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"unshelled" Definitions
  1. not having had the shell removed
  2. not having a shell
"unshelled" Antonyms

36 Sentences With "unshelled"

How to use unshelled in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "unshelled" and check conjugation/comparative form for "unshelled". Mastering all the usages of "unshelled" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Protective gloves and bibs are provided for extracting the meat of unshelled shrimp, crabs, clams and so forth.
The sweet, succulent lobster ($19) was unshelled before our eyes and served simply on a bed of lettuce.
Since your scientist has to keep buying unshelled eggs, selling them back to a supplier might be a more albumentary solution.
"Grief is a world you walk through skinned, unshelled," she writes, and she gives us the song of that vulnerable land.
China's proposed tariffs are 15 percent on 120 categories of goods, including dried apples, frozen strawberries, unshelled chestnuts, sparkling wine and various types of stainless steel piping and casings.
After his time in the United States, Mr. Scott opened his first bar, Shady Pines, and stocked it with whiskey, beer and bowls of unshelled peanuts, and established a western, honky-tonk atmosphere.
The mockingbirds are finally interested in the suet balls they disdained all summer, and the gorgeous blue jays, their bright colors even bluer against the sepia backdrop of winter, carry away the unshelled nuts I set along the deck rail for squirrels.
It would be easiest to toss them, unshelled, into a pot of boiling water, seasoned with plenty of salt and aromatics, then serve them with melted butter or a mayonnaise-based sauce for dipping, some crusty French bread or a few boiled potatoes.
The least interesting piece in the show is Marina Abramović's "Cloud With Its Shadow" (1971–2015), which consists of an unshelled peanut on a pin illuminated by a spotlight, casting a tiny shadow on the wall roughly the shape of a cumulus cloud (or human lips).
Given the scarcity of tickets and the length of the event (the union crew will be paid $32,000 per show, considering overtime and meal penalties), the cost of tickets will be $50,000 each, but that does come with free unshelled peanuts and flat, warm Lowenbrau in plastic cups.
Korean Pine nuts — shelled, and shell, above; unshelled, below A nutshell is the outer shell of a nut. Most nutshells are inedible and are removed before eating the nut meat inside.
Radar observations by the Arecibo Observatory on 14 July 2015, revealed that the asteroid's shape looks like an unshelled walnut with a diameter of 300 by 600 metres. The radiometric observations also agreed with the previously obtained photometric ones and gave a period of 37 minutes.
Clionoidea is a taxonomic superfamily of sea slugs, specifically naked (i.e. unshelled) pteropods, marine opisthobranch gastropod mollusks in the clade Gymnosomata. They are sometimes called "sea angels" or "naked sea butterflies" along with the other superfamily in the Gymnosomata. They can be found anywhere from the surface to a depth of 350 meters.
A curtain descends and Al Gore appears to close the episode. He reminds the viewer that the characters will return in 2011, featuring himself as a major character called Captain Lance Starman. He then wishes the audience a happy holiday season on behalf of Gunderson's Unshelled Nuts as Amy dances in a costume advertising the product.
If a nontarget species is caught, it can be easily released without harm to the bird. The traps are cost-efficient because they are inexpensive and simple to construct, and require little manpower to monitor. The bait used in the traps can also be specific to corvids. Carrion, grains, unshelled raw peanuts, and shiny objects in the trap are effective baits.
Likewise, male cephalopods have only a single testicle. In the female of most cephalopods the nidamental glands aid in development of the egg. The "penis" in most unshelled male cephalopods (Coleoidea) is a long and muscular end of the gonoduct used to transfer spermatophores to a modified arm called a hectocotylus. That in turn is used to transfer the spermatophores to the female.
White sesame seeds, mostly unshelled. Historically, sesame was cultivated more than 5000 years ago as a drought- tolerant crop and was able to grow where other crops failed. Sesame seeds were one of the first crops processed for oil as well as one of the earliest condiments. Sesame was cultivated during the Indus Valley Civilisation and was the main oil crop.
Francis Elliott, "New Labour unshelled", Hull Daily Mail, 1 June 1998, page 14 The eldest child of a food chemist, Ramsay was born in Edinburgh in 1948. He studied at Stirling University but left after a term and moved to London. He later took a degree at Hull University. During his time at Hull, he became interested in the John F. Kennedy assassination.
Production of unshelled peanuts varies widely because of periodic drought, and production is frequently underreported because of unauthorized sales to processors in neighboring countries. Total production was estimated at 850,000 tons in 2005. Exports of peanut products reached about CFA 15 billion ($30 million) in 2005. They account for some 60 percent of total agricultural exports, 75 percent of which is made up of peanut oil.
Nilasing na hipon (lit. "drunken shrimp"), is a Filipino dish consisting of whole unshelled shrimp marinated in alcohol and various spices, usually coated in batter, and then deep-fried. It is usually dipped in a vinegar-based sauce. The alcohol used is traditionally rice wine like basi or arrack like lambanog; but modern versions can use other types of alcohol, most commonly gin, beer, or white wine.
The contents were usually a small paper bag of hard candy, chocolate drops, and sugar cream candy, while the large bag held an assortment of unshelled nuts. Before electricity was installed, the Christmas tree was trimmed with candles. Trustees were assigned to sit near the tree with buckets of sand, in case the tree caught fire. The school built in 1875 remained in use until 1954.
They were used in a variety of ways: whole, shelled or unshelled, slivered, ground and, most importantly, processed into almond milk. This last type of non-dairy milk product is probably the single most common ingredient in late medieval cooking and blended the aroma of spices and sour liquids with a mild taste and creamy texture.Scully (1995), p. 111–12. Salt was ubiquitous and indispensable in medieval cooking.
The fruit of the almond is a drupe, consisting of an outer hull and a hard shell with the seed, which is not a true nut, inside. Shelling almonds refers to removing the shell to reveal the seed. Almonds are sold shelled or unshelled. Blanched almonds are shelled almonds that have been treated with hot water to soften the seedcoat, which is then removed to reveal the white embryo.
Halabós is one of the easiest and most common way of preparing crustacean dishes in the Philippines. Traditionally, it only requires boiling whole unshelled shrimp, crab, or other crustaceans in water and a little salt for one to three minutes until they turn reddish-pink. Nothing else is added, and the ingredients are allowed to stew in their own juices. However, modern versions generally use carbonated lemon drinks like Sprite instead of water.
Food, particularly unshelled foods, such as thistle seed and suet, left uneaten for too long may spoil. Birds also require a source of drinking water and a bird bath can attract as many birds as a feeding station. In North America, suet can be used to attract a variety of birds that may not reliably visit a birdfeeder containing seeds. In Texas, all common species of woodpeckers will use a suet feeder year round.
Ginataang hipon is one of the simpler types of ginataan. The basic recipe includes unshelled shrimp with the heads intact, coconut milk, onion, garlic, ginger/turmeric, patis (fish sauce) or bagoong alamang (shrimp paste), and salt and pepper to taste. It can also be spiced with siling haba or labuyo peppers. The onion and garlic are first sautéed in oil in a pan, followed by the shrimp, then the rest of the ingredients are added until cooked.
Retrieved 16 March 2018. meaning that when one is maturing in one of her follicles the yolk of another is forming in the other. The white shell only forms when the egg has been fertilized and females will sometimes lay infertile, unshelled yellowish eggs known as "slugs". The female lays one (occasionally two) eggs per time, which typically is placed casually on the ground among leaf-litter, under debris, logs or rocks, or in a small hole.
The plants have a unique appearance for members of the parsley family, and are tall (1–3 feet) and grasslike, with threadlike leaves 1–6 inches long that resemble blades of grass. The plants effectively mimic tall grass and are virtually invisible until they flower, since they tend to grow in grassy meadows, and prefer full sunlight. Like most members of the parsley family, yampah produces umbels of white flowers. The small roots of yampah are about the size of a large unshelled peanut.
It is a specialty of Purim. The triangular shape may have been influenced by old illustrations of Haman, in which he wore a three-cornered hat Sunflower seeds, called garinim (literally, seeds), are eaten everywhere, on outings, at stadiums and at home. They are usually purchased unshelled and are cracked open with the teeth. They can be bought freshly roasted from shops and market stalls that specialize in nuts and seeds as well as packaged in supermarkets, along with the also well-liked pumpkin and watermelon seeds, pistachios, and sugar-coated peanuts.
Hadji Ali demonstrating his skills, 1927 The mainstay of Ali's act was "water spouting". After swallowing large amounts of water, 60 to 100 glasses at a time, he spouted the water in a continuous stream for a sustained period of time, sometimes approaching one minute. Another common trick was to swallow 30 to 50 unshelled hazelnuts (although one of his posters advertised 40 pecans), followed by another nut of a different variety, such as an almond. Ali then brought them up one by one with the odd-nut-out produced at a mark called out by the audience.
Cones of P. edulis The edible seeds, pine nuts, are extensively collected throughout its range; in many areas, the seed harvest rights are owned by Native American tribes, for whom the species is of immense cultural and economic importance. They can be stored for a year when unshelled. One early legend asserts that the "tree of life" is a pinyon pine, rooted in ancient cultural sites found within areas of pinyon (piñon) Canyon, Colorado. Archaeologist Harold S. Gladwin described pit-houses constructed by southwestern Native Americans 400–900 CE; these were fortified with posts made from Pinyon trunks and coated with mud.
In the 17th century, screw nutcrackers were introduced that applied more gradual pressure to the shell, some like a vise. The spring-jointed nutcracker was patented by Henry Quackenbush in 1913. A ratchet design, similar to a car jack, that gradually increases pressure on the shell to avoid damaging the kernel inside is used by the Crackerjack, patented in 1947 by Cuthbert Leslie Rimes of Morley, Leeds and exhibited at the Festival of Britain. Unshelled nuts are still popular in China, where a key device is inserted into the crack in walnuts, pecans, and macadamias and twisted to open the shell.
Foam peanuts (made of expanded polystyrene) The inner structure of a foam peanut, magnified 390x on an SEM Packaging peanuts made from bioplastics (thermoplastic starch) Foam peanuts, also known as foam popcorn, packing peanuts or packing noodles, are a common loose-fill packaging and cushioning material used to prevent damage to fragile objects during shipping. They are shaped to interlock when compressed and free flow when not compressed. They are roughly the size and shape of an unshelled peanut and commonly made of expanded polystyrene foam. 50–75 millimetres (2-3 in) of peanuts are typically used for cushioning and void filling packaging applications.
"The Futurama Holiday Spectacular", originally titled "Holiday Val-U-Pak", is the thirteenth episode of the sixth season of the animated sitcom Futurama and is the 101st episode of the series. It originally aired as a holiday special on November 21, 2010, before the remaining episodes of Season 6 were broadcast in 2011. The episode features three self-contained segments, sponsored by the fictitious product "Gunderson's Unshelled Nuts". The first segment is based on "Xmas" (pronounced as "eks-mas"; a version of Christmas present in the 31st century), in which the long-extinct pine tree species is revived, but due to seed contamination grow out of control.
It is difficult to relate shell size at the onset of maturity to age since the size structure of populations vary over time and from one locality to another. Dissection of Tarebia granifera showed blastula stage embryos in the brood pouches of snails as small as 8 mm shell height. Small numbers of shelled embryos, including veligers, were found in snails of 10–14 mm but became more plentiful in snails >14 mm and especially those >20 mm. Importantly, unshelled embryos (blastula, gastrula and trochophore stages) were not found in snails >16 mm and the numbers of shelled embryos themselves decreased in the largest snails, >24 mm.
The Ca.6 was a single-engine propeller- driven biplane with a traditional configuration with wings in the bow and tail fletching, but it had no fuselage : it was replaced by a light structure formed by two beams of unshelled wood and some vertical reinforcing uprights that supported the planes of tail. They were composed only of a stabilizer - horizontal balancer; the lack of a vertical drift was compensated by four large interwoven surfaces that, placed between the wings, contributed to the stability of the aircraft around the vertical axis. The wings resumed the double curvature profile that had also characterized Caproni aircraft immediately preceding, but with not very lucky results: the aerodynamic characteristics of this type of profile, which had been suggested to Caproni by his friend and colleague Henri Coandă, proved to be once again unsatisfactory.

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