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173 Sentences With "verifiably"

How to use verifiably in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "verifiably" and check conjugation/comparative form for "verifiably". Mastering all the usages of "verifiably" from sentence examples published by news publications.

This is verifiably false pretty much from top to bottom.
These movies are varied and verifiably good or great or fantastic.
We have to be able to know it verifiably is you.
Have they been independently, verifiably traced back to their supposed origins?
President Trump wants North Korea denuclearized on American terms, verifiably and irreversibly.
It was a deal to verifiably block Tehran's pathways to the bomb.
Results need to be tallied fast and, most importantly, be absolutely, verifiably correct.
He's not only a verifiably talented actor, he works hard to champion his projects.
For all they actually, verifiably know, the app isn't implementing the Signal Protocol at all.
Kim did not promise to completely, verifiably and irreversibly scrap North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
Mr. Trump said he would not ease sanctions until the North fully and verifiably denuclearized.
The Iran deal verifiably cut off every one of Iran's pathways to a nuclear weapon.
Sanctions will remain until North Korea completely and verifiably eliminates its weapons of mass destruction programs.
Once the North verifiably eliminates its nuclear capability, permanent inspection procedures would apply equally throughout the peninsula.
But the U.S. wants that insurance policy irrevocably and verifiably cancelled before coming to the negotiating table.
In Detroit, there's one grocery store that offers eggs from verifiably humane and responsible farms: Whole Foods.
Pompeo said sanctions will remain in place until Pyongyang "completely and verifiably" eliminates all weapons of mass destruction.
He said sanctions will remain in place until Pyongyang "completely and verifiably" eliminates all weapons of mass destruction.
"Each of the pathways that Iran had to a nuclear weapon have been verifiably closed down," he declared.
Firstly, it charted the limit of gap jumping—no one has verifiably skated a drop that big since.
For one, in 2003, Gaddafi's nuclear program was in its infancy, thus it was easier to verifiably dismantle.
Zito, in her response, notes that he only recently ran county committee-person--and this is verifiably true.
We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.
Disabling the reactors at Yongbyon until they can be safely and verifiably dismantled is a good first step.
Are time and money being diverted from actions — education, research and subsidizing costs — that verifiably benefit the promoted cause?
The Stone Every day, it seems, some verifiably intelligent person tells us that we don't know what consciousness is.
Google said it will pay security researchers who find "verifiably and unambiguous evidence" of data abuse using its platforms.
As part of this, we ask evaluators to assess whether content is promoting unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, or verifiably inaccurate information.
Second, you might decide, like me, to strictly avoid using any product that doesn't clearly and verifiably follow these protections.
Most experts are extremely skeptical that Kim will agree to a bargain in which he verifiably gives up nuclear weapons.
Iran has both verifiably formidable cyberwarfare assets and a history of using them, so Americans are right to be concerned.
When it comes to the respective leadership strengths of different genders, it's hard to be sure what is absolutely, verifiably true.
"Since nothing about the representation of the world was verifiably true or false, the whole of reality became ungrounded," Yurchak writes.
You'll be comforted to know that after thoroughly stalking Hanisch's Instagram, we can confidently conclude that he is, in fact, verifiably amazing.
Successfully negotiating the entry into force of the FMCT would verifiably cap the size of China's nuclear arsenal at its current level.
The treaty succeeded in verifiably reducing the two countries' arsenals; both sides announced they had met the reduction requirements in February 2018.
"Thanks to the INF treaty, almost 3,000 missiles with nuclear and conventional warheads have been removed and verifiably destroyed," the statement said.
But if it is verifiably you and you've gone off Twitch to harass people, we have no problem banning you for that behavior.
Rewarded for his trickery, Trump embarked on a decades-long practice of making claims that were either impossible to check or verifiably false.
Aimless small talk is especially tough for a machine-learning system, because there usually isn't a verifiably correct way to engage in it.
It also had to declare all previous military dimensions of its nuclear program and to permanently and verifiably abandon such work, he said.
During the White House briefings that followed Mr. Comey's ouster on Tuesday, verifiably accurate information was hard to come by and confusion reigned.
She has been trailing incumbent Andrew Cuomo in polls, so if she loses, we cannot verifiably say it is because of the bagel.
The North Koreans had similar steps in earlier diplomatic dances with US Presidents and not ultimately gone on to verifiably halt their nuclear programs.
But verifiably dismantling the existing arsenal and deploying inspectors across all sites would take much longer; Mr Hecker and others have suggested a decade.
The power and depth of this kind of support has freed Trump from the normal obligation to avoid making statements that are verifiably untrue.
On the next page, select Start your free trial, and make sure to opt for the six-month option if you're verifiably a student.
The Trump administration has vowed to maintain robust economic pressure until the North takes real steps toward fully and verifiably relinquishing its nuclear program.
It follows a pattern of repeating false claims about voter fraud in an effort to make the public believe something that is verifiably not true.
Trump has made dozens of verifiably false or misleading claims since taking office, often with an eye on gaining a political advantage or blunting criticism.
One example: communist Vietnam was forced to agree to a "side letter" with America insisting on higher labour standards, including allowing verifiably independent trade unions.
Even if your blockchain repository is verifiably write-once, which it isn't, it only records the data sent to it via your app and servers.
"Russia must verifiably destroy all SSC-8 missiles, launchers and associated equipment in order to come back into compliance with the INF Treaty," Wood said.
What would a newly discovered, verifiably ancient piece of papyrus saying "Jesus had a wife" actually mean, and how might a museum conceivably showcase it?
It then had people watch through those videos to look for misinformation — a term it took to broadly mean any "verifiably false or misleading" statements.
Leaders will call on North Korea to "completely, verifiably and irreversibly dismantle all its nuclear and weapons of mass destruction", according to the draft final statement.
The U.S. team could verifiably codify the nuclear and missile-test freeze, prevent North Korea's new reactor from opening and constrain the regime's menacing conventional forces.
Even if the Obama diplomats could verifiably totally dismantle the nuclear program, flushing the regime with cash without requiring reform in other areas seemed dangerously foolish.
BuzzFeed News defined "fake news" as news that was verifiably "100 percent false" and drawn from a list of 96 websites purposely created to disseminate false information.
Granted the "they" in Jack's statement is vague—but verifiably neither MIT's Media Lab or Graphika have repeated their respective filter bubble studies since the 2016 election.
Mr. Esfahani, an adviser to Iran's central bank, helped the Iranian nuclear negotiators bargain for sanctions relief in exchange for Iran's pledges of verifiably peaceful nuclear work.
Facebook's algorithms fanned the most inflammatory disinformation around the world, because they're more concerned with serving something pertinent to a person's interests and beliefs than something verifiably factual.
Ratification and entry into force of the CTBT would verifiably prevent China from resuming explosive nuclear testing it would need to develop more efficient and varied warhead designs.
Now verifiably world-famous — or infamous, depending on your take — the duct-taped banana has inspired all kinds of conversation, running from amused to awestruck to justifiably angry.
Maybe there can be a more serious discussion about what a superhero should and should not be now that the Hulk is verifiably the smartest person in the room.
On the misinformation front, Instagram will begin blocking vaccine-related hashtag pages when content surfaced on a hashtag page features a large proportion of verifiably false content about vaccines.
Even when they make him look ridiculous, they make a mess of political life, as his supporters cling to his deceptions as a substitute for what is verifiably real.
But if weeding out verifiably fake news — conservative or liberal or whatever — angers some users, that's the price of being a news platform, even if it slightly affects growth.
Joining Ms. Fabrega will be the sharp and poised Jacqueline Novak; Sam Jay from "Saturday Night Live"; Rachel Lenihan from "The Chris Gethard Show"; and other verifiably funny guests.
North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile stockpiles may be reduced if some weapons are verifiably destroyed, and subsequent growth can be slowed if large visible facilities were closed down.
And if Trump convinces Kim to verifiably give up nuclear weapons, he would deserve the praise that history would heap on him for an achievement no other President managed.
Washington has maintained Pyongyang wouldn't get sanctions relief and significant security and economic rewards unless it firmly commits to a process of completely and verifiably eliminating its nuclear weapons.
"They could take up the president's offer to negotiate with them, to give up their ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programs fully and really verifiably," Bolton told Fox News.
Image: LinkedIn blogPropagandists ramming verifiably false information into the eyeballs of credulous internet users—now dubbed "fake news"—is one of the most daunting, complicated issues facing social platforms today.
OK, I made that up, but there is a rumor that's verifiably true: The series finale is going to be wild, and none other than Khal Drogo can confirm it.
Each of these actions make it harder for Iran to restart its large-scale enrichment program that is essential to building nuclear weapons — making the world measurably and verifiably safer.
Nonetheless, Obama administration apologists continue to defend it as a vehicle to verifiably block Iran's development of nuclear weapons technology while also promising a moderation of the regime in Tehran.
In other words, Trump and his national security team have put Kim in a corner, offering him peace, security and prosperity, but only if he first denuclearizes completely, verifiably and irreversibly.
The 26-year-old may be a very seasoned fashion girl now — to the point where she shares all her verifiably-sustainable outfits on Instagram — but it wasn't always that way.
Can Mr. Trump get Pyongyang to verifiably dismantle the vast bulk of its nuclear enterprise up front or accept the most intrusive inspections regime ever, as Mr. Obama did with Iran?
And here is the deal: Washington wants China to help in forcing North Korea to immediately and verifiably give up its nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles with debilitating economic sanctions.
"These bills, separately or collectively, thus would impact the continued viability of the JCPOA, a diplomatic arrangement that peacefully and verifiably prevents Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," the statement reads.
Though it is verifiably true that some Americans are worse off, it is demonstrably untrue that either all, or even the average American is worse off today than some seven years ago.
Washington has maintained that North Korea won&apost get sanctions relief and significant security and economic rewards unless it firmly commits to a process of completely and verifiably eliminating its nuclear weapons.
"Removal of these chemicals is the first stage of an ongoing operation to verifiably eliminate the remnants of Libya's now-defunct chemical weapon program," OPCW chief Ahmet Üzümcü said in a statement.
That the FDA is on the verge of an all-out ban on flavored products is sorta wild, given that cigarettes, a verifiably bad thing, remain readily available and probably always will.
Talks between the United States and North Korea will continue, but it should be clear very soon if Pyongyang is actually willing to completely, verifiably, and irreversibly dismantle its nuclear missile program.
Data accuracy and neutrality is of the utmost importance to Ookla and the company goes to great lengths to ensure that the information collected on any Speedtest internet test is verifiably correct.
We continue to call on North Korea to completely, verifiably, and irreversibly dismantle all of its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and ballistic missiles as well as its related programs and facilities.
At a minimum, they should include an extension of the freeze on North Korean nuclear and missile testing programs, with the goal of an eventual agreement to verifiably rollback North Korea's capabilities.
A study of one such program in London, which has an extensive network of CCTV cameras, found that of the 42 matches the tool suggested during tests, only eight were verifiably correct.
It blocks hashtags that contain what it says is "verifiably false information" like "#vaccinescauseaids" and relies on health agencies like the World Health Organization to flag dangerous posts, which it takes down.
We are so focused on arguing about whether North Korea will ever completely, verifiably and irreversibly denuclearize that we are overlooking Pyongyang's reasonable need for guarantees that the United States won't attack.
Some advocates said they don't take issue with people who have opposite views on immigration, but believe these groups have consistently spread verifiably false information to demonize the immigrant community and its allies.
An early incentive-driven tax repatriation program linked directly and verifiably to new jobs could prove to be a powerful kickstart to achieving the president's vision, and might even attract bipartisan political support.
Given Iran's past history of hindering nuclear inspectors and engaging in covert nuclear research, the JCPOA wisely made sanctions relief contingent on Iran's first having verifiably undertaken steps to dismantle its nuclear program.
Should these Sunni and Shiite adversaries all be verifiably willing to remain non-nuclear after the P28503+22019 agreement, their cumulative conventional, chemical and biological capabilities could still bring intolerable harms to Israel.
What's next: Initial talks will gauge how willing — if at all — North Korea is to declare and verifiably dismantle its programs, and how much the Trump administration is prepared to offer in return.
They can opt to have a functioning economy, free of sanctions and open to investment, at the price of permanently, verifiably and irreversibly forgoing a nuclear option and abandoning their support for terrorists.
Finally, we must begin a dialogue with China about additional efforts and contingencies on the peninsula, and revive diplomacy to test potential negotiated agreements that could verifiably limit or eliminate North Korea's arsenal.
Republicans are pushing a verifiably fake conspiracy theory that goes something like this: Hillary Clinton approved the sale of American uranium to Russia in exchange for a large donation to the Clinton Foundation.
A new U.S. nuclear policy review outlined last week "reaffirms that North Korea's illicit nuclear program must be completely, verifiably, and irreversibly eliminated, resulting in a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons," he said.
A new U.S. nuclear policy review outlined last week "reaffirms that North Koreas illicit nuclear program must be completely, verifiably, and irreversibly eliminated, resulting in a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons," he said.
The internet has always been lawless, but the chaos of the Trump era has worsened online nastiness to the point where even I, a verifiably snarky internet writer, have grown sick of it all.
Inept fabulist and Counselor to President Trump Kellyanne Conway continued her campaign of foisting verifiably false information onto members of the press yesterday when she claimed a terrorist attack had taken place in Bowling Green.
"It is best not to dive in head-first and hope for the best but rather to work slowly, transparently and verifiably to build trust and lock in concessions," Schumer warned on the Senate floor.
That's why it's truly worrisome that even before sitting down with Kim and extracting an agreement to verifiably disarm his nuclear program, Trump reportedly signaled his openness to removing US troops stationed in South Korea.
Why it matters: As Trump's planned talks with North Korea's Kim Jong-un edges closer, concerns remain over what the U.S. will concede in negotiations to get North Korea to fully, verifiably, and permanently denuclearize.
Sanctions relief should occur if, and only if, North Korea verifiably dismantles the entirety of its nuclear production infrastructure, after submitting a declaration or database on those facilities to check against official American intelligence estimates.
They also are part of a plan to persuade the public of something that is verifiably wrong so the administration can justify future efforts at partisan-laden voting laws that will harm the right to vote.
He also raised the stakes to massive levels ahead of the summit in a way that belies the complex and uncertain path towards his goal of convincing North Korea to verifiably dismantle its nuclear weapons program.
After racing through his words of reconciliation at the C.I.A. in Langley, Va., Mr. Trump launched into a rambling, unscripted discussion that drifted to the topic of crowd size, making a series of verifiably false claims.
The senators wrote that they hope Trump "will execute a serious diplomatic plan" that includes a process to verifiably freeze and dismantle North Korea's nuclear arsenal in conjunction with sanctions and opportunity for further dialogue among allies.
" But Japan's foreign minister, Taro Kono, struck a less enthusiastic chord, stressing that stability in the region could only be achieved when North Korea verifiably dismantled "all weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles of all ranges.
"If Russia does not return to full and verifiable compliance with the treaty within this six-month period by verifiably destroying its INF-violating missiles, their launchers, and associated equipment, the treaty will terminate," Pompeo told reporters.
"The president has held the door open to real negotiations to completely and verifiably eliminate Iran's nuclear weapons program, its ballistic missile delivery systems, its support for international terrorism and other malign behavior worldwide," Bolton said in Jerusalem.
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, virtually every major US bank was caught verifiably producing fabricated, forged, and bogus documents to foreclosure courts and county offices, facilitating the largest eviction crisis since the 1930s with false evidence.
The latest move also suggests that the administration may be open to reneging on other nuclear arms control agreements, including the 2011 New START treaty, which verifiably limits the nuclear arsenals of both the United States and Russia.
I was reminded at times of crowd scenes in epic historical films in which each extra is frantically engaged in some verifiably accurate activity — even though the details are true, the great cumulation gets to be too much.
Even blockchain technology, a system that's supposed to be so verifiably secure that it can handle huge anonymous financial transactions, has suffered its share of security breaches; hundreds of millions of dollars in digital currencies have been stolen.
The sheer breadth of this assault is jaw-dropping; according to the Toronto Star's database of Trump lies, since becoming president Trump has made at least 1,726 verifiably false statements, a clip of more than three a day.
Another type of post-exposure prophylaxis, called immunoglobulin, is also sometimes given to folks who face an increased risk of serious illness or complications down the line, including babies under 211 months and pregnant women who aren't verifiably immune.
In a world where the nature of truth itself seems to be increasingly open to interpretation, focusing on verifiably false news articles disguised to look like real ones tells only part of the story of why people share disinformation.
Pompeo demanded Iran "permanently and verifiably abandon" its nuclear work "in perpetuity," provide international inspectors "unqualified access to all sites throughout the country," halt its ballistic missile program, release detained Americans, and end support for Middle East militant groups.
"Russia must verifiably destroy all SSC-8 missiles, launchers and associated equipment in order to come back into compliance with the INF Treaty," he said, reiterating the Trump administration's plan to withdraw from the 1987 pact in early February.
Experts in the US and South Korea also say it will take much more than three years to verifiably destroy all the nuclear facilities, documents, and other materials at Yongbyon — assuming international inspectors are granted the requisite access at all.
"We do not allow inaccurate content on our site" a spokesperson wrote, which is verifiably untrue, as evidenced by the screenshot above, nor is it infrastructurally possible for someone to read and fact-check every single thing posted to the platform.
Instagram says now that health agencies like the Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization are confirming that VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM, it's comfortable declaring contradictory information as verifiably false, and it can be aggressively demoted on the platform.
But any withdrawal – limited or otherwise – would come with a condition: Both Koreas must verifiably renounce and/or destroy nuclear, chemical, and biological weaponry, along with all delivery systems (particularly land and sea-based ballistic missiles, and long range bombers).
"The other irony is no one — no breathing human on the planet Earth — produces more fake news than Donald Trump," Kimmel said, pointing to the fact-checking website Politifact's report that only five percent of Trump's public statements are verifiably true.
There are still dedicated users who have been there since the beginning, but they spend most of their time surfing among thousands of abandoned profiles and looking for rare moments of verifiably human contact, essentially living in a digital post-apocalypse.
I don't really doubt that 210 million people watch Game of Thrones each week — but I also know that beyond the numbers that are verifiably measured by Nielsen (an independent company), I can take anything additional with a grain of salt.
The Kim-Moon summit was held in advance of a meeting Kim is expected to have in late May or early June with U.S. President Donald Trump, who is demanding that the North Korean leader verifiably eliminate his nuclear weapons program.
"The president has held the door open to real negotiations to completely and verifiably eliminate Iran's nuclear weapons program, its pursuit of ballistic missile delivery systems, its support for international terrorism and other malign behavior worldwide," Bolton said in Jerusalem.
At a time when other social media companies are trying to limit verifiably false anti-vaccination content on their platforms, Dorsey decided to to join self-proclaimed health expert — and occasional anti-vaxx conspiracy peddler — Ben Greenfield on his show.
Both Kim and Trump benefit politically from that scenario, and for that matter so does the world: Hard-liners will fume that we're being played and that the North is not verifiably giving up nuclear weapons — true — but it's all preferable to war.
What such a vigorous outreach after years of hermetic petulance will achieve is a drawn-out, open-ended, sanctions-busting negotiations process on the "denuclearization of the Korean peninsula," the sine qua non to becoming completely, verifiably and irreversibly a powerful nuclear state.
" On Thursday, Pompeo took a different stance saying the goal is "to develop an agreement with the North Korean leadership such that the North Korean leadership will step away from its efforts to hold America at risk with nuclear weapons, completely and verifiably.
But his assessment of the situation on the Korean Peninsula appeared to diverge from a longstanding American policy: seeking North Korea's return to the so-called six-party talks, suspended for years, which are aimed at verifiably ridding the country of nuclear weapons.
Since coronavirus first appeared in Wuhan, China, my colleagues at NewsGuard—which rates the credibility of news and information sites—have been tracking all the websites in the US, UK, Italy, Germany, and France that have spread verifiably false claims about the coronavirus.
The only option left, I think, is to apply relentless pressure together with China, while pushing for a deal in which North Korea would verifiably freeze its nuclear and missile programs without actually giving up its nukes, in exchange for sanctions relief.
It also raises the risk of Trump walking into Kim's trap by concluding a hasty deal that takes some US troops out of South Korea, weakens regional stability and fails to verifiably stop or begin to roll back Pyongyang's nuclear weapons activities.
The echo chambers of social media — including Facebook, which recently admitted its algorithm has no mechanism to control for the spread of verifiably fake news reports — means that tech corporations are profiting off of Americans' inability to talk to each other across political divides.
We know there are malicious actors that use social media to quickly and widely spread verifiably incorrect information, but part of their success is based on an unwillingness by too many of us to take the step of even doing a quick search before resharing.
The O.MG cable is, however, another reminder that it's not a good idea for a user to plug anything that's not verifiably safe into their devices, whether it's a cable found on the street or an unsolicited gift from someone at a conference.[Motherboard]
"It is due to its nonsensical, irrational stubbornness that other issues can only be discussed after our country has completely verifiably, irreversibly dismantled our nuclear capabilities... without showing the intention to build trust including declaring the end of war," the newspaper said in an editorial.
Donald Trump's unique habit of making statements that are tossed-off jokes, half-cooked pieces of nonsense, or outright lies puts journalists interviewing him in a tricky spot: How much do you fact-check him and call him out when he says something verifiably untrue?
"[The deal] has delivered so far on its narrow objective: effectively and verifiably blocking all potential pathways for Iran to race toward nuclear weapons, while opening the door to the country's international rehabilitation and economic recovery," the International Crisis Group concluded in a January 2017 statement.
Trump has been criticized for calling Curiel "Mexican," because it's easy to pick on: It's verifiably wrong; people tend to understand that, on some level, it's being heard as a slur; and talking about people using "bad words" is often the easiest way to talk about racism.
It is expected that with blockchain registries, it will be possible for one person to verifiably transfer ownership of a car, a home or some other asset to another person without having to visit a government office or other third-party validator to confirm the transaction.
It&aposs unclear for sure whether Savage is the one posting, or if the Patreon account posting is verifiably her, but it&aposs the one linked to from her Instagram account – where it&aposs also unclear if it&aposs Savage posting, or someone posing as her.
"But there is still value in being able to verifiably shut down the known facilities with a negotiated mechanism for inspecting suspected sites," said Jenny Town, managing editor of the Washington-based Stimson Centre's 38 North project, which provides satellite imagery analyses of the North's weapons facilities.
Trump has been criticized for the "Mexican" thing because it's easy to pick on: It's verifiably wrong; people tend to understand that, on some level, it's being heard as a slur; and talking about people using "bad words" is often the easiest way to talk about racism.
But Fargo overlaps just as much with a verifiably true story that has been dominating social media since its release on December 18th: Netflix's Making A Murderer, a documentary miniseries involving violent crime, questionable police work, and I-can't-believe-it's-not-parody Upper Midwest accents in smalltown Wisconsin.
Horizon is working down two paths in parallel here: On one path, they're building an Ethereum-powered platform called Arcadeum for handling in-game items — establishing who owns any specific instance of an item, and allowing that item to be verifiably traded, sold or given from player to player.
John Hemmings, Asia Director at the Henry Jackson Society, a British foreign policy think tank: There are going to be two factors in the coming denuclearisation process — the technical ability for North Korea to denuclearize verifiably in that time limit and the political process that is supposed to get us there.
On the same day that a Mississippi family is suing Amazon -owned smart camera maker Ring for not doing enough to prevent hackers from spying on their kids, the company has rolled out its previously announced "control center," which it hopes will make you forget about its verifiably "awful" security practices.
On the whole, though, what they discovered was that most people in their sample didn't share fake news—at least if, when you say "fake news," you're referring to the spate of verifiably false news articles churned out by Macedonian teens and Russian content farms in the run-up to the presidential election.
Dawson also placed these California wildfire theories in the same video as verifiably true but unrelated things—like the existence of deepfakes (which Motherboard has covered extensively), the fact that supermarket layouts are designed to make you buy more items, and the fact that violence and suicide is common in children's cartoons.
"Our intention is to ensure that AI systems of the future are not just 'hopefully safe' but robustly, verifiably safe ," it concludes, outlining an approach with an emphasis on specification (designing goals well), robustness (designing systems that perform within safe limits under volatile conditions), and assurance (monitoring systems and understanding what they're doing).
Facebook already removes verifiably false posts about the dates, times and locations of polling stations — but will now exclude false posts that wrongly describe methods of voting — such as by phone or text message — as well as posts that aim to exclude portions of the population, such as based on a voter's age, for example.
"The fixed policy of the United States of America is that we are going to continue with all options on the table to bring intensifying economic and diplomatic pressure to bear until North Korea, once and for all, completely and verifiably abandons its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program," Pence is reported to have said.
Some states, like New York, have argued that testing should only be for those with severe symptoms, which could create a more complicated situation for Wells Fargo employees who suspect they have COVID-19 but aren't displaying symptoms, haven't verifiably come into contact with the coronavirus, aren't in a risk group and cannot obtain a test.
This comes as Trump has largely downplayed the missiles as not a breach of understandings he has with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. "Your administration has downplayed the significance of these tests and suggested that there is no rush to reach an agreement that verifiably freezes and reverses North Korea's nuclear and missile development," the letter says.
While maintaining harsh sanctions and making clear that he remains willing to unleash the full power of our military if Kim Jong Un makes any aggressive moves, President Trump has also held our the prospect of normalizing relations with North Korea if the rogue regime is willing to verifiably denuclearize and act like a much more responsible member of the world community.
"The fixed policy of the United States of America is that we are going to continue with all options on the table to bring intensifying economic and diplomatic pressure to bear until North Korea, once and for all, completely and verifiably abandons its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program," Vice President Mike Pence said last month after visiting South Korea.
Rather than reach for the simple "the media created Trump" narrative, Matthews dissected how news anchors' obligation to cover a leading presidential candidate collided with their commitment to inform their viewers (the occasion was Trump's spewing of verifiably false rumors about Muslim Americans celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey): Generally speaking, TV news shouldn't be in the business of making its viewers believe stuff that isn't true.
Disinformation — aka "verifiably false or misleading information" created and spread for economic gain and/or to deceive the public, and which "may cause public harm" such as "threats to democratic political and policymaking processes as well as public goods such as the protection of EU citizens' health, the environment or security", as the Commission's new Code of Practice defines it — is clearly a slippery policy target.
Its software as a service payment terminal-based feedback system provides its restaurant and retailer users with the ability to ask their customers different questions after they have paid (and thus verifiably used the service) — from soliciting direct service quality feedback to more general queries such as whether they shop in the outlet with their family or whether they would like music to be playing.
Details: The eight lawmakers, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, acknowledged that Kim has shown a "change in behavior" since the two leaders first met in Singapore last year, but said the isolated country still poses a nuclear threat and argued that Trump should "execute a serious diplomatic plan," including a process to verifiably freeze and roll back North Korea's nuclear weapons and missiles programs.
But in a recent Gallup/Knight Foundation survey of 250,22018 Gallup Panel members, participants who admitted to having shared verifiably false news items at least once—about 22016 percent of Republicans surveyed, and 503 percent of Democrats—reported doing so for a number of reasons, including wanting to call attention to a story's being inaccurate (250 percent) and believing that the story in question might be true, despite suspecting it was false (22018 percent).
The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA) of 2015 obliges the administration to certify to Congress every three months that Iran is verifiably and fully implementing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the Iran deal is formally known; that it has not broken agreed limits on its stockpiles of various nuclear materials; that it has not taken any action that could advance a nuclear-weapons programme; and that continued suspension of nuclear-related sanctions is vital to America's national security.
Rekognition misidentified 28 members of Congress as criminalsIt also appears to disproportionately misidentify women and people of colorDespite that, it's already been put into use by policeAmazon does not and cannot ensure police are using the tools according to best practicesRekognition is so invasive even some police departments worried using it would present "a Big Brother vibe"Amazon has so far refused to confirm or deny whether Rekognition is in use by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement—the Homeland Security arm most closely associated with the ongoing policy of placing undocumented peoples in concentration camps—but it has verifiably pitched the agency on using this softwareSmart doorbell product Ring, which Amazon owns, filed patent applications to incorporate facial recognition into those devices, which became public last DecemberAre you worried yet?

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