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13 Sentences With "with empty pockets"

How to use with empty pockets in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "with empty pockets" and check conjugation/comparative form for "with empty pockets". Mastering all the usages of "with empty pockets" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I think we'll cruise through the future with empty pockets.
If you keep doing this until you die, you'll die with empty pockets and empty hands.
Instead of running around with empty pockets, keep a twenty handy and see how long you can go without spending it.
We were curious as to where a few of them have ended up, especially those who walked out of the tank with empty pockets.
He left his home in Tulungagung, a district some 350 kilometers [217 miles] inland, with empty pockets and nothing byt the clothes on his back.
I quickly assimilated into this new world where kids with empty pockets and hard eyes could afford the latest fashions and attract the most beautiful girls.
Perhaps it is time for Trump to find a secretary he trusts to develop and carry out a viable plan in the first place that will not leave our allies twisting in the wind and American businesses with empty pockets.
Then a couple of my other employees confirmed my suspicion when they told me they saw him put those beers in his pocket and proceeded to casually walk into the restroom with them, only to come out a few minutes later—red-faced with empty pockets.
With empty pockets, he and his family set off on the 255-hour trip by river to the capital, where he was taken on by a garment washing factory to carry clothes in a role that was a far cry from his old life paddy farming in his village.
With outbreak of Spain's civil war, he was forced to return to his homeland. He was unable to withdraw his money from the bank; the smaller amount of money he had on hand he chose to place in a coffer which was lost. With the urgent need to return to Costa Rica but with empty pockets, he briefly offered his services to the French team Le Havre, played two games and in usual fashion scored two goals for them.
His biggest success was the clandestine radio that he managed to manufacture, and with which he transmitted anti-Allendist messages. After participating in an operation to eliminate interference that prevented transmissions of the conservative Channel 5 of Concepción, a dependent of the Catholic University, "whose position was of decided opposition to the government of Allende", which ended with the death of a worker, Townley was forced to flee. He arrived in Miami, with empty pockets, on 2 April 1973. Callejas followed him later, in June, with the children.
He had initially identified Meera has one of the con artists using a distinctive necklace that had been in the handbag snatched from her, then identified her connection to the guys, following which he had gone to Siddharth and Kallis' former home in Chennai and had eventually traced them to Goa. Siddharth and Kallis find their bag of money missing and are heart-broken to discover that the girls they had truly loved had cheated them. They hitchhike to Chennai with empty pockets and slowly use their 'criminal' minds to find the girls. They figure out that the girls are at Delhi, with Meera in the identity of Ishita, a freelance room arrangement consultant, and confront them.
According to his distant relative, the conservative author, historian and ardent monarchist Nikolai Tolstoy, > Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy's life remains in large part an enigma... It is > not hard to believe that the degrading personal role he undertook in Soviet > society exerted a damaging effect on his creative capacity. His personal > character was without question beneath contempt, reflecting as it did the > pitiful morality of many contemporary European intellectuals. His friend > Ilya Ehrenburg wrote once that Tolstoy would do anything for a quiet life, > and his personal philosophy rose no higher than this confessio vitae, > uttered when an exile in Paris: 'I only know this: the thing that I loathe > most of all is walking in town with empty pockets, looking in shop windows > without the possibility of buying anything – that's real torture for me.' > There was no lie, betrayal, or indignity which he would not hasten to commit > in order to fill those empty pockets, and in Stalin he found a worthy > master.

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