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16 Sentences With "urbanisms"

How to use urbanisms in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "urbanisms" and check conjugation/comparative form for "urbanisms". Mastering all the usages of "urbanisms" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Museum of Chinese in America: 'Sub Urbanisms: Casino Urbanization, Chinatowns and the Contested American Landscape' (through Sunday) Stephen Fan, an architecture professor and curator, examines the trend of Chinese casino workers' converting suburban homes in Connecticut into multifamily communities.
Museum of Chinese in America: 'Sub Urbanisms: Casino Urbanization, Chinatowns and the Contested American Landscape' (through March 27) Stephen Fan, an architecture professor and curator, examines the trend of Chinese casino workers in Connecticut converting suburban homes into multifamily communities.
Museum of Chinese in America: 'Sub Urbanisms: Casino Urbanization, Chinatowns and the Contested American Landscape' (through March 308) Stephen Fan, an architecture professor and curator, examines the trend of Chinese casino workers in Connecticut converting suburban homes into multifamily communities.
Museum of Chinese in America: 'Sub Urbanisms: Casino Urbanization, Chinatowns and the Contested American Landscape' (through March 2917) Stephen Fan, an architecture professor and curator, examines the trend of Chinese casino workers in Connecticut converting suburban homes into multifamily communities.
Museum of Chinese in America: 'Sub Urbanisms: Casino Urbanization, Chinatowns and the Contested American Landscape' (through March 27) Stephen Fan, an architecture professor and curator, examines the trend of Chinese casino workers' converting suburban homes in Connecticut into multi-family communities.
Museum of Chinese in America: 'Sub Urbanisms: Casino Urbanization, Chinatowns and the Contested American Landscape' (through March 221986) Stephen Fan, an architecture professor and curator, examines the trend of Chinese casino workers in Connecticut converting suburban homes into multifamily communities.
Museum of Chinese in America: 'Sub Urbanisms: Casino Urbanization, Chinatowns and the Contested American Landscape' (through March 27) Stephen Fan, an architecture professor and curator, examines the trend of Chinese casino workers' converting suburban homes in Connecticut into multifamily communities.
Priests House in Plasencia. 2004 'IKEA Disobedients'. Architectural archive, installation and performance on non familiar domestic urbanisms. MoMA Collection. 2012.
Douglas Kelbaugh identifies three paradigms within urbanism: New Urbanism, Everyday Urbanism, and Post-Urbanism.Kelbaugh, Douglas (2009), Three Urbanisms and the Public Realm Paul L. Knox refers to one of many trends in contemporary urbanism as the "aestheticization of everyday life".Knox, Paul (2010). Cities and Design, p. 10.
Mario Gooden (Born 1965) is a principal and founder of Huff + Gooden Architects. Gooden co-founded Huff + Gooden with his partner Ray Huff in 1997. Gooden is also a Professor of Practice at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) of Columbia University, where he teaches architectural design and theory. Gooden held previous academic appointments at the Yale School of ArchitectureLayered Urbanisms.
His trademark phrases are so numerous and familiar to Islanders that they are commonly referred to as "Urbanisms". Carmichael was the son of John and Mary (Murphy) Carmichael and one of 10 children. He began performing as a child and continued to do so for more than 35 years. He gave countless Maritime performers their first opportunities for live performance, was a beloved mentor to many, and he shared the stage with most of the greatest performers in Atlantic Canada and beyond.
The phrase 'landscape urbanism' first appeared in the work of Peter Connolly, a Masters of Urban Design student from RMIT Melbourne. In 1994, Connolly used the phrase in the title for his Masters of Urban Design proposal at RMIT Melbourne. Here, he suggested that 'a language of "landscape urbanism" barely exists and needs articulating', and that 'existing urbanisms ... are limited in the exploration of the landscape'. He also used the term 'landscape as urbanism' in his 1994 essay, '101 Ideas About Big Parks'.
A key characteristic is its attention to the ways communities act on the built environment, and how they in turn develop "barrio urbanisms," or new knowledges and interventions about the use and organization of urban space. The work of urban planner James Rojas provides an example of the field's attention to Latinos as actors, agents of change and innovators. His art making workshops wrest communities vernacular knowledges to develop urban planning solutions . Some scholars champion the Chicano practice of Rasquachismo—to suggest “placekeeping” as an inventive, make do, popular strategy that can help advance racial justice goals by expanding definitions of urbanism.
A modern large-scale urban development in Kazan, Russia Urbanism is the study of how inhabitants of urban areas, such as towns and cities, interact with the built environment. It is a direct component of disciplines such as urban planning, which is the profession focusing on the physical design and management of urban structures and urban sociology which is the academic field the study of urban life and culture. Many architects, planners, geographers, and sociologists investigate the way people live in densely populated urban areas. There is a wide variety of different theories and approaches to the study of urbanism.Jonathan Barnett, “A Short Guide to 60 of the Newest Urbanisms,” Planning, volume 77 (2011-4), pp.
The centre has also published several reports, such as Going Green: How cities are leading the next economy (2013), the product of a survey of 90 city governments with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and ICLEI – local governments for sustainability. Other reports have addressed issues ranging from transport and mobility, to cities and energy, including leading the cities research for the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, and the prospects for technological innovation in urban environments. Recent reports include Towards Urban Growth Analytics for Yangon and Resource Urbanisms: Asia’s divergent city models of Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Singapore and Hong Kong. Several academic articles by LSE Cities researchers and directors have also been published.
Gooden's research formulated in his design studio teaching and through the Global Africa Lab (GAL) at Columbia University, focuses on the development of scripting tools and parametric software. Developed along with Adjunct Assistant Professor Carson Smuts, the parametric software enables users to data mine and source data from social media, census, and demographic Application Programming Interface (APIs): Google Maps, Twitter, Flickr, Statistics South Africa, The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, and NYC Open Data. The scripting tools allow users to create their own data sets using smart phone GPS and data gathering apps and to spatialize the data using Rhino® and Grasshopper®. The tools have been applied to trace the production and consumption of Middle Eastern art in the global art market; to spatialize data and events in North Africa and the Middle East during the Arab Spring uprisings; and to analyze the topological urbanisms of downtown Amman, Rio de Janeiro, and Johannesburg.

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