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1000 Sentences With "watercourses"

How to use watercourses in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "watercourses" and check conjugation/comparative form for "watercourses". Mastering all the usages of "watercourses" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Today it's a weed-choked wasteland of crumbling rides and drained watercourses.
A lot of these drugs pass into the soil and watercourses, where they further encourage resistance.
She contracted the Skill Mill to build sandbag walls and keep watercourses clear to prevent flooding.
This pollutes watercourses and fills lakes with algal blooms, despite new requirements to fence streams off from livestock.
"The main reasons are poor water levels on all watercourses, not only in Serbia, but elsewhere throughout the region," it said.
Variations in the chemical composition of the earth reveal the ghost shadows of ancient walls and citadels, watercourses and planting fields.
Both sides also discussed reinstating a joint military commission and forming a combined team to survey watercourses in the Han River their commercial ships could share.
"Such associations and committees have been very helpful in some other areas of the country in managing watercourses and collecting water charges from users," Goraya said.
"We will not mine under water supply reservoirs, named watercourses and key stream features," it said, adding the project would sustain 400 jobs and add 100 more.
Scott Pruitt, President Trump's man at the Environmental Protection Agency, added the detail -- promising to repeal regulations protecting US watercourses from pollution and reduce power plant emissions.
With Jan Noirot, a guide for one of those outfits, Four Corners Adventures, we explored watercourses, miles across or sometimes shoulder tight, that have riven the broad mesas.
Tolkien paints watercourses effectively, and mountains even more impressively, but he's hopeless at depicting human beings, only a little better at animals, and utterly unable to convey action.
As well as cutting reoffending rates, and consequently contributing to the safety of communities, much of its work benefits the environment - keeping watercourses clear combats flood risks, for example.
Transported far from their native habitats to the arid deserts and rugged mountains of the West, they concentrate along watercourses, wiping out streamside vegetation and degrading water quality and fish habitat.
Accounts of early colonists marveling at the contrast between these unadulterated runs and the long-impoverished watercourses of their European homelands speak of abundances that would be difficult to imagine today.
The deed of that sale described the 120-acre property as "containing a house, an outhouse, farmland, orchards, gardens, woodlands, meadows, pastures, watercourses, and fishing and fowling easements," AKRF stated in the report.
Sites close to watercourses have always been prized, and in calculating where to build their homes, people have necessarily weighed the risks of flood damage against the advantages of being close to a river.
Historical texts show that a "kissing bridge" crossed it around 50th Street, and the name of the waterway appears to have been De Voor's Mill Stream, said Steve Duncan, who has explored and documented the city's watercourses, past and present.
Retrieved 25 August 2013. This implies that a residual responsibility to maintain ordinary watercourses, and to report any issues with them to lead local flood authorities, (county councils or unitary authorities) rests in tort with riparian owners, that is owners of land adjoining such watercourses. Such watercourses were historically defined as non-navigable watercourses however their designation has changed to those watercourses not included on a 'main rivers map' and whose bed is not owned by an authority.
Bach is located in the upper Lech Valley, four watercourses flow through the municipality, two major watercourses, these are the river Lech (Tyrolean Lech Nature Park) and the Alperschonbach and two smaller watercourses: the Modertalbach and the Sulzlbach. The sea level is 1070 meters.
This species is usually found along watercourses running through maquis shrublands.
Locations are as gazetted; obviously some watercourses may extend over long distances.
Many of the smaller streams and watercourses are completely dry in summer.
Locations are as gazetted; obviously some watercourses may extend over long distances.
Locations are as gazetted; obviously some watercourses may extend over long distances.
Locations are as gazetted; obviously some watercourses may extend over long distances.
Locations are as gazetted; obviously some watercourses may extend over long distances.
Locations are as gazetted; obviously some watercourses may extend over long distances.
Locations are as gazetted; obviously some watercourses may extend over long distances.
Locations are as gazetted; obviously some watercourses may extend over long distances.
Locations are as gazetted; obviously some watercourses may extend over long distances.
The Sheldrake River and east branch have been classified by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as Class C. According to this state water quality classification, Class C watercourses should be suitable for fishing and fish propagation and discharges to these watercourses must meet standards that enable those uses. Class C watercourses also are suitable for primary and secondary contact recreation even though other factors may limit the use for that purpose. Water quality standards for Class C watercourses include limitations on fecal coliform, pH, total dissolved solids, and dissolved oxygen.
300px The area is characterized by numerous karst features as ponors, underground and intermittent watercourses so there are only a few major permanent surface watercourses. On the Livno Field permanent waterways are rivers Bistrica, Sturba and Žabljak. The entire field drains to the Cetina and through it belongs to the Adriatic basin. On the Kupres Fields two major watercourses are formed belonging to different drainage basins.
The Faux and the Eps are the only principal watercourses joining the Ternoise.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Edward River, NSW The species can be found along the banks of watercourses, as well as the floodplains of those watercourses. Due to the proximity to these watercourses, river red gum is subject to regular flooding in its natural habitat. River red gum prefers soils with clay content. The trees not only rely on rainfall but also on regular flooding, since flooding recharges the sub-soil with water.
Melaleuca montis-zamia occurs in the Springsure district. It grows in scrub near watercourses.
The common habitats of this butterfly are open spaces, gardens, glades, seashores, and watercourses.
Andrews reported many iguanas near the watercourses and the occasional snake.Andrews 1976, 1986, p.29.
The East Stream and West Creek are two watercourses that run through the Marshlands Conservancy.
This melaleuca occurs in higher areas of central Queensland in woodland and forest near watercourses.
It can also occur in scrub along watercourses in association with river she-oak (Casuarina cunninghamiana).
The second bridge spanned the Douve, the deepest obstacle, while the other three bridged minor watercourses.
The abundant watercourses form waterfalls, natural pools, rapids, sinkholes, canyons and fluvial beaches with white sands.
This is part of a list of watercourses in Western Australia. It includes all rivers, streams, brooks, creeks, gullies, anabranches, backwaters, and any other watercourses with a gazetted name, in Western Australia. This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia.Gazetteer of Australia (1996).
This is part of a list of watercourses in Western Australia. It includes all rivers, streams, brooks, creeks, gullies, anabranches, backwaters, and any other watercourses with a gazetted name, in Western Australia. This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia.Gazetteer of Australia (1996).
This is part of a list of watercourses in Western Australia. It includes all rivers, streams, brooks, creeks, gullies, anabranches, backwaters, and any other watercourses with a gazetted name, in Western Australia. This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia.Gazetteer of Australia (1996).
This is part of a list of watercourses in Western Australia. It includes all rivers, streams, brooks, creeks, gullies, anabranches, backwaters, and any other watercourses with a gazetted name, in Western Australia. This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia.Gazetteer of Australia (1996).
This is part of a list of watercourses in Western Australia. It includes all rivers, streams, brooks, creeks, gullies, anabranches, backwaters, and any other watercourses with a gazetted name, in Western Australia. This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia.Gazetteer of Australia (1996).
This is part of a list of watercourses in Western Australia. It includes all rivers, streams, brooks, creeks, gullies, anabranches, backwaters, and any other watercourses with a gazetted name, in Western Australia. This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia.Gazetteer of Australia (1996).
This is part of a list of watercourses in Western Australia. It includes all rivers, streams, brooks, creeks, gullies, anabranches, backwaters, and any other watercourses with a gazetted name, in Western Australia. This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia.Gazetteer of Australia (1996).
This is part of a list of watercourses in Western Australia. It includes all rivers, streams, brooks, creeks, gullies, anabranches, backwaters, and any other watercourses with a gazetted name, in Western Australia. This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia.Gazetteer of Australia (1996).
This is part of a list of watercourses in Western Australia. It includes all rivers, streams, brooks, creeks, gullies, anabranches, backwaters, and any other watercourses with a gazetted name, in Western Australia. This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia.Gazetteer of Australia (1996).
The drainage basin is a mildly inclined plain of alluvial formation to the north and along the sides of the lagoon which drains the watercourses coming from the Dolomites range of the Alps or from outcrop springs in the plain.Outcrop pf spring water into the lagoon and the nearby sea coasts. The gronda lagunare receives the waters of these watercourses and the sediments they carry. It has areas of freshwater wetlands near the mouths of these watercourses.
The second bridge spanned the Douve itself, the deepest obstacle, while the other three bridged minor watercourses.
Chartres River is one of the two largest watercourses on West Falkland, along with the Warrah River.
Gun Creek is the name of several watercourses and associated placenames in Canada and the United States.
Jakkalskuil community source water direct from one of the main watercourses Mogalakwena River, in Limpopo, South Africa.
The town is located in the basin of the Charente but it has no watercourses or lakes.
7785, San Mateo, Ca., Feb., 1989 Surface watercourses in this unit include Arroyo Valle and Arroyo Seco.
McCaffrey, "Chapter 2: The UN Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses", 21.
Most of the Scottish islands are too small to maintain watercourses of any great length or size, and are frequently indented by numerous long bays and inlets which further break up the landscape. However a disproportionate number of their watercourses bear the name 'river', though many are relatively tiny.
Galerucella lineola can be found along the banks of watercourses, ponds and lakes, from lowlands up to foothills.
The other main watercourses are the Basingstoke Canal, the Kennet & Avon Canal, the Wey, Whitewater, Pang and Mole.
Watercourses that are intermittent and irregular are locally referred to as 'gypsey springs'. They are found all over the Yorkshire Wolds. The Gypsey Race which passes through the Great Wold Valley is the best known of these watercourses. It is a chalk stream which supports large stands of bur-reed.
It occurs near watercourses or bogs in alpine or sub-alpine wet heathland in Victoria and New South Wales.
This asterolasia is only found in the Warrumbungle Ranges where it mainly grows along watercourses in forest and woodland.
On reaching the Swan Coastal Plain, they encounter two obstacles: firstly, the high permeability of the soil results in the loss of much water. Much flow is lost, and some watercourses simply cease to flow, for example, Wungong Brook, Cardup Brook, and Manjedal Brook. Secondly, the sequence of north-to-south-oriented dunes create obstacles to further westerly flow. Many watercourses turn at right angles and flow south or north along the dune swales, and in some cases this allows multiple watercourses to coalesce.
The left tributary of the river is Pabianka, in addition to several smaller watercourses on both sides of the river.
The Cayadutta Creek, or some similarly located stream, was one of the ancient watercourses which drained the southern Adirondack slopes.
P. subcoriacea occurs in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay in forests and along watercourses up to 1800 m of elevation.
It grows on limestone and sandy or clayey soils, and is found in dry watercourses, claypans, salty depressions and limestone ridges.
They hibernate as adults, often in small congregations. Adults have been known to mate in low-elevation watercourses in arid regions.
These watercourses (rivers, creeks, sloughs, etc.) in the San Francisco Bay Area are grouped according to the bodies of water they flow into. Tributaries are listed under the watercourses they feed, sorted by the elevation of the confluence so that tributaries entering nearest the sea appear first. Numbers in parentheses are Geographic Names Information System feature ids.
Newton village centre (war memorial) is 160 metres above mean sea level, rising north-eastwards to 204 metres at the top of Newtonwood Lane (Whiteborough Hill) and dropping south-westwards to 144 metres at South Street. Newton is drained by small watercourses on both the east and west sides. Both watercourses eventually reach the River Amber at Oakerthorpe.
The Sint Anthonisloop, a channeled side branch of the Lage Raam, runs through the center of the village. The Lage Raam flows south of the village. These watercourses take care of the drainage of the former trout areas, all of which are mined to the agricultural area on a few strips of trees along the watercourses.
This mintbush grows along watercourses in the Carnarvon, Gascoyne, Little Sandy Desert, Murchison, Pilbara and Yalgoo biogeographic regions of inland Western Australia.
Scarp white gum grows near the edges of the sandstone plateau, often near watercourses, in Kakadu National Park and western Arnhem Land.
This tea tree grows in woodland, among rocks and near watercourses in inland Queensland, from the White Mountains National Park to near Millmerran.
Camden woollybutt grows in open forest on flats and near watercourses on the Central and Southern Tablelands between the Blue Mountains and Goulburn.
Melaleuca gnidioides is found in the south of Grande Terre where it grows in maquis near watercourses and in hollows in ultramafic soils.
Adults often fly rapidly along watercourses, and have been recorded all months excluding March. The mitochondrial genome for A. ada has been sequenced.
Watercourses (sais), some of which turn into rivers, flow down almost from all mountain ranges. The main watercourses in the district are tributaries of the Chirchiq River. The largest of them are the Beldersay, the Pskem, the Ugam, the Koksu, and the Chimgansai. The Chatkal River also flows through the district, though it is sometimes considered to be a fork of the Chirchiq.
S. odoratus turtle is found in a variety of wetland habitats and littoral zones, particularly shallow watercourses with a slow current and muddy bottom.
The Mogalakwena River () is one of the main watercourses in Limpopo Province, South Africa. It is also a major tributary of the Limpopo River.
Many sections of the other rivers have been canalised and / or have bunds on either bank to prevent the watercourses flooding into their flood plains.
Durikai mallee grows in or near temporary watercourses as a component of open forest and is only known from Herries Range south-west of Warwick.
There are no rivers passing very close to the site due to the local topography, with those watercourses to the south of the city draining toward lake Camalote some to the south. The Mopan and Salsipuedes rivers flow to the east of the lake, and the La Blanca lake is situated further south. The watercourses to the north of the ruins flow northward towards Laguna Yaxhá.
Critical Ordinary Watercourses (COWs) are a subdivision of ordinary watercourses, certain anti-flooding responsibility for which was assumed by the Environment Agency. They were created following Defra's Flood and Coastal Defence Funding Review published in February 2003. The transfer to EA of approximately 1,800 watercourses has now been completed in three phases (1 November 2004, 1 April 2005, and 1 April 2006). In some cases the EA has assigned their requisite day-to-day operational work to internal drainage boards and local authorities and in many cases the EA reassigned this to one or both types of these organisations, having previously taken on such work before the designation of the COW.
Those few watercourses (mainly in the Thames catchment) which branch off a major channel and then rejoin it or another watercourse further downstream are known as distributaries or anabranches and are labelled (d). The list is (or at least will be when completed) essentially a list of the main rivers of England (as defined by the Environment Agency) and which includes those named watercourses for which the Environment Agency has a flood defence function. Difficulties arise otherwise in determining what should and what should not be included. Some minor watercourses are included in the list, especially if they are named as 'river'- such examples may be labelled (m).
Other, smaller watercourses, are the Giesbach and the Zellerbach. The Pliensbachian age of the Early Jurassic is named after the hamlet of Pliensbach in the municipality.
Its primary inlet is Snow Creek at the south end of the bay, and other small watercourses feed the bay on its east and west sides.
Occurrences throughout the rest of the continent, New Guinea and Timor are largely restricted to coastal regions, watercourses and other locales with more reliable water supplies.
Tall boronia grows in sandy soils along watercourses and near swamps between Gingin and Albany in the Jarrah Forest, Swan Coastal Plain and Warren biogeographic regions.
This eremophila occurs from central Queensland south to near Yowah and Thylungra, usually growing in Acacia woodland in skeletal soil in rocky places or along watercourses.
The mocking cliff chat inhabits rocky and boulder strewn areas, well-wooded rocky ravines, cliffs, gullies, boulder-strewn hillsides and watercourses in valley bottoms with scattered rocks.
Red-billed spurfowls prefer bush along watercourses and Orange River francolins can be found on the slopes leading up to the rocky outcrops occupied by Hartlaub's spurfowl.
The plant grows on rocky grounds at the edge of watercourses and on their damp banks. It flowers from July to January, fruiting from July to March.
It is found in moist habitats (swamps, temporary watercourses, permanent ponds). It breeds in temporary bodies of water. Eggs are laid in water where the tadpoles develop.
This melaleuca occurs in and between the Kalbarri and Albany districts. It grows in sandy or clay soils, sometimes with limestone, near watercourses, in swamps and saltmarshes.
Flooding was caused by the floodwater overtopping the banks of the Cadoxton River among others and ordinary watercourses, restrictions to flow in channels and surcharging of drains.
The Encontro das Águas State Park () is a state park in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. It covers an area of the pantanal rich in watercourses.
Carpenter's anole prefers relatively open habitat in the lowland interface between land and watercourses, and is adapted for climbing on lichen-covered rocks, tree trunks, and shrubs.
There are at least four such watercourses, including the multi-branched water sometimes called the "Grace Park Stream", another sometimes "Middle Arch Stream" and the Marino Stream.
A major feature of this eastern section is the long and broad Nugaal Valley, with its extensive network of intermittent seasonal watercourses. The Nugaal river enters the Somali Sea at Eyl. The eastern area's population consists mainly of pastoral nomads eking a living in a zone of low and erratic rainfall. The western part of the Ogo plateau region is crossed by numerous shallow valleys and dry watercourses.
This melaleuca occurs from the south east corner of South Australia including the Eyre Peninsula to western Victoria. It is found in mallee scrubs and low open woodland in the northern Grampians, the Big Desert, the Little Desert, and the Mount Lofty Ranges. Within these areas it is found in sandy depressions and near watercourses in soils that are seasonally moist. It grows in shrubland and forest near swamps and watercourses.
This melaleuca is widespread in the south-west of Western Australia. It grows in sandy or clayey soils near watercourses, winter-wet depressions, rocky coastal areas and flats.
These watercourses are usually confined between steep bedrock walls and are characterized by a gravelly beds, anastomosing channels and wetlands which are used to keep llamas and sheep.
It grows in seasonally wet areas, swamps, and fringing watercourses from Nannup to Albany. It flowers in spring and early summer in a greyish head of multiple spikelets.
The crab orchid usually grows on trees in rainforest, often on branches overhanging watercourses. It occurs between the McIlwraith Range and the Johnstone River in Far North Queensland.
Myoporum caprarioides occurs along the coast of Western Australia from Dongara to Busselton, often in tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala) forest but also along watercourses and in winter-wet areas.
Other watercourses in the area include the Creosote Stream, which passes through the railworks, and comes to the Liffey at the western end of the War Memorial Gardens.
Three main watercourses are flowing through the community, the river Diège (The town sometimes is called Ussel-sur-Diège), the river Sarsonne and the stream of Étang Roux.
Smooth teatree grows in swampy areas and on the edge of watercourses in east Gippsland, from near Cape Conran to near Mallacoota, with a disjunct population near Buchan.
It inhabits streams and other watercourses characterised by a mineral-deficient and acidic chemistry, featuring dissolved humic acids. Among tropical Asian watercourses, this chemistry typically arises as a consequence of those waters flowing through peat swamp forests. The waterlogged soils of these forests inhibit the complete decay of leaf litter, and result in the formation of peat, which leaches humic acids and related compounds into the watercourses flowing through these forests. Because the water chemistry of the fish's natural habitat is similar to that of an entirely different habitat on another continent, namely the blackwater rivers of South America, the species is environmentally compatible in an aquarium with fishes from those habitats (see Aquarium Maintenance below).
In the west the sandy deserts along most of the Iranian frontier have no watercourses. However, in the northwest, the Hari and Morghab Rivers flow into Turkmenistan's Karakum Desert.
Melaleuca sabrina occurs in and between the Stanthorpe district in Queensland and Tenterfield in New South Wales where it grows along the banks of watercourses and between granite boulders.
This melaleuca occurs in and between the Eneabba, Three Springs and Yalgoo districts. It is found on sandy silt soils in depressions, watercourses and the margins of salt lakes.
The weebill is widespread in all climates, although localised to watercourses in arid zones. They are somewhat gregarious with other small insectivorous passerines, such as thornbills, silvereyes, and pardalotes.
The mountain ash is most suited to deep friable clay loam soils, often of volcanic origin; in areas of poorer soils, it can be confined to watercourses and valleys.
Pink boronia grows in stony and sandy soils on rock outcrops, in gullies and along watercourses in the Esperance Plains biogeographic region, especially in the Stirling and Porongorup Ranges.
Melaleuca ferruginea occurs near the coast of the Top End of the Northern Territory usually in places that are regularly flooded such as the margins of billabongs and watercourses.
All of the watercourses have the special characteristics of a plain region: short water courses with little permanent flow, irregular routes, and broad flood valleys. The layout of the watercourses defines flood-prone areas, where flooding of the following tributary areas often occurs. The Maldonado (covering 5,050 hectares in Buenos Aires), Medrano, (covering 2,050 ha in Buenos Aires and 4,600 in total); White-Vega (covering 1,777 ha); and Cildáñez are important basins covering Buneos Aires.
Spiny mintbush occurs in the Grampians in rocky locations on shallow, sandy soils. In South Australia it is found growing near watercourses mostly in loamy-sand over limestone or sandstone.
This eucalypt is common near watercourses and on headlands in the wetter areas of the Top End of the Northern Territory between Port Keats, Darwin, Yirrkala and the Wessel Islands.
Pandanus spiralis occurs in Queensland, The Northern Territory and the extreme north of Western Australia. The plant is most commonly found growing along watercourses or coastal fringes and dune systems.
Ballynahinch riverBallynahinch River is a river in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is one of the two component watercourses which form the Annacloy River, also known as the Quoile River.
Streams east of Old Loudon Road and US 9 generally drain into the Hudson River; west of Old Loudon and US 9, the hamlet's watercourses drain into the Mohawk River.
Moss lawns may be used to cover green roofs. They are also used as an erosion-control groundcover, along the banks of watercourses, under flowing water, and on steep slopes.
It often grows together with Syagrus flexuosa, Attalea and Allagoptera palms. The soils it grows in are well-draining oxisols which are dark red or purple near the larger watercourses.
This melaleuca is found in the southern part of Grande Terre. It grows in maquis, along watercourses, areas that are subject to flooding and in lateritic soils on ultramafic rock.
C. lanceolata occurs in the South West corner and South Coast of Western Australia. It grows well in sandy soils in areas that are damp, particularly along watercourses, swamps and culverts.
Runzgenossenschaften, or canal cooperatives, were formed to manage and maintain the watercourses in the city, such as the Bächle and Runzen (canals) for trade operation (such as tannery, pellet grinding, etc.).
Our Water Our Future water plan by Victorian Government The 225 gigalitres in savings is intended to be split 75 to Melbourne, 75 to irrigators and 75 to the watercourses themselves.
Balanites angolensis occurs along seasonal watercourses and in savannah, on dry hills and in coastal forest. In dry scrub forest and mopane woodland Balanites angolensis is part of the understorey community.
The Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, commonly referred to as the UN Watercourses Convention, is an international treaty, adopted by the United Nations on 21 May 1997, pertaining to the uses and conservation of all waters that cross international boundaries, including both surface and groundwater. "Mindful of increasing demands for water and the impact of human behavior", the UN drafted the document to help conserve and manage water resources for present and future generations. From the time of its drafting, the Convention took more than 17 years to enter into force on 17 August 2014.Current Status of Convention, United Nations"Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: Entry into Force", 19 May 2014.
The commune is within the Appellation d'origine contrôlée zone of Aisne Champagne.Google Maps The southern border of the commune consists of the Marne river with no other identifiable watercourses in the commune.
Microtis eremaea mostly grows on granite outcrops or near temporary watercourses, sometimes forming dense colonies. It is found between Balladonia and Cue in Western Australia and in the west of South Australia.
Beaufortia sparsa mainly occurs between Busselton and Albany in the Esperance Plains, Jarrah Forest, Swan Coastal Plain and Warren biogeographic regions. It usually grows in sand in swampy places or near watercourses.
The Clun is one of only eleven watercourses in England that is home to the mussel and one of three English rivers that has been designated a European Special Area of Conservation.
It is found in the IBRA region of the Central Ranges, mainly the George Gill and MacDonnell Ranges. The habitat is on dunefields. sandy gravelly soils or rock soils, or dry watercourses.
Breeding takes place in streams and tiny watercourses with slow flow in the forest; the males call from holes and cracks in rocks. This common species is probably threatened by habitat loss.
Melaleuca fulgens subsp. corrugata occurs in and between the Petermann, Musgrave and Rawlinson Ranges near the border of Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory. It grows in orthent along watercourses.
This eremophila occurs in areas between the Overlander Roadhouse and Carnarvon in the Carnarvon, Gascoyne, Murchison and Pilbara biogeographic regions. It grows in red, sandy soil near watercourses and along drainage lines.
Often found along the edge of swamps and watercourses in the Peel and South West regions of Western Australia where it grows in loam, clay or sand soils over quartzite or granite.
Much of their work involves the maintenance of rivers, drainage channels (rhynes), ordinary watercourses, pumping stations and other critical infrastructure, facilitating drainage of new developments, the ecological conservation and enhancement of watercourses, monitoring and advising on planning applications and making sure that any development is carried out in line with legislation (NPPF). IDBs are not responsible for watercourses designated as main rivers within their drainage districts; the supervision of these watercourses is undertaken by the Environment Agency. The precursors to internal drainage boards date back to 1252; however, the majority of today's IDBs were established by the national government following the passing of the Land Drainage Act 1930 and today predominantly operate under the Land Drainage Act 1991 under which, an IDB is required to exercise a general supervision over all matters relating to water level management of land within its district. Some IDBs may also have other duties, powers and responsibilities under specific legislation for the district (for instance the Middle Level Commissioners are also a navigation authority).
It is found in forests, savannah, suburban gardens, woodland thickets and watercourses in Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The largest, which is called Great Baynham's Meadow, is used as pasture, and the other fields are managed for hay with grazing in the autumn. There are also watercourses which have many dragonflies.
All of these watercourses became tributaries to the Alice River in Garfield and contribute to the Lake Eyre drainage basin. The principal land use outside of the town is grazing on native vegetation.
It lives in open woodland and dry sclerophyll forest, often near watercourses. The species is absent from savanna on the western edge of the Einasleigh Uplands, particularly around the Newcastle and Gregory Ranges.
The plant is endemic to Australia's subtropical Lord Howe Island in the Tasman Sea. It occurs mainly near watercourses, below an elevation of about 300 m, in the southern mountains of the island.
8 km north of the airfield are sand Darbas. No permanent watercourses and reservoirs are nearby. In the spring, after snowmelt and rain, takyr, small temporary lakes up to 0.5 m deep form.
The traditional owners of the area are the Maiawali and Karuwali peoples, who were well supported by the watercourses, ranges and plains in the area, and maintain a close spiritual connection with it.
The Katoomba and Jamison topographic maps are essential for any of these walks.Jamison Topographic Map, 8930-2N, Land and Property Information, New South WalesBlue Mountains Tourist Map, 1988 The northern escarpment is deeply serrated, having been carved up by watercourses over millions of years. Watercourses include Jamison Creek, Valley of the Waters Creek, Gordons Creek, Leura Falls Creek, Kedumba River and Causeway Creek. There are also numerous waterfalls, including Wentworth Falls, Empress Falls, Vera Falls, Gordon Falls, Leura Falls and Katoomba Falls.
According to Horton (1994), the band that would be of interest to this area, would be the family groupings of the Wonnaruah, although early accounts mention the Gringai who it appears may have been a family grouping of the Wonnaruah. They probably had various base camps along tributaries of the Hunter River. The camps would have been near reliable watercourses. The pathways to other bands or to food, shelter or ceremonial resources were generally along creeks and associated watercourses or ridgelines.
Sketch of the Santry River Santry River () (formerly Skillings Glas) is a fairly small river on the north side of Dublin city, one of the forty or so watercourses monitored by Dublin City Council.
Eremophila glutinosa usually grows on rocky hills, on granite outcrops or along temporary watercourses in clay or sandy soils between Laverton and Mount Augustus in the Avon Wheatbelt, Gascoyne, Murchison and Yalgoo biogeographic regions.
Gunn's boronia grows in the flood zones of watercourses, in rock crevices or between boulders. It is found near several Tasmanian rives but is considered extinct in Cataract Gorge where it was first discovered.
This species occurs from the southern part of the Kimberley to the Kennedy-Blackstone Range and east to central Northern Territory usually along watercourses or red sandy soil and rocky outcrops in dryer regions.
This melaleuca grows in the south west of Western Australia but there are also scattered populations in some of the more arid areas of that state. It grows in sandy soils, often along watercourses.
The Story of Moine Mhòr National Nature Reserve. p. 10. Otters regularly visit the watercourses, and roe and sika deer also visit the Moine Mhòr.The Story of Moine Mhòr National Nature Reserve. p. 11.
These rains sustain summer pastures of grasses and herbs, with dry woodlands and shrublands along seasonal watercourses. Niger's Aïr and Ténéré Addax Sanctuary Aïr and Ténéré National Nature Reserve include a portion of the ecoregion.
Haworth, Jenny (29 January 2009) "Whisky power gets green light". Edinburgh. The Scotsman. There are also a growing number of micro hydro systems on smaller watercourses, especially in more remote rural locations."Micro Hydro".
Mount House box is found along watercourses and on plains where it grows in alluvium and heavy clay soils. Populations are found in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, the Northern Territory and northern Queensland.
The terrain is hilly, cut by small watercourses that feed the Chapecó River in the Uruguay River basin. Altitudes range from above sea level. Average annual rainfall is . Temperatures range from with an average of .
The Bainskloof moss frog favours wet mossy areas near watercourses, hillside or roadside seepages, and heavily vegetated streams, within montane fynbos and frequently on steep hillsides. Its known range is situated outside the 750mm isohyet.
It is found in the north eastern part of Mount Kaputar National Park in New South Wales where it grows along watercourses and on hillsides Eucalyptus and Callitris woodland communities in rocky sandy-loam soils.
Furthermore, the city's second largest river by volume, the River Tolka, has its estuary facing the city end of the island, into which the Wad River, and a combination of several smaller watercourses, also flow.
Black-throated thrushes breed along the edges of clearings in coniferous or mixed deciduous forest, often in the undergrowth of Siberian Pine Pinus sibirica or mixed spruce fir forest, especially along watercourses or in swampy areas.
This melaleuca occurs in New South Wales from the border with Victoria along the coast and ranges to the Biloela and Bundaberg districts in Queensland. It grows along watercourses and coastal waterways and on river flats .
Americano Creek is a long westward-flowing stream in the California counties of Sonoma and Marin. It flows into the Estero Americano, a long estuary, and thence to the Pacific Ocean. This article covers both watercourses.
Carex appressa occurs in swamps, watercourses, and occasionally in water. It is native to Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and generally in the South West Pacific. It also serves as a larval food plant for Heteronympha cordace.
Polyalthia nitidissima is a species of tree in the Annonaceae family. It is found in dry rainforests and along moist watercourses in Australia (NSW, Queensland, and Northern Territory) and New Caledonia. Maximum height is 18 metres.
The marsh leek orchid grows on snow plains in grassy alpine heath, usually near watercourses in the Cobberas Range and Benambra area. The number of plants fluctuates between two hundred and five hundred in five populations.
Possibly a Domesday site, the mill was marked on a map dated 1649. A 1748 map shows the watercourses but no mill. The head of water available was some , indicating a breast shot or overshot waterwheel.
Watercourses on the southern slopes of these massifs disappear into the desert but supply the wells of numerous oases along the northern edge of the desert, of which Biskra, Laghouat, and Béchar are the most prominent.
Melaleuca parvistaminea occurs from the Shoalhaven district in New South Wales south to the Seymour district in Victoria. It grows in forest, woodland and grassland, often occurring in thickets, usually along watercourses, in sandy or clayey soil.
The watercourses, which rise above , are all left tributaries of the Jequitinhonha River. The Córrego Labirinto, a stream, supplies the city of Jequitinhonha. The reserve overlaps the quilombo community of Mumbuca by 75%, with about 81 families.
It is found in primary forest below 450 m altitude. It forages for food on the forest floor with sparse undergrowth, especially where the ground has been disturbed by wild pigs, and in swampy areas bordering watercourses.
The red goshawk (Erythrotriorchis radiatus) is probably the rarest Australian bird of prey. It is found mainly in the savanna woodlands of northern Australia, particularly near watercourses. It takes a broad range of live prey, mostly birds.
The body is black with quadrangular yellow spots and some very characteristic spots on the head. The snout is pointed and the belly greyish, without spots. It lives in humid areas, with watercourses nearby where it reproduces.
During 12–14 August 2006, much of the civil parish of Chobham suffered from severe floods due to the River Bourne and the Mill Bourne bursting their banks. The floods were caused by heavy rainfall and thunderstorms across the region that resulted in flooded homes and businesses, power cuts and road closures. This caused the rainfall to run across the land to local watercourses and low-lying areas. Two months' rainfall fell in one night and local watercourses were unable to cope with the run off so flooded adjacent land, buildings and roads.
For about 150 years pitch-black turf barges with puce sails were a usual sight in summers and autumns on the watercourses in the Teufelsmoor region. For the shallow mire and drainage watercourses one needs special boats, Torfschiffe. A Torfschiff (literally: turf ship) is a flat-bottomed barge, with similarities to a punt as to construction and propulsion, or a weidling as to material. Torfschiffe can be propelled by poling with quants of in navigable drainage ditches of of width or in rivers like Wümme and Lesum, resulting from the former's confluence with the Hamme.
The final section of the route, near Opatija and the A7 motorway, runs through coastal areas affected by urbanization. The route crosses no major watercourses, although creeks adjacent to or spanned by the route drain into the Pazinčica and Boljunčica rivers, or directly into the Adriatic Sea in the case of watercourses flowing down Učka's eastern slopes. The Učka Tunnel contains a spring discovered during its construction and used for the water supply of Opatija ever since. The route runs through an area subject to significant air temperature variations.
The grey goshawk is found along the coasts of northern, eastern and south-eastern Australia, Tasmania and rarely Western Australia. The variable goshawk was previously considered a subspecies. Their preferred habitats are forests, tall woodlands, and timbered watercourses.
In 1879 an expedition led by Chilean Navy officer Ramón Serrano Montaner discovered gold in some watercourses of western Tierra del Fuego.Martinic Beros, Mateo. Crónica de las Tierras del Canal Beagle. 1973. Editorial Francisco de Aguirre S.A. pp.
The bay has been subject to pollution from the inflowing watercourses, shipping and port activity, the main water treatment plant for Dublin and sewage discharges at other points, and at times some of its bathing areas are unavailable.
It is endemic to an area in the Northern Territory and the Kimberley and Pilbara regions of Western Australia where it occurs along watercourses and in floodplains, on coastal sand dunes and salt flats growing in sandy soils.
The name Imbaú has geographic origin. There are two watercourses with that name: Imbaú River and Imbauzinho River. According to older residents, the name comes from a springlet located on the road where Rodovia do Café was built.
It is thought that over 90% of the populations of this species of stone loach have been lost due to water abstraction and the drying up of its native watercourses, exacerbated by lower rainfall due to climate change.
Broad-leaved box grows on flats and slopes, often near watercourses in forest and woodland in the Kimberley region between Wyndham and Derby with a few scattered populations in the Northern Territory, including some of its offshore islands.
Dwarf spider orchid occurs in the south-west corner of Western Australia between Boyup Brook and Boxwood Hill in the Esperance Plains, Jarrah Forest and Mallee biogeographic regions where it grows in shrubland and woodland, often near watercourses.
Warenda is in the Channel Country. All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation.
Four degrees of latitude separate these two areas. This tuco-tuco typically lives in flat areas of desert with sandy soils, creosote bushes (Larrea sp.), and scrub. It also inhabits ribbons of trees growing alongside dry watercourses and creeks.
TQ 834 536 Possibly a Domesday site, the mill was marked on a map dated 1649. A 1748 map shows the watercourses but no mill. The head of water available was some , indicating a breast shot or overshot waterwheel.
Georgina is in the Channel Country. All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation.
Piturie is in the Channel Country. All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation.
Sturt is in the Channel Country. All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation.
Toko is in the Channel Country. All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation.
Warburton is in the Channel Country. All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation.
It occurs on red sand or loam soils over laterite or sandstone, behind coastal dunes, along watercourses and on pindan sandplains. It is found in the Central Kimberley, Dampierland, Northern Kimberley, Ord Victoria Plain and Victoria Bonaparte IBRA bioregions.
Waverley is in the Channel Country. All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation.
Several watercourses flow through the property including Branch Creek, Settlement Creek, Gold Creek and Running Creek. Wollogorang occupies an area of . and is able to carry more than 40,000 head of cattle. It contains the Wollogorang Important Bird Area.
The Zombitse section is on sandstones, the other sections on Jurassic limestone. While there are no watercourses, the springs and small wetlands in the park act as a reservoir, feeding the tributaries of the Teheza and the Fiherenana rivers.
Its major watercourses are the rivers Severn, Stour and Worfe. The average elevation is 97 metres; the plateau reaching its highest point at .NCA 66: Mid Severn Sandstone Plateau - Key Facts & Data at Accessed on 7 Apr 2013.
The range of Halls Creek white gum extends from the Kimberley region of Western Australia and into the Northern Territory where it grows in open woodland on stony hills and along watercourses in skeletal soils over sandstone or granite.
Exotic vertebrate predators, such as cats and dogs, are a direct threat to white- plumed honeyeater populations. Loss of trees from watercourses will impact a population; however, they are able to adapt to suburban environments, especially where native gardens are present.
Min Min is in the Channel Country. All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation.
The abundant mineral deposits in the area of County Durham and Northumberland led early on to the construction of waggonways to convey the heavy ores to watercourses for onward transit, or to other means of reaching a point of sale.
Salix humboldtiana, called Humboldt's willow, is a tree species of willow native to North and South America, growing along watercourses. Some authorities consider it a synonym of Salix chilensis, which Molina described in 1782. Willdenow described Salix humboldtiana in 1805.
On the west side is the Pleasanton Ridge with two parks, Pleasanton Ridge and Augustin Bernal Park. Much of Pleasanton is drained by the Arroyo Valle and Arroyo Mocho watercourses. Pleasanton lies along the route of the historic First Transcontinental Railroad.
Palm orchard in modern Iraq, near Baghdad. The cultivation of date palms (GIŠ.GIŠIMMAR/gišimarru(m)) played a major role in Mesopotamia, especially in the south. This tree requires a lot of water and is naturally found along the edge of watercourses.
The species has become a serious environmental weed in Australia on disturbed land along watercourses and in the wet tropics where it smothers other vegetation. It is commonly seen north of Sydney where it has been cultivated for many years.
They are often difficult to locate, as their yellow-green plumage blends with the foliage and only their deep bubbling musical calls can be heard. They are nevertheless common in suitable habitat: rainforests, mangroves, thickets along watercourses, swamps, and lush gardens.
Retrieved 25 January 2018. Its natural habitat is in sunny moist areas, such as along watercourses and in wet prairies. In some areas, it has adapted well to disturbed conditions. Eastern gamagrass is a widely cultivated for its use as forage.
The valley is bounded by the Diablo Range on the north, east, and south; and is linked to the west with the Amador Valley. Watercourses draining the Livermore Valley include Arroyo Mocho, Arroyo Valle, Arroyo Seco, and Arroyo Las Positas.
According to Snell, "The surface of the country is generally uneven and hilly, and on the west exceedingly rugged and mountainous. Ponds and watercourses abound. Of the latter, the most important is the Paulinskill, a millstream of considerable consequence."Snell, 379.
Riverine forests grow along watercourses and their composition varies greatly from place to place. Common species of riverine forest are simal (Bombax ceiba), sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo), and Bhellar (Trewia nudiflora) and in the lower canopy Clerodendrum viscosum, Zizyphus mauritiana are present.
Darlington Creek is a small watercourse that drains into Lake Ontario in Darlington, Ontario. It drains . Groundwater discharge from the bluffs left from glacial Lake Iroquois feed the headwaters of Darlington Creek. The watersheds of four other watercourses border the creek.
These denser shrublands usually occur in lower lying areas, such as watercourses and drainage lines. Both subspecies, occurring at different distributions prefer particular species. The Eastern Thick-billed Grasswren prefers saltbush. The Western Thick-billed Grasswren; black-bush and Australian boxthorn.
The red and blue damsel is widespread across all Australian states, as well as Fiji, New Caledonia, and other islands in the Pacific. It is found in north and eastern Tasmania. It is typically found near dams, marshes and slow watercourses.
The school has three houses, Stert, Ock, and Thames, of the colours red, green and blue respectively. There was a fourth house, Isis, but this was dissolved in 1993. The houses are named after watercourses in the town of Abingdon.
From this point there is an extensive view of the surrounding mountains. The park is in the Jequitinhonha River basin, and contains the sources of many watercourses that feed that river, the Araçuaí River and tributaries of the Doce River.
View of Osney Ditch. Osney Ditch Bridge on Botley Road, looking east from the junction with Ferry Hinksey Road. The Osney Ditch is a side channel of the River Thames at Oxford, England. It is one of the principal watercourses in west Oxford.
This melaleuca is widespread in Queensland north of about Bundaberg, in the Northern Territory and the northern Kimberley in Western Australia. It occurs in a wide range of habitats including alluvium, sandy soils, along watercourses, in damp depressions and red sand dunes.
The valley's principal watercourses, the Nugaal and the more westerly Dheere, fill briefly during and after rainstorms (April to June) and drain into the Somali Sea. The upper part of the Nugaal is filled by the seasonal river known as Tog Dheer.
As with many of Dublin's smaller watercourses, the upper and middle reaches of the Naniken were culverted over time, the covering of the stretch from Coolgariff Road to Kilmore Road being mentioned in parliamentary proceedings in 1960 by Neil Blaney, for example.
Libertador Municipality is located to the southwest of Monagas State. Its vegetation is tropical dry forest, with average annual temperature of 27.1°C and average annual precipitation of 1,000 mm. Among the main watercourses are Caño Mánamo and the Morichal Largo River.
Twin- leaf myoporum occurs along the coast of Western Australia from near Busselton to near Albany in the Esperance Plains, Jarrah Forest and Warren biogeographic regions. It grows in sand or loamy soil, often near karri, along watercourses and sometimes on coastal cliffs.
In southern Alaska, western British Columbia and the northwestern Coast Ranges of the United States, red alder grows on cool and moist slopes; inland and at the southern end of its range (California) it grows mostly along the margins of watercourses and wetlands.
Saltwater paperbark is found on sandy, often saline soils along watercourses, in swamps, on floodplains, coastal flats, and various saline habitats. It occurs in the Central Kimberley, Dampierland, Northern Kimberley, Victoria Bonaparte, Great Sandy Desert and Pilbara biogeographic regions of Western Australia.
Stefania satelles is a species of frog in the family Hemiphractidae. It is endemic to Venezuela. This is a nocturnal frog found on tepuis in Canaima National Park. Its natural habitat is open, rocky surfaces, and crevices and depressions close to watercourses.
It is found throughout coastal plains, near watercourses, and inland forest regions, in a range extending from Geraldton to Albany and in the Avon Wheatbelt. It occurs on a wide variety of soil types and is sometimes associated with laterite and granite.
The other main routes are surface runoff (the flow of water from the land into nearby watercourses that occurs during precipitation and as a result of irrigation), flow of groundwater into surface waters, and the flow of water from constructed pipes and channels.
The Hilton Brook or Sutton Brook is a tributary of the River Dove in Derbyshire, England, and is 26 kilometres (16 miles) long. Like many watercourses in the area, it has multiple names, often being named locally after the village it flows past.
It is native to an area of the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The shrub grows in sandy alluvium especially along watercourses in remote areas from around the Gibb River to around Karungie Station as a part of open Eucalyptus savannah communities.
It is endemic to an area in the Kimberley region of Western Australia where it is found on seasonally inundated flats with shallow skeletal alluvium overlying sandstone and dissected by outcropping sandstone ridges or in sandy soil around quartzite rocks alongside watercourses.
The house was suppressed as part of the Dissolution of the Monasteries in November 1539, with pensions granted to the abbess, prioress and nuns. Considerable remains of the buildings survived into the seventeenth century, but only certain watercourses survive into the present.
The Skaručna Basin has a characteristic mixed cultural landscape, with meadows, tilled fields, pastures, watercourses, vegetation corridors, hedgerows, isolated hills, and settlements on the edge of the floodplain.Odlok o občinskem porstorskem načrtu Občine Vodice. 2014. Uradno glasilo Občine Vodice no. 1 (29 January), p. 12.
It is often found along ephemeral watercourses, on low undulating country, along rocky slopes and on stabilized inland dunes and spinifex plains. It can grow in sandy, loamy, clay and rocky soils. It is usually part of Eucalyptus woodland communities and is often with spinifex.
Lake Springfield tributaries include Lick Creek and Sugar Creek. Water discharged from these watercourses into Lake Springfield fluctuates with the seasons and with changes in local precipitation, and City Water, Light & Power has asked for permission to build a buffer lake, Hunter Lake, nearby.
For full details of TBC methods, see the TBC web page at or Turner (2003). The TBC's spatially systematic monitoring is complemented by a TBC park monitoring program that surveys parks, watercourses, or other areas of particular interest multiple times throughout the year.
A widespread species growing on the Central Coast, South Coast, Tablelands of N.S.W including the Central Western Slopes and north-eastern Victoria. Hakea dactyloides grows on slopes, ridges and along watercourses on sandstone in sclerophyll forest. A hardy quick growing species tolerant of most situations.
Signs are posted at the constructed arroyos warning to keep out due to danger of flash flooding. The Arroyo Seco and Los Angeles River are more famous examples in Southern California of former natural arroyo seasonal watercourses that became constructed open drainage system arroyos.
Formed by the confluence of two unnamed watercourses, the Cooks Vale Creek (technically a river) rises southwest of Hadley, on the south western slopes of the Great Dividing Range, and flows generally northwest by north before reaching its confluence with the Abercrombie River east of .
Subspecies myoporoides is the most widespread and most variable of the species and occurs along the Great Dividing Range, mainly from Denman in New South Wales to near Healesville in Victoria. It grows in forest and heath, often near watercourses or on rocky hillsides.
Register newspaper, 13 December 1877, p. 6. The high rainfall in the Skilly Hills contributes to the Skillogalee Creek being one of the few permanently flowing watercourses in the region.Water Allocation Plan for the Clare Valley Prescribed Water Resources Area, (Government of South Australia, 2009) .
Manaslu Conservation Area is a protected area in Nepal. Established in 1998 it covers in the Mansiri Himal range of the Himalayas in the Gorkha District. The area comprises mountains, glaciers, and watercourses. In elevation, the area ranges from at the peak of Manaslu.
Suaeda asparagoides grows well on the dry ground of the lower part of the bank, and groups of Aster tripolium and Plantago maritima grow well near watercourses or puddles. The Phragmites communis and Suaeda japonica communities grow as dominant species in farmlands and fields.
BirdLife International also lists occasional, non-breeding vagrants to New Zealand. Total distribution area has been estimated at 5,910,000 km2. The black falcon's habitat is usually in the arid and semi arid zones. It is usually found near watercourses or utilizing patches of isolated trees.
The vegetation consists mostly of grasses along with wildflowers and low shrubs, including Queensland bluebush (Chenopodium auricomum). There are scattered dry acacia woodlands, predominantly of gidgee (Acacia cambagei). Watercourses support woodlands of red river gum (Eucalyptus camuldulensis), coolibah (E. coolabah), and paperbark (Melaleuca spp.).
It flows for , first eastwards across the Deccan Plateau then turns southeast, entering the West Godavari district and East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, until it splits into two watercourses that widen into a large river delta and flow into the Bay of Bengal.
Melaleuca flavovirens occurs in the mountains and tablelands from the Stanthorpe and Wallangarra districts in Queensland south to Torrington and the Guy Fawkes River National Park in northern New South Wales. It grows in scrubland, heath and forest along watercourses and amongst boulders on hilltops.
This step is the basic and primary distribution system of Warabandi. Secondly, the secondary system formed by a large number of rotational distributaries with carrying a full amount of water supply for ensuring every farmer gets enough water supply and equitable as the branch canals deliver water to watercourses after bringing into distributaries. The streams form tertiary distribution with full amount since the water from distributaries was supplied. Besides, the delivery of the water can't fulfill the demand since the volume of the watercourses are limited, so, the proceed of the delivery will continue about seven days to ensure every farmer receives the water.
Year-round watercourses and springs support stands of red river gum, (Eucalyptus camaldulensis refulgens), Melaleuca. and the palm Livistona alfredii. Sheltered gorges along the edge of the Chichester Plateau provide water and protection from fire, and support relict communities of Terminalia, Erythrina, and Ficus.Kendrick, Peter (2001).
Significant watercourses include the Almond and the Union Canal, while the main bodies of water are Linlithgow Loch, Dundas Loch, Humbie Reservoir, Lochcote Reservoir, Beecraigs Loch and Bangour Reservoir. The small island of Inchgarvie near the Forth Bridge lies within the historic borders of the county.
Sardine Creek (after which the locality is presumably named) rises in the north of the locality and flows south to become a tributary of Aramac Creek. All the watercourses in the locality are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin. The principal land use is grazing.
Consequently, his maps are distorted and August Petermann had to redraw Magyar's maps based on reliable determinations of position before he had published the map of the Hungarian explorer's first big inland journey. He kept the original watercourses and his routes untouched and shortened the distances proportionately.
Within southern Africa, it occurs in Limpopo Province, Mpumalanga and Swaziland. It is commonly found at altitudes up to 1000 m. It forms dense shrub-like thickets and thrives in hot and dry climates with well drained soils, especially on rocky hillsides or along seasonal watercourses.
The station shares boundaries with other pastoral leases, such as Lyndavale to the west, Mount Ebenezer and Palmer Valley to the north, Idracowra to the east, and Umbeara and Victory Downs to the south. The ephemeral watercourses Karinga Creek and Kalamurta Creek both flow through the property.
Słupsk is rich in natural water bodies. There are more than twenty ponds, mostly former meanders of the Słupia, within the city limits. There are also several streams, irrigation canals (generally unused and abandoned) and a leat. Except in the city centre, all these watercourses are unregulated.
Micro-generating plants were planned on watercourses where dams are not practical. The region, with its dramatic landscape, diverse climate and traditional cultures has considerable tourism potential. Coal mining in the Táchira depression may threaten the Venezuelan Andes montane forests ecoregion in the adjacent Tamá Masif.
Semi-arid districts; on red sandy soils, sand rises and dunes. Occurs on sandplains and low sandy rises, dunefields, fertile alluvial plains, Mulga-dominated red earth plains, intermittent watercourses and run-on areas, and rocky or gravelly ranges, hills or rises composed of neutral or acidic rocks.
Kunzea ericifolia grows in sandy well drained soil. Found to grow in peaty soils, quartzite and grey sand. Grows well in moist conditions and along the margins of watercourses, lakes and seasonally wet swamps. Can also be found growing amongst rocks in more open and elevated positions.
Nitrate levels above 10 mg/L (10 ppm) in groundwater can cause 'blue baby syndrome' (acquired methemoglobinemia). The nutrients, especially nitrates, in fertilizers can cause problems for natural habitats and for human health if they are washed off soil into watercourses or leached through soil into groundwater.
The Alegre River flows northeast across the Encontro das Águas State Park parallel to the Caçanje River, forms part of the eastern border of the park, then continues east to join the Caçanje just before that river enters the Cuiabá. The region, rich in watercourses, supports diverse pantanal vegetation.
Several watercourses, including portions of Carbonera Creek, Bean Creek, MacKenzie Creek and the San Lorenzo River, are within the city. Permanent villages were usually placed on elevations above seasonal flood levels. Surrounding areas were used for hunting and seed, acorn, and grass gathering. Scott House in Scotts Valley.
Soils developed over the lava deposits are mainly lithosols, while regosols are predominant on the Quaternary and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits. There are very few permanent watercourses. The most notable is the Awash River of Ethiopia that terminates in a series of lakes near the border with Djibouti.
E. Hill and > G. E. Waring Jr, "Old wells and watercourses on the isle of Manhattan, part > I" in M. W. Goodwin et al., eds., 1897. Historic New York: Being the First > Series of the Half Moon Papers, quoted in emptying into the East River between two rocky points.
Uvas Creek got its name from the 1842 Rancho Las Uvas Mexican land grant. The Spanish name for grapes, "uvas", is preserved in a number of place names, all apparently referring to the abundance of wild grapes (Vitis californica) along the area's main watercourses. "Carnadero" probably means "butchering place".
It occurs on red alluvial sandy and loamy soils, often in watercourses and on levees, flood plains, pindan and the margins of monsoonal forests. It is found in the Central Kimberley, Dampierland, Gascoyne, Great Sandy Desert, Northern Kimberley, Ord Victoria Plain, Pilbara and Victoria Bonaparte, Katherine Region, IBRA bioregions.
It is a 2 1/2-story, stone building measuring 42 feet by 80 feet. Also on the property are the watercourses, consisting of the headrace, two ponds, and tail race. The mill operated into the 1950s. Note: This includes Local children believed this to be a nudist colony.
Mitchell grass is hardy with long roots so is well adapted to dry soils and periods of drought. The grasslands support other distinctive plants alongside the grasses but there are no areas of thick woodland, only acacia trees scattered across the plain, and red river gum along watercourses.
It is endemic arid to semi-arid areas in the Mid West and western Goldfields regions of Western Australia, it occurs in watercourses, on floodplains, on flats, in low-lying areas and alongside rivers goring in red clay or loamy soils or on alluvium and stony red earth.
The commander is generally found in forested regions having moderate to heavy rainfall. It usually keeps to low elevations, that is, up to into the hills. It is fond of open glades, roadsides and clearings in forests. It is abundant along watercourses in dry and moist deciduous forests.
Manilkara mayarensis is a plant species in the family of sapodillas, which grows wild only in Cuba's Oriente Province. Here its members range in scale from shrubs to small trees. Its usual haunts are along creeks, ravines and other naturally formed watercourses within its montane, serpentine shrubwood habitat.
From 1636, Stockfleth operated the Åmot sawmill at Modum in Buskerud. He also controlled the watercourses north of the sawmill, especially from Hallingdal. In 1652-53, Stockfleth acquired additional sites in Aker, Follo, Romerike and Ringerike. He eventually came to be among the largest sawmill owners in Norway.
The typical vegetation of the park is tropical and subtropical forest types with sal forest constituting about 90% of the vegetation. Chir pine grows in the Churia Hills. Khair, sissoo and silk cotton trees occur along watercourses. Sabai grass grows well on the southern face of the Churia Hills.
Morros de Macaira Natural Monument is a natural monument located in the State of Guárico[1] in Venezuela. It was created in 1978. It covers an area of 99 hectares. Throughout the region, it is common to find limestone massifs, caves furrowed by small watercourses, and deep vertical peaks.
Bidyanus welchi are found in turbid water in slow flowing rivers and waterholes. They can tolerate high salinities and high temperatures. It is a carnivorous species which preys on smaller fishes as well as crustacea and worms. Spawning takes place in the summer when the watercourses it inhabits flood.
There are four sub- tribes (Khels) living in the village. They are Karhi Khel, Hassan Khel (including Degan), Lund, and Nekpi Khel. Mairee and Suleman Khel are the further sub-tribes of Karhi Khel. The village has fertile land and is irrigated by distributories and watercourses from Tochi valley.
In Australia it is found within or on the edge of rainforest, often near watercourses, at altitudes ranging from 200 to 400 metres. Only four specimens have been recorded in Australia; from Iron Range National Park and a timber reserve in the McIlwraith Range on the Cape York Peninsula.
The silt from these two rivers and the Annick Water have created the Bogside mudflats, however over the centuries the course of these watercourses has changed considerably due to natural, man made and according to legend, even spiritual causes. A racecourse was once located at Bogside on the mudflats.
Vegetation in the reserve is mainly terra firme forest, with small patches of other types of vegetation. There is some flooded forest in narrow strips along watercourses. Quick surveys of flora have identified 398 plant species in 78 families. Emergent trees of around in height have been observed.
At St Arvans, near Chepstow, the underground watercourses have carved out long cave systems, which exit at Otter Hole at the base of Piercefield cliffsthe only cave system in England or Wales which can only be reached through a tidal sump, making it a mecca for experienced cavers.
It is native across the Northern Territory and the Kimberley region of Western Australia as well as northern Queensland. The plant is found in flat or undulating country growing in sandy and lateritic soils in and heavier soils around watercourses and is usually a part of open woodland communities.
To the south of the Jerid the country is mainly desert — vast unexplored tracts of shifting sand, with rare oases. Nevertheless, all this southern district of Tunisia bears evidence of once having been subject to a heavy rainfall, which scooped out deep valleys in the original table-land, and has justified the present existence of immense watercourseswatercourses which are still, near their origin, favoured with a little water. The narrow sandy ridge separating the Chott el Fejej from the Mediterranean Sea brought it to the attention of various geographers, engineers and diplomats. These figures looked to create an inland "Sahara Sea" by channelling the waters of the Mediterranean into Sahara Desert basins which lay below sea level.
The pumping station at Dirtness, at the start of the North Engine Drain Today the watercourses of Hatfield Chase are managed by the Corporation of the Level of Hatfield Chase Internal Drainage Board. They are responsible for the drainage of an area of , and the maintenance of of watercourses, which includes the operation of nine pumping stations. In addition, the Environment Agency maintain and operate several pumping stations within the area where the water is pumped into high level carriers, which consist of embanked waterways where the water level is generally above that of the surrounding land. The River Torne, which rises to the west of Tickhill, crosses the middle of the area.
The harlequin rasbora is a native of Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra and southern Thailand. It inhabits streams and other watercourses characterised principally by low mineral content, high concentrations of dissolved humic acids, a consequence of those waters flowing through peat swamp forests. The waterlogged soils of these forests inhibit the complete decay of leaf litter, and result in the formation of peat, which leaches humic acids and related compounds into the watercourses flowing through these forests. The conditions thus resemble those found on a different continent, namely the blackwater habitats of South America, and the water chemistry of the Asian habitats of the harlequin rasbora is accordingly similar to that of the Rio Negro.
This melaleuca occurs along the eastern part of Queensland from the Cape York Peninsula south to Moree and Grafton in New South Wales. There are also disjunct populations in the far north and south-west of Western Australia. It mostly grows in and along watercourses, mainly in sandstone or granite country.
All villages are located near watercourses and fields. Internecine Batak warfare before the twentieth century saw villages sited in easily defensible positions. High bamboo stockades fortified Pakpak villages and barriers of earthen ramparts with bamboo fencing and trees. Each Batak group has its own rules and traditions guiding village layout.
The Kiwi River is a river of New Zealand's South Island. One of the headwaters of the Hope River, it flows generally northwest from its source within Lake Sumner Forest Park, north of Lake Sumner. There are numerous other smaller watercourses in New Zealand called "Kiwi stream" or "Kiwi creek".
The area, with its many moors and watercourses, was instantly attractive to Dill.Matthias Hamann: Ludwig Dill. Lebenserinnerungen, Munich (2010) In 1896, he bought a small house there on a street which has since been named after him. Together with Hölzel and Arthur Langhammer, he founded a group called "New Dachau".
Snow-in-summer occurs from the Maryborough district in Queensland to Bawley Point in the Ulladulla district in New South Wales. There is also a disjunct population in the Blackdown Tableland National Park in Queensland. It is found in heath and dry sclerophyll forest habitats, usually growing near watercourses or swamps.
Warrah River is one of the two largest watercourses on West Falkland. It is named after the Falkland Islands wolf (Dusicyon australis, formerly Canis antarcticus) or "warrah". The last warrah was shot on this island in 1876. It starts in Muffler Jack Mountain and runs for twenty miles to the sea.
Watercourses crossing the property include the Macumba River, Stevenson Creek and Alberga Creek, each having several waterholes some of which are almost permanent, except in times of prolonged drought. Willow Bore, which was sunk by the government prior to 1892, can provide per day, enough to support 2,000 head of cattle.
The larvae of Bolitophila are mycetophagous and live in decaying wood or other organic debris overgrown by fungal plant substrates. Pupation takes place inside the fungal mycelium in soil or litter. Adults prefer shady and humid environments and can be found in the undergrowth of mixed forests, often near watercourses.
However, with wind they can also sail on rivers wide enough. Many watercourses also had lateral towpaths allowing haulage. The Torfschiff is traditionally constructed from solid wood (oak), seasoned for ten years. The barges, mostly by , were usually built from oaken planks of equal length gained in the geest forests.
Asterolasia asteriscophora is widely distributed along the Great Dividing Range from the Tumut district in New South Wales to the Macedon and Emerald districts in Victoria. It grows in forest and along the eges of watercourses. Subspecies albiflora is only known from the Emerald-Avonsleigh and is threatened by urban development.
Watercourses in Ewing include the Delaware River along its western boundary and the Shabakunk Creek in the eastern and central portions of the township. Map of neighborhoods in Ewing Township, New Jersey. Within the township are a number of distinct neighborhoods. These include Agasote,Locality Search, State of New Jersey.
This species is present in The Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Lower and Central Congo River basin, except from the Shaba (Katanga) and Kasaï regions. These fishes prefers rocky and warm watercourses (22–24 °C). In oxygen-depleted waters, in rapids and in swampy habitats this species is missing.
The Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, an inland waterway consisting of natural watercourses and man-made canals, runs between the bay and the Gulf. A majority of the bay's inflow comes from the Trinity River, which contributes of freshwater annually. The San Jacinto River contributes another . Local coastal watersheds contribute the remainder.
Sudden and brutal storms are also known to occur. Wadis turn for a few hours into raging torrents tearing everything in their path, and their course is regularized. Rainwater serves as an additional water supply for livestock and plants alongside seasonal watercourses. The highlands have temperate climate throughout out the year.
The species a noxious invasive of Australia in old mining localities and along watercourses. It is known there by the common names of Devil's rope cactus or Devil's rope pear. It is a declared noxious weed in New South Wales and also occurs in Queensland, Northern Territory,Victoria and South Australia.
Tooley Creek is a small watercourse that drains into Lake Ontario near Darlington, Ontario. It drains . Groundwater discharge from the bluffs left from glacial Lake Iroquois feed the headwaters of Tooley Creek. Its watershed is bordered by the watersheds of three other watercourses, Darlington Creek, Farewell Creek and Robinson Creek.
Aerial and Ground Surveys for Mapping the Distribution of Phytophthora ramorum in California. Pages 345-360 in Proceedings of the Sudden Oak Death Second Science Symposium: The State of Our Knowledge. USDA Forest Service, Monterey, Calif. Detection of P. ramorum in watercourses has emerged as the earliest of early detection methods.
The village is situated in the Stinchar Valley where the River Stinchar meets the Water of Gregg. The meeting point of these two watercourses is known locally as The Pot. Local residents and visitors often picnic on the banks of the Stinchar. The village can be accessed from three directions.
The Uniab River is an ephemeral river on Namibia Skeleton Coast, located between Torra Bay and Terrace Bay. Its mouth is in the Grootberg Mountains near Palmwag. Inflows of the Uniab are Kaikams, Kawakab, Aub, Urenindes and Obob. The river once created a large river delta with five main watercourses.
Goubetto (), also spelled Goubétto, is a town in Djibouti. Located in the Ali Sabieh region, it is served by a station on the Ethio-Djibouti Railways. The eastern part of the same plateau is crossed by numerous valleys and dry watercourses. Goat and camel raising form the basis of the economy.
Finally, watercourses such at the River Torrens and the Sturt River were forced to flow north to what is now the Port River estuary after being prevented from draining into Gulf St Vincent by the emerging coastal dune system with result of forming features such as Torrens Island and Garden Island.
The Derwent then flows southwards through Malton and the Kirkham gorge to eventually join the River Ouse at Barmby on the Marsh. Many of the watercourses in the Vale are maintained by the three Vale of Pickering internal drainage boards which are the Rye IDB, Thornton IDB and Muston & Yedingham IDB.
The Acari River is located in Rio de Janeiro state in southeastern Brazil. It is one of the major watercourses of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The name is of Guarani origin, a corruption of aqûâ-ára-i, meaning "enduring current". It is not related to the Loricariidae Acari fish.
Edith Mathews Gwynne Read (1904 - April 26, 2006) was an American environmentalist who helped preserve open space and protect watercourses and wetlands in Westchester County, New York, especially Rye. Her leadership led to the creation of the Rye Nature Center and the Edith G. Read Wildlife Sanctuary that bears her name.
Ceahlău commune is made up of three main villages, that of Ceahlău, along with Bistricioara on the main road from Piatra Neamţ, and Pârâul Mare ("Big Stream"). All of these villages are sited in the mountains, situated along the main watercourses which flow out of the surrounding peaks and ranges.
In Australia, the genus Tasmannia ranges from Tasmania and eastern Victoria and New South Wales to southeastern Queensland, and in the mountains of northeastern Queensland, where it grows in moist mountain forests and in wet areas in the drier forest and along watercourses to an elevation of 1500 m (5000 ft).
Flora About 60% of the area is forested, the rest is used as grassland for agriculture. The extensive landscape is crossed by numerous watercourses. Rare orchids blossom here. Fauna The nature reserve, with its forests, meadows, purple moor grass meadows, dry calcareous grassland and flood dams, is a habitat for many endangered species.
A botanical garden was set up around the mansion with thousands of different species, and the watercourses around it were regulated. After the death of the last member of the Erberg family, the mansion passed through various hands, and was purchased by Fran Povše in 1882. The Partisans burned the mansion in 1944.
As efforts to protect our environment increase, so does the popularity of sustainable produce. Agricultural chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers can contaminate our environment though run-off into watercourses. In the US, Certified organic standards from the EPA do not allow for the use of toxic chemicals or artificial fertilizers in organic farming.
In the 10th century, monks drained the marshy soil of the Durzon valley where it joins the Dourbie, using a network of stone-lined canals. They started agriculture in the district. In 926 AD they built a monastery at the confluence of the two watercourses. In 1135 the monastery became an abbey.
The peaceful dove is found in pairs, groups and flocks. They feed off the ground and are found commonly in streets and gardens. They also are found in scrublands, woodlands, watercourses, railyards and on the edge of rainforests. When not found on the ground feeding, they can be found in trees roosting.
Hydropower dams have been placed in gorges that host rare and endemic plants. Lysimachia thyrsiflora became locally extinct due to the creation of Mavrovo Lake. Dams in the Black Drim have blocked eel migration to the Sargasso Sea. Smaller watercourses are at risk of diversion and depletion due to demand for irrigation.
These frogs have mostly been found in small ephemeral ponds or beside temporary watercourses after heavy rains. Calling males, however, can climb on stones and to trees as high as above ground. Amplexus occurs in leaf litter. One specimen has been seen climbing bamboo at the transition of deciduous and lowland evergreen forest.
At that time, Common sails were fitted. The mill was refitted with Patent sails at a later date. In 1994, millwright Hiemstra of Tzummarum replaced the Archimedes' screw and restored the watercourses. In 2006, the mill was officially listed by Wetterskip Fryslân as being held in reserve for use in times of emergency.
The species is not restricted to pristine habitat as much of its historical feeding grounds currently fall under residential suburbs, hence leopard toads are often found living in suburban gardens. Breeding habitat includes swamps, freshwater lakes, intermittent freshwater lakes, freshwater marshes, intermittent freshwater marshes, urban riverine watercourses, natural ponds and garden ponds.
Hyperolius riggenbachi is a species of frog in the family Hyperoliidae. Its common name is Riggenbach's reed frog. It is found on Bamenda Highlands and the Adamawa Plateau, western and central Cameroon, and Mambilla and Obudu Plateaus of eastern Nigeria. Its natural habitats are wetlands and small wooded watercourses in montane grassland.
From near its sources west of Marlborough, Wiltshire down to Woolhampton, Berkshire is a biological Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). This is primarily from an array of rare plants and animals completely endemic to chalky watercourses. When Wiltshire had second-tier local authorities, one, Kennet took the name of the river.
San Diego, California. one of the major mechanisms of dispersal is rainwater splashing spores onto other susceptible plants, and into watercourses to be carried for greater distances. Chlamydospores can withstand harsh conditions and are able to overwinter. The pathogen will take advantage of wounding, but it is not necessary for infection to occur.
It has smaller watercourses alongside. Its elevations range from 60 to 121 metres above sea level. Midgham Wood covers most of the north-west and Channel Wood covers most of the north-east eighth of the parish. The vast majority of the other green space is cultivated land, pasture or hay meadows.
In the east along the Vale of Wardour, settlement increases and arable farming is also more prevalent here. The region has 5 Special Areas of Conservation: Rooksmoor; Fontmell & Melbury Downs; Holnest; River Avon; Chilmark Quarries; and Cerne & Sydling Downs. The main watercourses are the rivers Stour, Nadder, Cale, Lydden, Frome, Brue and Wylye.
Every December a Christmas tree, decorated with lights, is placed on the same spot as the old Jubilee tree. Cobbled streets have been preserved throughout the centre of the village, as has an elaborate system of watercourses established in the 1850s; the idea of the Rector's daughter following a serious outbreak of cholera.
Its vegetation is primarily sub-tropical rain forest with some wet sclerophyll forest. Two watercourses named Hidden and Finches Creeks flow to the east out of the reserve. It was dedicated as a Flora Reserve in 1963. Flora Reserve is the highest protected status for forest areas in the Australian National Parks system.
The town had a small-town character and extended over an area of . At its peak it probably had around 5,000 inhabitants. The distribution of the buildings was, to a large extent, influenced by the topographical considerations. The Rhine valley at that time was characterized by many smaller watercourses and extensive swampy areas.
It has a scattered distribution in the South West, Great Southern and Goldfields-Esperance regions of Western Australia where it is often found along watercourses and in winter wet depressions growing in sandy and lateritic soils. This shrub grows on granite substrates. It occurs in exposed coastal habitat and more protected inland scrubs.
Those are the Kupa, tracing the northern boundary of the region, Dobra, Mrežnica and the Korana—forming travertine barriers and waterfalls before discharging into Kupa in area of Karlovac, as well as Una, in the eastern part of the region, at the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Furthermore, there are losing streams such as Gacka, Krbava and Lika rivers, reflecting a high degree of karstification of the terrain in the region, resulting in increased permeability of soil and rocks. Ingress of water underground resulted in formation of subterranean watercourses and lakes. Probably the finest example of interaction of karst terrain and watercourses in the area are Plitvice Lakes—16 interlinked lakes between Mala Kapela and Plješevica, through which Korana River flows.
Called the Bunyan Buggie, the unit was self- propelled and had wheels high and a front dozer blade that was across and high."Huge Logging Tractor Moves on Wheels 24 Feet High." Popular Science, June 1960, pp. 96-98. Log transportation can be challenging and costly since trees are often far from roads or watercourses.
Latton is a village and civil parish in Wiltshire, England, north of Cricklade, on the county border with Gloucestershire. The village is bypassed by the A419 road from Swindon to Cirencester. The parish includes the hamlet of Eysey, formerly a village with its own church and parish. Watercourses form several of the parish boundaries.
During the 18th century fishing, milling, and timber processing were the main industries, exploiting the water power of nearby watercourses. In 1850 the town processed of timber. 1850 marked the beginning of shipbuilding in Port Rowan. With the decline of the fishing, lumber and milling industries, tourism is the main economic activity in the region.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (0.4%) is water. Watercourses in Tehama County include Dye Creek and Payne's Creek. The county is intersected by Sacramento River. A small part of Lassen Volcanic National Park extends into the northeast corner of the county.
Schülin, F. (1965): Chronik von Rötteln-Haagen , pp.123 ff. Since the water quality was restored, various regional fishing associations are looking after fish stocks and raising juvenile river trout. In addition, they contribute significantly to the maintenance of the Wiese and other watercourses in the Wiesental as part of joint river cleaning activities.
Like all creeks in the locality west of the range, they are eventually tributaries of the Barcoo River within the Lake Eyre drainage basin, whereas watercourses to the east of the range are within the North East Coast drainage basin flowing into the Coral Sea. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation.
The Bluff Downs giant python (Liasis dubudingala) is an extinct species of snake from Queensland, Australia, that lived during the Early Pliocene. The Bluff Downs giant python hunted mammals, birds and reptiles in the woodlands and vine thickets bordering Australian watercourses during Pliocene times. Its nearest living relative is the olive python (Liasis olivacea).
Gembrook was settled in 1873 for farming and timber; the surrounding countryside was suitable for both dairy and orchards. Timber provided income while farms were established. The name Gembrook came from the small gems that were found in small creeks and watercourses in the surrounding area. The Post Office opened on 5 October 1877.
It is native to an area in the Kimberley region of Western Australia where it is found along the banks of watercourses and on stony plains growing many soil types over or around sandstone and shale. It is also found across the Barkly Tableland and Katherine regions of the Northern Territory and northern Queensland.
The beck is not navigable to boats at any point, however because of its underground nature, it does attract people wishing to explore the subterranean environment beneath the city. It has even featured in a National Geographic article on the top 11 rivers forced underground, which includes watercourses in New York, Moscow and Vienna.
It is native to an area in the central Goldfields region of Western Australia where it is found on stony slopes and along ephemeral watercourses an growing in firm red sandy soils. It is also found in the Mann-Musgrave block in north western South Australia and the south west of the Northern Territory.
Piura Department has a desert and semi-desert climate on the coast and the western slopes of the Andes, whereas on the eastern slopes the climate is subtropical. Precipitation is sparse except during El Niño events, when rainfall is abundant and water flows through normally dry watercourses, causing flooding and large-scale land movements.
The leaves are 80 cm to 100 cm long, and generally have a leaf of about 10 mm to 20 mm wide. It grows beside watercourses in upland and mountain rain forest. The plant is often used for revegetation and erosion control. The starchy, fleshy bases of the leaves are edible, tasting of raw peas.
Roads neighboring this subdistrict include (from the north clockwise): Lan Luang, Worachak, Bamrung Mueang, Krung Kasem. Khlong Maha Nak, Khlong Phadung Krung Kasem, and Khlong Saen Saep are main watercourses. The Khlong Phadung Krung Kasem canal serves as the boundary between Si Yaek Maha Nak Subdistrict, Dusit District, and Rong Mueang Subdistrict, Pathum Wan District.
Taxandria juniperina occurs in a coastal strip in the south west corner of western Australia from Busselton south to Augusta to Waychinicup just east of Albany. The tree prefers margins of winter-wet or permanent swamps or watercourses, but grows in a range of soil types from loam and peat to sand and gravel.
One leads to the Sete Quedas waterfall and passes a jequitibá tree more than 300 years old. The others lead through interesting forest areas and over watercourses. There is no camping area or visitor accommodations. As of 2016 the park was open from 08:00 to 17:00 on Tuesdays to Sundays and holidays.
It is an invasive weed in the Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces of northern South Africa and in northern Namibia. It proliferates along watercourses, smothers native plants and invades grazing land. Livestock and elephants are known to die when feeding on the plant. As of 2015 biocontrol agents have not been released in South Africa.
Northern Territory Flora online, Northern Territory Government. Retrieved 11 May 2019. The species is found on the edges of swamps and creek beds and damp flats in the Kimberley region of Western Australia where it grows in sandy-loam soils. In the Territory it is found on mulga-dominated plains, alluvial plains and intermittent watercourses.
Numerous watercourses in Central Asia (including Kazakhstan and Xinjiang) carry names meaning "Poplar River" in Chinese or in a Turkic language. This includes the Baiyang River of Toksun County, which flows from the main Tian Shan range toward Lake Aydingkol, as well as several Terekty Rivers in Kazakhstan or Kazakh-speaking sections of Xinjiang.
The main watercourses within the park are the Branco, Itapacurá and Cuparí rivers. Although there are many rivers and streams, few of them are suitable for river transport due to shallow depth, rapids, tree trunks, narrow channels, sharp curves and fallen trees. In the flood period it is also hard to identify the navigation channel.
Flood control channels are not to be confused with watercourses which are simply confined between levees. These structures may be made entirely of concrete, with concrete sides and an exposed bottom, with riprap sides and an exposed bottom, or completely unlined. They often contain grade control sills or weirs to prevent erosion and maintain a level streambed.
For example, on reaching the coastal plain, Ellen Brook runs south for around , picking up a number of watercourses along the way, before finally emptying into the Swan River. Another example is the Serpentine River, which runs west to less than from the coast, then turns south, running parallel with the coast for nearly before disgorging into Peel Inlet.
The Pacific antwren is native to Panama and Colombia and Ecuador west of the Andes Mountains, ranging as far south as Azuay Province at altitudes normally less than . It is found in damp rainforests, at the edges of woodland, in glades and in gardens, foraging for insects in the sub-canopy of trees, and often far from watercourses.
Sherman, C.K. 1980. A comparison of the natural history and mating system of two anurans: Yosemite toads (Bufo canorus) and black toads (Bufo exsul). Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The toad's primary habitat is watercourses, irrigation ditches, and marshes (grass, sedge, dwarf bulrush, and watercress) formed by waterflow from springs, surrounded by cold desert steppe.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (6.4%) is water. Watercourses in Placer County include the American River and Bunch Creek. Lake Tahoe has 40.96% of its surface area in Placer County, more than in any of the four other counties in which it lies.
In contrast, summer thunderstorms can wash out nearby roads, turning watercourses into torrents. During such events very little water was captured in the landscape in its natural state, causing severe downstream flooding, particularly along the Bremer River. In between these extremes there are sometimes stretches of fine weather affording views over ridges and spurs strewn with wildflowers.
Alakanuk is a Yup'ik word meaning "wrong way" or "mistake village", aptly applied to a village on this maze of watercourses. The village was first reported by G.R. Putnam of the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey in 1899. It was originally settled by a Yup'ik shaman named Anguksuar and his family. A Catholic mission school was built near the village.
Redningshytten at Gullfjellet. Due to its importance as a hiking attraction, and much bad weather, large and numerous cairns have been put up ("Varderekka") to guide hikers from both sides of the mountain. The watercourses on Gullfjellet supports large parts of the Bergen region with piped water. Svartavatnet is situated to the west of the mountain.
The parish is about wide east–west, about wide north–south and has an area of about . Watercourses bound it on three sides: The River Cherwell to the east, its tributary the River Swere to the north and the Sowbrook (i.e. "South Brook") to the south. The Cherwell here also forms the county boundary with Northamptonshire.
Flowers open at dusk, are finished blooming by dawn and are pollinated by long-tongued hawkmoths. Fruits ripen by November. They have a tough, thick shell, are rounded and usually less than long; smaller than most other baobab species. The trees are often found along watercourses and the thick-shelled fruit are likely dispersed by water.
This species ranges from Paluma to Cooktown in north Queensland. It is associated with fast flowing creeks in montane rainforests of altitudes ranging from 0–1200 m. But can also be found around slower watercourses and rock soaks when ample vegetation is present. They breed from spring to summer with peak breeding occurring from October to April.
The rugged and thickly forested terrain around Banasura Hill with numerous caves, streams and watercourses formed an ideal hiding place for the Pazhassi Raja. In modern days, the higher elevations are inhabited by descendants of the Pazhassi Raja who have set up an intricate system of Ziplines and swinging ropes to traverse the network of tree houses they've constructed.
They grow on shallow sand aprons overlaying gibber or clay slopes and plains and between longitudinal dunes or on alluvial flats between ephemeral watercourses. The soils can be saline or contain high levels of gypsum. The total population is approximately 76,000 individuals spread over a total area of but with a total area of occupancy of only .
Newbridge Demesne opened as a County Dublin Regional Park in 1986. It consists of approximately 400 acres of gently undulating pastureland, woodland, watercourses and pleasure grounds. The estate still maintains a small farm, including a fine, square cobbled courtyard adjoining the house that was designed by Robert Mack, and built about 1790 after the completion of the main house.
Cartonema parviflorum, commonly known in wiridjagu, is a herb in the Commelinaceae family. The perennial erect herb typically grows to a height of . It blooms between March and June producing yellow flowers. It is found along watercourses, damp areas and in seasonally inundated areas in the Kimberley region in Western Australia where it grows in sandy-gravelly soils.
The resulting soil liquefaction causes extensive damage to property built upon it, as was evidenced in the Marina district during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Most of the city's natural watercourses, such as Islais Creek and Mission Creek, have been culverted and built over, although the Public Utilities Commission is studying proposals to daylight or restore some creeks.
Wolterstorffina mirei is a species of toad in the family Bufonidae. It is endemic to Cameroon and known from Mount Oku and the Bamboutos Mountains. Its natural habitats are montane grassland, and that in the dry season, areas near streams and small watercourses in bamboo forest. It is threatened by habitat loss caused by fire, overgrazing, and agriculture.
The recorded habitat of O. lumsdenae is associated with permanent water, agricultural dams, and watercourses in semi-arid regions, where it resides and forages in eucalypt woodland. The species is also found in tropical (high rainfall) regions, where habitat includes a range of rainforest, riparian zones at rivers and floodplain, and wetter woodland or savannah vegetation.
The southwestern parts of the district are occupied by the foothills of the Harz Mountains. From here the country slopes away to the Saale valley in the east and the Elbe valley in the northeast. Both rivers don't cross the district itself. The two main watercourses are the Bode and the Wipper, both affluents of the Saale.
Melaleuca dissitiflora is found in the drier parts of inland Australia such as Flinders Ranges in South Australia. It is also found in the Northern Territory and western Queensland and there is a disjunct population in the Rawlinson Range in Western Australia near its border with the Northern Territory. It grows in rocky places, in ephemeral watercourses and alluvium.
The Saline River serves as the northwestern boundary of the county before emptying into the Ouachita River, which serves as the southwestern boundary. The Port of Crossett is positioned just south of the Saline River's mouth. Within the county, Bearhouse Creek, Chemin-a-haut Bayou, Fountain Creek, Flat Creek, Mill Creek, and Overflow Creek are important watercourses.
The Pilbara is located within the arid tropics. During summer, between October and April, temperatures rise above , and cyclones and local thunderstorms can flood roads and watercourses. The cool season, between May and August, experiences little rain, with daytime temperatures around . Nights at this time of year can be cool, so warm clothes may be necessary.
Woodlands and dry eucalypt forests predominate on the drier, shallower soils of the park's foothills. Spotted Gum (Corymbia variegata) and Narrow-leaved Ironbark are two of the main species. There are also small areas of heath and ridges dominated by grass trees (Xanthorrhoea spp). Remnant pockets of lowland rainforest occur in the valleys along some of the watercourses.
It is native to arid desert areas in the north western South Australia, southern Northern Territory and the north eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia. It is found along watercourses, on rocky hillsides and valley floors and walls growing in shallow red sandy soils. It is usually a part of tall shrubland communities with other Acacia and Eucalyptus species.
It has a scattered distribution in the Kimberley, Pilbara, Mid West and Goldfields-Esperance regions of Western Australia extending into western parts of the Northern Territory where it is often found on alluvial flats, in depressions, on stony plains and along watercourses growing in rocky sand, clay or loam soils around areas of limestone or quartz.
In an attempt to reduce the pumping requirement, many mine owners 'waterproofed' the beds of watercourses with conduits or channels, wherever water loss was thought likely to occur. These artificial drainage features can be seen, at some point or other, on almost every watercourse within the mining area.Swallow Holes and Mine Drainage in The Forest of Dean, C.R.Bowen.
The gabar goshawk occurs in open woodland, especially dry Acacia savanna and broad-leaved woodland, with miombo (Brachystegia), cluster-leaf Terminalia, and mopane (Colosphermum mopane). In the more arid regions of southern Africa such as the Karoo and Namib Desert, it is generally restricted to tree-lined watercourses, but it may also move into cities and towns.
The geography of Geauga County was radically changed by Illinoian and Wisconsinan glaciation, which is evident in the deranged drainage system, landscape change, and glacial till. The headwaters of three watercourses in the Lake Erie basin are in Geauga County. These include the Cuyahoga River, Chagrin River, and Grand River. Portions of all three are designated Ohio Scenic Rivers.
Ugandan kobs are herbivores and feed largely on grasses and reeds. The females and young males form loose groups of varying size which range according to food availability, often moving along watercourses and grazing in valley bottoms. One group in South Sudan was recorded as travelling during the dry season. Sometimes non-breeding males form their own groups.
Aerial view of the Sierra Pelona Mountains and San Andreas Fault Three major tributaries of the Santa Clara River and numerous minor watercourses and washes drain the ridge: Castaic Creek, San Francisquito Creek, and Bouquet Creek. Three sag ponds nestle within the narrow valley that divides the mountains from the Antelope Valley: Hughes Lake, Munz Lakes, and Elizabeth Lake.
Lastly, to the south is Lyme Bay on the English Channel where the coastline is characterised by slumped, mobile cliffs, prominent headlands like Golden Cap, and hidden valleys. The major watercourses of the region are the River Brit and the River Char.NCA: 139 Marshwood & Powerstock Vales - Key Facts & Data at Accessed on 6 Apr 2013.
Drosera stricticaulis, the erect sundew, is an erect perennial tuberous species in the carnivorous plant genus Drosera. It is endemic to Western Australia and is found near watercourses and granite outcrops in sandy clay or loam. D. stricticaulis produces small, cup-shaped carnivorous leaves along green, glandular stems that can be high. Pink flowers bloom from July to October.
The etymology of the Luggie's name is uncertain. It may originate from the "bright, shining" nature of the stream compared to other local watercourses. Two of Pont's maps mention the Luggie although neither links it with Cumbernauld. Several other old maps show the Luggie with various spellings including maps by Charles Ross, William Forrest, and William Roy.
This runs across open fellside at first, only entering the trees at around the 1,100 ft contour. Beckstones Gill flows to Bassenthwaite to the south of Barf, while an unnamed stream does the same to the north. All of the eastern flanks of the range are forested, except for the scree-ridden face of Barf between these two watercourses.
Small sinkholes are known as vrtače; deeper, larger sinkholes are known as udorne doline. They were created hundreds of thousands of years ago in the Late Pleistocene, during the gradual collapse of cave ceilings. Karst formations The Golokratna jama cave is a dry sinkhole in the region, which has no surface water. Watercourses disappear below ground, forming caves.
There are currently 19 countries and 22 territories that do not have a permanent natural river flowing within them, though some of them have streams or seasonal watercourses such as wadis.Which Countries Don't Have Rivers? The Arabian Peninsula is the largest subregion in the world without any permanent natural river. Countries in this subregion have wadis instead.
A variety of mammals occur here including otter, red squirrel, badger, roe deer, and bat. Red squirrels live in the conifer plantations around the reservoir where mature trees provide a good supply of seeds. The young and mature conifer plantations are also good habitat for roe deer whilst the network of watercourses provides excellent habitat for the otter.
It is found in the Kimberley region of Western Australia and in the Northern Territory from Melville Island in the north , south to Kakadu National Park. Usually it is found among sandstone outcrops and ranges and along rocky watercourses in sandy soils in open Eucalypt or mixed woodland communities sometimes it is associated with Melaleuca nervosa.
It is native to an area in the Pilbara region of Western Australia where it is often situated on scree slopes of low ranges growing in stony red loamy soils. It has a limited range mostly within the Hamersley Range National Park where it is considered to be abundant on the lower slopes where the watercourses exit the range.
This is a resident but somewhat uncommon species and occurs in southern Tanzania, eastern Zimbabwe, southern Malawi and northern Mozambique. It is found in upland forests, at altitudes of between , both in high rainfall areas and in forest margins in drier areas, in Brachystegia woodland, clearings, scrubby areas and areas of rank vegetation, often near watercourses.
The S. p. glabrata variety has become naturalised, and is also an environmental weed, in eastern Australia in the coastal and sub-coastal regions of south-eastern Queensland and New South Wales, where it is found in watercourses, gardens, disturbed sites, wastelands, roadsides, closed forests, forest margins and urban bushland.Easter cassia Senna pendula var. Glabrata by the Brisbane City Council Weed Identification Tool.
HiangHing Village, Tedim Township Khonumtung (Mount Victoria), high, is the highest peak in Chin State. Many natural watercourses flow among mountain ranges running from north to south forming valleys and gorges. The state has many rivers and the Meitei Gun flows through its northern half. The Tio River forms much of the border with India for the northern half of the state.
Wills is in the Channel Country. All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation. The locality of Boulia is an "island" within Wills, which is contrary to the locality boundary principles of the Queensland Government.
Edmundo Navarro de Andrade State Forest A state forest () in Brazil is a type of sustainable use protected area managed at the state level. The primary purpose is sustainable exploitation of the forest, subject to various limits. These include a requirement to preserve at least 50% of the original forest, to preserve forest along watercourses and on steep slopes, and so on.
In a 1918 publication, Cvijić proposed a cyclical model for karstic landscape development. Karst hydrology emerged as a discipline in the late 1950s and early 1960s in France. Previously, the activities of cave explorers, called speleologists, had been dismissed as more of a sport than a science, meaning that underground karstic caves and their associated watercourses were, from a scientific perspective, understudied.
Therefore acydophobes would prefer pH above 7. Acid intolerance of plants may be mitigated by lime addition and by calcium and nitrogen fertilizers. Acidophobic species are used as a natural instrument of monitoring the degree of acidifying contamination of soil and watercourses. For example, when monitoring vegetation, a decrease of acidophobic species would be indicative of acid rain increase in the area.
The town adjoins in the north to the woodlands of the Haard and the natural park Hohe Mark. The town forms the smooth transition between the industrial Ruhrgebiet and the rural Münsterland. The northern town border coincides nearly completely with the course of the river Lippe. Approximately 60% of the total town area are fields, woods, watercourses, parks and other green areas.
Map of Toronto and its rivers that make up "Toronto ravine system". The Toronto waterway system comprises a series of natural and man-made watercourses in the Canadian city of Toronto. The city is dominated by a large river system spanning most of the city including the Don River, Etobicoke Creek, Highland Creek, Humber River, Mimico Creek and Rouge River.
The landscape offers views of leafy deciduous forests and powerful screes with high rocks, flowing watercourses and wide vistas. The forest, is made up of different types of wood as for example beech, oak and ash. The ground of the forest is covered with a notable amount of plant species. The area is rich with mushrooms, insects, water creatures, mosses, birds and bats.
CRC Weed Management (2003) Weed Management Guide Parkinsonia (Parkinsonia aculeata) Fact Sheet . Wetlands are particularly vulnerable because parkinsonia can invade watercourses, cause erosion, lower watertables and take over vast tracts of floodplain. At Lake Galilee it germinates freely on the moist edges of the lake. Parthenium is an annual herb with a deep taproot and an erect stem that becomes woody with age.
Norris, Taku, Hole-in–the- Wall, Twin and Tulsequah glaciers emerge out on the southeastern side and flow into the trench of the Taku Inlet and Taku River. Two ice-streams join here to form a fan slope, ending in a terminal moraine. The sandy level of the moraine is cut by several watercourses; crimson epilobium blanket the beds of moraine.
The African finfoot's conservation status is hard to determine, given its elusive nature. It is not considered threatened, as it is not persecuted or targeted by hunters, and while scarce, it is very widespread. However, there is concern that it may become threatened, as wetlands are cleared and watercourses altered and polluted. It is also thought to tolerate only minimal disturbance.
Being east of the Great Dividing Range, all watercourses in the area are part of the North East Coast drainage basin. Alpha Creek is a tributary of the Native Companion Creek, then Belyando River, Suttor River and the Burdekin River, which flows into the Coral Sea at Rita Island in the Shire of Burdekin. The principal land use is grazing on native vegetation.
Gossypium australe is an endemic woody shrub, related to cotton, found in north western Australia. Preferring sandy soils near watercourses, it grows to about two or three feet tall. The leaves are grey and hairy, oval to elliptic, long and soft to the touch. Flowers are around long and present a pale pink mauve 'rose' with a deeper shade at the centre.
The area was inhabited by the Northern Sierra Indians, who occupied areas along creeks, spring and seep areas, including permanent and seasonal drainages, flat ridges and terraces. Therefore, areas along watercourses are considered likely locations for prehistoric cultural resources. Permanent villages were usually placed on elevations above seasonal flood levels. Surrounding areas were used for hunting and seed, acorn, and grass gathering.
The Naniken River () is a minor river on the north side of Dublin city, Ireland, one of more than forty watercourses monitored by Dublin City Council. It is culverted for its upper course, visible in St Anne's Park for its entire lower course, and causes flooding somewhere along its line most years. The river flows entirely within the jurisdiction of Dublin City Council.
Lead Local Flood Authorities have lead responsibility for managing the risk of flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses. They have permissive power to carry out flood defence works at their discretion.DEFRA Flood risk management: information for flood risk management authorities, asset owners and local authorities Guidance and information on flood risk management and surface water management. Updated 7 August 2013.
Alaskan gold grains :"Gold nugget" may also refer to the catfish Baryancistrus xanthellus or the mango cultivar Gold Nugget. A gold nugget is a naturally occurring piece of native gold. Watercourses often concentrate nuggets and finer gold in placers. Nuggets are recovered by placer mining, but they are also found in residual deposits where the gold-bearing veins or lodes are weathered.
It occurs on floodplains and along watercourses in arid and semi-arid areas throughout Western Australia, South Australia, southern Northern Territory, and east to near Charleville, Queensland and Brewarrina, New South Wales and is known to grow in a variety of habitats and soil types. In Western Australia it is found in the Pilbara, Gascoyne, Mid West, Wheatbelt and Goldfields-Esperance regions.
The Carpentaria Highway passes through the property. It currently occupies an area of and is currently owned by the Thames Pastoral Company who acquired the property from Sterling Buntine in 2012 for 30 million. The sale of the station included approximately 28,000 head of cattle. Several watercourses flow through the property including Arnold River, Cox River, Tanumbirini Creek and Williams Creek.
In the past, there was an inner sea between the hills called the Estero that eventually dried up. On this site, the "Ensanche" (Expansion or New Town) was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The urban area is delimited or crossed by several watercourses, some of which go deep into the urban network during a large part of their courses.
Until the regulation of the river Wörpe in 1860 the rather narrower navigable watercourses in its drainage basin only allowed ¼-Hunt barges, thereafter then ½-Hunt barges.Johannes Rehder-Plümpe, „Die Struktur der Findorff-Siedlungen“, in: Die Findorff-Siedlungen im Teufelsmoor bei Worpswede: Ein Heimatbuch, Wolfgang Konukiewitz and Dieter Weiser (eds.), 2nd, revis. ed., Bremen: Edition Temmen, 2013, pp. 93-123, here pp. 115seq. .
The size varieties account for the watercourses' varying widths. Turf barges were delivered fully equipped with sails, mostly from sailmakers in Scharmbeck, with lateral centreboards and quants. When sailing the centreboard serves to stabilise the keelless barge. Cabin for overnight stays aboard on tours in Mire Trench and Turf Boat, 1922 by Heinrich Vogeler Torfschiffe have no keel, stem, or sternpost.
Drumnamahane Island () is a townland in the Barony of Ormond Lower, County Tipperary, Ireland. It is located in the civil parish of Uskane. It is located roughly in the centre of the triangle formed by Borrisokane, Cloughjordan and Ballingarry. It is not an island surrounded by a body of water, rather it is surrounded by numerous small watercourses and marshy areas.
It is native to Kimberley region of Western Australia and has a scattered distribution through the top end of the Northern Territory as far east as Springvale close to the border with Queensland where it is often found along ephemeral watercourses growing in sandy or loamy soils as a part of riparian forest or open woodland communities usually including species of Melaleuca.
Bonamia pannosa is a herb in the family Convolvulaceae. The perennial or annual herb has a spreading prostrate habit and typically grows to a height of . It blooms between January to October and produces purple-blue flowers. It is found on floodplains and along watercourses in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions of Western Australia where it grows in sandy soils.
Plants include the beardgrass Andropogon gayanus, dūrvā grass Cynodon dactylon, and the thatching grass Hyparrhenia dissoluta. Along the many watercourses, Mimosa asperata and Salix chevalieri grow above a Cyperus maculatus understory. Northern Delta. Characterized by emergent sand ridges which sustain the palm trees Hyphaene thebaica and Borassus aethiopum, the gum arabic tree Acacia nilotica, Guarea senegalensis, Mimosa asperata and Ziziphus mauritiana.
On 31 October 1998, water levels in the river reached its highest recorded level and the river flooded, causing significant damage to 4 properties in Cowbridge, 4 in Aberthin, and 17 in Llanblethian. The flooding was caused by flood water over-topping the banks of main rivers and ordinary watercourses, and restrictions to flow in channels and surcharging of drains.
Leptopelis millsoni is an arboreal frog found in primary and secondary lowland rainforest, secondary growth, and palm plantations. It is typically found near large, slow-flowing watercourses; the males call from branches close to such streams. It does not survive in open, degraded habitats. If similar to other species of Leptopelis, it would lay eggs in a nest on the ground near water.
Capable of carrying approximately 15,000 head of cattle Tobermorey occupies an area of , it is approximately in length and wide. The southern portion of Tobermorey is red soil with areas of sandhills, lightly timbered and supporting areas of buffel grass around the watercourses. The northern section is open plain country timbered with Mulga and Gidyea and covered with Mitchell grass and other herbage.
This species has a variety of habitats, ranging from humid tropical forests, semiarid environments, grasslands, llanos, intervening habitats, pastures and lower montane forests. It is an arboreal nocturnal species, found on leaves of trees, on shrubs and other vegetation near watercourses. The species breeds in temporary pools at the beginning of the rainy season. Specimens are occasionally also found on the ground.
There are nine communes that are bordering the town of Vesoul. Vesoul is crossed by four watercourses : two rivers (Durgeon and Colombine) and two streams (Vaugine and Méline). All of them are tributaries and sub-tributaries of the Saône, the fourth longest river in France with 473 kilometers long. and flowing about ten kilometers from the western side of Vesoul..
They support a large array of wildlife. Two watercourses make their way to the sea within the area creating ribbons of wetland vegetation along their course. The village is near the Sands of Forvie Site of Special Scientific Interest, the fifth largest sand dune system in Britain; this is an integral part of the Ythan Estuary, which separates the sands from Balmedie beach.
The April 2011 Niagara Rail Service Expansion Environmental Study Report recommended the Casablanca Avenue site as the preferred option for a train station in Grimsby. Among the reasons cited were that adjacent lands are primarily commercial, there are no cultural or natural heritage features to protect, no watercourses are impacted, and GO Transit already operates a GO Bus service at the site.
A gold nugget is a naturally occurring piece of native gold. Watercourses often concentrate nuggets and finer gold in placers. Nuggets are recovered by placer mining, but they are also found in residual deposits where the gold-bearing veins or lodes are weathered. Nuggets are also found in the tailings piles of previous mining operations, especially those left by gold mining dredges.
Muttaburra has a subtropical climate with very hot summers. Temperatures over and heat waves are common, however in winter the temperature can go as low as , if not lower. Frosts occur rarely. Most of the rainfall occurs in the summer months with falls around the , Flooding can occur most years and in the "big wets" large areas of the major watercourses are inundated.
Its typical habitat has been reported as coarse white sandy soils on low hills or intermittent watercourses. Dominant vegetation in association with its habitat include Eucalyptus tetrodonta, E. clarksoniana, Melaleuca viridiflora, M. nervosa, and Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. S. austrocapense is most closely related to S. multiscapum, but differs by the shorter leaves and absent paracorolla. Its conservation status has been assessed as secure.
The dominant forms of nitrogen in wetlands that are of importance to wastewater treatment include organic nitrogen, ammonia, ammonium, nitrate and nitrite. Total nitrogen refers to all nitrogen species. Wastewater nitrogen removal is important because of ammonia’s toxicity to fish if discharged into watercourses. Excessive nitrates in drinking water is thought to cause methemoglobinemia in infants, which decreases the blood's oxygen transport ability.
Hugh Lupus, 1st Earl of Chester, had a castle constructed at Shotwick about 1093. It was sited atop a promontory that had steep-sided river banks formed from two watercourses that flowed – at this point – into the River Dee. The castle had an earthen hexagonal motte with an outer bailey. It also had two large defensive ditches ( wide and deep) that became flooded at high tide.
Burhinus forage on dry open ground, sometimes under trees, among crops pasture and grass, on saltpans, irrigation paddocks and riverbeds. In the summer, Burhinus will spend more time foraging along watercourses, dams and swamps. Burhinus will forage for 20–30 minutes in one area then fly short distance to next. When Burhinus are actively feeding, they will move slowly, pausing and tilting their head like plovers.
Siddle et al (eds) 2000 Landslides and landslide management in South Wales 116pp National Museum of Wales, Geological Series no 18, Cardiff An extensive programme of stabilisation works across the coalfield followed that event. The contamination of land, groundwater and watercourses is a risk in areas where mineral exploitation has taken place, notably in the central Wales orefield and in former coal mining districts.
The Thomson River forms the south-western boundary of the locality. Cornish Creek flows through the locality from east (Upper Cornish Creek) to west (Tablederry) where it becomes a tributary to the Thomson River. All watercourses in the locality flow into the Lake Eyre drainage basin. The Muttaburra Aramac Road enters the locality from the west (Muttaburra) and passes through the locality exiting to the south (Sardine).
University of Chicago Press., Chicago, Illinois. These effects include habitat loss and fragmentation, spread of invasive alien species, desiccation, windthrow, fires, animal injury and mortality (e.g., roadkill), changes in animal behaviour, pollution, microclimate and vegetation changes,Pohlman, Catherine Louise (2006) Internal fragmentation in the rainforest: edge effects of highways, powerlines and watercourses on tropical rainforest understorey microclimate, vegetation structure and composition, physical disturbance and seedling regeneration.
The Wairahi River is a river of New Zealand's Great Barrier Island. It is the only river (so named) on the island — the island's other watercourses all having names ending is "stream". The Wairahi flows generally west, roughly paralleling the island's long southwestern shore, from its origins north of Whangaparapara Harbour. A walking track from Whangaparapara to Port Fitzroy follows the river for part of its length.
The karst field has three different watercourses; the Dobravka River flows from a non-karst area, whereas Zelenka Creek and Šica Creek are true karst streams. Kopanj Hill, an isolated dolomite hill high, rises in the middle of the karst field and is a unique example of such a feature in a Slovene karst area.Čelik, Tatjana et al. 2005. Natura 2000 v Sloveniji: Metulji. Lepidoptera.
The São Tomé fiscal is a very rare bird. There were records of sightings in 1888 and again in 1928. Another individual was sighted in 1990 near the source of the Rio Xufexufe, and a number of birds have been spotted since then. All sightings have been in primary forest with rocky areas but little undergrowth, sometimes on low ridges or beside watercourses, and always below .
The Caçanje River defines part of the northern border of the Encontro das Águas State Park, then flows northeast to join the Cuiabá River. Further south the Alegre River flows northeast across the park parallel to the Caçanje, forms part of the eastern border, then continues east to join the Caçanje just before that river enters the Cuiabá. The region, rich in watercourses, supports diverse pantanal vegetation.
Buddleja fallowiana var. alba Sabourin is a white-flowered variety of B. fallowiana endemic to Yunnan in western China, where it grows in open woodland, along forest edges and watercourses. The shrub was considered superior to the lavender-blue flowered B. fallowiana by Bean, who thought it one of the most attractive of all Buddlejas.Bean, W. J. (1917). Trees and shrubs hardy in Great Britain, 7th edition.
Corymbia grandifolia grows in open forest, in woodland near watercourses and swamps and rocky slopes or flats in skeletal sandy soils over sandstone or basalt. Its range extends from the Kimberley region of Western Australia, across the top end of the Northern Territory including Bathurst and Melville Islands, and along the coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria as far east as the Gilbert River in Queensland.
The valley takes its name from the Cachapoal River that flows through Rapel Valley along with its tributaries, the Claro and Cortaderal rivers. All these watercourses flow into Rapel Lake. Cachapoal River begun to incise in the rising Andes in the Miocene epoch. Later, as glaciers developed in the Andes the upper part of the valley was glaciated and reshaped into a glacial valley.
Southward the mountains descend, often in scarped ledges, to an elevated plateau devoid of perennial rivers. This region of broken mountain terrain, shallow plateau valleys, and usually dry watercourses is known to the Somalis as the Ogo. In the Ogo's especially arid eastern part, the plateau--broken by several isolated mountain ranges--gradually slopes toward the Somali Sea and in central Somalia constitutes the Mudug Plain.
It is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa from Senegal in the west to Sudan in the east, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and in the Transvaal and KwaZulu-Natal. In arid regions it prefers low-lying sites near streams, watercourses and in valleys, but in higher rainfall areas is a common constituent of the bush, often favouring forest margins. Once established, young trees are quite frost- hardy.
With vestiges of human occupation dating to the Paleolithic, the largest concentration of archeological sites identified with the Neolithic. The region was sought by different groups for its hunting, supported by its watercourses. Its first settlers were also attracted to the fertile lands and its distance from Felicitas Julia Olissipo (Lisbon). The villa was constructed sometime during the Roman occupation of the Iberian peninsula.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (5.5%) is water. Two main watercourses drain the county: Cache Creek, which is the outlet of Clear Lake; and Putah Creek. Both of these flow to the Sacramento River. The main streams which flow into Clear Lake are Forbes Creek, Scotts Creek, Middle Creek and Kelsey Creek.
Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge is located in Ramsey and Towner Counties near the town of Church's Ferry, North Dakota. These watersheds cover of land and provide ample water to Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge. All of these watercourses are considered intermittent, but they are prone to flooding in spring and during heavy rainstorms. The Refuge was first established in 1935 as an easement refuge.
Watercourses draining the city of Livermore include Arroyo Mocho, Arroyo Valle, Arroyo Seco and Arroyo Las Positas. The principal aquifer underlying the city is the Mocho Subbasin. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , over 99% of it land. Several local seismic areas of activity lie near the city, including the Greenville Fault, Tesla Fault and the Livermore Fault.
The Australian ringneck is active during the day and can be found in eucalypt woodlands and eucalypt-lined watercourses. The species is gregarious and depending on the conditions can be resident or nomadic. In trials of growing hybrid eucalypt trees in dry environments parrots, especially the Port Lincoln parrot, caused severe damage to the crowns of the younger trees during the research period between 2000–3.
Skillogalee Creek, which rises in the Skilly Hills near Penwortham, is a significant tributary of the Wakefield River. The high rainfall in the Skilly Hills contributes to the Skillogalee Creek being one of the few permanently flowing watercourses in the region.Water Allocation Plan for the Clare Valley Prescribed Water Resources Area, (Government of South Australia, 2009) . Dennis Creek is another tributary of the Wakefield River.
It is native throughout the arid centre of Australia, from Carnarvon, Western Australia, east to the Tanami Desert, Northern Territory and Mann Range, South Australia. It is especially common along watercourses and in low-lying areas that receive drainage. The tree is found in many types of habitat usually in stony sand or loamy soils and is associated with Acacia aneura and spinifex communities.
To the west the parish is bounded by field boundaries. An Ordnance Survey map of 1814 of the course of the River Swere from Swerford (left) to its confluence with the Cherwell (right). Hempton, Deddington and Clifton are on the road along the southern edge of the map. Clifton, Deddington and Hempton stand on a ridge of Jurassic ferruginous marlstone hills between the three watercourses.
Carnwath (Gaelic: A' Chathair Nuadh; English: "New Fort") is a moorland village on the southern edge of the Pentland Hills of South Lanarkshire, Scotland. The village lies about south of both Edinburgh and Glasgow. It is bounded by the North Medwyn and South Medwyn watercourses. Carnwath is a farming town set in rolling countryside, on the edge of open moorland and with views to the Pentland Hills.
Eragrostis infecunda , commonly known as southern canegrass, is a species of grass, in the subfamily Chloridoideae of the family Poaceae, that is endemic to Australia. It has erect, wiry culms growing to 70 cm in height It is typically found on cracking clay or alluvial sandy loam soils, on floodplains, watercourses and depressions subject to periodic inundation, as well as the margins of marshes and on levees.
A new lock would be needed at this location, but would connect to a new channel, rather than to the rest of the drain. It would pass under a new bridge on the A151, and the connection to the River Glen would involve another new lock. An environmental survey of other watercourses near to the route revealed that several provide habitat for nationally important plants and invertebrates.
In the beginning 30 villages in the Teufelsmoor were only connected by watercourses with 20 villages in the eastern mire part linked through the Wörpe and its tributaries, entering the Wümme.Johannes Rehder-Plümpe, „Die Struktur der Findorff-Siedlungen“, in: Die Findorff-Siedlungen im Teufelsmoor bei Worpswede: Ein Heimatbuch, Wolfgang Konukiewitz and Dieter Weiser (eds.), 2nd, revis. ed., Bremen: Edition Temmen, 2013, pp. 93-123, here p. 101\. .
It is situated 350 km (220 miles) north of Kalgoorlie and 800 km (500 miles) north east of Perth, on the edge of the Great Victoria Desert in the community of Leonora. It covers an area of . The land is a mix of Wanderrie, mulga, saltbush and grasslands that support both annual and perennial grasses. Gum trees and mulga follow the four main creeks and other watercourses.
Widespread, found on sands or clay, and tolerant of salinity. It favours watercourses and depressions near granite, but is widespread on sandhills and other harsh coastal environments. North to the Pilbara region, extending into Murchison, Gascoyne, Coolgardie regions, and recorded in the Gibson Desert. Numerous records in the coastal regions of the west and south, it has also been found in the Abrolhos at East Wallabi Island.
Like much of North Staffordshire, the area lies over coal measures, but the north and east areas sit mostly on sandstone and gravel. It was this latter resource that was extensively quarried in the mid 20th century. Most of the area is at an elevation of approximately . There are no major watercourses but the River Blithe forms the eastern boundary of the area and of the city.
This verticordia has a widespread distribution in the north of Western Australia, including the Kimberley and in northern regions of the Northern Territory, including in Kakadu National Park. The species is usually associated with areas of seasonal flooding and watercourses, or along creeks, and has a preference for loam or gravel at exposed sandstone, growing in the white, or grey, or red sands there.
Pont du Gard, France, a Roman aqueduct built circa 40–60 CE. It is one of France's top tourist attractions and a World Heritage Site. Aqueduct of Vanvitelli, Italy, built by Luigi Vanvitelli. It is a World Heritage Site and one of the finest examples of an aqueduct in Europe. Aqueducts or water bridges are bridges constructed to convey watercourses across gaps such as valleys or ravines.
Buddleja salviifolia, common names sage bush and sagewood, is endemic to much of southern and eastern Africa, from Kenya and Angola south, where it grows on rocky hillsides, along forest margins and watercourses. The species was described and named by Lamarck in 1792.Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (1979) The Loganiaceae of Africa XVIII Buddleja L. II, Revision of the African & Asiatic species. H. Veenman & Zonen, Wageningen, Nederland.
The site comprises a system of seven watercourses within the Christmas Island National Park, including permanent and perennial streams, permanent springs, the Hugh's Dale waterfall, and most of the surface water on the island. The site is set within tropical rainforest and adjoins the coast. The streams originate from groundwater seepages and flow into the ocean having, over time, worn gullies into the coastal cliffs.Blowholes, beaches... etc.
Its name is derived from the word aufgebockt ("propped up"). The name arose because many ships ran aground on the former sandbank and thus became "propped up" in a sense. In the west the island is only separated from the Kleine Werder island group by narrow, shallow watercourses. Just off the island to the north is one of the few windwatts on the German Baltic Sea coast.
The region contains more than 70,000 watercourses with a length of more than 10 km for a total length of 584,400 km. The largest navigable rivers are the Ob (185 cu km / yr) and Irtysh (36.5 cu km / yr). In the region there are about 70 thousand lakes. In the north and central parts are widespread thermokarst lakes and predominately marsh in the south.
Kerry County Council officials spent an entire day creating diversions to stop the flow of peat from the first bogslide. A dam was created to direct the bogslide away from the path of a river. Up to 30,000 people in north Kerry were left without a water supply due to polluted watercourses and threatened reservoirs. A boil notice was placed on the local water supply.
Agua Blanca, a protected area The World Wildlife Fund gives the ecoregion the status of "Critical/Endangered". The ecoregion shows the impact of human occupation over several centuries, mostly in the transition zone and along watercourses. The growth of farming in western Ecuador has destroyed 99% of the original dry forest. The present forest consists mostly of secondary growth remnants scattered across the region.
Carter family in the doorway of Castlemartin. Their horse and carriage and a small dog are seen waiting. The estate lands of around are a mix of parkland and working areas, crossed by avenues and watercourses. Both a stud farm, Castlemartin Stud, and a cattle breeding operation, Castlemartin Charolais Herd, are present, with two farm yards, as well as gardens designed by Lanning Roper.
This lorikeet is common in most timbered areas of Eastern Australia from Bamaga, the tip of North Queensland, south to Illawarra district on the New South Wales south coast; also on some offshore islands. They are generally confined to coastal plains and adjacent tablelands; occasionally found along watercourses west of the Great Dividing Range.Pizzey, Graham and Doyle, Roy. (1980) A Field Guide to the Birds of Australia.
The estimated area available to the population of the settlement includes or meadows and forests on the Dren Elevation, of arable land and numerous marshes and watercourses. All rivers and creek are rich in fish, so the fishery was probably also developed. Water springs are abundant in the area. Some of the marshes remained through the hole year, being rich in fish, birds and other animal life.
Cardioglossa nigromaculata occurs in lowland moist forests, as well as in degraded habitats near more mature forests, at elevations of above sea level. Individuals can be spotted in small groups along forest watercourses, often in undergrowth among dead leaves and in holes. Breeding presumably takes place in streams where the tadpoles develop. Cardioglossa nigromaculata is fairly common species, but it is often missing from seemingly suitable habitat.
Painted burrowing frogs inhabit waterholes, dams or pools of watercourses in woodland, grassland, and cleared areas. Males make an elongated trilling sound while floating in water after heavy rains, mainly in winter and autumn. Like other Neobatrachus the species is an adapted burrower and will often spend periods of time underground to avoid drought conditions. Eggs are laid as loosely adherent clumps which may break apart.
The peninsula is the only home of the endangered yellow- shouldered amazon parrot, and is also home to the blue-crowned parakeet. The seasonal watercourses, or quebradas, are the main nesting and feeding grounds for the yellow-shouldered amazon. They are being mined for sand and gravel to be used in construction, and in some areas the parrot is hunted, considered a pest that robs jocote orchards.
It is endemic to an area in the Wheatbelt and Goldfields- Esperance regions from about Toodyay in the north to Fitzgerald River National Park in the south west and Cape Arid National Park in the south east. It is found along watercourses and among granite outcrops growing in sandy-loam or clay soils and is usually part of mallee heath communities or mallee communities over laterite.
Water quality is adversely affected by high sediment deposition, and there are other problems such as phosphate pollution. These issues are being addressed via the Bassenthwaite Lake Restoration Programme. To reduce the sediment entering the lake more trees have been planted alongside watercourses, and clear felling of existing tree cover has been discouraged with the cooperation of the Forestry Commission. Phosphates encourage algae formation.
The sandpaper fig is found along watercourses and gullies in rainforest, and less commonly in open forest. It may be associated with the rough-barked apple (Angophora floribunda). It is found on limestone outcrops in Kanangra-Boyd National Park. It is found from Mackay southwards through New South Wales and into eastern Victoria where it is listed as "threatened" under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988.
New Jersey Municipal Boundaries, New Jersey Department of Transportation. Accessed November 15, 2019. The main watercourses are the Lamington River on the north, the North Branch of the Raritan River on the east and the South Branch of the Raritan River on the east and south. These rivers along with small streams and brooks are excellent for fishermen who enjoy trout stocked streams and rivers.
Cabbage ghost gum occurs on red earth soils, often along watercourses. In Western Australia it is found in the Central Kimberley, Dampierland, Great Sandy Desert, Northern Kimberley, Ord Victoria Plain, Pilbara, Tanami and Victoria Bonaparte IBRA bioregions. In the Northern Territory it is found in the Davenport Murchison Ranges, Gulf Fall and Uplands, Mitchell Grass Downs, Mount Isa Inlier and Sturt Plateau IBRA bioregions.
Latrine outhouse and drainage channel As with all mediaeval abbeys, Maubuisson was built with a complex system of plumbing. The presence of two nearby watercourses would have influenced Blanche of Castile's decision to site the abbey there. Drainage channels serviced the latrines and also let the water be reused to turn the mill. The latrines, built over a drainage channel, consisted of 38 back-to- back seats.
Lophognathus species are slender, slightly compressed, agamid lizards that are often found in trees. They occur in a variety of habitat, including sand dunes and arid regions, but frequently near watercourses. Three species are endemic to Australia, L. burnsi, L. gilberti and L. longirostris; L. temporalis is found in both Australia and New Guinea. The last species, L. maculilabris, is endemic to the Tanimbar Islands (Timor Laut).
It is native to an area in the Wheatbelt, Great Southern and Goldfields-Esperance regions of Western Australia where it grows among rocky outcrops, near watercourses, around salt lakes and along road verges in clay loam or sandy loam soils often over granite. The bulk of the population is from Kalbarri south east to around Katanning with scattered populations further east near Ongerup and Lake King.
The northern salmon gum is found in the north of Western Australia and the Northern Territory. In Western Australia it occurs along watercourses and low-lying flats in the Kimberley region where it grows in alluvium or sandy soils. In the Northern Territory it is found across the Top End, including the Tiwi Islands, the Cobourg Peninsula and as far south as Daly Waters.
The park is very flat with few elevated features. For the most part it is grassland, with trees only along the watercourses and around the normally dry lakes and depressions. The low woodland is dominated by black box (Eucalyptus largiflorens) and River Cooba (Acacia stenophylla). Before European settlement saltbush, cotton bush and native grasses are likely to have been the main plant cover on the plains.
It is also fed by smaller watercourses, including the Mountnugent (Mount Nugent) River and the Bellsgrove (or Belsgrove, also known as Ballyheelan) and Crover Streams, as well as the Mauraghboy, Carrick, Rusheen, Moneybeg and Schoolhouse Streams. The lake is long, and has a surface area of between . It is underlain by limestone, as is the Upper Inny, while some tributaries are underlain by quartzite.
Bluespace in urban planning and design comprises all the areas dominated by surface waterbodies or watercourses. In conjunction with greenspace (parks, gardens, etc. specifically: urban open space), it may help in reducing the risks of heat-related illness from high urban temperatures (urban heat island). Substantial urban waterbodies naturally exist as integral features of the geography of many cities because of their historical geopolitical significance, i.e.
The lower town is subject to a rising water table.Nature and Scenic information the estuary of the Seine, Carmen, Haute-Normandie, consulted on 19 July 2012 The lack of watercourses within the commune prevents flooding from overflows. Le Havre's beach may rarely experience flooding known as "flooding from storms". These are caused by the combination of strong winds, high waves, and a large tidal range.
Nearly all of the islands have lochs, but the watercourses are merely streams draining the high land. The coastlines are indented, and the islands themselves are divided from each other by straits generally called "sounds" or "firths".Brown, John Flett "Geology and Landscape" in Omand (2003) p. 19. The tidal currents, or "roosts" as some of them are called locally,"The Sorcerous Finfolk" Orkneyjar.
Large carp were noted throughout the creek during the 2005 study. Breakfast Creek attributes include community usage and access, such as the Ashlar Golf Course. The cycle paths and proximity to sports facilities and schools throughout much of the creek have led to one of the most accessible watercourses within Blacktown. Evidence of early Aboriginal people has been found in several locations within the City of Blacktown.
The dominant vegetation of the Stung Sen is open deciduous dipterocarp forest, permanent and seasonal wetlands and grasslands. The forests in the region are flooded in the rainy season. In the dry season, water recedes, leaving water only in a few permanent watercourses like the Stung Sen river and its larger tributaries and in small pools. These water bodies support semi-evergreen forest and thick bamboo forests.
Bishop Monkton Ings is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, or SSSI, situated east of Bishop Monkton village in North Yorkshire, England. It consists mostly of marshy, calcareous grassland, with some broadleaved woodland, and some fen alongside the two watercourses which run through the site. This varied wetland forms a habitat for a variety of plants, including the semi-parasitic marsh lousewort (Pedicularis palustris).
The southern gastric- brooding frog lived in areas of rainforest, wet sclerophyll forest and riverine gallery open forest. They were a predominately aquatic species closely associated with watercourses and adjacent rock pools and soaks. Streams that the southern gastric-brooding frog were found in were mostly permanent and only ceased to flow during years of very low rainfall.Meyer, E., Hines, H. and Hero, J.-M. (2001).
Located north of in the Sunshine Coast region, the dam wall was completed in 1989 over the Obi Obi Creek, Small Creek and several unnamed watercourses. The dam wall is high and long and holds back of water when at full capacity. The surface area of the reservoir is and the catchment area is . The uncontrolled un-gated spillway has a discharge capacity of .
Phrynobatrachus steindachneri occurs in montane forests, forest strips, and montane grassland at elevations of above sea level. It is associated with slow-flowing watercourses and can occur in very open (disturbed) situations. Breed takes place in still water and marshes. This species was previously (until about 2009) one of the most common species found in the mountains, but has strongly declined in later years.
Elephant ride in the Yok Don National Park, Vietnam Yok Đôn National Park was established in 1988. It covers an area of and is in Đắk Lắk Province. Vegetation in the park consists of deciduous forest and semi- evergreen (mixed deciduous) forest, with smaller areas of evergreen forest, particularly on hills and along watercourses. 474 vascular plant species have been recorded in the park.
They are in the rain shadow of the western highlands but receive enough rainfall for the cultivation of irrigated wheat and barley. The Rub' al Khali desert region receives almost no rainfall. Both this range and the western highlands feature many wadis, dry watercourses which have been carved out by floods when the occasional torrential downpour occurs. These often support more vascular plants than other arid areas.
Canyon along the Jáchal River The Jáchal River is a river in the province of San Juan, Argentina. It is part of the Desaguadero River basin, and one of the most important permanent watercourses in the province, with an average flow of . It is born from the confluence of the Río de la Palca and the Blanco River, in the northwest of San Juan.
A Gallo-Roman fortified village recorded as Magdunum was built in the marais adjoining the river, which in 409 was fired by the invading Alans. The marais was drained, according to tradition by Saint Liphard around the year 520. The canalisation formed the watercourses known as the mauves. He went on to build the chapel which was to become the monastery and the abbey.
The karst caves have a number of calcareous formations, rock shapes and sediments, mainly cave clay. Some underground watercourses have not changed direction. In 2003, explorers from the Sežana Society for Cave Exploration reached the underground Reka River in Kanjaduce Cave and followed it for about . A year later, they reached the Reka at a depth of through a shaft in the Stršinkna Valley.
Santiago Creek is a major watercourse in Orange County in the U.S. state of California. About long, it drains most of the northern Santa Ana Mountains and is a tributary to the Santa Ana River. It is one of the longest watercourses entirely within the county.San Juan Creek is approximately the same length, and the Santa Ana River is not entirely within Orange County.
It was built in competition to another bridge, the Babu Khar bridge, only three miles (4.8 km) away, and was clearly built to raise taxes from travellers. The castle is said to have been the first castle built in the country. The ruins of the castle and also the remains of extensive fields and watercourses are still visible. Lha chen Naglug also built the palace at Wanla.
In pre-settlement times, the Boneyard, like most of the other watercourses of Champaign County, Illinois, was probably a series of connected wetlands without a clearly defined channel. With settlement, the drainage was "improved". Today the Boneyard is a highly channelized stream, running in a slit trench, with steel sheet pilings along much of its length. There are several stories about the origin of the name "Boneyard".
These finches inhabit low, dense, damp grasslands and sedgelands bordering estuarine areas, watercourses, swamps and other freshwater-bodies. They are also found in grassy, open savanna type sclerophyll woodland and occasionally in towns. Flocks can number between 10 and 30 but can build to hundreds. They are granivorous, foraging in vegetation just above the ground and they often feed on the ground, particularly in the dry season.
He was elected to the Parliament of Norway for the Centre Party from Telemark in the 1924 parliamentary election.Borgen (1999), p. 249 In the Parliament he served as member of the Committee on Social Affairs from 1924 to 1931. Later he would become member of the Committee on Forestry and Watercourses and in 1937 a member of the Committee on University and Higher Education.
The town is located on the banks of the Georgina River in Central West Queensland, north west of the state capital, Brisbane and south west of the regional centre of Mount Isa. Urandangi is in the Channel Country. All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The predominant land use is grazing on native vegetation.
La Coche Reservoir, which lies at an elevation of , is supplied by several watercourses and feeds in its turn a penstock. The water then descends through this conduit to the power station's turbines. There are eight water intake points that feed the reservoir, located on the following rivers: Bridan and Nant-Pérou,Two tributaries of the Eau Rousse. Eau Rousse, Morel, Nant Brun and Encombres,Two tributaries of the Belleville.
Perth is sited on a set of sand dunes formed during the Pliocene-Pleistocene during the last ice age. Offshore, the sand dune system and surficial deposits transition into a system of partly eroded limestones and sandy limestones. These form a series of drowned cuestas which today form submerged reefs. Because of the steepness and orientation of the Darling Scarp, watercourses run off the scarp in a westerly direction.
River Oich near Fort Augustus The River Oich is a short river that flows through the Great Glen in Scotland. It carries water from Loch Oich (to the SW) to Loch Ness (to the NE) and runs in parallel to a section of the Caledonian Canal for the whole of its length. The Great Glen Way runs between the two watercourses. The river's largest tributary is the Invigar Burn.
Zelenka Creek meanders through the karst field for and is dry during periods of drought. Šica Creek is fed by two springs at its source and meanders for . During flooding all three watercourses flow together and flow into Inlet Cave () at the southeast end of the karst field. Sometimes, when the water does not drain quickly enough, a karst lake forms, reaching as far as the first houses in Velika Račna.
This basin's rivers reach far west to the mountains, far south into the United States, and east into Ontario. Major watercourses include the Red, Assiniboine, Nelson, Winnipeg, Hayes, Whiteshell and Churchill rivers. Most of Manitoba's inhabited south has developed in the prehistoric bed of Glacial Lake Agassiz. This region, particularly the Red River Valley, is flat and fertile; receding glaciers left hilly and rocky areas throughout the province.
Buckingham is in the Channel Country. Wills Creek and Makbut Creek pass through the north-east of the locality from the north (Dajarra) to the east (Warenda). All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The Boulia Mount Isa Highway passes through the locality from the north (Dajarra) to the south (Georgina).
C. balonensis is widely distributed in the arid and semi-arid zones of New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.Atlas of Living Australia It is most common on sandplains, sand dunes and rises and along sandy intermittent watercourses. It is less frequently found on gravelly hills of neutral or acidic rocks. The plant occurs in association with mulga and poplar box woodlands and in spinifex communities.
In prehistoric times, the valley was inhabited by the Patwin Native Americans, with possible habitation by Wappo tribes in the northwestern foothills. Most villages are thought to have been constructed near the floodplains of watercourses that drain the valley. Their food consisted of wild roots, acorns, small animals, earthworms, grasshoppers, and bread made from crushed California buckeye kernels. In winter they would construct huts made of tree branches.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (40%) is water. It is the third-smallest county in California by land area. A number of bayside watercourses drain the eastern part of the county including San Bruno Creek and Colma Creek. Streams draining the western county include Frenchmans Creek, Pilarcitos Creek, Naples Creek, Arroyo de en Medio, and Denniston Creek.
Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri lives in fine, sandy and coarse sediments of watercourses, pond and lakes, hyporheic zone and groundwater, feeding on microorganisms and organic material. Due to the lack of gill, it breathes through skin. The front of body is often buried in the sediment whereas the tail of its body is left in the water phase keeping swing to enhance the formation of water flow to promote skin gas exchange.
In 2014, author Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah wrote about a visit to Electric Lady Studios in The Believer, where she saw water from the creek "rushing clear and steady" through a hole in the studio's cellar. To this day, it is disputed whether Minetta Creek actually exists. Bloggers claim that the creek still exists, based on evidence of flooding in basements and cellars."Minetta Brook, Manhattan", blog entry on Watercourses.
It is endemic to a small are among the plains and hills of the Rodinga Range, Train Hills and Pillar Range on Allambi Station and Todd River Station in the southern part of the Northern Territory to the south of Alice Springs where it is often situated along stony watercourses and in dry rocky gullies at the foot of the ranges and on rocky cliffs composed of sandstone.
Floor plan of Bedlay Castle with approximate dates of construction. Bedlay Castle stands on a natural defensive point, protected on three sides by watercourses, with the approach from the south. The original castle, built soon after 1580, was a simple tower house of two storeys and an attic. The tower house was around 13 by 7.5 metres, and had a square stair tower protruding from the north-east corner.
Angophora floribunda, commonly known as the rough-barked apple, is a common woodland and forest tree of the family Myrtaceae native to Eastern Australia. Reaching 30 m (100 ft) high, it is a large tree with fibrous bark and cream- white flowers that appear over the Austral summer. It grows on alluvial soils on floodplains and along watercourses. Much of the land it grew on has been cleared for agriculture.
Belconnen, ACT: Australian Surveying and Land Information Group. Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data, and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any watercourses have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalisation conventions.
The line is still open as the 'Burns Line', part of the Glasgow South Western Line. The village of 'Drybridge' is so named after the fact that most bridges up until the era of the railways were built over watercourses and were therefore 'wet bridges'; a name applied to the nearby Laigh Milton Viaduct. Visible from the station is the only surviving standing stone on the mainland in North Ayrshire.
The toponym "Rivière du Moulin" refers to a mill erected in the 17th century along its course, probably in the lower part. Three watercourses of this island are designated according to the existence of a mill built on their respective watercourse.Toponymic itinerary of Quebec in Charlevoix, 1983. The toponym "rivière du Moulin" was formalized on August 8, 1977 at the Place Names Bank of the Commission de toponymie du Québec.
Bradford itself, is so named after a crossing on Bradford Beck (the Broad Ford) which was located near to what is present day Church Street, with a crossing named as Broadstones. The beck is formed from a number of smaller watercourses, namely Pinch Beck, Pitty Beck, Middlebrook, Clayton Beck, Bull Greave Beck, Chellow Dene Beck, Westbrook, Dirkhill Beck, Bowling Beck, Eastbrook, Bolton Beck, Trap Sike, Northcliffe Beck and Red Beck.
The blue to mauve flowers are about 8 cm across with a 4 cm long tube that is pale yellow inside. These are followed by pods containing seeds that are ejected several metres upon ripening. Plants also reproduce from segments that are washed down watercourses. With a minimum temperature of , this plant is cultivated as a houseplant in temperate regions, and has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
Uig is situated partly on the raised beach around the head of the bay and partly on the steep slopes behind it. Two watercourses enter the bay at Uig: the River Rha from the north and the River Conon which drains Glen Uig to the east. The lower courses of both of these small rivers are characterised by waterfalls. Uigg, Prince Edward Island, Canada was named by settlers from Uig.
Transport routes linking European settlements in the region generally followed watercourses and a number of tracks were developed along both sides of the Castlereagh River. One of the main connections between Gilgandra and the outside world followed the Castlereagh River from Mendooran. This route was followed by wool drays on their way to the coast. It passed through Eringanerin and traversed the eastern side of the river to Coonamble.
Of these, there are four streams that are born in the urban perimeter, they were buried and channeled for greater integration of the city. In the past they will have historical importance, but today some watercourses are treated as "sewage" by the local population. Others like arroyo de Madureira had bathing status. With rapid urbanization and without efficient public policies, several arroyos, especially in the 1980s, were occupied by irregular housing.
Kennet Island is a large neighbourhood of over 1,350 new homes and apartments in Reading, Berkshire, England. It has been constructed on open fields, commencing in 2005 by The Berkeley Homes Group with completion in 2019. Located halfway between Reading town centre and the M4 motorway. It incorporated watercourses for aesthetics by engineering new channels for the canalised Kennet which has its catchment in rural south-west Berkshire and east Wiltshire.
Red Oranda (Wen) goldfish reared in a small outdoor pond with lilies. When the aquatic flora and fauna are balanced, an aquatic ecosystem is created that will support sustainable water quality and clarity. Elements such as fountains, statues, artificial waterfalls, boulders, underwater lighting, lining treatments, edging details, watercourses, and in-water and bankside planting can add visual interest and help to integrate the water garden with the local landscape and environment.
The Touvre emerges as a full-blown river from the head of the valley at Ruelle. A trout fishery is located at the source and a pumping station supplies the drinking water needs of Angoulême. Most of the paper mills are situated on the banks of watercourses in the neighbourhood of the town. Cardboard for packaging, as well as fine vellum for correspondence, have been produced in quantity.
Here small lakes frequently fill the depressions, though the water in them is generally salt or brackish. Both here and for south of Ulaanbaatar, streams are frequent and grass grows more or less abundantly. Through all the central parts, until the bordering mountains are reached, trees and shrubs are utterly absent. Clay and sand are the predominant formations; the watercourses, especially in the north, being frequently excavated deep.
The term aqueduct may also be used to refer to the entire watercourse, as well as the bridge."aqueduct", Britannica CD 2000 Large navigable aqueducts are used as transport links for boats or ships. Aqueducts must span a crossing at the same level as the watercourses on each end. The word is derived from the Latin ' ("water") and ' ("to lead"),"aqueduct", Britannica CD 2000 therefore meaning "to lead water".
Belconnen, ACT: Australian Surveying and Land Information Group. Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data, and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any watercourses have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalisation conventions.
Belconnen, ACT: Australian Surveying and Land Information Group. Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data, and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any watercourses have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalisation conventions.
Belconnen, ACT: Australian Surveying and Land Information Group. Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data, and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any watercourses have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalisation conventions.
Belconnen, ACT: Australian Surveying and Land Information Group. Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data, and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any watercourses have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalisation conventions.
Belconnen, ACT: Australian Surveying and Land Information Group. Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data, and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any watercourses have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalisation conventions.
Belconnen, ACT: Australian Surveying and Land Information Group. Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data, and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any watercourses have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalisation conventions.
Belconnen, ACT: Australian Surveying and Land Information Group. Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data, and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any watercourses have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalization conventions.
Belconnen, ACT: Australian Surveying and Land Information Group. Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data, and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any watercourses have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalisation conventions.
Moabit () is an inner city locality in the borough of Mitte, Berlin, Germany. As of 2016, around 77,000 people lived in Moabit. First inhabited in 1685 and incorporated into Berlin in 1861, the former industrial and working-class neighbourhood is fully surrounded by three watercourses which define its present-day border. Between 1945 and 1990, Moabit was part of the British sector of West Berlin that directly bordered East Berlin.
In 1766 he visited France and England, and in 1768 Vienna. His knowledge of hydraulics caused him to be frequently consulted with respect to the management of canals and other watercourses in various parts of Europe. It was through his means that lightning conductors were first introduced into Italy for the protection of buildings. In 1766, Frisi was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Even though these basins are designed to collect water and drain water in a more controlled way, some water escapes and seeps (infiltrates) into the ground. Depending on the season the water level in all of these trenches and basins change dramatically. The infiltration trenches then flow into local watercourses. The swales (marsh areas) are less complex and drain water directly into the ground, they are surrounded by vegetation.
This species is endemic to the Arabian Peninsula. Its range includes several widely separated locations in northwestern, central and southwestern Saudi Arabia, the Farasan Islands in the Red Sea, western and southern Yemen, the United Arab Emirates and northern Oman. Its altitudinal range runs from sea level to about . It is a common species where the conditions are suitable and is found in oases, springs, irrigation ditches, watercourses, ponds and gardens.
International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) and its contract shows alignment with the UN Convention on international watercourses and has proven effective in its goals for the Rhine and the Rhine Basin. It was necessary for a treaty to come through the countries in the Rhine basin as it provides water based on industrial and agricultural needs and provides drinking water to over 20 million people.
This has been a build up from the CPRs past cooperation in the mid 20th century, to their ecological efforts to restore the Rhine in the 1980s and 1990s. The Convention on the Protection for the Rhine demonstrate the ability of several countries holding millions of people to align their water needs with the UN Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses and with world goals.
To the northeast of Lake Sterling there is about a of glacial rock and ponds, originally called Glacier Lakes Basin Trails. The trail system usually follows watercourses and is prone to be wet after rain, requiring detours. The trails cross many many marsh areas as well. There are two marked trail systems, red and blue, accessible by crossing the dam, and staying to the right around a helipad.
The highest point in the forest at is located in the northeastern part of the forest. The lowest point () is located in Worsklatal. Through the forest run numerous small gullies that are called in this region "Jar". In the forest there are no springs and watercourses although the forest is quite wet at the beginning of spring, after the snow melts, flowing rivulets at the bottom of canyons.
The area is not uniform: according to relief, proximity to a water body and soil type, different species exist. Roughly, three regions with characteristic species can be discerned: Southern Delta. The low-lying floodplains can sustain aquatic plants and grasses including the grasses Acroceras amplectens and Echinochloa pyramidalis, burgu millet (Echinochloa stagnina) and the lovegrass Eragrostis atrovirens. Outer fringes - The grasslands on the edges of the watercourses, are heavily grazed.
The slow-moving Cornmill Stream and Old River Lea form a freshwater habitat with one of the most diverse invertebrate fauna in Essex. Eighteen species of dragonflies and damselflies have been recorded and includes the uncommon and nationally declining white-legged damselfly. The watercourses support a rich and varied aquatic and marginal flora and the site also includes rough grassland which provides feeding and breeding grounds for invertebrates and birds.
The county, marked by a significant biological diversity, is water-rich with a dense river network, a rich aquifer system, and significant karst underground watercourses. It is home to the source of the river Mat which rises in Martanesh. Besides the Mat, the Drin river is an important waterway in the region. The county territory covers four distinct climatic types as of the Köppen climate classification; oceanic, continental, mediterranean and subarctic.
It has a very strongly built castle, > which dominates the Lake of Tabariyyah [Sea of Galilee]. There are > underground watercourses, which bring drinking-water up to the castle- > gate...Its suburbs cover three hills... Since the place was conquered by Al > Malik Adh Dhahir [Baybars] from the Franks [Crusaders], it has been made the > central station for the troops who guard all the coast-towns of that > district.
Typical flora of the Chapada Diamantina Vegetation includes typical Caatinga xerophytic formations at elevations from about , Atlantic Forest vegetation along the watercourses, meadows and rocky fields higher up. Endemic flora include Adamantinia miltonioides, Cattleya elongata, Cattleya tenuis, Cattleya x tenuata, Cleites libonni and Cleistes metallina. The hooded visorbearer (Augastes lumachellus) hummingbird is endemic. There are few large mammals, but many species of small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and insects.
Tamarix aphylla is found along watercourses in arid areas. It is very resistant to saline and alkaline soils. The latitudinal range ranges from 35 N to 0 N, and it ranges from Morocco and Algeria in North Africa eastwards to Egypt and south to the Horn of Africa and into Kenya. It is found in the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula, east through Iran and into India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Marnhull civil parish covers about at an altitude of about .Ordnance Survey 1;25,000 Explorer map, sheet 129 (Yeovil & Sherborne), published 2010, The western boundary of the parish is formed by the River Stour and the eastern by the Key Brook, a tributary of the Stour. The central part of the parish is drained by Chivrick's Brook, a tributary of the Key Brook. These watercourses all drain north to south.
Melaleuca rhaphiophylla, commonly known as swamp paperbark is a plant in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae and is endemic to the south west of Western Australia. It has narrow, needle-like leaves and profuse spikes of white or yellowish flowers at variable times throughout the year. As its common name suggests, it is usually found in salt marshes, or swamps or along watercourses and occurs over wide areas of the south-west.
Melaleuca rhaphiophylla provides food for a range of native animals and because of its dense crown, habitat for fauna. Waterbirds use this species as it often grows in areas that are flooded during the breeding season, deterring many predators. Its shallow roots reduce erosion along watercourses, stabilise soils and trap sediment. In some areas, this species is suffering from competition with the introduced Typha orientalis which regrows more vigorously after fire.
The Range is a sandstone plateau standing from 50 to 150 metres above the surrounding plain in the Georgina Basin. Typical of the plains flora are mulga shrub-lands, mallee eucalypt, open woodland and spinifex. The plateau comprises steep sided cliffs, gorges and scree of the predominant Dulcie Sandstone, with numerous watercourses. Recorded in the park are 105 species of bird, 32 of reptiles, 2 of frogs and 3 of fish.
Unlike Genesis, where souls are given only to human beings, animals and half-human half-animal creatures such as Fauns and Satyrs and even trees and watercourses are given souls and the power of rational thought and speech. This appears to suggest Lewis combined his Christian worldview with his fondness for nature, myth and fairy tales.Downing, pp 73–74. Parallels may also be found in Lewis's other writings.
Oshawa Creek is a watercourse that flows from its headwaters in the Oak Ridges Moraine to its mouth on Lake Ontario, at Oshawa, Ontario. It drains a watershed of . In its lowest reaches, in Oshawa, two tributaries, Goodman's Creek and Montgomery Creek, join the watercourse. To the west it borders Lynde Creek, which also has its headwaters in the Oak Ridges Moraine, and the shorter watercourses Pringle Creek and Corbett Creek.
In southwestern Europe, they thrive in oak and pine forests, but also live in olive groves, riparian zones, ash groves, rocky areas, and shrublands. They are rare in open areas, marshes, and cereal croplands. Despite their abundance along watercourses, presence of water is not considered essential. It prefers to live in areas with dense vegetation, such as bushes, thickets, and evergreen oak forests.Zabala, J. and I. Zuberogoitia. (2010).
Some of this material is termed 'hard COD', meaning it cannot be accessed by the anaerobic bacteria for conversion into biogas. If this effluent were put directly into watercourses, it would negatively affect them by causing eutrophication. As such, further treatment of the wastewater is often required. This treatment will typically be an oxidation stage wherein air is passed through the water in a sequencing batch reactors or reverse osmosis unit.
The superb parrot, a threatened species, is amongst the bird species that nest in the river red gum. River red gums contribute to the provision of nutrients and energy for other species through leaf and insect fall. This is especially important to the ecology in areas of low nutrients. The tree's preferred habitat of floodplains and watercourses also gives it the role of flood mitigator, which slows silt runoff.
E. camaldulensis is important in supporting the ecology of its habitat through providing food, and shelter for breeding. Culturally, the species is an iconic part of Australia. Its leaves have appeared on Australian stamps and is widely recognised due to its widespread range. The use of the waterways for seasonal recreation also occurs within the habitat of the river red gum, again due their fundamental link to watercourses and floodplains.
Lobelia dioica is a small herbaceous plant in the family Campanulaceae native to Western Australia. The erect to ascending and dioecious herb typically grows to a height of . It blooms between May and September producing white- blue-purple flowers. The herb is found in damp areas along the edges of creeks and watercourses and in swamps scattered through the Kimberley region of Western Australia where it grows in sandy-clay soils.
Centrolepis eremica is a species of plant in the Restionaceae family and is found in Western Australia. The annual herb has a tufted habit and typically forms a hemispherical mound approximately in width. It blooms between July and September. It is found amongst boulders and the margins of watercourses in the Wheatbelt, Mid West and Goldfields-Esperance regions of Western Australia where it grows in sandy-clay-loam granitic soils.
Myoporum montanum, commonly known as waterbush or boobialla, is a shrub native to Australia, New Guinea and Timor. The species is extremely variable in size growth habit and leaf form, with three primary forms recognised. Its occurrence in many places is restricted to coastal regions, watercourses and other locales with more reliable water supplies. It was this association with water that gave rise to the name water bush.
Raet is used as place name for large parts of the ra through Østfold and Vestfold. Raet was in old age a convenient route, because there were so few watercourses to cross. When Bishop Jens Nilsson went on visits to Østfold and Bohuslän in the late 16th century, he traveled along Raet because it was easily accessible. Still E6 in Østfold and E18 in Vestfold follow Raet for long distances.
The Sea Cut (Scalby Beck)Also known as New Cut and Scalby Brook is a small river that enters the North Sea at Scalby Mills, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England. The beck is fed from local streams in Scalby, Newby and Burniston and other watercourses draining off the nearby hills. It is also a bypass channel for the upper reaches of the River Derwent when it is under flood conditions.
Thomas Fairfax, 6th Lord Fairfax of Cameron granted the title to the Raspberry Plain property to blacksmith Joseph Dixon in 1731. In 1754, the "houses, buildings, orchard, ways and watercourses" of Raspberry Plain were purchased by Loudoun County's first sheriff, Aeneas Campbell. Under Campbell's ownership, the property became the site of Loudoun County's first jailhouse. Raspberry Plain was then purchased by George Mason's younger brother Thomson Mason from Campbell, in 1760.
The Beauly Firth (Scottish Gaelic: Linne Fharair) is a firth in northern Scotland. It is the outlet for both the River Beauly and River Ness. The Beauly Firth is bounded at its western end by the town of Beauly and its eastern by Inverness, where it empties into the Moray Firth. Several other watercourses drain into the Beauly Firth, including the Moniack and Redcastle Burns, and the Caledonian Canal.
Calytrix exstipulata, commonly known as Kimberley heather, is a species of plant in the myrtle family Myrtaceae that is endemic to Western Australia. The shrub or tree typically grows to a height of . It usually blooms between March and September producing white-pink star-shaped flowers. Found on plateaus, among rock outcrops and along watercourses in the Kimberley region of Western Australia where it grows on sand or clay soils.
High application rates combined with the high water- solubility of nitrate leads to increased runoff into surface water as well as leaching into groundwater. Nitrate levels above 10 mg/L (10 ppm) in groundwater can cause 'blue baby syndrome' (acquired methemoglobinemia). The nutrients, especially nitrates, in fertilizers can cause problems for natural habitats and for human health if they are washed off soil into watercourses or leached through soil into groundwater.
The species is found throughout the Northern Territory extending east into Queensland as far as Prairie and Western Australia. In Western Australia it has a scattered distribution through the Kimberley, Pilbara and northern Goldfields regions. It is found on rocky plains or rocky hills, and along watercourses or damp areas. It grows well in stony soils, skeletal loams or clay pans as part of spinifex and Eucalypt communities.
In Australia, during periods of conversion of Government land to freehold or leasehold, the practice (also called "dummyism") of wealthy squatters employing someone who qualifies as a "free selector" to acquire land that they themselves would not have access to.Ramson, W. S. (ed.) The Australian National Dictionary Oxford University Press, Melbourne 1988 p.225 This practice was particularly useful in acquiring or denying to others access to watercourses and thoroughfares.
These include Sovra Creek, Rovtarica Creek, Hotenjka Creek, and White Creek (), and they have carved ravines into the hills. Rounded hills rise above them, with typical names such as Marinc Hill (), Bear Hill (), and Grass Peak (), as well as small karstified plateaus. Permeable rock predominates on the margins of the hills, where larger watercourses have carved deep valleys. The highest point in the Rovte Hills is Three Kings Peak (, ).
Most sightings of cheetahs in the Miandasht Wildlife Refuge between January 2003 and March 2006 occurred during the day and near watercourses. These observations suggest that they are most active when their prey is. Camera-trapping data obtained between 2009 and 2011 indicate that some cheetahs travel long distances. A female was recorded in two protected areas that are about apart and intersected by railway and two highways.
Amador Valley is a valley in eastern Alameda County, California and is the location of the cities of Dublin and Pleasanton. The valley is bounded by the foothills of the Diablo Range on the north and south, Pleasanton Ridge to the west, and Livermore Valley to the east. Watercourses draining the Amador Valley include South San Ramon Creek, Tassajara Creek, Arroyo Mocho, Arroyo Valle and Arroyo de la Laguna.
Ditch near Altenau The history of the Dyke Ditch was initially closely related to the history of the Sperberhai Dyke. Not until the completion of the dyke in 1734 could large watercourses east of Clausthal be tapped into: the streams of the Großer and Kleiner Gerlachsbach. In the years that followed, the Dyke Ditch was continually extended eastwards. In 1736 it was extended as far as the Kleiner Oker.
The Itchen and Test are trout rivers that flow from the chalk through wooded valleys into Southampton Water. Other important watercourses are the Hamble, Meon, Beaulieu and Lymington rivers. The Hampshire Avon, which links Stonehenge to the sea, passes through Fordingbridge and Ringwood and then forms the modern border between Hampshire and Dorset. The northern branch of the River Wey has its source near Alton and flows east past Bentley.
In 1927, after a particularly wet summer and fall, heavy rains began on the evening of November 2 that continued until the morning of November 4. The heaviest rain fell on November 3, when more than seven inches fell in a six-hour period. The prolonged heavy rains on top of the already saturated soil from the summer and fall proved to be more than the watercourses could handle.
The CIRC research is focused on increasing the knowledge about Arctic and alpine climate ecosystems, for better understanding of climate related impacts on subarctic and arctic environments, both in terrestrial (land based) and aquatic ecosystems. Within the field of arctic ecology CIRC researchers conduct projects about how the tree line is affected by climate change; how reindeers influence Fell vegetation, and the spread of fish species in lakes and watercourses – historically as well as in the light of recent climate change. In biogeochemistry researchers study watercourses in northern areas, as well as effects of thawing permafrost in the tundra and other alpine environments, with regard to emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and export of carbon to coastal areas. King Carl XVI Gustaf Professorship in Environmental Science 2017/18 was awarded to John Anderson, professor in physical geography and paleolimnology at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom, who will be visiting professor at CIRC these two years.
Small's Creek was one of the three watercourses that flowed into Small's Pond, a small body of water of several acres in area, located near the intersection of Queen Street and Kingston Road, in Toronto, Ontario. There is a small plain between the shore of Lake Ontario and the bluffs which marked the shore of the larger Glacial Lake Iroquois, Bedrock was shallow on the plain. Smalls Creek, Tomlin's Creek, the other watercourse that drains into Smalls Pond, and Ashbridge's Creek to the east were all small, short watercourses, with their headwaters on that small plain, had each become polluted by the turn of the 20th century, when the regions they flowed through were annexed into the growing city of Toronto. A gentleman farmer named Charles Coxwell Small, who was also the Clerk of Upper Canada's Privy Council, dammed creeks to create a millpond to power sawmills on his property, and the pond and one of the creeks were named after him.
Garrison Creek was one of a number of small natural watercourses on the site of the current city of Toronto. Starting in the 1870s, the stream was diverted into underground sewers under city streets and the original course was filled in with soil. By 1920, the stream was entirely diverted into the sewer system. There are many artifacts of the Creek's existence, including buried bridges along Harbord Street and Crawford Street south of Dundas Street.
The River Esk is a river in North Yorkshire, England that empties into the North Sea at Whitby after a course of around through the valley of Eskdale, named after the river itself. The Esk is the only major river in Yorkshire that flows directly into the North Sea; all other watercourses defined as being major rivers by the Environment Agency, either flow to the North Sea via the River Tees or the Humber Estuary.
Nectomys apicalis, also known as the western Amazonian nectomys,Musser and Carleton, 2005 is a semiaquatic species of rodent in the genus Nectomys of family Cricetidae. It is found east of the Andes in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, east into western Brazil; further to the east, it is replaced by N. rattus. It lives near watercourses in lowland tropical rainforest. Its karyotype has 2n = 38–42, and it probably actually represents several distinct undescribed species.
The property takes its name from Wondoola Creek, a tributary of the Saxby River, both of which run through the property. The Saxby provides of double frontage to Wondoola then goes on to flow into the Flinders River to which the station has a frontage. These watercourses offer permanent waterholes available to stock. The station was established prior to 1880 but was advertised in February of that year to be auctioned in April.
The Crested Pigeon is found in lightly wooded grasslands in both rural and urban areas, but they can also be seen at watercourses, homestead gardens, pastoral areas, sports grounds, and golf courses. Their habitat has expanded rapidly since settlement has produced pastoral lands (previously they were only found in inland and Western Australia). Foraging for grains, they have adapted to grain farming areas, often feeding on the noxious weed of Echium plantagineum.
The Nugaal Valley is a key pastoral area which spans across four regions, Nugaal, Sool, Sanaag and Togdheer. Pastoral nomadism is the primary way of life for most of the people living in the valley. Goat and camel raising form the basis of the economy, and frankincense and myrrh are collected from wild trees. The beds of the watercourses have a few permanent wells, to which the predominantly nomadic population returns during the dry season.
Isalo National Park is a National Park in the Ihorombe Region of Madagascar, in the southwestern corner of the Province of Fianarantsoa. The closest town is Ranohira, and the closest cities are Toliara and Ihosy. It is a sandstone landscape that has been dissected by wind and water erosion into rocky outcrops, plateaus, extensive plains and up to 200 m deep canyons. There are permanent rivers and streams as well as many seasonal watercourses.
Gymea Bay A little later in the Tertiary, tilting occurred south of the Georges River. The slow uplift, taking perhaps several million years, formed the present Woronora Plateau, a surface which rises gently in the south. This process caused the river system in the Shire to flow in steeper watercourses. They then became more active, carving the steep gorges of Woronora, Hacking, Georges Rivers and their tributaries which can be seen today.
Cerrito Creek is one of the principal watercourses running out of the Berkeley Hills into San Francisco Bay in northern California. It is significant for its use as a boundary demarcation historically, as well as presently. In the early 19th century, it separated the vast Rancho San Antonio to the south from the Castro family's Rancho San Pablo to the north. Today, it marks part of the boundary between Alameda County and Contra Costa County.
Senegalia caffra, also known as hook-thorn or Acacia caffra, is a tree that occurs commonly in southern Africa. Though it is cultivated, it often occurs naturally in Gauteng suburban gardens, together with Acacia karroo and Acacia robusta. It is up to tall and may be found in open woodland, grassland, rocky hillsides or watercourses. It occurs in the Transvaal, Swaziland, KwaZulu- Natal, Cape Province and the southern regions of Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
Sempervirens Falls Buzzard's Roost Archaeological evidence has sporadically found prehistoric people inhabited old growth forests within the Park. Numerous resources would have been available to California Indians in the old growth forests, such as basketry material, plant foods like acorns and bulbs as well as animal prey for hunters and perhaps traditional sacred places. Ohlone tribes that lived on watercourses which begin in the park were the Quiroste, Achistaca, Cotoni and Sayante.Milliken, Randall.
Fynbos vegetation is a fire-prone shrubland vegetation that is found in the southern and southwest cape of South Africa. It is found in greater abundance close to watercourses. Dispersal, habitat loss, and fecundity are all factors that affect spread rate. The species favors acidic soils with medium to high-density vegetation, but it can also grow in basic soils and even in sandy and poor soils, where only few commercial species can grow.
It is bordered by Dunhuang in the east, Tian Shan in the north and has an area of more than 22,800 square kilometers. Its southern rim is marked by a labyrinth of hills, dotted in groups and irregular clusters. Between these and the Altyn-Tagh is a broad latitudinal valley, seamed with watercourses that come down from the foothills of the Altyn-tagh. Grapes and other crops are grown in oases in low-lying areas.
Raheny (Ráth Eanaigh in Irish) is a northern suburb of Dublin, Ireland, halfway from the city centre to Howth. It is centred on a historic settlement, first documented in 570 CE (Mervyn Archdall). The district shares Dublin's two largest municipal parks, Saint Anne's Park and Bull Island with its 4.5 km beach, with neighbouring Clontarf, and is crossed by several small watercourses. Raheny is also a civil parish in the ancient barony of Coolock.
The Leader River is a river in the Hurunui District of the Canterbury region in New Zealand's South Island. It is a tributary of the Waiau River, which it meets near Parnassus. Numerous smaller watercourses join the Leader River, including the Hookhamsnyvy Creek. In the 1910s, the New Zealand Railways Department intended to build a railway up the Leader River's valley as part of the Main North Line linking Christchurch with the Marlborough region.
G. E. Hill and G. E. Waring Jr, "Old wells and watercourses on the isle of Manhattan, part I" in M. W. Goodwin et al., eds., 1897. Historic New York: Being the First Series of the Half Moon Papers, quoted in Hardy water lilies, both European and American, were naturalized in the bottom mud and tender ones, planted in boxes, were wintered over in the park's conservatory, now the site of Conservatory Garden.
The throat is a metallic golden green. The female has a dark upper bill, and is less colourful than the male. Their breeding habitat is forests and thickets that extend from the lower Rio Grande Valley of southernmost Texas in the United States through the Yucatán Peninsula of eastern Mexico, ending in northern Belize and northwestern Guatemala in Central America. It prefers pine-oak forests, semi-arid scrub and thickets along watercourses.
Gallery evergreen forests occur along permanent watercourses, where humidity is high and the soil perpetually moist. They are often categorized under dry evergreen forests, but are particularly important to the sanctuary's fauna. Mixed deciduous forest is the most common forest type in Thung Yai, covering about 45 percent, predominantly in areas below elevation. Dry dipterocarp forest is a formation unique to mainland Southeast Asia and is found on about one percent of the area.
Pasture north of Blakenhall village The civil parish has an area of . The area is rural and predominantly agricultural; farms include Half Moon Farm, Gonsley Green Farm, Lower Den Farm, Manor Farm, Doddington Mill Farm and Grange Farm. Forge Brook runs along the western boundary, Checkley Brook along the southern boundary and Mere Gutter and a tributary along or near part of the eastern boundary. Parts of these watercourses lie in steep-sided valleys.
The eight Zambezi Basin riparian states that participate in ZAMCOM are Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. ZAMCOM operations are in line with the revised SADC Protocol on Shared Watercourses. The SADC Protocol was adopted in 1995 and by SADC member states, including all Zambezi riparian states, and came into force in 1998. Seven of the riparian states signed the ZAMCOM Agreement on 13 July 2004 at Kasane in Botswana.
Olea paniculata is found from North East Queensland to the vicinity of the Hunter Region in New South Wales. In Australia it is found near watercourses in dry rainforests. Outside Australia it is found in Yunnan province in southwestern China, where it occurs in sheltered wetter valleys in altitude, as well as India, Indonesia, Kashmir, Malaysia, Nepal, New Guinea, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. On Lord Howe Island it is widespread below around elevation.
"Banker" refers to a watercourse filled from bank to bank, unusual in Australia where many watercourses are ephemeral or only intermittently full. :And every creek a banker ran, ::And dams filled overtop; :"We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan, ::"If this rain doesn't stop." "In God's good time" the rain stopped and spring arrived with "harvest-hopes immense". The "knee-deep" grass, while good for feeding livestock, brought to mind the risk of bushfire.
The Murgia is a karst plateau. Winter rains drain through the soil into fissures in the strata of limestone bedrock and flow through underground watercourses into the Adriatic. There is no permanent surface water, and water for living purposes must be trapped in catchment basins and cisterns. The surface forms a landscape of rolling hills and ridges punctuated now and again with dolines and other forms of enclosed depressions characteristic of karsts.
Astylosternus nganhanus occurs along watercourses in a few narrow gallery forests, and in seepage areas in the nearby grassland, at elevations of above sea level. Tadpoles probably belonging to this species have been found in rock pools in streams. This species, known from only a single population, is probably at severe risk from habitat loss caused by smallholder farming activities and subsistence wood extraction. It is not known to occur in any protected areas.
It then enters the spectacular Clydach Gorge, dropping about to Gilwern and its confluence with the River Usk Ordnance Survey Explorer map OL13, "Brecon Beacons National Park: eastern area". "Clydach" is a common name for watercourses in south Wales and is thought to derive from an old Welsh word for "swift" or possibly "stoney", both of which would apply in this case.Owen, H. W., & Morgan, R. (2007). Dictionary of the Place-names of Wales.
The Prado was intended to become the central path of a great and formally designed public garden. The fair's pathways, pools, and watercourses were supposed to remain while the cleared building sites would become garden. Goodhue emphasized that "only by thus razing all of the Temporary Buildings will San Diego enter upon the heritage that is rightfully hers". However, many of the "temporary" buildings were retained and reused for the 1935 fair.
The grey-crowned crocias (Laniellus langbianis) is a passerine bird in the family Leiothrichidae. It is endemic to Vietnam, where it has a highly restricted distribution in the Da Lat Plateau. It has also been observed, and independently surveyed in 2015, in Central Vietnam on the Kontum Plateau, where it may be more abundant. Its natural habitat is intact broadleaf evergreen forest and secondary forest, generally near watercourses, between 910–1450 m above sea-level.
Nelson's milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni) is a subspecies of king snake that is found in Mexico from southern Guanajuato and central Jalisco to the Pacific Coast. It is also found on the narrow plains of northwestern Michoacán and on the Tres Marias Islands. The range of this snake appears to be tied to the proximity of watercourses, including ones utilized for irrigation and agriculture. It is a subspecies of the milksnake, Lampropeltis triangulum.
The northeast is dominated by the mountains of Gjallica, Koritnik and Pashtrik, while the southeastern bound is mostly formed by the Korab and Sharr Mountains. At , Maja Jezercë is the county's highest peak, and the second highest peak of Albania. Karst topography predominates in the county, resulting in specific landforms and hydrology because of the interaction of the karst and the region's watercourses. It is crossed and drained by the Drin river.
The fruits have a globular shape with a diameter of about with a calyx persistent at the base. The tree has a typical lifespan of over 20 years forming seeds after 10 years. It has a lignotuber and will resprout basally following fire. It is found in along watercourses in the east Kimberley region of Western Australia between the Prince Regent National Park and Wyndham where it grows in rocky sandstone-based soils.
In 2000, ECOS (the Environmental Council of Stamford) was losing a lawsuitCV 99 071749 INLAND WETLANDS & WATERCOURSES COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF GREENWICH ET AL. v. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD ET AL. filed in Superior Court Judicial District of Norwalk at Stamford. against the cities of Stamford and Greenwich, Connecticut in an effort to save the Rosa Hartman Park and Laddin's Rock Park from becoming a golf course. ECOS requested assistance from ACQTC, Inc.
The needlewood hakea is mostly found in the south of the Northern Territory,the Pilbara and northern Goldfields of Western Australia, south west Queensland and the Far North of South Australia. It is found on red sand plains, around bases of hills and rockholes, on dune swales and along watercourses and grows well in sandy soils around sandstone or limestone. It is often part of open woodland communities, especially mulga woodlands, and chenopod rich plains.
Scant precipitation makes Ladakh a high-altitude desert with extremely scarce vegetation over most of its area. Natural vegetation mainly occurs along water courses and on high altitude areas that receive more snow and cooler summer temperatures. Human settlements, however, are richly vegetated due to irrigation. Natural vegetation commonly seen along watercourses includes seabuckthorn (Hippophae spp.), wild roses of pink or yellow varieties, tamarisk (Myricaria spp.), caraway, stinging nettles, mint, Physochlaina praealta, and various grasses.
It may injure the life of sea animals and animals on land. Mekong River and the lives of people People use Mekong River stream directly for drinking, cooking, bathing and washing. However, as the population increases, watercourses that are used simultaneously for water disposal and water supply cause health issues like diarrhea and typhoid. Meanwhile, locals stated that before the upstream dams were built, they could safely drink the Mekong River water.
It flows in virtually unpopulated terrain in the area of black coniferous taiga. Scenic mountain top Kantegira heavily indented tributaries and dry padyami with signs of spring watercourses. Taiga covers the rocky shore of the river, climbing to the tops of mountains rising to 100–150 m above the bottom of the valley Kantegirskoy. Valley Kantegira throughout clenched mountains to 100–200 m, the valley slopes are steep, with rocky outcrops of granite, shale, sandstone.
The Otonabee Region Conservation Authority (ORCA), sometimes shortened to Otonabee Conservation, is a conservation authority in Ontario, Canada. Established in 1959 and based in Peterborough, its member municipalities include Asphodel-Norwood, Cavan-Monaghan, Douro-Dummer, City of Kawartha Lakes, Otonabee–South Monaghan, City of Peterborough, Selwyn, and Trent Hills. Major watercourses within the watershed administered by ORCA include the Otonabee, Indian, and Ouse rivers, and Baxter, Cavan, Jackson, Miller and Squirrel creeks.
About 25 species of fern also inhabit the area, two of which are not found elsewhere. Species such as fan palms, kalumbaru gums and paperbarks are also found along the watercourses. A variety of fauna also exist within the park, including over 100 species of birds, sugar gliders, bats, wallabies, and salt water crocodiles. The traditional owners of the area that the river flows through are the Ngarinjin, Miwa and Wilawila peoples.
The park consists of 2,679 hectares of woodland, predominantly dry schlerophyll forest on the ridges and low heath in the wetter areas. The Hawkesbury sandstone has been carved up by various watercourses like Heathcote Creek, Kingfisher Creek and Myuna Creek, creating deep valleys. The Hawkesbury sandstone has created a sandy, infertile soil that is typical of the Sydney region. The main walking track is the Bullawarring Track, which stretches from Waterfall to Heathcote.
The Cotogen held the land in and around Purisima Creek. When the Portolà Expedition traveled on horseback along the immediate coast on October 24, 1769, Padre Juan Crespí wrote, "Only in the watercourses are any trees to be seen; elsewhere we saw nothing but grass, and that was burned." The Ohlone managed the land with the most effective tool they had, fire. The Santa Cruz Lumber Company built a sawmill at Saratoga Gap in 1923.
Bang Chak can be considered as the eastern part of the district, with total area of 1.50 km2 (0.57 mi2). Neighboring subdistricts are (from the north clockwise): Bang Waek, Khuha Sawan, Pak Khlong Phasi Charoen, Bang Wa, and Bang Duan. Khlong Bang Chak and Khlong Bang Phlia are the local main watercourses. The local temples Wat Kamphaeng Bang Chak and Wat Pradu Bang Chak, indeed, they are situated in Pak Khlong Phasi Charoen Sub-district.
Rio Preto National Forest A national forest () in Brazil is a type of sustainable use protected area. The primary purpose is sustainable exploitation of the forest, subject to various limits. These include a requirement to preserve at least 50% of the original forest, to preserve forest along watercourses and on steep slopes, and so on. More than 10% of the Amazon rainforest is protected by national forests or other types of conservation unit.
Tunnel Pits North and South pumping stations are located on the River Torne, while Dirtness pumping station is at the head of the North Engine Drain. The buildings there were erected in 1862. All of these watercourses converge on Pilfrey Junction, from where three parallel channels, called Three Rivers, flow to a pumping station at Keadby. The Hatfield Waste Drain crosses under the North Engine Drain before the junction, and then becomes the north channel.
Newmans Sluices on the River Lee Flood Relief Channel, pictured on a day of strong water flow The Lee Flood Relief Channel (FRC) is located in the Lea Valley and flows between Ware, Hertfordshire, and Stratford, east London. Work started on the channel in 1947 following major flooding and it was fully operational by 1976. The channel incorporates existing watercourses, lakes, and new channels. Water from the channel feeds the Lee Valley Reservoir Chain.
Centrolepis inconspicua is a species of plant in the Restionaceae family and is found in Western Australia. The minute annual herb has a tufted habit and typically grows to a height of approximately . It blooms between August and October. It is found in beds of moss, in swamps, on the margins of salt lakes and along the margins of watercourses along the west coast in the Wheatbelt, Mid West and Peel regions of Western Australia.
The water gardens are built symmetrically on an east–west axis. They are connected with the outer moat on the west and the large artificial lake to the south of the Sigiriya rock. All the pools are also interlinked using an underground conduit network fed by the lake, and connected to the moats. A miniature water garden is located to the west of the first water garden, consisting of several small pools and watercourses.
Seeding during the flooding season would prevent desiccation of the seed, which is the main cause of a seed's failure to reproduce. Despite this apparent evolutionary advantage of the species living near watercourses to avoid seed desiccation, many seeds will be produced within an E. camaldulensis forest before one will grow to its own reproducing stage. A gap in the forest must be available for the germinated seed to receive adequate sunlight.
Fenced areas for zoological specimens were also included in the plan. There were already many mature trees in the area, and the land also had several natural watercourses that would help fill up the proposed lakes. A new access road was to be built to the park - Spring Road would be named after these natural springs. If these plans could be realised, then Leeds would have had one of the finest public gardens.
Today it continues to flow only in one of the watercourses, but subterranean water surfaces as springs in the other channels. Uniab's catchment area (including its tributaries) is estimated to be between 3961 and . These springs are lifeline to the springbok and oryx roaming this desolate stretch of coast and also attract a variety of birds. The river trickles over a waterfall into a narrow gorge through bright reddish-pink sandstone and yellow calcrete formations.
Ants, such as wood ants, are common on willows inhabited by aphids, coming to collect aphid honeydew, as sometimes do wasps. A small number of willow species were widely planted in Australia, notably as erosion-control measures along watercourses. They are now regarded as invasive weeds which occupy extensive areas across southern Australia and are considered 'Weeds of National Significance'. Many catchment management authorities are removing and replacing them with native trees.
De Striene was a water channel that ran between the Schelde near Tholen and the Maas rivers in Zeeland in the Netherlands. In the St. Elizabeth's Flood of 1421 the watercourses in the Maas and Rhine delta were drastically changed, and the Striene disappeared. However, the current Scheldt-Rhine Canal mostly follows the ancient path of the Striene. Probably the place names Strijen, Cromstrijen, and Strijenham on Tholen are diverted from Striene.
Centrolepis exserta is a species of plant in the Restionaceae family and is found in Western Australia. The reddish annual herb has a tufted habit and typically grows to a height of . It blooms between April and August producing green-red-brown coloured flowers. It is found along the margins of watercourses, waterholes and seepage areas in the Kimberley region of Western Australia where it grows in damp sandy soils over laterite.
Laguna Lake a lake and seasonal reservoir in the upper Los Osos Valley, in San Luis Obispo, California. It lies at an elevation . It is supplied with water from various small watercourses from the surrounding valley but especially by Prefumo Creek a tributary of San Luis Obispo Creek that enters the lake at . The Lake is also drained by Prefumo Creek at from its eastern end at that drains to San Luis Obispo Creek.
Corunna Downs Station is a pastoral lease that was once a sheep station but now operates as a cattle station in Western Australia. It is located approximately south of Marble Bar and south east of Port Hedland in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Several watercourses run through the property, including Coongan River, Emu, Sandy, and Badgeyong Creeks, which also contain several permanent pools of water. The landscape is mostly flat spinifex country.
Colonia Regina in 1927 In December 1930, the government of Río Negro created the municipality of Villa Regina, dissolving the Italian-Argentine Colonization Company. During that same decade, the government-directed development committee was mostly composed of former employees of the company. By 1939, the development of the four zones was completed. Primary and secondary irrigation channels were built and were complemented by the construction of acequias, which are community- operated watercourses.
At Balfarg, North Mains, and Cairnpapple, for example, earlier cremations and deliberate smashing of pottery predate the enclosure. Concentrations of henges occur over much of Britain. Orkney (Cunliffe 2001) and Wessex (Burl 1969) have both been suggested as the original provenance of the monument type; however, others remain unconvinced (Barclay 2005). Unlike earlier enclosure monuments, henges were not usually built on hilltops but on low-lying ground, often close to watercourses and good agricultural land.
The Encontro das Águas State Park is divided between the municipalities of Poconé (56.71%) and Barão de Melgaço (43.29%) in the state of Mato Grosso. It has an area of . The MT-060 highway cuts across the northwest tip of the park, and a road leads from MT-060 along the northeast border of the park. The park covers an area rich in watercourses that support rich biodiversity of pantanal flora and fauna.
Portholme (or Port Holme on Ordnance Survey mapping) is a biological Site of Special Scientific Interest between Huntingdon and Godmanchester in Cambridgeshire, England. It is a Nature Conservation Review site, and a Special Area of Conservation. The site is an alluvial flood meadow, and one of the largest areas of grassland which is still traditionally managed as a Lammas meadow. Watercourses have some unusual invertebrates, including the nationally restricted dragonfly Libellula fulva.
The municipality (Gemeinde) of Illingen is located at the eastern edge of the Enzkreis district, within the state of Baden-Württemberg and Federal Republic of Germany. It covers an area of that lies within the metropolitan areas of Karlsruhe and Pforzheim. Illingen is physically located on the Keuper Uplands, just north of the Enz valley, between the and the hilly Stromberg region. The largest watercourses within the municipality are the Schmiebach and Metter rivers.
The park is in the cerrado biome. It has more than 280 species of trees and 500 species of fauna, including several threatened with extinction. The park is rich in watercourses, waterfalls and wildlife, and is a breeding area for fish. The goal is to protect water resources, allow movement of native fauna species and preserve a representative sample of the ecosystems, while allowing controlled use by the public for education and scientific research.
Wet Moor () is a 491.0-hectare (1214.0 acre) biological Site of Special Scientific Interest east of Muchelney in Somerset, notified in 1985. Wet Moor is part of the extensive grazing marsh grasslands and ditch systems of the Somerset Levels and Moors. Wet Moor is low-lying, low-relief land typical in character of the Somerset Moors and Levels. The landscape is dominated by two major arterial watercourses, the Rivers Parrett and Yeo.
Griffy Lake, once the central source of drinking water for the city. Bloomington is on comparatively high ground, the summit of the divide between the basins of the West Fork and East Fork of Indiana's White River. Accordingly, there are no major watercourses within the city, nor is much groundwater available for wells. The largest stream within the city is Clear Creek, with its eastern branch known on the Indiana University campus as Jordan River.
The water gardens are built symmetrically on an east-west axis. They are connected with the outer moat on the west and the large artificial lake to the south of the Sigiriya rock. All the pools are also interlinked using an underground conduit network fed by the lake, and connected to the moats. A miniature water garden is located to the west of the first water garden, consisting of several small pools and watercourses.
In the arid areas of Iraq to the west and south, cities and large towns are almost invariably situated on watercourses, usually on the major rivers or their larger tributaries. In the south this dependence has had its disadvantages. Until the recent development of flood control, Baghdad and other cities were subject to the threat of inundation. Moreover, the dikes needed for protection have effectively prevented the expansion of the urban areas in some directions.
The mud snail was first detected in the U.S. in Idaho's Snake River in 1987. Since then, the snail has spread to the Madison River, Firehole River, and other watercourses around Yellowstone National Park, and has been discovered throughout the western U.S. The exact means of transmission is unknown, but it is likely that it was introduced in water transferred with live game fish and has been spread by ship ballast or contaminated recreational equipment such as wading gear.
PRESERVE SHIPWRECKS IN SWEDISH WATERS For diving experiences and historical values today and in the future #To be an association for divers and others that find an interest in shipwrecks and other remnants that lie in seas, lakes and watercourses. #Increase awareness of the cultural value in preserving wrecks in their natural environment. #Act for continued possibility to experience preserved wrecks through diving. #Act for actions that promote the preserving of wrecks on the sea floor.
Klaeng's history dates back to the Ayutthaya Kingdom. Due to its location mid-way between Mueang Rayong District and Chanthaburi Province and due to its abundance of natural resources such as fertile rice fields and many watercourses, it has been a magnet for immigration. Since the Ayutthaya period, Klaeng has been a place to gather people for war service. In the reign of King Rama V, Mueang Klaeng was a fourth class city under Monthon Chanthaburi.
M-65 is a state trunkline highway in the US state of Michigan. The highway runs between termini on US Highway 23 (US 23) near Omer and Rogers City in the northeastern Lower Peninsula of the state. M-65 runs inland through several small communities in the region, passing through forests and fields along its course. M-65 crosses several watercourses, including the Au Sable River where it runs along the River Road National Scenic Byway.
Connells Lagoon Conservation Reserve also known as Dalgajini is a protected area in the Northern Territory of Australia. It is situated approximately north east of Tennant Creek and south east of Elliott on the eastern boundary of Brunette Downs Station. The area is found in the middle of the Barkly Tableland and was established primarily to conserve Mitchell grassland communities. The landscape is predominantly flat with watercourses found in the northern areas where small stands of trees are found.
Farjevec Creek Črna Vas is a ribbon village south of the Ljubljanica River along the road from Ljubljana to Podpeč. It is bounded to the east by Farjevec Creek and extends west nearly to Drobtinka Creek. The Iška River cuts north through the territory of the settlement west of the main population center. Other watercourses in the settlement include Vala Creek, Capuder Creek, Zidar Creek (), and Salček Creek (), which function as drainage canals for the surrounding farmland.
Carrandotta is in the Channel Country. The Georgina River enters the locality from the north (Piturie) and exits to the south-east (Georgina). All watercourses in this area are part of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, and most will dry up before their water reaches Lake Eyre. The Donohue Highway passes through the south- west of the locality from Tobermoray in the Northern Territory to the west across to Toko in the south (ultimately terminating in Boulia).
Dinaric karst water systems inhabit 25% of the total of 546 fish species in Europe. Watercourses of this area are inhabited by a large number of endemic species of fish. The river Neretva and its tributaries represent the main drainage system in the east Adriatic watershed and the foremost ichthyofaunal habitat of the region. According to Smith & Darwall (2006) the Neretva river, together with four other areas in the Mediterranean, has the largest number of threatened freshwater fish species.
Sir,—For the information of those who are opposed to dredging on the Murrumbidgee, permit me to quote the reply given recently at the Chamber of Mines, Sydney, by a New Zealand expert. The question was—What effect had dredging on natural watercourses. His reply—Nothing more than that produced by ordinary sluicing. If that be so the people of the lower Murrumbidgee have every reason to be alarmed should the Minister grant the lease applied for at Gundagai.
River in the centre of Ljubljana Many bridges across the Ljubljanica River are popular tourist attractions. Koseze Pond is used for rowing, fishing, and ice skating in winter. The main watercourses in Ljubljana are the Ljubljanica, the Sava, the Gradaščica, the Mali Graben, the Iška and the Iščica rivers. From the Trnovo District to the Moste District, around Castle Hill, the Ljubljanica partly flows through the Gruber Canal, built according to plans by Gabriel Gruber from 1772 until 1780.
It is found down the east coast of Australia from around Kingscliff in the north of New South Wales down to around Eden in the south and inland to around Wagga Wagga in the west. Its range also extends into the eastern highlands region of Victoria although it has become naturalized in a few other localities in Victoria. It is usually situated along watercourses and swamps growing in sandy soils as a part of Eucalyptus or heathland communities.
Hydrological watershed cuts Glamoč Field into two parts and divides it between the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea drainage basin. Watercourses of the Upper Field drain as groundwater flows into the Livno Field. Northerly streams (Jaruga, Ribnik, Medin potok) belongs to the area of the Black Sea drainage basin. In months of abundant rainfall, ponor of Jaruga stream can not receive increasing flow so part of the stream drains southward and becomes part of the Adriatic Basin.
A cave-in at the 200–400 foot level left nine miners trapped. An drift through solid granite reached three of the miners within 72 hours. Rescue work continued for eight more days, but was deemed too dangerous leaving six miners entombed in the mine. Investigation of the accident found that due to the mine being a 'wet mine', underground watercourses caused water to accumulate and create great pressure which caused the weakest section of the mine to collapse.
""Destruction of an Historical Relic, The "Old Bake-house" on the Delaware Burned, New York Times, Dec. 10, 1865. The Poquessing drains an area of approximately in Philadelphia, Montgomery, and Bucks counties, including portions of the municipalities of Philadelphia, Upper Southampton, Lower Southampton, Lower Moreland, and Bensalem. Poquessing Creek and its tributaries have largely escaped the "channelization" process that has transformed significant portions of other watercourses in the city into storm sewers, as the map at this site discloses.
The property was located on Millstream Creek, just before it joins the Fortescue River, one of the few permanent watercourses in the area and the Chichester Range. Francis Thomas Gregory was the first European to discover the area during an expedition in 1861. A lease was taken up for the area in 1865 by William Taylor, who ran sheep in the district. Soon after, in 1866, McRae and McKenzie took over the leases and they remained there until 1879.
Fusedale and the little valley above Howtown drain around the east of the fell to meet the Lake at Howtown Wyke. The southern boundaries of the fell are therefore easily defined by these watercourses and the Howtown to Sandwick road with its ferocious hairpin climb to The Hause. The fell is circular in plan with smooth slopes to the south and west. Wainwright famously claimed that the southern side could be "ascended comfortably in bare feet".
Thomaston is in southeastern Litchfield County, bordered on the south by the city of Waterbury in New Haven County. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of . of it are land and of it (1.94%) are water. The town is located at the confluence of the Naugatuck River, Northfield Brook and Black Rock Brook, and is protected by US Army Corps of Engineers flood control dams on each of these watercourses.
Guadalajara is located the central part of the Iberian Peninsula, in the southern half of the Inner Plateau. Chosen as settlement on the basis of defensive purposes, the historic urban core of the city lies on a small elevation near the left-bank of the Henares River, also enclosed to the East and West by two small ditches corresponding to two watercourses, and San Antonio, respectively, forming a narrow and easily defendable space upon their confluence with the Henares.
Streams that empty into San Francisco Bay or its tributary bays (arranged clockwise, starting at the north side of the Golden Gate; tributaries are listed from those entering nearest the bays to farthest). The Central Valley watershed feeding into Suisun Bay via the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta is excluded; see the following section for the Sacramento and San Joaquin river systems. For additional detail on Bay Area creeks, see List of watercourses in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Dinckley Brook Dinckley Brook is a minor river of Lancashire, England. The stream rises at the confluence of several minor watercourses at Wheatley Farm close to Copster Green and flows northwards, through Cunliffe House Wood and under Dinckley Bridge (near to where it meets Park Brook). The brook continues past Brockhall, Great Wood and Bradyll, continuing past the Brockhall training base of Blackburn Rovers and through Mill Wood. Soon afterwards, Dinckley Brook falls into the River Ribble.
Most areas are drained by ephemeral watercourses called wadis, which are dry except during the rainy season. Plentiful ancient aquifers exist beneath much of the peninsula, however, and where this water surfaces, oases form (e.g. Al-Hasa and Qatif, two of the world's largest oases) and permit agriculture, especially palm trees, which allowed the peninsula to produce more dates than any other region in the world. In general, the climate is extremely hot and arid, although there are exceptions.
Early drainage work was carried out in the later years of the 12th century, with the responsibility for maintaining all the watercourses between Glastonbury and the sea being placed on named individuals among whom were Ralph de Sancta Barbara of Brentmarsh. Drainage of the surrounding area by monks of Glastonbury Abbey had reduced the size of the lake to at the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Meare Pool had disappeared from maps by 1749.
Many watercourses have changed direction over the years for various reasons. The Kilmarnock Water used to run slightly to the west as it passes through the Howard Park in Kilmarnock, previously 'Barbadoes Green'; the old 'fossilised' river bank is still discernible. It is said that this was done deliberately by a Lord Boyd, the local laird, so that he could claim more land. The river formed the boundary and by moving it permanently he gained more land.
The ecoregion is in the low Amazon basin, with elevations from above sea level. The terrain consists of flat, forest-covered plains cut by large, meandering rivers with many oxbow lakes and thousands of smaller watercourses, all of which flood each year. Major rivers include the Jutaí, mid-lower Juruá, Tefé, Tapauá and mid-lower Purus rivers. The sediments of the low Amazon basin were formed during the late Tertiary period, and are relatively young and easily eroded.
Several months after the loss of the Bühl-Stollhofen Line, work began on the Ettlingen Line on the orders of the commander of the Rhine Army, George Louis of Brunswick-Lüneburg. The line was reinforced during the War of the Polish Succession (1733–1738) by the introduction of watercourses that could be impounded, but in 1734 French troops broke through them and they were subsequently destroyed, but then rebuilt in 1735. Thereafter they lost their military significance.
Away from the market, Sheep Street was considered 'very respectable' but its northern end at Crockwell was inhabited by the poorest inhabitants in low quality, subdivided and overcrowded buildings. By 1800, the causeway had dense development forming continuous frontages on both sides. The partially buried watercourses provided a convenient drainage opportunity, and many houses had privies discharging directly into the channels. Downstream, the Bure ran parallel with Water Lane, then the main road out of town towards London.
The Kimberley grunter (Syncomistes kimberleyensis) is a species of fish in the family Terapontidae. It is endemic to Australia, where it lives in the coastal rivers of northern Western Australia. It is known from the Durack, Pentecost, and Bow Rivers of the Kimberley Region. It is a herbivorous fish which feeds in filamentous algae and they are found in rocky pools and on the edges of watercourses where there is aquatic vegetation over sandy and rocky substrates.
Ennerdale Bridge lies at the confluence of Croasdale Beck and the River Ehen and is on the border of the Lake District National Park that uses both watercourses as its boundary. The nearest town is Cleator Moor to its west. Ennerdale Bridge appear in many versions of the Coast to Coast Walk and is from its western end.Coast to Coast Walk - Part 1 The parish church, dedicated to St Mary, is Victorian - dating from 1858 - in the Romanesque style.
Historical Research Pty Ltd 2002 p.23-24 In 1844 Charles Sturt followed Eyre and discovered the Strzelecki Creek which he named after his colleague, Paul Edmond de Strzelecki, and the main watercourses which fed Lake Eyre: Cooper Creek, Eyre Creek and the Georgina River. Sturt failed to realise the significance of his discoveries and corroborated Eyre's reports that the region would not support grazing. The thirst of pastoralists for new grazing land in South Australia was unquenchable.
The Swamp Rat is found near the coast of south and eastern Australia. It occurs in lowland country from Fraser Island down the coast of New South Wales and Victoria to the Mount Lofty Ranges in South Australia. A subspecies velutinus can be found in Tasmania, and another subspecies lacus lives in isolated patches of high altitude rainforest near Atherton, Queensland. The preferred habitat of the swamp rat is thick vegetation along watercourses and in swamps.
It occurs on red sandy soils in the Carnarvon, Central Kimberley, Dampierland, Gascoyne, Great Sandy Desert, Little Sandy Desert, Ord Victoria Plain, Pilbara and Tanami IBRA bioregions. It is associated with pindan habitats. It is mostly found in the Kimberley region with some of the population found in the Pilbara where it is found in along watercourses and on low rocky ranges where it grows on deep red sand and alluvial pindan plain in sandy soils.
Some parks are built adjacent to bodies of water or watercourses and may comprise a beach or boat dock area. Urban parks often have benches for sitting and may contain picnic tables and barbecue grills. The largest parks can be vast natural areas of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers (or square miles), with abundant wildlife and natural features such as mountains and rivers. In many large parks, camping in tents is allowed with a permit.
Like other members of its family, the Corsican painted frog eats small invertebrates. It is unclear whether observations of this frog in the past were of D. sardus or D. montalentii. This is because they are so similar in appearance and were only recognised as different species in the late 20th century. Consequently, its reproductive habits are uncertain but it is believed to lay its eggs in small groups or singly on the bottom of watercourses.
Like other members of its family, the Corsican painted frog eats small invertebrates. It is unclear whether observations of this frog in the past were of D. sardus or D. montalentii. This is because they are so similar in appearance and were only recognised as different species in the late 20th century. Consequently, its reproductive habits are uncertain but it is believed to lay its eggs in small groups or singly on the bottom of watercourses.
Black Creek of Arizona is a 55-mi (89 km)Arizona DeLorme Atlas, pp. 35, 45; New Mexico DeLorme Atlas, p. 20. long north tributary of the Puerco River, in northeast Arizona and northwest New Mexico. The Black Creek flows south along an east and southeast perimeter section of the Defiance Plateau; Red Lake (Arizona–New Mexico), (at Navajo, New Mexico), lies in Red Valley near the origin of Black Creek, and other watercourses meeting at Red Lake.
Coe Fen and Sheep's Green form a natural area that was once important for the commercial activity of Cambridge. There were up to three watermills in the area. The land between the artificially raised banks of the watercourses was liable to flooding and thus only suitable for grazing (cows on Coe Fen, sheep on Sheep's Green, hence the names). By the 19th century, the fen had become very boggy and was partially drained to help avoid disease.
The Awdal region is also known for its offshore islands, coral reefs and mangroves. A scrub-covered, semi-desert plain referred as the Guban lies parallel to the Gulf of Aden littoral. With a width of in the west to as little as in the east, the plain is bisected by watercourses that are essentially beds of dry sand except during the rainy seasons. When the rains arrive, the Guban's low bushes and grass clumps transform into lush vegetation.
Information board about the Großer Zschand The Großer Zschand between Neumannmühle and Zeughaus Border with Czech Republic on the Großer Zschand Zeughaus The Großer Zschand is the longest dry valley in Saxon Switzerland and runs for about 6 km from the Neumann Mill in the Kirnitzsch valley to the Roßmaulwiese meadown in Bohemian Switzerland. The Großer Zschand has no permanent watercourse; during times of snowmelt or after heavy rain, individual, locally limited watercourses and small marshy areas are formed.
Hrastovlje is also the location of the only major spring in Slovenian Istria, the karst spring of the Rižana River, which is itself the most important source of water supply for the Slovenian coastal areaThe Rižana River: Environmental flow assessment (Assessment and Provision of Environmental Flows in Mediterranean Watercourses). By Nataša Smolar-Žvanut & D. Vrhovšek. Study made for IUCN. 2004. and part of the habitat range of the marbled trout listed on the IUCN Red List.
Phophonyane Falls Lodge reception The Phophonyane Falls Nature Reserve is a scenic, 600 ha large nature reserve and tourist destination near Piggs Peak, Eswatini. A network of footpaths through the Gobolondlo forest reaches meandering watercourses which lead to the main attraction of the reserve - the 80 m high Phophonyane Falls. This waterfall has formed on a steep section of exposed gneiss. Phophonyane River in this area falls per some 240 m over the distance of 2 km.
Rubber vine is believed to have a potential range in Australia from about Coen in Cape York Peninsula to Port Hedland in the Pilbara. It has not yet moved much beyond Queensland. It is a major threat to gallery forests along rivers in northern Australia, because it can strangle and kill the native trees by climbing over them and completely eliminating access to light. It can also do the same thing in savanna woodlands away from watercourses.
The Vale of York is drained southwards by the River Ouse and its tributaries, the Ure, the Nidd and the Foss. To the east of the area the River Derwent drains southwards into the Ouse. There are also frequent stream courses and drainage channels which link with the main rivers crossing the vale. Many of these watercourses are maintained and managed by local internal drainage boards to ensure sustainable water levels are kept across the vale.
The present Nile is at least the fifth river that has flowed north from the Ethiopian Highlands. Satellite imagery was used to identify dry watercourses in the desert to the west of the Nile. A canyon, now filled by surface drift, represents an ancestral Nile called the Eonile that flowed during the later Miocene (23–5.3 million years before present). The Eonile transported clastic sediments to the Mediterranean; several natural gas fields have been discovered within these sediments.
Millstream National Park panorama Millstream Creek Riparian Vegetation Deep Reach Pool Millstream Homestead View of National Park Python Pool View over park Millstream Chichester National Park is a national park in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, located north of the state capital, Perth. The park is made up of the old Millstream Station, which is on the Millstream Creek, just before it joins Fortescue River, one of the few permanent watercourses in the area and the Chichester Range.
The thick-billed grasswren is endemic to Australia and is found throughout the arid regions of northwestern New South Wales (NSW), northern parts of South Australia, through to southern sections of the Northern Territory. It is also speculated to still occur in fragmented populations in the Grey Range of Sturt National Park. Chenopod scrublands (consisting largely of saltbush), sandhill cane-grass and flood debris in dry, sandy watercourses. They favour the scrublands with dense chenopod bushes.
Soil in Hanworth varies between gravel close to the surface and a clay-rich loam, with very narrow belts of alluvium closest to the streams. The land is relatively flat and drained by two watercourses heading southward and eastward respectively to meet the Thames in neighbouring historic parishes, the River Crane marking much of the northern border with Twickenham and the Port Lane stream matching approximately the western boundary. Elevations range from 11m to 16m OD.
One study of kangaroos in Central Australia found that green grass makes up 75–95% of the diet, with Eragrostis setifolia dominating at 54%. This grass continues to be green into the dry season. Kangaroos also primarily consumed this species, along with Enneapogon avanaceus, in western New South Wales where they comprised much as 21–69% of its diet according to a study. During dry times, kangaroos search for green plants by staying on open grassland and near watercourses.
Widespread in arid central Australia and is mostly found in an area of desert in the southern Northern Territory and the Goldfields region of Western Australia. with scattered populations also found in south-west Queensland and north-west New South Wales. It grows along ephemeral watercourses and on degraded sand dunes as part of low open woodland and tall open shrubland communities. It grows well in heavy calcareous soils usually over limestone and is often associated with Acacia aneura.
The topography of the park is gently undulating with a general decrease in elevation from west to east. The Borgu sector is drained mainly by the Oli, Timo and Doro rivers and their tributaries, while the Zugurma sector is drained by the Maingyara and Nuwa Tizururu rivers. The vegetation of the park is typical of the Guinean forest-savanna mosaic, although in some areas it appears more Sahelian. Riparian forests occur on the banks of the larger watercourses.
Two major watercourses, the Sangke River and the Mongkol Borei River run through the district. The district is easily accessed by road from Sisophon (24 km) and Siem Reap (city) (78 km). Preah Netr Preah is one of the largest districts in Banteay Meanchey province by land area and only Thma Pouk District is larger. National Highway 6 which begins in Skun town Kampong Cham Province and ends at Sisophon bisects the district running from east to west.
The Red Rock River is a roughly river in southwestern Montana in the United States. Its drainage basin covers over . Its furthest tributary, Hell Roaring Creek, originates in the Beaverhead National Forest within a few hundred meters of the North American Continental Divide and Montana-Idaho border near Brower's Spring, at an elevation of about . Brower's Spring is near the furthest headwaters of the Missouri River, one of the major watercourses of the central United States.
Subspecies acuta grows on rocky sandstone hills from Lockhart to near Cobar. Subspecies brevipedunculata is found coastal areas to mountain summits between Sassafras and Moruya in south-eastern New South Wales. Subspecies euroensis grows among granite boulders on the Strathbogie Ranges near Euroa in north-eastern Victoria. Subspecies myoporoides grows in forest and heathland, usually near watercourses, mostly along the Great Dividing Range from the northern border of New South Wales to near Healesville in Victoria.
The long pipeline starts at the Sangachal Terminal near Baku in Azerbaijan, crosses Georgia and terminates at the Ceyhan Marine Terminal (Haydar Aliyev Terminal) on the south-eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. of the pipeline lie in Azerbaijan, in Georgia and in Turkey. It crosses several mountain ranges at altitudes to . It also traverses 3,000 roads, railways, and utility lines—both overground and underground—and 1,500 watercourses up to wide (in the case of the Ceyhan River in Turkey).
In 1878 Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli observed geological features which he called canali (Italian for "channels"). This was mistranslated into English as "canals" which, being artificial watercourses, fuelled the belief in intelligent extraterrestrial life on the planet. This further influenced American astronomer Percival Lowell. In 1895 Lowell published a book titled Mars, which speculated about an arid, dying landscape, whose inhabitants built canals to bring water from the polar caps to irrigate the remaining arable land.
Large hot ignimbrites can create some form of hydrothermal activity as they tend to blanket the wet soil and bury watercourses and rivers. The water from such substrates will exit the ignimbrite blanket in fumaroles, geysers and the like, a process which may take several years, for example after the Novarupta tuff eruption. In the process of boiling off this water, the ignimbrite layer may become metasomatised (altered). This tends to form chimneys and pockets of kaolin-altered rock.
Denver Sluice, being at the confluence of five watercourses, was first built across the river in 1651 as a focus of the flood defence system that protects the low lying Fens although it had to be rebuilt after bursting in 1713. Nearby Denver Windmill is a fully restored 19th century windmill, and lies on the path of the Roman Fen Causeway. The Ouse Washes are an internationally significant environment. Flooded in winter, they attract thousands of migrating wildfowl.
The slender Brazilian mergansers live in low densities in remote and mountainous regions where it inhabits clean rivers and streams with river rapids and riparian vegetation. Brazilian mergansers are very territorial birds defending large stretches of river and the land surrounding the fast-flowing water. They are recognized as a resident species that does not abandon the watercourses where it established its territory. They do not move or want to move once their habitats have disappeared.
It is situated about south east of Adelaide River and south east of Darwin. The property shares a boundary with other pastoral leases including Mount Ringwood and McKinlay River to the north, Bridge Creek to the west, Douglas to the south and Mary River to the East. The Stuart Highway is found from the homestead and cuts through the eastern side of the property. Several watercourses flow through the property including Hayes Creek, McCallum Creek and the McKinlay river.
This species inhabits both terrestrial and freshwater systems. This includes forests, subtropical and tropical moist lowland forests, inland wetlands, permanent watercourses, and artificial terrestrial areas. The animal has only been recorded in Bainyik, located on the south slopes of the Prince Alexander Mountains at an elevation of 200 meters (650 feet). The rat has been found to live in creeks and rivers in low lying tropical rain forests but it may also live in higher elevations.
The dam in the Strandavatnet was the first rock filling (embankment) dam in Norway. You can see the dam on your left hand side from FV 50 at Myrland (the road to Raggsteindalen goes over the dam). The Hol 1 power station, in Hovet, Buskerud utilizes water from two watercourses, Urunda, where Strandavatnet, is the intake reservoir, and Votna where Varaldset is the intake reservoir. Stolsvatnet is the biggest and highest reservoir in the Votna watercourse.
There was a drought in 1877 and pressure was put on the State Government to build a water reservoir in the Sherwood area. In 1878 a reservoir was built to dam watercourses at the rear of the Oxley West (Sherwood) State School. The most severe drought occurred between 1899 and 1902 when many of the Sinnamon family’s stock perished. The characteristics of generosity, stubbornness and self-determination were attributed to William Gray, who settled locally in 1861.
Cenchrus pennisetiformis is native to East Africa where it is found in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya, and to western Asia, where it occurs in Southern Iran, Yemen, India and Pakistan. It is naturalised in northwestern Australia, where it has spread along the banks of watercourses replacing native species of grass. It is also found in the Mediterranean region, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, although it is unclear whether it is native to these areas or has been naturalised.
They settled in the area now known as Avon Downs. Three watercourses are named after them, the Ranken River, James River and Lorne Creek. Other pastoralists moved to the area throughout the 1860s, but poor wool prices caused the Rankens and others to abandon the area. In 1882 Thomas Guthrie purchased 1920 square km of the Barkly, expanding that later to more than 3600 square km, naming it Avon Downs after his merino stud 'Rich Avon' in Victoria.
Cordillera del Condor National Park is located in the region of Amazonas, in northern Peru, next to the border with Ecuador. The main geographic feature is the Cordillera del Condor, a forested mountain range with moderate to steep slopes, that occupies almost 90% of the park area. The rest of the area is occupied by low hills and river terraces, being the main watercourses the Cenepa and the Santiago rivers. The highest elevation in the park is ca.
B. seminuda is exceptional for its preference for rich loams along watercourses. Most occur in heathlands or low woodlands; of the eastern species, B. integrifolia and B. marginata occur in forests; many south-western species such as B. grandis, B. sphaerocarpa, B. sessilis, B. nobilis and B. dallanneyi grow as understorey plants in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata), wandoo (E. wandoo) and karri (E. diversicolor) forests, with B. seminuda being one of the forest trees in suitable habitat.
This only alleviated the problems which were finally solved in the 1930s with the construction of a water pumping station.La Bonifica tra Basso Sile e LagunaArtificial fluvial diversions in the mainland of the Lagoon of Venice during the 16th and 17th centuries inferred by historical cartography analysis, Geomorphologie, Vol 18, No 2, 2012 : Alluvial geomorphology in Italy To the west of Mestre, the River Brenta and other nearby watercourses caused floods and silting in the central area of the lagoon which led to disruptions in that part of the mainland countryside and obstructed navigation on the watercourses which connected Venice with the mainland. To counter this, between the 14th century and the early 16th century, the Republic of Venice diverted the waters of this fluvial system, especially the Brenta, with a series of canals. After a number of ineffective interventions two long canals were created. Between 1489 and 1507 the Brenta Nova canal was dug to divert the Brenta away from its original mouth at Fusina, near Venice, to Conche, in the southern lagoon.
In total, 19 species of fish from nine families were identified in the Val River, watercourses and reservoirs in its basin. The family of salmonids was represented by the largest number of species: all four species of the Pacific salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) reproducing in the rivers of Sakhalin, three species of the Arctic salmon of the genus Salvelinus, and the Sakhalin taimen. The family of cyprinids was represented by four species; the remaining families were represented by one species each.
Poorly permeable karst limestone and Triassic dolomite (in the northern part of the plateau) conditioned the formation of typical surface watercourses (Bloščica Creek and Blatnica Creek), which are bounded by wet grasslands and minerotrophic fens. Lake Bloke (), a reservoir, lies near the settlement of Volčje. Water flows below ground from the Bloke Plateau into Lake Cerknica. The plateau's many hills divide it into the Bloščica Valley and Ločica Valley (or Farovščica Valley), which join to form the Bloke–Fara Karst Field ().
In the Ayutthaya period, the area of Amphawa was known as Khwaeng Bang Chang (or just Bang Chang), a small agricultural and commercial community. During the reign of King Prasat Thong the existence of a market is confirmed by sources. In early Rattanakosin period, Bang Chang was dubbed "Suan Nok" (outer garden), paired with "Suan Nai" (inner garden) or Bangkok. Because they have a very similar terrain, which was filled with orchards and there was many watercourses flowing through the areas.
He travelled by foot during the night, wading through deep swamps, and crossing numerous watercourses and the Po, in constant danger of losing his way, or of being shot by the French pickets. At daybreak he concealed himself until nightfall, when he resumed his journey. After surmounting numerous hardships and perils, he at length reached in safety, on 4January, the headquarters of the Austrian general. However, on the 14th the Austrians were defeated and soon after Mantua was forced to surrender.
The majority of the plateau is at an elevation of 1500 metres (5000 ft), where inverted treelines in valley bottoms give rise to grasslands, with bog and fen communities of Sphagnum and Empodisma in watercourses. The endemic eucalypt Eucalyptus mitchelliana, the Buffalo sallee, is found on higher granite outcrops. Other endemic plants are Grevillea alpivaga (Buffalo grevillea), Acacia phlebophylla (Buffalo sallow wattle), and Babingtonia crenulata (fern-leaf baeckea). The rare Pratia gelida, snow pratia, occurs in a small area on Hospice Plain.
The area served lay to the north and west of London, including parts of Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex, Middlesex and Surrey.Three Valleys - Our Supply Area The company depended heavily upon the local chalk aquifer for its supplies. In recent years, due to a combination of lower than average rainfall and growing demand, the aquifer became depleted. This affected the environment as some watercourses become seasonal and domestic users were subject to drought restrictions, for the first time for many years.
Its natural habitat is often in shaded locations, scrub, woodlands, grasslands, gallery forest edges and alike, and on soils with fertility ranging from very low to intermediate (and even high) acidic contents. The shrubs are mostly seen under trees along watercourses and in grasslands, on clay and lateritic soils. The plant is tolerant of light shade and is moderately able to survive fires. It can tolerate fairly long dry spells and is capable of surviving on very poorly drained soils with waterlogging.
The uppermost reaches of the Chepo is alternately called the Bayano River after the construction of the Bayano Dam that resulted in the lake reservoir.Panama Fishing and Catching The headwaters of the Chepo encompass watercourses running south from the San Blas Mountains near the Caribbean along with other rivers draining parts of the Majé and Darien Mountains. The Mamoni River is a major tributary farther down stream. Measuring in length, the Chepo-Bayano is the third longest river of Panama.
Nearly half of the nation's total area is drained by watercourses south of the Hindu Kush–Safid ridge line, and half of this area is drained by the Helmand and its tributaries alone. The Amu Darya on the northern border, the country's other major river, has the next largest drainage area. The long Amu Darya originates in the glaciers of the Pamir Mountains in the northeast. Some 965 km of its upper course constitutes Afghanistan's border with Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
Sanitary & Topographical Map of the City and Island of New York (1865) by Egbert Ludovicus Viele shows the path of Minetta Creek with the then-current street grid superimposed. Minetta Creek was one of the largest natural watercourses in Manhattan, New York City, United States. Minetta Creek was fed from two tributaries, one originating at Fifth Avenue and 21st Street, and the other originating at Sixth Avenue and 16th Street. They joined near Fifth Avenue and 11th Street then took a southwesterly course.
The rivers and streams in the northern plateau follow angular courses dictated by fractures in the bedrock, which are fairly rectilinear and constrained by narrow valleys. Downstream the watercourses meander in the soft deposits of the piedmont and coastal plain. The main tributaries of the Rapides River are the Desmeules, Deschênes and Champion rivers, which drain the northeast, southeast and southwest parts of the watershed. The Bouleau waterfall on the Rapides River is above its confluence with the Desmeules River.
Its major tributary to the south and east is Santiago Creek. Other watercourses within the county include Aliso Creek, San Juan Creek, and Horsethief Creek. In the North, the San Gabriel River also briefly crosses into Orange County and exits into the Pacific on the Los Angeles-Orange County line between the cities of Long Beach and Seal Beach. Laguna Beach is home to the county's only natural lakes, Laguna Lakes, which are formed by water rising up against an underground fault.
Sagittaria kurziana, common names springtape and strap-leaf sagittaria, is an aquatic plant species native to Florida and naturalized in the Mariana Islands. It grows along large springs, very often those with high sulfur content, and along the banks of watercourses downstream from such springs. Sagittaria kurziana is a perennial herb up to 250 cm tall. It has long, narrow, flat leaves that float on the surface of the water, up to 250 cm long but rarely more than 15 mm wide.
Despite the apparent failure of this first expedition, Macalister remained optimistic about pastoral opportunities in Gippsland. At Macalister's urging McMillan commenced a second expedition in December 1839, moving southwest by west across the plains towards the existing settlement of Sale. On his return to Currawang in early 1840, he reported to Macalister that he crossed several watercourses draining toward the east, each surrounded by fine potential grazing land. McMillan had named them as the Nicholson, the Mitchell, the Avon and Macalister rivers.
Marahoué National Park is located in Sassandra-Marahoué District in central Ivory Coast, to the west of the town of Bouaflé. Part of the eastern boundary is formed by the Marahoué River, a tributary of the Bandama River. The terrain consists of low hills and intervening valleys. The park is on the boundary between forested areas and wooded savanna and the habitats in the park include gallery forests, forest remnant patches, savannas with scattered trees, and wetlands around pools and watercourses.
Extending 250 km along the Wadi Nugaal, the Nugaal Valley is bounded by gradually ascending high plateaus that generally reach elevations of 1,650 to 3,300 feet (500 to 1,000 m) above sea level on the north, west, and south. The western part of the same plateau is crossed by numerous valleys and dry watercourses. The same plateau sloping southwards merges with Hawd, a plain known for its grasslands. To the east is a narrow strip of low-lying maritime plains.
A widespread species, Roupala montana reaches Mexico, Trinidad and Argentina. Found only in the neotropics, the members of the genus range from Mexico in the north, through central America and into Bolivia and Argentina in South America along the Andes, as well as the Amazon Basin in Brazil. They range from sea level to 4000 m in altitude, in rainforests, often near or along watercourses, and in cloud- or montane forests or scrub at higher altitudes. They are predominantly found on sandy soils.
This area was settled at least as early as 2000 BC by the Coast Miwok peoples, who built small villages along the banks of Washoe Creek and other local watercourses. These early peoples were gatherers and utilized resources of the creek as well as upland areas for subsistence. In 1833 this entire area around present Cotati was part of a Mexican land grant. One of the area's American pioneers was Robert Ayres, who in 1859 built Washoe House near the creek's headwaters.
Del Rio. The Devils River in southwestern Texas, part of the Rio Grande drainage basin, has limited areas of whitewater along its length. It begins in northwest Sutton County, at , where six watercourses come together, Dry Devils River, Granger Draw, House Draw, Jackson, Flat Rock Draw, and Rough Canyon. It flows southwest for through Val Verde County and empties into the northeastern shore of the Amistad Reservoir, an impoundment of the Rio Grande near Del Rio, Texas on the Texas/Mexico border, .
Geomorphologically the park consists of large plains through which the Comoé River and its tributaries flow (Iringou, Bavé, Kongo). The Comoé river and its tributaries form the main drainage and the Comoé runs through the park for , with watercourses also draining to the Volta in the east. There are also various permanent and semi permanent ponds distributed throughout the park, most of which dry out during the dry season. The soils are for the most part infertile and unsuitable for cultivation.
All of Switzerland's surface area is covered at the levels of Switzerland, cantons, districts, communes, hectares and various spatial units.Construction zones, protected areas, hydrological basins, etc. The registered features are divided into 72 land use and land cover categories in the areas of settlements (buildings and industrial areas, traffic areas, recreational facilities, mines, landfills, construction sites), agriculture (arable land, meadows, pastures, fruit cultivation, vineyards and horticulture), stocked areas (forest, shrub forest, woodland), unproductive areas (watercourses, unproductive vegetation, rocks, sand, boulders, glaciers, firn).
Topographic map of Germany The northern third of the country lies in the North European Plain, with flat terrain crossed by northward-flowing watercourses (Elbe, Ems, Weser, Oder). Wetlands and marshy conditions are found close to the Dutch border and along the Frisian coast. Sandy Mecklenburg in the northeast has many glacier- formed lakes dating to the last glacial period. Moving south, central Germany features rough and somewhat patternless hilly and mountainous countryside, some of it formed by ancient volcanic activity.
Persoonia falcata ranges across a broad swathe of northern Australia, generally within of the coastline. In the northwest of Western Australia it is found in the Great Sandy Desert and vicinity of Broome, eastwards across the Northern Territory into northern Queensland, with the Blackdown Tableland marking the southeastern limit of its range. It grows along watercourses, gorges and sandstone outcrops, generally on sandstone-based or alluvial soils. It is also found on granite-based and lateritic soils, and rarely clay.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (0.9%) is water. Major watercourses are the San Joaquin River, Kings River, Delta-Mendota Canal, Big Creek, Friant Kern Canal, Helm Canal and Madera Canal. It is bordered on the west by the Coast Range and on the east by the Sierra Nevada. It is the center of a large agricultural area, known as the most agriculturally rich county in the United States.
To the west is the Stemple Creek watershed. The sources of all three watercourses lie in the hilly area between Stony Point Road and U.S. 101, just west of town. A gap in the coastal ridges near Petaluma often allows coastal fog to reach Cotati in the summer, giving it a marine climate that is noticeably cooler and less sunny than the "coastal" climates of nearby Santa Rosa and Sebastopol. Cotati averages fewer than 800 hours per growing season in the range.
These soils are well-drained, moderately coarse-textured soils derived from alluvium from granitic rock. The Hanford soils are important for the production of a wide variety of irrigated orchard, field, and truck crops. Vicinity watercourses include the Stanislaus River, the Tuolumne River and Dry Creek empties into the Tuolumne River. Area groundwater, which is the principal source of water supply in the city,Stanislaus County General Plan (1987) has been historically impaired in a fashion that is spatially variable.
In the northeast Indian state of Meghalaya, Khasi and Jaintia tribal people have created living root bridges, which are a form of tree shaping. Here, simple suspension bridges are made by training the roots of the Ficus elastica species of banyan tree across watercourses. There are examples with a span of over 170 feet (52 m). They are naturally self-renewing and self-strengthening as the component roots grow thicker and some are thought to be more than 500 years old.
Under this project, launched by IUCN in 1994 in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and the Protection of Nature of Cameroon, the hydrological condition of the wetland has undergone improvements following creation of two seasonal watercourses that interconnect the Logone River with the Logomatya River and facilitates water flows spreading to the floodplains. This plan has worked out well and wetlands conditions of the flood plains is reported to have improved substantially. Under this project, a management plan has been evolved.
It is mostly found in open forest, but will also grow in monsoon forest and rainforest margins. The natural range extends from Carlton Hill Station in the Kimberley region of Western Australia eastwards across the Top End of the Northern Territory to Cape York Peninsula and southwards to Southern Central Queensland where it is found along the margins of watercourses and swampy areas growing in sandy or rocky soils occasionally around laterite as a part of open Eucalyptus or Melaleuca woodland communities.
All watercourses in the park are part of the Columbia River drainage basin. Park rivers are swift-running and glacially-fed, and have helped carve out the steep valleys and canyons. They carry much silt and rocky debris with them, and often have a milky white appearance. In the summer months, these rivers have noticeable diurnal cycles; they run high in the afternoons as the snow and ice melt is at its peak, then drop considerably with lower nighttime temperatures.
Old Bank) and the meandering edges of the neighbouring fields (visible on this satellite image). Astbury terms such old watercourses rodhams and another East Anglian village, Benwick is similarly built on a rodham. A view over the River Lark from the bridge at Prickwillow.Ordnance Survey maps from the 1920s show a network of agricultural tramways running from Lark Hall Farm on the west bank of the River Lark south east of the village onto Great Fen extending to Hasse Road.
When it converts to the gametophyte form, after a few weeks, it becomes much more drought- resistant. Dividing and Fragmenting Mosses A sprinkler or misting system, automated on a timer, is often used to get mosses established. Spray times of 2–5 minutes, thrice daily, are typical, but this may vary with the moss species. Mosses can grow next to water features, but the unvarying level of artificial watercourses may not allow the moss to dry out, which can cause problems with mould.
The canal was built in 1775-1784 during the reign of Stanisław August Poniatowski, the last king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Originally it was named Kanał Królewski (), after the Polish king, since he was the initiator of the project. Additional work was carried out starting in 1837 by the Russian Empire and completed around 1846-1848. To supply the canal system with water, mainly the canal pound, Beloozerski and Orekhovski watercourses were started in 1839 and completed in 1843.
Long-Hawerter Mill is a historic grist mill located on Little Lehigh Creek in Longswamp Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. The mill was built about 1800, and is a 1 1/2-story banked stone building measuring 36 feet, 5 inches, wide by 26 feet, 1 inch, deep, with a slate roof. Attached to it is a one-story, frame cider mill and one-story, frame maple sugar house. Also on the property are the watercourses, consisting of the headrace, pond, and dam.
They are made up of one national reserve, six large parks, two smaller parks and three nature reserves. The continental shelf is very narrow and so steep it descends almost immediately to considerable depths along its coastline. Except for the Portovenere and Portofino promontories, the coast is generally not very jagged and is often high. At the mouths of the biggest watercourses are small beaches, but there are no deep bays and natural harbours except at Genoa and La Spezia.
It therefore has little undergrowth. In spite of their Atlantic character, these forests reach Moncayo, in the centre of the peninsula. The southernmost are at the Hayedo de Montejo (in the autonomous community of Madrid) and in the northernmost area of the province of Guadalajara, in the Parque Natural del Hayedo de Tejera Negra (Cantalojas), and Somosierra-Ayllón. The forests seek watercourses and shade, and so their reforestation is very difficult and they are being displaced by the Pyrenean Oak (Quercus pyrenaica).
Horbling is the site of a probable Romano-British settlement, centred around the present Fen Drove and Fen Farm, on Horbling Fen to the east, where has been found earthwork evidence of rectilinear enclosures, and watercourses. Large quantities of Roman Samian ware and roof tiles have also been discovered. Cox noted that on the right hand side of road from Billingborough to Horbling is a tumulus, probably of pre-historic origin.Cox, J. Charles (1916) Lincolnshire pp. 168, 169, 170; Methuen & Co. Ltd.
Belmont Lake is a lake in geographic Belmont Township in the municipality of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, Peterborough County in Central Ontario, Canada. It is part of the water system that feeds the Trent Severn Waterway Great Lakes Basin. There are 2 watercourses (rivers) that flow into Belmont and one exiting. The first river comes from the north from Cordova Lake and is navigable by a small boat from the northwest part of Belmont Lake up the river for approximately 1 km.
They were defeated by drought and lost everything, and returned to Adelaide. For a time he managed Yadlamalka and Black Point stations, and in 1880, having raised sufficient capital, returned to Coondambo, and went into partnership with the owner Robert Bruce (c. 1835 – 4 November 1908). They were the first in northern South Australia to employ wire netting to keep out wild dogs and the rabbit pest, which they exterminated by fencing off the watercourses and waiting for a heatwave.
Hiking farther around one crosses a series of small gully streams that run into the reservoir. Sharp edged pandanus fronds, dwarf bamboos and ferns surround the small watercourses – hidden worlds where, in rock pools up and down the hillsides, crustaceans and tiny fish inhabit the often turbulent streams. The best time to be here is the late afternoon after a fine, clear day. Then, the sun westering over Shing Mun, gaps between the trees show Kowloon Reservoir at its best.
Its area is estimated at 190 km². As far as hydrography is concerned, the Froide River, one of the most important watercourses in the municipality, flows through Communal Sections of Plato Dufresney and continues to the Pond Section of the commune Of Petion-Ville. Then the river of Chauffard which irrigates the houses of the communal section Procy, that of Bengas at the level of Kenscoff and that of Momance or Grande- Rivière, between the communal sections of Procy and Laval.
Laurel Caverns, is the largest cave in Pennsylvania by volume and area. Split into two sections, its entrance into the upper cavern is a network of interconnecting grid-like passages, while its unlit lower cavern, known as its branch-work, consists of subterranean watercourses into a dendritic system of passages. Laurel Caverns features an array of speleological and pseudokarsts formations. Its average temperature is 52°F (11° C). Located in Farmington, Pennsylvania, it sits on Chestnut Ridge near Uniontown, about southeast of Pittsburgh.
113 aquatic and bankside vascular plant species have been recorded from the field ditches, rhynes and deep arterial watercourses. A diverse invertebrate fauna is associated in particular with ditches that have a good submerged plant community. The water beetle fauna is exceptionally rich, with the nationally rare species Hydrophilus piceus and Hydrochara caraboides together with the rare soldier flies Stratiomys furcata and Odontomyia ornata. Good numbers of dragonflies and damselflies occur including the Hairy Dragonfly (Brachytron pratense) and the Variable Damselfly (Coenagrion pulchellum).
The site is in the Savanes Region of northeastern Togo, extending from the border with Burkina Faso and Benin, southwards to the edge of the Kéran National Park, another IBA, just to the east of the city of Sansanné-Mango. The grassland is largely composed of Andropogon, Heteropogon and Hyparrhenia spp. with a scattering of Borassus aethiopum. In the gallery forests by the watercourses, Diospyros mespiliformis and Anogeissus leiocarpa predominate, along with the lower-growing Mimosa pigra and Mitragyna inermis.
Numerous oxbow lakes are scattered along the river valleys. The largest of them are Lake Urvanovskoe (12 km long) and Lake Visha (length about 10 km). In the Meshchera Lowlands and in the northwest of the oblast are lakes of ancient alluvial valleys: Isikhry, Svyatoe and others. Lakes of karst origin, located in the lower reaches of the Klyazma and in the center of Vyaznikovsky District (a northeastern district in the oblast), have highly mineralized water and are associated with underground watercourses.
These rains sustain summer pastures of grasses and herbs, with dry woodlands and shrublands along seasonal watercourses. This ecoregion covers in Algeria, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Sudan. In the West Saharan montane xeric woodlands, several volcanic highlands provide a cooler, moister environment that supports Saharo-Mediterranean woodlands and shrublands. The ecoregion covers , mostly in the Tassili n'Ajjer of Algeria, with smaller enclaves in the Aïr of Niger, the Dhar Adrar of Mauritania, and the Adrar des Iforas of Mali and Algeria.
The property is situated approximately east of Alpurrurulam in the Northern Territory and west of Mount Isa in Queensland. The property is bounded to the north by Manners Creek Station, to the west by Marqua Station, to the west and south by Atnetye Aboriginal Land Trust and to the east by the Queensland border. Several watercourses flow through the property including Field River, Manners Creek and Marqua Creek. The Plenty Highway passes through the northern end of the station near to the homestead.
Black's Crossing was the local name for a section of Raglan Creek crossed by a stock route. The places where major routes crossed watercourses were often used as camps by drovers and carriers and were excellent locations for inns which catered to travellers. These were places where one could obtain food and accommodation for people and horses, where it was usually possible to obtain the services of a blacksmith, leave or collect messages and gain information on the condition of the road ahead.
Corymbia ptychocarpa is found from the Kimberley region of Western Australia and through the Top End of the Northern Territory to near Doomadgee in far north-western Queensland. It grows in sandy soils and alluvium along watercourses and near springs. In the Northern Territory it occurs on the Arnhem Plateau, Daly Basin, Ord Victoria Plain, Pine Creek and the Victoria Bonaparte biogeographic regions. Subspecies aptycha is restricted to the Top End between the Cobourg Peninsula, Yirrkala amd El Sharana in Arnhem Land.
It is native to an area in the Great Southern, South West and Peel regions of Western Australia where it grows in gravelly clay or sandy lateritic soils. It occurs in a block as far north as Mogumber and along the coast south to Cape Naturaliste then east along the coast as far as Albany. Some outlying populations are found in Tammin, Katanning and Mount Barker. It is often found near watercourses or as a part of Eucalyptus woodland or forest communities.
It is native to an area along the south coast in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia from around Esperance in the west to around Israelite Bay in the east where it is found around the margins of salt lakes and on sandplains growing in sandy-clay soils often around limestone. The bulk of the population is found in the Ravensthorpe Range situated on the lower slopes often around watercourses as a part of dense mallee shrub and woodland communities.
The red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) survived in the Forest until the 1970s – longer than most places in lowland Britain (though it still occurs on The Isle of Wight and the nearby Brownsea Island). It is now fully supplanted in the Forest by the introduced North American grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). The European polecat (Mustela putorius) has recolonised the western edge of the Forest in recent years. European otter (Lutra lutra) occurs along watercourses, as well as the introduced American mink (Neovison vison).
The problems of transboundary water resource utilization are still of utmost importance in resolving regional issues between Kazakhstan and neighboring countries, such as the Chinese People's Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan. The existing water supply is one of the main constraints to developing the rich mineral, fuel, energy, and land resources of the country. In order to establish closer regional cooperation in transboundary water apportioning, Kazakhstan joined the «Convention of Protection and Utilization of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes» on December 4, 2000.
The surrounding land is mostly dry grass Sahel dotted with acacia trees, with green patches formed by kouris (seasonal watercourses with underground water) and cuvettes (natural depressions which retain seasonal rain water. Farming is dominated by millet production. The area around Goure is particularly threatened by desertification, and was in 2005 designated at the very northeastern edge of Nigerien farm land able to support its, Actions pour la Sécurité et la Souveraineté Alimentaires au Niger (AcSSA), July 2005 study.
The B4364 road runs along the Ledwyche valley from its junction with the A4117 to where it runs around Brown Clee Hill.Ordnance Survey mapping The river avoids the River Teme at Ludlow, running instead to the east of the town, resulting in a peninsula of land one mile wide between the two watercourses, at the Sheet. Ledwyche Brook then flows in a southeast direction, passing through Caynham and afterwards passing to the west of Greete. It finally discharges into the Teme at Burford.
ADA has assisted internal drainage boards by developing a national flood risk management assets database system. Once complete the system will create a register of watercourses, pumping stations, sluices within IDB drainage districts. The system has had to take into account specific IDB requirements whilst ensuring a format that will enable ease of data transfer to future systems and user defined updates. The system is currently in the initial data gathering phase and is anticipated to go live during July 2008.
Most of the pigeons are found below 1000 m (3300 ft), and their prime environment appears to be steep ravine-indented slopes along artificial watercourses, with the occasional large dead laurel tree and much tree heath. This species is highly mobile between different areas at different times of year. It was very abundant when the islands were first colonised by humans, but was extirpated. The losses on the islands were largely due to deforestation for wood and to create agricultural and grazing land.
If disturbed, individuals take refuge in any existing cover – usually vegetation or piles of old flood debris along dry sandy watercourses and even down rabbit burrows. They are often seen solitarily or in pairs. Sources vary, but mating pairs maintain between five, and 20 to 40 hectare territories year-round and rarely, possibly never, band with their neighbours outside the breeding season. Family groups are sometimes seen during the post-fledgling period, while the young are still dependent on their parents.
Aspromonte National Park is situated in the southern section of the Apennines, in Calabria, Italy. The park lies near the sea and includes mountain summits nearly reaching the 2,000 meters of height (Montalto is 1,955 m). The park's territory, crossed by several watercourses, is populated by important animal species like the wolf, the peregrine falcon, the eagle owl, and the goshawk. Most of the territory is dominated by forests of beech trees, silver firs, black pines, holm oaks, chestnut trees, and Mediterranean maquis.
The terrain of the heathland is characterized by flat or gently sloping plateaux with numerous watercourses incising broad or sometimes steep-sided valleys. Apart from these, the heaths are lower heading east (before the London Basin) and along the main river valleys to the low-lying areas of the Kennet floodplain and lower reaches of the Loddon and its largest tributary, the Blackwater. At the western edge is the chalk scarp of the Hampshire Downs. The highest elevation is 296 metres.
Alders are commonly found near streams, rivers, and wetlands. Sometimes where the prevalence of alders is particularly prominent these are called alder carrs. In the Pacific Northwest of North America, the white alder (Alnus rhombifolia) unlike other northwest alders, has an affinity for warm, dry climates, where it grows along watercourses, such as along the lower Columbia River east of the Cascades and the Snake River, including Hells Canyon. Alder leaves and sometimes catkins are used as food by numerous butterflies and moths.
Garden Island is one of the geographical features in what is now the Adelaide metropolitan area that was formed as a consequence of sea level rise at the start of the Holocene. Sea level rise had three consequences. Firstly, watercourses existing at the time were forced to create new mouths in new coastline. Secondly, currents arising along the new coastline formed beaches, a coastal dune system and ultimately the spit known as the Lefevre Peninsula all by the process of longshore drift.
It is native to a small area in the Great Southern region of Western Australia. The plant is found on the lower slopes, on flats and along watercourses and grows in loamy or sandy clay loamy soils. A. awestoniana is confined to a small area with the Stirling Range National Park and fewer than 1,000 individual plants are known to exist. It is usually found as a part of Eucalyptus woodland communities, associated species include Eucalyptus wandoo, Eucalyptus redacta and Acacia pulchella.
Later a trigonous, narrowly obovoid gery-brown to black nut will form with a length of and a diameter of . It is endemic to much of mainland Australia and is found in all states. In Western Australia and is found along streams and creeks in the Kimberley region where it grows in sandy-clay soils. In New South Wales it is widespread through most non-coastal areas and is known on floodplains and the banks of inland watercourses mostly on clayey soils.
Rufus B. Sage traveled to the mountains in September 1843 and is believed to be the first white man to enter Estes Park. For a month, he hunted the abundant wildlife. Sage described the area as a "concentration of beautiful lateral valleys, intersected by meandering watercourses, ridged by lofty ledges of precipitous rock, and hemmed in on the west by vast piles of mountains climbing beyond clouds." At the time of his visit, Ute and Arapaho lived in the area.
It has great diversity of flora in a small area, and has been much studied by researchers from the Federal University of Paraná and other institutions. The park holds important samples of the four main vegetation types of the region: forest, cerrado, prairie and rocky outcrop vegetation. The cerrado includes clean or rocky grassland, campo cerrado, cerrado strict sense and a very small area of cerradão. Forest includes forest in the transition to cerrado and ciliary forest along the watercourses.
The Kindra Creek (technically a river) rises near Warre Warral trigonometry station southwest of , sourced by runoff from the Great Dividing Range. The creek flows generally southwest and then northwest before reaching its confluence with the Mimosa Creek to form Redbank Creek (itself a tributary of a series of watercourses that combine to form an old anabranch of the Murrumbidgee River now part of an irrigation channel of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area), north of the locality of . The creek descends over its course.
The white-headed pigeon (Columba leucomela) is a pigeon native to the east coast of Australia, belonging to the same genus as the domestic pigeon C. livia. The pigeon's habitat is from Cooktown, Queensland to southern New South Wales, with increasing numbers now found in eastern Victoria. It can commonly be found in tropical regions, subtropical rainforest, scrub, watercourses and street trees. Since colonisation of Australia, their numbers have decreased but they have thrived on the introduced Camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora).
It is native to an area of the Kimberley and Pilbara regions of Western Australia. A. arida has a scattered, wide distribution within the Pilbara but generally does not dominate the vegetation. It can form dense stands on many hilltops, called sky islands, particularly in the Hamersley Range. Grows in skeletal sandy soils along shallow, ephemeral watercourses or on slopes of hills and in breakaways it will also grow in red sandy loam or coarse, gravelly, skeletal sandy soils over laterite or sandstone.
It is native to several small areas in the Kimberley region of Western Australia growing is sandy soils over sandstone. It also has a disjunct distribution in the top end of the Northern Territory and the north western corner of Queensland. It is often found on sandstone plateaux, on cliffs and along watercourses in gullies or in crevices amongst rocky outcrops. It is found around basalt or quartzite growing in stony, sandy and alluvial soils as a part of mixed shrubland communities.
Although a hot roast dinner remains a favourite Christmas meal, the summer temperatures can tempt some Australians toward the nearest watercourses to cool down between feasts. It is a tradition for international visitors to gather en masse at Sydney's Bondi Beach on Christmas Day. The Assyrian Church of the East is also known to be a crowd drawer for the special Christmas Eve midnight mass. More than 15,000 faithful gather at churches in Sydney, notably the St Hurmizd Cathedral in Sydney's west.
Petyarre's technique consisted of layering very fine dots of thin acrylic paint onto the canvas, evoking the Aboriginal custom of ceremonial body painting, to carefully construct abstract landscapes that reveal a remarkable depth when viewed up close. The dots are used to represent, among other things, flowers and spinifex, or animated clouds of sand, hail or even bush seeds. Meanwhile, various shapes and colours are used to depict geographical features such as sand-hills, watercourses and rockholes. Her imagery has been described as “simultaneously macro- and microcosmic”.
The commune consists entirely of farmland with no other villages or hamlets.IGN Map on Géoportail Numerous streams cover the entire commune with the Rigole of the Canal du Midi passing through the northern part of the commune and forming part of the northern border. An unnamed watercourse forms the whole western border between the Rigole and the Fresquel river which forms the southern border of the commune. Numerous other unnamed streams and watercourses flow to the Fresquel from the commune to the south, south-east, and east.
Two of London's minor natural watercourses flow through Motspur Park: Beverley Brook runs south to north through the centre and its tributary the Pyl Brook runs parallel to the east in shallow depressions in the land. The Motspur Park athletics stadium was built by the University of London in 1928 and achieved fame when the world mile record was set there in 1938. It was sold to Fulham Football Club as their training ground in 1999.UK Running Track Directory Motspur Park, University of London Track.
The Hadhramaut Valley is a large region in southern Yemen spanning approximately . It consists of a narrow, arid coastal plain bounded by the steep escarpment of a broad plateau averaging around of altitude, with a sparse network of deeply sunk wadis (seasonal watercourses). Although the southern edge of Hadhramaut borders the Arabian Sea, Tarim is located around inland from the coast and north-east of Seiyun. The region is characterized by rocky plateaus that reach elevations of around , and are separated by numerous valleys.
Xixi National Wetland Park () is a national wetland park in China, located at the west part of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, a total of . The park is densely crisscrossed with six main watercourses, among which are scattered various ponds, lakes and swamps. XiXi Wetland has a history of more than 4000 years and an abundant cultural heritage. It's the original site of Chinese South Opera; it has a traditional dragon boat contest; it contains the vivid life of a water village, featuring silkworm feeding and silk production.
DROTRH/SRA et al. (2001) The carved relief affects the course of hydrographic run-off, which is accentuated by torrential precipitation in the region, resulting in accentuated erosion and deposition along the margins.LNEC (1991) A majority of the watercourses are temporary or torrential, with the greatest run-off occurring in the winter, and little in the summer, with few permanent ravines. There are only two permanent effluents in the lake, one to the western crater rim in Barrosa, and the other in the south-southeast.
Pelvicachromis species inhabit both slow and fast-moving waters in the wild but are only found present in these Central & West African watercourses near to dense underwater vegetation. The water in Pelvicachromis natural environment usually stays around 75° to 79 °F (24° to 26 °C). All described species in the genus have evolved with adaptability at the fore; water quality parameters can vary drastically within this dwarf-cichlids natural range. A species inhabiting different environments and arbitrary alterations must be able to cope with diverse habitats.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (3.0%) is water. Most of the county is at an elevation close to sea level, with some areas below sea level. The highest point in the county is Carpenter Hill at 828 feet (252 m), in the southeast part of Folsom. Major watercourses in the county include the American River, Sacramento River, Cosumnes River, a tributary of the Mokelumne River, and Dry Creek, a tributary of the Sacramento River.
The environmental staff attends trainings to stay updated on procedures for keeping the region's drinking water, surface water, and ground water safe. In order to assure that Native American cultural and spiritual sites are protected, timber harvesting plans are reviewed by the environmental staff. Plans are also reviewed to make sure they won't affect water quality. Map plotting and GIS data keeping is essential for the environmental staff to know where cultural sites, sensitive habitat areas and watercourses are located when reviewing project plans.
The government has constructed a network of dams in wadis, dry watercourses that become torrents after heavy rains. These dams are used both as water reservoirs and for flood and erosion control. The wadis are heavily settled because soil in their bottoms is often suitable for agriculture, and the high water table in their vicinity makes them logical locations for digging wells. In many wadis, however, the water table is declining at an alarming rate, particularly in areas of intensive agriculture and near urban centers.
Holybrook is a civil parish, forming a contiguous part of Reading in West Berkshire and is a mixture of urban, suburban land with watercourses and flood meadows in Berkshire, England. The parish takes its name from the Holy Brook, a watercourse which forms its southern boundary and which is a corollary of the River Kennet. Its main settlements are part of Calcot those commonly known as Beansheaf Farm and Fords Farm, Holybrook and occasionally considered part of Calcot or Southcote which overlaps with this area.
The whole area of the municipality is covered by the hills that are connected to the Medvednica massif on the southeast and to the Krapina river valley on the north. The area of Stubičke Toplice is stretched by a dense network of mountain creeks, which belong to the Krapina river basin. It is an area of diverse vegetation made up of forests, plateaux, valleys, meadows and preserved streams of mountain valley watercourses. Oak, hornbeam and beech communities predominate on the slopes of the local hills.
This is a list of rivers and significant streams in the U.S. state of New Hampshire. All watercourses named "River" (freshwater or tidal) are listed here, as well as other streams which are either subject to the New Hampshire Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act or are more than long. New Hampshire rivers and streams qualify for state shoreland protection (and are listed here in bold) if they are fourth-order or larger water bodies, based on the Strahler method of stream order classification. Strahler, A. N. (1952).
Glastonbury in Norris J. Lacy, Editor, The Arthurian Encyclopedia (1986 Peter Bedrick Books, New York). Early drainage work on the Somerset Levels was carried out in the later years of the 12th century, with the responsibility for maintaining all the watercourses between Glastonbury and the sea being placed on named individuals among whom were Ralph de Sancta Barbara of Brentmarsh. In 1129, the abbot of Glastonbury was recorded as inspecting enclosed land at Lympsham. Efforts to control flooding on the Parrett were recorded around the same date.
Phragmites australis is one of the main wetland plant species used for phytoremediation water treatment. Waste water from lavatories and greywater from kitchens is routed to an underground septic tank-like compartment where the solid waste is allowed to settle out. The water then trickles through a constructed wetland or artificial reed bed, where bioremediation bacterial action on the surface of roots and leaf litter removes some of the nutrients in biotransformation. The water is then suitable for irrigation, groundwater recharge, or release to natural watercourses.
The village of Barmston gave its name to the ancient parish and ecclesiastical parishes of Barmston. The parish was bounded by watercourses of Earl's Dike (also known as Watermill Grounds Beck) to the north, and Barmston drain to the south. In 1935 the civil parish was substantially enlarged with the addition of most of the parish of Fraisthorpe to the north, an increase of . The village of Hartburn on the Holderness coast was deserted after the 15th century and no longer exists due to coastal erosion.
Fencott and Murcott is a civil parish about south of Bicester in the Cherwell district of Oxfordshire, England. The parish is bounded on the north and west by the River Ray and has an area of just over being inclusive of roads and watercourses. It includes the villages of Fencott and Murcott and had a population of about 285 residents in 2011. There are no shops or post offices but there is one public house, the Nut Tree InnThe Nut Tree Inn at Murcott.
The overall landform of the region around Cossack is a low, flat plain with occasional rocky hills and ranges. The vegetation is mainly grass, spinifex and low shrub, with occasional trees (mangroves) along watercourses and in gullies. The mangrove scrub becomes quite dense along the shoreline and at the mouth of the inlet. The main road from Roebourne to Cossack continues past the town of Wickham and the Cape Lambert iron ore port (operated by Pilbara Iron), and terminates at the fishing town of Point Samson.
Historically, military forces have sometimes trained using methods suitable for a level battlefield, but not for the terrain in which they were likely to end up fighting. Mardonius illustrated the problem for the Ancient Greeks, whose phalanges were ill-suited for combat except on level ground without trees, watercourses, ditches, or other obstacles that might break up its files,Philip Sabin, Hans van Wees, Michael Whitby, The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare (2007), p. a perfection rarely obtained. Rome had the same preference.
Mills Creek is a short eastward-flowing stream whose watershed originates in and around Mills Canyon Park in Burlingame's foothills in San Mateo County, California, United States.Mills Creek Watershed, Oakland Museum of California, access date 05-27-2019 The creek runs south of Millbrae Creek and north of Easton Creek watercourses respectively. The creek is in a mostly natural channel through the hills and residential flatlands of Burlingame. Starting near the Caltrain tracks, it is partially culverted and channelized into the San Francisco Bay.
The hooded warbler is a threatened species in Canada. Happy Valley Forests is one of the few remaining Canadian habitats for this species. The ecologically diverse moraine is the water source for many headwaters streams flowing south into rivers that drain into Lake Ontario and north into rivers that drain into Lake Scugog and Lake Simcoe. Varied landforms on the moraine, such as woodlands, wetlands, watercourses, kettle lakes and bogs, have provided an environment suitable for significant flora and fauna communities to develop and thrive.
It is native to Pilbara, Gascoyne and Mid West regions of Western Australia where it is known to grow in quartzite, and granitic soils and is often found along watercourses and swampy areas. It has a discontinuous distribution and is found from around Pingandy Station along the Ashburton River in the north down to around Murgoo Station and the Murchison River in the south where it is often situated on loamy alluvial plains as a part of shrubland communities where it is usually associated with Acacia aneura.
It is an area of appreciable landscape, composed of quartzite, accompanied by gravel along the flanks. The rivers, in addition to its fishery resources, are utilized for leisure activities (including its beaches and fluvial pools). There are a number of watercourses in the municipality, all with a permanent character that support the watersheds of the Zêzere and Mondego Rivers. The riparian vegetation, consequently, thrives: specifically, the patches of European alder (Alnus glutinosa) and communities of Portuguese laurel (Prunus lusitanica), with the presence of European holly (Ilex aquifolium).
Pristina City has limited quantities of surface and groundwater, which are mainly distributed in the peripheral areas. A small fraction of the available water is found as underground water, such as that in "Pajtimi" field that amounts to 50 litres/sec and "Germia" source that amounts to 15 litres/sec. Watercourses are scarce. There are small rivers in the urban area, such as Pristina and Vellusha Rivers that collect the water flows of faux pas coming from Lagjia e Spitalit, Mati, Kodra e Trimave, and Shkabaj.
During 2009 and 2010, work was undertaken to upgrade sluice gates, watercourses, and culverts to enable seasonal flooding of Southlake Moor during the winter diverting water from the Sowy River onto the moor. It has the capacity to hold as part of a scheme by the Parrett Internal Drainage Board to restore ten floodplains in Somerset. In spring, the water is drained away to enable the land to be used as pasture during the summer. The scheme is also used to encourage water birds.
The conservation park has an area of . The southern sector has soils typical of the island's lateritic plateau, grading northwards into shallow grey-brown sands and rocky outcrops. The two main watercourses, Deep Gully and Gum Creek, cut deeply into the underlying rocks, forming gorges with semi-permanent waterholes along parts of their lengths. On the higher parts of the conservation park, the vegetation is mainly a tall shrubland of Eucalyptus baxteri over Xanthorrhoea tateana, Melaleuca uncinata and Allocasuarina muelleriana, interspersed with E. cladocalyx woodland.
A. falciformis is widely spread down the east coast of Australia and is present in the states of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. It is found in coastal areas extending over the Great Dividing Range to the western slopes. The shrub is situated in a variety of habitat including moist rocky slopes, gullies and along watercourses often as a part of sclerophyll forest or woodland communities. The range of the plant extends discontinuously from Traralgon in the south to the Atherton Tableland in the north.
The Congo peafowl inhabits and is endemic to the Central Congolian lowland forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo where it has also been designated the national bird. It occurs in both primary and secondary forest in Salonga National Park. Secondary signs of its presence like droppings and feathers were more frequently encountered in regenerating secondary forest than in primary forest. In secondary forest, its droppings were found close to watercourses, where trees were smaller and plant diversity lower than in primary forest.
Lam Tsuen River near Kwong Fuk Bridge The Lam Tsuen River () is a river in Tai Po District, Hong Kong, with a length of 10.8 kilometres and a catchment area of approximately 21 square kilometres.Guided Field Trip to Lam Tsuen River Catchment, JC-Wise It originates in Tai Mo Shan Country Park on the hill Sze Fong Shan, and joins other watercourses in the Lam Tsuen Valley. Joined by the Tai Po River in Tai Po New Town, it eventually empties into Tolo Harbour.
The archaeological site is located on the property known as Glenroy on the road to the Jenolan Caves. The property is open and grassy, broken by stands of trees located intermittently on the small hills within the generally sloping nature of the country. Watercourses associated with the Cox's River are located at the bottom of the property where the ground flattens out and small granite boulders become common along the river banks. Early river crossings are evident, including remnants of timber posts and a cutting.
The parish comprises an area of hills and valleys and in addition to the River Avon there are numerous smaller watercourses which have shaped the land. In common with the surrounding parishes Aveton Gifford contains a wide variety of plant and animal life and there is much to see for the visitor with an interest in wildlife. Within the area there are a number of footpaths and bridleways and for nature lovers a walk or ride along them is usually well rewarded at any time of year.
Buddleja polystachya is a multi-branched shrub or occasionally small tree endemic to the semi-arid highlands flanking the Red Sea in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen, where it grows in secondary scrub or around forest, often along watercourses, at elevations of between 2,200 and 3,600 m ; its range extends southward into the highlands of Kenya and Tanzania.Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (1979) The Loganiaceae of Africa XVIII Buddleja L. II, Revision of the African & Asiatic species. H. Veenman & Zonen, Wageningen, Nederland. Chaudhary, S. A. (2001).
Just as in cotton production, pesticides are used in the cultivation of wool, although quantities are considerably smaller and it is thought that good practice can significantly limit any negative environmental impact. Sheep are treated either with injectable insecticides, a pour-on preparation or dipped in a pesticide bath to control parasite infection, which if left untreated can have serious welfare implications for the flock. When managed badly, these pesticides can cause harm to human health and watercourses both on the farm and in subsequent downstream processing.
A drop structure, also known as a grade control, sill, or weir, is a manmade structure, typically small and built on minor streams, or as part of a dam's spillway, to pass water to a lower elevation while controlling the energy and velocity of the water as it passes over. Unlike most dams, drop structures are usually not built for water impoundment, diversion or raising the water level. Mostly built on watercourses with steep gradients, they serve other purposes such as water oxygenation and erosion prevention.
The River Pattack flows into the head of the loch just below the road bridge at Kinloch Laggan. The boundary of the Cairngorms National Park wraps around the head of the loch. A short section of the River Spean connects the natural loch with the reservoir downstream and this river continues westwards below Laggan Dam. Two other substantial watercourses empty into the loch, the Allt Labhrach which drains Lochan na h-Earba which lies southeast of Loch Laggan and Allt Coire Ardair which rises beneath Creag Meagaidh.
These areas of flat floodplain contain the meander belts of the present and past watercourses, point bars, natural levees, swales, and abandoned river channels. Some of the most extensive remaining tracts of native bottomland hardwood forest in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain remain along these rivers. Along the banks of the White River in Arkansas County, these forests are preserved in the White River National Wildlife Refuge. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (4.4%) is water.
The river network of the municipality is extensive and belongs to the basin of the Paranaíba River. The main watercourses are the rivers: Quebranzol and Santo Antonio (tributaries of the Rio Araguari); Dourados and Perdizes and Rio Espírito Santo as well as the streams (ribeirões) Salitre, Pavões, Macaúbas and Córrego do Ouro. There are also waterfalls that are little known by tourists. One example is “Cachoeiras do Lemos”, on the Ribeirão de Rita Matos, which flows into the Rio Salitre and “Cachoeira dos Borges”.
Headwaters of the Snowy River, with Mount Kosciuszko beyond The Snowy River near Suggan Buggan, in Victoria, 2008. Marlo in flood, 2012. The main headwaters of the Snowy River, which include the Eucumbene, Gungarlin and Thredbo Rivers and many smaller alpine watercourses, are predominantly located in Kosciuszko National Park and meet near Jindabyne. From this point the river winds southwards through inaccessible country, comprising private lands and the Snowy River National Park, eventually reaching the sea in the Snowy Inlet, at Marlo, near Orbost, Victoria.
The commons are flat land about 100 metres above sea level and the highest land between the watercourses to north and south. They are the remains of a marine sedimentation laid down in Tertiary times, subsequently raised by the uplift of the land in later geological times. A layer of clay between 0.5 and 1.0 metres thick provided an acidic topsoil on which the native vegetation was pine, heather and associated species. Below this was a bed of gravel, up to 3 metres deep.
Beginning in the 1760s, and continuing into the 1770s, other groups slowly made their way into present-day Darlington, and were granted lands on the Lynches River, Jeffries Creek, and a host of other watercourses. These settlers included descendants of French Huguenots, Scots- Irish, and the English. For 30 years following the arrival of the first settlers, local government did not exist for the citizens of the area. All deeds, estate settlements, and other legal matters had to be taken to Charles Town to be recorded.
A "boutonnière" (buttonhole), in French geological language, is an eroded anticline. This is why the Pays de Bray's outline is shaped as a buttonhole, marked as it is with surrounding escarpments of 60 to 100 metres in height, making it a distinct physical and cultural entity. The Pays de Bray is rich in springs and several watercourses rise there; notably the Epte and the Andelle, tributaries of the Seine. The Béthune and the Eaulne flow into the Arques which enters the English Channel at Dieppe.
The snail's tolerance of turbulent, flowing water was demonstrated by Prentice (1983). who reported it migrating upstream on the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia at a rate of 100 m month−1 in streams discharging up to 50 l.s−1. In KwaZulu-Natal it has been collected in water flowing at up to 1.2 m.s−1 which is likely to exceed the current speeds of at least the lower and middle reaches of many rivers and streams in South Africa making these watercourses open to colonization.
Scaife, Chris: The Caves of Northumberland, Sigma Leisure, 2019 Fifteen percent of the NCA lies within the Northumberland National Park and it also contains one Special Protection Area - Holburn Lake & Moss - and 3 Special Areas of Conservation - Simonside Hills; Harbottle Moors; and River Tweed - as well as 18 Sites of Special Scientific Interest, the latter totalling 3,771 hectares. Its major watercourses are the rivers Aln, Till, Coquet, Fallowlees Burn, Font and Rede.NCA 2: Northumberland Sandstone Hills - Key Facts & Data at Accessed on 7 Apr 2013.
There is no vehicular access, and no facilities. The watercourses Holbeck and Ings Drain run through the site, which contains deciduous woodland, "species-rich marshy grassland subject to winter flooding" and some fen alongside the two streams. The site was notified as an SSSI on 1 October 1986 for its "diverse range of wetland habitats" including woodland, and also because wetland such as this was once widespread, but is now under threat from land improvement and the drainage requirements of adjacent agricultural land and settlements.
Although this is a very small waterfall by the nationwide standards of the United States, Burden Falls is one of the highest waterfalls in Illinois. Unlike most of the state, Pope County and extreme southern Illinois escaped glaciation during the Ice Ages, and steep slopes display the effects of lengthy erosion. Similar geological features in other regions of Illinois were ground into oblivion by the ice. Watercourses confined by sandstone ledges, of the sort found in Burden Falls Wilderness, are locally known as shut-ins.
Bang Chang's history dates to the Ayutthaya Kingdom. During that time, Bang Chang was the name of entirety Samut Songkhram Province, its area covered to parts of Bang Khonthi and Mueang Samut Songkhram Districts with Damnoen Saduak District in Ratchaburi Province as well. Between Ayutthaya to early Rattanakosin periods, Bang Chang was dubbed "Suan Nok" (outer garden), paired with "Suan Nai" (inner garden) or Bangkok. Because they have a very similar terrain, which was filled with orchards and there was many watercourses flowing through both areas.
The lands that are now the Tres de Febrero partido, were inhabited, before the discovery of the Americas and during the first years of the conquest, by Querandí Indians and pampas. These aborigines preferred set their huts near watercourses, in this case, along the current Reconquista River and stream: Morón, Maldonado and Medrano. Engaged in culture corn, squash and bean. Upon the arrival of the Spaniards, the Indians fought tenaciously to defend their possessions but were defeated and had to submit to the conqueror.
PEI also established agricultural buffer zone for watercourses under the Environmental Protection Act and increased the level of enforcement while substantially raising the fines for violations. By 2010, recent years showed a considerable decrease in fish kills. A 1998 laboratory study conducted at Trent University showed that exposing tadpoles to endosulfan, an organochloride pesticide at levels that are likely to be found in habitats near fields sprayed with the chemical kills the tadpoles and causes behavioral and growth abnormalities.Raloff, J (September 5, 1998) "Common pesticide clobbers amphibians".
Arribes del Duero Natural Park is a protected area in western Spain, covering 106.105 ha in the autonomous community of Castile and León. In this area the river Duero forms the national boundary between Spain and Portugal, and the Portuguese side is also protected under the International Douro Natural Park. The most notable characteristics of this natural space are its biodiversity and range of watercourses, which have eroded deep valleys and vertiginous precipices. This landscape is known as Arribes, which is where the reserve name comes from.
Positioned in one of the fastest growing regions in the developed world, urbanisation surrounding the Broadwater is expected to continue. The region has important biodiversity values that have led to areas of the Broadwater listed as an international Ramsar site and inclusion to international migratory bird arrangements. The Broadwater provides a vital function in the provision of feeding, spawning and nursery sites for recreationally and commercially important finfish species. The Broadwater catchment includes a number of watercourses including the Logan/Albert, Coomera, Pimpama and Nerang Rivers.
The Abyssinian crimsonwing occurs in forest, particularly montane forest, from 1500m to 300m above sea level in Kenya, at the forest edge or in clearings where it normally remains among the undergrowth but sometimes seen higher in creepers. It also occurs in bamboo, thickets and dense brush, especially along watercourses. It is a shy and rather elusive species which is easily alarmed, retreating into cover rapidly at the first indication of a threat. This means that it may be less uncommon than it appears.
The civil parish has an area of . The area is undulating, sloping gently upwards to the south and east, with an average elevation of around and a high point above in the south east, around West Heath. Outside Chorlton village, the land use is predominantly agricultural, with several farms including Chorlton Bank Farm, Heath Farm, Jubilee Farm and West Heath Farm. Several minor watercourses run through the parish, including Mere Gutter and Swill Brook, and numerous small meres and ponds are scattered across the area.
The forest is home to black bears, Vancouver Island cougar, Roosevelt elk, and marten, as well as numerous invertebrates like the banana slug and warty jumping-slug and birds like the marbled murrelet and the olive-sided flycatcher. Vancouver Island wolves are even present on the islands of the Broken Group. Six species of salmon are present in the park's watercourses, but are predominantly coho and sockeye. Cutthroat trout, red-legged frog, western toad, mink and river otter live in the lakes and wetland areas.
In her study of the Collarenebri Aboriginal Cemetery Heather Goodall noted that, prior to the occupation of the land by British settlers, traditional burial practice included placing the remains of the deceased within hollow trees and marking these trees with "elegant, concentric designs" particular to various areas. "This practice became more difficult under the surveillance of white settlers. Burial was more common, with some buried in moorillas or gravelly ridges but others buried in soft ground, in the sandhills along watercourses." In the North West burials were generally "in small cluster".
Typical of this kind of park design is clear structure and domestic animals, a necessary component of the garden, as seen in former times in the Luisium Palace near Dessau in Germany or still existing the historistic park of Villa Haas (Hesse) from 1892. Livestock in the park serve to enhance the idyll (nature experience). The park area therefore had to be redesigned to protect the plants (walls, hedges, watercourses, fences). The term "Ornamental Farm", which is still used today in manors with small park areas, forms a flowing border to this.
Retrieved on 2008-07-02 It grows from sea level up to 1,800 m (5,500 ft) above sea level, in habitats ranging from Bahamian dry forests, to cloud forest in Costa Rica. Ficus aurea is found in central and southern Florida as far north as Volusia County; it is one of only two native fig species in Florida. The species is present in a range of south Florida ecosystems, including coastal hardwood hammocks, cabbage palm hammocks, tropical hardwood hammocks and shrublands, temperate hardwood hammocks and shrublands Open-File Report 2006-1240. and along watercourses.
Galmpton Warborough, a rare example of lowland calcareous grassland, provides views over Tor Bay and the Dart Valley to Dartmoor, and is protected by Torbay Council as an Urban Landscape Protection Area. It is regularly frequented by some two-thirds of Galmpton residents for recreation, and serves as a ‘green wedge’ separating Galmpton and Churston from the urban sprawl of Paignton. The River Dart at Galmpton Greek The River Dart and its watercourses, including the Galmpton watercourse, are prone to flooding during heavy rainfall and in 1999 a man died in flooding in the village.
In South Australia Feeding on the ground in Griffith, New South Wales Bluebonnets inhabit arid and semi-arid zones in Australia. They inhabit open woodlands dominated by false sandalwood, (Myoporum), belah Casuarina cristata, native pine Callitris, western myall, gidgee, and mulga Acacia, and Eucalyptus, often with a low shrub layer of chenopods such as saltbush Atriplex or blue bush Maireana. Bluebonnets will also inhabit open grassy plains, scrub, and trees bordering watercourses. Remnant patches of mallee in northern Victoria are also important habitat areas for birds in the south of their range.
The name "Taubergießen" derives from Taubergießen, one of the numerous watercourses and branches of the nature reserve, which runs in the north of the area and drains from the right into the lower course of the Elz river, which is closer to the Rhine. Under "pouring" is understood underground, i.e. in direct connection with the groundwater flowing parts of the stream, which come from a sufficient depression of the bottom again to the surface. These are particularly common in this area, the middle area of the southern Upper Rhine.
According to the statistical office of Hamburg and Schleswig- Holstein, the quarter has a total area of 8.1 km². To the northwest, Poppenbüttel borders on the state of Schleswig-Holstein and the quarter Lemsahl-Mellingstedt, in the east is the quarter Sasel. In the south is the quarter Wellingsbüttel and in the southwest is the quarter Hummelsbüttel. Poppenbüttel lies on both sides of the Upper Alster river and is clearly separated from its neighbouring boroughs by uninhabited green zones and protected landscapes preserving wet and, in places, boggy depressions, and watercourses.
The reed vole is native to eastern Asia. Its range includes the Trans-Baikal region of Russia, the Amur River Basin, northeastern Mongolia, eastern China and North and South Korea. Its typical habitat is steppe and forest steppe where it is found near lakes and watercourses, among coarse vegetation and in wet meadows and marshes. It may move into adjoining agricultural or vacant land when its habitat is flooded as sometimes happens in spring and summer, but seldom travels more than and returns to its waterside haunts when the flooding subsides.
The Richardsons were among the seven shareholders in the Portland Squatting Company. The group left Victoria aboard the Maria Ross along with 1600 ewes and set up the station along the George River then peacock runs out along other watercourses. In 1869 the group divided their flock with the Richardsons and Jack Edgar controlling 4500 sheep at Pyramid and buying out the other partners from 1869-1872. Another previous owner of the station was Eva Broadhurst who was much admired by the explorer Frank Hann, who named several geographical features after her.
The Reich had pulled out of the commission in November 1936, with an announcement that it was assuming "full sovereignty" over all German watercourses. After the Anschluss in 1938, Austria's membership also came to a close.New York Times, May 4, 1938 Early in 1940, German sources were quoted in the Times that Germany was attempting "through innuendo and informal suggestions"New York Times, April 13, 1940 to take over control of the river, and late that year a conference was held in Vienna (then part of the German Reich) to dissolve the upriver commission.
Groundwater is water that is found underground in cracks and spaces in the soil, sand and rocks. Where water has filled these spaces is the phreatic (also called) saturated zone. Groundwater is stored in and moves slowly (compared to surface runoff in temperate conditions and watercourses) through layers or zones of soil, sand and rocks: aquifers. The rate of groundwater flow depends on the permeability (the size of the spaces in the soil or rocks and how well the spaces are connected) and the hydraulic head (water pressure).
The shrub is found in northern parts of Australia in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland. The range of the bulk of the population extends from around near Derby in the Kimberley region of Western Australia to the east through the top end of the Northern Territory as far as Rockhampton in eastern Queensland. Smaller populations are found in arid regions of the Pilbara in the Hamersley Range, in central parts of the Northern Territory and in southwestern Queensland. It is found in and around ephemeral watercourses growing in gravelly sand or loamy soils.
The area includes a pristine peat bog, populations of all three species of British newt and forestry habitat suitable for endangered red squirrels. Otters have been noted along the watercourses and still ponds that are dotted across the vast training area. Trees that were planted on the site after the First World War were felled in 2008 to 2009 to allow the peat bogs to return. Despite concerns about trees being 'carbon sinks', the rarity of the peat habitat meant the Forestry Commission decided to fell 145,000 trees.
The site was said to include two canals or watercourses that comprised the supposed dry docks along with two large sandstones, considered to be part of the enormous foundations of an ancient temple. The surrounding area, called Mina al-Hosn is translated as "port of the fort" in Arabic. Precise dating of the structures was never obtained however there were a few finds of pottery at the site that were dated to the fifth century BCE."Phoenician Port in Beirut faces Mega Project", Van Meguerditchian, The Daily Star Lebanon, June 25, 2012.
The line consists almost entirely of an embankment with bridges crossing over a large number of bridges across watercourses, roads and railways between Ahlem and Misburg. Many of the bridges have been extended to allow the widening of routes running under it. Thus, the original bridge spanning two tracks over the line to Göttingen was rebuilt during the construction of the Hanover–Würzburg high-speed railway to allow four tracks to run under it. Before Expo 2000, the bridge was again extended to allow an S-Bahn track to pass under it.
It is joined by the ephemeral watercourses Long Canyon and Morell Canyon on the right bank, and Bear Canyon on the left bank. At about this reach, it plunges over San Juan Falls, a drop; the falls is preceded by a short cascade and followed by a series of near-vertical falls. In this reach, stream pools, which tend to become stagnant during low flow periods, are abundant. Continuing on down the gradually widening valley, San Juan Creek turns westwards and drops over several more falls, before finally widening to about .
Vltava River in Czech capital Prague Map of the 50 longest rivers of the Czech Republic This is a list of rivers of the Czech Republic. Czech language distinguishes between larger (river) and smaller (stream, creek, brook etc.) watercourses; the respective nouns being řeka (feminine, "river") and potok (masculine, "stream"). River names are mostly self-standing nouns and not accompanied with the generic word for river (except when confusion might arose because name is shared with some towns, e.g. Jihlava; in such cases one sometimes says řeka Jihlava).
The Great Dividing Range passes through the locality from north to south-east, creating a watershed. To the west of the range, the Alice River rises in the south-east of the locality and flows to the south (Garfield) while Clara Creek rises in the south and flows to the west (Upland), eventually becoming a tributary of the Thomson River. Both of these watercourses are within the Lake Eyre drainage basin. In contrast, Dunda Creek also rises in the south-east of the locality but to the east of range.
Cresswell Downs Station often referred to as Cresswell Downs is a pastoral lease that operates as a cattle station in the Northern Territory. It is situated about east of Elliott and south of Borroloola. Cresswell Downs is surrounded by other properties including Mallapunyah to the north west, Walhallow to the west, Kiana to the north, Calvert Hills Station to the north east, Benmarra to the west, Brunette Downs to the south and Anthony Lagoon to the south west. Several watercourses pass through the property including Cresswell Creek, Coanjula Creek and Puzzle Creek.
Each one was made of about ten vessels and one Commandos Marine unit. The types of vessels operated by a Dinassaut included LCI, LCT, LCM, LCVP, LCS, LCA, LSSL and fire support vessels. The role of the Dinassaut was to transport, land and support the infantry, to patrol the watercourses and to assure the supply of the isolated posts. The sailors that served in the Dinassaut were referred as the "Navy in Khaki", in comparison with the sailors that served in the ocean that were referred as the "Navy in White".
In its upper reaches, the Santry drainage basin is bordered by that of the Wad River, which comes to the sea at the city end of Clontarf, and that of the Mayne River system, which concludes at Baldoyle Bay. Citywards, the Naniken basin lies closer to the city, while to the north and east two small streams drain parts of Edenmore and Raheny; these two watercourses are the Fox Stream, reaching the sea at the end of Fox's Lane, and the Blackbanks Stream, with its mouth where Howth Road and the James Larkin Road meet.
The Terminal 5 building is on a site on the western side of the airport, between the western ends of the northern and southern runways. The site was previously occupied by the Perry Oaks sewage works and an area of smallholdings called Burrows Hill Close Estate, and is east of the M25 motorway; see also Heathrow (hamlet). Two artificial watercourses, the Longford River and the Duke of Northumberland's River, originally ran through the middle of the site. Most of the terminal is in the ecclesiastical parish of Harmondsworth.
An automatic traffic monitoring and guidance system is in place along the motorway. It consists of measuring, control and signaling devices, located in zones where driving conditions may vary—at interchanges, near viaducts, bridges, tunnels and in zones where fog and strong winds are known to occur. The system consists of variable traffic signs used to communicate changing driving conditions, possible restrictions and other information to motorway users. The A4 motorway runs through hills and plains crossed by a number of watercourses, requiring a number of bridges, viaducts and tunnels along the route.
For over a week in August 1948 exceptionally heavy rainfall was experienced in Berwickshire, and this culminated in a violent rainstorm on the night of 12 August 1948. Many watercourses overtopped their banks and the ground was already saturated; this resulted in multiple washouts of railway embankments and undermining of bridge abutments and piers. The railway between Duns and Earlston was closed immediately. The passenger service never re-opened, but a goods train service between St Boswells and Greenlaw resumed after a period; the final freight ran on 16 July 1965.
It consists of measuring, control and signaling devices, located in zones where driving conditions may vary—at interchanges, near viaducts and bridges, and areas where fog is common. The system uses variable traffic signs to communicate driving conditions, possible restrictions and other information to motorists. The A5 motorway runs through plains crossed by a number of watercourses and railways running perpendicular to the motorway route, requiring a variety of bridges and viaducts. Particular attention to the environment is also necessary, due to water supply and natural heritage zones, as well as nearby agricultural production.
Approximately ten thousand years ago there was a lake in the lowest elevation of Scotts Valley, and Paleo Indians lived near its shores. The lake receded to form a peat bog. Later, around 2000 BC, Ohlone people occupied areas along the remaining creeks, spring and seep areas, along with permanent and seasonal drainages, and on flat ridges and terraces.Environmental Impact Report for the Scotts Valley Redevelopment Area, Earth Metrics Incorporated, State of California Clearinghouse Report 7888 (1990) Therefore, areas along watercourses are considered likely locations for prehistoric cultural resources.
The nominate subspecies of Protea roupelliae on the slopes of the mountain The mountain plateau retains extensive tracts of unspoilt habitat, supporting a large diversity of mammals, birds and plant life. The common tree fern Cyathea dregei occurs along watercourses and streams, while overgrazed mountain slopes and eroded ravines are often dominated by Leucosidea sericea shrubs.BirdLife International The area is home to more than 150 bird species, a fair number being endemic to South Africa. The wetlands of the region shelter all of the three endangered South African species of crane - blue, crowned, and wattled.
As a consequence, much of the district is traversed by watercourses. One of the best known landmarks of the canal banks in Porta Genova is Vicolo Lavandaie, a small alley where Milanese woman used to wash clothes in the Naviglio's waters. While Porta Genova is one of the most old-fashioned districts in Milan, and it is strongly connected to the tradition. It is also extremely popular with the Milanese youth, both for the night-life (especially along the banks of the Naviglio) and its anti- comformist atmosphere.
The northern plateaux within the ecozone have a fairly gentle terrain, broken by numerous watercourses running through them, and are separated by wide valleys and their lowlands. Just over 15% of the Boreal Cordillera, or roughly 73,320 km² consists of wetlands, of which 92% is treed wetland. It covers a total area of 471,400 km², with 241,240 km² of forest cover, of which 78.6% is softwood, 17.8% is mixedwood, and 3.6 is hardwood. The spruce beetle has been proliferating since the 1990s, and has destroyed vast areas of the spruce forest.
A second feature are the wadis, which range from seasonal watercourses that flood only occasionally during the wet season to large wadis that flood for most of the rains and flow from western Darfur hundreds of kilometres west to Lake Chad. Many wadis have pans of alluvium with rich heavy soil that are also difficult to cultivate. Western Darfur is dominated by the third feature, basement rock, sometimes covered with a thin layer of sandy soil. Basement rock is too infertile to be farmed, but provides sporadic forest cover that can be grazed by animals.
The Mirrlees diesel engine remains the centrepiece of the Prickwillow Museum,Prickwillow Museum and is believed to be the only example of an air- blast injection engine remaining in working order. The museum also contains other diesel engines, dating from 1919, recovered from other local pumping stations, and restored by volunteers. The Diesel pumping engines are demonstrated to interested visitors on several days throughout the year. Prickwillow is the current office and workshop base for the Ely Group of Internal Drainage Boards who maintain the current electric pumping station in Prickwillow and surrounding watercourses.
Funeral of Sir John A. Macdonald, Cataraqui Cemetery Grave of Sir John A. Macdonald, Cataraqui Cemetery, Kingston, Ontario Cataraqui Cemetery is a cemetery located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 1850, it predates Canadian Confederation, and continues as an active burial ground. The cemetery is 91-acres in a rural setting with rolling wooded terrain, ponds and watercourses. More than 46,000 individuals are interred within the grounds, and it is the final resting place of many prominent Canadians, including the burial site of Canada's first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald.
A balancing lake (also flood basin) is a term used in the U.K. describing an element of an urban drainage system used to control flooding by temporarily storing flood waters. The term balancing pond is also used, though typically for smaller storage facilities for streams and brooks. In open countryside, heavy rainfall soaks into the ground and is released relatively slowly into watercourses (ditches, streams, rivers). In an urban area, the extent of hard surfaces (roofs, roads) means that the rainfall is dumped immediately into the drainage system.
The organisers used French terms to designate the regional territories within the kingdom: departments received names based on watercourses (Elbe, Saale, Weser, Fulda, Leine, Oker) and mountains (Harz), regardless of their traditional names. These departments were generally composed of territories taken from a number of petty states. Compared to the departments of France itself the Westphalian departments were relatively small and sparsely populated. While administrative divisions (departments, districts and cantons) were certainly less unequal than the previous territorial divisions, uniformity does not appear to have been a determining factor in their creation.
But the tablelands, built up of the horizontal red deposits of the Han-gai (Obruchev's Gobi formation) which are characteristic of the southern parts of eastern Mongolia, are absent here or occur only in one locality, near the Shara-muren river. They are greatly intersected by gullies or dry watercourses. Water is scarce, with no streams, no lakes, no wells, and precipitation falls seldom. The prevailing winds blow from the west and northwest, and the pall of dust overhangs the country as in the Taklamakan and the desert of Lop.
"Following Rivière St. Pierre". Author Andrew Emond. This lake, and several other watercourses, have been drained or covered over as the city developed, while areas on the island's shores have been reclaimed and extended. The southwest of the island is separated by the Lachine Canal between Lachine and Montreal's Old Port; this portion of the island is partially divided further by the Canal de l'Aqueduc, running roughly parallel to the Lachine Canal, beginning in the borough of LaSalle and continuing between the boroughs of Le Sud-Ouest and Verdun.
The locality is bounded to the west by the Boyne River while the eastern boundary roughly follows the flow of Coocher Creek. The land along these watercourses is lower ( at the Boyne River) and is used for farming, while the north-south spine of the locality rises to unnamed peaks of . The east and south-east of the locality is within the Pile Gully State Forest which extends into neighbouring Pile Gully. There is a small amount of irrigated horticulture in the west of the locality near the Boyne River.
Early kraft pulp mills discharged black liquor to watercourses. Black liquor is quite toxic to aquatic life, and causes a very dark caramel color in the water. The invention of the recovery boiler by G.H. Tomlinson in the early 1930s was a milestone in the advancement of the kraft process. By 2000, the better kraft mills recovered 99.5% or more of the black liquor, and purified the remainder in biological treatment plants, reducing the environmental effect of the waste waters below the level of scientific significance, except perhaps in very small streams.
The nature of the land and the presence of water ensure the success of many crops, as well as encouraging the growth of tall trees along the ditches and watercourses. The municipality of Carbonera is crossed by the smaller rivers Melma, Piovensan, Rul, Mignagola, Nerbon, Pulise, Rio Bagnon, Musestre, Musestrelle, Rivo le Fontane, Rivo Ghirada, Rivo Scolo and the Peschiera. The paths of these rivers are short and straight and hidden by the vegetation of various kinds. Their waters are clear, however, when it rains, they increase in volume and become muddy.
The manor is designed around a large courtyard, the historicist main building facing west with two curved wings extending to the sides to form the east boundary of the courtyard. On each side of the court yard stands the agricultural buildings from the 1800s symmetrically enclosing the court yard. East of the main building lies a large garden laid out in romantic style with watercourses, bridges and stone levees. Moesgård is accessed by a long road lined with poplars which was established in the 1800s when the road from Aarhus to Odder was created.
In 1895 Percival Lowell published a book entitled Mars which speculated about an arid, dying landscape, whose inhabitants had been forced to build canals thousands of miles long to bring water from the polar caps to irrigate the remaining arable land. Lowell built upon ideas introduced by Italian astronomer, Giovanni Schiaparelli, who in 1877, observed geological features on Mars which he called canali (Italian for "channels"). This was mistranslated into the English as "canals" which, being artificial watercourses, fueled the belief that there was some sort of intelligent extraterrestrial life on the planet.Seed: 546.
For historical reasons, the province is subdivided into four rural districts, centred on Crema, Soresina, Cremona and Casalmaggiore. In the north, some watercourses emerge from the ground in the "line of springs", a phenomenon of the northern Lombardy Plain, where melt-water from the Alps flows underground through porous gravelly soils before being forced to the surface when it reaches impervious, clayey ground. The climate is largely uniform throughout the province. The annual rainfall is about with October and November being the wettest months and February and July being the driest.
The first is an arid desert absolutely barren along part of the coast, between Arica and Copiapó, but with a coarse scanty vegetation near the Cordilleras along watercourses and on the slopes where moisture from the melting snows above percolates through the sand. The altiplano of the northernmost portion of the Chilean territory is home to the Browningia candelaris, a candelabrum- shaped cactus. Another cactus species, the Echinopsis atacamensis, grows in the pre-Andean area. The high Andean region is also characterized by the presence of species of the genus Polylepis and the Azorella compacta.
There is even the opportunity to sight endangered species such as turtle and dugongs near Erakor Island and marine sanctuaries. Some of the Shefa islands have no permanent watercourses and water must be collected for drinking and bathing from rain water, which can be a tenacious exercise during drier years. The rivers of Shefa include the Tagabe, the Epule, and the Rentapau River. Marine sanctuaries are becoming an increasingly popular way to attempt to preserve marine life around Shefa, although traditional methods of conservation can be highly effective.
White Lady, Brandberg, Namibia The Brandberg is a spiritual site of great significance to the San (Bushman) tribes. The main tourist attraction is The White Lady rock painting, located on a rock face with other art work, under a small rock overhang, in the Tsisab Ravine at the foot of the mountain. The ravine contains more than 1 000 rock shelters, as well as more than 45 000 rock To reach The White Lady it is necessary to hike for about 40 minutes over rough terrain, along the ancient watercourses threading through the mountain.
Niger's water supply is almost entirely dependent of cross border sources, while northern Nigeria is almost as dependent on the waters of the Niger River and Lake Chad. Both areas face rapid desertification and increasing demands for water. The two nations are members of the Niger Basin Authority (successor to the 1964 Niger River Commission), the Lake Chad Commission, and the Niger-Nigeria Joint Committee has special focus on water and water development issues.Climate-Induced Water Conflict Risks in West Africa: Recognizing and Coping with Increasing Climate Impacts on Shared Watercourses .
The transboundary rivers partially running through Portugal or France and/or along the borders of Spain with those countries are labelled as . The list begins with the northernmost item of the Mediterranean watershed (close to the French border) and moves clockwise around the Iberian Peninsula. Outside from the Iberian peninsula mainland, streams in the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla are seasonal watercourses. The Santa Eulàlia river in Ibiza was traditionally considered as the single proper 'river' in the Balearic Islands, but it lost its constant flow by the late 20th-century.
The Don River is a watercourse in southern Ontario, that empties into Lake Ontario, at Toronto Harbour. Its mouth was just east of the street grid of the town of York, Upper Canada, the municipality that evolved into Toronto, Ontario. The Don is one of the major watercourses draining Toronto (along with the Humber, and Rouge Rivers) that have headwaters in the Oak Ridges Moraine. The Don is formed from two rivers, the East and West Branches, that meet about north of Lake Ontario while flowing southward into the lake.
Rivers were trawled for freshwater mussels and crayfish. Bushland was carefully kept in order by selected firing. George Augustus Robinson, appointed by the Port Phillip Protectorate to be the first Protector of Aborigines noted fine-built thatched huts, raised on stone walls along the waterways, elaborate fishgarths, one, south around Mount Duwil, extending over hectares to form a network interconnecting swamps, floodways and watercourses. Around February and March, a Festival of Laap attracted many tribes to congregate in order to socialize, settle disputes and enjoy a sweet potion, called laap.
Temescal Creek is one of the principal watercourses in the city of Oakland, California, United States. The word "temescal" derives from the word temescalli, which means "sweat house" in the Nahuatl language of the Mexica ("Aztec") people of Mexico. The name was given to the creek when it became part of the Peralta's Rancho San Antonio. It is surmised that the Peraltas or perhaps one of their ranch hands (vaqueros) had seen local indigenous (Ohlone) structures along the creek similar to those in other parts of New Spain which were called temescalli.
In any case, both names relate to watercourses rather than mountains or ranges, as indicated by the ong ending. Given that the name Dandenong may not apply to anything in the immediate area, the relevance of the name Corhanwarrabul becomes apparent. Carhanwarrabul (pronounced either "corhan-warrabul" with a silent "h", or "cor-hana-warrabul") was the original name for one of the two main summits, perhaps both or perhaps the entire range. The name applied to the main summits and was in continued use up until around 1900, when the name Dandenong appeared.
Neighbouring settlements include Walton-on-the-Hill, Kingswood, Epsom, Burgh Heath, Banstead, Reigate. Tadworth lay within the Copthorne hundred, an administrative division devised by the Saxons and later adopted by the Normans. There are no watercourses draining the area as the chalk easily absorbs water on the Downs. The Tattenham Corner Branch Line forms a deep, curved cutting running past gardens in the centre of the village as it turns to the racecourse to the north, and arrives from a tunnel immediately south of the Tadworth Roundabout preserving the gently wooded heath there.
Kidman bought the property along with Tilbaroo, Morney Plains and Durrie Stations in Queensland, Burrawinna on the border and Macumba Station in South Australia as part of his plan of acquiring prime grazing lands along areas that the watercourses followed. He borrowed A£50,000 to pay the A£100,000 asking price. Kidman and the company Bovril Australian Estates purchased Carlton Hill Station in the Kimberley region of Western Australia in 1909 along with another two stations, one being Northcote and the other in Northern Territory called Victoria River Downs for a total of £200,000.
With a need to keep its skin moist and as a protection against predators, C. greeningi conceals itself in a tree hollow, a rock crevice, a bromeliad or other suitable location. In the laboratory, a female frog used a test tube for a retreat, sealing off the aperture with its head. In their natural habitat, when the rainy season starts and the creeks and channels run with water, male frogs establish territories near the watercourses and call to attract females. Several hundred eggs are laid by the female, attached to a rock in the watercourse.
Extending from the northwest of Erigavo to several kilometres west of the city of Bosaso, it features Somalia's and highest peak, Shimbiris, which sits at an elevation of about . The rugged east–west ranges of the Karkaar Mountains also lie to the interior of the Gulf of Aden littoral. In the central regions, the northern mountain ranges give way to shallow plateaus and typically dry watercourses that are referred to locally as the Ogo. The Ogo's western plateau, in turn, gradually merges into the Haud, an important grazing area for livestock.
Bennett accepted the validity of the original collection location, though he admitted that the poor documentation of the specimens raised the issue of credibility. He suggested that they represented a relict population inhabiting small and isolated thickets of vegetation on the banks of permanent watercourses. He speculated that the population had been adversely affected by the advent of extensive cattle grazing and changes in fire regime since European settlement of the Roper region. He also raised the possibility of birds surviving along rivers north of the Roper in eastern Arnhem Land.
It is native to an area in the Great Southern and Goldfields-Esperance regions of Western Australia where it is commonly situated on rocky cliffs, along watercourses, on sandplains and on coastal cliffs and dunes growing in sandy or loamy or clay soils often over or around limestone, laterite or quartzite. Its distribution extends from around Beaufort Inlet in the west to around Munglinup in the east, the bulk of the population being found in Fitzgerald River National Park with an isolated population between Lake King and Newdegate to the north west.
Thirty creeks and rivers flow into the Avon; some of the larger tributaries include the Dale River, Brockman River, Mortlock River and the Mackie River. Most of these watercourses are ephemeral and only flow after rain events in winter and spring. Some permanent pools exist along the course of the river including Burlong Pool, Robins Pool, Long Pool, Cobblers Pool and Jimperding Pool. The Avon River Valley is the third and final route for the Eastern Railway line through the Darling Scarp between Midland and Northam, having been constructed in the 1960s.
As watercourses such as canals, both natural and manmade, and rivers contribute as the vital source of irrigation, their spread across the country is attributed as a key factor for the economic and geographic extent of agriculture in Bangladesh. Photographed is a process of irrigation underway in Comilla, enabled by a pump that is extracting water from the Gumti seen in the background. Agriculture is the largest employment sector in Bangladesh. The performance of this sector has an overwhelming impact on major macroeconomic objectives like employment generation, poverty alleviation, human resources development, food security, etc.
The GNR in 1922By an Act of 25 July 1864 the GNR at last obtained powers to build its Gainsborough to Doncaster line; it had been trying since 1847. It was authorised to raise £408,000 in share capital for the purpose.Wrottesley, volume 1, page 150 The Act also provided for flattening the old line from Sykes Junction to Gainsborough. Bridges over the numerous watercourses were approached by short steep gradients. This section was temporarily closed on 1 December 1864; trains ran to Gainsborough via Retford for the time being.
The original geography of Northern Yorke Peninsula was of scrub- covered undulating plains, almost devoid of watercourses. Since European settlement the scrub has mostly been cleared, with the exception of roadside remnants, leaving a dominant landscape of undulating grain fields. Paskeville is sited upon a plateau which, although low-lying, affords clear and distant views in certain directions across the surrounding region. The geology, which is dominated by limestone overlaid by ancient sand dunes, was quickly exhausted by pioneer cropping, but modern farming methods and fertilisers make this a highly productive food bowl.
Taking into consideration the significant amount of transboundary watercourses passing over the territory of Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, on August 27, 1992, an interstate Agreement on Joint Utilization and Protection of Transboundary Water Facilities was signed in Orenburg. The Agreement regulates relations in the area of transboundary water facilities’ protection and utilization. Based on the Agreement, a Kazakhstan-Russia Commission was established, which approves time schedules of common use of water reservoirs and distribution of water intake limits and develops measures to conduct repair and operation of water management utilities.
Easton Creek is a short eastward-flowing stream whose watershed originates in Burlingame's foothills in San Mateo County, California, United States.Easton Creek, Museum of California, access date 12-06-2013 The creek runs south of the Mills Creek and north of the Sanchez Creek watercourses respectively. The creek is predominantly underground with storm drains through the hills and residential flatlands of Burlingame, roughly following Canyon Road and Easton Drive. Starting at the Caltrain tracks, towards the former marshlands adjacent the San Francisco Bay, it is culverted or channelized into the bay.
Agave deserti, a plant native to the Yuma Desert Vegetation is dominated by the creosote bush (Larrea tridentata), which is widespread. The saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) and the ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) are common on the bajadas, while many of the desert trees found are restricted to dry watercourses; these include paloverde (Parkinsonia), the desert willow (Chilopsis linearis), desert ironwood (Olneya tesota), and smoke trees (Psorothamnus spinosus). The Yuma desert is the northern edge of the distributions of the Elephant Tree (Bursera microphylla) and the Blue Baja Lily (Triteleiopsis palmeri).
The river is classified as being heavily modified, and much work has been undertaken by the Environment Agency and local volunteers to raise the watercourses' standard. Work by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has seen the return of many animals such as otters and herons. They have also installed logs in the river around the lakes in Staveley to provide shelter for fish. Whilst the presence of Cyprinid fish and brown trout in the watercourse is "likely", despite the poor chemical composition of the water,the river is noted for its Himalayan Balsam and Giant Hogweed.
Each pond is a basin- shaped limestone doline approximately deep and connected to the others by shallow watercourses called "races". The beds are covered with a fine silt layer and the floor of the third pond also contains a natural shallow cave. The ponds are located in a narrow band of native bush land, surrounded by cleared terrain. The landscape is characteristic of karst topography, shaped by the gradual dissolution of soluble limestone to form hollows and small caves, along with numerous large and relatively deep sinkholes (true cenotes).
The Red-browed pardalote is a widely distributed species ranging from north and central Australia, south and south central Western Australia, northeast South Australia ( Lake Eyre Basin) to south west New South Wales. They may also be found throughout the Great Sandy, Gibson and Great Victoria Desert . They live in a wide range of habitats including woodlands, shrublands, tropical, arid and semi-arid regions of Australia . Eucalypt woodlands, which border watercourses such as riparian river red gum, coolibah woodlands and tall eucalypt shrublands such as mallee, are the preferred habitats , , , .
The forests consist mainly of Azores Laurel, Oreodaphne foetens, Til, Madeira Mahogany, Canary Laurel, Faya, Lily of the Valley Tree and the Picconia. The trocaz pigeon prefers primary forests, but secondary growth is used for feeding, and agricultural land is also visited, especially at times of fruit shortage. Most of the pigeons are found below , and their prime environment appears to be steep ravine-indented slopes along artificial watercourses, with the occasional large dead laurel tree and much tree heath. This species is highly mobile between different areas at different times of year.
Krkonoše and Orlické mountains are separated by Broumovský výběžek with its large rock towns – Adršpach-Teplice Rocks, Broumov Hills, Křížový vrch and Ostaš. Main watercourses are Elbe (Czech: Labe) and its tributaries Orlice and Metuje. Almost the entire territory of the region falls into the Elbe’s basin and only a marginal part of the Broumovský výběžek area falls under the basin of the River Oder (Czech: Odra). Sněžka mountain is with its elevation of 1603 m above sea level the highest point of the region, Krkonoše mountains and also of the Czech Republic.
The site contains a museum and several reconstructed buildings. The success of the Saugus Iron Works, and the rapid depletion of the region's natural bog iron, led the owners to send prospectors into the surrounding countryside. In 1658 the company bought of land which covered areas that are now Concord, Acton, and Sudbury. They set up a large production facility in Concord, Massachusetts, along the Assabet River with dams, ponds, watercourses, and hearths, but by 1694 the natural bog iron there had also been exhausted, and the land was sold for farming.
There, pines co-exist with other species, chiefly oak, alder, birch, willow, and holly. This mixed temperate forest is most commonly found along watercourses, where the drainage is particularly good. The old-growth forest was probably more extensive prior to the Middle Ages, when a colder, more humid, climate took hold and changed the species composition. Because of the need for wood for fuel and construction, and because of a steady expansion in the grazing of sheep, the aboriginal forest was further depleted between the 15th and 18th centuries.
The Zugurma Game Reserve has little drainage; the smaller watercourses dry up during the dry season, but there are a number of permanent waterholes along the Oli River and elsewhere in the park. The Borgu sector consists of undulating hills with some quartzite ridges and ironstone pans, while the Zugurma sector consists of a low plateau, with soils derived from sandstone, much eroded in places. The mean annual rainfall is about , with the wet season lasting from May to November and the dry season from December to April.
The savanna woodland of the Borgu sector is dominated by Burkea africana, Terminalia avicennioides and Detarium microcarpum. Below the quartzite ridges Isoberlinia tomentosa predominates, and further down the hillsides on the relatively dry lower slopes are stands of Diospyros mespiliformis, with an understory of Polysphaeria orbuscula. Terminalia macroptera occurs on moist savannas and Isoberlinia doka is found on higher ground in ironstone areas. In the Zugurma sector the tree cover is typical of the Guinean forest-savanna mosaic although this area is overgrazed and eroded, and the main woodland is besides the watercourses and waterholes.
This mangabey is endemic to East Africa, and only occurs in two forests in the Udzungwa Mountains of south-central Tanzania. Although it is known from areas with altitudes of from , it is most common in mid-altitude evergreen forests, and mosaic woodland with mixed semi-deciduous and evergreen trees. It sometimes occurs in low altitude miombo woodland with Brachystegia species, and has been known to invade cropland. It frequents forested valley bottoms near watercourses, and also dry, more open slopes with scattered trees, bracken and Rubus species.
Being surrounded by low-density residential development, some of the most urgent problems the park faces stem from introduced species such as rabbits, foxes, stray dogs and cats, occupying the park. Stray dogs mutilate Eastern Grey kangaroos and any young they may be carrying, rabbits dig furrows in the soil and entice foxes into the park who compete with stray dogs for territory. Stray cats hunt native bird life and possums. Various weeds from neighbouring properties flow down watercourses into the gullies, this can be seen occurring in Go-betweens Gully.
The Sardinian brook salamander is classified by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as endangered, because the area it occupies is less than in total and fragmented into a number of separate populations. It is threatened by loss of habitat, pollution of watercourses, dry conditions caused by the excessive extraction of water, and disturbance due to tourism. Its numbers appear to be dwindling. Most of the specimens found were male and the species seems to be no longer present in some locations where it was previously found.
Twee Riviere (accepted spelling) is a town in Sarah Baartman District Municipality in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. The town is located in the Langkloof (Afrikaans for "long valley"). Twee Riviere (Afrikaans for "two rivers") takes its name from the Diep River (historically known as Klipdrif) and the Dwars River which arise in the Tsitsikamma Mountains to the south, flowing through the town. Like so many other rivers in the Langkloof, these modest streams head inland for a considerable distance, before joining larger watercourses and gradually turning coastward.
The ancient War-Khasi people of India worked with the aerial roots of native banyan fig trees, adapting them to create footbridges over watercourses. Modern people of the Cherrapunjee region carry on this traditional building craft. Roots selected for bridge spans are supported and guided in darkness as they are being formed, by threading long, thin, supple banyan roots through tubes made from hollowed-out trunks of woody grasses. Preferred species for the tubes are either bamboo or areca palm, or 'kwai' in Khasi, which they cultivate for areca nuts.
But it is closer still to Carasobarbus and the yellowfish (Labeobarbus), and either is a lineage of the former, or part of a distinct genus, or included in the latter (maybe together with the former). It is endemic to Morocco, where its natural habitat is the Kasab and Tensift Rivers. Though these are major watercourses and the species is still quite plentiful, water pollution (particularly with domestic waste) and unsustainable water extraction (particularly for irrigation agriculture) causes it to decline in numbers. It is therefore classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN.
Tamarix usneoides is native to Namibia and the southwestern part of South Africa, where it occurs in the provinces of Northern Cape, Western Cape and Eastern Cape. It inhabits semi-desert and karoo habitats, riverbanks of dry or temporary rivers, salty alluvial flatlands, areas with subterranean brackish water, dune slacks and rocky deserts, at altitudes of up to . In saline locations it often grows in association with the shrub Suaeda fruticosa and the grass Odyssea paucinervis. In the Namib Desert it occurs beside ephemeral watercourses where it grows with Faidherbia albida and species of Ficus.
During floods, both the watercourses inundated the whole area. In the 1700s, the two rivers were linked by a cut to equalise the floods in both the rivers and a bridge was constructed between these rivers in 1710 across the cut. Polluted part of the Cooum is presently spoiled by filth and pollution, and the water quality has considered to be highly toxic and completely non- potable. The 2004 tsunami cleaned the mouth of the river; however, the river returned to its usual polluted self within a short period.
In 1996, when the DMK returned to power, the government made another bid—this time covering all important watercourses, including the Buckingham Canal and the Adyar. This resulted in the implementation of the 12,000-million Chennai City River Conservation Project (CCRCP) in January 2001, which was substantially supported by the Union Environment and Forests Ministry. This time, the new project aimed at arresting the sewage outfalls and strengthening the sewer network. However, this too did not yield the desired results since the project did not cover Tiruvallur district, which accounts for of the river stretch.
Some of them are headwaters of watercourses discharging into the Neretva River to the northwest of the polje, or appearing as vruljas (submarine springs) or as headwaters of the Ombla river. Flow rate of the Ombla River, measured at the Komolac water intake plant, ranges from per second, averaging per second. The average has dropped by about per second since completion of Trebišnjica Hydroelectric Power Plant and the concreting of the Trebišnjica's river bed. On the other hand, the minimum discharge was not affected by the river engineering works.
The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, also known as the Water Convention, is an international environmental agreement and one of five UNECE's negotiated environmental treaties. The purpose of this Convention is to improve national attempts and measures for protection and management of transboundary surface waters and groundwaters. On the international level, Parties are obliged to cooperate and create joint bodies. The Convention includes provisions on: monitoring, research, development, consultations, warning and alarm systems, mutual assistance and access as well as exchange of information.
Rock correa is found in south-eastern Queensland, New South Wales, western Victoria and westwards to the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia. Variety glabra is found in south-eastern Queensland, New South Wales and central and western Victoria where it mainly grows in rocky habitats near watercourses. Variety leucoclada, commonly known as the white-stemmed smooth correa, grows in hilly situations along stream banks in the southern Mount Lofty Ranges and in central and eastern New South Wales. It is rare in South Australia but common in New South Wales.
Exit portal of the Lower Hasenbach Tunnel The Upper Harz Water Tunnels () are part of the Upper Harz Water Regale - a network of reservoirs, ditches, tunnels and other structures in the Harz mountains of central Germany. The German term Wasserlauf refers to the underground element (i.e. the tunnels) of the network of watercourses used in the historic silver mining industry of the Upper Harz. This network of ditches and tunnels was used to supply the mines with headrace waters for their water wheels from the 16th century onwards.
The Lunan Water is an easterly flowing river in Angus, Scotland, that discharges to the North Sea north of the town of Arbroath. Draining chiefly agricultural lands, this stream has a moderate level of turbidity and a pH level of approximately 8.7.C.M. Hogan, History of Muchalls Castle, Natural History Section, Aberdeen (2005) Other nearby watercourses discharging to the North Sea include River North Esk and River South Esk, both to the north. At its mouth the Lunan Water meets the North Sea at the hamlet of Lunan, upon Lunan Bay.
In Western Australia it is found in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions where it has a scattered distribution. It is also found throughout the Northern Territory extending as far east as central and south west Queensland and into the far north east South Australia. The shrub grows mainly on sandplains in deep red sand or sandy loam soils but also occurs along watercourses or drainage lines, and on low rocky hills or lateritic plains in often skeletal soils. It is often found in disturbed areas such as road verges.
Tomaree Head was identified as a Reserve from 1861 and has retained this status since despite some ad hoc use by itinerant farmers, the development of the fortifications during World War 2 and more recently, the hospital. It is one of the remaining non-urban reserves in NSW. The Tomaree fortifications are of historical importance as a component of the World War 2 coastal defence network installed along the coast of NSW to protect strategic places. The location on the head protected Port Stephens and the network of adjacent rivers and watercourses and the hinterland.
Today both the Papireto river and the Kemonia are covered up by buildings. However, the shape of the former watercourses can still be recognised today, because the streets that were built on them follow their shapes. Today the only waterway not drained yet is the Oreto river that divides the downtown of the city from the western uptown and the industrial districts. In the basins there were, though, many seasonal torrents that helped formed swampy plains, reclaimed during history; a good example of which can be found in the borough of Mondello.
Corymbia polycarpa is found in Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Queensland and northwestern New South Wales. The species is quite common between Broome and Derby in Western Australia through the Kimberley region of Western Australia extending east over the Top End of the Northern Territory including nearby islands and across the Gulf of Carpentaria and southern Cape York Peninsula in Queensland. It is found near watercourses, in depressions or on floodplains growing in sandy or silty alluvium and less commonly in cracking clays and in skeletal sandstone or lateritic soils.
The desert zone, an area lying west and southwest of the Euphrates River, is a part of the Syrian Desert and Arabian Desert, which covers sections of Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia and most of the Arabian Peninsula. The region, sparsely inhabited by pastoral bedouins, consists of a wide stony plain interspersed with rare sandy stretches. A widely ramified pattern of wadis–watercourses that are dry most of the year–runs from the border to the Euphrates. Some wadis are over long and carry brief but torrential floods during the winter rains.
The dale is sometimes called the Burn Valley or the River Burn Valley. As with many other ancient watercourses, the river was often the delineating point between parishes, in this case at the Swinton Estate, it was the dividing line between Healey and Kirkby Malzeard. Whilst the River Burn Valley is not in Nidderdale, its upper reaches are included in the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. A desire to site reservoirs on the River Burn itself had been in the minds of the planners of the Leeds Corporation as far back as the turn of the 20th century.
Effective flood prevention would have required catching the water of overflowing watercourses further upstream. In addition, the canals further inland would have had a greater incline, guaranteeing a good pace of water flow which would have prevented floods and water stagnation. Instead, canals by the lagoon had an insufficient incline, which meant that they could easily overflow and create floods and pools of stagnant water and wetlands, worsening the hydrologic situation of the gronda lagunare.Il Fiume Marzenego The Osellino canal was dug between 1510 and 1520 to partially divert the waters of the River Marzenego which flowed into the lagoon at Mestre.
Watercourses at several sites close to the Mozambique border were deliberately contaminated with cholera and the toxin Sodium Coumadin, an anti-coagulant commonly used as the active ingredient in rat poison. Food stocks in the area were contaminated with anthrax spores. These biological attacks had little impact on the fighting capability of ZANLA, but caused considerable distress to the local population. Over 10,000 people contracted anthrax in the period 1978 to 1980, of whom 200 died. The facts about this episode became known during the hearings of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission during the late 1990s.
It has a wide diversity of woodlands, wetlands, watercourses, kettle lakes, kettle bogs, and significant flora and fauna. It is one of the few remaining continuous green corridors in southern Ontario: it remains thirty percent forested and is one of the last refuges for forest birds in all of southern Ontario. The moraine provides habitat for a wide variety of plant and animal species, over seventy of which are threatened or endangered in Canada, including the West Virginia white butterfly, Jefferson salamander, red-shouldered hawk, and American ginseng. The moraine's rare wetlands support plants and insects more typical of northern Ontario.
The southwest side of the section contains south-flowing Cunningham Wash. Facing east toward Beaver Valley from the Mineral Mountains The south-southeast side of the range is a straight stretch from Cunningham Wash, north and the Minersville Reservoir, south, a collection of numerous watercourses from Beaver Valley, and neighboring mountains. Beaver River (Utah) enters the reservoir and leaves flowing due-west at the southern Mineral Mountains terminus. The terminus of the range comes to a V-shaped point; the river stretch, and mountains, are only 4-mi wide from the outlet of the Beaver River at the reservoir.
In Phoenician Mythology, the goddess Astarte turned herself into a golden fish in Yammoune lake to escape from the vengeance of Adonis's wrathful brother Typhon. The lake is filled from a water cavern to the west of the temple has only one outflow, through a big hole and Robert Boulanger suggested that it might dry up entirely at the end of summer. The valley of Ouyoun Ergush leads from Yammoune towards Marjhine. A network of rock-cut irrigation channels and watercourses lead from Lake Yammoune to provide irrigation for the region of the Beqaa Valley around Baalbek.
Following the passing of the Land Drainage Act 1930, internal drainage boards were set up to manage low-lying areas prone to flooding. The area to the east of Tickhill, surrounding the Torne from where it crosses the A60 road to a little below the junction with the Middle Drain, has been managed by the Tickhill Internal Drainage Board since 1931. They are responsible for an area of , which includes of watercourses. Most of these flow into the Torne by gravity, but the Middle Drain has suffered from subsidence, and a pumping station was installed in the 1970s to overcome this.
Striking examples underlie the lower and middle stretches of the Weaver valley and those of the Dee and Gowy near Chester. A considerable number of small glacial meltwater channels have been identified along the Mid Cheshire Ridge such as that known as Urchin's Kitchen near Kelsall whilst larger examples occur along the edges of the Peak District. There are notable examples at Lyme Park and southwards to Bollington and again in the Bosley area, south of Macclesfield. The floodplains of the majority of watercourses in the county are composed of alluvium which has accumulated in the post-glacial period.
Due to flooding in Burstwick and Hedon in 2007, the Environment Agency agreed to undertake a dredge of the from Salt End to Hedon. Hedon Haven; this is looking west with the southern edge of Hedon on the right. Historically, the river/drain has had many names, with either the River Hedon, Hedon Fleet, Burstwick Drain, or Burstwick Old Drain being most common. This waterway approached Hedon from the east then turned north, then west in a horseshoe shape to enter the edge of the Medieval town from the north, picking up several smaller watercourses on the way.
Overhead line crossings of roads, railway lines, and small- and medium-sized watercourses do not normally require special construction. However, in the first years of overhead line building a scaffold under the line was required, when a railway line or a road was crossed. Later in Germany and some other countries on each end of a powerline crossing of a state-operated railway a dead-end tower was required, which can still be seen on some old power lines. For overhead line crossings of motorways the pylons must be rebuilt before they wear out, because these demand additional maintenance.
The term anabranch, in its hydrological meaning, is used more frequently in Australia than in the rest of the English-speaking world. The term anabranching river describes a river with many anabranches, whilst an anastomosing river is an organic-rich subset of this river type. The term braided river describes watercourses which are divided by small islands into multiple channel threads within a single main channel, but the term does not describe the multiple channels of an anabranching river. A distributary is a branch of a river that does not rejoin the main channel; these are common on and near river deltas.
Mullum Mullum Creek is a creek in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It is the main watercourse of the Mullum Mullum Valley, a tributary of the Yarra River and Yarra Valley. For tens of thousands of years it was used as a food and tool source sustainably by the Wurundjeri people, Indigenous Australians of the Kulin nation, who spoke variations of the Woiwurrung language group. It is one of the only watercourses lying within urban metropolitan Melbourne that is surrounded by native and regenerated bushland for almost its entire length, and is a significant remnant ecosystem in Melbourne.
Significant right bank tributaries of the Tawe such as the River Giedd and the Afon Twrch, as well as the River Amman, a tributary of the Loughor, are the principal southerly-directed watercourses. Two left-bank tributaries of the River Towy, the River Cennen and the Afon Sawdde, drain the northwestern slopes of the Black Mountain.Ordnance Survey 1:25,000 scale Explorer map sheet OL12 Brecon Beacons National Park: western area The range is noted for its two large glacial lakes which sit directly below the main escarpment, being much larger than the small lake of similar origin which occurs below Pen y Fan.
The Oti Plateau and some mountainous areas retain more of their natural vegetation than elsewhere. The forest belt found in the neighbouring countries has largely been destroyed, and the Guinean forest- savanna mosaic ecoregion, consisting largely of grassland, interspersed with woodland on steep slopes and besides watercourses, stretches all the way to the coast. This results in the Dahomey Gap between the Upper Guinean forests to the west and the Lower Guinean forests to the east. The coastal zone consists of lagoons, creeks and ponds and the forest here is dominated by red and black mangroves.
The mountain wagtail is mainly insectivorous, catching mainly flies with most of its foraging conducted along watercourses, where it searches for prey on rocks, in sand and in shallow water. They have also been recorded eating caddis flies, mayflies (both adults) and nymphs, dragonflies and damselflies, butterflies and moths, beetles, grubs, slugs and tadpoles. It is a monogamous, territorial solitary nester where the male and female usually pair for life. Both sexes build the nest which consists of a bulky cup lined with root fibres, plant stalks and fibrous tissues, resting on a foundation of material moistened by water then set to dry.
Ruins of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore The Garden of Ninfa is a landscape garden in the territory of Cisterna di Latina, in the province of Latina, central Italy. The park has an area of , and is an Italian natural monument. The landscape garden within the park comprises and contains medieval ruins, several oaks, cypresses and poplars, grassy meadows, a wide range of exotic plants from various parts of the world, numerous watercourses and a large variety of rambling roses growing over the stone walls of the ruins. The site is run by the Italian foundation Fondazione Roffredo Caetani.
Close to lakes and watercourses, spherical nests up to in diameter are sometimes built hidden in thick vegetation, several nests sometimes occurring close to each other with well- worn paths between them. In the spring and summer, reed voles mainly eat shoots and leaves, as well as the stems of grasses. In the autumn they gather grain and pieces of grass and store them in their burrows and at this time of year they also feed on bark, roots and the pith of reeds but leaves seem to be their favourite food. Breeding takes place between April and November.
At the beginning of the 19th century, a group of citizens and religious leaders thought of building a church in the hamlet of Rivière-des-Roches, near the site of an old butter factory. The Séminaire de Québec had even donated land for this purpose, from the farm it operated in Rivière-des-Roches, but the construction project never came to fruition. Nowadays, the Rivière des Roches welcomes holidaymakers on its banks. There are three other watercourses officially named Rivière des Roches, including two from the very region of Quebec, located at Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures and Charlesbourg.
Individual monasteries might also have had a "green court", a plot of grass and trees where horses could graze, as well as a cellarer's garden or private gardens for obedientiaries, monks who held specific posts within the monastery. Islamic gardens were built after the model of Persian gardens and they were usually enclosed by walls and divided in four by watercourses. Commonly, the centre of the garden would have a reflecting pool or pavilion. Specific to the Islamic gardens are the mosaics and glazed tiles used to decorate the rills and fountains that were built in these gardens.
The village is above sea level on the slopes of the Nebrodi Mountains. They extend from the peaks of Mount Crasto, which lies to the northeast at about above sea level, to the plateau of Miraglia and Mount Soro, which rises to . The territory is rich in watercourses; in particular is the course of the river Rosmarino, a river which has shaped a profound valley which divides into two distinct and different parts the village territory. The central habitation is found on the bank to the right of the river below magnificent rocky outcrops of calcareous origin.
Several entreaties from neighbouring colonies (Florentia, Reate and Interamna) were heard who begged that such work not be undertaken as it would render their lands flood prone. Mention was made of sacred rites, groves and altars which, they argued, should be taken into account and respected. In the end it was decided not to make any change to the watercourses, due to "either the entreaties of the colonies, the difficulty of the work or superstitious motives".Tacitus, The Annals 1.79 Tiberius must have wanted the problem addressed as he instituted a new commission of five senators whose chairman was probably Arruntius.
Pakenham-walsh, Vol VIII, pp. 447–60. V Corps, including V CTRE, landed in the 'heel' of Italy in September 1943, and worked its way northwards up the east side of the country. By April 1945 it was engaged in bridging the River Senio and many other watercourses in the advance to the River Po. Here, V CTRE coordinated the 'Po Task Force' and collected all available stocks of Bailey material to bridge this major river and the River Adige beyond, during V Corps rapid advance to Venice (entered on 29 April).Pakenham-Walsh, Vol IX, pp.
The river rises within Lake Lenthall, impounded by Lenthalls Dam at the confluence of several smaller watercourses including Harwood Creek, Woolmer Creek and Duckinwilla Creek, near the town of Burrum. The river flows in northerly direction and is crossed by the Bruce Highway near . The river flows past Pacific Haven before the Isis River joins with the Burrum River at the southern edge of the Burrum Coast National Park. Together, the rivers together with the Gregory River discharge into the Burrum Fish Habitat Area in Hervey Bay that flows out to the Coral Sea, at Burrum Heads.
Seven main rivers and innumerable watercourses form a network of channels at this estuarine delta. All the rivers have a southward course towards the sea. The eco- geography of this area is totally dependent on the tidal effect of two flow tides and two ebb tides occurring within 24 hours with a tidal range of 3–5 m and up to 8 m in normal spring tide, inundating the whole of Sundarban in varying depths. The tidal action deposits silts back on the channels and raising the bed, it forms new islands and creeks contributing to uncertain geomorphology.
Parkways would follow the four major watercourses in the city - White River, Fall Creek, Pleasant Run, and Pogue's Run - taking advantage of the meandering streams, open vistas, and wooded areas that the city's geography afforded. Besides their aesthetic aspects, the parkways also helped prevent pollution of the waterways and provided flood control. Kessler's plan also linked the boulevards with major city streets, including Meridian Street, Washington Boulevard, and Maple Road (now 38th Street), with those streets also being beautified. Decorative stone-clad arched bridges spanning White River and Fall Creek are an important component of Kessler's plan.
These groups collectively expand across South Australia, Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Victoria, the majority of New South Wales and the Southeast Queensland coast.Bouckaert, Bowern and Atkinson, “The origin and expansion of Pama–Nyungan languages across Australia”. Bouckaert, Bowern and Atkinson acknowledge the existence of patterns consistent with language group settlement along watercourses that could indicate rivers and coastline areas as possible launching points for group and language fission, however this is not supported by the migration model put forth in the same journal articleBouckaert, Bowern and Atkinson, “The origin and expansion of Pama–Nyungan languages across Australia”.
Occurs in a wide variety of freshwater habitats at both low to high elevations. Typical reaches vary from slow to moderately flowing, clear to turbid, medium to large rivers in width, as well as moderate to fast flowing small to medium creeks about wide. Additionally, Mountain galaxias is found in some low level wetlands, billabongs and on stream farm dams throughout Victoria and central to northern NSW and some upland lakes and remnant pools in drying watercourses. Generally, the fish is found in shallow riffle zones or medium depth runs, especially in areas also inhabited by predators, to deeper pools around in depth.
The precise date of the last eruption is not known but eight cinder cones in the volcanic field appear to be less than 10,000 years old. The Southern Paiute settled into the region after 1,100 AD and their legends may contain references to lava flows. Aside from volcanism, landsliding, aeolian, alluvial fan and floodplain sedimentation took place in the area, beavers built beaver dams on watercourses and peat accumulated at several sites. During the Pleistocene, the Bull Lake glaciation and the Pinedale glaciation took place on the Markagunt Plateau and eroded and buried some lava flows.
Topography of Somalia Physio-graphically, Somalia is a land of limited contrast. In the north, a maritime semidesert plain parallels the Gulf of Aden coast, varying in width from roughly twelve kilometers in the west to as little as two kilometers in the east. Scrub- covered, this plain, known as the Guban (scrub land), is crossed by broad, shallow watercourses that are beds of dry sand except in the rainy seasons. When the rains arrive, the vegetation, which is a combination of low bushes and grass clumps, is quickly renewed, and for a time the guban provides some grazing for nomad livestock.
In the 1670s, three streets in Heene are mentioned - East Street, West Street and High Street (today's Heene Road). As with other parts of Worthing, the coastline of Heene has changed greatly in recent centuries. The sea is thought to have encroached some 55 yards (50 m) in the century up to 1875. In the early 19th century, the area along the coast known as Heene Common was made up of rough pasture intersected by watercourses and covered with gorse. In the early 19th century settlement was in Heene village and in an area known as Little Heene in Brunswick Road.
An example of salinity, areas surrounding Dumbleyung Lake have become unsuitable for grazing. Natural Sequence Farming (NSF) is a method of landscape regeneration devised by the Australian farmer, Peter Andrews, in the 1970s. The method involves implementing major earthworks on a given area of land that has been devastated by deforestation and general agricultural activities, to emulate the role of natural watercourses in an effort to reverse salinity, slow erosion and increase soil and water quality to enable native vegetation to regenerate and restore the riparian zone. The method does not require the use of artificial fertilisers or herbicides.
Bonaly Reservoir During the 19th century, the Edinburgh Water Company created several reservoirs in the Pentland Hills. Bonaly Reservoir was one of the first to be constructed, and had two purposes – to supply fresh drinking water to the city and to ensure a constant flow of water in lower watercourses by acting as a compensation reservoir. The reservoir is situated in a shelf on the north-west slope of Capelaw Hill. At 340m above sea level, it is one of the highest bodies of water in the Pentlands and has an unusually small natural water catchment area.
Sheepwash is a village and civil parish on the southern border of the local government district of Torridge, Devon, England. The parish, which lies about nine miles ENE of the town of Holsworthy, about eight miles south of Great Torrington and about ten miles north-west of Okehampton, is surrounded clockwise from the north by the parishes of Buckland Filleigh, Highampton and Black Torrington. Its southern boundary follows the River Torridge and most of its other boundaries are along watercourses too. In 2001 its population was 254, lower than the 326 residents it had in 1901.
The application was approved, with changes, by the Calgary Planning Commission on Sept 15th, 2011. The Land Use and Outline Plan proposed to integrate the Paskapoo Slopes into the existing open space network. Development within the plan area would be integrated with the escarpment so that insofar as possible and practical ravines, watercourses and other important features would be conserved, the impact of the built form on natural areas would be minimized, wildlife would be protected and land disturbance would be mitigated. Notably, lands with the highest environmental significance would be, whenever possible, retained in a natural state.
The basement in which the crater lies is formed by a thick Tertiary-Pleistocene ignimbrite and underlying dyke-containing granites of Jurassic age; both of which crop out in the crater. The terrain on which the crater lies is a tectonic block that was uplifted by relative to the Salar de Atacama and which is incised by watercourses that were diverted by the formation of Monturaqui crater. Impactites have been found around the crater. These include glasses, granitic rocks with evidence of shock metamorphosis as well as metallic iron and nickel but no remnants of the original meteorite.
Other conserved regions in the genomes which are frequently used as marker genes are ribulose-1-5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcL), cytochrome oxidase I (cox1, COI), ITS and 28S. It has been shown repeatedly that the molecular data gained by diatom eDNA metabarcoding quite faithfully reflect the morphology-based biotic diatom indices and therefore provide a similar assessment of ecosystem status. In the meantime, diatoms are routinely used for the assessment of ecological quality in other freshwater ecosystems. Together with aquatic invertebrates they are considered as the best indicators of disturbance related to physical, chemical or biological conditions of watercourses.
The average elevation is ; elevations range from near sea level to at the summit of Niguel Hill, in the southwest corner of the city. Neighboring cities are Aliso Viejo and Laguna Hills to the north, Mission Viejo and San Juan Capistrano to the east, and Laguna Beach and Dana Point to the south. On the west, it borders the significant unincorporated acreage of Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park. The main watercourses in Laguna Niguel are Salt Creek, which flows through the southern part of the city, and Sulphur Creek, which drains much of the northern half.
The route led from the Tomas Santa Coloma station on the Tranvia Rural de la Provincia de Buenos Aires of the Lacroze brothers on today's Camino de Rio Hondo and the Camino de El Trebol through the village of Manzanares in a southeasterly direction. In the area of the Rio Lujan, the route crossed a high and narrow dam and several watercourses, in particular using a steel bridge over the Arroyo Las Flores. Finally, it crossed the Rio Lujan on a brick dam and ended at the Bancalari mill.Alejandro Tumanoff, Jorge Lusona, Hector Chavez und Oscar Chavez: Ferrocarril Decauville Molino Bancalari, Arqueologia Ferroviaria.
The Thames Barrier is one of the flood risk management installations operated by the Environment Agency The Environment Agency is the principal flood risk management operating authority. It has the power (but not the legal obligation) to manage flood risk from designated main rivers and the sea. These functions in relation to other rivers (defined as ordinary watercourses) in England are undertaken by Local Authorities or internal drainage boards. The Environment Agency is also responsible for increasing public awareness of flood risk, flood forecasting and warning and has a general supervisory duty for flood risk management.
Eventually the sand dunes cross over to the left bank of the Yellow River where they are threaded by the beds of dry watercourses. The Yin Mountains, which stretch from 108° to 112° E in the north of the great bend of the Yellow River, have a wild alpine character and are distinguished from other mountains in the southeast of Mongolia by an abundance of both water and vegetation. In one of their constituent ranges, the bold Muni-uul, long and nearly wide, they attain elevations of , and have steep flanks, slashed with rugged gorges and narrow glens.
The plant is found in the Pilbara, Kimberley and northern parts of the Mid West regions of Western Australia where it is situated along watercourses, on plains and lower slopes and along road-sides growing in sand or loamy clay or alluvial sand or skeletal soils often over or around sandstone. Its range extends from around Carnarvon in the west to around Meektharra in the south to Rudall River National Park in the east and Wallal Downs in the north. It is also found near Windjana Gorge to around Halls Creek in the southern part of the Kimberley.
It is found in open forests and woodland. However, the Northern Territory flora website describes it as occurring on rocky or gravelly ranges, on hills or rises, on sandplains, and on intermittent watercourses and run-on areas. Major hosts for Lysiana subfalcata in Western Australia are species in the genera Lysiphyllum, Eucalyptus, and Acacia, while in South Australia, and New South Wales (and for Australia) they are listed as species in the genera Atalaya, Heterodendrum, Bauhinia, Santalum and the family Casuarinaceae. Hosts in the Northern Territory are listed as including species of Acacia,Alectryon, Atalaya, Capparis, Eucalyptus, Grevillea, Pittosporum, Senna and Vachellia.
Some rivers flow to Russia, ending either to Gulf of Finland or to the White Sea, and a few to the Arctic Ocean through Russia or Norway. There are many lakes in Finland and so this listing includes also several lakes through which the rivers flow or begin from. Due to the great number of lakes especially in the Finnish Lakeland, where watercourses tend to consist of chains of lakes rather than long rivers, some rivers with a large catchment area can also be quite short or there may only be a short rapid between large lakes, like for example Tammerkoski in Tampere.
Brook trout populations depend on cold, clear, well-oxygenated water of high purity. As early as the late 19th century, native brook trout in North America became extirpated from many watercourses as land development, forest clear-cutting, and industrialization took hold. Streams and creeks that were polluted, dammed, or silted up often became too warm to hold native brook trout, and were colonized by transplanted smallmouth bass and perch or other introduced salmonids such as brown and rainbow trout. The brown trout, a species not native to North America, has replaced the brook trout in much of the brook trout's native water.
Restricted distribution of Grevillea kennedyana Grevillea kennedyana has a restricted distribution and is only found in the northwest corner of New South Wales (NSW) and the southwest corner of Queensland (QLD), which are arid areas and receives variable and unreliable rainfall. As of 2000, the plant was found in six geographic locations. Ninety per cent of the populations are found in the Sturt National Park which are highly fragmented. It can sometimes be found in dry and rocky watercourses, but is most often found in clusters on rocky jump-ups and colluvial slopes of rocky mesas with weathered silcrete rocks and loamy soils.
Up until the rise of the industrial age, when the modern water pump was introduced, water was not recirculated but was diverted from rivers and springs into the water garden, from which it exited into agricultural fields or natural watercourses. Historically, water features were used to enable plant and fish production both for food purposes and for ornamental aesthetics. Though the term "water garden" is normally used to describe a particular type of natural or man-made water feature that is used for a relatively specific purpose, there are many other types, styles and designs of water feature.
The first road up the eastern slopes of the Blue Mountains, built by William Cox (1814–15), was in Governor Macquarie's words "pretty steep and sharp" and was found to be subject to serious washways. This road was superseded in 1824 by what was known as the Bathurst Road (now Old Bathurst Road). It avoided watercourses, but its grade was very steep and this rendered it hazardous to travellers. When Major Thomas Mitchell was appointed as Surveyor General in 1828, one of the first matters to which he turned his attention was the improvement of the Great Western Road.
At its lowest point the parish is about 120m above sea level, but the valley sides rise to 370m at the highest points above Rowarth. The watercourses to the north, particularly the Rowarth Brook, drain the southward slopes of Mellor Moor, Cown Edge and Lantern Pike. The Sett and its tributary the Kinder drain much of the plateau of Kinder Scout; the Sett flows through Hayfield before passing through Birch Vale to the Torrs and the River Goyt. The Goyt rises on the moors of Axe Edge, near the River Dane and the Cat and Fiddle Inn between Buxton and Macclesfield.
724 Within a matter of years, the plentiful beavers in the Klamath Basin had been mostly wiped out. Beaver dams had previously been an important factor in stream habitat in the Klamath River watershed, helping to moderate the power of floods and creating extensive wetlands. The loss of the beaver dams resulted in detrimental consequences for watercourses in the basin, exacerbating the power of winter floods, and causing severe erosion. Trapping parties eventually moved southwest into the Sacramento Valley and blazed an extension of the Siskiyou Trail, an early path between the Oregon Territory and San Francisco Bay.
It is native to Pilbara and Kimberley regions of Western Australia with the range extending into western parts of the top end and central parts of the Northern Territory. It has a scattered distribution with the bulk of the population situated in the Tanami Desert straddling the border between Western Australian and the Northern Territory. Disjunct populations are found near Onslow from Yanrey Station to Minderoo Station and around Telfer. It is often found in cracking clay pans and in clay depressions along drainage lines but also in sandy alluvium type soils in minor watercourses and in clay or sandy loam soils.
The gravelly layer has great permeability and is affected by numerous artesian aquifers with generally excellent drinking water from which the population of the municipality draws the water necessary for civil and industrial uses. The topography of the land of the municipality of Carbonera is essentially flat with relatively small differences in elevation. In addition to the network of small watercourses, the municipality of Carbonera is cut, along the boundaries of the properties or at the limits of cultivation, by ditches for collecting rainwater. The land is completely cultivated and is divided into properties or areas for small farms.
Krayenhoff, pp. 137–142 The column of General Dundas (accompanied by the commander-in-chief, the Duke of York) made only slow progress after it started its advance at dawn, because of the watercourses it encountered that were difficult to cross, as the defenders had removed the bridges. While they were slowly advancing on Schoorldam, the defender of that position, General Dumonceau with the 2nd Batavian division, had time to launch a diversionary attack on the Russians attacking Bergen, which contributed greatly to the confusion in the Russian ranks. When Dundas finally arrived at Schoorldam, Dumonceau was wounded by grapeshot.
Prairie and forest in the Rapa Valley The subalpine zone mostly consists of old-growth birch forests. These forests are exceptional in terms of density and richness, making it possible for significant quantities of sediment material to be carried from the mountainside by the runoff and deposited in the watercourses. This kind of transfer is particularly noted in the Rapa Valley. In general, the transition between the conifer forests and the ones consisting of birch is more or less gradual, with the number of birches present in the coniferous forests increasing along with the altitude until the conifers have completely disappeared.
The Cherwell passes under the Woodstock to Bicester road and shortly after the Oxford Canal flows into it from the east. The next mile of the river is used by boats as part of the canal, passing a now-demolished cement works once supplied by canal narrowboats and which used rier water. After sharing their course for about , the watercourses diverge at Shipton Weir Lock (in larger, lozenge form) west of which is Shipton on Cherwell. East of Shipton, the deserted village of Hampton Gay fronted the river, main remnants being its disused church in the watermeadows and ruins of a manor house.
Thus, these movements created the Blue Mountains and Hornsby Plateaux, with the lagging behind of the peneplain becoming the Cumberland Plain.Sydney Basin - landform Office of Environment and Heritage (New South Wales) The plateau was scoured by freshwater streams, which perforated a labyrinth of V-shaped valleys with intruding rocky ridges into the Hawkesbury Sandstone. The drainage activity is ascertained by the Hawkesbury Sandstone's impotence, which were employed by early watercourses. As the creeks carved deeper into the plateau, they began undercutting the sandstone walls of the valley, and as such, blocks of sandstone fell down, thus creating cliff lines.
He was inspired by the theories of Adam de Craponne which were put into practice at the beginning of the same century by Hugues Cosnier for the "canal de Loyre en Seyne" (or "canal de Briare"). Riquet's knowledge of the Montagne Noire and its watercourses led him to imagine a provisioning system based on the diversion of water from many streams and rivers. While this enabled boats to cross the watershed, they still had to use the Garonne to reach the ocean and this presented more problems with floods and groundings as the size of cargo boats increased.
Again, a couple of fishermen with a dog, and a sportsman creeping up to surprise some ducks, are Cuyp's in a capital Van Der Neer at the Staedel Institute in Frankfurt. Van Der Neer's favourite subjects were the rivers and watercourses of his native country either at sunset or after dark. His peculiar skill is shown in realizing translucence which allows objects even distant to appear in the darkness with varieties of warm brown and steel greys. Another of his fancies is to paint frozen water, and his daylight icescapes with golfers, sleighers, and fishermen are as numerous as his moonlights.
Cobham has been designed to include a sustainable drainage system that filters the water from silt and sand, cleans the water, and then naturally attenuates the water into local watercourses. Retention basins, Swales and infiltration trenches deal with excess water, storm water and most importantly flood risk. The infiltration trenches drain water using pebbles and small stones which naturally filter and store water, the remaining stored water is channeled out of the site. The retention basins collect water runoff, and the water outflow out of the basins is carefully controlled, the lakes have water piped to infiltration trenches.
The peak is also on the route of the Chichester Range Camel trail, a tourist attraction that is operated on the range that finishes at Python's Pool. The range is part of the Millstream-Chichester National Park, along with Millstream station that is one of the few permanent watercourses in the area. Geologically the range is made up of a mixture of sandstone, igneous rocks, and mineralised banded iron formation, being part of the Pilbara Craton. The area was named by the explorer Francis Thomas Gregory in 1861 after the Parliamentary Under- Secretary of State for the Colonies Chichester Fortescue.
They have been recognised as a wetland of international importance by designation under the Ramsar Convention since 2005. The area around the lagoons is intensively cultivated with coconuts, sugarcane, bananas, cassava and various vegetables. The lagoons, which hold water all year, lie at the mouth of three seasonal watercourses which, when in flood during the wet season, deposit large amounts of mud and debris in the lagoons, making them attractive to water birds such as waders and herons. The site also supports a population of endangered Cape Verde warblers and has been identified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International.
Poeciliopsis monacha is endemic to northwestern Mexico where it is present in the upper reaches of streams and arroyos on the western side of the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range. Some of these watercourses dry up during the summer and the fish may have to survive in springs and pools. Conditions are harsh in winter in the headwaters of the streams at altitudes of around ; there may be frosts and snow may fall. The fish become torpid at temperatures below about , but there are some hot springs, and water exposed to the sun may warm up during the day.
The three main watercourses that form the base structure for the region's drainage network are the Luján, Reconquista, and Matanza-Riachuelo Rivers. The Luján River, 128 km, has the largest catchment area of nearly 3,300 km2 and runs from southeast-northeast before discharging into the La Plata River. The Reconquista River is 82 km long, drains a catchment of 1,738 km2 (the lower 40% includes urban and semi-urban populations), and discharges into the Luján River. The Matanza-Riachuelo River (known as Riachuelo from its lower catchment) is 510 km long and eventually discharges into the La Plata River.
Each of the three most important catchments (Maldonado, Medrano and Vega) are drained by a large drainage pipe that follows in the direction of the former watercourses. Typical dimensions range from 15 m to 20 m wide and 3 m to 4 m high with an internal supporting structure of columns and beams that results in interference of stormwater flow and can cause back up and increased flooding. The city counts approximately 1400 km (870 mi.) of stormwater conveyance covering an area of 30,000 ha (74,000 acres) with 7,000 sub-catchments structures, 12,000 street-level storm drains, and 6,000 sewer drains.
A parallel drainage system occurs on a common slope down linear ranges (or of rivers between linear series of escarpments, parallel, elongate landforms like outcropping resistant rock bands), typically following natural faults or erosion (such as prevailing wind scars). The watercourses run swift and straight, with very few tributaries, and all flow in the same direction. This system forms on very long, uniform slopes, for instance, high rivers flowing southeast from the Aberdare Mountains in Kenya and many rivers of Myanmar. This sometimes indicates a major fault that cuts across an area of steeply folded bedrock.
There have been numerous smaller historical slips at Abbotsford, notably during the construction of the Dunedin-Mosgiel rail line in 1914. Despite this and a 1951 University of Otago report which stated that the land was unsuitable for building , the area was chosen as viable for residential subdivision. During subdivision, extra watercourses were built to handle excess rain runoff, but these proved insufficient to handle heavy downfalls. Christie Street, which runs up Abbotsford hill in the east of the suburb had existed before World War II, but the subdivision of land around it began in earnest only from 1953.
Like all west Australian species it breeds in late autumn and winter, calling from a burrow in which the female later deposits a foamy egg mass. Males excavate burrows in the banks of bottom of dry watercourses, usually lateritic clay based streams of the Darling Range. barycragus means 'deep-voiced' in reference to the low 'hooting' call that also gives its common name. While it is also known as the western marsh frog, this name is confusing as the species does not occur in or near marshes, and may be confused with the species Limnodynastes dorsalis.
As much of its range is in remote and poorly surveyed country, it is possible that it is found more widely than has been recorded. Pollen samples indicate it has been present on the Torres Strait Islands over the past 8000 years, though it has not been a prominent component of the island flora. Banksia dentata generally grows on sandy soils in savanna woodland or shrubland, along freshwater swamps, watercourses, floodplains or other seasonally wet areas. It has also been found on rocky outcrops, of quartzite or sandstone, to an elevation of around in Australia, and up to in New Guinea.
The habitat of the park varies from Afromontane grasslands and forests at higher altitudes in the Kibara Mountains; through Miombo woodlands and tropical rainforests; to marshes, wetlands, lakes, and streams with riparian zones at the lower altitudes. It is home to some 1,800 different species, some of them discovered as late as 2003. Lake Upemba has a maximum depth reported to be only and it is a site of intense algae growth. The watercourses of the region fluctuate according to the season and the water level in the lakes is high from March to June, and low from October to January.
The Catskill Mountains, also known as the Catskills, are a physiographic province of the larger Appalachian Mountains, located in southeastern New York. As a cultural and geographic region, the Catskills are generally defined as those areas close to or within the borders of the Catskill Park, a forest preserve forever protected from many forms of development under New York state law. Geologically, the Catskills are a mature dissected plateau, a flat region subsequently uplifted and eroded into sharp relief by watercourses. The Catskills form the northeastern end of the Allegheny Plateau (also known as the Appalachian Plateau).
For example, there are marked increases in numbers in Toowoomba in southeast Queensland during winter, and in the Northern Territory the range contracts during the dry season. It is commonly found among mangroves in coastal areas including black mangroves (Rhizophora mucronata). It is often in woodlands that merge into the mangroves, such as those dominated by Banksia, Melaleuca or Callistemon, and widespread in sclerophyll forests and eucalypt woodlands. In the arid and semi-arid inland of Australia, it is most often recorded in Acacia, Grevillea and Hakea shrubland along watercourses, and at bores, springs, and drainage lines.
Hambledon Heath or Hurst civil parish in the Waverley borough The village is SSW of the county town of Surrey, Guildford, and south of Godalming, which is the administrative centre of the borough of Waverley.Grid Reference Finder distance tools In the centre of the civil parish are the greatest number of buildings, mostly linear. Hambledon is centred on a high watershed between the English Channel and North Sea. Two watercourses ultimately drain the village, neither in the parish, the River Wey and the River Arun, the former having a small stream, the West Brook of Godalming that rises here.
In 1801 interested parties met at Ross-on-Wye and received a report from Benjamin Outram, indicating how lines of tramway might be constructed linking both Lydbrook and Lydney to the watercourses of the River Severn and the River Wye; the heavy minerals were transported onward to market by river and coastal shipping. The idea gained support, but it encountered fierce opposition too and the scheme foundered. In 1806 the engineer John Rennie surveyed and proposed a route, subsequently developed with branches into a network, of tramways in the Forest, but his schemes too ended without definite action being taken.

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