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15 Sentences With "urbes"

How to use urbes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "urbes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "urbes". Mastering all the usages of "urbes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

BUENOS AIRES — Es sabido que Buenos Aires toma como modelos ciudades europeas por encima de urbes más próximas.
Si se trata de diseñar moda para las urbes del mundo, la caricaturista Liana Finck pide no olvidar a una población que existe en todas las ciudades: las palomas.
En gran parte de Europa y Estados Unidos, ciudades que alguna vez fueron industriales decayeron a medida que el crecimiento económico tuvo como consecuencia el establecimiento de urbes más grandes, conectadas globalmente.
Para 1980, Ciudad de México será una megalópolis de 11,6 millones de habitantes y una de las urbes más grandes del mundo, de acuerdo con un pronóstico demográfico del banco central del gobierno.
El abogado mexicano Bernardo Bolaños escribe sobre cómo logró una victoria judicial en Ciudad de México, una de las urbes con mayores índices de contaminación en el mundo, al demandar contra los cambios implementados por las autoridades en el sistema de monitoreo de las emisiones de automóviles que, según afirma, empeoraron la calidad del aire.
Otra —como algunos de mis amigos cercanos, sin importar sus nacionalidades, sobre todo los que como yo cruzaron durante esta década a la dimensión paralela de la paternidad— está tomando medidas arriesgadas: abandonar las grandes urbes, vender todo e instalarse en el bosque o en la montaña; enseñar a sus hijos las bondades de la tierra, regresar a técnicas ancestrales como la permacultura, la agricultura biológica: en resumen, optar por una vida más sana, más respetuosa y en armonía con el planeta, como lo vienen sugiriendo los líderes de las comunidades indígenas a los que por fin comenzamos a prestar oídos serios.
The area also has no 'streets', as these were a status indicator to Victorians. The few extant highways were renamed 'road' from 'lane', as this also indicated a certain status. This appears to be merely a fashion, however, as later Victorians appeared to favour the bucolic part of the 'rus in urbes' equation. Too bucolic, however, wasn't popular either: Doghouse Lane became Kingsbrook Road and Dark Lane became Clarendon Road.
" English translation from the Latin: "The Hungarians after they made such a huge carnage, took over the enemy camp and the war spoils, they start to chase the fugitives." They entered Bavaria, plundered and occupied cities and fortresses.Johannes Aventinus: Annalium Boiorum VII, 1554 p. 481. Original Latin text: "Ugri bis triumphatores tanto rerum successu elati, nondum sanguine humano satiati, totam Boiariam caede, rapina, incendiis, luctu, cadaueribus complent: urbes quidem, oppida, arces, loca munita declinant, quippe ui oppugnare, expugnare, obsidere, adhuc ipsis res incognita erat.
By the early nineteenth century, the defence works fell into disrepair and were dismantled. In 1968, however, extensive restoration works started, and fortifications were carefully rebuilt, based on and inspired by a 1649 map of the city of Heusden by Johannes Blaeu, son of the famous Dutch cartographer Willem Blaeu. In 1980, the city of Heusden received the European Urbes Nostrae restoration prize. Heusden currently draws over 350 thousand tourists every year who visit the historic town centre and walk the walls that once made it a formidable stronghold.
It was a time of effervescence and creation. She published the poetry books Reverso (1988), En re menor (1990), Urbes (1991), and Cuadrantes, the short story collection A Madrid por capricho (1988), and the literary critique Dámaso Alonso, Hijos de la ira (1990). In 1992, she published her first novel, La sal del chocolate, in which she recounts the period of the political transition, which she experienced firsthand. In 1995 she published the novel La casa del halcón, in which a journalist is complicit in a situation which gets away from her.
Summanus is another name for Pluto as the "highest" (summus) of the Manes. This identification is taken up by later writers such as Camões ("If in Summanus' gloomy realm / Severest punishment you now endure ...")Os Lusíadas, IV, 33, translated as The Lusiad by Thomas Moore Musgrave (1826). and Milton, in a simile to describe Satan visiting Rome: "Just so Summanus, wrapped in a smoking whirlwind of blue flame, falls upon people and cities".In the Latin poem "In Quintum Novembris" (lines 23–24): Talibus infestat populos Summanus et urbes / cinctus caeruleae fumanti turbine flammae.
El Universal. "... que fue mostrado por primera vez por VTV el 13 de abril de 2003. Posteriormente, el Gobierno hizo 10 mil copias en Cuba de esta producción para mostrarla en diversas partes del mundo. ... La pieza audovisual 'tiene un lobby millonario que cuenta con apoyo de las embajadas venezolanas y hasta agencias de relaciones públicas que manejan presupuestos enormes para exhibir la cinta gratuitamente en las universidades o en cines comerciales de urbes como San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago o Nueva York'." on state television channel Venezolana de Televisión (VTV).
Harrison & Walker (1975) The material was discovered in Romania by Franz Nopcsa, in the late Maastrichtian Sânpetru Formation (Rognacian faunal stage, deposited c. 68 - 66 million years ago) of the Haţeg Basin in Transylvania. The scientific name means "C.W. Andrews' Transylvanian bird", after the namer of Elopteryx,Andrews (1913) and Ancient Greek hepta (ἑπτά) "seven" + asty (άστυ) "city" + ornis (όρνις) "bird"; the Latin septum urbiumThis form, common in Mediaeval manuscripts, was poor Latin for septem urbes or the German Siebenbürgen - meaning "seven cities" or "seven castles" - were common names for the Transylvanian region throughout the centuries.
Unfortunately, the film was not preserved and was lost forever, leaving only a reference image of the work. To honor the artist and his creation, the director of the film Luz, Anima, Ação, Eduardo Calvet, invited 8 Brazilian animators of different techniques:'Luz, Anima, Ação!' conta a história dos filmes de animação no Brasil Marão (traditional 2D), Zé Brandão (digital 2D), Stil (animation on paper), Pedro Iuá (clay), Marcos Magalhães (animation in film), Diego Akel (pixilation), Fábio Yamaji (light painting) and Rosana Urbes (2D metalanguage). Each one recreated a sequence of the film in their own way, in a rich, diverse and surprising collective animation. It was shown in August at Anima Mundi 2013.
259x259px Flu spread over the Alps into Switzerland and the Holy Roman Empire. In Switzerland it is documented as being called das Gruppie by the Mellingen chronicler Anton Tegenfeld, the flu nickname then preferred by German-speaking Europeans. A respiratory illness seemed to have menaced the Canton of Aargua in June, with the population falling ill with sniffling, coughing, and fatigue. German physician Achilles Gasser records a deadly epidemic spreading over the Holy Roman Empire's upper kingdoms, branching into the cities and the "whole mankind:" Mira qua edam Epidemia mortales per urbes hanc totamque adeo superiorem Germaniam corripiebat, qua aegri IV vel V ad summum dies molestissimis destillationibus laborabant ac ration privati instar phrenicorum furebant, atque inde iterum convalescebant, paucissimis ad Gorcum demissis.

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