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985 Sentences With "White people"

How to use White people in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "White people" and check conjugation/comparative form for "White people". Mastering all the usages of "White people" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"We live in a society where white people hate white people who like white people," he told BuzzFeed.
White people talking to other white people about not being terrible?
I know that rich white people call poor white people 'trash.
I can't play white people, but white people can play me.
JD: With Wildboyz, it was white people doing white people shit.
Historically, psychedelic research has been conducted on white people, by white people.
" She also lashed out against white people, tweeting "hashtag cancel white people.
They hate white people because white people are successful and they're not.
These are two super average white people, just useless, mediocre white people.
In other words, a bunch of movies starring white people, directed by white people, and about white people problems make up the majority of nominee pool.
I sit with only white people at lunch, I hang out with only white people outside of school, and I play sports dominated by white people.
The other kind of response was, to paraphrase: Of course white people are good for America, white people are America, and America, like every other shithole nation white people conquered, would still be a shithole if not for white people.
Working-class white people and poor white people are also targets of Trump's hatred.
Foodie-ism, in this country, is largely created by white people for white people.
White people must be the primary ones to deal with what white people cause.
In other words: Non-white people were displayed for the enjoyment and entertainment of white people.
I saw that this decision implicated all white people, that racism was a white people problem.
I know lots of white people who flew flags — lots of white people who flew flags.
In areas in which white people committed more crimes, police were more likely to shoot white people.
It suggests that Asians in America have more in common with white people than non-white people.
After that he said protesters in Charlotte were envious of white people because white people are successful.
After consulting some white people I trust, I've compiled a short list of places where white people meet:
When white people hold themselves and each other to low standards, elites benefit and some white people suffer.
HADDISH: And not just movie stars, there are white people walking around with headsets, white people with clipboards.
A Republican congressman opined that the black protesters "hate white people, because white people are successful"; he later apologised.
We need to find ways to educate white people to understand all the advantages we have as white people.
Look no further than Where White People Meet, a new dating website marketed toward (you guessed it) white people.
"It's a psychic reward that some white people get if white people are in control of everything," Naison says.
Or to put it more bluntly, in the US context: White people really don't like being called white people.
There's white people — you know, rural South, Confederate flag [bearing] white people — are going out on boats helping African Americans.
If Dear White People season 235 was a commentary, then Dear White People season 229 is a dangerous, curious prediction.
"The suspect said he was upset with white people and wanted to kill white people, especially white officers," Brown said.
You have white people who are in positions of power to shape policies, and then you have everyday white people.
I don't know many black people who are trying to be white people for Halloween, or dressing up as white people.
Devon Shepard (House of Lies), Stephanie Allain Bray (Dear White People) and Julia Lebedev (Dear White People) serve as executive producers.
It's reflected when you see so many poor white people choosing Trump when Trump isn't a friend of poor white people.
The most egregious misuse of the system is when white people call 911 to report innocent behavior from non-white people.
But this isn't unique to black people; violence against white people is, for the most part, committed by other white people.
"The suspect said he was upset at white people; the suspect said he wanted to kill white people," Chief Brown added.
Even assuming Muhammad did shoot white people because he hates white people, what if he'd missed and killed someone of another race?
Many of them only have one member: Where White People Meet doesn't seem to be a place where white people are meeting.
Instead, these lessons decreased liberals' sympathy for poor white people, which led them to blame white people more for their own poverty.
"There are a lot of white people who are in places of power so, naturally, they hire other white people," she said.
There were middle-class white people who were gay, but there were no middle-class white people who were black, or poor.
So what people are misconstruing is that white people should not have feelings, white people should just shut down and do the work.
The Affair always seemed to be a show about sad, sexy white people being sad, sexy white people, often near bodies of water.
Identity, I think, is largely based on both one's cultural norms and also... White people heard it as an address to white people.
Still, Kondabolu found it necessary to back off at times, cutting short a joke about white people not liking being called white people.
As soon as Netflix announced it was adapting Justin Simien's 2014 film into an original series, white people began protesting Dear White People.
It's called "priming" — when you remind white people that they are white people, by drawing attention to other groups, their racial consciousness rises.
For hillbilly music, it was music by and for poor, working-class white people, and mainstream was for middle-class, wealthy white people.
Studies find when white people (any white people, even liberals) are reminded that minorities will eventually be the majority, their views tilt conservative.
"The grievance in their minds – the animus, the anger – they hate white people because white people are successful and they're not," Pittenger said.
Simply calling them "white people," much less questioning the behavior or beliefs of white people, drags that power and privilege into the open.
But instead of Latinos using shallow bait to lure white people, like we were, these tend to be white people trying to lure Latinos.
It seems to me that poor white people and poor black people have more in common than, say, rich and poor white people do.
Now he was free to revert to a far simpler explanation: maybe white people had more wealth and power because white people were superior.
And I also want people... (APPLAUSE) ... especially I want — I want white people — I want white people to recognize that there is systemic racism.
Back then and today, poor white people may be disenfranchised and treated like shit by white people with more money and power than them.
"White people are saying that what has happened is you took equality from some white people and gave it to black people," he said.
I am going to write something full of white people, but it is going to be all about how evil those white people are.
It's unclear whether this will change in the future, but it seems not all white people are free to meet on Where White People Meet.
Today I work with white people all the time, but back then I had little experience working with white people, or, as we say, mzungus.
His mission is to highlight posts about white people harassing and attacking non-white people across the U.S and to unleash the trolls on them.
In the popular imagination, segregation was a sudden, irrevocable act — one day, white people enslaved black people, and the next, white people enacted Jim Crow.
To save him from the judgment of white people, she beat him; to save herself from the judgment of white people, she hid the beating.
We had more white people sending pictures into us, but I think that's because white people feel more entitled to display their bodies like that.
" The group says its reasoning for doubling ticket prices for white people was because white people have the privilege to attend festivals in "POC populated cities.
"The grievance in the [protesters'] mind – the animus, the anger – they hate white people because white people are successful and they're not," he told the publication.
This notion of land of the free and home of the brave was land of the free white people and land of the brave white people.
As you might expect, posts on the network appear to heavily favor white people complaining that there are suspicious-looking non-white people in their neighborhoods.
When all types of investments are taken into account, there's a startling wealth gap between white people and African Americans — and between white people and Hispanics.
The fact that Trump's support is concentrated among white people is important because, of course, white people are substantially more affluent than African Americans or Latinos.
And so, in a sense, there is something new about a race melee featuring more white people fighting each other than black people and white people.
It rejects the idea that it should be written for white people, while also fully acknowledging that it will be performed before mostly white people anyway.
In Get Out, black violence isn't a temporary step to harmonious assimilation with white people; rather, white people are intensely racist and need to be stopped.
And they look mighty foreign to other white people, the ones who've never entirely considered themselves "white people" — the urbanites and cosmopolitans, the white people who feel they belong to a different "we," who work with and talk to and live among a more varied nation.
I say this because diversity has become a subject that is really something that you tell white people who only hire white people, like you need diversity.
" Besides comparing white people to "dogs pissing on fire hydrants," she also called them "groveling goblins," and claimed it was her "plan" that white people go "extinct.
In 2000, white people had dipped down to 82%, continually decreasing until 2018 when only 163% of the electorate was made up of white people, Langer said.
But it was the same idea: white people who need to get together with other white people and not bother other minorities with what our issues are.
GOP congressman is sorry he said black people hate 'successful' white people GOP congressman is sorry he said black people hate 'successful' white people Republican Congressman Robert Pittenger has a hot take on what's driving the protests in Charlotte right now: black people resent white people for their success.
"An Asian person who is competing against white people, for an audience of white people, has to train for that opportunity like it's the Olympics," Ms. Wu said.
That did far more for the development of integration in the UK than having white people criticising other white people for supposedly "stealing" the culture of ethnic minorities.
Surveys during the civil rights era found that many white people supported desegregation privately but opposed it publicly, because they thought all the other white people opposed it.
All the positions were held by white people at the beginning of the 2016 season, and almost all were held by white people in the past 15 years.
On the other side, 13% of Americans said all or most black people are prejudiced against white people, including 14% of white people and 10% of black people.
And if Netflix ever gave us detailed viewership numbers, I'd imagine there would be a large overlap between the white people who enjoy a fancy pan-Asian restaurant, the white people who love Netflix's romantic comedies, and the white people who made fun of the food Asian kids brought to lunch.
Activists have a plan to make legal weed lucrative for more than just white people Activists have a plan to make legal weed lucrative for more than just white people Marijuana legalization has the potential to make a lot of people very rich — a lot of white people, that is.
He tells us it's obviously not right for the festival to make ticket prices higher for white people, but he uses another word for white people -- the "C" word.
For example, Black and white people use drugs at a similar rate, but the imprisonment rate for Black folks is more than five times the rate of white people.
This point is particularly important for middle-class, able-bodied, cisgendered white people to reflect on (a point we make as middle-class, able-bodied, cisgendered white people ourselves).
Plus, on issues of race, white people probably have a better chance of getting through to other white people because they're not seen as acting out of self-interest.
Jeong compared "dumbass f-----g white people" to dogs, said that "old white men" were "lemmings," opined that white people would "go extinct soon," and used the hashtag #CancelWhitePeople.
"I believe the Bible is about white people and for white people," John Carothers allegedly wrote in a letter to a white supremacist group that was obtained by authorities.
In essence, the stories that emphasized the inclusive definition made white people feel hopeful for the future, while those that emphasized the exclusive one made white people feel anxious.
Although white people are the largest group of recipients of most of the major government assistance programs, many white people, and Republicans in particular, don't seem to realize this.
Nine percent of Americans said that all or most white people in the US are prejudiced against black people, including 218% of white people and 20% of black people.
In the late 1980s, almost all the people in the New York Times's real estate ads were white people, which insinuated that those neighborhoods were exclusively for white people.
" - Claire, 19 "Butchered meats for entitled white people.
"And yet again we have white people discussing why blackface is offensive with no black people on panel to explain why white people JUST SHOULDN'T DO IT!" one person said.
What we don't need are more movies that treat black characters as props and backdrops for stories about white people, and black pain as entertainment and education for white people.
The new trailer for upcoming Netflix series Dear White People depicts a woman of color radio host as she calls out white people for donning Black face at Halloween parties.
"This is most striking with white people who tend to be interested in other white people and white celebrities—you replicate the community with which you identify," Philips told Motherboard.
By foregrounding whiteness, we remind ourselves that race is a social construct that, for the most part, white people have used to assert or imply that white people are superior.
One way to make this case is to send these voters the message that there is a political party for white people and a political party for non-white people.
"They hate white people because white people are successful and they're not," Pittenger, 68, is a Republican serving his second term in Congress, and represents North Carolina's ninth congressional district.
Only 29 percent of African Americans and 38 percent of Hispanics share this belief, compared with 57 percent of white people — and 603 percent of working-class white people specifically.
While black and white people have similar rates of illegal drug use, black people are more likely to be arrested and convicted of such offenses than white people are, researchers found.
Other research suggests there can be superhumanization bias at work, as well, with white people more likely to associate paranormal or magical powers with black people than with other white people.
A regular reader of mine left a frantic message claiming president elect Barack Obama would make white people slaves as payback for all that white people had done to black people.
I wasn't the only person who noticed: On #MLKDay, I tried the Google selfie art app to learn than 90% of art hanging in museums is white people painting white people.
As he comes out forcefully against people who protest mistreatment of non-white people, he's refusing to speak forcefully about a crisis unfolding on an island of mostly non-white people.
But we do know there's a way in which white people can talk about race where if black people do it the same way, they (white people) would actually shut down.
How will white people who didn't support Mr. Trump in 2016 construe their identity as white people when Trumpists, including white nationalists, Nazis, Klansmen and Mr. Bannon, have posted the markers?
White people are paying this business to get rid of their white guilt White people are paying this business to get rid of their white guilt This segment originally aired Dec.
" She added: "White people: do you own your home?
" They don't exclude white people "It's a black thang.
" He is also the narrator of "Dear White People.
White people — all people — want to believe in something.
" He added: "I wanted white people to feel cool.
But after the 2008 financial recession and housing crisis, black families saw 31 percent of their wealth evaporate (compared with 11 percent for white people), which was already far behind white people.
Straightforward advocacy for the genocide of white people—such as a tweet urging followers to "Kill all white people"—surely qualifies as racism, if the word is to retain its common meaning.
After all, Sam's voice is louder than ever precisely because she could do what Silvio was too afraid to attempt in the first place: telling oppressive white people they're oppressive white people.
Five times as many white people are using drugs as black people, for example, but African-Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of white people.
Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race is an essay collection that examines structural racism.
There's a very obvious reason why people have, since its origins, described country music as "blues played by white people," even though white people weren't really the ones who founded the genre.
Yes, per Sanders's critics, many white people know what it's like to be poor: The number of poor white people in this country is nearly double the number of poor black people.
"They have this whole theory that white people are dying out and will be overwhelmed by the numbers of people of color, and they're terrified white people will be oppressed," Minkowitz said.
Since white people are presumed to have "institutional power," and therefore institutional responsibility, people of color function in this world as sages, speaking truths that white people must cherish, and not challenge.
But even though I was surrounded by many black and brown faces, it was the presence of white people — even these aware, friendly, and familiar white people — that gave me literal pause.
Both black and white people are much less likely to be arrested over marijuana, but black people are still much more likely to be arrested for pot in comparison to white people.
In your film, you have these poor white people blaming all their problems on black people, even though poor white people and poor black people have a lot of the same interests.
White people finding out that we talk about white people as a means to vent about and survive the whiteness we're forced to experience is, to put it one way, never boring.
For the white people surveyed, anti-white bias came with a zero-sum fallout — white people saw rising racial tolerance for people of color in direct contrast to rising intolerance for whites.
Travel advisories and reparations for white people because of "black-on-white crime"In a video from August 21st, Alex Jones floated the idea that not only should there be "travel advisories" for white people in the US, but that white people should get reparations for getting "killed by the tens of thousands" by black people every year.
"They are bringing women into a movement that is at its heart, fundamentally misogynistic, which is dangerous in and of itself, but they're also bringing women in who are supporting a movement that is, you know, geared toward the annihilation of non-white people, or the very least the segregation of white people from non-white people," Reaves said.
In this year's poll, both black and white people saw more discrimination in policing than in other situations: While 67 percent of black people and 40 percent of white people said black people are treated less fairly in dealings with the police, the other settings topped at 52 percent for black people and 17 percent for white people.
Read These Stories Next:Coco Conners Is The Best Thing About Dear White People Dear White People Might Have The Best Scandal Parody, Ever People Are Boycotting This Netflix Show For Purely Racist Reasons
In Montana, these men have effectively placed themselves in what writer Rich Benjamin calls "whiteopias": places where white people are moving, at least in some small part, to be among other white people.
Unfortunately, a lot of those offices are not only based in cities with a lot of white people, IBTimes reported earlier this month, but the companies also employ a lot of white people.
"It sets up a response among many white people that sees policies that benefit people of color as suspect, regardless of the fact that those policies would also benefit similarly situated white people."
"I found that hardly any consumers are cognizant of the fact that once a non-white food is rebranded by white people for white people it seems to be valued more," Rawat said.
In this myth, the white Christians have a God-sanctioned privilege to the land in which laws were designed by white people, enforced by white people, and intended for the harmonious white citizenship.
Cancer: Dear White People Naming a show Dear White People may seem overt at first, but as a Cancer you know how important it is not to judge based on your initial responses.
And so if certain roles were generally filled by men or by white people or by young people, the software went and picked men and white people and young people for those roles.
What primes white people is simply the reminder that they are white people — that they are, and will increasingly be, one group of Americans among others, with particular interests, settling differences via democracy.
Burke: We're making pop music and we're not white people.
It's funny because, LOL, some white people did not know.
A 'white nationalist' generally wants a nation of white people.
UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Because you see white people deserve to die.
Also, it seems more common that white people have them.
White people need to make space for people of color.
But it does contain an awful lot of white people.
" He added, "So maybe seeing it done to White People.
Still, respect grew faster when officers spoke to white people.
Many white people are anxious about the browning of America.
I know that rich people call poor white people 'trash.
All this right here — it's for them, the white people.
White people have so many networks and so many choices.
Warning: Major spoilers ahead for Dear White People season 133.
Our show Dear White People covers some of this ground.
Green arrows show where the percentage of white people increased.
People of colour can be role models for white people.
Dear White People is streaming on Netflix and other platforms.
"The mother thinks I'm racist toward white people," he said.
It seems white people are getting a little more woke.
He would have appended "for white people" to that phrase.
I think white people are afraid to talk about race.
The responses of white people are hardly the ultimate benchmark.
Its violence was shocking to a lot of white people.
Again, white terror, but this time from other white people.
Which doesn't mean all white people harbor extreme racial animus.
But they're still narratives about white people successfully overcoming injustice.
In its first 30 minutes alone, Dear White People Vol.
" In one tweet she commented: "White people have stopped breeding.
Netflix's Dear White People wrapped filming on November 8, 2016.
White people been hiding hockey from us for years bruh.
But being around so many white people makes me nervous.
Finally, white people are seeing how dangerous they can be.
He was always popular with white people in the Midwest.
White people accounted for 55 percent of the crash fatalities.
It's been hard for many, many white people to grasp.
America was designed for the white people, simple as that.
A lot of white people are having a rough time.
Dear White People Season 3 is now streaming on Netflix.
Okay, yes, this is another article about rural white people.
"Most white people are afraid of our ideas," he said.
White people need to talk about it as a reckoning.
He's said plenty of nasty things about white people, too!
"I'm moving where the white people are at," she said.
"White people were "repelled from, communities with large ethnic minorities.
The camera cuts to old white people moving and grooving.
Research suggested that white people dominated the city's drug trade.
The white people were no longer all the same color.
She grew up in the home of wealthy white people.
But the subjects were all white people of European descent.
And that doesn't always mean writing off white people altogether.
There are so many more white people to come tonight.
Telling lies to white people is what got Trump elected.
And white people have this thing I call toxic optimism.
"White people in general don't like black people," he said.
The stuff white people feed their children is literally appalling!
The photographs in "Generation Wealth" are predominantly of white people.
Why is it O.K. that white people get to Harvard?
And white people are still by far the wealthiest Americans.
It was very clear: White people handed us Donald Trump.
Of course not all white people voted for Donald Trump.
I engage in conversations about privilege with other white people.
My wife and I were the only white people there.
White people represent a majority of the state's former felons.
White people being into Black Panther is... good for everybody?
If I was white, people wouldn't be making terrorist jokes.
Have the actual lives of white people been materially harmed?
What new forms of surveillance did fearful white people instill?
That's how hating white people becomes ultimately hating black people.
And it isn't just white people trying to be down.
What do white people see when they see brown people?
It perpetuates the bigotry of intolerant white people as ignorant.
In fact, when is the last time white people rioted?
Dear White People also explores  three perspectives on natural hair.
It is time for white people to become racially literate.
White nationalists aren't defending white people merely for biological reasons.
White people pay a lot of money and then poof!
This country belongs to white people culturally, politically, socially, everything.
White people did horrible things, Native Americans did horrible things.
I didn't say that white people couldn't talk about race.
He declared racism was his enemy, not solely white people.
The Republican Party cannot be the party of white people.
Mr. Obama "was prejudiced against white people," Mr. Bolus said.
Think of the idea that white people can't experience racism.
Because black people are naked; white people are very closed.
And 183 percent of white people have predominantly white friends.
Yes, technically more white people are victims of police violence.
Bottom line for Waka ... most white people are cool, but he's not giving everyone a pass -- and he sure ain't giving Daniel one for suggesting black people get over white people using offensive words.
By virtue of being set in violently racist times so different than ours, period pieces unearth antiquated and deplorable race relations in which white people are powerful and other, non-white people are not.
White nationalists in Charlottesville chanted this phrase not only to assert that the US is a place for white people, but that white people are racially and spiritually embedded in the soil of America.
The satire "Dear White People" was picked up by Netflix, and the film "Get Out," which turned self-proclaimed Obama-supporting white people into figures of horror, became the think-piece blockbuster of 2017.
And groups like the Drug Policy Alliance note that while legalization is making marijuana more accessible for white people, it hasn't erased the disparities between black and white people when it comes to arrests.
Indeed, in a country where most white people now say they face racial discrimination, increasing the salience of racial conflict in politics is likely to benefit the party identified with the interests of white people.
Much of America's past is the story of white people benefiting from a system that white people designed and maintained, which increased their chances of success as it suppressed those same chances in other groups.
Critics were quick to point out when the film was released that it was "a movie about racism, made by white people for white people," as Jenni Miller wrote in a review for NBC News.
And while we easily accept that white people in Alabama are different than white people in Connecticut, we, as a society, often don't give black people that benefit of the doubt to differ on things.
In the past three years, black people were arrested on low-level marijuana charges at eight times the rate of white people, and Hispanic people were arrested at five times the rate of white people.
If merely thinking about race pushes white people, even liberal white people as in the Enos study, to be more racially resentful, that could have major consequences even outside a rally-around-the-leader effect.
The massive gap in how people of color and white people view the seriousness of "reverse discrimination" further illustrates the massive gap between how white people and people of color view life in America today.
White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence.
That it would be okay, more or less, for white people.
Fenway Park: Sacred to the Red Sox, and white people everywhere.
You've already burned through Handmaid's Tale, Dear White People, and GLOW.
I haven't seen white people this mad since the O.J. verdict.
It's a split screen with white people on both sides — ahh!
I had never heard white people talk about being white before.
Most corny stock photos all share one key element: white people.
That's for white people, 'cause Black people don't have the time.
I feel like everybody adds to this conversation, white people included.
They essentially accuse nonwhites of aping the worst of white people.
Most white people have known -- and still know -- only the opposite.
Unknowingly, white people are SOCIALISED to be racist from birth onwards.
Do you have a whole lot of white people in there?
White people would never have any hope of real self-determination.
We were the only white people in our apartment building, too.
How to watch it: Dear White People is available on Netflix.
" The problems they're facing, he succinctly notes, are "white people problems.
To be clear, white people are welcome to attend the show.
Dear White People is back for its second season on Netflix.
In leadership roles, white people make up 76.9% of the population.
What if there was the National Organization for White People, only?
Much like Brooklyn itself, white people have taken over Black art.
Britain, there's only about eight real white people left in Britain.
The list also left out several attacks committed by white people.
It's no coincidence that these worlds are populated by white people.
"Nazi is like the N-word for white people," Fears said.
Yes ALL white people… Your entire existence is drenched in racism.
I'm surrounded by middle-aged white people dressed in Hawaiian prints.
He stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.
Before the presidential election, Trump mostly disparaged white people as stupid.
By contrast, a substantial number of white people still aren't convinced.
The least white people can do is recognize that inequalities persist.
Warning: Big spoilers for Dear White People season 1 are ahead.
It's been used as a weapon against us — by white people.
Mental health is often deemed a "white people" issue, suggesting privilege.
"White people smell like wet dog and bologna," my dad said.
Their defiant public image convinced many that they hated white people.
We need white women, white people, to be organizing each other.
White people are turning out in some areas at unprecedented numbers.
Moore won white people with no college degree by 55 points.
Plenty of other white people in that situation did just that.
" White people looking for help are "desperate citizens looking for help.
I recruited white people who were as angry as I was.
NC-17 for white people, and G for Black people. 2.
Dear White People was difficult to make because of the story.
They're able to reconsider things that white people had considered settled.
William Melvin Kelley wrote about white people thinking about black people.
Why do so few non-white people enter the cannabis business?
Whereas black people must know white people more intimately, for survival.
I haven't seen white people this mad since the O.J. trial.
How can black people white people look at the police differently.
Only in a world run by white people would that happen.
Were all of your family friends growing up other white people?
"This isn't all white people!" yelled Mr. English, who is black.
So it essentially had learned what beauty was from white people.
Firstly, "white people are crazy"—a reasonable observation, given the circumstances.
I'm comfortable with the fact that white people can't say it.
"The majority of consumers in America are white people," Ling says.
And this problem is bigger than a few unreasonable white people.
To summarize the story extremely briefly, most white people are Republicans.
On Thursday, I was accused of being racist against white people.
I think it's 'cause I'm around white people all the time.
My 2013 solo show Privileged White People at Forever & Today, Inc.
That being said, there is plenty that white people can do.
"They felt that art was for white people," he told me.
Wearers say they're showing people of color they're "safe" white people.
African Americans use Facebook at slightly lower rates than white people.
In the Noonan tradition, a coupla white people sit around talking.
"White people don't want to see race anywhere," Nakamura told me.
And chances are, nine out of 10 white people know them.
"But are you asking white people?" he said, of his reaction.
"White people believe in justice, too," he said, according to CNN.
Thousands of white people were killed in the massacre, historians believe.
"White people are, in some profound way, trapped," he doubles down.
And it has to come from white people and black people.
"I wish more white people would go see it," he said.
"I do work with a lot of white people," he said.
Hispanics were arrested at five times the rate of white people.
SK: This is also a show about how white people age.
"We need to stop asking white people for permission," Ivey said.
"I'll be honest, it's mostly white people showing up," Buttigieg said.
It's non-Hispanic white people in Central Florida and Tampa Bay.
Three things; Black Lives Matter, kill white police, kill white people.
I understood, because I'm Southern, all white people are not happy.
The NFFA is the aforementioned governing body of old white people.
But what of white people who presented with sickle cell anemia?
"There's a demonization of white people that goes on," Lavin said.
Drug overdoses involving heroin skyrocketed, with white people outpacing all others.
White people are doing a lot of soul-searching these days.
I've found that all white people have one thing in common.
And by extension, so are the white people in the audience.
But they agree that, right now, white people are the losers.
"Nazi is like the N-word for white people," said Fears.
I was racist, but against white people, according to the test.
Seventy-four percent of white people live in predominantly white towns.
As you've likely predicted, a lot of white people flipped out.
Should white people take advantage of a series called Dear Black People to speak accurately about the power dynamic between us, the commentary on race could be just as fruitful as that in Dear White People.
The demos with the greatest increases in death rates from 1999-2015 were white people aged 55 to 64 (488%), Native American people aged 45 to 54 (380%), and white people aged 25 to 34 (339%).
A United States representative from North Carolina said in a television interview on Thursday that protesters in Charlotte "hate white people because white people are successful and they're not," and then hours later recanted and apologized.
A mediocre movie about Asian-Americans will not kill careers or be seen as a failure of and for Asian-Americans, just as a mediocre movie by and about white people says nothing about white people.
He went from an emerging white nationalist leader to believing that the fact that white people believe this is a country set up for white people is the dangerous foundational flaw at the heart of it.
In terms of race in the US, white people tend to socialize mostly with other white people, even as they might fret over whether it's a problem that black schoolchildren "self-segregate" at the lunch table.
At a notable level, this includes men and white people with college degrees, and, to a lesser extent, it includes a small drop among white people without college degrees, a rough snapshot of the white working class.
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For instance, many of them reported believing that Black people age more slowly than white people, that Black people have thicker skin than white people, and that Black people's nerve endings are less sensitive than white people's.
In considering how white people might engage honestly in racial justice and not shut down or succumb to white fragility, I've spend time struggling to compose a list of things white people can do as honest allies.
The results are not surprising: According to a 260 Pew Research Survey, 21972 percent of white people believed police treated black people in their community less fairly than white people, compared to 22015 percent of black people.
There were white people who responded to "Pass Over" and said this is great, and white people who were very offended, and there were black people who said this is great, and black people who were offended.
White people in our country are just beginning to grasp the awful history and current experience of people of color, and the active and passive roles played by white people in making and perpetuating their systemic advantages.
The authorities were spending time scrubbing Mr. Muhammad's Facebook page, where he wrote often about his dislike of white people, calling them the "white devil," and recently posted a photo of white people gathering near a lynching.
White people: comes to America, claims it, kicks out the natives forcibly which thousands of were killed in this processWhite people: lets make immigrants illegal White people will shame you and then copy you and take credit.
And if the white people were drunk, they would abuse him anyway.
Nothing is every black and white; people jump to conclusions a lot.
This is not going to be the country of the white people.
Karl Malone read on TV about white people getting abducted by aliens.
Algorithms have sent African Americans to prison more often than white people.
Only 16 percent of white people believe they benefit a great deal.
"OK, let's go, these white people is crazy," Thompson's dad character concluded.
Natives weren't the threat—land- and gold-horny white people were. 294.
And I'm not criticizing white people; I'm actually criticizing people of color.
I have never seen so many non-white people in one school.
It no longer surprises me when white people talk about being white.
And white people just kept coming, both inside and out of Starbucks.
There lingers a strange mixture of awe and bitterness toward white people.
Mr. Najib has advised "white people" to stop interfering in Malaysian affairs.
Netflix's Dear White People season 2 had one doozy of an ending.
Like, only white people and straight people have ever loved in history?
In that regard, Yale has little in common with Dear White People.
We are Negroes, American Indians, Puerto Ricans, Mexican-Americans, poor white people.
Happy white people proud of their racist ancestors day — Damon Wayans Yunior?
Also sidebar: White people, stop yelling the n-word at rap shows.
The second season of Dear White People is premiering on May 4th.
Just another #Emmys night of POC presenting every award to white people!!!!
And for the most part, they only engage with other white people.
Imagine two straight, young, able white people born in the United States.
White people are afraid of the black and Latino parts of town.
Verdict: Worse Jabbari: Okay so this a song with two white people.
White people were more widely being prescribed opioids in the first place.
The H-1B Visa Program has been totally detrimental to white people.
This is how you comport yourself among white people, young black child.
Even when heroes of color were depicted, white people were still the
Sure, there are white people who like him—that's not the question.
White people tended to do better on a variety of measures, however.
It's easier to see them––in this case, white people—as good.
Among the highlights ... -- Marshawn says his shop is safe for white people.
I see New Balances now becoming the official shoes of White people.
I was angry at white people with whom I associated institutional power.
I think it is; I think it really applies to white people.
"White people have been mean to us in the past," Caesar says.
If it gets another season, Dear White People can get back there.
White Democrats now feel more warmly toward black people than white people.
But why did it take white people so long to realize it?
Implicit bias often gives white people in America an (actual) free ride.
It looks like fan favorite Dear White People survived Netflix's rampant cancellations.
He did not see these as the alien property of white people.
"The suspect said he was upset at white people," Chief Brown said.
The excellent "Dear White People" is a show with cinema-snob appeal.
Several white people were lined up against the wall to my left.
I just heard some white people say it and was like, 'Yeah!
When white people rather than native tribes bear the brunt of oppression?
The only white people I saw in my neighborhood staffed the library.
"But white people, especially white men — she has a big problem there."
"The debate is not only about black and white people," he added.
White people are in denial about pretty much everything at this point.
My enemies are white people, not Viet Congs or Chinese or Japanese.
White people built a very strong, very racist social foundation for race.
White people tried to implicate black appetites and black character through watermelon.
Death rates were creeping up for middle-age white people, particularly women.
White people are 35 percent of the population of New York City.
Right-wing media is a machine for scaring older white people — i.e.
But of the white people who voted, six out of 10 did.
White people in America seldom have a reason to respond that way.
This is due to the datasets being composed predominantly of white people.
I make fun of poor white people because I was once poor.
I don't want any more white people calling people of color minorities.
We need a country founded for white people with a nuclear deterrent.
The only white people that thank Jesus are Republicans and ex-crackheads.
See, you're a little too sweet, but the white people love you.
Hispanic people were arrested at five times the rate of white people.
Those who think of white people in monolithic terms miss this nuance.
Devastating and, for white people, or at any rate for me, painful.
Fighters are just brutes that come to entertain the rich white people.
It's about ending the race-conscious policies they believe hurt white people.
And they are less interested in gaining approval, especially from white people.
If I was white, people wouldn't try to guess where I'm from.
The Wildhorse was a divine revelation — white people, they're just like us!
And it's imperative for white people to join the conversation about racism.
White people thought it was fair, black people thought it was not.
Mr. Carson said he once hated white people, but now embraces them.
"Dear White People" loves to riff; it's arch, playful and pop literate.
"If it's white people, it's OK?" asked Stiviano, according to the recording.
White people in rural parts of this country have been left behind.
And most of the DNA catalogued to date comes from white people.
He even once argued that statistically white people were stopped too frequently.
Political analysts are obsessed with white people, the more disaffected the better.
Marley was that rarity — a black revolutionary who didn't scare white people.
"When white people tan, they are not altering their whiteness," Hunter said.
My last name is a huge butt of jokes for white people.
Among white people, there was an increasing division based on formal education.
The first season of Dear White People is now streaming on Netflix.
She's interested in how we can help the white people liberate themselves.
I still shared cyber hugs with white people on bipolar support forums.
If white people see it and feel a part of it, fine.
I get that white people who aren't familiar might find this discomforting.
Conservatives have said such programs can hurt white people and Asian-Americans.
So many white people don't want to talk about race; it's uncomfortable.
"Their songs are taken from them by white people and performed to rooms full of other white people for high ticket prices," Sumney wrote in a letter to festival organizers that he also published on his Tumblr blog.
There's debate over whether the new Netflix show "Dear White People" is "woke" or, as Jason Johnson wrote last week in the The Root, "faux woke" — a show for white people disguised as a comedy for black people.
Robin DiAngelo, a sociologist and the author of White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, says these videos make it much more difficult for white people to deny that profiling has occurred.
It's typically used satirically and hyperbolically to emphasize how white people continue to benefit (even unknowingly) from their skin color, or to point out the ways in which a power structure that favors white people continues to exist.
As I walk past the line of white people waiting in line, I find myself fantasizing about making a fortune by selling white people trendy frozen dumplings at an absurd price, but then realize that places already do that.
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A recent Pew Research Center survey found that about 61% of black people polled said race relations were generally bad, compared with 45% of white people (and a similar percent of white people said race relations were generally good).
White people are much more likely to oppose gun control than other demographics: 57 percent of white people believe gun rights are more important than gun control, whereas 72 percent of African-Americans think gun control is more important.
" Mr. Pence and several Republican lawmakers have drawn criticism for such remarks on race, including a congressman from North Carolina, Robert Pittenger, who said that protesters in Charlotte "hate white people because white people are successful and they're not.
In 2015 in black people in California were more than twice as likely as white people to be arrested for a marijuana misdemeanor and nearly five times more likely than white people to be arrested for a marijuana felony.
Robert Pittenger of North Carolina said during an interview with BBC News on Thursday that the protesters who demonstrated in Charlotte this week "hate white people because white people are successful and they're not," the Charlotte News & Observer reported.
White people who have had the scales lifted from their eyes and who talk about their experience are deemed "divisive" by other white people who find such discussion uncomfortable to the point of feeling threatened and angered by it.
Though it was a time when white people utterly dehumanized black people, white people also convinced themselves that black people believed they were beloved members of the white family and appreciated the guidance of their wiser, more moral counterparts.
White people can speak the word while mouthing a rap by Lil Wayne.
They don't hire black people, and they're the nicest, white people on earth!
Conservatives have said that such programs can hurt white people and Asian-Americans.
"—for fear that they will learn my secret: I like "white people music.
That special privilege black people can use to win arguments with white people.
Alex: A lot of the creative forces behind this movie are white people.
After 1865, white people in the South refused to accept black voting rights.
Nationwide, African Americans spend five times more on lottery tickets than white people.
In the last seconds of the Dear White People finale, something weird happens.
Season 73 of Dear White People tells a number of immediate, important stories.
Since Dear White People season 230 premiered last year, a lot has happened.
He then suggested bringing in more immigrants from Norway — you know, white people.
White people who want to let me know, first off, they're not racist.
"This 'old white people' business does get a little tired, Charlie," King said.
Some particularly object to white people borrowing (or "stealing") elements of their culture.
Trevor's downfall feels like the first victory of Dear White People Season 2.
"White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence," Hathaway said.
"We are responding to low wages, but white people aren't," Spriggs told Axios.
Or maybe it was a way of one-upping the local white people.
My sense is that truly poor white people probably don't vote that much.
Person 2: know what white people love more than anything else?
It's not that these good white people are against racial integration – heavens, no!
But it finds that to be mainly because more white people vote Republican.
And that's because it's mostly white people at the top making the decisions.
I am not trying to make any white people feel better right now.
Shriver questioned whether white people are even allowed to eat Pad Thai anymore.
Those are invented words, and he did not invent them, white people did.
His band was black people, white people, men, women, gay people, straight people.
Police said he then decided to act on his hatred of white people.
Muhammad had apparently expressed negative sentiments about white people and also government officials.
We heard from all kinds of people — black, white, people who didn't understand.
In a society dominated by white people, whiteness simply fades into the background.
White people don't know how close they are to being in our shoes.
They say "Iowa evangelicals", for example, when really they mean "old, white people".
Given these origins, why do their androids take the form of white people?
Let's be CLEAR AS ICE: White people, this is YOUR embarrassment to shoulder.
You can see where that message would be particularly alluring to white people.
And when I say "monkey," I mean like everybody, but mostly white people.
Has your view of activism changed as a result of Dear White People ?
That's just what white people always look like standing next to Beyoncé. pic.twitter.
Now, for years, she tweeted dozens of statements about race and white people.
They don't hire Black people — and they're the nicest white people on Earth.
Still, white people managed to accumulate much more money than their minority counterparts.
And, surprisingly, the gap didn't arise because white people contributed that much more.
It's galvanized everybody—not just like blacks and Latinos, or just white people.
Turner and his band of rebel slaves killed 51 white people in 1831.
Erecting these statues amounted to power moves by white people who felt threatened.
"I had heard too much about white people killing black people," Cone recalled.
This white man was not acting how white people were supposed to act.
None of this is to say that white people shouldn't fight for equality.
"You know what white people really, really, really love?" he asks the audience.
Most recently, Netflix said it would end "Dear White People" after four seasons.
I haven't seen this many angry old white people since Matlock was canceled.
"Dear White People" actor DeRon Horton makes his "AHS" debut as Ray Powell.
"It's all about Benedict Cumberbatch, but white people don't see that," she said.
" He went on, "In a weird way, I feel bad for white people.
And, yes, it largely — but hardly exclusively — pertains to working-class white people.
"In red states, blue states; black, brown, whitepeople are hurting," he said.
They were often the only white people to be found in the area.
One day in October 1910, a mob of white people in Montgomery, Ala.
And we don't care if people — particularly white people — believe it is respectable.
Familiar-looking middle class white people -- like my neighbors, classmates, friends, and family.
"I want white people to recognize that there is systemic racism," she said.
You know she could act like a scientist like the white people, yes?
Republican voters tend to be better-educated, wealthier, older white people, McDonald said.
This isn't your Dear White People hand holding affair of overexplained black frustration.
The archival footage shows Black people celebrating the verdict and white people crying.
It's not just about uniting black and white people, it's about connecting everybody.
They also invent stories about Starbucks hating The Troops, Christmas, and white people.
White people shouldn't have a monopoly on what can be considered art. 28.
In 1979, he founded the National Association for the Advancement of White People.
Yet, throughout the book, Prince is never in a fury, indicting white people.
He was confronted by racist sentiments from white people he thought were friends.
How that changed the white people, if it did, is hard to say.
The Naturalization Act of 1790 says that only white people can be naturalized.
Not a trapping, hunting, or berry-gathering job, but a white-people job.
The photos he made for Standard Oil are mostly of white people working.
It has historically been used by predominantly white people to dehumanize black people.
If they're more racially sympathetic white people, they're gonna be Democrats, more likely.
If they're more racially conservative or resentful white people, they're gonna be Republicans.
White people don't frame this kind of negligence as racial, but they should.
White people have stood in as the face of humanity's fullness and complexity.
The Academy stays loving films where POC stories are centered around white people.
The New Zealand attacker wanted you to think white people face existential decline.
These neighborhoods were home to people of color, immigrants and poor white people.
To the white people outside their family, she and her brother looked black.
These measures were adopted to combat centuries of racial preferences for white people.
A few white people come in a says that they refuse service from...
These days I know plenty of outraged white people, good friends among them.
As it turns out, white people have been angry for a long time.
"It seems like the First Amendment doesn't apply to white people," he said.
White people photographed themselves at the lynchings and made postcards of the mayhem.
" She says, "it's imperative for white people to join the conversation about racism.
For many white people, of course, the growing diversity is something to celebrate.
He said that white people would never allow a black person to succeed.
Historically, in the United States, white people are the replacers, not the replaced.
White people, accounting for 8 percent, retain an oversize influence on the economy.
Instead, this is ultimately a novel about black people happening to white people.
JW: It was perversely comforting to see how many white people showed up.
Yet again, the acting nominees were almost entirely white people, save Cynthia Erivo.
"African conflict is aphrodisiac for white people," as The Guardian summed it up.
Sabisky once said black people have lower IQs than white people, on average.
"There's 7 white people on this stage talking about racial justice," Buttigieg said.
These aren't just white people lamenting the loss of the family wheat farm.
"Dear White People" is expected to drop its fourth season in autumn 2020.
We gain a candidate who "gets race" better than most white people do.
Some of the racist white people in town really glare at me now.
If they were going to insult Black people, then I'd insult white people.
"It's safe for white people to play this racist guessing game," she says.
"Dear White People" struck a chord, earning a festival award for breakthrough talent.
We don't need the white people to rescue us, thank you very much.
This scene illustrates the futility of negotiating with white people educated in tyranny.
"That was jarring — three white people telling me I was racist," she says.
Now that it's heroin with white people, the answer is knowledge and help.
The white people came and changed everything,But I am still your neighbor.
For white people, the third most commonly cited event was the tech revolution.
Much of Hello, Privilege exposes how invisible white privilege is to white people.
It's a book that can help white people understand how they are seen.
Six white people in heaven doesn't sound like an interesting show to me.
I encouraged her to start talking more with other white people about race.
He reportedly said he "wanted to kill white people," especially white police officers.
At the time, it was illegal for black and white people to mix.
Donald Trump treats black people and Latinos differently than he treats white people.
What this doesn't mean is that all white people harbor extreme racial animus.
I can't tell you how many undocumented white people greet me at Starbucks.
We need smart, well-educated white people who will assimilate to our culture.
The suspect stated that he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.
The funny thing is, I never said a disparaging word about white people.
Not content with being the darling of so many white people under 40, Mayer has now taken up performing with surviving members of the Grateful Dead in a bid to win the hearts, minds and souls of white people over 60.
" On legalizing marijuana: "We have to stop putting people of color in jail for something that white people do with impunity ... the simple truth is, for white people, the use of marijuana has effectively been legal for a long time.
Wilmore, as the only African-American late-night comedy host, was also the only one in late night uniquely qualified to help people -- especially white people in America -- make sense of what is going on with non-white people in America.
And when the dust settles, and white people have decided that the "race conversation" has run its course, the mothers must quiet themselves and fade away, until white people decide it's time for the families to perform their grief once more.
Now when I sit down with black pastors in South Carolina and they tell me stories about being unnerved by strange white people (and sometimes by white people who aren't all that strange) showing up at their churches, I don't laugh.
" Mr. Trump seems to want Americans to believe, as Representative Robert Pittenger, a Republican whose district includes areas in Charlotte, told the BBC, that black protesters in the city "hate white people because white people are successful and they're not.
They grew up in a cycle where mass shootings -- typically of white people, by white people, in affluent areas -- temporarily jacked up interest, setting off doomed efforts to tighten gun laws, followed by abrupt returns to the status quo ante.
We just have a context that hasn't been explored much on TV. Nobody thinks of white people as being culturally specific, especially in media, because white people are still considered what's normal, but there's so many Latinos in this country.
This is essentially why Jeong's tweets had no real-world effect: There's no systemic way in which racism manifests against white people, and no real-world tradition in which marginalized groups have acted out racially motivated violence against white people.
"It really is not so much about helping marginalized communities and those who may be in distress, but instead for white people, often to identify themselves to other white people as better than those who voted for Trump," Reign said.
The problem has never been whether white people can use the word -- they do.
Why does it take a white person to get other white people to listen?
When a majority of blacks vote for Obama, white people say race motivates them.
It's very clear on the words they use for African Americans versus white people.
We're just going to teach you what white people know and you weren't taught.
" King said: "This whole 'old white people' business does get a little tired, Charlie.
The American dream is not a product that is only sold to white people.
It can be exhausting constantly explaining yourself to white people, even though you're white.
Let's see how the baboons get paid when white people stop paying their salaries.
There is a pressing need to recognize and acknowledge the rights of white people.
"Bernie's problem is the problem of privileged white people in general," McKinnon told me.
I didn't want to just put this cast in the costumes of white people.
"How about we enslave all white people for a couple hundred years?" she said.
Yet white people are still the dominant representatives of Chinese food in mainstream media.
She didn't say that Lutherans are also mostly white people in the Upper Midwest.
Sam: Is officially done with Dear White People after her confrontation with Rikki Carter.
It wasn't your run of the mill 'white people are vile' kind of stuff.
There are plenty of white people backstage, they said, and not even white actors!
"They just hire white people to show they're authentic," Wu says of this phenomenon.
Coming to the Western world, I finally see just how hypocritical white people are.
"White people created this problem and it's our job to fix it," Piccolini says.
The question posed by Patti Cake$ goes beyond white people in hip-hop culture.
African Americans are incarcerated at more than five times the rate of white people.
They dismissed his passion for nonviolence as another form of servility to white people.
It's for the white people and a few token blacks that are out there.
"White privilege, in all its many meanings, universalizes white people," Doreen St. Félix writes.
There were all these old white people, and everyone was looking at me funny.
An Afrofuturist music festival in Detroit charged white people twice as much for tickets.
I'd never been a place where there was black and white people raving together.
There are shows featuring black people, white people, Muslim, Asian, Latinx and L.G.B.T.Q. people.
Are trans and queer white people allowed to wear safety pins, but not cis?
Would you want more non-white people in what is undoubtedly a toxic space?
And at times Spencer has explicitly argued that he believes white people are superior.
There are fewer white people there, and yet, the neighborhood didn't come crumbling down.
And obviously, it's still willing to take on anything white people might find provocative.
Some locals think Ebola was introduced by white people who want to harvest organs.
The 10-episode second season of Dear White People is now streaming on Netflix.
I saw that white people had made a decision, again, that dehumanized black people.
I didn't go like, okay, there should be more white people in these movies.
Would it have happened at all in a city populated by affluent white people?
Tina Mabry went on to direct episodes of Dear White People, Insecure, and Pose.
But humans, confronted with superpowered non-white people, react with predictable hysteria and racism.
I was imagining myself in the shoes of non-Indigenous people, particularly white people.
I didn't go like, Okay, there should be more white people in these movies.
People of color participate more in sports betting (24%) than white people do (13%).
Police shot black people two and a half times more often than white people.
As upper-middle-class, educated white people, we have all the right talking points.
Netflix announced a new anti-white show (Dear White People) that promotes white genocide.
I was running on CPT, which stands for jokes white people should not make.
"I don't really think about talking to white people about white privilege," she says.
Muhammad, who is black, acted out of racial hatred against white people, Dyer said.
I didn't go like, O.K., there should be more white people in these movies.
" The fight against systemic racism, she added, is "important for people, particularly white people.
White, people like you are the reason I am where I am right now.
In 2014's original Dear White People film, there is one reprehensible Blackface party.
That matters more than whether individual white people move into a mostly black neighborhood.
Did you like the part when Jesse talked about white people stealing from us?
On social media, Muhammad had called white people "devils" and posted about black separatism.
These offenses set the stage for the new Netflix original series Dear White People.
Episode 9 - Chapter IX CoCo is easily my favorite character on Dear White People.
Get Out doesn't vilify all white people or criticize interracial relationships on the whole.
White people who take photos of the (mostly) kids of color they "help" 70.
"Thank God white people populated America, not the blacks," Faber wrote in his newsletter.
I was raised kind of as a white person, surrounded by mostly white people.
Trump, meanwhile, is focusing on turning out his own base of old white people.
So I guess you're talking to a lot of white people about race now?
It's not accurate to draw broad conclusions based on studies of mostly white people.
" Or, as Hans Noel put it succinctly, Trump is "identity politics for white people.
From the very start, its true demons have nearly unanimously been moneyed white people.
A billboard in Utah is advertising an online dating site — specifically for white people.
White people in America also need to talk to themselves before calling the police.
When white people speak about racism, I think––How can they speak on that?
"Gabe: "Your white guilt is the only reason that you do 'Dear White People.
Trump's outreach isn't for keen and suspicious black folks, it's for blinkered white people.
"I've always thought of it as this straw man for white people," Parker explains.
Most white directors make movies about white people, whose stories are framed as universal.
"We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility," she said of white people.
"The system is set up so only white people can change things," he said.
" Jende's immigration lawyer tells him: "The police is for the protection of white people. . . .
Overall, 2202 percent of respondents said that white people must deal with societal bias.
" McWhorter fears that its chief result is to make people—white people—"clam up.
"Let me speak for all white people," the host said to open the conversation.
And at times, Spencer has explicitly argued that he believes white people are superior.
Those discriminatory barriers ensure that only white people have an unencumbered shot at it.
It was like she hadn't learned the rule about wanting photos with white people.
But why is nearly every other bit on her series full of white people?
So 500 years ... 500 years ago, white people had just come to the Caribbean.
You have one Congressman talking about that more white people need to breed, etc.
The same goes for white people who share hiring responsibilities with people of color.
I don't want to see a bunch of white people singing a cappella covers.
Remember that people of color are not inherently more homophobic than white people. 42.
It found that 84% of management positions at museums were filled by white people.
Black and Hispanic women are paid less than white people for the same work.
Many of them were older white people, and some had volunteered for her campaign.
In our racially oriented American society, this change marks a demotion for white people.
It takes white language -- 'your language' -- and makes it something white people can't understand.
Like Claudia Rankine has said, we need to understand how white people imagine race.
Rates increased especially among Native Americans and Alaska Natives, and non-Hispanic white people.
White people, INCLUDING WHITE CHILDREN walk around openly brandishing REAL GUNS all the time.
Yes, it's mostly white people in the ad, as many others have pointed out.
" That's why it's really frustrating when white people creating things say, "This isn't believable.
After this display of black courage, why would it matter what white people think?
White people of all political backgrounds in America become more conservative in these experiments.
Although more defendants were granted release without bail, the change mostly helped white people.
A significant number of middle-class and wealthy white people contributed to Trump's election.
I'm the guy who, I guess, white people read to show they know something.
It's illegal for a racist to open a restaurant that serves only white people.
When I grew up, I only knew that wild animals are for white people!
It probably wouldn't have an invented rape scene, and it wouldn't absolve white people.
The same goes for all the smiling white people in their pretty folk costumes.
The black people would prevail because they were stronger and kill off white people.
Watch Next: The creator of "Dear White People" explains how he'd run his dictatorship
Not just white people, but the way that the United States is set up.
White people gathered within such spaces to have their worldview proven beyond a doubt.
"I can't believe how many white people are in Harlem now," Adam Gussow said.
Trumpism follows a historical pattern: Whenever black people make progress, white people respond forcefully.
But what happens when white people intervene to try to stop such discriminatory behavior?
But white people, who have more of everything, also have more opportunities for disguise.
Nor did renderings from his firm that depicted mostly white people enjoying those spaces.
"I had no expectations of white people at all," he writes at one point.
It was not any conversation necessarily about tragedy or how white people see us.
The problem was not with black people, he said, it was with white people.
I want to learn, so I can speak to the white people out there.
"They thought it was unfair and in some ways attacked white people," she said.
But these days, white people are also observing one another's whiteness with unfamiliar intensity.
Pharmaceutical companies, too, develop new drugs based overwhelmingly on the genomes of white people.
" — STEPHEN COLBERT "White people, you can no longer make fun of black people's names.
Tanton argued that white people needed to take action against the country's demographic changes.
Of course, it's not just white people who express their despair with extreme hopelessness.
There were always other people, white people, who helped him, too: teachers like Mrs.
That may explain why even white people periodically find themselves drawn to Mahogany cards.
Plus: advice on bosses who talk about diversity but keep on hiring white people.
A photo of The Grid's team included in the post depicts six white people.
You also say that hating white people becomes, in the end, hating black people.
Though the movie, too, but 19 of the 20 acting nominees are white people.
According to CNN exit polls 57% of white people voted for Trump in 2016.
She said that all 13 tickets initially set aside for white people were sold.
The just-below-the-surface message is this: White people made this country great.
There are plenty of white people who find such a stance unpalatable, he suggested.
She warns him to not like white people play him like a chess piece.
It was complicated, and I was just trying to fit in around white people.
STAHL: But if you just said, "White people are superior" by itself, that's okay.
We have to have enough belief in white people to tell them the truth.
White people walked past the shop, too, headed to the train or their apartments.
His teacher's comment showed him how white people could be hostile to African Americans.
He was complimentary about King and said that not all white people were devils.
"It exempts virtually all white people from the system that we're in," she said.
But, in the end, this lawsuit will benefit well-off white people the most.
"[Black Americans] are responding to low wages, but white people aren't," Spriggs told Axios.
" She also said, "If there are any good white people, I haven't met them.
The goal is to avoid this treatment becoming available only to rich, white people.
And white people still seem to be the only people in L.A. "New Beginnings"?
For him, it's not race-specific — even white people can use a white voice.
Australian Indigenous were "water people" well before white people even came to the country.
And they are coinciding with economic trends that have squeezed working-class white people.
White people will soon be a numerical minority in America: Won't things change then?
This was a group of armed white people, mostly men, taking over a facility.
In contrast, Americans by and large don't have automatic negative biases against white people.
" - Sam, 29 "I've been over this show filled with white people and needless rape.
It's dependent on whether white people want to see it as legitimate or not.
White people need to put the black interlopers in their place, literally and figuratively.
Meanwhile 82 percent of white American homicide victims were killed by other white people.
But simply saying the words "white people" is a direct attack on that illusion.
"When I stated that 'all white people are racist', I was addressing that fact that western society as a whole, is a SYSTEM rooted in white supremacy - designed to benefit, prioritize and protect white people before anyone of any other race," she said.
In The Times Magazine piece "White People Are Noticing Something New: Their Own Whiteness," Emily Bazelon explores whiteness in the Trump era: Being white in America has long been treated, at least by white people, as too familiar to be of much interest.
Others have shown that algorithms used in facial recognition return false matches at a higher rate for African-Americans than white people unless explicitly recalibrated for a black population — in which case their failure rate at finding positive matches for white people climbs.
And they're often forced to watch white people claim Black women's creativity as their own.
How do you believe white people can advocate for POC in the most authentic way?
And why, among the many different emoji representing humans, were all of them white people?
White people are also much more likely to actually get diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
Or maybe, having typically faced less adversity than minorities, white people are simply less resilient.
Uniformed police officers flanked the congregation of black and white people sitting side by side.
The "Dear White People" sneak peek comes on a day full of news from Netflix.
" One of his tweets reads: "White people like to look at photos of black people.
One test even showed that reminding white people of this trend increased support for Trump.
They (white people) can help simply by being here and using their privilege for good.
It's sort of like black history for white people, or as told by the victor.
Understand that not all Natives agree on all subjects, just as white people don't. 52.
People of color are diagnosed at two to three times the rate of white people.
And these gains weren't just with people of color but with white people as well.
Black and white people alike were using the word "honky" afterward, he said, and hugging.
He described the victims as "invaders" and accused them of seeking to replace white people.
Instead, Dear White People took a more serious route, and I thank them for it.
Some of the student bullies would say to her, 'Why you riding with white people?
Yet the report found that white people were more likely to be found with contraband.
Black people appeared to have similar odds of using low vision devices as white people.
Blacks can call white people "honky" and "cracker," but whites cannot use the N-word.
White men, because men and white people were both protected classes, while "children" are not.
Another student, Sydney Cesar, received a "most likely to blend in with white people" award.
Everything comes from culture, and every ethnicity in the world, including "white people," have culture.
Sam (Logan Browning) is still speaking her truth on her radio show, Dear White People.
That's because in Dear White People, secret societies function much like the Illuminati allegedly do.
At Yale, the society recruitment process is far more straightforward than in Dear White People.
In Dear White People, Sam and Lionel find strange, chalk-marked x's on their door.
As seen in Dear White People, the former members look out for the current members.
I was running on CPT -- which stands for jokes that white people should not make.
For one thing, this kind of selective neighborhood watch never seems to affect white people.
But white people did this often, and sometimes even made a public spectacle of it.
Black people fought alongside white people during the American Revolution -- and were still enslaved afterwards.
Bruno Mars got that Grammy because white people love him because he's not Black, period.
But among white people, partisanship divided how respondents view discrimination against racial and ethnic groups.
That's because black people are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of white people.
White nationalists share tales of crimes against white people in New York, Rotherham and Bali.
This is not about demographics like the shrinking relative numbers of white people in America.
In the darkly comedic mockumentary Reclamation, Cuthand envisions a near-idyllic planet without white people.
Donald Glover's trippy, incisive comedy is in large part built to make white people uncomfortable.
White people could keep their segregation, because Elijah advocated a black land with black laws.
Scandal is also responsible for it's equally great parody "Defamation" on Netflix's Dear White People.
Time and again, white people get chosen as the ones whose opinions and feelings matter.
"Therapy has been stereotyped as a white people thing that's expensive and silly," Jimenez says.
She also will have a recurring role on season 2 of Netflix's Dear White People.
My beloved Shameless would do well not to try to make them white people problems.
Raisa has also appeared in episodes of The Mindy Project and Netflix's Dear White People.
I know there are white people who care deeply about black people being treated unfairly.
Many white people actively denied that the Ku Klux Klan was even a real thing.
The show's supposed feminism is wishful thinking; it's a feminist fantasy for whiny white people.
"This country is a mindfuck," one character says early in Dear White People Season 22.
I don't want my child to grow up in an environment dominated by white people.
As white people make money from marijuana, black people languish in jail for smoking it.
Of course, Coulter isn't really talking about immigrants here—she's talking about non-white people.
Hopefully Dear White People helps society take one more step in the right direction here.
It seems like, after the election, white people at-large are finally apprehending that concept.
"In those days, white people stiffened at the sight of a black man," she said.
"Major's backstory is white people trying to justify the casting," Ai Yoshihara told the publication.
Life expectancy for white people has declined for the first time in our nation's history.
It's hard to know how many of those white people might be hostile toward immigrants.
A series of serene looking white people pretended to consult with doctors about their cancers.
Instead, we got... well, yet another CBS show where white people are front and center.
Most white people, and nearly as many Black folks, squirm when race matters are raised.
The whites are furious…I haven't seen white people this mad since the O.J. verdict.
If CBS wants to say, "Our target audience is white people in Middle America," fine.
She openly wondered if white people were only fit to live underground like groveling goblins.
"We had me and one other black person to about ten [white people]," he says.
But I think very few white people have learned to empathize with non-white stories.
She was a producer on 2014's Dear White People and the web series Twenties.
Yes, she knows that America still has racists who believe that white people are superior.
Implicit in this gaze is the comfort of white people, whether as participants or observers.
The white people talked and talked: local food, food desert, food justice, greening the city.
But critically, it is also an absolute disaster for the vast majority of white people.
They lacked the morality and character to exist on the same plane as white people.
U no all the white people feel like they are frail blonde gifts from God !
Most notably, just 49 percent of whites said that they lived around mostly white people.
Mistakes are inevitable, but keep going Many white people fear talking about racism and xenophobia.
Some of the stuff being taken away from white people is stuff they previously took.
" He's also a racist claiming a few years ago that "white people deserve to die.
Two: African-Americans are more likely than white people to be killed by the police.
And, to this day, people assume poor people are Black and white people are wealthy.
White people, men, and Republicans believe President Donald Trump has respect for people like them.
Am I walking in front of white people rather than behind them in the street?
Then, all of a sudden, all the white people left the neighborhood and the school.
And white people in Seattle often don't have a very easy time talking about it.
King tried to offer a distinction between nationalist and nationalism in favor of white people.
In the video, chants of "f--- Donald Trump" and "f--- white people" could be heard.
That's why a lot of the white people are afraid, and I don't blame them.
Feinstein deemed it "inexcusable" that so far his choices tilted so heavily toward white people.
Let's just get this out of the way right up top: Republicans like white people.
In 2012, you created a list of overrated white people, which, presciently, listed Donald Trump.
Is it possible to have an underrated white person, or are white people inherently overrated?
The pollsters polled too many white people, commenters might say, or too many old people.
Soon, white people who opposed desegregation came to heckle, threaten and even abuse the students.
" After Dallas, she called on "white people to understand how African-Americans feel every day.
Fifty-nine percent said Trump should do more to bring black and white people together.
He might even care more about these artists 'than some white people do,' Cole writes.
He might even care more about these artists "than some white people do," Cole writes.
Nowhere else in the US can say that, at least in terms of white people.
As Chinese people, we understood this food, just as the white people surrounding us did.
How does cultural appropriation change, if it does at all, when white people aren't involved?
Basically, media is hyper-saturated with stories about straight white people doing straight white things.
When you do that, what you essentially do is let white people off the hook.
And that's O.K. I don't think that white people should feel guilty about their privilege.
Bubble worlds just lousy with money, lousy with a lot of rich, white people. Insecure.
The term "lynching" is associated with the mob murders of black Americans by white people.
White people gawking at "racial others" is one of the basic formats of sideshow freakery.
They exist, and they are just as capable of falling in love as white people.
Non-whites don't have the luxury of overlooking the racist rhetoric of powerful white people.
When I was a kid, I refused to eat watermelon in front of white people.
Richeson and Craig are pretty sure the answer is that these white people feel threatened.
Treating Africa otherwise smacks of racism, of assuming that only white people can have history.
It's white people making themselves feel better without actually doing anything of substance, they say.
Speaking of dating white people, all of Rachel's surviving suitors, except for Eric, are white.
But more than what I could have done is what white people themselves could do.
They fear that Jews, blacks and Muslims will replace white people and eventually subordinate them.
And because it benefits you, white people, you have the primary power to crumble it.
It's important for everyone — especially white people — in this country to speak out against this.
Aph Ko got tired of hearing that eating vegan was something only white people did.
After slavery, white people convinced themselves that there were equal opportunities, which was a lie.
If you looked around the world at that time, white people dominated most of it.
He believed that African-Americans would soon rise up and begin to murder white people.
"I was always aping white culture, because most theater is about white people," he said.
People have to be made to feel uncomfortable, and especially white people, because we're comfortable.
She said she and her brothers thought that white people were coming to get them.
It's important for everyone, especially white people in this country, to speak out against this.
"Meet the rainbow coalition of YouTubers who hate white people!" read one top-voted comment.
Some 30.3% of non-Hispanic black Americans were inactive, as were 23.4% of white people.
Black people with H.I.V. tend to get worse care than white people with the disease.
"  "When she talked about white people being to blame, I mean that is so irresponsible.
" The student said in the video that white people "built modern civilization" and "did everything.
White people, by practically any measure, are still doing pretty well in this country, no?
The bad news is that it believes that victims of discrimination are mostly white people.
" — SETH MEYERS "We haven't seen white people that confused since they first tried to dab.
I didn't know anything about white people; I just knew about where I was from.
Where does he say you should sacrifice your institutions to be next to white people?
One example is facial recognition algorithms misidentifying people of color more frequently than white people.
White people in the U.S. have certain advantages because of the color of their skin.
"White people are Americans to Trump; everyone else is from somewhere else," Mr. O'Donnell said.
"White people are Americans to Trump; everyone else is from somewhere else," Mr. O'Donnell said.
"It's not black people that complain about black comics, it's white people," Mr. Simmons said.
Overcoming this hostility, DiAngelo argues, requires sustained self-reflection, humility, and vigilance from white people.
First, when the term is used against white people, Trump typically rises to their defense.
White people and white systemic structures are to blame for much of America's racial problems.
" Asked by a reporter who he meant by "we," Mr. Engeltjes said: "The white people.
We can't interrogate racial hierarchies in the church, because what if white people feel bad?
"Maybe millions of white people who are afraid to admit" their racial fears and prejudices.
"We have free speech, why can't white people say the N word?" asked one student.
Now Rowling's book is also full of dysfunctional and venal white people, particularly white men.
Black History Month must not be just about black people, but about white people, too.
Poor people and non-white people are more often than not pushed discreetly off-page.
It has become increasingly common for upper-class white people to express anti-trans views.
White people in the U.S. have certain advantages because of the color of their skin.
But in many states, as in Florida, white people moving in made up the losses.
Jeff Huxton is a "skoolplex" administrator and one of the world's few remaining white people.
When white people in the suburbs started using and dying, however, the media took notice.
Or is Zen Buddhism only good for John Cage, Gary Snyder, and other white people?
"You are going to have to work 10 times harder than white people," he said.
Eugenicists thought non-white people—and particularly those of Mexican origin—were, simply put, inferior.
"I'm not writing for white people, to inform them on black lives," he has said.
African-Americans are constantly expected to distance themselves from anyone white people view as problematic.
" He added, "God did not create a state for white people or for black people.
But we're definitely not out there to make a nice black movie for white people.
White people refused to touch Black people unless it was on their white perverse terms.
It's important to have white people stand in support of people of color on this.
The sometimes explicit corollary was that white people were the natural rulers of the globe.
I was running on CPT, which stands for jokes that white people should not make.
The majority of the Underground Railroad 'conductors' were actually freed blacks … not only white people.
Nor is it illogical, if one's goal is to maximize the influence of white people.
" He added, "When black people and white people are treated the same by the criminal justice system, it will be easier for white people and black people to live in this country and it will be easier for law enforcement to do their job.
On a MSNBC panel hosted by Chris Hayes, King responded to a comment Esquire writer Charles Pierce made about the GOP becoming the party of "old white people" by arguing that white people were responsible for almost all that is good in the world.
"Isn't the story that these people who died – apparently thousands of them in Puerto Rico, 3,000 as you point out – they're not white people, and they don't count to Donald Trump as much as the deaths of white people," Toobin said to the panel.
When I stated that all white people are racist, I was addressing the fact that Western society as a whole is a system rooted in white supremacy: It's almost always designed to benefit, prioritize, and protect white people at the expense of communities of color.
"White people" were suddenly identified as the subgroup of Americans most likely to call the police on black people over a barbecue or to complain about whether every single football player stands for the anthem — stereotypes that rang true even to other white people.
The poll also found that 59 percent of voters said that Trump does not respect people of color as much as he respects white people, while only 38 percent of voters said that he respects people of color as much as he supports white people.
How, then, are we to advise white people — because this film is about advising and satisfying white people — about the everyday structural and interpersonal violences they mete out, even when they are not actually stringing us up from the nearest real and actual tree?
A Gallup poll released in 2014 indicates the chasm between black and white people with regard to police treatment: 40 percent of black people interviewed said they have little to no confidence in the criminal justice system, compared with 30 percent of white people.
The intended audience for these ads — white people primed for such tactics — is taken for granted.
"Frank Netter, the father of medical illustration—his work is 100 percent white people," said Gregory.
Today in facepalm A festival that charged white people more for tickets than people of color?
More importantly, though, a party of white people who say the right words isn't genuinely inclusive.
What's described in these accounts is not merely a few white people getting out of control.
White people have had this place for centuries — its name is the United States of America.
Having a hearty and healthy appreciation of the natural world is important to many white people.
Trump is an embarrassment to his race, Wayans says – he's the Flava Flav of white people.
"High-strung, upper-middle-class white people are a minority population in New York," Solnit says.
It seems like the people wrapped up with visibility around their sexuality are cis white people.
Plus, often the standard of what is 'safe' is built around the sensitivities of white people.
These minority characters often end up speaking and acting just like the white people around them.
Those buildings were usually in low-income black and brown neighborhoods that straight white people avoided.
The second season of Dear White People is, once again, indecisive on the character of Sam.
One is that nonwhite people tend to support Democrats at higher rates than white people do.
White people need to wake up to this reality before white supremacy can truly be dismantled.
Having black actors in roles that have been dominated by white people changes the whole genre.
Bernie Sanders's support in the Democratic primary is, at the moment, heavily concentrated among white people.
Yet for white people wanting to move there, the sparkling vision of North Idaho remains intact.
You should kidnap Morgan Freeman, who's been emotionally propping up white people in movies for decades.
White people enslaved black people on this land before the United States was even a country.
"This is the biggest mostly-white-people march against police harassment I've ever seen," she said.
That burden being that I have to be responsible for the emotional health of white people.
The air of conspiracy hangs over nearly every minute of Netflix's Dear White People season 2.
"As a black community we can be clear that white people are our oppressor," said Willis.
It feels like Hollywood saw 'Parasite' and asked: 'Okay … but what if it was white people?'
White people are assumed to be safer, more deserving, smarter, and more capable than everyone else.
Would you say that the Republican Party has cynically exploited poor white people for political gain?
But black people aren't incarcerated at higher rates than white people because they're committing more crimes.
Jespersen said the Times also rejects housing ads that contain photographs of too many white people.
"It's got gentrified for sure, you notice much more middle-class, white people coming," he said.
Are there only certain kinds of white people who should be allowed to wear safety pins?
Acknowledging how some white people are still trash is a conversation that makes people really uncomfortable.
"  "We get told at least a few times a week we are racist against white people.
The upside to this is that white people no longer make up the majority at Facebook.
Limiting outdoors culture to a "white people thing" seemed more arbitrary and inaccurate than ever before.
But a Trump supporting website claimed New Balance should become the "official shoes of white people".

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