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56 Sentences With "unconscious level"

How to use unconscious level in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "unconscious level" and check conjugation/comparative form for "unconscious level". Mastering all the usages of "unconscious level" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But at an unconscious level, their brains did not seem to agree.
One huge problem is that industry influence largely occurs at an unconscious level.
And on an unconscious level, he may no longer have been pushing himself.
The bureau has deduced that humanity influences these occurrences, seemingly on an unconscious level.
And for some, on an unconscious level, picking may be a way to avoid intimacy.
Most prospection occurs at the unconscious level as the brain sifts information to generate predictions.
At least in an unconscious level, survivors may try to find what they did wrong.
At an unconscious level, listeners begin to identify the pulse of the music with their own.
I think the listener can hear and feel the difference, even if only on an unconscious level.
I'm talking only about garden-variety prejudice, the kind that operates at an unconscious level in everyone.
Our decision making is usually quick and dirty, occurring at an unconscious level using mental shortcuts, called heuristics.
Desire is a feeling that happens on an unconscious level, so in a sense, it can't be controlled, Dr. Addison says.
I had never read anything quite like it: Strange, funny, beautifully disturbing, it felt completely alien yet completely true on some unconscious level.
The reason it is so common is because between eighty to ninety percent of our life, we're actually operating on the unconscious level.
The paper posits that voice assistants, most of which are gendered female, perpetuate problematic stereotypes of subservience and biases against women — even at an unconscious level.
New experimental evidence published today in the science journal eNeuro suggests the human brain is capable of responding to the Earth's magnetic field, though at an unconscious level.
"On a conscious or unconscious level, all Norwegians are influenced by Edvard Munch," said Stein Olav Henrichsen, the director of the Munch Museum, which regularly hosts events at Ekely.
To counter Trump, Democrats have to get into the electorate's automatic, intuitive and unconscious level of responding to events before attempting a critique based on reasoned argument, according to Haidt.
To broach implicit bias isn't to impugn someone's values; it's to recognize that our values compete on an unconscious level with all the stereotypes we absorb from the world around us.
Psychological research studies show that people tend to hold gender stereotypes about leadership and competence, at least at an unconscious level, associating leadership and competence more strongly with men than with women.
Lorelai is convinced on some deep, unconscious level that once Rory has sex Lorelai will lose her the way Emily lost Lorelai, but she keeps trying to convince herself that she's okay with the concept.
Usually on an unconscious level, to gain for ourselves attention and admiration from strangers — generally as anonymous stand-ins for parents who we think in one way or another failed to adequately recognize our specialness.
Still, the preliminary findings of the study suggested that people with a history of white supremacy fundamentally perceived these stimuli differently from the control group—and rapidly enough to suggest that it took place on an unconscious level.
"Lol" has developed patterns and rules that we recognize on an unconscious level, and McCulloch has the linguistic training to figure out what those rules are and explain them to us — along with all the other weird ways we write on the internet.
Dr. Glenn Geher, a professor of psychology at the State University of New York at New Paltz, says, on an unconscious level, we're all just trying to cope with the fact that we were never meant to congregate in cities in the first place.
Thus, it was inevitable that whichever candidate lost, in addition to very real practical concerns that their supports may have, the defeated partisans were destined not just to feel the grief and disappointment of losing an election, but (on a conscious or unconscious) level to experience a devastating loss of the hope of "returning" to a magical realm of "Shared Omnipotence", safety, and expectations that life would now go on happily ever after.
Newer research has called into question the distinction between implicit and explicit attitudes. Fazio & Olson ask whether a person who is being primed to detect implicit attitudes is necessarily blind to their implicit beliefs. In their paper they bring up the question; just because a person is primed on an unconscious level and may indeed be answering on an unconscious level, does that not mean that they could still be aware of their attitudes nonetheless. "A second troublesome aspect of the implicit- explicit distinction is that it implies preexisting dual attitudes".
Activities such as biting, chewing and swallowing require symmetrical, simultaneous coordination of both sides of the body. They are automatic activities, requiring little conscious attention and involving a sensory component (feedback about touch-position) processed at the unconscious level in the mesencephalic nucleus.
Schematic bases of social information processing. In E. T. Higgins, C. A. Herman, & M. P. Zanna (Eds.), Social cognition: The Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology (pp. 89-134). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. This can happen on an unconscious level— frequently an individual may not even perceive the new information.
Sigmund Freud believed that everyone has a conscious, preconscious, and unconscious level of awareness. In the conscious, one is aware of their mental process. The preconscious involves information which, though not currently in our thoughts, can be brought into consciousness. Lastly, the unconscious includes mental processes that a person is unaware of.
Behind role suction, such forces as projective identification and countertransference have been singled out as operating at an unconscious level in the group.C. James/U. Connolly, Effective Change in Schools (2000) p. 53 Role lock – confirming mutual suction into complementary roles, such as victim and abuser – is ensured by the intermeshing of projective identifications.
Position, in this context, refers to conscious proprioception. Proprioceptors (muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organs) provide information about joint position and muscle movement. Although much of this information is processed at an unconscious level (primarily by the cerebellum and the vestibular nuclei), some is available at a conscious level. Touch-position and pain- temperature sensations are processed by different pathways in the central nervous system.
158–159 Since Lucy exists on an unconscious level for the narrator, he cannot grasp her until she has died. As such, he experiences the events as one who is woken from a dream without an understanding of what the dream entailed, and is not able to feel shock at learning of her death. This is thematically represented in the poem by placing Lucy's death between the two stanzas.Hartman 1967 p.
Freud noticed that also his patient's dreams expressed important feelings they were unaware of. After these observations, he concluded that psychological disturbances are largely caused by personal conflicts existing at the unconscious level. His psychoanalytic theory acts to explain personality, motivation and mental disorders by focusing on unconscious determinants of behavior. Freud later used his notion of the unconscious in order to explain certain kinds of neurotic behavior.
The ego uses defense mechanisms to protect one's mind from the conflictual ideas of the id and superego. These defense mechanisms work at the unconscious level and help a person deal with threatening events. These defense styles vary in adaptive value. So, a defense style that doesn't provide the appropriate change to the person so that they can deal with the threatening event usually suggests the repeated use of immature defenses, such as denial.
Sigmund Freud, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (PFL 1) p. 496 The focus in psychodynamic psychotherapy is, in large part, the therapist and patient recognizing the transference relationship and exploring the relationship's meaning. Since the transference between patient and therapist happens on an unconscious level, psychodynamic therapists who are largely concerned with a patient's unconscious material use the transference to reveal unresolved conflicts patients have with childhood figures. CountertransferenceHoracio Etchegoyen: The Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique, Karnac Books ed.
In a later addition to this existing theory of selective attention, Anne Treisman developed the attenuation model. In this model, information, when processed through a filter mechanism, is not completely blocked out as Broadbent might suggest. Instead, the information is weakened (attenuated), allowing it to pass through all stages of processing at an unconscious level. Treisman also suggested a threshold mechanism whereby some words, on the basis of semantic importance, may grab one's attention from the unattended stream.
First, the urban research group Flying City was formed with Jeon Yongseok, Jang Jongkwan, and Kim Gisoo. They have conducted research on the impact that rapid industrialization has had on the city of Seoul since right after the Korean War. The area along the Chunggye River in particular, is the heart of post-war industrialization as well as the most historical site where they carried out series of public art projects. Among them, Mental Map (2001–2003) was an investigation of the influence on the unconscious level.
Furnham, Adrian. "Psychosexual Stages: Freud's Theory of Personality", Psychology Today Theories on mental health, personality development and illness that Freud developed are considered highly controversial. According to Freud, people are endowed with three levels of awareness: conscious, preconscious, and unconscious, where conscious level refers to what we are fully appreciative of, preconscious is what people could be aware of if they became more attentive, and unconscious level includes facts that humans cannot be aware of. The aim of the therapy is to turn unconscious into conscious.
In Eidelberg's view, a normal individual would usually be able to avoid being overwhelmed by internal needs because they recognize these urges in time to bring about their partial discharge. However, Eidelberg does not view occasional outbursts of temper as a sign of disorder. An individual experiencing pathological narcissistic mortification is prone to become fixated on infantile objects, resulting in an infantile form of discharge. He or she cannot be satisfied by the partial discharge of this energy, which takes place on an unconscious level, and this in turn interferes with their well-being.
New York, NY, US: Guilford Press, pp. 97–123. Russell and Feldman Barrett (1992) described emotional reactions as core affects, which are primitive emotional reactions that are consistently experienced but often not acknowledged; they blend pleasant and unpleasant as well as activated and deactivated dimensions that we carry with us at an almost unconscious level. While a 2012 study found that wellbeing was higher for people who experienced both positive and negative emotions, evidence suggests negative emotions can be damaging. In an article titled "The undoing effect of positive emotions", Barbara Fredrickson et al.
As he further tries to use sociology to understand the world, he reviews the work of Argentinean sociologist Eliseo Verón who describes shifts in sociology indicating sociology was retreating from the ground that Marx had claimed in The German Ideology. This retreat imposed difficulties for analyzing the relation of religious mechanisms and how they relate to cultural adaptations. The shift from the unconscious level to the conscious for example has significant consequences. It is the unconscious belief in their own ideology that allows the ruling class to justify its domination.
Neuroplasticity then causes this abnormal stress response to persist and be maintained. The Lightning Process suggests that while this disruption initially happens at an unconscious level, it is possible for the patient to exert conscious control and influence over the process, eventually breaking the cycle. The rationale for the programme draws on ideas of osteopaths Andrew Taylor Still and J M Littlejohn regarding nervous system dysregulation and addressing clients' needs in a holistic manner rather than focusing solely on symptoms. It also incorporates ideas drawn from neuro-linguistic programming and life coaching.
The Edifice Complex is a sense that with retirement comes the end of a legacy. More deeply felt when at the unconscious level, leaving a lasting legacy is equated with defeating death. In a way, difficulty in letting go of this legacy, and a desire to remain in power for as long as possible, may be seen in the broader sense as a difficulty facing mortality. When power begins to shift in the organization, a CEO may go through the stages of anger, sadness, and depression, which can lead to serious second thoughts in their decision to retire their position.
Researchers applied the same type of tests that were used to study blindsight in animals to a patient referred to as DB. The normal techniques that were used to assess visual acuity in humans involved asking them to verbally describe some visually recognizable aspect of an object or objects. DB was given forced-choice tasks to complete instead. The results of DB's guesses showed that DB was able to determine shape and detect movement at some unconscious level, despite not being visually aware of this. DB themselves chalked up the accuracy of their guesses to be merely coincidental.
According to Murray, human needs are psychogenic in origin, function on an unconscious level, and can play a major role in defining personality. Frustration of these psychogenic needs plays a central role in the origin of psychological pain. He also believed that these needs could be measured by projective tests, specifically one he had developed, known as the thematic apperception test (TAT). Unlike Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Murray's needs are not based on a hierarchy; individuals may be high in one and low in the other, and multiple needs may be affected by a single action.
At such moments people experience the common everyday trance; and get that faraway or blank look. Their eyes may actually close, their bodies tend to become immobile (a form of catalepsy), certain reflexes (e.g., swallowing, respiration, etc.) may be suppressed, and they seem momentarily oblivious to their surroundings until they have completed their inner search on the unconscious level for the new idea, response, or frames of reference that will re-stabilize their general reality orientation. We hypothesize that in everyday life consciousness is in a continual state of flux between the general reality orientation and the momentary micro-dynamics of trance.
The newcomers found that many Israelis, especially Ashkenazis who adhered to ultra-orthodox interpretations of Judaism, did not regard them as real Jews. When some white Israeli parents removed their children from schools with a high percentage of Ethiopian children, they denied accusations of racism, with one stating: "It's only a matter of cultural differences, we have nothing against blacks". In 1992, Blaut argued that while most academics totally rejected biological racism, cultural racism was widespread within academia. Similarly, in 2000 Powell suggested that cultural racism underpinned many of the policies and decisions made by U.S. educational institutions, although often on an "unconscious level".
For partner dancers, using weight transfers is a way for a leader to communicate a 'lead' for a dance step to a follower. In another example, for a leader to have their follower walk forwards while connected, the leader begins by taking his or her center back, indicating a backward walking move. As the partners' arms/points of contact move away from each other, they develop tension, which the follower may either break by dropping their arms or breaking the hold, or 'follow' by moving. A more experienced leader may realize (if only on an unconscious level) that the most effective execution of even this "simple" step is achieved by preparing for movement before the step begins.
Managing a relationship is largely not. As young adults we might experience a "magical firework" moment and become powerfully attracted on an unconscious level to someone who closely matches our pre-programmed "Inner Mate Model" - regardless of whether they are a properly productive mate for us. Once drawn through unconsciously driven attraction to a partner whom we have cast into one of our two parents' relationship roles, we can often become stuck into automatically reliving their old problems, escalating disagreements into arguments and worse. Note that many couples manage to have satisfactory relationships most of the time, sometimes because there were mostly positive personality factors in their parents' relationships for the roleplaying to copy from.
He is so dangerous and unpredictable that even Death does not apply to him. He is also able to draw out a human's deepest desires, but due to his belief in free will, allows them to choose whether or not they should act on them, even if they make the choice on an unconscious level. Lucifer always tells the truth, but much like other trickster deities and spirits, will sometimes conveniently omit key details to fool others into doing something wrong. He is never without the formidable resources of his brilliant intellect and his unbending will or inner strength, which allowed him to defy and confront his Father, as well as many other formidable opponents, without fear or doubt.
The use of the term “degrowth” is criticized for being detrimental to the degrowth movement because it could carry a negative connotation, in opposition to the positively perceived “growth”. “Growth” is associated with the “up” direction and positive experiences, while “down” generates the opposite associations. Research in political psychology has shown that the initial negative association of a concept, such as of “degrowth” with the negatively perceived “down”, can bias how the subsequent information on that concept is integrated at the unconscious level. At the conscious level, degrowth can be interpreted negatively as the contraction of the economy, although this is not the goal of a degrowth transition, but rather one of its expected consequences.
The Norwegian Åsatrufellesskapet Bifrost formed in 1996; in 2011, the fellowship had about 300 members. Foreningen Forn Sed was formed in 1999 and has been recognised by the Norwegian government. The Sámi minority retained their shamanistic religion well into the 18th century, when most converted to Christianity under the influence of Dano-Norwegian Lutheran missionaries. Although some insist that "indigenous Sámi religion had effectively been eradicated,' athropologist Gutorm Gjessing's Changing Lapps (1954) argues that the Sámi's "were outwardly and to all practical purposes converted to Christianity, but at the subconscious and unconscious level, the shamistic frenzy survived, more or less latent, only awaiting the necessary stimulus to break out into the open.
An avowed scientific skeptic and agnostic, Andrus often lectured at scientific and skeptic conferences, using his optical illusions and magic tricks to demonstrate the ease with which the mind can be fooled by the eye. He discussed a form of cognitive science that attempted to explain that because the mind is working on an unconscious level, it can be fooled into misperceiving apparently normal sensory experiences. "There are a lot of people who believe in the paranormal... when it comes to objective evidence apparently, I don't believe there is anything." Andrus and Ray Hyman appeared on a Canadian TV show in 1975 where they explained and duplicated the "paranormal" tricks Uri Geller had performed for host Dick Klinger the week prior.
The process of painting is integral to Swartz's art making process and to the creation of her multiple series of works. Her expressionist paintings are rich with texture built with layers of thin acrylic washes, impasto text, and collaged paper. Her art practice has been guided by various aesthetic inspirations, such as the Rothko Chapel in Houston, Wassily Kandinsky’s Concerning the Spiritual in Art, John Marin’s seascapes, and Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty. Moreover, the Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique and Carol Christ’s Diving Deep and Surfacing: Women Writers on Spiritual Quests influenced Swartz’s incorporation of feminist discourse to explore the historical context of female empowerment, such as in her Israel Revisited series. According to Swartz, she uses words and visual elements from various religious and philosophical systems (Native American Healing practices, Buddhism, Jewish Mysticism, Christianity) “in order to facilitate communication with viewers on both the conscious and unconscious level.
In general, psychodynamics is the study of the interrelationship of various parts of the mind, personality, or psyche as they relate to mental, emotional, or motivational forces especially at the unconscious level.Psychodynamics (1874) - (1) the psychology of mental or emotional forces or processes developing especially in early childhood and their effects on behavior and mental states; (2) explanation ! or interpretation, as of behavior or mental states, in terms of mental or emotional forces or processes; (3) motivational forces acting especially at the unconscious level. Source: Merriam-Webster, 2000, CD-ROM, version 2.5 The mental forces involved in psychodynamics are often divided into two parts:Psychodynamics – Microsoft Encarta (a) the interaction of the emotional and motivational forces that affect behavior and mental states, especially on a subconscious level; (b) inner forces affecting behavior: the study of the emotional and motivational forces that affect behavior and states of mind.

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