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"wish fulfillment" Definitions
  1. the gratification of a desire especially symbolically (as in dreams, daydreams, or neurotic symptoms)

246 Sentences With "wish fulfillment"

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The postapocalyptic imagination is shot through with unacknowledged wish fulfillment.
For what is a wall but wish fulfillment made concrete?
Ironically, the film's best sequences are wish fulfillment for geriatrics.
They're Russian, but resolutely based in reality, not wish fulfillment.
Harry Potter is clearly about much more than just wish fulfillment.
The Color Purple's rosy ending still reads largely as wish fulfillment.
Was this role a little bit of wish fulfillment for you?
I think that's part of the wish fulfillment of the show.
It's wish fulfillment on par with the show's nonsensically opulent apartments.
I'm interested in where our subconscious, unconscious, and wish-fulfillment meets.
It drives everyone to the home base of doubt and wish fulfillment.
To my relief, Mancusi's denouement was not an exercise in wish fulfillment.
In this way, Untitled Goose Game is a kind of wish fulfillment.
That act isn't portrayed as vicarious wish fulfillment, or cathartic in any way.
So this film was sort of pure wish-fulfillment for me to write.
This movie is less straight horror and more childhood superhero wish fulfillment, though.
The element of wish fulfillment is embodied in the figure of Reacher himself.
At heart, every post-apocalyptic movie is a bit of a wish-fulfillment fantasy.
Facebook is, essentially, the middleman between our wishes and the sources of wish fulfillment.
But this one might take the cake in terms of nerd fantasy wish fulfillment.
According to her mother, however, this isolating situation may be Bonnie's ultimate wish fulfillment.
Ok at this point this one is more wish fulfillment rather than anything likely.
Some are just a kind of boastful wish-fulfillment—I'm a billionaire, or whatever.
The sexy cat costume has "a wish fulfillment or fantasy element," Thompson tells me.
I think about how, after the surgery, I'll learn the antonym of wish fulfillment.
And I think in fantasy, there's this element of wish-fulfillment that speaks to that.
Some are contrived and outlandish, some are pretty feasible, and some are essentially wish fulfillment.
I don't think it is healthy or mature to need or want instant wish fulfillment.
Moralizing and wish fulfillment aside, history teaches that cinema and art need not be synonyms.
Who thought this was a clever story instead of a really disturbing wish fulfillment fantasy?
I again wouldn't say there's necessarily anything wrong with [movies that function more as wish fulfillment].
And, in part, we want to watch the unattainable because it provides some vicarious wish fulfillment.
So now the media has replaced climate change with Trump change as their apocalyptic wish fulfillment.
With prices at around $250, the drones aren't exactly cheap, but, then, wish-fulfillment rarely is.
This charming exercise in wish-fulfillment, in case you hadn't guessed, was written by Richard Curtis.
On the contrary, this partnership feels like absurd wish-fulfillment on the behalf of its creator.
But the book is also a kind of wish fulfillment, the extension of Bardugo's own yearning.
John DeFore, The Hollywood Reporter:  The tension between wish-fulfillment heroics and realism was tantalizing in Unbreakable.
"I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment," Rowling said in the interview.
But like most-long-running rumors, there's a hint a fact that stirs the wish-fulfillment pot.
To this day, there are limits to who is invited to see Nancy as empowering wish fulfillment.
"I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment," she said in an interview.
Fox herself acknowledges that How to Be Single walks the line between reality and wish-fulfillment fantasy.
But the piping cartoon voice of adolescent wish fulfillment is the least of what Ms. Salonga is.
How much more should I have swilled to make this white male wish fulfillment even baseline palatable?
But Tarantino applied a similar history-as-wish-fulfillment technique to the Westerns he made next, too.
Is it a wish-fulfillment scenario in which the protagonists avoid the fate we know to be theirs?
That horizon never came, but Behr and his documentary team will dabble in a bit of wish fulfillment.
She's as much of a dark wish-fulfillment fantasy as any superhero, and she's not for all tastes.
But here's what's shocking about the book: Rather than a warning, it reads, in 2019, like wish fulfillment.
While ratings drove the "all Trump, all the time" TV exposure, there was also a wish fulfillment factor.
Juxtaposition of wish fulfillment violence and infantile imagery, desire to regress, be free of responsibility... This all says 'war.
Its wish fulfillment was so vivid that a real city was named after the book's Hebrew title, Tel Aviv.
When the online survival game for ripped barbarian wish fulfillment launches in early access for Xbox One on Aug.
The films that really stuck with me this year weren't generally the fun fantasies, the wish fulfillment action-comedies.
It's a bit of wish-fulfillment as well, because for all of his billions, Bezos is infamously charity-averse.
It's about as close as you're going to get to all of those decade's worth of Dick Tracy wish-fulfillment.
It's particularly rare in the fantasy and superhero genre, which tends to be about escapism, power fantasies, and wish-fulfillment.
It's pure Hollywood wish fulfillment, which would normally tend to make this entire endeavor feel a bit flimsy and disposable.
"Marvin's story is part wish fulfillment part cautionary tale," Liman said in a statement announcing his attachment to the project.
In Trump's victory lies the defeat of Trumpism, as his wish-fulfillment agenda comes crashing, finally and inevitably, to earth.
But since this is Game of Thrones, it's a popular coupling based on real evidence rather than just wish fulfillment.
Still, as I noted in my bit of Palm phone wish-fulfillment, some days an iPod would hit the spot.
But either way, it'd make a terrifically blunt, graphic Jessica Jones-like series about conflicting agendas and radical wish fulfillment.
This kind of wish-fulfillment is dangerous in fiction — it's a recipe for dense in-jokes and uncritically reproduced cliches.
Some of those have to do with wish fulfillment, like what are you gonna be doing in the new world.
As for the imagined romantic liaisons, Mr. Harris worried that too much wish fulfillment could overwhelm the show's own storytelling.
It's brazen wish fulfillment, but Petyr Baelish may finally have plotted too hard and against the wrong set of sisters.
Or we could do something different with that story, because you're already getting the fantasy wish fulfillment from that one.
Collins taps into a kind of wish fulfillment — that you could imagine yourself winning the Games and be the exception.
"Making up the drug name and shooting the commercial like it was real was a form of wish fulfillment," Friedlander says.
In a way, Mr Simon's plays—particularly his semi-autobiographical ones—can be best understood as a kind of wish-fulfillment.
Superheroes, particularly the ones that Marvel and DC Comics have spotlighted in massively successful movies, have always operated as wish fulfillment.
At what point do you stop engaging in a stranger's wish fulfillment to keep him rich and happy and semi-famous?
A new series of Nintendo Entertainment System games, modded to make Donald Trump the villains, is wish-fulfillment at its finest.
This reads a lot more like projection or wish fulfillment or a response to the temptation to keep suspense levels high.
"There is a strange wish-fulfillment aspect to it [Deadly Class], and it wasn't something that I ever imagined," Remender said.
Other gangly, nerdish kids took solace in the stupid wish fulfillment worlds of fantasy or science fiction; I had Chick tracts.
Or wish fulfillment for the hungry girls for whom only a cosmic reckoning can do justice to their need and hurt?
But if this does happen, rather than being a wish-fulfillment ending, it's going to feel terrible for them — and for viewers.
He's a shot of reality in a wish-fulfillment fantasy, but not an unwelcome one — to the contrary, I think he's inspiring.
Zachary Levi embraces his goofy side as the powered-up version of Billy, reveling in the wish-fulfillment aspect of it all.
It's certainly both of those things, but it's also a wish-fulfillment fantasy for artists, critics, and people who love the arts.
Ocean's 8 has felt like something of a wish-fulfillment fever dream ever since its dream cast — Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett!
He is wish fulfillment personified: At 22, he's managed to become very wealthy, famous, and successful while hardly doing anything at all.
In Hold the Dark, there's no accepting or embracing what happens, and there's no wish-fulfillment moment of satisfaction at the end.
Showing suffering as a whole experience -- the complex healing, the lifetime of coping, and yes, the possibility of triumph -- isn't wish fulfillment.
The problem is that the meme was based on a toxic mix of wish fulfillment and Ivanka's own carefully manicured public image.
There's an element of wish fulfillment here that's unusual in Kelman's work, but he's paid for it, as it were, in advance.
But they add up to something that's less of a traditional game than an interactive movie — and a great wish-fulfillment fantasy.
I love the wish fulfillment, the idea that, even after technology takes over, a human brain and a human soul still matter.
Some of it may have been your typical fantasy reader's wish fulfillment — it sounded far too romantic, this abduction by this handsome prince!
How else to explain such recent British psychosocial paroxysms as Brexit, that wish-fulfillment fantasy dressed up as a pragmatic choice about trade?
It was pretty easy to lose sight of the bottom line in all of the hype and neon lights and childhood wish fulfillment.
"It is wish fulfillment," Faris said the other day, sitting with Dayton in the living room of their house, in the Pacific Palisades.
The type of revenge fantasies that Trump is engendering about Clinton's death satisfy an audience that is more into wish-fulfillment than politics.
According to Vanity Fair, Storm Of Kings XXX Parody is an episodic film series that acts as wish fulfillment for the show's diehards.
I'll admit to having watched this over and over again; it's one of the most satisfying bits of wish fulfillment I've ever seen.
But there's a lack of a comparable fluidity here; the show often feels tonally stranded between wish-fulfillment fantasy and dream-crushing naturalism.
Pretty Woman doesn't try to reconcile the movie's absurdities and easy wish fulfillment with the brutal reality of the '90s or any other era.
Plenty of recent superhero films dabble in grimness seemingly out of a feeling that it makes wish-fulfillment hero-fantasy more serious and adult.
And as a bonus, she's in a fantasy relationship that may be crazy and ugly, but is still characterized by pure wish-fulfillment dedication.
He's a bit of wish fulfillment for the kinds of people who imagine themselves able to rise to the occasion without ever practicing for it.
It's Like Going On Vacation Without Leaving Your Couch Like Housewives or Keeping Up With The Kardashians, there's a wish-fulfillment element to Instant Hotel.
This series gets annual releases for a reason: they're dripping with fan service/wish fulfillment, and wrestling fans who are also gamers eat them up.
Seeing Tessa Thompson and Evan Rachel Wood duke it out is fan wish-fulfillment on an Avengers: Infinity War scale, and I'm here for it.
And it's kind of a wish-fulfillment script for the ladies—they worked their asses off and it's totally true, but their dreams came true.
Raphina ceases to serve as mere wish-fulfillment when Conor realizes that she's not just a gorgeous girl he hopes to kiss (and maybe more).
The stage adaptation of Rex Pickett's novel about two friends on a last-hurrah wine tour preserves the white male wish fulfillment of the original.
Design Home is part game and part wish fulfillment, with a variety of challenges and projects to complete, and new ones added all the time.
And the script balances humor, pathos and wish fulfillment as it portrays Alex's rise from mopey dreamer to confident warrior, without overdoing the mythic portent.
That's probably not something the actual Adam Levine can do to trespassing paparazzi, but it definitely feels like some kind of power fantasy wish fulfillment.
But he would not be a wish-fulfillment candidate for many African-Americans — a larger part of the Democratic base — the way Ms. Lynch would be.
Malcolm promises that there would be "no whips and no plantations" and does not think it will be "wish-fulfillment for white supremacists" as Vulture proposes.
The Sims might now be, as GQ's Lauren Larson wrote recently, better meditation than meditation itself—a low-stakes world of minutiae and minor wish fulfillment.
And surely one obvious way to read this translation of Miles and Cicely to the Obamas' front lawn is as a form of transhistorical wish fulfillment.
"Something Blue" (season 4, episode 53) The hilarious "Something Blue" takes Willow's misery over Oz leaving and turns it into some bonkers "what if?" wish fulfillment.
La La Land isn't a wish-fulfillment fantasy; in fact, ambitious young people living in 2016 may find themselves a bit downcast after La La Land.
" Her verdict on pornography was even more extreme, equating fantasies of domination and submission with a fascist wish-fulfillment — "Dachau brought into the bedroom and celebrated.
A great Hallmark Christmas movie feels like beautiful grandparent wish fulfillment, complete with gorgeous snow falling from the sky and just the right amount of cheese.
With the gaming industry raking in more consumer dollars than both movies and music combined, this deal surely belies a business savvy extending beyond simple wish fulfillment.
In fiction, the ability plays as a bizarre bit of wish fulfillment, but it seems to be a fantasy rooted in a real moment from Reichl's life.
She's a wish-fulfillment power fantasy and a sexual fantasy, which is part of why she's had such lasting appeal to fans all over the gender spectrum.
Everyone watching was already busy writing their Drake/Rihanna wish fulfillment fanfic, and there was no amount of polite side-stepping Rihanna could do to change it.
What role do you think a movie, or a book like Thrawn, has in leading the fans somewhere a bit more uncomfortable, as opposed to wish-fulfillment?
In no small part thanks to the aforementioned Spider-Man-esque "perceived outsider kicking butt" wish fulfillment that Marvel's been on the forefront of since the 60s.
It's equally impressive that the film finds many ways to deliberately cater to and center the experiences, cultural references, and wish-fulfillment fantasies of a female audience.
The whole family, Laurie included, encouraging her to go after him is such classic rom-com wish fulfillment that it makes sense it would be an invention.
The belief that a theoretically possible technologically will ever be practically possible and will come true if we want it bad enough is just quasi-religious wish fulfillment.
The premise is pure wish fulfillment for outer space nerds: you start out stranded on an alien planet with a broken spaceship, a mining laser and your wits.
Unequivocally, the film's biggest problem is the half-assed love story between Wade and Art3mis, which operates on approximately 75 percent wish-fulfillment and 25 percent apathetic inevitability.
Coco's successes on court are the result of her own hard work and talent, but they also reflect our own desires (a happy ending, perhaps, or wish fulfillment).
Streaming on Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hi-Dive, and Hulu That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime initially looks like it's going to be a wish-fulfillment power fantasy.
McLemore offers what will be for many readers a kind of wish fulfillment — the joy of being able to simply say "Finally!" when same-sex crushes couple up.
Role-playing is often about wish-fulfillment and power fantasy, the chance to experience life as an outsized hero or villain or to walk the line between those extremes.
It's pitched as, essentially, a beefed-up Big – a wish-fulfillment fantasy of becoming older and stronger and cooler – but with the emotional complexity of the best kids' stories.
These often overlapped with the Mary Sues as love interests, a harmless form of wish fulfillment for readers who just want to date a Quidditch player now and then.
Set in a particularly idyllic Atlanta suburb, replete with lifestyle wish-fulfillment production design, it's the kind of movie in which the filmmakers signal their exquisite taste by proxy.
Hence I Don't Feel at Home, a film that doesn't feel like wish-fulfillment so much as a dark, dizzy daydream about just how bad amateur vigilante justice can get.
For all that 2007's Crackdown did to deliver superheroic crimefighter wish fulfillment, the various elements that made the older game pop have been improved upon in the intervening years.
"Striking Vipers" does get at the deep fantasy underlying so may virtual worlds, the way a layer of plausible remove can keep wish-fulfillment fantasies from being too embarrassingly naked.
Since Kristol isn't interested in looking at such social and economic forces, his so-called Marxist analysis is simply his usual wish fulfillment with some half-remembered jargon thrown in. 
The core of the game — a big-team multiplayer shootout from the team behind the Battlefield series — was praised for delivering thrills and an audiovisual feast of fantasy wish fulfillment.
And once again, the tension between wish fulfillment and self-reflection reveals its pull, and ultimately both games allow the player a happy, if bittersweet, ending to reach some closure.
At first glance, this looks like grindhouse-seasoned wish-fulfillment, aiming for the same giddy liberation from textbook history that comes when Hitler is machine-gunned to death on-screen.
As written, Anthony's platonic lovingness may reflect some degree of wish fulfillment, but as played it seems beautifully plausible: the kind of wish that opens a door to the future.
Indeed, throughout its first several seasons, Game of Thrones largely portrayed Dany as a kind of wish fulfillment character, someone who started out incredibly powerless and then became incredibly powerful.
It is perhaps unfair to hold my extremely personal experience against a show that, on some level, wants to be a wish-fulfillment fantasy for every bored only child out there.
Amid an unrelenting onslaught of male power fantasies and protagonists, there was always Nancy: a video game hero who gave us the chance to embody our empowerment narratives and wish fulfillment.
Both also say they understand the empowering wish-fulfillment aspect of their characters — that Saya and Maria might not be exactly morally good characters, but that they've both learned from them.
As a writer, she enjoyed looking at them with fresh eyes in later years, figuring out exactly what did and didn't work and what types of wish fulfillment were at play.
You have to defy wish fulfillment in order to tell a good story — especially to tell a good second act of a story, which is what the middle chapter basically is.
That willingness to operate in those grey areas, the murky abyss between right and wrong, friendship and rivalry, love and hate, is what keeps Hustlers from veering into total wish fulfillment.
Tasha Robinson, The Verge: Unequivocally, the film's biggest problem is the half-assed love story between Wade and Art3mis, which operates on approximately 75 percent wish-fulfillment and 25 percent apathetic inevitability.
It's bright, beautiful, and weird, with well-designed dungeons and an adventure that has ideas about the nature of fantasy and wish fulfillment and the place games have in their fan's lives.
But for Matt Booty, head of Microsoft Studios, Minecraft Earth represents something new: the wish-fulfillment exercise of allowing people to walk around inside the things they spent so much time creating.
The game that resulted is a pathetic piece of wish fulfillment from a man in disgrace: A roiling, inchoate scream that blue lives matter, and they shouldn't have to hear any criticism.
This isn't a genre-bending bodice-ripper about a one-dimensional historical heartthrob who's merely wish-fulfillment for viewers and a damsel in distress who finds herself lost in 18th-century Scotland.
"Wish fulfillment," Hollinghurst replied, not altogether persuasively, when I asked him what resources he drew on to create the character of Will, a handsome aristocrat who lives a life consecrated to pleasure.
"Villains" (season 225, episode 27) Though Willow's relationship with magic is clearly a metaphor for addiction, "Villains" serves as morbid wish-fulfillment of the character reaching her true potential as a witch.
Otaku focused media can become dependent on this small group, and becomes caught in a back and forth between pandering to this need for wish fulfillment and operating creatively inside these established frameworks.
To be honest, a lot of this sounds like wish fulfillment and fake spoilerizing (especially that both Hux and Kylo will be redeemed), but it's also hard to rule all of it out.
No doubt, there's a certain wish-fulfillment aspect to this confrontation for people who aren't Johnson but have encountered similar scenarios in which they're unfairly painted as mean or misunderstood as an aggressor.
From the racial realists to the Hotep Nation to the [Louis] Farrakhan people—being the Fight Club guy opens lots of doors—and I wanted to grant a little wish fulfillment to every group.
It's an interesting zig by Scandal, because this plot thread could have easily turned into a bit of wish fulfillment by putting the first female president in office — in this world, if not IRL.
Normally, comic books and comic book movies are famous for their wish-fulfillment fantasy, where the heroes always win, no one dies except the occasional sidekick or girlfriend, and even death is usually temporary.
Mr. Lipton takes up arms to disarm, with a cathartic exercise in wish fulfillment that even as it draws blood (in a variety of ways), drains the testosterone from the classic shoot-'em-up.
Equal parts wish fulfillment and savage drama, season one brought viewers into the seemingly perfect lives (and truly stunning homes) of Monterey's very rich families, only to then take a sledgehammer to their facade.
To understand this contradiction, we have to remember the power of wish fulfillment and the way Russia became for many Westerners not a place but an idea, not a mere reality but a fantasy.
"It might seem that this tableau is a kind of utopian wish fulfillment, the naïve projection of a longed-for harmony that does not yet exist," A. O. Scott wrote in his Times review.
Later, the film's final act, involving the skinny and therefore deeply suspicious restaurant reviewer Anton Ego, offers a moving bit of wish fulfillment: Every creator would love to turn the heart of his harshest critic.
" But in that "almost" hung a tale of obsession, determination and midlife renewal that became, as The New York Times described it in 2003, "one of the strangest acts of wish fulfillment in musical history.
They are always fantasies of militaristic wish-fulfillment, where wise rulers and brave leaders triumph at gunpoint over the forces of treachery and oppression, using the same weapons and tools you remember from the games.
Movies deserve artistic license when it comes to portraying couples, even when they seem mismatched in attractiveness and charm, but Fred's behavior is so strange that his fling with Regan plays like directorial wish fulfillment.
To be totally honest, we did not even realize how wish fulfillment-y it was until we saw it with our own eyes — and realized that it was what we had always been craving to see.
He credits people with often making "very good decisions" but then points out that superstition (belief in fortune tellers and astrologers) and wish-fulfillment (hope that alternative medicine can cure an illness) can lead us astray.
"The Pursuit of Love" by Nancy Mitford Mitford's best and funniest book contains, for my money, her worst ending—the novel changes tone at the end and degenerates into what feels like total, wistful wish-fulfillment.
Those of us with real-life student loans and rent payments can't be so cavalier, but it's pure wish fulfillment to see Sutton turn down the job in favor of chasing her dreams and buying expensive Champagne.
Today, NASA reminded the world it will soon be performing the ultimate act of wish fulfillment on behalf of all humanity: in summer 2018, the space agency plans to launch a probe right into the Sun's atmosphere.
What could be more idiosyncratic than my fondness for the very aspects of the film that someone else could legitimately complain about: its naked, conventional wish fulfillment, its fetishization of self-sacrifice, and Davis's fiercely mannered performance?
The touch of surrealism could be an interesting starting point for a story that complicates its own elements of wish fulfillment with a more self-aware look at the difficulty of unraveling personal vendettas from systemic abuse.
Abbey is Sorkin's first lady wish fulfillment: She's modern enough to posses a medical degree but traditional enough, like Nancy Reagan or the Bush wives, to fulfill first lady duties and support her husband Jed (Martin Sheen).
He's a wish-fulfillment figure with the snappy smarts and secret powers to deal with his problems, but just being a superhero doesn't make him less human, less emotionally vulnerable, or less prone to little flights of dorkiness.
"The stage has always felt like home to me, and the fact that I will be joining the amazingly talented Beautiful family for my Broadway debut is wish fulfillment at its finest," the actress said in a statement.
It is a coming-out story, a coming-of-age story and a romance that giddily embraces elements of wish fulfillment familiar to readers of young adult romances, but that protagonists of "issue" books rarely get to enjoy.
They also signal to the audience that it's okay to laugh at the manifestly over-the-top violence, and at John's raging self-pity over being forced against his will to be such a merciless wish-fulfillment fantasy badass.
The shuttle's AR windshield became a tapestry of wish-fulfillment: images of my face on a more sculpted body in an ad for a barre class, an image of me with a beautiful woman purring about a dating app.
You order in a single click, not considering the costs—beyond the dollar, the real human cost of your wish-fulfillment—and then in a day or less a drone delivers toilet paper or whatever to your front door.
This is a heady wish-fulfillment fantasy that gets more outsized and outlandish with every scene, and once the music starts, it feels natural enough that no one wants to turn back to the colorless reality of 1985 Dublin.
While most Trump supporters will not get the opportunity to personally punch a liberal black protester in the face, the campaign provides them vicarious wish fulfillment not unlike what viewers of "The Apprentice" got from watching Trump fire people.
"True crime" is all the rage, perhaps in part because the label contains a trace of wish fulfillment, a suggestion that we can finally learn the truth of a tragedy if we only delve deeply enough into its details.
The stylishly murderous and emptily enjoyable movie is a wish-fulfillment feature about a Detroit comic store employee named Clarence (Christian Slater) who meets his perfect woman, Alabama (Patricia Arquette), and embarks on a bullet-strewn criminal adventure with her.
Given how many zombie stories are basically elaborate wish-fulfillment video games about blowing away targets, hoarding supplies, and finding a safe spot, Cargo's quiet acknowledgement that suicide might be a kind option for the infected feels revelatory and even dangerous.
In the second season, the show has even more fun exploring the absurdity of the whole thing — a massive global corporation creating manufactured wish-fulfillment narratives that only a coddled 1 percent of the population will ever be able to enjoy.
The genre has excelled at big wish-fulfillment metaphors about empowering marginalized people, from awkward, bullied teenagers like Peter Parker to the ever-evolving X-Men, whose persecution has made them stand-ins for everything from AIDS patients to gay kids.
A "rich dim Shelley drama," James said of the backdrop to his tale, and there are streaks of both Shelley and Byron in the figure of Aspern, although James, in a bold act of cultural wish fulfillment, made him American, too.
The adorableness is off the charts as the rosy-cheeked twins head out on their bikes and find the usual talking animals, sweet treats and other early childhood wish-fulfillment items (marbles, hand-held lanterns, a shelf of colorful books).
Far from being the wish-fulfillment fantasies they appeared to be on the surface, the best mid-century social melodramas (by Sirk and others) actually covertly critiqued the ideology they appeared to support, through a heavy dose of dramatic irony.
Though in its best years, the show functioned as an examination of the tension between political optimism and pragmatic reality, it eventually succumbed to wish fulfillment; in the generally exemplary final season, all of its characters got what they wanted, mostly.
At Sundance's post-world-premiere Q&A for I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore, first-time feature film writer-director Macon Blair told the audience that the film was essentially "a wish-fulfillment fantasy" stemming from a house robbery.
They're intense and irrational and can either give you a false sense of superiority (I would never be so foolish as to move in with someone after a month and a half) or of wish fulfillment (WHEN WILL MY GHOUL-LIKE PRINCE COME?).
As with many other experiences at VR Zone, like the one where you perform a Dragon Ball Z kamehameha or the one where you hold onto a Gundam's hand as it does battle over Tokyo, Dragon Quest VR is essentially about wish fulfillment.
It's the one area where it feels like this "Murphy Brown" is trying something new, imagining what the Murphy of 2018 would be like rather than offering the wish-fulfillment of teleporting a sitcom legend to the present to bust some chops.
So the role of Lucy Cola, whose encounter with the vastness of the universe during a space-station mission triggers an existential crisis back on Earth in Noah Hawley's "Lucy in the Sky," was "a little bit of wish fulfillment," Portman admitted.
It was a wish-fulfillment moment for Lawrence, who had told Oprah Winfrey in December that de Lesseps, Frankel and Keeping Up with the Kardashians star Scott Disick were the three people — living or dead — she'd most want to have at a dinner party.
The wish fulfillment vibe that the first game nailed so well is in full effect once again as you weave through space in Iden's T.I.E. Fighter, dodging around familiar Star Wars cruisers and into the cramped innards of the besieged shipyard during a dogged pursuit.
And the wish-fulfillment simplicity of these ideas seems destined to perpetually leave the Potterverse in an awkward twilight between adolescence and maturity, between an acknowledgment that the world is complicated, and a fantasy that it can be fixed with a little frantic, desperate heroism.
And these stories always have a touch of wish-fulfillment fantasy to them, since they so often question whether it really would be a relief to be free of the burdens of choice, of messy and painful feelings like jealousy and anger and despair.
The final section, the novel's least impressive on the levels of sentence and subject matter, affords wish fulfillment for readers who believe in the inexorable pull of fate, or soulmates, or who simply couldn't stand to see their striking young paramours separated for good.
When The Force Awakens star Rey (Daisy Ridley) was derided online by misogynists as a "Mary Sue" — a thinly written wish-fulfillment character who is overly talented and beyond reproach in every way — the well-intentioned lined up to explain all the ways in which she wasn't.
That's a theme these films have in common, despite their vast differences in approach, with Phantom Thread working to dismantle and poke fun at the self-importance of its prominent man, while Fifty Shades opts for a wish fulfillment reworking of its restrictive romance into something functional.
But confirming that the most influential of these accounts are indeed the work of (rightfully) upset scientists arguably is in the public interest, because at the moment, there's no guarantee these supposedly renegade Twitter accounts are anything other than parody accounts offering wish fulfillment for progressives.
Naturally, depicting an oppressive, male-dominated system of government has led to plenty of comparisons to the Trump administration, and Miller insists even while depicting this world, he and the writing team are careful not to depict it simply as wish-fulfillment for those in charge.
Part of the show is about wish fulfillment, but a lot of this series for me is about saying, if you love Villanelle, which we all do because she's heaven, can you still love her if she misunderstands a situation so much that she kills a child?
The Last of Us. The same story again and again, somewhere between wish fulfillment and trauma rehearsal, getting us used to the idea that the future was canceled, that someday soon everything would collapse, and there would be nothing left and nothing we could do about it.
It's why the Killmonger/T'Challa chasm rings so true, as they both offer their own type of wish fulfillment for black viewers: Wouldn't it be nice to have a world where we aren't encumbered by systemic racism and oppression and are masters of our own destiny?
He considered belief in God to be little more than wish fulfillment, arguing that "a personal God is, psychologically, nothing other than an exalted father," the appeal of which is obvious to an individual whose faith was forged in an orphanage "in the cold and the dark of night".
Pain and manliness validate each other in action stories, creating wish-fulfillment scenarios where the audience can imagine being just as calm under fire as their heroes, just as impervious to any physical or emotional pain they feel, just as capable of shrugging off whatever hurts or frightens them.
That the Republican Party has embraced someone willing to traffic in the most inflammatory of accusations comes as wish fulfillment for an element of the right that is convinced that the party lost the past two elections because its candidates were unwilling to attack President Obama forcefully enough.
In the wrong hands, The Deuce had the potential to turn into a show about the '70s that focused exclusively on a kind of bygone machismo, a wish fulfillment for Taxi Driver fans who still quote Travis Bickle's "You talkin' to me?" when they look in the mirror.
Like many military dramas, Shooter is half wish-fulfillment and half coping mechanism, an elaborate retelling of a cultural myth that has only grown stronger in an era of perpetual mass shootings: that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
Still, the technical wizards continue to improve and refine the technology, from more elaborate storytelling to immersive imagery that offers fans the "wish-fulfillment," as they designers put it, of getting a taste of what it would be like to don Iron Man's suit, or at least a version of it.
WATCH: Kids Ask Emma Watson About 'Beauty and the Beast', 'Harry Potter', and More The outing comes as some wish fulfillment for Watson, who told British TV host Jonathan Ross in 2012 that she totally had a crush on her Harry Potter costar while they were filming the first few movies.
"What I thought was interesting was... this kind of wish fulfillment that we live out, whether it be social media or through a video game, we create these avatars, a version of ourselves as to how we would like to be perceived," Comer added of the movie's connection to real life.
It's a waste of screen time, a sub-sub plot," as one review put it, that adds unnecessary depth to a tangential character (Hugh Dancy), as if to say "Hey, white guys, here's the hot guy you can relate to in this feminist wish fulfillment movie you might be uncomfortable watching!
Similarly, I'd wager that most people going to Marvel movies are looking for the joy and glee and wish-fulfillment that superhero movies bring, and understand that they're not necessarily there to witness a serious Best Picture contender (Black Panther notwithstanding), or an avant-garde homage to French New Wave.
It's a waste of screen time, a sub-sub plot," as one review put it, that adds unnecessary depth to a tangential character (Hugh Dancy), as if to say "Hey, white guys, here's the hot guy you can relate to in this feminist wish fulfillment movie you might be uncomfortable watching!
But you don't need to have any idea of the plot of the film to understand that, if Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained (and, to an extent, even The Hateful Eight) are fantastical, revisionist histories, Tarantino's latest movie is wish fulfillment on a much grander scale — but simultaneously a more intimate one.
The film inevitably has its cake and eats it too when it comes to addressing wish-fulfillment fantasy and delirious nostalgia: the story can only push so far in sorrowing over Halliday's surrender and retreat from the world, while still turning every rambunctious game setpiece into a celebration of Cline's favorite culture.
The task of rescuing Marco Rubio's presidential campaign after his fifth-place finish in New Hampshire last week has required GOP officials and Rubio staffers to give themselves over to blind faith and sorcery—to test the Republican Party's power to shape its destiny with a potent mix of cash and wish fulfillment.
WATCH: Emma Watson And Robert Pattinson Had A Harry Potter Reunion At Golden Globes The skateboarding trip outing came as some wish fulfillment for Watson, who told British TV host Jonathan Ross in 2012 that she had a crush on her Harry Potter costar while they were filming the first few movies.
It's nice to imagine that liberals have influential friends inside the White House, but the hope that a mild married couple from the Upper East Side can somehow tame Trump is a form of political wish-fulfillment—one borne of desperation and sure to end in disappointment, if not something much worse.
But while his film is grimmer and more harrowing than anything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's offering up a fantasy just as clearly as any superhero wish-fulfillment power trip: the fantasy of being a hero to some, of going from powerlessness to power, of being feared and beloved at the same time.
There are a lot of pleasures to be had in watching Widows: You never quite know where it's going, it's stylish and moving, and it mixes McQueen's finely tuned ability to get at truth through depicting human suffering within the kind of story — a heist caper — that otherwise can feel like lightweight wish fulfillment.
This mystery sperm donor could have been the perfect wish fulfillment for my father, Rex, a once-sensitive boy who came of age in London during World War II with a father — or the man he believed was his father — who was cruel and critical, who mocked his son for being too smart, too soft.
It's a widely derided book, due to its blatant appropriation of familiar plots, clumsy prose, and equally naked wish-fulfillment narrative, which features an obsessive gamer and pop culture fanatic saving the world with his gamer skills — and openly thumbing his nose at everyone who ever suggested he was wasting his time by obsessively focusing on his gaming skills.
But more often, he roils his constituency with Kanye West-like pronouncements like his dismissal of the latest best picture Oscar front-runner, "The Revenant," as "cinematic overkill" or his description of Rey in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" as a "Mary Sue" (genre slang for an idealized female character who triumphs only through authorial wish fulfillment).
" As disturbing as this image is, the widow later comes to see it as a kind of wish-fulfillment, and the line that ends the story expresses a deeper, perhaps even universal, yearning: It's "a desire to be more than a single person trembling, a wish to be forever coupling so that I am not just simply alone.
There are too many glorious nopes in this movie to choose from — J-Lo's intro scene, her dance tutorials, her jaw-dropping wardrobe — but we're going to go with the iconic "Get in my fur": A moment of kindness that Ramona (Lopez) shows the intimidated Destiny (Constance Wu) while also enacting some light wish fulfillment for us all.
There's a horrible and uniquely American irony in this bit of wish fulfillment theater, especially given that Shooter's premiere was delayed in 2016 not once, but twice: first by a mass shooting in Dallas on July 7 by an Army veteran who killed five police officers, and again on July 17 by a shooting of Baton Rouge police that killed three.
Unlike the twist in the final pages of Ian McEwan's "Atonement," which has always made a reader like me feel foolish for believing in the wish fulfillment in the main body of the book, Choi's break occurs in the middle of her narrative, and so the feint isn't rug-pulling but, as in Lisa Halliday's recent novel, "Asymmetry," something more interesting.
Anna Cathcart, Janel Parrish, and Lana Condor in To All the Boys I've Loved Before If the escapism in Crazy Rich Asians rests on the assertion that Asian American characters are just as deserving of aspirationally gorgeous romps through unquestioned extravagance as any of their predecessors in the genre, To All the Boys I've Loved Before opts instead for a more willfully limited act of wish fulfillment.
Although most of the particulars of Francis's story are true in "The Two Popes," and he did write to Benedict asking to retire, the ballast of the film — the funny, thoughtful, sincere and ultimately reconciling conversations between two ideological opposites — might best be interpreted as McCarten's wish-fulfillment fantasy in which the two men embody a church he wants to see evolve, despite threats of schism and self-destructive hypocrisy.
"I began to write Batman comics, which was my dream since I was eight years old," Uslan recalls -- a wish-fulfillment that panicked him for "ten minutes" until he formulated his next dream, one that had been percolating since 1966 when the much-anticipated "Batman" TV series starring Adam West and Burt Ward debuted, shocking the young Uslan with its campy, tongue-in-cheek take on the hero he knew had dark, gothic roots.
There are also the web series Degrassi Minis, which were produced for seasons five through 22008 of Next Generation and are considered "non-canon"; the 43 TV movie Degrassi Takes Manhattan; and even Jay and Silent Bob Do Degrassi, a three-episode Next Generation arc that sees Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes's fictional alter egos filming a movie at Degrassi Community School, a project that came about largely as wish fulfillment for Smith, a self-professed Degrassi superfan.
We have the slow, painful death of romance ("Marriage Story"); a dour, near-funereal shaggy-dog story about a phlegmatic hit man ("The Irishman"); a blackly funny but agonizing depiction of contemporary social polarities culminating in gore and gristle ("Parasite"); a wish-fulfillment fantasy of an alternate-universe 1969 whose climax is no less bloody ("Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"); a harrowing odyssey through the muddy, corpse-ridden battlefields of World War I Europe ("1917"); and an origin story of a comic-book sociopath ("Joker") that seems almost nostalgic for a dingy, crime-ridden urban landscape straight out of the Bronx-is-Burning era of 1970s New York.

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