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15 Sentences With "which thing"

How to use which thing in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "which thing" and check conjugation/comparative form for "which thing". Mastering all the usages of "which thing" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Which thing scares you the most, right now as CEO?
What helps is that he generally knows which thing to do, when.
You'll never have to remember which remote goes with which thing again.
If you're a black woman in America, you have to choose which thing you will get.
The Big Bang gave the universe its first kick of heat, after which thing slowly cooled down.
In a Polish deli, for instance, there's local knowledge about which mustard goes best with which thing.
You take some things down, you continue things in return, you get to weigh which thing you liked.
So I think there's a certain element of needing to find which host is going to do which thing.
This election could end up answering which thing is more valuable -- a $350 million ad campaign may trump a victory in the Iowa caucuses.
And I imagine people at the dinner table this week are going to have a similar issue when they can't even decide which thing to like talk about first.
That show teaches so many things he needs to know: which thing is bigger than the other, how to spell, the importance of telling the truth and sharing, listening to others.
Like the other features in the app, you can add the titles while you're shooting or after the fact to a prerecorded video; but figuring out which thing to tap to add and remove Live Titles, add your actual voice plus text, mute your voice but keep the text, etc.
A silly housedove happed to fall amongst a flock of crows, Which fed and filled her harmless craw amongst her fatal foes. The crafty fowler drew his net – all his that he could catch – The crows lament their hellish chance, the dove repents her match. But too, too late! it was her chance the fowler did her spy, And so did take her for a crow – which thing caused her to die.
Barbara Creed's ‘Media Matrix: Sexing the New Reality’ explores the impact of media and technology on subjects such as the self, identity, sexuality and representation in the public sphere. She includes a definition of "Matrix" in the book's introduction, which she describes as a, "womb; place in which thing is developed", which closely relates to her discussion of the monstrous feminine. In the beginning of this piece, she discusses The Matrix (1999) and Strange Days (1995) in relation to the concept of ‘jacking-in’, that is the use of technology to alter reality and experience life in other people’s minds much like virtual reality. Creed argues that the development of technology in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries has allowed people to experiment with reality and time, and disassociate one’s self from their own reality, as well as challenge ideas of "fixed personal identity".
In the end, Crowley attacks his opponents as "bloudy persecuters" whose "purpose is ... to deface the glorious Gospell of Christ Jesus, which thing they shall never be able to bring to passe." A concluding prayer calls to God for the abolition of "al dregs of Poperie and superstition that presently trouble the state of thy Church." A response to Crowley that is thought to have been commissioned by and/or written by Parker, also in 1566, notes how Crowley's argument challenges the royal supremacy and was tantamount to rebellion. (The full title is A Brief Examination for the Tyme of a Certaine Declaration Lately Put in Print in the name and defence of certaine ministers in London, refusyng to weare the apparell prescribed by the lawes and orders of the Realme.) Following an opening that expresses a reluctance to respond to folly, error, ignorance, and arrogance on its own terms, A Brief Examination engages in a point-by-point refutation of Crowley, wherein Bucer, Martyr and Ridley are marshalled for support.

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