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828 Sentences With "uncles"

How to use uncles in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "uncles" and check conjugation/comparative form for "uncles". Mastering all the usages of "uncles" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I even have several uncles who aren't uncles at all - they are just very close friends of my dad.
The same conversation my grandfather had with my mother and my uncles, that my mother and uncles had with me, I'm going to have to have with my boys.
There was very little sympathy for men like my uncles.
Our community members and aunts and uncles are on Facebook.
Another two uncles are still being held, their whereabouts unknown.
The cheering crowd included one of his uncles, Philip Schooling.
Biologically, yes, and I love my uncles and my dad.
Both grandmothers were still alive, and many uncles and aunts.
It's everyone in my family, even my aunts and uncles.
But why should creepiness be so often associated with uncles?
Some other factor, specific to uncles, must be at work.
One of Xudu's uncles sells dried chrysanthemum for a living.
In the morning, there were the girls visiting his uncles.
M.A. and Angeline lost their grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
The girl was raised by a grandmother and violent uncles.
The rare disorder killed Dr. Wexler's mother, uncles and grandfather.
They are our brothers, our uncles, our daddies, our grandfathers.
Let your uncles, your brothers, let the community protect you.
My daughter answers when, like my dead uncles, I call.
Spencer Tracy and Walter Huston were like uncles to her.
It came from my uncles; it came from my father.
Dozens of people wrote — either to me, or on the comments below the online article — about the experiences of husbands, brothers, fathers, uncles, grandfathers and great-uncles who had served on board the Wasp.
My mum and my dad, and all my uncles and aunts.
At only 32, he has lost aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins.
Aunts, uncles, cousins and Grandmom all want a piece of Anthony.
My uncles would say that they partied hard at Mazatlán's carnivals.
Everywhere Abby looked there were kids, teachers, siblings, aunts and uncles.
" He added, "Kung fu is more for retired uncles and grandpas.
Her mother, her cousins, aunts and uncles had all been slaughtered.
We've talked to our parents, aunts and uncles, and they understand.
My father and both uncles also hold the rank of Eagle.
To the neighborhood uncles keeping watch out of the corner deli?
Among them were his mother, sister, grandmother, grandfathers, aunts and uncles.
We're talking dads, brothers, cousins, uncles, platonic male buddies, and more.
His uncles worked all day laying bricks to earn $1 each.
But it excludes visiting cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces or nephews.
MbS's brash style has irritated many princely cousins and residual uncles.
Fathers to brothers, cousins to uncles, friends to beaus, eventual sons.
Other close relations — like grandparents, grandkids, aunts, uncles, and cousins — aren't covered.
Cousins and uncles are fans, but my immediate family couldn't care less.
"I got two uncles in the grave right now, overdose," he said.
Bad uncles are Archie Bunkers without laugh tracks, without jokes at all.
These same events took the lives of fathers, sons, uncles, brothers, sisters.
Progressive citizens will want to speak truth to their stereotypical racist uncles.
One of his uncles died in the six-year-old civil war.
In attacking Khizr Khan, he had attacked our uncles and our fathers.
Everyone has uncles and grandparents that were activists in their own way.
Mums, dads, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends and teachers were hurting.
He says his sponsor candidates were three uncles and a family friend.
He told people he was going to California, to visit his uncles.
Additionally, many have siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, who care about them.
That's no way to treat our grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and neighbors.
Talk to the generation above you—your parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles.
He looks like one of those uncles that calls spring 'Sundress Time.
Remind them that their aunts and uncles and grandparents need their help.
Almost all of my aunts and uncles lived to be over 100.
One of Mr. Kim's uncles, Jang Song-thaek, was convicted of treason.
A government loan and aunts and uncles helped her pay for college.
A government loan and aunts and uncles helped her pay for college.
Then I put my three uncles in a wedge behind them all.
"This way they continue replacing father with brothers and uncles," he said.
"My uncles burnt down all my clothes," said the 24-year-old.
His uncles founded local bakeries and several restaurants, including Lawry's Prime Rib.
One of his great-uncles was the first black congressman from Virginia.
If anyone ever gave me the choice, I would rather eat sushi with Katy Perry than dine on fish sticks with my blue-collar uncles (I'm not an elitist; my uncles would also choose Katy Perry over me).
On Wednesday, John J. Gotti, the grandson of the infamous Gambino family don who shares his name, was sentenced to five years in prison, following in the footsteps of two of his uncles, two great-uncles and both grandfathers.
When the aunties and uncles returned from Italy, we again gathered in Vallejo.
Arguing with bad uncles is not going to fix them, or us. 14.
Like all bad uncles, Chief Wahoo has a big mouth and tiny ears.
I have cousins and aunts and uncles there in a village called Korat.
My village also includes grandparents, aunts and uncles, best girlfriends, and god parents.
Her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins have cheered her from the stands.
I've got uncles that are black, cousins that are blond and blue eyed.
Uncles and aunts have died early from a range of conditions, especially cancer.
So is my sister, my mom, my grandfather, and my aunts and uncles.
They will want to know about their grandparents and their aunts and uncles.
I always call them the aunts and uncles you'd rather see less of.
They told stories about bloody pool-hall fights or uncles who sold moonshine.
My mom and brother have both died, along with many aunts and uncles.
My parents became citizens, but I have aunts and uncles who did not.
In all, 13 family members — cousins, uncles, aunts — all lived in the building.
Sorry ... aunts, uncles, grandparents might have to wait until the newborn gets home.
Mr. Arnhold's uncles had opened bank offices in Paris, London and New York.
The men who rape them are also their husbands, fathers, uncles, acquaintances, neighbors.
By ten you notice your uncles are a lot different from other people.
In a phone interview, he discussed "Wild Wild Country" and being filmmaking uncles.
Her father, six brothers, five sisters and nine uncles were killed that April.
My mother's grandfather and uncles were surgeons with modern Chinese and Western training.
It's all in Prager's book: His research unearthed Kati, those aunts and uncles.
Hall already had six reckless, beautiful, wildly spoiled children (Eleanor's aunts and uncles).
Luckily there was plenty to do under the benign neglect of my uncles.
Along with several of my aunts and uncles, they eventually moved to California.
His father, uncles and aunts all died of heart disease at young ages.
Even without my sister's tacit approval and thanks, this is what uncles do.
So the girls, their father, aunts and uncles abandoned their houses and ran.
She was put on a Saudi Arabian Airlines flight home with her uncles.
I was hanging out with my redneck uncles and I can create a character.
Reminded me of the hope I felt hearing your grandfather and great-uncles speak.
"I lost two of my uncles last night," she wrote on Twitter and Instagram.
Some poked gentle fun at ethnic stereotypes, such as interfering Indian aunties and uncles.
Washington says her family is standing with her, including Alton's other aunts and uncles.
Moretz also has a big family, which means lots of potential uncles out there.
Being able to hug my grandparents, aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces was so special.
He elevated my father, my mother, uncles, who had eight and fifth grade educations.
Caro Quintero also partnered with his maternal uncles, Juan Jose and Emilio Quintero-Payan.
So, in no time, my uncles and aunts, every one,all waved me goodbye.
He served in the Marine Corps with one of Scott's uncles in the 1970s.
Three others — Michael W. Zeffer, Maryann Zeffer, and Patricia Glover — are aunts or uncles.
Stacy's eight aunties and uncles -- and their children -- all were part of her flock.
His grandfather was a painter, as was his father and three of his uncles.
When I was a kid, my grandfather, uncles, and father used to come here.
Muna said her son does not know his grandparents or his uncles and aunts.
My uncles told my father to not let me go to Kabul and study.
Knight says she tried to talk about her father with Hudner and her uncles.
This trope reflects the tragic reality that uncles do sometimes abuse their younger relatives.
Her 10 aunts and uncles and 13 of her 15 cousins also stayed home.
Aunts, uncles and cousins sat on lawn chairs and striped blankets on the grass.
"My two uncles are international boxers, and my father is a coach," she said.
In honor of our visit, several aunts and uncles and their kids joined us.
I first started to help my uncles to plant when I was a kid.
My aunts and uncles have stories about it too, from when they were teenagers.
Different members of my family — parents, uncles, cousins — collected different details over the decades.
They have an awareness their parents didn't have, their aunts and uncles didn't have.
Tim Leier coached Taylor's youth team while numerous uncles and cousins also played hockey.
The administration barred other relatives, including grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces and cousins.
Both uncles worked long hours operating heavy machinery that stripped coal from rolling hills.
But what my action prompted was a hum that further muffled my uncles' conversation.
Write a long soliloquy about your fights with neighbors and great-uncles on Facebook?
New Yorkers "had connections to the case — parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents," Professor Weisberg said.
Those killed were young men and old, veterans, newlyweds, children, pregnant women, uncles, aunts.
We created this weird little family, with only weird mutant uncles and naked dudes.
He elevated my father, my mother, my uncles who had eight and fifth-grade educations.
In my community, my uncles, my aunts, the taxi drivers, they had American flags everywhere.
I try to speak to my mom and dad and uncles as often as possible.
And so did other mothers, and more fathers and brothers and some uncles and aunts.
She lost her parents, her brothers, her aunts and uncles who died during the Holocaust.
Some cousins, uncles… I'm here to roast this big old ham I call my father.
"Their parents have sent them to uncles and aunts outside of Minya," Mr. Naguib said.
I've heard them from my parents, my aunts and uncles, my friends, and even myself.
Close friends are not distant sexist uncles who occasionally post misspelled Hillary Clinton email memes.
Before then all of her uncles were greedy drunks, and the Court was morally corrupt.
"Three uncles, an aunt, a stepfather, a brother and a number of friends," she said.
She rattled off the names of five of our uncles back in Pampanga as evidence.
Her parents, five aunts, and three uncles have all died of various cancers, she says.
The Koran allows marriage to anyone but parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces.
Her uncles, King Leopold and the Duke of Cumberland/King of Hanover, are lurking about.
But having seen the film, I would want my uncles and aunts to watch it.
There were aunts and uncles who were always trying to start businesses of their own.
I mean there's two ugly-ass uncles, I don't see how that's gross or offensive.
We have a term, 'the Lindquist Confusion Factor,' because I have nine aunts and uncles.
He liberally drops the names of his mother, Eunice, and his uncles Bobby and Ted.
He intended to study architecture; two uncles were architects, and a grandfather was a builder.
Specifically, I remember going to Durga Pujas with my dad or uncles almost every year.
Additionally, many children with drug-addicted parents end up living with uncles, aunts, and grandparents.
The first grandchild on both sides, he was doted on by aunts, uncles and grandparents.
And maybe (hopefully) not my friends — but certainly their cousins, their uncles, and their friends.
Mr. Arnhold's father and uncles ran Gebruder Arnhold, a bank the family founded in 1864.
Her father, Mark Colaio, and two uncles, Stephen Colaio and Thomas Pedicini, perished that day.
My parents, my sisters and my aunts and uncles will attend many funerals this week.
Between the Russians and all our uncles, Facebook is the most dangerous place on earth.
They too would love to meet the cousins, aunts and uncles they don't yet know.
Mike's three brothers, Justin's three uncles, each made it to 40, but not by much.
The agents wanted to know the identities of Ms. Hekmati's parents, siblings, uncles and cousins.
It excluded grandparents, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces, and brothers- and sisters-in-law.
The seat he is running for was once held by his great-uncles former Sen.
"Get your uncles, your aunts, get your friends to vote for Hillary Clinton," he said.
I badgered my parents, aunts and uncles for stories to shore up this supernatural status.
We'd be like uncles, a responsibility we looked forward to and expected to excel at.
Today, she says her immediate family also lives in Kabul, due to threats from her uncles.
But these dinos didn't directly give rise to birds — they're more like great aunts and uncles.
Towards a theory of bad uncles: Being a bad uncle means talking more than you listen.
Latest reports suggest devious aunts and uncles everywhere are plotting to buy Yellies for your kids.
He has, for example, won the loyalty of royal uncles by giving their sons prominent posts.
South Koreans apply the word to everyone from narcissistic bosses to overbearing uncles and corrupt politicians.
Grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins from the six countries would still be banned.
President Obama and Bourdain, America's cool uncles, got down with the Vietnamese soup-pork-noodle dish.
Paris believes some of her aunts and uncles are trying to control Katherine for financial motives.
Incest can occur between parents or grandparents and children, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and siblings.
But the government's interpretation of close family doesn't include grandparents, grandchildren, aunts and uncles, officials said.
Collating reports from multiple drunken uncles, I estimated the number of guests to be around 600.
They borrowed $20113 from his uncles and bought him a one-way ticket to Los Angeles.
In my pseudonymous life, I am like one of those perennial bachelor uncles from another era.
Over its more than five years, the conflict claimed two of Hanan's uncles and a grandfather.
On Mr. Davila's side, his aunts, uncles and cousins are opposed to relatives visiting the island.
She now has plenty of "aunts and uncles" telling her how proud they are of her.
For example, one of my uncles had left his old ID card that we found randomly.
We had friends that grew up in the Lower East Side whose uncles owned Karate dojos.
I don't want to be like my grandparents, my cousins, my aunts, or my uncles, either.
Her parents, her little sister, six cousins, six aunts and uncles and her grandmother were killed.
So did his father, his daughter, two of his uncles, his grandmother and several other relatives.
Most of the vaccinations have been administered to fathers, but also grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
One by one, my entire family moved there — first the grandparents, then the aunts and uncles.
Kingsley Rose will be meeting her maternal grandfather and uncles for the first time this Thanksgiving.
Still, he was drawn to the cramped apartment where his birth mother, uncles and grandmother lived.
My uncles in Puerto Rico used to wear it, as does my Korean father-in-law.
And his grandfather's and uncles' open distaste for Trump puts him in somewhat of a bind.
When my uncles were killed, their parents — my grandparents — underwent tremendous mental, and even physical, ailments.
My uncles had reason to live — they deserved to live as much as any of us.
Our system doesn't even allow one to petition for grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews.
Left behind, Mr. Ramos bounced between aunts and uncles in his native Honduras and in Guatemala.
When the doors slid open, I saw my uncles through the glass of the lobby doors.
Along with one of my uncles, we whispered the name of Allah into my Father's ear.
Meekins wouldn't clarify whether the adults were other family members, such as grandparents or aunts and uncles.
Before prison, I was a 17-year-old who enjoyed cookouts and holidays with aunts and uncles.
For his crime, the man served one day in jail; later, Maya's uncles beat him to death.
Im extremely upset about this #coachella2016 guys never trust ur uncles especially if their name is tony.
My parents and aunts and uncles sorted through their house and allocated everything to different family members.
Watching Dr. Huxtable, who embodied so many of the fathers, grandfathers and uncles we knew, was electrifying.
Wilson: One of my uncles had a Theremin, the kind that you hold like a crystal ball.
It became an Olympic sport and then our moms and dads and uncles and aunts were snowboarding.
My dad had dozens of guns, as did my granddad, my uncles, and all of their friends.
But, for the sake of our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and family friends, they must stand firm.
His uncles wearing nothing but nametags around their necks, lying in a ditch of saw-toothed rocks.
Approximately one-third of children in foster care are living with grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives.
His grandfather served in WWI, two uncles fought in WWII and his father in the Korean War.
When he was there, he went with his uncles to the farm that his father's family owned.
Catherine is survived by her older brother, her parents, grandparents, great-grandmother, uncles, aunts and nine cousins.
According to CNN affiliate KGO, Gracie's two uncles and grandfather are currently helping fight the Carr Fire.
But my dad was one of three siblings, meaning that I had six aunts and uncles overall.
I grew up in a household where we were helping my cousins and my uncles and aunts.
A whole generation of young people has lost parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles to the Fox machine.
My parents, aunts, uncles and all of their friends take pride in my accomplishments and that's wonderful.
It allowed them to grow up around their grandparents, aunts and uncles, and in a diverse community.
Cousins, aunts, uncles without the holiday off made space in the calendar to fly in from India.
"She loves it!" the jewelry designer, 32, says of Alena's close relationship with her aunts and uncles.
Police arrested as many as five people — two of whom are uncles of missing girls, residents said.
My dad, my uncles, all tradesmen, ladder racks on their trucks, chain-smokers, nights at the Legion.
But more than being living carriers of cultural knowledge, they're our parents, our grandparents, aunties, and uncles.
Just about everyone knew someone — from parents to aunts and uncles to children — who died of disease.
Parents, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents all play important roles — you have reminded us exactly what family means.
The constant sneers and shaming from her uncles and other relatives had become too much to bear.
Many began hunting when they were young boys, heading to the bush with uncles, fathers and grandfathers.
Late Thursday, a federal judge in Hawaii ruled that nephews, grandparents, uncles and other relatives should qualify.
Hope you're still in a turkey coma and survived the lively political discourse with your various uncles.
The Trump administration argued that directive did not include grandparents, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews and the like.
He attributed his issues to his parents' bitter divorce and the assassinations of his uncles John and Robert.
Flash forward to this year's AIDS Walk, and the thought of my uncles weighed heavy on my mind.
The man said one of his uncles was killed by the Zetas in 2015 for no apparent reason.
Even if we know the eventual outcome here, it's delightful to watch Victoria stand up to those uncles.
He's secured his hold on power by having about 70 senior officials killed -- including one of his uncles.
Spending time with my two youngest uncles was one of the best parts of visiting my grandmother's apartment.
Between uncles and cousins, she also has a big brother — 7-year-old Rowland from Will's previous marriage.
She said the situation has inspired her to share her uncles' story with the world, according to NPR.
Tracy said two of Salgado&aposs uncles who live in California had also been told of the discovery.
They are our brothers and fathers and uncles and friends and lovers and husbands and roommates and sons.
But families are still being broken up, as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings are regularly separated from kids.
One grandmother and two uncles were the only close relatives from the indigenous Q'eqchi Maya family to attend.
I have uncles, I've got brothers, going into the military, that said I will never see you again.
I use a lot of the same techniques my parents, aunts, and uncles used when I was younger.
And these are children who are violated, it's not by strangers, but by relatives and uncles and fathers.
"They're thinking of their sons, they're thinking of their husbands, their brothers, their uncles, and others," Trump said.
I wish fucking Uncle Paul and Uncle Jerry [my great-grandfather's brothers/my grandmother's uncles] were still alive.
Both her parents died in Auschwitz, and nearly all her aunts, uncles and cousins perished in the camps.
Because they're thinking of their sons, they're thinking of their husbands and their brothers, their uncles and others.
Regret that I didn't ask him to tell me about the uncles and aunt I would not meet.
" Mr. Hall, whose grandfather, father, uncles and son went to Amherst, archly calls himself "a powerhouse of nepotism.
Recruiting ossan is a breeze, with Nishimoto getting at least 10 inquiries a week from wannabe professional uncles.
If we do touch the phone, it's to videotape one of our crazy uncles telling a crazy story.
Lakshman's uncles in India gave their girls phones, and he guessed that his father had done the same.
Last year's arbitrary arrests of Saudi businessmen, government officials and even his uncles and cousins spooked global investors.
I was lucky and had uncles in the military; I saw their attachment to their rifles was different.
" When I asked if there were others, thinking of his grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, he said, "Yes!
But the project was also personal for her: Her mother, uncles and grandfather had all died of Huntington's.
"I saw the faces of my own brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles, contorted with terror," she wrote.
People always talk about uncles and family, but when I watched [baseball], it was always a solitary thing.
I grew up with a single mother, so all my uncles were big male role models for me.
"We grew up watching our fathers, our uncles, play," said Lasha Azaladze, 29, who would represent Lower Shukhuti.
He and all my uncles and aunts belonged to unions, the National Guard, Greek fraternities, secret societies, churches.
In the provincial capital, Jalalabad, he had aunts, uncles, and cousins he hadn't seen for almost a decade.
My Uncle Lee, who is one of my favorite uncles, did a family tree years before he died.
The administration defined it as immediate family members and in-laws, but not grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.
And that's not all: Two maternal uncles had Alzheimer's, and my maternal grandfather may have had vascular dementia.
Second, we should expand the definition of family to include grandparents, aunts and uncles and other close relations.
Close relations would not include grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins, and brothers- and sisters-in-law.
"Uddin: "I was trying to trace my ancestors and relatives, trying to trace my grandfather and my uncles.
They forced the Matyash family — 1573 people, including Mr. Matyash's grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins — into a ghetto.
And the same could be said for my parents, my friends, even my three uncles who started it.
The young boy's body was washed according to Islamic custom by his uncles, Mohammed Wahhaj and Mohammed Jihad.
Under the existing law, grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws, and cousins cannot sponsor the immigration of a relative.
And what they didn't tell you was there were little girls there, even with their parents, their uncles.
"Never really knew him" comes the reply; there were no uncles or other male role models, only his mother.
One of my uncles, Yimin Zhang, was sent to a farm in the province of Heilongjiang that borders Russia.
He reached out and began gathering DNA from 16 of her cousins, aunts, and uncles who suffer from erythromelalgia.
The last time Muhammad Umar Khan saw his uncles, aunts, and cousins was when his mother died in 2015.
Ignatius Jean, one of Botham Jean's uncles, told BuzzFeed News the family doesn't know what happened and wants answers.
From one box, the artist pulled out a remarkable suite of portraits of his uncles, aunts, and other relatives.
I watched him work day to day, provide for our household and coach my uncles and cousins into adulthood.
"Uncle Michael Jackson, Uncle Prince … I mean you had some of the greatest uncles in the world," he said.
In a season full of philandering husbands and Nazi uncles, Whelan's character's sweet and endearing storyline is quite refreshing.
Eventually, one of Paysinger's uncles, Carter Paysinger, became the athletic director and later principal of Beverly Hills High School.
Besides my mom, my brother, my grandma, and most of my aunts and uncles all manage the condition too.
Dear sibling of Cameron Thomaz and half sister Lauren Thomaz; also survived by grandparents, many aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Men like Forbes — history's bachelor uncles/best pals/trusted advisers — were for centuries on the cutting edge of taste.
That family — grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and Ms. Cyrus herself — is certain that Mr. Hillary is the killer.
What they find, a kind ghost named Casper and his three vengeful uncles, is a story for the ages.
My dad went to Palestine and brought all my uncles and my aunties and my cousins (back with him).
The junta, which killed, kidnapped or tortured more than 20,000 Argentines, counted among its members one of his uncles.
The old men Lily called uncles sat at a card table, reading newspapers and magazines in Chinese and Vietnamese.
"They have a sibling or two, and you have all their friends," along with parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles.
The token payment is just that: a symbolic gesture that helps both the clients and uncles respect the transaction.
Her mother, still not convinced, spoke with aunts, uncles and friends from the local mosque before finally giving in.
"I met people who said things to me like, 'I knew your cousins, I knew your uncles,' " she said.
"Both of my parents were drug addicts and several of my aunts and uncles were drug addicts," she adds.
Within my own family, I had two gay uncles who died of AIDS-related illnesses before I was 10.
Clarke's uncles, some of Liverpool's most notorious gangsters, are currently serving long sentences for drugs and for gun offenses.
I remember so vividly hearing, from the basement, the bellowing laughter of our moms and dads, uncles and aunties.
There was a revolving cast of aunts and uncles, the occasional cousin and a loyal coterie of longtime friends.
Callimachi: [Kurdish] Unidentified Speaker: [Kurdish] Callimachi: And one of the uncles of the young women stepped out behind us.
How can we Jews now turn our backs on our fathers, our mothers, our aunts, our uncles, and ourselves?
His grandfather had worked as a police detective, and two of his uncles were law enforcement officers, family said.
"Parents, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents all play important roles — you have reminded us exactly what family means," she continued.
He talks about blown-off limbs, drug-embattled uncles, dark nipples, genital funk, and crud of all rude kinds.
All my grandparents and all my aunts and uncles were entirely working class — laborers, builders, that sort of thing.
But his father and three uncles were pros, and he developed a brilliant short game along with superb putting.
I had uncles who went out every night and tried to protect black and white people and all people.
Person Five took the legal oath and conjured a new fiction: that Ameen had kidnapped three of his uncles.
About 53,25 fans attended this midweek game, grandmothers wrapped in traditional blankets, aunts and uncles, and coquettish teenage girls.
The Escobedo family — father, aunts, uncles and cousins included — convened in Acapulco last week for Neto's match against Kozlov.
Ms. Kodakin's older sister, aunts and uncles also died of it, and she believes the mine was the cause.
There have been a few different men in my life — uncles of mine — who I thought were pretty tough.
The policy excludes entry for visiting cousins, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and brothers- and sisters-in-law.
My grandparents also ran a restaurant, and a lot of my aunts, uncles, and cousins work in restaurants, too.
Ray Boggs said Monday that 29-year-old Terrell (tuh-RELL) Johnson had given that information to aunts and uncles.
Another man who gave only his first name, Ismail, said he lost his father, brother and several uncles and cousins.
I felt undeserving of the freedoms my mother, my aunts and uncles, my cousins and second cousins, would never know.
I loved my uncles, but I've also grown up witnessing the impact of their addiction on other people I love.
You are and were our friends, our idols, our fathers, our boyfriends and partners, our uncles, our doctors, our professors.
Most men in my social circle  –  friends, cousins, uncles, and grandfathers – said they've been in groups like these for years.
These days, social media is a love language for young aunts and uncles who want to show off their niblings.
"I don't think most of the aunts and uncles of Gary really believed that people like Manson existed," Hood says.
" Kaep added, "I have two uncles and friends who are police officers and work to protect and serve ALL people.
Also killed were her uncles Stephen Colaio, 29, and Tommy Pedicini, 211, who worked at Cantor Fitzgerald with her father.
Uncles and cousins came and went, and children were dropped off and then gathered again after graveyard shifts were completed.
Grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen would still be banned.
At 25, he and his wife, Ho Yuk-Mui, moved to Paramaribo, in Suriname, where one of Sang's uncles lived.
Uncles are chaos engines — they thrive on unrest, and are very good at the fine art of stirring things up.
Instead, she thinks they probably migrated with family members such as siblings, aunts, uncles or grandparents, or they were smuggled.
But my aunt and two of my uncles can vote, and I've convinced them—they're going to vote for Bernie.
The Trump administration subsequently issued guidelines interpreting the ruling to cover some relatives -- but not grandparents, uncles, aunts and others.
The Trump administration's interpretation of that ruling excludes grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, in-laws, and other extended family members.
We see one another as family, as brothers, as sisters, as aunts, as uncles, as fathers, as mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers.
David Sackler, whose dad and uncles owned Purdue Pharma, which produces OxyContin, just closed escrow on the 4-acre property.
" Yoko Ruiz, 33, Trans Activist "After my parents died when I was seven, I went to live with my uncles.
Returning to his uncles in the final chapter, Dr Mukherjee notes that mental illness can be accompanied by exceptional talents.
My grandfather brought out a Lionel train set that had belonged to my uncles, and there was an instant attraction.
Grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen would still be banned.
"She would in a very earnest way confront people like my uncles, who were ultraconservative, and ministers, too," Toews said.
But the policy excludes entry for visiting cousins, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and brothers- and sisters-in-law.
For decades, he and his brothers, cousins, uncles and parents have helped run the family business, which makes Gold's Horseradish.
We send it to all the strong women and gentle men, to the old faggot uncles and silent spinster aunts.
Together with aunts, uncles, and cousins, Tarek and his relatives piled into the family's Kia van and fled the city.
So like cousins, aunts, uncles, some family members who I hadn't seen in years and just have them on Facebook.
They included my grandmother, three of my uncles (one of whom was only 20073 years old) and my pregnant aunt.
At 68, my dad still has a full head of hair, as do my paternal aunts, uncles and half-siblings.
There were various aunts and uncles and cousins in the picture too — the Smiths, the Lawfords, the Robert Kennedy brood.
I drank Coronas out of Coke cans with my dad, aunts and uncles and learned the rhythm of their banter.
"They will start calling their cousins, aunts and uncles and finding the safest place where the work is," he said.
There are few preening Instagram models hawking weight-loss tea, and a distinct lack of crazy uncles posting Infowars clips.
His great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles all lived on the land along with hundreds of chickens, dogs and chameleons.
But now my partner's uncles (Hispanic families are nosy and complicated) have found out and are outraged at the idea.
"I tell them, 'We're the aunts and uncles, the friends of the family that these kids don't have,'" she said.
I had uncles who went out every night and tried to protect black people and white people and all people.
The burden of raising me fell upon my wonderful extended family; grandparents, aunts, uncles and older siblings all took turns.
Mr. Khairul, whose father and uncles were members of a militant organization, said he understood the pull of family obligation.
Ahmed is then shown inside a small cage, along with two of Lieutenant Basam's uncles and one of his cousins.
She got married at 18, so we had a very young mom, and all these uncles lived around the corner.
He first wanted to be a Marine, like one of his uncles, and later a Navy SEAL, his mother said.
I remember being a child and looking at my aunts and uncles and asking them why they were always arguing.
Over the years, other members of the Portnoy family have died, including their mother, father, uncles and their only brother.
Since then, Kashgary hasn't been able to get in contact with her aunts, uncles, and cousins in the region either.
At IFC mall, the 1st anthem battle: a bunch of pro-CCP uncles showed up w a big PRC flag.
"The large houses were a way for all of us, including aunts and uncles, to have something special," Hunter said.
Her father had divorced her mother before Nourah was born, and she was raised mostly by her uncles, she said.
Brayden had a whole family of his own — a mother, sister, grandmother, aunts and uncles — desperate to be with him.
Griffey Sr. lost four uncles to prostate cancer and underwent robotic surgery in his own fight with the disease in 2006.
Clark leased 80 acres of land outside Louisville from his uncles, John and Henry Churchill, for whom the track is named.
The stakes are high for me: Both of my uncles died in their sixties from asthma, more than 20 years ago.
My family is really close, so my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandma are all coming over to celebrate my sister's birthday.
I witnessed my grandmother raise her voice only when she was arguing with my uncles; she was always sweet to me.
A crew of my aunties and uncles made the trip, no less spontaneous than the one I'd made three years earlier.
We only confront bad uncles periodically, most always on designated holidays, at Thanksgiving tables or through the secular liturgy of sports.
One day later, the administration struck back, sending the Supreme Court a 40-page plea to keep grandparents and uncles out.
We frequently moved into different homes and would often be separated between multiple homes of aunts and uncles across South Jersey.
A fast-track court case found the two uncles guilty of raping their niece, who gave birth in August, on Tuesday.
We'd visit our families' homes, and we'd take tons of pictures of her grandma, my uncles and aunts, and my parents.
Or someone they can bring to holiday parties so their aunts and uncles don't question why they're not in a relationship?
Danielle Deleasa Jonas gave birth to the couple's second child on October 27, prompting congratulatory messages from uncles Nick and Joe.
Literally the only people who wanted this movie to get made are 60-year-old bachelor uncles who own whoopie cushions.
He was saved from more serious torture by saying that one of his uncles was a law enforcement officer, he said.
She always played pranks on my aunts and uncles when they were teenagers and she had this huge, wonderful, cackling laugh.
You are probably taking care of parents and siblings, and you might be taking care of aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews.
The men I knew were uncles who had come from places like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and, like Aziz Ansari's parents, from India.
Then uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents and friends all take their turns as a competition forms between Team Groom and Team Bride.
I've seen my uncles and aunts fight against these big companies to protect our territories, and they've been criminalized for that.
When I was little, my uncles used to run out in the jungle and keep the military out of our territories.
His website boasts almost 80 "uncles" in 203 cities, including Nishimoto's base of Tokyo, as well as Kyoto, Osaka and Tokushima.
Art was the family business: His father was a painter, as were his grandfather and most of his uncles and brothers.
For all those gearing up for another Thanksgiving filled with drunk aunts and uncles asking about your relationship status, fear not.
As for colleagues, I've never heard this exact one but similar scenarios with familiar faces (family, fathers, uncles, friends) for sure.
I found my parents and my sister and we hugged and talked, and then I saw my uncles Monty and Tim.
"My entire family, including my father, my mother, aunts, uncles, grandparents, they all went to Asbury Park High School," he said.
Such monuments were erected by the hundreds in memory of the untold thousands of husbands, uncles, fathers and sons who perished.
But no cajoling or shaming of uncles and aunts (with the law on their side) is apt to change the outcome.
Like the López children, my mother and uncles also stressed over my grandparents' fragile health on an island with unreliable hospitals.
Grandparents, aunts and uncles looked indulgently upon his pranks — spying on women from trees, bringing his entire class home for tea.
He swam two miles home in the dark, and brought the Coast Guard back to rescue his father and two uncles.
He and my uncles would get the coconuts from a nearby island and bring them to the coast in small boats.
I couldn't accept a deal that protected me while criminalizing so many others — from my colleagues to my aunts and uncles.
Opinion My grandparents, great-aunts and great-uncles, the generation who lived through World War II, never visited a concentration camp.
Seconds before this photo was taken, this young ring bearer's uncles were playing with his Frisbee, not giving it to him.
Kobe was from Philadelphia, where I live, and even went to the same school as my dad and uncles, Lower Merrion.
It said grandparents did not count, nor did grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces and cousins.
"My mom says that all the aunts and uncles, everybody was in the house, just drinking, laughing, eating," Davis told me.
Those who join are likely to have parents, uncles or aunts who served before them, forming a kind of military caste.
Leading the excavation team was Yoram Haimi, 55, who has overseen excavations across Israel and who lost two uncles at Sobibor.
"She was the only educated and sensible person in the family," said one of her uncles, breaking down as he spoke.
But unlike my parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, I do not own a first or a forever home — I never have.
There's nothing wrong with parents, aunts, uncles, you know, giving cash gifts to their nieces, nephews, sons, daughters, all of that.
"We all hear stories about crazy uncles at the Thanksgiving table or the Christmas table," said Bruce Udolf, Mr. Burga's lawyer.
People don't just automatically know what their uncles know, otherwise we would all know the lyrics to every Steely Dan song.
But by the time we counted aunts, uncles, cousins and our closest friends, we could never get it under 100 people.
How do you explain the job of a freelance arts journalist to prying and painfully conventional aunts and uncles-in-law?
Rema's parents and sister also live in the United States, but her two brothers, aunts, uncles, and cousins are all overseas.
The streets were packed with our parents, grandparents, godparents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and neighbors, all snapping photos from behind police barricades.
Having random uncles dancing to Too Short is really funny and you won't get that experience on a Saturday at a club.
I saw mothers and fathers, sisters, brothers, siblings, aunts, uncles, educators—trans themselves, or fierce allies or relatives of those who are.
But, besides being an open-minded ally for niblings, there are a few other reasons why millennials make great aunts and uncles.
I grew up in this two-bedroom basement along with many of my aunts and uncles who had just come from Mexico.
Bad uncles believe that because there have been lousy aspects of the world, there should always be lousy aspects of the world.
I was a single parent, and I was an only child myself, so my kids didn't have aunties and uncles and cousins.
Lesser known, however, is that there also exist two additional categories — Uncles and Nephews — that together explain the temperament of any man.
"I come from a family of military veterans with my father, both grandfathers, many uncles and cousins all serving," one employee says.
We all feel like honorary aunts and uncles, now that April the giraffe has finally given birth to her bundle of joy.
Daye, his grandmother, mother, two uncles, and two of his brothers migrated the 400 miles together, only to separate when they arrived.
We're told Bobbi's siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles will be there but her father, Bobby Brown, will most likely not be attending.
So, future grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and anyone else who will soon know a new mom, this is your chance to shine.
Cousins and aunts and uncles of people in the photographs, and that is the most useful and rewarding part of the project.
Mukherjee begins with a peek at the skeletons in his own genetic closet: two uncles and a cousin crippled by mental illness.
I couldn't tell my uncles that I was gay and liked dressing as a woman because they were very religious and strict.
In this one, she said that she was writing in secret, and that the earlier letter had been dictated by her uncles.
The 4-year-old already attends meetings with her father and uncles and kind of believes she is a Boy Scout already.
Barrett's father and his uncles were volunteer firemen in the area, and, growing up, he often accompanied them in the fire truck.
His father and uncles owned the land, he said, but lost it more than 35 years ago when Israelis took it over.
Our family roles as spouses to our lifelong mates, parents to our children, and loving aunts and uncles will be our priority.
A 14-year-old Salvadoran girl on the MS-13 gang's death list with two murdered uncles and a dad who disappeared.
I couldn't get Mr. Sterling's face out of my head — his chestnut skin and gold teeth reminding me of my own uncles.
If they hear a girl is going to get married, they talk to her father and to her uncles about the dangers.
I watched him put some of his children, aunts, uncles in positions of authority and then fire them if they didn't perform.
In any case, Lily didn't care about my opinions or my stories—she got plenty of both from the uncles and aunties.
"She has uncles and a grandpa working on the Carr Fire, so we wanted to give back," Chelsey added to Fox News.
The girls would bring his uncles tea in the morning and then disappear into their rooms for a half hour or more.
There were loud children, probably-uncles yelling at football and a soundtrack of constant, changing background noise that intruded on every conversation.
The tutors coming to our home three times a week was as normal as my aunts, uncles, and cousins visiting for dinner.
But for most of my time in South Korea, I'm on Jeju Island, where my grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins live.
It excluded grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fiancees, and other extended family members.
I began to pay attention to how my grandfather and uncles talked about black people, using derogatory terms, claiming they were dirty.
Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy III is ready to go where his grandfather and two great uncles have gone before: The US Senate.
"It's a reasonable next step," said William Maher, 61, a practicing Catholic in Western Pennsylvania who had two uncles who were priests.
He started hanging out after school with his uncles, Edgar and Jose Lacen, who had long criminal records for robbery and drugs.
Looks like he's making a run for the U.S. Senate ... just like his famous grandfather, Bobby, and great uncles, John and Ted.
When visiting grandparents or aunts and uncles, whether it be for a reunion or holiday, meat is served in almost all dishes.
Aunts and uncles visit; the baby grows drowsy; the Strausses have sex, then sleep; the household awakens, and the quotidian bustle recommences.
Aunts and uncles visit; the baby grows drowsy; the Strausses have sex, then sleep; the household awakens, and the quotidian bustle recommences.
The mutual devotion of my mother and grandmother, for instance, and the eerie way that the stand-ins captured my three uncles.
Isn't that where click-hungry press organizations and ill-informed uncles thrive, symbiotically sucking each other's teats of inflammatory information and outrage?
WowWee is owned by Ms. Wiseman's uncles, Richard and Peter Yanofsky, with Richard living and working in Montreal and Peter in California.
This does not include legal guardians like grandparents, aunt or uncles or older siblings, even if they claim you on their taxes.
An older girl — who said she had lost her parents, two brothers, and two uncles in the violence — sat next to them.
My cousins are watching television in the living room with my uncles, all of whom are either tipsy, drunk, or getting there.
As a gay black man, I often think about how different my life would have been if my two uncles were still here.
Harris, my brother, and most of my 16 aunts and uncles managed to convince my parents to look into this private school idea.
I rarely talk to anyone in my family about the deaths of my uncles and the way drugs and addiction have affected us.
I've had uncles joke that I better find someone "before it's too late" — the "too late" being when I turn 30 next year.
Still, he would like to obtain a visa for his child, so she can visit her half-dozen aunts and uncles in California.
Two uncles of a 10-year-old Indian girl who gave birth to a baby in August have been convicted of her rape.
I was in town from New York City, sitting in my dad's dining room with my aunts, uncles, and cousins on Christmas night.
But in reality most children watch the main site and are exposed to the same "manipulative design" as their 40-year-old uncles.
As friends, colleagues, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters came out, the straight majority was confronted by the fact that gays were not freaks.
Her father and uncles were among about 40 people killed when ISIS took over the Sinjar area, the heart of the Yazidi homeland.
Her parents were alumni of the Oregon Catholic university, and her grandfather, a great aunt and uncles and her older brother were, too.
Deportations claimed her stepfather, 3 uncles and an aunt, a brother and friends Elsewhere in Iowa, the increasingly blended communities are more complicated.
Those are your cousins, uncles, friends, who turned out in record numbers to make sure that their voice was heard in those booths.
You'll never have to worry about drunk uncles or high-maintenance bridesmaids, when you've got a tiny furry pussycat, purring on the mic.
These women were often killed by fathers, brothers or uncles, who were then able to be pardoned by other members of their family.
I've attended funerals for aunts and uncles and a father and father-in-law who were felled by chronic and acute medical conditions.
I grew up in a very Latin, conservative place; I had uncles who were gay, but it was forbidden to discuss their sexuality.
My dad passed away when I was very young and we still honored Father's Day with my two uncles, who were great mentors.
The Trump administration allowed only some relatives of U.S. residents to enter the U.S., while excluding others, such as grandparents, aunts and uncles.
One of their uncles is currently running the lawn-care business while their mother and father wait in Mexico to come back home.
Their father, uncles and neighbors placed bets on them while their mamas and aunts fingered rosary beads, praying they would not get hurt.
Clinton met with the mother, a sister and uncles of Philando Castile, who was fatally shot by the police in Falcon Heights, Minn.
Outside it, even the products of the most normative families bear the imprints of aunts, uncles, teachers—a whole network of other people.
His uncles, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, aka Z-40, and Omar Trevino Morales, aka Z-42, were both former leaders of Los Zetas.
The town athletic complex was packed with parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents who set up their folding chairs to ring multiple fields.
Ms. Davis recalled that when her aunts and uncles would visit Palm Beach, they often wanted to see where President Kennedy had stayed.
I have a picture-perfect family: two loving parents, a little sister, and a close-knit network of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
The Etsy shop ItsYourTurnSocks, which operates out of Louisville, Ky., offers options for the best man, uncles, brothers and the father of bride.
Along with two of his brothers and four of his uncles, he has just been released from a seven-year spell in prison.
I will tell them about the time one of their uncles and I commandeered an Afghan National Army truck for a joy ride.
Roosevelt's uncles, who drank for days at a time, would shoot a gun from an upper window toward people strolling in the distance.
But holiday traffic, burned side dishes and rarely seen, but opinionated, uncles can all conspire to get in the way of seasonal serenity.
We held a roast outside the house: Uncles and aunties from Dallas sat in the audience as the family put on a show.
We were really good uncles to the boys in providing a safe, creative environment for them to do what they needed to do.
His parents attribute this mostly to China's "one-child" policy, which forced his uncles to each have only one daughter, the petition says.
They're thinking of their sons, they're thinking of their husbands, their brothers, their uncles, and others and women are, I think, extremely happy.
Abdul Basit, 25, who said the airstrikes had wounded two sisters, two uncles and many other relatives, guided a reporter to the scene.
Not only did it wait until May 1945 before declaring war but in the late 1930s Saudi princes, MbS's uncles, had visited Hitler.
One of Prince Harry's uncles, as well as the Prince's cousin, were also married at St. George's Chapel, in 133 and 2008, respectively.
"Peaky Blinders" was born from the stories Mr. Knight heard about his father's uncles, members of the real Peaky Blinders gang in Birmingham.
They missed the way time moved slowly in Herat, where aunts and uncles were constantly visiting, and dinners were long, and always homemade.
But in the lifetime of a young Dreamer given an amnesty today, there would likely be time not only to obtain lifetime work permits for the original chain of extended family but for that Dreamer's grandparents (as parents of the Dreamer's parents), aunts and uncles (as siblings of the Dreamer's parents), and cousins (the children of the Dreamer's aunts and uncles).
She said the land descended to her from her grandmother, Jenny Smart Enemy, and two uncles, Bull Don't Fall Down and Otto Rides Horse.
My late grandmother on my father's side knitted a couple of sweaters for my father and uncles, and I 'inherited' two directly from her.
Meanwhile, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law, and sisters-in-law don't count as "bona fide relationships" under the guidelines.
But the reasoning in support of the administration's cramped definition of family never mentions any national-security justification for excluding grandparents, aunts or uncles.
On top of all those benefits though, is a real kicker: aunts and uncles also get free pretzels on National Aunt and Uncle Day.
His father once managed the national team and was a star player, as were two of Yulieski Gourriel's uncles, a cousin and another brother.
"I think we deserve more assistance from the state," said Kyaw Kyaw Oo, who had followed his father and two uncles into the army.
Authorities attempted to reach one of the missing teen's uncles in the area but did not get an answer, according to the police reports.
New Delhi (CNN)A 10-year-old Indian rape victim who gave birth in August was raped by two of her uncles, police said.
Alzheimer's disease has occurred in numerous maternal and paternal ancestors of mine, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins (my extended family is rather large).
One of my uncles was a retired factory worker who for most of his life resented almost anyone who didn't work with their hands.
I thought I was probably related to him (Laughs) because I heard his voice more than I heard some of my aunts and uncles.
"I first started making zongzi when one of your uncles asked me why we didn't eat it during the Dragon Boat Festival," she said.
When I returned to that country as a fluent Spanish speaker, I had my first grown-up conversations with my grandparents, uncles and cousins.
My son and I were staying in his guest room, while a swarm of aunts and uncles and cousins spilled into a nearby hotel.
That evening, in a mood for celebration, Chicken and her mother traveled to the house of one of Chicken's uncles for a seafood party.
One of his uncles, Abdul Ahad, said that Mr. Ullah had attended Kakoli High School in Dhaka and then went to Dhaka City College.
But for us, it's not a matter of you getting defunded or not, it's a matter of will I ever see my uncles again.
Players were still trickling into school after a summer on commercial fishing boats, drift-netting for salmon with their fathers, brothers, uncles and cousins.
Friends, aunts and uncles, even our synagogue built sukkahs that looked like camping tents in the backyard, made from purchased kits of plastic walls.
And you know who all read it, they are my mamus and my khalas -- my uncles and aunts -- they are there, they see it.
Last year, an anonymous letter by a nephew of the monarch was published online, calling on his uncles to remove their brother, King Salman.
On our last night in Manila, we went out drinking and dancing with Melissa's parents, aunts, and uncles, and we could barely keep up.
In the campaign, the skin care brand — which is also owned by Unilever — shows how grandfathers, teachers, uncles, coaches and brothers can influence children.
Many have struggled not just to trust men in general, but it has impacted their relationships with their fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, husbands, boyfriends.
He is the grandson of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, and his two great-uncles, former President John F. Kennedy and former Sen.
And besides, my uncles' carefree attitude was probably a result of being bald for decades, with the indignity of corrosion long since behind them.
" He added: "I'm still collecting on favors that were done 20 years ago by my father and 50 years ago by my great-uncles.
He watched his aunts and uncles drink beer and smoke marijuana, so he snuck into another room and he drank beer and smoked marijuana.
When Khpalwak decided she wanted to join ANIM, she was fearful of her parents' reaction, but it was actually her uncles who threatened her life.
"Close family" does not include grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-laws and sisters-in-law, fiancés and any other "extended" family members.
But family isn't just your mother, father, sisters, brothers, kids, aunts, uncles, when I go home to West Virginia, I go and see my family.
They were a religious family, and when Pennington began playing serious ball, it was a teenager on a local team with his father and uncles.
"Parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles — this is your responsibility, " Schlapp, a columnist at the Washington Times, told a Conservative Political Action Conference event on Thursday.
Forty years after Zola's death "a tragic rerun" of anti-Semitism saw Mr Rosen's great-uncles deported to Auschwitz, along with 76,000 other French Jews.
But the truth is that my uncles were poor and black, as were many of the people affected by the previous heroin and crack epidemics.
Relationship experts have long believed that relationships between aunts and uncles and their niblings tend to be less judgmental than those between parents and children.
When aunts and uncles go beyond the minimum of what's expected of them in their role, it makes the relationship extra special, Dr. DePaulo says.
Everyone says aunts and uncles are the lucky ones because they get a kid to have fun with (and spoil) without any of the responsibility.
We were living in my grandparents' home in Seoul, and three of my father's siblings were still of school age — two uncles and an aunt.
As Paysinger explained to the Sun Sentinel in 2016, Paysinger's father and uncles obtained permits to attend the school back in the '70s and '80s.
His grandfather, Said Bilal, was a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and a co-founder of Hamas, while five of his uncles were senior members.
The 9th Circuit ruling broadened the number of people with exemptions to the ban to include grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins of legal U.S. residents.
They can connect to any approved smartphone or any other Toymail toy so grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends can get in on the fun too.
"I had two uncles that got hired there that came to Storm Lake, and then my dad got hired by them as well," Ibarra said.
"Among the missing items are: Photos of Sidney Price's parents, aunts, uncles, and other family members, some of whom were Holocaust survivors," the complaint says.
Thank you for making sure I had a lasting relationship with both sets of my grandparents and all of my aunts and uncles and cousins.
Raised with little supervision by his grandmother and a fleet of uncles and cousins in rural Idaho, he endured years of physical and sexual abuse.
That's a concern partially informed by her own family's experiences: Her grandfather died of black lung, and her uncles all suffer from the same condition.
She gathered the family in the living room—the three boys and Elizabeth, as well as aunts and uncles and cousins—and handed out pens.
Democrats sounded like the wise uncles in a Disney children's film, finding a teachable moment in a rare display of foolishness by a loved one.
He would have seen the uncles in his family, the boys at school, and the entrenched misogyny that stretches from South Carolina to Tamil Nadu.
How are our parents, our uncles, or our aunties supposed to know what we can vote for if we don't understand the structure of government?
I saw relief on the faces of my uncles and aunties, who were finally beginning to understand the political structure of their adopted country. 2.
We would go to school, and on our way back our uncles were drinking outside, and my friends and I would steal mezcal from them.
It wasn't the same as gossiping on the patio at the height of the season, surrounded by aunties and uncles, but we had some cans.
But much of her family remains on the West Coast, including her mother, also named Carrie, her daughter, Faith, and many aunts, uncles and cousins.
A darkly funny jaunt through the misadventures of two shabby London actors as they navigate dreadful weather, pervy uncles, and their drug and alcohol abuse.
"Everyone on our mother's side — aunts, uncles, and grandparents — talked openly about their Native American ancestry," she wrote in her 2014 book, A Fighting Chance.
Nobody — not grandparents, not uncles and aunts, not cousins — has an automatic right to be in the lives of those to whom they're genetically related.
A longtime rival of the man's family, now operating under the Taliban banner, had killed one of his uncles, then another, then another, then another.
My mom is one of 12, so I have a lot of aunts and uncles, 40-plus cousins and then a lot of extended family.
All of her many aunts and uncles, and all of their children, were shot by German soldiers within months of Hitler's invasion of Eastern Poland.
Had it not been for one of my uncles shipping me off to Detroit to live with family members, I would have become a statistic.
"We've got a huge family, with all of her siblings over 80 and most of her kids (my aunts and uncles) over 22018," Nichole said.
There are 6.9 million working-age disabled adults — many of them the siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles of Mulvaney's "taxpayers" — who are covered by Medicaid.
There were many personal heroes in my life: aunts and uncles, a protective sister, a father who re-entered my life at the right time.
When my father, Alfred, was 20203, he joined his father, brother, uncles and cousins in the coal mines to help put food on the table.
After my sister's death, there were an intolerable number of losses in our family — grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins — but somehow, my parents pulled through.
While Sama'an's uncles, Al-Bara'em's songwriters Samir and Emile, disagree on the timeline, they both say that war pushed them towards making music in Arabic.
Five years earlier, in the winter of 2012, my uncles Farhad, Ahmad Zia, and Raiz were driving home to Deh Naw for a graduation party.
He was a devoted Grateful Dead fan who took them on fishing trips with a seemingly endless number of unofficial Fire Department godfathers and uncles.
I've stayed in homes in places like Turkey or India, where there are many generations under one roof — kids, parents, grandparents, even uncles and aunts.
"You've situations where they come out and have uncles and cousins that touch their bodies, and they don't realize that was sexual abuse," she said.
There are 84 courts with cameras for live-streaming so that aunts and uncles in Idaho can watch their nieces and nephews play in tournaments.
As a boy, I eyed my tonsured uncles warily, wincing at their scalps, revolted by the way their domes gleamed wetly on torrid summer days.
Like our mothers and fathers and aunties and uncles, like Uncle Jimmy Baldwin, who thought they would prevail for us, their children and other kin.
"Parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles — this is your responsibility," Schlapp, a columnist at the Washington Times, told a Conservative Political Action Conference event on Thursday.
Elizabeth Sackler's uncles, Mortimer and Raymond Sackler, were the principal owners of Purdue Pharma when the company released the prescription painkiller OxyContin onto the market.
My mother's brother was one of two gay uncles in my family who died as a result of AIDS, and both happened in my early childhood.
The middle generation - made up of her mom and her three aunts and uncles - could not be happier to have a caring family member on site.
In royal tradition, uncles and aunts already have a role in the child's life, so godparents are usually friends of the parents or less direct relatives.
He is, however, ahead of his grandfather Prince Charles' younger siblings — his great uncles Princes Andrew and Edward and great aunt Princess Anne — and their children.
But as I watch my aunts and uncles grow older, I think of the time we've spent apart and how I'll never get those days back.
Perry and her sisters rushed to get her mother's medical records, along with information about aunts, uncles (including one who died young of leukemia), and cousins.
LAS VEGAS — Liz Hernandez learned what deportation was at age 22014, when immigration officers burst into her home and hauled away her father and four uncles.
In a letter sent from prison to Akhbar al-Youm, Raissouni said the police interrogated her about her work and her uncles Souliman and Ahmed Raissouni.
They are good parents, they will be wonderful grandparents, and you'll have aunties and uncles and a whole other set of bio-based grandparents, the Potts.
Given their extensive connections to the district, Paysinger and his brothers were able to attend Beverly Hills High on permit, like their uncles and father had.
The news outlet spoke to Kaur's uncles about the investigation, and Malkit Singh said his niece came to the United States three months ago from India.
Rust confirmed that Kioko's mother, grandmother, four uncles and two aunts all lost their homes, and tragically the blaze's only victim was another of Kioko's aunts.
"It was a large family gathering of aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends who were out there enjoying the day when the storm suddenly hit," Hornung said.
First, he met her mom and the rest of the family, which consisted of a giant group of Vanessa's siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and friends.
The county fair is a little bit trickier if you're trying to forgo the decrepit beer garden full of weird uncles with shriveled tattoos of mermaids.
"It is very possible that my grandmother and aunts and uncles were buried there," said Mr. Hochberg, who lives on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
The feature is aimed at parents, but doting aunts, uncles, and friends may see one of the movies pop up in their Photos feed as well.
While with us they will always be in contact with the rest of their extended family, their half siblings and cousins, aunts, uncles and other grandparents.
His parents and seven of his aunts and uncles attended the school, and he figures that there are at least 14 N.Y.U. degrees in the family.
Years of standing in the same spot—cutting and shaving and dyeing and listening to the uncles and aunties—had turned Lily into an unhurried storyteller.
"Without the love and support of my mother, father, sisters, aunts and uncles I wouldn't have had the self-belief to strive to achieve," he writes.
But in many regards, Michael Ford seems to have little in common with his infamous uncles, as media profiles paint him as more thoughtful and progressive.
Now, "grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces, and cousins" are eligible to bypass the ban and receive visas.
Safir, her mother, father and two brothers climbed on top of a cargo truck, but some of their aunts, uncles and young cousins chose to stay.
His father, Samuel, was a pharmacist, and his mother, Fannie (Tischelman) Lederman, was a comptroller for a wholesale drug company owned by one of Harold's uncles.
" DW told us he appreciates people paying homage to his uncles' cult classic flick, but you gotta see his reaction when we brought up "Black Panther.
Her mother, aunts, uncles, grandparents and great-grandparents had all landed in court before Judge Claire, facing charges associated with child welfare, drugs and domestic violence.
Parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins sat in front of tall white candles to eat chicken soup, sweet kugel, the ever-present braided challah bread.
Kaylee comes from a large, loving family, and uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's family came to be with her in the hospital.
As a counterpoint to the example of Valdinoci, my great-uncles, Joseph and Erasmo Perretta, lived in New Britain during that time of anti-immigrant fervor.
After his uncles recruited him as a rider for their Indian Relay team, he built a reputation as a tough rider and dependable breaker of colts.
The hero of the author's family was Manuel Mena, a man Cercas's mother remembered as "the youngest, the most cheerful, the liveliest" of all her uncles.
On May 17, 1875, Churchill Downs, now on the register of National Historic Landmarks, opened on 80 acres leased from John and Henry Churchill, Clark's uncles.
One of Thanathorn's uncles served as transport minister under Thaksin and politicians from Thaksin's camp have been more welcoming of Thanathorn's party than the ultra-royalists.
Facebook's changes to its News Feed in recent years increased the visibility of posts from your aunts and uncles while playing down articles from professional publishers.
The police searched Constitution Hall, interviewed other competitors in the dorms and unsuccessfully tried to reach one of the missing students' uncles, according to police reports.
She has decided it's time to acknowledge publicly that she has the disease she's spent her life studying and that killed her mother, uncles and grandfather.
My parents, aunts and uncles came to see pirs as backward, or un-Islamic, or charlatans eager to make a quick buck off exorcisms and amulets.
Her life might have been difficult but in the end, she moved to Philadelphia and met my grandfather who had my mom and aunts and uncles.
One of Naheel's uncles from Aleppo, who happened to have worked as a chef in five-star hotels back home, landed in Germany as a refugee.
Trump is having trouble sleeping, so his dad and two uncles — Danny Tanner (Bob Saget), Uncle Joey (Dave Coulier), and Uncle Jesse (John Stamos) — try to help.
"The tradition of uncles, aunts, cousins, and especially grandparents sharing a household along with parents and children has roots equally venerable and equally deserving of constitutional recognition".
The President's eldest son, his wife, and four of their five children returned to New York; son Donnie, 8, stuck around with his cousins, aunts and uncles.
For most of modern political history, the GOP's national conventions have been predictably boring, besuited affairs, sort of like Comic Cons for America's white, vaguely racist uncles.
And what the Obama administration got whacked for was they were sending these young kids to sponsors or uncles somewhere within the interior of the United States.
Within my own family, my grandparents, uncles, and their families owned their homes — but I never forgot that they started their lives in the projects in Ohio.
Auntie Anne's National Aunt and Uncle Day BOGO deal is valid now through July 30, so aunts and uncles can celebrate their positions almost all week long.
"Two of my uncles remain in captivity - we do not know where they are," he said, speaking through an interpreter by phone from Erbil in northern Iraq.
"My uncles are always busy away acting so I barely even see them much at all, but I always know that they are so supportive," he says.
While Melissa and Matt were in Pennsylvania, Andrew sold lemonade along a local highway with help from grandparents, aunts, uncles and family friends, according to ABC News.
According to police, the girl said she had been raped several times in the past seven months by one of her uncles, who is in his 40s.
We were really poor (the entire family, including aunts and uncles, lived in a garage together) so we didn't have a house with different rooms for privacy.
" — Marion Shackford, Virginia "Every year we get together with my aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews to make 90 pounds of the Greek sausage loukaniko for Christmas.
"We do have many children that are either coming with other siblings, some are coming with other siblings that are minors, aunts, uncles," Provost told the committee.
While he didn't have much as a kid, he learned how to manage the little money he did have, thanks to early money lessons from his uncles.
As a child he, his parents and various aunts and uncles would descend upon their Berkshire vicarage to indulge in "a day-long feast of Edwardian gluttony".
He writes tenderly, for example, of his two mentally ill uncles: Rajesh, once "the most promising" of the brothers, and Jagu, who "resembled a Bengali Jim Morrison".
"Ella has so much love … she is going to grow up wondering why everyone doesn't have 72 aunties & uncles, 60 cousins & more sisters than she can count."
I'm as much influenced by Joseph Mitchell and storytellers that I used to hunt and fish with, my grandfather and my uncles, as I am other songwriters.
Beyond veterans themselves, many members who did not serve in the military have mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews who did.
Perhaps old-time interpreters of events such as Walter Cronkite infantilized the public by acting as imaginary uncles and sparing it the work of thinking for itself.
He single-handedly changed the possibilities of representation by depicting the people he knew and saw: black mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, uncles, aunties, and cousins.
"It grew out of my sense of having heard my uncles talk about the extraordinary days when the range was open," he said by phone from Washington.
She recalls growing up in a rowdy household: Her mother was one of 10 children and her father was one of six — aunts and uncles visited often.
One night, I started chatting with a taxi driver, Tuan, and found out that two of his uncles were killed in the war and listed as missing.
Kevin and Danielle Jonas' older daughter, Alena Rose, started kindergarten last week — and her famous aunts and uncles were there in spirit every step of the way.
The will laid out by my partner's father states that the money should not be divided until his death, and the uncles want to honor his wishes.
My father named me after his uncles—Roman and Joseph, born in Poland—who'd been father figures to him on their farm in Enumclaw, east of Seattle.
Now, maybe you think that's a nice reward for a lifetime of work — something we ought to do for our parents and grandparents, or aunts and uncles.
After years working for his uncles' circus, Henry Whitestone Ringling North penned "Circus Kings: Our Ringling Family Story," which follows the circus family's history up to 1960.
It can mean that our elders die at young ages and our aunties and uncles struggle with the illnesses that come from the fallout of nuclear testing.
The Trump administration has said parents, children, spouses and siblings can enter the U.S., but grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and other family members would be barred.
The white side came from the families of my great-uncles, whose kids followed their lead and married into white families, while the Koreans married other Koreans.
I grew up listening to my uncles and grandparents speak in thick accents about pahking the cah, about welding and wiring, about working on the Big Dig.
For a slice of Chengdu streetlife, check out the music video for "Local," which features the rappers playing mahjong with a group of extremely down Sichuanese uncles.
By elementary school, I spent summers there with my aunts, uncles, and grandmother, who enjoyed canning and baking but could also handle a rifle, if need be.
But in addition to stories, politics is about raw math, and there are a lot more blue-collar uncles in the Rust Belt than there are Katy Perrys.
My grandparents should be able to come and visit; my uncles, my cousins, my sisters and brothers should be able to visit here—the land of the free.
Now it's affecting grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other family members that don't make the cut as "bona fide" relations — at least, as the State Department sees it.
He is survived by his parents, Timothy and Janet Shafer; brother, Tim N. Shafer; one niece, Samantha Shafer; and "several aunts, uncles, and cousins," according to his obituary.
He had a great time in Mississippi, though he could barely keep track of all the aunts' and uncles' and cousins' names, let alone how they were related.
Both cars have the ability to "wink" thanks to digitized headlights — which is excellent news for everyone who thinks we need more cars that act like cheesy uncles.
At our family campfires, one of my uncles mastered this role by speaking in a gravelly voice and using a flashlight to give his face a menacing glow.
When the sound of the police car had become faint enough, Dharmender and his brothers and his cousins and uncles came back out of the sugar cane field.
"You should be attractive or our aunts will judge you, but not too attractive or one of our uncles might grope you," read a portion of the post.
Wahlberg, whose uncles are the famous Mark and Donnie, takes on the role after Micke Moreno left production shortly after the movie started filming in Australia's Gold Coast.
My uncles and family in Hawaii fought in the 100th/442nd, but my father was too young at the time, though he later served in the Korean War.
His uncles are the actors Ralph Fiennes, known for playing Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies, and Joseph Fiennes, who plays Commander Fred Waterford in The Handmaid's Tale.
They are people like my uncles who struggle to find work at all, let alone the type of work that lets them give their children a better life.
For the most part, the people women need rescuing from aren't strangers lurking in external "distress situations," but the men in their own homes: husbands, uncles, and neighbors.
If one were to rip off the manager's uniform—that said, probably don't—odds are they'd fit right into the uncles' cigar-smoking table at most family weddings.
When he returned to the United States, he was once again taken into secondary questioning and told officials he was visiting his wife, his uncles and his aunts.
Americans have no tales from dads or uncles about parking themselves in Highbury or in front of a TV or radio to watch Tony Adams in the 80s.
Though Parton won't reveal the age when she lost her virginity, she admitted that she grew up fast and learned about sex from her older cousins and uncles.
When I was eight years old, I went to New Mexico to the White Sands Desert, to visit one of my uncles who lived there as a recluse.
It said grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-laws and sisters-in-law, fiancée or other extended family members are not considered to be close relationships.
He says that in the absence of police protection during the L.A. riots, some of his uncles helped form an armed militia to protect Koreatown residents and property.
"I realized that, in writing about my father and my uncles, I was conjuring my own alternative existence, another way my life might have turned out," he said.
It moves outside the claustrophobic triangle of family romance to include the stories of brothers, uncles and cousins, some of whose stories rival Jaballa Matar's in their dreadfulness.
Natalie, one of the girls, was celebrating her birthday on December 8, and because she loves dolls, her uncles were hoping to get her a doll wedding set.
The idea for Fingerlings started with Sydney Wiseman, a 28-year-old brand manager at, WowWee, a family-run business founded by her uncles, Peter and Richard Yanofsky.
For a time, Pashtana was able to convince her father, her uncles, her fiancé and her fiancé's family that she could be both a wife and a student.
He spent the first few years of his life in the crowded ghetto, amid colorful aunts and uncles and with exciting visits from luminaries of the Yiddish theatre.
It's almost like being in a room with your, I don't know my pops so I guess it's like being in a room with your uncles or whatever.
It was already common to see the moms and aunts and uncles in my family add lime or lemon and salt to whatever beer they had on hand.
It is especially important that we take these actions as news emerges that the Trump administration is still separating families, namely children from aunts, uncles, siblings and grandparents.
Higginbottom had occasionally returned to Oxford when he was younger, chaperoned by uncles who wanted to visit relatives or take in a service at the family's former church.
It was the week before Christmas, and that night the mother and father were supposed to take the kids to trade gifts with their aunts, uncles and cousins.
Several of his uncles had been killed in the war, he said, and his family lives in a refugee camp where they rely on international aid to survive.
Being small-town Nebraska boys, what we knew about war came from our World War II veteran father, our World War II veteran uncles, and books and movies.
Grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles lived within blocks of one another, and her own family doubled up in their one-bedroom apartment with low ceilings and faded carpet.
When we went to my aunts' and uncles' houses in the suburbs, we threw baseballs against the garage door until they left marks and we got in trouble.
Under the guidelines, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fiancees, and other extended family members are not considered close relations.
But a few months after leaving my hometown, I found out that one of my uncles had been killed by gang members after he refused to pay them.
"You are carrying into the lungs of your brothers and sisters, your grandparents, uncles, cousins, parents the virus that folded the health system of Northern Italy," he said.
As usual, my uncles and aunts were over, milling around, drinking espresso under the grapevine, picking figs, and having loud, animated discussions about when to harvest the olives.
Many dads, grandparents, older siblings, aunts, uncles and babysitters speak parentese, intuitively aware that it helps the baby tune in socially and respond, even if only through babbling.
Martin Luther King, along with our parents, grandparents, uncles, cousins, neighbors, and so many great leaders before us, fought for our right to vote in this great country.
"She lost her grandparents, her mother left, she had all this daughterly love that she couldn't put towards her aunts or her uncles, only him," Ms. Estrada said.
Known as bachelor societies, the men who traveled to the US to help their fathers and uncles with work and to send money back home formed close bonds.
There&aposs perhaps nothing more heartwarming than seeing your baby enveloped in the arms of their grandparents, and aunts and uncles after a particularly long and tiring journey.
Pitts choreographed the team's entrance, instructing the boys to fan out onto the floor once Will's grandfather, father and uncles hit the drum and started the honor song.
"I am glad for my aunts and uncles to be in the U.S. and to be receiving treatment here," said JoAnn LaRoche Lee, one of Mr. Lee's daughters.
The attackers set fire to the boats, killed one man, and cut the throat of one of his uncles, who survived, even after being left adrift to die.
Would you agree to relive the most painful moments of your life, recalling in minute detail the suffering of your father or a grandfather or uncles or brothers?
To compile an itemized inventory of wished-for things and divvy it up among grandparents and aunts and uncles would require time, of which I have no surplus.
The circus most notably performed as a resident show at Madison Square Garden in New York City, continuing a tradition started by Henry and John's uncles years before.
That day, Jared turned to his family and announced that he was going to join the Army when he grew up, just like his grandpa and his uncles.
Hawaii's attorney general, Doug Chin, objected to the administration's omission of grandparents, aunts and uncles from the administration's list of people meeting the definition of a close relationship.
Markey, an establishment favorite, is defending his seat from Kennedy, who is looking to hold the Senate seat once held by both of his great-uncles -- former Sen.
While companies, networks, websites, and panicking uncles scramble to prove they can relate to The Youth, ABC Family has just proved that with its very own identity crisis.
Nancy had grown up being mocked and made fun of because of her uncles by people, black and white, and she long ago developed a façade of toughness.
What they didn't tell you was that there were girls there even with their parents, uncles, they were sitting down watching movies, having cookies, having fun, popcorn, watching films.
He touted his family's ties with law enforcement by mentioning his five uncles and two cousins who were police officers, one of whom died in the line of duty.
In a ruling last week, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins of legal U.S. residents would be exempt from the travel ban.
Given that there are parents, and grandparents alive – not to mention all the aunts and uncles – there is a huge support structure already in place for the great-grandchildren.
I have an extended network of aunts, uncles, cousins, and family friends that I would probably like but don't know very well, and almost never see face-to-face.
"The great thing is all my friends were fathers, I didn't have a dad around all the time but it's my buddies and uncles who raised me," he says.
We're ending the chain migration where, in his case, they say he might have had up to 24 people come in with him, indirectly — aunts, uncles, cousins, grandfathers, grandmothers.
"She was a student of communications who taught her many uncles and aunts to speak from the heart," said Shriver, who stressed how Saoirse taught their family by example.
Though he has two uncles in Britain, Ahmad said his family has been living in the forest for four months as they wait to get to the UK legally.
The commemoration doubled as a goodbye party, during which dozens of friends, aunts, uncles and cousins crammed into the narrow house the couple shares with Salas' mother, Mirtha Mandarino.
Freedom of movement was taken away by our parents, uncles, and grandparents in a parting blow to a generation that was already drowning in the debts of our predecessors.
The criteria is super specific, so the following relatives don't count as "bona fide relationships": grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law, and sisters-in-law.
Those with family relationships that would allow entry include grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins of people in the United States.
Mr. Ghani had a soft spot for the uncles, he said, having lost two of his own on a single day decades ago, in an earlier era of war.
That includes daughters Puma, 12, and Mars, 7 (her son Seven, 19, left in September for college); her mother; uncles; and two 90-year-old grandmothers, Viola and Thelma.
Bizarre bookings Usually, Sasaki is rented out just once a week for variable amounts of time, less than other uncles, but some of his assignments tend toward the bizarre.
I learnt to bro-down—like speaking to old mate at the store or over the phone to organise a gig, or to one of my Aussie Battler uncles.
In the end all those aunts and uncles, their various spouses and my parents — 12 baby boomers, all told — only had seven children: myself, my sister and five cousins.
"At the time, I was working with ideas of hurt, loss and healing related to my experience of the sudden and traumatic deaths of my three uncles," she says.
"I don't know how she's going to make up for two years," said Al Salman, one of her uncles, who sat two rows behind his niece during the trial.
Now, "grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces, and cousins" of U.S. residents are eligible to bypass the ban and receive visas.
Working with the group, she and her family, including two uncles who are also trustees, soon agreed on areas of emphasis, and a process for deciding what to fund.
Parents talk about "doing life together" with their spouses and children, but it's rare that they include, for instance, their own parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles in that category.
She sprinted back to her family's homes, where uncles and a brother, children and cousins were preparing for a lunch to celebrate a sister visiting from a nearby town.
He gave Mr. Patterson two life sentences without any possibility of parole, after hearing from Jayme and her aunts and uncles, who asked the judge to impose the maximum.
There was an awkward moment or two (outside of the bride or groom's presence) when other aunts and uncles assumed we were attending, and inquired about our travel plans.
The State Department sent shock waves through immigrant communities with their incomprehensible interpretation that uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins, brothers- and sisters-in-law, grandchildren and grandparents were not.
"For example, if you exchanged gifts with all your siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and parents, suggest drawing names or just agree that only the kids receive gifts," she said.
What happened when we said 'yes' The morning of my son's birthday, we watched as he tore through presents from three sets of grandparents and five aunts and uncles.
With a happy wistfulness, she speaks as though her father, mother, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandmother and cousins, who are all now gone, are back together, shuttling everyone toward safety.
Born to a poor single mother, Hnit Thi Oo spent her childhood without a stable home, moving around in the homes of her uncles and aunts, not always feeling welcome.
The MesstheticsSkip this set and wait til Thanksgiving when your dad and uncles get drunk and start having a jam session in the garage once the football games are over.
In royal tradition, uncles and aunts already have a role in the child's life, so godparents are usually friends of the parents or less direct relatives, so no hard feelings!
"My brother, the majority of my family, my uncles, my grandfather… almost all my family has been in the military," said Mr. Tyson in Matamoros's Olympic Park earlier this year.
First, the government excluded "siblings-in-law, cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and grandchildren" from the definition of those "close familial relationships" that would be exempted from the ban.
Bette is certainly safe in her home; not only does she have List's watchful eye, Bette also has three "dog uncles" who love playing with and looking after the pup.
In British tradition, uncles and aunts already have a role in the child's life, so godparents are usually friends of the parents or less direct relatives, so no hard feelings!
At the time of his death, John had become comfortable with the idea that politics was his DNA, just as it had been for his father and uncles before him.
When Robb Stark was alive and planning his doomed campaign to defeat the Lannisters, he stayed in the castle to plot alongside his uncles Edmure and Brynden "The Blackfish" Tully.
Because let's speak the truth, there are two groups of people who are raising our children: parents -- often with the help of grandparents and aunties and uncles -- and our teachers.
The players have been very adamant over and over it is not about the military, some of them have fathers, uncles, brothers, mothers, sisters who have served in the military.
Brian Wright O'Connor, a spokesman for one of Hill's uncles, issued a statement also revealing that the family will host a private burial service after, according to The Boston Globe.
A department cable said grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fiancés, "and any other 'extended' family members" are not considered close family.
The television above the counter was tuned to a channel based in Riverside, and the aunties—related or not related to the uncles—watched cooking shows and teledramas in Mandarin.
A department cable said grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fiancés, "and any other 'extended' family members" were not considered close family.
His mother and two of his uncles are also featured in the project; they've all spent their entire lives living in St. David's and wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
All my family is there: My father, Bernie; my uncles Artie and Hymie and Hymie's wife, Shirley; my grandmother Gussie and my grandfather, Jake Wadler, for whom I am named.
In particular, Republicans at the White House meeting demanded an end to rules that allow immigrants to sponsor their extended family members — aunts, uncles, cousins — to enter the United States.
And daddy and the uncles forgot about the fish and the dying worms and stood up to greet with loud shouts the man who made them feel their manhood anew.
A few months ago, he showed up at our father's birthday party and headed straight for his room without saying a word to any of our aunts, uncles or cousins.
We make minimum wage without a single benefit, and yet we are the people who keep your mother, your father, your sisters, brothers, uncles and aunts out of nursing homes.
In a 2011 interview with The Chicago Tribune, he recalled learning the blues by hearing his uncles singing "while working and plowing and picking cotton and pulling corn" in Mississippi.
When the intruders left, Haroon discovered that all three of his uncles had been killed, including Zahid, a doctor, who had raised Haroon since his father's death, some years earlier.
Once word was out that Robertson's father was Alex Klegerman, not Jim Robertson, his Jewish uncles Natie and Morrie ("products of Toronto's Jewish underworld") decided to look out for him.
But it had not struck me before that this was Kiefer's own forest, too, the place he came from, where he grew up with grandparents and aunts, uncles and cousins.
In 1973, his uncles were among 11 fishermen on state-owned vessels attacked at sea by anti-Castro fighters from abroad, who were trying to force the men to defect.
From Alexei, I've learned how all those Romanov uncles, nieces and nephews scattered by the revolution suddenly recognized one another in the hallways of the Astoria hotel in St. Petersburg.
Fathers, uncles and sons used to set out on days-long treks in summer and fall to catch the fish for their wives to salt in preparation for cold winters.
As mentioned above, shortly after becoming Crown Prince, he locked up many of his cousins, uncles and other power brokers in the luxury Ritz-Carlton Hotel on charges of corruption.
His father, Joseph Biden, Sr., managed a Chevrolet dealership in Wilmington, and Joe grew up in a house with his parents, his three siblings, his aunt Gertie, and two uncles.
There was a time when he wanted to be a police officer like one of his uncles, but now he said he had lost faith in the criminal justice system.
Grandmas and aunts and uncles are the givers who are most likely to give a gift certificate or a gift card instead of the crapshoot of choosing a specific gift.
Three podcasters, including hosts of NickTalk and Two I.T. Uncles (两个iT大叔), confirmed with TechCrunch on Tuesday that their shows disappeared from Apple's Chinese Podcasts app this week.
"Without the love and support of my mother, father, sisters, aunts and uncles I wouldn't have had the self-belief to strive to achieve," he wrote in a Virgin blog post.
In the case of particularly tenacious uncles, blockers may escalate the conversation by talking about politics or concepts of sexual identity, but be aware this may increase the game timer exponentially.
His uncles said he was a good man, engaged to be married soon, and are angry that some have implied the pilots were at fault considering plane came out of Paris.
"I am asking you here not only to vote for Secretary Clinton, but to work hard, to get your uncles and your aunts, to get your friends, to vote," Sanders said.
Starting in 2012, the city where he once played soccer in the streets with his cousins came under siege, and his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins were now in constant danger.
My family was full of characters: dad, mom, grandfather, aunts, uncles, (I remember one uncle telling us all to call him Panther)… and they all helped shaped my sense of humor.
Snoop Dogg said the festival's first day would feature blues, gospel and country acts for the "aunts, grandmas and uncles," with hip-hop and rhythm and blues on the second day.
Most of Eric's many aunts and uncles still lived in the area, and if anyone needed anything done, like laying cement for a driveway, the family would come and help out.
When Mr. van Breda arrived with his and Ms. Kohler's sons, Felix, 2, and Frankie, 9 months, the housemates greeted them as if they were the boys' favorite aunts and uncles.
Lilian Hernandez wept as she spoke the names of aunts, uncles, cousins, her grandmother and two great-grandchildren — 36 family members in all — missing and presumed dead in the volcano's explosion.
Another prince of the same generation said he had gotten to know him during high school, when one of their uncles hosted regular dinners for the younger princes at his palace.
Along the way, she discovered that there were other families just like hers, suffering from confusion and heartbreak—families that had lost fathers, brothers, uncles, sons, and husbands to the disease.
"My brothers and uncles just cultivate 27 acres of the remaining 58 acres, as we do not have the financial resource to buy inputs for the entire 58 acres," he said.
My uncles would harvest and do all the land work, like harvesting the corn or beans; after they were done with that, they'd work on the mescal—otherwise they couldn't survive.
Robin Richards of art-pop band Dutch Uncles has set trying to raise awareness of how easy it is to put yourself on the organ donation register, with a new initiative.
In its opinion, the 6900th Circuit had also blocked the administration from barring grandparents, aunts, uncles and other extended family members of a person in the U.S. from entering the country.
A South Korean think tank estimated in December that more than 300 people had been executed since he took office, including 140 senior officials and at least one of his uncles.
In July 2016, with help from one of Mr. Agha's uncles, the couple held a very small private wedding under a clear blue sky by one of Kargil's sparkling mountain streams.
Several of his family members had also been "Bonesmen," including his father, brother, uncles, great-uncle and a cousin, and his son George W. Bush later became part of the group.
He's a senior citizen with a 56-year history at this point, and consequently, he's been retelling that same story of spider-bites, dead uncles, and broke hero-ing for years.
When I hear politicians declare that diabetes is the fault of the person who has it, due to their lifestyle, I think of my great uncles — skinny, active men with diabetes.
America was a place, far away from the watchful eyes of aunts, uncles and neighbors, where it was possible to indulge in curious passions — bartending classes, poetry groups, quail hunting, sex.
The family firm had long used inspiration from all over the world in its jewels, and, just like his father and uncles, Jean-Jacques surrounded himself with eclectic works of art.
The appeals court had also rejected the administration's efforts to bar travel to the United States from six predominantly Muslim countries by people with grandparents, uncles, aunts and other relatives here.
In the case of Ms. Lasloom, who was trying to reach Australia without her father's permission, the Saudi authorities asked Philippine officials to detain her while her uncles flew to Manila.
At that point, thankfully, most of the people in her family who had been affected by cancer were grandparents, aunts and uncles and "folks much further down along their lives," she said.
So this guy, because he's here, now can get the mother and the father and the grandmother and the cousins and the brothers and the siters and the aunts and the uncles.
Last year, like most Americans, he couldn't avoid campaign talk, so he was aware of the strong stance his uncles had taken against Trump, which confirmed his own suspicions about the candidate.
The restaurant is owned by his dreamy (but evil) uncle, played by Hasan Minhaj, who invites Michael and his other two dreamy uncles (Anders Holm and Andy Favreau) to dine with him.
When I type this I can hear myself sigh, the sound of the exhaustion I've felt when talking about my uncles or cousins or other male relatives who have been recidivists themselves.
Stalin consolidated absolute power in his hands, and unleashed brutal collectivisation and a famine which claimed the lives of two of Mr Gorbachev's uncles and an aunt and destroyed the Russian peasantry.
Eventually, your parents will realize that marriage is an off-limits topic, and they might even become your allies when your aunts and uncles start asking the same questions at family gatherings.
Trump says he "watches the shows" to get military advice, but there's a fair amount of evidence that most of his news comes from chain emails sent by America's most unhinged uncles.
Poppe is also alleged to have also killed his own relatives by air injection, including two of his great uncles, his father-in-law, and his 89-year-old mother in 2011.
Lilian Hernandez wept as she spoke the names of aunts, uncles, cousins, her grandmother and two great-grandchildren — 36 family members in all — missing and presumed dead in the volcano&aposs explosion.
When she went home on a recent visit, her uncles and brothers threatened to beat her for a performing appearance on television, and she had to return to Kabul the next day.
"I have a lot of sons, mothers, daughters, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents of people in prison who watch my videos to understand better what the person might be going through," she said.
There he falls in with his uncles, a crew of smash-and-grab burglars, who seduce him with shiny stolen goods and initiate him into their trade while worrying about his reliability.
His pharmacy was immediately adjacent to a "pain management clinic" that dispensed hydrocodone (an opioid) by the armful to my client, and before that, to my client's grandmother, aunts, uncles, and parents.
After leapfrogging his older uncles, cousins and half-brothers in the House of Saud, the prince has pushed through the biggest shake-up in the kingdom's economy in the last 50 years.
That was the least that United deserved, after two decades being the team of choice for school bullies, slaphead uncles and blokes down the pub who loudly celebrate goals on their own.
As I continue on this road to self-discovery and acceptance, I often think about my gay uncles who died, and I wish they could have been a part of this journey.
In a new episode of Blank on Blank, a series from Quoted Studios, Clooney's tale of his eccentric uncles George and Chick comes to animated life at the hands of Joe McKendry.

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