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143 Sentences With "waste money"

How to use waste money in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "waste money" and check conjugation/comparative form for "waste money". Mastering all the usages of "waste money" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Don't waste money on a coffee maker for them, when what they really want is for you to waste money paying for their expensive Starbucks coffees.
"  "Don't waste time, don't waste energy, don't waste money.
Don't let laziness or forgetfulness cause you to waste money.
The reason is simple — Vehicles that waste fuel, waste money.
Don't waste money on things that aren't important to you.
Nobody wants to waste money donating to a loser, after all.
They also want to show that they will not waste money abroad.
Otherwise, you can waste money convincing people who don't have the stamp.
And almost 26 percent say they waste money on alcohol or drinking.
And parties don't waste money on ads they don't think will work.
NEVER underestimate a successful man's propensity to waste money on hideous personal items.
Don&apost Waste Money on Intel&aposs Top ProcessorIt's time to replace your computer.
It encourages people to waste money they don't have for something they can't win.
The threat is not just that you might waste money, but precious, priceless time.
Why waste money on another refinery when the country is underutilizing its current infrastructure?
This way, he's never even tempted to spend or waste money that's sitting around.
That also means you won't waste money on food you don't end up using.
Otherwise, why would people waste money buying stamps in advance, without having their letters weighed?
Many companies waste money because they don't reach their bandwidth limit in a given day.
The political spoils get shared out and there is no need to waste money competing.
He implied on January 25th that adults ought not to waste money on plastic kids.
Almost everyone can point out a few useless things on which they continue to waste money.
Don't waste money on tests that promise to tell you how fast you're aging, researchers say.
But the hasty start-up of the common currency reinforced the European tendency to waste money.
You waste money on figuring out who's eligible and who isn't and then you make mistakes.
In short, political investing — just like tech investing — can waste money, enrich marginal players and tarnish reputations.
" In his own statement, Walker blamed Holder's group for forcing Wisconsin "to waste money on special elections.
And while it's impossible never to waste money, everyone could use a few tips now and then.
Instead, annual exams for healthy people can waste money and often lead to unnecessary follow-up care.
Don't let the Dems take elections away from you so that they can raise taxes & waste money!
"This D.C.-based special interest group wants to force Wisconsin taxpayers to waste money," Hasenberg told the newspaper.
Yes, we should get rid of government programs that waste money and do nothing for the average American.
Sometimes we overspend, sometimes we pick the wrong credit card and sometimes we waste money on silly things.
Why waste money buying it when you can just wait until you are sick and then purchase it?
"The networks do it for free," he said, so why would candidates waste money doing it on their own?
Texas taxpayers are consistently forced to waste money on constitutional cases to defend horrid laws their state lawmakers adopt.
Gambler's fallacy causes millions of people to waste money on another life because they're just so close to winning.
First, the Department should abandon contracts and future work that waste money, subsidize corporate profits and ships jobs overseas.
Why waste money on champagne to dilute with OJ when you can just buy the champagne of beers instead?
You can also follow this guide on what not to waste money on, including foods you normally don't eat.
I feel like this course would be a very viable option and one that would not waste money either.
Independent studies have shown repeatedly that Medicare enrollees waste money by over-insuring themselves in the Part D program.
For millennials, 26.5 percent say they waste money on entertainment and 17 percent say they do on cars and gas.
If you want to waste money and have gross inefficiencies, the federal government in Washington is the place for you.
So while retailers continue to waste money on inventory management, Amazon is aiming to use data to eliminate inventory entirely.
A couple of our friends have already had their pipes burst, and I am NOT tryna waste money on that.
Nearly 70 percent of Americans say they waste money on eating out, but they're willing to cut back on that.
And, hi there, CEOs of all the places I used to accidentally waste money: I'm not saying you're at fault.
" He told Republicans: "Don't let the Dems take elections away from you so that they can raise taxes & waste money!
His message was simple: why waste money on expensive fees and commissions for complex funds when market barometers often outperform them?
But, he added, people should never try to tackle it alone or waste money on DIY products — always contact an exterminator.
Unwilling to waste money on gas, Hallam biked, choosing to shower and shave in the teachers' room at school each morning.
"Had to waste money on Dem giveaways in order to take care of military pay increase and new equipment," Trump added.
" Trump tweeted: "Had to waste money on Dem giveaways in order to take care of military pay increase and new equipment.
"This case in the U.S. was only meant to waste money, our money, and to lead us into bankruptcy," he said.
In China it's 80,000 yuan ($11,300)," says Mr Li. "People [in China] are not going to waste money doing patent litigation.
"We don't waste money on TV ads, direct mail, or anything else that's just white noise to most voters," said Morgan.
Too many young people waste money on things they don't need — simply to show off to their friends or on social media.
But you don't need a Ph.D. to understand that the more the government spends, the more likely it is to waste money.
This way, advertisers don't waste money showing HD photo or video ads to users who won't look because they load too slow.
Unwilling to waste money on gas, Hallam biked, choosing to shower and shave in the teachers' room at the school each morning.
Small donors may be more willing to "waste" money on losing candidates because they are driven more by emotion than self-interest.
He claims Trump has this idea that he's going to find useless regulations that just waste money, but that they don't exist.
But why waste money on a service when often all you need is a quick vacuuming to freshen up your living room?
The survey also found that residents of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi waste money eating out the most, at nearly 77 percent.
He said device failures not only waste money, but also can expose patients to a "high risk of illness," including needless surgeries.
"Anyone who would waste money on such an obvious sham is a fool," Steve Hanke, an economics professor at Johns Hopkins University, said.
Would you be less likely to waste money if you had to look at your own disapproving face every time you did it?
Emphasising carbon removal through unnatural systems can incur moral hazard, waste money and time, and distract from the profitable solutions that are available.
None of these anti-Trump groups are likely to waste money on a broad-based ad buy in New York's expensive media market.
Supply chains are finely tuned to deliver parts just as they are needed, so companies don't need to waste money on big warehouses.
It is simultaneously frivolous, a luxury for those who can waste money, and a personal responsibility that one is harshly judged for neglecting.
Both Boomers and Gen Xers say they waste money on cable — 27.4 percent and 25.1 percent, respectively — and cigarettes — 15 percent and 16.9 percent.
We're going to Malibu to meet friends for drinks, but I don't want to be hungry and tempted to waste money on expensive food.
Mr Son aims eventually to ensure that none of the many ride-hailing firms in which SoftBank holds stakes waste money fighting each other.
Remember when you were a kid and accidentally hurt yourself playing, but your frugal parents didn't want to waste money on actual ice packs?
Much of what we waste money on doesn't even take up any space—from ATM fees to extra trip insurance for your next vacation.
These ads waste money through unnecessary prescriptions, lost appointment times for drugs the patient does not need, and from increasing costs of health care.
Buying overpriced water bottles at the airport is an option, of course, but who wants waste money and plastic in this day and age?
Still, riding the Bolt was ridiculous fun, and it's exactly the kind of weird vehicle I wish I could waste money and storage space on.
He notes that consumers often waste money by chasing deals that offer a big percentage of savings — but in dollars and cents, not so much.
Rent the Runway's innovative model means she no longer has to waste money in order to look good at the reception or in the office.
Buying overpriced water bottles at the airport is an option, of course, but who wants to waste money and plastic in this day and age?
It's time we held elected officials accountable for decisions that waste money, make us less safe and penalize our kids with a second-rate education.
I'd rather cook my own meals than waste money on takeout, and nine times out of 10 I'll take the bus over calling a Lyft.
In some instances, these ads will lead enthusiastic Democrats to waste money on unwinnable races; in others, they may help make a "red" area competitive.
In some instances, these ads will lead enthusiastic Democrats to waste money on unwinnable races; in others, they may help make a "red" area competitive.
I don't want to waste money on pollsters," he told "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd last August, adding, "I don't want to be unreal.
And while each app might not be a big investment, no one wants to waste money or spend kids' limited screen time on low-quality content.
"If I can have an amazing weekend away that I'll look back on fondly, then I'd much prefer to waste money that way," he tells me.
They're also the same person that doesn't want to go out and waste money, but instead buys everything anyways and wants to split the check evenly.
Privately, some campaigns are arguing that the approach is enriching consultants and ad vendors while forcing smaller campaigns to waste money trying to inflate their donor numbers.
Whether it's paying a late fee or snagging a candy bar while waiting in the checkout line, it's all too easy to spend mindlessly and waste money.
Obviously don't waste money on stuff you don't need, and that goes for everything from faster smartphone chips to a touch bar on top of the keyboard.
People who grew up lower or lower-to-middle class, by contrast, are most likely to waste money on credit card interest, streaming services, hobbies and entertainment.
To date, the Interior secretary has ignored calls to discard this ill-conceived reorganization plan that seems destined to waste money, undermine morale and disempower the BLM.
I keep this pic of Terry Crews in my wallet so I can see it when I'm about to waste money on things I don't need Iol pic.twitter.
But even though you're shopping for discounts, you still don't want to waste money on junk; you want tech that suits your needs, and tech that will last.
The "no" campaign's main argument is that the city shouldn't waste money on projects like a municipal broadband network where there are other, more important, issues at hand.
Bracelegs Collective has immortalized the burger phone in a pin, since most of you, with your cool young parents, would be fools to waste money on a landline.
In most cases, exclusion targeting is a legitimate marketing tool, used to ensure that companies don't waste money on showing an ad to people who aren't interested in it.
Investors are scheduled to vote on whether to add four directors to its board next month, as Elliott argues that Arconic continues to waste money and miss profit targets.
Nearly 12 percent say they waste money on cigarettes and almost seven percent cop to playing the lottery — and survey respondents say they're open to eliminating both of those habits.
RWE also pointed to an increase in provisions for the storage of radioactive waste, money which it will transfer to a government-controlled fund on July 1, as another burden.
Securing a truck that is too large will waste money on gas and rental fees, not to mention that the bigger it is, the harder it can be to navigate.
A meeting last July to introduce a hotline in Wuxi near Shanghai reportedly degenerated into a squabble between a deputy mayor and district councillors who argued that it would waste money.
I didn't want to over-insure myself and waste money on premiums, but I wanted my family to have enough money that they could buy time to heal if I died.
"It's not going to be such a significant amount that the M.T.A. would want to waste money on the team of lawyers they would need to pursue this," Ms. Butler said.
"It plays to the conservative notion that too many politicians exist and that politicians waste money," said Martin Horak, an associate professor of political science at Western University in London, Ontario.
Presence is certainly starting to address some of the biggest issues with security cameras: it actually has some smarts inside of it, and it doesn't make you waste money month to month.
In my case, through wrestling and the films and things I'd done, and in the state of Minnesota I didn't need name recognition, so I didn't need to waste money on that.
But according to "Shark Tank" star and financial expert Kevin O'Leary, most people waste money, even if they don't realize it, and that's where you can find money to save and even invest.
"I want to wait until I have a good plan in place in order to not waste money on an adventure," Alexandra, who speaks well beyond her years, says in a confident tone.
Athletes don't need to waste money on expensive drugs; they can just get high off the gas fumes for free, Rio 2016 spokesman says smell of gas in athletes village is totally normal.
Bad partnerships can not only waste money and effort, but also alienate loyal or prospective customers and damage long-term business as a result, as I highlighted in our Influencer Marketing 2019 report.
MySonic all clear toothbrush — $34.99 See Details You'll only waste money if you keep on repurchasing the charging cables provided by your phone's manufacturer — you should know by now that those things don't last.
If you figure out what really makes you happy and don't waste money on things that aren't important to you, you too could curb your spending and leave the working world whenever you're ready.
I have heard that my generation loves a deal, and I know many intelligent women my age who write out sensible and detailed plans around Sephora's annual sale, lest they waste money or time.
"A lot of people in my parents generation think that it makes love commercial and it puts a lot of pressure on people to waste money, which isn't the essence of love," she said.
But it's a signal that in general, Fallin is willing to go to court to defend currently unconstitutional anti-abortion laws — even though the state is likely to lose, and waste money, in the end.
Not that state-owned is so great either, but corporate-owned is worried about the bottom line for the obvious reason because they have shareholders and fiduciary duty to the shareholders not to waste money.
If rather than waste money on more TV ads, Sanders starts raising funds to build an enduring activist infrastructure, he could do an enormous amount to help anchor the progressive flank of the Democratic Party in Congress.
To safeguard our borders and our citizens, so goes the Trump administration's logic, we cannot afford to waste money on diplomatic tools, like international assistance packages, that would detract from the underlying goal of putting America first.
The capital of Sweden is an easy place to fly to and it feels almost "un-Swedish" to waste money on a taxi from the airport to central Stockholm when visitors are told the train is so efficient.
That might cover more people, and it wouldn't waste money on wealthy people the way flat tax credits could — but it would also make it harder to tell the difference between the GOP tax credits and the Obamacare version.
In fact, Warren wrote an entire book called the Two-Income Trap about how the societal shift toward both people in a committed relationship working full-time jobs actually causes families to waste money in a lot of cases.
A bathroom trash can you don't hate Again, hear me out on an item that feels like small potatoes: Who among us hasn't been using the same bathroom trash can for five years because why waste money on … trash?
Either you get off a redeye and have to figure out what to do all day while waiting to check in, or you arrive late at night and waste money paying for a room you didn't get to use all day.
Phelps, the founder of Emergency Management & Safety Solutions in San Francisco, where she advises companies like Whole Foods, Nike and Starbucks on crisis management plans, including possible pandemics, says these are some of the things she sees people waste money on.
To make sure you don't waste money on devices that won't last or don't deliver the quality you're looking for, we recommend that you choose the TV you want in advance, and then figure out when (and where) you'll get the lowest price.
What says something about yourself as a business person is whether or not you listen to that and move on it or if you're stubborn and you sit there and waste time and waste money very often by not changing whatever your tactics are.
"Despite significant needs for serving taxpayers, the IRS continued to waste money and prioritized spending in other areas including implementing the Affordable Care Act, paying employees for unofficial union time, and paying bonuses to employees (including those with known misconduct issues)," the Republican lawmakers said.
If you give someone $2 million and they have to launch on $2 million and they have to wake up a little bit earlier and not have as big a team and not waste money on parties and all this other stuff, sometimes it produces more innovation.
The funding bill released by the House Appropriations Committee on July 12 effectively writes the administration a blank check to implement its mass deportation plan, allowing ICE and CBP to hire 1,500 new officers, detain thousands more people, and waste money on an ineffective, expensive border wall.
"In this current budget environment, rather than waste money on excess infrastructure, we need to locate potential efficiencies and ensure taxpayer dollars are spent wisely to enhance the military's capacity to meet our current and future national security challenges," he said in a written statement after the report's release.
"As I stood in the marble rotunda that's laced with gold, I thought to myself we have to be careful not to waste money on first responders with cancer," he said sarcastically, adding the program has proven itself to be effective and has "relieved stresses" for grieving families.
"Had to waste money on Dem giveaways in order to take care of military pay increase and new equipment," Mr. Trump said on Twitter this week, venting his frustration about the bill, which he briefly threatened to torpedo on Wednesday in the final hours before it was unveiled.
After over a decade of driving without tickets, I suddenly got three in a matter of a year and a half.)Phone: $152 (Includes a monthly fee for my Apple Watch as well.)Hubble Contacts: $36Spotify: $123Apple Music: $9.99 (This is one of the dumbest things I waste money on each month.
"Once … the Democrats were willing to do more on defense and the Republicans were willing to fulfill the commitment under the Affordable Care Act and not waste money throwing something at a border-security provision that wasn't actually going to enhance security — I think those were the two big things that needed to happen," she explained.
" Same Trump Supporters: "We need a Space Force" — Antonio Franco (@ToniOnLOL) June 18, 2018 Military veteran and transgender activist Charlotte Clymer tweeted, "Let me get this straight: Trump supporters complaining that we're a) letting government waste money and b) getting too involved in affairs outside our country are cheering the creation of a 'Space Force' as a sixth branch of the military?
From Afghanistan, where Trump opposes continuing to "waste" money helping to rebuild that country and foster democracy that could instead be spent rebuilding the US, to protecting NATO allies from Russian aggression, which Trump thinks should only be done if those countries cough up more money, Trump consistently puts economic interests ahead of loftier ideals like promoting democracy and human rights.
But just in case at some point over the next few months of voting (a mere technicality, but you have to let the people have their fun), one of Trump's remaining rivals (I can barely remember their names, to be honest) wanted to waste money running attack ads against him (a strange, antiquated concept, I know), it seems worth suggesting some ideas for how the poor hapless dear might go about it.
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