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"unrecyclable" Definitions
  1. unable to be recycled : not recyclable
"unrecyclable" Synonyms

23 Sentences With "unrecyclable"

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A McDonald's spokesperson said its paper straws were actually unrecyclable.
In fact, unlike their plastic equivalents, they are completely unrecyclable.
Much of the unrecyclable plastic was being dumped or stuffed into landfills.
Much of it was of poor quality, she noted, and hence unrecyclable.
They're part of our daily routines, and that $10 shampoo bottle is often partly or fully unrecyclable.
When you send those compacts, containers, and lipstick tubes, you're essentially contributing to the pileup of unrecyclable plastics in landfills.
"A lot of these items were ordered online with unrecyclable packaging, and then [there's] fuel emissions from shipping," she says.
In addition to tree-killing paper mailers I can at least recycle, Spectrum often likes to mix in unrecyclable thick plastic cards.
Malaysia announced last month that it, too, would be sending tons of unrecyclable plastic back to a handful of countries, including Canada.
It is not just things like plastic bags or textiles, which a recent survey found one in two Britons incorrectly assumes to be unrecyclable.
Since then, richer countries have sought to pawn off that unrecyclable material on less developed countries, largely in Southeast Asia, which can't handle the volume.
That means setting clear targets for eliminating the most problematic, unrecyclable plastics first, and working toward eliminating all throwaway plastics in the years to follow.
The device—which is great, and just a few months old—will likely be blown to unrecyclable smithereens by the upcoming iPhone 8, if rumors are any indication.
Now, using a novel reaction system that employs a liquid chemical catalyst, BioCellection turns unrecyclable, contaminated film waste into chemicals that can be used by consumers and industry.
The new material, called polydiketoenamine or PDK, could breathe new life into plastic products that were made unrecyclable because of the presence of other materials, like fillers or solvents, that make the plastic harder or more flexible.
Kyle Wiens, the CEO of iFixit, notes that recycling "should be a last option" because unrecyclable rare earth metals are completely lost and melted down commodities are less valuable and of generally of a lower quality than freshly mined ones.
His company announced in April that part of its $1.33 billion investment in the Georgetown, Ky., plant where the Camry is assembled would include a new paint shop that will eliminate a currently unrecyclable hazardous waste byproduct of preparing aluminum for painting.
But Thibault Turchet, with environmental campaigning group Zero Waste France, said of the Nestle alliance with Ocean Legacy that it would be better for Nestle and other large plastic waste producers to return to bottling drinks in glass and cut down on plastic packaging that is unrecyclable.
About 25% of the post- consumer latex paint received is unrecyclable. This waste latex paint is injected into a landfill in an effort to use the liquids to facilitate garbage decomposition.
Because of this, alternatives to the Hall–Héroult process have been researched, but none has turned out to be economically feasible. Common bins for recyclable waste along with a bin for unrecyclable waste. The bin with a yellow top is labeled "aluminum". Rhodes, Greece.
MetroPaint is a recycled-content latex paint (RCLP) that has been produced in Portland, Oregon, United States by Metro since 1992. Metro receives post- consumer latex paint (PCLP) from garbage customers. Technicians inspect the paint for recyclability: recyclable paint is sorted by color, and unrecyclable paint is disposed in landfills. The recyclable paint is then color-corrected.
In 2018, Wang was a winner of the UN Environment Programme's Young Champions of the Earth award. Miranda Wang received this award for recognition of her work to help tackle the plastic crisis by developing a recycling solution for unrecyclable plastic waste. Wang's company won the Perlman Grand Prize in the Wharton Business Plan Competition in 2016, receiving $30,000 toward their operations. In 2019, BioCellection was the runner-up in the Urban Resilience Challenge, which financially supports entrepreneurs.
In the months following China's January 2018 banning of nearly all plastic waste imports,How mountains of U.S. plastic waste ended up in Malaysia, broken down by workers for $10 a day, Los Angeles Times, 29 Dec 2018 around 40 factories sprung up around Jenjoram to take up some of the business. Often hidden in the local palm oil plantations, 90 percent had no permits, as Malaysia suddenly became one of the world's biggest plastic importers. In many cases, existing Chinese waste processing businesses relocated to Jenjarom, attracted by its proximity to Port KlangPlastic pollution: One town smothered by 17,000 tonnes of rubbish, BBC, 13 February 2019 \- Malaysia's largest port and the entry point for most of its plastic imports - together with the cultural fit of the town's Chinese business population, and allegedly corruptible officials. Unrecyclable plastics should be sent to waste centres but Jenjarom's illegal operations simply burned them, releasing poisonous and carcinogenic fumes into the atmosphere, causing respiratory complaints and skin rashes among local people.

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