented non-avian dinosaurs such as Dilong, and several fossils of early birds, such as Confuciusornis.
Japan's creation narrative can be divided into the birth of the deities (Kamiumi) and the birth of the land (Kuniumi). The birth of the deities begins with the appearance of the first generation of gods who appeared out of the primordial oil, a trio of gods who produced the next seven generations of gods. Izanagi and Izanami were eventually born, siblings, and using a naginata decorated with jewels, named Ame-no-nuhoko ("Heavenly Jeweled Spear") that was gifted to them. Izanagi created the first islands of the Japanese Archipelago by dipping the Naginata into the primordial waters.
Carl Van Vechten During 1924, a blasé coterie of pleasure-seeking sophisticates are inordinately excited by a handsome and athletic newcomer to their social circle, Gunnar O'Grady, "a youth with the appearance of a Greek Adonis." Alternately seeking and avoiding their attentions, this enigmatic individual drifts through a series of menial vocations including furnace repairman, florist, waiter, and acrobat. O'Grady becomes an object of sexual fascination to many within the circle, including a precocious young girl, a thrill-seeking wife, and a bored husband. Tensions escalate as various persons within the coterie vie for O'Grady's companionship, and O'Grady finds his own desires stymied.
A fossilized trilobite, an ancient type of arthropod: This specimen, from the Burgess Shale, preserves "soft parts" – the antennae and legs. The earliest trilobite fossils are about 530 million years old, but the class was already quite diverse and worldwide, suggesting they had been around for quite some time. The fossil record of trilobites began with the appearance of trilobites with mineral exoskeletons – not from the time of their origin. The earliest generally accepted echinoderm fossils appeared a little bit later, in the Late Atdabanian; unlike modern echinoderms, these early Cambrian echinoderms were not all radially symmetrical.
During this stage, art director Eddy Herringson toyed with geometric shapes inspired by Saul Bass art, retro video games, and sex education films; Clair said the team "bounced between digital sperm to missile command and back — all in 8-bit." After several iterations, they replaced the lightbulb with an LED indicator to better evoke the computer era. In the initial pitch, the artists depicted competing signals that ended up disintegrating or being left behind, but these elements were scaled back. The team took artistic license with the appearance of electric and digital signals in the sequence.
In recent events, Cory has met a new friend, January, who has an interest in magic, and works in a dentist's office as an office assistant. Kevin has been dating Robin's roommate Dana, who is smarter than Robin and not as attractive. There have been problems, due to Dana's insistence on keeping the relationship under wraps, and also with the appearance of Kevin's high school girlfriend, Lisa. Omar, whom Kevin stays with, has also taken exception to Kevin and Dana's interracial relationship, and has tried to steal Dana behind Kevin's back, even though he doesn't truly like her.
Often large lots can be had for pennies per vehicle. Micro Machines kept sealed in the package take up a lot of space, so many collectors store them in other containers. Some collectors use one of the original showcases for Micro Machines while other store their collections in fishing tackle boxes. Some individual cars such as the SVO Mustang have changed hands for over $25 in the early 2000s, though with the appearance of traders who have nearly every vehicle for sale all the time, it is uncommon to see values over $5 for any one vehicle.
The CBC is performed using basic laboratory equipment or an automated hematology analyzer, which counts red and white blood cells and platelets and collects information on their size and structure. The concentration of hemoglobin is measured, and the red blood cell indices are calculated from measurements of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Manual tests can be used to independently confirm abnormal results. Approximately 10–25% of samples require a manual blood smear review, in which the blood is stained and viewed under a microscope to verify that the analyzer results are consistent with the appearance of the cells and to look for abnormalities.
The human visual pathway. The lateral geniculate nucleus, a region of the thalamus, exhibits thalamocortical oscillation with the visual cortex. Thalamocortical oscillation is thought to be responsible for the synchronization of neural activity between different regions of the cortex and is associated with the appearance of specific mental states depending on the frequency range of the most prominent oscillatory activity, gamma most associated with conscious, selective concentration on tasks, learning (perceptual and associative), and short-term memory. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has been used to show that during conscious perception, gamma-band frequency electrical activity and thalamocortical resonance prominently occurs in the human brain.
As the equivalent of Michael Stivic from the television show All in the Family, Tacoma shared the same liberal values as Gloria Stivic's husband in the TV show. Their children were born sometime around the year 1988 and were first introduced around August 1998 with the appearance of fraternal male twins. Eventually, they grew up to be children in the early stages of puberty that confuse their grandfather's work clothes for the baggy clothing that was popular among youth in the late 1990s. At least one of the grandsons was informally called "Junior" throughout the late 1990s running of the comic strip.
The other players could also bid these contracts. Until this new source appeared, the 1829 Neueste Allgemeine Spielbuch ("Latest General Book of Games") was the oldest known source for Königrufen which, as it turned out, contained an edited copy of the 1827 rules under the heading Tappen mit König oder Tarokrufen ("Tappen with King or Tarock Call"). From this, Tarock experts assumed that a King or a high tarock could be 'called' in the original form of the game. This turned out to be wrong with the appearance of the 1827 rules, in which only a King could be called.
In his first year, he won the club's last Lisbon Championship as well as their first Portuguese Cup. Over the following six seasons, he managed the team in 272 games, winning three Primeira Liga titles and another two Portuguese Cups. With the appearance of Sporting's "five violins" in 1946, Benfica attempted to fight them by sacking Biri at the end of the season and rehiring Hertzka. Under his guidance, Benfica led the 1947–48 league for most of the season; however, they finished in second place, equalised on points with Sporting but with one goal less.
Vargas agreed and Júlio de Mesquita Filho and Francisco Mesquita, as well as other exiled people, returned to Brazil. History of Estado de S. Paulo (Cont.5) Headquarters of the newspaper, on the Marginal Tietê. Years later, with the appearance of the "Estado Novo", the newspaper maintained its opposition to the regime and, in March 1940, it was invaded by DOPS (part of the government that controlled and restrained opponents and movements that were antithetical to the Estado Novo regime) and the paper was altered by them to state that, with absurdity and mockery, "guns were arrested" in the redaction.
The purpose of this return is to establish justice for those who were oppressed in their lifetime up until their death: the oppressors are punished directly by the oppressed during this future reappearance.Islam and the Modern Age, Volume 24, Page 61, Zakir Hussain Institute of Islamic Studies, 1993. Some Sunni scholars do believe in Raj’a, citing the return of numerous people, such as the Seven Sleepers, synchronous with the appearance of the Mahdi. According to Jalaluddin Al-Sayuti, in contrast to Shia belief, the return of the Prophet Muhammad is not limited to a specific time in the future.
Afterwards, they dress up in clean clothes for the Christmas dinner or joulupöytä, which is usually served between 5pm and 7pm, or traditionally with the appearance of the first star in the sky. The most traditional dish of the Finnish Christmas dinner is probably Christmas Ham, roast suckling pig or a roasted fresh ham, but some may prefer alternatives like turkey. Several sorts of casseroles, like rutabaga, carrot and potato casserole are traditional, and are almost always exclusively served on Christmas. Other traditional Christmas dishes include boiled codfish (soaked beforehand in a lye solution for a week to soften it) served snowy white and fluffy, pickled herring and vegetables.
D. 950-1200). There were copper objects recovered at Lamanai beginning, with the appearance of metal at the site by around A.D. 1150. The term "copper" is used to describe the metal found at the site; however, all of the copper artifacts found at Lamanai were alloyed with other metals such as tin or arsenic and could technically be considered bronze (Hosler 1994: 210-213). The number and variety of copper objects recovered at Lamanai indicate that, as a new commodity with remarkably unique aural and visual properties, metal artifacts played an important role for at least some members of Postclassic and later contact period society.
Mary and the child are supported by a projecting corbel, the three-dimensionality of which gives the disorienting impression that the figures are part of a relief in a much larger work of art. This gives the work a dizzying and dislocated perspective; its own unique sense of space and placement.Nosow, 144 The painting is an early example of van der Weyden's habit of rendering his figures with the appearance of polychrome sculptures, an effect here accentuated by the neutral background. Van der Weyden's tendency to blur the line between sculpture and paint in an illusionistic manner can be see most effectively in his Descent from the Cross.
Luke's theology is expressed primarily through his overarching plot, the way scenes, themes and characters combine to construct his specific worldview. His "salvation history" stretches from the Creation to the present time of his readers, in three ages: first, the time of "the Law and the Prophets", the period beginning with Genesis and ending with the appearance of John the Baptist (Luke 1:5–3:1); second, the epoch of Jesus, in which the Kingdom of God was preached (Luke 3:2–24:51); and finally the period of the Church, which began when the risen Christ was taken into Heaven, and would end with his second coming.
Some of the first President's Choice products included Belgian biscuits, chocolate chip cookies, and passion fruit sorbet. The advent of PC also coincided closely with the appearance of a new marketing tool called Dave Nichol's Insider's Report, first published in November 1983. Described as a cross between Mad and Consumer Reports that combined "zaniness and food tips in a comic book format", the newspaper supplement was a quirky, tongue-in- cheek product review modelled after flyers from California supermarket chain Trader Joe's. As the popularity of President's Choice grew, along with the number of products, the Insider's Report became increasingly devoted to the promotion of the line.
The primary and largest catalogued divisions of time are periods called eons. The first eon was the Hadean, when the Earth and moon were predicted to be formed, lasting over 600 million years until the Archean, which is when the Earth had cooled enough for continents and the earliest known life to emerge. After about 2.5 billion years, oxygen generated by photosynthesizing single-celled organisms began to appear in the atmosphere marking the beginning of the Proterozoic. Finally, the Phanerozoic eon encompasses 541 million years of diverse abundance of multicellular life starting with the appearance of hard animal shells in the fossil record and continuing to the present.
At the end of 1942, Dönitz was faced with the appearance of escort carriers, and long-range aircraft working with convoy escorts. To protect his boats against the latter, he ordered his boats to restrict their operations to the Mid-Atlantic Gap, a stretch of ocean out of the range of land‐based aircraft referred to by the Germans as "the black hole." Allied air forces had few aircraft equipped with ASV radar for U-Boat detection into April and May 1943, and such units would not exist in Newfoundland until June. Convoys relied on RAF Coastal Command aircraft operating from Northern Ireland and Iceland.
Homo () is the genus that emerged in the otherwise extinct genus Australopithecus that encompasses the extant species Homo sapiens (modern humans), plus several extinct species classified as either ancestral to or closely related to modern humans (depending on the species), most notably Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis. The genus emerged with the appearance of Homo habilis just over 2 million years ago.The conventional estimate on the age of H. habilis is at roughly 2.1 to 2.3 million years. Friedemann Schrenk, Ottmar Kullmer, Timothy Bromage, "The Earliest Putative Homo Fossils", chapter 9 in: Winfried Henke, Ian Tattersall (eds.), Handbook of Paleoanthropology, 2007, pp. 1611–1631, .
In retrospective Nagoshi stated that while Haruka aged in Yakuza 5 notably in comparison to her debut, she was still the same character. He added that while Haruka was originally "a presence that you constantly have to think about her at the centre of things", this type of focus was decreased in later games. As a result, with the appearance of Haruka's son, Haruto, in Yakuza 6, the write believes that Haruka was once again the center of attention to the audience even if she is not present. In regards to Haruka's presence, Nagoshi wanted the premise to focus on the new characters related to Haruka.
One of the key features that led to the success of complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, or CMOS, technology was its intrinsic low-power consumption. This meant that circuit designers and electronic design automation (EDA) tools could afford to concentrate on maximizing circuit performance and minimizing circuit area. Another interesting feature of CMOS technology is its nice scaling properties, which has permitted a steady decrease in the feature size (see Moore's law), allowing for more and more complex systems on a single chip, working at higher clock frequencies. Power consumption concerns came into play with the appearance of the first portable electronic systems in the late 1980s.
Prior to the sudden disbanding of FC Kansas City, it was the Boston Breakers that were in discussion for Real Salt Lake to take over. The team never had a truly viable long-term home stadium and only averaged over 3,000 fans for a full season once in their recent history. The collapse of the FCKC situation was thankfully coincident with the appearance of potential investors for Boston, though the investors were uncertain to be ready in time for the 2018 season. On Jan 28, the NWSL announced the Boston Breakers would fold, and players distributed to the other franchises through a dispersal draft on Jan 30th.
Manning never published anything regarding his journey, and its occurrence was known to few, until his narrative was printed, through the zeal of Sir Clements Markham, secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, in 1876. In his journal he described his meeting with the 7-year-old 9th Dalai Lama: "the nice and fascinating figure caught my whole attention and it was a pleasure to talk to this well educated little prince." He also described the occupation of Tibet by the Chinese: "I was struck with the appearance of everything being perfecly Chinese." If Manning was impressed by the Potala palace, his admiration stopped there.
Israeli rock, up until 1985, with the appearance of Aviv Gefen, almost never dealt with the themes of drugs, sex, youthful anger and alienation (though Arik Einstein's "Shuv Lo Shaket" is an exception), and revolution. Its stars, with the exception of Shalom Hanoch and Svika Pick, were clean-cut Israelis, mostly with neatly trimmed hair, who had served in the army and were exemplary citizens. Aviv Gefen changed that. Starting his career at age 17, Gefen appeared on stage in drag and heavy makeup, bragged about his evasion of the draft, and sang about drugs, sex and alienation in a hard-rock style reminiscent of Punk Rock.
The Unimog was quite successful, except as originally intended as an agricultural platform. Daimler-Benz produced a new vehicle in 1972, the MB-trac, to be more oriented to larger scale mechanical farming. The new tractor crossed the Unimog technology of all-wheel drive and a power transmission to four large equal-sized wheels, with the appearance of a tractor: slim hood, behind it an angular, highly rising driver cab. In contrast to conventional tractors, the cab is situated between the axles, similar to large "four wheel drive" wheel loader - however, the steering is realized not by an articulated front and rear, but with a normal steerable front axle.
Bytkow TV Tower Bytków TV Tower is a 110 metre tall RadioTV tower in Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland, on the border with Bytków, an urban part of Katowice. Bytków TV Tower, situated at , has a unique design: it consists of a reinforced concrete tower as its base, with the appearance of a thin high-rise building with a square cross section. On the top of this concrete tower, there is a horizontal steel cross turned at an angle of 45 degree to the sides of the concrete tower. At the ends of the crossarms, which are equipped with gangways, the antenna mast on its top is guyed.
Though she has also mastered flight, she, like her comic book counterpart, lacks the control Clark has developed over his years of dealing with humans. For example, she is unaware of the more subtle super-hearing until taught to use it by Clark. Though chronologically older than Clark (she was sixteen years old at the time of Clark's birth), her time in suspended animation leaves her with the appearance of a girl in her mid-to-late teens. Kara explains that Clark was not made aware of her existence because their respective fathers were not on good terms, exemplified by Jor-El's distrust when informed of her arrival by Clark.
In the Kamakura period (1185–1333), with the appearance of the first feudal military government, the warrior class, or samurai, started playing a more prominent role in Japanese history. The principles and concepts of the warrior class began to shape the cultural standards of the society. Ojigi, along with other forms of samurai etiquette, under the influence of Zen Buddhism, became much more disciplined and widely practiced among the warrior class.Stalker, N. K. (2018). pp. 79–110. In the subsequent Muromachi period (1336–1573), systematically written manuals on different sects of samurai etiquette, such as the and , were developed to strengthen and promote the cultural identity of the warrior class.
This story segment of Trial went through a number of commissions with writers including David Halliwell & Jack Trevor Story (working on separate but linked episodes), Christopher H. Bidmead and Peter J. Hammond, the creator of the cult science- fiction fantasy series Sapphire & Steel. Hammond's story outline, titled Paradise Five, was liked by script editor Eric Saward but disliked by producer John Nathan-Turner, who rejected it and commissioned Pip and Jane Baker to do the segment instead. Nathan-Turner also was displeased with the appearance of the Vervoids, likening them to labia. Hammond later wrote two episodes of the Doctor Who spin-off drama, Torchwood.
Baitul Futuh Mosque, one of the largest mosques in Europe. The Caliph's Friday Sermon is televised live throughout the world, via MTA TV Ahmadi Muslims believe that the Ahmadiyya caliphate is the resumption of the Rightly Guided Caliphate. This is believed to have been re-established with the appearance of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad whom Ahmadis believe was the promised Messiah and Mahdi. Ahmadi Muslims maintain that in accordance with Quranic verses (such as ) and numerous Hadith on the issue, Khilāfah or the Caliphate can only be established by God Himself and is a divine blessing given to those who believe and work righteousness and uphold the unity of God.
During Gemmingen's time in Vienna, the city's energetic masonic community struggled with the appearance of the "Strict Observance" movement, which Gemmingen opposed because of the enhanced role it gave to "occult mysticism". Gemmingen supported the creation of a new lodge, respecting the older obligations and the differenatiation between the difference degrees (ranks) of members, along with backing for Enlightenment values and support for the Emperor's reforms by word and deed. Gemmingen himself became Master of the new Lodge, which took its principles from an earlier group, the Lodge of true concord. Soon afterwards he became the district lodge secretary for Vienna, with the mandate to draft up some constitutional statutes.
The tribe of the cochismas was located on the banks of the Guanare River and the Guaribes occupied the area that irrigated the river of the same name. Inland, other tribes like the Quacos and Cores occupied territories up to the banks of the Orinoco River. Ruins of Barcelona's Casa Fuerte, a symbol of Venezuela's struggle for independence from Spain Since 1499 the first Spanish incursions to the beaches of Anzoátegui began through the Maracapana (Dairy) hill in search of pearls sources. With the appearance of Cubagua and its pearly potential, the stretch of land included between Cumana and the Unare River became a key supply site.
In addition they all have a DC input socket for optional external power-supply via a mains transformer. The Series 3's innovative clamshell design did have some problems: breakages of any of the four hinges; loss of function in the button bar between the two-halves of the clam; and deterioration of the cable linking the keyboard half to the screen, leading to a serious display problem with the appearance of vertical lines. Psion Series 3s have room for two flash-memory cards, which enabled backup of data. Psion, Acorn and third party software was available loaded onto such memory cards which were available as separate packs.
Names of various pharaohs are used with the appearance of historical characters from Egypt's ancient history, and limited encyclopedic information about ancient Egyptian practices is provided in the game's help menu and instruction booklet. While the game uses the deben as its currency, no standardized metal currency is known to have been used in Ancient Egypt. Although the puzzle-like aspect of Pharaoh keeps the simulation far from realistic, the game stays true to the chronological order and timing of major events in the history of Egypt, including monument construction, wars and national disasters, the births and deaths of notable leaders, and the founding and fall of ancient cities.
In Pirie's obituary in The Daily Telegraph, her obituarist writes that she was "a small, dumpy woman with the appearance of a confirmed and rather matronly spinster", whose "unassuming demeanour masked a sharp intellect and the powers of observation essential for the task of a secret agent." She worked her way into the inner circles of the party, eventually working directly under party secretary John Gollan. This put her in a position to pass information from Gollan's office to her MI5 handlers. The Telegraph speculates that she may have been the inside agent who provided crucial information for two important MI5 operations described in Peter Wright's book Spycatcher.
On her advice, La Forge visits Barclay on the holodeck and discovers the exaggerated simulation of the bridge crew. La Forge suggests Barclay get counseling from Troi, whose counterpart on the holodeck displays clear signs of sexual attraction towards Barclay. Barclay attempts to undergo a real counseling session with Troi, but freaks out when she tries to relax him with the appearance of actions his holodeck version of her would do, and ends the counseling session to flee back to the holodeck. When Barclay cannot be located to attend a briefing with Riker, Riker storms into the holodeck with La Forge and Troi to locate him.
Weakening slightly as its forward motion slowed, Typhoon Sudal passed about south of Yap at 0000 UTC on April 9, which was its closest approach to the island. Intensification continued throughout the day on April 9, with the appearance of concentric eyewalls on satellite imagery; such a feature is indicative of an intense tropical cyclone. Early on April 10, the JTWC estimated that Sudal attained peak winds of 240 km/h (150 mph 1-min sustained), making the cyclone a super typhoon. At the same time, the JMA estimated peak winds of 165 km/h (105 mph 10-min sustained), as well as a barometric pressure of 940 mbar (27.76 inHg).
The band was signed to Reprise Records in 1966 and released their first single, "Ain't It Hard", in the latter part of the year. Their first album, The Electric Prunes, included the band's two nationally charting songs, "I Had Too Much to Dream (Last Night)" and "Get Me to the World on Time". With the appearance of their second album, Underground, the band was more free to create their own material. However, the original group disbanded by 1968 when they proved unable to record the innovative and complex arrangements by David Axelrod on the albums Mass in F Minor and Release of an Oath.
Jenny Darroch (born May 26, 1963) is the Dean and Mitchell P. Rales Chair in Business Leadership of the Farmer School of Business at Miami University, former Henry Y. Hwang Dean of the Drucker School of Management at Claremont Graduate University, professor of marketing and entrepreneurship, and author. Her early scholarly work on innovation coincided with the appearance of the National Innovation System (NIS) in New Zealand. Darroch serves as a regular contributor to the HuffPost. Her articles examine a range of topics including skill sets for recent college graduates, Peter Drucker’s five key principles and the impact of sustainable development goals on business practice.
In addition, with the appearance of a new generation of Soviet fighters, it became apparent that F-5Es could no longer adequately mimic Warsaw Pact threats. It was decided to re-equip the squadron with General Dynamics F-16C Fighting Falcons and move the squadron to RAF Bentwaters. In return, the Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II's at Bentwaters would move to Alconbury and give the 10th Tactical Fighter Wing a new close air support mission. After the 527th was reassigned, eight of the lowest-hour F-5E's were transferred to the Navy for Top Gun/Aggressor training at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California in July 1988.
The flapper lifestyle and look disappeared and the roaring '20s era of glitz and glamour came to an end in America after the Wall Street Crash of 1929 Unable to afford the latest trends and lifestyle, the once-vibrant flapper women returned to their dropped hemlines, and the flapper dress disappeared. A sudden serious tone washed over the public with the appearance of The Great Depression. The high-spirited attitude and hedonism were less acceptable during the economic hardships of the 1930s. When hemlines began to rise again, numerous states took action, making laws that restricted women to wear skirts with hemlines no shorter than three inches above the ankle.
Tira continued serving Nightmare and manipulating Astaroth, Sophitia and others into serving Soul Edge, in order to weaken Soul Calibur and provide Nightmare with the strength necessary to destroy the spirit sword. Nightmare would then clash against Siegfried in a final duel, though his plans were interfered with the appearance of Algol and the Tower of Remembrance. In the end, Siegfried and Nightmare fought one last climactic battle in Astral Chaos, Siegfried emerging victorious and destroying Soul Edge and Nightmare. As revealed in Soulcalibur V, Siegfried gathered his staunchest allies from the Schwarzwind, having reformed the bandits into mercenaries, including Hildegard von Krone and Viola.
Later, with the appearance of Những thiên đường mù [Paradise Of The Blind] (1988) and Tiểu thuyềt vô đề [Novel without a Name] (1994) in foreign translations, plus her increasing outspokenness and seven-month imprisonment in 1991, Hương became Vietnam's most visible writer and dissident. Politics notwithstanding, her gift as a writer is as a purveyor of the quotidian. In the word of one critic: "She is unmatched in her ability to capture the small, telling details of everyday life." Huong's first book, a volume of stories called Chân dung người hàng xóm [Portrait of a Neighbor] (1985), revealed both her strengths and weaknesses.
Two female gladiators with their names Amazonia and Achillea In works of art, battles between Amazons and Greeks are placed on the same level as – and often associated with – battles of Greeks and centaurs. The belief in their existence, however, having been once accepted and introduced into the national poetry and art, it became necessary to surround them as far as possible with the appearance of natural beings. Amazons were therefore depicted in the manner of Scythian or Sarmatian horsemen. Their occupation was hunting and war; their arms the bow, spear, axe, a half shield, nearly in the shape of a crescent, called pelta, and in early art a helmet.
Protest in Amsterdam against the deployment of Pershing II missiles in Europe, 1981 The cultural revolution of the 1960s and 1970s made Amsterdam the magisch centrum (magical center) of Europe. The use of soft drugs was tolerated and this policy made the city a popular destination for hippies. The period 1966–1986, however, was described by Geert Mak as the "twenty years' urban war" (twintigjarige stadsoorlog): an extended period of social struggle between the city's radical youth and its government. The war started with the appearance of the local anarchist movement, Provo, so called because it liked to provoke authorities and bourgeois society with (non- violent) happenings and Dada-inspired absurdism.
A transitional government was installed in November 1991 to manage the affairs of state until the institutions of the Third Republic were put in place in April 1993. While the economy deteriorated over the course of the transition, certain accomplishments stand out, including the successful conduct of a constitutional referendum; the adoption of key legislation such as the electoral and rural codes; and the holding of several free, fair, and nonviolent nationwide elections. Freedom of the press flourished with the appearance of several new independent newspapers. In 1993, Mahamane Ousmane, the Democratic and Social Convention (CDS) party candidate, won the presidential election with the support of a coalition of parties.
Social movements are considered in many Wikipedia articles, and an article on the field of social movements as a whole would be much longer than this essay. The study of collective behavior spun its wheels for many years, but began to make progress with the appearance of Turner and Killian's "Collective Behavior" (1957) and Smelser's Theory of Collective Behavior (1962). Both books pushed the topic of collective behavior back into the consciousness of American sociologists and both theories contributed immensely to our understanding of collective behavior (; ). Social disturbances in the U. S. and elsewhere in the late '60s and early '70s inspired another surge of interest in crowds and social movements.
Sony, whose rivalry with Nintendo had softened with the appearance of Microsoft's Xbox on the console market, agreed to the partnership on the condition that it would not impact development of titles for the PlayStation 2. This resulted in the creation of "The Game Designers Studio", a shell company for Square's Product Development Division 2 co-owned by Square and Akitoshi Kawazu, a staff member famous for his work on the SaGa series. Development of the new project began in late 2001. The title was developed with the aid of Q Fund, a fund set up by Nintendo's Hiroshi Yamauchi to help first-time developers for the GameCube and GBA consoles.
In tests, the carp only took the free offerings and left the hook bait if the bait was not attached to a 'hair'. Human hair was also a problem because anglers sometimes lost their baits while they were casting. These problems have been solved with the appearance of braided thread, a new material that allows threads to be as discreet as natural ones but more resistant to breaking. Many believe however, that the whole concept works, because the hook is NOT buried in the bait or boilie and due to the carp sucking and blowing, the sharp hook point catches in the mouth or lips.
The cover art was painted by the group's friend and colleague Joni Mitchell. The album was reissued on compact disc some time in the 1980s, and again on September 20, 1994, after being remastered by Joe Gastwirt at Ocean View Digital using the original master tapes. It was reissued yet again, with no apparent additional remastering, on September 30, 2008. The album has been rendered relatively superfluous with the appearance of the Crosby, Stills & Nash box set in 1991, which contains all of these tracks with the exceptions of "Helplessly Hoping," "Woodstock," "Guinnevere," and "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes," which are in either different versions or different mixes.
In the 1950s, some innovations started to appear in the coladeira, similar to the ones that appeared with the morna. It is in this period that electric instruments began to be used, and the coladeira began to receive international attention, either through performances abroad or by the distribution of coladeira records. The coladeira continued to integrate influences from abroad, from Brazilian music and also from Anglo-Saxon music. In the 1970s, with the appearance of movements against colonialism and relations with socialist countries, other influences came along, including Latin-American music (bolero, son cubano, salsa, cumbia) and African music (especially from Angola and Guinea-Bissau).
Coincident with the appearance of volume 39, all 39 volumes, A through Z, were published as a set in 1819. The primary publishers of this set were the consortium of Longman, Hurst, Rees (who by then apparently held an equity share), Orme, and Brown, of Paternoster Row. However, correct dating by half-volume or fascicle (1802–1820) can have serious implications for the accuracy of citations by modern writers, especially when discussing scientific priority: a list compiled in 1820 in Philosophical Magazine was designed to give proper priority to scientific discoveries. Volumes of plates were issued in blocks, and not with the texts to which they refer.
The original building was a large Neoclassical structure with a traditional masonry facade. Little more than a decade passed, and the members were no longer satisfied with the appearance of their meeting place; they rehired the original contractor to convert its appearance to the new Art Deco style with its early modern architecture influences. Construction was completed in 1930, by which time the Great Depression had begun, but the aerie remained financially strong. As the members saw it as their duty to help the poor in such dire times, the building was opened to assist non-members, and aerie money was spent on financing dinners for the indigent.
Pháp Hải Lang was born approximately 1740 B.C., and took the regnal name of Hùng Huy Vương upon becoming Hùng king.Biệt Lam Trần Huy Bá. (article title unknown). Nguồn Sáng magazine 23 - 1998. The series of all Hùng kings following Pháp Hải Lang took that same regnal name of Hùng Huy Vương to rule over Văn Lang until approximately 1632 B.C. This dynasty, as well as the next dynasty (Khôn line), sought to protect and consolidate Văn Lang's northern borders. A new dawn of Vietnamese civilization during the Bronze Age in the Red River delta emerged approximately 1700 B.C. with the appearance of the new elaborate set of burial customs.
The València plains are known for their olive, mulberry, ilex, algaroba, orange, and palm trees, with the appearance of an "immense garden". Such is the fertility of the soil, that two and three crops in the year are generally obtained, and the greater part of the land returns eight per cent. The rice crops are the most valuable, and are chiefly produced in the tract which is irrigated by the Albufera, a large lake in the neighbourhood of València. Rice being the principal food of the lower classes, the crop is generally consumed in the province, with the exception of a small quantity which finds its way into Castile and Andalusia.
Grant was promoted to lieutenant-general in 1830, and he served as a Tory Member of Parliament (MP) for the rotten borough of Queenborough from 1831 until the borough was disenfranchised under the Reform Act 1832. Grant was a groom of the bedchamber to Prince Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, later King of Hanover. He was reputed to have been the strongest man in the British Army, and was given the nickname "The Black Giant."The nickname became popular when he commanded the hussar brigade in 1813, his towering frame and swarthy looks contrasted with the appearance of his constant companion, a diminutive red-headed brigade major.
Feliform evolutionary timeline All modern carnivorans, including cats, evolved from miacoids, which existed from approximately 66 to 33 million years ago. There were other earlier cat-like species but Proailurus (meaning "before the cat"; also called "Leman's Dawn Cat"), which appeared about 30 million years ago, is generally considered the first "true cat". The increase in disparity through the early Miocene occurs during a time when few feliform fossils have been found in North America. The hypercarnivorous nimravid feliforms were extinct in North America after 26 Ma and felids did not arrive in North America until the Middle Miocene with the appearance of Pseudaelurus.
British fly-fishing continued to develop in the 19th Century, with the emergence of fly fishing clubs, along with the appearance of several books on the subject of fly tying and fly fishing techniques. The Fly-fisher's Entomology by Alfred Ronalds had a great influence on the development of fly fishing when it was first published in 1836. Alfred Ronalds took up the sport of fly fishing, learning the craft on the rivers Trent, Blythe and Dove. On the River Blythe, near what is today Creswell Green, Ronalds constructed a bankside fishing hut designed primarily as an observatory of trout behaviour in the river.
After the Flashpoint timeline's dangers, Barry realizes the mistake and releases Thawne to kill Nora again hoping the timeline will revert to normal. In season four, Thawne is revealed to clearly know of and admired Clifford DeVoe. In season five, Thawne – still with the appearance of Wells – is revealed to be the secret mentor of Nora West-Allen, Barry's and Iris West-Allen's future daughter. Imprisoned in Iron Heights in 2049 under a death sentence and routinely tortured by a corrupt prison guard, he professes to Nora that he helps to ensure a better legacy for himself than simply being known only as an evil speedster.
In the Observatory, Aeron can save his progress, and interact with Elena and the merchant Mavda. The main objective when inside the Thirteen Towers is the reach the Masters, powerful monsters housed at the top of each tower in a locked room which act as the game's bosses. These rooms must be accessed by solving puzzles throughout each Tower to unlock the door. On his way through the Towers, Aeron must fight numerous smaller enemies: he can perform a basic melee attack, and a charged attack which deals higher damage and will trigger additional attacks if the player times a button press with the appearance of a targeting ring around Aeron.
Beckham's contingent of Border Police however were dissolved many years earlier, probably around 1847. Previous to this date, Beckham and his troopers were involved in the capture of the bushranger known as Massey, and other outlaws such as two men who stole cattle to provide a large group of Aboriginal people who resided at the junction of the Lachlan River and Murrumbidgee River with food. The troopers arrested these suppliers and the Aboriginal people decamped with the appearance of the carbines. In 1844, two men escaped from Beckham's Border Police, committing robberies and stealing weapons, thereby disgracing the reputation and hastening the dissolution of the force in the district.
Construction of the bridge was carried out by the French Batignolles Construction Company (Société de Construction des Batignolles), beginning in March 1907 and ending in December 1908. On either side of the bridge are two tunnels carved out of mountains on either side of the gorge, with a single span of (measured between the heels of the supporting trusses) stretching between them. The bridge's total length from end to end is . The bridge is supported by a three-hinged metal arch, consisting of two triangular trusses arranged similarly to the leaves of a bascule bridge, with the appearance of a widely opened, inverted letter V—hence the name "Inverted V bridge".
Scholem gives a variety of examples of such borrowings. The Zohar draws upon early mystical texts such as the Sefer Yetzirah and the Bahir, and the early medieval writings of the Hasidei Ashkenaz. Another influence on the Zohar that Scholem, and scholars like Yehudah Liebes and Ronit Meroz have identified was a circle of Spanish Kabbalists in Castile who dealt with the appearance of an evil side emanating from within the world of the sephirot. Scholem saw this dualism of good and evil within the Godhead as a kind of "gnostic" inclination within Kabbalah, and as a predecessor of the Sitra Ahra (the other, evil side) in the Zohar.
The Torrey Botanical Society is an organization for people interested in plant life, including professional and amateur botanists, students, and others who simply enjoy nature. The society, which began informally in the 1860s under the aegis and inspiration of Columbia College Professor John Torrey, is thought to be the oldest botanical society in America. The early members were amateur botanists, students, and colleagues of Dr. Torrey, who were interested in collecting and identifying plants and occasionally met in the evening to discuss their findings. The organization was named with the appearance of its first publication, Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, in 1870, and was incorporated in 1871.
Fraser, Caledonia to Pictland, pp. 361-62 Historian Jame Fraser points out that in England both Canterbury and York were dedicated to St Peter, with their junior bishoprics dedicated to St Andrew, that is, the churches of Hexham and Rochester. It is possible thus that St Andrews was established as a bishopric from the outset, junior to the bishopric of Rosemarkie, which appears originally to have been dedicated to St Peter. It is also possible that the emergence of the cult of St Andrew in the 8th century was connected with the appearance of "Constantine" as a royal name in the era, St Andrew being the patron of Constantinople.
He completed a master's degree at the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London, under the supervision of Michael Kitson and Anita Brookner; his thesis was on the work of J. M. W. Turner. In 1969, Serota became Chairman of the new Young Friends of the Tate organisation with a membership of 750. They took over a building in Pear Place, south of Waterloo Bridge, arranging lectures and Saturday painting classes for local children. The Young Friends staged their own shows and applied for an Arts Council grant, but were asked to desist by the Tate Chairman and Trustees, who were concerned with the appearance of official backing for these ventures.
The panel was replaced in 1945 by a copy made by Belgian copyist Jef Van der Veken. Van der Veken used a two centuries old closet shelf as the painting panel. He made the copy of the missing painting on the basis of a copy that Michiel Coxie (1499-1592) had produced in the mid- sixteenth century for Philip II of Spain and was kept at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium. In order to harmonize his copy with the appearance of the other panels of the Ghent Altarpiece, Van der Veken applied a layer of wax to create a similar patina.
Claudio Lorenzale Otger Cataló (or 'Catalon' ) is a legendary character who with the Nine Barons of Fame would have conquered Catalonia from the Saracens sometime in the 8th century AD. According to some old theories, the name of Catalonia would have derived from its surname. In any case, the oldest written references to this character that have survived are from the fifteenth century, much later than any contemporaneous source. The legend was recovered mainly from XIX with the appearance of Renessaince and by the works of the authors of the Catalan Renaixença: Víctor Balaguer, Antoni Ferrer i Codina and Jacinto Verdaguer. The legend is based on events that occurred in three different generations.
CST (01:05 UTC), the Arlington tornado touched down on South Cooper Street, causing initial damage to a restaurant; the tornado's touchdown coincided with the appearance of a tornado vortex signature on radar imagery. Well-built homes within a residential area along Embercrest Drive sustained widespread damage, with some houses experiencing up to F3-rated damage; such damage occurred after garage doors failed, allowing tornadic winds to unroof homes and push out exterior walls. As a consequence, homes that faced the tornadic winds sustained more damage than homes whose attached garages were sheltered from the strong winds. After crossing Matlock Road, the tornado did additional damage to one- and two-story homes in another subdivision, producing F3 damage.
The 72 would come to be called the John Player Special, or JPS, Lotus, after the team's sponsor. Aerodynamic downforce slowly gained importance in car design with the appearance of aerofoils during the late 1960s. During the late 1970s, Lotus introduced ground-effect aerodynamics (previously used on Jim Hall's Chaparral 2J during 1970) that provided enormous downforce and greatly increased cornering speeds. So great were the aerodynamic forces pressing the cars to the track (up to five times the car's weight), extremely stiff springs were needed to maintain a constant ride height, leaving the suspension virtually solid, depending entirely on the tyres for any small amount of cushioning of the car and driver from irregularities of the road surface.
Some adherents of young-Earth creationism make an argument (called the Omphalos hypothesis after the Greek word for navel) that the world was created with the appearance of age; e.g., the sudden appearance of a mature chicken capable of laying eggs. This ad hoc hypothesis introduced into young-Earth creationism makes it non-falsifiable because it says that the time of creation (of a species) measured by the accepted technology is illusory and no accepted technology is proposed to measure the claimed "actual" time of creation. Popper says that it's fine to modify a theory by the introduction of an auxiliary hypothesis, but the new theory must at the least remain falsifiable, which is not the case here.
This was the consequence of Polish statelessness, because the Polish nationality was suppressed by the authorities of the countries which acquired the territory of the former Commonwealth. It was during that time that Polishness begun to be identified with ethnicity, increasingly excluding groups such as the Polish Jews, who were previously more likely to be accepted as Polish patriots. This was also the period in which Polish nationalism, which was previously common to both left-wing and right-wing political platforms, became more redefined as being limited to the right-wing, with the appearance of politician Roman Dmowski who renamed Liga Polska (the Polish League) as Liga Narodowa (the National League) in 1893.
Shaviv has been one of the proponents of a cosmic ray climate link. In 2003 he has shown that the cosmic ray flux over the past billion years can be reconstructed from the exposure ages of Iron meteorites, that these flux variations are expected from spiral arm passages, and they correlate with the appearance of ice age epochs on Earth. In a later work with Ján Veizer, it was demonstrated that the temperature reconstruction over the Phanerozoic correlates with the cosmic ray flux, but it does not correlate with the CO2 reconstruction, thus placing an upper limit on the effects of CO2. This prompted several reactions by the climate community and rebuttals by Shaviv and his colleagues.
Retrieved 2011-10-24. In August 2012, with Sino-Israeli trade growing, the Beijing University of International Business and Economics in Beijing set up a department dedicated to studying Israeli economics and Judaism, while some Chinese universities began offering Hebrew courses. The group SIGNAL has established an exchange network of Chinese and Israeli scholars and academics to help them collaborate with each other on various academic projects. Since 2012, with the appearance of the first signs of a crisis in Israel's relationship with the U.S. (and the European Union) with regards to the negotiations with the Palestinians, many Israeli state officials began pointing to China's economic prowess as a possible alternative to the economic dependence on the West.
With the appearance of XML as an alternative to SGML, XML's associated stylesheet language XSL was also widely and rapidly adopted, from around 1999. Although DSSSL continued to be in use within the shrinking SGML field, XSL was very soon in use more extensively, and by more coders, than DSSSL had ever achieved. This was emphasised when previous SGML strongholds such as DocBook converted from SGML to XML, and also converted their favoured stylesheet language from DSSSL to XSL. Sometime in or before 1994, Opera Software began drafting a "DSSSL Lite" specification for the consideration of the World Wide Web Consortium, since DSSSL was thought to be too complex for the World Wide Web.
For a long time bacteria belonging to this group were considered to lack peptidoglycan, (also called murein) in their cell walls, which is an important heteropolymer present in most bacterial cell walls that serves as a protective component. It was thought that instead their walls were made up of glycoprotein which is rich in glutamate. Recently, however, representatives of all three clades within the Planctomycetes were found to possess peptidoglycan-containing cell walls. Planctomycetes have a distinctive morphology with the appearance of membrane-bound internal compartments, often referred to as the paryphoplasm (ribosome-free space), pirellulosome (ribosome-containing space) and nucleoid (condensed nucleic acid region, in these species surrounded by a double membrane).
Oracle Corporation introduced Oracle ConText first as a software option, then as an Oracle data cartridge (a server-based software module) for text retrieval when it released version 8 of the Oracle database in 1997. It used the default schema CTXSYS and the default tablespace DRSYS. With the appearance of version 8i of the Oracle database in 1999, a re-designed ConText became Oracle interMedia Text — part of the separately-priced Oracle interMedia bundle of products. With the release of version 9i of the database in 2001 Oracle Corporation renamed the software as Oracle Text and again marketed it as a standalone subsystem, integrated with and included in the cost of the database software.
The Dog Brothers Martial Arts video library has seen several guest instructors dating back to Real Contact Stickfighting Series 1 as taught by Eric "Top Dog" Knaus. Carlos Machado and Burton "Lucky Dog" Richardson teach specific segments in this series, with Machado's segment being the first example of the pre-UFC Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and grappling influence in Dog Brothers Martial Arts that proved controversial to some in the greater Filipino Martial Arts community. This grappling influence continues in the DBMA empty hand subsystem Kali Tudo with the appearance of wrestling coach Kenny Johnson in Kali Tudo 3: The Striking Game. Johnson has coached many UFC veterans including BJ Penn, Anderson Silva and Lyoto Machida.
It was discovered in the 19th century during rebuilding works at the basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura, in Rome, Italy. Together with the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, it one of the most important examples of Christian-Roman sculpture of the Constantinian era. It draws its name from its clear references to the dogmas of the Council of Nicaea (325), in particular to Christ being consubstantial with God the Father, as shown (for example) by the scene of a figure with the appearance of Jesus between Adam and Eve, though whether the figure is to be understood as Christ or God the Father is less clear – the dogmatic point works either way.
The ITER parties had agreed to provide contributions to ITER through legal entities referred to as "Domestic Agencies". Europe has fulfilled its obligation by launching the European Domestic Agency called "Fusion for Energy", also called F4E, in March 2007. With the appearance of F4E EFDA´s role has changed and it has been reorganised. A revised European Fusion Development Agreement entered into force on 1 January 2008 focuses on research coordination with two main objectives: to prepare for the operation and exploitation of ITER and to further develop and consolidate the knowledge base needed for overall fusion development and in particular for DEMO, the first electricity producing experimental fusion power plant being built after ITER.
The first issue of Other Worlds, Imaginations stable-mate at Clark Publishing American science fiction magazines first appeared in the 1920s with the appearance of Amazing Stories, a pulp magazine published by Hugo Gernsback. The beginnings of science fiction as a separately marketed genre can be traced to this time, and by the end of the 1930s the field was undergoing its first boom,Nicholls & Clute, "Genre SF"; Edwards & Nicholls, "Astounding Science-Fiction"; Stableford, "Amazing Stories"; Edwards & Nicholls, "SF Magazines", all in Nicholls & Clute, "Encyclopedia of Science Fiction". but World War II and its attendant paper shortages led to the demise of several titles. By the late 1940s the market began to recover again.
Subtitling developed starting from 1917, during the silent film era, whereas surtitling has been used in the live performing arts since 1983 (at the dawning of digital systems). With the appearance of new information systems, which opened the door to multilingual titling terminological debate started, too. In the audiovisual system, even when more than one language was used, subtitles maintained their position unchanged for many years. The newest software technologies for mobile devices, which came out as an alternative to subtitling in cinemas, or the possibilities opened up by head-mounted displays, such as subtitle glasses, have made a revision of the technical terminology necessary also in the field of those performing arts that are reproducible on electronic devices.
The Serbian acoustic scene emerged in the late 1960s with the appearance of the hippie subculture in Serbia, but reached its peak in the early 1970s with the bands Porodična Manufaktura Crnog Hleba, Vlada i Bajka, Lutajuća Srca, S Vremena Na Vreme, DAG, and Suncokret, most of them being a part of the Belgrade acoustic rock scene, naming themselves "akustičari" ("acousticans")."Svremenaši", The pioneers of the Serbian acoustic rock scene were the bands Porodična Manufaktura Crnog Hleba, Vlada i Bajka and S Vremena Na Vreme. Porodična Manufaktura Crnog Hleba, which was also a theatre group, formed by Maja de Rado and Jugoslav Vlahović in 1968, released their only album Stvaranje in 1974, and disbanded in 1975.
Dai Li was sent to take over Deng's investigation agency and quietly integrated it into his own special agency, which later evolved into the Military Statistical Bureau, the notorious secret police of the KMT. Dai no longer played any major part in the BSS now he had set up his own kingdom. Taking advantage of this blow to the BSS's prestige, the Politics Research Clique consummated the Administrative Office System, adding new levels of administration between provinces and counties (the two tier system of provinces and counties had been used in China for more than a thousand years). With the appearance of new offices, the Politics Research Clique was able to control the county level.
There were no political parties in this election -- until the 1903 election, British Columbia politics were officially non-partisan and political parties were not part of the process. This trend began to change in the 1898 and 1900 elections with the appearance of party-designated candidates and some party-declared members; for example, Ralph Smith in South Nanaimo. The political alignments designated at the time of the dropping of the writ did not necessarily have anything to do with the jockeying for power and support once the election returns were in. Therefore, members shown as "Government" or "Opposition" only ran under that slate and had no necessary allegiances or party loyalties to follow.
Because of its rapid rise, the ubiquitous IBM typewriter suddenly vanished in the 1980s as millions of companies worldwide shifted to the use of Word Perfect business software, and later, Microsoft Word software. Another vastly popular computer program for business were mathematical spreadsheet programs such as Lotus 1-2-3, and later Microsoft Excel. In the 1990s business shifted massively towards globalism with the appearance of SAP software which coordinates a supply-chain of vendors, potentially worldwide, for the most efficient, streamlined operation of factory manufacture. Yet nothing in the history of business software has had the global impact of the Internet, with its email and websites that now serve commercial interests worldwide.
The series opens with the introduction of a group of white- haired children, known as the "Befort Children", named after "Befort" a fictional village in Belgium where their existence was first recorded in 1489. This group of enigmatic children has been spotted at different times and places in Europe for over 500 years. Always with the appearance of 11-year- olds, they behave far more mature than they should be, never grow old, and seem to have supernatural power. Then the story starts to unfold in 2012 by introducing Helga, an introverted 11-year-old orphan who drew pictures of a land with a crescent moon that she believed was her home.
Following a period of decline during the 14th century, in competition with the appearance of universities, the school experienced a renewal under the rule of Bishop Salentin of Isenburg and headmaster Hermann von Kerssenbroch in the 1500s. The influence of renaissance humanism from this period is still a distinctive presence in the school ethos and curriculum. The school became Lutheran soon thereafter, like most of the citizenry of Paderborn, until the efforts of the Jesuits gradually led to a return of the school to Catholicism, marking the beginning of the Counter Reformation in the region. Under the Prince-bishop of Paderborn, Theodor von Fürstenberg, the forceful submission of Lutheranism in Paderborn was complete by 1604.
Lucania at sea Lucania and Campania served as Cunard's major passenger liners for 14 years, during which time both liners were superseded in speed and size by a succession of four-funnelled German liners, starting with the in 1897. The German competition necessitated the construction of replacements for the two Cunarders, which came to fruition in 1907 with the appearance of the and . It was soon decided that Lucania was no longer needed, and her last voyage was on 7 July 1909, after which she was laid up at the Huskisson Dock in Liverpool. On the evening of 14 August 1909, she was badly damaged by a fire and partially sank at her berth.
The Art of Fighting series originally served as a prequel to the Fatal Fury series, taking place during the late 1970s and early 1980s. This is reflected by the characters' official birthdates in the series and given ages in each game. This is made even more obvious with the appearance of a young Geese Howard in Art of Fighting 2, and most of all, Ryo's best student who debuted as one of the playable fighters in Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Khushnood Butt. The Hyper Neo-Geo 64 game Buriki One and the PlayStation port of Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition features an older modern-day Ryo adopting his father's former identity of Mr. Karate.
In web development, "tag soup" is a pejorative for syntactically or structurally incorrect HTML written for a web page. Because web browsers have historically treated HTML syntax or structural errors leniently, there has been little pressure for web developers to follow published standards, and therefore there is a need for all browser implementations to provide mechanisms to cope with the appearance of "tag soup", accepting and correcting for invalid syntax and structure where possible. An HTML parser (part of a web browser) that is capable of interpreting HTML-like markup even if it contains invalid syntax or structure may be called a tag soup parser. All major web browsers currently have a tag soup parser for interpreting malformed HTML.
Niederau station from the track side, seen around 1860 Baroness von Werther, the owner of Oberau Castle, built the building and operated it at first as an inn. The half- timbered building was given a wood sheathing in 1862 and it was plastered with the appearance of Cyclopean masonry 15 years later. Also in 1877, the premises of the officials’ apartments were renovated and a station restaurant was built in the new rooms. Subsequently the building was used both for residential and station purposes. To emphasize the latter function, it received a station clock and the station sign that broke up the previously empty space on the building’s gable during a reorganisation in 1988.
In 1967, when Professor Ole Heie wrote his monograph Studies on Fossil Aphids, about sixty species have been described from the Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and mostly the Tertiary periods, with Baltic amber contributing another forty species. The total number of species was small, but increased considerably with the appearance of the angiosperms , as this allowed aphids to specialise, the speciation of aphids going hand-in-hand with the diversification of flowering plants. The earliest aphids were probably polyphagous, with monophagy developing later. It has been hypothesized that the ancestors of the Adelgidae lived on conifers while those of the Aphididae fed on the sap of Podocarpaceae or Araucariaceae that survived extinctions in the late Cretaceous.
The latter project involved the construction of various modernist buildings for the establishment of the offices of ministries and other public services, as well as commencing the construction of medium- rise buildings. On the other hand, the traditional inhabitants of the center began to migrate out of the city to more rural areas like Providencia and Ñuñoa, which hosted the oligarchy and the European immigrant professionals, and San Miguel for middle-class families. Furthermore, in the periphery villas were built various partners from various organizations of the time. Modernity expanded in the city, with the appearance of the first theaters, the extension of the telephone network and the opening of the Airport Los Cerrillos in 1928, among other advances.
Simo tells his freedman Sosia that the nuptials that he is preparing for Pamphilus are a sham. When Sosia enquires as to the purpose of the sham, Simo tells him of Pamphilus' shameful secret attachment to Glycerium, the sister of a harlot. While Chremes had previously been so impressed by Pamphilus' moderate and upright behaviour he offered his daughter unprompted; following the uncovering of the affair between Pamphilus and Glycerium at Chrysis' funeral he has withdrawn his offer. Simo is outraged that Pamphilus does not feel abashed by his private admonition of Pamphilus' behaviour and is continuing with the appearance of the nuptials so that he will be seen as publicly defying his father.
Thus, from Kunisada alone was withheld, for a long time, the acknowledgment which is due to him. With a few exceptions, such as actor portraits (yakusha-e) and portraits of beautiful women (bijin-ga), at the beginning of his career, and some series of large-size actor head- portraits near the end, it was thought that he had produced only inferior works. It was not until the early 1990s, with the appearance of Jan van Doesburg's overview of the artistic development of Kunisada, and Sebastian Izzard's extensive study of his work, that this picture began to change, with Kunisada more clearly revealed as one of the "giants" of the Japanese print that he was.
In 1962, a two-door "light van" version was added, essentially a station wagon but classified as a commercial vehicle in Japan. A derivative model, Toyota Sports 800 (marketed initially as "Publica Sport") debuted at the 1962 Tokyo Motor Show. In 1963 Toyota added a new Deluxe trim level, denoted internally as "type UP10D", which featured such "luxuries" as reclining seats, Combustion heater or radio, as well as some chrome decors (the previous base model was now called Standard). With the appearance of the Deluxe, demand finally picked up, and when the convertible model was added the same year, sales of the Publica finally reached the target level of 3000–4000 monthly.
The same year, the first World of Nintendo stores-within-a-store, which carried official Nintendo merchandise, were opened in the United States. According to company information, more than 25% of homes in the United States had an NES in 1989. Super Nintendo Entertainment System The late 1980s marked the slip of Nintendo's dominance in the video game market with the appearance of NEC's PC Engine and Sega's Mega Drive, game systems designed with a 16-bit architecture that allowed for improved graphics and audio compared to the NES. In response to the competition, Uemura designed the Super Famicom, which launched in 1990. The first batch of 300,000 consoles sold out in a matter of hours.
Hoch (pronounced hoke) was born in Rochester, New York and began writing in the 1950s; his first story appeared in 1955 in Famous Detective Stories and was followed by stories in The Saint Mystery Magazine. In January 1962 he began appearing in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. In December 1962 he kicked off his most successful collaboration, with the appearance of his first story in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine; in the years since EQMM has published over 450 of Hoch's stories, roughly half of his total output. In May 1973 EQMM began publishing a new Hoch story in every monthly issue; as of May 2007 the author had gone an astonishing 34 years without missing a single issue.
The town's recorded history begins with the well-known Dresden Document (Dresdner Urkunde) of 1206 in which noblemen appear to be named after Potschappel, Döhlen and Wurgwitz. The fact that these are mentioned for the first time in the document is pure coincidence, because Potschappel and Wurgwitz had probably existed for several centuries, perhaps since the 9th century. There is no further mention of the lords of Potschappel until the year 1309, but the lords of Döhlen are referred to in 1228 with the appearance of Arnold "de Zukerade" (the first mention of Zauckerode). The Potschappel line may have become the lords of Sürßen, some of whom appear to have moved to Upper Lusatia.
The prospect of bombers being able to avoid the Soviet air defences dimmed with the appearance of the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21, which Nigel Birch, the Secretary of State for Air and senior RAF officers saw at Tushino Airfield on 24 June 1956. There was no immediate concern as Soviet designs often took several years to deploy; but its ceiling of posed a clear threat to the V bombers. So too did the new SA-2 surface-to-air missiles, which appeared in 1957. One of them shot down an American Lockheed U-2 piloted by Francis Gary Powers over the Soviet Union on 1 May 1960. In 1957, the supersonic Avro 730 bomber was cancelled.
The more tufts of chamois hair on one's hat, the wealthier one was considered to be. Due to modern technology, this tradition has declined with the appearance of chamois hair imitations on the market. For medical treatment of visitors, the Bavarian branch of the German Red Cross operates an aid facility and provides emergency medical care on the festival grounds, staffed with around 100 volunteer medics and doctors per day. They serve together with special detachments of Munich police, the fire department and other municipal authorities in the service centre at the Behördenhof (authorities' court), a large building specially built for the Oktoberfest at the east side of the Theresienwiese, just behind the tents.
The most significant change of the eighth century was the development of permanent temples as a regular feature of sanctuary sites, where in the Dark Ages there had probably been no building specifically used for cult purposes. In the seventh century, this development of temples continued with the appearance of the first monumental stone temple buildings, beginning with the temple of Apollo at Corinth. These temples were probably built to house cult statues of the god. Except on Crete, where there may have been a continuous tradition of cult statues from the Mycenaean period, these cult images were a new development in Greek religion - there is no evidence that Greek Dark Age cult on the mainland used cult images.
Dogs in Need is now one of several weeklong Kennel Club agility shows to take place each year, part of a busy calendar of day and weekend shows. Dog agility has grown in the UK to the point where the most popular Kennel Club shows regularly run ten or more rings a day, with up to 450 runs in each ring (or more if two judges are used in each ring). Throughout the Nineties, dog agility in the United Kingdom was dominated by the Kennel Club, with KC shows the only ones that were widely publicised. This situation finally started to change in 2003 with the appearance of shows run by East Midlands Dog Agility Club (EMDAC).
With the appearance of "A", it is revealed that Emily is questioning her sexuality and may have been in love with Alison. After Maya stays over Emily's house for a night, Ben (Steven Krueger), Emily's boyfriend, senses that Emily is losing interest in him; he attempts to rape her in the school locker room, but is stopped by Toby (Keegan Allen). Grateful and not wanting to deal with her homosexuality, Emily grows closer to Toby, despite the warnings of her friends, who believe him to be "A"/Alison's killer. Emily goes with Toby to Homecoming, much to the dismay of her friends; Emily later admits to Toby that she really wanted to come with Maya.
Year-round transportation of mail, passengers, and light freight has always been a problem in remote areas of Siberia and Eastern Europe. Many communities are surrounded by deep snow, hummock ice, marshes that remain unfrozen, and natural waterways choked by weeds. The constantly changing conditions faced by these communities required the development of a vehicle capable of traveling over a widely varied surface at high speeds in order to deliver mail and supplies, as well to transport passengers, and provide emergency medical relief and evacuation to hospitals. To satisfy these requirements, the Tupolev Design Bureau developed an amphibious aerosledge with the appearance of a speedboat, powered by a single radial engine mounted behind the cabin in a pusher configuration.
Rizal was a contemporary of Gandhi, Tagore and Sun Yat Sen who also advocated liberty through peaceful means rather than by violent revolution. Coinciding with the appearance of those other leaders, Rizal from an early age had been enunciating in poems, tracts and plays, ideas all his own of modern nationhood as a practical possibility in Asia. In the Noli he stated that if European civilization had nothing better to offer, colonialism in Asia was doomed. Government poster from the 1950s Though popularly mentioned, especially on blogs, there is no evidence to suggest that Gandhi or Nehru may have corresponded with Rizal, neither have they mentioned him in any of their memoirs or letters.
There are two main models for the formation of R CrB stars: the merger of two white dwarfs; or a very late helium flash in a post-AGB star. Models of post-AGB stars calculate that a star with the appearance of R CrB would have a mass around so it is thought to have formed by the merger of a carbon-oxygen white dwarf and a helium white dwarf. The detection of significant lithium in the atmosphere is not easily explained by the merger model, but is a natural consequence of a late helium flash. Evolutionary models of post-AGB stars give a mass of for R CrB, but with a considerable margin of error.
G. Harding "A Wine Miscellany" pg 45-47, Clarkson Potter Publishing, New York 2005 There is no scientific basis for any effect of comets on viticulture, but the term nevertheless remains in use. The term "comet wine" is sometimes used in the wine world to describe a wine of exceptional quality in reference to the high reputation that comet vintages have.Brewer's Dictionary "Comet wine" Accessed: December 20th, 2008 The 1811 comet vintage, coinciding with the appearance of the Great Comet of 1811, is perhaps the most famous. The 1811 Château d'Yquem has exhibited what wine experts like Robert Parker have described as exceptional longevity with Parker scoring the wine a perfect 100 points when tasted in 1996.
"Together We Are One" (often known by the Hebrew title "Ze Hazman" (Hebrew script: זה הזמן; English translation: "It's Time") was the Israeli entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 2006, performed in English and Hebrew by Eddie Butler. This was the first Israeli entry for which the official title did not contain at least some Hebrew. The song is heavily influenced by gospel music, a fact borne out by the presence of a pianist and backing singers with the appearance of gospel singers in the performance. Butler (one of the first African Americans to represent Israel) sings about the need to unite and overcome differences in order to progress as the human race.
Following the Permian- Triassic extinction event (also colloquially known as The Great Dying), the decline and disappearance of eugeneodonts and giant nautiloids left an environmental niche empty that many marine reptiles began to fill. Guizhouichthyosaurus was one of the largest marine vertebrates of the time, whose only predators composed of large macro-predatory Ichthyosaurs (that of which preferred to hunt smaller ichthyosaurs). The rise of the shelled cephalopods (ammonites that survived the Permian-Triassic extinction event, along with the appearance of belemnites) gave ichthyosaurs an abundant food supply with little competition. Guizhouichthyosaurus and other ichthyosaurs began to adapt to hunting these cephalopods through larger eyes, and thick bodies, to handle the pressures of diving deep to hunt for their prey.
William Hamilton started his literary career in 1829 with the essay "Philosophy of the Unconditioned". In 1829 his career of authorship began with the appearance of the well-known essay on the "Philosophy of the Unconditioned" (a critique of Victor Cousin's Cours de philosophie)--the first of a series of articles contributed by him to the Edinburgh Review. He was elected in 1836 to the University of Edinburgh chair of logic and metaphysics, and from this time dates the influence which, during the next 20 years, he exerted over the thought of the younger generation in Scotland. Much about the same time he began the preparation of an annotated edition of Thomas Reid's works, intending to annex to it a number of dissertations.
Wearing sunglasses and a metallic bodysuit with the appearance of golden armor, a blue-haired Perry, slowly singing the first part of "Part of Me," descended from the roof of the venue in a transparent cube, revealing the singer on the stage below to be a body double. Perry shattered the cube, fireworks went off around the stage, and Perry began "Part of Me" as the dancers present during "E.T." reappeared, lifted her up, and performed a routine behind her. On March 19, 2012, Perry performed "Part of Me" as part of a Live Lounge special for BBC Radio 1, along with "The One That Got Away" (2011), "Firework" (2011), "Thinking of You" (2009) and a censored version of "Niggas in Paris" (2011).
The composition brings together several figures, highlighting a magnificent deer in an alert attitude to start the fight with another congener that appears with the low antlers. Between both figures a female doe can be seen, in a lower position, and there is also a fourth figure, quite lost, which is possibly another doe. Various remains of paint on the far right of the composition seem to correspond to the figure of an archer. The great demographic and cultural emergence of Caspe took place around the 8th century BC with the appearance of innumerable towns and tumular necropolises of Indo-European, Celtic hallstatt from the first Iron Age, which correspond to populations mainly from the Segre basin and the high Ebro basin, especially from Navarra and Álava.
Faulkner was part of the Southern Renaissance movement. The Southern Renaissance (also known as Southern Renascence)Tate, Allen, The New Provincialism, 1945 was the reinvigoration of American Southern literature that began in the 1920s and 1930s with the appearance of writers such as Faulkner, Caroline Gordon, Elizabeth Madox Roberts, Katherine Anne Porter, Allen Tate, Tennessee Williams, and Robert Penn Warren, among others. The Southern Renaissance was the first mainstream movement within Southern literature to address the criticisms of Southern cultural and intellectual life that had emerged both from within the Southern literary tradition and from outsiders, most notably the satirist H. L. Mencken. In the 1920s Mencken led the attack on the genteel tradition in American literature, ridiculing the provincialism of American intellectual life.
B. Lafont, "Équidés," in Pastoralism of animals which had already been domesticated (sheep, horses, cattle) also developed further. Previously these animals had been raised mainly as sources of meat, but they now became more important for the products which they provided (wool, fur, hides, milk) and as beasts of burden.The 'secondary products revolution' of A. Sherratt "Plough and pastoralism: aspects of the secondary products revolution," in I. Hodder, G. Isaac and N. Hammond (ed.), Pattern of the Past: Studies in honour of David Clarke, Cambridge, 1981, pp. 261–305. This final aspect was especially connected with the cattle, which became essential for work in the fields with the appearance of the ard, and the donkey which assumed a major role in the transportation of goods.
After the discovery that she is not, in fact, a Walker, Rebecca must deal with her new place in the family and her new relationship with Justin which could be in trouble with the appearance of Ryan—William's actual secret child. Kitty and Robert face problems in their marriage as they try to adopt a baby while Kevin and Scotty settle into married life. Nora decides she wants a career of her own after spending most of her life in the back seat and finds a new romance. With Holly becoming a major presence at Ojai, Saul and Sarah decide to quit leading to a new business venture for the eldest Walker sibling, while Tommy turns to drastic measures to take back the family business.
The broker asks his daughter Diana Von Taer to sponsor the nieces' debut; Diana, well aware of John Merrick's millions and his importance to her father's business, agrees, as long as the girls are not "impossible." Diana calls on the cousins individually; she is struck with Louise's sweetness and classic femininity, Patsy's liveliness, and Beth's beauty (though Diana and Beth dislike each other cordially on first acquaintance), and finds them at least marginally acceptable. Diana sponsors their debut, and all goes well; the cousins are accepted into the social whirl, and are soon managing the flower booth at the year's biggest charity ball. Complications arise with the appearance of Arthur Weldon, the on-again off-again suitor of Louise from previous books.
Bernstein and his wife held the event seeking to raise awareness and money for the defense of several members of the Black Panther Party against a variety of charges, especially the case of the Panther 21. The New York Times initially covered the gathering as a lifestyle item, but later posted an editorial harshly unfavorable to Bernstein following generally negative reaction to the widely publicized story. This reaction culminated in June 1970 with the appearance of "Radical Chic: That Party at Lenny's", an essay by journalist Tom Wolfe featured on the cover of the magazine New York. The article contrasted the Bernsteins' comfortable lifestyle in one of the world's most expensive neighborhoods with the anti-establishment politics of the Black Panthers.
The consensus view is that human beings are one species, the only existing species of the genus. With the rejection of polygenism for human origins, it is asserted that this species had a definite and single origin in the past. (That assertion leaves aside the point whether the origin meant is of the current species, however. The multiregional hypothesis allows the origin to be otherwise.) The hypothesis of recent African origin of modern humans is now widely accepted, and states that anatomically modern humans had a single origin, in Africa. The genus Homo is now estimated to be about 2.3 to 2.4 million years old, with the appearance of H. habilis;James C. Kaufman, Robert J. Sternberg, The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity (2010), p.
View from across the Meare above trees House in the Clouds The House in the Clouds is a water tower at Thorpeness, Suffolk, England. It was built in 1923 to receive water pumped from Thorpeness Windmill and was designed to improve the looks of the water tower, disguising its tank with the appearance of a weatherboarded building more in keeping with Thorpeness's mock-Tudor and Jacobean style, except seeming to float above the trees. The original capacity of the water tank was but during the Second World War, the House in the Clouds was hit by gunfire from anti-aircraft guns based at Thorpeness. The water tank was repaired using its own steel, which resulted in a reduced capacity of .
With the appearance of iron weapons by the 3rd century BCE, the inhabitants of Mongolia had begun to form clan alliances and lived a hunter and herder lifestyle. The origins of more modern inhabitants are found among the forest hunters and nomadic tribes of Inner Asia. They inhabited a great arc of land extending generally from the Korean Peninsula in the east, across the northern tier of China to present-day Kazakhstan and to the Pamir Mountains and Lake Balkash in the west. During most of recorded history, this has been an area of constant ferment from which emerged numerous migrations and invasions to the southeast (into China), to the southwest (into Transoxiana—modern Uzbekistan, Iran, and India), and to the west (across Scythia toward Europe).
During the Zhou dynasty and the Warring States period, kuai made from all fauna were widely consumed. During the time of the Qin (221–206 BC) and Han (206 BC–220 AD) dynasties, kuai made from the meat of land fauna became less popular with the term used to refer more and more to thinly sliced raw fish. The dish was widely consumed by all classes and coincides with the appearance of the character kuài () with its fish radical (魚) during this period (alongside the character with the "12px" meat radical). In addition, characters such as huì () with the fire radical (火) were introduced to indicate fish that has grilled to the rare stage and then thinly sliced, similar to Japanese tataki.
Great Portland Street (then Portland Road) in Horwood's London 1792-9 :The street pattern of the whole area has been laid out almost exactly as it is today, with the appearance of Marylebone Road providing the northern boundary to the grid. Notable differences are the presence of Foley House where Langham Place is today, and Portland Place shown in its original design as a close of grand houses. Also, the line of Great Portland Street has been established but the buildings at the northern end have not been built, a curious gap as the streets parallel have largely been built up at this stage. One other curiosity in the planning of Great Portland Street, which still remains today, is its abrupt widening just north of Clipstone Street.
The two shapes show a strong figure-ground segregation and a solid figural appearance comparable to a bas-relief illuminated from the top and to rounded surfaces segregated in depth and extending out from the flat surface (figural effect). On the contrary, the complementary regions appear as empty spaces with the appearance of holes. The watercolor illusion, also referred to as the water- color effect, is an optical illusion in which a white area takes on a pale tint of a thin, bright, intensely colored polygon surrounding it if the coloured polygon is itself surrounded by a thin, darker border (Figures 1 and 2). The inner and outer borders of watercolor illusion objects often are of complementary colours (Figure 2).
Murerplan, cut On the Murerplan of 1576, the building can be seen on the right shore of the Limmat, south of the Zunfthaus zur Haue, on the so-called Reichsstrasse (imperial street). Its current form dates from the late 17th century, when it was fitted with an additional timber framing floor that protrudes on two sides over the lower stone walls which are about thick. At the request of the city government, a pedestrian walkway was built under the arches for harmony with the appearance of the surrounding buildings. In addition, exterior renovations were made by the Bräm brothers and a redesign of the interior was undertaken by Andre Ammann, to preserve the Gothic style of the original building and to remove subsequent modifications.
At the time it was the furthest known galaxy.BBC News, "Far away stars light early cosmos" Thursday, 14 March 2002, 11:38 UTC In 2009, study in the field of Abell 370 revealed a grouping of background galaxies lensed and distorted by the cluster into an arc with the appearance of a dragon, hence nicknamed The DragonAstronomy Now, "Refurbished Hubble gets off to a flying start" 09-09-09 (accessed 2009-11-07) by NASA scientists.New York Times, "The Universe, in High Definition" 09/09/09 (accessed 2009-11-07) Its head is composed of a spiral galaxy,New Scientist, "Upgraded Hubble telescope spies cosmic 'dragon' " 09.09.09 (accessed 2009-11-07) with another image of the spiral composing the tail.
Beginning in 2017, GAN technology began to make its presence felt in the fine arts arena with the appearance of a newly developed implementation which was said to have crossed the threshold of being able to generate unique and appealing abstract paintings, and thus dubbed a "CAN", for "creative adversarial network". A GAN system was used to create the 2018 painting Edmond de Belamy, which sold for US$432,500. An early 2019 article by members of the original CAN team discussed further progress with that system, and gave consideration as well to the overall prospects for an AI-enabled art. In May 2019, researchers at Samsung demonstrated a GAN-based system that produces videos of a person speaking, given only a single photo of that person.
The Hafit period followed the Ubaid period. During the Hafit period (3200 - 2600 BCE) burial cairns with the appearance of a beehive appeared, consisting of a small chamber for one to two burials. The distinctive circular tombs of the Umm Al Nar period (2,600-2,000 BCE) distinguish it from the preceding Hafit period, together with finds of distinctive black on red decorated pottery and jewellery made with gems such as carnelian, sourced from the Indus Valley. A number of important Umm Al Nar sites in the UAE such as Hili, Badiyah, Tell Abraq and Kalba feature large, towers presumably defensive in purpose. At Tell Abraq, this fortification is 40 metres in diameter, but most are between 16 and 25 metres.
The Siege of Leuven (24 June – 4 July 1635) was an important siege in the Thirty Years' War in which a Franco-Dutch army under Frederick Henry of Orange and the French Marshals Urbain de Maillé-Brezé and Gaspard III de Coligny, who had invaded the Spanish Netherlands from two sides, laid siege to the city of Leuven, defended by a force of 4,000 comprising local citizen and student militias with Walloons, Germans and Irish of the Army of Flanders under Anthonie Schetz, Baron of Grobbendonck. Poor organization and logistics and the spread of sickness among the French, along with the appearance of a relief army of 11,000 Spanish and Italian troops under Ottavio Piccolomini, forced the invading army to lift the siege.Parrott p. 74Israel p.
Archaeological excavations have uncovered the fossils of extinct animals such as mastodons, giant land tortoise, camel, glyptodont, horse, mammoth, giant armadillo, peccary, and tapir, which lived in the area up to 11,000 years ago. Their extinction was part of a larger North American die-off in which native horses, mastodons and other camelids also died out. Possibilities for extinction include global climate change and hunting pressure from the arrival of the Clovis people, who were prolific hunters with distinct fluted stone tools which allowed for a spear to be attached to the stone tool. This megafaunal extinction coincided roughly with the appearance of the big game hunting Clovis culture, and biochemical analyses have shown that Clovis tools were used in hunting camels.
The protagonist was graphically realized by Claudio Villa who drew him with the appearance of English actor Rupert Everett. Sclavi tells: The series debuted in October 1986 and Decio Canzio, editor in chief of the series at the time, remembers that: After a few years, Dylan Dog became a best seller: the first Horror Fest convention of horror cinema was organized in 1987 in honour to the success of Dylan Dog, and in 1990 Sclavi won the Yellow Kid prize as best author. In 1990, Sclavi published on Comic Art a collection of three short stories in colour about Dylan Dog (L'inquilino del terzo piano, L'appartamento n.13 and L'incubo è finito), drawn by Corrado Roi, and published a year later in the volume Gli Inquilini Arcani.
Within ten minutes Tiger was on fire in two places, and the Captain and several others had been severely wounded. In this hopeless position, Tiger was compelled to surrender, but not before her crew attempted to burn her. The crew were taken as prisoners to Odessa, and with the appearance of the Niger and Vesuvius a few hours later the Russians, fearing that Tiger might be recovered, opened fire upon her, and succeeded in blowing her up. Some sources suggested that the Tiger was later salved by the Russians and commissioned by them under the name Tigr; but this is untrue and due to a misreading of Russian naval records; in fact the frigate's engines were salvaged and installed in the Russian royal yacht Tigr.
April begins with the appearance of Venus, who chides Ovid for his abandonment of erotic elegy; Ovid goes on to trace the genealogy of the Roman kings and Augustus from Venus and ends with a celebration of Venus as the goddess of creation (1–132). The first long episode of the book is the festival of the Magna Mater, the Ludi Megalenses. For this festival Ovid recounts the birth of Rhea's children, the castration of Attis, the goddess' transfer to Rome, and the story of Claudia Quinta (179–375). The next narrative, which is the longest and most elaborate in the Fasti describes the Cerialia and the rape of Persephone, the wandering of Ceres, and the return of Persephone to Olympus (393–620).
In March 2016, executive producer Maurissa Tancharoen had stated that there was a possibility the season could continue the story of the MCU series Agent Carter in some way, given it was not renewed for the 2016–17 season. This episode reveals that the Momentum Energy Labs group introduced in the season and tied to Eli Morrow is actually a successor to the Isodyne Energy company from the second season of Agent Carter. Additionally, with the appearance of Johnny Blaze, the episode introduces that character to the MCU. The character had previously been adapted into the Sony films Ghost Rider and Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, starring Nicolas Cage as Blaze, which the series had otherwise been trying to distance itself from.
Lane provided testimony to the Warren Commission in Washington, D.C. on March 4, 1964. Lane testified that he had contacted witness Helen Markham sometime within the five days preceding his appearance before the Commission and that she had described Tippit's killer to him as "short, a little on the heavy side, and his hair was somewhat bushy". He added, "I think it is fair to state that an accurate description of Oswald would be average height, quite slender with thin and receding hair." In addressing the assertion that Markham's description of Tippit's killer was not consistent with the appearance of Oswald, the Warren Commission stated that they had reviewed the telephone transcript in which she was alleged to have made it.
They pillaged and plundered the community.THE Boston News-Letter No. 10, June 19–26, 1704, p. 2 as recorded in "An historical digest of the provincial press; being a collation of all items of personal and historic reference relating to American affairs printed in the newspapers of the provincial period beginning with the appearance of The present state of the New-English affairs, 1689, Publick occurrences, 1690, and the first issue of the Boston news-letter, 1704, and ending with the close of the revolution, 1783" p. 94 (See Boston News Letter) After the Raid on St. Stephen, Church moved on to raid other Acadian villages in the Raid on Grand Pré, the Raid on Piziquid, and the Raid on Chignecto.
The first concrete attempt to estimate the date of the hypothetical ancestor language was that of Alfredo Trombetti, who concluded it was spoken between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago, or close to the first emergence of Homo sapiens. It is uncertain or disputed whether the earliest members of Homo sapiens had fully developed language. Some scholars link the emergence of language proper (out of a proto-linguistic stage that may have lasted considerably longer) to the development of behavioral modernity towards the end of the Middle Paleolithic or at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic, roughly 50,000 years ago. Thus, in the opinion of Richard Klein, the ability to produce complex speech only developed some 50,000 years ago (with the appearance of modern humans or Cro-Magnons).
An article published by the "New" Cult Awareness Network in 2000 on the group Aum Shinrikyo thanked the Citizen's Commission on Human Rights for their research on psychiatry. In her book Researching New Religious Movements, Arweck wrote that individuals began to fear that Scientology would "use CAN's name to cause confusion", and these fears solidified with the appearance of "New CAN". Board members of the "Old CAN" said the "New CAN" was nothing but a front group for Scientology. A section of its website relating to the Aum Supreme Truth sect authored by Nick Broadhurst, a New Zealand Scientology spokesman, stated that the real source of the crimes committed by Aum were drugs and psychiatric treatments the cult administered to its members.
The player controls a clan of Orlanthi (worshipers of the Storm God Orlanth) across several generations. Orlanthi clans bear some similarities to the Iron Age Nordic peoples, such as lawspeakers, fyrds, the worship of a thunder god and a reliance on raiding, as well as Bronze Age Celtic and Italic peoples aesthetically, with the appearance of many of the tribesmen reflecting these origins. At the beginning of the game the clan has fled its home of Heortland after a foreign magician known as Belintar or 'the Pharaoh' usurps the throne. Along with dozens of other Orlanthi clans, the clan seeks to build a new home in Dragon Pass, a previously populated area left deserted after the Dragonkill War hundreds of years ago.
There is an apparent inconsistency in the year of occurrence of the star, first announced as 446, then 445. This problem is solved by reading other entries in the book, which quite explicitly specify that the Nile was low at 446. This year of the Muslim calendar ran from 12 April 1054 to 1 April 1055, which is compatible with the appearance of the star in July 1054, as its location (admittedly rather vague), is in the astrological sign of Gemini (which, due to axial precession, covers the eastern part of the Constellation Taurus). The date of the event in 446 is harder to determine, but the reference to the level of the Nile refers to the period preceding its annual flood, which happens during the summer.
This fact, together with superior German tactical and strategic skills in armoured clashes, sufficient quality crew training, and the generally-good ergonomics of the Panzer III, all contributed to a favourable kill-loss ratio of approximately 6 to 1 for German tanks of all types in 1941. 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich rests during a lull in the Battle of Kursk on the Eastern Front. With the appearance of the T-34 and KV-1/-2 tanks, rearming the Panzer III with a longer-barrelled and more powerful gun was prioritised. The T-34 was generally invulnerable in frontal combat engagements with the Panzer III until the 50 mm KwK 39 L/60 tank gun was introduced on the Panzer III Ausf.
His crowning moment came in the 2012 Heineken Cup quarter final game against Tolouse. Leck was summoned from the bench with Edinburgh trailing 14-7 at half time to help secure a famous 19-14 win, securing the club's first ever European cup semi-final appearance. However, shortly afterwards he suffered a shoulder injury that would ultimately keep him out of the team for the next year, an injury that required three operations. With the departure of previous coach Michael Bradley and the appointment of Alan Solomons, along with the appearance of Scots youngsters Sean Kennedy & Sam Hidalgo-Clyne he was released from his contract at the end of the 2013-14 season having never played for his new coach.
Everybody's dominance was challenged in early 1966 with the appearance of a new Melbourne-based weekly pop magazine, Go-Set, which was launched by a group of former Monash University students. Although Everybody's enjoyed the advantage of being published by a large company and had an established national readership, its position in the teenage market was quickly usurped, and from 1967 until its closure in 1974, Go-Set reigned supreme as Australia's pop culture 'bible'. In 1966 Everybody's attempted to expand its operations by starting up its own Everybody's record label, with the intention of selling singles via the magazine. The new label was a joint venture between Clyde Packer and Harry M. Miller and was managed by American-born entrepreneur, producer and songwriter Nat Kipner.
Sauroposeidon ( ; meaning "lizard earthquake god", after the Greek god PoseidonAccording to Wedel et al. (2005), the etymology of the name is based on Poseidon's association with earthquakes, not the sea.) is a genus of sauropod dinosaur known from several incomplete specimens including a bone bed and fossilized trackways that have been found in the American states of Oklahoma, Wyoming, and Texas. The fossils were found in rocks dating from near the end of the Early Cretaceous (Aptian–early Albian), a time when sauropod diversity in North America had greatly diminished. It was the last known North American sauropod prior to an absence of the group on the continent of roughly 40 million years that ended with the appearance of Alamosaurus during the Maastrichtian.
The scenes progress with the appearance of the film being seen in reverse until the ident pans to a screen displaying three phrases related to the scene ending with the word "together." before the Watch logo is placed over the last phrase forming the channel tagline. Other promotional material makes use of the channel tagline or the appearance that the channel promotions are held in place by the black dressed men, as seen by the various covered hands shown at the edge of promotion end boards. On 23 January 2012, it was announced that Watch would receive a rebrand for a second time, created by DixonBaxi, and was to be launched on 7 February 2012, but new idents were made on 9 March 2012.
Younger audiences were introduced to Nash's music with the appearance of Jimmy Cliff's cover of "I Can See Clearly Now" in Disney's 1993 hit film Cool Runnings, and Nash's original version appeared over the opening scene of John Cusack's 1997 film, Grosse Point Blank. In May 2006, Nash was singing again at SugarHill Recording Studios and at Tierra Studios in his native Houston. Working with SugarHill chief engineer Andy Bradley and Tierra Studios' Randy Miller, he began the work of transferring analog tapes of his songs from the 1970s and 1980s to Pro Tools digital format. On June 25, 2019, The New York Times Magazine listed Nash among hundreds of artists whose material was reportedly destroyed in the 2008 Universal fire.
It also declares that, although the bread and wine completely cease to be bread and wine (having become the body and blood of Christ), the appearances (the "species" or look) remain unchanged, and the properties of the appearances also remain (one can be drunk with the appearance of wine despite it only being an appearance). They are still the appearances of bread and wine, not of Christ, and do not inhere in the substance of Christ. They can be felt and tasted as before, and are subject to change and can be destroyed. If the appearance of bread is lost by turning to dust or the appearance of wine is lost by turning to vinegar, Christ is no longer present.
Spencer's force advanced to a position on the old York road at Hart's corners (Hartsdale, New York) and there exchanged fire with the Hessians led by Colonel Johann Rall that were at the head of the British left column. When Clinton's column threatened their flank, these companies were forced into a retreat across the Bronx River that was initially orderly with pauses to fire from behind stone walls while fire from the troops on Chatterton Hill covered their move, but turned into a rout with the appearance of dragoons. Rall's troops attempted to gain the hill, but were repelled by fire from Haslet's troops and the militia,Schecter, p. 238 and retreated to a nearby hilltop on the same side of the river.
After one of their favorite wrestlers apparently commits suicide, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) go to pay their respects only for a man at the wrestling show to get murdered with a strange symbol etched into his body. The two quickly figure out that they are dealing with a demon who is collecting souls, but find that none of the wrestlers are possessed. One of the wrestlers, Harley (Mike "The Miz" Mizanin), is kidnapped by one of his fellow wrestlers, Gunner Lawless (Aleks Paunovic), who is working for a crossroads demon who is collecting souls to create his own "nest egg" with the appearance of the Darkness and the return of Lucifer. The demon overpowers the Winchesters and orders Lawless to kill Dean.
The mystery deepens with remarks she lets slip, with the unspectacular but advanced technology of things she has in her room—including a recorded "symphonia" that engages all the senses with imagery of historical disasters—and with the appearance of the would-be buyers, a couple from the same country, who plant a "subsonic" in the house intended to drive the residents out. Hearing Kleph sing "Come hider, love, to me"Hider is Chaucer's spelling of hither. from the Prologue to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Oliver realizes that she and her friends are time travelers from the future. He traps Kleph into admitting they are visiting the most perfect seasons in history, such as a fall in the late 14th century in Canterbury.
The story begins when Ángeles Inchuasti, aka Cielo Mágico (Emilia Attias), a circus acrobat, and Nicolás Bauer (Nicolás Vázquez), an archaeologist (obsessed with finding the Eudamón Island), arrive at the Inchausti Mansion. In this mansion, the evil Bartolomé Bedoya Agüero (Alejo García Pintos) serves as director of the BB Foundation, a foundation for orphans which he uses as a façade for his fearsome plans. In this house the orphan kids are exploited by Bartolomé and his housekeeper, Justina Merarda García (Julia Calvo), they are enslaved to work and steal and they are heavily punished if they don't do as told. But his plans are threatened with the appearance of the heiresses of the house, the sisters Ángeles and Luz Inchausti.
The film details the life of Periyar right from childhood to his marriage to Nagammal to his pilgrimage to Kashi which changed his life where he understands the cruelty of the Caste System that only Brahmins are welcomed and he was refused meals at choultries which exclusively fed Brahmins forbidding other Hindu castes. Having starved severely, Periyar found no other better way than to enter a choultry disguises himself with the appearance of a Brahmin wearing a thread on his bare chest but it is found out and is disgusted with life in Kashi.Periyar is path-breaking Periyar returns and joins his father's business and later becomes the Chairman of the Erode Municipality. Later, which he resigns from this post and joins the freedom struggle.
Her original origin is revealed as a cover story to explain Diana's birth as a means to protect her from Hera's wrath. Currently, Diana has taken on the role and title as the new "God of War". The Greek messenger god, Hermes, entrusts Wonder Woman with the protection of Zola, a young woman, who is pregnant with Zeus's child, from Hera, seething with jealousy and determined to kill the child. With the appearance of a bizarre, new, chalk-white enemy, the goddess Strife (a reimagined version of Eris, the goddess of discord who had battled Wonder Woman in post-Crisis continuity), Wonder Woman discovers she, herself, is the natural-born daughter of Hippolyta and Zeus, who, after a violent clash, became lovers.
One pricing game per episode was selected as a "million- dollar game", with a secondary objective needing to be met in order for the contestant to win the money. Contestants were also awarded the million dollar bonus if they managed to win both Showcases, and the range the players had to come within was initially increased to $1,000, then reduced to $500. This format lasted one season (2008), which was made as replacement programming. On February 12, 2016, CBS announced that it would air three primetime Price is Right specials based on its reality show franchises The Amazing Race, Big Brother, and Survivor along with the appearance of their respective hosts from all three franchises Phil Keoghan, Julie Chen and Jeff Probst.
Mirage over a hot road, with the appearance of "fake water" on its surface Within an unstable layer in the troposphere, the lifting of air parcels will occur, and continue for as long as the nearby atmosphere remains unstable. Once overturning through the depth of the troposphere occurs (with convection being capped by the relatively warmer, more stable layer of the stratosphere), deep convective currents lead to thunderstorm development when enough moisture is present. Over warm ocean waters and within a region of the troposphere with light vertical wind shear and significant low level spin (or vorticity), such thunderstorm activity can grow in coverage and develop into a tropical cyclone. Over hot surfaces during warm days, unstable dry air can lead to significant refraction of the light within the air layer, which causes inferior mirages.
In The Forbidden Tower, Damon Ridenow and his circle fit together the mythological pieces and prove to themselves that a female Keeper need not be a virgin, or even chaste, to act as the center of a telepathic circle, if she uses kireseth. They are seen as rebels, and have to fight a telepathic battle to keep their circle and the "forbidden" tower they have created in the overworld. Their use of kireseth is viewed as blasphemy by many (ironically, since this use is portrayed in religious art) and when Damon's daughter, Cleindori (Dorilys Aillard) attempts to use this knowledge as the Keeper of Arilinn, a legitimate tower, she and her followers are hunted and killed. Cleindori means "Golden Bell" and is a nickname connoting her blonde hair with the appearance of the kireseth flower.
Toumanoff has tentatively suggested the identification of Pharasmanes with the Aderki (or Rok) of the medieval Georgian chronicles whose reign is said to have coincided with the appearance of the first Christian communities in Iberia, and the travel of the Jews from Mtskheta to Jerusalem whence they witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus and brought the Holy Tunic to Iberia. According to the Georgian chronicles, Aderki's division of his kingdom between his two sons, Kartam (Kardzam) and Bartom (Bratman), inaugurated the start of dyarchy in Iberia which would last for five generations. Many modern scholars, however, doubt the existence of the diarchy, for the contemporary foreign source make references only to sole monarch.Rapp, Stephen H. (2003), Studies In Medieval Georgian Historiography: Early Texts And Eurasian Contexts, pp. 285-287.
Sometime captain and middle order batsman Alistair Campbell, leg-spinning all rounder Paul Strang, Eddo Brandes, and pace bowler/opener Neil Johnson were other important contributors for Zimbabwe on the world stage at this time. With the appearance of these quality players, a breakthrough was achieved in levels of performance in the late 1990s where the Zimbabwean team began winning Tests against other nations, which included a series win against Pakistan. Unfortunately, the political situation in Zimbabwe declined at around the same time, which had a detrimental effect on the national team's performances. Zimbabwe excelled at the 1999 Cricket World Cup, coming in fifth place in the Super Sixes and only missing out on a semi- final place due to having an inferior net run-rate than New Zealand.
Among the many important aspects of Postclassic and early Spanish colonial period Maya life at Lamanai is shown by the presence of significant numbers of copper artifacts. Copper indicates broader trade relations in the southern Maya lowlands, and as a reflection of technological change, the history of metal artifact use at Lamanai is an invaluable element in the reconstruction of Postclassic and early historical dynamics. The archaeological contexts of copper objects recovered at Lamanai beginning, with the appearance of metal at the site by around A.D. 1150. The archaeological contexts in which copper objects have been recovered at the ancient Maya site of Lamanai in northern Belize have great significance in that these objects served great purpose for the residents of the community during Postclassic time that dates from A.D. 950-1544.
Postmodern architecture has seen some revival in the Palazzo style, in greatly simplified and eclectic forms. The Italian architect Aldo Rossi has designed a number of Palazzo style buildings, including Hotel Il Palazzo in Fukuoka, Japan, (1989) which combines elements of a typical palazzo facade, including projecting cornice, with the intense red found in Japanese traditional architecture, and the green of patinated bronze. Lonely Planet, Michael Clark, Hotel Il Palazzo, accessed 2011-03-27 In 1996 Rossi designed a building complex on a large corner block in the Schützenquartier, Berlin, and previously occupied by a section of the Berlin Wall. Rossi's study of the architecture of the city led him to construct a single building with the appearance of multiple structures, of varying widths, designs and colours, many of which have elements of Palazzo architecture.
In 1987, a thirty-three-year-old man diagnosed with aids was discovered with the cytomegalovirus in his eyes. The presence of an owl’s eye appearance gave an indication towards the hospital that this patient was infected with the cytomegalovirus. In 1990, case study journal found that owl’s eye appearance was in correlation with the appearance of a HIV infection. This was where the case study involved the study of hospital cases and concluding that the HIV plays a role in certain symptoms such as diarrhea. In 1990, a case study journal found that owl’s eye appearances were found within the four patients that were observed. These patients were diagnosed with aids, and with the presence of owl’s eye appearances it proved that there was the presence of the cytomegalovirus.
With the appearance of German scouts on the hills east of town, Jones decided he had had enough. “I’ve thrown in my last chips.” He told Clarke, and turned over defense of the area to Clarke. Clarke saw his first task as getting his command into St. Vith, and proceeded to the traffic jams on the Rodt – St. Vith road to force his CCB into St. Vith. By midnight of the 17th, he had managed to set up the beginnings of what was called the “horseshoe defense” of St. Vith, a line of units to the north, east and south of town. These units came mainly from the 7th and 9th Armored Divisions, but included troops from the 424th Regiment of the 106th Division, and various supporting artillery, tank, and tank destroyer battalions.
Later, in the episode "Asylum of the Daleks" (2012), the Eleventh Doctor is lured to Skaro briefly. The planet is depicted as having been abandoned once again and is shown with a stormy, rain-swept red sky, the landscape filled with derelict structures and skyscrapers. This is consistent with the appearance of post-Time War Skaro as seen in the downloadable computer game City of the Daleks and an article written by Russell T Davies in the Doctor Who Annual 2006, which states that Skaro was devastated at the end of the Time War. Skaro appears in "The Magician's Apprentice" and "The Witch's Familiar" (2015), where Davros is shown first as an adolescent lost on a desert battlefield, and then having returned to the planet many years later to die with his "children", the Daleks.
The A.V. Club writer Noel Murray graded the episode with a B+, explaining "It was the atmosphere that sold me on "Northwest Passage", an episode with a fairly middling mystery and only minimal advancement of the master-plot. (Though the end-point of that advancement was a doozy, and has me eating a little crow.) At times tonight the show almost felt like a backdoor pilot for a new series, with Peter tooling around the Pacific Northwest meeting local law enforcement and cracking cases. And while that's a show I'd definitely watch, I confess I'm anxious to jump ahead to next week, when there'll be inter-dimensional conflict and doppelgangers galore". Murray considered the ending with the appearance of Walternate a "strong finish to a mostly strong episode".
He would later become famous as "captain" of the troop of about 1,500 men of the main Oisans maquis. From the end of November 1942, the ranks of the maquis swelled after the introduction of the Service du Travail Obligatoire (STO), which encouraged many young people to "go underground" and hide in the mountains so as not to be forced to work in Germany. Captain André Lespiau was assigned to the Groupements Militaires d'Indigènes Coloniaux Rapatriables (GMICR) in Fréjus. With the appearance of important Resistance maquis in the Alps (Savoie/Haute- Savoie, Isère, Ain, Drôme, Hautes-Alpes, Alpes de Haute-Provence), he was then appointed, in February 1943, to command the 14th Company of the 1st Sub-Group of the 1st GMICR in Jarrie in Isère - neighbour of the 13th Company, in Pont- de-Claix.
Alluding to Nixon's "News" aria, the omnipresence of television news was dramatized by set designer Allen Moyer by keeping a group of televisions onstage throughout much of the action, often showing scenes from the actual visit. Instead of an airplane descending in Act 1, a number of televisions descended showing an airplane in flight. Adams conducted the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Los Angeles Master Chorale for performances of the opera at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in 2017 during a series of concerts celebrating his 70th birthday. This "musically and visually dazzling reimagining of the piece" included Super 8mm home movies of the visit to China (shot by H. R. Haldeman, Dwight Chapin, and others) projected onto a giant screen with the appearance of a 1960s television set.
The scarcity of settlements with metallurgic activity also hints at the possible existence of itinerant artisans and/or the centralization of the activity. This new development in bronze processing denotes a specialization in production with the appearance of prospectors, blacksmiths and merchants, who exported the surplus produce. Through exchange, the Transylvanian and east-Hungarian type axes with spiked discs spread as far east as Bug, and to the north, to the Oder and Elbe region, Pomerania included, a phenomenon connected with The Great Amber Road and the exploitation of brass and tin in the Elbe region. The metal artisans are not in power, but rather work under the control of an elite, which had seen the contingencies between metal and wealth, technology, war and even the social and cultic structure.
The Unicorn Trend has also infected the world of design with the creation of some daily life objects and gadgets that have the appearance and the colours of unicorns. This tendency englobes pillows, sheets and bed-covers, drinking cups, flatware. One of the most popular during the past summers was the unicorn pool float, a real inflatable with the appearance of a unicorn, frequently used by teenagers on pools and beaches, and the protagonist of several users’ pictures on social networks Mason, Melissa. “These Extremely Portly 6-Person Pool Floats Are Demonic & Must Be Eliminated”, Pedestrian, 13 March 2018.. The Unicorn Trend has spilled over so fast and so deeply that during the Design Week 2019 in Milan, the city also decided to set up the Unicorn House for only three day.
Heathkit IO12U oscilloscope built in 1967 No knowledge of electronics was needed to assemble a Heathkit. The assembly process did not teach much about electronics, but provided a great deal of what could have been called "electronics literacy", such as the ability to identify tube pin numbers or read a resistor color code. Many hobbyists began by assembling Heathkits, became familiar with the appearance of components like capacitors, transformers, resistors, and tubes, and were motivated to find out just what these components actually did. For those builders who had a deeper knowledge of electronics (or for those who wanted to be able to troubleshoot/repair the product in the future), the assembly manuals usually included a detailed "Theory of Operation" chapter, which explained the functioning of the kit's circuitry, section by section.
He also helped develop “The Scholars' Initiative: Confronting the Yugoslav Controversies,” which brought both regional and international scholars together to examine the origins and course of the conflict in order to dispel myths and half-truths that disrupt dialogue and reconciliation. Over the next eight years eleven multinational research teams published four volumes. With the appearance of Confronting the Yugoslav Controversies in 2009, the project presented the first common narrative of the conflict intended to serve as the basis for mutual understanding and political moderation. The group's efforts have garnered considerable media attention both in the region and abroad, including strident criticism from the nationalist circles in Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia, as well as from former Ambassador Richard Holbrooke after exposing the Clinton Administration's role in shielding Serbian wartime leader Radovan Karadžić from arrest.
This was a period of great spirit within the Club because of the closeness of the players to each other, shown by the way all helped in the running of the Club. Sunday morning was clean-up time after a home match, and most players from Somerton and elsewhere attended to help remove the mess and enjoy a bar-b-q and beer afterwards. The standard of play in Central North began to improve in this period with the appearance of the first Australian Rugby Manual, and the arrival at Tamworth of some ex- Sydney Grade players in Bill Feggans (NSW Representative), Peter Horsefield and Vince Symons strengthened the ranks of players and later Coaches. However, the great Narrabri teams of the Seventies steam-rolled all before them in the competition.
During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, politiques () were those in a position of power who put the success and well-being of their state above all else. During the Wars of Religion, this included moderates of both religious faiths (Huguenots and Catholics) who held that only the restoration of a strong monarchy could save France from total collapse, as rulers would often overlook religious differences in order to have a strong country. References to individuals as politique often had a pejorative connotation of moral or religious indifference. The concept gained great currency after 1568 with the appearance of the radical Catholic League calling for the eradication of Protestantism in France, and by 1588 the politiques were seen by detractors as an organized group and treated as worse than heretics.
This was attributed to likely dry air entrainment. Early on August 25, however, strengthening resumed again, with Harvey attaining Category 2 intensity at roughly 05:00 UTC that day. During this time, the satellite presentation improved significantly with the appearance of an intermittent eye feature embedded in a central dense overcast (CDO), as well as improving outflow. However, shortly afterwards, concentric eyewalls were reported within Harvey—signifying an eyewall replacement cycle—which prevented the sustained winds from increasing beyond 110 mph (175 km/h) for a while despite an unusually low pressure of 947 mbar (hPa; 27.97 inHg), which is typical of a stronger storm. Despite this, Harvey managed to quickly strengthen into a major hurricane—a storm with winds of 111 mph (179 km/h) or greater—at 19:00 UTC that day.
There has been a great deal of disagreement involving the classification of mudrocks. There are a few important hurdles to classification, including: #Mudrocks are the least understood, and one of the most understudied sedimentary rocks to date #It is difficult to study mudrock constituents, due to their diminutive size and susceptibility to weathering on outcrops #And most importantly, there is more than one classification scheme accepted by scientists Mudrocks make up fifty percent of the sedimentary rocks in the geologic record, and are easily the most widespread deposits on Earth. Fine sediment is the most abundant product of erosion, and these sediments contribute to the overall omnipresence of mudrocks. With increased pressure over time the platey clay minerals may become aligned, with the appearance of parallel layering (fissility).
Angus Glen (Census Tract No. 5350403.05) (2006 Population 2,596)Census Tract Profile is a community in the city of Markham, just north of the community and former municipality of Unionville, Ontario, Canada. The area was originally farmland, but as Unionville's housing development in the late 1990s matured in 1997 the original Angus Glen East Village, comprising approximately 500 single family homes and townhouses, was developed. Angus Glen incorporated the residential concept of "New Urbanism", to allow for the homes to be designed with the appearance of old downtown Toronto houses, with lane-ways on which the homes' separate garages were built. In the mid-2000s the land west of the small creek on the west border of the East Village commenced development, and is still under construction, known as the West Village.
North Carolina senator Jesse Helms offered his staff and funding from the Congressional Club, and wrote in his column that he was proud of Bryant: "I have pledged my full support to her ... She is fighting for decency and morality in America—and that makes her, in my book, an all- American lady". Pastor Jerry Falwell from Lynchburg, Virginia lent his support during visits and with the appearance of B. Larry Coy, who served as a marriage counselor to Bryant and Green. Coy and Green took over management of Bryant's ministries.Bryant later accused Coy of working with Green to take over her ministries and control her completely, saying they formed a "devil's triangle" to form a "satanically self-righteous conspiracy" to deprive her of all control, including that of her own conscience.
Biel was born in Annaberg, Saxony in Germany. After a short stay in Lisbon he settled in Porto in 1860, at the age of 22, where he dedicated himself to commerce, industry, photography and publishing, being considered one of the introducers in Portugal of phototyping, a photo-mechanical printing process that allows many proofs to be printed from the same matrix and with the appearance of real photographs. He had the representation in Portugal of firms such as Coats & Clark, Benz, Schuckert & Co. (a Nuremberg electrical machinery company), among others. Between 1862 and 1864 he had a button factory in Rua da Alegria. In 1874, he bought the Fritz House (later known as Casa Biel) in Calle de Almada, a commercial house dedicated to photography, thus beginning his career in the world of photography.
With the appearance of the MiG-15 over the skies of North Korea in late 1950, the B-29, as well as all of the propeller-driven bombers in the USAF inventory, were simply rendered obsolete as strategic offensive weapons. The straight-winged F-84Gs used in Korea as bomber escorts were ineffective against the MiG, and it took the swept-wing North American F-86 Sabre to clear the skies. It was clear that it would take a new generation of swept-wing jet bombers, able to fly higher and faster, to effectively defeat the defense of the jet propelled MiG-15 or subsequent Soviet-designed interceptors. Also, the era of large groups of bombers flying in formations to a strategic target ended after the Korean War.
The Xindi then spent the early part of 2153 deciding how to confront the threat of humanity and planned a biological weapon based on the human genetic profile. This was ultimately rejected by the Xindi Council (the Reptilians went along with the bio weapon but were eventually foiled) and so they worked on a weapon to destroy Earth. (They technically succeeded, however the timeline in which this occurred was undone.) ;Sphere Builders The Xindi were actually pawns in the Temporal Cold War, as interference in their history began shortly after the ending of their civil war, with the appearance of a trans-dimensional alien race, who guided them to new homelands and resources. The Xindi came to revere these "Guardians", whom they later understood to be the same species as the "Sphere Builders".
Focusing on prehistoric language shift in already settled areas, examples worldwide show that as little as 10–20% of prehistoric male immigration can (but need not) cause a language switch, indicating an élite imposition such as may have happened with the appearance of the first farmers or metalworkers in the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages. The Father Tongue hypothesis has implications for linguists' understanding of language change. It must be assumed that the dynamics of language change whereby mothers pass on the language of their spouses to their offspring differ from the dynamics of language change in a monolingual community and even from the dynamics of change in a bilingual community where mothers pass on their own language to their children. As a consequence, such dynamics can introduce a discontinuity with the past.
'Pheasant' 17-pdr anti- tank gun in action at the Battle of Medenine, Tunisia, 11 March 1943 Before the QF 6-pounder had entered service, the British predicted that it would soon be inadequate given the increasing armour of German tanks. In late 1940, the design of a replacement began, and was largely completed by the end of 1941. A prototype production line was set up in spring 1942, and with the appearance of Tiger I tanks in early 1943 in the North African Campaign, the first 100 prototype 17-pounder anti-tank guns were quickly sent to help counter this new threat. So great was the rush that they were sent before proper carriages had been developed, and the guns had to be mounted in the carriages of 25-pounder gun-howitzers.
He is finally killed by Sasha when the Fire war maiden used the full power of her Dragonic Tool to burn him, while preventing him from regenerating, until all that's left of him is a clod of soil. ; : A demon witch with the appearance of an old, short woman, the informed associate/comrade of Drekavac and Vodyanoy, and also the one who gives power to war maiden Elizaveta Fomina two years ago, when she stumbles into her temple. Although her relationship with Drekavac and Vodyanoy is friendly, aide seems to be in the form of a favor for a favor with no strong attachments. This is shown when Torbalan's death was discussed in a manner similar to talking about the weather, with no sorrow, grief, or any sign of seeking revenge.
The commercialization of the industry came at a time of expanded interest in fishing as a recreational hobby for members of the aristocracy. The impact of the Industrial Revolution was first felt in the manufacture of fly lines. Instead of anglers twisting their lines – a laborious and time-consuming process – the new textile spinning machines allowed for a variety of tapered lines to be easily manufactured and marketed. British fly-fishing continued to develop in the 19th Century, with the emergence of fly fishing clubs, along with the appearance of several books on the subject of fly tying and fly fishing techniques. By the mid to late 19th century, expanding leisure opportunities for the middle and lower classes began to have its effect on fly fishing, which steadily grew in mass appeal.
British fly-fishing continued to develop in the 19th century, with the emergence of fly fishing clubs, along with the appearance of several books on the subject of fly tying and fly fishing techniques. Alfred Ronalds took up the sport of fly fishing, learning the craft on the rivers Trent, Blythe and Dove. On the River Blythe, near what is today Creswell Green, Ronalds constructed a bankside fishing hut designed primarily as an observatory of trout behaviour in the river. From this hut, and elsewhere on his home rivers, Ronalds conducted experiments and formulated the ideas that eventually were published in The Fly-fisher's Entomology in 1836. The Fly- fisher's Entomology by Alfred Ronalds had a great influence on the development of fly fishing when it was first published in 1836.
At his request, he intervened on the Beurre (butter) tower of the Rouen Cathedral in 1506. On the recommendation of the Archbishop of Rouen, he was summoned along with other master masons by the chapter of the Bourges Cathedral following the collapse of the north tower in 1508. In an investigation, he says that Baron Auguste de Girardot, Note sur la reconstruction de la tour neuve de la cathédrale de Bourges, in Bulletin archéologique, Comité historique des arts et monuments, Paris, 1842-1843, volume 2, . Read online In this period of change of taste in French architecture where the synthesis of the refinement of the gothic flamboyant with the appearance of the first Italianizing elements of the , he showed his ability to master the construction of various works.
His literary work first became known in 1985, with the appearance of his book Notes of an Anatomist, to considerable critical acclaim. He became a naturalized American citizen in 1987.Francisco Gonzáles-Crussí - Transcript Summary Among the awards he has won is a Fellowship of the Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (September. 2000 to February 2001), a Certificate of Achievement by the Office of the Secretary of State of Illinois (2009), a career achievement prize by the ABC Hospital of Mexico City (2009) and a Medal to Merit from the University of Veracruz, Mexico. Between 2005 and 2007 he was appointed as consultant in the discipline of literary essay, in the Mexican government’s office in charge of promoting culture and the arts, F.O.N.C.A. (Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes).
A battery of wind tunnel tests followed, and although little else of the design was changed, including the wing profile (NACA 0009), the performance of the aircraft was dramatically improved over straight-winged jets. With the appearance of the MiG-15, the F-86 was rushed into combat and straight-wing jets like the Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star and Republic F-84 Thunderjet were soon relegated to ground attack. Some such as the F-84 and Grumman F-9 Cougar were later redesigned with swept wings from straight-winged aircraft. Later planes such as the North American F-100 Super Sabre would be designed with swept wings from the start, though additional innovations such as the afterburner, area-rule and new control surfaces would be necessary to master supersonic flight.
Song Si-yeol, who was the most prominent of the students of Kim Jib A day after his ascent to the throne in May 1649, the new king Hyojong invited the scholar Kim Jib and his students, Song Si- yeol, Song Jun-gil, Yi Yu-tae, Yun Seon-geo, and Yu Gye. Kim Jib was the son of Yi I's best student, Kim Jang-saeng, and was also the best student of his father, who was also a famous Westerner scholar. With the appearance of Kim Jib and his students, various Westerner factions, such as the Clear Westerners or the Young Westerners, merged into the newly formed faction of Kim Jib. The new faction of Kim, the most famous Westerner scholar of his time, became known as the Sandang (산당, 山黨), or 'Mountain Faction'.
Eventually, they were often replaced by much younger women who they had to initiate into the ways of the family group, as well as teaching the young men their responsibilities of being husbands and fathers. Ngamma Ngamaitya: Stout, older woman with large breasts, these older women would have shoulders, arms, stomachs and chests covered with mangkamangkarrana scars, and would have full knowledge of the Dreaming and Laws they needed to pass onto the next generation of young women. They were often mothers and grandmothers to many children, and the secrets of their totemic affiliations were passed down the female line, guaranteeing their spread far beyond the birth country of the women. The Elder women would often begin their preparations in the spring with the appearance of the Seven Sisters constellation – Mangkamankarranna, seven young women gathering food on the Womma (sky plain).
O'Brien wrote the script for an earlier version of the story which was released as The Beast of Hollow Mountain (US 1956), but O'Brien did not handle the effects for that movie. O'Brien's work was celebrated in March 1983 with the appearance of his wife, Darlene, at a 50th anniversary event commemorating the day of the first screening of the film at Graumann's (later Mann's) Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard, complete with a screening of a new print of King Kong and a new recreation of the full-scale bust of Kong that appeared 50 years apart at both events in the outdoor lobby of the theater. Three articles in the August, 1983, issue of American Cinematographer magazine detailed the 1983 anniversary event. In March 1984, O'Brien's work was the subject of a special exhibit at the Kaiser Center in Oakland, California.
The use of Morlachs is first attested in 1344, when Morolacorum are mentioned in lands around Knin and Krbava during the conflict between the counts of the Kurjaković and Nelipić families. The first mention of the term Morlachs is simultaneous with the appearance of Vlachs in the documents of Croatia in the early 14th century; in 1321, a local priest on the island of Krk granted land to the church ("to the lands of Kneže, which are called Vlach"), while in 1322 Vlachs were allied with Mladen Šubić at the battle in the hinterland of Trogir. According to Mužić in those early documents there is no identifiable differentiation between the terms Vlach and Morlach. In 1352, in the agreement in which Zadar sold salt to the Republic of Venice, Zadar retained part of the salt that Morlachi and others exported by land.
Bichel made his Test debut for the Australian Cricket Team in Adelaide in 1996 in a match against the West Indies, and his One-day International Debut in Brisbane, also against the West Indies. His rise to prominence coincided with the appearance of a young Brett Lee, with whom he was often in a battle for a third fast-bowler spot in the lineup behind Glenn McGrath and Jason Gillespie holding the other two positions. As the younger and pacier Lee was often selected ahead of him, Bichel now holds the test match record of being Twelfth Man for Australia on 19 occasions. He has recently made comments that he believes his bowling suffered during these times, as he missed out on the valuable match practice that he could have earned either playing for Australia or Queensland.
There she stumbles into Hiram Stratton Junior, commonly referred to as Strat, who is shocked by Annie's appearance as she is wearing a dress with no stockings on and so her legs are bare. The two immediately fall in love and Annie, stuck in 1895, is taken to live in the Stratton Mansion where she meets his father, stepmother and sister Devonny as well as Harriett, a rich but plain women who is secretly in love with Strat. The novel carries on in the eyes of multiple characters and how their lives have been changed with the appearance of Annie Lockwood in the 19th century and the disappearance of her in the 20th century. The main characters affected are Strat and Harriet, one of whom is in love with her and the other who is jealous.
At a certain point in time the choirs, which had previously chanted to right of the altar or stage, and then to left of it, combined and sang in unison, or permitted the coryphaeus to sing for them all, while standing in the centre. With the appearance of Stesichorus and the evolution of choral lyric, a learned and artificial kind of poetry began to be cultivated in Greece, and a new form, the epode-song, came into existence. It consisted of a verse of iambic trimeter, followed by a verse of iambic dimeter, and it is reported that, although the epode was carried to its highest perfection by Stesichorus, an earlier poet, Archilochus, was really the inventor of this form. The epode soon took a firm place in choral poetry, which it lost when that branch of literature declined.
The story stars Tsubaki Sadamitsu, a young delinquent and leader of the Corpse Gang, who has a chance encounter with an alien robot working to capture banished intergalactic criminals who are arriving on Earth named . When he ends up causing the robot's body to be destroyed as a result, Sadamitsu discovers not only can its head operate independently without the body, he can also wear the head as a helmet to gain some of the robot's powers. Ever-chivalrous, Sadamitsu becomes determined to make up for the mess his actions have caused, and accepts using these powers and working with the robot's computer to take up its mission. Though he receives other outside assistance, his job is made harder with the appearance of the Vulture, a last-ditch effort to keep the Ryūkei-dai under control.
A few assign a much older age to the universe than to Earth. Creationist cosmologies give the universe an age consistent with the Ussher chronology and other young Earth time frames. Other young Earth creationists believe that the Earth and the universe were created with the appearance of age, so that the world appears to be much older than it is, and that this appearance is what gives the geological findings and other methods of dating the Earth and the universe their much longer timelines. The Christian organizations Institute for Creation Research (ICR) and the Creation Research Society (CRS) both promote young Earth creationism in the US. Another organization with similar views, Answers in Genesis (AiG)—based in both the U.S. and the United Kingdom—has opened the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, to promote young Earth creationism.
From the original three members, the circle grew to sixteen: Delfí Abella, Francesc Pi de la Serra, Enric Barbat, Xavier Elies, Guillermina Motta, Maria del Carme Girau, Martí Llauradó, Maria Amèlia Pedrerol, Joan Ramon Bonet, Joan Manuel Serrat, Maria del Mar Bonet, Lluís Llach, and Rafael Subirachs. Els Setze Jutges began to dissolve at the end of the dictatorship and with the progressive professionalization of some of the group's members. With the appearance of professional Catalan-language singers, many of the group's earlier members, such as Miquel Porter i Moix and Josep Maria Espinàs, decided to retire from music. By the time the group ceased to exist in 1968, several of its members - most notably Serrat, but also Llach, Maria del Mar Bonet, Pi de la Serra, Barbat, Motta and Subirachs - had begun to enjoy success as individual musicians.
Dutch artist Leon Keer returned to the festival and, along with other members of Planet Street Painting, executed a 3-D depiction of China's Terracotta Army in Lego. This piece attracted international media attention including videos Sarasota Chalk Festival, images and link to a video (no real than you are) on the painting, The Art Whisperer, Sarasota Day, September 12, 1012 on the work. It was painted in conjunction with the appearance of a 9-feet-tall Lego man, by artist Ego Leonard, that washed up on Siesta Key in Sarasota on October 25, 2011 with the words, "No Real Than You Are", emblazoned on his green T-shirt. The giant Lego man was "arrested" on charges of "loitering" by the Sarasota County sheriff, and many attempts were made to release Ego Leonard in time for him to attend the festival.
After 260 AH, belief in Rajʽa was treated by Sunni authors as a distinctive trait distinguishing Shia and Sunni Muslims, with many books written addressing this distinction. Releasing from Irreversibility with the Proof of Rajʽa (in Arabic: الايقاظ من الهجعة بالبرهان علي الرجعة) was the most extensive book, with reference to more than 670 hadiths, Qurʼanic verses and rationale. Some Sunni scholars do believe in Rajʽa, believing in the return of number of people such as Seven Sleepers synchronous with the appearance of the Mahdi. Jalaluddin Al-Sayuti wrote about the rajʽa but in a different way from the Shiites. According to his book The Possibility of Seeing the Prophet and the Angels (Arabic: تنوير الحلك في إمكان رؤية النبي والملك,) Suyuti claims to have seen the Prophet Muhammad over 70 times while he was awake.
The 1991 novel Child of Time expands on the short story by introducing Timmie's original Neanderthal tribe as well as a children's advocacy group that seeks to liberate Timmie. The Neanderthals are shown sympathetically as a highly articulate people whose tribal society and culture is complex and sophisticated, a far cry from the "primitive brutes" which the future scientists consider them to have been, having only the fragmentary information derived from a little Neanderthal child. This Neanderthal society—shown mainly from the point of view of an assertive tribal woman determined to prove herself the equal of the male hunters/warriors—is suddenly faced with the appearance of a completely different, competing kind of human being: the Cro-Magnons. While the Cro-Magnons try to negotiate with the Neanderthals, they cannot communicate and understand each other due to their differing languages.
On 9 March 1955, Lt. Col. Robert R. Scott, in a F-84F Thunderstreak, set a three-hour, 44-minute and 53-second record for the 2,446 mile flight from Los Angeles to New York. With the appearance of the Republic F-105 Thunderchief, which used wing-root mounted air intakes of a similar design to those fitted on the RF-84F, the photorecon variant Thunderflash became known as the Thud's Mother. The earlier F-84A had been nicknamed the "Hog" and the F-84F "Super Hog," the F-105 becoming the "Ultra Hog". In what is probably one of the very few air-to-air engagements involving the F-84F, two Turkish Air Force F-84F Thunderstreaks shot down two Iraqi Il-28 Beagle bombers that crossed the Turkish border by mistake during a bombing operation against Iraqi Kurdish insurgents.
It is the best of all possible worlds, which contains the promise of the redemption of the Unconscious from actual existence by the exercise of Reason in partnership with the Will in the consciousness of the enlightened pessimist. The history of the world is that given by natural science, and particular emphasis is laid upon the Darwinian theory of evolution. Humanity developed from the animal, and with the appearance of the first human being the deliverance of the world is in sight, for only in the human being does consciousness reach such height and complexity as to act independently of the Will. As consciousness develops, there is a constantly growing recognition of the fact that deliverance must lie in a return to the original state of non- willing, which means the non-existence of all individuals and the potentiality of the Unconscious.
From 1830 to 1833, the geologist and clergyman Sir Charles Lyell released a three volume publication called Principles of Geology, which developed Hutton's ideas of uniformitarianism, and in the second volume set out a gradualist variation of creation beliefs in which each species had its "centre of creation" and was designed for the habitat, but would become extinct when the habitat changed. John Herschel supported this gradualist view and wrote to Lyell urging a search for natural laws underlying the "mystery of mysteries" of how species formed.Herschel, J.F.W and Paul l Kesaris (1990), "Letters and papers of Sir John Herschel: a guide to the manuscripts and microfilm" (University Publications of America) In 1857, Philip Henry Gosse published Omphalos: Untying the Geological Knot. The Omphalos hypothesis argued that the World had been created by God recently, but with the appearance of old age.
As its name implies, it is a yōkai or yūrei with the appearance of a monk with one eye and one foot, and it is said that when a monk idles on his training on Mount Hiei, he would be admonished by being stared at with one eye, and monks that are terribly lazy would be driven out of the mountain. This hōshi has been specified to be what the 18th Tendaizasu, Ryōgen (or his best pupil, the 19th Tendaizasu Jinzen) turned into, and it is believed that Ryōgen, who judged the monks on strict precepts, lamented at how the monks became secularized after his death, became thus a yōkai and admonished the monks. Nowadays at Enryaku-ji on Mount Hiei, there remains a picture of this hōshi in Sōjibō, a small temple where monks in training live.
When the Korean War ended, the B-29s had flown over 21,000 sorties, nearly 167,000 tons of bombs had been dropped, and 34 B-29s had been lost in combat (16 to fighters, four to flak, and fourteen to other causes). B-29 gunners had accounted for 34 Communist fighters (16 of these being MiG-15s) probably destroyed another 17 (all MiG-15s) and damaged 11 (all MiG-15s). With the appearance of the MiG-15 over the skies of Korea, the B-29, as well as all of the propeller-driven bombers in the USAF inventory, were simply rendered obsolete as strategic offensive weapons. It would take a new generation of swept-wing jet bombers, being able to fly higher and faster to effectively defeat the defense of the MiG-15 or subsequent Soviet-designed interceptors.
Nightcrawler has received positive reception as a comic book character and as a member of the X-Men. Nightcrawler was ranked as the 133rd-greatest comic book character of all time by Wizard magazine. IGN also ranked Nightcrawler as the 80th-greatest comic book hero of all time describing Nightcrawler as a mutant with the appearance of a demon and the heart of a preacher; IGN also states that as the X-Men enter one of their most uncertain periods, his legacy still looms large. In 2006, IGN also rated Nightcrawler at #7 on their list of top 25 X-Men from the past forty years stating that religion is one of the few commonalities that could bring mutants and humans together and it is through his faith that Nightcrawler has stayed true to the X-Men for so long.
Yet during much of the 17th and 18th centuries German- language opera would struggle to emerge from the shadow of its Italian- language rival, with leading German-born composers such as Handel and Gluck opting to work in foreign traditions such as opera seria. Some Baroque composers, such as Reinhard Keiser, did try to challenge Italian dominance, and the theatre principal Abel Seyler became an eager promoter of German opera in the 1770s, but it was only with the appearance of Mozart that a lasting tradition of serious German-language opera was established. Mozart took the simple, popular genre of Singspiel and turned it into something far more sophisticated. Beethoven followed his example with the idealistic Fidelio; and with Der Freischütz of 1821, Weber established a uniquely German form of opera under the influence of Romanticism.
The Belgian Grand Prix at Zolder was 2 weeks after Spain, and the F1 field had grown to 28 cars with the appearance of Bruno Giacomelli in the new Alfa Romeo F1 car, the company's first official entry in the World Championship since the end of 1951. This was using the old flat-12 engines while a new car was being built for the new V12, which was being run by the Brabham team. The entry was otherwise unchanged although Tyrrell had managed to find some much-needed sponsorship from Italian domestic appliance maker Candy. Qualifying resulted in the usual story of Ligier domination with Jacques Laffite ahead of Patrick Depailler. Nelson Piquet impressed many by qualifying third in his Brabham while Alan Jones gave the first hint that the Williams FW07 was going to be a competitive car by qualifying fourth.
"Mic the Scallywag" of the Pirates of Emerson Haunted Adventure Fremont, California Pirates are a frequent topic in fiction and, in their Caribbean incarnation, are associated with certain stereotypical manners of speaking and dress, some of them wholly fictional: "nearly all our notions of their behavior come from the golden age of fictional piracy, which reached its zenith in 1881 with the appearance of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island."Adams, C. "The Straight Dope", October 12, 2007 The Straight Dope – Fighting Ignorance Since 1973 Hugely influential in shaping the popular conception of pirates, Captain Charles Johnson's A General History of the Pyrates, published in London in 1724, is the prime source for the biographies of many well known pirates of the Golden Age.A general history of the robberies & murders of the most notorious pirates. Charles Johnson.
An early horse-hauled rail car with passengers on its roof and foot boards Western Front, 1918. Soldiers cling on to the roofs and doors of a train already full of other troops. Crowded tram in Leningrad, 1933 Refugees on the roof of a train during the Partition of India, 1947 The phenomenon of riding on the outside of trains came with the appearance of the first railway lines. On a series of first railroads, riding on rooftops and footboards of trains was common, but over time, starting from the second half of the 19th century, with an increase in the sizes and speed of trains, passenger coaches began to be produced fully covered and insulated from streets with a placement of all passenger seats inside carriages in order to improve the safety of passengers and prevent people falling from a moving train.
The reason for it is that this long drawn festival that is celebrated for one full fortnight as an elaborate ritual is associated with the appearance of Bhairava (Shiva) as a jwala-linga or a linga of flame. It has been described as Bhairavotsava in Tantric texts as on this occasion Bhairava and Bhairavi, His Shakti or cosmic energy, are propitiated through Tantric worship. According to the legend associated with the origin of the worship, the linga appeared at pradoshakala or the dusk of early night as a blazing column of fire and dazzled Vatuka Bhairava and Rama (or Ramana) Bhairava, Mahadevi's mind-born sons, who approached it to discover its beginning or end but miserably failed. Exasperated and terrified they began to sing its praises and went to Mahadevi, who herself merged with the awe-inspiring jwala-linga.
Ledbury was engaged in escorting major warships and Fleet auxiliaries in the North Sea until late June 1942, when she was attached to the ocean escort of the convoy PQ 17. Mariners that took part in convoys delivering supplies to Russia remember vividly the biting cold and the continual fear of attack by air or sea. The supplies were vital in that they were needed to keep Russia in the war following her invasion by German forces in 1941. The PQ 17 convoy, which left Iceland at the end of June 1942, is known particularly for the tremendous losses among the merchant ships. The problems for convoy PQ 17 started early on the morning of 4 July 1942, with the appearance of a copper-yellow warhead of a torpedo, clearly visible just below the surface of the sea.
While earlier stories of humans with the appearance of animals are common, prior to the 17th century there are no recorded European stories of humans with the faces of pigs. (An 1829 paper in the Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts claims that the legend was circulating in Paris in 1595 but offers no detail or corroborating evidence.) The earliest versions of the story of the pig- faced woman appear to have originated roughly simultaneously in England, Holland and France, and to have become prevalent in England in late 1639. A 1904 paper in Volkskunde magazine by Dutch historian and antiquarian Gerrit Jacob Boekenoogen traces the earliest forms of the legend as appearing in 1638 or 1639. The earliest surviving version of the legend is a Dutch print about an Amsterdam woman named Jacamijntjen Jacobs.
The attempt to know and map the universe was deemed a partial success, as after the death and the rebirth of the Universe from Dax Novu, the firstborn of the Monitors (it's still uncertain if Dax Novu was meant to be the Monitor himself or a later creation of the Overmonitor), a new race of Monitors was spawned in the World of Nil, the netherworld surrounding the universe. These Monitors, made each one different by accepting the concept of time and mortality, became a race of cosmic vampires, feasting and needing stories to stay alive. On their world, they grew in time a fascination with the Superman mythology, the very first story they came to know, employing a thought robot with the appearance of the original Superman (the Earth-1 version) to guard them against menaces.Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #2.
On April 6, 1970, Stone and his colleague Sean Flynn were captured by the People's Army of Vietnam after leaving Phnom Penh on rented Honda motorbikes looking to find the front lines of fighting in Cambodia.Synopsis of the Capture at Pownetwrok Investigations by fellow photojournalist Tim Page, reported in the UK Sunday Times on 24 March 1991, indicate that Stone and Flynn were taken first to the village of Sangke Kaong, and then to other villages before being handed over to the Khmer Rouge. Page tracked down an almost-empty grave in a village known as Bei Met in which two foreigners allegedly had been buried. Forensic examination of the few remains left in the grave suggested they belonged to a tall man and a short man – consistent with the appearance of Flynn and Stone respectively – and that both had died violently.
During this period the old cup spirit of the Southern League South Division 'Nuts and Bolts' stirred as they lifted the 1992–93 Kent Senior Cup beating Isthmian Premier League Bromley 3–2 with Andy Pearson and Lee McRobert (2) netting. This was followed two seasons later with the appearance of Ashford Town in the First Round proper of the FA Cup for the first time in 20 years – Neil had been a non-playing member of Ashfords squad in their last appearance in the First Round in 1974–75. This was the start of a run of three years reaching the first round proper of the FA Cup. 1993–94 the side finished a creditable sixth place in the Southern Division, this was a great achievement losing only once in 22 matches from 8 February to the season end.
Located in Bucharest, the new Adevărul had its original headquarters in Calea Victoriei (Doamnei Street, Nouă Street, Brătianu Boulevard and Enei Street). Florentina Tone, "Palatul de pe Sărindar, mărire şi decădere" , in Adevărul, December 27, 2008 It later moved to a building near the National Bank and the Vilacrosse Passage, where it occupied just several rooms (leading its staff to repeatedly complain about the lack of space). Florentina Tone, "Poveşti din viaţa Adevĕrului" , in Adevărul, December 31, 2008 A serious crisis occurred during 1892, when, having omitted to register his trademark, Beldiman was confronted with the appearance of a competing Adevărul, published by his former associate Toma Basilescu, who had been the original gazette's administrator for the previous year. In June 1892, an arbitral tribunal decided in favor of Beldiman, ordering Basilescu to close down his paper.
After Eureka was handed over to the American Armed Forces ten years ago, as the islanders believe her and Ao's presence angered their local deity the "Sea Colossus" with the appearance of Scub Coral, Ao ended up in the care of his mother's only friend Dr. Toshio Fukai. During his middle school entrance ceremony, Ao discovers the RA272 Nirvash Mark One after he unintentionally retrieves his mother's bracelet from Gazelle who was smuggling it for the Japanese Army, and then Gazelle gets him to pilot the IFO, both named the Nirvash by Eureka and created by Renton. Ostracized by the villagers and targeted by the armies of several countries, Ao decides to join Team Pied Piper, hoping to find her. At the end of the series, Ao has altered reality where the Secrets didn't exist, left roaming in time distortion.
This is believed to have been re- established with the appearance of Ghulam Ahmad whom Ahmadis believe was the promised Mahdi and Messiah. Ahmadis maintain that in accordance with Quranic verses (such as ) and numerous hadith on the issue, the caliphate can only be established by God Himself and is a divine blessing given to those who believe and work righteousness, upholding the Unity of God. Therefore, any movement to establish the caliphate centered around human endeavours alone is bound to fail, particularly when the condition of the people diverges from the ‘precepts of Prophethood’ (minhājin nabūwwah) and they are as a result disunited. Although the caliph (Arabic: khalifa) in Ahmadiyya is elected, it is believed that God Himself directs the hearts and minds of believers through visions, dreams and spiritual guidance towards a particular individual.
A recurring segment called "Stupid Watergate" is concerned with the appearance of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections and resulting coverups. It is called "Stupid Watergate" because, according to Oliver, it is "a scandal with all the potential ramifications of Watergate, but where everyone involved is stupid and bad at everything". The segment was most prominently featured in the May 21, 2017 episode, also titled "Stupid Watergate", which recapped a week of negative news regarding President Trump, including the controversies over Trump leaking classified information to Russia during an Oval Office visit as well as the much debated dismissal of FBI Director James Comey. The title's direct reference to the Watergate scandal piggybacks off of comments made by politicians such as Arizona Senator John McCain, who had asserted that the scandals were "reaching the point where it's of Watergate size and scale".
The film's reward for intense concentration is a feeling of deep empathy and connection. For once, you don't harbor the uneasy suspicion of having been emotionally manipulated ... Mr. García has made a film that could be described as radically realistic ... In its subtle, understated performances, the actors vanish into characters who behave like ordinary people observed through one- way glass."New York Times, October 14, 2005 Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun- Times said, "Rodrigo Garcia ... the son of the novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez ... has the same love for his characters, and although his stories are all (except for one) realistic, he shares his father's appreciation for the ways lives interweave and we touch each other even if we are strangers. A movie like this, with the appearance of new characters and situations, focuses us; we watch more intently, because it is important what happens.
Although there were a few earlier hints, the first clear description of regular slow oscillations in the hippocampal EEG came from a paper written in German by Jung and Kornmüller (1938). They were not able to follow up on these initial observations, and it was not until 1954 that further information became available, in a very thorough study by John D. Green and Arnaldo Arduini that mapped out the basic properties of hippocampal oscillations in cats, rabbits, and monkeys (Green and Arduini, 1954). Their findings provoked widespread interest, in part because they related hippocampal activity to arousal, which was at that time the hottest topic in neuroscience. Green and Arduini described an inverse relationship between hippocampal and cortical activity patterns, with hippocampal rhythmicity occurring alongside desynchronized activity in the cortex, whereas an irregular hippocampal activity pattern was correlated with the appearance of large slow waves in the cortical EEG.
From these films, only memories, articles and photos published in the newspapers of the time have remained. Since 1965 Arhiva Națională de Filme (ANF; The National Film Archive) has made serious efforts to reconstruct the obscure history of the beginnings of Romanian cinema, in parallel with the publication of memoirs and private research undertaken by great lovers of cinema, such as film critics Ion Cantacuzino and Tudor Caranfil, together with the directors Jean Mihail and Jean Georgescu. Romanian films have won best short film at Cannes in 2004 and 2008, with Trafic by Cătălin Mitulescu, and Megatron by Marian Crişan. Romanian cinema achieved prominence in the 2000s with the appearance of such films as The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, directed by Cristi Puiu, (Cannes 2005 Prix un certain regard winner), and 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, directed by Cristian Mungiu (Cannes 2007 Palme d'Or winner).
The main building of the Norwood Home for Jewish Children ("The Jewish Orphanage") was completed in 1862. It was a three-storey edifice, with the appearance of a Jacobean palace This structure was demolished in 1963, after the children had moved in groups to live in nine houses supervised by house parents in a less institutional environment, meeting for communal activities at a new synagogue built on the original site. In the 1970s, the charity moved out of the area and the main site was sold to Lambeth Council, which developed much of it for a housing estate, keeping only a small area beside the railway line as open space and converting the synagogue into a community facility known as the Norwood Hall. Some of this open space is now occupied by the West Norwood Health and Leisure Centre but the site of Norwood Hall has been landscaped.
Animated sketches (mostly claymation, Monty Python-style cutout animation, and crude 2D Flash animation) also made a comeback after being phased out since season five (though seasons six, seven, eight, and nine had some semi-recurring and one-shot animated pieces, such as Shaq and the Super Lakers, Public Schoolhouse Rock, How Winona Ryder Stole Christmas, Chocolate Covered Peanuts, and Morbidly Obese Albert) with the appearance of the recurring sketch, "Celebrity Pets", a glut of non-sequitur shorts, "Weekly News with Toby" (featuring Frank Caeti giving a first grader's point of view of current events) and a three-part sketch called, Cartoon Network's Rejected Superheroes. Notable guest stars this season include: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Eva Longoria, Seth MacFarlane (who, back when MADtv was starting out, was offered the chance to produce animated shorts for the show), the Los Angeles Kings, Tom Bergeron, Efren Ramirez, and Fred Willard.
The final night of the competition was held in Ruums KL as in the previous weeks, but was brought to 8.30pm on Friday, 1 August. Voting lines were open from the moment the Top 4 were revealed the week before till the end of the Grand Finale. The 16 finalists who had been eliminated earlier throughout the competition returned to kick-start the party with a medley consisting of a hip-hop piece with a fusion of Feedback (Janet Jackson) and Gimme More (Britney Spears); followed by salsa-ing to Gotta Get Down (Celia Cruz); a lyrical piece to Requiem for a Dream from the Lord of the Rings soundtrack; and finally a Malaysian contemporary piece with the appearance of Zainal Abidin as the singer of Senang Senang and the Top 4 taking the stage. Zainal carried on his singing with Orak Arik as the dancers left the stage.
Diamond Grill explores several different themes, with racial identity being one of the most predominant. The usage of imagery to explore the book's various themes has often been commented on by various academics, with the appearance of the Diamond Grill's swinging doors in the beginning and ending of the novel being described as a way of accentuating the difference between the "Occident and Orient". In one of Diamond Grill's chapters, Wah talks about how some people had difficulty associating Wah with his last name, as he is only 1/8th Chinese and looks predominantly Caucasian. Elaine Chang argues in her book Reel Asian: Asian Canada on screen that people do not react to an "almost-white" person with an Italian name in the same way that they would if that individual possessed a Chinese one, and that this reaction causes some to think "maybe you're not Canadian".
The Ordinary is theoretically designated for the whole congregation, whereas the Propers are proper to the choir of clerics in attendance. In practice, even the Ordinary is often too complicated for the congregation, and the choir is often made up of specially trained lay men and women (though in churches run by religious orders it is often made up of their members.) The choir, at least if clerical, was traditionally placed close to the altar in stalls. However, with the appearance of elaborate musical settings of the Ordinary of the Mass it became necessary to employ lay singers, and with this innovation, the choir moved first from the front of the church up to galleries on the sides of the church and then finally to a loft in the back. This in turn allowed musical instruments, besides the organ, to be employed in the music.
Lake Blanchemer, France - A floating island In 1769 the antiquarian Thomas Pennant, whilst on his first tour of Scotland, recorded that "...opposite to the farm of Achessan (sic), is a lake, noted for a floting island, fifty-one feet long, and twenty-nine broad, that shifts its quarters with the wind. It has strength sufficient to carry an involuntary voyage, the cattle that might be surprised feeding on this mobile solum, deceived with the appearance of its being firm land. it cannot indeed boast of carrying on its surface the darksome groves of those on the Cutilian waters, but, like the Lydian Calamina, may be launched from the sides of the lake with poles, and can show plenty of coarse grass, some small willows, and a little birch tree. He goes on to record as a foot note that "The thickness of this isle is twenty-five inches.
With the appearance of the new Ponton-bodied Mercedes-Benz 180 in 1953, the 170 models suddenly appeared very old fashioned. The 170 V was delisted in September 1953: in July 1953 the manufacturer had replaced the existing 170 S with the reduced specification 170 S-V. The car that resulted combined the slightly larger body from the 170 S with the less powerful 45 PS engine that had previously powered the 170 V. The vehicle provided reduced performance but at a reduced price, while salesmen steered more prosperous buyers to the new Ponton bodied 180. The diesel powered 170 S continued to be sold, now branded as the 170 S-D. The internal “W191” designation which had distinguished the previous 170 Ss was removed, and the 170 Ss manufactured from 1953 returned to the “W136” works designation that they had shared with the 170 V till the end of 1951.
Maitri Upanishad - Sanskrit Text with English Translation EB Cowell (Translator), Cambridge University, Bibliotheca Indica, pages 265-268 There is a motley collection of ideas in the discussion of Kala (Time), within the sixth Prapathaka of the Upanishad. For example, in section 6.14, it sets out to prove Time exists, acknowledges the difficulty in proving Time exists by Pramana (epistemology in Indian philosophy), then inserts a theory of inductive inference for epistemological proof as follows, The section includes the concept of Time and non-Time, calling these as two forms of Brahman, mirroring the Upanishad's earlier discussion of Material and non-Material universe. It defines non-Time as "what was there before the appearance of Sun", and Time as "what began with the appearance of Sun".Paul Deussen, Sixty Upanishads of the Veda, Volume 1, Motilal Banarsidass, , pages 357-358 Non- Time is indivisible, Time is divisible.
According to legend, the peaceful Pluster World fell into chaos with the appearance of the Minusters, and in response, all of the Plusters fought alongside the humans, or, more specifically, merging with them in order to become more powerful ("plusting"), and were able to seal away the evil Minusters. Or so they thought.. The resulting peace was thought to continue forever, with the world once again returning to fruition, but the peace has been shattered again by the reappearance of the Minusters. Beetma, a Pluster from the Kabuto Tribe, on a journey to become the most powerful Pluster, meets up with Wyburst from the Grip Tribe, as well as a Minus-Beast. Completely overmatched in battle, Beetma accidentally finds himself sent to the world of humans, where he meets an 11-year-old boy named Tohma Kaname, hoping for revenge on the Minus-Beast.
White- collared starlings are generally found in open woodland and seem to stay in the tops of high trees, but have also been reported in montane grasslands in Cameroon They are known to feed on insects, berries, wild figs and the fruit of musanga and macaranga assass trees. They have been known to travel in pairs or small groups (4-10), and in at least one case in a flock of more than 100 birds in June. Nest-building activity has been observed in March, and males collected at that time were found to have large testes; these facts combined with the appearance of juvenile species between May and July suggest that breeding occurs in the first half of the year. In one instance, a male was seen to make short circular flights from a conspicuous pearch, which was interpreted as a courtship display.
There were five more concerts in 2008; Keswick, Crawley, NEWI, Danbury and Bognor Regis Bible Week. Since 1994, live appearances by Phatfish had simply been titled Phatfish, but due to the successful release of Lou Fellingham's debut album, along with the appearance of some of her songs in the setlist, her name was incorporated into the title as Phatfish and Lou Fellingham. Fellingham's husband, Nathan described the arrangement during an interview with Adrian Warnock. :So, we’re out sometimes as Phatfish, sometimes as Lou Fellingham, Lou Fellingham Band, whatever. Sometimes it’s Stuart Townend’s Worship Band—you know. All these different things—it’s all us. It’s all the same heart, just slightly different expressions of different songs. :—Nathan Fellingham More recently, concerts have been titled Phatfish and Lou Fellingham, with songs from Lou Fellingham's set of works and Phatfish's works being played, in addition to older songs, as well.
Although the Silver Age may be said to have truly begun with the appearance of Alexander Blok's "Verses about the Beautiful Lady", many scholars have extended its chronological framework to include the works of the 1890s, starting with Nikolai Minsky's manifesto "With the light of conscience" (1890), Dmitri Merezhkovsky's treatise "About the reasons for the decline of contemporary Russian literature" (1893), Valery Bryusov's almanac "Russian symbolists" (1894), and poetry by Konstantin Balmont and Mirra Lokhvitskaya. The early 20th century was the period of both social and cultural upheavals and pursuits. Realistic portrayal of life did not satisfy authors any longer, and their argument with the classics of the 19th century generated a bundle of new literary movements. Although the Silver Age was dominated by the artistic movements of Russian Symbolism, Acmeism, and Russian Futurism, many poetic schools flourished, including the Mystical Anarchism tendency within the Symbolist movement.
The latter mural is filled with symbols such as exploding light for the Big Bang theory, along with the appearance of man and manifestations of art. In 2004 he created the La Cátedra de la Justicia at the Escuela de Judicial del Estado de México in only two months. In 2006 he created the mural Justicia Supremo Poder for the Palacio de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación in Mexico City. It was created in Toluca and transferred to the court building in 2007. It is located in the northeast corner of the main stairs, with a size of about 300m2 in three levels, sharing space with works by Luis Nishizawa, Rafael Cauduro and Ismael Ramos . From 2009 to 2010 he created a mural for the State of Mexico placed at the Palacio del Gobierno in Toluca, about the Bicentennial of Mexico’s Independence and Centennial of the Mexican Revolution.
The product was upgraded in 2014 to include additional features such as the pulse oximetry measurement (SPO2) and the wear-it-your-way form factor, and the name was changed to Ox. The Pulse contains a pedometer, heart rate monitor and blood oxygen reader, and can connect to other Withings devices such as the Smart Body Analyzer scales and blood pressure monitor. The Pulse is the only such device that does reflexive measurement, so users do not need to clip their finger for the SPO2 measurement. Withings Go was released in 2016 and is an activity tracker that can be clipped or hung on belts, or worn on the wrist with a silicone strap. Withings Steel HR Sport tracker Withings' first product since being purchased by Carreel in 2019 is the Steel HR Sport smartwatch, a fitness tracker with the appearance of a watch.
He ends his article with stating that we have to be grateful that this stranger from the land of Selma Lagerlöf toke the initiativ to study the mudra's of the Balinese priests in performing his Hinduistic rituals. Specially the Indologists and Orientalists should be happy with the appearance of this publication. Another crucial exhibition was Två vittberesta damer (Two Travelling Ladies) at Liljevalch's Public Art Gallery in Stockholm 1922, where she showed art and artifacts from Java and Bali together with Swedish photographer and author Ida Trotzig contributing works from Japan. This exhibition was the starting point for the "Bali-fever" in Sweden. Kleen's depictions of mudras were shown at the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1923. Besides Mudras, Kleen published two other books about Bali: Ni-Si-Pleng, a story about black children written for white children (1924), and, seven years later, Tempeldanser och musikinstrument pa Bali, printed in 300 numbered copies, translated in 1936 as The Temple Dances in Bali.
Takuma Sakamoto is a hikikomori gamer who is mysteriously transported to the virtual world of his favourite MMORPG, Cross Reverie, with the appearance of his own character in the game, the Demon Lord Diablo. The two young girls who summoned him, the pantherian Rem and the elf Shera, attempt to use a spell to make Takuma their servant, but due to his magic ring with the ability "Magic Reflection", the spell rebounds, and both end up with magic collars stuck on their necks, thus becoming his servants instead. With a serious case of social anxiety, Takuma decides to act like his character while interacting with others, and makes use of his high stats and vast knowledge of Cross Reverie's lore to survive in his new environment, traveling along with Rem and Shera to look for a way to remove their slave collars while helping them with their own, personal issues that led them to summon him in the first place.
Josh Wigler from MTV loved the revelations from the conversation with William Bell, along with the appearance of shapeshifters. He thought the episode was Fringe "at its absolute finest," as the "mystery-of-the-week and the overarching plot worked in complete harmony with one another, proving that Fringe is entirely capable of delivering on both a serialized and episodic basis". Entertainment Weekly Ken Tucker praised guest actor Leonard Nimoy's "terrific, coolly-controlled performance," and wrote that he continued "to admire the way Fringe can mind- meld its scientific fiction with workplace-family drama and light comedy, juggling an increasing number of characters and subplots, while still maintaining a strong narrative through-line". The A.V. Club Noel Murray graded the episode a B+, explaining that the episode was much better than the previous week and also praising the introduction of two new characters and the long awaited meeting between Olivia and William Bell.
By the late 1990s, hip hop galsen had reached its peak with groups and genres booming everywhere alongside with then an active practice of the 'clash'.This core and challenging practice of hip hop as a movement was not however always well understood in Dakar and some people used it to improvise themselves as rappers with the only purpose of insulting and criticising other hip hop groups or artists. Geographically, hip hop galsen was represented in Dakar and in its most popular banlieues, such as Guédiawaye or Thiaroye but also in the regional cities, like Kaolack or Saint Louis. Besides, hip hop as a medium of expression allowed for different messages to be articulated and thus a consequent diversification of genres in the musical productions (from hardcore to mainstream, from politically engaged to more party oriented, from a social to a more individual discourse) as well as in the groups composition with the appearance of the first female figures.
The first level conserves the building structure of the 9th century and shelters two separated naves and six sections, which are separated by means of two cruciform pillars and divided by lowered horseshoe arcs. In spite of its simplicity, they form a balanced space and could be used as baths. The second floor repeats the same spatial scheme of the previous one, and remains of a Muslim factory of the 11th century in the brick canvases, which indicates that, from the 14th century something similar happens with the appearance of the last two floors, of Mudéjar invoice, and whose construction would be due to the construction of the palace of Peter IV of Aragon, that is connected with the Tower of the Troubadour thanks to a corridor, and would be configured as tower of homage. The arches of these plants already reflect its Christian structure, because they are slightly pointed arches, and support unveiled roofs, but flat structures in wood.
The production of prototypes of the I-series continued in the 1980s, but they were the last to receive a lettered classification, which meant that metro sets produced from the 81-717/714 onwards never received a lettered classification. With the appearance of newer sets (such as the Yauza, Rusich, Oka, Neva, Moskva), the 81-series then became known as the "Numbered Train" (Номерной Поезд; Nomernoy Poezd). It should also be noted that "nomernoy" also stands for vehicle registration plates, so this can be a widely interpreted name in the English language. The demand for the cars was very high at the beginning, so high, that production at the I. E. Yegorov factory in Leningrad (now known as Vagonmash Saint Petersburg) began in January 1980, later on, the Tver (then known as Kalinin) Railcar Factory began production of these cars in mid-1980 of 81-717 cars, and in 1985 of 81-714 cars.
In 1789, Augustinian Carlo Amoretti, Italian Encyclopedist and librarian of Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan, discovered the authentic Italian manuscript of Antonio Pigafetta among the scattered holdings of the library. Here it came out that the port of March–April 1521 was not Butuan but Mazaua. Amoretti, who himself had not read any of five eyewitness reports of the incident including two French versions of Pigafetta's account, asserted in a footnote that Mazaua was probably the isle named Limasava in Bellin's map, thus interchanging the real port of Mazaua with the way station Gatighan. Largely with the appearance of the eyewitness account of Ginés de Mafra, the only seaman in Magellan's fleet to return to Mazaua, whose testimony reveals a concrete, measurable description of Mazaua, the skein starting from the garbled version of Pigafetta by Ramusio to the mishandling by Combés to Bellin and finally to Amoretti has been unraveled: Pigafetta's Gatighan is Bellin's Limasava.
Claudette, realizing how dangerous their brother is becoming, banishes him to his own pocket dimension, but he convinces Monet to accompany him, as only he can restore her true form. Nicole and Claudette, knowing Monet was their parents' favorite, decide to merge into one body with the appearance of Monet (see Monet-twins).Generation X #40 Shortly after the formation of the mutant teen team Generation X, the red-skinned Monet is dropped onto the front lawn of the Massachusetts Academy by Gateway, who speaks the single word: "Penance,Generation X #1" which is taken by witnesses to be her name. She is brought inside by headmaster Banshee, who discovers her powers as he cuts his hands by trying to pick her upGeneration X #2 As Penance cannot speak, understand English (apparently), and with an immunity to telepathy, Banshee places her in the infirmary as Banshee and Emma Frost attempt to discover her identity.
Mary, as the first Christian Saint and Mother of Jesus, was deemed to be a compassionate mediator between suffering mankind and her son, Jesus, who was seen as King and Judge. In the East, devotion to Mary blossomed in the sixth century under official patronage and imperial promotion at the Court of Constantinople.A. Cameron, "The Theotokos in sixth-century Constantinople", Journal of Theological Studies, New Series 19 (1978:79-108). The popularity of Mary as an individual object of devotion, however, only began in the fifth century with the appearance of apocryphal versions of her life, interest in her relics, and the first churches dedicated to her name, for example, S. Maria Maggiore in Rome.John L. Osborne, "Early Medieval Painting in San Clemente, Rome: The Madonna and Child in the Niche" Gesta 20.2 (1981:299-310) and (note 9) referencing T. Klauser, "Rom under der Kult des Gottesmutter Maria", Jahrbuch für der Antike und Christentum 15 (1972:120-135).
Given the funerary context, and that adjacent scenes often show New Testament miracles, including the Raising of Lazarus, the emphasis of these scenes may relate as much to the overcoming of sin and hope of new life as the Fall of Man. Christ was compared to Adam in Romans 5:14–21, and was sometimes called the "new Adam", especially in connection with baptism (at this period catechumens were apparently naked when this was administered). This may also be referred to in the second scene, or the central figure may represent the Divine Logos, who is also shown with the appearance of Jesus. The scene represents the "division of labours" between Adam and Eve; the central figure holds a sheaf of corn in one hand and a dead hare (in another Vatican example a lamb) in the other, although one might expect hunting hares to be Adam's task and agriculture Eve's, rather than the opposite as the sarcophagus seems to suggest.
Following the German defeats at Stalingrad and El Alamein, the war began to swing decisively the Allies' way. With the appearance of more durable destroyers and new light escort carriers which could provide convoys with constant air cover, the 'Mid-Atlantic Gap', where ships could not be provided with air cover, was closed, and from mid-1943 the U-boats were all but defeated in the Battle of the Atlantic, although Contraband Control at sea still continued. German labour shortages grew so acute that Germany relied increasingly on slave labour and demanded prior claim on all available Swiss labour. The French collaborator Pierre Laval promised to send 300,000 more workmen to Germany immediately. Sir Arthur Harris and his USAAF counterpart, Major General Ira Eaker assured Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt that Germany could be bombed out of the war by the end of 1943 on the condition that nothing was allowed to reduce the forces already allocated to the bombardment of Germany.
1959 Imperial Custom Sedan 1959 Imperial Crown Southampton hardtop coupe with view of "FliteSweep Deck Lid" Production was moved from the traditional Jefferson Avenue Assembly plant in Detroit to an exclusive facility on Warren Avenue, north of the Jefferson Avenue factory. Other than a toothy new grill and revisions to side trim little changed in terms of exterior styling for the 1959 model year. A new option was the "Silvercrest" roof which featured a stainless steel front with a rear canopy that could be ordered either in any of the basic car colors or in the "Landau" version which had a black canopy with the appearance of leather. A new option were swivel out front seats that were part of the six-way electric front bench seat. Manually activated by a handle for this introductory year, in 1960 the seats would automatically swivel when the front door was opened or closed, activated by a cable and springs.
Viruses can be present in humans due to direct infection or co-infections which makes diagnosis difficult using classical techniques and can result in an incorrect prognosis and treatment. The use of qPCR allows both the quantification and genotyping (characterization of the strain, carried out using melting curves) of a virus such as the Hepatitis B virus. The degree of infection, quantified as the copies of the viral genome per unit of the patient's tissue, is relevant in many cases; for example, the probability that the type 1 herpes simplex virus reactivates is related to the number of infected neurons in the ganglia. This quantification is carried out either with reverse transcription or without it, as occurs if the virus becomes integrated in the human genome at any point in its cycle, such as happens in the case of HPV (human papillomavirus), where some of its variants are associated with the appearance of cervical cancer.
Typhoon Wipha, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Goring, was the strongest typhoon to threaten the Chinese coastline since Typhoon Saomai in August 2006. Forming out of a tropical disturbance on September 15, 2007, it quickly developed into a tropical storm, and intensified into a typhoon the following day with the appearance of an eye feature. After a period of rapid intensification, Wipha attained its peak intensity on September 18, with winds of 185 km/h (115 mph) and a barometric pressure of 925 mbar (hPa), according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. Later that day, the storm began to weaken as it interacted with the mountainous terrain of Taiwan before brushing the northern edge of the island. Wipha subsequently made landfall near Fuding along the Fujian-Zhejiang provincial border with winds estimated at 185 km/h (115 mph) by the JTWC. Shortly thereafter, the typhoon weakened as it moved inland, weakening to a tropical storm within 18 hours of moving over land.
Additionally, he cultivated a reputation as carouser-in-chief and swayed shoulder-to-shoulder with other literati of the day he had known through Envoy and who used the pub McDaid's as their base: Flann O'Brien, Patrick Kavanagh, Patrick Swift, Anthony Cronin, J. P. Donleavy and artist Desmond MacNamara whose bust of Behan is on display at the National Writers Museum. For unknown reasons, Behan had a major falling-out with Kavanagh, who reportedly would visibly shudder at the mention of Behan's name and who referred to him as "evil incarnate". Behan being asked to sing at the Jager House Ballroom, New York City, 1960 Behan's fortunes changed in 1954, with the appearance of his play The Quare Fellow, his major breakthrough at last. Originally called The Twisting of Another Rope and influenced by his time spent in jail, it chronicles the vicissitudes of prison life leading up to the execution of "the quare fellow", a character who is never seen.
Instead of basing his personality on his own unforced feelings, thoughts, and initiatives, the person with a "False Self" disorder would essentially be imitating and internalising other people's behaviour a mode in which he could outwardly come to seem "just like" his mother, father, brother, nurse, or whoever had dominated his world, but inwardly he would feel bored, empty, dead, or "phoney". Winnicott saw this as an unconscious process: not only others but also the person himself would mistake his False Self for his real personality. But even with the appearance of success, and of social gains, he would feel unreal and lack the sense of really being alive or happy. The division of the True and False self roughly develops from Freud's (1923) notion of the Superego which compels the Ego to modify and inhibit libidinal Id impulses, possibly leading to excessive repression but certainly altering the way the environment is perceived and responded to.
Established with the appearance of the first craftsmen and the manufacture production craft-work, when Gjakova won the status "kasaba" in 1594/95, the Old Bazaar represents a priceless value of cultural and social development of Gjakova. For the maintenance of the objects built by Selman Hadim Aga, such the mosque, the "mejtep" (religious elementary school), the "muvakihane" (a building which measures time and defines the calendar based on astrolabic quadrates), the library, the "hamam" (public bath), the inn and the shops, the Sultan was requested to add to his "vakëf" some land from the sultanate. Being visited in 1662, Gjakova is first and right interpreted for the Old Bazaar, from the Turkish traveler, Evliya Çelebi, who was amazed with the large number of shops, buildings and craft- work. The most famous craftsman and artisans were gunsmiths, silversmiths, tinsmiths, copper dishes producers, tailors (terezis), tanners (tabaks), embroiderers, bookbinders, musical instruments makers, pipe-makers, and carpenters.
With the appearance of the new 1.8 liter Mercedes-Benz 180 "Ponton" in 1953, the 170 S model suddenly appeared very old fashioned. The 170 V would be delisted in September 1953, and in July 1953 the manufacturer replaced the existing 170 S with the reduced specification 170 S-V. The car that resulted combined the slightly larger body from the 170 S with the less powerful 45 HP engine that had previously powered the 170 V. The vehicle provided reduced performance but at a reduced price, while salesmen steered more prosperous buyers to the new 180. The diesel powered 170 S continued to be sold, now branded as the 170 S-D. The internal “W 191” designation which had distinguished the previous 170 S was removed, and the 170 S manufactured from 1953 returned to the “W 136” designation that they had shared till the end of 1951. In September 1955 the Mercedes-Benz 170 S-V was withdrawn from production.
Becoming thereafter fairly prosperous, Cardoso married two wives, and began to devote himself to kabbalistic speculations, in which he appears to have been previously initiated at Livorno by Moses Pinheiro. With the appearance of the Shabbethaian movement, he assumed the character of a prophet, pretending to have had dreams and visions, and sent circulars in all directions to support the Messianic claim of Sabbatai Zevi. Cardoso's pretended or actual belief in the Messiah was not renounced even when Zevi embraced Islam; he justified the latter on the plea that it was necessary for him to be counted among the sinners, in order that he might atone for Israel's sins, in a common messianic interpretation to Isaiah LIII that resembles in many ways the early Christian messianic interpretation of that chapter. Later Cardoso gave himself out as "Messiah ben Ephraim", asserting that the Messiah is he who teaches the true conception of God.
The presence of the "royal road" (D6009), a major axis developed at the time of Louis XIV in order to facilitate communications between Béziers and Narbonne, and the construction of the Canal du Midi helped to bring the village to life, although currently it is the villages located on the immediate edge of the canal (Colombiers, Poilhes, Capestang, Sallèles) that take advantage of its tourist appeal. Since 1970, the village has developed strongly to the south and west with the appearance of new subdivisions of properties and the installation of some new estates to accommodate the new populations of urban workers (popular because Béziers is 10 km and Narbonne 20 km). The number of inhabitants directly involved in viticulture has greatly decreased. However, there are still a few vignerons with vines surrounding the village who still take up the challenge of producing quality wines and participate in the new development of southern viticulture.
Col determined that we should > pass the night at M'Quarrie's, in the island of Ulva, which lies between > Mull and Inchkenneth; and a servant was sent forward to the ferry, to secure > the boat for us: but the boat was gone to the Ulva side, and the wind was so > high that the people could not hear him call; and the night so dark that > they could not see a signal. We should have been in a very bad situation, > had there not fortunately been lying in the little sound of Ulva an Irish > vessel, the Bonnetta, of Londonderry, Captain M'Lure, master. He himself was > at M'Quarrie's; but his men obligingly came with their long-boat, and > ferried us over.(Boswell) Boswell was not impressed with Macquarrie's house, but appears to have enjoyed the company: > M'Quarrie's house was mean; but we were agreeably surprised with the > appearance of the master, whom we found to be intelligent, polite, and much > a man of the world.
Beneath them are soldiers of the empire's vast army, merchants, and the peasantry, with slaves being the lowest rung on the social ladder. The Calormene leaders are portrayed as quite war-like, and the Tisrocs generally seem to have a wish to conquer the "barbarian" lands to their north - to some degree deterred, however, by the magical reputation of the countries, their various rulers and their being known to be under the protection of Aslan. Significantly, the final, successful invasion of Narnia by the Calormene military, which precipitates the end of the Narnian universe, was conducted in close cooperation with the appearance of the false Aslan and the proclamation that Aslan and Tash are one and the same. Calormene social and political institutions are depicted as essentially unchanged between the time of The Horse and His Boy and The Last Battle - more than a thousand years, in which Narnia has profoundly changed several times.
Koji and Mazinger Z come back in the last episodes of Great Mazinger to help their successors defeat the forces of evil. Another sequel, albeit in a different line, was introduced in 1975, with the appearance of Grendizer, set in the Mazinger and Great Mazinger story continuity that included Koji Kabuto as a supporting character. The shows spawned so-called "team-up movies" early on, which were like longer episodes that teamed up Mazinger Z with one of Go Nagai's other creations, as in Mazinger Z vs. Devilman (マジンガーZ対デビルマン) in 1973 as well as Mazinger Z Vs. Dr. Hell (マジンガーZ対ドクターヘル) and Mazinger Z Vs. The Great General of Darkness (マジンガーZ対暗黒大将軍) both released in 1974. On the franchise's 45th anniversary, a sequel film titled Mazinger Z: Infinity was announced, taking place 10 years after the events of the original series.
Paul's conversion, from Livre d'Heures d'Étienne Chevalier (c. 1450–1460), Jean Fouquet, in the Château de Chantilly Prior to the 1950s, Luke–Acts was seen as a historical work, written to defend Christianity before the Romans or Paul against his detractors; since then the tendency has been to see the work as primarily theological. Luke's theology is expressed primarily through his overarching plot, the way scenes, themes and characters combine to construct his specific worldview. His "salvation history" stretches from the Creation to the present time of his readers, in three ages: first, the time of "the Law and the Prophets" (Luke 16:16), the period beginning with Genesis and ending with the appearance of John the Baptist (Luke 1:5–3:1); second, the epoch of Jesus, in which the Kingdom of God was preached (Luke 3:2–24:51); and finally the period of the Church, which began when the risen Christ was taken into Heaven, and would end with his second coming.
The degree of support for Ali Bongo within the PDG leadership was also questioned in the press, and it was argued that many Gabonese "see him as a spoilt child, born in Congo-Brazzaville, brought up in France, hardly able to speak indigenous languages and with the appearance of a hip hop star".The Parisian treasures of African tyrants: French government may seize mansions and luxury cars of corrupt regimes, The Independent, 12 July 2013 Bongo was one of ten candidates who submitted applications to become the PDG's candidate in the early presidential election, scheduled for 30 August 2009."Gabon: Dix candidats dont une femme pour la candidature du PDG à la prochaine présidentielle" , Gabonews, 5 July 2009 . PDG Deputy Secretary-General Angel Ondo announced on 16 July that the party leadership had chosen Bongo by consensus as the PDG candidate, although this decision still needed to be formally confirmed at a party congress.
Murdoch also carried out a number of experiments with compressed air and developed the first pneumatic message system which worked by using compressed air to propel a message in a cylinder through a tube to its intended destination. This system was developed by the London Pneumatic Despatch Company and became widely used; Harrods in particular used this system until at least the 1960s. Murdoch also used compressed air to ring a bell at his home to announce visitors. Some of Murdoch's other minor inventions and experiments were: a machine developed in 1784 or 1785 in Cornwall for drilling wooden pipes, (in 1810 this was further developed and patented for stone pipes), a steam cannon which he attempted to use in 1803 to knock down a wall at Soho, a steam gun in the same year which fired 3 cm lead bullets, and machinery to grind and compress peat moss under great pressure to produce a material with "the appearance of the finest Jet".
Tradition marks the date of April 23, 1276 as the beginning of the patronage of St. George for Alcoy, for his miraculous intervention, as narrated by our ancestors, in the defence of Alcoy from the Muslim attack of Al-Azraq. Soon there was a chapel dedicated to the Saint, which is already known shortly after 1300, in fact, there are documents of 1317 because it was perpetual vowed to honor him in his festivity. Thus, the current structure of three days, dedicated the first one to the ' 'Entradas' ' or parade, the second to the religious festivity and the third to the ' 'Alardo, culminating with the appearance of San Jorge, begins to be gestating taking as axis the festivity of San Jorge, the day 23 of April. Initially, the documents speak to us of a religious celebration, basically, but already in 1412, there is information about some payments made for the celebration of the religious festivity.
An interesting fact about Kashmiri Pandit festivals, needing investigation, is that some of these are celebrated a day ahead of their celebration by Hindus in other parts of the country. Shivaratri, regarded as the most important festival of the community, for instance, is celebrated by them on trayodashi or the thirteenth of the dark half of the month of Phalguna (February–March) and not on chaturdashi or the fourteenth as in the rest of the country. The reason for it is that this long drawn festival that is celebrated for one full fortnight as an elaborate ritual is associated with the appearance of Bhairava (Shiva) as a jwala-linga or a linga of flame. Called ‘Herath’ in Kashmiri, a word derived from the Sanskrit ‘Hararatri’ the ‘Night of Hara’ (another name of Shiva), it has been described as Bhairavotsava in Tantric texts as on this occasion Bhairava and Bhairavi, His Shakti or cosmic energy, are propitiated through Tantric worship.
The early modern period (late 15th or 16th-18th centuries) in Catalan literature and historiography, while extremely productive for Castilian writers of the Siglo de Oro, has been termed La Decadència (; "The Decadence"), an era of decadence in Catalan literature and history, generally thought to be caused by a general falling into disuse of the vernacular language in cultural contexts and lack of patronage among the nobility, even in lands of the Crown of Aragon. This decadence is thought to accompany the general Castilianization of Spain and overall neglect for the Crown of Aragon's institutions after the dynastic union of the crowns of Castile and Aragon that resulted from the marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, a union finalized in 1474. This is, however, a Romantic view made popular by writers and thinkers of the national awakening period known as Renaixença, in the 19th century. This presumed state of decadence is being contested with the appearance of recent cultural and literary studies showing there were indeed works of note in the period.
A comparison of chemical traces and lead isotope analysis from these mines with copper artefacts strongly suggests that Ross Island was the sole source of copper in Ireland between the dates 2500–2200 BC. In addition, two thirds of copper artefacts from Britain also display the same chemical and isotopic signature, strongly suggesting that Irish copper was a major export to Britain. Traces of Ross Island copper can be found even further afield; in the Netherlands it makes up 12% of analysed copper artefacts, and Brittany 6% of analysed copper artefacts After 2200 BC there is greater chemical variation in British and Irish copper artefacts, which tallies well with the appearance of other mines in southern Ireland and north Wales. After 2000 BC, other copper sources supersede Ross Island. The latest workings from the Ross Island mines is dated to around 1700 BC. As well as exporting raw copper/bronze, there were some technical and cultural developments in Ireland that had an important impact on other areas of Europe.
Murphy opened the 2013 season on 2 February with nine points against Kildare in the opening league game at Croke Park. Analysts praised the skills he displayed throughout that game; at one point in the second half he stretched high into the air to meet a miscalculated free from Paddy McBrearty and gave it an almighty thump with his fist over the bar, while on another occasion he left the Kildare defender stumbling along the ground as he sidestepped him and casually at an angle from distance, with the appearance of little effort whatsoever, kicked the ball over the bar. Against Tyrone on 3 March, he scored 3 from 4 of Donegal's points and then, shortly before half- time, having had a penalty saved by TG4 Man of the Match Niall Morgan, Murphy struck out and was issued with a second yellow card by Joe McQuillan. Against Kerry on 10 March, man of the match Murphy dispatched a penalty and five points in Donegal's comfortable victory over the league's whipping boys.
Underside: greyish brown. Forewings and hindwings: two subterminal and a terminal white transverse line succeeded by an anteciliary black line on each wing, the ground colour enclosed between these lines of a slightly darker shade with the appearance of somewhat maculate (spotted) transverse bands. On the hindwing near apices of interspaces 1 a, 1 and 2 enclosed between the inner of the two subterminal white lines and the terminal white line are a large round black spot inwardly edged with ochraceous in interspace 2, two minute black geminate (paired) spots in interspace 1 and a similar single spot in interspace 1 a, the latter three spots superposed on a white ground and above the white a narrow transverse short ochraceous line. Forewing: in addition four obliquely placed, transverse, white parallel fasti as follows: two, one on either side of the discocellulars extended between the subcostal vein and the dorsum; two upper discal lines broken and sinuate, extended from just below the costa, the inner lino to vein 3, the outer line to vein 1.
Kogals were far from the first generation of Japanese girls who oya o nakaseru (made their parents weep) and inspired salacious media exposés. The daraku jogakusei (degenerate schoolgirls) of the early 1900s violated taboos against dating, while the moga, or modern girl, of the 1920s, adopted Western fashions. The hard-partying "Mambo girl" arose in the late 1950s. Japanese fashion began to divide by age in the 1970s with the appearance of gyaru magazines aimed at teens. Popteen, the most widely read of these magazines, has been publishing monthly since 1980. While mainstream fashion in the 1980s and early 1990s emphasized girlish and cute (kawaii), gyaru publications promoted a sexy aesthetic.Kinsella, Sharon, "Black faces, witches and racism", Bad Girls of Japan, edited by Laura Miller, Jan Bardsley, p. 146. Top gyaru magazines, including Popteen, Street Jam and Happie Nuts, were produced by editors previously involved in creating pornography for men. Also in the 1980s, a male-and-female motorcycle-oriented slacker culture emerged in the form of the "Yankiis" (from the American word "Yankee") and Bosozoku Gals.
At Uminokuchi, Minamimaki, Minamisaku District, Nagano Prefecture, Akadani, Kitakanbara District, Niigata Prefecture (now Shibata), Kamikawane, Haibara District, Shizuoka Prefecture (now Honwane), Mikura, Shūchi District, also Shizuoka Prefecture (now Mori) among other places, they are told in legends simply under the name "mikoshi." In Kamikawane, there is a story where in the past, two young fellows discovered nobori-like object climbing up the night sky, and were surprised, saying "It's a mikoshi!" Also, in Ryōgōchi, Ihara District, Shizuoka Prefecture (now Shizuoka), they are also called , and it is said that something with the appearance of a little bōzu would talk to people at the end of a road, and in the middle of the conversation, its height would soon become taller, just continuing to look at this would result in fainting, but they would disappear by saying "." They are said to appear with the look of a kind person, and when a person passing along talks to it, it would grow larger depending on the contents of the conversation.
Nomadic pastoralism seems to have developed as a part of the secondary products revolution proposed by Andrew Sherratt, in which early pre-pottery Neolithic cultures that had used animals as live meat ("on the hoof") also began using animals for their secondary products, for example, milk and its associated dairy products, wool and other animal hair, hides and consequently leather, manure for fuel and fertilizer, and traction. The first nomadic pastoral society developed in the period from 8,500–6,500 BCE in the area of the southern Levant. There, during a period of increasing aridity, Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) cultures in the Sinai were replaced by a nomadic, pastoral pottery-using culture, which seems to have been a cultural fusion between a newly arrived Mesolithic people from Egypt (the Harifian culture), adopting their nomadic hunting lifestyle to the raising of stock.Patterns of Subsistence: Pastoralism This lifestyle quickly developed into what Jaris Yurins has called the circum-Arabian nomadic pastoral techno-complex and is possibly associated with the appearance of Semitic languages in the region of the Ancient Near East.
XB-52 prototype at Carswell AFB, 1955 shown with a 7th Bomb Wing B-36 Convair B-36s awaiting their fate at the 3040th Aircraft Storage Depot (now 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group) in Tucson in 1958 With the appearance of the Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 in combat over North Korea in 1950, USAF propeller-driven bombers were rendered obsolete as strategic offensive weapons. Both the B-36 and the B-29/B-50 Superfortresses were designed during World War II, prior to the jet age. A new generation of swept-wing jet bombers, able to fly higher and faster, was needed to effectively overcome the MiG-15 or subsequent Soviet interceptors if the Cold War escalated into armed conflict. After fighting in Korea had ceased, President Eisenhower called for a "new look" at national defense. His administration chose to invest in the USAF, especially SAC, retiring nearly all of its B-29/B-50s in favour of the new B-47 Stratojet. By 1955, the B-52 Stratofortress was entering the inventory in substantial numbers, which replaced B-36s.
Returning home, he became secretary of the Dublin Trade Council, afterwards its President; he also led the Dublin Typographical Provident Society. In the 1900 general election Nannetti was elected MP for the constituency of College Green, DublinWalker, Brian M. (ed.), Parliamentary Election Results in Ireland, 1801-1922, Royal Irish Academy Press, Dublin (1978) as a United Irish League supported Labour trade unionist, as well as in the 1906 election, the January 1910 and the December 1910 elections which seat he held until his death in 1915, having been paralysed by illness since 1913.Maume, Patrick; The long Gestation, Irish Nationalist Life 1891-1918, pp 32, 116, 141, 237 Who’s Who, Gill & Macmillan (1999), Nannetti had represented an older school of trade unionism, based on skilled workmen and emphasising shared interest between workmen and employer, which was challenged by the rise of Larkinism mass unionism. With the appearance of an independent Labour candidate in the subsequent by-election it was seen as significant in the drift of labour workers away from the Irish Party.
The building in which the distillery originally operated was constructed circa 1892 under the guidance of Dr. C.A. Max Wiehle, a physician from Philadelphia who retired from practice at the age of 41 and tried to establish a town and farming community known as Wiehle on 3,228 acres of land he purchased in 1882. The first floor served as the Wiehle town hall, and the second floor housed the Wiehle Methodist Episcopal church. The building originally featured an 80 lb bell and a steeple, which were later removed to satisfy community concerns over having a distillery with the appearance of a church. The movement to build the town foundered after the death of Dr. Wiehle from pneumonia in 1901, and the building ceased to serve as a town hall in 1909. The church had moved elsewhere in 1907. For a time, the building then became a single-family residence and general store, until purchased by Abram Smith Bowman in 1927 as part of a 4,000-acre parcel called Sunset Hills.
As the princess begins to develop feelings of despair and anguish, hope appears in the form of a notorious thief known only throughout the city as the 'Thief of Baghdad', a sly and artful hero who steals from the rich to help the poor and oppressed. One night during an intrusion into Jafar's palace to retrieve a collection of magical items stolen from three visiting merchants, the Thief coincidentally encounters the captive princess and they both recall their romance with each other prior to the events which unfolded with the appearance of Jafar. Realising the severity of the situation and its impact on every inhabitant in both realms, the Thief decides to do whatever he can to stop the tyranny of Jafar and rescue the Princess from his vile grasp. As the series progresses the Thief and several allies he forms relationships with all have to endure and overcome the dangerous obstacles and ghastly traps Jafar has set to secure his position as the ultimate king of kings.
The phosphate-starved bacteria had an intracellular volume 1.5 times normal; the greater volume appeared to be associated with the appearance of large "vacuole-like regions". Scanning electron micrograph of GFAJ-1 cells grown in defined minimal medium supplemented with 1.5 mM phosphate When the researchers added isotope-labeled arsenate to the solution to track its distribution, they found that arsenic was present in the cellular fractions containing the bacteria's proteins, lipids and metabolites such as ATP, as well as its DNA and RNA. Nucleic acids from stationary phase cells starved of phosphorus were concentrated via five extractions (one with phenol, three with phenol-chloroform and one with chloroform extraction solvent), followed by ethanol precipitation. Although direct evidence of the incorporation of arsenic into biomolecules is still lacking, radioactivity measurements suggested that approximately one-tenth (11.0 ± 0.1%) of the arsenic absorbed by these bacteria ended up in the fraction that contained the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and all other co-precipitated compounds not extracted by the previous treatments.
In his astronomical works, Liceti attempted to defend Aristotelian cosmology and geocentrism against the new ideas of heliocentrism proposed by Galileo and his followers. With the appearance of the famous comets of 1618 (which later gave rise to Galileo's work The Assayer), Liceti published a series of works arguing the Aristotelian view that comets occurred in the sphere of the upper heaves. These works included De novis astris, et cometis libri sex (1623), Controversiae de cometarum quiete, loco boreali sine occasu, parallaxi Aristotelea, sede caelesti, et exacta theoria peripatetica (1625), Ad ingenuum lectorem scholium Camelo Bulla (published as an appendix to his 1627 work De intellectu agente), De regulari motu minimaque parallaxi cometarum coelestium disputationes (1640), and De Terra unico centro motus singularum caeli particularum disputationes (also 1640). Liceti used these studies primarily to attack the views of G. C. Gloriosi (who had succeeded Galileo as chair of mathematics at the University of Padua) and Scipione Chiaramonti, both of whom published their own scathing counter-attacks on Liceti's views.
The first pilot tests for high speed locomotives were carried out on this engine, and demonstrated that the riding qualities of a 2-cylinder locomotive at 140 km/h were still good. The development of high speed engines continued in 1935 with the appearance of the Class 05 locomotive, which was also designed to standard locomotive principles, although only 3 examples were produced. The Class 05 was permitted to travel regularly at a top speed of 175 km/h and set the world speed record for steam engines of 200 km/h. This record was later officially beaten by the English "Mallard", a LNER Class A4 locomotive, although criticism was expressed at the time that this took place on a descent and that the locomotive did not survive the record journey without damage. Just two examples of the Class 06, a still larger locomotive with a 4-8-4 wheel arrangement and a permitted top speed of 140 km/h, were built, because this class was unconvincing in terms of its riding qualities and the boiler characteristics. In 1937 variants of classes 01 and 03 were developed with three cylinders as the Class 01.10 and Class 03.10.
Its design was derived from the Aeronca C-2. Introduced in 1931, it featured room for a passenger seated next to the pilot. Powered by a new Aeronca E-113 engine, the seating configuration made flight training much easier and many Aeronca owners often took to the skies with only five hours of instruction—largely because of the C-3's predictable flying characteristics. Both the C-2 and C-3 are often described as “powered gliders” because of their gliding ability and gentle landing speeds. Aeronca C-3 at the Museu Asas de Um Sonho 1931 Aeronca C-3 taken at Airventure 2013, Oshkosh, WI The C-3's distinctive razorback design was drastically altered in 1935 with the appearance of the “roundback” C-3 Master. Retaining the tubular fuselage frame construction, the C-3 Master featured a smaller vertical stabilizer and rudder with a “filled out” fuselage shape that created the new “roundback” appearance and improved the airflow over the tail. With an enclosed cabin (brakes and wing light still cost extra), the 1935 C-3 Master was priced at only $1,895Payne, Stephen, ed. Canadian Wings (Douglas & McIntyre, Ltd.
The members of the Ahmadiyya community believe that the Ahmadiyya Caliphate (Arabic: Khilāfah) is the continuation of the Islamic caliphate, first being the Rāshidūn (rightly guided) Caliphate (of Righteous Caliphs). This is believed to have been suspended with Ali, the son- in-law of Muhammad and re-established with the appearance of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908, the founder of the movement) whom Ahmadis identify as the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. Ahmadis maintain that in accordance with Quranic verses (such as ) and numerous ahadith on the issue, Khilāfah can only be established by God Himself and is a divine blessing given to those who believe and work righteousness and uphold the unity of God, therefore any movement to establish the Khilāfah centered on human endeavours alone is bound to fail, particularly when the condition of the people diverges from the ‘precepts of prophethood’ and they are as a result disunited, their inability to establish a Khilāfah caused fundamentally by the lack of righteousness in them. Although the khalifa is elected it is believed that God himself directs the hearts of believers towards an individual.
Mitchell's Eight Political Americans In 2006, while working as the Washington bureau chief of Investor's Business Daily, Mitchell published Eight Ways to Run the Country: A New and Revealing Look at Left and Right (), improving upon a theory of political difference first presented by Mitchell in the short-lived journal Theologies & Moral Concerns in 1995.Eight Ways to Run the Country: A New and Revealing Look at Left and Right (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006), ix. Eight Ways analyzes modern American political perspectives according to their regard for kratos (defined as the use of force) and archē or "archy" (defined as the recognition of rank). Mitchell rooted his distinction of archy and kratos in the West's historical experience of church and state, crediting the collapse of the Christian consensus on church and state with the appearance of four main divergent traditions in Western political thought: # republican constitutionalism: pro archy, anti kratos # libertarian individualism: anti archy, anti kratos # democratic progressivism: anti archy, pro kratos # plutocratic nationalism: pro archy, pro kratos Mitchell charts these traditions graphically using a vertical axis as a scale of kratos/akrateia and a horizontal axis as a scale of archy/anarchy.
Scientific studies of Pre-Islamic Arabs starts with the Arabists of the early 19th century when they managed to decipher epigraphic Old South Arabian (10th century BCE), Ancient North Arabian (6th century BCE) and other writings of pre-Islamic Arabia. Thus, studies are no longer limited to the written traditions, which are not local due to the lack of surviving Arab historians' accounts of that era; the paucity of material is compensated for by written sources from other cultures (such as Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, etc.), so it was not known in great detail. From the 3rd century CE, Arabian history becomes more tangible with the rise of the Ḥimyarite, and with the appearance of the Qaḥṭānites in the Levant and the gradual assimilation of the Nabataeans by the Qaḥṭānites in the early centuries CE, a pattern of expansion exceeded in the Muslim conquests of the 7th century. Sources of history include archaeological evidence, foreign accounts and oral traditions later recorded by Islamic scholars—especially in the pre-Islamic poems—and the Ḥadīth, plus a number of ancient Arab documents that survived into medieval times when portions of them were cited or recorded.
It became apparent that the maximum range of the new tank gun was almost double that of the D-10TS. The only serious drawback of the U-5TS tank gun was the fact that it was not as accurate as the D-10TS, because of the lack of rifling. However, the greater range of the gun and its extremely high muzzle velocity made the poor accuracy less of an issue. The new U-5TS smoothbore tank gun was fitted into the Ob'yekt 140 turret at the end of 1960. The new tank received the designation "Ob'yekt 166". In 1960, both Ob'yekt 165 and Ob'yekt 166 prototypes passed their trials. The Uralvagonzavod was preparing to start serial production of the new tank, though the General Armoured Directorate (GBTU) was paying much more attention to Morozov's Ob'yekt 430, which was in development since early 1952. Morozov was supported by general Ustinov, who was in charge of Soviet military industry at the time. He didn't see it as necessary to produce the new tank from Uralvagonzavod but soon the situation changed dramatically with the appearance of a new American main battle tank, the M60.
Dooyeweerd's overall conception is often referred to as the philosophy of the law-idea (Dutch: Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee - "WdW," a nickname pronounced "vay de vay). Although his 5-volume major work in jurisprudence is only now in the process of being published, with the appearance of Volume I of Encyclopedia of the Science of Law , the ideas Dooyeweerd taught during his professorship in jurisprudence have been in circulation in the English-speaking world since 1953, when Dooyeweerd's first volume of A New Critique of Theoretical Thought appeared. This broader philosophical work establishes a context for both the juridical philosophy, and the various nationally-distinctive bodies of juridical scholarship. Dooyeweerd's colleague, professor of philosophy and co- founder with Dooyeweerd of Reformational philosophy, D. H. Th. Vollenhoven, distinguishes "three senses of ‘law’: structural law, inherent in the cosmos; the imposed or proclaimed law of love, as the message of the Gospel in which Christ summarizes the teaching of Moses and the Prophets; and the positive laws, enacted from out of positions of responsibility, in which a situation is given more definite form, in accordance to the norming law of love, in the context of actual geographical and historical exigencies.
The Twin Lights Aircraft Warning Corps Site 8A was an Army radar site that reported radar data to an Information Filter and Control Center in the New York Telephone building (now the Verizon Building) in New York City during World War II. The station was used for a November 1939 demonstration for the Secretary of War in which radar data was networked from the local SCR-270 radar and, via telephone, from one in Connecticut that both tracked a Mitchel Field B-17 bomber formation. From 1942-5, the site had a World War II Westinghouse SCR-271 radar for early warning. The site was operated by the 608th Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion. Between 1946 and June 1948 the site was operated as a research field station by the Lt. Colonel Paul E. Watson Laboratories in Red Bank, New Jersey. Watson Laboratories set up an experimental model of an AN/CPS-6 Radar which was developed at the end of World War II by M.I.T. After the 1948 Berlin Blockade in Germany, the Cold War was on and with the appearance of the Soviet Tupolev Tu-4 intercontinental bomber in 1947, a major concern of the United States was a possible attack by Soviet long-range bombers.
All, with the appearance of the ancient weapon Xuan-Yuan Sword, shall eventually become clear. This is an experimental strategy RPG utilizing 3D environments with 2D character sprites set in an alternate continuity to the core Xuan-Yuan Sword games, but still contains a few elements related to Xuan- Yuan Sword 3. The protagonist Fu Zixun (輔子洵) is a young man who goes on a journey after of his clan's destruction and the Monster Fusion Vessel's theft caused by Jiutian (九天), the malevolent entity the protagonist's younger clan sister Zhu Yuanyuan (朱媛沅) accidentally unleashed. On his journey, he encounters allies including Ding Yun (丁芸), the kind and trusting daughter of a renowned doctor, Jiang Wushuang (江無雙), a bossy young girl who ran away from home and leads a group of bandits she defeated, Zuo Zhenhe (左震河), a respected and mighty guard leader for transporting goods, Qiu Qianli (裘千里), a skilled but kind-hearted thief, Leng Zhongqiu (冷仲秋), a stoic hero with a dark past, Qise (七色), a fox spirit with a feminine human form who is the elder sister to Jiutian, and Liang Cuo (梁錯), a slightly bumbling young man from a secretive family known for skills in engineering and the occult.

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