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"voting booth" Definitions
  1. a small place in a polling station, separated from the surrounding area, where people vote by marking a card, etc.

506 Sentences With "voting booth"

How to use voting booth in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "voting booth" and check conjugation/comparative form for "voting booth". Mastering all the usages of "voting booth" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It doesn't get you a ticket into a voting booth.
In the voting booth, they will think of that moment.
Justin Timberlake has learned his lesson about voting booth selfies.
Some states have even banned selfies from the voting booth.
But what about the other side of the voting booth?
Many withhold their commitments until they enter the voting booth.
We need to bring that courage into the voting booth.
"Jumbled wires" near a voting booth looks like "machine tampering".
Can people like me be nudged to the voting booth?
"When I enter the voting booth each time," Bloomberg said.
It's a lot harder when you are in the voting booth.
When I was in the voting booth, I still didn't know.
She and Bill greeted voters before heading to a voting booth.
Blame an online petition being easier than visiting a voting booth.
Let's show that same power in the voting booth this year.
Experts see far great election-tampering risks outside the voting booth.
The use of cameras is not allowed inside the voting booth.
And it's made them rethink their priorities at the voting booth.
The ads called for fixing this problem in the voting booth.
And the possible malicious uses don't end at the voting booth.
Charlie Sheen partied in the voting booth like it was 1960.
He's betrayed her in the one place that matters – the voting booth.
Now, the key is making sure they get to a voting booth.
VICE: Is it illegal to take a selfie in the voting booth?
Yet we pay much more for what happens in the voting booth.
My first time in a voting booth, I was 2003 years old.
The voting booth this November is simply NOT the place to protest.
And they are taking this dislike with them to the voting booth.
"Wooden-headedness" in the Oval Office, alas, begins in the voting booth.
They expressed their opinions when they felt safe in the voting booth.
At elections, people reject you in the privacy of a voting booth.
And the far right's influence isn't felt only at the voting booth.
On Election Day, I stood in the voting booth with my daughters.
But channeling that energy into the voting booth has proved more challenging.
If they leave the voting booth and do nothing, they'll remain registered Democrats.
I cried in the voting booth over the immense power of it all.
To many, there's no better celebration of democracy than a voting booth photograph.
And last, our 360 video series takes a peek inside a voting booth.
There are other ways to challenge hatemongers—at the voting booth, for example.
The forces that drive them in the voting booth are kind of mysterious.
They only expressed their opinion when they felt safe, in the voting booth.
Once people get into the voting booth they recognize the stake of the election.
There's very few ways to prove trust in Survivor other than the voting booth.
When I was young, I would go into the voting booth with my grandfather.
I'm going to be fighting this -- in the courts and at the voting booth.
Will they still be smiling when constituents enter the voting booth in November 2018?
The process of revitalizing American democracy doesn't begin and end at the voting booth.
As at the voting booth, the split in perceptions could have real-world consequences.
She was so distraught by her party's nominee that she cried in the voting booth.
But there's no way to hold someone to their word in the actual voting booth.
Snapping your "I Voted" sticker is more meaningful — and legal — than a voting-booth picture.
The pair posted an adorable family portrait outside of the voting booth with daughter Poppy.
You walk into your local polling place, grab your ballot, and enter a voting booth.
They're going to be waving Trayvons into the voting booth like a third-base coach.
This voter's got no turntables or a microphone, but he does have a voting booth.
I'm nasty like the battles my grandmothers fought to get me into that voting booth.
If a person has limited or no hand mobility, or needs assistance in the voting booth, he or she can appoint a personal assistant or caregiver to go into the voting booth and help with casting his or her ballot, per the Voting Rights Act.
Public pledges of support can turn into something else in the privacy of a voting booth.
At a time when supervillains are winning at the voting booth, diverse superheroes are sorely needed.
"I can't tell you what a different experience it was in the voting booth," she said.
There's little that election workers can do about that once voters have entered the voting booth.
But [intimidation] has no place in or around the polling place or in the voting booth.
As a society, we want informed citizens, who can make good judgments in the voting booth.
Inside the voting booth, I grabbed the handle and worked it like a one-armed bandit.
People will go into the voting booth and decide among two candidates they may not like.
I would vote for any Democratic candidate in November once I am in the voting booth.
Further, this right does not go away the moment we step out of the voting booth.
ElectionGuard, Microsoft's new voting booth software, received its first real-life test Tuesday in Fulton, Wisconsin.
Helicopters from the United Nations mission hovered overhead, a constant presence above the voting booth lines.
Democrats have big decisions to make both at the leadership level and at the voting booth.
And it's not just about who the public decides to support once in the voting booth.
That tendency — to keep minorities and "others" from having a voice in the voting booth — persists today.
The Brexit vote is proof that when emotions battle reason in a voting booth, emotions can win.
When I enter the voting booth each time, I look at the candidate, not the party label.
And they are reliable at the voting booth; a boon for Republicans and a problem for Democrats.
It is possible the race will be called before many Alaskans even head to the voting booth.
The attraction of this approach is that it requires just a single visit to the voting booth.
Justin Timberlake could go to jail for 30 days for taking a selfie in a voting booth.
For 14 percent of Americans, it was the "single most important" factor heading into the voting booth.
Be an ally, stand up in your community, in the voting booth, and, yes, on social media.
Lastly, remember the golden rule of wrangling unruly government: making your voice heard at the voting booth.
Voting Rights Equal access to the voting booth for all Americans is the cornerstone of our democracy.
But for most Americans, there are 33 days to get through before they enter a voting booth.
The next officer sat outside the voting booth and pressed a button that released a new ballot.
Every time he had entered a voting booth in Egypt's fledgling democracy, he had spoiled his ballot.
Given that the percent of the population that identifies as white evangelical is shrinking, while at the same time the portion that is showing up in the voting booth is increasing, there may not be many more white evangelicals for the Republican Party to lure to the voting booth.
Earlier this month, Lovato returned to social media to share a photo of herself in the voting booth.
The issue both unifies the disparate factions of the GOP and drives its base to the voting booth.
"People in this country need to stand up and go to the voting booth and vote their values."
A majority of Americans cited the economy as their number one concern in the voting booth last November.
Concerns about voting booth hacking has fueled a grassroots-funded attempt to investigate the results in those states.
Then people should phone their congresspeople, participate in public marches, and exercise their power at the voting booth.
People in this country need to stand up and go to the voting booth and vote their values.
Undecided voters broke for Mr. Trump in the final days of the race, or in the voting booth.
One is a voting booth created by global design company IDEO for the 2020 Los Angeles County elections.
But when they get in the voting booth, they're going to look at the wonderful success he's had.
Come out, let&aposs go to - coming up, will the first of use get them to the voting booth.
"The Greens tend to do better in polls than in the voting booth," says Oskar Niedermayer, a political scientist.
Participating in a caucus can involve spending hours at a caucus site rather than minutes in a voting booth.
But it will be up to voters to arm themselves with that information before going into the voting booth.
Michelle Obama has something coming for us in November and, no, you won't find it in the voting booth.
I always write that the only time you can actually prove trust on Survivor is in the voting booth.
Lopez Obrador has alleged fraud in past elections, and he vowed to scrutinize the results from every voting booth.
I know that when I step foot into the voting booth, I won't be simply choosing Democrat or Republican.
Trump said Tuesday evening that he was simply trying to unify gun owners against Clinton in the voting booth.
And make sure you exercise the Power of 10 and get 10 friends to the voting booth, as well.
Demographics change, but even then, it takes work to register young Latinos and get them in the voting booth.
Mills said she had gone into the voting booth confident that Republicans wouldn't dismantle the law, despite their promises.
The voting booth is the one place where everyone is equal and where we all have the same say.
But the size of a candidate's war chest cannot affect the ranking the voter receives in the voting booth.
The pressure intensified until Swift posted a picture of herself at a voting booth – without sharing how she voted.
Tony Ickes, Bellingham: Grandtheatrix, you get your turn when your ideas win in the marketplace of the voting booth.
Folks are voting in just a few days so think this will translate into support in the voting booth.
And the stakes, for all of us, are much higher in the voting booth than in the fitting room.
Microsoft says it has a solution to concerns over the security of elections: its new ElectionGuard voting booth technology.
The important focus now was to make sure that no one could bring mobile phones into the voting booth.
Today, an army of voters – most of them women – will wear white, purple and gold to the voting booth.
I'm hoping that, alone in the voting booth, faced with the gravity of their choice, French voters will, too.
Here's what you should need to know when you walk into the voting booth, which is very practical information.
Anthony Craft (right) exits a voting booth after casting his ballot at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School.
The Simpsons has a long history of featuring sometimes goosebump-inducing coincidences, from predicting voting booth controversies to technological advances.
" Molinaro added this week that Bell "belongs in a maximum security prison cell for life, not in a voting booth.
They are far more likely to list the economy as their driving issue when they head into the voting booth.
Jordan happily agrees, before talking with Danielle and her friends about bringing that hope into the voting booth in November.
" Both men urged NRA members to get to the voting booth this November or "you can kiss your guns goodbye.
So, the "promise and peril" cliche should weigh heavily on people's minds—especially when they head to the voting booth.
If politicians realize they can go after journalists without facing a backlash at the voting booth, they could become emboldened.
In the Lone Star State, voters must show one of seven forms of photo-ID before entering the voting booth.
Otherwise, how could there be equal protection under the law if extreme gerrymandering prevents equal representation in the voting booth?
Justice Alito failed to explain why there should be any obstacles to the voting booth without a strong enough justification.
So, too, Chris Christie, whose debate theatrics resulted in little interest either on computer screens or in the voting booth.
There is always a chance that voters might change their minds between now and when they reach the voting booth.
Recent history suggests that foreign policy is often not top-of-mind for voters when they enter the voting booth.
But this is the part of Christ's message that most conservative Christians ignore when they step into the voting booth.
We need the courage to make demands in the streets, and to exercise our civic duty in the voting booth.
And this huge range of polling results still doesn't capture the range of what might happen in the voting booth.
That said, Brexit has proven one thing: People say one thing to pollsters and do quite another in the voting booth.
The amendment doesn't apply to people convicted of murder or felony sexual offenses, who will remain barred from the voting booth.
Or it could mean having touchscreen machines print out a paper ballot that the voter checks before leaving the voting booth.
Our first indication of this with Troy is that he votes for someone else when he steps into the voting booth.
And he's not the only Republican who seems to have been more inspiring in the maternity ward than the voting booth.
And if politicians realize they can go after journalists without facing a backlash at the voting booth, they could become emboldened.
To adopt a position of cowardice in the voting booth is to surrender to a predatory political system on all fronts.
For those who haven't kept up, here's a rundown of what you need to know before heading into the voting booth.
Today, Biden walked into a voting booth, closed the curtain, and two minutes later yelled, 'How do you flush this thing?
Skeptics will no doubt raise questions about the competence of 218-year-olds to make informed choices in the voting booth.
Skeptics will no doubt raise questions about the competence of 16-year-olds to make informed choices in the voting booth.
Bush voters were more likely than Kerry voters to refuse to answer a pollster's questions after they left the voting booth.
It also was a textbook lesson, in an age of fights over access to the voting booth, that every ballot matters.
I admit that I got a bit emotional as I stepped into the voting booth and the curtain closed behind me.
Rollbacks of federal regulation of the environment, the workplace, health care and the voting booth are the constitutional grail for conservatives.
These countries do everything they can to get more people in the voting booth, and for the most part, it works.
I agree that the average Democratic voter didn't go into the voting booth with the updated superdelegate counts on their mind.
The ripples it set off have become waves, far across the country and as close as the nearest Parkland voting booth.
The state of play: Georgia's new machines are touch screen, but officials argue they're too visible from outside the voting booth.
Those who are supportive of the prime minister in public may express a different view in the privacy of a voting booth.
Another wide swath reacted cooly, perhaps voting for him in the privacy of a voting booth, but certainly not bundling hard dollars.
Now, because of that, you saw decades of black political activism that was largely focused on winning battles at the voting booth.
Some of them recommended a candidate while others shared their post-voting booth pictures to encourage fans to get to the polls.
When any American enters the voting booth, he (or she) is free to cast his private ballot for any candidate he favors.
This November, I'll be bringing that knowledge and my hope into the voting booth with me, and I hope you do, too.
Unlike exit polls, which are conducted after people leave the voting booth, entrance polls interview voters on their way into the caucuses.
The "Sober" singer posted a photo on Instagram Tuesday showing herself at a voting booth, looking fabulous and grinning at the camera.
"I'll decide probably when I walk into the voting booth," said voter Heidi Milbrand, at a recent Christie event in New London.
And they see Donald Trump as their human Molotov cocktail that they get to go into the voting booth on Nov 8.
I dedicated #Triggered to the Deplorables and you guys made it #214… let's do it again at the voting booth in November.
"Why would a person stand in line for seven hours and then not want to go into a voting booth?" he asked.
In other words, Latino people are suspicious in the voting booth, while it's outrageous that a white man like Langer couldn't vote.
Real estate mogul Donald Trump's second-place showing in Iowa raised questions about how well his popularity can survive the voting booth.
Demonstrating this compassion means not only doing good works in church or in a distant mission field, but in the voting booth.
Later, I met these ladies, who lingered after Mr. Rwasa had cast his ballot, about 15 kilometers from the president's voting booth.
This is nothing more than an illegal, partisan attempted coup that will, based on recent sentiment, badly fail at the voting booth.
Bernie Sanders is right: Closed primaries, which exclude independent voters, are hurting him at the voting booth, according to a new analysis.
Our democracy will only grow stronger as more people — Republicans, Democrats, and independents — go to the voting booth feeling prepared and empowered.
With only an hour left before the polls close, Gary must decide how badly he wants to make it to the voting booth.
Trump, who is trailing Clinton in opinion polls, did not provide any evidence to back his allegations of impropriety at the voting booth.
And even some of Moore's supporters worry people not openly hostile toward gays might get a bit of homophobia at the voting booth.
But this November, for the first time in my life, I walked into the voting booth and voted for a Democrat: Beto O'Rourke.
Cruz was accompanied by one of his daughters who joined him at the voting booth with a large white bow in her hair.
Facebook rolled out a ballot guide on Friday aimed at preparing people for the voting booth, the company's latest effort at civic engagement.
Dad explained that when he walked into the voting booth ... he was electing a President of the United States to lead a nation.
Various pieces of data have shown that misinformation spread far and wide, particularly in the weeks before Americans went to the voting booth.
It shows a befuddled Everyman at a voting booth who, despite having educated himself with newspapers and pamphlets, still can't make a decision.
To a political campaign's media strategy, a 2628-year-old in the voting booth is just as valuable as someone half his age.
But they should remember that when women gained power at the voting booth, they used it to benefit boys as well as girls.
For six years, I have studied Americans' attitudes about taxes as they reveal them in surveys, interviews, public statements and the voting booth.
Pursuing collective goals of liberty and security and prosperity — and happiness — should unite us both as a people and at the voting booth.
If we want our government to become responsive to Americans again, we need our elected officials to be accountable at the voting booth.
Anne Hidalgo, Paris's deputy major and a candidate from the Socialist Party for mayor, took to a voting booth on March 225, 294.
The numbers don't lie: For many white women, it's racial identity, not gender or party, that guides their choices in the voting booth.
" Achen and Bartels argue that the "familiar ideal of thoughtful citizens steering the ship of state from the voting booth is fundamentally misguided.
"Are we really changing when we go into the voting booth or are we just as pragmatic in our religious spaces," Walton says.
The urban states are subsidizing the rural states, and yet somehow in return, the rural states get more power at the voting booth.
Voters who held their nose in the voting booth appear to have preferred someone new over someone who had been in politics for decades.
" Sanders's representative Mike Casca agreed, adding "we cannot stop Trump's violent rhetoric with violence – only peaceful protest in a voting booth can do that.
But the list is more similar to being in a voting booth than an open-ended question, which is more reflective of name recognition.
With hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans fleeing the island, they may voice their frustrations in the voting booth in the coming midterm elections.
The Associated Press recently combed through the laws in all 50 states relating to the legality of taking a selfie in the voting booth.
Others mean they, personally, can't support him, but remain vague about what that implies beyond their own anti-Trump intentions in the voting booth.
Because an online survey, whatever other flaws it might have, resembles an anonymous voting booth far more than what you tell a pollster does.
So the most democratic place in America is perhaps not the voting booth but rather our shared wilderness, as long as we sustain it.
Back to top Exercise selfie restraint Lots of state laws don't specifically cover voting booth photos but are pretty clear on sharing marked ballots.
The long-accepted consensus that politics is something that happens in the voting booth every two or four years is coming to an end.
With that decision, he and the other justices in the majority set back the cause of racial equality at the voting booth by decades.
Several users credited the OrCam device with sparing them the hassle and intrusion on privacy of having to bring escorts to the voting booth.
If we can address the concerns of nonvoters and bring them to the voting booth, it will be a big win for our democracy.
With the 2020 presidential election approaching, many voters recognize where they vote may be more consequential than whom they choose in the voting booth.
We will make sure those in power truly see us and hear us – in the public debate, policy decisions and in the voting booth.
Mr. Wiedemann, 65, also retired from the school system, said he wanted to see Mr. Trump removed from office, but at the voting booth.
Though the photo is black-and-white, you can see Jimmy Carter emerging from a Georgia voting booth on Election Day in November 1976.
Mr. Wiedemann, 65, also retired from the school system, said he wanted to see Mr. Trump removed from office, but at the voting booth.
"This is nothing more than an illegal, partisan attempted coup that will, based on recent sentiment, badly fail at the voting booth," Trump writes.
This weekend when he walks into the voting booth, Mr. Daniel is going to cast his ballot for Mr. Buhari's main opponent, Atiku Abubakar.
Instead of resorting to force to work out differences, the American ideal is to demonstrate and head to the voting booth to affect change.
By supporting Mr. Sanders, a young Democratic woman can also demonstrate she's thinking for herself in the voting booth, not marching in gendered lock step.
"We need schools, we need hospitals more than we need senators," said David Banga as he walked in an Abidjan street near a voting booth.
And because we know you're all curious — only 22 states, plus Washington D.C., explicitly allow you to snap a selfie in the voting booth itself.
But the gap this year is particularly pronounced, especially among the subgroups of women who are most likely to come out to the voting booth.
It is only when we show the collective strength of our voices, in the streets and at the voting booth, will they start to listen.
The committee "will begin a long overdue investigation to determine if dominant digital platforms have harmed Americans in the marketplace & the voting booth," Pelosi said.
The 35-year-old singer visited pal Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show Wednesday night, where he talked about his headline-making voting booth selfie.
Lovato — who was hospitalized on July 24 following an overdose — returned to Instagram on Tuesday to share a photo of herself in the voting booth.
Timberlake, who cast his ballot early in Tennessee, uploaded his voting booth selfie to Instagram in order to encourage other people to hit the polls.
We often spend more time researching a restaurant or a car for purchase, than on learning about the candidates and propositions in the voting booth.
That might be true, but if it is, it doesn't show up in the voting booth for national elections, which rarely turn on education policy.
Jackson said he's still an undecided primary voter, adding that he may not reach a final decision until he enters the voting booth next Saturday.
Today I saw this video today of Donald Trump getting booed on his way in and out of a voting booth in his home state.
Blacks and Latinos, she noted, are much more likely to lack the required identification and thus would be disproportionately roped out of the voting booth.
Another is that nonregistered voters, foreigners or felons who have been barred from voting might be able to enter the voting booth, leading to challenges.
When voters enter the voting booth, they would have the option of electronically recording their policy preferences on the same form that the candidates completed.
But it's also possible that some Republicans, once in the privacy of the voting booth, will go with Clinton because of their concerns about Trump.
"Our top priority is making sure the voters of California have the information they need before they go into the voting booth," Democratic state Sen.
This means that candidates have little incentive to talk to people in the middle — people who don't make consistent partisan decisions in the voting booth.
Instead, they'll have to individually choose a candidate for each race, which might further increase lines as people spend more time in the voting booth.
Dinesh Chauhan, a 27-year-old taxi driver, was waiting in a long line at a voting booth near his home in Tughlaqabad, in Delhi.
He should've addressed it, made it clear, and challenged them like a preacher: 'Next time you go in that voting booth vote like a Christian.
With hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans fleeing the island, they will likely voice their frustrations in the voting booth in the coming midterm elections.
So, what happens if you decide to take a photo with your filled-out ballot or in the voting booth in a state where it's prohibited?
Their model was one of the few that year to use state-level economic data to project voting booth behavior, which seemed compelling on its face.
Racial divides were apparent throughout the poll, as some in the country's most diverse generation are set to take their first turn in the voting booth.
Outside the voting booth, the gender pay gap, the lack of paid maternity leave, and the struggle for reproductive rights continue to affect women's daily lives.
Managers and coaches, on the other hand, are a different sort of boss—think of an elected official that can be fired via the voting booth.
" He'd evaded the question, so I asked it again, and again he evaded it: "When I go into that voting booth, I tend to vote Republican.
But by early Wednesday, white voters' resounding support for Republican Donald Trump — including a majority of white women — was the clearest trend at the voting booth.
Trump has said that he's not seeking financial support from Mr. Adelson but that he would be honored to have his support in the voting booth.
But as Trump's campaign looks beyond this convention, the nominee needs stronger medicine to get white working-class men to the voting booth in unprecedented numbers.
In Philadelphia, we not only learned how powerful the ballot box can be, but that the arena for this particular battle is in the voting booth.
Here in the United States it would create a fair, accessible, unmitigated path to the voting booth that ultimately benefits our democracy, and benefits us all.
But voting, like many things in America, is not always as simple as showing up to your voting booth on November 8 and casting a ballot.
Still, as she went into the voting booth, she realized she had to check to remember whom she had picked off the long list of Democrats.
New Hampshire voters in particular are famous for deciding on a candidate at the last minute — sometimes right up until they go into the voting booth.
When they leave the voting booth, they want to feel that they have done something to put America back on the path toward justice and integrity.
My favorite is the study concluding that more people are hit by lightning in this country each year than are illegally impersonated in the voting booth.
More than six million Americans are kept out of the voting booth because of a felony conviction, and many are unaware of their disqualification from voting.
The following states allow selfies in the voting booth as long as your ballot isn't filled out: Alaska, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Utah, and Vermont.
There's no point in turning your body into a giant knitted vagina if you're not going to take that vagina and walk it to the voting booth.
Since then, I have voted every election, local and national — and I still feel the same excitement and power when I step up to the voting booth.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Baltimore community organizer Perry Hopkins, 55, is looking forward to stepping into a voting booth for the first time in his life this election season.
Voting is your civic duty — but, as Justin Timberlake found out on October 24, taking a selfie while in a voting booth can land you in jail.
And, aptly, as Presidents Day arrives, we know voters, like consumers, are inundated with ads meant to get them off the couch and into the voting booth.
Although Trump and the Brexiters like to eulogize their achievements in revolutionary terms, their slim victories still came via the voting booth rather than through popular uprisings.
I'm most afraid of people who I thought were my friends, but stayed silent and walked into the voting booth yesterday to cast a ballot for Trump.
Although these voters aren't captured by polls, the privacy of a voting booth or a mail-in ballot will allow them to vent their anger and resentments.
She is committed to casting her ballots, in a voting booth in Brooklyn and as a member of the Electoral College, for Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee.
"I don't have the ability to make a difference at the voting booth, and everyone we know is going to be voting the same way," he said.
Come out … to your parents … I know that it is hard and will hurt them but think about how they will hurt you in the voting booth!
Such voters are allowed to bring translators into the voting booth as long as the translators do not employ the voters or represent them in a union.
Lauren de Sylva, a 36-year-old investor from California, said she "might not even know until I walk into the voting booth" who she'll vote for.
From the front doors to the voting booth took me over 22020 hours in line — and nobody in this picture has made it that far yet. pic.twitter.
He took his youngest son, Sam, into the voting booth with him, as cameras flickered outside, while his wife, Tammy, voted in the booth next to his.
Government agents could arrest a politician on the way to the voting booth if they so desired, and then immediately hold a press conference publicizing their actions.
"I have a preference and I will perhaps down the road express that publicly, I'm certainly going to express that preference in the voting booth," he said.
Attacks on many fronts target the rights of minorities, immigrants and felons, as they are touted as patriotic attempts to preserve the sanctity of the voting booth.
If you were taking high tea at the Hotel Des Indes in The Hague, there was a voting booth one flight up from the wood-paneled lobby.
After several celebrities learned the hard way that most states don't permit photos inside the voting booth, last year California legalized "ballot selfies" (thank you, Kim Kardashian).
Once a voter has made a decision, she can save her choices to print at home or pull them up on her phone in the voting booth.
If [Facebook's experiment] was applied even-handedly across Facebook's adult American user population in 2012, it probably pushed more Obama supporters than Romney backers toward the voting booth.
One month before George Herbert Walsh Bush died at age 94, he made what looks like his final public appearance in true patriotic fashion — at the voting booth.
Tuesday was supposed to be the religious right's last stand, a day when the Bible Belt would enter the voting booth and christen the most God-fearing candidate.
Could the promise of new tax cuts excite the GOP base and help them ward off the anti-Trump fervor expected to drive Democrats to the voting booth?
Young people on college campuses nationwide are standing up to protect their rights and the rights of others, and universities are encouraging their participation in the voting booth.
" Inside the voting booth on Super Tuesday, Heller put her 3-year-old son on her hip and asked him: "Which do you think we should vote for?
It is no stretch of the imagination to assume that more money for farmers will mean more farm-belt support for Trump in the voting booth next November.
He speculated that polls may have failed to capture Republican loyalists who initially vowed not to vote for Mr. Trump, but changed their minds in the voting booth.
It turns out that in the privacy of the voting booth, many citizens have second thoughts about whether they want rights for embryos embedded in their state constitution.
They might show a president, a member of Congress, a Border Patrol agent, a lobbyist, a judge, a citizen at a political rally or in a voting booth.
Neil Young's officially ready to keep on rockin' in the free world, and soon ... he'll be free to express his hatred for Donald Trump in a voting booth.
Republicans have spent years rewarding wealthy donors and special interests, while at the same time erecting barriers at the voting booth to people of color and the poor.
In the privacy of the voting booth, enough people agreed with his worldview that Trump will become the 45th president of the United States of America on January 20.
She posted a photo of herself in a voting booth on November 6, writing in the caption that she was "so grateful" to be home in time to vote.
But it's still roughly a wash with the public, and it doesn't appear to have the same power to get people to the voting booth that health care does.
Related: Voting Booth-Drum Machine Makes Debates into Beats What the 2016 Election Merch Looks Like Powered By Twitter Trolls Sex Dolls and Period Blood Paintings Deflate the Donald
If he chooses to do so — should the need arise — the appropriate checks are provided by the legislative branch's impeachment power and the people's power at the voting booth.
This requires "fire in the belly" and the means to back it up, so that your narrative crystallizes in voters' minds long before they go into the voting booth.
But in several states, the right of free speech has clashed with the question of whether allowing photographs in the voting booth, a typically private space, could compromise elections.
You may be tempted to post a photo on Instagram when you hit the voting booth, but selfies with your ballot could get you in trouble in some states.
The long political season and intense presidential election race are, undoubtedly, magnifying concerns about external voting system influence and the strength and security of the voting booth systems themselves.
Nearly half of Americans already receive some sort of government assistance to live on — quite possibly, so they don't revolt, whether at the voting booth or by civil disobedience.
That means these third-party voters tend to disappear in the voting booth — either ultimately aligning themselves with a major party or, more likely, not showing up at all.
So, for decades, the well-meaning tryhards of the political class have tried to draw young people away from their smartphones/incomprehensible music/genitals and into the voting booth.
In doing so, you are abdicating the voting booth to the enemies of equality and are perpetuating the dynamic that has given us 45 male presidents in a row.
Cinema has powerfully shaped American notions about race, creating and fostering stereotypes that bleed off the screen and into policymaking, onto the campaign stage, and into the voting booth.
According to the Brennan Center for Justice, 23 states have put new barriers to the voting booth in place since 2010, after Republicans gained control of several state legislatures.
On Thursday, Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri said that the foundation issues are not "something that voters are going to focus on ... or care about" in the voting booth.
At the start of the 1990s, pollsters had to contend with "shy Tories", people who would not admit to backing the Conservatives outside the privacy of the voting booth.
It may not have been the politicians at all, but simply that 19602, after a serious recession, Americans may have felt more urgency about heading to the voting booth.
But it does not seem to provoke even the occasional spate of introspection, balance, nuance or even deeper critical analysis that could help blacks win at the voting booth.
Part of the solution must also include a concerted drive to bring women not just into the voting booth, but into the leadership and offices of the party itself.
We need to continue fighting to not just have a variety of different candidates, but to have all citizens feel like their voices will be heard at the voting booth.
"There are a lot of Republicans who think Trump is crazy but once they get in [the voting booth] they will be driven by their aversion to her," said Sen.
"When I enter the voting booth each time, I look at the candidate, not the party label," Bloomberg, who has had various political affiliations, said in his prime-time speech.
"I think he would have walked out of the door to go to the voting booth and you would not know exactly -- you would have reason to be very unsure."
While the high number of voters is likely due to a number of reasons, the Grammy winner has indeed impacted many of her young fans to hit the voting booth.
"The other side sucks way worse!" is a shitty rallying cry, and both Democrats and Republicans will have some tough decisions to make in the solitude of the voting booth.
"I will be in the voting booth biting my nails," said Molly Lanzarotta, an undecided voter and member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, after the debate.
Free speech may be one of our nation's bedrock civil liberties under the First Amendment, but some states appear to have decided it has no place in the voting booth.
Those who want to keep cameras away from the voting booth say they are trying to preserve the secrecy of the ballot and stave off any attempts at buying votes.
Forty years after the Emancipation Proclamation, southern states essentially created a series of barriers between African Americans (many of whom were former slaves and their offspring) and the voting booth.
As with the other incidents described in Jamieson's book, it is hard to assess precisely how much of a difference his damaging statements about Clinton made at the voting booth.
The civil rights movement got results not just because activists marched in the street but also because activists marched into classrooms, county board meetings, law schools and the voting booth.
In contrast, New Hampshire voters will take part in a primary -- a more traditional election where people go to the polls and cast a private ballot in the voting booth.
In the short term, how markets move and whom we elect depends on humans casting ballots in a voting machine – buying stocks or making a choice in the voting booth.
"This is the biggest change to our elections in generations and will strengthen our democracy by removing barriers to the voting booth and encouraging more people to vote," Wolf said.
During the 1950s and 423's, it was impossible to imagine my mother not yielding to the choices she perceived my father would cast when in a private voting booth.
"The last thing that he is going to want to have happen is diesel prices and oil prices hitting highs when people are going to the voting booth," Zahir said.
Instead it can be as simple as this: Go to the voting booth for Mr. Sanders, because he wants all kids — your kids, my kids — to be safe and happy.
Many union leaders will no doubt back the PRI's presidential candidate in 2018, but the party can no longer take for granted the loyalty of union members in the voting booth.
Another factor working in Clinton's favor: Kentucky is a closed primary, which means only registered Democrats can participate -- not the independents Sanders has so successfully brought into the voting booth elsewhere.
When people in positions of power attack the progress we have made toward full equality it's our duty to go out to the voting booth and show them that is unacceptable.
From the dinner table to carpool lines to the voting booth, children engaged with their parents about the candidates and the campaign more than they might have during previous presidential elections.
"Dad explained when he walked into the voting booth, he wasn't electing a Sunday school teacher or a pastor," he said, adding, "He was electing the president of the United States."
Why it's unusual: Few ideas poll better than raising the minimum wage, and the issue has had particular success in state and city legislatures and the voting booth in recent years.
Support in Congress is not yet bi-partisan, but it should be and eventually will be, as voters make clear that they will take this into account at the voting booth.
In most states, though, the laws governing cellphone usage and photos in the voting booth are still pretty muddy, and there is no specific verbiage allowing or banning the ballot selfie.
I am remembering all the times she dragged me into the voting booth to show me what a privilege it was to be an American and to live in this country.
As the courts thrash through the Republicans' "voter fraud" myth, it is shocking that thousands of qualified Kansans still have no certainty that they will be allowed into the voting booth.
It is up to Americans to cut it out at the voting booth in November by getting rid of the GOP leaders and members of Congress who have helped it metastasize.
It wasn't exactly insane to walk into a voting booth in November 2016 and conclude that the system, as presided over at least in part by Democrats was, in fact, rigged.
The exhibition also offers a "Wall for Autographs of Future Presidents," a White House jigsaw puzzle and a miniature voting booth for deciding such momentous questions as cheese versus pepperoni pizza.
Yet the evidence suggests that, whether those announcements point to good news or bad, they won't matter much in shaping how people think about the world heading into the voting booth.
The Liberal Party is still feeling the consequences of an August party coup that led to Mr. Morrison taking power, and has suffered where it hurts most: at the voting booth.
It will be difficult to convince Trump supporters that the best thing for the country is to remove him, and Republicans will face retaliation in the voting booth if they try.
The P.R.I.'s challenges at the voting booth in Mexico City were foretold last year, when the party lost control of four state governorships it had also held uninterrupted since 1929.
In an election, people can vote for who they want anonymously -- there is no personal brand you need to think about protecting when you throw the lever in a voting booth.
The event will also include live music and, for those still obsessing about that other race, an old-fashioned voting booth in which the very young can pretend to cast ballots.
London time, a survey of thousands of people who had just left the voting booth indicated that the Conservatives were on course to gain around 231 seats, ensuring a healthy majority.
Along with millions of Americans, I am taking my rage and my hope with me into the voting booth and pulling the metaphoric lever towards a more just and fair democracy.
You GOTTA be educated when you step into the voting booth -- and Gregg Popovich knows it ... that's why he constantly gives his San Antonio Spurs players pop quizzes on current events.
Given that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has pretty much ruled out impeachment, almost every Democrat is hoping that the era of Trump comes to an end via the voting booth in November 20043.
But a CNN poll this year also found that neither men nor women consider sexual harassment a top priority in the voting booth, compared to issues like the economy and health care.
One man told the AP he will vote for changing the constitution even though he opposes it because he fears there will be secret cameras spying on people in the voting booth.
We need the kind of love that inspires us to stand up against bigotry in all forms: in school, at the workplace, online, at the kitchen table and in the voting booth.
Some people tell pollsters they'll vote third party because they don't want to associate themselves with an unpopular major candidate—but when they get into the voting booth, they change their minds.
Clinton has broad support from the same blocs of voters who twice elected Mr. Obama, they are not as enthusiastic about her candidacy and will need prodding to visit the voting booth.
The largely white voters in the earliest nominating contests in Iowa and New Hampshire determine which candidates appear viable by the time people in more diverse states head to the voting booth.
The court increasingly leaves the impression that in many high-profile cases the law it makes is really a form of politics, so that controlling the Constitution requires controlling the voting booth.
After all, it's easier to discuss your opinions online or sign a virtual petition than it is to stand in line for the voting booth or sit through a town hall meeting.
They assume that women will be so incensed that Trump calls for fairness in dealing with sexual misconduct that they will rush to the voting booth to oppose him or his allies.
But the results at the voting booth have been anything but positive: Democrats lost over 1,000 legislative seats across the country and control of both houses of Congress during the Obama years.
What the critically-acclaimed artist behind FutureSex/LoveSounds didn't realize, as noted by The Hollywood Reporter, is that Tennessee is one of the many states where photography inside a voting booth is illegal.
His small business is his lifeblood, and it's what informs the 563-year-old when he's in the voting booth, he explained after turning down the Howard Stern show blaring on the radio. .
SB 14 requires voters to show a Texas driver's licence, gun licence, personal ID card or election ID certificate—or a military ID card, citizenship certificate or passport—before entering the voting booth.
Instead of the privacy of the voting booth, Democratic caucusgoers will meet in more than 85033,600 caucus locations to publicly support their candidate, often by physically standing in a group to denote support.
Several times during his Greyhound trip, Barry had paused to consider that, although he loved his fellow-passengers deeply, he could not trust them at the voting booth, because they were not shareholders.
Trump is banking that enough of the people who vote in a presidential election will abandon good judgment and in the privacy of the voting booth cast an angry defiant know-nothing vote.
"I think we all should understand that people are going to try to do that to you the next time you walk into the voting booth," Rogers said, according to the student newspaper.
The debate over voting booth selfies began in earnest in 2014 when the American Civil Liberties Union in New Hampshire filed a lawsuit opposing a state law banning the selfies on social media.
I didn't vote for Obama, but I came darn close to doing so in the privacy of the voting booth, despite having my name on the GOP ticket a few lines underneath McCain.
Carson Kressley seems to be ecstatic an openly gay man will likely run for POTUS -- but don't get it twisted ... that ain't gonna be the deciding factor for him in the voting booth.
Wade promises; it feels a little like going to the voting booth and casting your ballot, not because it's a civic duty but because it is what you are entitled to as a citizen.
As was the case with President Donald Trump and the Brexit vote in the U.K., French citizens could defy expectations in the voting booth and polls may not truly reflect sentiment in the country.
There will likely be fresh polls from New Hampshire released over the weekend and on Monday, giving investors a better sense of the potential results when people head to the voting booth on Tuesday.
He backed Clinton in the general, although he said it was so tough to decide between her and Trump that he didn't make up his mind until he was standing in the voting booth.
It's bittersweet, with top notes of elementary-school classroom carpeting, dusty books, and a modern-day voting booth, and a slightly salty dry-down of tears and — wait for it — Sugar Cookie Lip Smacker.
The notion that elections are decided by voters' carefully weighing competing candidates' stands on major issues reflects a strong faith in American political culture that citizens can control their government from the voting booth.
With control of Congress up for grabs in November, several rich donors are already lining up to spend big in districts they may never even visit, let alone step into the local voting booth.
George H. W. Bush was, especially as measured by current standards, the kind of wholesome, uncontroversial figure most people would say they want in a national leader — until they got inside a voting booth.
Data on those documents can be changed -- names deleted, addresses altered -- so that there is confusion at the voting booth and the voter is required either to leave or submit only a provisional ballot.
On opioid addiction and other problems facing some of the troubled communities that heavily favored Mr. Trump at the voting booth, the most visible thing the administration has done is appoint a task force.
That Millennial advantage will widen over the next decade, and it will be reinforced when the first post-Millennials — the generation born after 2000 that's even more racially diverse — file into the voting booth.
I mean, it&aposs like a Civil War between the party and it is going to create all kinds of problems and it&aposs not going to help them at the voting booth, at all.
In a campaign ad, which the Democratic Alliance (DA) posted on YouTube at the weekend, a young woman steps into a voting booth as Mandela's voice is heard calling for justice, peace, work and bread.
Uruguayans seem to have a tacit agreement to resolve differences at the voting booth, instead of by packing masses of people into city squares to test the weight of opposing factions, as happens in Argentina.
This diagnosis of Clinton's problem is also contrasted with Sanders as the cure: Democrats can win with a pure, independent candidate who will bring an untapped swath of the American electorate into the voting booth.
The real challenge facing America today is the near-absence in civic life of democratic channels that run deeper than a sporadic visit to the voting booth, or the fleeting euphoria of a street protest.
As folks rah-rahed about pantsuits, your friends and neighbors stepped into the voting booth and cast their votes for the opponent, who has constantly denigrated women and done all he could to disrespect us.
The self-described feminist, who dismissed Trump's controversial statements about women as "locker room talk," enjoyed her first experience in the voting booth in 2016 and believes the new president is flexing America's muscles appropriately.
On one side, being an "American" involves signing up for a civic faith dedicated to the Constitution, to the rule of law, to the privacy of the voting booth and liberty and justice for all.
The debate over who comprises the Democratic base isn't just about defining the party's identity, both ideologically and demographically, but about whether certain Democratic voters get enough recognition for their loyalty in the voting booth.
"Americans believe that gun safety is a priority and we expect them to be taking that issue into the voting booth with them," John Feinblatt, the president of Everytown for Gun Safety, told The Hill.
So when Gonzalez says "we call BS" on NRA-backed Congressional leaders claiming nothing could be done to prevent this, she's actually in a position to carry that anger and frustration into a voting booth.
It feels personal for Musick, a first year at University of Maine Law School who described tearing up in the voting booth on Tuesday, much as she had done while casting her ballot for Clinton.
"It gives voters unhappy with the major party choices an easy out when talking to pollsters, even though they may hold their nose in the voting booth and pick the D or R," Murray said.
From the stage of the Oceanview Church in Chula Vista, as in Unionville, speaker after speaker sought to reinforce the same fundamental message: the "correct" issues that conscientious believers must consider at the voting booth.
We hike up our crinoline, shake back our curls, and we walk into that voting booth, pull the curtain, and touch the face of Susan, Elizabeth, Isabella, Naomi, and the rest – mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers.
Every ad was negative and when they got into the voting booth, they had no idea what the hell she stood for and I guess the public knows me so well that they didn't care.
"That suggests there are a lot of Democrats who usually don't turn out for midterm elections who might be inspired by their anger at Trump to show up at the voting booth in November," Ratcliffe explains.
Step away from social media and go to trusted, vetted media sources for information, and make up your own mind how you think and feel and choose to vote when you walk into that voting booth.
She says that to bring on a sea change when it comes to police brutality cases, prosecutors' constituents must continue to use their political power—on the streets and in the voting booth—to demand it.
It's a great development for voters like me, who often scramble with what to do once ushered into a voting booth, having waited until the last minute to learn about issues that may be less central.
Modern voting setups had effectively prevented such behavior for many years, but the ability of smartphones to eliminate the privacy of the voting booth has created a new form of the old trick, Mr. Gardner said.
My legislation will provide Americans the transparency they deserve, so when we go to the voting booth at this upcoming and future elections, all Americans will have this transparency about the videos that populate their feeds.
Aisha Moodie Mills: What Sanders is lacking On Tuesday, Bernie Sanders again failed to live up to expectations that the movement energy he's built at rallies and on social media would translate at the voting booth.
" Simpson also said that when it comes to choosing your candidate, "People should leave their emotions out of the voting booth and vote based on solid information, because voting is like investing in the stock market.
A great number of Americans are poised to vote on Tuesday and what better way to commemorate the moment than with a selfie in the voting booth: smiling, marked ballot in hand, exercising one's democratic freedom.
But the two worlds have different accountability structures: Politicians will not get the hook from the public stage if their core supporters will stick with them, provided that enough of them step into the voting booth.
From hiding in a Target parking lot to avoid taking a relative who couldn't drive to the voting booth to just not being able to muster up the energy to care, 13 readers told us theirs.
Deanna Hendrickson, a retired Los Angelena, has a long list of things she wants to do with her first grandchild, due this fall: take the kid to synagogue, into a voting booth, on a road trip.
While we don't know how youth support will shake out at the voting booth and in caucus rooms, the assumption that ageism is a defining characteristic for young people just hasn't been borne out by facts.
The laws vary from state to state, but anything from taking photos in the voting booth, to snapping a picture with your ballot, to taking photos inside the polling station where you're voting might be off limits.
The FNL party, which is part of the main opposition coalition, said the vote was marred by "a lot of irregularities", including the deployment of ruling party CNDD-FDD agents who accompanied voters into the voting booth.
While I had him on the line, I also asked him a bunch of hypothetical questions I'd been wondering about—like what would happen if you died or vomited or made a mistake in the voting booth.
My father was a card-carrying narcissistic sociopath, and one of my fondest childhood memories is pulling the lever in the voting booth after he'd selected the narcissistic sociopathic candidate and then flicked me in the eyeball.
Although Schulz and the SPD embody many values shared by the German people, when the time comes to step into the voting booth Merkel's pragmatic track record of global leadership will be what wins her the election.
"This is nothing more than an illegal, partisan attempted coup that will, based on recent sentiment, badly fail at the voting booth," Mr. Trump declared, describing a process enshrined in the Constitution as an attempted government overthrow.
"This is nothing more than an illegal, partisan attempted coup that will, based on recent sentiment, badly fail at the voting booth," Mr. Trump declared, describing a process enshrined in the Constitution as an attempted government overthrow.
These efforts were all emboldened by a 2013 Supreme Court ruling that weakened the Voting Rights Act, which banned discrimination at the voting booth, by limiting federal oversight of changes certain states make to their voting laws.
It's true that computer scientists have proved, over and over again, that given a few minutes alone in a voting booth with the right piece of outdated equipment, they can alter a voting machine to do their bidding.
And I'm going to carry every one of those stories with me into the voting booth, and I am going to vote solely for candidates and ballot measures that uphold the healthcare, humanity and rights of all women.
So, "my licence was ripped apart in a tornado" could get you into the voting booth, but "I'm a college kid with an out-of-state driver's licence and an ID from the University of Texas" will not.
Once we step into a voting booth, we're bound by the one fundamental American value that connects us all: our ability to decide on the issues that matter to us and the candidates that most reflect our values.
"What I've said is if we looked at this early in September," he said, "did it for a couple of days, see whether lawmakers react or not, and either way we go to the voting booth in November."
And at a solidarity meeting of female candidates from several parties in April, Misihairabwi-Mushonga called for a "pantyless campaign," urging women to go underwear-free to the voting booth as a reminder to support females for office.
Money spent by and for fellow citizens, either individually or collectively, is subject to democratic evaluation by both donors and recipients, who can see the effects and who can show their approval or disapproval in the voting booth.
But what's different this time is that legislators are not only going after errors made at the voting booth or on ballots; they're focusing on registrations as well — and are introducing criminal punishments that come with harsh penalties.
In a First Amendment challenge to the state's law on Wednesday, the Supreme Court explored what kinds of apparel the law bars as the justices considered how to balance free speech rights with civility at the voting booth.
Some security experts argue the laws are overdue, and necessary for an age when Russian hackers can undermine American democracy without going near a voting booth, and when China's mingling of economic and political interests is redefining geopolitics.
"I was very worried that it was the run-up to a huge catastrophic attack where people would show up at the voting booth and they would be told, 'I'm sorry, you're not registered to vote,' " Johnson said.
The event came on the 50th anniversary of the "Bloody Sunday" march at the bridge, where police and state troopers beat and used tear gas against peaceful marchers who were advocating against racial discrimination at the voting booth.
It's a jarring idea when taken to its logical conclusion, that, independent of any willful bigotry, the person on the jury or in the voting booth may not even know why she decided the way that she did.
And they're the sort of expressions that the State cannot categorically ban without violating the First Amendment New Hampshire is far from the only state to ban voters from photographing or recording their ballots while in the voting booth.
Netanyahu has hinted he could call a snap election to bolster his mandate in a bid to stave off political opportunists and mounting legal probes; polls suggest Israelis would reward him at the voting booth if he did so.
Live election coverage "The choice you face when you step into that voting booth could not be more clear or could not be more serious," Obama said, moments before the Liberty Bell rang out to mark a new hour.
He added that while polls show Clinton's lead widening over the GOP candidate, voters -- especially newly registered ones -- might be withholding their true intentions to pollsters but will act on their consciences in the privacy of the voting booth.
New Hampshire voters seeking to express themselves in the voting booth with a so-called ballot selfie will be able to snap freely after a federal appeals court ruled that a ban against the practice infringed on free speech.
"The Trump we have all witnessed for the past several months is probably not the Trump we will all be thinking about as we go into the voting booth," said Mr. Franklin, whose organization does not endorse presidential candidates.
But experts say the payoff at the voting booth is likely to be minimal, partly because Election Day is a year away and because al-Baghdadi was never well known in the U.S. Read more on the politics here.
These efforts were all emboldened by a separate Supreme Court ruling from 2013 that weakened the Voting Rights Act, which banned discrimination at the voting booth, by limiting federal oversight of changes certain states make to their voting laws.
And while social media is a fact of all parts of life – including politics — and is now an indispensable resource for reaching voters, tracing the line from social media to the voting booth may be trickier than it seems.
Also featured: the debate over whether voting-booth selfies should be banned in the U.S. On this page you will find today's show Transcript and a place for you to request to be on the CNN Student News Roll Call.
They also warned that these laws would fall hardest on minority groups who might not have the proper identification or would come to fear just showing up at the voting booth even though they had no reason to do so.
"We're definitely facing the risk of going into doldrums that could be politically perilous," said Obstfeld, who pointed to stagnant wage growth as fueling a growing sense of economic inequality that is spilling into the voting booth in many countries.
" He concludes that "it remains an advantage for the GOP, and a liability for the Democratic Party, that the new cultural orthodoxy is sufficiently stifling to leave many Americans looking to the voting booth as a way to register dissent.
If we are serious about combating the scourge of domestic violence and gun murders in our country, then we must ask all candidates where they stand on these issues and consider their positions when we are in the voting booth.
There are two culprits at work here: the digital technology driving the small device you are likely staring into right now, and the big money flooding the information environment that citizens must navigate on their way to the voting booth.
"Every Georgian in every county deserves to have their voice represented at the voting booth and in our government," said Abrams, a former Democratic House minority leader in Georgia's legislature and founder of the New Georgia Project, a voting rights group.
How many times have you had the experience when you walk into the voting booth, and there are all these names down the ballot and you have no idea who those people are and no idea what that job entails?
To enter a voting booth in Texas one of the following is required: a Texas driver's license, a Texas election or personal ID card, a Texas license to carry a handgun, a military ID, a passport or a citizenship card.
Justin Timberlake is in the clear ... the official in the Shelby County D.A.'s Office who told us they were looking into a possible criminal violation in connection with JT's selfie at the voting booth now says he screwed up.
To the Editor: Re "Inspiring Young Voters, but Not Enough to Push Them to the Ballot Box" (news article, March 5): I am writing to offer further context about the emerging electorate and their lack of participation at the voting booth.
The store was a polling site, and before the zany day was done, a customer used a voting booth as a changing booth, employees and management engaged in a battle of dueling pamphlets, and ballots were inadvertently destroyed, among other things.
Stopping drug gangs from getting illegal guns is about as easy as stopping them from bringing in illegal drugs into the U.S. But who gets to go through the line at a voting booth is a lot easier to monitor.
The following states do not allow selfies in the voting booth, polling station, or pictures of your ballot: Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia.
In that way, Trump's racial appeals aren't just about riling up his base, but about advancing an agenda that cuts services to the poor and taxes for the rich, brings back "tough on crime" policies, and restricts access to the voting booth.
Four times in a fortnight, a federal judge has determined that the state legislature discriminated against black and Hispanic voters by drawing up electoral maps or voter-ID requirements that—by design, effect or both—reduce minority influence in the voting booth.
No, this isn't an election simulator a la the Doonesbury Election Game - Campaign '96 (no joke, one of my favorite games from childhood), instead it's a game where you try to hit candidates with pies before they can vote in the voting booth.
The show offers numerous historical documents signed by presidents (and some by first ladies), as well as a reproduction of a voting booth and a child-size Oval Office desk at which those aspiring to future leadership can pretend to sign papers.
Just as Moore's political fate will ultimately be decided by Alabama voters, it will most likely be Minnesota voters -- with or without formal ethics findings -- who settle accounts with Franken at the voting booth if he seeks a third term next year.
The polls would be even less likely to identify a Comey effect if it accumulated over a week, rather than all at once, among undecided voters who made up their minds after the last polls were conducted or even in the voting booth.
"I think it is my duty to ensure that French progressives, who are about to enter (or not enter) the voting booth in the second round of the presidential election, be fully aware of this as they make their choice," he wrote.
There remains a fundraising threshold below which a candidate can't possibly hope to be competitive -- people need to know who you are before they go into the voting booth -- but that threshold is far lower than many establishment types believe it to be.
In fact, Mr. Trump is probably sitting around right now drinking Diet Coke, watching TV, and dreaming up a plan to make Jeff Sessions hold every black voter's hand in the voting booth while whispering sweet nothings about the Ku Klux Klan.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Florida hailed the change as "remov[ing] an ugly stain that has been in our state's constitution since the Civil War era", when fear of black voters led the drive to keep felons away from the voting booth.
He refused to flip on his allies and didn't like last minute changeups to the plan, and so served as a great strategic foil for his neurotic ally Aubry, who would be switching things up the second before she walked into the voting booth.
Indeed, questions like whether you need a photo ID to vote, whether it's legal to take a "ballot selfie," or whether you can wear campaign paraphernalia into the voting booth don't currently have national answers, but instead depend upon each state's widely varying rules.
Here's a refresher, should you need one, on everything you need to know about the midterm elections Here's what to do if you're turned away at the polls  And here's the answer to that burning question: Can I take a selfie in the voting booth?
When your daughter walks into the voting booth are you going to remind her, like you told us on air, that the reason women didn't have the right to vote for a full century is because they are guided by emotion and not reason?
But mailed-in and absentee ballots are at greater risk of theft, forgery and other kinds of fraud — it's easier, for example, to buy votes or coerce someone into casting a ballot by mail than it would be in the privacy of a voting booth.
Ukrainian voters will be greeted with a mesmerizing docket in the voting booth: a dermatologist, a trained spy, a former tax chief on trial over corruption, a self-proclaimed Cossack military commander of Ukraine, an anchorwoman, a comedian and a few filthy rich oligarchs.
In an era when privacy feels like a nostalgic notion and our political leanings can be more or less gleaned from where we live, how we dress and what we watch, is there even such a thing as the sanctity of the voting booth?
Unlike four years ago, when he was in France for a tennis tournament and spent about $233 on a taxi to the Moldovan Embassy so he could cast a ballot, Albot said he could not make his way to a voting booth on Sunday.
Additional parties created through fusion or ranked-choice voting would not only give citizens a chance to express their views in the voting booth but would also open up the system and create new alliances and bargains, breaking down the sense of two well-fortified, unmoving camps.
Still, that Trump has said some terrible things does not justify violence — America's strong norms against violence have long shielded it from the kind of chaos that plagues some other democracies, and ultimately people can voice opinions about Trump in the voting booth without any violence.
Its role has greatly expanded since the '50s, as federal lawmakers have enacted legislation to prohibit all kinds of discrimination — in the workplace, in schools, in public accommodations, in the voting booth, and by police officers, for example — based on factors like race, religion, sex, and more.
Step behind the burgundy velvet curtains of "Learning Machine #443: Values," a 244 voting booth purchased from a government-supply store upstate, and you are confronted not with candidates and party names, but rather with 219 "values," drawn from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test.
But during this election, while standing in a voting booth in the Ouray County Courthouse, at an elevation of seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-two feet, I experienced a sensation of vertigo that may have been shared by 50.6 per cent of my fellow-Coloradans.
Indian-Americans could also matter for their influence beyond the voting booth as emerging donors and, more generally, as an unusually successful minority group that is over-represented in professional jobs, including as journalists, academics, think-tank staff, congressional staff, heads of companies and the like.
In an attempt to curb this phenomenon, the Independent National Election Commission (INEC) this month issued guidelines that include a ban on cellphones in the voting booth, a reform that was rolled out for the September gubernatorial election in Osun State and significantly reduced vote buying within polling units.
"For the last 242 years there has been a movement to transform America from a closed society to a more open society, and it opened access to the voting booth, classrooms, employment opportunities and public accommodations," said Norman Siegel, the former director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.
Mr. Biden accurately noted that he presided over the renewal of the Voting Rights Act in 1982 for 25 years as the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, and fought for years to extend and expand the law, which protected racial minorities from discrimination at the voting booth.
The following states do not have any laws against taking selfies in the voting booth or of your completed ballot: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
This map should help climate hawks prepare before they head to the voting booth: It shows how people in US states (plus Puerto Rico) are beginning to feel the impacts of global warming — and what voters might want to ask candidates about this fall in town halls or public forums.
Barring a late change in that strategy, when the delegate from U.S. Soccer enters the voting booth on Friday morning in Zurich — the federation's representative will be Don Garber, the commissioner of Major League Soccer — his choice will most likely be known to only a handful of U.S. Soccer officials.
"We always believe that we should follow our hearts to the voting booth and remember that we're voting for the future, we're voting for the planet, we're voting for our friends, our family, our community, equality, women, people of color, LGBTQ, all of that, all the good stuff," Roma told Vox.
Daniel, a product of a white Republican family in the Delta where "Democrat" was a code word for "black," won't be voting for Espy, but plans to do the second-best thing a Republican can do in the view of the Democratic candidate—go to work and bypass the voting booth.
" Adding to the campaign feel, Comey told ABC that Americans need to vote Trump out: "I think impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office would let the American people off the hook ... People in this country need to stand up and go to the voting booth and vote their values.
That doesn't mean everything is perfect; a 2013 Supreme Court decision weakened the Voting Rights Act, and in the years since, states have more aggressively tried to restrict access to the voting booth in ways that could disproportionately hurt black voters, from strict voter ID laws to cuts in early voting.
A new generation is rejecting the old equation, long common in radical circles, holding that group discipline is a form of domination, that losing is a sign of political purity, and that change can only come from outside—even if we also know socialism will never be won solely at the voting booth.
To put some faces to these numbers, I asked some nonvoters who agree that Trump is doing a pretty terrible job what they think of the raucous political scene of 2017, why they didn't vote in November, and what might move them to get out to the voting booth next time around.
Hell-bent on using their voices (and Instagram feeds, too) to ignite conversations and motivate others to engage — think: protest, volunteer, or get to a voting booth, for starters — they're going to great lengths to stand up for what they believe in and doing whatever they can with whatever they have to propel society forward.
Here's why I see no social or political tipping point: Behind the ups and downs tracked by Gallup, Pew, The Times and others, there's been little evidence of a shift in what political and socials scientists call "issue salience" for global warming — making it the kind of problem citizens bring to the voting booth.
Trump's top surrogate in the state, Panhandle-area Congressman Matt Gaetz, said the GOP dominance in the state has made it increasingly attractive to retirees fleeing bad weather and high taxes up north, and that their reliability in the voting booth will make up for the loss of registration share to the growing Democratic coalition.
So yes, like so many around the world, I was shocked -- very few ever imagined that so many Americans conducting their sacred duty in the sanctity of the voting booth, with their secret ballot, would be angry enough to ignore the wholesale vulgarity of language, the sexual predatory behavior, the deep misogyny, the bigoted and insulting views. Gov.
According to my fourth-grade report card, from that September, I stood four feet one and a quarter inches tall and weighed fifty-five pounds: small enough to be permitted entry into the curtained voting booth in the Stewart Manor School, on Long Island, where my father let me pull the lever for Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge.
As we go into the voting booth this Election Day we need to be cognizant of the rhetoric, manipulation and corruption of this Permanent Political Aristocracy and their surrogates that will move "heaven and earth" to protect their ability to "profit handsomely" and their "right of preeminence" from a political outsider who just may bring reform.
That there are so many undecideds just three weeks from the Iowa caucuses and a month out from the New Hampshire primary shouldn't come as a surprise, as Vox's Ella Nilsen explained: New Hampshire voters in particular are famous for deciding on a candidate at the last minute — sometimes right up until they go into the voting booth.
George Clooney is calling Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE a "xenophobic fascist," but says he's confident Americans will eventually "do the right thing" in the voting booth.
"As an organization focused on harnessing the political power of black women at the voting booth and on the ballot, having an exciting candidate of our own at the top of the ticket has the potential to energize black women and our ally voters to the polls and bring that energy and enthusiasm to other black women on the ballot," Peeler-Allen said.
WASHINGTON — Stacey Abrams, who narrowly lost her race in November to be Georgia's governor, delivered the Democrats' official response to President Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday night by outlining the party's vision for lower health care costs and a more inclusive immigration policy, and pressing her case that access to the voting booth should be easier, not harder.
Furthermore, President Trump's saber-rattling on trade issues has already benefited the economy: Toyota's recent decision to build a $1.6 billion plant in Alabama and Fiat Chrysler's announced plan to transfer Ram truck production from Mexico to its Warren Truck plant (creating 85033,500 jobs) show that American corporate leaders now recognize that voters care about U.S. jobs and will act accordingly in the voting booth.
So I&aposm a psychologist who studies work, and I don&apost think we become fundamentally different people at the voting booth, but I think we certainly often consider different values and different aspects of our identity, so you should take everything I say with many grains of salt, but I actually think this whole idea of voting your interests or not, it&aposs sort of a misnomer.
"What we've seen in the special elections that we've helped protect, such as the special election in Alabama [late last] year, is there [is] a much higher level of attacks being launched against these sites and it's just not what happens in the voting booth…We're seeing hackers going after sites where people can register to vote, we're seeing hackers go after sites which tell you where your polling place is," he said.
Far more so than the voting booth (which restricted who could vote not only on the basis of race and gender, but also on the basis of wealth, meaning only half of white men were eligible to vote in 1800), the theater itself was a place where people of many different classes, races and religions — including African-Americans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims, working-class whites and immigrant Irishmen — appeared onstage and often in the audience as well.
Bill ClintonWilliam (Bill) Jefferson Clinton3 real problems Republicans need to address to win in 2020 Buckingham Palace: Any suggestion Prince Andrew was involved in Epstein scandal 'abhorrent' The magic of majority rule in elections MORE disagreed with an audience member at a rally Tuesday who called for Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE to be locked up, turning instead to focus on the voting booth.
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Video Examples Let's Change That Number* Your Vote, Your Voice* Change* Song and Music Video Examples Official Election Anthem by Sonita with Subtitles Your Vote Counts* Sesame Street: Vote Song Editorial and Speech Examples (related lesson plan and rubric) College Students Need to Go Vote in November* Getting Student Power Into the Voting Booth The Power of the Youth Vote | Mindy Romero | TEDxUCDavis Poster Examples Walkout Organize Vote But Politics Doesn't Affect Me I'm Voting For... Podcast Examples (related lesson plan and rubric) First-Time Voters Take the NYC Mayoral Election* The Youth Vote* (honorable mention in our 2018 Student Podcast Contest) Firing Up the Youth Vote * student created ________ Celebration and Publication An important part of the project is making sure student messages reach their audience, whether that audience is their classmates, other students in their school or the larger world.

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