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"waterfowl" Definitions
  1. a bird that can swim and lives near water, especially a duck or goose

182 Sentences With "waterfowl"

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That's why, in 2023, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan was adopted as the blueprint for the future of waterfowl in the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
That success in waterfowl management can point the way forward.
It is also a favorite wintering spot for thousands of migratory waterfowl.
It's like the Magic School Bus, but for the inside of a waterfowl.
And their status as a waterfowl means they need insulation against the cold.
And waterfowl may be increasing in numbers due to the conservation of wetlands.
An extended trailer highlights the various ways your plucky, little waterfowl can cause trouble.
I only hope the bit about cyborg waterfowl remains in the realm of fiction.
CreditCreditNina Westervelt for The New York Times In the beginning, there were inflatable waterfowl.
Settlers cleared the nesting habitats and waterways that were home to waterfowl and other prey.
To read more about why you shouldn't feed waterfowl bread, visit the Audubon Society's website.
In addition, eagles often died of poisoning when they ate waterfowl injured by lead shot.
Adam Putnam is CEO of Ducks Unlimited, which focuses on conservation of wetlands and waterfowl.
Likewise, populations of waterfowl and raptors, alike, have increased by over 50 percent since 1970.
Its innards take the form of a gift shop filled with all things waterfowl-related.
Waterfowl from the refuge wetlands can travel a mile or more to nest in the uplands, Herman notes, and this oasis in the midst of the southern Oregon desert boasts waterfowl production to rival the world-renowned prairie potholes region of the northern Great Plains.
One way is to protect domesticated animals from the excreta of waterfowl, which can spread infection.
This critical water basin provides habitat for millions of native birds, brine shrimp, shorebirds, and waterfowl.
First off, it's tough to ignore the fact that her skirt is embellished with various waterfowl.
The Corps kept on dredging but used the material instead to create artificial marshes, benefiting waterfowl.
Congress created the stamps in the Dust Bowl year of 163 to help protect migratory waterfowl.
Still, the vast majority are purchased by the 1.1 million waterfowl hunters who must do so.
The property is landscaped with mature nut and cherry trees, along with a pond with waterfowl.
In the 1970s, government concern grew over the effects of grazing on waterfowl, trout and aquatic health.
The rescue group sees all sorts of animals outside of waterfowl, from pigs to owls to possums.
I went to Clapham Common, where I knew there was a really big pond teeming with waterfowl.
Louisiana contains some of the world's most extensive wetlands, home to a fifth of North America's waterfowl.
Healthy waterfowl populations help generate $6900 million annually from hunting and bird-watching activities in the region.
My neighbor's hedges and overgrown shrubbery are obscuring my panoramic view of this waterway and its waterfowl.
Five months from now, if anyone looks at your photos from tonight, all they'll see is waterfowl.
People come to hunt pheasants or ducks, or just to marvel at the swarms of migrating waterfowl.
The report states that over the same period waterfowl populations overall have actually increased by 56 percent.
We're glad you asked; here's the official line on each, from paramilitary masterminds to friends of flightless waterfowl.
Carolina Waterfowl Rescue caused a mild hubbub on social media this week with their request for used bras.
For example, in the Prairie Pothole Region, waterfowl populations have increased by 2202 million birds between 2628-28500.
With wetland protections and hunting regulations, waterfowl like ducks, geese and swans have restored their populations, Marra says.
Sunday • Look for waterfowl on a birding tour at the Salt Marsh Nature Center in Marine Park, Brooklyn.
Horrified, Mr. Finley did his best to publicize Malheur's remaining bounty of waterfowl, shorebirds, egrets, herons, cranes and ibises.
It captures nearly 300 waterfowl—sandhill cranes, mallards, and pintails—taking flight at once, each bird in perfect focus.
On Friday, Carolina Waterfowl Rescue went on to post a list of other items they need to help turtles.
The lake is a crucial wintering ground for migratory waterfowl, and that makes it prime hunting territory for eagles.
Unlike nearly every other avian species, waterfowl populations have thrived in recent decades as a result of this collaboration.
The United States and Canada responded with laws to protect wetlands and collaborated with Mexico to safeguard migrating waterfowl.
"Between the game birds and the waterfowl, there's plenty of stuff for them to potentially shoot at," Lund said.
Waterfowl, too, have benefited tremendously from multinational habitat restoration and careful hunting management, in part guided by the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and transformative legislation like the North American Wetlands Conservation Act that leveraged billions in funding for restoration and conservation of over 85033 million acres in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
But Halszkaraptor has a battery of characteristics more akin to modern waterfowl and other aquatic animals than to theropod dinosaurs.
In 2015, the number of breeding waterfowl dropped to 46 percent below the long-term average thanks to the drought.
The lagoon at the Civic Center in Marin is home to hundreds of waterfowl including mallard ducks and Canada geese.
Waterfowl hunters nationwide have successfully used lead free ammunition for decades ever since lead shot was phased out in 1991.
Kate Brandis, an Australian researcher, has enlisted the public to help her track elusive waterfowl as the country's wetlands disappear.
Originally posted 2200 May 19333 Waterfowl decoys are hotly sought-after collectors' items, their value continually rising since the 0003s.
Currently, Carolina Waterfowl Rescue is hoping to raise funds to move from its 11-acre site to a 50-acre farm.
As the story of the odd couple started to spread across the Internet, Carolina Waterfowl Rescue started to receive adoption requests.
The structured internal core is made out of the waterfowl feather, and the two additional chambers are composed of goose down.
A study of the ban's effectiveness several years later found that it had prevented the premature deaths of millions of waterfowl.
Australian developer House House announced on Tuesday that their antagonistic waterfowl will arrive on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on Dec.
Thanks to NAWCA and its host of more than 6,000 partners, including Ducks Unlimited, waterfowl habitat is being restored and protected.
Birds are easily stressed, and waterfowl have an inconvenient and frustrating knack for flying right into the center of a pond.
The earlier decision was based on a four-year scientific analysis concluding that the road would irreparably harm critical waterfowl habitat.
The researchers studied captive ducks of both species across two breeding seasons at the Livingston Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy in Litchfield, Connecticut, USA.
Combined with greater use of dynamic pricing, the duck curve could come to resemble a gliding seabird rather than a waddling waterfowl.
Carolina Waterfowl Rescue rescued Jack and Diane from a North Carolina farm, where the animals were seemingly abandoned by an absentee owner.
In a brilliant stroke, officials turned the stamps into miniworks of art, featuring a new rendering of a waterfowl species each year.
To this day, waterfowl and other environmental groups support keeping the rule over fears that ferrets could pose a threat to birds.
Both the raptors (hawks, eagles and falcons) and the waterfowl (ducks, geese and swans) have exhibited substantial increases in population since 1970.
A 1983 paper, "Forced Copultation in Waterfowl," by Frank McKinney, Scott R. Derrickson and Pierre Mineau, describes the process in grisly detail.
For the study, Gutiérrez-Ibáñez and his team looked at brain samples from nearly 100 birds, including chickens, songbirds, waterfowl, owls, and parrots.
In a Facebook live video, Carolina Waterfowl Rescue said the birds most likely had been disturbed from their roosting area or were migrating.
Waterfowl, gulls, and raptors were found to have caused the most damage, while deer and coyotes accounted for the most destruction on land.
And waterfowl in the Macquarie Marshes, a wildlife haven in northwest New South Wales, have been affected by a fire in their habitat.
The wandering waterfowl was spotted last month swimming among the mallards at Central Park's duck pond at the southeast corner of the park.
Sunday • Learn how to identify waterfowl at the South Beach fishing peer at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Boardwalk and Beach on Staten Island.
Marine life is dying, the seagrass that the marine life depends on is dying, and so are the waterfowl that utilize the waterways.
Part of the 3.5 million acre area includes a wetland ecosystem that serves as a habitat for moose, bison, wolverine, caribou, and waterfowl.
Tell us something good Tokyo, Japan Back in May, we told you The Carolina Waterfowl Rescue was asking folks to donate knitted bird nests.
Australians Are Mailing In Feathers to Help Find Out: Kate Brandis has enlisted the public to help her track elusive waterfowl as wetlands disappear.
Most ponds are coated in a sheen of oil that can be deadly to waterfowl, like ducks and geese, that land on its surface.
For waterfowl, the magazine is checked to make sure it can only shoot three shells rather than the five for which it was designed.
"It's an expensive endeavor but these birds are an incredible contributor to our ecosystem and eat hundreds of mosquitoes a day," Carolina Waterfowl Rescue said.
Home to about 300 lagoons and cloud forests, the park was recognized by UNESCO in 2008 because of its importance as a habitat for waterfowl.
A dog named Trigger stepped on his owner's 12-gauge shotgun during an Indiana waterfowl hunt just months later and shot her in the foot.
Reporters covering Wentz reported this past week that he and Trout, the reigning AL MVP, recently went waterfowl hunting in New Jersey, Trout's home state.
The same is true for the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, where farm bill wetlands provide more than one-third of the food energy available to waterfowl.
Researchers studying the fossilized remains of an Antarctic waterfowl called Vegavis iaai discovered within its chest the oldest known avian voice box, called a syrinx.
"I've seen it happen with waterfowl when we've had hail come through ... extremely remote areas out of the public eye," Mothershead told CNN on Friday.
Fifteen years ago, most bald eagles were winter residents, arriving inland during the January through August mating seasons, eagles follow the paths of migratory waterfowl.
The good news: The study also notes prior actions taken to protect certain species have worked, with waterfowl and raptors in particular becoming more abundant.
In terms of species who had increased, bald eagles and falcons both grew by 33 percent, while waterfowl also saw a noticeable spike in numbers.
Wetlands serve as unique and critical habitat for countless species of wildlife, including waterfowl and other migratory birds, but they also provide many other benefits.
Martin Johnson Heade, who painted the florid "Florida Sunset with Waterfowl" in 1883-1969 and rendered the swampy crepuscule aflame, came to Florida for his health.
West Creek Ranch also offers opportunities for hunting mule deer, elk, mountain lion, and bear, in addition to a large variety of small game and waterfowl.
PEOPLE reached out to Carolina Waterfowl Rescue to learn more about this unusual couple who have captivated the Internet with their sad, yet sweet and hopeful story.
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was set aside by President Theodore Roosevelt in his wisdom to protect sensitive wetlands that harbor a dazzling array of waterfowl and shorebirds.
Now the Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed making the traditional waterfowl share space on the stamps with birds that are not hunted, like herons or hawks.
It featured a new name and logo the group had decided on for the Malheur refuge, which plays host annually to a wide range of migrating waterfowl.
Paugh also estimated that the storm "killed or badly injured" 11,000 to 13,000 waterfowl and shorebirds — including some that are still alive but will not survive their injuries.
Its fans have all been won over by the quirky puzzle game's endearingly evil antihero: a cunning waterfowl that just wants to cause a ruckus for a laugh.
Connelly and colleagues have been working at a remote oil platform called "Goldeneye" (named for a waterfowl, not the Bond film) that was abandoned by Shell in 2011.
Refuge officials have claimed that this heavy winter grazing warms the soil and increases the availability of insects for shorebirds and waterfowl that stop through on their migrations.
That same week I noticed the wild rice had begun to shed its annual crop, a natural bounty timed perfectly for the mounting shorebird and waterfowl migrations. Coincidence?
If you have a fenced-in pond, they'll just need a place to retreat to at night, and this coop has ample space for up to three waterfowl.
The agency asked people to refrain from feeding ducks, geese and other waterfowl, noting that it can cause poor nutrition, overcrowding, delayed migration and the spread of diseases.
When they forage for bugs and seeds on lake bottoms, they stir up sediment, uproot plants, change water chemistry, promote algal blooms and leave little food for waterfowl.
Ducks Unlimited, a nonprofit waterfowl conservation organization whose members are primarily duck hunters, has thrown its support behind the conservation provisions in both versions of the farm bill.
Former NRA president David Keene had suggested months earlier that Cors invite the ambassador to the "Grand National Waterfowl Hunt" in Maryland, a suggestion Cors responded to enthusiastically.
Its simplicity is so admirable that it's hard not to ponder why someone hasn't attempted a game in which a shit-stirring waterfowl does rude stuff before now.
The insulation is 100% recycled PrimaLoft, which is an almost biodegradable material that isn't quite as warm as waterfowl down, but it's rated for 10 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
Halszkaraptor's hips and legs were also oriented more forward, shifting the center of gravity forward and giving it an independently evolved waterfowl-like posture: erect and prone to waddling.
A rescue donkey named Jack and his best feathered friend, Diane the emu, have found a forever home with a celebrity owner thanks to Carolina Waterfowl Rescue's hard work.
Once used for salt harvesting, the 3803,000-acre Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge now supports a mosaic of restored tidal marshes and salt ponds managed for waterfowl and shorebirds.
These small streams and wetlands all over the country provide ecosystems services critical to both people and wildlife for drinking water, flood prevention, waterfowl nesting grounds and fish nurseries.
Last week, waterfowl in Carr Park were recovering from apparent drug overdoses after hundreds of heart-medication, antidepressant, anti-anxiety and insomnia pills were found dumped inside the park.
Many bird-watchers bought them because the marshes and waterways saved for waterfowl also provide crucial habitat for migrating songbirds and shorebirds, not to mention resident frogs and otters.
It represents the oldest-known anatomically modern bird, sharing skull traits with today's landfowl like chickens, turkeys, quail and pheasants as well as waterfowl like ducks, geese and swans.
The new people have come, the usurpers, with their private jets and home theaters and tank-like hybrid cars, scaring the waterfowl and scattering the discreet and peaceful ease.
"Duck hunters have been leaders in investing in the National Wildlife Refuge System, so the expanded hunting access is well-deserved," John Devney of Delta Waterfowl said in a statement.
Avian influenza (H7N7323) is a type of influenza A that comes from waterfowl and domestic poultry, where it can spread silently because it causes no symptoms or illness in birds.
Carolina Waterfowl Rescue, an animal rescue group based out of Charlotte, North Carolina, raised a stir online after putting out a request on social media this week for discarded bras.
"They have a very nice paddock with lots of green grass," Jennifer Gordon, executive director of Carolina Waterfowl Rescue, told PEOPLE of Morgan's farm the animals have been relocated to.
North America's largest waterfowl, the trumpeter was nearly extinct in Canada and the lower 48 states for the better part of a century — brought down by the shotguns of Europeans.
In the flood-prone Houston area, federal permits will not be required to develop coastal and prairie wetlands that absorb excess rainwater and provide habitat for migrating songbirds and waterfowl.
Our rivers, lakes, marshes, mangroves and peatlands are home to countless species that can survive nowhere else -- from beavers and freshwater turtles to waterfowl and thousands of kinds of fish.
Our investments have paid off: Populations of waterfowl and other waterbirds have increased, and the wetlands protected along the way now keep our drinking water clean and reduce flood risk.
The head was perched on an unusually long, flexible, swan-like neck, which had features in the vertebrae only previously seen in waterfowl and some species of aquatic, long-necked turtles.
It also hosts enormous numbers of waterfowl and shorebirds—migratory and resident alike—many of which feed on one of the lake's more famous phenomena: vast, black clouds of alkali flies.
All around, marshy dikes and shallow streams swarmed with naked-necked turkey vultures and meticulous long-legged waterfowl, and the vegetation seemed as likely to harbor grazing dinosaurs as rocket scientists.
In 2014, the Alberta regulator cleared several oil sands operators of responsibility for the deaths of 196 waterfowl that landed on their tailings ponds, saying poor weather forced the birds down.
The announcement from Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) deputy director Greg Sheehan said the rollback is to benefit land specifically purchased to become refuges to help waterfowl and migratory bird species.
The announcement from Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) deputy director Greg Sheehan said the rollback is to benefit land specifically purchased to become refuges to help waterfowl and migratory bird species.
"We are pleased the USFWS reversed this decision and restored this essential tool for waterfowl and wildlife management to our National Wildlife Refuges," the groups wrote in a joint statement Friday.
"The affected site is close to a small dam where there are a number of different migratory waterfowl, which are tentatively suspected to be (the) source of infection," the report said.
Today, NASA notes, the lake's water is three to five times saltier than the ocean's, creating a rich ecosystem that sustains brine shrimp, millions of migratory birds, waterfowl hunting, and so on.
Sadly, the bill eliminates oil and gas companies' responsibility for covering oil waste pools, which trap and drown birds, or for insulating power lines that electrocute owls, hawks, waterfowl, songbirds, and others.
In an interview with WBTV, Keevan Freitas of the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue, explained that they use glue, tape, wire and bra clasps to help bind together broken parts of a turtle's shell.
The Big Lake Wildlife Management Area is a nesting area for dozens of species of ducks, Canada geese, double-crested cormorants, shorebirds, gulls, pelicans and other waterfowl, according to the state's FWP.
According to the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue ... 310 birds total were found at the scene -- with 97 dead on arrival and another nine needing to be euthanized once they got to the shelter.
It seems inevitable that waterfowl would choose to roost on the modified houseboat — a floating, plant-covered ecosystem meant as an educational space to reflect on and experiment with self-sufficient living.
The Alberta Energy Regulator said the animals, waterfowl and songbirds, were found at the Fort Hills oil sands mine jointly owned by Suncor, France's Total SA and Canadian mining company Teck Resources Ltd.
Launched in the spring of 2013, Goose Watch lets students submit the locations of various nests around campus and find travel routes least likely to result in an altercation with a ruffled waterfowl.
Westchester Creek, BronxCreditCredit New York likes to think of itself as a city of skyscrapers and mighty avenues, but at another level it's really just a sloshing ground for muskrats and local waterfowl.
It was a natural job for him, since from childhood he had been taught to notice bear-scrapes on bark, deer prints in mud, the habits of waterfowl and the distant suggestions of dust.
Essentially a national license for hunting migratory waterfowl, the stamp — now costing $25 and each year featuring a different painting of a duck, goose or swan — must be affixed to every hunter's state permit.
The vast majority of hunted species — such as waterfowl, upland birds, mourning doves, squirrels and raccoons — provide minimal sustenance and do not require population control, according to the Humane Society of the United States.
A fun crack theory is that it's with Howard the Duck, a drunk, talking waterfowl positioned close enough to The Collector, who has been known to possess more than one Infinity Stone at a time.
As the two images below from 2011 and 2016 show, water levels at Farmington Bay have plummeted, exposing three-fourths of the lakebed and threatening a key waterfowl habitat: Suffice to say, that's not good.
The darling animals were recently rescued from a farm in Kershaw, South Carolina, after they were seemingly abandoned there by an absentee owner, and have been transported to Carolina Waterfowl Sanctuary in Indian Trail, North Carolina.
In the United States, they've become breeding grounds for E. coli; in China, poultry farms have grown so large they've created many opportunities for interactions with wild waterfowl, which can lead to new strains of the flu.
Carolina Waterfowl Rescue drove the animals up to New York in a borrowed horse trailer — since their trailer was damaged during evacuations for Hurricane Florence — and dropped them off to enjoy a life of luxury and love.
In the Great Plains, the E.P.A. will no longer conserve freshwater marshes known as prairie potholes that fill with water in the spring and provide critical, timely habitat for more than half of North America's migratory waterfowl.
The remarkable recovery of waterfowl has been made possible by hunters, conservationists, bird watchers, farmers, ranchers, private landowners and many others whose investments, combined with federal funding through NAWCA, have provided billions for wetland protection and restoration.
Five minutes of link-clicking on The Free Encyclopedia can take you from Polydactyly to Mao Tse-Tung to mangoes to urine, for example, or from "skateboarding dog" to "skateboarding duck" to "individual waterfowl" to Maria the Goose.
He doesn't doubt that without the dual-officers, owners will take advantage of the opportunity to break their easements and drain the wetlands, which could lead to negative environmental impacts for waterfowl and migratory birds that breed there.
What each Luxe pillow feels likeLuxe Pillow, Down and Feather, from $129This is the company's most premium pillow, made from certified sustainably-sourced white goose down and small-game waterfowl feather, and housed inside the breathable cotton casing.
The administration's potential gutting of the so-called Waters of the U.S. regulations would remove federal protection for half of many states' wetlands, which are vital for the propagation of waterfowl so many American hunters love to pursue.
Even though waterfowl hunters switched to non-toxic ammunition decades ago, and even though lead poisons people and wildlife alike, and even though there are non-toxic alternatives, this legislation would forever preclude the government from taking action.
And it has not hurt that a historically pro-hunting Congress has been happy to invest our nation's wealth in "hook and bullet" activities on behalf of waterfowl — hunters indeed need abundant birds to have a successful hunt.
The Carolina Waterfowl Rescue in Indian Trail, North Carolina, recently asked its Facebook followers to put together some knitted or crocheted nests to accommodate the more than 3,000 (!!!) orphaned and endangered baby birds that will come through their doors this year.
A word that not only means a waterfowl or to crouch down to avoid something but which has been intrinsic to the branding of its non-tracking rival, DuckDuckGo, since that company was founded all the way back in 2008.
The move was applauded by groups that support hunting, including the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation and Delta Waterfowl, which said it provided the Fish and Wildlife Service with a list of refuges where it believed hunting could be opened or expanded.
Novel avian influenza viruses are mongrels, born when the influenza viruses that live harmlessly inside the bodies of wild ducks, geese and other waterfowl mix with those of domesticated animals like the ones at Jiangfeng, especially poultry but also pigs.
From December 2014 to last June, more than 48 million domesticated poultry in 21 states were slaughtered, the majority in waterfowl-rich Minnesota and Iowa, in what the Department of Agriculture called the worst animal disease epidemic in United States history.
A mandarin duck , an intricately colored waterfowl native to East Asia, has taken up residence alongside the mallards in the Central Park Pond, drawing crowds and inspiring memes, dog costumes, and a Twitter account (bio: "I'm not from around here").
Fine Arts & Exhibits In Alexis Rockman's large mural "Spheres of Influence," it's hard to turn away from the dead waterfowl floating belly up, its head hanging underwater near a depiction of type E botulism, which has poisoned thousands of water birds.
Using primary-source documents, cultural artifacts and quizlike questions for his young audience members, Ground will debunk some Thanksgiving myths, including what was on the 17th-century menu: most likely venison, brought by the Wampanoag, and perhaps waterfowl, rather than turkey.
I realize that we're animals and so driven by a variety of instincts we can't always intellectually understand, but I also think it's dumb to say things like "swans are monogamous," as if we're somehow failing as a species by not imitating waterfowl.
Waterfowl came a few years later, after Mr. Truong became the executive chef at Kybecca, in Fredericksburg, a city of about 28,000 that serves both as a tourist town for history buffs and a commuter town for people working in Quantico or Arlington.
Yes, but archaeologist Gary Haynes, who wasn't involved in the study, isn't convinced, "There is still a possibility the interior route was open to recolonizing animals, pioneering humans, and migrating waterfowl early enough to account for the first human presence in the Americas," he says.
"They blame the carp for the decline of waterfowl production, which is now only 10 percent of the original production," notes Herman, referring to the invasion of non-native carp that now stirs up silt in local waterways, affecting the growth of aquatic plants.
With each spill — scores of them over the past three decades, residents say — fishermen have been forced to suspend their work as plumes of contaminants turned the water's surface into a shimmering toxic kaleidoscope, poisoned fish and waterfowl, killed mangroves and soiled the town's beaches.
The Carolina Waterfowl Rescue said on Facebook that of the more than 300 birds admitted, 97 were dead on arrival, nine had to be euthanized, 103 were injured and needed further treatment and an additional 107 were "stunned" from their collision with the building.
America has led the world in conserving large mammals and waterfowl, such as whitetail deer, pronghorn, elk, bighorn sheep, wild turkeys, mallards, wood ducks and a range of sportfish, as a result of the contributions of sportsmen and women through the payment of excise taxes and licenses.
His collection of supremely terrible suits—monstrosities in shades of nitrate-y meat and hallucinogenic wallpaper and disco waterfowl, without one ever being repeated—marked him as a clown, but everything else suggested that he was an admirable man in a public but mostly unimportant job.
In addition to acreage to camp, mountain bike and fish, according to the listing by Kerry Endsley of LIV Sotheby's International Realty, there are also "dinosaur fossils" and "Native American rock art" on the land, as well as wildlife including mule, deer, elk, mountain lion, bear and waterfowl.
An investigation by the State Department of Environmental Conservation found the deaths were caused by aspergillosis, a fungal disease that can infect the lungs and air sacs of waterfowl when they eat moldy grain, such as bread or livestock feed, or agricultural waste, the agency said on Thursday.
This Sunday children can create snow globes or make paper lily pads for origami frogs; cuddle waterfowl in a stuffed-animal menagerie; explore water-themed books at a pond made of pillows; and accompany their families on nature walks to investigate all the creatures that don't spend the season snoozing.
Nevertheless, Tippet Rise combines sustainable ranching, sustainable architecture, and landscape design, all of which is made possible by a conservation easement that restricts new construction on the site, protecting the habitats of deer, trout, and waterfowl at a moment when developers are eyeing ecologically and historically significant sites across the state.
We understand the impact not just because the three of us have spent decades working to protect fish and wildlife, and not just because our organizations have an intimate understanding of the significance of the now-jeopardized headwater streams and wetlands that are so critical to healthy wildlife, waterfowl and wild trout.
Once hunting was banned and hawk watching became a popular sub-field of birdwatching, the raptors have shown strong and steady increases, especially noticeable at important migration passage sites such as Hawk Mountain, Pa., and Cape May, N.J. The waterfowl dropped to historic lows because of unconstrained market hunting in the early 1900s.
The package is definitely selling itself on nostalgia—with very 90s wrapping on everything, six beloved NES games based on beloved TV series that ran in that hallowed Disney Afternoon block, cartoons about heroic waterfowl and forest critters who solved crimes, went on adventures, had cool friends, and instilled Disney-approved values in young'ns.
Primary-school children are taught the song "Dokdo is our land", which celebrates the fauna of the islands and surrounding waters ("squid, beka squid, cod, pollock, tortoise, salmon egg, waterfowl egg") and reminds them that Dokdo was mentioned "in the third line on page 50 in the geography records of King Sejong", a 15th-century ruler.
It's easy to mock these people as they're owned repeatedly by waterfowl, but a first-person point of view look at an attack makes me think twice about messing with the swans myself: PSA: Swans are generally not fond of large mammals like humans in their territory, and will not hesitate to fuck your shit up.
Given that he is a skilled outdoorsman and a member of the National Rifle Association who owns dozens of firearms, among them a Benelli Super Black Eagle II (for hunting waterfowl) and an AR-platform semiautomatic rifle (for marksmanship competitions), Mr. Trump also connects with heartland voters in a way that his more refined sister Ivanka may not.

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