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20 Sentences With "wink out"

How to use wink out in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "wink out" and check conjugation/comparative form for "wink out". Mastering all the usages of "wink out" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They descend at various speeds, and occasionally, apparently at random, wink out entirely.
It is representing evolutionary history that will wink out if we don't preserve it.
Clouds became dense, and their chance to watch the sun wink out was in jeopardy.
If we let our Earth-monitoring satellites wink out, the planet will not stop changing.
In a multi-page sequence, various superheroes watch as the people around them simply wink out of existence.
They all share space with each other and they wink out, they empty and fill back up, it all comes and goes.
"We were out looking at either raising some money to spin Wink out as a separate company or a potential acquisition for Wink," Smith says.
I lived in Columbus until college and I saw the rough and ready bars of the Campus and Short North District slowly wink out one by one.
With no new stars being born, its existing crop of stars will continue to age and eventually die, causing this sector of space to wink out for all time. [Hubble]
"We're already observing golden lion tamarins passing through, which means they're less likely to be isolated, they can meet tamarins elsewhere, and local populations are less likely to wink out," he said.
And one by one, half the Avengers wink out of existence: Bucky, and Black Panther, and Scarlet Witch, and Spider-Man, and character after character who just moments ago seemed certain to live all dissolve into dust.
For anyone still around on Earth to look, the universe's accelerating expansion will mean distant stars and galaxies wink out one by one, their light red-shifted to invisibility, to leave just a smattering of illumination from the Milky Way and its nearest neighbours, the only beacons shining in a sea of darkness.
It's also, putting aside the struggles of addiction, a useful illustration of the malaise that greets a lot of us this time of the year, as the simple joys of summer — steamed ears of corn, a swim in cool water, empty subway cars, Drake crooning out of the Uber coming to take you home — wink out, just like that.
As their names were written to suggest, every Allitnil is an anti-clone of a Lintilla. They were created by the cloning company to eliminate the billions of cloned Lintillas flooding out of a malfunctioning cloning machine. Being anti-clones, when an Allitnil comes into physical contact with a Lintilla, they both wink out of existence in a puff of unsmoke. Along with Poodoo and Varntvar the Priest, three Allitnils arrived on Brontitall to get the three Lintillas there to "agree to cease to be".
According to this explanation, the flares would have been visible in Phoenix and appeared to hover due to rising heat from the burning flares creating a "balloon" effect on their parachutes, which slowed the descent. The lights then appeared to wink out as they fell behind the Sierra Estrella, a mountain range to the southwest of Phoenix. A Maryland Air National Guard pilot, Lt. Col. Ed Jones, responding to a March 2007 media query, confirmed that he had flown one of the aircraft in the formation that dropped flares on the night in question.
Failed supernovae are thought to create stellar black holes by the collapsing of a red supergiant star in the early stages of a supernova. When the star can no longer support itself, the core collapses completely, forming a stellar-mass black hole, and consuming the nascent supernova without having the massive explosion. For a distant observer, the red supergiant star will seem to wink out of existence with little or no flare-up. The observed instances of these disappearances seem to involve supergiant stars with masses above 17 solar masses.
The distraction provides him the opportunity to drive the krill through Joan's heart, ending the caesure and freeing the Humbled. turiya Herem, the Raver who had possessed Joan, flees, and Covenant takes his ex-wife's wedding ring, stripping Foul and his allies of the white gold. Covenant and the Humbled climb onto the shore to evade a tidal wave caused by the Worm's approach to the Land; they survive, though the Humbled's Ranyhyn mounts are lost. The morning sun has failed to dawn, and Thomas Covenant watches as the stars begin to wink out, one by one.
Booker later had a change of heart and chased down the Luteces as they stepped through a Tear, severing the tip of Elizabeth's finger which gave her the awareness of multiple realities. Elizabeth asserts that there has been an endless cycle of Bookers and Comstocks, and the only way to end this is to destroy the creation of Comstock; she takes Booker to the site of the baptism and drown Booker with the aid of dozens of other Elizabeths from other timelines. The Elizabeths begin to wink out of existence, with the game fading to black on the one throughout the game.
Path of occultation from New York to Ontario In the early morning hours of March 20, 2014, Erigone occulted the first-magnitude star Regulus as first predicted by A. Vitagliano in 2004. This would have been a rare case of an occultation of a very bright star visible from a highly populated area, since the shadow path moved across New York state and Ontario, including all five boroughs of New York City. Observers in the shadow path would have seen the star wink out for as long as 14 seconds. However, heavy clouds and rain blocked the view for most if not all people on the shadow path.
He likens the song to "Under the Sea", and adds "the mambo is suitably energetic and, once again, acrobatically choreographed by Josh Bergasse". He also comments on Katharine McPhee's "much-remarked-upon blankness" in the song: "her eyes go a little dead... and her whole soul seems to wink out, as if covered by some protective nictating membrane", and adds that "the peak of the song takes her atop a spinning desk, where she looks mighty uncomfortable". He compares the makeover aspect of the song to Evita's "Rainbow High", and adds that sometimes the song was as "lyrically strained" Tim Rice's work, citing: "accenting the word 'the' to keep the rhythm, rhyming obsessively and ostentatiously, strenuously saying nothing and saying it repeatedly, and contracting words to cheat metrical death (e.g., fac'try for factory)", as ways in which "this number trades coquettishly in lyrical hedges that really push [his] buttons".

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