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109 Sentences With "vague idea"

How to use vague idea in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "vague idea" and check conjugation/comparative form for "vague idea". Mastering all the usages of "vague idea" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They had only a vague idea of where they were going.
Have a vague idea about a Versailles-inspired end table for your bedroom?
Or sometimes it comes from a very vague idea, like making a makeup gun.
Good luck if you only have a vague idea of what you're looking for.
But what seems now like a sure thing was then only a vague idea.
This gives Colombians only a vague idea of where he wants to take their country.
Most of the people I know have only a vague idea of what asexuality entails.
"My view is that the listener wants a vague idea of what's happening," Law said.
I really have only a vague idea of what people want and what to give them.
But, when he checked WhatsApp and discovered he'd been blocked, this vague idea turned into a certainty.
The problem is that most of us have only a vague idea of where our time goes.
I studied computer science at M.I.T. I had some vague idea about wanting to start a company.
If you played the first game, you'll already have a vague idea of the setup of Titanfall's world.
I used to have a vague idea of what a heroin addict was, and it definitely wasn't me.
People have an idea of what her father was and everyone has vague idea what her brother was.
The optimization they're looking for is not some vague idea, to be considered when the time is right.
Anything I put down on paper was nowhere near as fine as the vague idea in my mind.
The start-up tended to focus on the next twelve months, with a "vague idea" of where they were headed.
Each person who saw me using the product had at least a vague idea of what it was all about.
It was more of a spreadsheet then, but I had a vague idea that somebody needed to compile this information.
She could not pin down why she had gone: A forthright passage that elegantly and impressively describes a vague idea.
It's that second stage — detailing how a vague idea could be translated into specific policies — where think tanks really matter.
Because Apple releases results on Tuesday, investors will already have a vague idea of how the two companies stand to report.
We had a vague idea of what to expect from the glowing reviews from our friends who had taken such cruises.
But he laid out a vague idea of what his impoverished country would demand in return for giving up its nuclear weapons.
What he usually does with artists is like, 'This is the vague idea, go with it,' and I think that's really beautiful.
And ever since, you've always had some vague idea that a hymen is this thing inside your vagina that polices your virginity.
You have a vague idea of when it's going to happen, but you never know exactly when — until you get the call.
Sometimes it helps to have a vague idea of what you're looking for as an entry, although a solver can get misled.
They had a vague idea of where to look because of past investigations, local information, and field and drone research, she said.
He then attended Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, with the vague idea of someday becoming the United States ambassador to Greece.
As a little girl, she remembered, she had visited her grandmother once in Maiduguri, but she had only a vague idea where.
Here are a few examples of these harrowing taxidermy examples by people who only had a vague idea of the real animal.
I've begun a journey to become who I am, and I only have a vague idea of where it's going to lead me.
I had a vague idea, but there aren't really storylines, they don't really do anything, and it's all just sheer absurdity and stupidity.
"When I started out, I had some vague idea of a guy who woke up with a long beard," Mr. Bockley, 36, recalled.
I had, obviously, a vague idea that there was a lot of hate out in the world, but within my world, there wasn't.
Mare Swallow, Chicago RE: FIRST WORDS Laila Lalami wrote about how the border has transformed from a vague idea into a formidable, arcane reality.
I had only a vague idea of what to expect when I boarded the Celebrity Summit in April for a weeklong excursion to the Caribbean.
She left El Salvador on buses and crossed Guatemala with the vague idea that she might seek asylum in the United States, for herself and her grandchildren.
With a vague idea of who was following us down to San Diego, we still had to set our sights on setting up shop in San Diego.
Peter Thiel's vague idea to do something about Gawker, the site that had outed him as gay in 2007, was concretized into conspiracy on April 6, 2011.
It's one thing to have a vague idea of what you look like skiing; it's quite another to watch yourself while a professional dissects your every move.
Tell people what RT is, because I think a lot of people don't know what it is or only have a vague idea because they're not watching it.
It gives them something to battle for that's more specific and packs more of a wallop in the cultural conversation than the vague idea of good vs. evil.
Nu-bros, normcore couples, health goths, yuccies, cutesters, and many more cultural tribes have formulated and grown, all seemingly united under a very vague idea of being cool.
With savings goals that are five to 10 years out — startup funds for a business, perhaps — you may have only a vague idea of how much you need.
Every so often in war movies, a woman — a nurse, prostitute, mother or stranger — is dropped into the story to express some vague idea about home and nation.
Keneski laid out the different types of research Facebook employs to go from vague idea to polished launch: Last year Facebook went on a foundational research expedition to India.
He'd seen similar boards in years past, so he had a vague idea of what he was getting, though there was still a lot of mystery surrounding the auction.
Relying on the vague idea of attrition absolves the court of its responsibility to be the ultimate arbiter and guardian of the Constitution — and specifically of the Eighth Amendment.
It's just kind of the vague idea of sexy, plus hot pink baked goods and some crazy BeDazzler work, which is exactly what I hope Fifty Shades Freed is like.
You know, the designers, illustrators, music producers, and similar demanding customers who lovingly cherished their Macintosh computers when the general populace only had a vague idea of what Apple is.
The common denominator between apocalypse-fears and electronic music is, perhaps, the vague idea of a nerd behind a computer, subverting a helplessly analogue society with his alienated disco tunes.
Had we been children of the 216th Century, we might have a sort of vague idea about an enormous, dual-swords wielding knight who carved a bloody path through Gaul.
You can catch a cab on the street downtown at all hours, but make sure you have a vague idea of where you're going because you may need to give directions.
And I had a vague idea of what he looked like, thanks to an old boyfriend's record collection: his gnarled, crooked grin; his leonine head with wizened cheeks and dark eyes.
In Donald Trump's Black History Month remarks — so rambling that McSweeney's published them unedited as humor — the President seemed to have an only vague idea of Frederick Douglass as a person.
It keeps his voting base focused on the vague idea of an enemy at home, rather than the politicians who continue to grift their way around Washington's as-yet-undrained swamp.
"You probably wouldn't be at that stage of the process if you weren't considered a strong fit," he said, noting that employers will already have a vague idea of your market value.
AMD hasn't fully explained what the Holocube does, but a video of a live unboxing of the Radeon RX Vega at the LTX 2017 event in Canada gives us a vague idea.
I think most people who are listening to this know what a MacArthur Genius Grant is or a vague idea of it is, but basically they give you a pile of money.
Whether you're changing careers completely or just getting started, you probably have only a vague idea of how various industries operate (and often that image comes from a TV show or movie).
Your knowledge is like a blurry black-and-white photo at best: You have a vague idea about what you could develop later in life, but you don't know all the details.
Although Phung Vo knows no French, and has only a vague idea of what the words mean, in the last nine years he has copied Vénard's letter more than twelve hundred times.
"We have a vague idea of what's going on between the Earth's magnetic field and the solar wind, but we don't really understand what happens elsewhere in the Solar System," he explained.
The act didn't receive much fanfare when President Roosevelt signed it into law because most people had likely never heard of marijuana or had only a vague idea of what it was.
Just two months away from the season 24 premiere of ABC's The Bachelor, fans of the show have only a vague idea of how things will play out for bachelor Peter Weber.
The audience is kept on edge by a sustained feeling of foreboding and that all is not what it seems; a vague idea that whatever is coming, when it comes, will be bad.
Most people have a vague idea of what they look like: fully monstrous online, safe behind their computer screens, spraying bile and resentment in all directions, but cringing, timid things in real life.
I was 10 or 11 and while I had a vague idea about where babies came from, I still couldn't fathom why people would have sex or understand that it was a recreational activity.
Future diversity reports from Uber should give us a vague idea of how well it's retaining employees, though it's not the best proxy as it won't account for how long each employee stays at Uber.
Within the world of comics themselves, a more immediate effect was the pursuit of some vague idea of "darkness" in storytelling, the idea being that doing so was the key to Watchmen's acclaim and respectability.
My guess, however, is that Fed-bashing will prove ineffective as a political strategy, not least because most Americans probably have at best a vague idea of what the Fed is and what it does.
It's practically a Cohen brothers synopsis: then-head of ABC, Lloyd Braun, had a vague idea of the Lost concept while on vacation in 2003; the two-hour piloted aired in July of the following year.
Hazzouri told the outlet that he had only a vague idea of the proposal he was vouching for on behalf of the ADA, noting that he passed along the note as a favor to the organization.
B: They have a vague idea of what the future looks like and want to share, but aren't ready to put real money or effort behind whatever wild plan they think might get them through it.
Indeed, there had been a vague idea that after the heart attack Sanders's campaigning was kinder and gentler, that he was looser and more spontaneous and more able to connect with voters in a personal sense.
When Jimmy Carter described himself as "born again" in his 1976 run for president, most academics and journalists had a vague idea of what he meant, but few experts on religion could be found within their precincts.
Most of the time they only have a vague idea, not an exact number, which makes today's financial recommendations somewhat (if not overly) reliant on guesswork when it comes to planning the steps to accomplish the goal.
But as it was happening, I realized I had absolutely no emotional investment in what was unfolding, beyond having a vague idea that I was sad the Hound couldn't escape his own cycles of abuse and trauma.
Yeah, and the trash, for sure, but you have this vague idea that it's less expensive, it may not even be but it's just convenient and then you start to get impatient with even standing in line somewhere.
Suddenly the entire sequence is recast: we not only have a vague idea of when this long-ago banquet took place, but we also realize that this might be a pivotal incident, and nobody in the room knows it.
The result is that many new moms leave that six-week visit with only a vague idea of what to expect sexually — and feeling as if resuming sexual activity is another item on their new mom to-do list.
Former Senator George Allen of Virginia, who lost a close race for re-election in 2006, said both presidential candidates needed to have at least a vague idea of what they would say in the event of a loss.
"Like a lot of people, I had a vague idea that something bad was happening here on Earth, but I didn't really realize how insane our climate crisis is and how screwed humanity is about to be," he says.
Thus, the best endings are often ones where the writers have a very vague idea of what will probably happen and work toward that point, while also leaving themselves room to radically change everything until the last possible second.
It's his baby after all—a startup founded on seemingly nothing more than a vague idea, without much regard for the workforce to make it possible, or even a clear idea of what business model it actually wants to pursue.
"One of my friends had a recruitment interaction with Apple, and they refused to give him even a vague idea of the kind of work he might be doing if he joins," Gandhi wrote in an email to BuzzFeed News.
Like The Trolls, the most recent episode of HBO's Silicon Valley, from creators Mike Judge and Alec Berg, focused entirely on patent trolls, and the ways they extort both big companies and small startups using broad ownership of a vague idea.
" It also sucks, she adds, to go in with only a vague idea of what might work for you, do your best to shop around and get advice, and "end up buying a product that just doesn't work for you.
The Department of Homeland security gave a vague idea Wednesday of its plans for increasing security on international flights entering the U.S. — though the new measures appear set to eliminate the need to ban all laptops from all airplane cabins.
Everyone knows the vague idea of what a kid's show was in 1984—like the really fucked-up ones that were trying to be Jim Henson or trying to be Fraggle Rock, but also obviously being paid for by some creepy Evangelical offshoot.
What we're hearing: Most Republicans on the Hill have no idea what's in the plan, and our sources that have been briefed, both in the administration and on Capitol Hill, still have only a vague idea of what the final plan will entail.
I'll go on baby name websites and I'll have a vague idea of the culture I want it to sound like, like an Ancient Greece or Persian type name, so I'll go and look up huge charts until something connects in my brain.
I came to America to watch Donald Trump's inauguration, with the vague idea of watching the American left try to resist its horrifying new government and drawing some lessons for how we in our sorry and sinking island might hope to do the same.
Wouldn't it be better if they were only shirts I truly loved, without any of the weirdly shaped quasi-crop-tops I've picked up at clothing swaps and brought home with the vague idea that I would some day "figure out" how to wear them?
It takes me multiple phone calls to get even a vague idea of what has happened: A cabal of Democratic mayors has convinced the National Guard to arrest the governor by accusing him of forging documents (a story is brilliantly told in this video).
I had always had this vague idea about that time, and Cynthia's book was such a compelling read about a period that is certainly less romanticized than the Yoko years, but I feel like I got a much more pieced-together story of the man's life.
"Like a lot of people, I had a vague idea that something bad was happening here on Earth, but I didn't really realize how insane our climate crisis is and how screwed humanity is about to be," the artist told Vice's music publication, Noisey, in an interview.
Today, the Los Angeles label Friends of Friends announced that they'd be releasing a compilation called Up Too Early—themed around the vague idea of "morning music"—on January 13 of next year featuring contributions from Daedelus, King Britt, the Album Leaf, and other friends of the label.
You…Read more ReadFor a while now, Google Search has displayed a "popular times" widget for various businesses which could give a vague idea of whether you'd have to wait for a table at a restaurant, or if that one bar will be so crowded you won't be able to breathe.
And when Senator Maggie Hassan from New Hampshire, whose son has cerebral palsy, grilled her on the Individuals with Disabilities Act, which provides public education services to special-needs students or those with physical disabilities, she seemed to have only a vague idea what kind of law that might be.
Biden, who's been endorsed by nearly all the knocked out former contenders — Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, and Amy Klobuchar, at the time of this writing — is making the largely aesthetic argument that the status quo is worth saving because of a vague idea that America isn't like this.
Biden, who's been endorsed by nearly all the knocked out former contenders — Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, and Amy Klobuchar, at the time of this writing — is making the largely aesthetic argument that the status quo is worth saving because of a vague idea that America isn't like this.
ZULEIKHA By Guzel Yakhina Whenever I have taught Andrei Platonov's hallucinatory masterpiece, "Soul," a novella about the Soviet expansion into Central Asia, I've noticed that many of my otherwise knowledgeable undergraduates have only a vague idea of what happened in Eastern Europe between the Russian Revolution and the 1980s liberalizations of Glasnost.
When my newspaper closed a few months later, I decided to try working three jobs that serve as good examples of how technology will be used at work in the future — in an Amazon warehouse, at a call center, and at a McDonald's — with the vague idea of writing a book about what had changed.
With a vague idea of a storyline and some pretty horrendous buzzwords picked out ("joybox" anyone?!) I reached out to an actual writer of Harry Potter fic, so that maybe she could hold my hand and explain to me gently how I could possibly start to knit those words together and write actual smutty sentences.
Instagram posted a video announcing the feature that offers a vague idea of what pinch-to-zoom will look like, but PetaPixel apparently already got its hands on a working version here: It looks like when you pinch photos and videos, a lightbox effect takes place and then they actually come out of the original frame as you zoom.

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