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285 Sentences With "walled in"

How to use walled in in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "walled in" and check conjugation/comparative form for "walled in". Mastering all the usages of "walled in" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The backyard has a pool that's walled in for privacy.
We'll be walled in with all of our guns, though.
Mr. King is nearly walled in by drums and a glockenspiel.
Republicans in Congress and the president are walled in by the wall.
TB bacteria can survive even when "walled in" by white blood cells.
The texts occasionally resist continuity, or at least remain walled in poetic ambiguity.
Challenged by hostile forces on most of its fronts, Israel is already pretty much walled in.
His approval ratings are abysmally low, and he is walled in by a morass of inconsistent promises.
Callimachi: We're all inside one of these walled-in glass conference rooms in The New York Times.
The road is narrow and walled in by a barrier on either side, so your options are limited.
Walled in stone, they are typically six to nine feet wide (two to three meters) and lie below street level.
It's a walledin compound with multiple outbuildings, and there was a gate facing to the north with an arch.
It was walled in ivy, and at the center stood an old tree hung with jewels and other memento mori.
"It feels like we're being walled in and it's out of control and the neighborhood can't handle it," Irwin said.
In the streets around, some shop fronts had been walled in with concrete blocks after their metal shutters had been smashed.
The assigned pickup location was a small room walled in orchids growing on what looked like a maze of tree roots.
Copycat designs have arisen, as they always do, but the MacBook's biggest impact so far has been within Apple's walled-in ecosystem.
The New Yorker has used previous covers to take shots at Trump, recently showing him "walled in" during a prolonged government shutdown.
While it's possible to get other reading material and even library books onto the Paperwhite, the device is walled in its design.
" A spaceship is "walled in imitation ebony veneer and floored with gray tiles"—a Mercedes crossed with a "rich man's private spa.
You play the leader of a small encampment of humans that's found some measure of shelter in a deep, completely walled-in valley.
A statue of Bob Marley and a lion stand in front of the house, and a massive walled-in gate surrounds the entrance.
Vidor was completely walled in to the west by water now, and there was no longer a way to get the supplies to Beaumont.
It was not the only presence in the place it walled in, a renowned garden created on what used to be flat Hamptons farmland.
He's completely walled in and about to die when Sansa bails him out with a last-minute calvary rush, courtesy of her alliance with Littlefinger.
Michael Stipe's vocals, so upfront on those previous two records, were walled in by guitars, making them hard to understand, much less sing along with.
Thompson and I returned to TRIC's central office, where Gilman, now walled in by paperwork, was gearing himself up for several hours of new business calls.
They will get to play in eight acres of walled-in open space, with trees, a stream and an open meadow — once the walls are fixed.
The Metrodome, a walled-in colossus that dominated the barren landscape from 1982 to 2014, has been replaced by U.S. Bank Stadium, which opened in 2016.
Workers removed 3,159 metric tons of dirt to build the tunnel, dirt they evenly deposited in different sections of a walled-in lot adjacent to the house.
Nowadays, although sex seems once again to be walled in by a new arsenal of prohibitions, it's only the nonconsensual variety that will cause a protagonist's downfall.
The cover of The New Yorker next week is "Walled In" by John Cuneo, who last year depicted President Trump enjoying a day of golf in the swamp.
If there was a walled-in news site maybe aimed at younger news consumers that came from credible sources, you'd have to address those two questions as well.
Where other companies have sought to keep users walled in, Google has pursued a strategy of being everywhere so that it no longer matters where its users are.
" The Drudge Report featured a photo of Trump with a banner that called him "WALLED IN." The Gateway Pundit was harsher: On Friday the site said "TRUMP CAVES!
Social media has buzzed with parents relaying their children's fears that they or their friends will be deported, walled in or walled out if Mr. Trump becomes president.
Walled-in, abutting a weedy stretch of railroad tracks, the distillery was a picturesque assortment of dilapidated stables, a bottling facility, a carriage house, some offices and warehouses.
The long, low structure, a former Hare Krishna center, was built on open land, but it is being walled in as Poland prospers and new buildings are constructed.
The walled-in city gets packed easily, Vukovic said, and he believes limiting the number of people who come there will be beneficial for the city as a whole.
The night before the game, driving from the stadium to El Centro, I passed a futsal court, an indoor/outdoor hybrid, the playing surface walled in with hockey boards.
Luise got used to sending bodies large and small to the walled-in graveyard in the meadow below the village, only to meet them again later on the road.
It was called "Dead Men Walking," and I predicted that the rise of the open web would hasten the demise of the walled-in major online services, including Case's AOL.
I ducked in where they had been doing glass-blowing—I figured it was a good spot, because it was walled in, and there was an entrance and exit nearby.
I was just going to say, about those high school students: What would a social network look like that was fenced in or walled in, that only provided credible sourcing?
Residents of the "Jungle" are treated to "an endless guerrilla siege", walled in by concrete and barbed wire, their tents cut open with blades and sprayed with teargas and then burned.
The town has its own museum-quality, walled-in medieval village, named Finalborgo, which is so well preserved it looks almost as if the Middle Ages wrapped up a week ago.
By moving to Egypt, as opposed to more cramped, walled-in cities like Paris or Rome, Origins has much more space to breath — and much more space to give players things to do.
Mr. Grove's influence, Mr. Yoffie said, came largely from his ideas about organizational practices and design — Intel was the birthplace of nonhierarchical, open settings and low-partitioned cubicles rather than walled-in offices.
Mr. Grove's influence, Mr. Yoffie said, came largely from his ideas about organizational practices and design — Intel was the birthplace of non-hierarchical, open settings and low-partitioned cubicles rather than walled-in offices.
Walking through the Annenberg Space's sprawling galleries and halls, I felt overwhelmed — and yes, even walled in, by the proliferation of images, many of which would have benefited from more space and an enlarged treatment.
The work has not been installed in a contemplative, tranquil nook like so many pieces in the nearby, walled-in sculpture garden of the Noguchi Museum, which has managed to remain invisible for decades now.
Ms. Kor herself was tortured as a child and experimented on by the maniacal Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, after being walled in and starved for nine months in one of the most infamous Nazi death camps.
The paintings may be violently improvisatory, but they are also walled in by this enduring passion to remake and to reimagine another man's work — an impulse stirred by the excitement of acknowledging that he found it completely baffling.
And in that regard—with a walled-in city, a veteran hero betrayed by his country, and a cocky, simpering President—Escape's vision of the future is so of-the-moment now as to feel almost heavy-handed.
Within a walled-in, sun-soaked backyard (designed with bright storybook lushness by Miriam Buether) sit four grandmotherly types, basking and chatting in the idle, free-associating way of people of long acquaintance with time on their hands.
Willingly or not we come to terms with power, forgetting that we are all inside the ghetto, that the ghetto is walled in, that outside the ghetto reign the lords of death, and close by the train is waiting.
The cover, titled "Walled In" and drawn by John Cuneo, comes amid a partial government shutdown that was triggered last month by an impasse between lawmakers and Trump over his funding demands for his proposed wall along the southern border.
Up the hill is the walled-in motherhouse of the Sisters of Mercy; down the hill is the old church of St. Boniface, now the home of a community called the Brooklyn Oratory, where I go to Mass on Sundays.
You have the murder victim, another skanger (although a rich one) whose passing we need not mourn; you have the small pool of possible suspects; you have the manor house with the walled-in garden where the body was discovered.
The plot, which begins long enough after Movie 2 (Insurgent) for star Shailene Woodley's shorn hair to have matured into a dowdy pageboy, finds Woodley and her interchangeable pals venturing into the mysterious world beyond their oppressive, walled-in, inexplicably governed dystopic Chicago.
The first film in a two-part finale (the second, "Ascendant," is expected next year), "Allegiant" sends Tris (Shailene Woodley), her brother, Caleb (Ansel Elgort) and her hunky squeeze, Four (Theo James, even more expressionless than usual if that's possible), fleeing from a still-walled-in Chicago.
The rental complex is "tailor-made for families," she said, enumerating the many family-focused perks of the 1980s waterfront complex: numerous children's events (most recently, a Halloween party); walled-in lawns to stop wayward tots from running off; a set-back-from-the-street, parklike setting.
The cauldron-like dancefloor was walled in and decked out in blacklight and underwater decorations reminiscent of Guy Gerber's Rumors brand as the trio got weird and heavy until 6 AM. After the soggy challenge of the daytime, the club was heaving and the festival brought back to life.
He's previously installed waterfalls under bridges in New York and, in 2007, he walled in the pedestrian bridge at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) with acrylic mirrors to create a hall of colored glass in "One-Way Colour Tunnel" (his first solo show at a museum in the United States).
A century-old backyard, walled in on three sides by tenements four stories high and stacked with other folks' windows, other folks' lives, their ages and stages, their phone wires and drainpipes, slate roofs and all the disused chimneys above the roofs near silhouetted against a sky that's glowing white between grayish clouds.
That said, not everything Kardashian West shared on her Instagram Story was entirely natural: She also posted a photo of what looks like a tiny room walled in by long fluorescent bulbs, which is likely related to at-home UV-light therapy, a treatment she called "life-changing" in a blog post in 2017.
Lightness infuses this surpassingly tranquil 22017 structure, situated between the districts of wealthy Azabu‑Juban and neon-sodden Roppongi: the main building's heavy, boxlike concrete frame perforated by balconies, fronting rooms shielded by shoji screens; its lobby walled in part with soft Oya stone; its tea lounge poised over a Japanese garden, to which floor-to-ceiling windows offer a view.
There is an elevated island platform with two tracks. The station is completely walled in with glass walls.
There is an elevated island platform with two tracks. The station is completely walled in with glass walls.
There is an elevated island platform with two tracks. The station is completely walled in with glass walls.
This station has an elevated island platform serving two tracks. The station is completely walled in with glass walls.
Thus, while the view from the summit is 360 degrees, Chimney Tops is practically "walled in" on three sides.
Thereupon she was walled in and is still to be seen today as a "white woman" in the ruins.
At that time, trilateral cloisters with a storey on top were erected within the garden walls, and the sala terrena was walled in.
The entry arch towards the church was walled in, leaving only the a glass door evoking the dimensions and frame of the portico.
Once they drew their canoe up to the bank of Sunasquam Water, a stream walled in by the dense green of the hardhack.
The castle consisted of two parts, the main castle (högborgen) and the walled in gardens surrounding it (ekonomigården) with the high tower in the middle.
It housed a garrison of the Count of Foix and a prison. Its imposing walls were encircled by a walkway. The city was still walled in 1672.
134, pedigree of Carew concurrent with (and influenced by) the construction of the Edwardian castles in North Wales. At this time, the outer ward was also walled in.
She complained that the involvement of political parties at its heart had "walled in" ("sich eingemauert") the movement. She would nonetheless continue to make public appearances on its behalf.
The building was quite large, with seven bedrooms. The building no longer stands, having been demolished in the 1950s. However, the wall and the walled-in gateway still remain, on Ford Road.
By the summer of 1953, the lodge was walled in, using timbers cut from the Stonecliffe property. Later this was the first building around which the Great Hall complex was built (below).
It is unlikely, however, that Apollodorus knew who walled in Mycenae; he was only conjecturing. Perseus took up official residence in Mycenae with Andromeda where he had a long, successful reign as king.
Loka CastleŠkofja Loka was walled in the 14th century. In 1457, Duke Jan Vitovec entered and burned the town. The town was attacked by the Ottomans in 1476. The town also suffered from plague and fires during this time.
However, the superstition that the unfortunate woman had been walled in alive in the wall of the small spiral staircase in the western corner wing and had been haunting the castle since midnight became firmly established among the people.
The community was first settled in 1907 and named Mural (meaning a "walled in valley"), but the name was changed to Ioka by about 1915. In 1908 a post office for the community was established, and remained in operation until 1944.
The evidence of the witnesses in the 1620s process suggests that she died not very long before and so in the 16th or 15th century, a historical, sociological and religious situation into which she would fit perfectly. Women weavers living a hermit life in dwellings attached to churches were common in the Middle Ages, and there is documentary and literary evidence that some of them lived walled in. In 1481, Isabel the Catholic exempted them from sales tax on their work.Santa Potenciana: una aproximación histórica (II) Recently some have imagined that Saint Potenciana was martyred by being walled in.
Over time the large open areas of the ground floor were walled in and divided, extending the offices into the public space. Now the ground floor still contains many of the capitol's exhibits, and includes a small visitor center and gift shop.
View of Begumpura from Aurangzeb's palace 1830s When Aurangzeb made Aurangabad his capital, there were 54 suburbs which were walled in like the city itself, but the chief of these that were populated in the 19th century were Begampura and Aurang-pura.
It emerges at an elevation of about 1,096 feet.Gunnar M. Brune, Springs of Texas, Vol. 1, Fort Worth: Branch - Smith, 1981, p.275. The springs fill a large walled-in area, some of which spills into a 300-foot-long swimming pool.
In 1346 the Polish king Casimir III the Great rebuilt the fortress. Little is known about this newer castle, but it was stone and walled. In 1448 Kazimierz Jagiellończyk stayed here. In 1534, the castle was extended by Kraków castellan Andrzej Tęczyński.
Anchorite's cell in Holy Trinity Church, Skipton. Christina Carpenter was walled in to a cell in St James's Church in Shere, Surrey. Anthony the Great, father of Christian Monasticism and early anchorite. The Coptic inscription reads ‘Ⲁⲃⲃⲁ Ⲡⲓⲛⲓϣϯ Ⲁⲛⲧⲱⲛⲓ’ or ‘Father Anthony the Great’.
It is a largely wooded area transitioning to a karst landscape. There are tilled fields in cleared areas. There are a few small springs in the area; Zakukar Spring () has been walled in to provide water for the former dairy and school in the hamlet of Svinače.
The outer lip is sharp, without fold or thickening. The siphonal notch is a deep slit with parallel sides following a walled-in fasciole. Within the body whorl are sharp raised revolving threads, a feature shared by related genera. The protoconch consists of two smooth rounded whorls.
Skibby Church The Skibby Chronicle (Danish: Skibbykrøniken) is a Danish chronicle written in Latin and dating from the 1530s. The original manuscript was found during 1650, walled in behind the altar of Skibby Church (Skibby Kirke). It was printed in Latin 1773 and translated into Danish 1890-1891.
Saint Potenciana (in Latin the name would be Potentiana) was a Spanish anchoress, possibly of the walled-in type, who died probably around the year 1600 and who is venerated locally as a saint. She has not been formally canonized and is not listed in the Roman Martyrology.
In 2003, his novel A l'image du dragonA l'image du dragon (Gérard de Villiers, 1992; )- Retrieved 2019-02-03 was freely adapted into an animated motion picture, The Rain Children, by Philippe Leclerc. In 2009, his best-selling novel Les Emmurés was adapted into an English-language film entitled Walled In.
Walled In is a Canadian-made 2009 horror-thriller directed and co-written by Gilles Paquet-Brenner and starring Mischa Barton, Cameron Bright, and Deborah Kara Unger. The film is based on the best-selling French novel Les Emmurés by Serge Brussolo. It is Paquet-Brenner's English-language film debut.
2010 Christoph Lanz and Max Hofmann received the RIAS Berlin Commission New Media Award for their documentary "Eingemauert" or "Walled In". This production is an animated reconstruction of the Berlin Wall and the inner German border and was published on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall.
The Parish Church was fully walled and plastered by 1727. The tribunes, which originally rested on arches, were walled in. The Portuguese Crown donated 6,000 cruzados for the construction of the retable in 1729. A inspection of the church in 1730 revealed that the roof, ceilings, carvings, and altarpiece were in poor condition.
Every team must keep one player in the attacking half. Each game has two seven-minute halves, and takes place in a 52x73 ft walled in court. The walls are four feet tall and have nets that rise an additional 20 feet. The tournament has three stages, preliminary, group stage, and trophy stage.
In the near future, te parish church of the Kentish village of Valham is undergoing long-overdue restoration - restoration largely made possible by the fund-raising efforts of the able and radical young incumbent, Lewis Patterson. A walled-in chamber is discovered and within it is a coffin sealed with the crest of Becket.
Houbraken quotes Otto's wife, who survived him by two husbands and was still alive when he wrote the book; according to her, Marseus van Schrieck kept snakes and lizards in a shed at the back of his house, and also on a piece of land outside the city that was walled in for this purpose.
Tallaght village was first walled in about 1310. As ordered by Archbishop Alexander de Bicknor the initial castle was built between 1324 and the 1340s, to defend the town. The original castle is thought to have comprised high walls with a courtyard in the centre. It was in a bad condition a century later.
For these purposes the 1888 and c.1914 components are regarded as the original building. Parts of the quarters' verandah were later walled in with glazing and weatherboard aprons, which now seems to have been removed. A diagonal-latticed screen was added to the verandah at its west end and screened occupants from Maitland Street.
A century and a half later, during the French Revolution, the nuns were expelled from La Flèche. The place was then converted into police station, court and prison. The staircase of the Hotel Dieu was walled in and forgotten. Only during the demolition and restoration of the old prison in 1953 was the oak staircase rediscovered.
The chapel has three portals framed in lioz stone imported from Portugal with five windows at the choir level. An arched gallery is located to the left of the façade. It is now half walled in and covered with semi- industrial tiles. The tower of the chapel is recessed, and only partially visible from the front of the church.
Calbia had an army, air force, and nascent navy. The capital of Calbia is San Blazna. The city streets are generally narrow, walled in by a profusion of houses built over the centuries. San Blazna lies on the River Carlos, named after the founder of the royal dynasty of Calbia, which is crossed by two large bridges.
Paolo Emilio Pecorella and Raffaella Pierobon Benoit, Tell Barri / Kahat 3. La sequenza ceramica, Firenze University Press, in press The town was walled in the second millennium BC, with an acropolis at its centre. Tombs were found at the site. Many ceramics were discovered, which have helped the archaeologists to determine the different strata of occupation of the mound.
The Rhodonia fruit body is spread out (effused) on its substrate, poroid, fairly thick, juicy and soft, with a pale rose or white colouring. It has a monomitic hyphal system (containing only generative hyphae), and the hyphae have clamp connections. These hyphae are initially thin-walled but become thick-walled in mature fruit bodies. The spores are cylindric.
Půta had three nannies walled-in alive for turning his wife against his brothers. His son later sold the estate in 1549, but the new owners did not invest in the castle. Instead they made use exclusively of the existing original buildings. The following owners, the House of Chanov, from Dlouhá Ves, bought the castle in 1570.
In 467, while his old friend Anthemius sat on the Western throne, he held the consulate. An inscription in Latin, surrounded by Greek inscriptions, and walled in the walls of Constantinople (near the fifth tower), reads: "Pusaeus, no less than the great Anthemius, strengthened towers and walls".Grosvenor, Edwin Augustus, Constantinople, volume 2, Adamant Media Corporation, , p. 613.
It is planned to become the museum of fortress 's-Hertogenbosch. One of the bastions of the fortress now houses the mini museum Bastionder. It has been dug out in a bastion of the south side. On the inside it shows a unique cannon, and an older bastion that was walled in by the current one.
The exterior of the mosque is imposing, with high walls crowned along the top by merlons above a row of corbels. Along the walls are large pointed horseshoe arches, most of which are now walled-in, while some frame the gates of the mosque. Some of these arches on the southwestern side of the mosque accommodate space for shops.
The House is handsome modern substantially built in excellent order well supplied with water and fit for the immediate reception of a large family. The Offices are well and substantially built. The Garden walled in large and abundantly supplied with fruit trees of every description. The Demesne Lands are of prime quality beautifully diversified and ornamented with Forest and other Timber.
They are complemented by Art Deco pilasters rising to a coffered ceiling. Elaborate surrounds with cast stone entablatures frame the doorways to the two former main administrative offices off the lobby. On the second and third stories corridors run through the center. They are surfaced in tile, walled in concrete and drywall over terra cotta walls, and have modern acoustic tile ceilings.
Gilles Paquet-Brenner (born 14 September 1974) is a French director and screenwriter. He is the son of the opera singer Ève Brenner. Paquet-Brenner's first feature film in 2001, Pretty Things, won an award at the Deauville American Film Festival. In 2009, Paquet-Brenner directed the low-budget and direct-to-DVD but generally positively received film, Walled In.
On the western slope of the hill, a spring rises immediately next to a hiking trail. The spring has been comprehensively walled in. Occasionally you can see the locals fill cans and other containers on carts here, with this apparently very drinkable source of water, for their domestic use. In the springtime the source yields 10 litres of water per minute.
Between 1520 and 1530, the Hofburg was transformed into an enclosed building complex with walled-in courtyards. Individual structures to the southwest, west, and north were consolidated and formed a single outer façade. The large and small courtyards, as well as the kitchen courtyard, were completed and reflected their current dimensions. These changes were designed by Georg Thüring, the son of Nikolaus Thüring.
A dry moat, across at its widest, defends the landward approach, possibly excavated in the early Middle Ages. A stone-built causeway provides access, with a drawbridge formerly crossing the gap at the centre. The castle side of the causeway was formerly walled-in, forming an enclosed space similar to a barbican. Urquhart is one of the largest castles in Scotland in area.
The small "international ghetto" consisted of several "starred" houses under the protection of neutral powers in the Újlipótváros district. Switzerland was allowed to issue 7,800 Schutzpasses, Sweden 4,500, and the Vatican, Portugal and Spain 3,300 combined. The big Budapest ghetto walled in the Erzsébetváros part of Budapest on 29 November. Nyilas raids and mass executions occurred in both ghettos regularly.
Zoospores aggregate and form distinct patterns at 16 °C in water. Chlamydospores produced in infected papaya fruit and pure papaya juice are thick-walled. However, chlamydospores produced in papaya juice at lower concentrations or in other kinds of fruit juice are mostly thin-walled. In the presence of nutrients, chlamydospores germinate by producing germ tubes that continue to grow and form mycelial masses.
The southern wing was originally a veranda with a colonnade. Later, it was walled in order to enlarge the indoors of the building, and to mimic the opposing, northern wing. In the mid 1960s, the pavilion was adapted into an art gallery. After the pavilion was damaged during the 2014 Southeast Europe floods it was renovated from September 2015 to June 2016.
Erzsébet's staff are also found guilty, but unlike her they are put to death. All of her estate is awarded to the Count Thurzó with the exception of Čachtice, which is given to her children. Driven by desperation after being walled in, Erzsébet Báthory commits suicide. She is then buried without a coffin in a humble grave, with no funeral ceremony.
As the water of these spas is very hot, a cold water is being added to it. The area is known for the myths on golden treasure hidden in the caves, originating from the medieval period. There is also the story of the secret entrance into the Turčinovac cave, which was sealed by the Ottomans who walled in, and killed, an entire group of exiled Serbs.
Some staircases are topped by pressed tin ceilings from era that the former Gatesville State School was built in. The Texas Building of Hilltop Unit was formerly Ferguson Hall; its current name stems from the concrete letters, colored in red, white, and blue, spelling "TEXAS." The Texas Building's first floor has classrooms and a library. The upstairs has an auditorium and a walled-in projection room.
The cathedral weathered another attack during World War II, when it was almost completely destroyed. However, the church was not left completely at the mercy of the War's bombing. Foresight and precaution had prevailed, and the sacrament house and numerous grave-slabs had been walled in to protect them in 1942. This precautionary measure saved these structures from facing the same fate as the main church.
On December 16, 1971, the town council decided to expand the dripstone cave into a show cave. In order to protect it against further damage, first the entrance was walled in and a door installed. This, too, proved unsuccessful as thieves descended from above and broke the door. Only barbed wire guards above and below the entrance and an additional state police patrol service each night succeeded.
Montresor, the narrator, immures his enemy, Fortunato, within the catacombs beyond the wine cellar under his palazzo. In "The Black Cat", the narrator's pet cat accidentally suffers immurement, but is discovered and rescued. The cat's rescue leads to the discovery of the body of the narrator's wife, since the cat was walled in with it after the murder.For the Poe stories, see for example, Hayes (2012), p.
Today's population has an ever-greater need for security and prosperity. In contemporary houses, the ground level, which was previously an open area simply defined by the open framework of the building, is now walled in. The walls are made of brick and are rendered on the outside and inside. The interior is now no longer an open space but divided into separate rooms by dividing walls.
In 1945, Sunny Point (now called Mulholland Park) was briefly owned by the Reverend and Mrs. J.C. Yelton. They sold the house in 1946 to Laura and E.C. Hindman, who took out three different mortgages on the property – in 1946, 1948, and 1951. It is probable that the Hindmans divided the house into apartments and walled in the east porches immediately after they purchased it.
The player controls two shields, Magus and Questor, which can be moved horizontally and vertically though the maze, in order to collect masks. The object of each level is to collect all the masks, then reach the exit. In all levels, use of both shields are required for completion, and in some, one shield must be sacrificed (walled in or destroyed) in order to complete the level.
Female entertainers in Japan emerged during the 7th and 13th century. They performed for the nobility. During the Edo period prostitution was legal and was mostly within walled in districts such as Yoshiwara, which were licensed by the Tokugawa Shogunate, known as the pleasure quarters. In the 17th century, high-class courtesans known as oiran, or men working as geisha, would perform at parties.
The fruit bodies of the Gelatoporiaceae are crust-like (resupinate), and have a poroid hymenophore. The hyphal system is typically monomitic (containing only generative hyphae), although in genus Cinereomyces it is dimitic (containing both generative and skeletal hyphae). Clamp connections are present in the hyphae. Spores made by the family are hyaline, smooth, and usually thin-walled but they are somewhat thick-walled in genus Obba.
Parable of the Sower is a futuristic, dystopian, science-fiction novel. In its reality, the United States has devolved into states and/or city-states warring for the few remaining resources. Life is cheap, and the economy is becoming reborn as company towns. The main character in Parable of the Sower, Lauren Olamina, is the daughter of a Baptist minister who serves their walled-in neighborhood.
Tunjščica Creek in Laniše Laniše is a scattered rural settlement in the upper part of the Tunjščica Valley. Tunjščica Creek, a tributary of the Pšata River, flows through the village from the north and the valley begins to widen at this point. The village lies in a protected position walled in by mountains on three sides, open only to the south, creating favorable conditions for fruit cultivation.
Above the window is the coat of arms of the Franciscan order, a cross with the two hands of Sant Francis with the stigmata. The interior of the church is a simple uninterrupted rectangular space. Opposite to the entrance is the octagonal apse and the presbytery. There are no side isles, though originally there were three chapels along the right-side wall, which are now walled in.
The starving Livilla refusing food. From a drawing by André Castagne Historically, starvation has been used as a death sentence. From the beginning of civilization to the Middle Ages, people were immured, or walled in, and would die for want of food. In ancient Greco- Roman societies, starvation was sometimes used to dispose of guilty upper class citizens, especially erring female members of patrician families.
A notable building is Brandon Old Hall, built in the 16th century. Built of coursed dark gold bands of ironstone, light gold bands of ironstone, narrow bands of blue lias with limestone ashlar dressings. The garden is walled in the same unique style. Medieval earthworks of a toft (homestead with land), a hollow way and some boundaries have been identified around the existing village.
It originally formed part of the Monastery of the Holy Spirit (Helligåndskloster) but became a parish church in 1534, shortly before the Reformation. The church now consists of a central nave flanked by aisles on either side. It leads to a polygonal chancel at the east end which is rather lower than the nave itself. The north aisle has ten walled-in arches intended to provide access to the monastery.
However, this balcony area was eventually walled in to make more interior space. The portería contains two arches and a frieze adorned with round forms which protrude. The portería contains the main entrance to the cloister area, above which is a crucifix set on top of a skull, which represents Calvary. The foyer of this entrance used to serve as a baptistery in the late 19th and early 20th century.
It must be noted that "exposed" means being shown the instruments of torture so it does not necessarily mean being tortured. In the verdict, on October 18, 1608, Sister Virginia was sentenced to be walled-in for 13 years in the Home of Santa Valeria. After surviving this period of incarceration, she lived there until her death in 1650.Massimo Carlo Giannini, Virginia Maria De Leyva, published on Treccani.
In 1380, the village already contained thirty families, and they were subjected to various attacks by Saracen pirates, which led to the construction of a lookout tower in the fourteenth century. As a precaution, the town was fortified and walled. In 1449, the town became independent of Ulldecona. During the war against John II of Castile, the town was occupied by troops of the king, who burned the town.
Kent Denver is located at Colorado Boulevard and Quincy Avenue in Cherry Hills Village. The campus is centered on two lakes and bordered by the Highline Canal. The campus houses 44 classrooms in four main building complexes. Most student life in the high school is centered on the Bogue Common Room, a former courtyard that was walled in to create a meeting place with a cafe for the upper school.
In 2000, during the building of the adjoining Stata Center, the building was restored and most of the elegant modernist detailing was replaced by clumsy updates. The sophisticated color palette of the interior floor and walls disappeared. Its walled-in garden to the south was removed altogether and replaced by a more open landscaping. Nonetheless, the building still retains much of its early modernist sensibility, unornamented surfaces and simple functional design.
Wolvene persuaded him after a few years to join his monastery in Rheinau as a monk, which he did in 851. From the year 856 he lived there walled in as an incluse until his death. His bones are kept in the Rheinau monastery church in the reliquary in the Fintan altar. Shortly after his death, the Vita Findani was written by a confrere of the monastery, it is considered reliable.
This church was built between 1710 and 1716. Although the entire building is known as the San Francisco Church, the entrance on Madero Street is actually the entrance to the Balvanera Chapel. In front of this is an atrium with several sets of stairs leading down to the church building because it, too, is sinking. The church’s main facade, dating from 1710, is walled in and cannot be seen.
Inquisitors could arbitrarily torture suspects and many victims were burnt alive. In 1516 the Republic of Venice decreed that Jews would only be allowed to reside in a walled-in area of town called the ghetto. Ghetto residents had to pay a daily poll tax and could only stay a limited amount of time. In 1555 the Pope decreed that Jews in Rome were to face similar restrictions.
The back and side verandahs have been enclosed with weatherboards and only the front verandah retains its original decorative cast-iron balusters, posts and valance. The subfloor has been similarly enclosed, and a highset kitchen house projecting over the driveway at the rear is walled in the same material. A long modern double storey wing at the rear is joined to the house by a shorter wing at the northern end, creating a paved courtyard.
The interior of the Armenian Cathedral in L'viv, which is largely the work of Jan Henryk De Rosen and Józef Mehoffer. Armenian architecture, as it originates in an earthquake-prone region, tends to be built with this hazard in mind. Armenian buildings tend to be rather low-slung and thick-walled in design. Armenia has abundant resources of stone, and relatively few forests, so stone was nearly always used throughout for large buildings.
The site named ǁKhauxaǃnas refers to the fortified settlement atop the hill overlooking the Bak River. It consists of a trapezium-shaped walled-in enclosure of approximately 150 by 350 meters, and contains several ruins of buildings and kraals. Most of the dwellings are situated near the perimeter wall, which contains 23 doorways. The settlement directly adjacent to the west is the Veldschoendragers Schans Vlakte village that was described by 19th century missionaries.
From 2011 to 2013 he was Fellow Commoner in Creative Arts at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. Ešenvalds is a three-time winner of the Latvian Great Music Award (2005, 2007 and 2015). In 2006, the International Rostrum of Composers awarded him first prize for his work The Legend of the Walled-in Woman. Ešenvalds composed the official anthem of the 2014 World Choir Games during Riga European Capital of Culture 2014.
In return, the city undertook a restoration of the Jewish cemetery, the walled-in cemetery and the building of a guard house with a cemetery hall. In 1953, the Jewish community supported by the French military rabbis set up a prayer room on Holbeinstraße 25. The number of Jews living in Freiburg in 1968 was 225. On 16 June 1985, the foundations were laid for a new synagogue, which was opened on 5 November 1985.
Early peoples and kingdoms of Ireland, c.800 Knox stated the tuath comprised the barony of Dunmore, part of Ballymoe, and at least Belclare parish. However O'Donovan says the territory comprised only the barony of Dunmore. Conmaicne Dunmore was centred about the present town of Dunmore, County Galway (burnt in 1249, 1284, and 1315, and walled in 1280), which is bounded by rising land in the north, and bogland east and west.
According to a legend, a knight's wife wanted to drown her seven newborn children. The knight returned and prevented this and had his children raised in Rinchnach Monastery, but did not tell his wife. The children returned to the castle as grown men. When the lord of the castle asked what should happen to a person who had his or her own children killed, his wife replied that the person should be walled in alive.
There is no real combo ability but some attacks can be chained together. The game features a different defense system to standard Toshinden games. The side step moves still exist, however blocking of other attacks is now done with a parry button that repels an opponent's attack, stunning them for a short time. Areas in Nitoshinden are all school-based locations and feature walled-in arenas, similar to Battle Arena Toshinden 3.
The FIL governs competitions on artificial tracks and natural tracks at both the European and World Championship levels. At the Winter Olympics, only artificial track competitions are contested. The events at the European and World Championships are men's singles, men's doubles, women's singles, and a team event consisting of one run each from men's singles, men's doubles, and women's singles. Artificial tracks are tracks that have their curves specifically designed and banked with walled-in straightaways.
Bir Nabala has a built-up area of 1,904 dunams, which combined with nearby al-Jib, Beit Hanina al Balad and al-Judeira form an enclave in the Seam Zone, walled in by the Israeli West Bank barrier.Bir Nabala Village: Two Separate Enclaves reunited into one Big Enclave . Applied Research Institute, 14 August 2006 The enclave is home to approximately 15,000 Palestinians.Barrier Route It is linked to Ramallah by underpasses and a road that is fenced on both sides.
"It doesn't just look good, it looks different. The Manhattan mix of crooked concrete spires and green urban spaces is refreshing after the relentless dark khaki backgrounds of Call of Duty and Medal of Honor." The Telegraph considered that the game heavily borrowed from the Call of Duty shooters, being much more scripted and linear than Crysis, calling the game a "walled in" experience. The Telegraph also criticized the enemies' "utterly atrocious" AI, "problematic" sound, and "uninspiring" multiplayer.
Ever since Basheer first left home to participate in the salt satyagraha at Kozhikode, he had led a wanderer's life; Ottaanthadi, muchaanvayaru. Only occasionally did he return to his home at Thalayolapparambu, with the intention of penning down his thoughts in interludes of tranquility. Next to the house where he grew up, in the same compound, he had a walled-in plot with a small house. He built this retreat himself, and around the house he planted a garden.
The second floor balcony is supported by angled struts and features a sawn balustrade. The house features an integral two-story ell and the roof is hipped where the ell and main-block intersect. A two-story brick exterior chimney is situated at each end of the main house with the northwest chimney being a more modern copy of the chimney at the southeast end. A one-story walled-in porch shelters the rear (northeast) of the main house.
This process began still in the Late Middle Ages (14th to 15th century); e.g. Ulrich Zwingli (b. 1484) inherited his father's surname, in origin a Hofname (from the term Twing, denoting a type of walled-in estate) even though he did not inherit his estate. In cases where Nachname and Hofname are not identical (usually because there was no male heir at some point in the family history) they are joined in official documents by genannt (abbr.
British composer Max Richter was hired for the film's score. He'd notably previously composed the score for Sarah's Key, directed by Gilles Paquet-Brenner, whose previous film Walled In was co-written by Sylvain White. White also uses the tune Through Tears of Joy, by Orchestra Lunatica, which he'd previously used in his previous film The Losers. Gregorio Allegri's religious chant Miserere gives its title to the book, and was moved as a subtitle for the film.
The right-of-way within New York City ends at a parking garage for an apartment building in Yonkers. To the north of the apartment building, another parking lot was built. The bridge over the adjacent street was walled in where the ROW used to pass underneath. Abutments of the former branch can be found at School Street across from Herriott Street, McLean Avenue near South Broadway, and the former Lowerre Station on Lawrence Street at Western Avenue.
It is clear at this point that Ashraf is walled in and feels no hope of escape from his situation. His brother-in-law, Jihad, decides to avenge the death of his newlywed bride, and while creating a suicide video, Ashraf decides to take Jihad's place as a suicide bomber in Tel Aviv. Ashraf wanders the streets of Tel Aviv with a sorrowful and blank expression. He winds up at the cafe in which he once worked.
Other families now lived in the area and some had been using the cemetery for their families as well. However, late in 1866, Rose Howe (granddaughter of Joseph Bailly) had the family plots fenced and requested that those other families remove their deceased to other cemeteries. In 1879, she had the entire cemetery walled in and an iron gate installed to the north. Finally in 1914, Rose Howe took one further step to protect the cemetery of her family.
Sanctuary of Demeter Arura, Maid of Plutiades, dedicates this to Zeus Hypsistos with the help of Fructus, after serving as Agoranomos during the Nonae Capratinae It consists of several temples and is dated from the archaic period up to the Roman period. The sanctuary of Asklepios is located in the immediate vicinity. The connection between the two sanctuaries is also evident at other archaeological sites in Greece. In the open, walled-in area, the goddess was offered liquid sacrifices.
He was also renowned as a seducer of women, especially those who were rich and lonely. Most of his targets were jewelry shops, pawnshops and the homes of the wealthy. Along with Fort San Juan de Ulúa, the city used to be walled in for protection against pirates and invasions. All that is left of these city walls is the Baluarte, a small fortress. The 1635 structure has thick, sturdy walls with cannons directed to cover sea approaches.
The Yusheng Memorial Temple is dedicated to mountain spirit of Mount Ni. The Confucian academy contains a lecture hall as well as rooms that were used by the temple management staff. Other structures in the academy include the Erdai and Sandai Halls, the Liang Wu, the Lingxing Gate (), the Shen Bao, the Tudi Temple (dedicated to the local Earth Deity), and the Guan Chuan Pavilion. The entire complex on Mount Ni is walled in. Outside the eastern enclosure wall lies the Confucius Cave ().
The maximum security cells were located in the back of the building, in the south-east corner. These cells are constructed of wood and walled in by stone walls and iron doors. The maximum security cells had no heat, light or bathrooms; air was only able to flow into the room through a slit in the stone wall and a peep hole in the iron door. Underneath the cells were two courses of by timbers superimposed on top of one another.
Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas, two New York based architects, designed the landscape with grassy mounds and parabolic-shaped cutaways. These cutouts create walled-in spaces used to display the sculptures in groups of related artistic styles. The Pappajohn sculpture park was the capstone of the broad redevelopment project that revitalized downtown Des Moines. In the early 2000s, the west end of downtown Des Moines was in a dilapidated state, with auto repair shops, seedy businesses, and worn out and vacant buildings.
Unlike a tholos (in its wider sense as a circular building), it does not have walls making a cella or room inside. In Greek and especially Roman antiquity the term could also be used for a tholos. In ancient times monopteroi (Ancient Greek: οἱ μονόπτεροι) served inter alia as a form of baldachin for a cult image. An example of this is the Monument of Lysicrates in Athens, albeit the spaces between the columns were walled in, even in ancient times.
The village once had a large pond and green. The pond was reduced to about half its size when Brendan Green was built in the 1960s. The majority of the green is now walled in and privately owned, belonging to one of the most prominent houses in the village – Springfield House, (now Church House) which lost its iron railings, together with those from the churchyard, to help the war effort. A chapel built in 1878 was demolished recently and replaced by a house.
He walled in the upper and lower porches to add more rooms. He added a Queen Anne-style veranda on the front of the house and paneled the walls of the living room. Leonis came to Southern California as "an ignorant Basque sheep herder and blossomed into a robber baron holding feudal sway by the aid of a small army of vaqueros." The first land he acquired was the Rancho El Escorpión, in what is now the West Hills section of Los Angeles.
The estate was described as consisting of a square, 2-story brick mansion with a platform and cupola. It had stained glass windows, a winding staircase, and at least one of its lower rooms had a floor tiled with marble and slate. The grounds had a brick stable and coach house, a brick dairy, a brick green house, and a garden walled in with brick. In 1798 the house was accorded the highest valuation of any private residence in Charles County.
"International Court of Justice Firmly Walled in the Law of Power in the Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process." Leiden Journal of International Law, 18, pp. 467–487, According to historian Rashid Khalidi, the mandate ignored the political rights of the Arabs. The Arab leadership repeatedly pressed the British to grant them national and political rights, such as representative government, over Jewish national and political rights in the remaining 23% of the Mandate of Palestine which the British had set aside for a Jewish homeland.
The Southeast corner of Smith leads to a large foyer that opens into a walled-in green space. This green space was the extreme Southeastern point of Georgia Tech from 1996 to 2007. Before 1996, Techwood Dorm was the Southeastern tip of Georgia Tech and in 2007 the acquisition of the Georgia State Village (now known as North Avenue Apartments) has once again displaced Smith as the closest Tech building to the Varsity. Smith is approximately 500 feet from the Atlanta landmark.
Ashton, p. 147. He remarked that "the room had exactly the feeling that I wanted ... it gives the visitor the feeling of being caught in a room with the doors and windows walled-in shut." He was further influenced by the somber colors of the murals in the Pompeiian Villa of the Mysteries. Following the trip to Italy, the Rothkos voyaged to Paris, Brussels, Antwerp and Amsterdam, before going to London where Rothko spent time in the British Museum studying the Turner watercolors.
The factory was walled in 1687 to protect it against attacks and in 1740, during the directorship of , rebuilt into a fort with four bastions. The fort was named Fort Gustavus in 1742, after governor-general Gustaaf Willem van Imhoff. Director Sichterman built a church tower in 1742, which was joined by a church building in 1765. A famous Frenchman, General Perron who served as military advisor to the Mahrattas, settled in this Dutch colony and built a large house here.
Idora Park was a walled-in park, admission to the park was 10 cents, and it was open 30 or more weeks per year. A man named Bertrand York managed the park from 1911 until its razing in 1929. In the early 1900s, Idora Park was also the site of public demonstrations with lighter-than-air and heavier-than-air flying machines, including a balloon-launched glider flight by David Wilkie in a glider designed by John J. Montgomery on February 22, 1906.
Composite towns take two forms. A town may grow and show signs of being progressively extended and then being surrounded by a wall, or it may have a number of separate entities and a degree of separate governance, but is regarded as a unit and in most cases has a single charter. Examples of "double towns" are Krems and Stein. Stein has 9th-century origins as a customs collection centre on the Danube, and was probably walled in the early 13th century.
Juan Acuña del Adarve, Prior of Villanueva, initiated a canonical examination of this cult. Some of the witnesses declared that they had themselves seen remains of the loom at which she worked, others that she had lived walled in within her home attached to the church. In 1628 the tomb was opened and the relics removed temporarily to Villanueva pending the construction of a new hermitage. Some of the relics were taken to Andújar and others to the cathedral of Jaén.
After his death in 1909 his friend Ludwig Hoffman took charge of the project and construction began in 1910, continuing during the First World War (1918) and the great inflation of the 1920s. The completed building was opened In 1930. The Pergamon Museum was severely damaged during the air attacks on Berlin at the end of the Second World War. Many of the display objects had been stored in safe places, and some of the large exhibits were walled in for protection.
Their traceries are quite similar, the main motif is a spherical triangle, for example in case of the middle window decorated with double or triple leaves. Two windows on the north and one window on the south are walled. In case of the southern window, this happened due to the adjustment of the connection of the presbytery with the nave, which was extended beyond the original plan. The pillars of the presbytery are smaller than pillars in the other parts of the cathedral.
Previously, other megafauna like the Panthera hybrids and the giant eland were present. The zoos have been shut since March 17 because of the Corona-19 pandemic. Creature sweethearts would now have the option to see what the chimpanzee is doing in its walled in area at the Alipore Zoo in Kolkata, civility a live streaming.The specialists are likewise wanting to include a voiceover during the live meetings with some portrayal about the creature that is being appeared to make it more instructive.
German luger Thomas Köhler in 1964 Matt Mortensen (top) and Preston Griffall (bottom) are clocked at 80 miles per hour on a run at Sanki Sliding Centre in Krasnaya Polyana, Russia. Curves 11 and 12 on the Utah Olympic track near Park City, Utah Artificial luge tracks have specially designed and constructed banked curves plus walled-in straights. Most tracks are artificially refrigerated, but artificial tracks without artificial cooling also exist (for example, in St. Moritz). Tracks tend to be very smooth.
There are 44 upper windows (0 to 43). Except the seven windows of the apse (each consisting of a single lancet) and those in bay 132 (whose lancets were walled-in in the 16th century to install the main organ), all the base of the upper level are made up of 2 lancets below a rose, which brings the number of windows to 68. The small rose windows to the south and north are each counted as a single window due to their specific composition.
From 1926-1985, the hotel passed from owner to owner, but in 1985 it was restored to its former glory. In January 2009 the hotel was purchased by the Express UU Bar Ranch; a property of Express Ranches (headquartered in Yukon, Oklahoma). Following extensive renovations where the formal dining room and bar were merged into one large area and the outside deck and lawn became a walled-in courtyard and patio complete with a fountain, the hotel was re- opened on June 22, 2009.
Sweden's lowest point, at 2.41 meters below mean sea level, is located in Kristianstad. Because of this, parts of the city have to be protected from flooding by a system of levees and water pumps. To expand the city, large areas of low-lying wetlands have had to be walled in, especially to the east. To prevent future flooding of the city center, the existing levees are in the process of being reinforced and new levees against both Helge å and Hammarsjön are under construction.
The high altar Figures in the altar shrine The high altar contains numerous figures, reliefs and decorative attachments. The altar is 11.64 metres high and 7.68 metres wide and contains three parts (predella, shrine with side panels and a superstructure). During the Second World War, the altar was dismantled. The figures and the relief panels from the sides survived in the Kochberg salt mines at a depth of 200 metres, while the superstructure and the shrines were walled in the western tower of the church.
Stephen soon came to the conclusion that the mineral water flowing from the springs had healing properties. As word spread, locals began to help the springs establish this reputation, which brought residents from neighboring communities and counties to its waters. The springs were eventually walled in to better serve the tourists coming to the area by road or rail. In 1860, Fuquay sold the springs to a group of local investors who formed the Chalybeate Springs Company to market the attraction and its waters.
The Gora Kabar was set up in an area of five acres by the banks of the Mahanadi on the outskirts of the city by the East India Company in 1822. The presence of the English officials and their families had become significant after the occupation of Cuttack in 1803. The site already had graves of a few Englishmen before it was walled in and designated as a graveyard. Initially it was a cemetery for all Christians, but later on it was used only by the Baptists.
This led into a vestibule decorated with mosaics and walled in polished marble, with carved onyx. Past this was the main hall, with American oak walls, a papier mache ceiling, and a carved oak bench between two large carved pillars. It also had a large fireplace of bright orange and white mosaic tiles, with designs of Italian eagles and foliage, and a circular hearthstone 20 feet in diameter. Sunk into the wall to the left and right of the fireplace was a pair of corner seats.
Rebecca's army, having shrunk considerably due to desertions, eventually discovers a second Hadal metropolis, this one decorated with statues and emblems of oxen and Minotaurs. Ali is discovered by the Angel, who takes her to his lair. There, she watches in shock as he removes his "disciple," who is revealed to be Ike, her husband, from a walled-in room and forcibly gives him an amphetamine-like drink. Ike rushes off, having been given instructions by the Angel to bring him the kidnapped children.
In the Second World War it became apparent from July 1942 at the latest that Frankfurt would also be the target of heavy bombing. A large part of the historically significant buildings in the old town of Frankfurt was then documented and immovable art monuments were walled in or had the historic parts removed,. These included all removable relief panels from the Salzhaus - only the carvings worked into the supporting beams of the actual half-timbered house had to remain on site. On October 5, 1943, the first heavy bomb attack hit the city centre.
Similarly, the early Renaissance architect Brunelleschi used Roman techniques and influenced Michelozzo. The open colonnaded court that is at the center of the palazzo plan has roots in the cloisters that developed from Roman peristyles. The once open corner loggia and shop fronts facing the street were walled in during the 16th century. They were replaced by Michelangelo's unusual ground-floor "kneeling windows" (finestre inginocchiate), with exaggerated scrolling consoles appearing to support the sill and framed in a pedimented aedicule, a motif repeated in his new main doorway.
The colonia now developed and a second enclosure, often referred to as the Lower Colonia was added between the Upper Colonia and the River Witham. Evidence has been uncovered for the Forum, baths, temples, buildings and shops of the colonia which was enclosed by walls. The walls of the Upper Colonia started to be built in the earlier part of the 2nd century,Whitwell, J. B. (1970), Roman Lincolnshire, History of Lincolnshire, Vol 2. p. 27 while the Lower Colonia was walled in either the late 2nd or early 3rd centuries.
The most prominent portion of the harbour is the three enormous arches (the fourth original arch was walled in) of a large arsenal built in the late 12th century and enlarged in the latter part 15th century. The harbour is also the oldest shipyard within the city and is still in use today. Porporela was built in 1873, next to St. John Fortress. The Kase jetty (Kaše Breakwater) was built in 1485, according to the design of Paskoje Miličević, in order to defend the harbour and protect it from south-eastern winds and waves.
Ascus and spores The bolete eater infects boletes, initially with a thin whitish layer which then becomes golden and finally a reddish- brown pimpled appearance. The bolete's flesh softens and is putrescent by the third stage. Single or multiple boletes may be infected, members of Paxillus and Rhizopogon are also attacked. The spores are oval-shaped and smooth in the white stage and measure 10–30 by 5–12 μm, and are warty, round and thicker- walled in the yellow stage and are 10–25 μm in diameter.
An area known as "The Forum"—an open-air, gathering arena where students had heard many speeches and held their graduations—was walled in and the space became the first John E. Conner Museum. There was no heating, no air conditioning, no plumbing, and a leaking roof. But there was space for the growing collection and there was an interest in preserving the past. In 1964, when Dr. Conner retired from Texas College of Arts & Industries (renamed in 1929), the Department of History assumed responsibility for the growing collection of historical artifacts and documents.
He was Khepri-Set, when he is enraged; he set in order the entire land which had been rebellious; he slew the rebels who were in the land of Egypt; he cleansed the great throne of Egypt; he was ruler of the Two Lands, on the throne of Atum. He gave ready faces to those who had been turned away. Every man knew his brother who had been walled in. He established the temples in possession of divine offerings, to offer to the gods according to their customary stipulations.
The Eschenheimer Turm Today's Innenstadt was located outside the town walls until the 14th century. Other than the exposed parks the area was already built-up. Thus a row of houses developed from a cattle market to the north of the walled in town and this market lent its name to the new street: the Zeil. Highways ran to the east and west of that through the town gates into adjacent areas, such as the homes of Bockenheim and the Bockenheimer fort, in which there were already houses and gardens.
Law enforcement services to the village are provided by the Sea Ranch Lakes Police Department, which patrols the walled-in residential section of the village, the oceanfront beach club, and the shopping plaza within the village's municipal boundaries. The department has approximately 15 certified police officers and is led by Chief James O'Brien. Chief O'Brien retired from the Rochester NY Police Department as a captain and has over 40 years of law enforcement experience. Traditionally the department was staffed by former officers of the New York Police Department.
Racial wars have torn the U.S. apart, resulting in a post-apocalyptic world. Many small pockets of civilization still exist; from isolated super high-tech fortresses, hidden research labs, or racial groups in walled-in cities — all fighting each other among the more regular population which in many ways resembles the "old west". Jeremiah and his friend Kurdy travel the country, taking odd jobs and getting mixed up in various affairs. Jeremiah, being the more noble of the two, often sticks his neck out to help others, while Kurdy is a more wily, opportunistic scoundrel.
In 1992, the site was described: The caves in the northern part of the site still show evidence of their former use as dwellings; the remains of arched entrances are present. In the southern part of the site, a few ruined houses are surrounded by low stone walls. This area has been recently repopulated by a Jewish shepherd family that renovated and occupied one of the houses. The walled in area is used as a goat barn, and the entire area has become a grazing site for the family's flock.
Prévôt, pg. 133-34 The garden was rebuilt in 1723, and the banks of the river were walled in 1769. Along with the Avenue des Champs-Élysėes, it formed one of the paths radiating out of the Place de la Concorde, like the three alleys radiating from the Palace of Versailles. After World War I, the park was divided into two, and the part between Place du Canada and Place d'Alma was renamed Cours Albert Premier, after the King of the Belgians, France's staunch ally during the War.
The Company promptly spent the subscribed money establishing racing facilities at Morphettville. The course was laid out by R. C. Bagot, first secretary of the Victoria Racing Club. The course was partly walled in, a ladies' lawn laid, and a grand stand, judge's box, stewards' stand, telegraph office, loose boxes erected. On 7 August 1874 the Club signed the lease of the course from the Company for one year, with a right of renewal from year to year for five years at a rental of 6 per cent.
There are comic touches, as when "The proprietor Abdul, a broken- toothed demon of a man, conceived a violent passion for Hugh." Newby and Carless try to acclimatise to the altitude with a practice walk. They visit the Foreign Ministry, hire an Afghan cook, and buy a "very short" list of supplies. Newby describes the geography of Nuristan "walled in on every side by the most formidable mountains" and a little history, with the legend of descent from Alexander the Great, the British imperial adventures, and pre-war German expeditions.
The pontificate of Pius XII was the first in Vatican history that published papal speeches and addresses in vernacular language on a systematic basis. Until then, papal documents were issued mainly in Latin in Acta Apostolicae Sedis since 1909. Because of the novelty of it all, and a feared occupation of the Vatican by the German Wehrmacht, not all documents exist today. In 1944, a number of papal documents were burned or "walled in",Communication, Father Robert Graham, SJ, 10 November 1992 to avoid detection by the advancing German army.
The archeological station of Cabeço do Vouga, between the hilltops of Cabeço Redondo and Cabeço da Mina The site is situated in a rural landscape, located between the hilltops of Cabeço Redondo and Cabeço da Mina, extending along a great expanse covered by forest and wild brush. Nearby are two chapels erected during the Christian period, dedicated to the Holy Spirit () and Our Lady of Victory (). The platform is an artificial construction, walled in a rectangular plan, from limited excavations. The more relevant walls are high, long and wide.
During the Second World War, after Latvia was occupied, the building was the location of the Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR under the Soviets and the headquarters of the SS and police for the Eastern territories under Nazi Germany. Latvia remained under Soviet occupation after the war and the building served as the location of the Supreme Council for almost half a century. In the early 1980s one of the inner courtyards was walled in to expand building space, this part of the building is now known as the Voting Room.
Stevenson, Ian, 1995. Two Irish Loughs, Redan: Journal of the Palmerston Forts Society, Gosport, p15The National Archives, Plans of Dunree Fort, War office, 1877 WO78/4747/8 It was remodelled in 1895 to have 2 x 4.7 inch (120 mm) QF guns below, and later 12 pounder (5 kg) QF and 2 x 6 inch (152 mm) guns in an upper land battery. The top of a hill overlooking the site was walled in to form a redoubt. Both 6-inch guns were operational during the First World War.
Refortified in the Napoleonic era. The stone fort that we see on the site today was constructed, the ditch was re-cut, musket firing steps were built around the outer bailey, the inner bailey was walled in and a powder magazine was built as well as other buildings, probably including a barracks. After the war, falling back into disrepair, it became the Governor's garden and the home to several pigsties. A distillery was also located in the castle, producing alcohol from potatoes for export from Guernsey, established in 1827 it burnt down in 1832.
There is a beautiful water tap complete with decorative statue in the area, which dates back to the fourth century. The attraction here is not only the various temples but also the many other interesting temples and caves which surrounding it – some of which are considered to be older than the temple itself. Amongst the caves in the area is a carved double chamber with window attributed to being used by Marpa Lotsawa. Whereas nearby is a tiny chamber built into a small cliff which was where Milarepa was walled in for solitary retreat.
With the plantations there was a need for transportation, and the Staunton and Dan Rivers permitted water-borne commerce. A fleet of freight bateaux (flatboats) operated upstream from Brookneal and downstream to Clarksville and Gaston, North Carolina. Samuel Pannilla owned these flatboats, which bypassed the falls through channels walled in with stone masonry (forming a canal). These boats stopped not only stopped at Pannilla's plantation, but at landings up and down the river to take on and deliver freight for other shippers. This system lasted until the Civil War, becoming popular again in 1869 until the advent of the railroads.
The Tarn (, , possibly meaning 'rapid' or 'walled in') is a long river in the administrative region of Occitanie in southern France. It is a right tributary of the Garonne. The Tarn runs in a roughly westerly direction, from its source at an elevation of on Mont Lozère in the Cévennes mountains (part of the Massif Central), through the deep gorges and canyons of the Gorges du Tarn that cuts through the Causse du Larzac, to Moissac in Tarn-et-Garonne, where it joins the Garonne, downstream from the centre of town. Its basin covers approximately , and it has a mean flow of approximately .
The Loretto Chapel, of medieval origin, beneath the southern tower preserves a Madonna statue from the end of the 17th century. This work of art was created to replace the original medieval sculpture of the Madonna, which was walled in during the Turkish occupation in the church. As an appreciation of Schulek's rebuilding, he did not appreciate the historic importance of the church, which was in poor condition, but its historical stones, he replaced them largely with careful copies. However, thanks to his scientific depth and precise work of form, we can today see the former state of this church in its facade.
The course was laid out by R. C. Bagot, first secretary of the Victoria Racing Club. The course was partly walled in, a ladies' lawn laid, and a grand stand, judge's box, stewards' stand, telegraph office, loose boxes erected. The South Australian Jockey Club leased the property from the Company for one year, with a right of renewal from year to year for five years at a rental of 6 per cent. on the outlay, which seemed to the Club a very good deal. The sum of £1,000 was found to be inadequate and the Company decided to increase the capital to £7,000.
The market and stift were walled in and a moat was built. In 1252 Einbeck received a town charter and a town council was established. In 1279 the town received through its sovereign, Heinrich Mirabilis, an extension of its town charter. Einbeck was topographically extended and a town wall is mentioned that enclosed the market church St. Jacob and the stift St. Alexandri. St Jacob was (and is) located in the center of the city around the ‘old market’, St. Alexandri was built only some hundred meters away. Extensions were called the ‘new market’, first mentioned 1389 as was the ‘new town’.
The Cenotaph is set in a small garden walled in stone with memorial plaques and closed off from the street by a fence. The entrance to the garden, and the view of the front of the memorial, is guarded by a remarkable pair of large snarling Art Deco lions on high plinths. The ceramic decoration, with its clear lines, strong colors, and sunburst, is in the same style, of which Durban features many fine examples. The neoclassical and Art Deco elements work harmoniously together to make this one of the most striking and lavishly decorated memorials of its kind.
The Court also concluded that the Israeli régime violates the basic human rights of the Palestinians by impeding the liberty of movement of the inhabitants of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (with the exception of Israeli citizens) and their exercise of the right to work, to health, to education and to an adequate standard of living.See the Judgment in "Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory", para 120, 134, and 142 and PAUL J. I. M. DE WAART (2005) International Court of Justice Firmly Walled in the Law of Power in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process.
The room with the walled-in corpse had been Franceso's bedroom, but it was Gloria who had bought the furniture that Virginia saw in her vision, after Francesco's departure. A few days later, Virginia buys a magazine which runs a picture of the murdered woman on the front cover, exactly the same magazine from Virginia's vision. When Luca notices that the magazine has only existed for a year, it becomes apparent to him that Virginia has experienced a premonition, not a vision of past crimes. Virginia and Luca find more evidence that appears to clear Francesco, allowing him to get released on bail.
In the mid-eighties, the local rule on pupil strength per class was amended to increase boys per class to thirty five. The school could now accommodate over 1000 students. A small temporary seminary for eight was built behind the school, extending westwards, which was adequate, but there was no assembly hall or space for comprehensive laboratories. It was decided to integrate the extant seminary with a much larger and fully equipped Laboratory Section being erected directly behind the School and build a separate walled-in seminary just off the approach road to the School, to the East.
The monument was encircled by 16 short stone pillars, 4 on each side, connected with chains. Remains of the unknown soldier were placed in the metal coffin and walled in the monument, together with the small wooden case in the colors of the Serbian flag containing the grenade parts, and remains of another three unidentified soldiers which were discovered in the foothills of Avala. Among the dignitaries at the dedication of the monument were Ivan Ribar, other senior politicians from the Assembly, presidents of the surrounding municipalities and districts and several government ministers. King Alexander visited the location later that same day.
Moreover, the existence of the Palestinian people as the rightful claimant to the Occupied Palestinian Territory is no longer open to question (See De Waart, Paul J. I. M., "International Court of Justice Firmly Walled in the Law of Power in the Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process", Leiden Journal of International Law, 18 (2005), pp. 467–487). and several Israeli authorities. A total of 133 countries recognize Palestine as a state. However, Palestinian sovereignty over the areas claimed as part of the Palestinian state remains limited, and the boundaries of the state remain a point of contestation between Palestinians and Israelis.
This being a marketing tool led by Pilkington, most of the problems were as unrealistic as the solutions. The designs followed early CIAM ideals in sweeping away historical areas such as The Strand and Bond Street in London, and Princes Street in Edinburgh in favour of extrusions of stacked floorplates walled in glass similar to the Miesian skyscrapers c1920.Steve Parnell (2014) "In praise of advertising", The Architectural Review During the 50s the Committee was formed by Geoffrey A. Jellicoe, Edward D. Mills and Ove Arup & Partners; and it was joined by other architects for individual projects.
From 1989, as part of the Grands Projets of François Mitterrand, the building underwent a $10 million renovation by architect Antoine Stinco, resulting in about 12,700 square feet of exhibition space spread across three floors. The formerly walled-in reception hall was transformed into an atrium- like open area flooded with natural light from large bay windows, allowing views of the neighboring Tuileries Gardens, Place de la Concorde, and Eiffel Tower. The top floor features a series of galleries lit by skylights.Michael Kimmelman (2 July 1991), A Paris Museum Reopens in a New Guise New York Times.
View from the bottom Graves on the northern side of the ruins The entire plateau on which the buildings and graveyard lie is walled. In the grounds around the buildings an extensive graveyard includes a number of high crosses. Scully's Cross, one of the largest and most famous high crosses here, originally constructed in 1867 to commemorate the Scully family, was destroyed in 1976 when lightning struck a metal rod that ran the length of the cross. The remains of the top of the cross now lie at the base of the cross adjacent to the rock wall.
If a person who had been sentenced to death did not die from the conditions in the cellar, they would then face a firing squad. The firing squad would take the inmate to “The Garden” which was a walled in structure on the rear-facing side of the building. The men would place the inmate against the wall and proceed to carry out the death sentence. The use of the death penalty waned at the turn of the century; prisoners no longer feared “The Garden” because it was very likely they could and would get their sentence overturned to a twenty-year sentence.
Tretower about 1820 by Henry Gastineau Tretower (Dictionary of the Placenames of Wales byHywel Wyn owen and Richard Morgan; Gomer Press, 2007) was founded as a motte and bailey castle by Picard, a follower of Bernard de Neufmarché. Probably around 1150, Picard's son, Roger Picard I, replaced the motte with a shell keep. By about 1230 a tall cylindrical keep was added to the inside of the shell keep, possibly by his great-grandson, Roger Picard II, and the space between was roofed over. At this time the earlier bailey was walled in stone and provided with cylindrical corner towers.
Palmer Creek in Big Cataloochee Cataloochee consists of three narrow valleys running parallel to one another, and "walled in" by the high ridges of the Balsam Mountains. To the northwest is Sterling Ridge and to the southeast is Cataloochee Divide, both of which rise above 5,000 feet for considerable stretches. To the southwest is the 6,155-foot Big Cataloochee Mountain along the Balsam crest, which runs perpendicular to Sterling Ridge and Cataloochee Divide. Two lower ridges, Noland Mountain and Big Fork Ridge, run parallel between Sterling and the Divide, and split Cataloochee into the three valleys.
The second element were the stone walls and trees. The white, marble-faced stone walls were now called the "Walls of Loss", and Vergason intended for them to be inscribed with stories from disabled veterans documenting how they were wounded, their reactions to their disabilities, and the way they felt society treated them. Circular openings in the stone walls helped maintain a sense of openness (as opposed to being walled in). The west and south sides of the site continued to be lined with trees, but the stone walls no longer connected with the paved area around the fountain.
During the last ice age, the area that would become the Fraser Valley was covered by a sheet of ice, walled in by the surrounding mountains. As the ice receded, land that had been covered by glaciers became covered by water instead, then slowly rose above the water, forming the basin that exists today. The valley is the largest landform of the Lower Mainland ecoregion, with its delta considered to begin in the area of Agassiz and Chilliwack, although stretches of floodplain flank the mountainsides between there and Hope. Several of the Fraser's lower tributaries have floodplains of their own, shared in common with the Fraser freshet.
It only had a population of 16 when it was first established and even by 1638], there were only 100 people in the town, making it a rather small post town; however, it was still able to flourish. The classic ukiyo-e print by Andō Hiroshige (Hōeidō edition) from 1831–1834 depicts a mountain stream between steep green banks, with the roadway a narrow path walled in on one side by a stone wall. Okabe-juku's hatago, Kashiba-ya, prospered during the Edo period; however, it was destroyed by fire in 1834. After it was rebuilt in 1836, it was eventually named nationally designated Important Cultural Property.
Because Zimmerman told her he was selected as the coordinator by the HOA, she gave Zimmerman the watch coordinator handbook, which instructed watch participants not to confront suspects and that the watch is "not the vigilante police". On cross- examination, she testified that the community was worried about recent burglaries, and that the community was not walled-in, so non-residents could enter and exit other than at the gates. Dorival testified that she attempted to recruit Zimmerman as a "Citizen on Patrol", but that he refused. She testified that she did not give any instructions about watch participants not being allowed to carry a gun as watch members.
ODNB entry by Patricia Srebrnik. Retrieved 2 May 2013. Pay-walled. In London Blind attended the Ladies' Institute, St John's Wood, where she was a friend of future novelist Rosa Nouchette Carey. Much of the evidence for this period in Mathilde's life is contained in a 55-page typescript in the British Library, a fragmentary story of a precocious, rebellious girl who is expelled from the Ladies' Institute for her freethinking, and who then travels to Switzerland for a long stay with maternal relatives in Zurich, before embarking on an unaccompanied walking tour through the Alps – highly unusual at that time for a single woman.
Small, 24 He also enjoyed exploring his father's library, writing later in life that "it was very largely theological, so that I was walled in by solemn folios making the shelves bend under the load of sacred learning."Tilton, 6 After being exposed to poets such as John Dryden, Alexander Pope and Oliver Goldsmith, the young Holmes began to compose and recite his own verse. His first recorded poem, which was copied down by his father, was written when he was 13.Tilton, 8 Although a talented student, the young Holmes was often admonished by his teachers for his talkative nature and habit of reading stories during school hours.
During October 1883, work was disrupted by more flooding from the Great Spring compounded by a spring tide a week later. Lambert and other divers managed to seal the works. To alleviate water ingress problems a heading was driven at a gradient of 1 in 500 from the Sudbrook shaft to the fissure through which the Great Spring flowed. By diverting water into the heading, the walled-in section of the tunnel could be more easily drained and finished. In 1885 the bed of a pool, known as the "Salmon Pool", on the English side of the tunnel broke through the tunnel's continuous brickwork lining.
The Roman Catholic Orphan School (RCOS) (1841-1886) was a Government Orphanage built on land adjacent to the third class penitentiary of the Parramatta female factory at Parramatta, NSW Australia, in 1841. Built from locally quarried ashlar sandstone in the barracks style, the building measured 56 by 22 ft and is the only surviving example of the secular work of colonial architect Henry Ginn in NSW. On completion the grounds were walled in and outhouses placed against them. The original building was a plain, rather austere colonial Georgian structure consisting of three storey's with a basement where the kitchen, dining room and washrooms were located.
The term 'school' is also potentially misleading as while children did receive some education, the building itself was reminiscent of the adjacent Female Factory, in that it had a custodial design. The Sydney Herald described how:Ramsland 1986, p. 54 > The new Orphan School adjoining the Factory is rapidly progressing, and will > be ready for the roof in about six or eight weeks. It consists of four > storeys, the lowest being intended as a storeroom of fifty feet, and the > horizontal dimensions are about 56 x 22 feet... The school is to be walled > in, the outhouses being ranged round the limits of the enclosure.
On 3 April 1839, bishop D. Manuel de Santa Inês complained that he was not being able to dispose the property. It was selected as a cemetery location during this era, owing to its position outside the urban area, it was already walled-in and landscaped for the purpose, in addition to annexes and ancillary buildings existed around it. The municipal council authorized public works to adapt part of the meadow, cemetery and unfinished seminary lands. The uncompleted church of São Victor, were incorporated into the lands destined for the cemetery and was renamed as the Capela do Cemitério do Prado do Repouso (Chapel of the Cemetery of Prado do Repouso).
"He met with a severe fall" – Illustration by Wallace Goldsmith of the effects of a butter slide set up by the twins as part of their campaign of practical jokes against the ghost. "The Canterville Ghost" is a humorous short story by Oscar Wilde. It was the first of Wilde's stories to be published, appearing in two parts in The Court and Society Review, 23 February and 2 March 1887. The story is about an American family who move to a castle haunted by the ghost of a dead English nobleman, who killed his wife and was then walled in and starved to death by his wife's brothers.
Dried cats and rats from the Stag Inn, All Saints Street, Hastings. In some European cultures it was customary to place the dried or desiccated body of a cat inside the walls of a newly built home to ward off evil spirits or as a good luck charm. It was believed that the cats had a sixth sense and that putting a cat in the wall was a blood sacrifice so the animal could use psychic abilities to find and ward off unwanted spirits. Although some accounts claim the cats were walled in alive, examination of recovered specimens indicates post-mortem concealment in most cases.
After releasing two albums FivePointOne (2011) and Mauerstadt (2017), Reeder's reworks with Blank & Jones for Reordered (2008) as well as numerous remixes for bands like New Order, Depeche Mode and the Pet Shop Boys. In the Spring of 2017, Reeder undertook a two-month tour of China with his documentary film "B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin", a movie made up of original 80's footage, about his early life in the walled-in city. During this tour, he was introduced to STOLEN, a young Psychedelic-Techno-Rock band from Chengdu. Impressed, they recorded a demo together and the band decided they would like Reeder to produce their second album.
The Aztec Motel was built in 1932 as the first of what would eventually be dozens of auto courts lining Central Avenue, which became U.S. Route 66 4 years later. During a remodeling of the building in the 1950s, the garages were walled in, bringin the number of units from 13 to 17, and a new neon sign replaced the original one. It was listed on the New Mexico State Register of Cultural Properties and the National Register of Historic Places in 1993. The building was well known locally for its exterior decorations, which consisted of hundreds of found objects assembled in the 1990s by a resident of the motel.
After the Nyilaskeresztes (Arrow Cross) coup d'état on October 15, tens of thousands of Jews of Budapest were sent on foot to the Austrian border in death marches, most forced laborers under Hungarian Army command so far were deported (for instance to Bergen-Belsen), and two ghettos were set up in Budapest. The small "international ghetto" consisted of several "starred" houses under the protection of neutral powers in the Újlipótváros district. Switzerland was allowed to issue 7,800 Schutzpasses, Sweden 4,500, and the Vatican, Portugal and Spain 3,300 combined. The big Budapest ghetto was set up and walled in the Erzsébetváros part of Budapest on November 29.
Nonetheless, the Collectif Ultras Paris (CUP) still wanted to pay tribute to Cavani for his seven years at the French capital and his 200 goals scored. Except that since the end of his contract, the South American walled in incomprehensible silence for PSG and his former fans. Although he would later thank them, apologising for his quietness in the process, the situation had already divided the CUP between those who thought Cavani deserved an homage and those who didn't. Romain Mabille, head of the PSG ultras, was amongst the latter and resigned his post after a CUP subgroup unilaterally decided to make a banner in Cavani's honour.
During World War II the tunnel and underground stop were converted to provide air-raid shelters. During the bombing raid on Leipzig on 7 July 1944, there were two explosions that destroyed the tunnel at two places and thus divided it into three parts. During reconstruction of the main station, the area around the second impact point was walled-in, and the platform under the east portico converted into the DEFA-Zeitkino Cinema and was used for this purpose until 1992. During the redevelopment of the main railway station in the years 1995 to 2000, parts of the tunnels under the station were demolished.
A glance at the Upper Harz 'ponds' (Teiche) near Clausthal-Zellerfeld and Hahnenklee suggested a solution. At that time there must have been 50 to 60 small reservoirs in operation. Their design, however, could not simply be copied, because there was nowhere in the vicinity of the Oderteich to cut grass sods like those used to seal the dams of the Upper Harz reservoirs. In the meantime, the Rehberg Ditch, which had initially only been made of wooden channels (Holzgefludern), was being 'walled'; in other words the wooden conduits were being replaced by a considerably more durable artificial ditch made of earth embankments and dry stone walls.
Large evergreen trees and shrubs fringe this plantation, and produce shelter and other effects not to be disregarded in scenes of extent and of grandeur. The kitchen garden, about and half-walled in, is seated on a sloping bank and furnished with a peach house and vinery pit long, and vinery pit long, and another pit of the same length for strawberries. The interior of the house was described in great detail in the brochure produced for the sale of the house in 1883Document held at Bruce Castle Museum, Tottenham It is also known that the occupants lived comfortable lifestyles. Records for both Chapman and Alexander showed that they employed 14 servants including gardeners, grooms and coachmen.
Charpentier died at Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, and was buried in the little walled-in cemetery just behind the choir of the chapel. (The cemetery no longer exists.) In 1727, Charpentier's heirs sold his autograph manuscripts (28 folio volumes) to the Royal Library, today the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Commonly known as the Mélanges, or Meslanges, and now available as facsimiles published by Minkoff-France, these manuscripts were divided by Charpentier himself into two series of notebooks – one bearing Arabic numbers and the other Roman numbers, and each notebook numbered chronologically. These manuscripts (and their watermarks) have permitted scholars not only to date his compositions but also to determine the events for which many of these works were written.
From 1383 to 1547 it was occupied by six anchorites, each being walled in to the anchorage for life, able to watch services through a squint into the church which looks down onto a side altar, being fed through another slit to the outside. It was used in this way until the reformation. The anchorage then became a place sporadically occupied by the poor or members of the church. In 1986 it became the Ankers House Museum, one of the smallest museums in the UK. It shows the conditions that an anchorite lived in when it was occupied, as well as containing Roman, Anglo-Saxon and medieval items found on the site.
Herr Lehmann is principally bothered by the limitations on his personal freedom and how his day did not go according to plan, rather than any political aspects of the situation. He is fixated only on his environment, friends and his life in his walled-in "island" of West Berlin. On Herr Lehmann's "island", each of his relationships come to a head. All three threads of the story lead into dead ends: his relationship with Katrin falls apart when they realize they both had entirely different expectations; his parents' visit show his supposed independent, self-actualized life is an empty self-deception; and Karl suffers a nervous breakdown shortly before his art opening, destroying his sculptures.
Some existing motte-and-bailey castles were converted to stone, with the keep and the gatehouse usually the first parts to be upgraded.Brown (1962), p.38. Shell keeps were built on many mottes, circular stone shells running around the top of the motte, sometimes protected by a further chemise, or low protective wall, around the base. By the 14th century, a number of motte and bailey castles had been converted into powerful stone fortresses.King (1991), pp.62-65 A reconstruction of England's Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight as it was in the 14th century, showing the keep built atop the motte (top left), and the walled-in bailey below Newer castle designs placed less emphasis on mottes.
Walled-in pleasure quarters known as were built in the 16th century,, with the shogunate designating prostitution illegal to practice outside of these "pleasure quarters" in 1617. Within the pleasure quarters, (lit., "woman of pleasure") – a term used to refer to prostitutes as a whole – were classified and licensed, the upper echelons of which were referred to as , a category with its own internal ranks, the highest of which being the . Though the lower ranks of did not provide as much artistic entertainment than they did sexual, , whilst still prostitutes, also included the traditional arts as a key aspect of their entertainment, their practice of which differed considerably from those of geisha.
The Indreshwar temple is kept in a very well maintained, walled in, compound which is managed by the Panauti Museum. Other than this temple, there is also the king's palace in Panauti's Durbar Square, which has yet to be excavated to a larger extent in order to reveal more about Panauti. Nevertheless, there are many artifacts and remnants such as stone taps, bricks, water wells and coins found among some of the excavated sections of the palace. Although Panauti was founded independently, as time went on the influence of Bhaktapur (an ancient Newar town in the east corner from Kathmandu) increased and later became part of Bhaktapur up until the 18th Century.
In the mid-14th century the Florentine Boccaccio in his Decameron describes a walled garden in which "the sides of the alleys were all, as it were, walled in with roses white and red and jasmine; insomuch that there was no part of the garden but one might walk there not merely in the morning but at high noon in grateful shade."Boccaccio, Decameron, third day. Jasmine water also features in the story of Salabaetto in the Decameron."They then took from the basket silver vases of great beauty, some of which were filled with rose water, some with orange water, some with jasmine water, and some with lemon water, which they sprinkled upon them".
In summer 1989, Blechreiz planned a joint tour of the still- securely-walled-in GDR with Michele Baresi, then the only ska band in East Berlin. Although the tour was initially a victim of pre-reunification administrative chaos, it took place when the wall came down in the spring of 1990. Many of the concert venues Blechreiz played in had never before hosted a band from the West. In the next few years, many concerts and tours in Germany and guest appearances in France, London, northern Italy, Belgium, Austria and Poland built the band and its stage show’s reputation. In 1993, Berlin’s concertgoers picked Blechreiz as the Best Live Band in Berlin.
Alongside of the west tower there are remains of a walled-in postern, placed above the ground level, whose peculiarity is the absence of traces of wear on the jambs, just as if it was locked soon after it was built. As regards the interior, the most relevant changes are recent and date back to 1942-1943, when the whole structure was occupied and used by Ettore Muti, then the Secretary of the Fascist Party. The white-and-black bicromatic mosaics, still visible in some rooms, were realized in those years. Currently the towers house the Museum of the Walls, that exhibits, among other things, models of the walls and the gates during different phases of their building.
It seems that between this date and the Near East earthquake of 1759, an addition to the northern wing was built. This addition, whose arches are in an east–west orientation, different from the rest of the building's arches. There is no direct documentation about the building of this addition, and certainly no information about the date it was built. But there are several architectural clues which indicate that this is an add-on: The change of the orientation of the arches, openings in the original structure which had been walled-in by the new addition, the different nature of the building, and the construction of the second storey exactly above this area are all evidence that this is a later addition.
Cour d'honneur by Louis Le Vau at Château de Versailles, subsequently copied all over Europe A château was historically supported by its terres (lands), composing a demesne that rendered the society of the château largely self-sufficient, in the manner of the historic Roman and Early Medieval villa system, (cf. manorialism, hacienda). The open villas of Rome in the times of Pliny the Elder, Maecenas, and Emperor Tiberius began to be walled-in, and then fortified in the 3rd century AD, thus evolving to castellar "châteaux". In modern usage, a château retains some enclosures that are distant descendants of these fortifying outworks: a fenced, gated, closeable forecourt, perhaps a gatehouse or a keeper's lodge, and supporting outbuildings (stables, kitchens, breweries, bakeries, manservant quarters in the garçonnière).
Aurangabad city walls When Aurangzeb made Aurangabad his capital, there were 54 suburbs which were walled in the city itself, the chief of these were Begumpura and Aurangpura. During Khan Jahan's second viceroyalty, Aurangzeb built a wall around the city in 1682, to protect it from the incursions of the Marathas; and in 1696 he erected a similar fortified wall for Begumpura. The city wall is terraced, and is of solid masonry, but of no great height, being in many parts not more than fourteen feet. The battlements are loop-holed, and the merlins over the gateways and at certain places along the wall, are machicolated; while semi-circular bastions surmounted by towers, occur at each flanking angle, and at regular intervals along the works.
The bridge still retains the original name of Johnville Bridge on all Ordnance Survey Ireland maps but is also unusual in design. This is because in close proximity to the Powerstown River, a branch tributary diverts water from the main stream closer to Johnville House before reconnecting with the Powerstown River. So the bridge is actually a set of two; one double arched bridge over the Powerstown River, and a single arched bridge over the tributary stream with the roadway being raised above the ground but still walled in on both sides. On the up-river side of the tributary there is a water filled depression known as the "Watering Hole" where a seasonal river joins onto the divert before flowing under the single arch section.
Idora Park boasted the first outdoor public address system built by Magnavox, the first radio theater in the West, and a huge searchlight, and like many things at Idora Park, the searchlight was reputed to be the largest in the world. The evening light display used so much power that it outstripped the original capacity, and a new system had to be installed in 1907. Idora Park was a walled-in park that had a zoo, ostrich farm, animal shows, dance hall, racetrack, outdoor amphitheater, Japanese garden, bear grotto, main street called the Glad Way, Penny Arcade, photo gallery, and shooting gallery. In 1904 a ballpark with a 3000-seat double deck grandstand was erected, and after the 1906 earthquake, the Pacific Coast League relocated there.
The mosque's main entrance is to the north, aligned with the mihrab (see below) at the opposite end of the building and leading into the courtyard. The entrance is doubled: to the left (east) of the main gate is another gate. This resembles the arrangement of the double northern gate of the Qarawiyyin Mosque (named Bab al-Ward and Bab al-Hafa), whereby one gate featured a water channel which allowed visitors to wash their feet as they entered, while the other gate was a regular entrance. However, it seems likely that in this case the second gate was designed to give direct access to a walled-in gallery section in the northeastern corner of the courtyard which was reserved for women coming to pray.
At that time the shoreline of the River Liffey ran further inland of where it lies today, along the line formed by Essex Street, Temple Bar and Fleet Street. Marshy land to the river side of this line was progressively walled in and reclaimed, allowing houses to be built upon what had been the shoreline; but unusually, the reclaimed land was not quayed, so that the back yards of the houses ran down to the water's edge. (Not until 1812 were these back yards replaced by Wellington Quay.) The fronts of the houses then constituted a new street. The first mention of Temple Bar as the name of this street is in Bernard de Gomme's Map of Dublin from 1673, which shows the reclaimed land and new buildings.
Remains of the unknown soldier were placed in the metal coffin and walled in the monument, together with the small wooden case in the colors of the Serbian flag containing the grenade parts, and remains of another three unidentified soldiers which were discovered in the foothills of Avala. On 28 June 1938, when the new monument was finished, the remains of the unknown soldier were taken from the old coffin, washed in white wine, wrapped in white linen and placed in the new metal coffin which was moved to the crypt inside the new monument. Remains of the other three soldiers were placed in the memorial ossuary in Belgrade Fortress. Personal belongings of the soldier were handed over to the Military Museum, also on the Fortress, but they disappeared later.
Alpha Delta Gamma was founded at the Lake Shore campus of Loyola University Chicago on October 10, 1924, by four students: Francis Patrick Canary, John Joseph Dwyer, William S. Hallisey and James Collins O'Brien, Jr. According to the Alpha Delta Gamma National Web Site, "In effect, they wanted a fraternity founded upon Christian ideals of true manhood, sound learning, and the unity of fraternal brotherhood. These ideals decreed the purpose of Alpha Delta Gamma when it first came into being. And so the foundation was set, Alpha Delta Gamma was on its way to becoming a city walled!" In 1926, members of the local organization Delta Theta at Saint Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri, contacted the Alpha chapter at Loyola University Chicago, requesting permission to affiliate with the then existing fraternity.
He spent his teenage years on a coffee plantation in Nirgua with a paternal uncle after the death of his father. He lived among various agricultural communities and activities, many experiences that would mark his first literary works such as Gleba, Ocho relatos (Gleba, eight stories) and Hacia el Sur (Towards the south), published between 1942 and 1944.PUBLIC CATALOGUE OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF VENEZUELAArturo Uslar Pietri. Las lanzas coloradas y cuentos selectos (The red lances and selected stories). Caracas 101 - Venezuela pp. 60, , In Hacia el Sur (Towards the south) there is an interesting description of agrarian Venezuela which changed its course towards the city. In 1949 he published El Murado (The walled in) his masterpiece. This is one of the first stories of modern Venezuela.
In 1998 she played Ava Gardner in HBO's The Rat Pack, and in 1999 she appeared in Payback with Mel Gibson, The Hurricane with Denzel Washington and the award-winning ensemble drama Sunshine. Unger appeared in many independent films in the early 2000s, such as Signs and Wonders, Ten Tiny Love Stories, Fear X, Thirteen, Stander, Hollywood North, Emile, Paranoia 1.0 and A Love Song for Bobby Long. She played a leading role opposite Sophia Loren and Mira Sorvino in the 2002 independent movie Between Strangers, about three women who confront their pasts which changes their futures, for which she was nominated on Genie Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role. From 2005 to 2010, Unger appeared in White Noise, Things That Hang from Trees, The Alibi, Silent Hill, 88 Minutes, Walled In, Messages Deleted and The Way.
Many of these structures were rudimentary and inadequate with Annual Reports repeatedly drawing attention to the need for new and improved structures. Better quality timber buildings were constructed for administrative purposes and as staff quarters, with some timber sourced from Barambah's sawmill. The buildings reported to have been constructed between 1912 and 1923 included: a permanent Superintendent's residence (1912), quarters for the Assistant Superintendent and a Superintendent's office (1916–17); a lockup (by 1913) hospital (described as "slab walled" in 1919), nurses quarters (1917) two weatherboard cottages used as officers' quarters (1921); and in 1923, isolation quarters and combined office and store accommodation.Chief Protector's Annual Report:1913:32QPP: 1916-17:3:1739Brisbane Courier: 1919: August 16:4QPP:1922:2:475L'Oste-Brown et al:1995:71-72 A distinctive phase of building activity occurred from 1921 following the introduction of mud-brick manufacturing and construction techniques to the reserve.
Strabo confirms this, noting that in the 6th century, the sanctuary at Zela in Cappadocia was an artificial mound, walled in, but open to the sky, although there is no evidence whatsoever that the Zela-sanctuary was Zoroastrian. Although the "burning of fire" was a key element in Zoroastrian worship, the burning of "eternal" fire, as well as the presence of "light" in worship, was also a key element in many other religions. By the Hellenic Parthian era (250 BCE–226 CE), there were two places of worship in Zoroastrianism: one, called bagin or ayazan, was a sanctuary dedicated to a specific divinity; it was constructed in honor of the patron saint (or angel) of an individual or family and included an icon or effigy of the honored. The second, the atroshan, were the "places of burning fire" which became more and more prevalent as the iconoclastic movement gained support.
She hid by dressing as a choirboy and remained a secret for a long time, but when the bishop visited Haapsalu again, the young singer caught his attention and he ordered an investigation of the singer's gender. Upon finding the girl, the bishop summoned his council and it decided that the girl should be immured in the wall of the chapel and the canon was to be put in prison where he was starved to death. The builders left a cavity into the wall and the poor girl with a piece of bread and a mug of water was walled in. For some time her cries for help were heard. Yet her soul could not find the peace and, as a result, she appears on the Baptistery’s window to grieve for her beloved man already for centuries, and also to prove the immortality of love.
As a rather old member of the movement, she was a natural target for Joseph Stalin's repression. Viewed as a partisan of Trotskyism, she was marginalized and stripped of all political decision. This is the time when she was paid a visit by Romanian author Panait Istrati, during the latter's revelatory journey to the Soviet lands (as described in his The Confession of a Loser). Istrati praised the work carried by Arbore in the Health Department of the Republic, and likened her to the wife of the legendary architect Meşterul Manole (Manole's wife, according to myth, was walled in the monastery by her husband, who believed this to be the only thing able to prevent the building from collapsing; this is a reflection on the terror that was mounting in the Soviet Union, as a direct consequence of the state not being able to live up to its promise).
Diarist John Evelyn described it that year: "The house, or rather palace, at Althorpe is a noble uniform pile in form of a half H, built of brick and freestone 'a la moderne'; the hall is well, the staircase excellent; the rooms of state, galleries, offices, and furniture, such as may become a great prince. It is situate in the midst of a garden, exquisitely planned and kept and all this in a park walled in with hewn stone, planted with rows and walks of trees, canals and fishponds and stored with game." Its appearance was radically altered in the 18th century when the architect Henry Holland was commissioned to make extensive changes starting in 1788. Mathematical tiles were added to the exterior, brought from Ipswich, encasing the old red brick, and four Corinthian pilasters, made from Roche Abbey stone in Yorkshire, were added to the front.
Porta Cavalleggeri (left) and the remains of the “Turrionis” (right) Porta Cavalleggeri (outer side) in an etching by Giuseppe Vasi (18th century) Porta Cavalleggeri was one of the gates of the Leonine Wall in Rome (Italy). Its remains are now walled in the stretch of wall facing the square that takes its name after it: this is nevertheless a recreation, since the original location of the gate, until 1904, was some meters away, on the other side of Piazza del Sant’Uffizio. Its former name was Porta ad Scholam Longobardorum, due to its vicinity to a community of Lombards that had settled close to it.In a similar way, Porta Santo Spirito was formerly called Porta Saxonum for its vicinity to an English community It was later named Porta Turrionis, as it rose alongside the tower (whose building date is uncertain, but surely restored by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger during the papacy of Paul III), that is still visible at the entrance of Galleria Principe Amedeo.
Dr. James Naismith, inventor of the sport of basketball The first basketball court: Springfield College In early December 1891, Canadian James Naismith, a physical education professor and instructor at the International Young Men's Christian Association Training School (YMCA) (today, Springfield College) in Springfield, Massachusetts, was trying to keep his gym class active on a rainy day. He sought a vigorous indoor game to keep his students occupied and at proper levels of fitness during the long New England winters. After rejecting other ideas as either too rough or poorly suited to walled-in gymnasiums, he wrote the basic rules and nailed a peach basket onto an elevated track. In contrast with modern basketball nets, this peach basket retained its bottom, and balls had to be retrieved manually after each "basket" or point scored; this proved inefficient, however, so the bottom of the basket was removed, allowing the balls to be poked out with a long dowel each time.
Also known as the Black Act, it vested the Viceroy's government with extraordinary powers to quell sedition by silencing the press, detaining the political activists without trial, and arresting without warrant any individuals suspected of sedition or treason. In protest, a nationwide cessation of work (hartal) was called, marking the beginning of widespread, although not nationwide, popular discontent. The agitation unleashed by the acts culminated on 13 April 1919, in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar, Punjab when the British military commander, Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer, blocked the main entrance to the Jallianwallah Bagh, a walled- in courtyard in Amritsar, and ordered his soldiers to fire into an unarmed and unsuspecting crowd of some 6,000 people who had assembled there in defiance of a ban. A total of 1,650 rounds were fired, killing 379 people (as according to an official British commission; Indian estimates ranged as high as 1,500Ackerman, Peter, and Duvall, Jack, A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict p.
What happened to Irsu is made clear on the papyrus, which tells of Setnakht's rise and the end of the rebellion: :But when the gods inclined themselves to peace, to set the land (in) its right according to its accustomed manner, they established their son, who came forth from their limbs, to be Ruler, L. P. H., of every land, upon their great throne, (even) Userkhare-Setepnere-Meriamon, L. P. H., Son of Re, Setnakht- Mererre-Meriamon, L. P. H. He was Khepri-Set, when he is enraged; he set in order the entire land which had been rebellious; he slew the rebels who were in the land of Egypt; he cleansed the great throne of Egypt; he was Ruler, L. P. H., of the Two Lands, on the throne of Atum. He gave ready faces, which had been turned away. Every man knew his brother who had been walled in. He established the temples in possession of divine offerings, to offer.
In December 2011, Gendron was criticized for a broadcast of his show Face à Face in which he stated that “Products made in Israel on land stolen from the Palestinians that is walled in, in an apartheid regime where they are cut off, it’s very serious.... And a country like that does not deserve to exist.” The remarks sparked outrage from Jewish groups after a clip of the show was posted on YouTube by HonestReporting Canada, a website that monitors the media for anti-Israel bias. The California-based Simon Wiesenthal Center has since launched a protest against the network demanding Mr. Gendron’s show be cancelled. In response, Gendron stated that he was not promoting hate speech against Jews or Israel, but rather taking issue with the country’s politics, writing in an email that “I am defending a state with both Palestine and Israel living together, I may be naive, but this is my position.
Ruins of Poienari Castle, the scene of a popular tale about Vlad Vlad the Impaler and the Turkish envoys, painting by Theodor Aman The Cantacuzino Chronicle was the first Romanian historical work to record a tale about Vlad the Impaler, narrating the impalement of the old boyars of Târgoviște for the murder of his brother, Dan. The chronicle added that Vlad forced the young boyars and their wives and children to build the Poienari Castle. The legend of the Poienari Castle was mentioned in 1747 by NeofitI, Metropolitan of Ungro–Wallachia, who complemented it with the story of Meșterul Manole, who allegedly walled in his bride to prevent the crumbling of the walls of the castle during the building project. In the early 20th century, Constantin Rădulescu-Codin, a teacher in Muscel County where the castle was situated, published a local legend about Vlad's letter of grant "written on rabbit skin" for the villagers who had helped him to escape from Poienari Castle to Transylvania during the Ottoman invasion of Wallachia.
It is very certain, at any rate, that once there was no pond > here, and now there is one; and this Indian fable does not in any respect > conflict with the account of that ancient settler whom I have mentioned, who > remembers so well when he first came here with his divining-rod, saw a thin > vapor rising from the sward, and the hazel pointed steadily downward, and he > concluded to dig a well here. As for the stones, many still think that they > are hardly to be accounted for by the action of the waves on these hills; > but I observe that the surrounding hills are remarkably full of the same > kind of stones, so that they have been obliged to pile them up in walls on > both sides of the railroad cut nearest the pond; and, moreover, there are > most stones where the shore is most abrupt; so that, unfortunately, it is no > longer a mystery to me. I detect the paver. If the name was not derived from > that of some English locality -- Saffron Walden, for instance -- one might > suppose that it was called originally Walled-in Pond.
The college's work horses were housed in the stables behind Toxana. The College's Ayrshire bull was kept in the "Toxana paddock" and a rough dairy operated in old sheds behind Toxana, where primitive conditions hampered production, halted the manufacture of cheese most of the time and blighted students with fleas. In October 1891 some students moved out of Toxana into Towns' house known as No. 2 College). In 1896 all students moved into the purpose-built college erected on the College site in Ham Common (south-east of the town).Kass, 2008, 9 The College gave scientific and practical training to aspiring young farmers, and had acquired land just out of Richmond. A heavy wind was recorded as having blown down the upper verandah of No. 1 College (Toxana) on 16 August 1892. When a water supply was turned on for Richmond on 27 October 1892 Toxana began to receive a piped water supply replacing the earlier supply from tanks on its roof. Early in 1893 a bee farm was established in the walled-in garden behind Toxana and remained there until moved in 1894.
Originally, in the 1960s and 1970s, it was open only on Sundays (later on Saturdays) in Slobodka (Слободка), near the 3rd Jewish cemetery (3-e еврейскоe кладбищe) on Chemistry Street (ул. Химическая), at the time a small walled-in area of 150 m wide and 250 m long, hence totally inadequate for a market and where an association with shoving originated. The new version was founded in 1989 during Perestroika reforms; it is now possibly the largest market in Europe. When founded as an Odessa flea market in the 1960s, the market was officially restricted to selling used items only, but entry was charged to anyone entering with anything held in their hands because new items would be sold by traders from their hands ('с рук') walking the market as opposed to used goods sold off the ground displays. The market was open until 3–4 pm, but owing to the difficulty in reaching it, which until 1966 involved a 2 km walk from the nearest tram (No. 15) stop; it was paramount to reach the market very early in the morning as all worthwhile goods were sold by 10–11 am.
Passing through the Baixa, a part of town that had been rebuilt from scratch after the 1755 Lisbon earthquake, he feels walled in by the assemblage of equal, perpendicular buildings surrounded by steep, uphill streets on all sides; here and there, there are vulgar public squares where people are shrunk by old bronze monuments to forgotten heros (a reference to the Camões Monument, in Chiado). Paris at Night, Charles Courtney Curran, 1889 The narrow and oppressive environment, the social collapse ("A gleaming palace stands opposite a hovel", line 72), the old convents turned military barracks (a reference to Carmo Convent) remind him not of progress, but of the Middle Ages, of disease and insecurity. The narrator is saddened by the sight of the city: as he spies elegant ladies smiling and shopping for jewels, he also sees miserable florists and seamstresses coming down from their shops, exhausted, marching to the theatres where they'll work that night as walk-ons and chorus girls in order to make ends meet. He retreats into a brasserie and watches as the immigrants sit, oblivious, laughing and playing dominoes.

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